#starfox has a good day
genericpuff · 8 months
Why is the art so unappealing in lore Olympus now Persephone looks like a highlighter and maybe it’s just me but the proportions like the fingers in arms are soul over the place I don’t think they used to be this bad. Am I just looking at it with nostalgia or am I crazy ?
Honestly, nostalgia does play a huge part in it, even to this day there are times I look back on old S1 panels and go-
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Actually here's a great example that literally just happened yesterday in the ULO Discord that nearly had me on the floor LOL This is from Episode 70:
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Like I didn't even believe that that was real until I was told what episode it was from and I was just. Astounded and flabbergasted. The over-shading of the blanket that just makes it look like a really bad edit. Insane.
And yeah, there are a lot of old panels that hit different now that the rose-colored glasses have been removed, crushed, and thrown into the trash compactor.
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I think that's why it makes it all the more amusing when people come into my inbox and ask me "wait, why did you like LO to begin with?? It's always been ugly as shit, I think you're just romanticizing it" because like... there's something to be said about art and subjectivity, even if something is ugly to one person doesn't mean it isn't beautiful to someone else. It's why I try not to be too mean towards the fans of this comic for still enjoying it, because while I definitely have strong opinions about how "LO has gotten worse" and what kind of following Rachel has cultivated (cough cough), there are also just as equally valid arguments that LO has never begin good to begin with that I can't necessarily disagree with now that I'm looking back on it with a more critical eye.
That said, there's tons of media that I enjoy that is objectively awful. Like y'all, you don't need to take my opinions about a dumb pink x blue fantasy romance comic seriously, I like Starfox Adventures-
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Like yeah it's a badly made rushed piece of shit that was developed right on the ass end of Rare's glory days and was really an original IP (Dinosaur Planet) that got Frankenstein'd into a Starfox game so it could "sell better" for Nintendo, but I don't give a fuck, I love Starfox Adventures and some day I wanna be in the top 10 speedrunner leaderboards for it, which I know doesn't mean much because no one is speedrunning Starfox, but I do and no one can take that away from me dammit-
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Anyways. Lore Olympus has, in many regards, always had "bad art". But "bad art" can and should still be enjoyed by those who find joy in it.
And in LO's case, the world it existed in when it launched was a lot smaller than it is now - more specifically, the world of Webtoons. We can look back and see how 'bad' LO looks and reads now because there are genuinely way better comics surrounding it. It was unique and refreshing and experimental back then... now it's just "that stupid blue and pink comic for horny teenagers".
In most cases I would consider that "cringing in hindsight" feeling a good thing because normally it means something has grown and that it seeming "bad" in hindsight would mean that it's outgrown itself and moved onto bigger things. But LO has the more unique problem of "its current stuff is shit and it's making us want the old stuff more, even if the old stuff wasn't good either". In that regard, LO is closer to being like Harry Potter. Remember when The Cursed Child came out at the height of Rowling being exposed for being a TERF and even people who liked Harry Potter didn't like The Cursed Child because it was just objectively worse overall (with or without Rowling's bullshit attached)? It made a lot of people go back and re-read / rewatch Harry Potter with a more objective lens and go "wait a minute guys, I think we only adored these books so much because we were 12 when we read them". Often times it's the good memories we have surrounding certain things that make us have the opinion about them that we do.
Of course, LO is definitely not as politically weaponized as Harry Potter is, so that's where that comparison ends. But my point is that LO is definitely in a situation where it's been riding off the same privileges it had back in 2018 - having an 'experimental' art style while also utilizing tropes and characters that were VERY popular at the time (remember that 2017-18 was when Tumblr was at its height of H x P "Hades was a chill accountant guy who wore socks and sandals and didn't cheat on his wife like Zeus did" fantasizing) - and thinks that those same tricks and tropes will still work today.
Because of this, the art in LO really, really hasn't aged well, even the stuff that we look back on fondly. But I think it's the panels that we specifically think of when remembering "old LO" - the ones that stuck in our memories the most - that are the ones that make us miss or just not care about the panels that don't look good (the panels that make people question why we ever liked it to begin with).
We liked it because of how it made us feel to look at panels like these-
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Those genuinely wonderful panels that we think back on the most don't exist separately from the bad panels, they exist in spite of them. Even if we can look back on panels like these and pick out problems in the lineart or the proportions or the color travelling outside of the lines, that can't and shouldn't change how those panels made us feel at some point or another. And that's why when people ask me "why were you even into LO in the first place" I don't have any one answer, because I can't fully explain how something made me feel to justify why it's good to someone who can see from the outside - without rose-colored glasses - that it evidently isn't. It's very much a "you had to be there" type of thing.
Unfortunately, nowadays even the 'best' LO panels in S3 still don't come close to what the S1 panels accomplished - because for many of us, the rose-colored glasses are gone, we can't appreciate the good among the bad because we know now how bad it truly is and so the good just feels like wasted attempts at trying to recreate something it can no longer be. It "came back wrong" so to speak.
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LO came back just regular. But our journey to resurrecting it changed us to such a degree that even its closest intimacies are now foreign to us. Sorry dude.
This is still probably one of my favorite panels out of the entirety of S3 for being as close to "old LO" as I've seen since S2, and even it feels like a mistake, an accident, how could a panel like this exist in S3 when so much of it is a dumpster fire? It's like a flower growing in the ruins of an apocalyptic wasteland.
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But wasn't that always the case? Isn't that 'always' what LO has been, since the very beginning? A poorly cobbled together mess of writing and panels that, every now and then, manages to leave an impression that makes you feel something? Did we ever truly know LO? Or have we just been relying entirely on an idea of it that we've built up in our heads that when it does do exactly what it's evidently always done (even if not made apparent until looking back on it in hindsight) we think it "came back wrong"?
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iheartgod175 · 8 months
Some MORE Thoughts…
—I’ve actually had the hankering to do some art again after like a month, haha ^^ Taking a month hiatus from creating to refill my creative well has done me some wonders, because now I feel a lot more inspired and ready to write and draw!
—An idea that I’ve had for the last couple of days was including Dragon Tales into SRBA. My childhood lives! I love how at this point, the remastered SRBA is kinda becoming the MCU, lol—after all, I kinda have it set that the Super Readers would meet WordGirl and the characters from Santiago of the Seas, so why the heck not XD That means I’m gonna have to go back and fix the timeline again to include this.
—And in case anybody was wondering what other shows would be featured in this AU, it’s currently Santiago of the Seas, WordGirl, Dragon Tales and (possibly) Arthur. The later I put in brackets because I’m not sure how it’d work yet ^^;
—I am still working on that KonoSuba/Star Fox story, but most of it is just brainstorming fifty million ideas. I do have some cool ideas for a potential sequel starring either Slippy or Beltino. Why? Well, I wanted to challenge myself writing a character that I eventually grew to appreciate—as I wrote in the original post, Fox and Falco would fit in with KonoSuba perfectly, but it’s too obvious a choice. Putting in a happy-go-lucky mechanic with no sense of flying in a world like KonoSuba’s would be hilarious—or a mild-mannered scientist like Beltino. All I know is that either one of them would end up in Kazuma’s party, and Slippy and Aqua would butt heads because of her hatred for toads, LOL.
—2024 is not being kind to Love Livers thus far. I still think the whole “Love Live disappears but Revue Starlight is eternal” meme compilation is hilarious, though. Power creep and insane rates will not stop this game, I swear. Oh, and speaking of Revue Starlight, it’s been loving me again?? I’ve had better luck getting the 5-stars recently than I have had getting the birthday cards the last few years?! Which is good news for me, because my Wind, Moon and Space teams SUCK and I needed some better cards in order to prep for both Star Arena matches and future Trophy Roads.
—Kinda hopped back onto my Multo/Zeeter mood again, so I’ve been working on Love Language in between working on that StarFox/KonoSuba idea. I’m trying out a new writing routine, and hopefully, I can finish the first chapter sometime this year!
—Speaking of them, I was rereading my notes for that Revue Starlight inspired AU and I need to write out a post yelling about that. I literally have like six to seven pages of notes!
—Started Atelier Resleriana and it’s kinda cute! I’ve heard of the Atelier series, but never got a chance to play any of the games. But I’m liking it so far.
—Racing to get to the next few chapters of HI3rd. I’m kinda stoked for Part 2!
—And since I also got hit with the mood for it a few days ago, I’m going to be doing some in-depth notes about the Cerulean Avenger story, namely regarding the characters and what all to expect. The reason for that? It relates to the art I’m going to drop after making this post! 😁
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thebibliomancer · 4 months
Essential Avengers: Avengers #317: BUSINESS AS USUAL
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May, 1990
Guest-starring the Amazing Spider-Man -- -- But not for long!
Okay. That almost makes all the "Guest-starring the Amazing Spider-Man" cover captions worth it.
Can't believe Peter Parker, Spider-Man is going to die in an Avengers book.
Well, it is the 90s. He's better off dead in space.
Last times in Avengers: Nebula accidentally broke the universe in an attempt to gain unfathomable power. The Avengers and special-guest Spider-Man fix the universe. Then, chase her to her spaceship but find that her prisoner Starfox has already freed himself and zonked out Nebula and her crew.
And then the Stranger bursts through the wall, very mad at Nebula.
Perhaps because her media footprint is unfathomably bigger than his in modern times. Or maybe because she stole a thing from him.
Both equally likely.
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The Stranger really did just OH YEAH through the hull of the spaceship like the Kool-Aid Man.
Good thing for vague sci-fi technology that keeps all the air from rushing out.
Then again, all the heroes that need to breath have air buckets on their head.
Show of hands: who would be broken up if Gunthar the Rigellian died of no air?
Actually, the best part of this being the start of the issue is that Nebula is STILL zonked out by Starfox's pleasure power so she's smiling and not treating any of this seriously.
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Spider-Man tries to tell the Stranger about the pleasure power zonking. But he first pulls continuity receipts and reminds the Stranger that they met in Marvel Team-Up #55.
The Stranger remembers but doesn't care. So he fucks off with Nebula someplace where there's less interruption.
The Avengers and special guest Spider-Man all take a moment to reflect on how little a shit the Stranger gave about them. Like they were nothing to him, what with his cosmic might.
Which is definitely the exact case.
Thor: "Mayhap, to a being of such enormous powers, our presence was unimportant." Sersi: "It was almost... demeaning." Spider-Man: "Well, I get de-meaning of it. We're good enough for him!" Captain America: "Be that as it may, troops -- we've got a job to do!" Spider-Man: "innocuously slinking back home, maybe?" Captain America: "We have to find out why the Stranger was so intent on getting Nebula!"
... Do you though?
You saved the universe. You were nearby when Starfox saved himself. Nebula will be less of a problem in the Stranger's custody. That's space justice. What more do you have to do here?
That aside, love this exchange.
Having Spider-Man around certainly does add something to the banter.
