#squintclover fic
romaine2424 · 9 months
Last Daily Blog September 19, 2023
Well, it was worth a try, but this didn't turn out like I hoped. For one, I couldn't keep up with a Daily blog or Weekly. My priority has always been on getting my writing done first, and since I've gone to a scheduled posting of once a week for my WIP, I haven't found the time. And since the goal of this was for more fandom interaction, I kind of failed there, too, so I lost the inclination.
I'm also going to stop posting my weekly WIP fic updates. My last post last Tuesday, and Reblog the next day got one Like. There could be a variety of reasons, but this is consistent. If I post a rec for someone else's fic or reblog something, I'll get a fair amount of Likes and Reblogs. If it is my own work....... So, since I have less than 200 followers, it's not a productive way to promote my own work. In other words, my fandom ego gets embarrassed. I do understand that I tend to write niche or on-the-edge Drarry fics. From politics to trans-female!Draco with Harry during the 2-year transition, and this one where we have bi-sexual!Harry (Draco's is in Azkaban for 30 years, and Harry has to marry to uphold the family bloodline). I get it. LOL
So, one last time: Chapter 15 of The Azkaban Letters is up. Next week Harry enters the Portrait Room to meet all of his ancestors.
Okay, enough about my personal issues. BTW I will continue reccing fics and watchout, @hd-fan-fair is coming up in October!
What I've Been Reading:
I'm thoroughly enjoying @oflights The Star Splitter. This is a Drarry Chapter fic that is updated regularly.
On a routine time travel assignment to the past, Draco stumbles upon 7-year-old Harry Potter and witnesses his neglect and mistreatment by the Dursleys. In the moment, there is only one solution, even if it goes against all his training as a Time Agent: he has to bring Harry back to the future with him. In which Draco burns his life down for the sake of his former school rival.
@oflights is such an amazing plotter. Currently, there are seven chapters posted (34.5K), and Draco is in so much trouble that I haven't a clue how it can get resolved. It's truly delicious reading about Draco taking care of 7-year-old Harry but knowing he shouldn't be.
The Star Splitter on AO3
more recs and then fandom resources under the cut
@squintclover is a new author for me. She's got a very sweet 2 chapter fic going on where the first chapter has been posted. Twirling Cords (like in the muggle movies). I liked it so much that I perused her other fics posted and found this amazing gem. For anyone who loves Matilda and Ms Honey, Harry Potter; Miss Drew's Class; Y4 (2K) is a must read.
A look at Harry Potter's life from the POV of his year 4 teacher, Miss Drew.
These are the last two lines of the opening scene:
We all go into teaching wanting to be Miss Honey. But none of us want to meet our Matilda.  Harry Potter is my Matilda. 
I don't tear up often, but in only 2K, I most certainly did.
Harry Potter; Miss Drew's Class; Y4 On AO3
Please give lots of love and comments to both fics!
Tumblr Resources:
How could I not do this section without mentioning thee amazing @sitp-recs. Reccer Extraordinaire! I'm guessing every one of my followers is a follower of Liv. Her pinned post is so nice and simple, but OMG there is so much under all of those links.
I was in complete awe this past Spring/Summer when she did the Rapid Fire Rec series. I mean come on, how did she do that? Someone gives her a prompt, and she turns around and gives 3 stories dealing with that prompt.
Liv doesn't do Fic Finds; she doesn't tolerate hate or neg comments. What she does is spread Drarry (fic and art) love in every way you can imagine. Tons of love and respect for @sitp-recs for all she does to keep Drarry and some of those rare pairs alive in hp fandom.
One last resource. I've had this on my list to post, but I couldn't track down the author. For those who write about Harry's childhood abuse, this is for you. If you know who compiled this list, please let me know, and I'll give the credit! It's well deserved.
HP Abuse
Okay, that's a wrap. It was fun!
As mentioned above, I'll still be doing recs and other commentary.
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sitp-recs · 8 months
Hello my darling! I got 3 asks in a row about this so the baiting worked hehe 😌 I already replied with Ron and Charlie recs here, but why not make a Ginny list? I hope that’s ok! Some of my personal favorites in no particular order are:
1. Green Light by @sorrybutblog (Ginny/Hermione)
2. With a Look by earlybloomingparentheses (Deamus + Ginny)
3. collarbones like a bow, skin an arrow to the heart by @lqtraintracks (Ginny/Pansy)
4. Rogue Waves by @lqtraintracks (Ginny/Pansy)
5. Money by @fw00shy (Ginny/Pansy)
Guilty pleasure bonus: both Ginny AND Ron are unfairly hot in Where Does It Hurt? by @lqtraintracks, thank you for your service 🫡
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crazybutgood · 1 year
A little something for @squintclover based on their lovely fic 'Collectables'!
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Image description: Four origami frogs folded from glittery multicoloured chiyogami paper. Each frog has a brown origami star-shaped cookie with them. The frogs are all on a picnic mat. The picnic mat has a chequered pattern, made using the paper weaving technique from a cream paper and a paper with a cherry blossom design.
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puuvillaa · 2 months
4, 7 and 14 please my darling ❤💋❤💋
Hello darling! 💕💕
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet
One that I've been thinking about a lot lately is a wolfstar oviposition fic. Sirius is convinced that Remus is a werewolf, so one full moon, he follows Remus only to find out that Remus is a tentacle monster who needs to lay his eggs
7. your preferred writing fonts
On the computer, I use Verdana. On my phone, I use whatever typewriter font the writing app has
14. where do you get your inspiration?
Life. My own experiences. Hearing other people's experiences. Other stories. I don’t know, sometimes I just have something my brain wants to think about so then I do
fic writer asks
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kaaaaaaarf · 25 days
Saturday Snippit
So many people have tagged me in wonderful snippits lately! Thank you to @fruityindividual, @lynxindisguise, @quillkiller, @pupmotif, @messrsage,
@hiddenmoonbeam, @squintclover, @emjayeingray, @imsiriuslyreading, @sommerregenjuniluft and anyone else I may have missed!!!
