#star trek TOS zine
pityroadart · 6 months
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Physician, Heal Thyself
So excited to finally share my piece for the first issue of @sponeszine! The theme was 'firsts', so here's a scene from the episode 'Miri' — the first time Spock thinks he's going to lose McCoy
Gouache and gold ink details on 100% cotton watercolour paper, approx A5 size. This was my second ever full gouache painting, stylistically based on the previous TOS Spones piece I did for a @fuckyeahspones event a few years ago. Definitely a labour of love, but I'm SO happy with how it turned out.
And definitely go check out the @sponeszine zine and blog, to see all the other wonderful artists and writers featured alongside this piece!
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agios-rio · 1 year
You are receiving SPOCKANALIA because:
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Spockanalia, Issues 1-5. 1967-1970
[Available as PDFs]
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spirk-trek · 14 days
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Nightvisions Fanzine & Novel | Merle Decker, Signe Landon (1979)
Nightvisions, by Susan K. James and Carol A. Frisbie, is one of the first standalone k/s novels published in a zine. It can be read in full here!
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i-actually-post-stuff · 5 months
It's about time I share my piece for @sponeszine 2024!
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Please go check out the Zine and look at all the wonderful contributions from everyone else!
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zineobiology · 6 months
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Welcome to the Zine O’Biology (closed! Release early 2025)
A multi-fandom Star Trek Zine.
Do you have strong opinions on Vulcan fra’als, Cardassian tails, or how the heck Trill symbionts reproduce? We want to hear from you!
The Zine O’Biology is a fictional comparative xenobiology academic journal set in the Star Trek universe. If you’ve always wanted to wax eloquent for up to 3000 words about your theories on alien biology, welcome to your new home!
We want all your theories about all your favorite aliens! This is a friendly but competitive academic journal where the content of every paper is a little bit suspicious (is this paper based on rumor or fact? What is the methodology?) and some competing authors leave snarky comments on one another’s work. So just like a real academic journal, except ours features the Great Green Anthurium.
We welcome xenobiology articles on all Star Trek aliens from all series!
The final format will be a PDF that you can scroll at your leisure or print at home in order to have a physical copy of the Zine. (This way there is no money involved.)
Alien biology articles
Alien biology artwork
In-Universe advertisements
Letters to the editor
How do Andorian genders work? Are Cardassians actually lizards? Why do Klingons have so many redundant organs? What’s the biological purpose of Bajoran nose ridges? What’s the best cement mix for emergency surgery on a Horta?
You’ve been pondering alien biology for years. This is your chance to infodump all your favorite theories to an eager audience of your fellow nerds!
Articles will be separated into two categories: reproductive biology or general biology. Yes, we also want all your theories on what every species is packing downstairs…and how they use it.
Journal articles should be fun and engaging, but also written in your interpretation of a pseudo-academic style, since this is a highly respected Federation xenobiology journal. If you want to keep things more lighthearted and less academic, check out the section on Letters to the Editor.
If you have independent illustrations about alien biology we would love to see them! If you would like to provide illustrations for one of our journal articles, tell us what species you want to illustrate and we’ll do our best to match you up!
Art should be in a square, scaleable format, printable at high resolution at 4x4 inches.
Even in a post-need future, academic journals will need a little extra funding. Submit your ads for Ferengi Oomox Creme, Self Sealing Stem Bolts, Gently Used Federation Technology, and, of course, “reproductive aids.” The weirder the better! Have fun with it!
All art needs to be printable at high resolution
Ad Sizes:
full page: 4.5" x 7.5"
Column: 2.21" x 7.5"
Half Page: 4.5" x 3.75"
Square: 2.21" x 2.18" (i know its not a perfect square but trust me)
Half square: 2.21" x 1.1"
Banner: 4.5" x 0.83"1.75
Do you have a great idea, but it’s not enough to fill out a 3000 word article? Submit it as a “reaction” to a previous journal article. Feel free to lay into a mythical researcher who does NOT understand why their biological theory is wrong and yours is right!
Max length 800 words. Enjoy making these plenty frothy!
The creators of this Zine are all notorious Vulcan Fuckers. Since we want the Zine O’Biology to be open to all alien species, it is only logical that we seek your expertise.
We’re seeking fans from all over the Star Trek universe to spread the word that yes, it’s time for us to all come together in the spirit of explaining how our favorite aliens come together.
Sub-Editors will be in charge of helping us solicit articles and art for their specific race of aliens and editing those articles in order to fit into the Zine. If we don’t have a sub editor for a species, we’ll do our best, but the chapter on that species won’t be as good as it would be if folks with real fanon knowledge were involved.
Graphic designers to help with Zine layout
Social media promoters
Alien art and article wranglers (ie: get your fannish friends involved!)
Fill out the Art or Writing (Applications now closed) Google Form letting us know your interests or reach out to the Editor in Chief at [email protected]
August 1, 2024: Last date for everyone seeking an art or writing partner to submit their request. We don’t guarantee you’ll be partnered up. It depends on how many people are interested and what aliens they want to draw/write.
August 18, 2024: Art/Writing partners notified. NOTE: it’s both fine and encouraged if you want to submit as a team from the start! This is for people who do not have a partner and would like us to find them one.
August 30, 2024: Final call for all journal authors, artists, and advertisers to let us know what species they’re working with, how many submissions they plan to send, and whether their submission will be general or reproductive biology.
October 20, 2024: All art, advertising, and journal submissions are due
We hope to have the Zine O’Biology ready for your enjoyment by New Year’s Eve 2024. We all have full time jobs and lives, so that date may change depending on the volume of submissions.
What if my biological theories are totally different from another author’s?
Yes. Perfect. We love it.
