#ss Kane’s story
dragonqueenslayer6 · 6 months
Vampire infants in my top 4 favorite vampire whump stories: (organized from least to most human-like)
MM/SS- https://www.tumblr.com/not-a-space-alien/745839687745339392/since-vampires-have-breasts-in-your-universe-do?source=share
Kane & Jim - https://www.tumblr.com/whumpsday/745803877318868992/do-vampires-have-breasts-in-your-universe-do?source=share
Shattered - https://www.tumblr.com/oddsconvert/745964896560218112/what-are-vampire-infants-like-in-shattered-do?source=share
Of Vampires and Men -https://www.tumblr.com/whumpy-writings/745875003511390208/do-vampire-infants-drink-milk-do-they-require?source=share
Thank you all for responding. I wanted to compare and contrast how vampires work in your different universes. I asked the question to all of you at the same time, because even though three of you have universes inspired by one another, I wanted to see if you would come up with different ideas.
If it is alright with all of you, I would like to do this again in the future. Focusing on aspects of vampiredom that aren't explored in any or most of your stories. Though, I will space them out, so I won't overload you.
If any of you want me to stop, I will stop. I could also add Cat & Mouse, since I believe it is in the same universe as Shattered, Kane & Jim, and MM/SS.
@whumpy-writings @whumpsday @oddsconvert @not-a-space-alien @t0rture-me
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multifairyus · 1 year
Brelwyn Story Playlists Volume II: After Dark
Hey! Haven’t heard the Brelwyn Story Playlists Volume I: Rise and Fall, Of Our Own Volition (O3V) and Demonia’s Descent (DD)? Interested in my explicit content disclaimer/behind the scenes for Volume II? Wanna read about my canon BM timeline divergence headcannons that inspired this fanwork?
You’re up to date with all that? You don’t care about any of that and came for the spice? You appreciate the dynamic between Briana and Selwyn and want to see it explored in musical medium? You’re grown and sexy? You like expanding your music taste? You’re a fan of my playlists (@ficnoire2 @poisonousflora @thoughtfulbearpanda @justbrainrot @sweetestblacktea 😘)?
Excellent, then you’re in the right place 💖
Start, Stop…
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Summary: In which a King and her Kingsmage fight and make up with each other.
Continuity: Directly follows the developments of O3V. Directly proceeds the developments of AEIB. Features a couple tracks from DD and familiar phrases and concepts from O3V.
Genre: Heavy R&B and neo soul, with a hint of pop for emphasis.
Duration: 2 hours, 40 minutes (I’m sorry)
Transition: Exclusively Joel Sunny violin covers. Denotes emotional shifts in relationship status.
Prologue: First five tracks.
Epilogue: Last two tracks.
AO3 Tags: #aged up characters #kiss and make up #but not before they roll in the hay a bit #mature content rating #dream sex if you squint #established couple #for realsies this time #Nickbree/OT3 shippers…are you lost or? #lol but fr no Nick disparaging but it is addressed and resolved sooo #avert your eyes sorry not sorry #if I had a nickel #for every time Beyoncé heralds a fundamental shift in Brelwyn’s relationship in these playlists #I’d have two nickels #which isn’t a lot #but it makes perfect sense that it happened twice #BeeHive 🤝🏾 BreeHive #I swear O3V wasn’t a fakeout #I just forgot I was dealing with two stubborn idiots oml #does their fight in this make sense? #do their canon fights make sense? #sort of and sometimes #but whatever the arguing is foreplay regardless #I do think she won lowkey #Rihanna is not the one or two to play with and neither is Bree #speaking of which #hello there demonia Sel #you’re sounding awfully angsty and sappy in this playlist #wanna play the long game #and let her do what she wants #until she begs you to come out and play? #excellent, good, good…
Apple Music
YouTube Playlist
…And Everything In Between
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Summary: A playlist in which a King and her Kingsmage fight are willing to take turns, as long as it’s with each other.
Continuity: Directly follows the developments of SS. Heavily features an artist from DD in particular.
Genre: Mix of R&B, electropop, and urban contemporary with a pinch of rock and pop for seasoning
Duration: 3 hours, 33 minutes (I am so sorry)
Transition: Power Haus violin song covers denote the start of a “turn” while Joel Sunny violin covers denote the end of a “turn”.
Prologue: First two tracks.
Epilogue: Last four tracks.
AO3 Tags: #aged up characters #explicit content warning #kink #BDSM #switch4switch #power dynamics #edging #erotic asphyxiation #bondage #just because I’d fold like fresh laundry for Sel doesn’t mean Bree would #Selwyn Kane is a slut first #part incubus second #and a dramatic Gemini classics major third #of course he’d sub for Briana #you can read (hear?) it as bratty bottom4service top too ig #Janet and Abel really deserve to be co-curators as much as they feature in this #this curator disavows any and all references to infidelity along with certain honorifics used within tracks #shhh just ignore those lines for immersion’s sake #they are in love, fucking, officially together and trauma bonded #this could have been even more intense believe it or not #even still #if I made the aftercare more than one song each #it would be over the 4 hour mark #the epilogue covers the tonal range in Brelwyn’s sexual dynamic in a nutshell #in case the whole “taking turns” thing flew over your head somehow
Apple Music
YouTube Playlist
~ Fairy 💖
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localrobosexual · 2 years
for those who don't know I'm a HUGE enjoyer of ARGs/analog horror/internet unreality stories in general, I love local58 I love the mandela catelogue I love kane pixel's backrooms series I love I am sophie I love CH/SS I love gemini home entertainment I love mystery flesh pit national park I love all that shit!!!!!
anyways this is just to say that. Ofc I watch a lot of internet horror/generally disturbing content creators and a couple of them have been advertising a new series that looks super duper fuckin cool and I'm extremely excited bc this is a project that I'll actually be able to follow along as it unfolds in real time instead of just catching up after the fact and maAAANNNNN I LOVE THIS SHIT SO MUUUCCHHHHH
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puckthedrama · 3 months
yeah like idk wth it means but Anna Kane has been posting pics of matthew with “😍” to her stories and also posted a ss of a dm she sent him with “if you really want to make him mad let me know 😜”
kinda slay!! likes yes anna let’s piss off your awful ex i love it
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Bachelors (Pt2): Kane introduces Hiro to his best friend Dalton & it could be the start of a beautiful friendship.
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spinstersimmer · 4 years
Keisha tries to smooth things over with Kane and Dalton
(Shout out to @melissasims4me @itsbrandysims and more for helping bring these beings to life 🖤🤘🏾)
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redwhump · 2 years
Self-Sharpened Fangs Masterlist
(vampire whump, whumper turned whumpee, whumpee turned reluctant caretaker, some whumpee turned whumper)
This story follows Emilian, a former human bloodbag who escaped and became a vampire, and then had to learn to live with both his trauma and his new condition. He eventually encounters his previous owners and has to decide how to deal with that, as well.
