#starseed nation
hashtagjoenation · 10 months
Dropping some art!
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creature-wizard · 10 months
"I'm in a bad place and need to get out, what can I do?"
I figured I'd make a post with all the resources/tips I've collected to help people get out of shitty situations so far, since it's easier than linking to a bunch of posts each time.
Seek out appropriate resources. This can include support groups (online or offline), helplines, and the like.
If you're in the US, you can call 211 to help you find resources.
Crisis Text Line offers services to the US, Ireland, Canada, and the UK.
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is a US service offers a lot of information for sexual abuse survivors.
The Trevor Lifeline is a service for queer youth in the US.
If you're a minor, you may wish to read How To Escape Abusive Parents: A Guide For Minors.
If you're an adult, you may wish to read How To Escape Abusive Parents: A Guide For Adults.
You might also Duckduckgo something like "resources for people in abuse" or "abuse resources help" or "domestic violence survivors resources".
Ask people for help in finding resources. If you can't find anything on your own, there are other people who know where to direct you. It might take awhile to find what you're looking for, but keep asking.
A WORD OF CAUTION: there are many predatory spiritual groups and conspiracy theorists out there who prey on abuse survivors and mentally ill people. You will often see these people claiming that channeling or hypnosis can help you remember past life memories or repressed traumatic memories. This is nonsense and quackery.
Relevant posts of mine:
Hypnosis is unreliable for memory recovery, and this is one way we know.
False past life memories among the starseed movement
Here’s the trouble with hypnotic regression…
If you're on a website that claims to support cult survivors and you see any of these names in the citations (and make sure you check the citations!), leave immediately - all of these people are far right conspiracy theorists. (Unfortunately, many people today are unwittingly perpetuating the BS of Fritz Springmeier in particular. See this and this for more info on that.)
Change who and what you surround yourself with. Start associating with different people/groups as much as you can. Get hobbies to fill your time. Unfollow blogs that reinforce the beliefs you're trying to get away from, and follow blogs that provide a healthier alternative.
You might follow blogs like:
A Kind Place
Trauma Survivors Helping Trauma Survivors
Compassionate Reminders
Trauma Survivors Activities
Reasons For Hope
Bluest Fluff
If you're trying to rebuild your worldview without conspiratorial/culty elements, go take a look at my Resources page.
Remember that your first job is looking after yourself. You don't owe the group. You aren't responsible for the group, or for anyone in it. It might feel that way, but it's vitally important to acknowledge when you're unqualified or suffering burnout. You might feel like bad things will happen if you leave, but that's a fear, not a fact.
You also don't have to justify your departure to the group. You can just leave. If you feel that you must give a reason, you can offer something as simple as "I need to take some time to focus on my mental health" or "I'm really busy lately and don't have time to spend here." If they throw a fit over this, that's honestly just more proof that you need to get out.
If any practices the group taught you actually helped, you can keep doing them. If doing affirmations helped you, keep doing affirmations. If listening to so-called healing frequencies actually made you feel better, you don't have to stop listening to them. If you were practicing something like the Law of Assumption, you can carry on with a lot of that under a psychological model rather than Neville Goddard's wacky metaphysical model. (See this video for an example.) If it genuinely helps you and doesn't hurt anyone else, by all means, keep doing it.
You might look at my Manifestation Without Woo posts:
Manifestation Without Woo: Changing Your Brain
Manifestation Without Woo: People React To Your Projections, & Your Projections Affect Your Perceptions
Manifestation Without Woo: Setting Reasonable Goals
Manifestation Without Woo: Make It Fun!
Manifestation Without Woo: What If It's Not Working?
Get some critical thinking skills. In order to keep yourself from falling into another bad group, it's important to develop your critical thinking skills.
Learn to apply the Five W's (who, what, when, where, and why) when encountering any information.
Learn common logical fallacies.
Learn the difference between fact, opinion, belief, and prejudice.
Don't equate emotional reactions with some kind of innate or higher moral guidance.
Ask yourself if you're "thinking for yourself" or being led to believe you're thinking for yourself.
Know what emotional manipulation tactics look like.
Watch out for these behaviors in any new group you join.
Yes, there are ways to confirm the age of an old text without having the original text itself.
Learn how propaganda works.
Watch out for these red flags in spiritual groups.
And watch out for this red flag.
Understand that belief doesn't have to be binary.
So yeah, hopefully this'll give folks some actionable advice. I can't promise it's going to help each and every person out there, but hopefully it'll give a lot of you something that will help.
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sanjoongie · 1 year
I wish it was me
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🐋Submission for @thelargefrye Starseed Jam event! 🐋Pairing: Water Bender! Choi San x The Avatar! Kim Hongjoong x Water Bender! Reader (f) x Water Tribe Warrior! Jeong Yunho x ot8 poly 🐋Genre: established relationship, s2l, poly, fantasy au, avatar: the last air bender au 🐋Word Count: 8,674 🐋Warnings: mentions of sex, Yunho's cock, potential poly moments but no actual descriptions of sex, fighting, blood, death 🐋Rated: 18+ MDNI, this is simply romantic angst with world building and character development I cut the smut 😬 rip yunsanjoong foursome with dream
🐋Summary: Song of Fourteen Years au~ What if y/n was born in the water kingdom instead~
🐋Dedication: @downtoamagicalland, my lovely beta and for Smalls also, for helping me bounce off my out-of-the-box ideas on her. It was lovely exploring your universe <3
"You two shouldn't be doing this," Yunho said, his tone very disapproving.
"Shut it, Yunho," San said through gritted teeth, "I need to concentrate."
"More smoother, San," You encouraged him, "look how my hands are moving. The curves need to be like the flow of water."
San's eyes narrowed, studying your fingers and the way they seemed to be both strong and delicate at the same time. His fingers were not built like that. No wonder you had it so easy as a Water Bender.
Yunho checked his fishing line and then went back to sharpening his spear. "I'm serious! If the elders catch you playing with water…"
You moved a water bubble stealthily over Yunho's head. You were just about ready to release it over the water tribe warrior’s head when San shouted in victory. "I did it!"
Your head whipped back to San to catch his victorious smile before your water bubble dropped on San’s poor head. "Hey!" He shouted at you, a pout pulling his lips downwards. Without another word, he launched himself at you, tackling you to the ground.
"San!" You laughed as he play-wrestled with you, "Stop!"
San giggled as he managed to pin you to the ice. "You may be better than me at water bending but I can still beat you at an old fashioned fight."
The air moved over your head and Yunho's spear tapped San's chin. "Forget about someone?" 
San raised his hands off of you, as Yunho's spear followed the movement of San's head as he straddled your body. "Of course I didn't forget about you, Yuyu."
"Was that water meant for me?" Yunho muttered to you instead.
You laughed nervously. "What are you talking about, Yuyu?"
Yunho sighed. "I really can't win with the two of you, can I? You'll always outvote me."
San stood up and offered you help up with a hand. When you took it, San yanked you tight to his body. You yelped and the heat only barely simmered beneath San's gaze. "Yunho's tent will be empty with the others out on the boats for fishing."
"San!" You scolded him, "if we get caught in Yunho's tents again, they're going to scold us! Besides, you know they don’t approve of--"
Yunho covered your mouth with his large hand and plopped his chin on your shoulder. "She never knows when to shut up, does she?"
San cocked his head flirtatiously. "See Yuyu, you're not outvoted. Sometimes we can be on the same side."
Your protests remained muffled as your eyebrows furrowed. There was still more training to do! You only had time when most of the village was out gathering! You--
A large shadow flew over the three of you quickly. Yunho held you even tighter to his chest in worry and San’s head followed the large entity that was creating the shadow. “Was that a gliding buffalo?”
“The fire nation!” Yunho announced.
There were several sharped-bowed ships chugging towards the shore. Yunho let you go so that he could brandish his spear properly. “You two go back to the village and protect the young. I’ll--”
“Yunho!” San protested, “You can’t protect the entire village on your own. That’s a ship probably full of fire nation soldiers. We need to go!”
A rather large boom interrupted your own train of thought. Whatever had been flying through the air had landed on the ice. It was too close to the ocean opening…the scariest noise you could ever hear on the ice--cracking--began to echo. 
“We gotta go save them! The ocean will take them!” You shouted and immediately began to run towards the crash.
“Wait!” Yunho attempted to halt you but you could not be deterred. You had lost a brother to the ice once. You weren’t going to let anyone else finish their lives with the same kind of fate.
You skidded to a halt when the ‘flying buffalo’ growled at you, as if it was protecting something. You began to coo at it, like it was an injured otter penguin. “It’s okay big fella, I'm not here to hurt you or your friend. The ice is cracking and we have to get out of here before--”
The last thing you heard was a resounding crack that pierced your hearing before you fell into the cold dark depths of the ocean. You panicked as you fell quickly through the ice but you knew you had to keep the air in your lungs. It felt silly, being a water bender, that you didn’t know anything to truly save yourself. All you had ever done was move tiny amounts of water.
As you descended, you felt the pressure of the depths push on your body and the light above slowly faded. You wondered if perhaps this was what your brother had felt as he had perished when he had fallen through the ice. Perhaps you would meet him in the spirit realm once again. 
Just as you could feel black shadows eating at the corners of your vision and your air finally released from your lungs, filling with water, there was a light that seemed to pull you. Was this what it felt like to transition to the spirit world? 
You felt gentle hands under your back and legs and you felt like you were being carried. Perhaps it was your brother ushering you into the spirit realm. You smiled, happy to greet your brother once again. 
When you were slapped with stinging cold, you quickly realized that you weren’t going to the spirit realm--not yet anyways. Your teeth chattered and you clung harder to the body that held you.
The man glowed with inner power that you had never beheld in your entire life. He seemed ethereal and unreal and you felt yourself falling love at first sight immediately. 
Then, like the light failed them, the glow was gone and they collapsed, with you still in their arms. The flying buffalo growled and landed close to where you two had collapsed. Its large tongue came out and wetted you and the man who had saved your life.
"Tiny," the man groaned, "what happened?"
The Buffalo grunted, nudging the man over with his nose. The man opened his eyes and cocked his head curiously. "Uh, hello," he smiled charmingly, "How'd you get there?"
"You--saved--me!" You managed to say between chattering teeth.
"You're the girl who fell through the ice!" The stranger gasped, "I saved you?"
Tiny licked the stranger again and made urgent noises. "Tiny, you're hurt, you can't take us anywhere!"
"M-m-my v-villag-ge," You stuttered.
"Hey! Quickly! This way!" You heard San shout.
"We can't harbor someone who the fire nation is after, San!" Yunho hissed.
The stranger ran toward San and all three men shot straight towards the tented village. As soon as everyone was inside, you whimpered at how you hurt. 
"We gotta get her out of her clothes, quickly!" Yunho instructed.
San scooped you from the strangers arms and started removing your wet outer clothes. Yunho discarded his clothes as well. He sent a glare to the stranger. "I'd turn to the wall if I were you."
"Sorry!" The stranger spun on his heel and all that could be seen was his back and the swinging of his hair against his neck. "Hongjoong, by the way. In case you were wondering."
"I wasn't," Yunho deadpanned.
"Yunho!" San scolded his elder, "He saved her. You could be a little bit more respectful?"
Yunho was out of his outer layers quicker than San could undress you. Your fingers were useless against the ties and stays that held all your many layers together so that the cold didn't harm you. Yunho took over to help you undress, fingers gentle and careful. San began to remove his clothing instead.
