#star wars princess leia
iffltd · 1 year
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    Princess Leia, D i f f e r e n t   L o o k s ,  E p i s o d e   t o  E p i s o d e
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“Leia Organa was born into pain, she grew up in struggle, was forged in heartbreak, and yet still courageously clung to hope.” 
-my favorite thing ive ever written about Leia
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foxchainships · 2 years
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Request for anonymous
If you want me to draw your favorite ship, send over a DM :)
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tonsillessscum · 5 months
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Leia post in honor of Carrie Fisher’s passing which was 7 years ago today.
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spiderbae2319 · 6 months
We don’t talk about Leia killing Jabba enough. Her grandmother and father were born into slavery. Her blood was that of the desert sand and the shackles of bondage. Leia was never more a Skywalker than the day she strangled her slave master with the very chains he used to bind her. The daughter of Anakin Skywalker was the one who killed Tatooine’s most notorious slaver, and I find that really beautiful.
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kelvnn · 17 days
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The light of Alderaan still travels through space and time, if you look up at the night sky it's like it never really left ✨ Happy May the 4th!
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vexwerewolf · 1 month
I think an underappreciated element of Leia's character is that even after days or weeks of ruthless interrogation interspersed with torture, she still had the presence of mind to identify a feature of the Stormtrooper who barged into her cell that she could mock.
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sabictlali · 1 month
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Perfect interaction with your kiddo
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milkcioccolato · 2 months
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Jedi Master Maul faces the greatest obstacle of his existence: being tiny
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
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sits on the floor and thinks about how the twins' extreme force sensitivity probably connected them before they even knew each other
(support me on kofi!)
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galactic-rhea · 2 months
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this...kinda just started with me trying a new brush i made, also yes that text in the panel where Vader is kneeling doesn't fit with the tone of the rest of the comic, but alas!! I apologize for the wonkiness
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chrismho · 4 days
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getting yelled at by the skywalker siblings
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This is probably my favorite thing I’ve ever written, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! It’s about our favorite Space Princess, Leia, because of course it is (I just can’t help myself)
Read on AO3 here
Leia stood staring at herself in the mirror, scrutinizing everything she could see. Her dress wasn’t white enough, it had one too many tiny wrinkles (wrinkles that would be unnoticeable to anyone else but the trained eye of Alderaanian royalty). There was one hair out of place from her tight crown of braids, and the bun that was secured on the top of her head could’ve been higher. Her makeup was too flashy, or perhaps not noticeable enough. Her skin was too pale, despite the hours spent outside whenever the weather was warm and the sun was kind. Her eyes weren’t gentle enough. Her smile wasn’t wide enough. 
Leia was never one to care too deeply about her appearance, but today was a special day. Today was a big day. 
Today was her sixteenth birthday, which would’ve been a big deal for any young girl, but for Leia it meant only one thing—The Day of Demand. The day she would stand in front of her parents, in front of the court, and in front of all Alderaan and announce her intention and dedication to one day take the throne as its queen. The day she would accept her inheritance as the rightful ruler of Alderaan when her mother decided it was time for her to step down.
Leia Organa was not shaken easily. She had been raised to stare challenges and looming situations in the face with grace and confidence, never allowing nerves to take control. But as she stared at herself wearing the traditional stark white dress of royalty, with her hair braided exactly like her mother’s, she felt her hands shake. She felt her heart race. The only thing that kept her two feet standing still instead of running to the forest to take refuge in her favorite tree was the thought of her mother at sixteen, staring at herself in this very mirror, maybe feeling all the same feelings Leia felt in this moment. 
But she knew she wasn’t feeling everything Leia was, for how could she? Her mother was born into the long line of Alderaanian royalty, her blood swirled with the power and authority of the generations before her. Her mother had never been looked down on by her cousins as they spat out "you're not even a real Organa", those words ringing in her ears, haunting her sleepless nights, the venom of "you're not one of us" cutting deeper than any knife. Leia, although loved and accepted into her family, was not born of it. Leia tried not to think about her birth, or her birth parents she never knew, because she believed in her core, as she always had, that Breha and Bail were more her parents than whoever created her. But on days like this, when she held the weight of Alderaanian tradition on her shoulders, she couldn’t help but feel like an imposter. She felt as if she was taking something that wasn’t hers. 