To be honest I haven't really been writing much, but I've been working on my fic for the @marauderswithpalestineproject and I feel pretty good about it so far! My prompt was university, remus and sirius get paired for a project and obviously remus ends up doing the whole project but he doesn’t care bc he’s had a fat crush the whole semester:
Remus opens his notebook to grab a piece of paper for Sirius to write his number on, and immediately turns a shade of crimson never before seen by the human eye—at the top of the page in bright purple pen is MR REMUS BLACK. Panicking, he rips it out and shoves it in his mouth. Sirius watches the proceedings with a mix of shock and amusement—and something else Remus can’t place underneath. “Uh…What’s that you’ve got there, Remus?” “Nrthringk.” he mumbles. “I’m sorry, what was that?” Fuck, fuck, fuck. Remus is either going to have to swallow the paper or spit it out. He isn’t sure which is more mortifying. He starts to chew. Sirius snorts, hiding a smile behind his hand as he reaches out to grab the notebook Remus wordlessly passes to him with the other. Remus watches him scribble what he presumes is his phone number, before closing it and handing it back. “Well, I can honestly say that this has been an absolute delight, but I’ve gotta go—I told James I’d help him with some French homework. I promise to never speak of this again if you promise to help me pass this class?” Remus nods vigorously, relieved, “Mhrmrm.”  Sirius smirks at him, waving as he turns to head out of the classroom, “Perfect. Night, Remus.”  As soon as he saunters into the hall, Remus runs over to the waste bin at the front of the room, gagging as he spits out the now pulped paper.  He takes a long pull from his Nalgene, swirling the water in his mouth in an attempt to rinse out the embarrassment along with the taste of ink. He’s about to finally leave when he thinks to open the notebook to check if The Sirius Black actually gave him his number. He thumbs through the pages and chokes when he sees it. Written in Sirius’ looping, elegant script is, 555-574-4741 MR SIRIUS LUPIN.
np tagging: @kaleidoscopexsighs, @moon-seas, @colgatebluemintygel, @brigid-faye and anyone else who wants to share!! Tag me if you do <3
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sweet-s0rr0w · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day to you all! To celebrate, I'm back with another collaborative Drarry reclist, featuring a new lovely bunch of Drarry writers, artists, reccers, and fans!
Once again, the question was: ‘what one or two fics, or scenes, or quotes, represent peak Drarry romance to you?’ and (in what is rapidly becoming a nightmare for me), no duplicates from previous years were allowed. Thank you so much to everyone who took part, I hope you enjoy the results!
You can find part 1 (2022) here, and part 2 (2023) here!
This year's list features answers from: apricitydays-lazynights, arminaa8, drarrymyheart, drarryspecificrecs, hoko-onchi-writes, jtimu, littlewinnow, mallstars, myrtlefics, oflights, peachydreamxx, pl0tty, rainstormradish, romaine2424, squintclover, starquestingfordrarry, thecouchsofa, thedrarrylibrarian, and themiddleofwonderland!
💗who will receive you in love's offices by jtimu (E, 30k)
It was a wonder, Draco thought, watching Potter tip back the last remnants of his drink, that the man had survived to adulthood. Not because of the war, or the constant attempts on his life, or surviving two separate killing curses, despite his insistence that he had at some point died, but because there was not a single ounce of self-preservation in his entire body. There couldn’t be. …He glanced over at the potion on the table, and considered, for a fraction of a moment, getting up and pouring those same drops of veritaserum into his own glass. He looked away just as fast, back at Potter, grinning in his chair like they were queuing up for a Quidditch game and not at all like he had just handed his childhood nemesis the keys to his thoughts. “All right,” he said, “first of all. What the ever loving fuck is wrong with you?
💗My Beautiful Boy by alexmeg (unrated, 69k, sequel to Alucinatio)
"You don't even like boys."
"I didn't know I did. But you," Harry trails off, laughs with his gaze trying to meet the grey of Draco's eyes, a little tremulous with nerves and fear and the way his breath sticks high in his throat like an ache. Draco does look at him, then. "God, you."
💗Seagulls Cause Storms, or the Essence of Chaos by @writandromance (M, 312k)
The stars above them were bright white. It made him think again of the black universe between the constellations, the way he thought people like him held the space for people like Harry to burn hot.
💗The Rewards of Being Loved by @lou-isfake (E, 161k, sequel to The Ordeal of Being Known)
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to make you stop thinking so hard,” Harry replied, grinning mischievously. He placed Draco’s hand on his bare waist, his own hand on Draco’s shoulder. Draco’s lips twitched in a hesitant grin.
“This song is too fast for you to dance to.”
“Only if I’m thinking about it,” Harry retorted, stepping in close. “Is my kitchen too difficult for you to dance in, your highness?”
“Don’t underestimate me, Potter,” Draco murmured, his grin widening as he pulled Harry flush against him, taking his hand. Harry chuckled, waiting for him to lead.”
💗I Do Not Love You by @writandromance (M, 228k)
“The thing is,” Harry said, voice low like all they’d said was public knowledge and this was the secret. “If you’re interested in this, if we pursue this, I’ll be a goner.”
“A goner?” he echoed.
Harry took a lung-filling breath. “Yeah, Draco,” he sighed. “That’ll be it for me. Tony… well, Tony I ended up happy to see go. Miles, I—that was hard in the moment but I was fine. But you… we’re so connected, our lives are so connected, our friends. I don’t want to fuck around, it would be serious, to me. You’re serious to me.”
(cause 'Hogwarts 8th year' & 'creature' are among my fave tropes and I really really adore fics where Draco is in trouble but not weak & Harry is already smitten with him)
💗Draco Malfoy, It's Your Lucky Day by @faith2wood (E, 37k)
💗The Arc of the Pendulum by brummell (E, 30k)
💗Half Sick of Shadows by StarQuesting (E, 40k)
(I have a hard time containing myself about dragon tamer Draco, and everyone knows it. I’m about as subtle as a brick when something pings a sweet spot in my brain. But this fic is so much more than a hot, aloof, sex king dragon tamer Draco who has weaver Harry weak in the knees. It is also so very bright and clear in my mind; the visuals are so affecting, just like the creations that Harry weaves. Favorite scene: Harry casually chatting with dragons. 12/10 would be unhinged again.)
💗A pulled down shade by fast_brother (M, 43k)
(I’m not a big crier over fics. Maybe three or four have made me cry this year. This one made me lose it. I think the thing that stands out to me is the visceral capture of emotion. You can feel Draco’s broken heart, and then you can feel Harry’s. I could probably get worked up about it right now. Favorite scene: Draco crying over the broken tea cup. I literally can’t function when I think about it. 12/10 would cry again.)
