#starving neopets
sixamese-simblr · 10 months
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I created a new neopets account because I remembered it existed and found this little guy in the pound. I want the person who created him in 2011 to know he's in good hands.
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sakurology · 4 months
Y’all remember when we used to do 1D outfit imagines on polyvore HOW REAL
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premaritalhug · 3 days
Hihi!! I stumbled across your fanfic Matesprits and Sprite Mates and I absolutely LOVE it so far!! Just curious, do you have any other works I could look into? Or if not, do you plan to continue writing this one? Much love and many bro kisses!
Yooo, it's Jake! Hey.
I'm pretty flattered that you liked reading it. The shit is pretty self indulgent and I honestly didn't expect anyone other than myself to really enjoy it all that much. Thank you, man. I used to write a lot more than I do now if I'm being real with you. Would you believe that it's the only thing I've ever posted? Crazy considering my godlike literary prowess, right? Just kidding. About the skills, not about the amount of stuff I've posted, or lack thereof. I promise I'm not actually that much of a jackass. I want to write more about it. Like sometimes in the middle of the night my eyes will just snap open like I'm some kind of sleeper agent who just heard their trigger word or something, and I'm like "Shit, man... Bro and Ivey...". Then I go back to sleep. I just have this tendency to do ten million things at once and not give enough attention to any of them. I really should circle back around to that fic, though. Thanks for the encouragement, bro. <3 Catching all of those Bro kisses like one of those flash games from the early 2000s
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kitausupets · 19 days
Another pet portrait completed!
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This is my eventide korbat, mizmania. "Wait, why does she remind me of-" yes she's directly modeled after Andi Benton, who's had a few aliases, but her first (and my favorite!) is Mania. When I saw this name in the pound I HAD to snatch her up.
Anyways. Her character name on Neo is Andrea "Andi" Bronzestrike and her father is a magma buzz. She gets her eyes from him, and is molten underneath the red/yellow parts of her skin. She also has flame patterns up her legs and end of her tail and unusual heat resistance on those areas!
She's also an apprentice learning the trade at Cog's Togs. She has a pendant that matches her father's, and carries the wrench her father gave her. (:
I love Eventide pets so much!! I know they're frequently unpopular but they're so pretty to me, just tricky to customize haha.
I'm also super happy with how this turned out. Just a quick-ish piece, maybe 4 hours in Procreate while watching my gf finish up Yakuza 3. 🎉
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antisocialxconstruct · 9 months
the tags on your post reminded me - i got back into neopets recently chasing nostalgia and they released a pet that looks like an idog (toy poogle) and you were the first person i thought of tbh
HEH a couple other people rushed to tell me about the poogle when it first dropped and it seriously made me briefly consider rejoining neopets myself... so clearly I have established myself as the iDog Person and I take great comfort in that
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slggsh · 10 months
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grumpy alien aisha
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fly-arrow · 7 months
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neopetsimages · 1 year
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grey petpets that look like pitiful little creatures
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Very obsessed with neopets again right now. It’s so fun again
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junkalopes · 2 years
was feeling peckish for some good ol' browser-based games and went back to neopets for the first time in years. i somehow completely forgot that i have A PIRATE DRAIK?? i lusted after pirate draiks for YEARS as a child how did i completely forget that i acquired one????
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poppy-ghost · 5 months
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really is quite pathetic that neopets can't even put "died" in their question of the day
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Airi: That's it, I'm cutting off the internet!
Haruka: No, please don't! I have a family to feed!
Airi: What?
Haruka: I need to feed my Neopets!
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milfgyuu · 2 years
hey guys it’s december so don’t forget to visit the advent calendar and feed your neopets.
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cheekedupwhiteboy · 1 year
moderneopets finally implemented stamp albums so i have been fiendishly refreshing the post office shop trying to collect as many as i can. wishing death upon the guy i messaged to haggle for a rare one offering 500k and he just said "nah"
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gravecircuit · 1 year
all the twitter alternatives sound like Jesse Pinkman's rivals before meeting Walt.
yo dave from around the corner hopped on that mastodon and I never heard from him again, I heard that BlueSky and Threads are mixing some crazy shit in theirs, you wanna try that chili powder idea again?
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apaleflame · 2 years
>finally get access to old neopets account after a week of back and forth emails
>change email address on the old account to current email
>walk away from phone and forget to confirm the email change by clicking the link they sent me
>return to phone and open neopets again
>receive august 2022 security prompt to reset my password
>click on it without thinking
>i am now locked out of my old neopets account again since the password reset was sent to a dead email
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