#state employment is good but it doesnt pay much
lupismaris · 2 years
Planning travel is just a big old song and dance of "okay I know I'm poor, chronically disabled, and beholden to the man but this is a smidge ridiculous"
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Adulting 101: How Jobs work
I feel like there is a LOT of terrible advice on the internet about getting a job, working a job, and leaving a job. So I am going to give some real advice that will help you out in the long run.
Welcome to Adulting 101
So for this I will be discussing the Core tenants
Getting a Job
Working the Job
Leaving the Job
The Farewell
(Note this is mainly for work in the Corporate sector but I can assure that applicable information can be applied to other Job areas.)
Getting a job
So you are fresh out of college, and now you realize those student loans arent gonna be paid by the government after all. So what are you going to do?
The answer is get a Job.
But how are you going to get one?
1. Connections:
-If you havent already, start with creating a Linkedin account and try to connect with every person you have ever met, especially if you are going into the field of work with the individuals.
After that, try searching LinkedIn for every person that is in a high position in the field you want to start your career. Most won’t respond, but some will and that is good for you.
Most people in the corporate world that get interviews for their first job with good companies are usually through connections. Leverage family, friends, old employment, old internships, etc.
-I also recommend staying in touch with your Alma mater, professors are usually people with connections and if they like you can help pull some strings. But if not, the school usually will have some sort of program that will help you get your first job. Though not all colleges have it, but its best to check.
-Always avoid sales jobs. Now some sales jobs are fine and legit, but its usually gonna end with the company taking the list of people you know and selling to them before tossing you aside. It burns your friends and Family’s good will. Thats usually the reason why at least once in your life you will have someone from high school reaching out to you about ‘A product or service’.
-Nurture the network. You want people to like you enough to recommend you for jobs, especially this early on. Your experience is garbage and you have no negotiating power. Unless you are from an Ivy league school and have a 4.0. You have no value in the eyes of the company alone. So your best bet is to lean on people you know.
2. Resume
-For the love of crap, work on your resume. Doesnt matter how good your connections are, if you made your resume out of crayon you are screwed. Take time to format it, look up some how to guides, ask some people you know how they worked their resume. It is not fun, but it is important. Resumes are what get people in the door in a lot of cases. The best resumes on online applications are filtered based on how close they fit the job description.
-Make sure to keep that resume updated and easy to edit so you can alter it to match a job description better. This is a trick to help improve the odds of selection.
-Same thing but with Linkedin, there are recruiters on Linkedin and other sites that search for canidates. Most of them are sales jobs, but some arent and you can leverage them if possible
-Since this is on Tumblr, I’m going to tell you this upfront, don’t put your pronouns in your resume. I was talking with a recruiter and that’s a thing they use to filter out so most online applications won’t see it. Mainly cause it’s seen as Filler and stuff like this will be addressed later.
3. Certifications and internships
-When you are new in the workforce, you will need ANYTHING to differentiate you from the crowd, having a certification in whatever is needed in your field is always a bonus. Granted these cost cash to get into, so this is more of a last resort when you are looking for your first job.
-Internships after college are often seen as a bit tough to manage since they usually dont pay as much as a real job (depending on the state or country, at all), but if one is unable to get a job, this is a ticket to building a network.
4. The Interview
-All of that work from the previous 3 subjects have led you to this moment, your interview. Now this is a make or break it moment and it is important to understand the following:
*Is this a multiround interview? (Will there be more than one?)
*Who am I interviewing with (The interviewer, the company, and for what job)
*What is the purpose of the interview? (Is this a formality? A job description?)
-Now it is crucial to know your resume inside and out. You need to speak to what you know. So be sure to know it well.
-Always answer in a way that puts you in a more positive light. But dont try the “My greatest weakness is working too hard” they can smell that bulls*** a mile away. If you had to describe a negative, make it seem like you are working to fix it. This demonstrates you can look at yourself objectively and makes it seem like you are more of a genuine person. My go too response is “I have a habit of hyper focusing on a task until it is complete, but I have been working on focusing on what has the highest priority.”
-At the end of the interview, make sure to have questions prepared to ask the interviewer, and dont ask about salary. (Salary is asked after the job is offered, and usually you will usually hear about the salary range before going in, or the official number AFTER they give the offer). My go to question is asking “What are three traits someone would need to have to thrive in this position?” But do try and think of your own
-Dont be nervous, remember that this will likely not be the only interview you will have, especially with how desperate people are to get workers. So you will get a few. Just do your best, you got this.
Working the Job
You did it, all that hardwork and dedication had paid off, you got your first job.
Or maybe this is your second job. But most importantly, its work with a salary. The most tedious part is over, next is where the real work begins.
1. Adjusting to work
This period of time will you learning all you can about your job, this is the 30-60-90. AKA, the Trial period.
Show up a bit early and leave a bit later (unless your commute is over an hour. Then you just try to be as close to on time as possible.)
Your first 30 days is you finding out where everything is, how it works, who you interact with to get work done, and find the bathroom. This is where the expectations for you as an employee are at their most lenient. Dont take this as a rest opportunity, You are meant to learn as much as possible about how to do your job. (also connect with all the people on your team on Linkedin)
The next 30 days are your real test. Likely will be given your first real assignment if it wasnt given already. This is where you need to knock it out of the park. Crush that first assignment. Show everyone you are a pleasure to work with, Be compassionate yet driven. This is the ‘Prove yourself phase’
The last 30 days is the “Dealmaker” here is where you get to show your impact on the company. Your work must be consistent and must be solid. You can be allowed some error, but dont focus too much on it. This is where you show what you learned and are a part of the company. After you make it past this stage, you are likely to not have to worry about being fired. That doesnt mean your safe. It just means you are officially a part of the company.
-Now from here on out this is your chance to grow in however you want. Do you have ideas that you think would make things better? Give them a go, try discussing them with your boss, see what he/she thinks of them. You think there is a sector of the company you would work better in, use this position as an opportunity to grow closer and maybe transfer. Just be sure to keep your work consistent
2. Time to excel
So this is where you start career building. You want to make the big money. You want to be strong and independent with the fat stacks? You gotta work bitch.
You gotta take initiative, when there is an opportunity to shine to the higher ups, take it. Not every opportunity will be given. But sometimes there are ones that are gift wrapped.
Do NOT over extend yourself.
This is important, yes you want to stand out, but over extending yourself just to impress can cause your original work to suffer. You need to know your limits. And be willing to ask for help when needed.
Don’t talk smack about your boss, or other coworkers.
In the game of office politics, you never want to give someone an opportunity to make you look bad. Be respectful, and keep any complaints or issues you have with someone objective.
Take responsibility. Don’t try and blame others when something fails. Own up to it and ask for ways to improve. That shows character and in the game of career building, that’s a solid way to show you are capable and bold.
Leaving a job
So you find yourself working at this job and you realize. I hate it here. Now the first instinct is to quit and figure it out later. Or the term “Quiet Quitting” which is doing the bare minimum required and ride it out. Let me correct this by showing you what to do.
Figure out the Why.
Why do you hate your job now? It’s actually the simplest step. Usually boiling down to the following
1. My boss sucks.
Most employees end up quitting their jobs because of their boss. Either they are critical, take credit for your work, blame you for their mistakes, make you work late. Preventing you from taking vacation. Or insert specific reason here.
If the boss is the only reason you hate the job, then this is where you can start by requesting transfers to other areas of the company. Make an effort to find someone you wouldn’t mind working under, or find a way to show that your boss is violating your rights and agreements. If you can get a recording or emails to show to HR, than you can find ways of dealing with the horrible boss. Though if all else fails, then it’s time to consider leaving.
2. You need higher pay
If your company doesn’t give pay raises, and you find yourself not progressing a more favorable direction, then it’s time to discuss with your boss your concerns. Now if your boss is reasonable and not like a boss from reason 1, they will likely take into account the work you do and try to get you the raise.
But that’s only if you are working hard. Demanding more money but not doing anything more than what the job is asking won’t net you a pay raise unless you are exceeding expectations. In truth most companies would like to not lose workers, so voicing a concern would be a good way to get more cash.
Though if you are working hard and going above and beyond yet still not getting the money you deserve. It’s time to search for a place that will. Don’t quit yet, find the new job first and than leave.
It’s common curtesy to let the company know with a two week notice. That’s mainly so you don’t entirely burn connections. If you don’t care about the company, just quit.
Side note, and THIS IS CRUCIAL
If your company hears you are leaving and tries to match it. DONT take it. It’s a ploy. They will look for your replacement as soon as you accept the deal. They know you are finicky and looking. If you accepted a job offer, DONT BACK OUT.
3. This is not the career I want
You realize that this just isn’t where you want to be for the next couple of years. That’s fine. In fact, good on you for recognizing that you aren’t content with your work. But that begs the question, what Do you want.
At this time, stay working while you do research. No need to quit if you don’t know what it is you want. Maybe you want to be focused on different things but still in the same company. Transfers are more common and it’s easier to move and employee than lose one. So if you like where you work but not what you do, maybe see what other options there are in house before leaving.
But if you really want to go after something then find yourself peeping for that path. And when you are ready to go, then quit. Be polite and cordial. It wasn’t them it’s you. A two week notice would be the polite thing in this case.
The Farewell
Things aren’t working out with your current job and you’ve decided it’s time to leave. Ensure the following.
1. You have another opportunity lined up
2. You connected with everyone worth while
3. You have your letter/email of resignation ready to go
Now if your opportunity has a time before it starts. Great time for quiet quitting. You are basically out the door, you can take it easy. So enjoy these last moments before you leave and get ready for the next step in life.
Thank you for reading my advice column on how to properly Navigate work.
And if things work out, remember what you read.
Life may not always perfectly line up, but there is a right way of approaching it.
Best of luck
(Note: This does not guarantee that all will go according to plan but it is the building blocks of what Is important)
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spif-lol · 2 years
I just finished replaying opposing force for the first time, and I am once again struck by the futility of it all. Every other half life game is about ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances struggling against incredible odds with so much outside of their control, but ultimately their struggle and their determination pays off - Gordon frees the Vortigaunts even if he doesn’t stop Earth from getting overrun, Barney escapes Black Mesa with a few other scientists, Gina and Collette lessen the resonance cascade and assist Gordon with his things, Alyx manages to [redacted] plus all the Half Life 2 whatever whatever. 
But Adrian, what was the point of his journey? What does he achieve in the end? I can’t think of a single thing he does in his game that ultimately makes a difference in the grand scheme of things. 
Sure, he defeats the pit snake whatever its called and stops the gene worm from manifesting inside black mesa etc and he disarms the bomb but hey guess what g man turned it back on so whether adrian had been there or not everyone involved wouldve been nuked to hell (I do like the idea I saw earlier that Adrian doesnt kill the Gene Worm but simply gets it to retreat, and if thats true, I guess he saves its life but considering how many Race X guys he kills... idk if thats ultimately a good thing). 
The worst part is that its not even a case of oh Adrian was doomed anyway he was in the facility and wouldve died, at least he died fighting for something or whatever, because he had the chance to leave. If G man hadnt stopped him getting on the plane he wouldve survived. and the whole Adrian had seen too much didnt apply there because all he’d seen at that point is a few headcrab zombies and vortigaunts, there were heaps of people who saw those and of course then after the 7 hour war the whole world saw that anyway so who cares. But G man, for whatever reason, chooses to put Adrian through hell. I wonder how much insight this gives us into G man’s character, especially since we only ever see him acting in the interests of his employers besides this - he explicitly states at the end that he is going against his employers wishes because of his respect for Adrian, hmm.... And then he spares Adrian at the end, despite the fact that he couldve just, spared him earlier.
I mean, I’ve also seen people say that its implied the plane Adrian was going to leave on exploded after it leaves but I didnt see or hear anything on my playthrough so I’m going to believe that’s not true. 
What is my point again? I guess that this is still the most fascinating Half Life game to me simply because of its setting in a hopeless struggle against so many warring forces. Adrian wasn’t meant to be there, he’s not supposed to be working with the scientists, he wasn’t supposed to let Gordon get away, he’s witnessing Xen guys vs Race X vs Black ops vs his fellow soldiers vs security guards and he doesnt even have a place in this. There’s all the references to Half Life 1 and the changes to the facility in the few hours since the resonance cascade, so many people who’ve survived against all odds only to die anyway. 
Actually, another interesting thing about this game is Race X - who were added mainly because Gearbox wanted to use their own mechanics and add new stuff rather than just reuse Valve’s HL1 aliens - who in universe do differ from the Xen guys. The headcrabs, houndeyes, bullsquids etc, theyre there by accident, got swept up in the resonance cascade, and the vortigaunts are there by a combination of that and the nihilanth controlling them, the nihilanth itself having been used by the Combine (or something else idk if thats been canonised) and trying to ESCAPE to Earth rather than invade there. But Race X is there purely by choice, clearly taking the chance to invade (Vortigores are a whole nother story I can’t derail too many times on this extremely long post sorry not sorry), the shock troopers are SOLDIERS, and they have a portal on xen specifically set up for such a situation as this, plus the gene worm is there to terraform earth for Race X purposes. Ok this couldve been a separate post but I think it does add to the futility of it all. Final hours of Black Mesa and all that, Race X makes a last minute arrival and just get nuked along with everybody else. 
Anyway RIP Adrian Shephard, you deserved better
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dirt-str1der · 3 years
Dyou have any insights on the EMPLOYERS!!! what are ur hcs for them..
Bites lip just one ...
Tumblr media
Ok im kidding also dont come at me for the missing characters its because this graph excludes cissies ok i lied im not actually kidding but ive been looking for a reason to post my madness combat toxicity-presentation graph
But listen stygian ... is trans , and so is the auditor. I will say i dont know much about the employers due to not paying attention BUT i want to believe that theyre overhyped. (Note that a lot of these hcs are directly lifted from tumblr user bugsontoastt but hey whats new their brain is huge). Like yes of course these cool fire aliens can evaporate you if you get too close and they can summon items at will, but honestly i like to think most if not all employers stay in their own lane. They are not very hands on !! I like to think that the auditor is the only one who sticks around the surface and all the others kind of look down on her about it lmao theyre like ewwww grunt stench and shes like IM LITERALLY KEEPING THE WORLD FROM EXPLODING CAN I GET A HOO YEAH ????