Cap asks Sersi to try to psychically scan the Stranger but she puts her foot down.
She's still exhausted from scanning the world and also holding that communications room together and Cap wants her to poke around the brain of a cosmic being?
Captain America: "All right then, I understand -- but if you are going to be an Avenger, we'll soon have to gauge the extents and limits of your abilities!"
Well one limit is not poking around the brain of a cosmic being.
He has a point though.
Sersi's powers are less straightforward than a lot of Avengers.
She's psychic: but how psychic?
She can transform matter but what are the limitations on that? Can she just transform anyone the Avengers fight into pigs? Could she polymorph Thanos? Or does it only work on mooks?
Anyway, the Avengers rush toward trouble and...
Hey, you remember last issue how the space Quinjet was dwarfed by Nebula's spaceship?
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Well, Nebula's ship is dwarfed by the Stranger's.
He's a big cosmic man and he needs a big cosmic ship.
(Big in this case is estimated by Spider-Man to mean the size of Argentina.)
Spider-Man: "Uhm... Listen, guys, much as I'd like to invade a ship roughly the size of Argentina... shouldn't we reconsider, or plan a comprehensive strategy... or run and hide somewhere?" Captain America: "This is all in a day's work, son. If you're going to be an Avenger, you'll have to learn to deal with the unexpected!"
To which Spider-Man thinks "Okay, the unexpected I can deal with... as long as I'm expecting it, that is..."
Cap makes plans for the Avengers and special new recruit Spider-Man to be ferried across by the fliers, while Iron Man stays behind and makes sure all of Nebula's henchmen are secured.
But before they even leave, they're interrupted by the Stranger not taking kindly to them even thinking about barging into his house/spaceship.
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He sends over a robot called Blockade. Who has his one and only appearance in this issue.
Like his name suggests, he's here to put up a stern hand and tell the Avengers to stop getting involved.
And on top of the robot telling them to kindly fuck off, the Stranger even astral projects and doubles down on the message.
Avengers, kindly fuck off. The Stranger has this handled.
Captain America tells the Stranger that they can't leave until they find out what the Stranger wants with Nebula.
The Stranger really does just want the Avengers to kindly fuck off because instead of pulling the 'nunya bizness' card, he exposits.
That or he's a comic book character who secretly loves any excuse to spill the tea.
The Stranger reveals that Nebula stole from him. Which we knew but the Avengers didn't. Not that Cap is surprised. This is the most in-character crime he could have heard Nebula was accused of.
But she specifically stole from his homeworld, while he was gone doing whatever the Stranger does. And his homeworld is so well-hidden and so well-guarded that nobody had ever heisted him before.
Nebula is like Space Black Cat. Was like. I think modern Nebula, because of the movies, has a skillset more tailored towards assassination.
But back in the day, Nebula ran with a crew of pirates and was a super-duper space thief.
It was thanks to her best minion Gunthar, who is a Rigellian and not a penguin, that she was able to strike while the Stranger was gone. Rigellian tracking tech, yo.
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Although, despite him being essential to this heist, Nebula isn't afraid to claim credit for herself for this bit.
And what Nebula stole was "the most powerful weapon in the multiverse."
Which I'd guess was the Ultimate Nullifier or the Infinity G- oh wait, we haven't revealed how powerful the gems are yet.
But Infinity is still the word to throw around to make things sound important.
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Because she steals the Infinity Union!
Which is three devices mooshed together which combined can channel "all forms of ambient energy into the user!"
Hey, the Stranger, why do you have this? Why does it even exist?
Like, the Ultimate Nullifier and the Infinity Gems have gotten explanations for why they're even a thing. But why build three devices and then smoosh them together to control all ambient energy and then just leave it in a storage room somewhere? Why?
And this Infinity Union really didn't have any staying power or maybe it got overshadowed by the Infinity Gauntlet in a couple years but the Union doesn't even have it's own page on marvel wiki.
(I do like that the Stranger's homeworld is so unfathomably huge that it takes Nebula and Gunthar two hours just to cross the room to get to the Infinity Union.)
Also, while Spider-Man's silly jokes were appreciated last time, he's apparently running thin his welcome.
Jokingly comparing an Infinity Union to the teamsters causes the Stranger to call Spider-Man an idiot. And when Spider-Man jokes that it sounds like a rerun that they're saving the universe right after saving the universe, Thor tells him, hey bud, this is serious time.
Meanwhile, Iron Man and Starfox have finished interrogating the zonked out Gunthar, who has given them basically the same exposition about the Infinity Union.
Iron Man: "But what does Nebula want with such a weapon, Gunthar?" Gunthar: "What she has always wanted, Earthling -- ultimate power -- and the attainment of her goal, the chance to create ultimate entropy -- the death of all there is!" Iron Man: "That's insane! It would wipe her out, too!" Gunthar: "That is not my concern -- I only serve my mistress in being the sole player in this deadly gambit! If any other than Nebula touches the device, it will annihilate this entire sector of space!"
Hang on. Nebula's goal is to wipe out all life?
I call bullshit.
For one thing: Why would she want that? Thanos wanted something like that at various points. Because he thought it would make Death want to smooch him. He had personal reasons for doing what he did.
Nebula is going around telling everyone she's the granddaughter of Thanos. Later, it will turn out, that she's lying for clout.
But every Nebula appearance (discounting the Kang Nebula, since we've reached retcon territory on that) has had her want power for the sake of power. She wants conquest.
When she accidentally broke the universe, instead of being thrilled, she was annoyed that she was close to achieving infinite power and now had nothing to use it on.
Is this a swerve? Byrne deciding in his last issue to just change directions? Or did Fabian Nicieza add this in when he finished up this issue? Is Gunthar an idiot?
Let's assume Gunthar is an idiot.
Stupid, dumb Gunthar.
Anyway, Iron Man leaves Starfox to watch the stupid, dumb prisoners and flies off to go warn the Avengers not to touch the thing.
Do you not have radios? Communicators in some fashion? You're wearing a computer and Vision is a computer. And you can't just ring him up?
Get your shit together, Stark.
In the medical-science section of the Stranger's "continent-sized spaceship" (so Spider-Man was way off when he thought it was only the size of Argentina), the Stranger continues to be annoyed that Nebula's brain is still zonked.
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Medical crystals! What, is this Kryptonian tech?
Because of the zonk (the pleasure zonk) from Starfox, the Stranger can't probe Nebula's brain for where she hid the Infinity Union.
And he knows her intentions for it are bad.
Also, weirdly, the turning off the universe plot is relevant here. All the energies gathered by the compressor have been absorbed by the Infinity Union. So if Nebula uses it, she'll become even more infinitely powerful than she already would have.
I guess that links the stories together.
Considering all the build-up was for the compressor, this part of the plot feels rickety. It feels almost like we're in a post-script season. We had this story about Spider-Man helping the Avengers when the universe goes all photo-negative and now we're in a different but linked plot.
Him joking about going from the universe being at stake to the universe being at stake, feels a little self-aware in that light.
The Stranger tries a stronger PSYCHIC PROBE on Nebula's ship but all he accomplishes is causing agony to the Avengers. Even Vision. And his brain is a computer.
This is apparently a bridge too far for Captain America.
Captain America: "Enough is ENOUGH! Anything that is wanted that badly by people like Nebula and the Stranger shouldn't be had by either of them! It's our responsibility to find this Infinity Union before they do -- and once we find it -- destroy it forever!"
I'm not sure it IS the Avengers' responsibility. The thing is the Stranger's and he did have it pretty well under lock and key. Well, before Nebula stole it.
Hm. Maybe do destroy it.
Iron Man shows up to back up Cap and explain that the Union is booby-trapped to blow if anyone other than Nebula touches it.
So Cap tells the Avengers to split up to cover more ground that way. But if you find the Infinity Union, don't touch it!
... Hey. Do they even know what it looks like?
They're going to search an entire huge spaceship and not even know what the thing they're looking for is?
Great plan, Cap.
Spider-Man is getting a little nervous about what he signed up for.
Spider-Man: "Sure is one heckuva way to spend my first hour as an Avenger! The really scary thing is that these guys play for keeps each and every day! Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is a little more used to your common type of thugs. Like Doc Ock or Hobgoblin, or geez, even Leap Frog! Saving the planet as an appetizer, then the universe as a main course is a little out of my league! Well, they say the cream rises to the top so maybe it's time to curdle up and hide!"
Quite a bait and switch this story is pulling. Insisting Spider-Man would be a perfect Avenger in one issue and then having him second-guess it the next.
I did dimly realize that obviously Spider-Man didn't become an Avenger in this era. But one can't be faulted for hoping.
Now, that's a What If? I'd like to see. What Ifs Spider-Man joined the Avengers for this story and for the one where Monica Rambeau joined.
But despite Spider-Man not wanting to be involved, he turns out to be the best guy to find the Infinity Union. It's so dangerous that it's setting off his spider-sense and by playing hot and cold with the headache it gives him, he's able to find where the thinger is hidden.
He can't figure out how to open the door so he just rips it open.
Despite Cap telling him not to touch, Spider-Man worries that the Stranger or Nebula might stumble in and find it before he can get the others so he tries to snag it with a web-line so he can drag it without touching it buuuuut
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I guess he activated Gunthar's trap card.
Looks like Spider-Man is super dead now. We'll have to bring in Ben Reilly early.
Meanwhile, back on Earth in Manhattan, Quasar arrives at the Avengers Construction Site.
I legit forgot that he was sorta one of the core members right now.
Even Quasar comments on the fact that he's been so busy in his own book that he hasn't done a lot of Avengersing.
Quasar sees that not as much construction has happened as he's expected and weirdly the Avengers Sub-Basement is pretty abandoned. John Jameson and whoever else apparently ditched between issues.
But Jarvis is in the communications room... a communications room? That one communications room is still hanging off the PolyDyne building.
Anyway, Quasar goes to see Jarvis in a communications room, where Jarvis explains in brief where the Avengers are. Before the monitors explode in their faces.
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Since it makes the same SHEEKAK noise, this is probably Spider-Man's fault.
Looks like Jameson was right. Spidey is a threat AND a menace.
This extended Spider-Man story guest starring Avengers ends next time. But our next time is back over to Avengers West Coast for a weird fill-in which is also technically part of the arc Byrne was setting up before he left.
Follow @essential-avengers for more fun times. Fun not guaranteed. Offer void where prohibited. Like, comment, reblog, and whatever else. But only if you want.
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neitherabaron · 1 year
Sharing my love for Starfox 64 (originally titled Lylat Wars here in the UK) today.
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I played this game over and over in 1997 and loved it, but it’s only playing it again in 2023 on Switch that I’ve realised just how good it is.
N64 had a lot of great games but not many games from the early days of 3D have aged gracefully. Even Mario 64 and Zelda, two games I’d still consider some of the best ever made, are starting to feel a little clunky if we’re honest.
Starfox 64 feels fresh as a daisy, 26 years later. I don’t know how it’s possible, but it does.