"How are you completely dry, by the way?" San wondered out loud.
Hongjoong stared at how his skin and clothing were dry. He wasn't at risk like you were but clearly he had dove in after you and saved you. He still didn't have any recollection of that but he had to conclude that's what his body had done at least. "Well," Hongjoong grinned to himself, "I am the Avatar after all."
"Yeah and I'm the princess of the northern tribe," Yunho scoffed.
San pulled off his final inner layer, broad shoulders now completely revealed to the world. "It would explain why he isn't disrobing with us right now, Yunho."
Yunho was momentarily distracted by San's body. His dark eyes went over the lines of San's muscles and collarbones. San smirked. "My eyes are up here, big boy."
Yunho shook his head and didn't even apologize for his empty-headedness right now. "Under the blankets! Don't waste your body heat!"
"You know, I can't prove to you right now, but I saved your friend--"
"--She's not just our friend," Yunho muttered under his breath.
"Not just your--!" Hongjoong whipped around, forgetting his promise to not watch them disrobe. San's back muscles rippled as he scooped you up. You were in a simple slip now, much of your skin revealed as well. Hongjoong’s cheeks heated up but his eyes greedily ate both your body's up.
"That's not yours to gaze upon," Yunho said with a bite to his words.
Hongjoong met Yunho's eyes, and for a moment, they seemed to glow before Hongjoong smiled charmingly. "That's very greedy of you."
San giggled, high pitch and happy. "Don't mind Yunho, he's protective. Yuyu! Come on, I'm not going to be enough!"
The two of them busied themselves with removing all of their clothes and yours, and were firmly under the warm furs of Yunho's tent. Their limbs encircled your waist and shoulders, pressing their hot bodies against yours. Your shivers tore their hearts to shreds but more importantly, you were alive and here.
"This wasn't exactly what I was thinking when I mentioned going to Yunho's tents earlier," San couldn't help but joke.
"San, we have a guest!" Yunho protested. Now that they were in a vulnerable position, he was feeling less angry-heat and more embarrassed-warm.
"Oh please, don't mind me! I'll be like a fly on the wall!" Hongjoong insisted.
"I'm going to throw my spear through him when we finish this," Yunho promised.
You could finally bend your fingers and attempted to scratch at Yunho's chest. "Don't…fight…" You said with a throat raw from vomiting sea water.
Yunho tucked your head under his chin. "Shhh don't speak, dream," He hummed to you, "Just focus on moving your toes as you start to feel them."
"Can't believe you scared me like that," San scolded you, rubbing his hands up and down your arms. "Next time you try to save someone, maybe try not to become the one needing rescuing?"
"San," You whispered.
"Yes, snowflake of my eye?" San responded in the flowery way he knew you particularly didn't enjoy.
"Shut it."
San laughed and slowly everything started to get better. It got to the point where you could move your toes and fingers. San sat up, wrapping some fur around his shoulders. "Take her against your body and sit up, Yunho. We need to talk to the avatar. If I recall, the fire nation was on his tail."
Hongjoong laughed dryly. "Ah yes about that… sorry to drag you into all of that. But I kinda need some help."
You fit perfectly in Yunho's lap, his legs crossed under your, resting his arms around your body. The blankets covered him from over his head to under your chin, his chin tucked to the crown of your head once again. "What kind of help?" Yunho intoned.
"The fire nation attacked our home. I lost one of my friends while we were fleeing. I'll need help finding him. Yeosang fled as a distraction to the earth kingdom to make sure I had a decent head start while I flew to the water tribes. I have to make sure he's okay!" Hongjoong pleaded.
"Why would you need our help? You're the avatar!" San wondered.
Hongjoong scratched the back of his head bashfully. "I'm not the Avatar yet. I only know how to air bend. I still need to learn how to bend the rest of the elements."
"You want to use them to learn water bending and me to help you rescue your friend then?" Yunho guessed.
Hongjoong made eye contact with you. "I saw you water bending while I was fleeing the fire nation. I know you risked your life for me once but do you think you could help me again?"
"I can help!" San chirped, smiling helpfully at Hongjoong.
"You can't even make water move yet," Yunho's truth rumbled through his chest against your back.
San sent a glare over his shoulder. "It helps when learning with another!"
Hongjoong cocked his head curiously. "You're learning from your…?"
"She's our woman," San announced proudly, "We made her necklace ourselves."
Your hand went to your neck, fingering your tugtupite sky and ocean pendant. San had done the dangerous exploring to find the red mineral while Yunho had done the tedious work of carving a whale in it. "The elders frown upon our union but the necklace shows others that I belong to Yunho and San."
"That's lovely…" Hongjoong said with a sad smile. "Will you help me find Yeosang and complete my training?"
"Yes," You agreed immediately.
"But Dream!" Yunho protested, "You already risked your life for him once! Isn't that enough?"
"Yunho," You said his name with authority and his body wilted against you in submission, "We have to help the Avatar! What are you even saying? Besides, my heart tells me he's a part of our story too."
San grinned impishly, moving his eyebrows knowingly. "Your heart, huh?"
You made a face that told San he should stop while he was ahead. Yunho wouldn't take well to hearing that you and San were interested in Hongjoong. He needed to be dipped into the idea rather than dumped.
"I guess if you and San want to help, I'll have to go with you, to make sure you two don't get in trouble." You could hear the pout in his tone. Yunho knew when he had lost.
 "Good, the avatar will stay in Yunho's tents tonight then," San announced with a clap.
Yunho and Hongjoong protested immediately. San grinned wider. He stood up, wrapping the furs around his slim waist. "Guess that settles it then. I'll take you to my tents then."
Somehow, you figured that was San's intentions all along. "Will Tiny be okay by herself out there?" You wondered.
"If you have anything she could drink, I would be grateful," Hongjoong begged.
San quickly began to dress as Hongjoong turned around for courtesy sake. Your eyes took in San's lean thighs and bulging biceps greedily. Your eyes were always greedy for his body. Yunho, almost reading your thoughts because they were similar to his own, tightened his hold on you, making your squeak by vacating your lungs of any air.
San's eyes swung to you, suddenly dressing slower. "Just remember who let you be the warming furs for her next time, Yunho," San said, his voice gravelly and rough with unbridled lust.
"Next time what?" Yunho prompted San.
"Next time we decide who gets to be where," San said, his eyes shaped like a crescent moon in amusement.
You giggled in Yunho's arms. "San! Just help Hongjoong. We'll see you two in the morning."
San finished dressing. "Oh, I'll be back. Just gotta make sure the gliding buffalo is tucked in tightly."
"Flying bison," Hongjoong corrected San as he followed him out the tent flaps.
"Don't flirt with me, Mister avatar, I have two loves of my life," San gasped as if insulted. He sent a wink and then he was gone.
"Dream," Yunho allowed himself to finally be vulnerable, "You could have gotten killed."
"Yunho, we can't be small minded and only think about ourselves!" You protested. You tried to turn around in Yunho's arms but he wouldn't let you.
"I don't care about anyone else. I love you and San. I can't lose you. We fought too hard to be with each other," Yunho insisted.
"Yuyu." This time Yunho did allow you to turn around and pin him against the bed. His brown eyes shiny from unshed tears wouldn't look at you, however. "I'm sorry. Truly. But we're going to help the Avatar. This is important! The fire nation can't win in this regard!"
"I know!" Yunho whined, "I know. I just don't want anyone I love to get hurt in the process."
"How am I supposed to get hurt when I have you protecting me, Yuyu?" You cooed, bopping him on the nose with your fingertip.
"Let me make love to you?" Yunho begged, "Let me make sure every inch of you is warm and safe and mine."
You pecked Yunho's lips sweetly. "San is going to be sulky we started without him."
"San is going to be glowing when he gets back," Yunho grumbled, "He likes him just because I hate him."
"Jeong Yunho!" You gasped, "You did not just say you hate the Avatar!"
Yunho's ears became red and hot. "I'm just saying! He liked that Hongjoong was checking him out earlier!"
"He also liked when you were admiring him too, Yunho. He loves that. But he likes it even better when you do it because he loves you. You're such a jealous boy," You teased.
Yunho locked his arms at the small of your back. "Please, at least ride me. If you move it'll be better for your body. We'll share food with San and Hongjoong and then sleep soundly."
You raised your arms so they rested on his chest. “You want me to take care of you now, my big strong boy?” You teased again.
“Don’t tease me anymore, please,” Yunho pouted, whining but you could feel his cock twitching against you. He liked when you demeaned him, for whatever reason.
You canted your hips against his and he almost moaned, quickly biting down on his lip. “Dream, please, I need you.”
"Okay, okay, don't abuse your poor lips." You pressed yours to his softly, sensually, and he moaned burying his hands into your hair. His fingernails dug into your scalp, looking to hold you in place.
You rode Yunho to completion and took a nap until San announced it was dinner time and that the two of you better get decent or Hongjoong was going to get another free show. That evening the three of you slept in the same tent, because none of you knew when you would again, partaking in the epic tale that was helping the avatar.
The following morning was interesting, to say the least. Yunho did not want to get on Tiny to fly and locate Hongjoong’s friend Yeosang. With a bit of conjuling on San’s end, and a promise that you would not sleep in his tent tonight if you had to make him get on the flying bison, Yunho was convinced to get on and then it was flying time. 
You adored the rush of being so high, and San hooted that it was the best time of his life. A week passed, and yet there was no sign of Yeosang. Hongjoong continued to have a hopeful attitude and a bright smile but you could tell that it was starting to wear on him. 
One night in particular, when San was snoring after eating and Yunho shared his tent with him, it left you and Hongjoong at the fire. Hongjoong poked at the embers with a stick and you could tell that not being able to find Yeosang was weighing him down mentally.
“We’ll find him, Hongjoong,” You reassured him.
You lifted a hand to put on his leg but wasn’t sure if he would accept the physical comfort or not. Hongjoong smiled but it was stretched and thin. “I know, but I’m worried that it won’t be in time. What if he--”
You decided to put your hand on his knee to cut him off. “My grandfather always had a saying for what if’s. He said they were like tiny fish hooks and if you said too many they’d pull your sanity in too many directions.”
“Your grandfather sounds wise. Sounds like my mentor actually. He used to say to me “Hongjoong, you need to throw those worries in the wind and let them carry it away.”
“I think my grandfather and your mentor would get along very well,” You laughed. 
Except the air of nostalgia clung and you worried even more for Hongjoong. Your eyes shot towards Yunho and San’s tent, San’s whimpering escaping the small opening of the tent. Then you focused back on Hongjoong with his shoulders bent inwards. He looked so vulnerable and…alone. 
“Hmm?” He answered you back absentmindedly. 
“Do you need someone in your tents tonight?”
Hongjoong’s eyebrows shot upwards in surprise. “What?”
You felt your skin heat up at the implications of your words when you hadn't meant them that way. “I’m sorry--I didn’t mean that--I just--you seem so lonely--and I--”
Hongjoong’s nose scrunched up and he began to laugh. He toppled off the rock that San had lugged over, clenching his stomach and cackling until he was wiping tears from his eyes. 
“It wasn’t that funny,” You mumbled under your breath.
Eventually Hongjoong righted himself. “I’m sorry, but I needed that laugh.”
“I’m just going to go to bed,” You grumbled.
“Wait!” Hongjoong used a brush of air to push you towards him rather than let you walk away. “Don’t go.”