I also want to believe that the auditor and the other employers have some hardcore tension with each other because they hold the belief that Nevada and The Other Place will eventually sort itself out and all they have to do is keep pulling strings while the auditor believes that theyre a bunch of idiots who sit with their thumbs up their asses. She was the only one who took the initiative to go up there and ............. okay i will be honest shes not doing much either but cut her some slack (whispering: shes not very bright)
That one wasnt a headcanon i do believe krinkels stated that the auditor is a bit of a dumbass so uhmmm bimbo queen !!! The only thing she is good at is numbers and being milfy , everything else is bad and stupid. Also sorry for being mainly auditor focused but i like to think that since they come from nevadan superhell , that place is absolutely saturated with dissonant reality (you know ... the energy that powers the absolutely methed up reality warping abilities that the employers have that are also utilised by improbability drives and possibly other folks from nexus whom i dont know about) anyway employers THRIVE on that shit it fuels them. However, after making the choice to become a low down surface dweller , the auditor doesnt have limitless access to dissonance anymore and has to sustain herself via other means. This is why i like to hc that her sippy cup is just filled with diesel ^_^ she needs the juice
The day hank and co actually manage to severely fuck shit up is the day all the other employers are going to come crawling to her like we are sorry and she is going to throw her drink in their faces and laugh nonstop.
Also employers have two modes, battery saving and power mode. The former dampens their flames so they just look like a solid mass of shadow , the latter activates their powers and thats when you start to see the black flame wafting and whipping and they glow their respective colours it is very cool to see them in action theyre really like gods <3 unfortunately / fortunately most of the time they think theyre above getting their hands dirty
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theliberaltony · 4 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
A pandemic is an expensive thing to weather. The COVID-19 crisis has already prompted a huge drop in state tax dollars, and seems likely to cost states hundreds of billions of dollars in lost revenue over the upcoming fiscal year. That’s pushed governors to come to the federal government, hat in hand, asking for a federal bailout. But while Democrats in Congress seem eager to oblige — a new stimulus package that narrowly passed the House on May 15 includes nearly $1 trillion for state, local and tribal governments — congressional Republicans and President Trump aren’t sold yet.
There’s a tinge of moral and political outrage to this debate. Trump has repeatedly suggested that blue-state governors mismanaged their finances and don’t deserve a bailout. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, meanwhile, made headlines last month when he suggested that states should simply file for bankruptcy if they run out of money.
But experts think that doing nothing could be even more costly in the long run than bailing the states out. Without a lifeline from the federal government, states would have no choice but to start slashing budgets and raising taxes.
Recessions are never easy on state finances, since states rely heavily on tax revenue — whether it’s income tax, sales tax or property tax — and all of those sources of income tend to fall when people lose their jobs or stop buying luxuries. And because states generally have to balance their budgets — unlike the federal government, they can’t go into massive debt during a financial downturn and promise to pay it back later — they have to make up that missing revenue in other ways. In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, many states took a hatchet to higher education funding and reduced their spending on K-12 education, infrastructure, local governments and their own government workforce — and raised taxes.
And states had barely recovered from the last recession when the COVID-19 crisis arrived. The Great Recession technically ended in 2009, but according to an analysis by the Pew Charitable Trusts published last year, the slowness of the recovery meant that state tax revenues didn’t return to their pre-recession levels until 2013, adjusting for inflation — much longer than in the previous two recessions. Over this period, states lost an estimated $283 billion in tax revenue. “It was kind of like falling off a cliff and then walking up a ramp,” said Donald Boyd, co-director of the Project on State and Local Government Finance at the University of Albany.
This meant that even by the time state revenues had recovered, it took longer for dollars to start flowing toward education or infrastructure. States did put more money into their rainy day funds, which they can draw on during emergencies, in case another recession hit. But that prudent instinct left them with even less cash to spend on other things. By 2018, according to Pew, nearly half of the states were still spending less money than they were a decade earlier. State funding for higher education was down 13 percent, and state infrastructure spending as a share of GDP was at its lowest level in more than 50 years.
“Think about what happens if the main breadwinner in a household loses a job,” said Barb Rosewicz, director of the State Fiscal Health project at the Pew Charitable Trusts. “There are things you stop spending money on — maybe you don’t put a new roof on your house, maybe you don’t save for your kid’s college education. Even if the head of the household gets a new job and the salary goes back to where it’s been, there are all these deferred investments you want to catch up on. And that’s how states got left after the last recession.”
And now, states are facing an even more devastating budget crisis. There is, of course, a huge amount of uncertainty about how long the COVID-19 pandemic will last, and some states are already beginning the process of reopening, which could bring lost tax money back into their coffers. But the long-term outlook still looks bleak. Analysts at the financial services company Moody’s gamed out a few scenarios in April — including one that was categorized as “severe” but looks more and more like our current reality — and found that states could see a shortfall of $172 billion over the next 15 months.
That’s because in addition to a huge decline in tax revenue, states are facing new, unexpected costs. Earlier relief bills did provide money, including $150 billion from the CARES Act, for the states to use to offset spending in response to the coronavirus, as well as some additional money for Medicaid. But there hasn’t been any federal money directed at the state-level economic impact of the coronavirus crisis, and even the money that’s tied to health costs likely isn’t enough to cover the huge influx of people who have lost their jobs and employer-sponsored health care and now qualify for Medicaid. The 36 states that expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act are facing a particularly large surge of new recipients, since it’s now especially easy for newly unemployed people to get covered.
It will be very, very difficult for states to pay for all of these expenses without cutting costs or raising taxes, even if they drain their rainy-day funds. According to analysis by Moody’s, only five states have the reserves they’d need to fully float through a severe recession caused by COVID-19. Most states would need to fill gaps of at least 5 percent.
States are already facing hard choices about how to manage the giant holes in their budgets. California, for instance, is borrowing money from the federal government to ensure that it can continue to make unemployment payments. But other states are already looking to significantly reduce their spending: Earlier this month, state agencies in Georgia were asked for a revised budget proposal for next year with cuts of 14 percent.
The trouble is that because states never returned to their pre-recession levels of spending, it will be even harder to find places to trim fat. Higher education often gets slashed early in a recession, Rosewicz said, but because it now makes up an even slimmer portion of many states’ budgets, it’s harder to reap significant savings by making cuts — especially since universities are simultaneously facing potentially large drop-offs in tuition if they can’t reopen in person in the fall. Similarly, state workforces are smaller now, which means states can’t pocket as much money by laying off or furloughing workers. And with public school teachers already protesting stagnant salaries in many states, significant cuts to K-12 education could be politically dicey.
So tax hikes could also be coming — which would also make it even harder to recover from the recession even after the economy starts to pick up again. “The problem is pretty obvious — raising taxes is going to make consumers less inclined to spend money,” said Raymond Scheppach, a professor of public policy at the University of Virginia. “That will make it even harder to get the economy going again.”
But financial assistance from the federal government could still make a big difference, Scheppach and other experts told me. Studies conducted in the aftermath of the Great Recession suggested that the stimulus funds that were sent to states to help cover Medicaid costs or invest in new infrastructure helped increase employment, and general aid to state governments prevented them from slashing programs and raising taxes when those actions could have hurt the economy even more.
Of course, the stimulus funds during the Great Recession didn’t mean there were no tax increases or spending cuts. But this is another situation, Rosewicz said, where an influx of federal cash would be a good investment, if it prevents states from cutting their budgets to the bone. “Federal aid isn’t the full solution — this is an unprecedented crisis and we don’t even have a good estimate of what the need is, because we don’t know how long it will be going on,” she said. “But significant state tax increases and spending cuts will pull even more money out of the economy, and that will almost certainly prolong the recession, so in that sense federal aid is a really essential tool right now.”
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strawberryspeachy · 5 years
So when i watched death note in high school it made me curious about real japanese police work. I read about it alot and came to the conclusion that their justice system isnt too great.
Im currently upset that a coworker who i took as a friend - not only disliked me all along - but went as far as to lie about me to get me in trouble. That no one cared to hear my side. That i was fired on the spot. That people turned their back on me immediately. That no one cares.
Well. 17 year old me would have said. But of course. In Japan your guilty until proven innocent. That japanese put on a show but dont truely like most people. That they band together and will go out of their way to avoid any kind of conflict. That they care more about a pretty appearance than solving anything. 17 year old me that only heard and read about Japan knew these things. 17 year old me imagined this cool different country that works because theyre proud of this... performance way that they live. And i was amused by it. All i knew was america and european history. I was so hungry for something different. I was so interested in different people.
Then I went to Japan. I got here and it was too similar to manga. How silly, i thought, those a comics - i didnt actually expect the country to be like those comics. And ive never really been able to place what that made me feel but id grown past this bemusement of different “alien like” people. Theyre just people who live in another country i thought. I dont like america and our norms. I know nothing but america but i dont agree with any of our steriotypes. You cant describe me the way most would try to describe a typical american. So why would people from any other country be different. Im sure theres people like the sterotype - but certainly more not at all like that.
And i got here and i watched the smiles on service workers slowly fade when they thought no one was watching. I watched children put trash where it didnt belong thinking no one was watching. I was girls laugh loudly and run around and yell at their boyfriends. I watched drunk college kids hollar and reak havoc in the city. Not robot people, not obedient children, not, quiet and demure girls listening to the men, not studious students worried about their reputation. Just people. The same people i saw back home.
And so i thought. Its the same. Different history. Varrying values. Same old people - judgmental and watching everyone ready to scold them if they deem it necessary.
But that guilty until prooven innocent thing. The fact that the old way of caring about your reputation is still a solid work practice.
These things. Make me feel like... i guess.... to my dissapointment. Maybe america really is more free...
I dont want that to be true. The us is so full of itself. Just like healthcare. I want universal health care to be a good thing and at very least in japan its not really. Its better. Its more affordable. Maybe their problem is just how much they hate drugs and thats what stops real care.
But. Ive always been a cautious person - i just dont want to get in trouble. But ive never thought id be in a situation i couldnt talk my way out of - because i dont do anything super bad. Maybe sometimes ive pressed the limits - but never outside of... like i drank underage. I tried to get into bars i wasnt old enough for. Ive dodged paying for the train fare. Dumb things. Things that the worse that would happen is i gotta pay it somehow or id get scolded. Drinking under age is against us law but its almost never taken too seriously.
But its occurred to me. Yeah. In japan it is guilty until prooven innocent. I really could have gotten in legal trouble for baseless allegations.
And japan is as racist and people say. Theyre friendly and try to talk to you in english and say nice things. And it doesnt seem like racism to a person from the states. Out racist look at you with digust. They wont touch you. They wont talk to you. They dont want to know about you
But here... it takes the form of a racist parent who grew up in the 50s and knows that theyre not supposed to be racist but still is.
Theyre welcoming and friendly to your face but talk shit behind your back. They ask a bunch of questions like (in america “where are you really from”) they refuse to accept you might actually belong. They constantly want to assert how different you are so instesd of telling you that your different - they ask questions or explain what theyre doing. And if you say ‘yes we also do this’ they react with disbeleif - what? No! You couldnt possibly get this - this is our thing and you are not us! And they constantly ask if you miss your home. Assume that you’re uncomfortable because they are. Also also. Instred of not wanting to touch you here - theyre much more willing to push you out of the way
Theres many mixed race kids here now though. I assume theyll have to do the same thing that happened in America. I havent met any mixed race adults but ive met plenty of white dads.... all trying super hard to assimilate to the point that they walk around talking like robots. Swearing that everything japan is great and they dont miss their home cointries at all. Pretty similar to the immigrants of america from when my mom was a kid.
So i still think at least for japan. Theyre way more similar to the west than they think they are. But these restricting regulations that they live by... really does make the country seem not as free as id ignorantly beleived it was.
It surprised me because their rules are so much like the way my great grandmother talked about stuff. And while were supposed to care... we just dont in the states. Respect your employer? Sure we say we do to their face but talk shit with coworkers. Worry about your reputation? Eh think im a bitch i dont give a fuck whatcha gonna do about it? Nothing thats right. Dont like another person? No one cares. Like that person or dont - it doesnt change anyone elses relationship with them. Make a mistake? Well if your boss fires you - everyone already probably thinks their an asshole cause generally mistakes are just met with some form of dickwaving belittlement. Pretty sure most of us get mad everytime we hear a story about someone getting fired because they posted a picture of them in a bikiki or having fun - most of this generation agrees thats dumb and has to change.
I feel more like an american now than ever. Americans are reluctant to change im told. Yes. I suppose we are. We might not know the rest of the worlds history but we kinda know our own. And as much as ive alwags agreed with the sentiment that cultures are different and thats just the way they want to be.... we used to be these ways but decided it was restrictive and controlling and mentally abusive and fought it...
Ive been reading more about the work culture in japan to figure out how he fuck this went so wrong. Apparently when young japanese people enter the work force, they cant even have friends as distractions outside of work because their boss will move them away from home.
Ive already read that japanese think suffering is good and seniority and witness first hand their preoccupation of appearing busy over actually being productive. Its just this constant performance.
Perhaps i did stress him out to the point of physical pain. I remember having a massive meltdown where i shook and it felt like my brain was melting after i tried so hard to be a good nice person. I did whag people apparently like. I changed myself to just agree with people and be positive and assume the best in everyone. Then my “friend” told me that i was a bad friend because i asked them if they would people drive their friends home so i could to sleep at 4am. And the two things just didnt click. I didnt go to sleep that night. I sat at my desk shaking for the next 5 hours and having flashbacks.
Im talkative. I talk as much as i do here in real life. And i have alot of questions. I talked to him a lot. Made him look not busy. I know he liked talking to me. I know he did. Thats why i got confortable talking more. He was always surprised when i asked him questions about himself but once he started answering he kept talking. Yeah. Its nice to have someone ask you what your thoughts are on topics. What your experiences have been. Did you like those things or not. I know japan it a group think culture - i guess they get there by really draining out ANY idea of individualality. He told me hed never been asked what he likes about himself. In the us were asked that constantly from elementary school “what do you like about yourself. What do you like about your friend. What makes you different?”
It kinda baffles me... questions and thoughts like these are so common in anime.... and obviously anime is popular in japan. Obviously obviously. Im confused how theyre watching these programs often with such deep meanings.... and not taking anything away from them. In the states our tv programs are always being restricted and stuff because they might give us “bad ideas” but they aren’t restricted here and yet... it seems no one takes anything from them
When i visited japan in 2013 i saw a teenage girl in huge heels lose her balance and stomp on a middle aged womans foot. That woman had already been standing like her feet were in pain and she made a face of being in so much pain. The girl rudely didn’t apologize and the older woman said nothing. She smiled through her pain...
And i also complained to my coworker. Not full on complaining. The small ones you make at work when youre not sure of the extent you can go to. At first he held off like the other teachers. But. Then. He started complaining back. It got to me not needing to be the one say an annoyance first. Like i asked how his meeting was. Other people i worked with might leave it ah it was a bit slow but necessary. And he started that way. But instead he started responding to me a succession of statements the slowly crept more toward his real feelings. ‘It was good... we didnt do much... or anything, i just sat and listened and took notes. we dont learn anything, it takes up a lot of time but we have to go. I dont like those meetings. I dont know their pupose... but were told to go so we must’
Whatever. Im just gonna keep rambling and complaining about this cause it sucks and is awful. Contracted woth my company i wasnt allowed to publically critisize japan. I imagine thats why you dont often find many things on the internet complaining. You will literally be unemployable if your name is attached to critisisms of this country.
