ren-meteor · 1 year
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(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Nova for the lovely @starneko123 
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starneko123 · 6 months
Am I going crazy?! Where did y'all come from? Hey y'all
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I am trying to be active on here the only things that are keeping me away are class, and work, and am pretty sure you all or at least my mutuals know that I'm writing a book, and for those of you who don't actually know — I AM WRITING A BOOK Y`ALL!
If you guys want to know about like characters or plot just send in an ask because I have a lot of WIPS.
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theelderhazelnut · 1 year
Welcome back Kori!
😇 a headcanon about their religion/lack thereof
Well, basically, this is what the whole story of “rise of the villains: darker than black” is about. Ombra hates all of the religions existing oit there with a passion. Her childhood and adolescence was doomed by countless religous traumas. She gathers the strength and wealth to vaporize the cult itself that ruined her life.
And yeah, she’s pretty much an impious person. She has zero respect for people’s religious beliefs. She challenges them to endless arguments. And later on in the story, she also develops a burning hatred for the gods and the Elder Gods.
🧸 a headcanon about their childhood
Ombra was that talented and intelligent child who lived in a small, religious town around people with worn out brains. To summer it up, she didn’t have a normal childhood. She had to live and behave as the people wanted(due to the cult’s effects on their minds), or else she would get killed. She witnessed mass executions of framed criminals, mass kidnapping, and many other crimes. It wasn’t safe to go out, so she would spend most of her time at home. And Ombra also suffered from depression and OCD. She does have some of the symptoms of depression even by now.
🪢 a headcanon about their family
Despite the dangerous environment she lived in, she had a functional family. She could at least feel safe at home. Her whole family was well respected in the city.
However, her parents were a rebel at heart just like her, and that was the very reason which led to their own execution when Ombra was a young adult.
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w0nd3rplay · 8 months
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inspired by @running-with-the-feels and @laismoura-art. Fuck NRS for not letting their own mascot be happy. @theelderhazelnut @bloody-arty-myths @starneko123
In the new era, the Shirai Ryu is mostly composed of pyromancers and plant magic users as opposed to the Lin Kuei, but their origins on how they came to be are different: the founder was a pyromancer himself and couldn't handle the cold environment, also got homesickness, so the Lin Kuei grandmaster assigned him to start a japan branch but then founder got shipwrecked and met a bunch of plant magic users, who have a redeemed Cetrion as their patron goddess. The island is her blessing towards them.
The matriarch of the plant magic users was the one to become grandmaster, as the founder see her as deemed worthy of the role when she was participating in the Mortal Kombat tournament.
The Shirai Ryu takes on the same role as the Lin Kuei but the difference is they deal with a bunch of external threats towards Earthrealm while internal threats are dealt with by the Lin Kuei. Both clans are on civil and friendly terms. (This may explain Harumi's connection to Outworld and the Umgadi)
There was no massacre that took place, just Hanzo and Harumi living a happy life with their beloved son. As I said, fuck NRS.
Hanzo wasn't a pyromancer after becoming Scorpion, it was by birth, and this goes the same toward Harumi as she's one of the best plant magic users within her clan. Oh, not to mention she's the official grandmistress.
Satoshi was born on October 11, making him a Libra.
In his early years, there were many marks that looked like scars and injuries that made Satoshi look like he grew up in a terrible household much to his parents' concern, they went to see the doctors but it was always concluded that Satoshi was perfectly healthy overall, no serious skin condition going on whatsoever.
Then a psychic came over to the village, they told them that Satoshi has a soulmate, and there was bad energy surrounding those marks because whoever was predestined to meet him must've grown up in a not so pleasant home life. They told his parents that their son must simply wait for his soulmate as that person would eventually find him, assuming around his teenage years.
