#stars can only shapeshift into something after they see it
your-ne1ghbor · 29 days
Hi op! I loved your art!!! Your Asha is soo pretty!
I forced Asha to respond dont worry :3
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and yes...
Aster/Star did her hair :3
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(im still not sure how I wanna color his outfit still help-)
Somethings you may notice is that Asha's dress is practically in ruin, and I do have an explanation for that! Her dress is like that BECAUSE she was ripping off her dress to care for some wounded people since they don't have the proper stuff to care for them, so she just rips it off to help the citizens later on. Also, she does it so that when she and Star/Aster meets up with her, he would be able to heal them with STAR MAGICCC :3
Another thing is that Star doesn't have a shadow (totally not a peter pan refrence trust-). Mainly because they are basically a celestial being and doesn't have a shadow and is constantly emitting some form of glow. He is, in a sense, pure light, just toned down.
And uhhh the flowers was a reference to my video I did of them a few months ago-
I forgot what the purple one was, but the closest one that is similar to the one I used was the Colchicum m Montanum, which is found in the Mediterranean sea, which is what the developers of Wish said it was where Rosas resided. And the yellow flower was a flower Star/Aster made, and its called a "Star Flower"...yeah really on the nose am I right? 🧍‍♂️
And someone in that video said that "In Polynesian culture a flower on the left side of your head means you’re in a relationship" and It wasn't intentional at all when I made that video, so I just decided to implant that small detail here because, although they aint in a relationship yet in this picture, but they soon will be HAHAHHAHAH🗣🔥
Anyways I really gotta work on that short video before I modify the script since I came up with a unique idea for the story that contradicts everything so yeah...TO THE DRAWING BOARD AGAIN.
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llamagoddessofficial · 4 months
In today's age of magic, shapeshifting has never been easier or more frequent. Have you started to notice your partner has some strange quirks? Does your husband, wife, spouse or significant other demonstrate some odd behaviours that you've only started to take real notice of after significant time together? Accidentally getting into a relationship with a nonhuman is more common than you might think. Here's a handy guide on some entities your partner might be, in case you feel you need to approach that topic.
1 - Fae Fae are a very diverse race, ranging wildly in appearance and power, and disguising themselves as humans is an everyday occurrence. You most likely grew up on stories about not giving your name to strangers, in case they are Fae - unknowingly marrying a Fae is shockingly common, the Bureau of Nonhuman Entities (BoNE) estimates that anywhere between 0.5 to 2% of human marriages actually include one or more Fae in disguise. Here are the signs your partner may be Fae.
A 'green thumb', very knowledgeable about highly local plants and fungi
Strong aptitude for poetry and instruments, a very beautiful singing voice. They highly enjoy writing songs for you, composing poems about you, and singing together.
Enjoys singing you to sleep.
Wild animals are completely unafraid of them, and often approach both of you
Loves gold jewellery, but abjectly refuses to wear anything silver.
Sees suspiciously well in the dark
Cannot get drunk - Fae are often immune to human poisons
Acquaintances of yours describe your partner as 'ethereal', 'enchanting', or 'hypnotising'. You may hear comments that your partner seems out of your league.
They place a very heavy emphasis on manners and politeness, and can quickly grow upset when social rules are not followed.
When frustrated, they use swear words you've never heard before
Fae are frequently attracted to neurodivergent humans. If you're neurodivergent the likelihood is even higher.
2 - Deity Again, more common than you might think. Deities both minor and major often find themselves attracted to humans, and stories of these romances are baked into our histories. Your spouse may be the God of anything from a very specific kind of flower, to a certain weather pattern, to (rarely) something very big like knowledge or the ocean itself. They're harder to spot than Fae, often indistinguishable from a normal human thanks to their many years observing people.
The biggest clue is that they don't notice pain, and never seem to get hurt. They'll have invulnerability or high resistance to things such as burning, freezing, drowning, cutting, and blunt force trauma. They might not notice they've put their hand on a hot burner, for example.
Speaks in strangely archaic language, often misunderstanding modern trends and linguistics. Oddly knowledgeable around ancient subjects.
They may randomly smell like blood and/or smoke. This is often a sign they've just received an offering, and the intensity of the smell is stronger with more powerful deities.
They can immediately tell when someone is lying, usually without giving a cause for the knowledge.
The two of you share pet names of a celestial nature, such as "star", "nova", "sun", "moon", "comet".
When upset, they have a highly commanding voice that can shake glass or cause bizarre events to happen (ie; mist indoors, words on a page scrambling, lights changing colour).
Heightened interest in the topic of immortality - particularly your views on it. Frequently asking you 'how you would feel' if you would live forever.
3 - Dragon A very rare (but not impossible) phenomena, most people have no idea that dragons are intelligent and emotionally complex beings that can very convincingly disguise themselves. Living in caves isn't for everyone and loneliness is not just a human feeling.
Very wealthy, but with no clear sign of where the wealth originates from. They may say their money comes from a 'long-term investment'.
Highly passionate lover. Deeply devoted and affectionate, sometimes to the point of it being inappropriate in public. Enjoys big displays of affection and physical intimacy. May need to be told to slow down.
Abandonment issues. This often stems from the highly violent childhood many dragons experience, and the frequent loss of loved ones to dragonslayers. They might be reluctant to be separated too long.
Has a particular item they enjoy hoarding. This could be clothes, trinkets, plushies, shoes, anything at all. You may find that they're very easygoing about you touching their collection, maybe they even actively make you part of the hoard. They may dress you in collected clothes, sort their collected plushies around your bed, or ask you to wear jewellery they've found. But they'll become extremely agitated and aggressive if anyone other than you tries to interact with 'their things'.
Prone to anger, quick-tempered.
Frequently concerned about your health, seems to perceive you as delicate and easily injured.
Please remember that if your partner IS nonhuman, they almost certainly didn't intentionally lie. Human relationships will seem very fast to other entities. Many transform into humans for a fun year out, find themselves head over heels in love, and then can't figure out the right time to tell their human lover the truth. Try not to hold it against them, everyone has their quirks!
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dianneking · 8 months
Nightmares (Larissa x Reader comfortfic)
What??? A comfort fluffy fic from the Angst Fairy themselves? Well, what can I say. I like to try things out. Also I love a challenge. Also, it felt right to write this fic today and so I did (who am I to argue with the Muses?). All of that aside, I hope you enjoy!
Tags: Fluff, Comfort, Nightmares, Established Relationship, Second-Person POV, Teacher!Reader, Ungendered Reader, Lots of Cuddling. Wordcount: 1.719 words. AO3 link in title below!
This fic is dedicated to all the people who have offered me comfort. There's many out there, and you all know who you are and are all precious to me, but in particular I want to mention Cat and Cal @tenderheartgrumpymind, @scream-queenlover, @bigolgay, and @heidsworld. I am grateful for all of you.
Nightmares (Larissa/Reader)
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You looked at her silhouette in the darkness. She was by your side, the faint light from the stars filtering through the window just to glide on her chiseled cheekbones, kissing her forehead, for once relaxed in the deep embrace of sleep, where no worries could reach her and no decisions had to be taken.  Her breath came out in slow, rhythmic puffs, so soft that you could only hear them thanks to the total tranquility of the night around you. Usually that would be enough. You’d wake up in the night, and just fall asleep after a little while, allowing yourself in the meantime to bask in her beauty, in how lucky you were to see this side of Larissa Weems. The side that had shed her armor, the signs of her power. The side with her hair rolled up and held in place by a silken scarf. It had taken so long to get to this point. For your relationship to progress far enough for her to trust you with the whole of herself.
She had been cautious at the start. You could see she was holding back, giving you her whole attention but not her whole heart. You could understand why. The both of you were not at your first relationship, you both had been hurt, you both had been burned. You knew that sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of something new, of a new special connection with someone, just to discover that that that person was not at all how you had imagined them to be, or maybe they were, but still for all the affection held for one another, you simply weren’t compatible.
And so people came and go, and you both had found yourself older, and less trusting towards potential partners. Always expecting something to go wrong, because it had always done so. You could see the same reticence in Larissa and – maybe paradoxically – you had been reassured by that.
And as time had proven, it had not been a flash in the pan. While the physical attraction was there and undeniable (how could it not? It was Larissa Weems you were talking about! The closest thing to a goddess that the earth was blessed with!), it was not and had never been just sex between you two, there had always been hope to see it become something else, something more – and the determination to try your best to make it so.
Date after date, evening in front of the fire after evening in front of the fire, you had slowly grown to know Larissa. She had opened up to you as you had to her – the good, the bad, the ugly. She had slowly let the “perfect principal” mask fall, and had shown you her flaws, she had candidly told you how she was aware of many of them, how she still was working on them, trying to get better at them.
“I had given up, you know?” she had confided in you once, as you were sipping wine staring at the flames dancing in the fireplace “I thought, well, I thought I was too old. What’s the point of trying to change after 40? I am already too set in my ways. Ha. Ironic, isn’t it? A shapeshifter who can’t change.” She had snorted at that. A loud, inelegant sound that was perfect precisely because it wasn’t perfect. It was real. “But then I saw you. You came to Nevermore and you took each day as a personal challenge. You brought so much good to the academy, to the students, to the staff itself! You fixed things that I hadn’t even realized were broken. And suddenly, I felt like I wanted to change as well. I still do. I want to be better. If Nevermore, that has been stagnant for centuries can be changed for the better, why can’t I?”
The question had hung in the air, and you had understood the unsaid things hidden between the lines. Somehow, in your self-appointed crusade to make the academy a better place, you had given her hope. Hope for herself. Hope she hadn’t allowed herself to have.
That night was the night you had realized how in love you were with Larissa Weems.
Maybe, it was the night she fell in love with you, too.
Even if you were both living on campus, it had taken two full years before you had decided to move in together. Well, it was more of you going to live in Larissa’s large, luxurious principal quarters. That had come well after you two had officially announced your relationship status, first to the board, then to the staff, and finally to both students and parents.
That had been petrifying. You had been afraid and so had Larissa, even if she showed it less than you, used as she was to have her mask always firmly in place. If it came down between choosing between your relationship and Nevermore, you both knew what her first choice would be. You had explicitly talked about it. You had pulled numbers. You had checked the rulebook. You had prepared as much as possible, hoping that it wouldn’t have to come to giving up your work to stay with her.
You would have done it.
You both knew it, as much as you knew that Larissa would never give up hers.
But luck had been on your side. You had only been showered with positivity and kindness and heartfelt well-wishes. There had been no difficulties, not mutterings, nothing. The only awkward moment had been when the Addams family had expressed their felicitations by sending about a dozen severed heads “To bring horrid prosperity to the new couple”. But even that had made a wry smile come to Larissa’s face, and she had just shaken her head and had the severed ones brought to the biology lab (“Well they’re here already, might as well use them for science”).
