willmarstudios · 2 years
One of my biggest struggles in consuming media is getting immediately distracted by a side character who is my type.
I'm reading StarScraps by @artsyfio which is really cute, but I keep looking for Kurt, the dad of the friend group.
I know I should focus on Eric & Ken, but LOOK AT KURT
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dinochickrox · 5 months
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I made this over 9 months ago and the fact that it might actually happen
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hercynianforest · 1 month
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~The one deep truth so bright it can fill the darkness.~ 🤍💜🤍💜
Ya'll know this happened.🤭😁
"You know..."
"I know..."
I imagine Callum would have created a magic air blanket to keep them warm.
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jelzorz · 1 month
For the ficlet requests, Rayllum, pre-6x07 opening, what they might've been talking or thinking about before the episode opens with the kiss
They don't spend a lot of time talking.
Admittedly, there isn't much to say: it's all kind of there and laid bare the moment Callum kisses her again and afterwards, words don't feel like enough. They kiss, and kiss some more, soft lips and gentle hands and trembling breaths on goosepimpled skin. The hours pass, as slippery and smooth as star-silk, and then the dawn breaks and Rayla wakes with the softest light in her eyes and her head upon Callum's chest.
"Hi," he whispers.
Rayla giggles. "Hi," she murmurs. "Not a dream then."
"If it is, I'm never waking up," chuckles Callum, pressing a kiss to the space between her horns. "Look." He points a finger to the stained glass, coloured light spilling across the desk by the window.
"It's beautiful," says Rayla.
"Yeah." Callum smiles. "I've never seen the sunrise from so high. Wanna go watch it?"
"Mm. Later." Rayla tilts hers her head up to face him and presses a kiss against the corner of his mouth. "Kind of want to stay here a bit longer. Is that okay?"
"More than okay," he says, his fingers tracing nonsense patterns over her skin. She shivers pleasantly at the sensation and snuggles further into his warmth. "I really missed you," he murmurs. "All of you."
"I missed you too," whispers Rayla. "That whole time I was away, and even when I came back... All I ever thought about was you."
"There wasn't... anybody else?"
She shakes her head. "How could there have been? I saw you in everything, and it was bad enough that I..." She squeezes her eyes shut and takes a breath.
"Oh, no, I—" Callum grimaces awkwardly then, and when Rayla glances up at him, his cheeks are red and his eyes are cast bashfully towards the floor. "I just... last night was—I've never done... any of that before."
There's a pause. Then Callum laughs, and because he laughs, Rayla laughs, the tension broken, all the guilt and regret and complexity gone again like it was never there at all. They haven't really spoken about all of that either, but it doesn't matter. Not really. What matters is that they are here and together, and there's nothing about it that really needs to be said. Rayla shifts and kisses him deeply anyway, another apology, another assurance, another promise on her lips.
"It was my first time too," she admits shyly.
Another pause. Another breath. Then they're both giggling again, giddy as lovers should be, at peace in each other's arms. Rayla sighs, relishing his warmth, his touch, his heartbeat beneath her cheek, and smiles. "Was it what you wanted?"
Callum grins into her hair. "All I ever wanted was you. Even if we hadn't... you know. It wouldn't have mattered. I'm just glad we're here. Together."
"Yeah." Rayla breathes in, the air crisp and clean and full in her lungs, the ache between them gone and replaced with warmth. "I love you," she tells him, because what else is there to say? It's so simple and so true, even if the words don't feel big enough to encompass it.
Callum's chest rises. His heart misses a beat. He lets out a breath. "I love you too," he says, and Rayla knows that it's the same for him, the words too small for the strength they carry.
The sun rises higher. The quiet settles over them once more. There are no more words.
There don't have to be.
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m4rs-ex3 · 2 months
we may never know what happened at that inn but i think it's safe to say that rayllum are rather mischievieous guests anywhere they stay
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ac0531 · 6 months
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From Villads’ IG story!!
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raayllum · 4 months
Shot of Rayla from S6, notes by Villads Spansberg
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callum is a trojan horse s6 theory
In the event that the Novablade doesn't work on Aaravos, because .... he's already been stabbed with it, then...
Aaravos intentionally made Callum terribly afraid of him so Callum would HAVE to go to the Starscraper to kill him—so scared that he’s even doing it when he knows—and Rayla told him—it was a bad idea to bring the pearl. he just made it easier for him. the irony is wonderful. so Aaravos gets the sword, the last ingredient to his revenge on the stars, who he swears will fall.
so he's not dying at the hand of the Novablade, it's his weapon
Added thoughts from mutuals were-- Startouch elves were probably barred from entering the Starscraper for some reason, that’s why he needed to use Callum as his vessel, his Trojan horse—throwback to Fall of Lux Aurea btw, "You allowed my vessel to walk ...directly to the source of all your power?" He's done this before—anyway
Today I Realize
the intro to the show directly supports this idea
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just the novablade, on screen. while the stars are falling. in aaravos’s name
in his name. the novablade is literally in his name. but also. metaphorically. likely going to be used/ the stars will be falling in his name
in the intro of a show planned out by arc, an intro set to go the rest of the arc
those bastards knew what they were doing since s4 while everyone was bashing it and they were doing this. they were doing this. isofjdsokfjlskghjoiyet4rwehsufdiggjkhlytr im so ILLLLLL
love you show creators for also making it evident it's gonna be callum/supporting my theory further because
The only other place Aaravos's desire for the stars to fall is mentioned is in Patience.
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And what's right below this part that closely parallels the arc 2 intro?
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Ziard, Viren, and Callum. in S6, Claudia is also likely interacting with Aaravos. (S6 poster) so...why isn’t she here? Only Callum and Viren are here. Could it be because they’re fulfilling such similar roles?
