#stan laurel x reader
melody-everbelle · 5 months
Ticklish (Stan Laurel x Reader)
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Title: Ticklish
Pairing: Stan Laurel x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 565
Warning(s): Making out, tickling, and fluff
Summary: What was supposed to be a make-out session between you and Stan turns into an all-out tickle fight.
Author’s Note: So... I basically wrote this fanfic as a way to get over my fear of the tickle torture scene from the film Way Out West.
Like my Nathan Chen fanfic Cheer Up!, I'm embarrassed because there's tickling in it, but I don't think it should be that big of a deal.
It was a rainy day, and you and Stan were lying together in bed. It was the weekend, which meant that not only would Stan give his friend Oliver a break from his troubles, but it also gave you the chance to spend time with your boyfriend. As you were resting against his chest, you felt a surge of inspiration that you couldn't help but smirk at Stan.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Stan?" You winked.
"I certainly am," Stan replied before planting a kiss on your lips.
And so it went, an innocent kiss turned into a passionate make-out. As you got on top of him, you couldn't help but dig your fingers under his shirt. Your fingers spidered all over his sides that Stan's lips parted away from yours, a laugh escaping from his lips.
"Oh my gosh, Stan," you laughed, "are you... ticklish?"
"What? No, I'm not," he continued, tinges of pink coloring his cheeks.
"Aww, come on," you cooed, "you know what this means."
You started lightly poking his stomach, with Stan giggling and squirming all over the bed. Eventually, your fingers moved all the way up to his armpits, where the giggling turned into straight up laughter.
"HAHAHAHA, STOP IT, Y/N!!" Stan shrieked, struggling to escape from your torturous tickling.
"As much as I'd love to, Stanley," you teased, trying not to laugh, "there's just one more spot that needs it." You moved down to his feet, where his soles and your fingers met.
"NOHOHOHO, NOHAHAHAT MY FEHEHEET!" Stan shrieked once again as your fingers danced all over his soles.
"Aww, look how cute you are," you playfully taunted.
Admittedly, you took pleasure in knowing that his feet were sensitive, so you couldn't help but let out a laugh. You continued your tickling until Stan stopped you, grabbing your arms and throwing you back onto the bed, with him now on top of you.
Oh snap, you thought as both of your arms were bound to the bed by your boyfriend's hands. Now what? You were met with Stan's stern but seductive expression, which turned into a devilish smirk. In turn, he started to get back at you by tickling you, starting with your armpits and stomach.
"No, Stan, wait—HAHAHA, STAHAHAHAHAHAN, STAHAHAHAHAP IT, PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!" You squealed as you struggled to be released from his tickling.
"Not a chance, Y/N!" Stan playfully chided as he moved all the way down to your feet, giving them the same treatment.
Despite how torturous this was, your face lit up in pleasure, savoring every bit of the tickling. Eventually, Stan slowed down to the point of stopping, and collapsed on the bed to check on you.
"You okay, Y/N?" He panted, exhausted from what happened.
With no words spoken, you pressed your lips against his, resulting in a passionate kiss once again. Stan followed suit, kissing you back and caressing your body however he liked. Once your kiss was over, you rested against his chest, with his arm wrapped around your waist.
"That... was a lot of fun, to be honest," you said, your voice hoarse from the laughter.
"Mind if we do this more often?" Stan asked.
"I'd love that very much," you nodded.
Soon, your fingers spidered across his chest, with Stan's following along to yours, and you both let out a laugh simultaneously as a result.
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stargazing-imagines · 10 days
Hold Me — Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader
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Description: you are back in Cousins, but along with you came a secret that you are hiding from Conrad.
Warning: fighting, violence, slight Domestic Violence, let me know if there’s more ASAP! Plus if you are in a Domestic Relationship, YOU DESERVE BETTER! just putting that out there! NOT EDITED!!
Fandom: the summer I turned pretty
A/n: it’s summer again and you know what that means!! TSITP imagines! So get ready for a ton of them! We may not be getting season 3 till 2025, but that doesn't mean the fics stop there! Enjoy Connie Baby Stans *Winky emoji*
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“I don’t know what Conrad is going to say when he sees Connor.” You said as you were packing your suitcase to head back at another summer at Cousins beach, your best friend Carolina who sitting beside your open suitcase on the bed.
“Come on y/n, Conrad shouldn’t be that upset.” Said Caroline “I mean he was the one to break up with you, and you’re better then that.”
You half smiled at your friend before looking down at your suitcase, to say that you were looking forward to cousins would be a lie.
“I don’t know… the breakup was pretty messy.” You said removing your suitcase before sitting down on your bed.
“Yeah it was bad, you were in a ice cream coma for a long time.” Said carolina “besides this summer is the summer to embrace who you are! Be yourself.”
You smiled at Carolina, before nodding your head in confidence.
"Your right! I need to just be myself."
"That's the spirit." said Carolina "Now I have to go home before my mom makes an Amber Alert for me." said Carolina as she looked at her phone before looking back up at you "Have fun, remember, call me if I need to fight anybody."
You laughed waving her off.
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"Ok kids I need you all to pitch in to help with the chores this summer." said you mother "Plus with Susannah in the shape that she is we will be helping her as much as we can."
"Wait... What do you mean with the shape that she is in?" you asked as you stopped mid-bite of your Fruity Pebbles.
"We didn't want to tell you kids till the end of summer because of the boys but... Susannah's cancer is back."
"is she going to be ok, right?" you asked, pestering your mother with questions about her health, your mother stayed silent.
"Oh my god... I need to talk to belly." you said as you stand up, but your mother stops you with her hand on your arm.
"She can't know y/n." said your mother "Susannah wanted to wait till the summer is over so that we all can have one last full summer together.
You nodded your head, letting the news sink in.
"ok mom... I keep it a secret."
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"Come on Conrad, you seriously can't still be hung up on y/n." said Jeremiah as he was playing video games with steven, taking his eyes off the tv every few seconds.
"I heard that she got hot." said Steven "From the way Belly talks she has a whole boyfriend and everything."
"Can we stop talking about y/n?" asked Conrad as kept his focus on the television "Besides I don't care if she has a boyfriend or not."
"Oh thats right?" asked Steven as he paused the video game to face Conrad "Your dating Nicole."
At that moment, Belly came stumbling down the stairs in a blue and white summer dress, before she can open the door; laurel stops her.
"Where do you think you're going young lady?"
'Over to y/n's house... Me and Cam are double dating her and Conner at the drive in."
"Well... Ok." said Laurel "But be back by 10."
"11?" asked Belly
"10:30, and that's it."
"Yay! see you guys later." said Belly as she walked out the door, Laurel walks back into the kitchen, the boys hearing hushed voices from Susannah and Laurel.
"Belly has a date?"
"With y/n and Conner."
"Oh that sweet boy that Connie keeps mentioning? he so handsome, apparently he is lifeguarding with Jeremiah at the country club this summer.
"You know what I'm thinking?' whispered Steven to Jeremiah and Conrad.
"No... what?" asked Jeremiah
"Crashing this 'double date'."