The Switch’s button layout is less than ideal for N64 games, true. But ignoring that, the controls are so tight and so responsive, and so rewarding of skill. You can always make your ship duck and weave through laser crossfire exactly the way you want it to.
And you need to do so to stay alive on the tougher missions. It demands precision but in turn it always gives you full control. In an era where devs were still figuring out how 3D movement even works, it’s staggering that the game *handles* like it was released today, even though it looks dated.
There’s no auto-aim and while I’d normally call that a bad thing on a console shooter, this gels perfectly with the precise movement. You’re picking and placing your shots just like you’re constantly re-evaluating your position on screen. There’s a big risk and reward element as you weigh up the chance to take out a large formation of enemy ships vs putting yourself in the way of harm. And all of it feels intuitive. They still haven’t made a Starfox game that plays this well.
And the game is super replayable! It’s very short, clocking in at less than an hour, but that’s the point. You only play 7 out of 15 planets in any run, and each level can play out in vastly different ways depending on your performance, sending you on different routes of various levels of challenge.
There are 25 possible paths to the final boss - some are simple and let anyone pick up and learn the finer points of the game, while others offer crazy high scores but will test your skills to the limit. So that’s 25 hours to see everything the game has to offer, plus so much more time spent honing your skills for that high score, plus the incredible pick-up-and-play short session appeal of the whole thing…wonderful.
If you’re good you can protect your wingmates (they die easily) and in turn they’ll look out for you, leading you to hidden paths, warning you of ambushes and analysing boss tactics. Or you can let them get shot down and miss out on the extremely memeable dialogue. The story is corny as hell and full of classic sci-fi movie tropes and scenarios that are a delight to play through. You even fight an army of Gundams! At times, you really feel like you’re part of an epic movie space battle. I loved the old Star Wars Rogue Squadron series but even at its best, it never made me feel like that.
In short, I can’t believe in 2023 a game made in 1997 feels this good to play. It’s magic.
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twothpaste · 1 year
do video games still exist in your au? If so what games do they play?
aw, man, intermission au is absolutely brimming with video games. here's some of their favorites & such, below the cut:
ness has a collection of old nintendo consoles passed down by his dad. kid grew up playing everything from classic NES to the switch. he likes kirby and starfox especially. he n' jeff used to play every co-op game in his arsenal, every weekend, when they were like 14.
jeff likes metroid and starcraft. he's been emulating games on pc since he was like 5. most notably though, he's got an esteemed resume of competitive pokemon accolades. dude who plays pokemon showdown in class every day and still somehow gets straight A's.
claus will eagerly play anything he can manage with one arm. and some things he really can't. he streams fortnite. his favorite game is fallout 2. there's a running bit about jeff teaching him competitive pokemon. they've got a funny little mentor-student thing going on. except instead of somethin' cool like robotics or rocket science, it's just jeff teaching claus how to optimize his dragapult's EV spread.
the twins grew up with a couple of GBAs they got used from a yard sale - lucas had pokemon leaf green, claus had fire red. though lucas isn't very into video games generally, he's sentimental about the little green gba cart that helped him through a few of his roughest years. but his favorite game is animal crossing for gamecube, which kuma shared with him.
kumatora's beat-to-shit purple gamecube is near and dear to her. raised on a steady diet of mario sunshine and sonic adventure 2. still has her childhood animal crossing town (named "Castle") on an ancient crusty memory card. she's also kinda good at street fighter. and can barely run tf2 on her horrible garbage laptop.
paula plays sudoku and bejweled on her phone while waiting for appointments. the only real gamer here tbh.
duster has one of these.
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onewingedsparrow · 1 year
Holy Grail: Which figure do you want the most?
Crossover: Is there a series that you’d like to see a crossover of with Transformers?
Meet & Greet: If you could meet only one Transformers voice actor, which would you want to meet?
@novafire-is-thinking Heya Nova! 💜 Thanks for the ask! :D (For this ask game) Holy Grail: The giant, app-remote-control, talking Optimus Prime. Oh my goodness. I've seen videos. I've beheld it in store. He is SO COOL but my poor budget...! One day. But it is not this day :') Crossover: Oooh 👀 Lol I hope you don't mind multiple answers because here they come!!! A while ago I saw this amazing art and it blew my mind. I had never crossed-over Zelda with TF before but that was so amazing!!! I would love to see more of it! Twilight Princess Maximals are amazing. There are already robots in Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild so why not make some of the Guardians into Transformers? Maybe even Titans? Each dungeon could be a Titan! Your companion character could be a Cityspeaker! The King of Red Lions in Wind Waker could be a Cybertronian! The Master Cycle could be a Cybertronian! There is so much room for crossover potential! I know it will probably not happen in canon, but oh, fandom has so much room for ideas. Transformers with Need for Speed would also be so fun. Idk how they would incorporate robot stuff into it, but I really just want a TF racing game where I can go to Velocitron and pit 'Bee and Knockout against each other, to the background of epic electric guitar, with the actual licensed car models. AND because I've been thinking about StarFox a lot lately...a Transformers-StarFox crossover!!! Arwings versus Seekers! Landmaster vs tank Megatron! It'd be SO easy and DELIGHTFUL to blend these two. Put the vehicles on rails...they could be fliers, in the air like normal StarFox gameplay, to "DO A BARREL ROLL" and aerial tricks like normal, OR you could have grounders, but because they're Cybertronian and a bit more athletic than the Landmaster, allow them to partial-transform and do flips and other wild and fun moves. And IMAGINE the fun dialogue boxes that would pop up onscreen when the characters talked over the comm link. FOX: I'll go it alone from here. OPTIMUS PRIME: Are you certain of this choice? FOX: You sound kinda nervous, Prime. Know something I don't? OPTIMUS PRIME: ...One does not say those words lightly. I have reservations about your intentions. PEPPY: It does ring a bell, Fox. FOX: I'm coming back, Peppy. I swear. PEPPY: ...You'd better. FALCO (after his ship is shot by friendly fire): Hey, Einstein, I'm on your side! MEGATRON: Ah, how unfortunate. My mistake. SLIPPY: Whoa! Megatron's aim was off? Was that...ac...actually a mistake? SOUNDWAVE (in a different font): Affirmative. Original target: Starscream. STARSCREAM: What?! Why me? What did I do wrong? *Soundwave's text box immediately floods with lines of code detailing every single thing Starscream has done wrong (mostly treachery and assassination attempts against Megatron) and the text flows so fast that the Player can't read it all before it's gone 😂 Lol these are all crossovers with video games, but I like them all :D I think they'd be GREAT. Even though they may never happen. Meet & Greet: This probably won't surprise you at all :) Peter Cullen. Optimus Prime can be written however Hasbro or whoever sees fit, but Peter Cullen is the one who made Optimus Prime into who he is. The emotion and feeling and, especially, WISDOM that he pours into his voice for this character is unmatchable. You can practically hear the millennia of Cybertron struggle; the weight and honor of the Matrix of Leadership; the quiet, longing hope for peace; in his gentle-but-mighty tones. He can convey layers of emotion through this voice, which I think is so important to Optimus' character, because in my humble opinion, Optimus needs nuance. Side note: just so we're clear, I genuinely don't have anything against the other Optimus VA's...but Peter Cullen's Optimus is just...special. All that to say: Peter Cullen's Optimi truly inspired me and I would love to meet him to say a "thank you" face-to-face. I really want to meet him soon if I can. I know he's getting up there in years. Thanks again for the ask! This was really fun :D
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fairyhaven13 · 2 years
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@rainboopz has been making some AWESOME Krystal/Kursed art lately, which you should all go look at! It made me remember my own Starfox OC and how little I’ve actually developed her at all. So, I wanted to revamp her while the inspiration kicked in. She didn’t even have a name before. (It’s pronounced Terra) I really like how this came out! I’ll put some more information about her story under the cut.
When I made this OC, I wanted her to be in Starwolf, but that’s pretty much all I figured. Originally I was going to pair her with Leon, but I just... really like Wolf. So, I went with that instead. I named her Ptera Chiro because Chiroptera is the scientific order bats are in. This goes with the general naming scheme in the games, like Fox and Panther and Leon (chameleon), etc. But, I didn’t want to just name her Batty or something like that, so.
Just like most of my other OCs, she’s--you guessed it--someone from our world. Yayyy! Ptera was walking home one day and found a weird looking, hexagonal puddle on the ground. When she poked it, it fused itself to her arm and dragged her through a hole. This was a puddle of Aparoid matter, and the hole was the hexagonal thing the Aparoids use to teleport in the games. Haven’t worked out how it got to her universe yet. Maybe its hexagon portal glitched out when all the Aparoids died.
Because Slippy’s family virus killer made the Aparoids inert, it doesn’t actively infect Ptera. It just binds to her arm. (hence why her sleeve totally covers that arm in the picture) She lands in the middle of the Starwolf gang while they’re doing an illegal deal and everyone’s like WTF, and they take her thinking she was eavesdropping or something. Then they realize what’s on her arm, and, well, they can’t exactly let her go now that she knows where they were and what they were doing, so they decide to work on stabilizing the Aparoid gunk so it doesn’t take Ptera over and kill them all. In doing so, they discover the matter gives her some neat abilities that make her useful for their jobs, and she becomes part of the team.
Ptera is a loud, awkward, very unskilled nerd. The outfit she came in got ripped up by her new wings and it sucked anyway, so the gang works together to get her some non-ugly duds. Panther bonds with her first, accepting her awkwardness with casual flirting and helping her be confident. Wolf teaches her ballistic defense so she doesn’t shoot her own eye out and Leon teaches her balance and martial defense because, as much fun as it is to laugh at her, if she gets him killed then everyone will be laughing at him.
Wolf and Leon intimidate her at first. But, she has a ton of fun blowing things up and laughing at chaos, which helps her befriend Leon. Wolf finds her nerdy chattering and stumbling both annoying and charming, and tolerates it with a halfhearted glare. She’s very eager to please and grins so wide when he tells her she did a good job, but doesn’t hesitate to put her foot down when he pushes it. Panther thinks she’s going to get shot the first time she yells at him to stop berating her, but instead Wolf laughs and ruffles her hair. It helps break the ice, and eventually turn into something more. She likes dancing to silly music with Panther, rambling with Leon about knives and what organs to stab them into, and watching sports games and crime shows with Wolf while he explains the details to her. While she’s not the most talented of the bunch, she’s just as eager to cause destruction, and so over time they’re glad to have someone so enthusiastic to hang out with.
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peace-coast-island · 8 months
Diary of a Junebug
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Unexpected encounters in the waters of the Mosaic Resort
What better way to get away from the long monotony of cold winter days than a bright and sunny resort? Landry called me up as she and the Epiphany just got back from a long mission and are planning to stay at the Mosaic for a short break. Not only the Mosaic’s a couple hours from the camp, there’s this crafting item called mosaic stones that Isabelle and Reese have been interested in getting their hands on.