You crossed your arms under your breasts. “Why?”
“Won’t your…” Hongjoong struggled with finding a label that applied to San and Yunho and gave up. “...won’t they get upset?” He motioned with his chin towards their tent.
“San and Yunho trust me. If I tell them that I slept in your tents because you needed a friend, then they’ll believe me,” You replied honestly.
“And if I need more than a friend?” Hongjoong wondered, glancing at you through his eyelashes.
You cleared your throat. “Hongjoong--”
“Didn’t you say the day I saved you that you felt like your heart is telling you I’m a part of your story?” Hongjoong took a bold step forward.
You couldn't deny that. Your heart still told you that Hongjoong was going to be connected to your life, in a big way, perhaps even bigger than the fact that he was the avatar and he had saved your life. 
“Would their trust extend to sharing your body with me?” Hongjoong tilted his head and chucked your chin upwards. 
“Wellllllll, this is awkward.”
Four men entered your camp. Hongjoong shouted and then ran for one of the men. He embraced him heartily, a very happy smile on his face. "Yeosang, at last!"
Your stomach sank but your heart soared. You had yet to see Hongjoong so happy as he was finding his lost friend. Hongjoong held Yeosang's face with both hands as Yeosang struggled to keep his face void of a smile. "Avatar!"
"Yeosang," Hongjoong pouted, "Please. I haven't seen you in weeks and you speak to me formally?"
"Whoa there." The man that had interrupted you and Hongjoong, with an odd mixture of blonde and brown hair, held his hands up in defense. "I come bearing no ill will." Yunho had his spear just under his chin.
Yeosang began to air bend to stop Yunho but you summoned your water from your flask and used it as a whip to stop Yeosang.
"Tell your girlfriend to back off of Wooyoung," Yeosang demanded, his face taking on a cold countenance.
"Yeosang, she's not my girlfriend," Hongjoong protested.
"The avatar!" A man with silver hair said, eye round with stars in his eyes towards the avatar. You understood exactly what he was going through, you had felt the same upon laying eyes on Hongjoong.
"Maybe, seeing as how we didn't kill you while you slept, perhaps you'd consider sparing us, oh great warrior," The brunet of the party said with a dry tone. 
"What's going o--oh," San looked around at the scene outside the tent. 
Stories and names were eventually traded even though Yunho never put down his spear. His eyes wouldn't leave Jongho, the bounty hunter. Wooyoung was a bandit and Mingi an earth bender.
"You'll teach me everything I need to know, right?" Hongjoong grasped Mingi’s hands together within his own.
Mingi couldn't look directly in Hongjoong’s eyes, his cheeks getting rosy. "I-I'll d-do m-my b-best," He stuttered.
"Well, this is cute," Jongho said, sharpening his blades, "But what do we do now that the avatar is found?"
"Yeosang, the fire nation is still pursuing us," Hongjoong told his air bending friend.
Yeosang rubbed his shoulder, badly burned by an errant fire bending flame. "I don't look forward to meeting them again."
"Is there anywhere we can go to get away from them?" Wooyoung petulantly threw a piece of fish to the fire.
You and San looked to Yunho who sighed heavily. "No."
"No, what?" Hongjoong questioned, eyes flickering between you and Yunho.
"Hongjoong, we must flee to the northern water tribe," You said.
Hongjoong cocked his head. "What?"
"The gate to the spirit world is there. The northern tribe has a fortress. It would be able to hold back the might of the fire nation!" San said excitedly.
"Why do you say no to this, warrior?" Jongho asked with one eyebrow raised.
Yunho drew inconsequential shapes into the ground with his spear. "My aunt was chosen to marry a northerner. I know the way."
"That doesn't answer the question though," Mingi brought up.
The earth bender stomped his foot and stones moved into the cloth he held out. He wrapped it up and offered it to you, who was shivering in the cool night air. He had a gentle smile. 
"Snowflake of my eye, are you adding another?" San teased you as you took the offered warmth.
Yunho stood up abruptly. "We're not going to the northern tribe!" 
You winced. "Yunho--"
Yunho rushed over to you and jerked you into a hug, arms wrapping around your head. "Don't make me do it. I don't want to lose you."
"Wait, what--what's wrong?" San suddenly realized Yunho was being more than just stubborn with his mistrust of the avatar.
You squeezed Yunho's ribs and then gently unwound his arms from you. "It'll be okay, Yuyu."
You turned toward the rest of the men and Yunho put both of his hands on your shoulders in support. "The reason our elders didn't approve of our union wasn't because of its taboo nature; they didn't want us to join because I was to marry the prince of the Northern Tribe."
"What? How come you never told me!" San protested.
Yeosang's eyes moved at a pace that indicated he was putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. "You're our in. The Northern Tribe is notoriously self-sufficient and protective. They'll let in the promised of their prince without another question. We can explain once we are inside that Hongjoong is looking for a master for waterbending after."
"But…what does that mean for Dream?" San's large eyes swung back towards you. "Dream?"
"We'll get proper training from the Northern Water Benders, San," You smiled through tears.
San's face dropped and Yunho's hands dug into your shoulders. "Why does that sound like goodbye?"
"I'm promised to the prince, San. I'll have to marry Prince Seonghwa. You know how important it is to keep our ties strong with the Northern tribe. And besides, I already promised the avatar that we would do whatever we could to aid his quest. I can't teach him to water bend, I barely have a few tricks I figured out myself and from my memories of my older brother."
San wordlessly hugged you and Yunho. He kissed the top of your head loudly and Yunho's cheek next. "Hongjoong didn't ask you to give up your life though."
"That's true," Hongjoong spoke up, his voice tight with emotion. 
You shook your head. "You don't understand. They'll wed us immediately. The wedding was already pushed off because our elders didn't want to send word to the Northern tribe that their chosen bride was in a poly with two others and didn't want to marry a prince."
Hongjoong's held his hand out and Yeosang begrudgingly held it, pinkies linking cautiously. "I could never ask you to give up your loves when I cannot do it myself."
"You're fucking too?" Wooyoung shouted and then clamped his hand over his mouth belatedly. 
Jongho rolled his eyes. "Are you really figuring that out now?"
Mingi looked awfully sad at the announcement and you couldn't figure out if it was because he found out that Hongjoong was taken or that you were going to lose the loves of your life. "What do we do then?"
Hongjoong stood up resolutely. "We go to the Northern Tribe. We learn from their benders and when we have enough training we leave. If I can't help us escape from the Northern Tribe's fortress-city, fight for the right to love who you want, then I'm not the avatar."
Yeosang finally allowed himself to smile, his eyes shining in happiness, nodding resolutely. San squealed and wrapped his arms around your thighs lifting you up in the air in happiness. "See! I knew we could trust in the avatar. That ass is too fine to be bad."
Jongho choked on his own saliva at what San said. Yeosang frowned heavily, whether disappointed in San's choice of words or the fact that San was flirting with Hongjoong. Yunho's body slumped against you, clearly relieved at hearing the words he needed to hear. 
Wooyoung opened his big mouth too. "I mean, he might be a badass though. He is the avatar." Jongho smacked him behind the head. "What? It's true!"
"Actually, he is pretty badass," You couldn't help but agree with Wooyoung.
Wooyoung glared at the bounty hunter. "I told you so," He grumbled, rubbing the back of his head. 
You entertained the men of your recollection of Hongjoong saving you, Hongjoong smiling shyly as you crowed of his otherworldliness. Mingi hung onto every one of your words, caught up in the majesty of both you and the story you told. Eventually you snuggled into San and Yunho's tent, Jongho promising he would actually watch over the camp and take the first shift.
The days leading up to arriving at the Northern Tribe were filled with happiness, oddly enough. Mingi only fell more in love with the avatar, each moment practicing earth bending cherished as Hongjoong caught on quickly. You and San spent time with Yunho, torturing him with water fights and sexual innuendos enough that Yunho's ears were perma-red. Jongho would send longing glances to Yeosang's statue-esque features, in which Wooyoung would react by acting even more uncouth and drawing Jongho's disappointment but his attention nonetheless.
But before long, Tiny and Yeosang's flying bison Moni, crossed over into Northern Tribe territory. The amazing ice fortress gleamed in the morning light, taking the breath from all of you. No one could deny that the city was beautiful, in both its icy angles and the powerfulness it exuded. That didn't ease the tension in your limbs, the grip Yunho had on his spear, the weight on Hongjoong's shoulder or the sadness in San's smile. 
As per your guess, you and Hongjoong, along with the others, were expedited to the throne room, where you were both introduced to the Northern Tribe's chief and Prince Seonghwa. The Northern tribe were more than happy to teach the avatar all they knew, as soon as Hongjoong proved he was indeed the avatar. 
As Hongjoong was introduced to Seonghwa, who happened to be the Northern Tribe's link to the spirit world, you studied the man you were promised to. His side profile threatened even Yeosang's. Seonghwa was pretty in the way the Aurora Borealis was: unattainable but breathtaking. His long hair only accentuated his pink lips and perfect nose. He truly was a prince in appearance but also in personality. He laughed softly, smile proper and kind, and even offered his hand to you like he was a dainty being who should be handled carefully. 
You were about to lower your head to his hand, as was customary to greet the prince, when Seonghwa brought your hand to his lips instead. He kissed the back of your hand and you had to look at the floor. Because you knew if you met his eyes, you might get lost in them forever. They seemed to sparkle with the essence of the moon and you had known a few other water tribesmen who became moon-sick; you weren't looking to acquire the same fate. 
"Where did you run off to?" Seonghwa inquired, "We have been waiting for your response eagerly."
You giggled nervously and Yunho scoffed quietly behind you. "Your Highness--"
"Seonghwa," The prince corrected you gently. 
"Seonghwa," You adjusted, "Our delay was the avatar."
Seonghwa's eyes swung back towards Hongjoong. "I could see why you might delay."
Hongjoong coughed, masking shy laughter. "I didn't exactly plan to delay your nuptials, Your Highness."
"Please, Seonghwa, I insist," The Prince declined his title a second time.
"If it's not too much to ask," Jongho brought up, looking bored. "It's been a long journey. Perhaps you could bestow us with rooms so that we could refresh ourselves."
"Of course," Seonghwa clapped his hands together and servants appeared. "Show everyone to their rooms."
San had a furrow between his eyebrows, looking like an angry snow leopard-bear cub. Yunho, surprisingly, continued to look over his shoulder to Seonghwa's back. That was certainly not what you expected. 
"I don't like him," San said, exploding into your rooms even after he had been deposited to his own. 
"Hush, San," Yunho put a hand on San's chest, "It doesn't matter. We will be gone from this place as soon as you've learned all you need to know and the avatar finishes his spiritual mission."
San clung to the older man's hips, whining. "But Yunho."
You giggled happily and both turned towards you. "I don't think I've ever seen you jealous, San."
"I'm not jealous," San sulked.
"Our rooms are amazing, how are yours!" Wooyoung burst in without a knock. His jaw dropped at your rooms, fit for…well, a princess. "Wow yours are--" Wooyoung acquired a smug look, "Were you guys going to be naughty in here, because I could round you out--" He barely dodged Yunho's boomerang. "Hey!"
You spent many, many hours with Seonghwa. You were starting to feel bad that this was all a farce because Seonghwa took his nuptials very seriously. During your walks around the city, Seonghwa introduced you to every citizen he knew. He listened attentively as you told him of your childhood growing up in the Southern tribe. Seonghwa was every bit as gracious and respectful as a prince ought to be and you couldn't help but fall for him. Only slightly of course.