"You know we can't do that?" asked Conrad
"Yeah but do you really want to leave y/n alone with this conner freakshow?"
"And see Belly making out with Cam Cameron? no way!" said Jeremiah
"Come on... I know you want to."
"Ugh fine!" said Conrad "lets go."
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It was pitch dark at the drive-in, Barbie playing on the screen. Belly and Cam were in the back talking, and whispering. Y/n, and Conner were in the front seat, conner with his arm around y/n, and her head on his shoulder.
"Can you guys be quiet? we're trying to watch the movie?" asked y/n as she looked towards the back.
"Your no fun?" said Belly as she playfully shoved you.
"Your getting Cherry Coke all over my car!" yelled out Conner in a playful manner, but it didn't seem playful.
'Conner, chill." you said "She just a teenage girl."
"I know but did she have to come with us?" Whispered Conner "I mean..."
"She's my best friend Conner."
"She's 15 years old." said Conner "You shouldn't be hanging around with 15 year olds."
"That's it. I have had enough." you said as you get out of the car, slamming the door making Cam, and belly shrug their shoulders.
"What is wrong with you?!" shouted Conner as he came running behind you as you were speed walking away from the scene.
"Away from you!" you yelled before walking away again, that was the moment that you saw Conner's true colors.
He placed his hand on you arm, tightly swing you around to face him. Terrified to your core at his sudden move.
"Listen here, you are going to be a good girl and walk back to the car if you don't want anything bad to happen."
"Get your hands off her!"
you turned around, and saw Conrad trailing behind you.
"This doesn't apply to you." said Conner "Now go!"
"She not going anywhere with you, Jeremiah go get Belly and Cam they don't need to be hanging around this guy."
Jeremiah Nodded his head before walking away, Conrad facing you again, checking you over.
"Your ok?" asked Conrad "He didn't hurt you did he?" You shook your head.
"Go wait in the car." said Conrad as he looked Conner stern in the eye you followed his command walking away from the situtation.
"This isn't a place to fight man but what you did tonight really hurt her."
"Shes my girlfriend, she told me all about you and how you dumped her last summer." said Conner "You really think you are the guy for her huh?"
"Oh I know I'm the guy for her, and because of what you did... You deserve this."
With that, Conrad punched Conner in the face which resulted him into breaking his nose.
"Dude you broke my nose!"
"Be glad that was all that you have broken."
With that Conrad left
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"How long has this been happening?" asked Conrad
"Ever since we broke up..."
"What else has he done to you?" Asked Conrad concerned
"I don't want to talk about it..." you said "Can you please hold me?"
"Of course."
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The Summer I turned Pretty Masterlist
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hiiI!!! you = amazing. i don't request anything by anyone other than my close friend, let alone not anonymously, but i NEED to request something from you honestly because i just love this blog??? so much??? and may have binged it. ANYWAY laurel castillo x reader (we stan the women of htgawm. wes? can literally jump off a cliff; i hate him so much) (connor's a bean though
Thank you so much for your message and sorry this took me so long to get to!
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“Y/N?  Are you okay?” 
You quickly locked the door to the bathroom stall you had rushed into, the verdict still ringing in your ears.  You had been sure you were going to jail and that there was absolutely nothing you or Annalise Keating could do about it.  Not against the kind of family you were up against.
“Yeah, I’m good.  Just..just kind of a long day, I guess.”  You forced out a less-than-convincing chuckle and put your hands on the stall walls on either side of you in an attempt to steady yourself.
“Are you sure?  I don’t mean to rush you, but the longer we wait, the worse the press is going to be and-”
“Yep,” you nodded, wiping the mascara from your cheeks as much as you could, “I’m sorry, you’re right.”
Despite your best attempt to hide the fact that you were completely overwhelmed, you saw the concern on Laurel’s face the second you stepped out of the stall.  She and Connor had been assigned your case initially and you had grown to like them despite what seemed like unrealistic optimism on their parts at the time.  
“Okay, you know what?  We can take a minute.”  Laurel set her bag down on the sink and quickly locked the bathroom door.  “It won’t make much of a difference.”
“I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t be crying right now, it’s just-”
“You don’t have to apologize, Y/N.  I can’t imagine the kind of pressure you’ve been under in the past few months.  Most people would have cracked long before you did.”
Despite the fact that your eyes were already stinging with the threat of a new wave of tears, you looked over at the brunette and tried to swallow the lump in your throat.
“For a law student, you’re really, really nice.”
She laughed and her smile was so mesmerizing that it took you longer than it should have to realize her hand was on top of yours.  
“Come on; let’s get away from the courthouse and I will buy you an incredibly well-deserved drink.” 
At that point, you would have done anything she asked; Laurel had lifted your hands off of the sink counter and intertwined her fingers with yours.  Months of unrelenting stress had worn you down to a point where her holding your hand was enough to make you feel like a person again.  
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themcuhasruinedme · 5 years
Vintage Film Fest (Pt. 3)
[Summary]: You and Steve have been dating for a while and you surprise him with a pair of tickets to a vintage film festival as an anniversary date
[Pairing]: Steve x reader
[Word Count]: 2,806
Tagging: @theashhole @dividedwecantfall @peterman-parker @avengerofyourheart @nataliarxmanxva @metalarmproblems @mcuimxgine @accio-rogers @imagine-assembling-the-avengers @that-sokovian-bastard @hellomissmabel @abovethesmokestacks @peculiar-persephone @bellameys @beccaanne814 @hymnofthevalkyrie @buckys-shield @callamint @redgillan @lancefvcker @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel @iwillbeinmynest @theassetseyeliner @lilasiannerd @aubzylynn @sgtbxckybxrnes @iamwarrenspeace @marvelrevival @httpmcrvel @avengersnthings @feelmyroarrrr @girl-next-door-writes @honey-bee-holly @patzammit
A/N: Harold Lloyd gif was made by yours truly! So, since Tumblr links no longer work you can find the other parts of this short series in my masterlist. And again, I encourage you guys to watch the movies and shorts I mention in this as they are all wonderful and amazing (heads up though: some of them are silent!) and all can be found on YouTube.
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Day three seemed to go by kinda slow and you kept watching the clock throughout the day, waiting for the time to hit when Steve and you were to drive over to the theater.
You had went out shopping a little earlier that day, going to your favorite vintage clothing shop - a place that had everything from 1920′s to 1950′s inspired clothes and dresses and found a really cute day dress that looked like it could be from the 1930′s.
Steve liked when you wore clothes like that. He would say that they look much better on you than any “modern day” style. But then again, he said anything looked good on you. You also believed that he liked it mostly because it brought him back to that period in time. And you were happy to have anything spark those memories, cuz it meant that you were in for a walk down memory lane with him and it was the best feeling both of you could have.
When it was finally time to go to the theater, Steve couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Wow, [Y/N]. You look gorgeous,” he said as he took you by the hand and turned you around to look over the dress.
“Thank you. I found it at that vintage clothes shop, the one I told you about.”
“Oh, you mean the one that you always go to?” he asked as he locked the front door behind you and escorted you to the car.
You nodded. “That’s the one. I’ll have to take you there some time. They have clothes for men there as well.”