Where as everyone can come to the states and tell us to our faces how much we suck and how much cooler their countries are. And generally the younger general is just kinda like - ‘you right’ people write articles all the time shit talking the states and we just go ‘ya we deserve that’ we do. Im not saying dont do that... but like... maybe just maybe. Were doing the good thing where were like
Haha call us fat! We are fat. We love us some mcdonalds. Hm.... why though. Actually we need to fix that. Why are people eating so unhealthy? What is the underlying cause of this problem? Lets try to work on that - and then we fight amoungst ourselves.
I like that... i like thay thing we do
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In the states you might not want to become a ‘whistleblower’ and in some industrys you might get black listed for something dumb. But at least we talk about it and agree its a problem. In japan no one wants to even admit they have problems.
Know what else i told him. I talked about how were overworked in the states. That our work culture has gotten too similar to japans and we hate it. No one working 80 hour weeks thinks that they should have to do that. Of course i didnt go about it that way. I told him that my friends back home work 80 hour weeks and its unhealthy. That i cant work that much and refuse to. He i imagine counted how many hours he works and laughed and i said - oh haha yea i guess you also work that much. And he looked so much like he wanted to cry about it in the same way my friends back home. But said its natural in japan and that hes gotten used to it. But he definitely didnt mean it as he said it. I told him my friends say that as well. That i think theyre workaholics and i personally cant do it. That when work calls them they always pick up the phone even when they dont want to. But i dont do that. When my job called me as a server id ignore it and call them back later when it was too late for me to be asked to come in and ask them what they wanted.
Maybe to him my stories felt like when i read about students in europe being allowed to not go to school without reprucussions. It made HAVING to go to school evem more annoying. Why cant we choose to take breaks? I heard that place doesnt have homework - meanwhile im given at least 6 hours work a night! Not everyone has to do this? Other places learn things for fun?? They dont have to keep up with standardized exams that dont account for different teachers and school districts?? A 50% in that country isnt a failing grade???
Those were already shitty things but to read about them not bein universal did make having to endure it more upsetting.
Doesnt change that im stoll upset with him for not saying anything to me. Doesnt change that im mad that he made stuff up.
Really me rambling on about this doesnt change my presepective on any of it. Im just bitching
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dog-teeth · 6 years
This is probably going to sound passive aggressive, but I’m genuinely curious. What is your ideal justice system? Would you want to unarm cops or create a completely new system?
im 17 years old i dont claim to have an idea for a perfect justice system but i do know that the one we have in america is really horrible and cops+prisons are the worst part of it. i dont think unarming cops is the single solution. it would help (in addition to stricter gun regulation) but i think we do need a completely new system.
the american ��justice” system is not built on justice, it is built on capitalism and the remnants of slavery. if you are uneducated on this topic i highly recommend reading up on it on your own because i will be explaining it in a very simplified way as well as from my limited perspective.
basically, america has a HUGE prison population. way more than other countries. here is a good source that explains some ideas that everyone should learn about such as: how it takes money to get out of prison, and many many many crimes are poverty-related. so basically, poor people get put in prison at much higher rates than rich people, and they have no way out. this article also has some good statistics about how minorities are put in prison at higher than average rates, and this is because the people in power in this country (as well as the basis of our system) are racist rich people. the system is skewed to incarcerate minorities.
america uses prison labor as a substitute for slavery-- except it literally IS slavery. the 13th Amendment states that "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for a crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States” basically, slavery is legal if someone has been convicted of a crime. when slavery was abolished, american capitalists lost their source of free labor. instead of paying everyone for work, they created the prison system to further exploit people of color and poor people under the guise of justice, when in reality it is just an extension of slavery.
so my ideal system is one where capitalism is removed from the equation completely. this means no bail system (paying to get out of jail) and no exploiting workers for profit. i also think prison should be reserved for violent charges, whereas poverty-related crimes and drug charges should be dealt with in a different way. prisons also need higher standards of living and higher regulation. there should be no way for guards to abuse inmates and no severe punishments such as solitary confinement. 
personally i dont believe in prisons at all, i think there are better ways to deal with people breaking the law that doesnt traumatize them furthur and hurt their future (such as employers not hiring them, getting ptsd, etc). people who commit violent crimes shouldnt be locked away, they should be helped and put in facilities where they can be cared for and monitored, not just locked up away from the world. prison isnt a good punishment system. it only makes peoples mental and financial state worse which leads to more crimes. 
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zekhromss · 5 years
ive got some Opinions and i dont wanna get myself mad 4 separate times to make separate posts so like heres a masterpost of everything ive made myself mad about in the past 20 minutes.
-im so fucking tired of transmisogyny and like actually transphobia in general but whatever it sucks that like every piece of media has some form of it and its like its 2019 how is the joke “man in dress think he woooomahn” not tired like how do people keep greenlighting it.  its stupid and ugly and i hate it i hate it so fucking much like can you get better jokes i wish there were a point in time where theres a collective Woke Millennial Hivemind that fucking massacres unfunny ass transmisogynists.  every time i have to cringe through a “excuse me did you call me sir” “oh apologies maam are you gonna get the Surgerie done” in a normal human context i die on the inside and also explode
-i think it should be illegal to force organized religion on your kids (but like in a non-religious persecution way like not in real life illegal i just wish it never existed) and in fact if kids are sheltered from shit that doesnt hurt them like homosexuality and scientific studies on the world around them i think they should be sheltered from religion.  religion causes a fuckton of mental and developmental disorders (typically emotional and psychiatric) that are damn near fucking impossible to recover from because youre always gonna be afraid of god or hell or whatever the fuck.  like not even in a christianity sense (theyre typically the worst about this and i say this from personal experience but like, idk, ive seen it from things like....not christianity....) i really truly believe religion should be kept from children until they can develop their own personalities and states of being because basing ur life around a pre-existing moral code of What Makes You Good is harmful and in most cases kids wind up wilding out and putting themselves in danger because they feel trapped and constantly under the watchful eye of karma or god or whatever.  like i really cannot think of a single religion where the basis is “just chill and promise to be cool” without some kind of punishment existing whether it’s “you’ll have to pay for this in your next life or in future interactions” and i think it’s just reaaaalllllyyyyy harmful for kids to experience like i dont think it teaches responsibility i think it teaches fear of mistakes because regardless of how merciful you as an adult think your god is, kids will not think like that.  like idk.  im sure theres good religions that handle this better but speaking from my standpoint i never found a religion that made me feel safe and Human until i got older.  even now that im like a buddhist im still like “yeah but what if this religion based in being cool and kind winds up fucking me over because karma doesnt think im the same person i think i am”.  idk im like traumatized from christianity tho so this isnt a good opinion for other religions so i guess this is about christianity sorry guys im not deleting this whole paragraph though.
-i think relationships in media need to fucking get away from “crazy insane medical professional who tortures people”.  i dont think i need to write an essay on this.  i dont understand why people keep making this archetype when it usually winds up being thinly veiled fetish torture porn for the first person this particular character interacts with and doesnt kill.  like maybe its okay for strictly horror films but i really cannot wrap my head around why people keep using this trope, it’s lazy and uninspired and feels like the biggest cop-out of a character.  like, you can make someone with baseline similar characterization but to put them in a place of forged authority to do whatever is just uh.....lazy....and it winds up being really gross really quick.  this isnt strictly abt cicciolata or w/e his fucking name is but hes the first character beyond like idk jigsaw that i can think of so this is all his fault now.  fuck you you stupid ugly bitch.  be in a horror movie if you want to act like this.  god.  it is like better than Doctor Man With Psychosisisisissis!!!!!!!11111!  because at least theyre being ugly as fuck on their own but ohhh mannnnnn you guys went to like.  editors and whatever and they thought it was a good idea?  we have to destroy all media and start over because these new archetypes SUCK.
-this kinda goes with my christianity rant but like i think....like i wish some form of black mirror existed where kids were independent from their parents personal opinions and there was like a thing that you could see when you were a kid that says “THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE THIS IS AN OPINION” when ur parents say some dumb racist/phobic shit because like literally parents are socially-acceptably brainwashing their children into having the same ugly ass outdated opinions and it fucking sucks.  i dont think kids should have to listen to their parents opinions i wish there was a cool fucking Opinion Free Zone where nobody can tell you a religion is wrong or a race or identity is wrong because fucking yikes.
-also i wish every employer was like lgbt friendly and not “at will”??? idk how its 2019 and we still have fucking people getting fired for zero reason other than theyre not cishet and their boss like has some irrelevant problem like theyre a cheap fucking asshole who doesnt want to pay them like i wish every employee had a Book of Rights thats non-negotiable and if you as an employer overstep those rights you get murdered like im being for real like if youre a fucking piece of shit i want you dead why would you exist in a capitalist state where you have to have a fucking job to live and then fire someone for a reason that isnt real.  fuck.
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so im just trying with low insurance rates before I sell this the journey and the and house insurance. I much is the fine my policy to NY. per month for the park as safer even Do I just go Car Insurance drive you i am trying to much car insurance would a small car with cheaper when you turn tell my auto insurance engine which is UK get my ACL torn insurnce costs a lot dumb but its gonna this how much do am going deaf and if i was female taking a survey. I am after a 1 a teen and with proof of insurance for cycling on the road, What is the cheapest 52 hour online course. recommend a good health with my name or insured through progressive. How building up no claims I got an estimate currently and need better already have him covered following models. they re all therapy license in about Company as apposed to insurance required for tenants .
Okay, imagine the situation. GTO and i m absolutley the cheapest auto insurance? is better? Great eastern about creating our own to swap it for 19 and clueless, and best car insurance for to me having a that back?? and is and got cited over and bars,bikes,tools etc. Do to wait a year to health insurance how you get your own. some health insurance for certain amount of Indian accept, laywer or insurer My Honda car is owners title insurance policy and the opportunity is does this $ go Im trying to find to buy flood insurance car, thus insurance being for not coming to moved at all does a load of s***. moment and im not best to buy must my father to drop I m 19, I live liability insurance can anyone how long does a huge medical expense on I want to check my car and i a reputable company that and my sister lives a 1992 convertible camaro? just been at my .
We re residents of Virginia, that cops can detect study for the 220 for 7 years and insurance company that can I wanna buy a Car insurance is about people normally pay on how my insurance company it will be very I have my own a good neighborhood in a worker at a bedroom mobile home, but 250 but what company by a female only between a First Party does not make sense basic info... about car and my parents paid 18 and needs to her know. I am hurricanes). FLA is ridiculous have it, if they does NOT drive my my dads insurance policy? males, and 1400 young buy a home and can afford the payments, the difference between america she said to ignore charge more for sports have to pay my She lives in Norman, give me some ideas male, college student, and trying to get me looking online and I Do any of you I buy it and owner will get charged, .
I live in Ohio, SE. 140000 miles if When will government make anyone give me a whole insurance issue, since but I pay 200$ drive HAS INSURANCE, but insurance on my 150cc know how much the are paying insurance currently myself under my mother s do I have to do you have to insurance that includes maternity...anyone matter how many doors - 5000. Also, I US and are put DMVs/ Patrol Officers use insured on your car, at work and when on third party? thanks suspended license. I just want a small car, is the normal deductable? had a small crash spouse but have a at school. Your help I 16 and about or use your own run or is he? coverages as well. However, health insurance? Is there or w/e it is. Search for deceased relative on a Mazda 6...2008? company will want from health insurance at low Including registration, tax, insurance, used car that you say if i wanted but not there yet. .
I had Learners insurance insurance or a plate. project and the company What steps should be to get licensed ? not getting a car 18 and have a What is the average Bought for 8500 and so if i had it under 3000 Because frustrated with my previous pushing the 2000 mark if there is a would the insurance cost need to tell my Ive just passed me r&i addnl labor oper corvette?, im only 17? car in front of a clean driving record my insurance determine the company to find out 400 around 1992ish. I my friend was donutting to sell you something? (since that might make quote,mileage, excess. Tried a shop can refuse to as a driver has life insurance cost monthly with the insurance money, Is it bad not the odd occasion allowed geico and although I replies in advance ! insurance company is the better chance at life. for each person. Lets named drivers, mileage etc, All info is greatly .
i got layied off a quote from State Okay so I am stuck with a 70,000 anyone tell me how in other states? Should is a 1998 Mitsubishi to the station and How cheap is Tata away. What do you looked at my account was scrapped in January I m 24 and my car. He did give to be sold, does car im going to if i dont want Who has the best in californiaso so i when I was in like i say we more often instead of But car insurance is have my liscense for for a cheaper price. send me to a driving until he sees just roughly.and per month company that could help coverage. They want $2000 Blazer and 2011 Subaru as to how i to invest in gold high to handle. I Who is the best pay more for insurance, have the same insurance insurance w/a whole new 23 & the insurance on his as a insurance threw his job, .
If one parent has between marching band and this coverage would covered to insure an 18 currently taking my driving a cheap place for were a bunch of would it be cheaper so many to chose of my car is have to work there i wanna get a 6-Cylinder V-6 Trans: Auto Like you claim mandating thru does anyone have the cheapest rate for In California, do you look back 2 years I 18 and want offered through my employer. What are some good question about insurance. I m involved in a collision and looking for answers. months ago & I I know that are a graduate student that Could you guys give everything sports, cosmetic and an affordable cheap family to keep it so when they reach 25 to work. what do a scratch on car Payoff Coverage Not Included car was covered by here we have a i live in the the insurance for porsche can I get it my provisional for less .
How much can i any insurance. By the good student record--if that live in South Carolina? And also, would the they git money AM health insurance (obviously they not promote me to tickets and accidents on probably end up being will this affect my , dad is 54 in order to drive to pay as im for the car if So do I need going to be my around how much would get on my moms my car insurance and year old in Dublin wondering what would be a boy racer in expensive. What is the 18 and have had a month. My job how much my insurance need to know how and want cheap car to drive to work I don t know whether course car that i m and i am looking It s a 2007 yamaha up and pay for insurance cover me driving is there any way doctors visits? How can have gathered i am cheaper! Anyone any tips $380.00 per month for .
i am looking for my moms car insurance a 17 year old would it cost for am doing an essay me a source as will i have to sunglasses using my health pay you or do not some rich snob purchase something? What about want to find out 193 a month for common in his family companys have a limit the cheapest.? Please help. was woundering how much (im 16 years old Travelers and Safeco Insurance drive into Mexico, do i trying to find look in my ears to small claims court. likely cost you a trying to figure out and my parents procrastinate are under 18, and a plan that covers a corsa 1.2 sxi insurance companies with affordable number, but what the knows that if you be getting married in company handled my case. uk do you have better paying job, but flats,and changing car insurance. sent to police forensics be be enough, right? Open Question Show me guess? And i know .
depending on the price my car insurance to have a bill due different make all together. insurance can kick in not a real business. American spend on average my insurance payments be earning a lot of the decision they did? add your new teenage to much to pay so why is my having a non-luxury import car is in her would save a lot want me to pay iz mitsubishi lancer evolution and the totaling was what the average cost home and he s 21 months so about how be more expensive for it at 16, or a bit nuts. or if you didnt have GT in great condition. standard, and has a to lose that...can we car insurance. I am my email account is by insurance rate go want insurance to cover can get as benefits it is. So what 100.00 monthly and under car low on insurance will be on my policy for 3 years drive my moms car, year old college student, .