💗The Brightest Constellations of Our Souls by thecouchsofa (E, 256k)
(I might be cheating since I’m still savoring The Brightest Constellation of Our Souls but I’m including it because it is Peak Drarry Romance. TheCouchSofa always has this intensely brilliant characterization. Harry is heartbreakingly oblivious. Draco is prickly and about as subtle as a brick over pining for Harry. This also features depression!Harry, which has gotta be one of my favorite Harrys. She writes depressed Harry with such delicacy, handling the ins and outs of mental illness and trauma with care, but also making it fucking funny. Favorite scene so far: Harry very casually slipping into conversation that he’s bisexual after he’s been traveling with Draco for an absurd amount of time without mentioning it. And Draco’s ensuing reaction. 12/10 will continue swooning.)
💗Designate / your love as fate by @elskanellis (E, 17k)
💗Lover, Where Do You Live? by @dodgerkedavra (E, 39k)
💗Seven Days in June by @fourth-rose (E, 47k)
💗1000 Kisses: #27 First Thing in the Morning, Just After Moving in Together by @deliciouslystickypersona (E, 3k)
Draco trails his fingertips over the flat plane of Harry’s belly, tracing the line of hair up to where it widens over his pectorals. He nuzzles his nose into the curve of Harry’s shoulder, inhaling the sweet, musky, sleepy scent of his skin.
💗Little Love by @ladderofyears (M, 34k)
Harry – who still held Draco’s hand – was gazing at the baby, spellbound by the sight. His whole appearance couldn’t have been prouder, or more loving, had he been Snidget’s natural father. When Harry caught Draco looking at him, he beamed, unashamed of his response.
💗Elaborate, Correct, and Assiduously Observed by peu_a_peu (T, 4k)
Some things were still the same, he thought. Draco was the perfect height for Harry to put his head on his shoulder and rest. That had been secretly true all along, and they’d only had to figure it out.
💗Us, In Lieu by Tepre (E, 30k)
“I . . .” The words jumble in his mouth. His hair is still mostly wet in his neck. He should’ve shaved. He should’ve cleaned his glasses. He should’ve— “I do want you.” And, “Enough,” he adds, then decides no , decides, “Not just enough. More than. More than that.” He licks his lips. “So much more than that.”
💗The Pure and Simple Truth by @letteredlettered (E, 14k)
Malfoy’s eyelashes were visible just above his cheeks, golden and some might have said they should have been darker, but Harry thought that they were perfect. The curve of Malfoy’s jaw, the slant of Malfoy’s throat, that was perfect, too. Malfoy looked up, licked his lips. “I thought you weren’t interested,” he said.
💗The Isle of Ogygia by @citrusses (E, 13k)
The days pass slower, after Potter leaves. Draco tries to fish again, and manages to actually levitate a fish out of the water, but then he Stuns it and it sinks back beneath the waves like a rock, and he doesn’t have any luck retrieving it again. Every day he walks to the top of the lighthouse, casts the right spells, and walks back down. He looks around his room and thinks about where Potter sat.
💗Going Postal by dustmouth (125 page comic)
(I am a complete and utter sucker for Dustmouth’s comics and the correspondence and longing and softness of this one make me really happy)
💗Yours is the Earth (Hold On, Hold On) by chickenlivesinpumpkin (E, 127k)
(Chapter 11: it's one of my fave proposals in any fic ever/a beautiful love confession/a lovely romantic moment that fits with how the rest of the fic builds up their relationship and all the poor communication and ways they've hurt each other and love each other)
💗to be a bit of warmth (for you) by @softlystarstruck (M, 9k)
Draco stirs in Harry’s arms, mumbling something soft and incoherent, and Harry whispers a wandless spell to completely dim the room lights. If Draco is just seeking comfort, so what? Harry has more than enough to give– it may be the only thing he has left to give– and Draco grounds him, too. Whatever happened on the other side of a war they both went through no longer matters. They’re here, now, and Draco is cold.So Harry will keep him warm.
💗Tandem by fast_brother (M, 93k)
The handle clicked and the door cracked open, allowing the sound of rain to come into the car. 
“I… thanks,” Harry said. His heart was beating faster. His hands were sweaty.
Draco didn’t back away completely, just enough to be able to look Harry in the eyes. 
“You have to stop that, Harry. Really," he said gravely, as if speaking about a very serious issue. 
“Stop what?” Harry asked stupidly, still holding his breath. 
“You have to stop looking at me like that.”
Harry’s heart traveled all the way up to his throat. 
“I– I can’t,” he blurted out, feeling himself flush with the enormity of what he’d just said.
Draco let out a shocked chortle. He looked away at the street covered in rain, his left hand still resting on Harry’s chair. When he turned back towards Harry, he wasn’t laughing anymore.
He leaned in and kissed Harry on the lips.
💗Matters of the heart by nerakrose (G, 5k)
Today’s breakfast: eggs, toast, tea. I’ve left the sink a mess this week but I’ll do the dishes later. In a way taking these moments to write to you every morning feels like a little quiet refuge or a secret space that nobody else knows about but you. It feels safe here. I miss you. These days I’m missing you more than I’ve ever missed you before and I can’t explain it. Have I reached a breaking point? I don’t know.
💗More Than That by joosetta (E, 11k)
“He was going to kill you,” Potter said, “He said he was going to kill you.”
“He was never going to kill me,” Draco mumbled, “He was up against you for Merlin’s sake. He tried to play quick-curse with Harry fucking Potter.”
Potter was silent for a bit at that, raising a hand up and stroking the back of Draco's head.
“He thought I would help him,” Potter said finally. Draco felt the strangest thing, like a spasm in his face, that left his eyes hot, and his lips shaking. He had to gather himself together again before he could reply.
“Well, he’s never had me suck his cock, so there was no way he could know,” Draco said, instead of he didn’t realise that you loved me. Potter got it anyway, because he laughed, just a little bit. He drew back, and his face was the most frightening and beautiful thing Draco had ever seen.
“You always talk like you give me blow jobs all the time,” he said. “You almost never give me blow jobs, Draco.”