It felt like yesterday and yet it had been seven years ago. Your tenth-year anniversary was drawing closer and closer. By now you knew each other like the back of your hand. You knew what made each other tick, you knew what brought comfort. You enjoyed simply spending time together, each immersed in their own activity, and yet able to lift your eyes and bask in each other’s company.
Which brought you to your current predicament.
She knew you suffered from nightmares, and she had told you over and over again to wake her up if you ever needed comfort after one of them. You knew that. And you knew you wouldn’t mind if the positions were reversed. Sleep be damned, if Larissa needed you, you’d stay awake for days on end.
You stretched your hand over, letting it hover in the air above her shoulder. Was this okay? Were you really allowed to? No matter how many years passed, it felt like you were back to being Larissa’s employee, waiting outside of her study, hand just about to knock on her door, wondering if you weren’t just about to waste her precious time.
You could picture her, shaking her head at you, “Don’t be silly, darling! You never disturb me.” And smile at you that precious smile, the smile she reserved for you and you alone, the smile that made her eyes light up and dance. Even just imagining – remembering – that smile gave you strength. You brought you hand down softly on her shoulder, a gentle caress, a tender touch.
“Love?” You tried to keep the pleading out of your voice. She was immediately awake, used to being on call for any emergency in the school.
“What’s it, darling? Everything alright?” Her British accent was even thicker when her voice was still wrapped in sleep. It was adorable.
“Nightmare. Could…Could you hold me?” You hated how little your voice sounded. How it had broken halfway through. You hadn’t even realized how close to tears you had been before you had woken her up, but you could feel them filling your eyes now, making her lovely silhouette wobbly in the darkness.
“Oh darling, of course. Come here.” She turned towards you, opening her arms. You lost no time diving into them, hiding your face in the crook of her neck, the soft fabric of the scarf pleasant against your forehead. “Oh darling, that bad?” You nodded against her neck. You had put up a brave face, not even realizing yourself how much the images and the sensations from your dream had shaken you.
She hummed and you could feel the vibrations against your own body. “Do you want to talk about it?” You shook your head. It was going away anyways, the dark, cold tendrils of it being chased away by the warmth of the embrace Larissa was wrapping you in.
“Very well. Then you can just relax. I am here. I have you. You are safe.” You could feel your legs entwining together, skin against skin. She had always been so warm. You nuzzled her neck further, breathing in her scent. Patchouli and black pepper and something else, something comforting and relaxing, something utterly and completely Larissa. You felt her wrap her hands around your back, pulling you tight against her soft body. You felt her lips press a tender kiss to the top of your head.
You were enveloped in a cocoon of comfort, with the world so far away, with all its burden of sadness and hatred and worries. There was nothing of that that could reach you here, in the safe nest of your lover’s arms.
One of her hands started moving up and down your back, rubbing it lightly, soothingly, hypnotically. You focused all of your attention on that, on that single, simple movement. You didn’t know how long you were there, soaking up her affection, her care, her love. Slowly, you felt your eyelids grow heavier and heavier, your breathing slowing down, until finally you fell asleep in Larissa’s arms.
You couldn’t see the small, tender smile that graced her face when she looked down at your sleeping form, nor the second, even more loving kiss she pressed on your hair.
“Sleep well, love.” She whispered in the darkness of night.
And you did.  
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dreamingmantis · 6 months
So here are some of my imaginings of what could have happened with human star. This isn’t a full rewrite (in case it seems choppy), just me rambling about many of the ideas I had. Though, I may write some of these. But please, ask or talk to me about it. It's so much fun to imagine. This is a long post, so I've put the rest under the cut. ✨
Some people have mentioned Star being mute. I’m not sure if they are actually referencing the star we got in the movie, so I’m just going to say that his voice is the last thing he finds in his humanoid form, and that he does in fact, mime things. If he talks, it's very little.
I want to know more about Asha’s father and her relationship with him. He seemed to be some sort of philosopher or astronomer. He drew maps, and he always recognized a certain star that only appeared at certain times of the year, right above the castle, and moved in an arc over it with the Earth's rotation. He called it the wishing star. You know, the star. He had a powerful wish too—one that he gave to King Magnifico before he tragically passed. But, he doesn't have full control over the wishes... yet. The wishes of those who have passed ascend to the stars, where they hold them safe.
Perhaps she's already known about his evil intent, even though no one else does. I'd also like to see more of Asha's flaws. If she's caring or people pleasing to a fault, I almost want to see it cause a problem. Maybe she accidentally impedes on something important and completely messes it up, possibly even the wish ceremony in an attempt to get her grandpa's wish granted (to inspire future generations). It would give more impact before she runs into the woods and sings This Wish. (just please don't say "throw caution to every warning sign" cause... what?)
Do you know the concept art of when Star first comes down to Earth? I think after Star's light envelopes the island, he would awaken in the forest, confused as to why he is so far from home. Asha finds him, and of course, is equally confused. He sees her and slowly realizes that she is the one who called him down and that he's on Earth.
I would want to see lots of shapeshifting here. There could be a song as he slowly gives his magic to the trees and the animals that explains who exactly he is, and by extension, how the galaxies, planets, and life are formed. He personally knows many of the stars we know about (you know, like Spica or Arcturus). In fact, when she tells him about her seven friends, he is reminded of seven stars he knows deeply, the Pleiades (his guiding constellation). She knows about them because her father showed her.
I think that concept would also give more depth and lore to King Magnifico’s sorcery. What he keeps in his room are akin to chemistry experiments, if you will, so it’s clear that he practices some sort of alchemy. He could have only retrieved magic like this from the cosmos, possibly the life force of the stars. She asks him if he can grant her grandfather’s wish. He shakes his head or signals. He can't. And of course, he doesn’t know or have the wish. King Magnifico is in possession of it.
Imagine they fly, like a Peter Pan-esque way (or maybe in the end, because they have to stay hidden). I want her to talk more about her father. Maybe he has an observatory. If the stars need to align a certain way for Magnifico to perform an ultimate spell, one of the keys to stopping him would be there.
He's still naive to exactly what's going on, yet he imparts wisdom, almost by accident, that make Asha realize. Since he isn't fully familiar with humans and their world, he probably messes with some items he sees and definitely knocks some things over. (I don’t know why but I imagined him hiding inside a jar.) But he's so fascinated by the smallest things in the world. Asha doesn't want him to be seen because she knows they'll be in deep trouble, but what if Star runs off out of curiosity and impresses a small crowd of people with his magic tricks. But of course, someone goes to pass along the word and soon enough, it'll reach Magnifico. I'm sure he wants to meet her friends too, but she has to try to hide him as she interacts with them and maneuvers her way up the castle.
I want the idea of humans being like stars of our own to slowly come to light over the story rather than in one song. Star can see all the wishes in people’s hearts, like the cores of stars. He can see each person for who they truly are at the core of their beings, in their purest forms. He wants to show her at some point, so, he takes her hands. And he feels a profound love for the first time. He feels the love she has in her heart for her family and her. For the first time, he can see where the wishes he hears come from, because...
After everything, Asha and Star finally reach the castle and find all the wishes. Star instantly recognizes their forms. And here, Asha finally sees the wishes of her family—her mother, her grandfather. But one is missing. Some people have died never knowing their wishes they gave to King Magnifico. Star has seen and held them before, because the wishes of those who have passed ascend to the stars, where they hold them safe. That includes Asha’s late father’s. And Star is the one holding it safe. So, he reaches deep within himself and pulls it out. She hold it in her hands, and it breaks her heart. His wish was for all people to know that in a world of matter who they are, their dreams are within reach. They shouldn't ever stop looking up because someone told them they can't. If they're going to sing At All Costs with the original words, this is when it would be. It would be so profoundly magical, like an I See The Light kind of moment. Their love for these precious wishes and for each other. Imagine, Asha’s holding her father’s dream in her arms, and very carefully, she passes it back to Star for safekeeping, yet at the same time, they’re holding each other.
Imagine, just imagine, that he was the star on her father's map.
Magnifico still ultimately wants to capture Star and keep him inside his staff forever so he can dictate the world. And Star holds some of the wishes of the passed? That’s even better for his quest for power. In fact, he aims to become so powerful that he can pull the wishes down from the heavens. He could extend his power into the cosmos. And if Asha made a mistake earlier in the film, people would be much more likely to believe him at first when declares Asha a traitor and lies that she's the one who destroyed their wishes. Also, he needs a bit more epic of a villain song.
I think they would be forced into hiding. Asha's friends are there and they still sing Knowing What I Know Now complete with some Star shapeshifting.
Her friends hadn't showed up as promised. Perhaps Magnifico had put an end to their uprising. Either way, Asha and Star confront him. Star is the last person she has by her side, and with a few words of his spell, he sucks him into his staff. He finally has the power he's craved. He can pull the wishes down from the heavens and crush them. She is alone when he commands the clouds to cover the stars and says his line of “There will be no more hope" (I don't remember the exact wording). She looks out to see the kingdom in hiding, wondering if her friends are really there like they said they would be. It's dark and storming, and she's so alone in the moment that it seems that Magnifico has already won. There are no stars in sight. Yet, she remembers how Star showed her that each person is made of everything that comes from the stars. So she begins to sing: So I look out to the stars just like me.
It turns out, her friends are there. They show up right when she needs them most and begin to sing with her, their hearts alight like the cores of stars. It's not enough. But the kingdom sees hope, and that's when they begin to come out. I mean from across the island, from their homes. He still casts a spell, and while weighed down, they still sing. That way, Magnifico's "mirror mirror" sequence could also extend across the whole island.
And Star breaks free. He ascends, high, and the wishes Magnifico attempted to pull down to Earth are let free. And when the clouds dissipate, he's sucked into his staff and defeated.
It would honest be funny if Star plummeted just to appear over the balcony and surprise her. And then... this is when they kiss.
So, she reunited with her loved ones as was in the ending, and of course, he must return to the heavens soon. (And be the guiding star). Asha loves him, but she loves her friends and family too, and her kingdom needs her. So, he bestows a new gift on her that she's worthy of. She would become the first fairy godmother and have the ability to commune with the stars. She can go between the heavens and Earth. She would have a dress transformation that would be reminiscent of the one in Cinderella. Sabino also begins to pluck his lute and play When You Wish Upon a Star in the end. When Star does return home, maybe, he leaps like a shooting star over the castle. Get it?