Of course, things worked out on our end since I don’t have anything going on - same for Isabelle, Daisy Jane, and the others. The Mosaic Resort’s usually super busy, which is part of the reason why Isabelle and I kept putting off a visit there. Mosaic stones aren’t rare, but it feels kinda weird for us to come in and take a bunch of them when there’s so many visitors around. At least around this month when business is a bit slow, I won’t feel as bad for taking all these pretty stones back to the camp.
While the Mosaic Resort is known for it’s architecture, the real magic of the place is underwater. It’s home to many unusual plants and shells, almost like a world of its own. And of course, there’s the mosaic stones, which are named that because they really look like mosaic tiles. I can’t wait to see what we can make out of them.
While the main reason for the trip was to explore the underwater and collect little treasures, we got kinda distracted by another unexpected discovery. It’s kind of a long story that started a few years back and there’s still a lot of gaps to fill in. Unfortunately, with the person in question unable to really say or do anything, all we can do is speculate for now.
To start, a couple years ago, Landry had an encounter with a debt collector from the Interstellar Factions known as Jewel. Not only she was very well known in her department for her work ethic, she also always had two companions by her side. One is her pet starfox Sushi, the other being a teddy bear named Strawberry Milk, who she kept in her messenger bag full of documents and records. Simply put, she was a big deal in both a good way and a bad way.
Landry described Jewel as someone with good intentions, but was severely misguided. She and Yang can go on about what’s wrong with the Interstellar Faction’s debt collector department as a whole and why that whole department eventually fell apart, but that’s a whole ‘nother story. In other words, it’s kinda similar to the situation with the Eagle Stellarons in which it poses itself as a noble cause when in reality, they’re nothing but a bunch of self serving backstabbers who benefit off of other people’s suffering.
Damn, to think that those people were the ones in power, and to have been for so long. At least now they’re forced to face the consequences and pay the price for their actions. What comes around goes around, I guess.
Since I’m comparing the debt collectors to the Eagle Stellarons, I guess Della and Jewel are alike in that regard. While Della had never interacted with Jewel personally, she’s heard of her, at least, how she operated. Seeing their similarities, it makes sense why Della’s interested in knowing more about Jewel and what happened to her after getting expelled from the Interstellar Factions. Some similarities Della pointed out were that they both basically got their position through nepotism, and they never really saw eye to eye with their superiors to the point that they thought distancing themselves from the main group makes a difference.
In an attempt to figure out Jewel’s motives, Della has her own theories based from her perspective and personal experiences why so many people with good intentions are unintentionally complicit in causing harm, and why so many of them refuse to own up to that. I appreciate that she’s taking the time to reflect on herself and is willing to hold herself accountable, as well as admit that she has a lot to learn and unlearn. It’s not a black and white situation, and in reality, no one really falls into a clear category of “good” and “bad”, which is what I think trips up most people when trying to analyze stuff like this.
The biggest takeaway Della got from the fallout of the Eagle Stellarons is this: No matter how good your intentions were, even if you’re being as selfless as possible, you are still capable of doing harm, especially when you feel that it’s necessary to step on other people in order to get things done. Also, you can detach yourself and denounce the other party all you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that you were complicit, whether intentional or not, of contributing to the conflict. That was difficult for her to accept, and she admits that she’s still struggling with it, but that’s the truth. You can either own up to your mistakes and learn from them, or you can bury your head in the sand and play ignorance.
Again, this ties to Landry’s description of Jewel as someone who wants to help people, but her methods of doing so ultimately do more harm than good. Part of the issue was the nature of her job as a debt collector, and those from the Interstellar Factions were known as two faced for good reason. Laufey also met her briefly in the past and thought she was a nice person at first because of how friendly she was. She said Jewel gave off the impression that she was solely there for business and lecture, nothing out of the ordinary.
In reality, Jewel was responsible for evicting an entire neighborhood over a 300 year old debt that was practically impossible to pay off that had absolutely nothing to do with the residents who had been living there anyway. She and Landry later found out that Jewel intentionally stirred up conflict between the neighborhood and the city so she and the debt collectors could take over easily. But even after all that, Laufey said she seemed kinda conflicted, which probably explains why she ended up defying orders later on.
And that leads to the last encounter Landry had with Jewel that led to her demotion. Laufey was tagging along with her on a trip to Acapella to attend a celebration after helping the planet with a crisis a while back. Jewel was there to put a damper on the celebration with a centuries long debt that shouldn’t have existed in the first place due to various circumstances.
So Jewel and her people just came marching in guns blazing and the people obviously protested. And like the previous encounter, she successfully pitted two sides against each other with her proposed solution, which would basically make the citizens forever indebted to the debt collectors. Not wanting a repeat of what happened last time, Laufey tried to take matters into her own hands by trying to reason with Jewel as well as encourage the people of Acapella to stand up for themselves when the other debt collectors tried to push them around.
Long story short, the situation escalated to the point that Jewel and her subordinates were giving conflicting information, resulting in even more chaos and fighting. Laufey said it seemed like she really wanted to help Acapella’s people, but she didn’t seem to understand why they didn’t accept her solution. From how it sounds, Jewel sounds like the kind of person who comes in thinking she knows what’s best for everyone without considering how they might feel about it.
From my experience, I find those kinds of people difficult to get along with. Sure, they may have good intentions and genuinely want to help, but the problem is that they think they’re above everyone else. They expect you to be grateful for stepping in when they’re really just walking all over you and talking over you. Sometimes it’s good to have an outsider’s perspective, but not so much when they flat out ignore your own experiences and feelings. It’s like they’re too blinded by potential that they can’t see the real and tangible that’s often right in front of their faces.
And then there’s those who get overly defensive when you ask them to take a step back. I don’t know, it’s kinda like they expect you to be grateful to the point that you willingly accept what they say and do without question. I really don’t like the whole “I know you better than you know yourself” kind of attitude some people hold. It’s even worse when they do it because they secretly don’t like certain parts of you and would rather see you as an idealized version that fits their standards.
According to Laufey, things got really messy before Landry came in to save the day. After pointing out the glaring flaws in the solution Jewel proposed, Landry made some calls and put her and her subordinates in a difficult position. In other words, Jewel and her people crossed a lot of boundaries that exist for good reasons, and given the situation regarding Acapella’s debt - which, again, should have been forgiven considering the circumstances - Acapella has every right to take legal action against the Interstellar Factions.
Like Laufey said, Jewel seems to be a reasonable person. She realized that she dug a hole for herself and accepted that the only way out was to take full responsibility for what happened. Not only that, she also went out of her way to personally apologize to Acapella’s officials for the troubles she and her people caused. As for the sincerity of her actions, the others felt that she was genuinely remorseful about how things escalated.
All Landry knew was that Jewel got a demotion and a cut in pay. As for what happened after, she had to do some digging. The incident at Acapella seemed to set something off in Jewel as she began defying her orders and acting out. She speculates that it’s a combination of her feeling the need to save the day while trying to one up her detractors. Again, good intentions, but severely misguided to the point where she became nothing but trouble.
While the Interstellar Factions’s debt collectors already have a bad name, Jewel seemed intent on driving their reputation further into the ground than it already was. They were already shady to begin with, and so Jewel pretty much put the final nail in the coffin by highlighting everything wrong with them. Not too long after Jewel was fired, the Interstellar Factions was pressured to shut down their debt collector department.
From there, this is where things get hazy. Landry’s still trying to find out more information, so this is all she has for now. Jewel got herself tangled up with some people with questionable track records. Eventually, she got into a lot of legal troubles and later served time for reasons currently unknown that likely have to do with a murder case. So, her records are likely full of red tape with the word redacted written all over them. Not surprising, to say the least.
And that brings us to the present. According to records, Jewel was released about a month ago. After getting kicked out of the Interstellar Factions, it seems like she went on a downward spiral, throwing her professionalism and rationality out of the window. Because of all the legal troubles and the bridges she burned, by the time she got out, she basically had nothing except for Sushi and Strawberry Milk.
With nowhere to go, she likely wandered around until maybe she decided that she had enough and just gave up on life. And that was probably how Jewel almost ended up at the bottom of the Mosaic River. Had Landry not run into Sushi and Strawberry Milk, Jewel would be dead by now.
We were collecting mosaic stones and admiring the scenery when Jiangyi spotted something in the distance. Landry and Laufey recognized the frantically swimming figure as Sushi, who, in turn, recognized them. Seeing how distressed Sushi looked, Landry followed her. Let’s just say the last thing I’d expect to see is someone trying to let themselves be swallowed up by the waters of the Mosaic.
As it turns out, it looks like we just barely got to her in time. Good thing we’re all CPR certified, which meant we didn’t hesitate as soon as she got out of the water - something we were told pretty much improved her chances of survival by a lot. She was already breathing again by the time the ambulance came.
Right now, Jewel’s stable, but in bad shape. Since she has no emergency contacts or family, Landry’s stepping in and keeping tabs on her. Although we saved her from drowning, she has another hurdle to overcome - pneumonia. Since she’s been living out on the streets for a while, it’s no surprise that she’s in a weakened condition. Landry and Laufey almost didn’t recognize her if it wasn’t for her unusual hair colors, which is a sort of beige white with light blue and purple streaks.
Because she has to be sedated for the ventilator, there’s not much we can do but wait around and hope for the best. There’s no way of determining exactly how long she’s been sick and without treatment - a couple weeks at most - and so the doctors don’t know if there’ll be complications. Even if Jewel recovers physically, her mental state remains a concern. After all, she intended to kill herself, and given what we’ve uncovered about her situation so far, I mean, who can blame her?
Landry has been apologizing for putting a damper on our adventure by being concerned about Jewel’s wellbeing, but I don’t mind. She’s clearly worried about her, and if Jewel truly has no one else besides her companions, Landry should be with her. Laufey’s saddened by this turn of events too and is really hoping that she pulls through. We all are.
For now, we’ve been carrying on as usual, exploring the Mosaic Resort and collecting mosaic stones. Yang managed to talk Landry out of camping out in the hospital waiting room, reminding her that the Epiphany’s a family and that she shouldn’t be shouldering this alone. By that, he means that not only she should take some time for herself, but also let the others help her out. Isabelle, Daisy Jane, and I offered to take shifts too, but Landry said it wasn’t necessary, though she appreciated the gesture. Still, we felt it would help to accompany the others, mainly Laufey, Della, and Fionna, so that’s what we did.
Fionna’s been there before, life just barely hanging on a thread when you’re at your lowest. Aside from physical recovery, she says the will to live is what really determines your fate, is how she puts it. Sure, Jewel might be in for a rude awakening when she comes to, but she has to accept that she’s here, she’s alive, and what happens next is entirely up to her. It’ll be a long road, and far from an easy one.