By the time he was 5, the marks appeared less frequently, then for two months where it kept popping up left and right. Satoshi also had a really vivid nightmare of a village being destroyed with its residents being killed in the most gruesome ways possible, which was very alarming for his parents and that was a time where security measures had to be held up because they assumed it meant something wrong was about to happen to the clan.
Satoshi grew a habit of making up stories about the random scars that appear in his body, thinking they were from other different lives, from the past to the far future. Even his playmates get on the fun. This is because he didn't understand this whole soulmate ordeal at the time until much later in life when his parents sat down with him that day.
Is childhood besties with Takeda, as Kenshi settled down in the Shirai Ryu after freeing his own clan from the yazuka and marrying the love of his life, Suchin. They were practically raised like brothers growing up and liked to push each other's limits to ensure they grew up to be great warriors. Takeda loved being a big brother figure towards Satoshi as they were both only children with no siblings whatsoever.
His favorite pastime was gathering plants in the island's wide variety of otherworldly plants, he lets his parents cook the plants he's gotten during dinner. It even stayed after his childhood.
Another one was catching bugs with his dad, his favorite being those butterflies. He also learned how to paint and was a gifted artist like his mother.
Got a HUGE FNAF phase around when he was like 7-9 years old, his favorite animatronic would be Bonnie (blame @laismoura-art, those headcanons with Bi-han are truly hilarious) and shipped him with Freddy before he even knew shipping meant.
Inherited his father's facial features and resting grumpy face, though that resting face becomes more prominent once he was 11 years. It was also when he started to take on grandmaster training as per the clan's tradition.
He eventually started to learn how to hunt to practice his assassin skills, helping other villagers and members as a way to connect with them. He's now often seen practicing in the Fire Gardens or in the courtyard.
He also took on babysitting duty as well and eventually became like a protective and loving older brother towards the little fellas, he started becoming good with kids at this point too.
Satoshi didn't know about Zhenbing, the son of Bi-Han & Sareena until he began his grandmaster training despite knowing Zhenbing's parents personally due to monthly annual meetings between the Shirai Ryu & Lin Kuei, because he was often sent to Kenshi's home to be babysat while the meetings took place. They bonded over the fact they went through a FNAF phase albeit Zhenbing happened to him pretty early (sometime around 6-7) and the high expectations, pressures that comes with being both future grandmasters.
When he first met Zhenbing's adoptive older sister, Frost, she was responsible for Satoshi's bisexual awakening and had a brief crush for only two months. Currently he's a pansexual in denial.
He started to experience a growth spurt once he was 12 years old, and was 6'0" by the time he hit 13, his current age. (My boy would've been freaking in the NBA with the height I gave him at this point 💀)
He's also gotten more intimidating looking in terms of appearance due to the grumpy resting face that he has, but don't worry, he's a sweetheart but is really omniverted at best.
Whenever he wants to wind down and relax or wants some alone time, he goes to this huge lake with a pretty waterfall hidden within a forest only he knows and even plans to show his soulmate this place once he's trusted and got to know them more. He usually paints or plays with the small animals that come and stop by.
When an Ainu elder joined the clan, he got to get more connected to his heritage since while his father was afraid to pass on the traditions to his wife and son yet due to being disowned after joining the Shirai Ryu, so he takes that opportunity for a nice father-son bonding, since he too wants to take pride in his heritage as well and let his father join on a journey in learning about themselves. This was a core memory during Satoshi's teenage years (I loved the 'Hanzo being Ainu' headcanon from that one anon sent to @running-with-the-feels)
He enjoys reading those old choose your adventure books he'd find in those bookshops as well with some nature books, he's a huge fan of horror and fantasy novels as well.
His music taste consists of 90's japanese hip-hop, along with some from its western counterpart, along with indie rap. He listens to artists like Joey Valence & Brae, MC Hammer, Kid N' Play, and Salt N' Pepa
As Satoshi is now a teenager and now understands the whole soulmate ordeal that he has, he starts to wonder what his soulmate would be like in person, other than being such a reckless idiot as marks resembling external injuries tend to pop up often. He often says to himself 'Oh what they've done now??' or 'Here we go again...', yet beyond those scars, he wishes to meet them but alas, a psychic told his parents that he must wait. For now.......
