#sr andrew
scotianostra · 10 months
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Happy St Andrews Day.
As part of our Patron Saint’s Feast Day the Scottish Saltire is proudly flown and many people add it to their posts on social media to celebrate the day, but how did Scotland adopt the saltire?
There is no actual date, or in fact nothing in our written history of the time, but legend has it that in AD 832 the king of the Picts, ‘Aengus MacFergus’, ( Anglified to Angus but some stories say Hungus) with the support of 'Scots’ from Dalriada, won a great battle against King Athelstane of the Northumbrians. The site of the legendary battle became known as Athelstaneford in present-day East Lothian.
St Andrew visited the Pictish leader in a dream before the battle and told him that victory would be won. When the battle itself was raging, a miraculous vision of the St Andrew’s Cross was seen shining in the sky, giving a boost to the morale and fighting spirit of his warriors. The result was a victory over the Saxons, and the death of Athelstan. Thus, after this victory, according to the tradition, the Saltire or St Andrew’s Cross became the flag of Scotland, and St Andrew the national patron saint.
While there is no written reference to the battle in Scotland from the period it was said to have taken place, this is not surprising, as it was a time for which we have little or no documentation for anything. The earliest written mention of the Battle of Athelstaneford in Scottish history comes from years later in the newspapers of the day, if you follow my posts then you know I dip into these “Chronicles from time to time, the first one to mention Athelstaneford is the Scotichronicon, written by the Scottish historian Walter Bower.
The Scotichronicon has been described by some Scottish historians as a valuable source of historical information, especially for the times that were recent to him or within his own memory. But he also wrote about earlier times, and this included the battle at Athelstaneford.
Bower’s account includes the scene where Aengus MacFergus is visited by St Andrew in a dream before the battle. He was told that the cross of Christ would be carried before him by an angel, there was no mention of a St Andrew’s Cross in the sky in this version. It was in later accounts, from the 16th centuries onwards, that we have the description of an image of St Andrew’s Cross shining in the sky
Bower was writing in the early 1400s. The bitter and bloody struggle to retain Scotland’s independence was not just a recent memory but also a current reality for him. Parts of Scotland were still occupied by England, and Bower had been involved in raising the money to release Scotland’s king, James I, from English captivity.
Also, Scotland’s early historical records and documents had been deliberately destroyed during the invasion by the English king Edward I. This was done in part as an attempt to remove historical evidence that Scotland had been an independent kingdom. The idea was simple: take away a nation’s history and you strip it of its identity and justification for its independent existence. The theft of the Stone of Destiny was part of this process, the Black Rood which was believed to contain a piece of the Cross Jesus was crucified on was also removed, I have covered both these in previous posts.
Part of Bower’s motivation in writing his Scotichronicon was to help restore this stolen history. He was a scholar and a man of the church. In his time, the figure of St Andrew had become a prominent presence in Scottish society.
The greatest church building in the land during his time was the Cathedral of St Andrew, which housed relics of St Andrew himself. It had taken over a hundred years to build and wasn’t formally consecrated until 1318, just four years after Bannockburn. The ceremony of course included Robert the Bruce and at it thanks was given to St Andrew for Scotland’s victory.
Less than 100 years after this, in 1413, the University of St Andrews was established and Walter Bower was one of its first students. By this time, the Cathedral of St Andrew was a place of pilgrimage, with thousands travelling there to venerate the saint’s relics. A pilgrimage route from the south took in the shrine of Our Lady at Whitekirk, not far from the site of the battle, and many pilgrims took a ferry across the Firth from North Berwick, where the ruins and remains of the old St Andrew’s Kirk can still be seen close to the Scottish Seabird Centre.
So as he sat down to write his history of earlier times, he was able to trace this connection to St Andrew, using the limited earlier written accounts, such as those of earlier Chronicler I’ve mentioned before, John Fordun, who lived in the 1300s. While Fordun doesn’t specifically mention the location of Athelstaneford, he records a battle which took place between the Picts led by Aengus and a force from the south led by Athelstan, and said the location of the battle was about two miles from Haddington. The account of St Andrew appearing in a dream to Aengus is also described by Fordun.
This creates a powerful link to the development of the written version of the story. Let’s remember Bower came from what is now East Lothian. Let us also remember that people in the early centuries stored and passed on much of their historical knowledge not in the written word but in memory and handed down oral traditions. People told stories, remembered them and told them to the next generation. Undeniably, some details would be forgotten or changed over time, but the bones of the story would be handed down. And that would include reference to locations of significant events in the local landscape.