After learning about Jewel, I can’t help but be invested in her too. I hope, especially for her sake, that she pulls through. This may be beside the point, but I think she’d be a good fit for the Epiphany. I mean, she’s a lost wanderer in need of a clean slate - and it seems like Della and Fionna are the closest to understanding what she’s going through. We were lucky to have found her when we did, so we want to make sure that she’s in good hands.
Life can be full of unexpected twists and turns. I really hope this is one of those good moments where small actions can make a positive impact.
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The Starfox Journal Entry 5-The Falco Problem
A couple of days went by and their friendship grew stronger. Fox, Peach and Slippy became closer and closer to one another. They visited each other everyday after school as well as during the weekends. As their friendship grew, they became more outgoing, including Slippy, who spent less time locked in his room and more time with his friends. He even showed them some cool stuff that his dad made and he has made, himself. Even their parents started talking to each other more often, including Peach’s parents. They took time out of their busy schedule to become more sociable towards Peppy and Beltino. Yep, everything seemed just fine.
However, not everything was all peaches and cream for these kids. There was still 1 problem to deal with: Falco Lombardi. This problem lasted until one night, when Fox and Peppy were having dinner together. Peppy: “Fox, you seem quiet. What’s the matter, kiddo?” Fox: “Peppy, my friends and I have this huge problem with this one kid at school. His name is Falco.” Peppy: “Falco, eh? What did he do to you?” Fox: “He keeps picking on us. At first, it wasn’t so bad because the bell rings before he could do anything to us, but during these past few days, the bell becomes too late to save us. He use to have picked on other kids, but Slippy and I become his main targets since the first day of school.” Peppy: “Oh, is that what’s been bothering ya?” Fox: “Actually, that’s half of what’s been bothering me. What’s really concerning me is that he never picks on Peach. I thought it was because she was delicate, but she’s pretty tough. She’s always protecting me and Slippy.” Peppy: “Well, that’s mighty nice of her.” Fox: “Yes…but, lately, whenever Peach tries to protect us, he would push her out of the way and go for me and Slippy. I don’t know what to do.” Peppy: “Hm…well, the first thing you should do is stand up for yourself. If you don’t learn to firm up whenever someone becomes as aggressive as Falco is, then you’ll always be a target for that kind of pestering.” Fox: “Stand up to him? I don’t know if I can do that.” Peppy: “Well, you have to try at the very least. If you don’t, then he’ll keep picking on you and Slippy.” Fox: “Good point…Ok, Peppy, I’ll try.” Peppy: “Good, and if he keeps on bothering you, then let me know and we’ll have a serious talk with that kid’s parents.”
Fox nodded once.
The next day, Fox, Peach and Slippy were sitting down, having lunch together. Just then, Falco approached them, again. Falco: “Well, what do we have here?”
Fox then froze up. He slowly turned his head and saw Falco. Falco: “If it isn’t McCloud and his perky friends.” Fox: “W-what do you want this time, Falco?” Falco: “What do I want? Simple, all I want is to have some fun, that's all. Now then, what should I do first?”
Falco began to toy around with them. Fox clenched his fists. Falco: “Hm…I know, I’ll throw around this frog.”
He then grabbed Slippy and pulled him up. Slippy: “Hey, let me go!” Peach: “Falco, cut it out! That’s not nice.” Falco: “You’re going to have to do better than that in order to chase me away.” Peach: “Falco, I mean it! Put him down!” Falco: “Really? Am I really going to listen to you? Come on, I’m in kindergarten, you don’t phase me.” Fox: “Stop it!”
Falco then looked towards Fox as he stood up. Fox: “Put down my friend, now!”
Falco dropped Slippy on the floor. Slippy: “Ow!” Fox: “Listen and listen good, Falco! I’m sick and tired of you constantly picking on me and Slippy! We never did anything to make you do this to us!” Falco: “Ooh, well look at this, you’re not hiding behind your princess friend, anymore.” Fox: “Shut up! I’m not finished, yet!”
Falco became startled. Fox: “Ever since we first met, you have been saying and doing mean things to us! Well I won’t put up with it anymore! I don’t know what you’re problem is but it’s no reason for you to be doing this! So, why don’t you go pick on someone else and leave me and my friends alone!”
Everyone was dead silent. Then, at that moment, Falco grinned. Falco: “Heh! Way to go, McCloud. I knew you had it in you.” Fox: “Wait! What?” Falco: “To tell you the truth, I hated picking on you. Everything I did to you and your frog stood against everything that my mom tried to teach me.” Fox: “What? Then why did you do it?” Falco: “To toughen you up. Listen, McCloud, I know everything about you and your father. I always respected him, going into battle like that and trying to defeat Andross, even though he failed and never made it out alive. I like you but if you wish to one day avenge your father and defeat Andross, you have to be tough. You can’t always cry like a wuss and hide behind your friends. You have to be a man. You have to be the one to stand up to those who threaten you, not having everybody else do it for you. You’ll never develop a back bone that way.” Fox: “So, by picking on me and my friends, you’re actually helping me?” Falco: “Yep, my methods may seem unusual, but they work, none the less.” Fox: “Falco, you have a funny way of letting people know how much you care about them.” Falco: “Yeah, I’m cool like that. I’m never all for picking on people. Although I can’t help but pick on losers, morons and weirdoes like Mario, Luigi and Wario.” Fox: “And I’m Ok with that.” Peach: “Well, I’m not! I think it’s not nice to pick on anyone, no matter who they are.”
Wario comes walking in. Wario: “When I grow up, I’m going to raise and army of Bob-ombs and blow up stuff and things!!!”
Just then, a Bob-omb comes rolling in right near Wario. It was about to explode. Wario: “Uh, oh…”
It then blew up in his faces, causing him to fly off screaming as he bounced off the walls and then landed on the floor in front of them, groan in pain. They stood by and stared at him in a disturbed manner. Peach: “Ok, you can do whatever you want with him.” Falco: “Yes!” Peach: “But hold on a second, you never picked on me, except for times when I’m standing up for Fox and Slippy. How come?”
Falco hesitated. He then moved closer to them. Falco: “Keep this inside, but I have a soft spot for girls. It’s bad enough that I picked on Fox, but I could never hurt a girl. My mom told me to be respectful towards girls.” Peach: “I find that hard to believe.” Falco: “I know. I’ve been a jerk and I can understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore. So, I’ll just be on my way.”
He then turned around and walked off. Fox: “Wait!”
Falco turned around. Falco: “Yes, McCloud?” Fox: “Um…I don’t like what you did to me, but I can tell you’re not as bad as you let on. I don’t think I’ll ever meet anyone like you in a long time, so…is it Ok if I gave you a second chance?” Falco: “Sure, come to my place for dinner tonight. Bring your friends, too. Don’t worry, I promise I won’t be mean to you.”
He walked off. Fox stood and stared out at Falco.
Later, the kids were all being picked up from school. Fox, Peach and Slippy arrived near where Peppy was. Peppy: “Hey, kids. How was school?” Fox: “Um…it was unusual. I stood up to Falco like you told me, but…the outcome was unexpected.” Peppy: “Well, what do you mean?” Fox: “Falco was actually nicer than I thought. Said he picked on us to toughen me up and it worked.” Peppy: “Hm, that’s seems very unusual.” Fox: “I know, I wonder what went on with him.” Peach: “Look, here he comes.”
Just then, Falco walked up to them along with his mom. Falco: “Hey, guys. I’d like to introduce you to my mom. She’s the one who’s taking care of me.” Fox: “Um…hi…Mrs. Lombardi…” Peach: “Hello.” Mrs. Lombardi: “Hello, children. My son has talked a lot about you.” Peach: “Um…that’s nice, I guess.” Mrs. Lombardi: “Listen, I’m sorry for everything that my son has put you through, he is a good boy, but I never thought he would even consider doing what he did.” Fox: “Gee, you seem like such a nice lady.” Mrs. Lombardi: “Hm…you must be Fox. My son has talked a lot about you.” Fox: “Until recently, I can’t tell if that’s a good thing.” Peach: “Listen, Mrs. Lombardi, I don’t have a lot of good things to say about your son.” Mrs. Lombardi: “I know. I was unaware of some of the things that he did to you. I was quite surprised when I found out.” Slippy: “How did you find out?” Falco: “I told her. It was no big deal.” Mrs. Lombardi: “Yes, well, I told my son that he will not be punished for his actions if he apologizes.” Falco: “And I will…tonight.” Peppy: “Well, I am grateful for this opportunity to get to know you, even though some of you weren’t nice to Fox and his friends.” Falco: “Don’t worry, I promise I will make it up to him.” Mrs. Lombardi: “Now then, let’s get you back to our place so we can prepare for dinner.” Peach: “Sounds great. I’ll inform Toadsworth know about this.”
Later on that day, they arrived at the Lombardi’s residence. There, they sat down together and had dinner. Mrs. Lombardi: “So, Peppy, how did you manage to escape that dreadful planet alive?” Peppy: “Well, it wasn’t easy but I was barely able to escape with my life. Still, huge parts of me died with James that day, so I’m still not 100%.” Mrs. Lombardi: “I’m so sorry to hear that. I, myself, had some fair shares of difficulties. Believe it or not, I manage to escape a violent relationship. Falco’s father was a very
ill-mannered man who did and said many horrible things to me. Those times were difficult and I have often wondered if I could ever survive that relationship but I hung on for as long as I could.” Peach: “But why did you stay with that man if he was being mean to you?” Mrs. Lombardi: “You have to understand, sweetie. Our race has declined quite a lot and I was willing to do anything to have a child, even if it meant putting up with that man for a long time.” Slippy: “That must have been terrible.”
Mrs. Lombardi hung her head down as she sulked Mrs. Lombardi: “It was. When I first met Falco’s father, he was always very mean and did some hurtful things to me. But I had to stay because he promised me a daughter.” Peach: “So, when did you realize that you out to get away from him?” Mrs. Lombardi: “Well, after I had Falco, I overheard my husband talk to about of his friends about getting rid of me in the most dreadful way so that he could raise our son to be like him. I knew then that I had to leave. So, I took my son with me and left that horrible man.” Falco: “Heh! Mom told me everything about my father. Not only was he always cruel to my mom, but he was also a supporter of Andross.” Fox: “What!?!” Peppy: “You can’t be serious!! Didn’t Andross cause the depletion of most of your entire race?” Mrs. Lombardi: “Yes, but that never mattered to him.” Peppy: “The nerve of some people. He might as well be spitting on the graves of all of his fallen kind supporting Andross.” Falco: “Yeah, I don’t like Andross and neither did my mom, so I’m glad that I never knew my father.”