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loverofthewindgod · 1 year
Tis I, Lady Sienna! I have the upmost honor to invite my lovely moots:
@bisexualjohnnycage, @ninibear3000, @roofgeese, @theelderhazelnut, @scentedcandleibex, @zoetheneko, @darialovesstuff, @krysta-cross, @aliyaaaepel3, @ren-meteor, @stillfuckinbetterthanyou, @starneko123, @spacestephh, @ghastlyrider , @huepazu, @suga-catt, @whatamidoingwithmylifeman, @middlechildwhoescapedthebasement, @subzero-simp, and @harissa-hoe
For a lovely OC'S potluck at the humble abode of yours truly! ^_^
In the tags, comment what kind dish(es) your oc(s) would bring!
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Gifs are not mine and template is by @starneko123
Sabrina Goodman
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First Name: Sabrina
Last Name: Goodman
Name Analysis
Sabrina- means Legendary princess
Goodman- means the master of a household
Date of Birth: October 25th
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Siblings: 1
Sexuality: Pan
Species: Human
claustrophobia: fear of closed spaces
spheksophobia: fear of wasps
trypophobia: fear of clustered patterns of irregular holes
Hair Color: black with purple bangs
Eye Color: dark brown / silverish gold
Origins: a small town in Arizona
Current Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
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Voiced/played By: Elizabeth gillies
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Height: 5'5
Alignment: Chaotic good
Status: alive
Physical Health: good
Mental Health:good
Hot baths
Fall weather
Video games
Warm blankets
Spending quality time with loved ones
Extreme hot
Extreme cold
Loud noises
people who spoil a movie or tv series on purpose
5 / 10
6 / 10
8 / 10
5 / 10
7 / 10
6/ 10
9 / 10
6 / 10
Maria Goodman
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Fighting Skills
5 / 10
6 / 10
5 / 10
8 / 10
Maria Goodman- mom- alive
Joe Goodman- dad- dead
Jared Goodman- older brother- alive
Friends / Allies
Gabbie- best friend
Travis- godson
Kent- Ally
Bruce- Ally
Ben- Ally
Harriet- Ally
Madame leota- Ally
Hat box ghost
Mariner Ghost
Constance hatchaway
Hitch hiking ghosts
Love Interest
Hatbox ghost ( Alistair Crump)
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Love Status
Astral Projection-she is able to disconnect her spirit from her physical body. While astral projecting, she can only remain disconnected from her physical body for a short period of time.
Spirit Shield-can create a shield around herself by using spiritual energy
Spirit Blast-can release a blast of spiritual energy to temperately stun a spirit
Exorcism-is able to "send away" spirits that she knows the name of
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anxietymuffin · 3 years
My oc Nirene was inspired by
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Zuko (ATLA)
The Winter Soldier (Marvel)
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🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷Send this flower to 10 mutuals to let them know you love them 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
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rejectofsociety · 3 years
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Ah yes, you should be very concerned if i am ever given a knife
what color am i to you?