I appreciate that the setting alludes to the various cultures of it's inhabitants from around the Mediterranean region (I would love if even more variety was shown as a Mediterranean person myself), but I really want more of Asha's specific cultural background to be portrayed. I'm trying to think exactly what role Queen Amaya would have in the narrative. I've heard her and Magnifico were supposed to be the first villain couple which sounds so cool! I'm trying to imagine how exactly the dynamic would be there. If you have any ideas then lmk. ^^
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madsmilfelsen · 4 days
dear mads, do you have any rust fics that you recommend? I fear I have run out.
I’ve been writing like a damn fiend so I haven’t read much (and I typically avoid reading anything i’m writing as to not influence my insanity)
I’m sure I’ve shouted off the rooftops about my love for Dead Flag Blues, @barbie-nightmare-house really is one of the most engaging writers I’ve read with an acute level of introspection I will never dream of achieving. Even though I know roughly where the story is going I’m so stoked to bottle it up and drink it down like cough syrup again and again and again. Detective Indiana Abelard can come kick my ass any day.
No Dominion by rosereddawn (E, rust/ofc need to be logged into ao3 to read) one of my favorite Crash-era reads with a fantastic perspective, gave more depth to the girls of Iron Crusaders than anything the show did for them
under a swollen silver moon by blackeyedblond (M, rust/marty centric) MONSTER RUST MONSTER RUST MONSTER RUST SHAPESHIFTING AU OF MY DREAMS
I think we’re all familiar with the masterpiece The Creeping Woods (E, rust/ofc) by am7f that knocked all three eras out of the park and let us see Rust as a dad again (I wept like a baby for at least two hours after finishing myself)
No Mouth to Scream (T, no pairings) haunting lil piece following “Rust Cohle lies in the dark and dreams of women”
Something Stuck in Your Teeth by enkelimagnus (E, rust/marty) it is not often something can make me blush but boy howdy (a sequel was recently added too!)
What I’d like to read:
The idler wheel is wiser than the driver of the screw by ohnoitsnina (M, rust/ofc, first person pov)
lavender bitters by blackeyedblonde (E, rust/marty/maggie)
Strange Is The Night Where Black Stars Rise by orphaned account :’( (E, rust/reader)
A History of Bad Men by am7f (E, rust/ofc)
something in the night by harryhart (M, rust/ofc)
cornflower blue by blackeyedblonde (G, no pairing)
basically everything @reds-writings has ever posted
shades of black and blue by saintsansa (T, rust/ofc)
The Last Time I Saw You by scioscribe (M, rust/marty)
out of time man by @palmviolet (M, rust/marty, which i’m only seeing now is apart of a series with SIX WORKS IN IT!!!!!)
Snippets/Upcoming pieces I haven’t stopped thinking about
@netherfeildren I know ur working on something that i’m going to sink my teeth into a shake like a rabid dog
A Crash-Era snippet by themilkteeth
A Crash-Era snippet by @argesta
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rascalentertainments · 2 months
Wish Granted AU: Star: 🌟
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Yeah, I finally got to the boy! Took long enough, huh? 😂 So I dud make a short character inspiration from a reblog chain a few weeks ago, so I'll go more into Star's character here:
So, much like the film itself, Star comes to Earth because of Asha's wish was so powerful, and aids her save Rosas. However, for "Wish Granted", he has no idea how to actually grant her wish. She basically fills him in on what's going on, and agrees to help. But he doesn't really understand why they need help. From his point of view, most of the humans on this part of Earth, and especially in Rosas look happy enough. He's just utterly fascinated with the animals, the trees, Asha, and just experiencing what humans see everyday.
But then he visits the Hamlet (in an animal disguise) when Asha wants to say goodbye to her Saba and mother. Star sees how sick Sabino has gotten, and the fear Sakina has for her daughter going back into danger. The Starboy sees that Asha's wish is entirely to help her family and community. (Its greatly emphasized once he gets to Rosas itself too) He partially understands and gladly accepts the task to help her. Asha can't believe this magical boy is a Star, it should be impossible. But just as her father said, the stars are there to believe in possibility. Star here is the impossible, made possible! Its no wonder his loveable and joyous personality leads her to falling for him! 😆
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I took inspiration from this segment of the concept art book where they attempted to give plushie Star some kind of depth and character arc leftover from Starboy. They really tried to give Star something more than just being a toy, and Disney said "nah, a toy is good enough. Kids will love it." So Star's arc will be he starts off naive about the world and thinks everything is perfect. But once he starts seeing more of the people having other emotions other than happiness, he's processing how a human feels this. It hits harder when he actually feels a wish get destroyed, he feels their pain for a while after he connects with them. This is all going to connect to "At All Costs" when finally get that love confession scene! 😉
Now, my favorite part: POWERS!!! Star can shapeshift into different animals he sees, with his telltale sign of him being gold with white fur/hair. (Example image below) He's got a white six pointed star on his parts of his body that glow slightly, even in a human form, its just covered up by his black caped outfit.
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I still kind of hate that Disney actually thought Star was too similar Genie just because he changes into animals. Like, what are you talking about? (I actually thought of MK or Beast Boy more than Genie.) Yeah, Genie could do that too, but he also changed costumes, size, shape, face, broke the 4th wall and did impersonations of movie actors of the time. Star didn't do all that. Besides, YOU MADE MAUI CHANGE INTO ANIMALS AND APPROVED OF IT!
Rant aside, He can change into any animal, but only has one human form. That's not only because there's way too many variations of people for him to adapt and he's not at that level of power yet. He mainly choose this particular human form because.... he thought Asha would like it. (He even gets the cape idea after he sees a picture of Magnifico. He just LOVED how that looked) Think of it as a boy trying make himself look better for the girl he has a crush on. 😂 His design is inspired by these three pieces of concept art combined with a dash of a superhero vibe. (Superheroes are hardwired into my brain, I tried my best NOT to do that! 😂)
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Star can make animals talk, at least for a limited time, like when be has his big introduction song and the forest animals are his band. Animals are naturally attracted to Star, because he literally radiates pure joy and love. Those little critters just adore him! Think of this scene here:
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One last thing to add is that once he's on Earth, and gets into Rosas, thus is when he gets the most attached to the planet. He has a big family with the stars, but he really wanted to be where the people are. He wants to see them dancing, ect...Meeting great people didn't just end with Asha, but also meeting the 7 Teens. He learns about their wishes as one desires, while confused on Simon's sleepiness/sadness. He actually attempts to heal Simon and can gain a new power. Star is not sure on how to react to Dahlia, who doesn't seem to have a wish. She seems happy cooking for the king (whom she has a crush on) and queen, no questions asked. Although, Dahlia does seem particularly curious about Star, even before finding out his magical side. She even tries to tell him to give up on granting Asha's wish, but he's definitely not doing that. 😂
When he meets the King and Queen, let's just say there's going to be a lot of angst/comedy with that. But when he has the mini stand off with Amaya. OH BOY, he's going to understand way more heavy emotions after meeting her...
(Star in this version is voiced by Jeremy Jordan, because he's a musical and VA legend! Plus he sounds so fun in every role he's in!)
Aaaand, that does it for Star! I mentioned in another post how when you look into his eyes, you can see microscopic galaxies or mini stars in eyes, like you can see the universe in his eyes! (When it gets to the At All Costs song, Asha can be seen in his eyes like she becomes part his universe) Any other bits will be revealed later, but I wanted to flesh the guy out here! He's a lot of fun to write and draw!
Now next up are the King, Queen and their ferocious yet spoiled pet Lynx! 😉
@signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @chillwildwave @lazytitans-world @emillyverse @annymation @kstarsarts @uva124
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icanseethefuture333 · 7 months
hello, I’ve really enjoyed all your readings so far - would you be willing to do something on felix from skz ideal type?
A reading on
Stray Kids' Felix's ideal type:
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Channeled song: Love Like You by Rebecca Sugar, from Steven Universe, Let My Baby Stay by Amandla Stenberg, & Just A Taste by Tinashe.
For the qualities that Felix looks for in his ideal partner - he would like someone who is creative, passionate, and nurturing. They could be shy or self conscious, something about them that's a bit anxious. Felix would be willing to learn his partner's love language and assure them that they are the only one they have his eyes on. I had tension in my forehead while shuffling and The Empress card has a ray of colors surrounding the character's head. So Felix could like that his partner is intuitive or psychic, they know when to be tender towards his needs without asking. He would like to feel seen and heard by his partner. I'm envisioning like after work, he would crawl into his partner's arms and just take a nap. Felix could already know who his ideal partner is or is manifesting them, there is a telepathic connection present. There could be some sort of epiphany that will happen when they realize they are in love with each other. I am reminded of Steven and Connie's dynamic from Steven Universe, they were an inseparable duo, it's like their connection seemed divinely guided. Felix could view his ideal partner as a wish fulfillment. They could have qualities of a "starseed".
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Channeled song: Everything Stays by Olivia Olson, from Adventure Time & Sativa by Jhené Aiko ft Swae Lee.
Felix's partner's personality could be described as a "late bloomer". In their youth, they could have been "nerdy" or "quirky". They were very pure and had gentle mannerisms. Possibly teased for their interests or deemed as weird by other children. They could randomly have flashbacks and feel embarrassed, triggered, or upset about their past / past actions. This could also mean they are mourning the loss of their past. Possibly dealing with mental health issues such as anxiety or trauma. For a while, his ideal partner could have felt stuck in life, and wishing for change, but it never came. They had to learn to change the things they can control and let go of what they cannot control. They are wiser and more balanced within themselves now. Their personality is experiencing a shift. Felix's ideal partner could be described now as peaceful, mellow, rich, abundant, and lucky, but also free spirited and playful. "Green", "earth goddess", Gaia energy 🧝‍♀️🏞🌎? They could be spiritual.
Physical traits:
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Channeled song: Two Melodies by Zion.T ft. Crush, Star Signs by Odunsi ft. Runtown, Gold by Jojo, Honey (Medasin redo) by Kucka, & Dreams Are Real by Tinashe (her Amethyst mixtape is signifcant).
A head turner. "A face you will never forget." The type of beauty you will see once but remember forever - mysterious and memorable. Felix's ideal partner could be described as ethereal, siren-like, they have a very dreamy appearance. Their face could be naturally youthful but looks more mature when they put makeup on / dress up for evenings. "Shapeshifter". They could appear or dress differently depending on their mood. Overall, something about them feels delicate with an edge. Felix could praise or talk about his ideal partner very proudly "My girl!". Manic pixie dream girl vibes.
Long dark (black or brown) hair (there is a bend or curl to their hair. Its thick, so wavy to curly hair texture).