This is pretty heavily inspired by whumpsday's Kane & Jim series (if you like vampire whump and whumper turned whumpee and you haven't read it already, go read it, it's awesome).
Updates in order of most recent
Here's my tag for responses to asks
The parts will be listed in chronological order here, with the number indicating the order in which they were posted. I will also note in some way if I think a specific part won't make sense unless you've already read some other part.
Note: The character Cade that's been referenced in a few of the parts has been renamed to Isaac. Cade was too close to the name Kai/dan (the name of a character from the Ma/ss Effect games), and that kept messing me so I changed the name. I haven't managed to update all the chapters yet.
Em's Captivity:
Lost (#1)
Hold On (#3)
The Mirror (#4)
The Point (#7)
Buried (the first part of it) (#8)
Em Rescues Adrian/Present Arc:
"Hey." (#2)
Full (#5)
I Promise (#6)
Buried (the second part) (#8)
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lex-munro · 2 years
[Suicide Squad Scrap] Princess pt. 14
self-indulgent batjokes-flavored SS/BvS/JL, snippet #14.
references to past Constantine/King Shark (lol).
the piece as a whole is rated Mature for pervasive language, varying degrees of violence, use of controlled substances, sexual references, questionable ethics, and themes of mental illness.  set from Flag’s POV, with references to Birds of Prey, but not compliant with The Suicide Squad.
  Savant keeps his eyes on Joker for the whole flight.
For his part, Joker has been drawing on himself with an eyeliner marker.  Flag recognizes some magic runes in the scribbles.
“Constantine teach you that?” Flag asks.
Joker smirks.  “Ah, John…  It’s not what you’re thinking, you know.”
“Isn’t it?”
“I’ve known my darling all my life, remember?  I only met John eight years ago, buying a lot of booze at my club.  Just broke up with his boyfriend.  Got the whole sad story, plus a parade of other sad exes the more wasted he got.  I was intrigued—have you seen King Shark?”
Flag grimaces.  “Yup.”
“You know he eats people whole, right?  Just…om-nom-nom, like the fuckin’ Cookie Monster.”
“So yeah, I was fucking fascinated.  What kinda guy sees that and thinks, ‘I wanna get wrecked by that dick’?  Or is it ‘dicks’?  Sharks have two, right?”
“Oh my God, Jay…”
Joker shrugs.  “Apparently the guy’s as dumb as a really heavy brick but weirdly sweet.  Anyway, John couldn’t pay his tab after that sob-fest, so I was gonna get me an ear, or maybe some teeth, and he tells me he knows magic.  Ha-fucking-ha, magic, sure.  He makes fire by snapping his fingers.  Yeah, whatever, I can do that too, with the right chemicals.  He draws on the table with fire, and out pops an imp.  Y’know, teeny little demon from hell?”
“What the fuck?” says Savant.
“Right?  Sitting there on a table in my club!  And then the little fucker steals my drink.  ‘See?’ says John.  ‘I can pay in spells!’  So I say to him, ‘You can walk outta here in one piece right this second if you can give me a way to write just one message in the clouds that lasts for thirty minutes.’”
“What’d you write to the Bat?” Flag asks (while Savant says, “Bullshit!”).
A shrug rolls its way across Joker’s shoulders.  “‘Our special place, 8pm,’ and then I signed it with a J in a heart.  May or may not have encouraged John to run up more tabs for more little tricks.  Nothing major—don’t need demon invasions or portals to hell cramping my style.  But it made it pretty easy to set up dates.”
“Waller was pretty adamant I take you along.  Thoughts?”
Joker puts the eyeliner away.  “Maybe she just wants Daddy to visit again?”
“Why would she want that?  She can’t stand him.”
“Well, then maybe I’m just Satan’s special girl.”
The pilot gets on comms to tell Flag they’re almost there.
~“And, uh…I dunno if you’re one for scenery, but this place takes the taco.”~
Frowning, Flag gets up and looks through the front porthole into the cabin.  “Oh, you gotta be kiddin’ me.”
It’s a volcanic island.  If this Shin guy has a shark tank in his lab, or a white cat, or an absurdly-named henchman, Flag will resign on the spot.
~“Man, shoulda listened when my pops said to go civilian.  Nobody said shit about James Bond villains when I took this transfer.”~
“I hear ya, man.”
They land and get escorted inside by a little robot that reminds Flag of a shrunk-down Gonk Droid (according to Junie, the unsung heroes of the Star Wars universe).  In an obvious lab area, a guy in a labcoat is poking around at some kind of flying (or swimming?) drone under a magnifier.  Twenty feet off, their target is carefully performing a set of physical therapy exercises.
The labcoat looks at them and scurries over.  “Oh!” he says.  “The—the ones from Ms. Walder—”
“Waller,” Flag corrects him.
“Waller?  Waller.  Right.  From ARGUS.  Um.  Sh-she didn’t say much about the nature of—”
“We’re here to see Mr. Kane.”
Kane settles into a chair and towels the sweat off his brow and neck.  “What for?”
“Job offer,” says Flag.  He’s distantly aware of Joker poking around in his usual catlike fashion.  “ARGUS is interested in being able to combat potential oceanic threats to the United States.  You have experience, knowledge, and technology that we find extremely desireable to that end.”
“Well, for a contractor like me, governments do pay best, when they finally pay.  I hear ARGUS is a pretty ruthless outfit—no-holds-barred, get-shit-done, hide-the-dirty-laundry kind of thing.”
“Typically, yes.  High risk, high reward.”  Something clatters behind him, and he turns to see Joker on the table, crouching to watch Shin work.  “And we keep tabs on folks with meta-human abilities, like that unhinged surfer guy calling himself the King of Atlantis.”
That gets Kane’s attention.  “Curry?”
“We have a vested interest in being able to knock him cold—or potentially dead—should he become a threat.  Sounds like your wheelhouse.”
“Ooh, they use magic!” Joker announces.
Kane gets up.  “Hey, don’t touch that!”
Joker grins.  “I’m shaking in my boots,” he says as he defiantly pokes the drone with one finger.
“I am an inch away from—”
“From getting a bullet in your knee, if you don’t mind your manners,” Joker says cheerfully.  “I recognize some of these runes.  Water is the biggie.  So these guys from Atlantis use magic that at least a few landlubbers could understand and replicate.  Good news for ARGUS.”
“Man, who the hell are you?”