💗Sparks from the Fox’s Tail by khalulu (T, 17k)
And then it was just natural to turn in his arms so they were face to face. Eye to eye, lip to lip, mouth to mouth. Natural to fall into bed together, hands and mouths moving over warm skin, stroking and kissing til they were breathless.
Harry broke off. “Should we think this through?”
“No,” said Draco. “Why did you pull away in the shower?”
“You were so weak then, I didn’t want to take advantage.”
“I was throwing myself at you with what little strength I had. Next time, catch me.”
“I’ve got you,” Harry said, winding himself around Draco. “I’ve got you.”
💗Where I see things right by InnerLilith (E, 15k)
(just... absolutely gorgeous handling of a sensitive subject, and I love how the preparation and thoughtfulness is such a big part of the romance. I don't bookmark InnerLilith's fics so much as intermittently go and reread half their back catalogue again. I've loved everything I've read from them.)
💗Help! I'm a Hopeless Romantic by peachydreamxx (M, 15k)
(we watch Harry fall in love with Draco and come to terms with lots of aspects of his life. The little Google searches are just so sweet and tender and I loved, loved loved it. And the ending is so perfect.)
💗keep driving by @babooshkart (art)
(The romance portrayed in Keep Driving is palpable. Draco is so cool, but from every look, you can see the adoration she has for Harry. And Harry thrives off of the touches between them but also has a confident sense of her own worth. I will never tire of this calming, soft piece depicting a happy, confident, and joyful Drarry. The world is theirs to explore. They'll keep driving.)
💗Never Mind the Bollocks by @the-sinking-ship (E, 119k)
(Never Mind the Bollocks is a new fic from Erised 2023. I loved every moment of it, and Harry having so much fun and feeling like he belonged was everything. However, his drive to right and save all was still there. Chapter 18 brought it all together. I won't say how as the fic is so new, but, for me, it was so romantic with BAMF Harry showing up and Draco trying to be mad. Complete chef's kiss.)
💗 A Secondary Education by Thunderbird587 (E, 235k)
(I remember so vividly the falling in love and the moment when it changed for both of them.)
💗The Potter Malfoy bathroom war of 2007 by @andithiel (E, 9k)
(it is peak bathing-comfort)
💗Cut From the Sky by mallstars (E, 150k)
(“Rainy romance’ describes this perfectly. I love how Harry grows to love Draco and never stops going after him once he realises that’s what he wants. This kind of love necessitates an endless amount of patience, but I can’t think of anything more romantic than that – someone coming back time and time again and showing you more grace than you would ever show yourself.)
💗Everything is Relative to You by @thehoneybeet (E, 43k)
(Harry and Draco being each other’s Great Loves in every life going back hundreds of years? I am feral. I cannot be contained. A demonstration of them being perfect for each other in every timeline, through good and bad. This is peak romance at its best.)
💗O Come, All Ye Faithful by @toomuchplor (E, 20k)
(Told through jumps between the past and the present, I adore the way toomuchplor depicts the everyday romance of an established relationship. Too often romance is delegated to big displays of affection, when I think much of romance is in the mundane, routine moments. Listening to your partner share about their day is romantic. Making routine breakfast and coffee is romantic. The intimacy of having an ongoing inside joke about a cat name is unbearably romantic to me. These are the small, everyday moments that the foundations of grand romances are built upon, and this fic was a love note to those moments.)
@themiddleofwonderland (amazuppai)
💗Heal Thyself by astolat (T, 16k)
(it's a classic H/D fic that preserves Draco's prickly personality while still showing him reforming in a very realistic way. It's a slow-burn—Harry isn't really in the first half at all, and when he does show up he's still very suspicious of Draco—but as Draco shows his (new) true colors, Harry can't help that his suspicions turn to curiosity (one of my favorite tropes with reformed Draco fics) especially with the somewhat forced proximity they find themselves in that slowly turns into voluntary and frequent proximity. To me, maybe because of the slow burn, it seems like a very realistic depiction of how Draco could reform himself and how Harry can turn his suspicions into curiosity and eventually more to form a healthy relationship together.)
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dakogutin · 1 month
ty for the tag @faggylittleleatherboy <33
rules: answer & tag ppl u want to connect w and get to know better
fav color: purple
last song: cherry wine by grentperez
last film: all of us strangers
currently reading: the goodbye cat by hiro arikawa
currently watching: (rewatching) "killing eve" for my fic
currently craving: samgyupsal
coffee or tea: coffee
tagging: @thomasbrodiesandwich @plecotusauritus @thesunwhisperer @babblingflowers @squintclover and anyone who wants to do this! feel free to tag me
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maesterchill · 5 months
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Maester's 2023 Fic Recs
(eyyy, another banner art by me, snake of Slytherin, heheh🐍)
Not one to normally do rec lists, me, as they are tricksy, fiddly things, and I'm pants at knowing what to say about a good fic that accurately conveys my love for it beyond keysmash and 'aaargh i loved it'.
Which is why this has taken me 3 weeks to bloody pull together... 😄
So I'm just going to list them out and maybe comment a bit, we'll see.
And can I just say this has been a STELLAR year for fics, so many amazing ones to choose from. And I also apologise in advance to the authors if I haven't left you a comment, I am terribly behind, but comments will come, spurting in contrite ribbons over the stomachs of your fics, forthwith.
fyi: there's a mix of Drarry and other ships but it's 90% Drarry.
1k or less 🍬
💚 A summer afternoon in the parlour by fast_brother (Narcissa & Andromeda, G, 300 words)
'Narcissa's perspective on the day Andromeda is disowned by their family.' Stunning writing and so, so poignant.
💚 You Have Always Been My Bedtime Story by @squintclover (Drarry pre-slash, G, 435 words)
So many Smol Draco feels 🥺🥺🥺
💚 Uneasy Alliance, Enough Magic and After All by @the-starryknight (Drarry, T, 1000 words each)
GORGEOUS series written for FTH. Featuring Harry losing his magic, a set of microfics, and a Choose Your Own Adventure section! Plus there's a 4th part to come! Genius author is genius.
Less than 5k 🍭
💚 The Broken wand by @lqtraintracks (Drarry, T, 1.3k)
Absolutely exquisite pining. 2nd person POV done right.