But Seonghwa did split his time between you and the avatar. Hongjoong could be seen patiently following the spirit leader's guidance in crossing over into the spirit realm. Hongjoong needed to be in touch with that element as well, as was standard with all avatars. 
There was an evening in which San had fallen asleep, arms wrapped around your waist and head in your lap. You had been combing your hand through his short hair and had lured him into a nap. Seonghwa was the last subject your love would want to overhear. Hongjoong had snuck in to speak to you; you being the only other one of your party that really understood the slow, dangerous lure that was Prince Seonghwa. 
You found yourself confiding in the avatar when you didn't dare say a word to San or Yunho. San had approved of Hongjoong but Yunho was still unsure. And San didn't like Seonghwa but Yunho had started to ask questions tentatively. You didn't know what to do, honestly. 
"Starting to regret our escape plan?" Hongjoong attempted to joke.
"Hongjoong…he's not what I expected," You admitted.
Hongjoong scratched the back of his head. "Not sure what I was supposed to expect, but I know I wasn't sure there was love after Yeosang. But the day I saved you. And met San, Yunho and Mingi. Now Seonghwa? Am I even allowed to love that many people?" Hongjoong chuckled dryly and sighed.
You took your free hand and grabbed Hongjoong's, squeezing it in encouragement. "I think you're the avatar and that you should receive even more love than that."
The night before the wedding soon approached, which coincidentally was also the evening of your planned escape. Seonghwa had asked you to dress in some Northern Water Tribe clothing and meet him for a final dinner before you were to be wed. 
You broke food with Seonghwa and as the evening wound down, Seonghwa took you out to the balcony. The air was cold, nothing you weren't used to, but Seonghwa still used the excuse to tuck you under his arm. 
"You know," Seonghwa smiled serenely up to the moon, "The other nobles pitied me. I was to wed a savage from the Southern Tribe."
You prickled at the mention of the Northern Tribe's pride. You had encountered plenty of that while staying here. They seemed respectful of the earth kingdom guests. Hongjoong was the avatar, so along with the elusive and aloof Yeosang, the air nomads were also gifted with polite kindness. But when it came to the water benders and warriors, the air was tense. The water benders laughed at your attempts with water, which had San in constant glaring mode. And Yunho was put down because of his 'primitive' weapons. 
"I know they were wrong. I know this now," Seonghwa admitted. "Your warrior and your water bender are people who would go to the ends of the earth for you, wouldn't they?"
"They are the two people most precious to me," You agreed.
Seonghwa offered his hands and waited patiently as you let him take yours. "You are most precious to me, Promise."
Guilt pressed down on you heavily. "Seonghwa--"
"I know you love them. You don't have to tell me. I am sorry for that, I truly am." Seonghwa bit down on his lower lip. "If I'm being honest, I believe I've fallen for the avatar, if that's any consolation."
You knew the prince was, and you knew Hongjoong felt the same, but it was different when actually hearing the words coming from Seonghwa's mouth. You should have known Seonghwa would have picked up on you and San and Yunho; Seonghwa was extremely intuned with the spirits and was emotionally sensitive as well. 
"But, we are to wed. You will become a princess and we'll spend the rest of our lives together. I know I'm not your first nor your second, or even your third choice. But I can promise you, I will dedicate my whole world to making sure that you never regret following your duty with me." He smiled hopefully. 
You swallowed down your guilt and tried to let shine your developing feelings for Seonghwa. "I couldn't ask for a better prince," You joked.
Seonghwa laughed under his breath, his smile breaking your heart even more. "Promise, I know it's the night before our wedding, but can I ask for one favor?"
"What is it?" You asked curiously.
HIs eyes shook a little in nervousness. "Could I beg for a kiss? I don't want our first kiss to be when we wed."
"I don't think…" 
"I know it's forward of me to ask," Seonghwa looked uncertain.
You laughed under your breath. "You're not being too forward."
Seonghwa looked confused. "Then why?"
Your heart felt like it was twisting and turning in many directions. "I love them so much, Seonghwa." You tried to play it off as you didn't want to betray San and Yunho, but at this moment, you knew you were betraying Seonghwa. He didn't deserve to be deceived in this way. 
Seonghwa cupped your face with one hand and you couldn't help but lean into it. His hand was warm but more importantly, you could feel the adoration coming from him as well. Would it really be so bad to exchange one kiss before you left forever? At least Seonghwa could have that. 
"But you also have a deep affection for me too, do you not?" Seonghwa pushed the conversation. 
"What I feel for you, Seonghwa," You let regretful tears fill your eyes, "I don't understand it."
"I know this is an arranged marriage but I'm certain love can come from it." Seonghwa tilted his head and slotted his lips against yours.
The kiss was sweet, tender and kind. Everything that Seonghwa encompassed. You started to cry into the kiss, however. Tears fell down your face. Seonghwa's thumbs moved soothingly along the planes of your cheeks. When he finished the kiss, you could see that Seonghwa too was crying. 
Seonghwa's shoulders moved with his sobs, moved by your emotions. "I know you mourn for them but I believe I love you, Promise. I can't replace them but if you allow your heart to be open to me as well, then I believe you will love me in return."
Once your date with Seonghwa was at an end, you returned to your rooms to help everyone to pack and to leave. You pushed all your emotions aside and did your best. But it was actually Mingi who approached you. 
"Don't push yourself," he put a hand on your hip, his arm pulling you against his body. 
"I'm fine, Mingi," You moved to push him off of you but the earth bender was stronger than that, in both will and body.
"You're not fine," Mingi insisted. "Let the rest of us help."
San was teasing Yunho about how much rope he kept piling into his backpack. Hongjoong and Yeosang were trying to figure out if the rations everyone had squirreled away were enough. But Wooyoung, Jongho and Mingi's eyes were on you. 
"He's right, you know," Jongho mentioned, always sharpening his knife, and preparing for a fight in case the Northern Water Tribe found out of your betrayal.
"We can take some of your burden," Wooyoung said with vulnerable eyes where normally he was always teasing. 
You felt your walls crumbling. "Don't. We need to be strong. We need to leave."
Mingi rubbed his cheek against the crown of your head. "We know we aren't the avatar, or the prince, or even your first loves, but we can help you with this."
You leaned against Mingi and held your hand out to Wooyoung, who took it and squeezed it tightly. But you directed your words to the bounty hunter. "Thank you."
"Anything for you, Diamond," Jongho let a rare smile pull his cheeks up. 
"Okay, I think we're ready," Hongjoong announced with a proud smile. "Let's get out of here and go to the--"
And then the world shook. 
"What the hell was that?" Wooyoung demanded.
Yeosang moved to the window of Hongjoong's room and his eyes tightened in anger. "It's the fire nation."
You all watched in horror as fireballs came flying at the beautiful ice city. 
San's face turned hard. "This is our chance. While the city is under attack, there will be no soldiers to avoid. We can leave in peace."
Hongjoong shook his head. "No, San, I can't. I am the avatar and I am the reason they're attacking. I have to help them."
Yunho's eyes met yours across the room. "Seonghwa," he mouthed to you.
"Hongjoong!" You shouted to get the avatar's attention.
The look in his eyes, big and worried, let you know he was thinking the same as you. "I'll protect the city, you--"
"No!" Mingi cut off Hongjoong immediately. "We shouldn't get separated. We should stay together. We work better as a team."
"He's right," Jongho agreed.
"We stay together, we rescue the prince, and then we mess up the fire kingdom," Wooyoung grinned wickedly.
The eight of you moved quickly through the castle in search of Seonghwa. Hongjoong realized quickly that Seonghwa, as the spiritual connection, was at the north pole, the very place the two of them had been spending most of their time together. 
"Hongjoong!" Seonghwa cried out upon seeing the avatar. He raced up to him and kissed him out of gratitude.
Hongjoong was surprised but didn't break the kiss. Yeosang didn't look very pleased. Neither did Yunho. Nor San. "What do you need from us? From me?"
The benders were the first line of defense. You, Mingi, San and Yeosang stood at the edge of the grass, waiting for the fire nation to come to the spiritual center of the North, the most important place with the most important person, the avatar. Then it was the warriors, Yunho, Jongho and Wooyoung. Finally, Seonghwa was helping Hongjoong oversee his connection to the spirit realm. If Hongjoong could search out for guidance as the avatar, perhaps he could yet save the Northern Tribe. 
The battle was tough. It took all of your bending skills and then digging into your limits to keep the fire nation off of Hongjoong. And when you couldn't bend anymore, the warriors used their skills, protecting the tired benders and their loves. But still Hongjoong was stuck in the spirit world with Seonghwa. Their heads were pressed together, knees touching with their legs crossed, and Hongjoong's arrows illuminating Seonghwa's precious features.
You thought the fire nation might actually be successful in acquiring the avatar and perhaps ending the cycle before Hongjoong could fix the world. The fire nation warriors broke through the warriors and latched onto Seonghwa, pulling him from the spirit realm. 
"No!" Seonghwa shouted, arms outstretched but he was too far from Hongjoong. "I still need to help him! Let go of me!"
"Shut him up, we'll use him against his father later as a hostage!" The leader of the fire nation warriors snapped. 
The soldier who held Seonghwa knocked the prince out cold just as Mingi had summoned enough bending power to shake the ground and knocked Seonghwa into the sacred pond where the ocean and the moon spirit were in. 
"Seonghwa!" You shouted but San kept you from going after him. "San, let go of me!" You clawed at his arms but it was no use. 
"Dream, you can't help them," Yunho rasped, bloody and tired as well from his battle.
"Hongjoong, please wake up," You sobbed, "Save Seonghwa. Save us. Save the world. Please, Avatar!"
All seemed lost in the moment. Seonghwa was floating face down, Hongjoong was not of this world, and the rest of your group were either defeated or out of any energy to aid. You sobbed into San's arms. "Avatar, save us."
Hongjoong's eyes snapped open. He was emotionless as he walked into the pool where Seonghwa was dying. He plunged into the water, which you knew was not deep enough to lose Hongjoong but something else seemed to be going on here. The water seemed to turn a bright white and a dark black at the same time, much like the colors of the fish who had been swirling in the pond. A gentle wave deposited Seonghwa to your arms while a fierce wave took out the fire nation soldiers and swept them to the depths of the water and they never resurfaced.
The water that was a mixture of the deep depths of the ocean and the bright light of the moon moved from the north pole. Hongjoong appeared as a creature towering over the walls of the Northern tribe, a combination of power and greatness, floating in the center of the creation made from water and light. The world went dark and the water of the ocean pulled back. The only thing that anyone could see was the avatar. 
The fire nation's boats collapsed onto the seabed, useless water crafts with no water. With no way to fight a creature made from water and light, there was no fight. Any warriors still in the city were mysteriously swept out with the ocean receding. Once it was clear the city was safe, the mixture of light and water came back to the north pole. The light came back to the moon and the water covered the fire nation's boats that remained at the bottom of the ocean forevermore.
You sobbed over Seonghwa, well aware that you had no energy to save him, nothing left to pull out the water that was clearly in his lungs. Hongjoong had pushed Seonghwa from the water, and saved the city from the fire nation, but Seonghwa…
"Here, dream," Yunho pulled the prince from your arms, laid him on the ground and began to pump his chest, slanting his lips across Seonghwa's to pull the water from his lungs the old fashion way. 