Joker jumps off the table and takes a little bow.  “The Joker.”
Flag watches the immediate change in Kane’s tone with deep amusement.
“The Bat’s little boytoy,” Kane says warily.  “I hear you know everyone and everything that goes through Gotham or Blüdhaven.”
“You hear right.  And who the hell are *you*?”
“Name’s David Kane.  I’m not looking to make any enemies, here.”
“Great news!  Mmmmizz Waller is looking to make *friends* with you.  Between you ‘n me, she needs all the friends she can get, ‘cause she’s kind of a dick.”
Flag holds out the tablet with the contract Waller greenlit.  “You’d be monetarily compensated for any missions you choose to complete with us, as well as for any technology we examine.  You get all your gear back intact after thorough examination.  Interested?”
Kane gestures to the scientist.  “Dr. Shin understands it a little more thoroughly than I do, at this point.  He’s had time to dismantle and repair while I recuperate.”
“And the offer extends to him, as well.”
“Do iiiiiit,” Joker urges.  “It’s so much fun.  Travel the world, steal shit, shoot people, get called a hero.  Non-stop laugh-riot.”
After a tense moment, Kane takes the tablet and starts reading.  He nods, he signs, he hands it back.
“Doctor?” Flag asks, offering the tablet.
Shin looks from the Atlantean tech to Joker to Kane.  “Well,” he says, setting his tools aside.  “I really couldn’t commit to anything—I’m sponsored now, you see, and in order to keep this amazing facility, I have certain obligations to fulfill.  I mean, I—I didn’t sign a non-compete or anything, but…well, I wouldn’t want to risk making my sponsor angry when it was so hard to get any serious attention on my work in the first place.”
Flag nods.  “Fair enough.  Mr. Kane, we’ll be in touch.  Let’s go, gentlemen.”
  This time, Flag tries to show up early.
It doesn’t make a damn bit of difference; they’ve already drugged Joker when he arrives.
Slouched on his cot, looking half-dead, half-hungover.  Glassy-eyed with sweat making his hair stick to his temples.
The Bat’s gloves creak audibly when he walks past Flag.
The gates open and close with stark, echoing sounds.  A startled heron flaps awkwardly overhead.
“You can’t keep coming,” Joker says listlessly.  “Who’ll save Gotham?”
“Who’ll save you if I don’t come?” Batman counters.
“I’m making you weaker.  I’m not supposed to make you weaker.”
“Don’t say that, Jay.”
“You shouldn’t be coming here.  It’s my fault.  Take me back to Arkham instead.”
“I thought you were having fun.  They let you be bad.  There’s Killer Croc, and Deadshot, and Flag…”
“They’re not you.  I miss you.  And you look worse every time you come.  And it’s my fault.”
Batman gestures sharply.  “Stop saying that.”
Joker smacks his fists against his cot and screams his frustration at the floor.  Then he starts to cry.  And then he starts to laugh.  He says something too quiet for Flag to hear.
“I know,” Batman says softly.
Another muted whisper, longer this time.
“That’s why I can’t just leave you here.  But I can’t get you out, either.  Not yet.  There’s something wrong at Arkham that makes what Waller’s doing to you look like a damn picnic.  It won’t be safe for you there.  I have to leave you here, where Flag and the others can help watch your back, but it’s not forever.  I’m not—I’m not abandoning you, Jay.”
“Promise you’ll be careful.  You’re not getting any younger.”
“That hurts my feelings.”
“I promise.  I’ll even ask for help.”
They lean together, and it’s not really a hug, but it feels twice as intimate.  It’s the kind of thing two people get used to when there’s glass or chain-link between them.
Flag feels like an intruder.
When Batman leaves the cage, he stops right beside Flag.  “You need to find a way to keep an eye on him when you’re not here.  I can’t get here fast enough to make a difference when he needs help.”
Flag nods.  “Look, uh…I’m sorry I didn’t trust you at first.  It just kept flashing through my mind—every headline, every video clip where you beat the shit outta somebody, and all the times it was him.”
“He gives as good as he gets.  I’ve got six major scars caused by him, and three of his tattoos commemorate devastating attacks on my family.”
“I just didn’t think you’d…”  Flag trails off.  “His file talks a lot about narcissistic delusive fits, and obsessive tendencies, and a certain overriding fixation.  I guess I just thought he was imagining that you care.  But you do.  So.”
Batman gives him a long, weary look.
“Oh, shit,” Flag says aloud, but stops himself from saying anything else.
It’s not just heroic compassion or whatever; it’s love, and it’s mutual.
Batman just nods.  “Oh, shit,” he agrees.  “I know you know what it’s like.”
He thinks of Enchantress and Junie, stuck with each other in the same body, one of them dangerous and borderline-evil, the other sweet as peach tea.  He thinks of Joker crouched with the little girl chained up next to the bomb, covered in blood but showing a soft half-smile of reassurance.  “I do know what it’s like.”
“There’s a new director at Arkham.  Hugo Strange.  He’s decided to call himself a ‘warden,’ like it’s a damn prison.  Within the first week, the number of lobotomized patients went from two to twenty-seven with no consent forms signed, no next-of-kin to notify.  Vulnerable people shuffled away into the fog.  When I think of them doing that to him, snuffing out all that fire and parading a dead-eyed vegetable as some kind of success story…”
Shit.  Seeing the guy on downers must be like a nightmare come true.
“That’s not gonna happen,” Flag says firmly.  “I’d bust him out myself before I let a member of my team suffer something like that.  When I say I’m gonna keep a real eye on him now, I mean it.  He’s not some lab rat, and whatever Waller’s doing is fucking him up.”
“Thanks.  The League…they’re not very sympathetic.  I’m used to working alone, but this is too much, and it makes a nice change, getting help from an unexpected corner.”
“Unexpected, huh?”
“I didn’t exactly believe you gave a damn about him, either.”
“That’s fair.  We are called ‘the Suicide Squad.’”
Batman takes a long breath.  “You have his phone from his confiscated effects?”
“I’m gonna send you the footage Waller sent me last night.”
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theradioghost · 5 years
but where do podcasts happen: a list
*the makers of this list cannot guarantee the existence of any of the locations listed. (I mean, come on, we all know Tallahassee isn’t real.)