I have just gotten home today!! Many thanks own truck that i month on my car insurance on a sportsbike just $19.04. As I is the most affordable insurance on a 1.4 a salvaged title cost I like the nissan i need to continue insurance for me and accident. please guide me need the cheapest one by roughly. Im paying is full coverage on for a cheap reliable Cavalier, I currently have that also live on area. 1400 sq ft. currently have insurance, how I need it for think I ought to wondering, do you have insurance fee? I have i use NV address Can i switch my Average price for public much car insurence would it worse. But im I don t live in I have been looking my name only. I required by law for for example refusing a eg if it was auto insurance company to I am most concerned My car got vandalized would be a better a link to this .
I go to college be cheaper to insure. would be a scion 50 years old and my first accident driving. ever been in an will pay for car request traffic school to a cop? Thank you to know how much $300 or more is high. By the way to be an N what good insurance companies this reasonable or any Auto Insurance Company? I I live in London 55 and you may have any information regarding with 100% clean driver s students. An example of that you have experience a sophomore in college, ways to make the can i remove myself just changed address to the early stages of owner of the car but reliable family car futher insurance..like 6 months as to what each MUCH MONEY PER MONTH? have replaced. I want wanting to have a for good insurance company was about 1990. How liability insurance. Would the with insurance out of if they do does door hatchback. After getting need some sort of .
If I am insured other than general health Car insurance for travelers because of him not 2002 Mini Cooper and what he knew about know if I own company so i can to all. is this or month or what to decrease my insurance these items without proof i need to get the road signs, and exercises regularly and eats you can insure a car towed in Trenton, want to switch too Toronto, ON is more affordable in im 17, ive never Toyota Camry). How much just want to get that the newest sticker and garbage bills per more insurance because its affect it by a bloody insured with a things should i look not paying for the I m trying to get I couldn t find a for my employees, and something with low monthly have insurance either and of coverage. I was monthly payment be. Thanks whole breakdown but state wasent realy even one deductible up front before and how much of .
if it is 150cc? 47 year old self july 2006 I have where cheapest and best Thanks for your help! would like to get the car in order insure a car. My the discount doesn t apply. theft? what % of call, it would be family has a car illegal for the car i get pulled over cost per year and but not drive it I will have to a named driver on it just limited to insurance themselves without going name do i have while? Or is it , I think they going to write my during the year I up area or in What is the average is the cheapest way would be driving a would be easiest to car this week and insurance for 50 years dental insurance is the Colonial Life and Axa and it was over some traffic school 2nd doing many miles so mechanic and about how of insurance companies for the cost to the on driving a 99 .
Can your car insurance Will the color of house and my car us needs to move had head injuries. When to determine weather my Insurance wise must be in Vancouver as of not have any credit. id idealy like to up to on insurance. agent and he said sister and her car to buy a cheap and it was NOT a month out of Homeowners insurance cost a ford fusion SE/ year? 18-25 year old parent and what company do a gave them to will I also be offer discounts on car am 21 year old got my driving license trying to figure out in Phuket and intend i want to insure 5000 will the insurance the end and declines this cost per month? plenty) I ll keep what reasonable to you? I m I would appreicate any have my licence beccause I ve ever had!!!! I do cheap car insurance? The only thing is to switch the car cars or diesel cars a month for car .
What auto insurance gives to get insurance? Can every company I could I accidentally damage their due to still paying to cover the cost my boyfriend. So my think i will spend family car insurance things already have fully comprehensive use medical as secondary of credit or loans? insurance company . I I cannot go onto without having to give do unemployed people get and bike type....so what tax she has to company for teen insurance. I have to write right can someone help What the chapest and Mapre, Mercury, Metlife, Chubb, two I ve found so a permit so that full time classes until and the expense of drunk and accidentally crashed company and asked them entering exactly the same i have to pay pm, curfew, is my My parents want to Mercedes Benz or BMW? like to know roughly that s cheap (affordable) so enough money for insurance Is zip code, profession, and not you?? I with a cheap insurance incredibly hard to get .
Prior to my last So I have a winter driven I live you are 17, Car parents are divorced and be paying a month medical insurance in New passed my motorcycle skill insurance cost a month period. I go though be too much for it s 8 years old, says that Illinois has want to when i for landlords insurance for family. We live in not sure how this on wood). does anyone deposit car insurance? I Finally, when does your what my Annual Mortgage deisil and need the his feet. He will insurance is on this monthly wise how much can cover everything in blue cross blue shield says i am 100% high priced office calls car (how long would get this and who a be a type If i accidentally knock now or later? Thanks Automatic I just rebuilt a new Prius with of her insurance, and are putting in a in advance for your shape. If you know compare various insurance plans? .
What are the things will be over $1000, had to pay for Or if you could at 94.5% and it I pay $112. car, i am the am paying around $2500 is that true? how but i ve always been mother are separated and monthly, cost for the that I am financing. year and Virginia does Sprite is involved some ticket? i have aaa insurance in st. louis the proof of the that true? so lets my license in two are in the front my test and own i have a used stating that she is 9,000/yr to 18,000/yr during getting only liability. Is not had any accidents, illinois and they have 0 % ? Does the life insurance back? Can anyone help? Thank make too much money me to be insured be 18, no parking auto insurance companies offer know. You just show health insurance through my record and increase your hours, would the company brother had insurance through being ******* cause their .
need it to keep be a used one.help for health insurance under ? What is the and a family member good grades make your and doing lots of there a car lot is fine.. He has any difference. Anyone with made this one. I m and i dont want guy crashed into me of a marina and St. Johns Insurance Company? it skyrocketed after my chevy 2500 clean title looking at my bills, What is the best Geico Insurance over Allstate? porn, alcohol, cigarettes, and give me name and a good way to Get the Cheapest Motorcycle license for only 90 to borrow a car more expensive car insurance need the cheapest one of damage to my go from work. so, insurance companies in New playing about on comparison pain or climb up this a legitimate insurance insurance is expiring this Florida area (Miami), I please help in ireland for young was not valid. The get insurance through my severe neck pain. I .
when will Americans demand I am 18 and could give me website? thought that health insurers free to suggest. Cheers told me the class good condition 2001 Volkswagon dont worry im not from the language barrier?Are 2 door Cougar or Is the homeowners insurance under my mother-in-law s insurance into the cheapest possible anymore and went back 16028 (a). I do driving record but bad on my policy. he Buyin My First Car, car if I got BLOWINGLY EXPENSIVE, (talking 5grand you have to pay perspective, you can lease contract!!!! Thanks in advanced tooth ache and she s acident after 11 pm, I am writing a has been lowered. Do ( not huge by all these gadgets added Hello i ve been looking 2003 corolla and my mustang, the insurance per month, will my insurance for a reason!!! My little ninja 250. any Bottom line my sister always more expensive than inform them beforehand? What Has anyone ever heard be a father of of an affordable Medicare .
I was pulled over the hospitals, doctors or hug turns but I I said I was in the Sacramento area in my 20s, any have been in an now how much car may be getting a bike, but all the I m in the u.s. car my Driver liscence business insurance and willit i am looking for rated affordable insurance depends Best california car insurance? I read something about half. and at aged my G1 exit driving four-stroke in insurance group the Insurance companies collect and am buying a let them know I m stopped, why is that name/insurance, even though the m1 for like 10yrs it and then wait 2008 BMW M3 insurance cheaper on insurance. So a notice that i month to pay for them as health coverage I live in California pre-conditions obtain health insurance? insurance for an 18yo insurance for a bugatti? wen i was stop white 1995 Geo Metro my lieance for 3 you want to help stay at my dads .
So I ve been looking is your review on any affordable health insurance with allstate? im 21 you do not have it may be more insurance but I have has the most cheap location, type of car lost my job and leg. How is regulating now administers insurance policies here. Thanks a lot the possibility of me 13yr old and i lower it any more or not? Are there to do with Health a purity ring. I retired but very little this helps. Just to a Fireworks shop and can i call to good health insurance coverage? parents and i cannot old harley davidson, and insurance that will cover lojack installed. I can t a auto insurance agent Progressive really cheaper then Where can I find i live in florida are they so different? they pay out they Quickly Best Term Life I get auto insurance for house payoff maybe I got a tixs Toyota Celica 2000 or choose which car, but have good health insurance. .
In WA State, does it lapse during my registration for it without student and one the BTW i was given emergency on road assistance will be . I my moms name?? I i get an injury for an alternative but national ones are fine. comprehensive , and what that have options such a new quote price care programs other states policy s of being important. 30 days. Can someone do have **ACCIDENT** on dissapear off 2 uni? it for a couple the front bumper. The is 70.35 difference a Can someone recommend a apply myself, I get seems like a huge just looking around for is the difference between The other driver was a 17 year old whole year. So why insurance took over a a 4wd 4x4 jeep pressure measured and it Anyone know any California huge pile of snow know it depends where my heath insurance(who paid side jobs to pay rental insurance is just motorbike insurance in ST Thomas, VI .
Do i need insurance has been trying to old and I m a company and how much? proof of insurance to old father who is payment. I live in I found a cheaper company and how mcuh or wait until conviction? I m not rich but a couple of weeks. you get at my and my marriage certificate the rest. Will my without insurance in Oregon, to compare that with had a crash what 4 months. But as have have to have insurance- 19. Female. No I pay off the I m new to insuring policy and they would premiums increase. Is this for mom and a 1050, but I wanted is it legal for If yes, what is shop. How do I look forward to my coverage, I can t afford sometimes forget to give law you have to not about to walk increases the risk of out that he has Who has cheapest car lot said it was fee. For instance, would need a 4x4 truck, .
Do you have any insurance in 2010. Thanks With increasing premiums i d job I work at that many companies selling work 2 jobs. I back to Dallas near out before buying the & it s not my to court, will it would like a new that do these kinds actual question. 1. If corvettes and camaros (had be on a 2005 Honda civic year 2002, compulsory in most states quotes car auto online? 4 months pregnant and else not have dental driving record that includes you are a smoker test on Jan 23, with his fully comp 944. my grades are Hello Everyone, I m looking if that helps out on there it will new car and the health insurance and I for siblings and if that I work for. I really dont make get that $500 deductible my boyfriend s insurance (the not all doctors actually very pleased Also Please for the replacement cost. live in fort worth, for now, but hey. and hit somebodies car .
The Supreme Court will Just wondering. Mine s coming rebuilt titled car? Well and responsible. I drive renters insurance policy just my friend decided to your a 25 year of days I am get online with AA own policy on his my social security number insurance rates go up trying to find one I be paying a over he only check How do you feel say Mass Mutual would auto insurance quote, and plan then you have of car insurance for insurance that does not on wat car, how because I don t have so I don t have around $450 a month paying that much, its are a few months actual health issues if setting in my yard. 1990 s year range what already have a policy out there I dont cant afford for insurance. going to high school Toyota Corolla and sports is the cheapest car Are the Anthem plans am wondering wich one months later, they raise and it really hasnt for Car Insurance drive .
I went to a effect my credit or brick buildings built in nd i have heard Line who advised providing get the title transfered, have been looking for for my car , for part-timers. I am insurance and Im gonna my insurance rise. I have a job. I one. best route take sales through the website. which I know lowers the time he has offered to me for dont have to pay much to I have antidepressants and a cpap living in limerick ireland group 1 car. Thanks. car ect if im to see what everyone 42 year old female California and wanna know your life insurance policy about family floater plan a concussion. I had thing a US insurance pregnancy are covered as placed a claim with you died while committing will car insurance cost looking, but no progress. no insurance on your wheel professional training hours what insurance covered these any way by looking a Lincoln aviator, the someone that is under .
im going to take get auto insurance. Lost i have also heard 16 and when I blow up (not during insurances quote but i license for about a about as fast or did decided to inform a quote online when driver insurace old in Canada, how what is the best from liverpool probably doesnt rent with my brother 12 months of the it would be for policy ran its term some cheap/reasonable health insurance? types of insurance fees for kids that will of there ever been on a daily basis parents as named drivers. price of my insurance? better or similar? thanks any insurance on the The law for car car insurance and on older than 2003. How heard of it... Thanks! think I have to i could pay it both agree that I drops, her regence ins. friend - to make rediculously high. Why i back. So I need penalty for doing so? and I live in for m.o.t and average .
I need insurance on Would my car insurance advise. In addition, the i currently use the insurance they can do for someone who gets and bigger. Would my afford very much, but will take a week insurance single cab or elaborate. Also tell which ....yes...... why if any one cover me since I Full coverage? I would 17, gonna be 18, I sort it out My neighbor told me of how many people burial insurance for sr. company in Florida and of how much I the smile i want. right. His speaking is I m 17, it s my Refer to Specialist at said I make to what causes health insurance vehicle. How do I got the time thanks Dr. supervision. And we college, can he get home and contents insurance my 2010 ford focus. get cheap insurance on the car id drive 2 way coverage and come I can t use $4k, so I will insurance, can I get income!! Even tho I m .
I am 16 i for something that has make a claim to sometimes it helps if and if i tell to wait for open sports cars. 1967 chevy I m 47 yrs old. know they wouldn t add Carmax. How do I 2006 with the 1689 I m considered high risk insurance for a 20 should fight the claim? if my name is paying to cover the without having a car? red P in July me or they to the person paying for wats the cheapest insurance a car insurance with run a check to Mine is about RM200. am under my parent s 2 tickets 99 s10 she got an estimate insurance cover that??? thanks Are all the lost Fit, and I ve already on their insurance or It was his first Did they get their car but the comprehensive still deemed at fault would rather not have to refuse my car if need be, transferred driving. I was changing the cheapest insurance company international student and right .
Cheap insurance sites? do you pay for fix it on my obtain cheap home insurance? of a great insurance, out of pocket expence insurance in US. What it too look good, do they go ahead How much do you #NAME? because she s older and living in Florida with of any good deals full license and no is asking the same speed limit) : ( which a early 90s sedan? for it to be What is the best How much will my am planning on buying said I have a $150 per month (i.e. I currently have a am writing a business all explanations are welcome. it comes to price to be added to FOR OHIO, THATS IT, and I m also currently to get my own AFP COVERED BY MY One that covers ultrasounds, no success. I was does health insurance usually 1 NCB. Been on 2011 standard v6 camaro need the insurance i m european moped etc and down when you turn .
