goron-king-darunia · 2 years
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Eggtober 26 Century Egg or “Beyond Reach”, A Starbot Fanart. Clip Studio Paint and Pixel It (Not to diminish the talent of pixel art artists, but I’m not doing this by hand, dot by dot, like pointillism. Sorry. XD) Gouache Brush and Gouache Blender with a new tool! Cloud Brush for that nebula. (Also I “Cheated” a little bit by using a 3D model to get little Starbot’s pose correct because I have not practiced enough anatomy to attempt that on my own yet.) Countless colors and hours because this was a labor of love. General estimate is 20-ish colors and 1.5 hours? Starbot is a game about what it means to be human and, to paraphrase from Johanna Warren’s song “Your Glow” it’s about the harrowing ordeal of having to feel love and pain and fear and sorrow. The game is loosely based on “The Little Prince” and is open about this fact. That should give you some idea of how this game will wreck you if you’ve ever read the book. The game also relies heavily on Eggs as a motif. Rich with metaphor, eggs are. And the century egg here is a metaphor on my part. I’ll leave the interpretation up to y’all. I just knew that one of these had to be a Starbot piece, and when I remembered century eggs, I knew it had to be the motif for the Starbot art. Releasing this on the 26th in honor of the game’s birthday. Starbot was released on itch.io on December 26th 2014. I don’t think I played it the year it came out, but I did play it a while back. I knew what was coming when I played. It still turned my guts inside out and wrung the existentialism from all my tender meaty bits. The game improves on the inspiration’s themes, in my opinion. Also, since I’m scheduling this post, I think this makes the 25th the only day I’ve done 3 Eggs back to back. Couldn’t help it. The ADHD hyperfocus hit just right and I had to make all the eggs. Big thanks as always to @quezify​ for being the impetus to all this. Enjoy the non-pixelated version under this Read More cut.
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cosmic-yan · 1 year
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(character by @thestarbot)
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Character Profile
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Name: Project: Archimedes aka Archie (ARCH13)
Age: 28 (he's been an AI in a phone for most of that time but his android/human body reflects his age.)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Eyes: luminescent blue. (They glow)
Height: 6'0"
Accent: Bristol (English)
Voice Claim: Wheatley (Portal 2 as performed by Stephen Merchant)
Face Claim: Matt Mercer
Favorite sense: smell
Favorite food: Sushi
Fashion sense: Somewhere between Business Casual and not giving a fuck. He usually steals his clothes from Max anyways on his off days.
Backstory: was an AI assistant and creation to doctor Mattias Madison, aiding in the assistance of hunting supernaturals in his early days. Then being tasked with watching over a young Izzy when she was a child. The floating eye watched the young girl play in her happy home. As Isabella grew up, Archie remained the same loyal companion he always had.
Something stirred inside his shell. A feeling of longing. The closer he was to her the deeper his feelings got. Rather than experience heartbreak, he locked those feelings inside and accepted that he would see Izzy grow and die without him, but he could not deny how he felt about her forever.
Tags: @rottent33th @slaasherslut @devil-doll13 @bluecoolr-main @ajarofpickledtears @shonkgobonk @soupbabe @slasherscrybaby @solmints-messyocdiary @ahmnom @probably-a-plant-thing @damien-mlm @kalid-raven @angxlslasher @allthingsblood
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dipply · 2 years
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Doopy draw stuff (art fight attacks)
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blossompuppy · 1 year
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residntalien · 2 years
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Hii!!! I'm starbot! I use he/they/she pronouns and I’m a genderfluid college student with a love for fashion! I love fashion history and learning about trends. My personal style takes inspiration from everything: fetish goth, ‘90s grunge, maximalism, preppy, 2000s, etc. I love thrifting and upcycling too!
As a queer Latino who grew up in a very white Italian town, I felt like I didn’t belong long before I came out. It took me a while to figure out who I was, and fashion was there with me. I’ve learned it’s okay to be different.