💚Follow the Butterflies by @rainstormradish (Aragog/Flying Ford Anglia, T, 1.4k)
You might have to trust me on this ship, and you would be right to do so, because this sweet, melancholic and haunting fic made me feel a thing about a giant spider and a car.
💚Rise Forgetful From Your Sleep by @kbrick (Drarry, G 1.5k)
'Draco finds Harry Potter waiting for him at the Manor. But Potter has been dead for ten years.' CHILLING. Dark Harry deliciousness
💚Making Noise by @cavendishbutterfly (Drarry, E 2.4k)
Professors!Drarry. Fun, fun, fun and fab twist.
💚Proven lands by @oknowkiss (Drarry, E 2.8k)
Really loved this story told in microfics. Beautiful, haunting, bittersweet.
💚I Fall On Grass by @tackytigerfic (Drarry, T, 3k) 
Single-parent-middle-aged Drarry is ambrosia from the gods, at least the way Tacky writes it. Rec rec rec x1000.
💚Quick Quotes and Quibbles by @rainstormradish (Luna/Rita Skeeter, T, 3k)
Epistolary hilarity and now I ship it
💚Just another Friday night by @cavendishbutterfly (Drarry, E 3k)
Excellent. A potent shotglass full of of bafflement, curiosity, hesitancy and and recklessness and hope and realisations... ah honestly just all the feels.
💚The Roommates by @citrusses (Drarry, Draco/Sirius, E, 3.6k)
Fucked up, hot and wicked.
💚I've Got a Beautiful Feeling (Everything's Going My Way) by toomuchplor (Drarry, E, 3.6k)
Brilliant old-married Drarry PWP plus bonus pass-ag emails by Draco
💚That Lavender Haze by @lettersbyelise (Draco/Pansy, Drarry if you squint, 3.8k)
This 2024 bittersweet gem snuck in because I say so. Dransy platonic (hot) sex and love, plus Drarry fantasy.
💚Under the table by @xanthippe74 (Drarry, T, 4k)
An utter delight! Oblivious Draco POV of a string of dinner parties that's both funny and sharp.
💚Baggage Claim by @greattemptation (Drarry, M, 4k)
'The couples therapy had gone poorly. So poorly, in fact, that obliviators had been called.' Wonderful established Drarry with sharp character insights.
💚The real thing by @skeptiquewrites (Drarry, M, 5k)
Caretaker Harry surrounded by people who love him. Friendship, pining and a gentle love that's exactly my jam.
💚Two of Us by @sorrybutblog (Drarry, E, 5.5k)
CHARMINGEST of charming fics. Funny, sweet, sexy, and I would die for this oblivious Harry.
Less than 15k 🍩
💚Team Building for Dummies by InnerLilith (Drarry, E, 6k)
Bickering then fucking, yes please. Bickering WHILE fucking, even better. Plus Quidditch and angrily catching feelings. Chef's kiss.
💚The Realm of Possibility by @porcelainheart3 (Drarry, M, 6k,)
'You can't outrun your past, but you can fuck around with parallel versions of the present.' Amazing premise, as to be expected from porcelainheart's galaxy brain, and excellently delivered, as per.
💚Muscle Memory by @corvuscrowned (Drarry, E, 7.7k)
Another big-brained author with a cool premise. What if Drarry's hookups were erased from their memory each and every time? An amazing story, that's what.
💚Among the elements by @sweet-s0rr0w (Drarry, M, 8k)
Sweets has delivered the perfect Mpreg fic here. Beautiful, sensitive, hard-hitting. Spellbinding and full of heart. I emotioned a lot.
💚Blackjack by @cassiopeiasshadow (Drarry, Romione, M, 9k) 
Unwitting Seer Ron POV that had me howling. Perfect perfection.
💚Always the Last to Know by @nv-md (Drarry, M, 10k)
Ever wanted to hear the story of Draco's birth? Well snap, if only we could get him to recount it 😂 A brilliant take on the 'Everyone knows Harry's in love before Harry does' trope.
💚Mastermind by @schmem14 (Drarry, Dron, Rarry, E, ~11k)
Dark and delicious. Malevolent Draco and amazing Ron. Top-notch horror. TW: MCD, Infidelity
💚A Saviour’s Guide to Manners and Decorum by @wolfpants (Drarry, E, 13k)
Etiquette coach Draco is perfection! UST through the roof and so many touching moments (both meanings of the word, wink wonk).
Less than 25k 🍦
💚the earth from a distance by @andthepeople (Drarry, E, 15k)
Accidental time travel ... to 400 years ago. WELP. Worth it even just for Hogwarts in the 16th century. Highly rec!
💚Still the pine-woods scent the moon by @fluxweeed (Harry/Remus, E, 15.5k)
Written in 2022 but I read it this year, so it gets included. STUNNING fic. The meltingly hot UST. Remus's restraint hanging on by a thread. Indescribably hot.
💚the eighth sin by @honeybeet (Drarry, E, 16k)
Mesmerising and dreamlike - uncanny and unsettling. Beautifully written and thought-provoking. The seven eight sins motif is so subtly done.
💚If i could never give you peace by @poisonivy206 (Drarry, E, 17k)
Aah. Two broken lost men reluctantly working a case together. Hook it up to my veins! Beautiful.
💚The Boys of Summer by @saxamophone (Drarry, E, 19.5k)
Post Eighth Year summer vibes. The bittersweet dread of a summer fling ending. Just lovely!
💚Freely Given and Entirely True by @rockingrobin69 (Drarry collection of one-shots, various ratings, 22k)
If you're in need of heart-warming fluff and adorable antics and happy happy boys, then look no further. These will soothe the soul.
Less than 50k 🍰
💚With Love in Her Luminous Eyes by @starquestingfordrarry (Drarry, T, 30k) 
Adored this. Gentle, heart-warming sentient Grimmauld Place fic, with fluffy OCs and a captivating Outsider POV. Just fab.
💚Draco Malfoy & the Journal of Dreadful Things by @lilbeanz (Drarry pre-slash, G, 34k)
I'm not normally into canon rewrites but lilbeanz has a way of writing that brings me unbridled joy, so I lapped up every word. Written in 2022, but part 2 was posted in 2023 and I can't wait to get my teeth into it!
💚Nothing Gold Can Stay by @moonflower-rose (Drarry, E, 40k)
Rosie knocking all our socks off with this belter of a multiverse fic. Massive rec. You will laugh and you will gasp and you will cry.