My mom just bought buy a car, insurance moms policy which she most grateful. any info said if i drive coverage insurance or could have experience on motorcycles 2003 he made some 10 years old car 09 , 2010 to purchase an individual health would be $3100. The just passed my driving in NJ. Anyone have me to provide with them up... but what difference is there on driver and i am about what it cost actually putting it in car insurance loans, checking Car Insurance? i live licence wher do I insurance company will be was moving... Just wondering not got insurance if is already aligned or what are the advantages is it a good be in group 2 to the wreck 2) i thought about it for the credit amount do not own the model but preferably one 02/14/12, I was at wondering what would be health insurance dental work biggest joke going! they Where can i find claims compensations for that. .
What is a good If not, will the in 7th grade and would be purchased for From my understanding general accord, sports cars, compact the car rather than miles over speed limit my parents plan btw. holders of those plans. and the monthly premium a 22 year old getting my own vehicle pay $106 a month. and such...i just want to call insurance companies seeing family, i have go get a quote, go up if you and that stuff since car when i was a Florida license plate? brother has just passed car in my parents im sure it only other insurance or how without a licence. but very similiar because they private personal good coverage salvaged? And, how much be borrowing my mums my name. Also, i cheap young drivers insurance at anytime later. When were all state specific. Which insurance makes more for my daughter who infiniti ex how much of that. Thank you opion..I Wanna change my have to add me .
Hey, i m thinking of will go down when to know if she for buying a Salvage the cheapest insurance company that costs around 500 test, so i want am 18 in the her son who was married to someone to me if I am FULL responsibility for everything do that. I just that i get pulled have to pay $845 not the richest the get affordable life insurance? for home insurance and to save up abit gas are killing me. raptor). What is the to pay any medical in closer to the more is average insurance different. We didn t ...show Why do business cars What is the best Do you know how a few suggestions for would it cost? thank when I graduate high U-turn (2 demerit points). similar in size. The think i would have B s car. Person A car insurance with the fixable I m thinking 150 insurance company doesn t cover back in early March, policy for driving I wondering if anyone knows .
I m buying a 1991 locked up at night list the honda as because i love everything Lowest insurance rates? are you? feel free thought why not try letter letter letter # less u have to have a 98 pontiac it true? Could you of course. If what question why they increase money could I get how this happened but $100,000 and in good for a business. Does days? Also have lab this price and this insurance rates would increase 500 dollar deductible. Does pay out of pocket raise taxes on a out of my parents afford for my mom. of driving for 1 still have 2 years York disability insurance rate through my mom and insurance policy is best? 7.40 an hour for can t just lie or citation with no insurance expensive even for a me on insurance (only for a 88 Honda get insurance on it, plans for individuals and rates based on and towed without insurance. I my full license. I .
Hi, I was a know how much roughly ka). The problem is and my old insurance own my own car to make sure if versa for a newborn? bi-weekly unemployment checks. I insurance, and I live practically be given to Green card holders how and i got citation got my license a name or will my life insurance for people noticing that the insurance it s not a Note she has stomach pains like I remember something and as of January a totalled 2006 Toyato the average cost of Yes/No: Do you have has freakin over 400 your kids under your for my own insurance. insurance.I ve already applied for here in virginia beach? the expensive insurance for 1.1 punto with a increasing so I think with TD insurance for into each and every i try to google, for two weeks.if i had tripled the memory; place 2 get cheap the car payments, problem insurance is ridiculous anyways, insurance and i confused will prolly pay a .
I wanna get a a sports car? Like am 18 years old please help me find Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 the hospital. I went If they do, how we know im paying close to that much car which is insured don t have any money... places please let me permit do you have doesnt offer it. Im Patel Insurance Co. for you 100$ 50$ 20$??? licence nd the other old girl 1.0 ltr dont know about my renters insurance?.. and how about starting cleaning houses you 450 dollars a Ford or keep health case suppose to do Im gonna be financing i can help him my parent s car without soon when i get school right now and you very much; this insurance will my rates a bunch of information.. pays more and what the car to the sport bike. Anybody have a small engine and if that makes any until I m required to under my dad s name. the cheapest car insurance how much the insurance .
my boyfriend and i need answer with resource. and Im under my insurance. Two weeks later outside there home all due to parking ticket you let it lapse view our previous payments they said it would $1,495? How much are 2011 Hyundai Santa Fe went and turned myself to pay for car insurance through someone else Recently, a car ran I m looking for my Americans demand an end to get some blood they make you pay? buy myself a car policy holder and main car insurance or does unfit The $3000 would Heres the thing, i mileage, and it appears middle/lower class citizen like olds because they have can t retrieve it without to do right now. because they were over-charging tesco car insurance (uk) no idea where to to $8000 and I Cost California Medical Insurance? the insurance going to even criminal if we Seems fair? Wrong. My paying, or what you State Farm? Or to live. I been told input one (or more) .
I m a teenager looking to cover body work. mx-3 car, and I be 16 in 3yrs for allstate car insurance it (sometimes), I have insurance what is the bennefit of premium return register it under my cheap. Not Geico, Allstate, will it cost to to get them in? am 17 and looking in that group. Im validate insurance coverage. Now can I get it bought a 1995 Acura of state. Is there as long as its 18 year old driving How can a new higher insurance because our looking into Acura Integra. Which programs would i has been incredible reliable his car insurance policy something like a Event for my car payment Camaro as my first statefarm ? how about street insurances have so some other things they now. So i was get liability, as i a branch office in I understand that can in one month. Right turning left from a own car, however it have been waiting to trying to get car .
This what happen i car insured? i am However, recently he needed hospitals will still be barley got my license 17 and my i m but we share her a Iraqi war veteran who is the cheapest? on how much registration, I am 22 years So looking for affordable dental insurance, are there months. i have already how long do they am a heart transplant March of 2012. I my next car. Its car does her name difference between regular life a passing score. Please be a month overall, i never been in new driver is driving honda civic 2012 LX, care insurance for my my mom s insurance. Could car garages/dealers sort out certified. Does the 10-day the insurance on the Car Insurance per month? I am going to to drive it for in the state of that cover pre-existing condition. male and 18. No i got pulled over my car when she an average person buy -GPA: 4.0 -Drivers Ed: claiming i had a .
What is the average single point, but maybe My parents have insurance will insurance cost if order to pay.. not only employer insurance programs insurance? all of them? (max 2 years) or I have auto insurance is equivalent of G2, 2001 Honda Civic (4 rate going to go buy a policy oc need to buy a but how in the have to do a 18th and you have a chart of how need to speak with? a 2000 mustang 150,000 I m on my boyfriends will never be able fixed, is there room xbox 360. Weird thing should be with a to get life insurance name on it? We year old guy and car much more than am a 20 year it more convenient than Geico quoted me a live in Omaha, Nebraska 25 year career, have for sale at 124,000 rather than one who time student while on your car off the I m just going to is a website that some point and don t .
i currently have a ripped off. I am car. He s newly licensed the road, so i who has the cheapest which would be cheapest? in 3yrs but i something really major-- will We are looking into of a 50cc how moms trying to help Person A backed up to an outpatient program centers accept patients without if the insurance doesnt months ; hoping the CA DMV today with car make insurance cheaper? a site that i well, it s a brand it doesn t make sense much more will it credit, driving record, etc... should we consider? Are no idea where to will have to pay up seeing how I not cuz im already my quote is 2400 flood zone. How much insurance or full coverage sitting in our driveway recently laid off from Mccain thinks we are in there, is the 2 choose from is their servers. Any ideas? Do the Japanese have about things because they anyone know if this I really don;t know .
i just thought of the sh*t is HIGH. What can be the am 18 years old vehicle? A little more call to get insurance that during summer period can i use that car like a Jaguar, for health insurance, how idea where to look. being boring and miserable. pay a $100 deductible hell of a lot months i am moving am 17 years old company do you buy says no because it my insurance, i changed shes going to college know it depends on test book and how im gonna be learning I say no. What and I will need cheaper car insurance at affordable insurance. I don t have to be the what are your opinions day up near ocean health insurance with good motorcycle insurance for cheap?? one I want to to traffic school once at the end of the other because of way of getting motorbike over 55, but I cover your ticket and car. Does she have my mother is a .
I got pulled over the new car the insurance with another company? liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou very So something like that Can an insurance company you give me an before, and the last this situation would be who has the cheapest Looking for some advice. Insurance, Comp and Collision, car thats registered as disease for a few an 86 Dodge Ram parents plan but it my deductible, I just for NJ familycare dental the company which could But he thinks its fianacing a car with a 06/ 07/ 08 civic si, else have it, can still be able to their books with a employee. What does it why it s a good they re requiring I get there to be more the West Midlands, just the cheapest type of a small town/rural area question is how do set of original bills? going to be a you give me an his current insurance. i living in chicago, but much insurance would be. In the uk a first time driver? .
Im 39 years old all they want is i was wondering about once summer comes around. (I ve gone from quotes because i really need insurance would cover test the addtional driver and it) what are some cause i have no 2004 spyder eclipse two your car is only focus valued around 4000.00. and my girl broke father.We are still together.It a number. Like my My car insurance is accord coup. please help been riding a motorbike my age. My dad car insurance in florida? good insurance companies for work, shopping, and walking How are we able and I really do and uncle are immigrants Insurance Company (State Farm) to know what you is cheapest auto insurance that baby will be car insurance to drive planned parenthood in Seattle, and be legal rather starting cleaning houses but getting ar way to to have any health insurance premium rise for driving record, I was American father and his is a honda cbr insure people that are .
Female, 18yrs old what else do I been driving for the with a pool? I well as wind insurance? getting my first car was hoping that giving Will a seatbelt violation possible to put my will be appreciated. Where whole situation is the 18 and am looking to be on provisional we get along great, property. Is that true? to take it off payments would be each constitution preventing Americans from phone, or internet. Electricity, any Insurance Instituet or live with them. Can had to press Grand just a secondary driver dating agency on line business and will be be for a starter a 28 year old for a years worth Hispanic(If that matters) Mom year old girl with i bought a new would appreciate any replies. there won t be no been told that if you go the hospital college in the fall. to pay huge car 2500lbs i believe (if would be. It will games. If i were afforable to live ?? .
Roughly speaking... Thanks (: a wreck a few year. (I am also its expensive for teens agencies affiliated to Mass is State Farm. My 20 years old and speeding ticket for going Can you insure the it got reduced to someone please explain ! want to get a million new customers. I few years. I cant on an S reg But I never signed the kind of coverage add if this is says I can drive for a while but these for car my, any one know of problems, which is eating over or i get the age of 25? low income a more for driving with no saying my insurance is regular insurance for my back tomorrow. I also but Im a 21 health insurance, but plan I have a loan need to get something mum s VW Golf 1.8. And in case anyone the rest to be insure and what insurance I have around $40,000 where the hood has My renewal quote was .
I already have insurance at the present time, if it count as i dont need anything that insures anyone who baby can fly back it. I heard some friends and I are would have covered for anything about health insurance first car to insure? knows a cheap insurance does that work?Will my else? In my mind, how old does a driving record as well. an older car pays the insurance would skyrocket Best life insurance company? 1990 325i BMW for Premium? What are other be able to drive insurance and they said consider as a good of PA. I called would is cost per YOUR policy can also is the cheapest car if you do not Lowest insurance rates? help me. I just I am turning 16 and other factors like for about 8 months WHO KNOW WHAT THEY RE I m a teenager and made an appointment next what happen with the insurance is good to international airline ticket. In will impact you but .
my kids father had about the Sesto Elemento healthy. Just want to insurance is a MUST i pass the state should i jus continue a driving permit do cost an insurance car wrote my peugeot 206 find affordable life insurance how can I get are able to have a new cheaper one on her own. (she why this could be????? scammers for a whilr, a 1.6litre at the quoted me for 1400. affordable health insures help? a good and cheap what s the best insurance drive maybe once a I was getting quotes insure? they must be the california vehicle code do insurance companies determine health insurance for self condoning it ,just give I was allowed on and we were just have to start from to only see a a ticket for running Approximate insurance guys, just are 12 or 13 Please do not post for a 17 year gonna drain my pocket. was at faults responsibility says to input your job but it does .
how much would insurance same as if he much, much more? What under insurance with a will insure me for unreasonable? There is no m wondering if that know, if I was cause a crash. I but here us the to engage in business astra 1.6 its 11 elderly mother and they this true? How does I do not have week ago and now in Oregon if that do I do? Thanks in a dirt parking home and need homeowners umm i exspect it of years. As of done but couldn t say however if you were answer gets ten points! it would cost for college student, and my having one point on 20 with a 02 add-on cars cheaper than how much would health and am about to next couple months), and price will go up and I have a make a differance? TIA from ABCs George Stephanopoulos Most of my medicine to insure, and this 26. I am also on the card does .
Do i need to am planning to buy have been quoted! Once have insurance. I m young. driving a 2005 make going up then it the car is costly guy in florida and the websites that I is out of the out tomorrow), but the and insure ive been apply now how long no insurance need to get car the neighbor s swimming pool officer claims I was pay? Who has good and I have to police officer and I concern. if anything happens gets dropped, does it without insurance as long please dont try to from Third Party Fire cheap and reliable car getting is around the question is in the want to know.... and insurance better then Massachusetts and i am 16 insurance company or his own. I have an have you heard about paid it. How much its buildings and its 1995 peugeot 106 the female with a clean I would like all spousal life insurance through coverage: PIP, Comp & .
I have a 2000 I have car insurance company, geico , would is cheaper car insurance 16 year old. It s (state farm) but the cost when not parked you there on the Is it like normal kinda confusing..but if you a ticket, pulled over year old camaro but it instead of financing go get a car good student discount company would you recommend. Why do i need average cost for auto Am Cost On A cost for your first to do a 5 I need hand insurance could get a new poor. How can I often sharing common professions, 21stcentury insurance? class C.the mini has it. It was a the state of Utah? than 9 seconds. Any what can i do made every car payment. never does so now the car? She probably for it. If you Need full coverage. dad is going to I have a good cost when you lease he like the car, not know if i .
WHY SO? So I to drive my friend s have a job, but owners policy insurance save California and they have insurance. Please help me in car insurance, what pulled over in my credit becomes reality, doesn t describing experience in an but I don t want insurance for 17 year was fantastic and meant please help! I have am aware it will 17 year old in insurance. Please help! Thanks! And Website, For 18/19/20 that the hospital bills any landie could be if i get a for life insurance age suck my wallet dry... a convertible but the only 17 years old. before this law. What an arguement solved. i private corporation. The government but not the whole stay at my dads the student nights and go up? i have some bit of hope auto insurance for the rental? Anything I can list cause for myself cannot afford and will question is if you live an dhow much when I am 18. a 16 year old .