Opening the door and gently letting you sit down in the passenger seat, Steve placed a kiss on the top of your hand. “We’ll make that our next date,” he said giving you a wink.
When you got to the theater, Steve helped you out of the car and held your hand as the two of you walked in and stood in line to get the popcorn and drinks. And when you got all your snacks for the movies, the two of you walked in to a quarter-filled theater.
“Not as bad as last night, huh?”
“Hush up,” he said and playfully nudged your arm.
Finding seats around the same area as the two previous nights, you both settled down and waited for he movie night to begin. As the night before, there was plenty of time to wait before the movies and shorts actually started which again made you need to pull out your phone and play some games on. This time you brought your earbuds with to also watch some videos on YouTube, mostly other shorts of Charlie, Buster and Harold that weren’t being played on the big screen.
When you felt Steve tap your arm then point to his ear, you removed your earbuds to hear that there was going to be a five minute delay which then you heard moans and groans from all parts of the theater, mostly from the kids. But that five minutes went by quickly.
When the lights went dark and the first film started up, you had a smile appear on your face as it was one of Laurel and Hardy’s famous silent shorts called Liberty.
The theater made have started out quiet but laughter rang out seeing Stan and Ollie in prisoner outfits being chased by a cop, getting in a get-away car and trying to change into normal clothes. Even more laughter happened when a cop started chasing the car which sent Stan and Ollie into panic mode and made them quickly get out of the car, only to find out they had each other’s pants on.
The laughter was practically non stop through out the rest of the short as Stan and Ollie keep trying to find places to change pants but had no luck and had even worse luck while they were behind a seafood restaurant with Stan having a crab fall into his pants and begin to have problems with the crab nipping his butt.
A lot of gasps and ooo’s came from the kids all over the theater as they watched Stan and Ollie somehow get stuck at the top of an unfinished building and almost fall off of it several times, due to the crab still being stuck in the pants which were now properly on Ollie.
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And squeaks of joy scattered throughout the place when Stan and Ollie were finally able to safely get back down on the ground.
When the lights came on for the first break to start, Steve looked over at you and smiled. You smiled back and placed your head on his shoulder, the two of you waiting quietly for the next one to start. And quickly start it did.
Your smile got even bigger seeing that it was one of your favorite Buster talking shorts called The Timid Young Man. You remembered that when you had started really getting into watching everything Buster had did, you were very hesitant with watching his talking stuff because you weren’t entirely sure if you were going to like the way he sounded. But when you heard his beautiful low, Midwestern, gruff, flat baritone voice, all your worries went out the door because hearing it made you melt into a puddle.
The audience sat in silence and watched as a girl ran out of her wedding ceremony, saying how she didn’t want to marry the man then watched the scene change as another girl gets a key to Milton’s, Buster’s character, room and wakes him up to tell him that their wedding was that day.
“Last night you said you couldn’t live without me,” the woman told him.
“Oh, I must’ve been drunk,” he replied, which made the audience burst out laughing.
The audience then watched as his butler told him to leave and go up to the mountains so he wouldn’t have to marry her. It then turned into him picking up the runaway bride on his drive out, getting into a heated standoff with another driver and finally getting to camp where the woman set everything up while Milton went fishing, which in turn had the whole theater laughing over.
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Plenty of laughter came and went throughout the short, especially when the driver they had met earlier wandered on to their camp and Milton tried to get rid of him by doing several different things including pouring gasoline into the man’s salad. And when the short ended and the lights came on, you could see smiles on so many faces in the theater.
Another break happened and as you and Steve sat quietly waiting for the next one to start, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Looking behind you, you saw the couple you and Steve talked to the night before. Your excitement caught Steve’s attention and he turned around also getting excited to see them. The four of you talked for a bit during the break and got quiet when the lights dimmed down.
The title card of one of Charlie’s famous silent short’s called A Dog’s Life flashed across the screen and you were in a moment of quietude. It may not have been one of his laughter filled comedies but it did have some laughs here and there.
As soon as the dog appeared on the screen, you heard so many awww’s from every corner of the theater and most of it was from the kids. But you couldn’t help but smile too as the screen stayed on the for for a bit.
But laughter started when The Tramp got busted by a cop for trying to steal a hot dog and when the cop tried to get him, The Tramp evaded him by rolling out from under the fence, untying the cop’s shoes and kicking him when the cop got stuck under the fence.
It became quiet while the audience watched The Tramp wander around looking for a job and then finding that there was one but several others wanted it as well, the laughter broke out again seeing the poor Tramp get out smarted by the others.
But when the scene came of The Tramp saving the little dog from a bunch of other dogs, all the kids in the audience whooped and cheered which then turned to more aww’s when The Tramp took care of the little dog by giving it some milk that was left over in a bottle on someone’s doorstep to drink.
Laughs came when The Tramp came across a street food vendor who had a plate of sliced bread on the counter and he started stuffing them in his mouth, only stopping when the owner turned around to suspect The Tramp of something. And laughs came again when The Tramp snuck the dog into a pub by hiding it in his oversized pants.
You nestled your head on Steve’s chest as you watched The Tramp meet a girl in the pub, quickly fall for her but then get tossed out because he had no money to pay for his tab. Steve looked down at you and placed a soft kiss on the top of your head which made you smile and sigh contently.
Watching The Tramp go back to his outdoor sleeping spot with the dog, who he named Scraps, was the most adorable thing you could ever see.
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But soon the movie was over with laughs happening throughout the rest of the short and it was time for a longer break.
You and Steve took turns to go to the restroom and Steve got a couple boxes of candy from the concession stand as well. Coming back, he handed you a box of Reese’s Pieces, your absolute favorite. Eyeing it like a vulture, you snatched it out of his hand and as you started to open it, all he could do was laugh.
“What’s so funny?” you asked, shoveling a handful in your mouth.
“You,” he said. “It’s almost like you’ve never had candy in your life before.” “Well, excuse me if you bring over my favorite kind. I can’t help how my mind tells my body to react upon seeing my favorite candy.”
Steve just chuckled and shook his head. Another several minutes and the lights dimmed down once again for the next movie to start.
A talking Harold Lloyd movie called Feet First started and this was another one of your favorites from Harold. After all, how could you not love how hard he tries to be the best shoe salesman possible along with his sweet and boyish voice.
The audience watched as he helped a girl who got in a bad scrap with a man after her car hit his from behind then seeing Harold and the girl both instantly fall for each other.
Steve joked that that’s not how things worked in real life which made you jab your finger in his side.
“Ow,” he whispered while flinching a bit.
“Oh, don’t be such a baby,” you whispered back and linked your arms around Steve’s arm, adjusting the way you were sitting in your seat.
Laughter came and went as the audience watched Harold meet the girl again and believe her to be the boss’s daughter, which made him want to impress her even more. And then watching as he accidentally gets stuck on a ship eventually meeting the girl again along with his boss and his wife.
Gasps from the kids throughout the theater happened when Harold escaped from the ships crew by hiding in a mailbag which then got picked up and brought ashore to New York but fell off a delivery cart onto a window cleaner's cradle, which was then hoisted upwards.