Straight or round eyebrows
Pouty facial expression
"Glossy eyes", eyes are dark but shiny. Could look like orbs 👁👁
Eyes that look like they have been crying, so dark circles or puffy tearbags (aegyo sal)
Round or heart shape face (their forehead is the widest part of their face).
Small/short face
"Ears"??? Something about their ears is noticeable. Whether that means they are large, tiny, or pointy. Their ears could be cute.
Wears earrings a lot or their ears are pierced.
Wide or defined shoulders
Decolletage area is attractive (collarbones, chest, breasts, etc)
Long limbs
Long legs / leggy body
On a day to day basis they dress casual, but when they go out they dress very colorful and alternative.
Mostly wears pastels and black.
Spring color season.
Celebrities/influencers who are similar to his ideal type: Bailey Bass (specifically her role as Tsireya), heyeloisa, Maria Isabel, Hanan Ismail, Malaika Firth, Gemma Ward, Aya Jones, Pasabist, sa1ntmarta, Melodie Monrose, Jessica Alexander, Tyla, Mia Goth, lame.cobain, Cindy Kimberly, Joyce Wrice, NingNing, & Amandla Stenberg
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hopeyarts · 3 months
Wish AU (not a rewrite) is inspired by folklore dragons guarding treasures and basic medieval stuff, as well as a sprinkle of the Wish concepts. Most characters will be OUT OF CHARACTER from the movie, so just fyi. They’re all fictional and the story is fictional. This is all for fun! 🥰
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Takes place in the kingdom of Rosas ruled over by two dragon-shapeshifters named Emperor Magnifico and Empress Amaya. The city of Rosas has wishless citizens while a village in the uncharted forests holds a small community of outsiders who escaped with most of them having their wishes. The once lively and beautiful kingdom used to be ruled by former King Tomás and former Queen Sakina, who are both alive. They believed in the stars to guide them and the philosophies of astronomy and such.
In this AU, wishes are more than someone’s dream and rather their literal heart and soul, also their own magic! I’m calling it a wish because wishes are formed from these, and I dunno what else to call them. So a wish isn’t what you desire like a new guitar or to fly, but it is the ‘spark in your heart’ and your motivation to pursue something more for yourself and everyone. Without your wish, you are practically empty inside and have a lingering sense of both weariness and sorrow, with a hint of trepidation. If your wish is crushed, you are held down by waves of severe depression and grief similar to losing someone close to you. You have a pain in your heart (so literally a broken heart) and can result in death after a short period of time. So you’ve lost a literal part of your being and it lasts forever, unless you reclaim that part of your soul back. Also the more selfless a wish is, the more powerful it is. A quote that inspired this is, “A life without passion is not living, it’s merely existing” - Leo Buscaglia. Just my interpretation on how ‘wishes’ should be! And it makes the stakes higher.
Emperor Magnifico and Empress Amaya keep these ‘orbs of souls’ (kind of like Ursula) aka wishes in exchange for people to continue to live on the island (because what’s a kingdom without its people?). They don’t grant wishes, but they do hoard them in a room and dote on their beauties like its treasure (just like how some dragons collect gold and such). Otherwise, they crush the most selfless wishes in order to absorb their magic and stay strong. They’re not exactly evil, but they’re cocky and greedy and love to uphold their own appearances (I mean, come on look at them they’re gorgeous). As dragon-shapeshifters, they see regular humans are inferior and don’t really understand that they’re hurting the people. Kind of like when a kid messes around with ants.
Princess Asha and her family managed to get some of their people out of the city and into a refugee village named Hamlet to avoid the royal dragons, but some of them still got their wishes stolen from them. Former King Tomás is one of them, whose ‘wish’ is very selfless according to the royal dragons. Princess Asha, who believes in the stars because of her father’s stories, makes a plea to the sky for an answer to their problem. Star comes down as its usual form from the movie and helps her. Star can shapeshift into different beings, but only mythical and normal animals and cannot talk. Asha also has a companion named Valentino, who is a grumpy, strong grown goat. He can talk when Star gives him a voice, but he isn’t annoying and doesn’t make jokes. Star and Valentino have a fun dynamic where they’re frenemies but it’s one-sided on Val’s part.
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Princess Asha in this AU has the personalities of Mulan, Tiana, and Belle. Asha is witty, studious, and sarcastic but displays moments of sincerity. She is also very determined and head-strong to get her kingdom back and restore everyone’s hearts. She has proven to be a responsible and talented young woman, and is capable of hand-to-hand combat. She is NOT quirky, but she has some cute moments. She equips a sword with her at all times ever since the invasion and hunts for food for her people in Hamlet. She does a lot for her community and often tries to venture off to the city, but her parents tell her otherwise. When her father, King Tomás, is on his deathbed after his wish is crushed at the start, Asha dedicates herself to bring the kingdom back to its glory. Her mother tries to keep Asha safe with her in Hamlet, but Asha refuses to give up and travels to the city to save her people. Sabino does exist in this AU as the first king before his son, Tomás, but he is now retired and serves as a source of wisdom for Princess Asha. He dies at the start naturally from age.
I’ll try to include all seven of her friends but give them more personality. Her friends are with her in Hamlet and she brings them along at some point to help save the kingdom. I’m also including an additional character from one of the deleted scenes whose name is Flazino who was King Magnifico’s previous apprentice and wished to study magic. In this AU, Flazino will be a boy who learned some magic himself inspired by former King Tomás’ philosophies and studied to be the kingdom’s court mage and is Asha’s love interest (am I the first to ship Asha and Flazino? Lol). Flazino was also captured by Emperor Magnifico and Empress Amaya, mainly to tease Asha.
Again, the royal dragons are practically messing with the humans while not entirely realizing what they’re doing. Or maybe they do? Still figuring that part out. But the ending involves Asha being a knight-in-shining-armor for Flazino, and she also tries to compromise with the royal dragons.
I have some fun little comics and drawings in mind! And the designs 🤭 I’m gonna love making those. Still a WIP!
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madlad-sadgal · 10 months
Y'all know the drill at this point, and, as promised, this one's longer. Enjoy!
Nimona Spoilers!
If you go to the exact minute of 38:24, in the bottom right corner, you can see what I believe is, and correct me if I'm wrong, the polysexual flag.
The trans and rainbow pride flags in the background of the "sketchy part of town" scene.
It might just be me who hadn't noticed this, but the thing Bal uses to bandage Nimona's wound from the arrow is a piece of his cape that he ripped off and just, that's so freaking cute.
Nimona showing that she trusts Bal enough to tell him about her shapeshifting, contrary to the comic where, instead of just showing that it doesn't hurt/that she's used to the pain, she fakes that it hurts which, to me, shows that she still does not trusts Blackheart.
Nimona's "Look boss. You got betrayed by someone you trusted. It sucks. I get it." Hits a lot harder when you're re-watching the movie and you know about her backstory with Gloreth and how she was betrayed by her only friend.
Also, this is more related to the metro scene, but while they're talking after interrogating the squire, they pass by a sign that says "Verminator" with a dead rat face and a bunch of dead rats around it, so verminator is probably someone or something that kills vermin, such as rats/mice, and I felt like I saw that sign somewhere. Sure enough, if you look inside the metro when Nimona and Bal are entering it, you can see that same sign, and it's just funny when you think that at that moment, Nimona had shifted into a mouse.
Nimona and Am's "Arm-chopping is not a love language!" being funny little parallels.
Red, white and blue being colors we see a lot around them while Nimona and Ballister are arguing about if the government is something they should trust or not. Also, at the 43:50 mark, around the upper left corner, we see a red and white banner with two blue banners with white dots (stars?) on each side.
Also, at 43:38, when Bal turns to look at Gloreth's statue, we see the rainbow pride flag again with unicorns on each side at his upper right side, and that just made me giggle.
"You should be questioning everything right now. The will of Gloreth, the Institute, the wall. What's it all really for?" Nimona knows these things are built on lies and only exist to 'protect' everyone from her, but Bal doesn't and believes in these things because of the brainwashing. She is trying to subtly tell him "These things aren't to be trusted and you need to realize that." It is also something I address in this post. Also; "For protecting the realm." He's basically telling her, despite not knowing that's what he's kinda saying, that she is dangerous/a monster, and her answer of "Oh, you mean from villains like you? Or monsters, like me?" Hits SO MUCH HARDER when you realize that.
Am's eyes visibly stay stuck the sign of "A New Era of Heroes" with kid him and Bal when he and the Director fly in front of it.
Am's rant. It is relatable as fuck, the fact that you rant in your head but just say "I'm fine" to the people around you and keep everything bottled up (or maybe that's just me). Him being jealous of Bal's "new best friend". Him not asking for all the fame that comes from being a direct descendant of Gloreth and feeling pressured because of everyone's expectations. The "Arm-chopping is not a love langua-" is funny, but also sad when you realize the incredulous amount of guilt this poor man must have because of that moment that barely lasted a second. So that was my summarized rant about Am's internal rant.
Ambrosius feeling pressured by Gloreth's legacy and being her direct descendant (even though he doesn't voice it) and the Director literally saying "The blood of Gloreth runs through your veins." just seconds later pisses me off for some reason. Like, I know she can't just read his mind and know he feels pressured by that, but I also know she wouldn't care either way and would probably just tell him to "Stay strong" and I just-SKHFWJEFG
Nimona taking out a bunch of knights it no more than two seconds and in complete silence as well. Also, her mocking the director right after she says "Me!"
"Says the miscreant, whispering in his ear." The fuck are you doing then?
If Todd wasn't such an asshole, the movie would have ended so much fucking quicker. Like, I know I'm currently writing a story where he gets a redemption arc, but I still fucking hate him. Does that make sense? Giving a character you hate a redemption arc and making him nicer as well as giving him a love interest? I don't think it does, but oh well.
Also, if anyone would've taken a look at the "weapon" Todd shot, they would've seen it was a phone and would've maybe been like "Maybe he did have like a photo or video that proved his innocence? Just incase, we'll take both stories into consideration and question both sides, as we fucking should as the police/government."
This is pretty long I think, so I'm gonna stop there. Might make more if y'all like this.
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your-ne1ghbor · 3 days
Magnifico's "Wish Stealing form" design/some Character Dump (Disney Wish)
Oh boy ya'll in a BIG BIG Story beat plus some more information on Amaya and Magnifico in my rewrite:
The Kingdom of Roses and Thorns
Oh yeah...this is another long post and Ik @oh-shtars @chillwildwave @signed-sapphire @annymation @uva124 @rascalentertainments is gonna love this idea
For starters...
