#starfleet officer
girlofvancouver · 1 year
What are you even doing if you’re *not* wearing a Star Trek uniform to the space museum?
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Also, I did the thing where it turns you into an alien. 💀👽
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conjcosby · 1 year
Stardate: 2023.4.23 ▫ I forgot to post this the other day when I changed my profile picture but here it is. It's me in Lower Decks style with Tendi (aka my Star Trek crush) and I love it. 😍💙💚🖖
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marxistgnome · 1 year
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Memes shared by kids who grew up on starships I think they should have sea scout/land scout beef with kids that grew up on Starbases
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aspiringnexu · 6 months
Love that Star Trek accurately portrays humans in the future as being DTF practically anything. Works wonders for diplomacy.
"Sure I don't find you attractive, but give me ten minutes, your Excellency, and I'll find someone on this ship who's into tentacles and slime."
We may not be super intelligent or super strong, but give humans a chance. We're annoyingly likeable, tenacious, stubborn, and attracted to the weirdest things.
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cat-cosplay · 1 year
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"Studying is good. But in real life, there’s going to be times when you need to make a mess of things before you can fix them." ~ T'Ana
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ltjg-clark · 2 years
Wow! I haven't posted here in a while. Have a meditation session, I guess!
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kyouka-supremacy · 10 months
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This is the only take I want to hear regarding the Bones discourse from now on
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bumblingbabooshka · 8 months
'Message in a Bottle' is so funny because imagine you're Starfleet and you just set loose a brand-new state of the art ship. You lose contact with it and send someone to investigate. When they come back they tell you that the ship fired at them, literally every single Starfleet officer aboard was killed, there are unconscious bodies of Romulans littering the floor and in the middle of this carnage there's an outdated model of a medical hologram which is acting uncannily human and claiming that it has a message from the long-lost USS Voyager: "We're still alive." Voyager really earns its rep as a doom harbinger.
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spirk-trek · 2 months
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shhhh the bisexuals are sleeping
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writergeekrhw · 1 year
According to your IMDb, you were a wounded starfleet officer in A Call to Arms (5.26). That is also listed as your last episode until season 7.13. Were you in 5.26 as a sign off? Did you ask to do it or did they suggest it? Did you enjoy it?
Yes, I was in "A Call to Arms" as an extra because it was my last DS9 episode as part of the staff. I left to work on some feature projects (and because I was burned out).
Having me play a wounded Starfeet officer being hauled off the station for that episode was Ira's idea. I think Hans wanted me to also play a Vulcan, but that was too much time in makeup.
I enjoyed it, but it was an hour in the makeup chair for the burn makeup and another 15 minutes for the haircut, then 30 minutes filming, all for a split second onscreen, which gave me a deeper appreciation for all the work the background actors put in on a show like DS9. It was a very sweet way to send me off!
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leohtttbriar · 6 months
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framing an intimate connection to the world around you as "praying"--implying some sort of metaphysically-founded biology--which is in service to wild giant slug-whales and also encouraging a hurt to heal--as if those are the same things, healing a wild creature thru home, healing a habitat thru a wild creature, healing a small hurt on a stranger's arm--
like discovery's strangest ideas (like the mycelium spacetime travel accessed with the mind of an enormous tardigrade) seem to hinge on the expression of utility via the absolute yet unmistakable collectivity of the weird existence. and for michael to be thrown into basically a new galaxy alone and then to stumble upon this very strange person and then to see him communicate with and encourage a plant with anti-bacterial goo properties to grow and then, despite her essentially being raised as one the Logical-Aliens (or maybe because of it) to immediately be like, "is that praying?" speaks to the fact that unknowability really is a super rich and unending resource. like even if michael's angel turned out to be her mom (or herself) and this fae-creature-man with the giant cat turns out to just be a weird alien she's never encountered, the idea of the divine remains. i mean, praying?? but also, yeah, i'd probably leap to something like that, too, before attempting a scientific explanation. perceptive magic and all that--the logic of Simply Not Being Able To Know.
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stellanix · 5 months
idea: the fontaine cast from genshin but as a starfleet crew
captain neuvillette
first officer navia
science officer furina
tactical officer clorinde
chief engineer freminet
chief of security wriothesley
chief medical officer sigewinne
helmsman lyney
ship's counselor lynette
and of course a bunch of melusines in various roles, notably aeval and elphane as shuttlecraft pilots :3
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c455idy · 1 month
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federationgothic · 8 months
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Sickbay during season one uses the same wall mould as the conference room (perhaps bc it was meant to be on a similar elevation?) Season 2 revamps that part of the set to something that looks a little less cheap
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The lighting is weird in The Child so here's a better view from The Price
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The main biobed also looks sloppy in The Naked Now, we'll add an extra lighting layer for season 2 (and change the carpet)
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(every biobed lights up now and I guess we can rotate the main one to fit the scene)
also if I'm doing a post about sickbay I gotta highlight my favourite accessory: The Light Up Coloured Gels Collection
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They look like those disinfectants for combs and brushes at hair salons.
Finally, did you spot the loose cable?
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niccoguedes · 1 year
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Spock spocking.
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subatoism · 2 years
Important Question: Since discussions of old Earth literature/music/etc. in Star Trek seems largely limited to what are generally deemed “classics” (Sherlock Holmes, Shakespeare, etc.) what are your headcanons about what 21st century media is considered “classic” in the 24th century? There are no wrong answers
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