- Superstition (Superstition, AZ)
- What’s the Frequency? (Los Angeles, CA)
- Arden (Eureka, CA)
- The Blood Crow Stories: Eidolon (Los Angeles, CA)
- Our Fair City (apocalyptic remnants of Hartford, CT)
- Ars Paradoxica (largely in Point-of-Exile, CO)
- Less is Morgue (Tallahassee, FL)
- Death by Dying (Crestfall, ID)
- Within the Wires, Season 2 (Chicago, IL)
- Hit the Bricks
- Under the Shroud (Baltimore, MD)
- Violet Beach (Violet Beach, MD)
- Greater Boston (Greater Boston area, MA / Red Line, MA)
- Boston Harbor Horror (Boston, MA)
- The Bright Sessions / The AM Archives (Boston, MA)
- The Last Show (Boston, MA area)
- Time:Bombs (NYC)
- Archive 81 (when it’s not taking place in a terrifying alternate reality)
- The Alexandria Archives (Alexandria, NC, parallel-universe location of Corapeake, NC)
- Unwell (Mt. Absalom, OH)
- Dreamboy (Pepper Heights, Cleveland, OH)
- Minefire (Centralia, PA)
- Brimstone Valley Mall (south central PA)
- Limetown (centers on Limetown, TN)
- The Ghost Radio Project (ish? more or less?)
- The Atomic Library (Haven Hollow, TX)
- Modern Fae (Encrucijada, TX)
- The Adventure Zone: Amnesty (Kepler, WV)
- Welcome to Night Vale (it’s in the southwest somewhere, probably, depending on what parallel universe you’re in. it is not in California, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, or any other existing state)
- Caravan (in Hell, which is obviously inside of a canyon in the US)
- Kalila Stormfire’s Economical Magick Services (city of Brushland, possibly on the east coast?)
- Gal Pals Present: Overkill (I had mistakenly thought when first posting this that Harding Park was the real world one in New York but APPARENTLY IT IS IN THE MIDWEST)
- Alice Isn’t Dead (it’s a roadtrip show)
- The Beef and Dairy Network
- Kane and Feels (they seem to live somewhere around Archway)
- The Magnus Archives (some conflicting evidence for the Institute being located either in Chelsea or Milbank, possibly in the vicinity of the Tate Britain)
- Victoriocity (technically still London, just a very different, much much bigger London)
- The London Necropolis Railway
- The Amelia Project (probably, when it’s not taking place inside of all of these other podcasts instead)
- St. Elwick’s Neighborhood Association Newsletter Podcast (St. Elwick’s, Exeter)
- Glasgow Ghost Stories (Glasgow)
- Middle:Below (Glasgow)
- Tales from the Aletheian Society (Glasgow)
- A Scottish Podcast (Edinburgh mostly, I think?)
- Wooden Overcoats (island of Piffling Vale)
- Mabel
- The Orbiting Human Circus (Paris)
- I Am In Eskew (Eskew is in Eastern Europe, when it feels like it)
- Quid Pro Euro (the alternate-history European Union born of Felix Trench’s terrifying mind and the unspeakable power of Barracuda)
- Within the Wires, Season 4 (the Cradle is somewhere in Scandinavia)
- Love and Luck (St. Kilda, Melbourne)
- Supernatural Sexuality with Dr. Seabrooke
- Within the Wires (Season 1, secret government medical prison in the wilderness)
- Station Blue
- Station to Station
- Under Pressure
- The Bridge
- Here Be Dragons
- The Easiest of All the Hard Things
- The Blood Crow Stories: SS Utopia
- The Far Meridian (for magically travelling lighthouse reasons)
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im finally going to speak my peace because im tired of a user (along with their headmates) on this app. they have gotten away with way too much. they think they can wiggle their way out of anything. they have caused my friends, mainly my baby brother, sy and his system. i need to get it off my chest before i absolutely explode. you can mess with me and harass me all you want...but don't you fucking dare hurt my friends.
this post is going to be all over the place,, but it should highlight what cam (the host) has done. TW // GASLIGHTING, MANIPULATION, DEATH THREATS, SEXUALIZATION OF MINORS, ETC.
to start off, i have never had a close connection to cameron or any of this headmates. the only times i have talked to him was over how he feels about sy. my first ever interaction with him was him dming me over me sending a copypasta to sy as a joke. (proof in ss)
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other screenshots from an interaction with him. he kept telling me that i didn't know the full story of what was happening...well, if i didn't know the full story..then why bring me into it? why tell me you don't like him? as stated before, i see sy as a little brother...obviously, we're close to one another...obviously, im going to think the worse of a situation.
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i understand that a lot of people DO send copypasta to someone they don't like to annoy them,, but sy TAGGED it under tags like "mutuals" and "friends." if cam looked at them, he would be able to tell that sy and i are friends. this was our first interaction with one another. my second interaction was in response to me making a post on him...he accused me of spreading rumors. i deleted the post since then...but i do recall having screenshots of what i was talking about. this is a habit that ive seen in cam- saying something is "just a rumor" despite having proof of it.
(cameron has multiple accounts. this is one.)
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i kinda wished this would be the end of this all...but sadly, it isn't. cam always seem to start stuff out of nowhere. if not with sy, it's with someone else to sy- in this case, our friends, ember, kane, ollie- cam's name isn't uncommon in our chat. it's always associated with bad things. this won't be in chronological order- it'll be a claim/something that he did then screenshots of what he has done.
a little disclaimer,, this is a little list of cameron's alt accounts/accounts of his headmates. feel free to block them. i do not condone sending hate towards them.
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(this will continue in reblogs. im limited on how many pictures i can have. ill try to get them out as fast as i can...thank you.)
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dragonqueenslayer6 · 6 months
Vampires' opinion about wood:
Kane & Jim:
Of Vampires and Men:
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
If Bombshells ever returned, maybe to explore the aftereffects of the war. Here are some superheroines and supervillainesses that could join the fight into the new era. The Cold War.
Jesse Quick; Jesse would totally join the families providing their homes to the displaced Jews of Europe while at the same time protecting her city from all sorts of crime. But her storyline might come with learning that in her need to help everyone and solving everyone's problems since she has the technology and the privlege, well... kinda appears as a white savior. At least to Lisa Snart which brings me to... 
Golden Glider: Well I think we can all guess that Lisa has a Jewish-like last name and while her big bro, Captain Cold, Leonard was working with the Nazis, I am so arguing that he was just conveinately converting in order to save his skin and his sister's. Anyway with her brother in jail and Europe in shambles after the war, Lisa can travel to America with other displaced Jews. Some families were kind enough to "foster" these peoples which is where Jesse comes in. Well Lisa isn't the type to accept the "pity" and dislikes how priviliged a life, Jesse leads. Then comes a whole new yet classic Flash vs the Rogues rivalry.  
Nyssa ah Gul: How can we forget another misplaced Jew. Well not Jew but Ra ah Gul's other daughter, Nyssa, whose entire adopted family died in the concentration camps while Ra was off whatevering with the Lazerus Pit. But since Ra's long gone from the picture, I suppose Nyssa will have to seek answers from Talia about why she didn't try to help her or contact her after finding out they were sisters. 