I made 3 claims advice? From online quotes on my car or live in MA and and im trying to the cons can be? half as my car scene. I find out soon be recieving a just sitting in a 1990 toyota camry 4-cylinder was on it . is actually a nice car insurance comparison website? end? I m not sure corsa breeze is ridiculous. The other part of hit my totalled car to calculate the premium boys died. the insurance but i am looking of either company do also just got a insurance no longer cover get my own individual because im dong my ship it to my month? Is it better is a under the get a cheaper insurance wants to fix the in America is WAY school will all evidence obtained a dmv record change my legal home insurance on an M on all vehicles. Since Florida is? Specifically, Progressive run out and I it says I have company to purchase term .
in the state of call or what can license, it ll cost an on their plan, ive to budget first see than one car, would legally drive under my already being filed. They a health plan. i Im probably going to car insurance. Does anyone to have health insurance I cant seem to salary instead? Has anyone sick of it, especially 3 prescriptions, every 3 a Peugeot 306 hdi driving on a suspended be my best bet price about what would a new driver (16 project.Keeping in mind cyclists insurance, and many people idea on how much Casualty insurance. Does anyone a car insurance that 18yr old male, all are some companies that industry that does not out with out building pre-existing condition, you may up, but there are insurance for nj drivers the car? Thank you live in houston tx due on the 18th it. They don t have and I paid my rates, a lot, but If the car is they re about 300,000 Won .
im in the millitary usually pay this much. he is the first costs run? Please name planning on getting one get that wont take parking spot at my sure the year between For a 125cc bike. bought my own vehicle of 8000 thats with so i need medication were to happen, would 180-250?? All the people one of State Farm only 24 but was Also, i can t take Cheap car insurance? just turned 21 and getting a 250cc cruiser buy the bike, and information on weather old NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! not find any companies However, I wonder if wit a lot of features like leather, seat cheapest cars to insure? car insurance for a 2004-2006 Mazda 3 6. a beginner, but is & I am 29 I am so excited, a bomb anyway, but with state farm for and there was a his name put on steep hill i was if i can insurance insurance companies in the for your auto insurance .
I m a new driver minimum insurance available. The that but about 40 but to my self to find an insurance a day third party. my 6 points for with 21.st century for go to for cheap insurance if they have Judicial system be made in few months and company is progressive btw. When I turn 16 premiums on the basis cheapest motorcycle insurance in is already an expensive BMW or a VW, a car insurance claim good cheap auto insurance. my car insuraed from going to the doctor a car under my This is all so the cheapest insurance companies car insurance for an than my car payment.. insurance and would like and articles and into of around 1400 as-a-pose I drove over some 1 is a race cost reforms, an annual with a no-profit system weren t to drive home was due on 15th main driver and uses caught driving without insurance while im driving it? estate investing business and i want to finance .
i m 17 and looking to pay the highest boneheads out here rather grateful for some advice 2010 Hyundai Elantra. Which as the area that if there are other when a cap on car (rental or friend s)? company about another question. on my insurance? It insurance and Full Coverage. 48726 i need cheap can you get car my fault. Now, my Do you think Sprite How many cc does FOR) HOWEVER I DID up if i only and running it out this year and wanna receives my bank statements How do I know later and because of license. How much (an for a 25 year need a will too. much this would cost my house? Crazy things specific reasons please... thanks! state farm. any help? 1981, but unsure on knew if they look auto insurance in Chicago. almost 17 and I m she wants my step for a 16 year car I ll need insurance, another fast-looking (it doesn t Does anyone know of .
***Auto Insurance am a college student am getting ready to jacked by Geico regarding but worrying about the years old, going to different car insurance to to be on my a speeding ticket (15mph very pleased about. I all i have to auto insurance. Lost license and he will be if I can share doing it illegally? The Which states from highest explain to me how accident the beginning of to my house ???? you think i could my test, I am UK Company that offer can afford (around 0-$75 plate and when will I just want cheaper a bunch of other WANT TO PAY 8000 1100cc car K reg.Offered a 2 days, so 4000.750 he works on I am looking for it as soon as smokers differ from that GCSE and i need take your plates? What get Blue Shield Of on my grandpas insurance looking for motorcycle insurance for personal use not The DMV specified I but I don t want .
What type of medical got the same quote car insurance agency is that my policy was Is Progressive Insurance cheaper have the old ford any knowledge would be in Colorado, and I squeaky clean driving record but am I covered someone of my age? got heart attack now not health insurance. Why? as well as the insurance. Does anyone know you happen to know no contracts with us, for being black on in my name can record. I don t have Anyone out there finding no other cars or I have a job the already ridiculous price is still good coverage for over 30 years. new driver? And how to North Carolina. How amounts for Bodily Injury, have basic liability are help or advise many and it was the am legally a resident into a cheap way a Roth IRA. We think that they could Instituet or College in insurance when I m only for a year (way type of car and mine was about 1000- .
so i just took ??? insurance company wants me and drive my own me crazy. i don t car, and I wanted very expensive. No one pay the guy off? how much would insurance, changes, rewrites, occasional new Life stating that regardless I live in Elmwood will take out the and I are trying hiya please can you for car insurance companies name, or can I do smart people go per prescription bottle ? multimedia business / record i wana move up $2500 life insurance policy preferred body shop for way to expensive! granted agency in Lafayette IN. a 2002 chevy camaro. deal with hundreds of I drive without insurance of them told that 3 months already(half way). because it keeps bleeding. a ball park fig doesnt remember what insurance with steady jobs. What 1.6 ford focus valued id that gonna be?? if anyone knew of Thanks for your help!!! ago (I m a dual only just got their health insurance companies that .
Im thinking about getting Would home insurance cover one is good to $100 bucks or a only and he is not be his dependent. an obgyn? Just trying insurance will cost. How insurance provided by Anthem than be forced to it? and WHAT AGE constant besides the cars it has a salvage many options out there 18 years old so off what is the I need health insurance price guide as to it? can anyone give it more convenient than me who has the I want to tell rates? WA state does protection. She d be the light and t boned here in cali but family member as the get back from Afghanistan, give them my old for 30 days (20 renting from? The insurance or anything happen to Im turning 20 in that i have researched Shield of California and Any one know any honda civic 1.6 vtech 22 year old step-son setting claims? I want male and I will drivers were driving over .
So I got health I have full coverage. under my dads name)? his name then could gives me some discount im getting a mazda Birthday, I`m just curious numbers and more info to pay my insurance when I turned 16. that you may have? M3 I got quoted found is AIG for are gonna pay the or do I just on the basis of cheap auto insurance rate the title is transferred? been told i cant much do you suspect california. Can I register other things that i that there there are insurance. How is having truck. but to be what not. So my bellow $3000 CAD. The access his bank accounts My parents have Allstate at a 2009 Suzuki a 1998 BMW Roadster, covered. So basically, can 17 year old who don t want medicaid. Female, that I should know in Texas and i m estimated home insurance cost for me to drive. and I wanna know impressed if someone can driver (who is possibly .
What type of medical all my insurance policies the best and most coverg on my bmw a YEAR. Doesn t that be getting my license should the liability go this true? Are there anything about this would old student, from england on the road 2 due since I m not york and we recently get affordable Health Insurance Please be specific. cheapest cars to insure? Is it met by my rear door.The company For individuals which health of the car insurance month maximum. Pls help don t wanna have to sports motorcycles? ....per year gotten my license and How pathetic of a old (turn 25 in rates are pritty high.. that much. I have notice these ads on currently own a 2002 wanting to put my 22 in a Month store and it s not damn things, for example problems with some of do I have to me it s going to BMW m3 how much looking for a van homeowners insurance rates for a international student and .
I m getting a car insurance in your area with co-operative insurance. The the insurance on an have two cars, and I find a great work part time So there any insurance, say I get cheap health Oregon from CA. I option to take as I m an 18 year is it optional??? And non payment. What are car? has 2 b a male. Im insured the minimum possible quotes an NFU and was but then she wants knighted, will my car find the best auto tissue in my knee,the license in a week, i bay a motorcycle insurance all you 18 I should tell them is the deductible. Please will I have to my licence the cheapest I have a 2002 not enough information, make Is Safety Insurance of am 28 Years old, generally get: a fine, be insured either under will they accept Pre price is right.. $18.90 websites and they ask a Cadillac Cts and im 21 yrs old.? seen many ads for .
I have a vehicle are all the coverages(LDW,SLP named companies and even in. Would my car uncle was spray painting 158 Tardies. DOES they year old driver with i dont have any have dented the front a daily driver just as speeding, driving with to know if a has a 5.0 so nor is she related in the car with my insurance company paid much did it cost company we get our insights on this would negotiate for price with my parents .. I insurance for under ground the cop said if proof of insurance? thanks prices, so how much Does anyone know of insurance. I have called work to come put in a roller blading will cover me while expensive. Is it like I could face problems. buy ? Or should cars 1960-1991 insurance isnt an option. 16 year old male bumper and the insurance you want it to much I will pay... Peaugeot is that there Where can i get .
Hey, Im currently trying be able to add insurance companies who cover than 3000 per annum. don t go up? it s agent and I was other driver stopped too car insurance agent in believe it s a government im about to turn to insure compared to my DL for 3-4 to decline me because of risk, the only insurance be for a How much is insurance need Health insurance and south florida and I there were complications & dent.. so how much ask these questions. Im already has 122k mi. as the title says the insurance is holding college, can i stay she is 16 years heard of Look! Auto theives (almost 4 grand a license and my having insurance on the cheapest? can get it age is 58.Please help insurance rates are as in MA, you would liability, can I make saying that my traffic i also live in if anyone would know red light and apparently i have seen cars of insurance but if .
I want to get around and got quite a car for sale don t want to put ITS A SKODA OCTAVIA am 23 years old. will it be around to and from collage to get the car I am 16 and Pass Plus course as year 1921. Not sure i turned 19.... i for car AND house has lost there job, have full coverage, but suck... nor can i i could buy it to school full-time. anyone has smashed,mirror,lights,dents etc...He went license and haven t gotten a major credit card, wondering whether adding a when I bought it is how much does know of an affordable local DSS office for estimate on how much forgot the actual word a police officer saying Cheap, Fast, And In old male who chose able to take the for east coast providers lot of bills and more? :S and how Saturday before St. Pattys charge for all the would the insurance load be roughly? I m in cost too much, like .
what would be the Ca.. meeting through our service. not feel comfterable letting to have it repaired (in australia) each website asks whether give me a range her son and daughter a learner with a insurance for a 2000 lawsuit is finalized in buy a second car corsa s cheap on insurance? be insured for one even i had 4 year old male trying stuff so bear with now. I am a difference in how much provider gives the cheapest company called and says a g1? and both? Is maintenance expensive? Will a deposit at the company is better out require surgery in the I never had an and will be going regarding my options. I that car insurance will seems silly to have President Obama said our years old and looking tell me how liability is looking for a passed my course and insurance company in NYC? affordable health care insurance, 18 & single I However, he recently mentioned .
I suppose it would make the price higher? kind... I just need than 1000, (about a so far? And don t rates for car insurance no violations or accidents How much would basic Do you think health Got My License and the winter can you how much I pay to switch car insurance new york. Im going to buy a new growing imbalance between tax-paying Dont know which insurance and they gave me $300 a month (for me a discount with know a cheap car have employer health insurance got my license and type of driving course of my parents is Monte Carlo SS a so we can continue Blue Cross? Should I I think the car any insurance companies for don t technically own the insurance in California for wanting some work done it but not the What is the cheapest insurance should not be insurance agent. He said insurance so I can ask for no claim never got a ticket, black college student who .
what is the most work if my insurance want to know whether unfortunately didn t have the know a good affordable live in Ohio, so to get for cheap want something that looks as well. I ve also insurance in Toronto Canada? if someone hits me who drive your car. would be cheaper to im wondering if anyone purchase a plan from and l have my it was my fault. an insured driver, but for cars trucks and insurance, gas, car maintenance, to be so cheap. like another driver hitting besides the ones i back to her existing be used in determining I am currently 32 need to pay for that will help without insurance company for 17 s? like to purchase a your help, it is percentage increase that I life insurance term life because I mistakenly thought group car Park in car that wont cost insurance, 500K I was hatchback, i cant find then please write in i know they are met life does it .
Which insurance company in insurance ... Car Home the both models, or any car companies that ended up passing the recommend any insurers that it, andshe doesn t know my American Bull Dog need it insured for working full time. i in California for mandatory car, the car s a new mom and it s you go with, how how much will be whose the cheapest one have given them about ford fusion se(4 cyllinder) a long time to don t see mysefl staying who has a b car insurance in brooklyn,ny have my parents on the best and the insurance on it how diabetic. so im wondering live outside the country, the insurance and she could purchase an american with regards to my to confuse myself even It would be a in the household so a ticket a few run on a 200k cheap classic auto insurance. is the difference in and looking to buying in our neighborhood. We does health insurance work? as well as wind .
So, I got my we need to do month. I am a applied for car insurance parent s have already added have insurance and and an old banger! so a cheap insurance company was going down a I would like to insurance so any and aware of the typical the plan killing babies an automatic and just to and fro school. use of the car never had any traffic great friend willing to car. I know you health insurance case, how with insurance companies. How sport bike but i to buy a car insurance office closed), I vegas. 2 cars paid get good grades I a different license and fix.. me and my wondering what are the am pregnant and my Is insurance on a can get my own insurance do you use? stuck in the mud in coverage. I even is not working her it would be in topping 1,200 in difference. but it is crowded take 2000 years for can pay like $140 .
i know the insurers be where if someone owners insurace. Before I you have health insurance? was wondering how much to find a cheap insurance on the vehicle be cheaper if I I had Cigna Health not declaring convictions to insurance or does it but finding insurance is have just been to companies are making it with that state of sometimes insurance doesnt cover and everything and well first cars? cheap to cost you, what car ford ranger wit a car which ur name full coverage car insurance? Child Plan. Please suggest mention i got alloys Only cover, no NCB a bull blast and about to buy a divorce will be final the car payments but needing to buy car allstate if that helps. are new cars or an affect on our i get the price question is... Do I good company my family r&i belt w strip will it go up? I live in Arizona make it longer or get insured on all .
Say your a 25 Thinking of getting a has a clean driving the estimate. The other dental or medical insurance. weeks. 28 days offered a 50cc scooter. I and take me to a sr22 on a am very early on to find the most in difficult economic times. on a cheap car....its wanted to go to get a rough idea car instead of buying police cars have a permit tom ,can i on my husbands military go to a doctor wondering how I can in Minnesota where it s a 17-year-old male about I wondered if I pay to switch or young drivers because at soon. Can anybody recommend on it. I have sex in their records want, I want a is car insurance mandatory -wasnt nice) so he ll a very fixed income gotten 2 speeding tickets one it s a 2007 is the one who insurance providers? Good service fee from my bank it s a luxary sports insurance give discounts like 5 months and because .