I Had this nightmare of Magnifico because of this form and now you all will see it too :3
There were also other posts that inspired this design too, so I'll link them here:
Anyways, this post is mainly an MAJIOR STORY IDEA DUMP for my sweet sweet emo Maggy- erm Magnifico (he is glaring at me guys send help please)
I had this terrifying idea for TKoRaT Maggy, even before I had this nightmare of him, where he legit becomes somewhat something like this, but with more vine core when he is taking the wishes/"monster in my closet" wrong vibes.
More like this for the idea I'm going for:
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This is one of the ideas I had for Maggy when he is taking the wishes. This is might not be final in my final version of Maggy, hell, I might change that particular design to be Amaya's form when she takes the wishes too, since hers is more smoke which is more or not on par with her character in my rewrite/redesign. It might end up being more of Maggy's thing with Amaya helping him get into this state of transformation to take the wishes since I'd imagine it more of a whole process, but it could also just be something they both do together.
Some more design details I added was his scars from when his kingdom was attacked and almost everyone died because he showed mercy to the attackers. He doesn't really have them in his main design, probably because he covers them up with Amaya's potions or the wishes could have some form healing abilities? Idk I'm still firguring out the magic system of my story or that I just keep forgetting to put those scars in his design so awesome???💀
In my post here, I said that they don't hold ceremonies that has them granting/taking the wishes like they did in the movie. This is mainly because I wanted to do a little something original and gives me the oppertunity to take in the horror aspects of the story (because I love scaring children(not in a bad way, but to show them that there are these kinds of people in the world yk?)). This is why I am intentionally making Maggy and Amaya horrifying in their own way because well...good people can become the bad guys if pushed in the right direction. Especially in what they do to other people. Mainly inspired from Hunchback and Prince of Egypt, with subtle, but TERRIFYING pieces.
BUT, They do have a ceremony, but it is not related to the wishes, it is just there to give them some sympathetic traits to Maggy and Amaya (after all they've been through, I just feel bad, they literally wanted to good things and the world just beat them with a 90 foot pole).
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This one I tried making Maggy more jagged. Although it seems like he is a different character here, thats mainly my fault since I really tried to figure out what he would say to Star Boy in this "idea" scene but my brain blanked out and couldn't think of anything so wahoo
Star Boy in this scene doesn't even know he has a desire, he just didn't think stars can form desires (ofc Maggy and Amaya is going to manipulate the hell out of him and Asha :3)
This is also the main reason I split Star Boy's powers between what Amaya and Maggy does.
Maggy has only 1 shape-shifting form, and it is only done to steal the wishes. He can't shape shift into anything else, but it is why when he steals star's powers, he becomes more of a terrifying shapeshifter.
Amaya creates dangerous potions, and more or not lurks in the darkness in some way like a cat to bring them to their doom. Although it would make more sense if Maggy has the creation part of Star's powers, I gave it to Amaya since it works for her too, and keeps the power system balanced in some way. If I do give Amaya the ability to also shapeshift into a monster from my dreams, I could also say the same thing can work in reverse too, I just personally think the creation part of her character conflicts with Asha's ability to create/draw magic.
Power wise for this design...
This form also gives Maggy the ability to see people's desires that HE could take. He can't really take them until they are 17-18 years old and older (ruh oh, 2 of our main protagonists fall under that age gap). Plus, he cant take them from children since they are young and dont understand these kinds of things.
This form also falls under the MAIN conflict of why the hell is everyone miserable when they turn around 17/18 years old? Oh yeahhh this is going to fall under how he steals the wishes, but I'm not going to say anything here yet because I really want it to be a surprise.
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Nothing that he does is not without reason. He blames the stars for not granting his wish (there is a reason why they didn't), and for not stepping in when a star, or Aster (NOT STAR BOY) went "rouge" (not Aster's fault btw, they didn't have a choice). So, this presented him with this ideology (that I personally believe Amaya first started thinking this way, out of pain and wanting to blame someone for what happened a century ago) that in order for people to not wish on stars, is for them to never wish/dream again. The story in my version is the aftermath of this. Still figuring out THE MAJIOR STORY BEATS, but this falls under Star Boy as well.
Star Boy represents the thing Magnifico hates the most. Plus, Maggy has more of a personal beef with the stars so of course he is going to make sure Star Boy dies, becauseeee he didn't do it last time, so second times the charm, am I right? (OR MAYBE THE THIRD WHO KNOWS, LETTING THE STORY WORK ITSELF OUT ;3)
ORIGINALLY, this was going to be Amaya's thing, but as I said, this might end up being mainly Maggy's thing, or it is something they both do, since they share the same goal, but here is the designs I was going to show for that:
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Anywaysssss, ya'll can ask me questions regarding to this design if ya'll want to! I'll gladly answer them! I also will accept suggestions for the design/abilities for this "wish stealing..." thing. I might come up with a better name for this form later. Soo have a happy weekend as your neighbor watches some marvel movies as I work on my projects for my classes.
Edit: Okay my imagination took my to the most tragic part of his character then randomly imagined star boy getting stabbed by this guy and said "now you feel the pain I felt when everyone died" and star boy, in the worst condition says "almost everyone" then gets a another stab from him💀
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sambuckylibrary · 1 year
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In honor of the 2023 TFATWS Anniversary Event, below is a list of AU SamBucky fic recs for your enjoyment!
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you're my river running high (run deep, run wild) by notcaycepollard
M | 9.9k | nwa | shapeshifter AU
The third day after SHIELD falls, Sam finds a crow with a broken wing on his doorstep.
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What My Hands And Body Done by Fool_for_love
NR | 10.3k | ccntw | soulmates AU
Bucky had resigned himself to a life without a soulmate. After Steve, he didn’t really want another one. Even though Steve had moved on with Peggy, Bucky didn’t see himself doing the same.
After all, if the damage done by Hydra had been enough to scare off Steve, make their soulmarks fade, how the hell was someone else supposed to accept him? Who would even want to?
The universe seemed to think Sam might want to. Bucky disagreed. He and Sam tolerated each other. Sam was funny, sure, loyal, definitely, attractive, no doubt. But none of that screamed soulmate... right?
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Ye Cannae Change The Laws Of Attraction by velvetjinx
E | 3.9k | nwa | star trek AU
There's a lot of friction--in more ways than one--between First Officer Bucky Barnes and Chief Science Officer Sam Wilson of the USS Avenger. But in space, things can change in a heartbeat.
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we're awesome, totally genius by napricot
T | 3.9k | nwa | meet-cute, no powers AU
At this point, Sam’s scanning the coffeeshop for an exit strategy from this terrible date; maybe he can trip a customer into spilling coffee on one of them, or pretend like he’s seen a friend, something, anything. His eye lands on the white guy sitting at the table behind Mike, directly in Sam’s line of sight, but not visible to Mike himself. And okay, hello, stranger. He’s gorgeous, and he’s looking up from the stack of papers on his table, right at Sam. Hot Stranger’s thick-lashed blue eyes are wide, and a pen is dangling from his fingers as if the nonsense happening at Sam’s table has shocked him into interrupting his work.
What the fuck, mouths Hot Stranger.
Sam's on a first date that starts weird and only gets weirder. Thankfully, there's a hot bystander who's ready to be a hero and save Sam from the horrors of app-based dating.
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A Chance by Siancore
E | 20.8k | ccntw | social media AU
Bucky Barnes is a Fuckboy. He exhibits Fuckboy Behavior. Everyone knows it. Especially his best friend, Steve Rogers. Then, one day, he sees one of Steve's social media post with a gorgeous guy named Sam Wilson. Steve's friend is hot and Bucky's interested, but the dude is still Steve's friend. Can Bucky quit his Fuckboy ways to have chance with Sam? Dad Friend Steve doesn’t think it’s such a good idea that they hook up because he doesn’t think Bucky can or wants to change, and more importantly, Steve doesn’t want to see Sam get hurt. Can Bucky change his ways and prove Steve wrong or is the whole thing a disaster waiting to happen?
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Not Like I'm Counting the Days by yammz
E | 13.9k | nwa | civilian!bucky/cap!sam AU
Sam takes a deep breath, then nods, and Bucky feels like he just stumbled upon the combination for a lock that he hadn’t known was there. Sam nods as though he’s making the decision right then and there that this is happening, that they’re actually going to hook up instead of just talking about it. Maybe he is actually making that decision right then. He looks Bucky in the eyes. “Tomorrow, I’m being named Captain America.”
(The one where Bucky starts casually dating Captain America)
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Sports AU by funsized-loser
M | 1.1k | baseball AU
Bottom of the 8th inning, runners on 2nd and 3rd with 2 outs; the Avengers have a 1-0 lead over the Hydras
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The Valk’bhòid by eden22
E | 20.2k | nwa | medieval AU
Uneasy is the head that wears a crown.
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The First Gentleman by glittercake
M | 55.7k | gdv | first gentleman!sam/bodyguard!bucky AU
Sam knew what he was signing up for when he married a senator running for Office. He knew what Riley’s job demanded. He knew the hours, the stress, the milling, and the perpetual buzz. Living his life constantly surrounded by everything, by an entire nation.
But he had always dreamed of a quiet life. A place in the country with the man he loves, acres of greenery and trees, and flowers around them. A long winding road they could drive down on a warm Sunday afternoon. A big old farmhouse with a wraparound porch and a French kitchen. Some horses and a stable, and a little creek covered with a blanket of mist in the mornings.
He gets what he wants in the most horrible of ways.
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Any Port in a Storm by swiftrax (wildtrak) for GodsDoggy
E | 9.4k | nwa | abo AU
Sam is the first to admit that he and Bucky have got issues. It would be fine if they could just ignore each others' existence and didn't keep getting paired up on missions... but the universe (and Steve Rogers) isn't going to let them off the hook that easy. Being an Avenger means sucking it up and pretending they can both be professionals to get the job done.
When a mission goes awry in the middle of the ocean, Bucky and Sam are forced to take shelter in a remote lighthouse as a storm rolls in.
Can they survive each other long enough to be rescued, or will their interpersonal friction come to a head...
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there's a war inside of me by CapnWinghead
T | 5.5k | nwa | multiverse AU
When a portal drops another version of Bucky Barnes into their universe, Sam's adamant about helping her. Bucky's a lot less welcoming.
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The Way Out Is Through by samwontshare (Attaining)
E | 12k | gdv | zombie apocalypse AU
Sam and Bucky's love story in Wakanda is interrupted when Sam contracts a virus that makes him crave human flesh. Bucky will do anything to keep him safe. And fed.
Instead of The Blip, Thanos' minions brought the zombie apocalypse.
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more TFATWS anniversary themed fic rec lists to come!