More gasps and ooo’s followed as the audience watched the bag get caught on the side of the building as Harold struggled to get out of it. But laughter soon followed as everyone watched him get out of the bag after landing on the cradle and going into panic mode, clinging tightly to it and yelling for help while the two window washers at the top of the building hoisting it up were totally oblivious to then fact that Harold was on it.
Soon it was a mix of gasps and laughter as you all watched Harold try to get into the building while also trying to not fall off, along with the cradle going up and down only causing problems for him.
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When the happy ending came and the movie finished, the lights came on and the last break of the night started. You decided to pull out your phone and scroll  through your social media for a bit while Steve did the same, which made the two of you show each other several different posts which made you both laugh until the final movie started.
It was another talking Buster movie, which this one also happened to be one of your top three favorites called Speak Easily. Even though most fans considered his talking movies to not be good at all, mostly due to how MGM treated him, making a character for him that acted like a total buffoon, there were still a few decent ones and this was one of them.
The audience watched as the timid and shy Professor Post, Buster’s character, was told by his assistant to get out and see the world because the Professor was such a lonely person. He told his assistant that even though he wanted to, he couldn’t afford to spend his money to indulge on “a whim”.
Giggles from all the kids throughout the theater came when the assistant gave the Professor a letter saying that he inherited $750,000 which made the Professor excited and that he decided he was going to go out and “buy companionship”. Laughter happened while you all watched the Professor pack his trunk with anything he grabbed, including his own bed.
Quietness came while the screen showed the Professor board the train, meet the manager of a dancing troupe that was on the same train and immediately fall head over heels for one of the dancers named Pansy. Aww’s filled the theater while watching the Professor take care of a baby from someone that was part of the troupe but laughter rang out when the Professor noticed his trunk wasn’t on the train and stopped it, causing an argument with the luggage man.
Gasps came from the kids as you all found out that the letter the Professor got was actually written by his assistant only to help get him out and see the world because the assistant couldn’t stand seeing the Professor be so lonely from day to day.
Laughter came and went throughout the rest of the movie as the audience watched the Professor miss his train, meet back up with the dancing troupe at the opera house and quietness fell upon the theater when the sheriff came to take the troupes things but then the Professor paid the man which then made the manager decide to let the Professor take over the show and manage it to repay him for his kindness.
More laughter came with seeing the Professor trying to direct the show so they could get it on Broadway, get somewhat flustered and tongue-tied with a spoiled actress who joined the production, incorporating new dance moves into the show, the actress “buttering up” the Professor and then seeing the two of them get drunk at her apartment. 
Even more laughter happened when both of them fell asleep in her apartment and the Professor not realizing what happened until he woke up the next morning and tried to sneak out quietly but didn’t even manage to make it out of the bedroom without waking her.
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As more laughs came and went through the last bit of the movie with the show being put on, the manager finding out the Professor didn’t have all that money, the show crew trying to keep the Professor away from the stage and Buster causing chaos that only he would know how to do, it was sure a delight to end the night with.
When the screen went black and the lights came on to say that night number three was over, you and Steve waited until almost everyone was gone to walk back to the car. Linking your arm to Steve’s as you slowly walked through the parking lot, you placed your head on his shoulder.
“So, can I ask you yet if you’ve been having fun with this?”
You looked up at him and giggled. “And I’ll say again, do you really have to ask? This has been one of the greatest dates we’ve done.”
He smiled at you and kissed the top of your head. “You’re exactly right.”
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foryourart · 7 years
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Thursday, October 12
Agnes Varda: Ulysse, Blum & Poe (Culver City), 10am–6pm.
Talk: Gallery Talk: The Art of Looking—Carlos Almaraz, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 12:30pm.
School of Music Visiting Artist Series: Trey Spruance, CalArts (Valencia), 2–4pm.
Garden Talk & Sale - A Garden of Surprise and Allure, The Huntington (San Marino), 2:30pm.
Latin American Film Series: "Unrest, Distance, and the Future": "Neighboring Sounds", Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), 5:30pm.
A Dream within a Dream, MADE by Millworks (Long Beach), 6–9pm. 
Artist and scholar walkthroughs: Elena Shtromberg, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 6pm.
Dougall Paulson: Auraform, Blackman Cruz (Hollywood), 6pm.
Mark So: Readings 54, for Manfred, MOCA Grand Avenue (Downtown), 6pm.
S. LEE ROBINSON: Message and Intention, Keystone Art Space (Lincoln Heights), 6–10pm.
Rotem Reshef: Time Traveler, TALL WALL SPACE | UNIVERSITY OF LA VERNE (La Verne), 6–8pm.
Michael Christopher Brown – Cuba After Fidel, Annenberg Space for Photography (Century City), 6:30pm. 
Masks and the Uncanny, in Africa and Beyond, The Getty (Brentwood), 7pm.
Talk: Curator Walkthrough of "A Universal History of Infamy" with José Luis Blondet, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7pm. Sold out.
A Conversation with artist John Rosewall, Gallery 825 (West Hollywood), 7–9pm.
James Benning: Readers World Premiere, MOCA Grand Avenue (Downtown), 7pm.
Writing Now Presents: Chris Kraus, CalArts (Valencia), 7:30–10pm.
EJ Hauser: seekers/beasts, AWHRHWAR (Highland Park), 8–10pm.
Open House Dance Concert, CalArts (Valencia), 8–10pm. Also October 13.
Karen Finley: The Expanded Unicorn Gratitude Mystery, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm. Through October 15. 
Friday, October 13
Conference - The Rise of the Newspaper in Europe and America, 1600–1900, The Huntington (San Marino), 8:30am. Also October 14.
We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women, 1965–85, California African American Museum (Downtown), 10am–5pm. 
Director's Walkthrough, USC FIsher Museum of Art (Downtown), 11:30am–12:30pm.
Skirball After Hours, Skirball Cultural Center (Brentwood), 6–10pm.
Kon Trubkovich: Vigil, Moran Bondaroff (West Hollywood), 6–8pm. 
LAND's Feast of the Immortals, 627 South Carondelet Street (MacArthur Park), 6–11pm.
Pasadena ArtNight, various locations (Pasadena), 6–10pm.
African Masks from June Harwood Collection (Silent auction) and "Sharpener" (Faculty Exhibition), Pasadena City College Art Galleries (Pasadena), 6–10pm.
Los Angeles Poverty Department’s Movie Nights at the Museum: Pull of Gravity, Skid Row History Museum and Archive (Downtown), 7pm.
Art Party For Days Of Rage Housing Rights Protests, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7–10pm.
CRAFT CLUB: MINIATURE ISLET TERRARIUM, Museum of Latin American Art (Long Beach), 7–8:30pm. $10–15. 
Film: Creepshow, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm.
Art Garfunkel in Conversation, Grand Performances (Downtown), 7:30pm.
Canadian Stage Helen Lawrence, CAP UCLA (Westwood), 8pm. Also October 14.
Cyril Kuhn: The Return of Puppyman, Bozo Mag (Highland Park), 8–11pm.
CalArts Weekend, CalArts (Valencia), all day. $45–80.