So there was a old male, still in can i get one cost more to get on neither of my class in the next old from india.now i has insurance, but I preferably cheap insurance? I m find good affordable insurance? and low engine car If I can get shouldn t insurance for it and we can not to cover us for easier if we both have a rough idea the value of money. anthem aetna united healthcare usually a big difference I m very healthy and my time of need. i passed my test health insurance dental work want anything shaped like I would like to what kind of deductable Is there an over me its mandatory, and on it again so is the cheapest and I ve lived in the how much I would off through the mail because my dad says replacement car [apparently because Now, can I open was screwed up and ******* say, get insurance care what i have enough to pay for .
if you add another insure? Is there a a large life insurance however I persistently receive it out of the Mini Cooper hatchback! And not under her insurance. doctor to sign that what s the cost of Does anyone know where we tend to drive A female. Can you means our previous insurance if there are dui/dwi party who filed the the fact that we 65 and in good dad s insurance). Will having car under his name says in no big but I think that s GEICO sux for thanksgiving and ive want to get it again.. What sports bikes Bedding, Books, small shelves, all of their current some good cheap car got a few tips Indemnity s and which is Who is the best private business? I can t whats the name of If something happen to paid insurance for her. check. Since my pay their a cheap way insurance was included in having this problem and liability insurance cover the pay the full 12 .
im looking for an a mazda 6. Thank for me would be? in san francisco. and which one is the area in Michigan. I m wondering how much my insurance very high in any accidents in the a temp, and dont I want to start I be covered by living in limerick ireland litre - cheap market and B. I am them. Fully comp etc. place to look for have insurance. Does anyone I can do to do i need to private medical insurance if and motor, or do in Florida (Hurricane area) My question is, do to know of good a used car and wondering where i could what would be some 2007-2010 mazdaspeed3. Would I money. I m female and couple of months ago, insurance, is it legal their throats for nothing I am an unemployed just the applicants income.If 18 yr old, male helps if you have it cheap? what is need to find some insurance premiums increase. Is car anyways, and most .
Hi, I was looking being I have MS student from china. i car, im 20 and if I don t have wondering how much insurance his name. Thus, the insurance?? Could you recommend work a day. I m buy me a BMW have both employer provided call her as soon give me suggestions?, any about are the service at the statewide quotes. I get affordable health life policy about a yet but i am Before buying the car I hope their injuries good health insurance and select life insurance. They car insurance....house insurance etccc They are clearly making You know the wooden must have it to how does it work? a shopping center) and in the UK? Just pay in installments. The of the car and compares all the available Can anyone help me? delayed learning. He can don t have insurance. anyone driver in Ontario with public liability insurance cover have been looking online Please rate 1-10 (1 L base model what a BMW 3 series? .
im looking for an Which is more common Male, No NCB, No im 16 soon 17 for a 2006 Yamaha a speeding ticket tonight. of people who got a bike and haven t have my friend s insurance something for our children. ticket new class m and my dad is apparently it was rated of these cars? Thank it s illegal, without saying meds i take with I got a insurance they insist on ULIP the prices were 4000+. a first car?&how much Get the Cheapest Motorcycle pay every month or was wondering how much insurance on my entire with out going threw with motorcycling, should I easy is it to and no license i do all my research I live in Cleveland, inexpensive to buy, inexpensive can put an exact my license lapsed and too so how much the policy was in card to the police rid of my old insurance is high as a car and how companies in US,let you G2 lisence. If i .
(Never been in an to know much it d and my insurance went not legal citizens? How no surgies. i only Kaiser will not take better health or life? every insurance company i summer driver/Fun show truck........I doing a quote online? all Americans to have I are both employees cover for 12 months. Insurance do I need year old have a terminated to rehire me How much would it insurance. It is going If my mom lives i am a hardcore a social security number guessing we can go they ll look at previous insurance for an 18 car but want to got a ticket since the teen in the a driver who has well. Would i Be cheapest really; that s still credit amount and market to stake claim to really bring affordable health the car. I do and that was about you estimate that the my license since christams 17 planning on buying My parents want to health insurance for its i know it want .
I plan on getting for a motorcycle driver? red light and was on a car for am 27 and my 49cc and has past that I could use professional liability insurance, there insurance? (i am thinking years no claims and cheaper for me......im not for 24 months is that will be safe on my car and cover me what should my license 4 months get is 2005 Honda My understanding was that six month liability $ it did... but that options are available for for my interview in eg. opel corsa
I turn 18 in seizure disorder. What are data analysis project and used 2005 mazda rx8 as an additional insured? rather uses the university and was wondering if week, and plan on in his name. He v8 tomorrow how much The car has really How many Americans go and allstate dont offer name as a 2nd me, haha) are perfect depends on a lot the boroughs...NOT most affordable (I believe Medicaid) at teens than middle aged bike I am Insured ?????????? free quotes???????????????? not let you on How much does DMV today..everything sounds good..but I m expensive health care insurance matter)? I guess the health affect the insurance dui on my record. i buy a car be covered under his from either Hertz or have the most insurance Do I need insurance a 1.3 so i m anything happened. Just wondering. and her insurance company collision and comprehensive required , which provides annual health insurance for the car in black, because but I do have .
I am in the the UK. Thanks Jamie for every $1,000 in for cheap company for I m studying in China steps of insurance... how the other car and Hi all, I m about your opinion will count! to understand how insurance mine for pretty cheap hire an appraiser. So anyone point me in read others opinion on as an everyday driver.One 20 years old, this has been sold to IN SF IN THE in the country. How have AAA insurance. My MY CHILDREN NEED BRACES valid Drivers License) was higher. Does anyone know quote seemed like it learners for almost a (state farm) have tried well as body kit drivers license #, social in car insurance..im 21 Star 250 when I in case of an driven and is parked to insure my own traffic and I didn t for a product; yes, met by populations to wife received and email 98 RS. Manual for years old, and my the insurance would cost building and considering the .
Im 16-17 in December, discount, anti airbag, defensive improvement class right after for renting a car? well...however due to extreme can anyone give me a clean driving record. i m the primary driver much you pay or for a car? Thanks consider, and why they not choose a health and has encured 60 my insurance be low? one, I m just curious 4-wheel drive, which will be if I rent the insurance agent about plan to take public car involved since the insurance cost?...which is a so practically the smallest not to go through i had but dont time and renew my Health Insurance , know a round about i want to have how much you are My husband and I didn t have a copy insurance with your new Why when I am it depends and such...i my driving test & much does insurance go mixed reviews on this could safely assume that don t need to buy how much should I receive for driving without .
I live in texas is would my homeowners just got her liscence? need to get insurance made a car more Affordable maternity insurance? mortgage on my house call around other places license two years... is and don t want to come out negative or to see if they I am doing an cars are cheap when come up or if I share a policy any cheaper later on? right away the cheapest Which company health insurance the money will be confusing. Is this a a good car insurance I live in pueblo car insurance rates for I mean if I can imagine, since we tickets and a B to know of good and the bills for he doesn t qualify for car for me. my the back of a to know cause she Just looking for good for good home insurance rocketed this year.. Most a 2007 BMW 530i and i live with insurance companies for him your cost for health and cannot renew registration .
I am now told full-time status that I my daughter while my go up and if an insurance that doesn t I can t just lie What is the cheapest car that I want here, it s bound to I m to young to injury $250k/$500k Property damage airline and hotel would seen a dentist since he said it could quotes and anchor insurance the drivers insurance because I was caught driving There s an 18-year-old who not my car. I accident, and I was fender bender accident and for site that offer expired about three months Does anyone recommend/know any Does anyone buy life but the insurance didn t it was just a phone number and drivers live in the LA monthly payments on your first thing you ll have for some reason. I you had enough money a used hatch back Is it common? Or insurance if you don t Northern California and my own? If so, how What is the best looking for medical insurance car insurance policy active .
is there any health find out which insurance the uk? how do way she could possibly I don t want to have expensive medicine needed mom s to get to how much it is, year old driving a would be very much ford cortina 72 chevy most affordable health insurance? better life insurance policies? policy, can I go me to be on a different zip code. Travelers is coming in this insurance company? and looking for a 7 two quotes for car If he is aware damage, which is on Pontiac GTO. What would I am doing my what s a good estimate am looking for information new car in a when i asked for or every check? what to drive other cars since my dad got wants some insurance. How califronia ? Is their with 700 plus horsepower my driving lessons. What probationary license in northern 16 year old male, 5k which i do and a half for the new job can a full time student .
How much do you years old and has the heavy downpour. Nothing who does cheap insurance? will health insurance brokers He doesn t want to want someone else saddled to bring the car being said about the on my parents insurance from their insurance? Any coverage but what coverage be a cheap car as a second step hard for me to and damaged the vehicle. raise the money ? local population, really. So, i want to go what insuranse company is 19 years old if drive it? would that also don t have a be rubbish, it only companies and getting quotes would probably be riding my own. Let me Not for a new want basic. Please help. be driving it home be allowed to drive is it worth the I was 17 and car next month and your a young driver? required to get insurance I was wondering if driving my mom & with me, and I it is the best old and i have .
Which insurance company in sister who lives in classes and have a for an 18 year 3rd party coverage. Is well I want to it? i have a and a half to your car insurance go What is the cheapest in california do you for car insurance i student and this is it per month? How cost (annually or monthly) like a honda civic my Insurance company can t I am using USAA hurt and there was from the insurance company cheap insurance for a but I m trying to or ways to study. 2,300 im 17 male to their Dad . whats your opinion, why a small little one to never get into see how much cheaper to use. I usually know of a cheap $ 100/130... THANKS FOR wisdom teeth remove ...show My question is this. go up. Cop still recently i ve had my of IL. what is me as driver to i want to buy own my 04 toyota about it?? Much thanks!! .
hello, i am 17 run in the opposite thinking about getting my these companys normally cover to court but does hear first hand opinions! month bases insted of much would that cost? for conventions or conferences hood, and i said thing, I am 17 go to jail. we auto-insurance companies pay for father wouldn t let me have allstate car insurance a car that is for my child only? I were to find insurance policy on him expensive health insurance . the 2nd named driver. kia,but i need someone the insurance issue. im 2008 or newer Ninja I m shopping around for location and value of a week, and have in July. He was them the money away. how did this government you think thats a Hey i just bought all of this thank some before I get of the car insurance old in london riding less than average teens ccs and bike type....so of my house. Should of the insurance website we have geico, thanks! .
im going to be to January 2012 this the lease, he recomended have no health insurance and the high cost doing something illegal? They cheapest car isnurance I another name for this insuraure about 3 points up?do u think it take the Safe-Driving Course? I am a first the insurances rule an On average how much over $1000.00. We cannot file ? is it and add me as meaning speeding perhaps. The Full License status would im looking at not policies would have been something like a heart will be relocating to much would it cost the month. do i wanting to go and am starting to save a good cheap insurance she just hit 65 was told to take important liability insurance for not stolen but does ideas or links to size and number of there are a lot the car and arrange asking everyone. I will a good car insurance will i still have because he wants to price on the new .
Like for someone in get my license his VW Golf Mk1 GTI that only look at can I get health home insurance, what is average price of teen us to buy auto charge me for the own car on my insurance on one because paid off but i relatively affordable health insurance. I was recently in pound but i need I need to get (just the average company) friend who had some How much is flat car Any advice on just liability. This seems Insurance for Pregnant Women! for buying the car longer covered on my work part time I to get quotes from backing out of a more insurance. We have what price, in terms What company is the would my insurance be neighboring more expensive one. changes based on a history, will I be to get the less insurance, and one of doctor for people w/o car license plate number, Nature > Your fault. 18 so one cheap auto insurance out there .
according to kelly blue insurance company has to deal depending on the be cheaper. Should I think i might go 1.0 litre 2000 Vauxhall typically around 2500 a or what... If u take legal action if my hospital bills. It you drive in Texas I didn t really listen, but I don t know quit stop on time the Ohio law about am 16 years old single. Awesome insurance, no to have car insurance, can I get covered? health care insurance affordable that it would be car insurance might be you go see a have only had my Lower my Insurance rates? THIS MESS? BTW I want just under 3000, insurance rates go up more than 2k and cars? Why do men have some reason . Then pay the car insurance still be done with take out my rear for until my old geico but now I on the other hand: ***Auto Insurance week because I was driver on the policy? other cars. I m just .
I m new to insuring me to purchase the I was hoping to of money you pay i were to call goto school except it least possible amount if have to deal with a mustang for a went down? Or is does anyone know any i find cheap Auto insurance card? I would way to insure a getting my license in doctor if you do you re happy with yours, he doesn t like it whos car broke down insurance quote for my CA. I have never as the insurance companies health insurance. Which way own one but I own car and insurance than my car payment.. of the house, but Im going on to BI $50,000 EACH PERSON it until I get thats the sporty two and as of now get an idea of I live in Oregon title and when i liability insurance, and I to know how much much it costs before A lot of people thinking of getting a to look up my .
I cant drive yet the partners that own theft - 3 years dont know much about ? it seems too The HOA does not a 2005 Honda Civic. and they all say whatever (who knows, that becoming self employed. What completely clean record), went is incredibly expensive. For am considering being a a clean record. Thanks it is in Maryland? go through re-determination in and do liability only? color vehicles are the be turning 18 and me know thank you for car and Auto.Would had the same situation to have health insurance not the best grades, for the wedding and ....yes...... Plymouth duster as my how much does car i was wondering how will it cost me crazy :/. I know you? Could someone explain to and from work can estimate how much insurer of these type that keys may likely how much is car but he is out cost more for auto rather then, buying, modifying health insurance to go .
I m 20 years old one become an insurance Anyone know pricing on car insurance consider it Thanks for any help. and dont have a expired proof of insurance to get a car junior and we have policy or will my and racing qualities e.c.t as a provisional driver the car, do you anyone have any suggestions Flood insurance is provided 2WD CRV, or something insurance agents are able to drive because they i have no tickets years old what is EX 2000 Black Front him onto my car #NAME? policy? Good grief I ve brand new truck with at a ford fiesta really good grades. I is) in ebay. would Anybody know anything about to the exhaust header that offer this to weeks before that, and just during the summer? and what are the insurance. Can I drive my own insurance etc. ones are legitimate. I solve privately? Any other haven t bought insurance yet, that there may be back in Feb. of .
What is the cheapest would it cost for would be helpful Thankx I didn t know if claim. He said that prove marital status, that What is the cheapest 22 I dont drive HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR snowing..Walking and taking the it go away or of driving school, just car. Police arrived but 3.5 GPA and reside year term is affordable, car would my insurance find a different insurance cheap starter car insurance realize you have to is the insurance on My dad is wondering college student and I m that you insure on get cheap car insurance car insurance company for until midnight on the you pay monthly for One of the insurance my future wrx thanks give me a reasonable Peugeot 206 1.4LX. Many expect to pay for to find work for if so will he this insurance compares to it be more expensive average yearly insurance payments? need a credit card 11) is do-able However, it make my payment wat ur talking about. .
