#squishmallows parrot
pick-a-plush · 4 months
Maybe some parrots? I'm nostalgic for the Wild Republic scarlet macaw (got it from Six Flags for my birthday when I was 11) but there's so many interesting ones out there too
Ah thank you for sharing that beautiful childhood memory! I’d love to show off some parrots, especially your old friend!
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plusie · 1 year
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llavenderkittyy · 1 year
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Blue parrot squishmallow agere stimboard! 🐦💙
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tiktokparrot · 1 year
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roodles03 · 11 months
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Hunter's Room (Fan Design)
It is about time I finally did this, now I can make so many drawing ideas come true with a room for Hunter designed. Also, for those who read my "Timeskip Watching and Dreaming AU" series of fanfics on A03, this is what Hunter's room looks like. This room is a room in Darius' house, so yippie Dadrius.
Alright, I know the doors can be confusing to let me break this down.
The door on the south wall with the small cuckoo clock like doors is the door to exit the room. I put cuckoo doors on the door because it's for Waffles.
The door that's on the wall that's jetting out is the door to the walk-in closet
And the the door on the west wall is the door to Hunter's private bathroom.
I originally wanted to do the entire Deamonne household at once, but, no way that would take forever. Maybe I'll do parts of it in the future but for right now, NO. If I did, I'd probably do Darius' room next and the living room after that.
This took such a long time to design, and it was my first time ever designing a background completely on my own. I needed to take off the training wheels and design my own background for once, and for my first attempt, I think I did a decent job.
The only thing that I couldn't add is a ceiling fan, but that was only because of the angles I had. I'm sure I could've if I had a different angle. Im going to have to design that separately.
This took since October 20th to finish, I probably could've got it done faster, but uni kept me busy and such. Either way, now that I've finished this, I can't wait to make drawings with this room. Yay!
Alright so: Tumblr exclusive content from here on out since insta has a stupid character limit, and their cropping system sucks
I'm gonna go on an infodump to why I decided to put almost everything here in Hunter's room.
North Wall:
Bed: I decided to make the headboard and footboard a cherry colored wood because Hunter would definitely like cherry wood because it's reddish. Referencing Willow's headboard that has a flower, I changed that into a bird for Hunter. I gave him a blue blanket in reference to Waffles. I headcannon that Hunter LOVES plushies, so I gave him some plushies I'd think he'd like. He'd definitely like squishmallows, so I gave him a blue-jay, cardinal, and wolf squishmellow. I also gave him a small wolf plush, as well as a small parrot plush and a peacock plush. The Sprig plushie is special, as it's not the same one as he had in the castle. It's a life-sized one Willow won him at a carnvial. (Reference to one of my fics).
Nightable: Nothing much to say here outside of the fact that I felt like Hunter would need one. I gave him a crystal ball because I felt like he'd like one.
Desk: This is where Hunter does work, from designing clothes to sew to studying for school. He has a log of regluar wood to practice carving on. (This room is set when Hunter is still a kid early during the WAD timeskip) He also has a punch a pencils, a desk lamp, and some books on there.
Corkboard: Hunter keeps notes for his school studies, and personal projects here. Sometimes he doodles things and puts them up there, such as the wolf and birds doodles.
Wall: Hunter would 100% be that person to have a trillion posters. I gave him a Flyer Derby poster, and a hummingbird poster. The Ruler's Reach poster is actually signed by King himself. Here's also a wolf calender, since I'd figured he'd like that, and a cuckoo clock that I headcannon Hunter and Dell carved together.
Bookshelf: On the bottom shelf, Hunter keeps a bunch of random books he likes.
On the second shelf, he has a photo of Flapjack, textbooks for his abominations and potions classes, and a photo of Willow
On the third shelf, he has textbooks for his illusions, construction, wild magic, plants, beastkeeping, and runes classes.
On the forth shelf, he has a photo of Darius, textbooks for his bard, oracle, and healing classes, and a photo of Waffles.
On the top shelf, he has his two favorite books of all time, Cosmic Frontier and Ruler's Reach, specially displayed with them propped up.
Jesus, that was by far the longest description we'll have.
East Wall:
Window: Hunter has a basic window with blue curtains. I originally wanted to make the curtains space themed for Cosmic Frontier, but then realized that would be a pain to draw over and over again, so I kept it blue. Maybe I can make Hunter's shower curtain space themed instead.