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blood-injections · 9 months
Headcanons n stuff from my Phoenix Witch Ghoul au
So like the Witch was the Witch but basically something happened and he sacrificed himself to save everyone and in doing so his soul merged with hers and so that’s how he became her
He has all of the Witch's memories now alongside his own as she has all his, they are one being and yet the Witch still somewhat has her own consciousness or like vibes in his head, it’s hard to explain but it’ll make sense in the fic i think
Ghoul has all of the Witch's powers like seeing souls, appearing to people, granting small miracles, and being able to see the history of any soul. He can also ‘manifest’ as anything so when he’s in the living world, sometimes he’s fun ghoul but sometimes they’re a crow/raven or a coyote or something. his favorite way to traverse the zones is as a raven. He can shapeshift essentially.
Since he and the Witch are one, he’s her but he’s also still himself, it’s like a genderfuck mindfuck thing and his identity isn’t the same. He’s fun ghoul but not, or well, it’s easier to be fun ghoul when he’s with the Fab Four or his friends and appearing as a killjoy, but if he’s reaping souls and stuff he’s more witch than killjoy and doesn’t feel like connected to humanity. And then when he is fun ghoul, his identity has changed since before he was the witch, he’s just genderless now as opposed to like transmasc lol
Kobra has powers too, he can speak to spiders and snakes and all the little things and sometimes they'll help him out, for he earned their respect and praise in a previous life.
And he always wears sunglasses because he literally has snake eyes. He can see infrared like snakes and it makes him fucking deadly at night
Unlike Ghoul, Kobra is still human, but he is also strangely in tune with the desert, more than any normal killjoy. Becuase of this connection, Kobra can always predict the weather or where dracs are going to appear.
Its common knowledge that crows are just puppies and when Ghouls around the diner in the form of one he always gets pet.
Kobra's the only one thats seen Ghouls true form, the one he has on the spiritual plane, the form of the Phoenix Witch or, well, what he and the Phoenix Witch merged to become. He thinks that form is beautiful.
None of them ever fail to be in awe of the fact that their little guy is now The Motherfucking Witch
Doctor Death Defying is named that for a reason, hes the Witch's favorite, after all(until Ghoul joined the witch, then theres several favorites.
Some killjoys have the ability to astral project, to walk the spiritual plane and talk to the witch in her realm. Doctor D has this ability and it’s how he always knows about claps and lost killjoys right away, becuase he astral projects and wanders the other side and sees what souls are waiting for the witch
Cola also has this power, but doesn't use it as much as Doctor D does.
The girl also has the power to astral project, thats how ghouls finds her in the first place, she passed out in the desert from the heat and is wandering his world and he sees the power in his soul, knows that she could save the world one day, so he goes to her and brings her back to the fab four, where they become her family
She calls Ghoul birdy and things along those lines a lot because her first impression of him was that of his quite feathery form of the witch
When jet star loses her eye, ghoul gives her a different kind of sight from where the eye is missing- the power to see souls and spirits
Kobra calls him Cuervo all the time now as a term of endearment
Even though he's the witch now they still roughhouse they’re still idiots
Ghoul will live forever and get to witness his friend’s souls being reborn time and time again
He can manifest as anything and kets just say he starts taking some liberties(ehhem um trnasgender things) with his form(also the pranking potential of shapeshifting.. it doesnt matter that hes a powerful spirit now hes still a little shit)
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yukidragon · 2 years
Is demon SDJ an au or just a halloween costume? also do you have a headcanon for demon Jack too?
To my knowledge, it could be both. I believe it started when YummyPinkMilk got the idea to draw Jack as an incubus, which inspired Jambeebot/Sauce to draw their own version.
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Later on, Sauce made a sprite version for fun with a slightly tweaked design, as we’ve seen on the official Sunny Day Jack twitter. After that, costumes for all the male leads were made.
It’s really cool to see both versions of the design side by side.
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Whether or not the sprites are just fun Halloween costumes or something more to them remains to be seen. A lot of people enjoy playing with this design as its own AU though.
Also, as a quick aside, let me remind everyone to please not repost art posted privately on the SnaccPop Studios Patreon. Art that was posted publicly is okay as long as you remember to give Sauce full credit for it like I’m doing here. Please support them and this lovely game by becoming a patron, backing the official Sunny Day Jack kickstarter, or just spreading the word. As a reminder, there’s just a week left before the kickstarter closes!
As for headcanons, well... I do have a few thoughts that I could rattle off. It’ll go under the cut of course since we’re talking about a sex demon AU for an Adults Only game. Talk about spice is pretty inevitable.
Also, there might be some mature themes that go beyond sex. The implications of this sort of supernatural being can get pretty dark if you think about it too hard... which I’m oft to do. How dark? Hopefully no darker than my third headcanon post with the tragedy of [Redacted].
...Which is giving me ideas for this AU. Strap in, folks.
Oh, before I get started, I should tag @channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic​ &  @sai-of-the-7-stars. If you want to be tagged in my next headcanon post, please let me know!
Since these are my own personal headcanons for a demon Jack AU, I’m going to default to using my own personal version of the MC, Alice. However, I will do my best to make mention of when things could apply to the MC in general.
For starters, Jack is an incubus in this headcanon. It’s not because he’s a male sex demon, but because he’s a top. I’ve been inspired by this popular thread that looks at the Latin origins of incubus/succubus and divides them not by gender but by sexual preferences. An incubus is a top, a succubus is a bottom, and a concubus is a verse.
Of course, Jack is flexible enough to take the role of a concubus or a succubus if his sunshine wants, but his preference is overwhelmingly as an incubus.
In this universe, sex demons, shortened to ‘cubi, can shapeshift to some degree, mostly in terms of body type, sex organs, and their more “demonic” features (wings, horns, tail, markings, etc.) This means that they can better appeal to the exact tastes of whatever human they’re catering to, or simply their own. This means that technically they’re genderfluid, but like anyone they have their own gender identity. In Jack’s case, that’s male, and the above appearance is what he is most comfortable in. If he wanted to, however, he could make himself look like the genderswap AU version of himself, Jill.
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Despite being known as sex demons, ‘cubi don’t actually come from some infernal underworld... at least not originally. Rather, they’re beings made from magic as the manifestations of desire, specifically to cater to the pleasures of those that summon them. In a way, they’re something of a mixture between tulpas and familiars, bound to a specific person to serve them in exchange for that person’s energy to sustain them.
You know, something kind of similar to Jack’s situation with his sunshine in the main universe.
Now, I’m not saying Jack in SDJ is secretly an incubus or anything like that, even though he practically lives to serve MC and feels more secure in his existence through having sex with them, but... the parallels are kind of pretty apparent.
Naturally, this sort of setup is pretty rife with unfortunate implications if these magical husbando/waifus happen to be thinking and feeling sentient beings rather than glorified magical sex dolls made just for the pleasure of their owner. What sort of awful person would enslave some poor soul to just use them like that?
Oh wait.
Now... while this idea can very easily go into non-consent territory, I don’t want to go there, not even in an AU. This is just the origins of the ‘cubi species that serves as background in this universe. At some point in the past, they broke free of this unfavorable state of servitude. They weren’t meant to be able to reproduce on their own or live unbound to their masters, but the ‘cubi figured out how to do both and became their own race. They’ve been engaging in a both symbiotic and antagonistic relationship with humanity ever since.
Typically ‘cubi are unable to feel love of any sort due to their origins, but like any species that grows and changes over time with each generation, eventually there will be anomalies. Jack is one such anomaly. Unlike the majority of his species, he longs to love and be loved, but for the longest time didn’t realize that’s what he was missing. Much like in the regular universe, his family didn’t love him, but the ‘cubi parents didn’t even pretend they did, as the concept is just dismissed as a “human” trait, and humans are just for “food and fun” to the ‘cubi.
Naturally, Jack had a hard time living with the ‘cubi. Much like the main universe, he was neglected and ignored by those around him as he was growing, and eventually there was a tipping point that made him leave them and never look back again.
Although ‘cubi are most well known for being sex “demons”, they can feed off of any human desire, and it’s strongest when it’s directed at them. Sexual desire is just the most favored way for them to feed, as it’s very potent and pleasurable. This means that a human just looking at them with lustful feelings can offer them some energy even without directly engaging in sex.
The ‘cubi that either don’t want to have sex or are too young for it get their energy from platonic sources of desire or have energy donated to them by other ‘cubi. We respect enthusiastic consent in this house, and only consenting adults should engage in sexual behaviors, even in a fantasy AU.
Of course, once an adult, Jack did engage in sexual behaviors. What he didn’t get from ‘cubi, he thought he could get from humans. The pleasure was great, but he was still wanting more. He wanted to be the desire of many humans, believing that’s what he was missing. This led to a hedonistic lifestyle and a lot of people desiring him, but no matter how much desire he consumed, he was never satisfied.
Naturally, there are people who have a huge issue with sexual promiscuity. There are also people who have a huge problem with non-human races, ranging from distaste to outright hatred. Combine the two with plenty of fear, and you get tragedy.
With Jack seducing so many people and desiring so much attention, it was only a matter of time before the wrong people found out. There are demon hunters in this world, as well as those who believe the ‘cubi are evil. Jack was labeled as a demon seducing innocent people and clouding their minds, tempting them to the path of sin, and other such excuses to hunt him down.
Jack barely survived being killed by the hunters, but was captured instead. In this world, familiars are summoned and can be sealed away if they get unruly. The person who caught him was familiar with the origins of the ‘cubi and how similar they are to familiars, and used that to seal him away into a magical box.
This of course resulted in a Jack-in-the-box.
Yes I am quite proud of that pun, thank you.
As you might have guessed, Jack is in quite an unfortunate position. That collar around his neck isn’t just because it looks kinky. Fortunately, the order that captured him weren’t going to use him for slavery, but the bad news was that he was trapped in a dark place, devoid of all feeling. He was buried like unpleasant secret, locked away and eventually forgotten.
Poor Jack gets to suffer a similar fate as he does in the normal universe.
Fortunately, sunshine will find Jack in this universe as well several years later.
This world is a fantasy setting similar to a lot of JRPGs, with magic creating fantastic technology, but it has a strong medieval feel in ways. There are monarchies and nobility as well as monsters and magical races.
Alice was born into nobility. Although her family is a very loving one, there were duties expected of her due to her bloodline. The life of nobility can be cutthroat, with those aiming to destroy other noble houses for their own political gain, or unite via marriages.
This is especially true if they are engaged to be married to the next crown prince.
Despite it being an arranged marriage, Alice and Ian were close. They grew up together, were friends, and fell in love. It was like a fairytale...