After the end of s5, we know Viren is likely not the main player in Aaravos's game now, not an option (in one way or another) so
next up as Trojan horse / vessel…
so excited for hearts of cinder 2: epic fail: so good at "hero" stuff he accidentally doomed the world
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Kosmo's speech
in case you, like me, couldn't quite make out the words at the start of the trailer
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I see everything. I see a thousand stars. A thousand eyes. Worlds one and myriad. All of us nothing. And all of us infinite.
This definitely sounds like some wild Star-looking-beyond kind of stuff. Can't help but wonder if it's too much for mortal minds to comprehend safely...
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enbeemagical · 2 months
I just realized
The dragang still thinks the prison is safely at the celestial tower
because Kosmo didn't tell Callum the pearl was fake
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artsyfio · 1 year
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“Is this seat taken?”
“That’s my lap…”
{OCs from my webcomic “StarScraps”💫 on Webtoon and Tapas!}
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wheretwofacesmeet · 1 month
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amber-in-the-rough · 2 months
thinking about how much room for speculation, headcanons and AUs we had over all these years. it seems like in season 6 we'll finally learn about Aaravos' motives, past, secrets, conflicts, about the cube, about Star magic and Deep magic, about Callum's birth father, about the creation of Dark magic, maybe about the meaning of Callum connecting to a primal, about K'ppar, about the Starscraper, about... so many things, actually. Over the years we've been kept in the dark about all those things, there were (and are) a bounty of theories going around. People have come up with so many explanations and wrote so many fics where they speculated on those things...
And now with the s6 coming out the tdp creators are narrowing it all down to a single truth.
What I mean to say is, the time of speculation is probably over... And it makes me sad. I don't even know if I want to know the truth after all these years.
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hercynianforest · 2 months
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He's a wild one
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 3 months
it happened so fast and suddenly the only thing i saw was you
Callum is a sad boi when he can't cuddle Rayla anymore at the Starscraper lmao
Callum liked to think of himself as in-tune to his feelings. He was aware of when he was a jerk–which was frequent, but that’s what the Jerkface Dance was for–aware of when he was being less than clever, and aware of when he needed to take some medicine and a cold shower.
He certainly knew when he ought to be ashamed of himself.
He certainly shouldn’t be disappointed by the size of the bed, he should be grateful for the space and a pillow to himself, but all he could think of was how much he missed Rayla in his arms and him in hers at night, cozied up together solely for purposes of not freezing to death in their one sleeping roll after the other had fallen below the ice.
The blankets over his shoulders and pillow he hugged, because he just needed something to grasp, in no way made up for Rayla there.
And it was even more ridiculous because she was right there. Not even two feet away from him. Her back to him, silver hair splayed out on her own pillow catching the moonlight, she was close by. More than close by. He could still smell her, hear the little noises she made and feel how the mattress swayed with every breath she took. If he closed his eyes, Callum could fool himself into thinking it was her in his arms instead of the lemon-scented pillow.
He groaned and strangled the pillow even more, punching it down in frustration. This impossible girl shouldn’t be consuming his every waking thought, especially not when the fate of the entire world was on their shoulders, but he just couldn’t help it.
Damn hormones.
Bleary-eyed, Rayla tossed her shoulder over her head to look at him. “Callum? You okay?”
And of course he’d gone and woken her up.
“Yeah,” he said, attempting a reassuring smile. “Sorry to wake you up.”
Her eyes crinkled at the corners, and she rolled over to graze her fingers over his side. His breath hitched, but her movements didn’t stall. “Trouble sleeping?”
“I…” Callum swallowed, and her eyes dropped to watch how his throat bobbed, only serving to make it even drier. “It’s weird. So much space,” he said lamely.
“Well, we don’t have to take advantage of it,” Rayla said simply, offering an easy fix to a loaded situation, something decidedly much less chaste than just last night and the few before. Those times, there hadn’t been a choice–at least that’s what Callum told himself, sure Rayla was doing the same–but now? There was. They were choosing to keep doing what they’d been doing, sharing space and blankets and body heat, all pressed up together.
Callum turned so his back faced her, allowing her to draw him back into her chest and lace their fingers together in front of his stomach, allowing her to rest her chin on the top of his head. Allowing them to be close for no reason other than being close.
“Rayla?” he whispered.
He squeezed her hand tighter, tried to press them as close together as possible. Not that close would ever be close enough. “I missed you.”
He hadn’t said that yet. There hadn’t been a right time. Because missing her and loving her could go hand-in-hand but didn’t have to. It was much more important to love her.
And missing her was part of loving her.
Rayla’s breath hitched, the movements of her chest halting against his back for just a quick second.
“I missed you, too.”
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kradogsrats · 1 month
Sat down to chart out the color arrangement of the staffs at the top of the Starscraper, which was both easier and harder than I anticipated... there are just enough shots where clearly something happened that made them rearrange the background that I felt like I had to carefully check every single scene.
Anyway, this is the arrangement. I don't know why there are two Greens. I'm also not 100% sure that Red and Orange aren't supposed to be the same color... we see both Greens in the same frame a fair bit, but not enough of Red/Orange to make a judgement not affected by some kind of distortion.
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We do get one very clear acknowledgement that immediately to the right of Purple is Green.
Speaking of color distortion, this one I think is correct? It's just that the color is skewed toward yellow, making Green and Red look off.
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However, then there are some shots with true inconsistencies...
Labels here are the colors they should be, based on placement of the empty pillar (purple). These could be off because they really, really wanted to keep the empty Purple pillar visible, or even just because they made a camera angle change late in the process.
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Here, based on where everyone is standing for the rest of the scene, the Elder should be between Orange and Yellow, with Purple to his left. It seems like they rotated everyone 180 degrees.
and, of course...
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Pillars? What Pillars?
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