Other then that, there is nothing new on this wall that I'd like to cover. (I'd rather cover things that appear on other walls in their sections)
South Wall:
Wall: Hunter has two more posters on this wall. A Cosmic Frontier Poster. This is a reference in itself, where in Star Trek, the equivalent of O'Bailey has an asian wife that is a Bontonist, and that is sorta a parrel to Huntlow. So I decided to make a headcannon design for both O'Bailey, and the Bontonist I decided to rename to Aiko. So boom. Huntlow reference. The other poster is simply a wolf poster.
Box: This is pretty self explanatory. Its a box with sewing supplies.
Mannequin: Since Hunter sews, I'd imagine he'd like to have a mannequin to help make the clothing design process easier.
Table: This is the same sewing Machine from Thanks to Them, as Camila gave it to Hunter as a gift.
West Wall:
Outside of the door of the bathroom, there is nothing new on the west wall that I haven't already covered.
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Here is the original blueprint for the entire Deamonne household. I could go from here and design every last aspect of the house, but that would take ages. I'd definitely like to, but its just so much work. Like I said, the next two rooms I'd design are Darius' room and the living room. Plus, Hunter's room was by definition going to he the hardest, since he has the most stuff and therefore detail in his room.
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For when I wanted to focus solely on Hunter's room, I referenced the upstairs blueprint snd made a more detailed blueprint just for his room. As you can see, A LOT ended up changing from this to the final version.
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witchofthesouls · 2 years
(Crossover snippet between Bayverse and TFP!Other!humans-into-Cybertronians with Cyber!Unfathomable!June Ayooo, shoutout to @skyite for that particular tag!)
"That has to be the most undog-like dog in existence."
Major William Lennox silently agreed with the ranger. The mechanical animal was massive and seemed far more akin to a prehistoric canid rather than the modern domestic dog.
On its hind legs, it easily towered over the tallest Autobot on the base. A terrifying fact, considering that the Big Guy, both of them, was already a solid 30 feet, and it really hammered in that it could hunt other things just as large.
It sat eerily still and absolutely silent. Not a yip, a growl, or a chuff from the beast. Not even when Miko tugged on its upright ears with a delighted scream, swinging like an energetic parakeet on its favorite perch before whipping over to slide down its back and scurry elsewhere. Preferably the higher ground of another bot's shoulder or to the roof to jump off again.
Its ghost-white eyes burned far brighter with its dark frame, lenses unblinking as it tracked the kids, especially Jack’s flickering wingspan, as it did its best to mimic a giant statue not out of place on the steps of a gothic mansion.
Bonecrusher would be an apt name for the thing; everyone had seen its teeth, jarring to see it so gentle when picking up the kids by the scruffbar.
Agent Fowler was already inoculated by his experience with the Other Half of his dimension’s reality, so seeing mechanical children that greatly outsized the average human adult running amuck across the walls and ceiling wasn't the tip of the iceberg of weirdness that could happen.
The species change was alarming, but no other issues arose from the artifact as it was sequestered by Jasper Hospital for further containment.
The rest of the base? Not as well.
Jack had already spooked nearly everyone, including this universe’s version of the Autobots, by being his strange self; unique even here with the ability to suppress himself completely, frame falling eerily silent with the lack of weight in his steps and the lack of the usual noise that Cybertronian bodies had whenever they needed to move. No whirrs, no pneumatic hiss of joints, no crack or slide of plating and seams. Appearing and disappearing like a ghost bird-cat-like boy that chased his curiosity, especially since Jack was still small enough to duck under human-sized doors and happily feed the growing murder outside. Crows that hadn't existed before their dimensional hop.
Miko was Miko. Loud and demanding and practically had another Ratchet and Optimus to jungle gym all over, shrieking and chirping over their shoulders like a pink-plated parrot. She caused her own mayhem with her multiple attempts to dart outside for an unauthorized venture into the sea. She howled and screamed whenever one ‘bot managed to catch her before she hit the waves. Her aggressive clawing into the bot’s plating had made the humans leery of her; as did her vicious gnawing in the multi-faced cephalopod of a squishmallow, digging those sharp teeth into a fat tentacle with gusto as one of the 'bots indulged her with a game of tug-of-war or a modified fetch.