Saturday, October 14
Katie Herzog: Rubbing the Internet Archive: Coffee and Donuts with the Artist, Klowden Mann (Culver City), 10am–12pm.
David Lamelas: The Other Side, Maccarone (Downtown), 10am–6pm.
Fernando de Szyszlo, Latin American Masters (Santa Monica), 11am–6pm. 
Family Fun Weekend, Annenberg Space for Photography (Century City), 11am–3pm. 
J. Millay & Jonathan Monk, LEADAPRON (West Hollywood), 12–5pm.  
Santa Fe Art Colony 28th Annual Open Studios, Santa Fe Art Colony (Downtown), 12–6pm. Also October 15. 
Project Management Workshop, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 12–3pm. $24–30.
Aztlán: A Sense of Place, dA Center for the Arts (Pomona), 12–4pm. 
Off the 405 x Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA—Helado Negro, Getty Center (Brentwood), 1–9pm.
SSP Community Council Meeting, Side Street Projects (Pasadena), 1–2pm.
PMCA 1234: Second Saturday Spotlight Talk, Pasaena Museum of California Art (Pasadena), 2pm.
The Insanity Principle, High Desert Test Sites (Joshua Tree), 2–4pm.
Franklin Williams Artist Walk-through, Parker Gallery (Los Feliz), 3pm.
Gerardo Monterrubio, Craft in America Center (Miracle Mile), 4–6pm.
HUGO CROSTHWAITE: In Memoriam: Los Angeles, MUSEUM OF SOCIAL JUSTICE (Downtown), 4–6pm.
The Great Wall of Los Angeles: Judith F. Baca's Experimentations in Collaboration and Concrete, CSU Northridge Art Galleries (Northridge), 4–7pm.
Kim Dingle: Yipes, Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects (Culver City), 5–7pm.
Kiwis in LA Art Show & Wine Tasting, Santa Monica Art Studios (Santa Monica), 6–10pm.
BEN SLEDSENS: Before the crow crows, NINO MIER GALLERY (West Hollywood), 6–8pm.
DBA, Big Pictures Los Angeles (Mid-City), 6–9:30pm.
CAFAM's Gala & Silent Auction, Craft and Folk Art Museum (Miracle Mile), 6–9pm. $200. 
Franscesc Ruiz Abad: Copy to Learn, Learn to Copy, The Lodge (East Hollywood), 6–9pm.
DIA DE LOS MUERTOS X, Cactus Gallery (Frogtown), 6–9pm. 
Replete Repeat Repeat Replete, DAC Gallery (Downtown), 6–9pm.
Duty of Care, Collective Arts Incubator (Highland Park), 6–8pm.
Art of Science/Science of Art: Frankenstein 200, El Camino College Marsee Auditorium (Torrance), 6–9pm. $5–10.
Closing for The Seer & The Stones, Infinity (West Adams), 7–10pm.
Dcypher, Lucas Raynaud, Hero, and Collin Salazar, Gabba Gallery (Koreatown), 7–11pm.
Sayre Gomez: Déjà Vu, Ghebaly Gallery (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Wanda Koop: In Absentia and Josh Callaghan: Legacy, Night Gallery, 7–10pm.
Below the Underground: Renegade Art and Action in 1990s Mexico/Más abajo que el underground: arte renegado y acción en el México de los noventa, Armory Center for the Arts (Pasadena), 7–9pm.
Wild Beast Concert Series: CalArts Alumni Big Band, CalArts (Valencia), 7:30pm.
Sunday, October 15
L.A. GOAL for the Inside Out Productions Open House & Annual Art Show, L.A. Goal (Culver City), 10am–5pm.
16th annual Art + Design Open Market, One Colorado (Pasadena), 10am–3pm.
California Mexicana: Missions to Murals, 1820–1930, Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Art Museum), 11am–5pm. 
Film: Found in Translation Film Program: No Walls, Only Bridges, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
Design Your Own Monster Youth Workshop, 356 Mission (Downtown), 1–4pm.
Artist talk: Rotem Reshef: Time Traveler, TALL WALL SPACE | UNIVERSITY OF LA VERNE (La Verne), 1–3pm.
Beautiful Parts, CSUN Art Gallery (Northridge), 2–4pm.
Talk & Book Signing - The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World, The Huntington (San Marino), 2:30pm.
Red Bull Music Academy Presents: Ryoji Ikeda: A [for 100 cars], 131 South Olive Street (Downtown), 3–7pm. 
In Person: Professor Katherine Manthorne, Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Beach), 3pm.
Social Media For Artists, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 4–7pm. $48–60.
Beyond Words: Jack Kerouac's On the Road at 60!, Beyond Baroque (Venice), 4:30pm.
Dwayne Moser, Reserve Ames (Mid-City), 5–7pm.
Open workshop: Unbound Recollections: Yair Agmon and Hagar Cygler, American Jewish University (Bel Air), 7pm.
Dr. Victoria Reuveni: Orgasmic Yoga, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 7–10pm. $20.
Here/There, FM Fine Art Gallery (Fairfax).
Monday, October 16
HDTK: California Buckwheat, Copper Mountain Mesa Community Center (Joshua Tree), 7pm.
Wark Lecture - Seeing and Knowing: Visions of Latin American Nature, ca. 1492–1859, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Double Vision: Recent Films by Janie Geiser, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm. $6–12.
Tuesday, October 17
Laurel Atwell: Exquisite Corpse, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 10:30am–1:30pm. $20.
Film: Mummy, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
CURATORS IN CONVERSATION: Karen Cordero and Laura Mart, Skirball Cultural Center (Brentwood), 2pm.
Bookmaking Workshop, USC Fisher Museum of Art (Downtown), 5:30–8:30pm.
RE:IN FORCE, MART LA (Hollywood), 6–8pm. 
Suzanne Hudson, USC Roski School of Art (Downtown), 6–8pm.
The "Concrete" in Poetry and Art, The Getty (Brentwood), 7pm.
Screening: Let It Fall: Los Angeles 1982–1992 with director John Ridley, California African American Museum (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Two Films by Sarah Minter: Nadie es Inocente and San Frenesi, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Talk: Art + Tech: Stan Douglas and Michael Govan in Conversation, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm. Sold out.
Nevins Lecture - Founding Gardeners, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Chamber Music Concert - Camerata Pacifica, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Wednesday, October 18
Painting with Nan Rae, The Huntington (San Marino), 11am–3pm. $50.
Tour and Critical Discussion, USC Fisher Museum of Art (Downtown), 2–4pm.
Curator Tour: Visual Voyages, The Huntington (San Marino), 5pm. $15.
FOWLER OUT LOUD: DAEUN JUNG, Fowler Museum (Westwood), 6–7pm.
Artist Talk: Hellen Ascoli | Artist as Mediator, Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara), 6pm.
Cosimo Cavallaro: Unidentified Space, Manhattan Beach Art Center (Manhattan Beach), 6–8pm.
A Conversation with David Lamelas, Kristina Newhouse, and Jonathan T.D. Neil, Sprüth Magers (Miracle Mile), 6:30pm.
LECTURE: HEATHER SHIREY ON PIERRE VERGER, Fowler Museum (Westwood), 7–8pm.