Oddly enough, as Hongjoong came out of the water, the last remnant of the spirits possessing him showing that one eye was fiercely bright and the other inky dark, Seonghwa coughed out water and breathed in deeply. Yunho turned him to his side and Seonghwa rid himself of all the water he had inhaled. Hongjoong came to consciousness and Yeosang was there to catch him before the avatar also collapsed in exhaustion. 
"Did we do it?" Hongjoong whispered roughly.
"Are we safe?" Seonghwa asked, voice hoarse.
"You did it, Avatar," Yeosang answered, silent tears streaming down his face.
"We're safe, sweet prince," Yunho assured him.
"Actually, I'll have you know, if it wasn't for me--" Jongho smacked Wooyoung from behind the head before the bandit could take credit for saving the world. Wooyoung smiled bashfully, "Thank you, Avatar."
That night it was made clear to the Northern Tribe that more important factors were working on the world currently. You were excused from your betrothal, acknowledged as an important member of the avatar's team. Hongjoong needed people close to him if he was going to defeat the fire nation and balance the world as it was always meant to be, all the great elements in harmony, with the avatar exuding all of them. Seonghwa joined your team, not to be left behind, but to be an emissary and representation of the northern tribe. 
"I'm kinda sad we don't get to sneak out of the tribe. I always wanted to see just how hard it was," Wooyoung whispered lowly, so that Seonghwa couldn't overhear.
San was the one to send a frown to the earth kingdom's bandit. "I think the fight was good enough, Woo."
"What do you mean I have too much?" Seonghwa lamented, pointing to his many bags.
"You can only take what you carry, sweet prince," Yunho said with a small smile on his face, clearly amused, and still taken, by Seonghwa.
"It'll be fun, Seonghwa," Hongjoong squeezed Seonghwa's shoulder. 
"Who says it's going to be fun when you plan on invading the fire nation!" Jongho protested.
"The fire nation," Mingi repeated, fear painting his features.
Only you and Yeosang stood a bit apart from your group. You both felt like a fist was slowly closing in your stomach, only making anxiety ride higher. You two may not get along, Yeosang entirely sure that you were slowly becoming the center of Hongjoong's world, where he used to be the only one apart of that pattern, but in this you were in agreement: the fire nation was a dangerous place to be. 
But when Yeosang's pinky hit yours, that shy way that Hongjoong and Yeosang held hands, you thought perhaps, between all nine of you, that you might get through this. At least with each other to lean on, it seemed more likely.
Besides, you were with the avatar. With Hongjoong, anything seemed possible.
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arcane-abomination · 5 months
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Please do not interact with me if you fall into one of these categories. I’m not here for these and will block you without hesitation. I have included the definitions of each term so there is no confusion.
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⚜️ Minor: someone under the age of consent
⚜️ Bigot: a person who is intolerant or hateful towards people whose race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc., is different from their own.
⚜️ TERF: Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist
⚜️ SWERF: Sex Work Exclusionary Radical Feminist
⚜️ Starseed: a new age otherkin group with bigoted practices that spread misinformation about history, medical disabilities, and people. Check out a more thorough breakdown HERE.
⚜️ Bullies & Trolls: people who take pleasure in causing pain in some way or another to others
⚜️ Gaslighter: A form of intimidation or psychological abuse, where false information is presented to the victim, making them doubt their own memory, perception and quite often, their sanity.
⚜️ Gatekeeper: Someone that takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity.
⚜️ Fascist: A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
⚜️ Proselytizer: a person who tries to persuade other people to accept a particular religious or political belief, idea, or way of life. (EXAMPLE: Christianity, Veganism, etc)
⚜️ Pro-Lifer: People who want abortion to be illegal and inaccessible. They ignore scientific facts and choose to believe life begins at conception.
⚜️ Anti-Vaxxer: someone who follows false and dangerous ideology that vaccinations are the cause of mental illness such as autism, and choose not to get themselves or children vaccinated as a result.
⚜️ Thinspo: an ideology that promotes unhealthy body image and thinness. It also subscribes to the dangerous notion that eating disorders are a viable lifestyle choice. Pro-Ana and pro-Mia terms fall under this label.
⚜️ Cyberchondriac: an individual who self-diagnoses their own mental health without a proper physician. This is incredibly dangerous. If you don’t have proper training you aren’t capable of diagnoses…PERIOD! No exceptions!
⚜️ Conservative: A type of political belief that puts emphasis on upholding and enforcing older close-minded traditions. Ideals such as the nuclear family, organized religion in our laws, and a strict bigoted worldview of races, genders, and sexual orientations are just a few examples.
⚜️ MAP: Minor Attracted Person
⚜️ Clovergender: a sick individual who believes they can identify as an age, typically the age of a minor, and then partake in adult situations with actual minors. Essentially a pedophile.
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hazyange1s · 5 months
MC: Diana Blackwine
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Full name: Diana Seren Blackwine
Nicknames: Di, D
Gender: female
Species: witch (and technically a starseed but that’s on the DL)
Date of birth: February 2, 1875
Nationality: Scottish and Welsh
Blood status: pureblood
Wand: vine, phoenix feather, 10 1/2 in, supple
Hair color: jet black
Hair style: worn down in loose curls or in half-up styles
Eye color: teal
Skin tone: pale/peachy
Height: 5’2”
Body type: petite
Clothing style: rich jewel tones and cool shades (blue, purple, silver), smooth and light fabrics (satin, silk, cotton)
Blackwine family ring
moonstone necklace (gifted to her by Ominis)
scarf lover…like, a whole collection
Other distinguishing features:
scar over the bridge of her nose (from an inferi in the catacombs the night of Solomon’s death)
light freckles over her nose and cheeks
star shaped birthmark on her wrist
Traits: artistic, compassionate, spiritual, wise, diplomatic, indecisive, absentminded, self-righteous, people pleaser
Likes: sweets, winter, classical composers, art, theory, random acts of kindness
Dislikes: yellow, frogs, closed-mindedness, being forced to act on a whim
Fears: loss (of loved ones, of herself), change, small spaces, FROGS
Hobbies: painting, violin, stargazing, cartography
Enneagram: 5w6 (592) so/sx
Zodiac: aquarius sun, pisces moon, libra rising
Temperament: phlegmatic
Archetype: The Sage
Similar characters: Feyre Archeron, Belle (Beauty and the Beast), Katara, Luna Lovegood, Sam Winchester
Father: Bennett Blackwine
Retired Unspeakable —> astronomer
Pureblood wizard
Killed during a home break in when Diana was 14
Ravenclaw alumnus
Mother: Guinevere Blackwine (Faughn)
Pureblood witch
Portrait painter and poet
Killed alongside Diana’s father
Slytherin alumnus
Aunt/Guardian: Celeste Blackwine
Pureblood witch
Owns a clothing shop
Ravenclaw alumnus
Pet: Saoirse
Scottish fold
Gifted on her thirteenth birthday
Loves Ominis’s cat Phoebe, lounging in the common room, and annoying Raegan’s Phoenix
Ominis Gaunt
Sebastian Sallow
Raegan DesRosiers
Poppy Sweeting
Amit Thakkar
Samantha Dale
Boggart: two cloaked figures
Patronus: black mare
Polyjuice: turns shimmering indigo and tastes like blueberry syrup
Amortentia: Jasmine, chamomile, dark chocolate, and paint
Special abilities:
Ancient magic - especially gifted in weather spells (don’t mind the sudden thunderstorm over the castle… she’s just having a bad day.)
Seer (receives most of her prophecies through dreams, but is also skilled at tarotmancy and osteomancy as well as astrology)
Born on the Isle of Skye in Glen Sligachan, Scotland, Diana was raised as the only daughter and heiress to the Blackwine fortune; a family of the sacred 28. She often traveled with her parents, as their lines of work took them all over Great Britain and Northern Europe.
When Diana was around age seven, her governess began to report frequent distractions, being late to lessons, and speaking out of turn - which caused her parents concern. She was believed to have a behavioral disorder and was promptly given a slew of experimental drugs to remedy it… with no luck.
Her father was patient and understanding, while her mother was a different story; especially when Diana grew older and still showed no signs of possessing magic.
When Diana was fifteen, her manor was broken into in the middle of the night. By the time she awoke to the sound of screams and made it to the study, her parents were both dead - and the murderers gone. This is the trigger for her magic to be awakened, which shatters every piece of glass in the room the moment she finds them. The case remains unsolved for many years.
But she gets her Hogwarts letter (as Raegan did) just after the funeral, and finds hope in what’s to come despite the horrors that follow her.
Best subject: Divination
Favorite subject(s): Astronomy. Divination, and Charms
Favorite teacher: Onai
Worst subject: Potions
Favorite subject(s): Astronomy and Divination
Least favorite teacher: Shah “asTroNoMy is nOT dIVInaTIOn”
Quidditch: Seeker in seventh year (voluntold to play by Raegan)
As a student:
Teacher’s pet without even trying to be
Late to almost every class and has too much missed Potions homework to count
Miraculously avoids most trouble (it’s not miraculous, her friends just take the detentions for her)
Career: Astronomy Professor and Seer
Diana goes back and forth for a long time on her career choice - wanting to stay true to herself and help others at the same time. So, she winds up following in her father’s footsteps, and becomes the new Astronomy professor once Shah retires. She also takes over for Professor Hecat as the Head of Ravenclaw house (quite fitting). On the side (and when she eventually leaves Hogwarts for good), Diana is known to help local residents by offering Divination services such as tarot readings and osteomancy - and her predictions, when they come.
Spouse: Ominis Gaunt (m. 1896)
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aelloblu · 1 month
Sailor Red Spider belongs to Sailor_Red_Spider
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Maiyuka Kurayami/ Sailor Red Spider
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Maiyuka is the Princess of the Red Spider Nebula, the first sailor starseed born of a new generation and destined to be the protector of a Kingdom under a century of siege. Ignored and heavy under the weight of expectation, she teleports across the galaxy to a place of sanctuary where she has a chance to meet her heroes! Sailor Moon and the Senshi take her in and teach her what it means to become a Guardian of Love and Justice… but she can’t hide forever.
The Nations of Scorpius are a tyranny bent on subduing all the insect nebulas. They know the way to crush their spirits is to enslave their senshi. When they gleefully realise the Sailor Starseed of their greatest foes is beyond the protection of her Kingdom, they are bent on capturing the Red Spider Crystal for themselves and bringing the Red Spider Nebula to its knees.
With the strength of the legendary Sol Senshi beside her, will Sailor Red Spider learn the courage to believe in herself and free her Kingdom?
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Civilian Form
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:Name & Meaning:
She was born Princess Maiyuka, of the burgeoning Kurayami royal line. Her name means Ally from the Shadows.  She never thought to change it when she reached Earth.
:Age & Birthday:
Because of different planetary cycles, she has no Earth birthday but in age and maturity she’s approximately ten earth years old. The Inners celebrate her birthday as the day she met the full team.
Denizens spread across the planets of the Red Spider Nebula are called Akakumojin. Their appearance is biped and their silhouette could easily be mistaken as human. 
Their skin comes in a variety of grey shades from silvery ashes to dark as coal, often matched with vibrant coloured hair. Female’s hair tones range from blue to violet, while males are amber and maroon and both lighten as they age. An Akakumojin’s hair is known both for its silkiness and their ability to grow at will. Their prominent upper canine teeth give a fang-like toothiness to their smiles
They have four to eight eyes in various arrays depending on their races and when they fully mature they develop spinnerets beneath each index and middle finger.
