smbhax · 6 months
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Ryu vs Claw - Super Street Fighter II X (Dreamcast)
Session: https://youtu.be/ScDzI_a0Hv4
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posthumanwanderings · 4 years
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lasvegasarcadesoho · 5 years
Upcoming Super Turbo & 3rd Strike Tournament
We are hosting a tournament to celebrate a little Super Turbo and 3rd Strike. The tournament starts at 4pm tomorrow. Single Elimination with one tournament after the other.
Event details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/556466428097096/
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Yup, That's A Nintendo PlayStation Alright
It's been 30 or so years since, yet memories of the 16-bit wars are still very strong in my mind. Even to this day, I often wonder "what coulda been" if the Super Nintendo CD-ROM had actually happened.
Despite being mostly a Sega fan... I had both the SNES & Genesis growing up, and enjoyed them both, yet only one had Sonic 3, Thunder Force 4, Gunstar Heroes, AND Virtua Racing on it... I really dug original concept sketches for the SNES CD add-on.
There's only two that I know of, but cuz I can't find a decent sized version of the one I prefer, here's the other...
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The above is way cooler than the prototype until that everyone's familiar with. Though, aside from being a prototype, it's also not an add-on but an all-in-one console, so one really shouldn't rag on it. Yet clearly someone else out there was equally enamored by the artist's renderings, specifically gamer_lafan, who decided to build his own...
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Those familiar with Nintendo hardware know already that gamer_lafan utilized the Satellaview attachment for his mod. Okay, the CD tray doesn't match the rest of the unit... which itself doesn't quite match the base console. Let's just pretend that this is another example of the hardware discoloration over time. I mean, at least gamer_lafan also made a fake spin card/obi...
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But the most important thing here is how the thing actually works; am not sure how he did it, but an actual PlayStaton 1 is crammed inside that Satellaview housing...
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The most impressive part, to me at least, is how its signal is going through the Super Famicom's AV out. I think? Also, is that actually impressive or somewhat easy to do?
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A post shared by LASTFANTASY (@gamer_lafan) on Jul 6, 2020 at 7:18am PDT
And here's a bunch of clips (you'll have to click the source to see them all), of the Nintendo PlayStation running the PSX port of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo; gamer_lafan explains...
"The number one game that I wanted to play as Super Famicom CD-ROM is Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (SSF2X). It was a shame that SSF2 was barely ported due to the specification limits of Super Famicom. There's also a Super Famicom video in the back, so it'd be good to compare. It feels weird to use SSF2X with Super Famicom pad"
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A post shared by LASTFANTASY (@gamer_lafan) on Jul 4, 2020 at 9:57pm PDT
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tiksabari · 6 years
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게임은 역시 침대에 누워서 편안하게 해야 제맛
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yannosh51-blog-blog · 6 years
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Tuto SSF2X Dreamcast Original sur Console PAL (pour Colik Fantastik) il y a 2 protections sur les jeux dreamcast, une protection Anti RGB spécial capcom comme ce jeu ou une
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dianacoonsg · 2 years
SSF2X Hitbox Guide apk apps free download the latest version for android. Also, This is the Development 1.0.4 Version by Olivier KERBORIOU.  It’s very easy to download, just a simple click from apkappstore.com like Google Play Store.
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teasoku · 7 years
210:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 17:37:42.05
この開発自分で自分の首絞めてるよな ブシドーとかブレイブとか、簡単にモンスターの攻撃避けられるようなもんばっか実装してると廃止した時にアホみたいに叩かれるぞ
213:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 17:40:12.30
>>210 正直次回作が不安だわ 狩り技はともかくスタイルを削除すると批判ばかりだろうな
215:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 17:42:49.44
>>213 現にブシドー無くしたら回避出来なくてやられまくる奴多そうだしなー いっそFみたいにモーション変えちゃえばいいのに 今の開発にそこまで踏ん切った事が出来るかは微妙なとこだね
217:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 17:44:15.79
>>210 ブシドーもっとシビアにすれば良かったのにな簡単に避けられるのはちょっと問題
222:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 17:47:12.76
>>217 クロスが発表された当初ブシドーは上級者向け、とか言ってたのに蓋開けてみたら脳死回避余裕なスタイルだったもんな ただランス系のジャストガードは楽しい
227:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 17:53:02.66
>>222 ブシドー回避って絶対初心者向けだよな 回避前転のタイミングでどんな攻撃だって絶対回避できちゃうんだから 連続攻撃?何それおいしいの?
216:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 17:43:02.19
220:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 17:46:31.54
クロスは独立したシリーズで、ナンバリングでは狩技スタイルがないのが当たり前だと思う けどそんなの気にもしない輩が文句だけは大声で言うのは目に見えてる ロックマンとロックマンXを同じように見てるようなもんだ クロスがもっと4要素無くしてれば勘違いされなかったろうに もう遅いが
232:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 17:56:47.08
5で狩技がなくなるとは思えんがな 4以前までの武骨な世界観のモンハンに戻るとも思えんし狩技がなくなったらクロスで手に入れた新規層が「技とかないの?ショボっ!」って言って離れる可能性も大いにある
243:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 18:07:28.00
>>232 うちは逆に感じる 今のシステムは複雑化してモンハンらしさが失われてると感じる層がクロスに飽きてきてる その証拠にXXが盛り上がってないしクロスの時と比べて新情報出ても注目されてない 古いモンハンを捨てたくないからクロスを別シリーズとしたんだろうしナンバリング新作は昔のモンハンになるはず クロスはこのまま狩技スタイルでやってくという二枚看板
248:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 18:13:53.15
>>232 確かにそれはあるんだけど、次もこの路線だと昔からモンハンやってた層が今の低年齢向けモンハンに飽き飽きして、どんどん離れていくから結果的に売り上げはプラマイゼロになるような気がする この路線で続けるのか心機一転して次世代機とかで作ってくのかをそろそろ選ばないといけないと思うよ~カプコンは
269:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 18:40:18.20
>>232 スタイル狩技は楽しいけど今回でお腹いっぱいって人もいるだろうしこの先どうなるか気になるな ニャンターはナンバリングに輸入しても問題ないだろうけど
264:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 18:28:57.37
新モンスは増やしてほしいわな それだけで新鮮差がまた違ってくるのに
267:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 18:34:28.32
スト2と似たような変遷になってる とくにzeroシリーズと今のモンハンの流れが似てる SF2→SF2’→SF2’T→SSF2→SSF2X 必殺技追加、ボスキャラ追加、新キャラ追加、ゲージ追加 zero→zero2→zero3 色々簡略化するも失敗→元に戻してオリコン追加→スタイルみたいなの追加 EX→EX2→EX3 3D化しキャラも一新、基本に立ち返った内容。良ゲーだけど不人気。 SF3→2nd→3rd ドットに戻るも完全に別ゲー。好きな人は好き。不人気のまま終了。 次でどうな���かが見もの。 ちなみにEXは見た目3Dの2D格ゲーで、ただ画面が荒いだけっていう、 不利を背負わされたので、多少は、ね。
271:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 18:44:54.70
子供枠の拡充してるしユーザーのゆとり化は止まらんだろうから 防御・回避アクション無くして難易度元に戻すなんてもう無いわな 要らん人はギルド技なしで遊べばいいだけだし
274:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 18:54:06.49
>>271 手間隙かけて作った要素を次回作で切るとかちょっと無理だわな 確かに懐古用にギルドがあるし、継続だと思う というかギルドも強いしね
276:名無しさん 2017/02/18(土) 18:55:27.70
>>274 そこで回避性能プラス3ですよ
( ´・ω・) ナンバリングのMH5に戻ったらどうなるんだろね 俺はスタイルは続投な気がするな http://ift.tt/2kVcuYW
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smbhax · 7 months
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Super Street Fighter II X for Matching Service: Grand Master Challenge (Dreamcast disc)
Illustration from a sketch by Kinu Nishimura: https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Kinu_Nishimura?file=SSFIIX_Cammy.jpg
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posthumanwanderings · 5 years
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alright so I’ve done a top 10 favorite obscure SNES games and my top games in general are real obvious / similar to others (all you need to know is that Chrono Trigger is the BEST GAME OF ALL TIME :) ) so I’ll do instead a.... ~Top 10 SNES Memories~
1. dat pre-launch Super Mario World hype at Sears (how I played SNES for the 1st time, then afterwards at a babysitter’s house cause we didn’t get one right away)
2. witnessing the first RPG I’ve ever seen, Final Fantasy IV (FFII in NA). I didn’t actually know how to play it, was too young so my older brother would get home from school yelling at me thinking I fucked something up but I didn’t accidentally save anything luckily. so I watched him and his friend beat it from midway in the game, the underground cave of monsters part to be exact.