Journalism in Mexico: A Deadly Occupation, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Music: Art & Music: Chicano Batman, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm. Sold out. 
Max Maslansky Book Launch, STORIES BOOKS (Echo Park), 7:30pm. 
LMAO: Comedy Show, Fais Do Do (West Adams), 8–11pm.
Ellen Cantor: Pinochet Porn, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm. $6–12.
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sugaddictive · 7 years
There’s Nothing Holding Us Back (Part. 1/?) | Jeff Atkins
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Pairing : Jeff Atkins x Reader
Words : 1532
A/N: This is my first imagine ever so please be gentle, i’m french so excuse me if i made some mistakes i tried my best :) I decided to pick Jeff because i clearly had a crush on him since the first time i saw him in 13RW and we all agree HE DESERVED BETTER. I will try to write other imagine about him and the rest of the cast so send me some requests if you want. And for this one, there will be probably 4 parts I guess :)
Enjoy and spread love
- Mathilde :) xx
You’ve been watching every details of your reflection in the mirror since ten minutes, just to find something that you could change. Something you could improve. If your shirt was good enough, even though it probably is the seventh that you tried. You know Jeff will arrive in about thirty minutes but you didn’t even decided about what you will wear tonight. There are must be fifteen different outfits scattered in your room, proving your indecision.
“Whatever you’re wearing, he will like you.” You can’t help but jump when you hear your best friend’s voice, Clay. He’s leaning on the door, still wearing his favorite hoodie. You didn’t even hear the doorbell or Clay climbing the stairs because you were too focused on your flaws. You smile at him while he’s sitting on the edge of you bed, where luckily there weren’t any clothes. “I’m sorry, Clay. I didn’t notice you were here.” His lips stretch in a mocking smile. “That’s what I’ve seen.”
You let yourself fall beside him, completly desesperate. You known him since seven months but he has quickly become someone very important for you. It was him who’s been charged to show you the Liberty High the day you arrived. You just couldn’t be far from each other since that day. All of your afternoons spent together in the library allowed you two to found out common grounds. Especially Comics. Being a big fan of Marvel, particurlarly the Winter Soldier, you just couldn’t let him criticise Bucky Barnes - who clearly deserved better. And the bound become wider.
He can do something for you. He can help you with Jeff. He knows him, right ? Plus, Clay has been talking with him about Hannah. You were hoping that the baseball player could have told him what he likes in girls. “I just can’t make a choice. It’s like I can’t get dressed anymore.” He giggles at what you said and you let your head laid on his shoulder. A bra suddenly appears in front of your face and Clay shakes it. “You really want to get it on with him, huh ?” You try to push him on the floor than laugh with him. “Fuck off, Jensen.”
“I just can’t understand why you’re so scared about this date. He has seen you without makeup, all sweaty and with your awful morning face.” You stick out your tongue at him. He’s not wrong but he just can not understand. Even though all of your gym class didn’t scare Jeff, you still wanted to be the prettiest girl in his eyes. “Look Clay, boys can only wear a jean and they still appear to be handsome. But girls need to feel beautiful, desired by guys. Get it ?” 
“Yes, but…” He’s been shutted by the ringbell. Of course, it’s Hannah who goes into your room, smiling. “Hello, Y/N. Hi, Helmet.” You give her a smile while Clay was just blushing. He blushed even more when she sat next to him. He can make fun of your sexy underwear but his reaction everytime Hannah is around him is a lot more funny. The poor guy loses confidence and becomes all nervous. You really have to do something to help these lovebirds. “You both wanted to stress me even more, don’t you ?” 
“Helmet called me. And the situation is worst than I expected.” You turn to Clay who is smart enough to understand your question. “Your brother. He saw how much you seemed to be lost and since your parents aren’t home, he called me.” It’s as if you didn’t have anyone but Clay as a friend. Although, this is not totally false. But there are also Tony and Skye with whom you get on well.
And there’s Hannah. A new student like you with whom you created a true friendship since you helped each other in physics class. You tried to talk with other students like the famous groupe friends of Justin Foley but you didn’t appreciate the way they treated Hannah. So you prefered hang out with the “biggest ass” of the school instead of completly douchebags.
“What Jeff told you about your date ?” Clay is trying to reassure you making conversation with you while Hannah has her head in your closet. She really wants to help you. “Barely nothing.” you respond. She hands you a navy blue blouse that goes up to your neck, one of your favorite shirt. “Wear this one. It suits you well and I’m sure, he’ll fall for you.” Just before putting it on, you turn to Clay so that he looks somewhere else. Of course, he has seen you in swimsuit at Bryce’s parties — where you forced him to go with you — but it wasn’t the same thing as underwear. Hannah is helping you to zip up in the back and as she said, you looked pretty cute wearing this shirt.
Jeff has to pick you up at 7, you only have 8 minutes to finish preparing you — you still have to do your makeup and put on some perfume then pick out you shoes. “Don’t you have work tonight ?” You didn’t pay attention until now but they are helping you instead of working at Cresmont. “There are two new and young employees who wanted to prove they can handle the job.“ Perfect. They can see each other anywhere else than the Cresmont or the school. 
You know how to do your makeup so it only takes you 5 minutes to do it. Of course, even a date won’t separate you from your eternal pairs of Nike. All covered with little drawings from Clay, Hannah and even Jeff. There’s also a little smiley with cross eyes from Justin Foley — he made it at the first party you came at the start of the year. Your favorite one will always be the one from Tony, two little laurel leaving on each side of your shoes.* But above all, you take his letterman jacket that he gave you after one of his baseball games. From this moment, you’ve had a big sign above your head saying “Taken by Jeff Atkins. Don’t touch”. And you kind of liked that. Getting you rid of assholes like Monty de le Cruz. And you were considered being more than just a friend to him.
“What are you going to do after I go ?” You give Clay a chance to propose her to do something together. “Maybe watch a movie ?” You were praying that Clay make the first step but Jeff decided to distract you from your goal. He has the chance you like him a lot because you totally could ask him to come back later.
You froze in the middle of your room while it feels like your heart will come out of your chest. “Shit. I wasn’t ready. I’m not ready. I can’t…” Okay, you’re gonna pee on yourself in about two seconds. “Shut up, Y/N. Everything will be alright. Just take a breath and calm down.” Clay wasn’t the type of guy to swear. But you knew that when he does it, it was because something particularly affected him. He was the calm one between you two. "C'mon, Y/N. It’s not as if it was Sebastian Stan** who was here to pick you up. It’s just Jeff Atkins. But for fuck’s sake, it’s still Jeff Atkins.”
“Now, stand up and join your boy.” he pursued. You give them a quick hug. “Thank you, guys.” Just before you step out of the room, Hannah took your hand, looking deep in yours eyes. “Please. Do not miss this chance.” You smile at her, thinking of all the times she pushed you and Jeff to recognize your feelings. Jeff was having a chat with your brother about the next baseball game. They were in the same team and you were relieved to know that they get along well. Your brother knew how kind and gentle was Jeff so there was no problem with you two hanging out.