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ren-meteor · 10 months
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Finally sat down and did an MK1 Tethys bio 😔
The format belongs to @starneko123 🥰
First Name: Tethys - Greek Goddess of Freshwater
Last Name: Marsalis - ‘Little Soldier’ or ‘Warlike’
Date of Birth: October 20th
Age: 24
Alias: Nomad
Gender: Female
Siblings: n/a
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Species: Half Human, Half Edenian
Hair Color: Warm Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Origins: Earthrealm
Current Location: Earthrealm 
Height: 5’8
Alignment: Neutral Good
Status: Alive
Affiliation: Lin Kuei (Formerly)
 Shirai Ryu 
White Lotus Society (Ally)
Physical Health: Excellent
Mental Health: Good
Helping others
Protecting Earthrealm
Unnecessary death
Speed: 5/10
Agility: 7/10
Intelligence: 9/10
Strength: 9/10
Stamina: 8/10
Stealth: 9/10
Cooperation: 7/10
Durability: 8/10
Fighting Skills:  9/10
Flexibility: 6/10
Reflexes: 8/10
Instincts: 7/10
Kuai Liang
Madam Bo
Thalia Marsalis
Zaid (Father - Alive)
Thalia Marsalis (Mother - Deceased)
Rain (Cousin - Alive)
Love Interest: Tomas Vrbada
Love Status: Lovers
Weapons / Accessories
Jewel of the Edenian Sea
 Greek Short Spears (formed using water)
Water manipulation - Hydrokinesis 
 Turning into a liquid state/hide in water
Pulling moisture out different sources (plants, humans, air, earth)
In Liu Kang’s new timeline, Tethys is much more headstrong than previous iterations. She still cares for those around her deeply, and would do anything to keep them safe, but can be a bit more reckless on how she deals with threats. She is still reliable, passionate and altruistic, but can be a bit intense at times. Tethys also enjoys the thrill of battle more than her previous iterations, and while fighting is almost never an option she would choose first, there is always the hope in the back of her mind that it ends up going that way. 
Tethys is also a bit more morally grey this time around, doing what’s best for her and those she is close to, regardless of laws or order. A downside to this, though, is she can be more easily persuaded or manipulated into doing something that may seem beneficial to her/her loved ones, but really only helps the benefactor. 
Tethys was born from an affair between her mother, Thalia, who was one of Liu Kang’s champions, and a powerful Edenian water mage, Zaid. She grew up among many people, but spent much of her time alongside the Lin Kuei. Her mother had been taken in after losing her family, as Tethys’ grandfather had been close to a previous Grandmaster, and in turn trained her daughter in a hybrid of their ways. 
Tethys was granted the ability to travel between Earthrealm and Outworld, being able to spend time with her father and his people. During a short visit, she found her affinity for water magics, and her ability to control and manipulate it. Her father trained her whenever they were together, whether they were alone or Rain joined them, due to Zaid being his uncle. During their training, she found herself a friendly rival in her cousin Rain. 
During her training with the Lin Kuei, she was mostly influenced by Bi-Han. She developed her abilities into a harsh, strong, more intense but still fluid style. She enjoyed the strength she felt with the fighting style, as it made her feel as though she could prove herself among the strongest of fighters. 
Because of their time spent together, Tethys developed feelings for Bi-Han. She kept them to herself, but eventually he found out. After a brief fling, the two had a falling out but remained professional due to their duties. Because of her tactical prowess and ability to assess situations quickly, she often found herself working with him anyway, so quickly had to shove her feelings out of the way, resulting in a sort of resentment for Bi-Han. She still cared deeply for him, but it was no longer in a romantic way.
As time went on, Tethys spent more time alongside the other two brothers, going on missions with both Kuai Liang and Tomas. While working with Tomas, she found that she had a knack for stealth work, and the two ended up getting along and working together quite well. At first, they bonded over their mutual feelings about Bi-Han, but eventually developed into an honest, good and wholesome friendship. It made their teamwork on missions that much more cohesive.
Tethys had worked and trained together with Tomas consistently for almost two years before she realized that she had fallen for him. She didn’t register it at first, but she eventually noticed when the two would hold eye contact for a little longer than necessary, the small touches between them- on the arm, their back or hands. Her mood rose when he was with her, and missed him when he wasn’t. She craved his laugh, his smile. 
The two hadn’t acted on their affections though until after a particularly rough mission where Tethys ended up injured. All feelings for each other came to a head and after sitting on it overnight, the two entered a relationship the next day. 