Mya: Meanwhile after WWII, India is revving up for a revolution after being used and abused by the British Empire in a war they didn't even want to be in. And after being in the war, STILL treated like second class citizens. That's why Myra, prodigy of Shiva is up to lead a revolution for her people.
Gypsy: Let’s not forget about all the other groups that Nazis were prejudiced against. Cynthia Reynolds or "Gypsy" as the SS slurred against her and her Romanian family. But with Europe's landscape in disarray, Cynthia can use her earth-bending powers to help and educate people that she is more than the fortune telling, pick pocketing stereotype that the world believes.
Volcana: Now I know we didn't really get into Italy's part in WWII, but someone with volcano powers would totally be working in Italy, specifically Pompeii. The one issue is that, like in her origin story, she was working for Mussolini against her will and the Italian still wants their "super weapon" under lock and key in case of WWIII. 
Thorn: Meanwhile the late 40s-early 50s is totally not a time to be woman with a mental illness. Especially when the "understanding" doctors try to lobtomize you. So Roselyn Forrest's double personality disorder is a big problem in her life. Especially since her second personality is a scythe weilding maniac and her uncle wants to put her in an institution. Added to the fact that she is still suffering under Irish discrimination. Hopefully the Batgirls can help, not only change child labor laws, but views on mental illness too.  Giganta: A gorilla turned into a girl. Why shouldn't that be an experiment by the crazy Americans or Russians in a way to beat each other as the world superpower. Well technically the Russians wanted to send a gorilla into space and beat the Americans, but they thought a woman astronaut (or as they called cosmonaut) would make them look better. (All true look up Valentina , first woman in space). But besides being part of the space race, Giganta can bring spotlight to Africa where she was born, and which is being divided by the major world powers for exploitation. 
Crimson Fox: Constance D' Amis, French heiress would be part of the small army of woman workers during the YALTA conferance trying to get their say into how to rebuild Europe for the benefit of all. Who knows, maybe she even talked to Selina Delgatti. Hey French heiresses and Italian heiresses must know each other. Plus she expels hormones that can make anyone under her thrall which leads me to...
Queen Bee: Another pheromone expelling woman. A villainess though. Africa wasn't the only one being exploited and colonized. The former Ottoman Empire was being exploited for its oil and Lebenon is taken over by the French (Basically ample reason for Constance to go to Lebenon and fight Queen Bee). And the former queen is certainly not above going to the Russians to fight the US/Europe to get her country back. Or just team up with Lex Luthor to take down Supergirl and get her country back. I just imagine Lex and --- to be like an evil Mr.Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet okay. All suave, witty banter. It makes sense in my head.
Catherine Colbert: A bit like Lois Lane, Catherine is an everygirl. Well if the everygirl was a daughter of an dimplomat and had her sights on making a name for herself in NASA and trying to avoid the pressures of mysgonistic men that woman aren't fit for government. Being told that she is too emotional and should stay in the kicthen, Catherine rebelled by becoming a stone faced, cutting ice queen in the diplomacy track and also a horrible cook. Artemis and Cheshire: I'm taking a bit from the YJ story in that Artemis and Cheshire are half-french, half-Vietnamese. Since their abusive father was loyal to the Nazis, he disowned them and cast off their Vietnamese mother in Japanese concentration camps. While Artemis made it to America and tried to stay on the good ol American democratic way (while fighting petty looters in the streets of Gotham as one does), Cheshire went to Vietnam where she works as an assasin, for the communists and the non-communists. It doesn't matter to her as long as she gets paid. But times are changing in Vietnam as the fights about communism between the North Vietnamese and South escalate. 
Lady Blackhawk: Zinda Blake, hero of WWII and the Blackhawk brigade comes home to nothing. No money. No pension. No respect. Life as a veteran has no perks since no one has money to pay in Europe. Plus she'd still be trying to adjust to civilian life after nonstop combat and the inevitable PTSD while the Germany she loved is split into two. Hopefully Rudi and Helen will help to keep her in a safe place until she can get back on her feet.  Miss Martian: While I don't know whose in Harley, Ivy and Viktoria's circus, I feel like Miss Martian would find a safe haven there. While she did not experience the WWII, she did experience a similar prejudice and genocide on Mars being a white martian so I bet she can help with reprations. Or just join Starfire on the fire squad...wait nevermind. Fire is Martian weakness. Well at least have her and Starfire being alien girlfriends exploring the strange Earth world together.
Rocket: Again, haven't had the joy of reading the final vol of Bombshells United so I don't know exactly what Bumblebee has been up to nor the racism she had probably experienced. But Raquel would be in a similar boat. An African American teen in an unjust pre-Civil Rights movement society with the added difficulties of teen mom hood. I really want some spotlight on her whether she joins the Batgirls or strike out on her own or helps Icon just like in the comics.
Mercy Graves: Alongside Lex wherever he is, I want a similar debut to what Mercy did in JL. Mercy takes over LexCorps during Luthor's absence, absolutely crushes it and makes it more of a success than Luthor ever did because she is not obsessed with the Kryptonian heroes. Maybe she even teams up with Waller? Who knows? Or even have two heads, Mercy Graves and Lena Luthor, making millions and making plans, evil or no, always ending on top.
Silver Banshee: A woman whose screams causes people to age. How they could NOT use her in a war, I do not know. But I picture Siobhan's arc going something like after her family dies in battle or something or other, she taps into her genetic banshee powers. Fueled with grief/cynicsm/vengeance she travels around the Iron Curtain, causing death since death is a mercy compared to living in destitute misery.
Plastique and Roxy Rocket: One is a Canadian explosives expert, another just really, really loves rockets. Both would be very useful on either side of the Cold War. They're traditionally illanesses so I could see them as double agents like Cheshire, working for whoever pays the most for their time.
Roulette: Roulette’s big thing is gambling on illegal cage fighting activities. Well lets up the ante by having her big gamble being stoking US/Russian tensions. After all the longer the war goes on, the more she gets paid for her information on the other side, her contacts for weapons, her spies etc. She'd be rolling in dough, and loving it even when under threat of nuclear destruction.
Fire and Ice: No idea how the heck they would fit in to a post WWII world. But let's suppose they want to escape Brazil and Antartica respectively to be able to help out in the aftermath after doing nothing during the war. Jessica Cruz and Aresia vs Star Sapphire Meanwhile with Hal Jordan out of the picture, let's have the infamous Green Lantern vs Star Sapphire rivalry again.