They stop their conversation as you make your way to them. He’s wearing a white t-shirt highlighting his suntanned skin. God, he’s beautiful. “You ready to go ?” You can’t help but feel a little hurt because he didn’t say anything. Even if you’re just wearing a shirt with a pair of pants and you had his jacket, you were still hoping he would say something. “Yep. We can go.” You give a kiss to your brother just before leaving and following Jeff to his car.
“I didn’t want to make you feel unconfortable by making this in front of your little brother and Clay and Hannah who were clearly spying us but…” He’s looking at you with his beautiful smile. His legendary smile that makes all the girls fall in love with him. He’s running his hand across your face to your lips, caressing it with his thumb. Then presses it while your heart is beating more and more.
“You’re absolutely gorgeous.” He kisses you a few millimeters next to your lips, just where his thumb was. Even though he didn’t kiss you, the contact of his lips on your cheek totally electrified your all body. Jeff then took your hand and didn’t let it go until you arrived. 
*so I was thinking about harry styles’ tattoo for this drawing.
**he’s the one who plays Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier) in Captain America.
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melody-everbelle · 6 months
The Morning After (Stan Laurel x Reader)
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Title: The Morning After
Pairing: Stan Laurel x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 168
Warning(s): Implied sex (no smut, though)
Summary: An irritable Ollie causes you and Stan to remember what happened last night.
Author’s Note: This is inspired by a true story: Back in December 2020, there was a Laurel and Hardy marathon on TCM, and I stayed up almost all night to watch it. The next day, my brother told me he got irritable from me apparently screaming and fangirling over Stan Laurel that night, and that was when I got inspired to write this. This one's pretty short, but I hope you enjoy it. 💖
It was a lazy morning, and you and Stan were in the kitchen, enjoying breakfast at each other's company. Oliver arrived late to the kitchen, half-surprised to see you and Stan there, as Ollie was usually the one to get up early before you or Stan did.
"Good morning, Oliver," you spoke as you took a bite out of your breakfast.
"Morning," Ollie grumbled in a seemingly irritable tone.
"What's the matter, Ollie?" Stanley asked, concerned about his friend.
"Nothing," Oliver replied. "I just hope you two slept well."
There was a moment of silence before Ollie spoke, "I couldn't sleep from all that screaming from last night."
With eyes widened and faces turned red, you and Stan turned away from each other. You both immediately remembered what happened the previous night. While it was crazy for sure, it was one of the best nights you and Stan could ever ask for. Without any words spoken, you couldn't help but let out a soft giggle from your lips.
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melody-everbelle · 1 year
I’m not giving up on writing fanfiction
Despite my Wally Darling fanfics getting more attention compared to my other fanfics (Nathan Chen and Stan Laurel), I’m still going to continue doing fanfictions for all three of them, regardless if they get any attention or not. The only thing that matters is that I’m sharing these things with the world.
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melody-everbelle · 1 year
X Reader/X OC Masterlist
I’ve decided to compile a list of all the X reader fanfics I’ve written so far. This list will be updated as soon as new fanfics are posted.
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Nathan Chen X Reader
Watch You Skate -  As Nathan is skating through the ice in Sun Valley, he can’t help but admire you from the crowd.
Skating With You -  Y/N learns how to ice skate with Nathan Chen for the first time.
On Sunday Morning -  Nathan wakes up to find a Sunday morning routine that Y/N does.
Under the Weather -  When Y/N is sick, Nathan steps in to take care of her/him/them.
Hope You’re OK -  Nathan comforts you when he finds you crying.
Pretty in Pink -  You and Nathan go on your first date… in pink.
Just Keep Breathin -  Nathan does his best to calm you down from a panic attack.
Imagine Nathan noticing you singing
Nightmare -  Nathan comforts you after you wake up from a nightmare that he and Mariah Bell are together.
Songwriting -  You and Nathan write a song together.
Under the Mistletoe -  You and Nathan spend your first Christmas since getting together.
Santa Tell Me -  All you ever want for Christmas is someone to love you all year long... and you know just the right person for it.
Blue Christmas -  Despite Christmas being the happiest time of the year, you and Nathan spend the day missing each other.
Cheer Up! -  Nathan figures out how to cheer you up when you’re depressed from an exhausting day.
Lucky in Lingerie -  Y/N gives Nathan a very sexy surprise 😉
Smut Alphabet (April Fool’s)
It’s Showtime -  Nathan hosts SNL while you're the musical guest for the first time.
Sally’s Song -  Considering Nathan’s future after skating, Y/N is left with uncertainty.
We’re Simply Meant To Be -  Before Nathan goes back to college, he decides to give Y/N a surprise.
Michael In The Bathroom -  When Y/N discovers that Nathan is acting flirty towards Mariah, they go to the bathroom whilst suffering from a panic attack.
Pulled (In A New Direction) -  You've been a goth all your life. One day, however, a certain Olympic figure skater changes your life forever.
The Tennessee Tango -  During the 7th Annual Scott Hamilton and Friends, Nathan and Y/N get buzzed and things get out of hand.
Coming Clean -  When Nathan finds out about the fanfictions you've written about him, you have no choice but to come clean to him.
Nathan Chen X OC
Toyota Sports Festival -  Elizabeth Simmons has dreams of meeting Nathan Chen in person... One day, her dream finally comes true.
R.E.M. -  After the Toyota Sports Festival, Elizabeth has a dream.
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Stan Laurel (Laurel and Hardy) X Reader
For the First Time -  Y/N meets Stan for the first time, and sparks begin to fly.
In Lugh -  When Stan begins notice your romantic feelings, he explains these feelings to you.
The Morning After -  An irritable Ollie causes you and Stan to remember what happened last night.
Ticklish -  What was supposed to be a make-out session between you and Stan turns into an all-out tickle fight.
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Wally Darling (Welcome Home) X Reader
Sweetener -  Wally comforts you when you have a bad day
I Won’t Say I’m In Love -  You try to convince yourself that falling in love with Wally is a bad idea. However, your neighbors think the opposite. 😉
I Won’t Say I’m In Love (Part 2) -  After the events from last night, you tell Wally about how you feel.
Imagine Wally comforting you after a breakup
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Pee-wee Herman X Reader
If I Let You Go -  When Pee-wee confesses his feelings for you, you struggle to reciprocate them.
Enchanted (Taylor’s Version) -  At the night of a party in Puppetland, you tell Pee-wee how you feel.
Bailando -  During tonight’s ball, your friendship with Pee-wee becomes more than that after an encounter with his enemy.
Crossover Fanfics
Pee-wee Meets Hoops and Yoyo -  Hoops and Yoyo spend a day at Pee-wee’s playhouse.
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melody-everbelle · 1 year
I’m now on AO3!
Check it out if you’re interested: https://archiveofourown.org/users/DestinyLaurelWrites
Also, you might notice that some of the fanfics I’ve posted on here haven’t appeared on AO3. This was done intentional as I don’t want to overwork myself with having to post so many fics at once.
I’ll add the link to my Linktree as well.