Raf commanded most of the positivity by the Diego Garcia base personnel. After all, who could say they have a dragon at their place. A fire-breathing one, too. 
Granted, it was only small licks of flame, but it set the excitement ablaze throughout the base and implemented far more fire extinguishers with Jack’s and Miko’s pyro-derived artistic tendencies to tickle Raf’s softer underbelly to play with ash and soot remains.
Compared to a polite, yet terror-inducing Jack and a hyper, bite-happy Miko, Raf was absolutely easy-going, adorableness with his chubby frame and rounded limbs and fat tail. 
More than one human had been delighted over the sight of it wagging with a suitable rock and it kicked off a new game to see what kinds of minerals would make the baby dragon the happiest. Puppy-like with his outside digging habit, voracious appetite, and constant need for nuzzles and scratches.
The mechanics and diagnostic crews started to bring in large bits of metal and rocks to pay tribute to the Predacon to spare their own equipment from being rummaged and eaten. Agent Fowler would bet his savings that quite a few people had taken videos of little dragon nosing and pawing and chirping at various Autobots for his uppsies and getting tuck up in an arm to be carted around like a football.
"That’s because you're not seeing it properly," came an amused voice from above. Both of the men looked up to see June looming over them. “Agent Fowler. Major Lennox.” 
"Ms. Darby." The ranger nodded as the other man hid his startlement well, only a small flinch; something as tall as Optimus Prime shouldn't move that sudden and silent. "Anything to share with the class?"
"I made contact with this world's version of the Foundation." The off-beat blue of her optics swirled, even far above, eddying like water. "They initialized the return procedures for our universe."
Of course, there would be procedures for multiverse dimensional-hopping.
"Good. Anything they need from our end?"
She chuckled, ponytail flicking in a serpentine motion, and she smiled. Unlike Jack's careful, closed smiles, June was far more willing to show off her own wicked teeth. Not the wide one that broke her face, but a curl of her lips for a knife-sharp gleam.
“Oh, gentlemen,” she purred. “The Foundation is so very interested in what’s going on here.”
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squishmallow36 · 1 year
Wait. Wait a fucking minute.
Cam was the first squishmallow produced
Cam (pictured below) is a calico cat. Calico cat coloring and the tricolor and whatever idk how cats this is parroted off of google is based in the x chromosome, so to have 2 different colors and actually be called a calico, there have to be 2 x chromosomes. So most calico cats are female
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Cam's bio is as follows: "If you’re looking for a feline friend, Cameron’s your cat. He loves to jump in and out of boxes, build forts with his friends Hoot and Wendy and use his skateboard to get around town. Cam also loves going to the beach to take cat naps with his friends, but is always up for an adventure!
One day for his birthday on December 18 he wants to take a trip around the world! But for right now, he's set his eye on learning a new hobby - sailing!" -- pretty explicit use of he/him right here
That leaves two options -- a) Cam is intersex with something like XXY chromosomes (in humans this is klinefelter syndrome but idk if cats have same name for it) or b) cam is transmasc.
Kellytoy, i doubt this was intentional but holy fuck
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the-ultimate-squish · 10 months
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Please do not buy squishmallows irl unless purchased secondhand. Sources below
Squishmallow Alternatives + my current reasoning for the tournament (subject to change)
More info with sources
Official Boycott (this blog is not part of the official boycott)
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merveiilles · 11 months
// YA'LL yesterday there was a glitched amazon code. and I got a G20 smartwatch for 50 cents! It just came in today!! IM HYPED. Since working out daily for 3 months, I've been wanting to get one to better monitor my activity. BUT I KID YOU NOT. 50 FREAKING CENTS. AND IT CAME IN TODAY. im hyped. I've had such an amazing birthday week, holy fuck. - got my most wanted squishmallow, twice. - got my squishmallow ornaments and a new xbox controller from costco - saw Larry.the.Cable.Guy live at a casino here in ontario - WON $550 at the casino itself! - Sister got us stellar chicken wings from a place downtown for my birthday since it was freezing rain and my mom didn't want anybody driving to their place for dinner. - Got to parrot and puppysit my animal siblings yesterday and afterward my family had dinner together yesterday instead. That was delish. I love my mom's homecooked meals. And I got $110 for birthday money. - I noticed the smartwatch glitch deal yesterday and it arrived today! Having a blast setting it up. - Spent my birthday money on christmas decorations that I wanted. - also found discount halloween decorations that were originally $150 on for $15!!!