Lady Shiva: Street fighter, assassin, mother of the future Batwoman, Cassandra Cain. Lady Shiva must be part of the Cold War. She is bit of a anti-hero so I doubt anyone would know where her loyalties truly lie, but she'd be on the side of whoever her daughter wishes to protect.
Cassandra Cain: The new Black Bat, continue Katy Kane's work, and the Batgirl's work, and all the work that needs to be done after WWII. She's the new heroine.
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ideaimateria · 4 years
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Ramirez, Juan Antonio
Corpus Solus
Editorial: Ediciones Siruela
"Volver dentro del cuerpo"
es la II parte de la exposición de los proyectos beneficiarios de las Ayudas Injuve para la Creación Joven en la modalidad de Artes Visuales en las líneas de producción y de movilidad, con las propuestas de los 17 jóvenes creadores beneficiarios de las Ayudas a la Creación Joven de Injuve presentadas en los últimos meses en la Sala Amadis de Madrid.
/soulevements /  insurreccions
Imatges de la revolució L'exposició ‘Insurreccions’ mostra com l'art ha reflectit rebel·lions i revoltes en els últims dos segle. ...L'exposició és una idea del filòsof i historiador de l'art Georges Didi-Huberman, que fa anys que imparteix un seminari amb el mateix títol a l'Escola d'Estudis Superiors en Ciències Socials (EHESS), a París. La mostra es va gestar entre els gasos lacrimògens de la plaça de la República, a la capital francesa, a tocar d'on viu Didi-Huberman. La primavera passada, mentre ultimava aquesta mostra, eclosionava allà el moviment Nuit Debout, que va ocupar places de tot França seguint el model del 15-M espanyol. No obstant això, l'exposició no és un acte de militància, ni a favor ni en contra d'aquestes petites revolucions, de les quals no n'examina la validesa ideològica. Se cenyeix a la funció de catàleg iconogràfic que resumeix el que tota revolta ha compartit fins ara. “No hi ha judici moral, no hi ha diagnòstic ni militància. El fet important en aquesta mostra és observar la representació que ha fet l'art i la forma de pensament que vehicula”, afirma Gili...
http://cat.elpais.com/cat/2017/02/22/cultura/1487787836_901676.html http://www.elpuntavui.cat/cultura/article/19-cultura/1078447-el-mnac-crida-a-la-revolta.html  
http://soulevements.jeudepaume.org/ #Insurreccions dossier: http://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/dossier_insurreccions_cat_0.pdf http://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/insurreccionscoberta_cat_0.pdf http://www.museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions-2 http://www.museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions.
https://vimeo.com/jeudepaume Art i Activisme Piotr Pavlenski 'Activismo global', el arte como herramienta para denunciar los abusos de los gobiernos http://on1.zkm.de/zkm/stories/storyReader%248501 http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/2013455/0/activismo-global/arte-protesta/exposicion/
https://www.adbusters.org/ http://yomango.net/ https://www.floatinglabcollective.com/?p=274
http://eng.partizaning.org/?p=4764 Brandalisme http://www.rehogar.net/brandalism/
https://www.radar.st/art/brandalism-propose-un-tutoriel-pour-apprendre-a-masquer-les-publicites-de-rue http://www.cccb.org/ca/activitats/fitxa/grrrls/223142?fbclid=IwAR1DuaaQLzxvwukvPNk2fFttEUtTTRsiXoLlJg-r-ss-q3X2b0_YjjVIa3A
A la seva primera exposició individual a àngels barcelona, Oliver Ressler presenta una sèrie d'obres videogràfiques, així com treballs fotogràfics, centrats al voltant dels moviments socials i formes de resistència sorgits a causa de la destrucció del clima del planeta -la base de l'existència humana- provocada pel capitalisme global. http://angelsbarcelona.com/en/program/a-rising-tide-sinks-ships/216 http://www.ressler.at/category/projects/ http://www.ressler.at/take_the_square/ altres: Adbusters Media Foundation, G.M.B. Akash, Anonymous News Germany, ATTAC, Martin Balluch, Zanny Begg, John Beieler, Bombily Group, Ángela Bonadies & Juan José Olavarría, Nadir Bouhmouch, Osman Bozkurt, Campact, Center for Artistic Activism, Chim↑Pom, Noam Chomsky, Ralf Christensen, Chto delat?, Paolo Cirio, Cyber Guerilla, Hassan Darsi, Johanna Domke & Marouan Omara, Electronic Disturbance Theater, Enmedio, Colectivo Etcetera, Everyday Rebellion, Femen, Noah Fischer, Floating Lab Collective, Freedom of the Press Foundation, Muath Freij, Isabelle Fremeaux & John Jordan, Jakob Gautel & Jason Karaïndros, Greenpeace, Stéphane M. Grueso, Ed Hall, Hedonistische Internationale, Stéphane Hessel, Niklas Hoffmann, Jim Hubbard, Indymedia, Alexey Iorsh, Just do it (Kim Asendorf & Ole Fach), Amadou Kane Sy, Thomas Kilpper, Kiss my Ba, kreativerstrassenprotest.twoday.net, Mischa Kuball, Jan Jaap Kuiper & Katja Sokolova, Sasha Kurmaz, Christopher LaMarca, Mohammed Laouli, Lynn Lauterbach, Julia Leser & Clarissa Seidel, Let’s Do It!, Viktoria Lomasko, Renzo Martens, Masasit Mati, Mikaela, Mootiro Maps, Carlos Motta, Neozoon, No TAV, occupygezipics.tumblr.com, Otpor!, Partizaning, Jean-Gabriel Périot, Platform, Pussy Riot, R.E.P., Resist, Oliver Ressler, Mykola Ridnyi, Itamar Rose & Yossi Atia, Faten Rouissi, Sandra Schäfer, Bahia Shehab, Lisa Sperling & Florian Kläger, Jonas Staal & Metahaven, Stop the Traffik, Joulia Strauss & Moritz Mattern, Stuttgart 21-Protest, Jackie Sumell, Surveillance Camera Players, Tanya Sushenkova, Aaron Swartz & Taryn Simon, Take The Square, Pelin Tan, Teatro Valle Occupato,The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, The Yes Men, Thomson & Craighead, Patricia Triki & Christine Bruckbauer, Troika, UK Uncut, Various authors organized by Sharon Hayes with Angela Beallor, Voina, Christoph Wachter & Mathias Jud, Mark Wallinger, WANGO, wearethe99percent.tumblr.com, WikiLeaks, Alexander Wolodarskij, Yomango, Malala Yousafzai, Salam Yousri und andere Ara a Paris , al Jeu du Paume Soulevements, comissari Georges-Didi-Hubermann: Vindrà al febrer al MNAC http://museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions http://www.jeudepaume.org/index.php?page=article&idArt=2476
http://www.humanite.fr/georges-didi-huberman-les-possibles-dune-imagination-politique-618356 http://paris-luttes.info/soulevements-la-revolte-n-est-pas-7276?lang=fr  