Falco's mom lifted her head up with a stern look in her eyes. Mrs. Lombardi: “All I wanted was for my son to live his own life, not his father’s. If Falco finds a good life for himself, I would die a happy woman.” Peppy: “You were wise to leave that relationship with that horrible man. Just the thought of a nice lady like you continuing to be involved with a man like that breaks my heart. It’s obvious you deserved better than that.” Mrs. Lombardi: “Yes, I did.” Fox: “So, Falco. How do you feel about being raised by your mom?” Falco: “I like it. She’s always so nice to me so she’s the reason why I don’t pick on girls. She also always told me to be courteous to others, even though I like to rough a few people up here and there.” Mrs. Lombardi: “Yes, well, he is like his father that way. Regardless, I want my son to be good to others, but I want him to accomplish whatever he wishes to accomplish and if standing up to a lot of bad people out there makes him happy, well, I can be scared for him but I can also be proud of him.” Falco: “Fox, I still owe you an apology. So, I’ll make this quick. I’m sorry for picking on you and your friends the way I did.” Fox: “Thank you, Falco. You know, you’re right about one thing, I do have to stand up to other people, but… I’m not ready to be a man. Not, yet. I’m still only 4 years old.” Falco: “Gotcha, but I thought the sooner I get you started on standing up for yourself, the easier it will be for you to actually be a man. We’ll focus on other things when we get older that is if you’re willing to let me help you.”
Fox hesitated. Fox: “You know, you are the most unusually nice person I have ever known, but I admire that you care about me in your own way. I guess I can let you stay with me and my friends as long as you don’t do anything to hurt me.” Falco: “As long as doing it by accident doesn’t count, I will be Ok with that.” Fox: “Deal!”
They shook hands with each other. Mrs. Lombardi: “Oh, it’s always so nice to see my boy being nice to others.” Falco: “Don’t worry, mom, I will make you proud. I promise.” Mrs. Lombardi smiled. Everyone else smiled as well.
Later that day, Peppy, Fox, Peach and Slippy were getting ready to leave. Peppy shook hands with Mrs. Lombardi. Peppy: “Well, it was very nice meeting you, ma’am.” Mrs. Lombardi: “The pleasure is all mine. I’m just so glad my son is making up for what he did.” Falco: “It was no trouble, at all, mom. I still feel guilty for what I did but I’m just glad I was able to do something for someone I admire. Although, I won‘t go easy on him.” Fox: “Just try not to be too rough on me.” Peach: “Yeah, no more roughhousing, Falco!” Falco: “Believe me, all that treating you like my own personal punching bag is all in the past.” Slippy: “Good, I hate being a punching bag to anyone.” Mrs. Lombardi: “Well, I will see all of you tomorrow.” Peach: “Ok, goodbye, Mrs. Lombardi.” Fox: “Goodbye ma’am.” Slippy: “Bye.”
And so they left. Mrs. Lombardi: “Now then, Falco, I know you meant well but I still don’t approve of what you did.” Falco: “Neither did I.” Mrs. Lombardi: “Still, I’m glad you invited them all to dinner.” Falco: “So did I. That McCloud kid is alright.”
The next day, Falco was true to his word. When Fox, Peach and Slippy were sitting down eating lunch together. Falco then approached them like he usually does, but instead of picking on them, he offered a friendly smile as well as a friendly gesture. Fox, Peach and Slippy then invited him to sit down with them and they had lunch together with him for the first time ever.
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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thebibliomancer · 11 months
Essential Avengers: Avengers #305: "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!"
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July, 1989
Attaaaaaaaack of the killer lava mennnnnnnnn!
Attaaaaaaaaaaaack of the killer lava mennnnnnnnn!
Alright, now is Byrne time!
He now writes both Avengers and West Coast Avengers. And draws West Coast Avengers himself.
He had big plans for the West Coast Avengers. Which we've seen unfolding.
So what's his plan for the East Coast Avengers?
Well, it looks like he's going big.
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That's a hell of a roster.
Tigra, Namor, Starfox, Thor, La Espirita, Hellcat, Falcon, Beast, Wonder Man, Moondragon, Hawkeye, the Wasp, She-Hulk, Monica Rambeau, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Gilgamesh with no shirt or pants, Black Widow, Dr Pym, Mockingbird, Quasar, Invisible Woman, Mr Fantastic, Ben Grimm, the Vision, and Captain America.
It even seems to include most of the Fantastic Four and the whole of the West Coast Avengers. Except US Agent but eh.
Can one superhero team just eat another to get bigger? Do superhero teams have mergers?
What, in fact, is going on here?
Captain America: In a nutshell, then, at one time or another, each and every one of you has been an Avenger. Some for a long time, some for only a very short while... As chairman of the East Coast branch of the team, what I want to propose to you is this: a permanent consolidation of all members. The Avengers are the Avengers. Not two teams. Not three. One team. Everyone who has ever been an Avenger, will always be an Avenger. A member of a pool of super-powered individuals whose abilities add up to an unstoppable force for good."
Every Avenger Ever but as the central premise for a creative run!
Hence the pretty packed roster box on the cover.
I have no idea how a roster like this is going to work.
But the assembled once and future Avengers all chime in their thoughts.
Reed and Sue Fantastic say the idea sounds fantastic. Literally. It sounds like the reasoning that led to the Fantastic Four's founding.
But even though Mr Fantastic and Invisible Woman are back with the Fantastic Four, if Cap needs them, they'll come.
Ben "Not Currently the Thing" Grimm also offers his aid.
Bee tee dubs, his five second stint with the West Coast Avengers is why he's here, at this meeting.
Beast echoes the various Fantastics. He's busy with X-Factor but if the Avengers need him, he'll be there.
Every Avenger Ever Available As Needed is a fun idea but I can't help but see it running into creator squabbles.
Is Steve Englehart just going to happily lend out his characters to Byrne whenever he wants to use them?
I mean, at the end of the day, editorial can force the issue. But I see it being an issue. Comic creators are territorial.
Further people chime in.
Hellcat says she'll be available if the Avengers need her but Tigra scoffs.
Tigra: "Why would any team need a two-bit imitation when they've got the genuine article?"
I thought you two hashed out your differences. And I also thought you were some weird cat monster at the moment.
What's the deal, Tigra?
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The two cat-themed heroes almost have a catfight but various dudes break it up.
Captain America scolds that as Avengers, they need to settle their differences with "due order and dignity" which is surely ironic in the future, after several slap fights with Tony.
Tigra reluctantly reigns it in, although she promises that things between her and Patsy aren't over yet.
Back to people chiming in.
Monica Rambeau offers any assistance she can. But she's still emaciated and recovering from the draining of her power so she doesn't know what she can offer.
Captain America: "Your spirit alone makes you an invaluable asset, Captain Marvel. I'm very glad to hear you say you still want to be one of the team."
Hawkeye chimes in that he's got his own team to concern himself with.
No, not the West Coast Avengers.
Remember, he stormed off in a huff.
We'll see what he's talking about in the next West Coast Avengers issue.
But he wants to make it very clear that unlike some people he's not going to come when he's called until everyone shows him the respect he's earned.
... Hawkeye, what the shit.
You don't even have beef with Captain America or with most of the people in this room.
Mockingbird tells him to get over himself. He's an Avenger, she's an Avenger. And if Cap needs them, they're Avengers.
Also, everyone else apparently answers off-panel or something.
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I love Hawkeye's pouty little raised fist.
He's doing it to fit in but he's gonna be sullen about it.
God, there's something really funny about US Agent not getting the invite.
He's on the team by government fiat but Cap is like 'do I consider him a real Avenger no, I do not.'
That or he just ignored the invite. There's other people missing.
Dr Druid, lost in time. Black Knight, Thor forgot him in that dimensional rift. Mantis, has a lot going on right now. Hulk, never responds to messages. The year 3000 Guardians of the Galaxy, in the future. Iron Man... hey, where the fuck is Iron Man?
Every Avenger ever (that bothered to answer the phone) and a big mainstay like Iron Man isn't here?
Is being a big international criminal too much for his supposed friends to overlook?
Meanwhile? Lava men.
Just like the cover predicted.
A lava men is doomsaying over a cauldron.
Lava Man: "The ancient magicks grow weaker by the second. The darkness closes. The final darkness. Upon my actions here must hang the fate of all my race!"
This is the exact same plot as Power of the Dark Crystal.
That lava people in that were cuter though.
The lava man summons the last bit of ancient power to bring forth more lava men.
Lava Man: "Enough to crush the surface-dwellers who destroyed our people, who shattered our tomorrows...!"
Oh dammit.
What innocuous thing did the Avengers do this time that's going to prompt a whole thing?
Anyway, back with the Avengers, most of the biggest roster ever fucks off.
Because the thing about any Avenger being on call as needed means that when they're not needed, they're going to fuck off.
But a few hang around. And I'm guessing they might be something like a core roster with rotating guest Avengers for flavor?
Captain America, of course. This whole thing is his brain baby.
Black Panther sticks around since its been too long since he's done an Avengers stint. And you know T'Challa. He gets bored doing the same thing for too long. The same thing being "ruling the country that he rules."
She-Hulk, Thor, Gilgamesh, and Quasar also stick around.
I hope Gilgamesh gets a new, better costume if he's sticking around. He lost his helmet and his armor. He didn't bother changing out of civvies for that one Ellis Island fill-in issue. And he's just wearing boots and a loin cloth now.
Who do you think you are? Conan?
It's so weird that Quasar just casually gets Avengers membership off-panel. Or maybe it happened in some other book. And weird if so.
Everyone else in this biggest roster ever were past and current Avengers and then there's Quasar. The new guy. But nobody talking about how he's the new guy.
It's weird.
I got nothing bad to say about She-Hulk or Thor. They're cool.
Anyway. In what feels like a meta nod, Captain America and She-Hulk discuss how Thor makes Gilgamesh redundant.
She-Hulk says that Gilgamesh has been feeling like a fifth wheel since Thor came back. But She-Hulk didn't read the past issues. There was never an Avengers team that had Gilgamesh and didn't have Thor at the same time.
Either way, Captain America says you can't have too many heavy-hitters on a team and goes to join Thor and Gilgamesh's training session.
The training session kinda starts with a little gang up on Gilgamesh.
He smack talks Captain America's speed and does not yield to his mighty shield.
Thor gets aggrieved because dangit Captain America's shield is too good for Gilgamesh or even Thor to be handling willy nilly, even in a training session. How dare!
He throws his mighty Mjolnir at Gilgamesh. It clips his ankle and Black Panther is able to grab the shield from him.
After dunking on Captain America's speed, Gilgamesh is surprised by Black Panther and comments that his SPEED is unlike anything he's seen outside other Eternals.
Gilgamesh compliments how well the Avengers work together. He tries to pick up Mjolnir but obviously can't.
Thor recalls Mjolnir to his hand but Quasar missed the gang up on Gilgamesh memo and blasts Mjolnir right when Thor was about to throw it again, causing the mighty mallet to fly right at She-Hulk and Black Panther.
She-Hulk snags the shield and then shoves Black Panther out of the way. She blocks Mjolnir but gets knocked off her feet.
Quasar apologizes for getting caught up in the excitement and Cap scolds that carelessness could get someone killed in a real combat situation.