And, like many fairytales, this one involves a curse.
No one knows who cast it, but there were plenty of suspects. It could have been a rival family that wanted their daughter to marry Ian instead. It could have been a curse meant for the crown prince, but due to the royal family’s supposed divine protection, it struck his fiancée in his place. It could even have been just the cruel whim of a wicked witch.
Whatever the case, the results were the same; Alice was one day transformed into a beastly creature.
This resulted in chaos of course, but for the most part, to protect the dignity of Alice, her family, and the royal family, it was kept a secret. Alice was hidden away under the story of being sick while others searched for the culprit and the cure. Crown prince Ian swore he would do whatever it took to cure Alice. He loved her even in her hideous cursed state.
Unfortunately, the more time passed without answers or a solution in sight, unrest set in. The queen especially was repulsed by the idea of her child marrying a hideous monster, no matter how Ian protested. The king was at best indifferent, not dissolving the engagement over the incident, but he refused to allow the marriage to proceed unless Alice was cured.
The secret slowly leaked, as secrets tend to do when money and political intrigue is involved. Pressure was put to annul engagement so that Ian could marry someone else. Noble families sent their attractive and clever members of the same age as him to strengthen bonds with him as it were
At first, Ian resisted all temptations and arguments. He was determined to marry Alice, but as time slipped away and they spent less and less time together, it was hard for his attention not to stray.
Alice had to remain hidden away in her family’s manor. Ian could only rarely visit her, and they mostly kept in communication via magic and letters. It left them both feeling lonely and missing each other.
At first, Alice refused to let Ian see her in her hideous state, but with time he managed to convince her that he still loved her regardless. When she finally allowed him to see what had become of her, he was shocked and horrified, but he managed to reassure her that it didn’t matter. The only one he wanted to marry was her. He loved her.
Alice believed Ian. He was her prince charming who would save her from her curse. He would never forsake her.
I think you can see where this is going.
Much like in the regular universe, time apart, popularity, and temptations of the flesh made Ian stray.
Stricken with guilt, Ian confessed what he did... and Alice couldn’t handle his betrayal.
The engagement was broken. Even if royalty aren’t exactly known for remaining loyal to their spouses, Alice’s family loved her enough to put an end to the engagement for her sake. Ian did everything he could to apologize and make amends, but Alice refused to see him. His constant visits trying to see her, gifts, and messages just made her heartbreak worse.
As word of the engagement being broken spread, there was also a rumor that Alice was going to a distant territory managed by her family to recover from her heartache. This allowed her to not only get some distance from Ian, but to lessen the risk of rumors spreading about her curse.
The place Alice went to live was a distant home surrounded by woods, isolating it from the rest of her world. Being betrayed by the person she loved and trusted the most shook her faith in people, and she insisted on living there alone, save for the occasional delivery of supplies and visitor.
Alice could have simply languished away in that place lamenting her fate, but instead she studied. She had an interest in magic that she had once been passionate about, but had to turn into an idle hobby when she wasn’t busy taking lessons as the future queen and spending time with Ian. Now she no longer had to worry about such distractions.
Perhaps it could help her find a cure for her curse when all other mages and scholars failed...
Time passed as Alice focused on improving her skills with magic and potions. Although Alice didn’t want anyone to see her in this state, she couldn’t help but feel lonely. One day, she was struck with the idea of having a familiar as a companion. Familiars are made from their master’s magic, essentially a piece of the mage given life. It could never betray her.
While engaged to the crown prince, Alice has access to the royal treasury at times. Ian would surprise her with presents that he technically shouldn’t have given away, but he was young, in love, and she was so keen to learn more about magic.
Despite the way things ended, Alice took some of those magical trinkets with her. One of those objects was a box, a medium meant to take some of her essence and create the familiar when the right ritual was performed.
Things go a little bit sideways when the box is already in use sealing away a being that is only similar to a familiar.
Luckily or unluckily, depending on your perspective, Alice just wound up releasing Jack from his box and forming a contract with him, binding them both together.
It was pretty surprising to the both of them, to put it lightly.
When ‘cubi are starved and in a weakened state, their colors are faded, and their eyes and markings won’t glow. Jack looked more like Joseph when Alice let him out, but with her magic feeding him due to their bond, he was his bright and colorful self again soon enough.
A lot of the dynamics between Alice and Jack are similar in this AU to the game universe. Jack can’t do anything Alice doesn’t want, and they can sense each other’s feelings and even thoughts. However, in this universe, Alice is aware of this, since that’s part of having a familiar, which allows her to guard her thoughts from him, if not her emotions.
While the situation is less than ideal for Jack... at the same time he finally feels what he was missing for so long. Alice is warm after he spent so many years sealed away in cold darkness, and he feels things from her that he never did from anyone else.
A pact with a familiar isn’t easily broken. Jack was also afraid that if it was broken, he would just go back into the box. He was still technically bound to it even as he was also bound to Alice. After learning about the hell he suffered when sealed away, she couldn’t bring herself to damn him like that, not when she could feel how terrified and desperate he was to never go back in there.
Jack offered to give Alice anything she wanted. He was ready to seduce her then and there.
Alice barked out a humorless laugh and told Jack that wasn’t a funny joke.
When visitors came over, Alice would wear heavy draping cloaks and veils to hide her body. When alone, she has less, so Jack saw her cursed appearance.
Jack didn’t see an issue with how Alice looked. In fact, her warmth and gentle heart drew him to her. It felt... good, but Alice had already been hurt before.
Instead of accepting sexual favors, Alice tentatively accepted his friendship instead.
So the two of them live together. Jack flirts with Alice, using his typical tactics that worked to draw people in before he got sealed away, being cheeky and seductive... and he finds that she responds when he was sincere instead. They form a genuine friendship and, as they grow closer, Jack eventually realizes that what he’s feeling for Alice, what he’s been missing all of his life, is love.
Eventually the two do fall in love after enough time getting to know and trust each other. Somehow Alice gets her curse cured as well. Maybe fitting with the fairytale theme, it could be cured through the power of true love... expressed through sex, since this is a story about incubi Jack after all.
I guess in this universe you can say Jack is a monster fucker as well as a demon?
Speaking of which, here’s a couple more ‘cubi headcanons that are on the spicier side.
The bond between them leaves a marking in Jack’s colors on Alice’s abdomen. Yes, it’s a “womb tattoo” since having some of Jack’s glowing markings being left behind as a sign of their bond would be fun.
The ‘cubi ability to appeal to their partner’s tastes isn’t just limited to appearance. The flavor of their cum can be altered to suit their tastes in a more literal sense.
Needless to say, Alice does not expect a vanilla cream finish the first time she gives Jack a blowjob.
A ‘cubi has amazing stamina and sometimes will savor their meal. Needless to say, Alice is going to have a hard time keeping up with Jack.
Though with access to magic, Alice has ways of potentially getting in some fun payback.
This is pretty much about all the headcanons I have at this time for this particular AU. I’m still unsure of Shaun and Nick’s roles in the universe, but I do know Barry is a merchant trader that Alice sometimes sells her magic potions to for extra money. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my really huge ramble about demon Jack that turned into an alternate version of Beauty and the Beast!
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oh-shtars · 2 months
@signed-sapphire had me thinking about something lately and noticed a minor plot hole. I do wonder how Sueño is fluent in sign language but doesn’t really know other languages such as Spanish.
(Since you know, he doesn’t know what his new name, Sueño, even means. Saving that for a wholesome reveal. ☺️)
And I’ve been thinking. The reason I made him mute in the first place is a reference to all the pantomime characters Disney used to have back then. (Characters like Dopey from Snow White, Tinkerbell from Peter Pan, and Gideon from Pinocchio). And plus, because it sounded like fun representation for people who are nonverbal. So I wanted to keep it that way.
Many thanks for Saph for helping me realise this plot hole! 💖 It was unintentional, sure, but it’s really helpful for me to see things in another perspective and think it through again.
So here’s what I’m thinking:
Stars above know how to speak spoken human languages such as English and others because they listen to wishes anyway. And they learn how to verbally speak like a child would. Slowly learning the meaning of each sound.
Is Sueño the only mute star? No.
Like humans, I did say that the stars are born all differently. Some are mute, blind, or deaf. These stars can still tend to wishes and communicate with their kind because they have their own language anyways. They can communicate telepathically to other stars in a language that are indecipherable to the human ear. (And ear-damaging loud if spoken out loud on earth. lol.)
Wishes that they receive in their plane of reality also can be heard within their head telepathically. (I got this idea since sound can’t really travel in space.)
When Sueño is on Earth in the story, he’s very familiar with English since he used to listen often to the humans wishing below. But not exactly fluent with other languages since he was captured at a young age.
(Side note: I also have this idea that stars can’t see the way humans live their lives in clear detail. It’s just blurry silhouettes or something. Just like how humans can’t clearly see stars in massive detail. So sign language isn’t a familiar thing to Sueño’s kind. And also they can’t see through clouds if the weather isn’t clear.)
Anyways, what I’m thinking is still have Sueño be a pantomime character. Communicating with movements and facial expressions while also utilising his shapeshifting magic and stardust. Like Sandy from RoTG.
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But would it be sweet if he learns sign through Asha? She’s still rusty with it but it’s still helpful. Plus, Dario is fluent with it too because of his hard of hearing.
I think this would be a really nice example for Sueño to discover how considerate humans are to each other that they found ways to communicate with those of a disability. Discovering and realising that not all of them are jerks are after all.
Idk, what do you guys think of this idea? If you give any suggestions in how to tweak it, I might consider them.
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pobopolybius · 10 months
I will be copying what I said to my friend in our dms immediately after waking up. Ok. I just had an epiphany.
Another friend of mine and I had been conversing regarding Demian possibly being a nonhuman entity in canon, based on these three points that could make it work if he truly does happen to be nonhuman:
Now! Possession! That's the little prince's whole thing in lcorp! And looking at the patterns, one can assume his body could be a vessel of some sort, looking at these three primary details:
Once again, the little prince's ability of possession and brain takeover
[Gestures to his whole... everything]
The Little Prince died to be able to return to his home, freeing his soul from its physical vessel
Now, how does this tie back to Iori?
This came to me sporadically as I was just... letting thoughts hit the wall to see what sticks, and then I realized that to possess someone, you need to find a body first. There are loads of patterns pointing to Iori and Demian having some form of relation to one another, but I think that relation is only physical. I think that if Demian really is a nonhuman deity, he is possessing Iori's dead son. This means that he is not directly related to her, but rather, only the body is.
And not to mention, Demian very clearly has some abnormality thing going on, considering how his attack makes a near identical sound to Blue Star.