This blog is both an exploration of trends with moodboards, and my own personal fashion journey, which I hope can help you. I also hope in the future to post my other writing pieces as well :)
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(cover inspo: @/5outho)
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pitofpurple · 3 months
so upset about AI comic dubs. Gen Alpha deserves better. Gen alpha deserves 3 girls and the occasional man voicing 5 different men each using slightly different tones and terrible accents not this AI crap that doesn’t even get the words in the right order
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utmvarchive · 24 days
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flyingunrestrained · 6 months
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‘tis the season mother FUCKERS
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the-moon-pal · 2 months
OH!! HELLOO!! its so good to see u!! :] and thank you sm!! <3
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sunset-bridge · 10 months
Can I ask what those monster designs are for? I like them a lot :0
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THANK YOU for enabling me guys,,, SNIFFS ur so real all of you real cuervoheads
ANYWAYS. ok honestly i need to iron details A LOT of them but basically, it stemmed from this drawing i did for day one of ake shoe week, i got a beauty and the beast idea so i drew that on the fly. BUT LATER i kept rotating it in my head the concept and like. yea
so. basic idea is that goro was a normal guy but his dad is a little bastard and cursed him with the mask, transforming him into a beast, presumably so he wouldnt interfere with anything since hes like a . king or an important general or smth so it would be a scandal etc etc. then he sent him to a funny forest and goro is cursed to never be able to take the mask off and also never get out of the forest as long as hes wearing it. anyone else can enter and get out just fine its just goro whos kinda trapped there like a cute lion circling a cage so he goes a bit. bit delulu and also hes of course so mad at everyone
AND sergio ok. i havent quite decided but for now i think hes like. the son of the queen of some sort of flower kingdom but the queen didnt really. want him (T_T). but ok whatever hes here now because people kinda found out she was gonna have a kid so it would be abit sus if . he disappeared. anyways hes like half demon or something yes. so hes obvs not his dad's son (the king) but the queen pretends he is and also everyone believes this BUT sergio knows the truth obvs like. hey why am i half demon huh.,,. ANYWAYS his demon transformation is triggered by strong honest emotions of any kind , so he developed a cute Psychological Mask (pp...pers..on...a) where hes so unauthentic and pretends to be a cute little bumbling but charming idiot macho man etc etc just a bro guy yes thats sergio thats him yup totally cute prince flower guy and absolutely NOthing else.
OK so . i have no idea why but i guess sergio has to go into the forest for some reasonnn and he meets the Beast who is only known to people as The Crow and like. hes like. huh theres something funny about this animal!!! so ofc he comes back to try to catch another glimpse and , he feels, hey, this is no Animal theres something under there. this is a guy i think. this is just his gut but yknow
so now hes determined to know the truth about this beast , honestly just because it sounds interesting and fun to find out and hes so chronically bored this might be like. cool. ofc goro at first is very hostile and rude and Violent but sergio is like. cmooon man cmooon ahahahah. and well later he finds himself Actually Having Fun sometimes when hanging out with sergio NO this is not happening not even true <-- goro thoughts. like he already gave up being a Person because everyone just sees him as a stupid violent animal monster so like. he leaned into it and drove everyone away AND HE LIKES IT THIS WAY nope he doesnt want to be truly loved and needed no way not even happening what the HELL!!
anyways enter a bunch of Stuff here sure i can. try to elaborate more later but ..important bits now
OK SO goros mask curse thing. supposedly it can only be taken off by another person, who loves the wearer honestly and truly yadda yadda fairy tale things whatever. but like. goro has kinda given up on that cuz like. who tf is gonna like him like this. so might as well sink in etc. also he doesnt like himself that much either so that doesnt help
ALSO IMPORTANT he doesnt want anyone to love him out of pity either!!!! GRRA he. he doesnt want this for real. so if anyone tried to like. love him but just out of pity like ooo poor monster guy i will love you and take ur cute mask off. NOPE not that NOPE!!!