Captain America: "You may be a trained SHIELD agent, but you're new to the Avengers, Quasar. Join me later, and I'll be happy to run you through a few drills to sharpen your combat sense."
She-Hulk tells Cap to go easy on the new kid because "we were all young once" and "he's got cute dimples."
From Quasar's grim expression, I don't know if he takes that compliment.
Then Jarvis pops in and asks who wants snacks?
Black Panther does. Black Panther is all over that.
I wonder if this training sequence is inspired by Danger Room sequences over in X-Men.
Claremont and Byrne were basically co-plotters, although there was friction there toward the end, and starting a story with a Danger Room sequence as a quick 'here are the characters and here's what they can do' was common in their X-Men run.
This didn't start the story because the new status quo of 'any Avenger ever might show up for a story' had to be set up but it still has that same energy.
Here are the characters, here's what they do.
Anyway. A big RRRRRUUMMMMBBLLLLE hits the island and shakes the place like an earthquake. But it can't be an earthquake because Avengers Island is not an island. Its a floating platform.
(Although it is anchored in place with big pillars so it would probably still feel earthquakes?)
So something must have hit the not-island and hard enough to cause cracks in the walls and ceiling. The reinforced walls and ceiling because the Avengers know that their mansion on an island is a nice target.
Cap runs up to a window and doesn't see Manhattan. Which is weird. They're parked right off Manhattan. Where is Manhattan?
But based on the slight tremors, Black Panther deduces what has happened.
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This has happened.
Dang ol' lava men hoisted the entire not-island!
The Avengers (She-Hulk, Black Panther, Quasar, Captain America, Thor, and No-Shirt Gilgamesh) run outside to find out what's going on.
She-Hulk asks the silly question of who short of Galactus could lift a not-island!
It's a very silly question because I don't think the Lava Men are close to Galactus on the power scale.
Apparently a lot of people could lift a not-island.
The Lava Men answer her question anyway by swarming up over the side and Captain America deduces that they're responsible based on how they're here.
Since Quasar is new here, Thor exposits that the Lava Men were some of the first foes that the Avengers fought. Issue #5, I believe.
And this is issue #305. Very cute, Byrne.
Captain America, who was also in issue #5, notes that these aren't the Lava Men he remembers. Their movements are too robotic. And they reform as quickly as they're smashed.
She-Hulk notes that they're also too hot to stand near. Even with Hulk toughness.
Gilgamesh tries walloping one with a tree but when it shatters, each piece gets up as a tiny Lava Man.
So She-Hulk drops a rock on them.
Which she wouldn't do if they were alive. But she doesn't think they are.
When She-Hulk smack talks Gilgamesh, he retorts he's only brought a fraction of his immortal might to bear so far.
Black Panther: "Then a fraction more would be appreciated, Gilgamesh. It does little good against these things to talk."
T'Challa just ended that entire man's career.
I do wonder how Simonson would have been writing Gilgamesh because nobody else seems interested in doing it.
Forget Thor-lite, he's just Hercules-lite now. Big strong guy who gets grumpy when he's shown up or when a woman.
He's been stripped of his dumb armor and whatever interesting characteristics he may have had. Joking about being mythological people and with a passion for monster fighting.
What happened to you, Gilgamesh? And how soon can you go away and get replaced by Sersi?
Anyway, new boy Quasar comes up with an idea.
He asks Black Panther to lure as many Lava Men as he can to the edge of the not-island so Quasar can blast them off.
I mean. Lava Men. Water. It makes sense. Except that I'm pretty sure these dopes came OUT of the ocean to begin with.
But everyone acts like this was a really good idea so I guess it was a really good idea.
Thor even imitates it by spinning Mjolnir really fast to create a gale to push more Lava Men off.
And Cap tells Thor good job on that too so I guess knocking them off the edge is a good plan.
Not a sufficient plan though.
There's just too many. A dozen more climb onto the island for every one the Avengers knock over the edge.
She-Hulk iterates on her giant rock idea by having Gilgamesh help her use a giant rock to shovel tons of sand on a group of Lava Men.
Quasar: "I don't like the looks of this, Panther! We're losing!" Black Panther: "Never say it, Quasar. Though the Lava Men outnumber us by ten thousand to one..." Quasar: "Well, excuse my doom and gloom, Panther... But that's not much of an exaggeration! They've got the others completely surrounded!" Black Panther: "Then we must fight them from within, Quasar! Set us down inside their fiery ring!"
Black Panther claims that the idea is to mass all of the Avengers' might in one combined front but I dunnoooooo. And Cap backs him up that it's a good strategy but I don't knoooooooow.
Because. Look. The previous strategy was to knock the dudes off the edge. Circling up is basically admitting defeat. They can rush the Avengers with numbers and the Avengers can't use their biggest attacks because their friends are shoulder to shoulder with them.
And considering that it seems like the Lava Men's plan was to force the Avengers into a small circle for reasons, Black Panther choosing to jump into the circle feels less like good strategy and more like Byrne moving the pieces where they need to be and not being able to do it naturally.
The Avengers getting forced into a bad position is very possible, especially with these kinds of numbers.
Having Black Panther go 'let me get in there too' makes it come off clunky.
The Lava Men keep coming and coming and the Avengers' circle shrinks until its maybe 15 feet across.
Then the Lava Men get kinda goopy. They lose their human form and flow into each other into a wave of lava.
Too late, Captain America realizes this is bad. He commands everyone who can fly to grab someone and get clear of this tiny circle that turned out to be a bad idea.
But I already said it was too late.
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The lava wave crashes over the Avengers and then forms a ball.
Somehow, Captain America and Black Panther do not die.
I know people can get pretty close to lava flows but its a ball. They're standing on lava. And She-Hulk comments that inside the lava ball is as hot as a blast furnace.
Thor, She-Hulk, Gilgamesh and even Quasar have super-durability or an energy shield.
Why aren't Cap and Black Panther's booties burning?
The Avengers try to bust their way free of the lava ball but any damage seals itself back up, just like how the Lava Men reformed after being attacked.
Then the ball starts to rock and then roll.
Towards the edge of the not-island.
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That's an elaborate death.
For Captain America and Black Panther.
I'm pretty sure that everyone else can survive a very long plummet into the ocean inside of a lava ball.
Unfair, the Lava Men.
Come back with a death trap that kills everyone equally.
Follow @essential-avengers for more Byrnevengers. No matter the week, no matter the team, Byrnevengers. Like, reblog, and comment maybe. I like feedback.
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Prompts -- 30 Days of Star Fox
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What Star Fox game is your favorite?
Which member of Team Star Fox is your favorite?
Which member of Team Star Wolf is your favorite?
Which side character is your favorite?
What planet is your favorite?
What is your favorite song?
What is your favorite boss fight?
What is your favorite level?
Which vehicle is your favorite?
Who is your favorite villain?
What is your favorite piece of banter between the Star Fox team members?
What game or moment made you fall in love with the series?
Which game was your first game?
Which team do you prefer -- Star Fox or Star Wolf, and why?
Do you own any Star Fox merchandise?  If not, is there any that you’d like to own?
What is your favorite quote from the Star Fox series?
Do you have any Star Fox OCs?
Do you have any OTPs?
What would you like to see in a future Star Fox game?
Do you have any headcanons?  If so, list your top 5!
Which of Fox’s designs is your favorite?
Which of Peppy’s designs is your favorite?
Which of Falco’s designs is your favorite?
Which of Slippy’s designs is your favorite?
Which of Wolf’s designs is your favorite?
Which Arwing design is your favorite?
If Nintendo were to do a crossover with the Star Fox series and one other series, what series would you like to see?
What are your thoughts on Out-of-This-Dimension? (The location in the SNES Star Fox, not my blog!!!)
If you could change one thing about the series, would you change something and what would you change?
And, finally, tell us something you love about the series! 
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mr-styles · 3 years
Starfox Creator Didn't Know Who Harry Styles Was Before Eternals, Can't Stop Listening to His Music Now
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Last summer, we spoke with the legendary comic creator about the various projects he was working on, and he couldn't help himself from publicly pleading with Marvel Studios to introduce Pip the Troll in live-action at one point or another. Fast forward a year and some change, and Pip the Troll is officially part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not just that, but Eros has also joined the cinematic world, another one of Starlin's cosmic creations.
Played by Harry Styles, Eros serves as the star of the mid-credits scene in Chloe Zhao's Eternals, and the character is shaping up to have a major Marvel future. Whatever the case, Jim Starlin wants you to know the character's name is Eros—not Starfox. "I don't do Starfox," Starlin tells us after we called Styles' character by his codename. "That was when editorial got kind of chicken shit and decided they were going to change his name."
According to Starlin, Marvel Studios invited him to the premiere but he wasn't able to attend. Because the invite was extended, the creator was under the assumption Josh Brolin had a cameo in the movie as Thanos. As it turns out, two of his favorite creations ended up popping up instead.
"I kind of thought Pip might show, I actually expected Thanos to be in it. There'd been some rumor going around that a young Thanos was going to show up in the movie. Apparently not. He's mentioned, but he never shows up," Starlin recalls. "So Pip was not too much of a surprise. Eros was very much a big surprise, and all the impact that Harry Styles playing Eros is quite a surprise. I didn't see that one coming."
As far as Styles' performance goes, Starlin's on board with it all. The writer admits he had never heard of the actor beforehand but has quickly become a fan of the singer's.
"Harry Styles was a surprise. I'm an ancient coot, so my consumption of pop music stopped somewhere in the 1970s. So I have to admit, I did not know who Harry Styles was," the artist remembers. "I was going through a checkout line, and I saw a magazine on Harry Styles. And my thought was, 'Oh, it must be something from like, Martha Stewart Magazine,' And I thought it was such a strange name for a magazine on home decor."
Regardless, Starlin likes how the actor looks in the role. "When it came out that he was the actor playing Eros, I had to go look him up," Starlin concludes. "And I was really quite surprised, I've got him on my Spotify now. There's a number of songs that I really rather liked. So I was brought back up into modern day and now know who Harry Styles is. And I think he'll be perfect as Eros. I mean, he's a really good-looking guy."