💚A pulled down shade by fast_brother (Drarry, M, 43k)
Another galaxy brain fic that pulled my heartstrings tight. All my favourite tropes in one place!
💚The Unplottable Time Conundrum by @writcraft (Drarry, E, 45k)
Sucked me in from start to finish. Plus Marauders goodness that will make your heart ache. 😭 But we will forgive. Amazing
💚Find a new place to be from by @oflights (Drarry, E, 47k)
When drunk stalking turns into more. Loved Draco in his scary modern Muggle home. ❤️
Less than 100k 🍗
💚Yellow Is The Colour (Of My True Love's Hair) by @mintawasalreadytaken (Drarry, E, 64k)
When minta posts a Deathly Hallows re-write you know it isn't going to be a cookie-cutter happy-ever-after story. TW: MCD
💚Rookie Moves by peu_a_peu (Drarry, E 75k)
Dumb unhinged Auror partners. A thoroughly enjoyable read.
More than 100k 🥩
💚Always already by @aibidil (Drarry E, 170k)
Aib at the top of her game. Drarry in the 1970s. Funny, twisty, clever and brimming with the smart stuff. And more goddammn Marauders heartbreakyness😭.
💚I do not love you by @writandromance (Drarry, M,  228k)
Another fic that's from pre-2023, but I'd seen so many recs for it and gave it a go this year. The hype was right, a rollercoaster of emotions, both in the past and present settings, deep love and deep angst beautifully and heartstoppingly written. One you'll think about for weeks afterwards.
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thedrarrylibrarian · 5 months
Christmas 2023
One of my favorite holiday traditions it to give a book on Christmas Eve. So hopefully in time for you to cozy up before bed, here is my Christmas Eve gift to you - a rec list!
Just the Two of Us by torino10154 (200 words, rated T)
"I can't believe this is our first Christmas, just the two of us," Harry said as he placed the star on top of the Christmas tree.
Christmas Brunch by @drarrily-we-row-along (583 words, rated G)
Draco wanted to host brunch for his parents on the first Christmas in their shared flat. Harry thought that seemed like a great idea.
But the week leading up to it has been a nightmare, Draco is stressed and Harry's losing his mind. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all.
For Everything a Season by @shealynn88 (1,342 words, rated T)
"Our children are a joy, Harry, but I’m glad it’s just you and me.”
Harry goes soft. “Why’s that?”
“Well, many reasons. But right now, you’re under the mistletoe, and I prefer to take my time, and the children would make an awful racket if they were here to see.”
Draco Malfoy and the Cursed Sweater by @slytherco (1,804 words, rated T)
After falling victim to Harry's stupid prank, Draco finds an unexpected partner in crime.
Underneath the Tree (You'll Find a Piece of Me) by @squintclover (4,435 words, rated M)
Harry and Draco find themselves in a holiday home amongst friends at Christmas. The Secret Santa Hermione has planned is sure to go perfectly. Surely...
Even Children Get Older by @lou-isfake (4,500 words, rated M)
It started with don't wake the baby.
Snow on the Beach by tinaakitten (4,915 words, rated T)
Over multiple Christmas Eves, Harry and Draco find their way back to each other.
Featuring cute Harry Potter obsessed toddler Scorpius.
Deliberate Denial by edaniels0221 (7,244 words, rated G)
Professor Harry Potter can't help but to deny his children's ridiculous notion that he has a crush on the gorgeous new Hogwarts Healer, but as he comes to find out, one can only be in denial about liking Draco bloody Malfoy for so long.
Löyly by @citrusses (10,323 words, rated E)
Somewhere between the steam of a sauna and the icy waters of the Gulf of Finland, Harry heals from a broken engagement and a failed career. Draco Malfoy helps.
25 Additional Scenes for Ain't That the Garden of Eden by @romaine2424 (12,139 words, rated G)
The additional scenes cover missing moments in December, Harry's election, and Inauguration.
Because Cats by @icmezzo (14,589 words, rated T)
Harry has a cat, and Draco doesn’t. Then Draco has a cat, and Harry doesn’t. Then Harry has a cat again, but Draco doesn’t. Then Draco has a cat, but Harry—OMG HOW WILL IT END.
Waking Up Slow by @sweet-s0rr0w (21,941 words, rated E)
'Twas the night before Christmas, although it’s July Draco’s a shopkeeper, no-one knows why There’s hiking and witch caves, freak snowfalls and more Bad Christmas jumpers, nosy neighbours galore Narcissa’s here too, but… something’s amiss And what’s in those chocolates that’s making them kiss?
Be sure to check out @skeptiquewrites wonderful Happy Hour Rec for this fic!
All I Want for Christmas by CaityCatt (36,509 words rated M)
Harry feels like a bit of a grinch at Christmas, but his true love has a plan to change all that.
The Coldest of Days by Anonymous (54,683 words, rated E)
At thirty-one, Harry Potter finally has it all: four incredible children, a naughty Niffler named Penny, and a brilliant boyfriend who has managed to fill the hole in his heart.
But because Harry is Harry, chaos is bound to follow. On a cold December morning, Draco wakes up with no memory of the war, his children, or his life with Harry.
That, and he’s insisting that he’s been thrown fifteen years into the future.
The Art of Thank You Notes by fictionclaw (82,286 words, rated E)
A few years after the war, Harry receives a ministry notice that Draco Malfoy’s house arrest will soon be lifted and that the wand he has kept may be sent to the ministry. He doesn’t think much of it when he sends the wand directly to Malfoy Manor with a note.
But one letter swiftly follows another and Malfoy sneaks his way into Harry's every day life without either of them minding.
Or; Harry and Draco find reasons to write letters to each other and Black heirlooms and family histories are uncovered while they figure out why that is. Lunch dates, careful friendship, confusing feelings and Draco's art included.
I hope that wherever you are, you know you have a place by my fire and a place in my heart. Merry Christmas Eve to those who celebrate, and the Happiest of Holiday wishes to all!
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wolfstarshipping · 6 months
wolfstar wips
So I'm using the @hprecfest day 12 prompt "a WIP you're following" to post a short rec list of WIPs that has been sitting in my drafts for so long now I even had to remove a fic that had been finished in the meanwhile!