Even though Leia was Alderaan, through and through. The water that flowed through her planet coursed in her veins, giving her the life and grace it gave the rivers. The gentle winds that blew flower blossoms from the trees in the spring resided in her lungs and gave her the power to advocate on behalf of her people. The warmth that filled the sun seeped into her heart and softened it towards those in need. Alderaan raised Leia, and it was home. 
But she could not claim it as her mother could. 
Her mother. 
She thought of all that she received from her parents. A home. A life. A place in the long line of Alderaanian royalty. An inheritance of wealth and power and security and nobility. And she was grateful. 
But it was days like this when she would wonder about what her life would’ve been if she had not been so lucky. If she had not been chosen by Bail and Breha, if she had not been welcomed into the open arms of Alderaan. 
 Leia knew more about her birth mother than her father. She had been told by her adoptive parents that her mother had been a queen and a senator, a strong and determined woman who accomplished all she set her mind too. She had been told that she was a leader, fearless and stubborn. She was kind and compassionate and her heart ached for those in need, and she was always the first to extend aid to hurting planets and hungry people. Her mother would tell her stories, 
“Her name was Padme and she was the Queen of Naboo. When she was only fourteen years old she helped lead her planet through an occupation, and she is remembered as one of the best Queens Naboo ever had.” 
Her father, then, would chime in, 
“After she was Queen she became a Senator, and she was a fierce and respected voice in the Senate. During the Clone Wars she was a strong defender of the Republic and she believed whole-heartedly in Democracy. She advocated for the rights of Clones and sought a peaceful way to end the war. She was not only a political ally, but a close friend.” 
Leia never knew how to respond to these things, and she was almost grateful that they were rarely spoken of.
The Queen of a planet at fourteen years old, and here Leia was at sixteen, a Princess and one day Queen, looking at the future in front of her with doubt and worry. 
Maybe she had been born into royalty, although she knew Naboo was a democratic monarchy, but maybe that didn’t make a difference. 
Maybe leading was her birthright. 
Leia learned young to not ask of her birth father. When she would ask of her mother, both her parents would smile fondly and often a few tears could be seen swimming in her mothers eyes. But when she asked of her father, her dad stiffened and her mom began fidgeting with her hands and they both shared an apprehensive look. After moments of silence, it was always her dad who answered, 
“We don’t know much of your father. It was not uncommon on Naboo to bear children on one’s own, using science. Perhaps that's what happened. I never asked Padme, and she never spoke openly of it. Now, Leia, why don’t you go find your mother a flower from the gardens, the Flame-Lily’s are just beginning to bloom and you know how much she loves them.” 
 So there Leia stood, the clothes on her back and the hair on her head claiming her as Alderaanian, generations of tradition draping her in peace and democracy and freedom, the tenants of her planet. It seemed unnatural, the simple, pure dress and the modest braids signifying power and nobility, but to those on Alderaan, everything about Leia’s appearance sent a clear message: she was born to lead, and one day, her name would not be Princess, but Queen. 
But while her outward appearance was Alderaan through and through, her heart felt torn. For there had always been a small part of it that the gentle Alderaanian sun couldn’t penetrate, a part that felt as cold as the snow that topped Appenzza Peak. A part that felt coarse and rough, words that were rarely ever used on Alderaan. It was as if there was a part of her missing, a part of her inheritance that she would never fully receive. She wondered if she would ever be able to feel whole, or if the mystery of her birth would leave her unfulfilled, unsatisfied, with questions that could never be answered, for the rest of her days. 
Lost in thought, she didn’t notice the time passing until a handmaiden burst in the room telling her it was time to go, that she was expected in the throne room to begin the ceremony. Wiping a stray tear and fixing a willful piece of hair, Leia swallowed her doubt and fear and reminded herself of who she was despite the questions. 
The daughter of Queen Breha and Viceroy Bail of the House of Organa, Princess of Alderaan.
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p12lysanderdelanne · 7 days
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luke learns what a difference water makes to sand
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tyquu · 9 days
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This was a lot funnier out loud,,, oh well! Ezra and Leia are beyblade buddies
Ezra’s Text unclipped:
I carry it round with me in case I ever run into the princess again cause she totally kicked my ass last time we battled and made off with half my pocket money which is so not fair cause she’s rich asf and I was literally homeless for like, seven years, but I forgive her cause she’s my bestie and I miss her a lot tbh, we holo call sometimes whenever I can get the VPN to work but it’s not the same. Like how are we meant to beyblade battle over the holonet??
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supertaliart · 16 days
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Just thinking about the Skywalker Twins getting to develop that good sibling energy.
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