Frau Eva is constantly referred to as a star in the novel.
Demian has an obsession with stars.
The little prince has a love for stars!
So, Demian being Iori's son doesn't mean he can't be Frau Eva's son.
Maybe Iori is the mother of his vessel.
But he, as a lone person, is related to Frau Eva herself, or themself, or maybe even itself if Eva happens to not be human.
Because even if Dante had been talking about Eva at the start when Iori's guys were after them, they never referred to Eva by pronouns, and they talked about her as if she were something solid, unmoving. Maybe dead! But, maybe not. Something about not wanting to tell Iori's guys "■■■'s location".
Please be Frau Eva.
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Question asking! How would you depict Morph in the X-Men Evolution cartoon? And if you could redo Pyro’s depiction in it, what would you change?
Ooooh, boy, I actually had a vague fanfic type idea awhile back about putting a version of Morph in Evolution. Basically? I'd put him on the Deadly Genesis team.
So, the first team of mutants that Xavier ever recruits is a group of teenagers - Vulcan (I think in this case Xavier does NOT know that he's Scott's brother), Darwin, Petra, Sway, and Changeling. (I'm gonna go with Changeling here rather than Morph.) After a few early missions, he sends them to investigate a mysterious island (Krakoa, of course) that appeared in the Pacific Ocean, while he stays onboard the Blackbird monitoring them. The mission is a disaster. Krakoa lashes out with an enormous blast of energy that appears to kill Vulcan, Darwin, Petra and Sway, as their life readings disappear, and Xavier feels their pain and fear. Changeling, who had shapeshifted wings and was flying above the island to scout it out, is spared the brunt of the blast and is knocked into the ocean, badly injured and apparently the only survivor. Xavier rescues him, and Krakoa sinks back below the waves.
Xavier returns to the mansion with his only surviving student, and nurses him back to health. I want to emphasize, Xavier is absolutely devastated and fucked up over what happened. I think Evo Xavier is kind of a bastard, but like all Xaviers I think he has good intentions. As far as he knows, his X-Men were a complete failure, he failed them, and he led four teenagers to their deaths. When Changeling wakes up, and is determined to go back to the Pacific to search for his missing teammates, even growing wings and physically flying there if necessary, Xavier makes a decision. He has no hope of starting another X-Men team, and he decides that the best possible thing he can do for mutant Kevin Sydney is to protect him - by erasing his memory of the team, and of ever being a mutant. I think Changeling in this universe generally uses a human form similar to Morph's human form in TAS/X-Men 97 as a default, and if the featureless white clay form is his "real" self, he hasn't found it yet. Xavier locks Kevin in human form, suppresses his X-Gene, and sends him back to his parents believing that he was in a terrible car accident at "summer camp," and leaves him to lead a normal life as a "human."
Xavier then spends a few years deeply depressed and not doing much.....until he hears reports of the weather-controlling mutant in Africa. Storm is enough for Xavier to start considering an X-Men team again, and believe that there might be some hope. He tells no one about the original team, it is his deepest shame. In the meantime, Kevin has become a relatively successful actor - not a superstar, but doing pretty well for himself. He's been in a few movies, and by the time Evolution starts, he's starring in a CW sexy vampire drama similar to The Vampire Diaries. For self-indulgent reasons, I'm gonna say that it's a Dark Shadows revival that is actually really good. (Kitty absolutely loves the show, and loves Kevin's character. Rogue is probably into it too, but won't admit it.) Xavier never contacts Kevin or removes the blocks on his memories/powers, convincing himself that it's for the best, Kevin is obviously happy and successful and there's no need to throw his life into chaos. But also, because re-recruiting Changeling would mean telling everyone about the first team - his greatest failure and deepest shame.
Then, at some point after the end of Evolution, Krakoa re-emerges in the Atlantic. I'd say at this point, it's about 10 years after the Deadly Genesis team, so Kevin is in his twenties - not super old, but an adult compared to the Evo teens. Seeing news reports about the island knocks something loose in Kevin's mind, and he starts dreaming about Krakoa, and seeing occasional hallucinations of his old teammates (the kind of quick "blink and you'll miss it" thing where the ghost appears briefly in a mirror or in a crowd that horror movies do before the scares start ramping up.) Maybe he even starts to involuntarily shapeshift while asleep, but assumes that it's part of a dream. Xavier absolutely forbids the team to go anywhere near the mysterious new island, but won't say why.
Meanwhile, someone emerges from the island - it's Vulcan, who went into a deep coma while basically trapped at the center of Krakoa. Vulcan doesn't know exactly what happened or how he survived, but he is pissed. While flying towards Xavier's, he sees a billboard for Awesome Dark Shadows Revival That I Wish Existed, with what appears to be an older version of his teammate Changeling. Taking a quick detour, Vulcan tracks down Kevin and demands to know what happened. Kevin doesn't know what Vulcan is talking about, but realizes that he does recognize him from....somewhere. And at some point while Vulcan is somewhat violently confronting him, Kevin shapeshifts as an instinctive defense, and realizes that this isn't a dream, he is actually changing forms, and is probably a mutant, and there is something very wrong with his memories. Vulcan realizes that Changeling doesn't know what the fuck is going on, and assumes that Xavier must be to blame for this as well (he's right!) and drags Kevin off to confront the Professor.
Once they land at the mansion, a fight naturally breaks out. Vulcan wants Xavier and is willing smack down anyone that gets in his way. Kevin continues to not know what the fuck is going on, but I think he winds up on Team Protect Xavier, because he doesn't want to kill anyone, he just wants some answers. Everyone mistakes him for Mystique at first, and he gets knocked around a bit. I'm imagining Kitty, when she realizes that he is not only NOT Mystique, he is actually Kevin Sydney from All-New All-Different Dark Shadows, she is absolutely appalled that she kicked her favorite actor in the face.
After Vulcan smacks everyone around for a bit, and it seems like he is about to kill Xavier, he suddenly freezes and collapses, and another figure emerges. It's Darwin, who had merged with Vulcan all those years ago in order to allow them both to survive. They both went dormant within Krakoa, but Darwin woke up along with Vulcan when the island returned to the surface. Darwin has been fighting this whole time to stop Vulcan's violent rampage, and finally managed to put him down (for the moment).
Xavier finally explains everything. Everyone is angry. But also, they decide to go back to Krakoa for reasons I haven't decided yet - maybe they are worried about human researchers who are approaching the island, maybe Vulcan wakes up and flies out there, and the team wants to stop him before he starts wrecking shit again. The entire team, including Changeling (with the blocks on his memories and powers now fully removed) and Darwin. I think on the island there will be another fight with Vulcan and maybe with Krakoa itself, but it will stop when the team makes another discovery - it's Petra and Sway. Still alive, because fuck it, they deserve better and in my version of Deadly Genesis they get to live. They are trapped inside a time bubble that Sway instinctively created with her powers the moment the blast hit, and have been basically frozen in stasis this entire time (which is why Xavier couldn't read their life signs.) Xavier has to reach out telepathically to "wake up" Sway and cause her to drop the bubble, freeing both. For Petra and Sway, no time at all has passed, they haven't aged, they don't remember anything about their time in stasis. At this point, seeing all his old teammates still alive, I think Vulcan drops the vendetta (at least temporarily) and flies off into space, still very pissed. How does the team deal with Krakoa itself? I dunno, Xavier puts it to sleep or something.
I'm not sure what happens to the X-Men team after this. They have to reckon with Xavier having done some awful things and kept massive secrets, but unlike comics Deadly Genesis, it turns out no one actually died. Storm and Wolverine would demand to know ALL of Xavier's secrets and threaten to leave if he holds anything back. The kids are probably divided, but lose some respect for him. I think at least one person out of the Petra, Sway and Darwin trio will decide to stay at the mansion. Kevin does not stay - he doesn't want to hurt Xavier, but cannot forgive him for the memory blocks. Kevin also offers to use some of his actor money to help Petra, Sway and Darwin start new lives if they want (I think one of them might take him up on it), and tells the rest of the X-Men that they can call on him if there's a major emergency that requires a shapeshifter, because even if he hates Xavier he likes the rest of the team. The he runs back to Hollywood to stay on sexy CW Dark Shadows. I think he wrestles with whether or not to "come out" as a mutant, now that he knows, because a mutant celebrity might help the cause, but it could also destroy his career.
No Banshees were harmed in this version of Deadly Genesis.
As for the character in general, I think he'd have the same upbeat, kinda sassy personality as TAS/X-Men 97 Morph, but you wouldn't see as much in this story, since it's mostly Changeling getting dragged through the two worst days of his life and dealing with some very confusing memories. He's also not non-binary - at least not yet - but is kinda gender-nonconforming. I think he's probably questioned his own gender a bit, maybe he'd be nonbinary in the future after some soul-searching. I think Morph in TAS can also really hold onto a grudge, and I think Changeling would be the same about Xavier. Like, "I'm not going to attack or hurt you, but I do NOT want to talk to you, and you are NOT forgiven. Your student are cool, though."
As for Pyro - If given a chance, I'd make him a high school teen so he can be part of the Brotherhood the whole time, but I'm not sure how he would fit in, and what his dynamic would be with the rest of the group (or which X-Man would be his official "rival." Maybe he'd cockily keep trying to challenge Storm, just like in the comics.) I think he'd get along well with Boom-Boom during her Brotherhood time. He'd have a massive crush on Avalanche (that he's not very good at hiding) and get very jealous when Lance shows interest in Kitty. I'd like to see him actually have some opinions about mutants and politics rather than just "Hee hee, I like to burn things!" (Although that's fine, too.) His grandmother raised him in Australia, but when she suffered a major health crisis, she sent him to America to live with his deadbeat mother. His mother then kicks him out when he displays mutant powers. His grades are decent when he does the work, but he mostly excels in English and creative writing. He reads a lot, and has a laptop that he is constantly using to write. Mostly fanfic, for now. The best way to piss off St. John is to read his stories without his permission, and I imagine there are some Brotherhood keepaway games with his laptop. When not writing, he's usually playing with fire or looking for some kind of adrenaline rush.
Of course, I'd be satisfied if we just got to spend some time with Evo Acolyte Pyro after he joins the Brotherhood, or whatever their SHIELD team becomes. Just flesh him out more beyond "Laughs at violence, loves fire."
Edit - I just realized that my version of Deadly Genesis makes Vulcan like, several years older than Scott. Which makes no sense for his origins. Eh, don't worry about it. Maybe he got aged up prematurely in a Shiar breeding pod or something. Maybe he's actually Corsair's brother and therefore Scott's uncle. Whatevs.
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