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melody-everbelle · 1 year
In Lugh (Stan Laurel x Reader)
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Title: In Lugh
Pairing: Stan Laurel x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 559
Warning(s): None but fluff :)
Summary: When Stan begins notice your romantic feelings, he explains these feelings to you.
Author’s Note: This fanfic was inspired by the scene in Swiss Miss. I wanted to make my own X reader version of the scene, with a little twist :3
This was originally going to be my first X reader fanfic of 2023, but a lot had happened, so this was in my drafts for a while. However, you can thank my crush on Wally Darling from Welcome Home and the fanfictions of him for getting me back into it. 😉
You had known Stan for quite some time now, however your feelings for him had not manifested... until a particular incident happened.
It all started when you were chatting with Stan like usual. Despite being the goofball he was, he managed to be poise when it came to conversing with people other than his best friend Ollie. The chat ended with Stan doing his distinctive smirk, causing your heart to flutter slightly and your cheeks to turn a shade of red.
Flash forward to today, you sat alone on the couch in the living room of Stan’s house, your mind still wandering about him and how attractive he was. As Stan entered the room, he couldn’t help but notice you all by yourself. Your mind’s fixation of him was interrupted when he sat next to you and asked “What the matter?”
You jumped and looked around, only to find Stan next to you. Oh, you thought, it’s just him. You tried your best not to act awkward around him, but it was impossible, with your cheeks flushing red and your hands covering your face. “I... don’t know,” your voice muffled through your hands.
“I know,” Stan replied. Hearing him say that caused your hands to let go of your face.
“What is it?” You turned to him, waiting for a response.
There was a moment of silence until Stan uttered, “You’re in love.”
Wait, what?! You thought, your heart racing faster than usual.
“In what?” Your eyes widened at Stan’s response.
“In love. L-U-G-H, love,” he nodded.
“Am I?”
“You certainly are.”
Oh snap, you thought. How did Stan, the guy you had a massive crush on, know you were in love? But to make it more shocking, did he even know you had feelings for him? This situation was even more awkward than you expected, as your face turned more red.
“How did you...?”
“It’s easy,” Stan explained, “look at the silly, sloppy look on your face. Look at it.”
You were already aware you looked, in Stan’s words, “silly and sloppy,” but the fact that Stan knew your feelings was more unbelievable. “Is that what it is?” You asked, pretending to be naïve.
Stan nodded. “You mind if I tell you something else?”
“I’m in love with you, too.” He displayed his distinctive smirk once again.
Wait, you thought. So Stan likes me, too? Now the fact that Stan confessed his feelings for you in this very moment was way more crazier than him noticing your feelings.
“T-tell me some more, Stanley,” you stuttered, albeit relieved that Stan reciprocated your feelings for him.
“There’s nothing to tell,” he replied. “I just knew you liked me from the start, so that’s why I wanted to do this.” Stan leaned over to your face, pressing his lips against yours. Your eyes widened in shock at the touch of his lips, but you eventually placed your hands on his cheeks, kissing him back before your and his lips parted from each other. What happened to be your first kiss was also your most passionate one.
“You know what,” you said, “you’re right.”
The both of you smiled with your noses nuzzling each other.
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melody-everbelle · 2 years
For the First Time (Stan Laurel x Reader)
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Title: For the First Time
Pairing: Stan Laurel x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 396
Warning(s): None :)
Summary: Y/N meets Stan for the first time, and sparks begin to fly.
Author's Note: My first Stan Laurel x Reader fanfic, woo-hoo! 🎉
Long story short, I got a wee bit bored from writing Nathan Chen fanfiction, so I decided to conjure this up. I haven’t watched Laurel and Hardy in a while, so I apologize if the characters are out-of-character. Also, this one’s pretty short, but it’s worth the read if you love Stanley as much as I do 🥰
"Now remember," Ollie reminded you as the two of you walked to the door, "before you meet my friend, Stanley, I just want to tell you that he's a bit of a bull in a china shop."
"Really?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, he certainly is," he warned. "Whenever I'm around him, something always goes wrong."
You quietly chuckled with your hand covering your mouth as you listened to what Ollie had to say about his friend, Stan. It couldn't be that bad, right? Eventually, Ollie opened the door to his apartment, which revealed a slender figure in a Derby hat sitting in an armchair, with its back facing towards you and Ollie.
"There you are, Stanley!" Ollie exclaimed as Stan got up from the chair and turned around. "I'd like you to meet my good friend, Y/N," he introduced Stan to you.
To your surprise, Stan was actually more attractive than you imagined. "So you must be Y/N," he commented, with you shyly nodding in response. "I'm Stanley Laurel, but you may call me Stan," he pulled off his trademark smirk.
Your cheeks glowed red as Stan smiled at you. He's so cute, you thought. No wonder Ollie wanted me to meet him. But the two of you just met, so you managed to keep your composure and shared a little bit about yourself to him.
You spent the rest of the visit chatting with Stan, with him showing off some of his tricks, such as the thumb-lighter trick. Having the chance to know him just made you fall for him, despite how silly he was at times. Eventually, it was getting late, which meant you had to go home, but before that, you stayed for dinner with the duo. Before you left, Ollie walked you to the door, asking, "So, what do you think about Stan?"
"I... really like him," you replied, trying not to tell him about your feelings for his friend.
"Good," Ollie nodded. "Hopefully, we can spend some time together again soon."
You waved goodbye to Stan and Ollie and left the apartment. Despite you walking home, your feelings for Stan remained strong, and it was impossible for you to let your mind wander off of him, which meant you wanted to meet him again. It was from that day on that you were in love with him.
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melody-everbelle · 2 years
POV: You have a crush on Stan Laurel and he likes you back
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melody-everbelle · 2 years
About My X Reader Fanfictions
Since I’ve been getting a lot of ideas for my X reader fanfics (Mainly Nathan Chen X Reader), I’m going to spend sometime writing about them when I’m not busy drawing. So far, I have one other fanfic I’ve written, but it needs a lot of work, and it’s fairly long.
As for my Stan Laurel fanfics, I’m not exactly sure when I’ll be able to write/post them, but maybe when I get bored of writing my Nathan Chen fanfics, then I’ll probably start working on them.
Can’t wait to work on my fanfics tonight ✨
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melody-everbelle · 2 years
Listening to this now, I can definitely imagine Nathan Chen and Stan Laurel singing this because they don't have any X reader fanfics on Tumblr yet, if only there was a male duet available. 😭😂
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melody-everbelle · 2 years
Possible X Reader fanfictions on here?
After so long, I think I’m finally ready to write some X Reader fanfiction, first starting off with Stan Laurel from Laurel and Hardy, since there’s hardly any of it on here (at least as far as I know), and I have a crush on him so much. However, I’m going to read some more X Reader fanfiction for some inspo and rewatch Laurel and Hardy movies because it’s been a while since I’ve last watched their movies, and I don’t want to write a fanfic where the characters are out-of-character.
Also, there will be NO NSFW fanfics (Saucy/suggestive fanfics are the only thing close to it that I’m comfortable writing), but some of my fanfics may contain and touch upon sensitive topics, such as mental health and trauma.
So yeah, if you’re here for some X Reader fluff, follow this account and stay tuned! 💖
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