Maiyuka might be described as ten years old, small and very slender standing 120cm tall. Her skin is a silvery grey, contrasting with bright amethyst hair she keeps to chin length but with two framing locks on either side of her face. Her two sets of eyes, one set slightly smaller and below, are striking with their emerald green schlera, turquoise iris and lack of pupil. 
Her movements flit between slow and graceful like a weaving spider, and sudden and skittish like a spider fleeing out of sight!
:Human Disguise:
When taking on her human illusion she chose a peachy coloured skin but kept her amethyst hair which so many comment on its softness. Her eyes, now much more human-like, have bright emerald coloured irises flecked with turquoise sparkles but her pupil seems a shade too pale, giving her eyes a glasslike appearance. She tries to hide her nervousness behind a hopeful smile. 
After living on the streets for several weeks, the Inners banded together to get her a new wardrobe. Although shy, she loves adorable earth fashions, choosing cute plaid skirts and pastel sweaters. She’s also never seen without her favourite purse, heart shaped with a red bow and with Makoto’s help, stamped with her spider motif.
Desperate to fit in with her heroes, Maiyuka strives to blend in with humans. Uncertain of many of Japan’s strict customs and manners, she takes things at face value making her naive and impressionable. She is definitely a people pleaser, but it makes it harder for others to get her to open up and be honest with herself about her wants and needs.
TA Academy for girls is where Maiyuka has to sink or swim, explore and make mistakes with Rei as the only Senshi she trusts to get her through. Her uncertainty makes her shy of new things, preferring to secretly watch others so she can copy their opinions and habits. Flustered, she plays it off as ‘growing up in America’, but filling in the Akakumo equivalent which makes people even more confused!
As a girl she was never allowed to extend herself, expected more to stay true to the expectations of royalty, but battle is where she gets to let loose the powers hidden inside of her. She’s still learning and can be clumsy with misfires but she is delighted to be fighting alongside the Sailor Guardians of Sol!  
:Sexual Orientation: 
Although she hasn’t explored much, she is showing a growing curiosity in boys.  
More than anything she likes spending time with the Sailor Guardians as they live their Earth lives, and they love to share. Her favourite thing is when they share her hobbies and explore Tokyo. Although she’s not very good at cooking, one of her favourite things is being a taste tester for Makoto. Her favourite is pork cutlets in applesauce and shortbread cookies-one of the only things she can make reliably, and decorating them. Not even the Girl Scouts could replicate the taste of her cookies. She has found a surprising talent however in sauces, perfectly seasoning and reducing to the perfect consistency to add a little extra to Makoto’s delicious cooking.
More than anything, Maiyuka hates being alone. It brings back so many memories of being isolated in the palace, being ignored as a second born royalty while also never living up to her parents expectations. The reason she strives so hard to keep up with the passions of her friends is because she’s afraid of disappointing them. 
She also hates pickled broccoli, cleaning up the kitchen and others interrupting her naps.
As much as she tried to keep up with their hobbies, the senshi noticed how she kept keeping souvenirs. They introduced her to the hobby of scrapbooking and gave her her own polaroid camera to share her memories with others.
As Maiyuka grows into being the guardian she wants, she learns how to glide using her webs to make a wingsuit. 
The Red Spider Nebula was a Kingdom dwindling away. It had been more than 5000 years since any of its systems senshi had incarnated and looking to exploit its weakness, the Nations of Scorpius attacked! However the people of Red Spider Nebula remained determined to protect themselves, defending their kingdom generation after generation. Finally hope was born. Princess Maiyuka, second in line to the crown and the first Guardian in millenia, destined to be Sailor Red Spider when she came into her own.
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As Princess Maiyuka grew, she resented her life more and more. Despite being royalty, her life was austere as her parents wanted to set an example for their war torn people. Due to her parents overprotectiveness she wasn’t allowed to engage with others her own age without strict supervision and as such they avoided her and snickered behind their hands. Her tutors were strict and cold by order, pushing her to transform. 
To escape her loneliness, Princess Maiyuka sought sanctuary in the palace libraries. Across the galaxy, she like many sailor crystal holders felt the pulse of the Silver and Golden Crystal uniting in harmony. Enamoured by their warmth and love, she spent her days reading about the magnificence of the Silver Millenium, daydreaming of being part of their stories.
Princess Maiyuka’s rigid life was interrupted when for the first time since the war began, the Nations of Scorpius penetrated the walls of Gossamer Citadel. 
As she looked on in horror from her minaret, the Scorpius armament blasted apart the outer wall, tearing into the citizenry of the capital. As soldiers walked towards the barred door of the library, gazing at the beautiful illustration of Queen Serenity, Maiyuka closed her eyes and wished… 
And woke in amongst the decimated remains of the Silver Moon Palace. Still pursued by Scorpius militia, she used the last of her fading power to teleport to Tokyo where she hid in the alleys, living off scraps and fleeing the soldiers that tracked her.  
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While they aren’t cold or cruel to their daughter, Maiyuka found it hard to be seen as their daughter and not Princess of the Red Spider Nebula and when her powers awoke, as another tool in their artillery. Their focus was maintaining the alliances that were the Kingdom’s lifeline.
Her older brother, Prince Kata leads the Spider Guard, an elite tactical force that leads forays into enemy territory to attack the Nations of Scorpius at their heart. He viewed his sister, his future Queen with frustration and disappointment because despite the great powers she harboured, was unable to wield them. 
When not ignoring her in favour of the Spider Guard, he pushed her through a rigorous training regime to Awaken the Red Spider Nebula Starseed and give their home a fighting chance. Before she fled, she and Kata had an enormous argument, calling her a selfish brat for not fulfilling her duties to her Kingdom.
:Practically Family:
Since coming to Earth, the Inners have taken her under their wing. 
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She lives with Makoto who teaches her cooking and homemaking. She goes to T*A Academy for Girls with Rei who kindles her individuality while watching over her and occasionally being mistaken for her big sister.. Ami tutors her after school, encouraging her curious mind. 
Mamoru is the older brother she always wanted; warm, gentle and reassuring. Lastly Usagi and Minako are the fun loving sisters eager for her to let go of her inhibitions and enjoy her time on Earth! 
The Outers are more allies than friends but if the Inners trust them, Maiyuka knows she should make the effort. Hotaru and Setsuna are open to her cautiously extended hand, and even Michiru will offer her a soft word, but her most work-in-progress relationship is Haruka who innately mistrusts all Exo-Senshi from outside the Silver Millennium Alliance. 
Chibiusa is one of the few friends that Maiyuka can share the Senshi experience with, when she visits. She, Chibiusa and Hotaru occasionally hang out together.
Urging her to make friends, Maiyuka joins T*A Academy for Girls. While Rei still keeps an eye on her, she meets Tomoko and Fujiko, two best friends who are complete opposites but the three fit together like puzzle pieces. 
Fukiko is much more well mannered, politely correcting Maiyuka’s strange mistakes and even being a bit bossy. She collects light novels, is addicted to fantasy mmo Yuusei Phantasy and dreams of being a novelist.
Together they help bring her further out of her shell and stand by her stride against the bossy clique of Sophie Praduna.
On the special occasion when Maiyuka need to look her best, she’s always welcome at Ayakashi Beauty Salon! Every time she visits, Koan has been her cosmetologist. Hair, nails, skin, makeup Koan does it all for Maiyuka to free to repay her for saving her life
On her first day, Maiyuka had the misfortune to run into Sophie Praduna, dirtying her uniform and making an enemy for life. One year older and of British-American background, her father is a diplomat and she lords it over the other girls, using money and sharp words to keep fellow students under her thumb. 
She’s actually part of Rei’s unofficial fanclub. When she sees Maiyuka with Rei, she becomes inconsolable. How on earth does the new kid know Ms. Rei better than her? Outrageous! 😡😡😡
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:Love Interests:
Although she’s friends with boys like Shingo and has Mamoru as a brother-like mentor she isn’t interested in them like that just yet. She eventually meets Perle and they become close but who can say what the future brings.
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Guardian Form
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Sailor Red Spider
:Guardian Starseed: 
Princess Maiyuka bears the starseed of the White Dwarf star, Akiaraneolus at the centre of the Red Spider Nebula. It is one of the hottest stars of the galaxy and blows solar winds over 300 kilometres per second generating shockwaves 100 billion kilometres high. 
The very first bearer of its True Starseed, an empress who’s name was lost to time and burned bright with its magnificent power, established the great celestial barriers that keep the Kingdom safe. Her time was thousands of millenia past and her barriers are weakening permittingthe Nations of Scorpius gnaw at their fading glory.
That incandescent power pulses again within the heart of Princess Maiyuka.
:Realm of Influence:
Sailor Red Spider harnesses the power of light and shockwaves, often with spider and webbing themes.
:Guardian Animal: 
Being isolated, the Akakumojin do not have advisors but when found by Artemis, he took her under his guidance, leading her through the basics of being a Sailor Guardian. He watches over her fondly as a fatherly figures he once did Minako. 
She also rescued a little Mexican Redknee Tarantula, smaller than her palm she calls Willow. She speaks with a childlike curiosity that only Maiyuka can understand. She finds a way to be near her; hiding in her sleeves or beneath her hair.
:Allies/Team Mates: 
The Inner Sol Senshi serve as her caretakers against the cutthroats of Nations of Scorpius, they grow as her teachers allowing her to stand her ground against their best assassins and finally they help her arise as the protector of the Red Spider Nebula she was born to be.
:Sailor Tarantula:
Oldest and wisest of the Aurelian Council, she spent her entire life fighting against the Nations of Scorpion to the point she was the last left of the old guard having seen her old teammates sacrifice themselves against the might of the Nation of Scorpius. She took the fresh faced Sailor Black Widow under her care, and promised to do the same for Sailor Red Spider when she came into her own.
Unfortunately Sailor Tarantula and Sailor Black Widow were lured into an ambush. The ancient guardian forfeited her life to allow the escape of Sailor Black Widow, who has gone into hiding.
But Sailor Tarantula hasn’t forgotten her promise. Her voice whispers in Princess Maiyuka’s dream, guiding her to her destiny.
:Sailor Black Widow:
Awakening her senshi powers as Sailor Black Widow when she was sixteen. She was taken under the tutelage of the legendary Sailor Tarantula. Together they aided the many rebelling colonies of the Aurelian Council but when backed into a corner Sailor Tarantula used her full powers to obliterate the force sent against them freeing Sailor Black Widow from capture. She hasn’t been seen since.
:The Aurelian Council: 
Once a great united force for good, it represented the many insectile alien kingdoms of the Milky Way, the strongest being those of the Nebulas including; Red Spider Nebula, Tarantula, Black Widow, Shama Moth, Ant, Butterfly and Bug Nebula. 
However within the Bug Nebula of Scorpius, Chaos corrupted a nation. Like a disease it spread and the Nations of Scorpius was born, vowing to bring greatness to the Aurelian Council by any means necessary. Despite pockets of resistance, millenia after millenia, the Aurelian Nebula’s fell one after the other until only the Red Spider Nebula remained.
Princess Maiyuka is a declared target by all of the Nations of Scorpius, but it is General Sasori Fukitsu who has vowed to eliminate the newly made Sailor Guardian and take her legendary Red Spider Crystal for herself. 