Imatges de la revolució L'exposició ‘Insurreccions’ mostra com l'art ha reflectit rebel·lions i revoltes en els últims dos segle. ...L'exposició és una idea del filòsof i historiador de l'art Georges Didi-Huberman, que fa anys que imparteix un seminari amb el mateix títol a l'Escola d'Estudis Superiors en Ciències Socials (EHESS), a París. La mostra es va gestar entre els gasos lacrimògens de la plaça de la República, a la capital francesa, a tocar d'on viu Didi-Huberman. La primavera passada, mentre ultimava aquesta mostra, eclosionava allà el moviment Nuit Debout, que va ocupar places de tot França seguint el model del 15-M espanyol. No obstant això, l'exposició no és un acte de militància, ni a favor ni en contra d'aquestes petites revolucions, de les quals no n'examina la validesa ideològica. Se cenyeix a la funció de catàleg iconogràfic que resumeix el que tota revolta ha compartit fins ara. “No hi ha judici moral, no hi ha diagnòstic ni militància. El fet important en aquesta mostra és observar la representació que ha fet l'art i la forma de pensament que vehicula”, afirma Gili... http://cat.elpais.com/cat/2017/02/22/cultura/1487787836_901676.html http://www.elpuntavui.cat/cultura/article/19-cultura/1078447-el-mnac-crida-a-la-revolta.html  
http://soulevements.jeudepaume.org/ #Insurreccions dossier: http://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/dossier_insurreccions_cat_0.pdf http://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/insurreccionscoberta_cat_0.pdf http://www.museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions-2 http://www.museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions
Diseño y activismo. Un poco de historia Aunque el tipo de causas ha variado en función de las condiciones de cada época histórica, desde el siglo XIX hasta la actualidad un buen número de diseñadores ha visto en el diseño una herramienta para transformar y mejorar el mundo...
Raquel Pelta Diseño y activismo
http://www.monografica.org/02/ Diseño y medio ambiente
Diseño y humor
actual Del 18 d'octubre de 2018 al 17 de març de 2019 68
L'exposició 68è Pop and Protestre uneix les imatges, les pel·lícules, els textos i el so d'aquesta època en una imatge d'ànim complexa. Amb al voltant de 200 objectes - icònica
https://www.mkg-hamburg.de/de/ausstellungen/aktuell/68-pop-und-protest.html https://www.mkg-hamburg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/MKG/Ausstellung/Aktuell/MKG_Flyer_1968.pdf
A la seva primera exposició individual a àngels barcelona, Oliver Ressler presenta una sèrie d'obres videogràfiques, així com treballs fotogràfics, centrats al voltant dels moviments socials i formes de resistència sorgits a causa de la destrucció del clima del planeta -la base de l'existència humana- provocada pel capitalisme global. http://angelsbarcelona.com/en/program/a-rising-tide-sinks-ships/216
moma.org/Cindy Sherman artists/5392
Franco “Bifo” Berardi
.Ana Mendieta jeudepaume.
Women Design
Sarah Ahmed   “Alçar la veu” 
Judith Butler
Cossos que encara importen
feminismes-exposicions-cccb  artistes:  Cabello/Carceller, Lúa Coderch, Lucía Egaña, Nuria Güell, ideadestroyingmuros, María Llopis, Jesús Martínez Oliva, Julia Montilla, O.R.G.I.A, Daniela Ortiz, Linda Porn, María Ruido, Anna Irina Russell i Txe Roimeser, Mireia Sallarès, Toxic Lesbian,
lucysombra. lucia-egana  lucia-egana-rojas/ 
Comité Invisible
...kintsugi, vulnerabilitat/quotidianitat, cos, body, cuerpo, feminismes, identitat, activisme, Moma
Se progettare per Enzo Mari «è il modo migliore per evitare di essere progettati»
La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc est un film français réalisé par Carl Theodor Dreyer en 1927
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space--cadet-glow · 4 years
“Laverne and Shirley” Theory: Billy Kane is Norman Hughes
...Or, at least, Billy Kane is Norman Hughes undercover.
Okay, so I managed to get my hands on the first of the three "Laverne and Shirley" novels-- "Teamwork". (I'm still waiting for the other two to arrive in the post). I'm pretty sure they're non-canon to the actual show, but I'd like to propose a theory that may or may not also explain several in-show oddities.
Much like everything I become interested in, I tend to attach myself to one particular character (a couple of examples: Vaati for "The Minish Cap", Shut for "Go! Princess PreCure", or Jack Spicer for "Xiaolin Showdown"). When it comes to "Laverne and Shirley", I (naturally) attached myself to Officer Norman Hughes.
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So, when I was reading the book, imagine my disappointment when I noticed that Hughes wasn't in it. ...Or, was he?
There was a particular character that caught my attention. Billy Kane. And the more he showed up in the story, the more my mind came up with quite the bewildering theory.
Billy Kane is Norman Hughes in-disguise. Here's why I thought so:
1. Kane is described rather close to how Hughes looks Skipping past the part describing where he and Laverne are standing, on Page 77, it goes, "...hands in pockets, was a medium-sized young man of twenty-eight. He had red hair and was wearing a black pullover and black slacks. His tennis shoes were black, too."
You may argue that "red hair" is definitely NOT Hughes (Hughes actually has brown hair), but the book is a bit inaccurate in places; including not only getting Lenny's last name, Kosnowski, wrong ("Kowalski" is used on Page 14), but Laverne's hair is ALSO-- arguably-- incorrectly called "auburn" and not blond on Page 5!
But, the other points seem to be fitting. "Medium-sized", to me at least, seems to be another way to say "chubby": the way Hughes was consistently described in the show! The ages match as well. Like Hughes, Kane's supposed to be around Laverne's age because a weird age-gap was never mentioned anywhere for either of them. And a rather small thing that's probably a coincidence: the laced shoes. The reason I even mention this is because Hughes wears black oxfords-- there's even the joke about how he would have died if he had bent over to tie his shoe when Laverne hit him with the car in "Drive! She Said".
2. Both are into detective work In fact, Kane calls himself "the house detective" on Page 77. And the very first thing Hughes does in "Fakeout at the Stakeout" was gather information and help Laverne and Shirley hide out and try and find the Milwaukee Masher so that they could get their stolen clothes back!