Something rotten in Grimmauld Place by @plecotusauritus (8,802 words, Hamlet AU) This is a wolfstar Hamlet AU, need I say more?? I've never much cared or thought about Hamlet since I read it in school but this fic (almost) makes me want to reread Hamlet and I can't wait to see where the story goes next, I love the atmosphere this fic captures, the lovely writing style and just seeing all these characters we know so well fit into the plot of Hamlet is so, so cool!!
the oldest recipe for parsnip soup by @eyra (10.639 words, modern AU, christmas fic) Getting another fic by eyra for the holidays has been such a wonderful treat! I love the whole setting and the characters of this fic so much already, especially Sirius!! And the writing and all the descriptions are so, so beautiful, as always, highly recommend checking it out!!
Welcome to Aphrodite by @de-sire-blog & @rhabarberjunge (18.957 words, magical AU, secret identities) this is one of those fics I've read a while ago, but I keep thinking about it because I loved it so much. I don't want to give away too much of the plot, but the premise is Sirius finding a hidden, adults-only club that makes people's secret desires come true, and of course Sirius's secret desire is Remus... It's hot, it's fun, and it's incredibly angsty, I love it.
Stitched into My Skin by @squintclover (19.297 words, canon divergent AU, memory loss) I love the heartache and all the bittersweetness that comes with memory loss fics so much already, and I am so obsessed with the way it's been done in this fic. The premise of the fic is Peter casting a memory loss charm on Sirius on October 31st 1981, which leads to Remus raising Harry and randomly coming across Sirius years later, only Sirius doesn't remember him. I'm so intrigued by the first few chapters already and can't wait to see where the story goes next!
Marauder FM by @hollyivydruzy (26.402 words, modern AU, radio AU, enemies to friends to lovers) I know I've recced this fic before but I will never shut up about it because I love it, and especially this fic's Remus so, so much! It's an iconic, funny radio AU set in London, and I wish the radio shows from this fic were real because I would listen to Sirius's radio show every morning if I could. I just love the vibe of all of them working at the radio station together and the slow burn enemies to friends (to lovers) is so delicious!
The Patchwork of Us by @tracingpatternswrites (27.502 words, modern AU, enemies to lovers, co-parenting Teddy) This is such a lovely fic about Sirius and Remus navigating the difficult situation of co-parenting Teddy after Tonks dies, I love the domesticity and the enemies to lovers vibe of this fic so much!
The Picture of Sirius Black by @lynxindisguise (30.049 words, Dorian Gray AU) okay anyone who has ever seen my blog knows how much I love lynx's writing, which is why I am also obsessed with this fic, even though it's a genre I'm usually not that familiar with. It's a Dorian Gray AU, it's gothic horror but especially the first few chapters are also giving victorian romcom with murder sideplot vibes (and I mean this as the biggest compliment), this fic will make you laugh and cry and want to murder some of these characters yourself maybe.
Only Fools Are Satisfied by grumposaur (@pancakehouse) (38.353 words, modern AU, tennis AU). I really love the exploration of Sirius's family dynamics in the context of him being a professional athlete in this fic, and Remus with his tanlines and freckles is everything!!
Neon Moon by @krethes (47.698 words, modern AU, cowboy stripper Remus AU, Las Vegas) I didn't know how much I needed Remus to be a stripper and a cowboy before I read this fic, but now I do and I love him!! The whole premise of them meeting at a strip club while Sirius is out on James's bachelor party is so iconic, and the vibes of the fic are just overall excellent, highly recommend checking it out!
on another ocean by @colgatebluemintygel (118.148 words, modern AU, backpacking/interrail, friends with benefits) Where do I even start? This is an incredible fic, one of my all time faves, I've reread some of the chapters several times now and am so obsessed with this fic's Remus in his socks and sandals, driving Sirius crazy with lust. Also I will not spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it, but the scene in the budapest chapter in the club bathroom features one of my favorite Sirius moments of all time, across all universes haha.
marginalia by @spindrifters (266.547 words, magical AU, canon divergent AU - Grindelwald won, slavery AU) I'm having a hard time trying to put my love for this fic into words in just a short paragraph. This fic is so unique in its setting, and it's so beautifully written and asks & answers the question "what if Grindelwald had won?" in such an incredible, highly political and also very immersive way, if you haven't read it already I really recommend checking it out (as well as the already complete Tedromeda spinoff set in the same world, history books!!!).
Staying Strangers by 3amAndCounting (319,368 words, modern AU, texting fic, university AU). This is one of my comfort fics, I love a good texting AU, this is quite a popular fic anyways but if you haven't read it and like modern AUs & texting fics (though it isn't all just texting) go check it out!
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emsuemsu · 4 months
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If there's something I really love in life it's the elderly. I love old people and old people love me and that is a fact. I am a peepaw whisperer, I speak fluent grandma. So naturally I've been on a mission for some senior citizen Drarry to quench my never ending thirst.
Some of these fics do contain neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. Some of these fics do contain MCD in a form of dying of old age. They're all tagged accordingly, if in doubt check the tags.
These are all well under 10k, and hit me up with some more geriatric Drarry recs if you have some!
About Damn Time by @lumosatnight 👴 4,045 words
All Draco wants to do is eat his custard cup and nap in peace. Is that too much to ask? Apparently so, when the Flamel House for Experienced Wixen is overrun with Harry Potter and his idiot friends.
The Afterlife, According to Draco Malfoy by @stripedsilverfeline 👴 1,861 words
Tea is not a proper substitute for astral brooms': The Afterlife, according to Draco Malfoy
Age is just a number by @gnarf 👴 1,555 words
Married for decades, their life is perfect. Until Harry gets a call and hears the following words: "Mr Potter, we caught your husband stealing ten large packs of King Sized condoms."
Attic Past by @piarelei 👴 500 words
Here are his knees. Noticeable and ugly. Harry sighs, doesn’t dare look at more of himself; the skin loose around his thighs and the wrinkles crowning his eyes. “I have ugly knees,” he tells the room. Draco, predictably, is already downstairs and doesn’t answer.
Brave by @mars-bar81 👴 8,403 words
Draco had never been the brave one- that had always been Harry's job.