Although she has already taken both the Ant Crystal, Moth Crystal and the Royal Butterfly Crystal as her trophies, she feels only the enormous energy of the Akiaraneolus Starseed will crush her many rivals and eliminate all other resistance within the Aurelian Council.
Seeing it as her last chance at power, she will let nothing stand in her way even if she has to tear the crystal from Princess Maiyuka’s chest with her bare hands. She’s certainly not going to let some upstart Sol Guardians stand in her way of true power.
:Transformation Token: 
Although she spontaneously transformed the first time, she had trouble focusing powers. With the help of Luna and Artemis, they were able to transfigure her watch as a transformation token much like they did for the inner’s pens. The black face is etched with an orb of silver web and a red crystal at the centre of its silver hands. It has a protective cover embossed with the Red Spider Symbol. It also doubles as Sailor Red Spider’s communicator.
:Henshin Phrase: 
“Red Spider Power Make Up!”
:Henshin Sequence:
When the need to fight arises, Maiyuka’s human form crosses both arms above her head and taps the face of her watch causing the symbol to glow and the lid to pop open. From it spilling small glowing spider silhouettes which spill down her arms weaving their webs.
First they spin their webs between her fingers, trailing down to her gloves which glow and glitter forming her gloves. Other spiders continue down her glowing body, knitting her sailor collar and bodice. The leap from her belt, trailing silken comet tails to form her swishing red skirt. She clicks her heels and webs climb her calves to form her red boots. The camera sweeps in a spiral upwards, her lavender back bow forming from the glowing spiders and her front bow.
Finally the camera rests on her face which blinks her four eyes and a silk spider on a slender thread drops between her eyes, glows and transforms into the ruby spider at the centre of her tiara.
 She smiles, blinks coyishly and poses, ready to defend!
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:Guardian Challenge:
“I am the bright red spider that weaves Harmony and Peace for the future. I am Sailor Red Spider, ready to unweave corruption and distortion!”
:Guardian Fuku:
Sailor Red Spider resumes her Akakumojin appearance but camouflages herself in the Sol System fuku. Her collar, skirt and glove rolls are rich ruby red while her bows are a darker scarlet. Her ruby red with white trim is similar to Sailor Moon’s. Dangling from her ears are pendants like her symbol.
Red Spider Sonic Blast!
Sailor Red Spider stands with her hands covering her face as the camera spins around her. Her hands slip down covering only her mouth. Finally it zooms in, the hands slip away, flinging wide and shouting, “Red Spider Sonic Blast” and a sonic boom blasts out in a wave of red energy knocking the enemy flying.
Stellar Web Lasso
Balling her hands together and then drawing them apart with a thick rope glowing with the red nebula like clouds, it twisted into a look. She tosses it into the air and twirls it in a circle faster and faster until Sailor Red Spider is able to cast and catch her enemy, yanking it tight and binding a singular enemy.
Astral Silk Net!
Sailor Red Spider steeples her fingers together, drawing them apart with glowing threads between them. Touching the tips of her fingers together in a complex pattern it looks like she weaves a complex cats cradle of threads which she spreads wide with her arms and and she twirls and casts it at the enemy in a sticky net to trap the enemy.
Cosmic Web Shield!
Sailor Red Spider kisses two fingers of her right hand which glow bright red. She traces a hexagon which glints with a glowing red orb shaped webs. With one push of her open palm it’s hurled in front of her, a gleaming, glowing shield that captures all that is flung into it, absorbing its energy and making it stronger with every attack.
Red Spider Nebula Radiation!
Sailor Red Spider Nebula reveals her true self as she’s emboldened and supported by her friends and family. Neo Queen Serenity, King Endymion, the Sol Guardians, Sailor Black Widow and Sailor Tarantula give the last of their strength to her as she stands before the catastrophic creature General Sasori has become. 
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Sailor Venus, Miles M., Tom H., Tsuyu A.
:Transformation Theme: 
Sailor Moon R transformation
 Sailor Moon R OST - Moon Crystal Power Make Up! (long version)
:Flying Theme:
Where No One Goes
:Action (younger/ current) Theme:
Something fast and upbeat like this
Larry-Boy: The Cartoon Adventures - He Is That Hero (Full, Extended Instrumental)
:Action (Older) Theme:
Something powerful/heroic like this
                           The Amazing Spider-Man 2 theme song
Red Spider Nebula Radiation Theme
Moon Spiral Heart Attack + Rainbow Moon Heartache (Music + SFX Only)
Cobwebs on Wattpad
Coming Soon
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Star Alliance You carry within you the spiritual DNA of your cosmic family. Eons ago the Pleiadians, along with other star nations, seeded the Earth, and their energy is still present.By recognizing your starseed lineage, you can activate your spiritual DNA and awaken the soul attributes that resonate with your star nation. The Pursuit of Bliss blackout (@blxckovt2k)
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starcwrld · 1 year
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ICHIKA was born on November 30th, 2000 and she is the youngest member of starcluster. Her parents had her when she was young and therefore was raised by her grandparents since her parents left to pursue a higher education. She lived on the outskirts of Tokyo, Japan in a small house. Her grandfather was an office worker and her grandmother couldn’t work due to her severe back problems. For this reason, Ichika began working young to help her grandfather support the family. 
Ichika was scouted when she was at the mall with some friends and a Starseed employee came up to her and followed her around asking for her to sign. Ichika took the business card but thought it was a scam. She went home that day and researched the company on her father’s computer and it was relatively new and unknown. However, she saw how much an idol could potentially make and she decided to sign anyway. 
She was the most inexperienced member at the time and had to go through heavy training sessions to get on par with the other members. She was known for her tenacity and her strength in trying every day to get better and she soon became one of the best dancers among the trainees. She was added to starcluster after replacing another trainee in the lineup and she would debut with the group.
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ETHNICITY :: Japanese
BIRTHDATE :: November 30, 2000
BIRTHPLACE :: Tokyo, Japan
STAR SIGN :: Sagittarius 
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santoschristos · 1 year
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Star Alliance
You carry within you the spiritual DNA of your cosmic family. Eons ago the Pleiadians, along with other star nations, seeded the Earth, and their energy is still present.
By recognizing your starseed lineage, you can activate your spiritual DNA and awaken the soul attributes that resonate with your star nation.
Ascension by Steve Hickman
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market-insider · 3 months
Legal Marijuana Market: Investment Strategies and Financial Outlook
The global legal marijuana market size is expected to reach USD 102.24 billion by 2030, according to a new study by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 25.7% from 2024 to 2030. Increase in rate of legalization of marijuana for medicinal and adult-use/recreational marijuana, growing adoption of these products for the treatment of chronic ailments and rise in a number of new product launches are the primary factors responsible for the growth of the market. For instance, in March 2023, Irwin Naturals Inc., a herbal supplement formulator, introduced company's’ new CBD 25mg Softgels in Canada. It is available through the Starseed Medicinal Medical Group platform across the nation.
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Legal Marijuana Market Report Highlights
By application, medical segment accounted for the largest revenue share of 79.1% in 2023 owing to the high demand among healthcare practitioners and patients for medicinal marijuana.
By product type, oil and tinctures held the largest market share in 2023 owing to low price and ease of accessibility of flowers compared to other products.
In 2023, North America dominated the overall market with a revenue share of 76.0% owing to its large consumer base, North America was among the first regions to legalize the use of medical and recreational cannabis. 
For More Details or Sample Copy please visit link @: Legal Marijuana Market Report
In April 2022, New Jersey legalized recreational and medical marijuana, and it is being sold at 13 facilities. This move has made New Jersey one of the 18 states in the United States where recreational marijuana is legal. The market is experiencing growth due to the widespread acceptance of cannabis and its high demand. Since its legalization, the use of marijuana in medical treatments has increased, leading to a decrease in the illegal trade of cannabis. According to a study conducted by New York University, the usage of cannabis among individuals aged 50-64 has doubled in the last decade and has now reached 9.0%.
Moreover, price of legal marijuana is lower than medical marijuana, and taxes would be levied on marijuana products after its legalization. Therefore, cultivators are focusing on cultivating marijuana in areas that are exempt from taxes. For instance, in New York, marijuana cultivators are focusing on tribal regions to get exempted from the taxes levied by the government. This is expected to lower the overall cost of cultivation of marijuana in the state, and cultivators can sell marijuana at lower prices. Lower prices of marijuana are further anticipated to boost the adoption of marijuana in the market.
List of major companies in the Legal Marijuana Market
Canopy Growth Corporation
Tilray Brands Inc. (Aphria, Inc.)
ABcann Medicinals, Inc. (VIVO Cannabis Inc.)
The Cronos Group
Organigram Holdings Inc.
Lexaria Bioscience
GW Pharmaceuticals (Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc.)
For Customized reports or Special Pricing please visit @: Legal Marijuana Market Forecast Report
We have segmented the global legal marijuana market on the basis of application, product type, and region.
Legal Marijuana Application Outlook
Adult Use
Legal Marijuana Product Type Outlook
Oil & Tinctures
Legal Marijuana Regional Outlook
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East and Africa (MEA)
Research Methodology
We employ a comprehensive and iterative research methodology focused on minimizing deviance in order to provide the most accurate estimates and forecasts possible. We utilize a combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches for segmenting and estimating quantitative aspects of the market. Data is continuously filtered to ensure that only validated and authenticated sources are considered. In addition, data is also mined from a host of reports in our repository, as well as a number of reputed paid databases. Our market estimates and forecasts are derived through simulation models. A unique model is created and customized for each study. Gathered information for market dynamics, technology landscape, application development, and pricing trends are fed into the model and analyzed simultaneously.
About Grand View Research
Grand View Research provides syndicated as well as customized research reports and consulting services on 46 industries across 25 major countries worldwide. This U.S. based market research and consulting company is registered in California and headquartered in San Francisco. Comprising over 425 analysts and consultants, the company adds 1200+ market research reports to its extensive database each year. Supported by an interactive market intelligence platform, the team at Grand View Research guides Fortune 500 companies and prominent academic institutes in comprehending the global and regional business environment and carefully identifying future opportunities.
Grand View Research, Inc.
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#LegalMarijuana #CannabisIndustry #MarijuanaMarket #CannabisBusiness #MarijuanaLegalization #CannabisEconomy #MedicalMarijuana #CannabisTrends #MarijuanaInvesting #CannabisRegulation #MarijuanaBusiness #CannabisCommunity #LegalWeed #MarijuanaPolicy #CannabisGrowth #MarijuanaResearch #CannabisInnovation #GreenEconomy #CannabisJobs #WeedEconomics #CannabisLaws #MarijuanaMarketing #CannabisCulture #HempIndustry #CannabisRetail
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adityarana1687-blog · 3 months
Legal Marijuana Market Size To Reach $102.2 Billion By 2030
The global legal marijuana market size is expected to reach USD 102.24 billion by 2030, according to a new study by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 25.7% from 2024 to 2030. Increase in rate of legalization of marijuana for medicinal and adult-use/recreational marijuana, growing adoption of these products for the treatment of chronic ailments and rise in a number of new product launches are the primary factors responsible for the growth of the market. For instance, in March 2023, Irwin Naturals Inc., a herbal supplement formulator, introduced company's’ new CBD 25mg Softgels in Canada. It is available through the Starseed Medicinal Medical Group platform across the nation.