BUT he doesnt even tell sergio the conditions anyways . they just proceed to hang out and whatever. onnneee day i guess they have a littttle scuffle and sergio kinda transforms a bit because Feelings and goro is like. WTF.,,.. hey hello ??? and sergio is lik UHM.,,. proceeds to wall up and pretend that didnt happen but this makes goro so mad like. hey wtf u want me to open up but u keep shit like this to yourself? hypocrite loser etc etc
so later they end up fighting like. goro is like. shut the fuck up im tired of you and your stupid idiot faake friendliness just leave me be like damn and sergio is like NO dumbass i do like hanging out with you WILL you listen a bit. anyways sergio transforms again a bit against his will but he cant help it. they fiiiight and then they stop because they are going to Die but sergio finally explains that he was afraid of what people may think of him if they knew he was half demon freakazoid thing and . and. he did think of telling goro maybe but his ego and pride and Fear got the best of him NO WAY no he cant be weak and vulnerable nope. but ..,,, maybe..,
so ofc goro is like. fucking idiot dumbass as if i also wasnt a monster too. eye-to-eye moment of rare vulnerability for both... something about being on the same level and opening up and feeling free with someone etc
anyways they hang out more after this like cute rivals now and they play scuffle sometimes wahoo !! sergio can relax around goro and transform and he feels so Free when hes with him etc.
insert more bits here. ok so goro. hes also afraid of sergio not thinking he was Cool and Awesome and stuff if he did manage to take the mask off.,,, what was he without the mask? he was just a Guy with anger issues and nothing in his heart…! at least like this he could be THE cool beast rival friend yknow. this is all he had going for him ! who is he going to be if he takes it off....
well finally he one day FINALLY tells sergio about the mask and the curse and the conditions and sergio is like. pffft. ok. and asks him to let him take a try . but goro is like. huh. wtf no its not gonna work. but he convinces him, and wow it works ! goro didnt even consider that "love" didnt necesarilly had to refer to romantic love. stupid. but also i dont think he really thought sergio considered him such a close friend/rival/weirdo etc .. THIS IS SO AWESOME thinks goro but only on his head of course.,,, cuz he knows sergio doesnt ever pity him he honestly respects him and sees him as his cool rival this is so cool..,,, waugh
so ! the cute guy behind the crow mask is revealed ! huzzah! sergio is like. what the hell you said you were ugly !!! liar!!! eheheh. gets punched in the ribs immeadiatly
:3 WOW!!! i love the relationship between joker and goro can u tell...! me when the. me when i cant tell you how to see me etc etc me when someone has the same type of brainwave as you etc
i will probably draw a few more things for this au WAHOO
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sonichedgeblog · 2 years
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Starbot 4EVER' by Ug32t A platforming adventure which mixes speed, mobility and combat in one action-packed game #SAGE2022 @SAGExpo https://ift.tt/wlOvZsq
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starbots · 1 year
character intros woo woo
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(click/tap for quality because WOW these were a pain to make any kind of visible. remind me never to use this for character-sheets again) here are The Fucking Guys (aka Zeta Kids). feel free to send ask questions about them we will be happy to elaborate. sorry the sheets aren’t visually consistent. i tried
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astro-inthestars · 1 year
i think the best part about your ai is that it just knows every game
i could ask it about games you wouldn't know about and the bot would answer with a semi-sensible answer
I wouldn't call it MY ai, I'd like to say it's its own ai (Starbot my beloved <3) but YEAH it's silly and of course since it's AI it probably knows a lot of things it shouldn't!
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sonicfangamebot · 2 years
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Starbot 4EVER' by Ug32t (Original Demo) A platforming adventure which mixes speed, mobility and combat in one action-packed game https://www.sonicfangameshq.com/forums/showcase/starbot-4ever.1288/
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blossompuppy · 2 years
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A ref sheet for my new buddy, Starbot (designed by @kiittenteeth)! I updated this for artfight hehe 🥰
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