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cinnamon-harry · 2 years
Heyo! Do you write starfox? The eros whom Harry played? If you do! Could you do one where reader is odin daughter/son? Like sister or brother of Thor and loki?
hellooo!! unfortunately i do not write starfox (if i’m being honestly i’m not exactly sure how to navigate around his character with just that little snippet at the end of the movie😭) so if anyone knows of a fic like this pls drop it in the inbox :))
BUT i see u and i see the vision. funny enough, i was actually thinking abt this the other day, so i now raise you this: starfox/eros x reader with enimies to lovers trope✨
long ass blurb thingy/word vomit under the cut!
initially, when i thought of this plot, i had imagined the reader to be the daughter of heimdall, but honestly this could work with odin as well (you’ll see why)
I would also like to add that in this plot, thanos happened, so he did kill heimdall (your dad) and as a result, this is slightly what fuels your resentment towards eros bc, as we all know, he’s thanos’ brother. however, eros does not know this information about your dad and you don’t tell him.
so basically reader, the daughter of heimdall, somehow ends up being stuck with eros on some kind of mission type deal. at first you push past the fact that his brother literally killed your father and chose to at least give him a chance to get on your good side, but you find yourself irate by his cockiness and lewd behavior towards you (he makes it very clear that he thinks you’re attractive).
eros has, on multiple occasions, tried to use his powers to seduce you, but with your powers and heightened senses (inherited from heimdall) you can tell when he attempts to do it, so you never fall victim to his tricks. cue this tiny little spiel i conjured up whilst thinking abt this:
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right, so then you two carry on, you don’t quite get along but you’re a pretty good team when you work together. there’s little moments where eros actually won’t be such a dumbass and is a little sweet and you find yourself starting to look at him differently.
whenever the two of you are in battle, he carries his joking mannerisms onto the playing field and at one point it puts you in danger, risking your life, and you snap at him, have a little fight yeah yeah.
and then finally at some point during your mission, someone brings up thanos killing your dad and eros is shocked to learn this new information. he walks after you when you storm off and confronts you about it. cue this little thingy i wrote:
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and then a lot of sappy sob shit happens and from there on out the two of you are pretty civil with each other, with the occasional snappy comments. then eventually you admit your feelings, things unfold and you two somehow end up together.
and of course there’d be little sprinkles of smut here and there, maybe a little hate fucking but yeah that’s pretty much all i could think of😭
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peteyprecious616 · 3 years
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Welcome to my Masterlist!
This a multi-fandom page for Marvel, DC, Star Wars and many others which I can't wait to write more for.
Requests: open
Most recent work: Then there were two
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🔮 Druig 🔮
Admiring from afar
summary: you sneak a peek at Druig's secret training session. But you're not very secretive.
Waiting for gold
Summary: You understood him, or so you thought. But he left, and he was the only person you cared for. Now he's on his own, loving his village, but why couldn't he love you too?
Forever yours
Summary: He loves you, and you love him. You couldn't live forever, but he could love you endlessly.
Just out of reach
Summary: He was leaving you again for some time, but you will never be truly alone.
🕷️ Peter Parker 🕷️
A Wilted Flower
Summary: Peter gave up after MJ broke his heart. His big heart now wilting away as he silently waits for her to come back. You know she won’t. So you sit by him as he waits, picking up the pieces in the process.
As the years go by
Summary: He was in love with you, his best friend and over the years that love grew. But so did you. Did he really think that he would be your number one thought forever?
A warm embrace
Summary: A cold winter day staring off brutal for you, only to meet a sweet stranger with a warm heart.
⍟ Steve Rogers ⍟
Steve vs. Soup
Summary: what are the qualifications to consider soup...soup? I mean you obviously know. But does Steve know? He thinks so.
You’ve got mail
Summary: You moved to a small town, loving your new lifestyle and making new friends. You make a new friend, Steve, your local mailman. A small friendship ensues.
🦊 Eros (Starfox) 🦊
All on your own
Summary: The God of Love just hopped on your ship and he already has you wrapped around his finger. You think you’re in love, but maybe he just likes to use his powers on you.
४ Loki Laufeyson ४
A touch of magic
Summary: Your precious flower just doesn't want to bloom. And Loki just wants to see his precious darling flower, you, to always be happy and blossoming.
✪ Bucky Barnes ✪
Written in the lines
Summary: Bucky starts to take up a new hobby...drawing. He thinks his drawing is not good enough for you to see. But you think it's beautiful.
Silent promises
What is comfort to Bucky? It was a small, lingering question throughout everyone's mind, even his. But apparently, even without words, you knew what he needed.
You'll always have me
You had it the first four times; the fifth time he had you…but was it fast enough?
Better memories with you
He always had bad memories that he could never forget, Hydra, Thanos...but when he sees something on you, something that he associated with a bad memory, looked good on you. Maybe some memories could be forgotten with a little help.
Smooth criminal
Summary: He caught you red-handed, his cowboy hat in your hands, and an accomplice to finish the job. The sheriff had two criminals in his midst. What will he do?
I miss you
You were best friends with him. You loved him. You spent all your time with him. As childhood best friends, you always made time for him. All of your time. But at the end of the day would it be enough for him to love you back?
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🪄 Anakin Skywalker 🪄
Blind Trust
Summary: Is he telling you the truth? Or is it built up rage from years of being underestimated? You can't tell but when his love for you is so strong that he would sacrifice anything, including his sanity, to have you, how can you say no?
Divine deception
Summary: You were too good for the Jedi to have. So he had to save you from their lies. He would take you with him. He had no choice. You didn't either.
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🦇 Batman 🦇
Behind the Mask
Summary: Somehow the man in the mask was your soulmate. You didn't know anything about him except for late night visits and whispers. But maybe you realized you meant more to him than just run-ins and phone calls.
Till death do us part
Summary: You were married to Bruce Wayne, but he was married to his job. He left you weeks ago and now he shows up bruised and weak. Should you let him in?
Elephant in the room
Summary: You might be a little emotional, crying over small things during your pregnancy. But when Bruce gives you something, it reminds you how much Bruce loves you and your child. Even though sometimes he can't be there to show it.
Summary: Being pregnant wasn't easy, especially going to parties with Bruce wasn't any easier. But he promised you a slushie before you went, so why not.
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Small Misc. Blurbs
Tumblr dividers: not mine, found here
Pictures edited by me
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tom-whore-dleston · 2 years
Jordan's 23rd Birthday Sleepover
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My actual bday isn't until the 4th but imma just milk out the celebration as much as I can skskskdfghaa 🤣 this sleepover has nothing to do with Michael Jordan or basketball (I mean other than my name is Jordan and I am turning 23 lmfao)
Even tho Tumblr is a weird and oftentimes crappy place, I have met some pretty cool ass people on here and I wouldn't want it any other way :') Y'all make this place less dark and I wanna celebrate this special day with my besties!! Here's to another year of friendship, love, and unhinged hoe vibes 🤪🥂 let's pretend that I'm not recycling some stuff from my last sleepover 💀
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Party Itinerary:
Starts: April 3 @ 12am (PST)
Ends: April 6 @ 11:59pm (PST)
You are welcome to send in asks before the sleepover starts, but I won't start responding to them until the start time.
As always, please be 18+ to participate! Y'all know how I feel about minors being on my blog so please don't give me a reason to block any of y'all. Please have some indication of your age in your bio.
You don't have to be following me to participate. Everyone is welcome 😊
I disabled anon feature to avoid meanies and minors.
Please send one emoji per ask. You don't have to worry about spamming my inbox, I will see everything ;)
I will not write/discuss anything revolving around non-con, underage, a/b/o, bathroom kinks, blood kinks (only exception is vampire AU if applicable), incest, step-cest, foot fetish.
I only write for female reader inserts with no specific race/ethnicity, hair/eye/skin color, body type, etc.
I reserve the right to deny writing/discussing any other things that make me uncomfortable.
Overall, let's just have fun and spread some love!!!
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Thank you for the gift 🥰:
🍨 - Let's get personal. Ask me whatever you want.
🎂 - Let's play an ask game (cym, fmk, wyr, etc). Feel free to spice it up to your liking ;)
🍾 - Send me a hottie not on list and I'll rate them based on the scale below.
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
🥳 - Send me smutty, fluffy, and/or crack concepts that you think would fit in any of my AUs (Honey Baby, Teach Me Tonight, Rolling Dice and Rocking Hips)
🎉 - *Send a prompt from this list + hottie and I'll write a quick fic. Feel free to add AUs/tropes/etc.
🎈 - *Send me a movie + hottie and I will write a quick fic based on the movie
ex. Tangled + Xu Shangqi
🎁 - *Send a pic of one of my hotties and I will write a quick fic based on the pic.
🕯️ - *Send me a song or song lyrics + hottie and I will write a quick fic based on the song/lyrics
*Please note that the asks involving quick fics will take some time, so be patient as I write them! Remember that I reserve the right to deny any requests that 1. involve anything I previously stated I do not write for 2. I generally do not feel comfortable writing
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You know who will be at the party 😏:
Real life hotties -
Simu Liu, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland, Austin Butler, Barry Keoghan, Andrew Garfield, Harry Styles, Oscar Isaac, Michael B. Jordan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Hayden Christensen
Fictional hotties -
Marvel: Loki Laufeyson, Xu Shang-Chi/Shangqi, Peter Parker (any variant), Xu Wenwu, Erik Kilmonger, Scott Lang, Thor, Druig, Eros/Starfox, Sam Wilson, Pietro Maximoff (Age of Ultron), Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes, Marc Spector/Steven Grant, Stephen Strange
Star Wars: Din Djarin, Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Poe Dameron
Other: Kim Jung (Kim’s Convenience), any Sim Liu’s SNL characters (don't be shy, I know we all simped), Adam (Only Lovers Left Alive), Johnathan Pine (The Night Manager), Robert Laing (High Rise), James Conrad (Kong: Skull Island), Nathan Drake (Uncharted), Arvin Russel (The Devil All The Time), Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out), Jefferson/Mad Hatter (Once Upon a Time)
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Gifts on the Table (oldest to newest):
🎉 - “Reality is even better than my dreams.” + Tom Hiddleston (@/huntress-artemiss)
🎈 - A Court of Mist and Fury + Simu Liu (@/littlestatesman)
🎈 - Meet the Robinsons + Xu Shangqi (@/blackbat05)
🎁 - Simu Liu (@/tonystarksfavoritedaughter)
🎁 - Adam OLLA (@/poetic-fiasco)
🎁 - Loki Laufeyson (@/frostbitten-written)
🎁 - Oscar Isaac (@/wint3r-h3art)
🎉 - “I’m not necessarily hungry for food right now.” + Stephen Strange (@/wint3r-h3art)
🍾 - Stephen Strange (@/wint3r-h3art)
🎉 - Austin Butler + “How about we stay here all day and cuddle?” (@/beakeoghan)
🥳 - Teach Me Tonight concept: prof! Shangqi testing your knowledge on X subject (or whatever major/minor is being tested) while testing you and your self control? (@/potatos-main)
🍨 - 3 things you want people to know about you (@/yummymatcha)
🎁 - Simu Liu (@/cyborg-cinderella)
🎉 - "You remembered my favorite food" + Adam OLLA (@/give-me-a-moose)
🕯️ - "So, baby, can you eat it from the back? Got me purrin' like I'm Doja Cat" + Simu's SNL character of choice (@/tmholland)
🎉 - “I know I should care about the reason why you’re naked in my bed, but I will just enjoy it for a moment.” & “I’ll take it that you like what you see.” + Xu Shangqi (@/hollandparkersx)
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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