3. everything about Donkey Kong Country, from gameplay to presentation and this video that came with Nintendo Power magazine:
4. playing copious amounts of Super Mario Kart with my cousin all summer while drawing our own maps and character creations during game breaks. also truth be told, but I came up with a very Bowsette like character back then, with a very similar look but only differences were that she had red hair and was Bowser’s wife, not just the princess alter ego of him.
5. celebrating my 7th birthday at Pizza Hut while getting Star Fox as a present from my mom which came out a week before. for its time it was one of the best looking console games and it drove me towards loving much of the on-rails shooter genre.
6. between the time Star Fox released and before Final Fantasy VI came out my parents got divorced, so I remember vividly how much FFVI and other SNES RPG’s around the time I learned to play from watching my brother helped me cope with it all, just immersing myself in another world and its story. no salty feelings about it now, but gaming definitely helped with my escapism from shit you can’t help in life. so, thanks Squaresoft : )
7. METAL WARRIORS head-2-head mode! I might’ve talked to one person IRL who knew exactly what was up when I mentioned MW, but I see other peeps on the net low key appreciate how intense those matches could get. made me wish the actual Assault Suits games had 2-player Vs. mode, or even co-op.
8. Street Fighter 2 and each revision afterwards was HYPE. from playing it in the arcade to seeing a decent home port, only getting buffer and faster with each release which we got with no regrets. I still play this classic game (SSF2x) on Fightcade to this day, the perfect fighting game.
9. Super Metroid’s deep, desolate atmosphere is embedded in my mind as one of most mood inducing games I’ve ever played. all while still just a 2D game too. foggy, cloudy transparencies, alienating / suspenseful music, nice use of lighting in dark areas and ambiguous ruins that the Metroid series never fully explains until the Metroid Prime series and Zero Mission. on my top 5 favorite game list.
10. sometime in the early 2010′s I had what I call an SNES Renaissance, when I got back into playing emulators but wanted to check out games I never heard before thanks to the blogs at the time showcasing the hidden 16-bit gems. my list I wrote before were the games I beat then, and there’s still plenty more for me to check out, especially the RPG’s!
had a lot of fun fond memories playing the Mega Man X games, Yoshi’s Island, Mario Paint, and losing my mind with Contra III, but I think I wrote enough already for this. currently about to beat the PSP version of FFIV (then maybe check out FFIV After Years?) then play more SNES favorites from my past and some new ones before switching it up to the next system focused vibe (o you already know..) show dat grey and purp box some love for me, and feel free to post some of your own memories here as well : )
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tiksabari · 6 years
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wodgamesandco · 11 years
       SSF2X Match up Fei-long (Balcork) VS O.Sagat (Tenkei)
Balcork, un voir le meilleur Fei Long de France nous fait une demonstration du match up de son personnage contre old Sagat gérer d'une façon exemplaire par Tenkei contre un tel adversaire.
Que vous jouiez Fei ou Sagat il est toujours bon de connaitre les attitudes à avoir, de bon exemple & stratégies sont données pour les 2 personnages.
N'hésitez pas à vous présentez sur le forum pour plus de détails sur ce magnifique jeu : http://ssf2x.fra.co/
N'oubliez pas le j'aime et de vous abonner Merci !
On a facebook maintenant : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wod-Games-And-Co/160002064179040?ref=tn_tnmn
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