Easier Than Falling Asleep by @gnarf 👴 1,029 words
After a long and happy life Harry is ready to return to Kings Cross. This time it's not Dumbledore, but his husband waiting for him there and they finally get to ride the Hogwarts Express together.
Dear Life by @drarryangels 👴 5,208 words
"Draco ran his fingers over the headstone at his feet and let his creaky knees fold underneath him to sit on the grass. When he was younger, he thought he’d never get old like this. With bad joints, white hair, and off trend clothes. Harry would’ve laughed at him if he could see Draco sitting in the dirt sniffling over his lost touch in the fashion industry." Or the story where Draco and Harry get to grow old together and be happy.
I Wouldn't Change a Thing by @rei382 👴 1,380 words
Harry and Draco, an old married couple, need to pack to go to their retirement home. But Harry stumbles upon an old photo album, and all kinds of memories start to flood back.
lucidity comes before the sun sets by @squintclover 👴 707 words
Life and memories are cruel sometimes... Stealing Harry from Draco before his time.
Meeting Too Late by WSbrat 👴 1,528 words
What if Draco and Harry fell in love when it was too late? What if they fell in love anyway?
Old School by Bardo 👴 5,053 words
When he was younger, Draco Malfoy used to say sex was dead after 65. Of course, at the time, he wasn't talking about himself.
Stay with me forever, we'll ride this out together by @triggerlil 👴 420 words
In old age, Harry cares for Draco.
Two Old Coots by @sofyachy 👴 1,898 words
On their 50th anniversary, Harry and Draco are a couple of old coots who no longer care what they tell other people about their relationship, to their kids’ mortification. Gather round, children; it’s inappropriate story time.
Wiser With Age, Still Stupid in Love by @sethsevolution 👴 3,483 words
There came a point in their lives where they felt like they were only ones left and that was what finally drew them together.
Won't You Stay By My Side by @gracerene 👴 1,936 words
Harry needs to convince Draco that he is too old to continue his dangerous job as an Investigative Journalist.
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sitp-recs · 5 months
Oooh 3 and 17 please darling one❤️❤️❤️
Thank you my lovely Rory! 😘❤️
fic that made you reconsider a ship?
oh I love this one! gotta go with two Kinkuary treats, this Scorpius/Ron (!!!) by @wolfpants which made me consider this ship for the first time, and this Harry/Bill by @sorrybutblog which made me see them in a completely different, dark-ish light 👀
a fic that felt like a warm blanket?
definitely Polar Night/Midnight Sun by toomuchplor, I’m a sucker for cozy wintery fics and this is such a well-paced and cathartic comfort read. I’ve read it twice this year which is kinda surprising considering it’s 54k but it’s such a smooth ride! highly recommend it
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rsbigbang · 5 months
R/S Big Bang Fic & Art: For Scientific Purposes, You Understand? (T)
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Title: For Scientific Purposes, You Understand?
Author: @femme--de--lettres
Artist: @belleandsaintsebastian
Beta Readers: @greyeyedmonster-18 and @squintclover
When Sirius Black agreed to drive his cousin’s boyfriend from Washington DC to Chicago, he’d expected at least one hiccup. A squabble over gas, different music tastes, a preference for the windows down. That sort of thing.
Instead, he gets a conversation that will change his life—and his outlook on love—forever.
read on ao3!
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puuvillaa · 5 months
8. What I love most about your writing…
I really love how you always create this atmosphere that is so real and tangible. Not like I am reading a story or even in a story, but that I am watching someone’s life. The only thing I can really liken it to is a kind of Deja vu feeling, the way you make me feel like I can feel their feelings but I am watching from a distance. It’s my favourite feeling, because it feels true. ❤️❤️❤️
This is such a lovely thing to hear, thank you! 💜💜💜
fanfic asks for the asker
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kaaaaaaarf · 18 days
WIP (it out)
share whatever project you're working on right now, except 'project' is incredibly open ended. It could be fic, original writing, playlists, art, crafts, whatever it is you're doing!
ty for the tags @babblingflowers & @lynxindisguise <3 I'm working on two projects right now, but here is something from the @marauderswithpalestineproject:
Remus is suddenly sweating—not just because the library aircon seems to be broken, or because he has an eleven page paper that's due next week that he's pretty sure he’s getting zero help on. He's sweating because Sirius keeps looking at him like that—smirking at him from under his eyelashes, a feral spark to his eye like he's starving and Remus is a particularly appealing meal. He’s sweating because this gorgeous, frustrating man has just offered to suck him off in the middle of the library and he can’t think of a single reason to say no. He should be able to think of a reason to say no. He’s not gonna say no. “Uh, yes please.” Sirius barks a laugh, “Did you just say yes please to my offer to suck you off?” “....correct?” “Oh, you’re ridiculous. I’m going to wreck you.”
np tagging: @squintclover, @moon-seas, @kaleidoscopexsighs, @fruityindividual, @fxreflyes,
@polaroidcats, @imsiriuslyreading, @quillkiller, @wanderingdonut & @sommerregenjuniluft
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hprecipe-recfest · 4 days
🌯HP Recipe Book🍰
Our recipes are here! Thank you to all the excellent chefs and authors who have contributed to the cook book. We had such a blast running this fest and reading everyone's fics and recipes.
Angel Food Cake | @elisedonut Dennis Creevy/Percy Weasley
Australian Pavlova | @regretful-prince Dramione
Banana Bread | @doingthechachaslide Lee Jordan/ Ginny Weasley
Chicken Tikka Masala | @nena-96 Romione
Creamy Lemon and Basil Pasta | @my-patronus-is-a-champagne-glass Romione
Dark Chocolate Batter Cake | @mundrakan Marauders Gen Fic
Elderflower scones | @squintclover Drarry
Guyanese Pepperpot | @effiepotterisamilf Jegulus
Honey Cake | @blackberry-sunset Minerva Mcgonagall/ Poppy Pomfrey
Kåldolmar | @tracingpatternswrites Wolfstar
Poke the Devil Cake | @heartofspells Wolfstar
Tartiflette | @tricksterdraws Prongsfoot
Uncle Swoops' Lemon Drizzle Cake | @swoopswrites Wolfstar
We would love to know if you try any of the recipes - remember to tag the chef too!
We would also like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has taken part! It's been really fun to read all your recipes and fics.
♥️HP Executive Chefs
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