Bower will have had access to this rich oral tradition of local stories based on handed-down collective memories of past events, which is perhaps why he was able to name the location. The later writers who added to the story of the battle will likewise have found new sources in the oral tradition to add to the narrative. Even in the 19th century, cartographers mapping the area were able to identify locations traditionally associated with the battle from local people who were custodians of ancestral memory.
This is how the story of the Battle of Athelstaneford and its connection with St Andrew and the Saltire has evolved.
The village is home to the National Flag Heritage Centre which occupies a lectern doocot built in 1583 and rebuilt in 1996. It is at the back of the village church. Today the village is surrounded by farmland and has little in the way of amenities. Tourists can follow the "Saltire Trail", a road route which passes by various local landmarks and places of historical interest.
Athelstaneford Parish Kirk has a connection with the subject of my post last week, author Nigel Tranter, who was a prominent supporter of the Scottish Flag Trust. He married in the church, and in April 2008 a permanent exhibition of his memorabilia was mounted in the north transept of the church. Items include a copy of Nigel Tranter's old typewriter, a collection of manuscripts and books, and other personal items. The display was previously at Lennoxlove House, and prior to that at Abbotsford House, the home of Sir Walter Scott.
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coolthingsguyslike · 5 months
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opera--ghosts · 4 months
bugs when you lift up a rock
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rosehathawhey · 1 year
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"So... The debt is paid."
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gonuclear · 5 months
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nynnph0 · 5 months
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“You are staying. Id rather the wound, than have you removed.”
song - my love is sick by madds buckley
was listening to it awhile back ago and it reminded me of fontryan. i am obsessed with those two :sad emoji:
also i kept procrastinating on this, so it took me almost 2 weeks, 11 hours in total for both. i am finally free
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livelaughghoul · 8 days
i saw your post about liking older men and i offer to you mika hakkinen and carlos sainz sr (bonus old man of the day: andrew shovlin)
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Here are my thoughts after a quick google search:
1. Mika Hakkinen: I can see the appeal, but not for me. He looks too nice for me personally.
2. Carlos Sainz Sr.: Does Carlos jr. need a step-mom? I mean, I’d settle for jr, but holy shit his dad is 10/10.
3. Andrew Shovlin: I need this man biblically. I need him in a way that is concerning. Holy fucking shit?! Literally, thank you for introducing me to this man, because he got me saying his name like JaNa says Kenny (love island reference for those uncultured)
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daily-cborle · 4 days
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Day 19 — Falsettos rehearsal
source: ☆
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orphyd · 1 year
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christmas lighting (p.p. x reader)
just a lil drabble to get back into writing. this was inspired by @blooming-violets' fic/mini series that I've been obsessed with. check it out!
summary: not everyone can afford a rooftop date and first class seats to the Rockefeller Center tree lighting.
pairing: TASM!Peter Parker x gn!reader
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"you good?" Peter - in the spider man suit - asked you as you wrapped your arms and legs around him while holding a picnic basket he handed to you before leaving. you nodded your affirmation. "okay, let's go!"
he started swinging and your arms tightened around his neck as you tried to get into the rhythm of his movements. no matter how many times he brought you along for his swinging, it doesn't get any easier.
you blinked open one eye, taking in New York City in its winter glory. the cold evening made up for a perfect flurry of white and colors, of cheerful music and desperate crowds.
finally, Peter landed near your destination; the Rockefeller Center. he gingerly put you down as you unfurled the scarf and mask from around your face - not intent on catching any cold, thank you very much.
Peter spread the bedsheet and blankets near the edge of the rooftop so the two of you could watch the lighting. he spread the various snacks and drinks and finally, put away his mask, patting the space next to him in a request for you to join him.
you crawled underneath the blanket he had spread for you and snuggled into him.
"how long?" you asked, as you poured him some hot cocoa you had prepared before you left.
"should be a few minutes," he glanced at his watch. "thank you for agreeing to watch this with me. I know how much you hate sitting outside in the cold."
"is that why you packed a bag full of blankets?" his laugh was the only response. "and don't be silly, I didn't say yes to spending time with you, I just wanna see the damn tree lit up."
"of course, I might as well disappear and you'd be okay with it." he pretends to stand up and, even though you know it's a joke, you pull him back in. "oof- why did you stop me? you're sending mixed signals here, baby."
"I just want the body heat." you mumbled, opening a bag of chips between the two of you.
"mm hmm," was his last response before you saw the lights dim. with baited breaths that felt shared with the entire city, you saw as the ornaments and decorations lit up piece by piece, glowing the plaza with its shine. it was breathtaking, the way the space seemed to be filled with its own glow.
"oh my god," you whispered. "this is beautiful."