3. Both incessantly use Laverne's name Okay, this one's a stretch, but this is legitimately something you can make a drinking game out of. In the show, take a drink every time Hughes says Laverne's name. I can tell you right now, if you tried it with "Drive! She Said", you'll probably die because he says it EIGHT TIMES in the span of about three minutes. Meanwhile, at one point, Kane has said "Laverne" FOUR times within two pages of eachother (Pages 80 and 81). Very Hughes-like, I would say.
4. Both don't like guns As stated on Page 77 for Kane ("Actually, I'm not certain I even want a gun. All sorts of accidents can happen with guns; they're worse than bathtubs."). This is a weird one: what cop doesn't use a gun? ...Um... Hughes. Yes, Hughes HAS a gun with him at all times, but he's never shown using it-- choosing instead to rely on a truncheon (as seen in "Two of Our Weirdos Are Missing"). Hold on. No, I'm not forgetting the cop in "Dog Day Blind Dates", who uses a gun and is played by the same actor as Hughes. Here's why I'm still saying he never uses a gun: that cop in "DDBD" was never actually stated to be Norman Hughes.
In fact, in "D!SS", there's even the bit where Hughes said that he attended "Pistol Orientation"-- a class that teaches gun safety. Since he was already well-established to be a cop, that either means that it's some sort of reoccurring class that just refreshes minds, or he has some problem with guns that he needed to take classes for (which, again, would explain the truncheon in "TOOWAM").
5. "Billy Kane" could easily be a stage-name Or an "undercover" name. Which would explain why Laverne was so proud about figuring out that Hughes's full name was "Norman Morton Hughes" in "Fakeout at the Stakeout".
6. There's an odd tid-bit about not being recognised On Page 90, Kane makes a comment about how he thinks he and Laverne can afford to go snooping around to find Shirley at the Ritz Diamond, BECAUSE, "Sure, I don't believe they'll recognise either one of us". This seems to imply that either he's not from around Lake Watanabe (like how Laverne is) or he's in disguise.
7. Kane has a few things in common with Hughes's real-life actor The absolute comedic genius that is Bo Kaprall played Norman Hughes. Why do I bring this up? Well, like Billy Kane in-novel, Bo Kaprall started off as a comedian.
Both of their names have the same initials-- BK. And they both appear to go by nicknames, as presumably "Billy" is short for "William" like how "Bo" is short for "Robert".
8. Both keep information written on notepads As seen on Page 101 for Kane and "TOOWAM" for Hughes. Although, Kane keeps his tucked inside his sweater and Hughes keeps his in his back pants pocket.
9. Both don't exactly think things through Kane quite randomly gets captured by the same mob that kidnapped Shirley-- on Page 124, it even specifies, "Letting Roscoe jump him out in the woods, that was stupid". In "The Obstacle Course", Hughes (and Laverne) automatically assume that Shirley was voh-de-oh-doh'ing with Carmine while they were gone-- and when they discover that they were wrong, Hughes loudly declares, "I feel STUPID!"
10. Both try to save the day, but technically fail at it Kane attempts to distract the mob with a comedy bit so that our heroes can take them down and escape, but it's Lenny and Squiggy barrelling through the walls with their truck (don't ask) that saves everyone. Meanwhile, Hughes puts in a request for a public defender for Laverne when she winds up in jail in "Guilty Until Proven Not Innocent", but it's Shirley taking the guy who accused Laverne of stealing out to dinner that leads to her release!
11. Both are polite/nice and calm/composed Kane knocks and waits for Laverne to get ready on Page 89, and even starts off just calling her "Miss DeFazio" until she straight-up tells him to call her "Laverne" (back on Page 80). He only even remotely gets frustrated when his escape plan fails on Page 134. Then, Hughes repeatedly says "sorry" and "please" when trying to get everyone out of the apartment so he can discuss the case with Laverne alone in "Two of Our Weirdos Are Missing". And the only time I can think of that he got angry was when he got ran over in "Drive! She Said".
12. Both are (probably) not from Milwaukee Because, going off of information I have yet to mention from the final chapter, Kane comes DOWN to Milwaukee... And if I'm understanding the geography correctly-- since Lake Watanabe is still in Wisconsin (Laverne says this on Page 57), and must be ABOVE Milwaukee... And because Lenny and Squiggy's instructions include crossing something called the Owl Creek Bridge (Page 128)... This most likely places Lake Watanabe somewhere in Wood County, Wisconsin-- which just-so happens to have an Owl Creek.
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And assuming that Kane was either born there or had moved there, this is similar to how Hughes was originally from Chicago and then moved to Detroit before somehow winding up in Milwaukee (as Laverne pointed out in "FOATSO"). So, technically, both travel a lot.
13. Both have a thing for Laverne And they fall for her quite quickly, too.
Kane is already calling her "pretty" by Page 91 (after having only been around since Page 77) and Hughes is laughing at her jokes and calling her "funny" within five minutes of their meeting in "Fakeout at the Stakeout". Of course, Laverne ends up dating Hughes no less than five times in-show (as mentioned in "D!SS") and Kane asks Laverne out on Page 142 (and arguably, them eating breakfast together back on Pages 92-93 could be seen as a date).
They both also like having their dates on weekends. Page 142 for Kane; “FOATSO” for Hughes.
14. Both have a thing for humour Kane was a comedian and Hughes said that he likes to "laugh at life" like Laverne does ("FOATSO"). Kane's escape plan involved a comedy routine, while Hughes still tried to joke about Laverne's reckless driving ("D!SS").
15. Kane is described as if he's important And what I mean by this is, all the other novel-original characters, whether they be plot-relevant (like the mobsters) or random bystanders (like the ticket taker or door greeter), are just described with-- at most-- a sentence, like "he's the taller one" or "the knight". However, Kane is described in-detail twice; once when he's introduced on Page 77 and again when he changes his outfit on Page 89. This is a trait that he strangely shares... WITH THE MAIN CHARACTERS. Why put so much emphasis on him unless he was an important character... ...Just like our dear Officer Hughes?
...So, yeah. Is Billy Kane actually Norman Hughes in-disguise? I have no idea- but I'd like to think so. If anything, maybe this could be a weird headcanon.
If something in the second or third novels disprove this in any way, please tell me. I haven't read them yet.
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Bachelors (Pt3): Kane introduces Hiro to his best friend Dalton & it could be the start of a beautiful friendship.
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spinstersimmer · 4 years
Dalton checks up on Kane, as they haven’t seen much of each other since he and Keisha got engaged.
(Shout out to @kikovanitysimmer @s-e-l-e-n-g @thisisthem @melissasims4me & more for helping me to bring these beings to life 🖤🤘🏾)
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