We want to see everyone’s theories! Canon gave us scraps, but together we will make a meal! Expect to see many mutually contradictory articles. That’s part of the fun!
What about Smut?
Yes, we are accepting E rated submissions! The journal will be separated into two sections:
General Biology
Reproductive Biology
General Biology is everything but the genitals
Reproductive Biology should include actual descriptions of the mechanics and biology. Think of it as creating reference material for smut writers and artists.
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serious-goose · 1 year
me explaining to someone how spirk shaped media, modern fandom and fan culture
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archersartcorner · 3 months
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Saw those easy zine instructions goin around… once again just got possessed by the spirit of a 60s housewife and made it K/S themed 😭
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raisins-n-space · 4 months
i love going on ebay to look at the first edition copies of killing time (going for auction) only to look at the ‘five other watchers’ and be like ah. there they are… spirk fans in the wild <3
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purpleenma · 7 months
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Teaser of my three mirror!Spirk illustrations for the Dark Reflections zine.
Coming soon.
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sttermsofservice · 10 months
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Hello dear people of the Star Trek fandom.
As you might know, several months ago this zine began work on it's second edition. To that end, we posted an interest check as a link to a Google form so we could get an accurate idea of how many people might actually purchase the zine. This is a critical step for us, because we endeavor to run this zine at a net-zero. No one makes any money off of this; not contributors, mods, editors, no one. To be frank, one of our editors spent several thousand dollars of their own money on the first edition because math is Really Hard. This was not an issue, but it's something we want to try and avoid in the future.
That interest check has been open for over a month and has had 29 responses. Honestly, we can't base our numbers off of that and we can't really continue to put in effort if it looks like the zine won't sell.
Below, we're going to put a poll in this post that will run for a week. Please reblog this post if you're in the Trek fandom and please respond. If we don't get a good number of responses on this poll, we are going to have to scrap the project and remain as a one-and-done zine.
Just so you're aware, our last zine was 151 pages and $25 for a physical copy, $15 for the merch, $7 for the PDF, and $35 for both the zine and merch (USD, not including shipping costs). We're working hard to bring those numbers down, especially the shipping costs, but we can't do our calculations without knowing who might be interested. We realize this post is long, but we wanted to be frank with you all. This project will be dead in the water if we don't know you're actually interested.
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emilinqa · 2 months
hiii i put all my star trek art into a digital zine and stuck it on itch. theres finished work, sketches, process stuff, all in one place for your enjoyment. never seen before! hot off the presses! its a few bucks if you want!
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pityroadart · 6 months
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2022 vs 2024 (and, shockingly, not a single gouache painting between the two)
I based the second one stylistically on the first, but it's very cool to see how my skills have improved over the years! Whilst I've not painted much in gouache, there's definitely a lot of transferable skills from my watercolour practice.
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rainpelt25 · 4 months
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She went to the future and they care for her and love her and give her so many treats
Alt. Without text !!
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If you guys don't know the dogs name is Laika, and she was the first earth being to go into space, from what I remember she looped the earth 4 times and then passed away from stress and dehydration. Hoping some faraway aliens found and her and give her lots of pets
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spirk-trek · 14 days
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Organia Fanzine | Merle Decker, 1982
“We used to come here all the time when we were kids,” Jim told him, flopping down on his back on the grass, “because nobody ever bothered us.” Spock followed his lead more gingerly, making sure there were no nettles or honeybees beneath him before he allowed himself to sit.
Curiously, he examined the strange vegetation around them: white filigree Queen Anne’s lace, exotic milkweed pods bursting with silky down, thistles with their soft, shaggy indigo flowers. A yellow butterfly drifted by on effortless wings. For once, Jim knew the variety, he did not. 
Jim reached up and stroked his cheek fondly. “You never stop being a scientist, Spock.”
“The vegetation here is extremely rich,” he muttered, studying the drops of white fluid that seeped from a broken milkweed stem.
“I’ll bet you could spend a lifetime studying it.” Jim took his hand gently and lifted it from the grass to hold it in his own.
The cool, firm touch struck a chord of pleasure within him, and he looked at Jim, an eyebrow raised. “At least a lifetime.”
Jim squeezed his hand. “The hell with Starfleet, then. The hell with the Admiralty, the Lexington, the Outer Rim -- Let’s stay right here.”
Spock’s heart thudded ridiculously, so hard he had to turn his face away, afraid his expression would betray him. “It is warmer here than in San Francisco,” he said irrelevantly.
Jim nodded. “Almost as warm as Vulcan. But you’d have to hibernate in the winter.”
“Actually, I should prefer to stay awake,” Spock answered drily. 
Kirk pulled himself up by Spock’s hand and leaned toward him. “What would you do without your computers?” he asked lightly, trying to sound mock-teasing. But the undertone of sadness in his voice betrayed him.
Spock shook his head ruefully. “My computers. And your command.”
He had not meant to sound bitter, but Kirk’s eyes clouded over, and he was silent for several moments. Finally, he spoke. “I need you, too, you know.”
Spock nodded, looking down at his hand, still holding Kirk’s. “I know.”
“You’re probably going to tell me now that both needs are illogical.”
The words pricked a schoolboy memory somewhere deep in the recesses of Spock’s mind, and a corner of his mouth curved up infinitesimally.
“Why’re you smiling?” Kirk asked, puzzled. Spock looked at him quizzically. Only Jim would read that gesture as a smile.
“You have reminded me of a well-known problem…”
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spongynova · 1 month
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It's always bitter when a zine is cancelled, here is the piece I made for @darkreflections-zine. Sending hugs and thoughts to the team.
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athymelyreply · 6 months
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Push and Pull
One of my 2 pieces for @sponeszine which you should go check out HERE!!!
ID in alt
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