"yeah? you're welcome." he said, bringing you closer, if that was possible.
you chuckled, kissing his cheek. "thanks, Peter."
can you tell I've never actually seen the lighting and don't know wtf happens in it? anyways, hope you liked it! thank you so much for reading :)
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vanlegion · 1 year
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Today's been freakin' great - I've been arting all day. Different pieces, including this new piece!
Love your Bodies! Un-norm your Gender! Shame Wizards DNI! Have this Not Straight baby bitch!
... I need to go eat something... I haven't eaten all day. No food, just art.
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obsessivefangirl · 2 years
Andrew Tates' in jail let's fucking GO
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mitjalovse · 2 years
Indie rock industrial complex probably suggests the quality of the musicians I put under the category, though this was not my intention as you can guess right now. No, I merely wanted to point out the fact most of these musicians chart a similar path – their debuts shock us, until their next releases let them become a part of the establishment without the spirit they had in their early works.  I agree, this can apply to many scenes, but the modern indie rock seems to have the most of these examples. I mean, even someone like Bon Iver – who is an institution at this point – continues to astound us, yet would Vernon be able to surprise us in the future? Sure, his latest feels weird in a good way, so I think he does appear to be familiar with what I'm trying to tell here.
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Trailer Parks, Big Rigs, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?
Happy Sunday! Hard to believe it’s already the start of a new week, and almost a new month! Where’d the previous few weeks go for you? What have you been up to? Day job? Hobbies? One last vacation before fall truly kicks in? School?For me, I’ve been busy writing for the first time in what seems like an eternity. Averaging a couple thousand words a day. I’m done with the draft of a short story,…
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ww2yaoi · 4 months
here's all the real Web lore I learned from being nosy. some of this might be common knowledge but I never see anyone talk about it:
Web's maternal grandparents were both writers and journalists. his grandpa specifically, Josiah Kingsley Ohl, was a war correspondent, and his grandma, Maud Annulet Andrews Ohl, was a poet and the first female reporter for the Atlanta Constitution
Josiah attended Kenyon College, which might be where Web got his middle name
Web's dad, David Frank Webster, was married previously to a woman named Lillias (who was from California) but she died as far as I can tell. they had one daughter, also named Lillias, who was born in Japan. I believe this is the sister Web writes to in his book. she was much older than Web and I believe it's her son named Cam who Web wrote to in his book as well
Web's dad was a businessman and the vice president of the Pacific Commercial Company based in Manila, the Philippines. as far as I could find out the company dealt in selling produce to the US military. also explains why Web had been to the Philippines with his family as he mentions in his book
there were four children of Joan and David Webster. Frank, who was the oldest, was born in 1921 in Manila. David in 1922. John in 1926, and Joan in 1929
the Websters often had 1 or 2 servants living with them, according to their census data
Joan Jr. sadly died in a car accident in December 1940
all three Webster boys served in WW2. John fought in Manila with the 511th Paratroops and Frank was in the Signal Corps on the Western Front working as a cryptographer
Frank also went to Harvard and was on the swim team
out of the four children of Joan and David Sr., only Frank made it to old age, but even then he died at 66. John died in 1966 at 40 or 41, but I couldn't find out how
here's some pics of Web's family:
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I believe that must be Web's mother, his half-sister Lillias, and then his father. he and his father definitely look alike (found in a passport application)
another picture of his dad and an article about the Webster boys:
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anyways, just thought this was interesting
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friendofthesharks · 1 month
SFTH Incorrect Quotes (Longform Edition)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Egbert’s Wife: just once in my life I want to get up in the morning without going through the seven stages of grief first
Sally: what are the extra two?
Egbert’s Wife: Denial 2 and astral projection
Titch: wow, they really hate us
Derek: perhaps they’re homophobic
Titch: but we’re not gay, Derek
Derek: we’re not?
Bubba: being gay is a constant battle between “I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds” and “hey, let’s go throw rocks at fascists” and I think that’s very sexy of us
Jeremiah: if the window’s open and you time it right, you can do both
Xavier, trying to flirt: so, you come here often?
Sarah: I mean, this is my house, so yeah
Nigel: time for some witty back and forth banter. You go first.
Andrew: *sobbing*
Nigel: look, I’m not sure where to go with that
Jemima: Peter, can I speak to you for a minute? In private?
Peter: ooh, somebody’s in trouble.
Peter: it’s me. I don’t know why I did that.
Marty Sr: Marty’s at that very special age where a boy only has one thing on their mind.
Doctor: girls?
Marty Jr: Homicide.
Beetroots MC, comforting Justin: what’s the problem? Anxiety? Low self-esteem? Obsessive thoughts of arson? We’ve all been there.
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