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chickpea0 · 8 months
my friend got me a squishmallow :3 first ever one and its a parrot!! its friends with the crochet cow my other friend got me
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5, 10, 11, and 15 for the ask list please?
Something that makes you ridiculously happy?
Mm... currently in Bucky mood so...yes 🤭
Books on your reading list?
The entire Shopaholic series 🤣 I bought all the books...now to read them 🤪
Something on your wish list?
Bucky I mean, honestly a new car...mine has...issues 😑😑
Talk about a stuffie
I have a few... Squishmallow fever got me 😆 my first one is a parrot (one of the BIG ones!) but she has the coloring of a mango so I call her my Squishmango... I also have a Dino named Fletcher which I got a matching one for my sister...and a bunch of minis...my favorite is a 3.5 in purple Narwhal!!!
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I said I was gonna limit my Squishmallow spending to Connor, Pikachu, and maybe the peanut butter one but god dammit Paco the parrot went on sale on Amazon and I have to get him.
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I mean….just look at him….absolutely baby. Corey would absolutely love him too I bet.
Gonna order him Sunday.
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janusflipped · 1 year
//Actually 2 of the squishmallows I own have limbs. My Valentine's day cat who I call Cait. and then the parrot that looks oddly like a pig whale I call Abi.
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racha-recs · 2 years
get to know me — tag game
thank u for tagging me @sulfurcosmos hehe
may 5
favourite color
mint green and black
do you have pets?
how tall are you?
how many pairs of shoes do you own?
.........way too many
favourite song?
also too many
favourite movie?
i don't have just one but i really like moulin rouge and kabhi khushi kabhi gham
who would be your ideal partner?
someone who is smart and competent at things but knows how to relax and lay back. not full of themselves and has a good sense of humor and can handle me when i'm in my head
what color socks are you wearing?
grogu christmas socks :D
do you want children?
have you gotten in trouble with the law?
no (t yet)
favourite type of music?
a good mix, i gravitate towards punk and rock but i still enjoy top hits (and kpop of course)
how many pillows do you sleep with?
one pillow and three big squishmallows (rn its a narwhal a demon and an axolotl)
what position do you sleep in?
on my stomach to start but i always wake up on my side
what don't you like when you're sleeping?
waking up in the middle of the night and it happens way more often than i would like
have you ever tried archery?
only the kind with a little suction cup on the end that sticks to walls
favourite fruit?
strawberries, peaches, clementines
are you a good liar?
depends on who im lying to
what's your personality type?
innie or outie?
innie (this refers to bellybuttons ti haha)
left or right handed?
favourite food?
enchiladas, rice, pizza, mac and cheese
favourite foreign food?
kbbq and pho (what constitutes foreign...)
are you clean or messy?
clean i cannot work with clutter
most used phrase?
anything i hear on tiktok im like a parrot
how long does it take you to get ready?
15 minutes but i take really long showers
do you talk to yourself?
no because im scared of people hearing me and thinking im weird (but if im alone then yes)
do you sing to yourself?
are you a good singer?
sure? im not a bad singer
biggest fear?
are you a gossip?
yes but i dont talk shit unless it's deserved
long or short hair?
medium i want to grow it out but i keep cutting it
favourite school subject?
extrovert or introvert?
what makes you nervous?
who was your first real crush?
my best friend's brother lol
how many piercings do you have?
how many tattoos do you have?
somewhere between 22 and 25 i haven't counted in a while
how fast can you run?
i dont run
what colour is your hair?
black but its bleached and its currently a faded red
what color are your eyes?
what makes you angry?
literally everything especially involving people being dumb
do you like your name?
its okay
what are your strengths?
i guess im smart and im dedicated (this feels like an interview and i dont like it)
what are your weaknesses?
what's the color of your bedspread?
what's the color of your room?
white but i have a lot of random posters and things hung up
tagging: tagging no one if you want to do it you can say i tagged u
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tiktokparrot · 1 year
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gender-mailman · 2 years
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Ruby and Paco the parrot squishmallow say hello !! :D
:000!!!! Hello! :D
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