 By the time the events of MK1 roll around, they’ve been together for almost a year. She assists in the assessment of Kung Lao and Raiden, fighting Raiden at first before taking the fall. After the potential champions get recruited to train with the monks, Tethys joins them to assist in teaching them to fight against people who have magical abilities. 
Once Raiden is chosen as champion she joins the group in Outworld, acting as a bodyguard/guide, and to pay a visit to old friends and family. After winning the tournament, Tethys returned to the Lin Kuei. Once learning about the soul stealers, she was tasked along with the brothers to destroy them. She stays outside with Tomas, watching over the soul stealers to make sure they weren’t activated. 
After meeting back with Kuai Liang and learning of Bi-Han’s betrayal, Tethys hesitated. She knew of Bi-Han’s want to turn the Lin Kuei into a ruling factor of Earthrealm, and saw his point of view behind it. But this was not the way she wanted to do it. She wanted to help lead, not rule. She didn’t want power over anyone. 
When running into Bi-Han on their way out, he tried to sway her to his side, persuading and telling her what she needed to hear to switch sides. If she was alone, it would have worked. But both Tomas and Kuai Liang grounded her back in reality and she rejected Bi-Han’s proposition. The three of them left after the quick fight, regrouping back with Liu Kang and informing him on the developments. 
Tethys joins the other champions during the fight against the dragon warriors, fighting on ground level to destroy as many as she could. She also fought alongside the group against their evil counterparts, and in turn met with the Tethys who was victorious against Shang Tsung in her own timeline. After a grueling battle for their timeline and a few life lessons from her prior self, she along with the others were successful in protecting their timeline. 
Once the dust had settled, she joined Kuai Liang, Harumi and Tomas in forming the new Shirai Ryu.
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starneko123 · 1 year
this blog is about to be multifandom fr because mortal kombat 1 is about to be a major turn off idk
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theelderhazelnut · 11 months
My OC’s as characters
Tagged by @cassietrn @euryalex @inafieldofdaisies @darialovesstuff to take this quiz <3
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Top ten:
Robert Ford (West World)
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Dagny Taggart (Atlas Shrugged)
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Magneto (X-men)
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Olenna Tyrell (Game of Thrones)
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Annalise Keating (How to get away with murder)
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Lorraine Broughton (atomic blonde)
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Elim Garak (Star Trek: Deep space nine)
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Russell “Stringer” Bell (The Wire)
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Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal)
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Sherlock Holmes (Elementary)
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No Pressure tags (sorry for double tags): @vivilovespink @neonneurons @maddenedroses @roofgeese @huepazu @middlechildwhoescapedthebasement @krysta-cross @voidika @strangefable @mintspider @licoricelump @takiisieju-moved @captastra @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @jacobsneed @sweet-tigra @breakfwest @loverofthewindgod @starneko123 @devilzukin7 @nightbloodbix @bihansthot @shegetsburned @zoetheneko and you!
Some bonus characters under the cut!
Walter White (Breaking Bad) 90%
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Light Yagami (Death Note) 90%
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Amy Elliott Dunne (Gone Girl) 89%
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Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders) 89%
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one star to another your Godzilla & Maddie stories are adorable and make me feel warm inside! Especially the one with Ghidorah and Maddie- *mwah* perfecto. Inspired me to make my own little fics with King Zilla and Maddie with other titans. You're inspiring. I'm inspired.
Will, you ever do a story of Godzilla actually meeting Kong? Sorta like the Ghidorah one with Maddie?
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Thank you!! That’s awesome to hear! And aww, I’m so happy I inspired you! That really is a wonderful compliment to any author.
Do you mean a story where he confronts Kong about Jia, like he went after Ghidorah about Maddie?
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loverofthewindgod · 3 years
🌺Lilith "Lily Pad" Kanaye🌺
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For @starneko123 😘😘😘
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valor-selfships · 4 years
Happy Birthday 💜💜
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💝☆ put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity!! ☆💝
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