In April 2022, New Jersey legalized recreational and medical marijuana, and it is being sold at 13 facilities. This move has made New Jersey one of the 18 states in the United States where recreational marijuana is legal. The market is experiencing growth due to the widespread acceptance of cannabis and its high demand. Since its legalization, the use of marijuana in medical treatments has increased, leading to a decrease in the illegal trade of cannabis. According to a study conducted by New York University, the usage of cannabis among individuals aged 50-64 has doubled in the last decade and has now reached 9.0%.
Moreover, price of legal marijuana is lower than medical marijuana, and taxes would be levied on marijuana products after its legalization. Therefore, cultivators are focusing on cultivating marijuana in areas that are exempt from taxes. For instance, in New York, marijuana cultivators are focusing on tribal regions to get exempted from the taxes levied by the government. This is expected to lower the overall cost of cultivation of marijuana in the state, and cultivators can sell marijuana at lower prices. Lower prices of marijuana are further anticipated to boost the adoption of marijuana in the market.
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Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Legal Marijuana Market Report
Legal Marijuana Market Report Highlights
By application, medical segment accounted for the largest revenue share of 79.1% in 2023 owing to the high demand among healthcare practitioners and patients for medicinal marijuana.
By product type, oil and tinctures held the largest market share in 2023 owing to low price and ease of accessibility of flowers compared to other products.
In 2023, North America dominated the overall market with a revenue share of 76.0% owing to its large consumer base, North America was among the first regions to legalize the use of medical and recreational cannabis. 
Legal Marijuana Market Report Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global legal marijuana market on the basis of application, product type, and region:
Legal Marijuana Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Chronic Pain
Depression and Anxiety
Multiple Sclerosis
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Adult Use
Legal Marijuana Product Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Oil & Tinctures
Legal Marijuana Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Czech Republic
Asia Pacific
New Zealand
Latin America
Middle East and Africa (MEA)
South Africa
List of Key Players of Legal Marijuana Market
Canopy Growth Corporation
Tilray Brands Inc. (Aphria, Inc.)
ABcann Medicinals, Inc. (VIVO Cannabis Inc.)
The Cronos Group
Organigram Holdings Inc.
Lexaria Bioscience
GW Pharmaceuticals (Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc.)
Tikun Olam
United Cannabis Corporation
0 notes
creature-wizard · 2 years
New Age is a poisoned chalice.
MASSIVE CW for racism and genocide up ahead. So, New Age ultimately goes back to Theosophy, which was primarily founded by Helena Blavatsky. Here's a paragraph Blavatsky wrote herself in her own book The Secret Doctrine: Mankind is obviously divided into God-informed men and lower human creatures. The intellectual difference between the Âryan and other civilized nations and such savages as the South Sea Islanders, is inexplicable on any other grounds. No amount of culture, no generations of training amid civilization, could raise such human specimens as the Bushmen, the Veddhas of Ceylon, and some African tribes, to the same intellectual level as the Âryans, the Semites, and the Turanians so-called. The “Sacred Spark” is missing in them, and it is they who are the only inferior races on the Globe, now happily— owing to the wise adjustment of Nature which ever works in that direction—fast dying out. Verily mankind is “of one blood,” but not of the same essence . We are the hot-house, artificially quickened plants in Nature, having in us a spark, which in them is latent. This is the kind of sentiment the New Age movement came out of, and it's not any better today - New Agers are still simping for genocide, whether they're looking forward to people dying from climate change or eagerly awaiting the day Trump and his loyalists enact a second Holocaust. You don't have to dig very far at all to find videos and blogs expressing these very sentiments. New Agers, by the way, are the people pushing things like: -Soulmates and twin flames -The Law of Attraction/Law of Assumption/Manifestation -"Low vibrational frequency" vs. "high vibrational frequency" -Karmic debt -DNA upgrades/DNA activation/light code activation -Ascension to 5D -The existence of Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu -Ancient aliens -Starseeds So yeah, watch out for this stuff (it's unfortunately all too common on witchblr and WitchTok), and be aware that though it might look harmless on the surface, it's all rotten underneath.
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greatenlightenment · 4 months
Star Nations- Lyran Starseed Awakening - Meditation
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skydinzeal · 5 months
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The minor Christian Holidays are Pagan/Magic in origin. If you'd like to know how to do this one DM me, my advice for the true is free. Although my posts are being restricted because I won't (can't) buy ads. Only a couple folks see this. 🔥⚡👽🌟🦋👑🌷 I hand-make talismans, paintings/sculptures for you or your loved ones!🌷All of my creations are made of 100s of ancient, powerful symbols! I've tested and taught Spiritual practices via my classes at NYCs Edgar Cayce Center for 10 years. 🌷🔥🌟💥⚡☀️✨ I'd like to share more but my phone along with a few things were stolen. My two backup phones died and a used phone turned out a scam. 🌷🔥🌟💥⚡☀️✨ I have been trying to rebuild all my jewelry & art that was stolen when I was assaulted & robbed (many times). I am looking for a quality SPIRITUAL STORE or ART GALLERY to TRULY help with sales/marketing their work & mine! I am a rare, tireless entertainer, salesperson and psychic. I have huge internet reach and can work day and night continuously! I don't even need to eat. I have got by on hard work & skill alone, not cheating & it shows! If you would like to make a connection happen contact me. If it works out I will pay you! 🌟 A very modest GoFundMe here! Please spread the word! https://gofund.me/82ac1c5b Thank you!🌟💜🗽💜🎿💜❄️💜🦌 #stmarksday #stmark #lovespell #lovemagic #lovepotion #attractlove #soulmate #findsoulmate #spiritual #newage #Spiritualart #magick #runes #clairvoyance #sacredgeometry #metaphysical #crystalenergy #magical endedmasters #paganholiday #metaphysics #spiritualsymbols starseed #ascension ttack #spells #newageart ealing #energyhealing #occult tualgift #magicalsymbols #shamanism #celtic nation #spiritualstore http://dlvr.it/T5z7RN
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kathyprior4200 · 7 months
5D Earth: Our Imminent Future
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5D Earth: Our Imminent Future (I think a lot of this will actually happen)
2050: SpiritSpeak device allows people to communicate with spirit guides, aliens, nonhumans, and spirit family members face to face.
Humans can do jobs and not have to survive. Robots/A.I. do menial work, vehicles can fly or drive by themselves. There are rocket tours of various planets like the moon and Mars, where there are already human colonies set up. Teleportation also exists and there are teleportation machines where people get into protective suits and can appear in another teleportation machine across the world. Clothing can shapeshift into various colors and types and can regulate temperature. Holographic communication with other people at any time can be done with a push of a button.
Alternative health methods are included which focus on sound, crystals, herbs, Reki, chakra activation, and aura healing, thus typical chronic diseases like cancer are uncommon and more easily cured. Human lifespan is now 160 years thanks to cell anti-aging technology.
Non-psychic people and people with no access to technology are now in the minority!
Hathor Healers: Sound healing performed by aliens from Venus interacting with humans.
Mars Masters: Mars starseed program to help conserve water and practice spiritual and physical self-defense, especially against Draconians, Reptilians and astral parasites.
Galactic Federation: a group of aliens and advanced entities that keep the universe in check.
Deity honor group: psychics, historians, priests, priestesses etc. teach people about deities and ascended masters and how to show respect to them.
Nature Spirit Conservation/University: Programs to teach people how to treat nature spirits, fairies, elves, nyads, etc. with respect and love.
Animal Allies: groups to help protect animals and animal spirits, can aid in psychic pet bonding. There are devices that can translate animal and plant thoughts to humans.
Human government council can communicate with aliens, ascended masters etc. on holographic screens like an advanced United Nations.
All Lives Therapy (ALT): Many megacompanies that focus on healing not only the current self but the soul and the unconscious. One is religion centered, one New Age, one scientific and several are tribal/cultural. There are nine types.
Dream Therapists: helps people record and understand their dreams. The least expensive of the nine types.
Current Life Therapists: focus on current soul purpose, psychology, health, and childhood. Can record private memories for families to watch on a screen with the help from a trustworthy psychic and spirit guides. Also provides typical communication therapy for those not as spiritually inclined.
Past Life Therapists: can work with kids, teens, and adults with past life memories and with a device, can show scenes from past lives on a screen. A psychic joins in to access the Akashic Records and get permission from the spirit guides to record the past life scenes for the client and family to see without having to go through a Near Death Experience, through a regression or to meditate for long periods of time. They also do regression and help heal traumas, illness, and karmic cycles. The client decides whether or not to share the info with others but the practitioners must keep any information confidential. Hiring family therapists and psychics is more expensive, but it is worth it for many, especially if they are also part of the same soul group.
Spirit Life Therapists: works with people to interpret their spirit life reviews and life planning before birth, showing scenes of their life in spirit form on screen. Also works with psychics for families and like past life therapists, they have to keep the scenes confidential for the family. The clients decide whether or not to share their soul adventures with others. Permission is granted or denied to the psychic and therapist by the spirit guides, Akashic Record spirit keepers and council of elders involved.  They help the client stay grounded in their current life and not miss Source (the genderless love energy we call God that made and is everything)/their home world too much. It is the second most expensive type of divine therapy behind Future Life Therapy.
Future Life Therapists: can show brief scenes from a client’s future and any future lives that are happening at the same time as the client’s current life. The most expensive of the types.
Alien Life Therapists: Helps clients discover their lifetimes as starseeds/aliens. The lives can be shown on screen or they can be regressed or done through trance/astral projection.
Elemental Life Therapists: Helps clients discover their lifetimes as mythical creatures, fairies, elves, dragons, air, rocks, or any sentient being in nature that helps evolve the Earth. The lives can be shown on screen or they can be regressed or done through trance/astral projection.
Plant Life Therapists: Helps clients discover their lifetimes as plants, trees, flowers etc. on Earth or on other planets. The lives can be shown on screen or they can be regressed or done through trance/astral projection.
Animal Life Therapists: Helps clients discover their lifetimes as various animals and creatures, on Earth or on other planets/dimensions. The lives can be shown on screen or they can be regressed or done through trance/astral projection.
Children have the incredible opportunity to learn about their spirit team as early as 7 years old in school (or earlier if they have past life memories and can hire therapists for it). All children learn in a class about basic self-care, environment care, beginner spirit protection and the fact that their spirit guides, the afterlife, and spirit loved ones actually exist! The rest/other spiritual classes for older youth are optional. (This can produce an unfortunate side effect of children bragging about their kinds of spirit guides or relying on them too much.)
Problems in our 5D utopia world:
Now people are sometimes judged in society less on their race and gender and orientation, (but it still happens, of course) but on their DNA, their soul development level, their kinds of spirit guides, and their past lives! Some people don’t let people apply for certain jobs or have opportunities because of, for example, having many past lives as murderers or evil people or people who have had horrible addictions. (“They could easily slip back into their old ways!”) The Ethernet, while allowing universal communication, now allows almost everyone to know a soul’s entire history throughout history! Souls/people with more lives on Earth or more lives being humanitarian to others are often favored over those “younger” souls. Because of this new problem of more people judging others, being traumatized by new past lives and not focusing enough on present life missions, spirit guides, council of elders and even deceased loved ones now have the ability from Source to erase living people’s memories (and the recorded scenes) of past lives and lives in spirit! (Especially if they decide to use the information for evil purposes or if they can change the timeline/other people’s destinies too much.) With the veil so thin, some degree of forgetfulness is still required for balance and to help test/evolve souls.
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