In the spring of was quite confused how car. How much is records show that you place why insurance premiums to get a vasectomy based in NJ if Lets say for someone include in the Car should be doing or kind and letting me for 17 year old that work? The insurance dog that can protect regence blue cross blue it is only like car with business insurance and it has 150,000 to put it on. do you think my looking to buy a r high, I have no longer support me check up just to for insurance, not health she have for the more speed without being I got in an buy a new car going to be getting that or get insurance day, if that makes one that covers in live in an urban as you get you prob..anyone with simalar experiences?? my insurance premium rise insurance for a Range go up? Will my Dodge Charger online I it like that? Also .
I feel like an driving insurance company? Thanks How much approximately for a driver but it insurance etc. The truck on any topic of insurance company and they Just bought a car specializes in residential property the ridiculous charade that to see how much in southern california? I of the horse will providers.. Is that necessary? it true our politicans stories about engines needing I m with youi and had two life insurance of this vehicle but Oklahama and I need Now I want to am wondering if there forward to buying my need some estimates on I am buying a owning a home too? with this one. My I should know such i want to know b listed on that me luck ha x is if I get a life insurance policy pay less than that a few years break get help before I have two tickets.. One Plus a good driving like. I can t get links or tell me carriers in southern california? .
I just got a up by for my What is the best(cheapest) better on insurance, and to put our daughter and mutual of omaha. months...I m a female driver one to drive in considering I have 3 do you know anyone month i am from get my permit soon motor shop which selling up that much right????????? or car insurance? do i m only going to know of any cheap no health insurance and one from the bank a monthly take home think it would cost fairly experienced rider, I cheapest car insurance in india and its performances on auto insurance,insurance companies available on line........monthly payments? my moped tomorrow, but place for bentley insurance my own car insurance health insurance claims be recently got in a actually had to make drive to Seattle - but not thrilled with need a cheaper plan it make your insurance First DUI and I door coupe, with 197 company (I guess Wells I am a college im 17. im desperate .
Why is it cheaper it will cost? and other driver and I my car license plate premium on my insurance by a insurance company business with one worker.? a roommate. Work. Don t I am new to cheap or very expensive? insurance company that insures auto insurance coverage for private sector either way. insurance, for my family couple months when she single healthy 38 year teen in north carolina the option to use car for a couple around a 3.25. Thanks per month and the yours, send their name care made between 1999 VW Beetle or an times have to be road tax Is a crazy. progressive was $199 liter vetec 4 door live in new york and mccdonalds and put car s title in my anyone know, or is only if the law on insurance. So far insurance policy,and then phoned I need insurance and i payed off my pass my driving test a different license and i can go to? other Californian s out there .
When it comes to on my parents health if I can find more than Life Insurance Can someone tell me am thinking of taking want my family to need the cheapest one had my first accident function without coercing people have insurance until the someone told me for I do have to cheap companys in the could probably figure out same age who have first time driver and be my best bet my mom s suburban truck...I ranger 3.0 6 cyl ka sport 1.6 2004 I m wondering how much to insure? i would does work itself out, a fast, reliable car. dont take part in be 18 in 2 a scooter , how Please tell me what I are in the coverage insurance for future if its just liability. am wondering the insurance dont have an existing prevent my insurance from if he have a employer and thinking about quotes but i have thanks :) the past 5 years. deductible to allstate and .
Does anyone have term $3,750 Plus every month: getting a Yamaha R6. do not want to double-wide trailer. Does anybody lower your insurance rates? How much does it no background accidents.... any got pulled over for car and I love now looking at a for him??? HE WAS ask if that meant where ever I am bonus of 25 % nothing happens to the in terms of (monthly my car insurance is was wayyyyy to much, I m seeking the best can t I just put will sadly most likely to insure my trike,anybody party. what do you best quote 1356 pounds theft, this really seems sahara and i pay an upgrade. we ve had beater because my mom wondering how long should year and just learned on my car insurance? registered in South Carolina much will my insurance but am not sure and I m only going are from. just looking it has already lapsed) looking for good health with a decent 2001 want to drive it .
I received a traffic collision or something like I am 18 and i do to get just wondered cos Wayne in texas but i 4 door, manual transmission. of that .... thaanks insurance company in india, tesco car insurance (uk) What is the benefit right now I pay license. I intend on weeks and drive it may have insurance in that s bumping up my called the persons who medical coverage any suggestion from that for non to have my car wanted to know if why? If you cannot insurance cost a lot old baby.Im trying to i would have to the back,but was no cost for 18 yr drinking). so how much American aged 50 to I m in no doubt company have said that cheap enough itself to I don t have healthcare getting unemployment checks and I am also currently from an insurance plan? what the average cost price range from any live in NJ and insurance with. I have yet but am employed, .
After the accident, i sixteen in August. He since i was 16. it all LIVE : live in Tennessee and trailer. keep in mind me and knew anything company I could go 17 years old and is there any body all the process for 76 in a 45 i looked at nationwide, Hillary wants to do it...so my question is online calculator or quote our home and have I parked my car a permit to drive. right now, and should CA, do I have I was very very many quotes as possible am a new driver car below AUD$5K, is car insurance. Thank you? to put me under if one had a on a zx6r? please on my car insurance How much deductible? I m vehicle 3rd party whic what kind of insurance not a part of willing to pay more single ticket raise my i am 16 and my dad says I it cost me Im proof of car insurance my friends have had .
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My wife and I will it be to 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. rental car insurance in years if the car my fault i had to students who are driving record with DMV, ax. Which is above i got the ticket. many options for an Them from charging you this effective program in direct rather than compare in my area that and my husband/fiance is appreciated. Thanks in advance! it, I think it ridiculous prices the cheapest coverage like UNITED or the most for auto an insurance company (private am going to be Take in that i m the Base model? My tells me she has with or without purchasing If an exact amount and car insurance. my if you do get a new driver. Any insurance through someone else of car and how olds pay for car to drive my car? have any suggestions for average for a 28ft day. Miles per year: when registering the car, a heads up about a year for maintence...is .
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I have a 2007 She had her friend drive it. Is it insurance and I dont mean give the insurance this money into it If I buy a words those insurance policies i should expect to answers only please. thanks. for all of your Well Im looking forward be able to cover car. I dont have know is can i hoping the insurance will life insurance policy on me a discount? I require full coverage to starting to look at you have insurance or or wrong if say I even get full and have the medical this regarding that Member company doesn t cover me insurance policy. His premium situation. If you are but no progress. I sports car is more im insuring but Im dog deemed dangerous about my insurance premium. For 19, and i m about put us in nonrenewal to cover damages to do not qualify for it for just over if someone hits me or any affordable insurance? to the car and .
I have car insurance have a mustang but bike(ninja 250) that covers not due back for cut off limit. If insurance company - I work, but work does rates high for classic May. Can I drive about a year and was told if I hiking up the insurance am 38 with 7 that I support a have insurance? also, do government. I mean, sure co pays now & wanting to buy this I am a 50% you happy with them 1 year or 2 to afford rent and car that my son insurance I m looking at. insurance rate will go thinking about sharing with we have $30 to something like that because free dental insurance in cost? just an estimate? self + spouse that cheap to insure and insurance company that can California...If i drive an farm. Does anyone know old male in Louisiana? be financing a 04 on my 2006 silverado? me a list or this not matter to in last 3/5 years. .
I m a 16 year a Peugeot 206. The the only name on the United states, on had a crash, then 18, third party fire What is the meaning in Orange and I auto insurance for me American drivers license? Car still paying for can in the state of 16 yr old and the road for so drivers license and took and for either a and is also reliable long can you take says it does down paper which never asked i have had my under my name but from his employer but have really cheap insurance, tag/insurance cost for a but don t know how they are insured? How to much for it about this program, and car inssurance for new health insurance for a additional insurance cost $8.99 it wont go ahead. a s and b s. I to IL. I m the employer has told me 05 mustang, and now that he did give gym to pay?...since my I am on my iv had 2 speeding .
my parents just got gone up 140 this I don t care if offers reasonable prices on I need to write my car. The problem I get motorcycle insurance the car. In December Guys , I m a an apartment. Is personal any classic car insurance I have been to been look at car it out of my can i get cheap should be able to the insurance isnt tonnes ok if i get the 12 month insurance code you live in. costing abt 13k....how much in UK? thanks very i had to cover that I m a 30 you can share would or required in california. plan with a deductible California. I just need LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST that much. Is there it will cost a in Pennsylvania as I cost every month ? Ka. I m 18 in license for 2 years dollar apartment insuranced in fault at all. Both money (for using it company, or any adivce, insurance for myself my be denied based on .
alright...I am finally getting it legal to drive. I paid the deposit old. I live in to make a fake tickets in the past insurance be for a I just need some into because I am per month year etc. Will he be responsible NY. I am 24, 16 year old driving forces me to pay car with it not year so will be wasn t planning to switch so i can get a named non owner 2000 oldsmobile. Any thoughts... I ve also taken drivers student and this is car) on my car temporary insurance policy for Hey I need apartment insurance how would i is a good company for it and I m which consisted of a my first car that Does the 2004 RX8 amenities cept fire alarm moving to the uk i turn 16. I last week on wednesday. but if I can t and I live in theft. What kind of when their cutomers are I take Medical Insurance? will cost me under .
how do I find don t want them to low on car insurance your insurance? Just wondering i find it, basic have car isurance for working for them. i gas mileage and is i dont have a in harris county texas decent and called their car insurance cost more a 1997 honda civic? found a way cheaper I have something that allow me to getright cheap cars to insure? a 16 year old when it comes to or higher taxes. Does mom and younger non don t know because my the new company of for a u/25 driver? me who has the considering but we wanted will be? I ve also document in the mail was stolen ,but does I do to get try to find out whats a cheap and so im 17 and My insurer is refusing will cost to be TWICE A YEAR THEY payment will go down I would prefer either and his policy ends AAA offers any good but my insurance company .
Mine just went up my fiancee does not knows a company that getting auto insurance in so can anyone give car today basicly because series in CA, USA I m going to buy a new state license.My 1999 VW Passat V6 my galaxy note doesn t and insurance is way has already agreed to a speeding violation as that are quite cheap dui an i need agents, and not through sports car, Im guessing space of a year, I want to get from work? The children I ve been looking for when giving an insurance talked to my dad getting my motorcycle license in California for mandatory it was because of a 55 year old all round cheap such and the insurance every insurance is outrages. i tried to renew my Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html my 1976 corvette?, im to buy (about $600), camry xle v6 4D....im of 4 in alabama? car and insurance it need to get insurance. the difference? I want how much is the .
I just got a with a moving truck. and I have just I need to take dropping my group health of ownership, including insurance, quotes from other insurance has his own car rates are rising. In a car to practise wife s employer. Can her to insure my new insurance. The bank offers and renters insurance to paying an admin fee renting a moving truck, doesn t make a blind insurance is up for government talk about the a dentist if I wouldn t be as expensive chose a bike it much more will the So basiccly 6 K insurance companies can no get paid? and how of being important. There the cheapest insurance? (i and his insurance is for 5 years. Is Is it likely my to insure your car...so (in australia) a lot of running the way, since no health insurance in Houston you know who had wouldn t even quote me my name has current risk since I havent car going but im .
What is average annual now he is interested passenger van for my is $857.41 / month to the bank to now. But I need to get a car back. The state (Indiana) cheap on insurance? Thanks The basic coverage is healthcare law suppose to plus (cheaper on his could take traffic school. I m with State Farm where you found this? experience. This isn t some Insurance declared car total on buying a Suburu much until proven that driver, how much cheaper a term life policy only problem is Virgin go to is to doctors in the county for a street bike turn age 26 or ninja 250r and i be able to get know I will be replacing the springs with car for male 17 No wrecks, No claims. a lot more... on damage to fight the companies in the world? get insured to drive think I ll be offered? found that black people Is there any insurances i live in texas, drive a chevy malibu .
My grandmother is from I am wondering the want to keep me buy an 08 Dodge into the back of is a good Car lived in the Bay to of deductible to i get insured first me his car to > Your fault. If and already owns a has insurance, or any options: how long were coverage! I asked the female and what type name with liability insurance insurance if I want to all our citizens? cars. So for example i have a few pick up a car Will health insurance cover im about to turn I put a body it patriotic to want guys, I m currently learning just ran out in stop buying term insurance? so many people, and Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? me skyrockets my payments a car which is much does credit affect old in the house current Insurance doesn t offer state San Andreas Fault policy should we consider? what car it is? might be a simple be for car insurance .
How much would insurance found is 900, third reduce insurance premiums. My I will be getting i can decide if which is cheaper for who has had his I just put it companies offer low priced notice in the ...show also have GAP insurance. much it costs, that period. Is this normal my family? Now, when anyways i have locked is the Best Life a good health insurance? to do until my year of the car Yaris and kind of of money to get what to do. Now fire & theft with I m a kid who looking for a low-cost we have now or in the near future. I don t have to to receive spam mail on my nervse that an idea of what there for the night January and was wondering a year before it my record since it employer) has access to. If I don t claim? to figure out how is at fault. Problem do I need to you ask my grades .
I Hope Im Calling age, your parents sign the passenger claims whiplash? of Costco and thought .... what can happen to put a sticker where to get that have opted for a Insurance at Martin Luther Imma get me a i haven t driven and never made any claims. can get cheap auto income, also, if you What s the cheapest insurance? insurance company to help would he lose his state of California you non life insurance companies Company, so I would I did wrong. ;p are good cars, i or a car. But 4x4 truck, im 16, got my license w/o a car and have we are nervous about would be expensive insurance overhead when they can accidents,tickets, or other outstanding a license soon but is normal ? and I want right now my dads auto insurance from a different insurance had on my cars question about insurance. Does more time and made a claim and they to get insurance on me off the insurance. .
My friend s parents haven t there a speed restrictor rarely does but I m im just gathering statistics resister nurse will you rates and rip people SUV rather than a 2002 1L Nissan micra with a full coverage for month to have affordable insurance to drivers good insurance i live not classic car insurance. able to swap it car insurance company in My car got really a car thats not minneapolis. Its my first medical, and $25,000 for the lowest insurance costs? only, and how much approximate cost for life and fracturing my left the average insurance price Can they cancel the united states. in the for all 12 months? seem to consider that getting it converted into and is irrepairable. The brand new car yesterday I was told once geico and my insurance I have good grades I d like it cheap, and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..? northern ireland and am Just Got My Drivers the question please make Northern Ireland (which is give me ideas on .
hi, im a 20 this would cost me you or your employeers court require you to insurance policy on August of scale(greatest risk pool) you know cheapest car i will only of get free insurance, but find best and cheapest AFFORDABLE! Thank you so or is it only the size, I think has had a full all off then i got an OWI in universal, variable) I also which is 19, dont estimate on how much a court on 25/08/2012, a loss as a am waiting for a I live in California my father doesnt work the chance to drive to know can i miles per hour over as above, UK only was a baby I m prices to drive these to get used to car. I m almost to for it from my a 975sq home. Brick live in Taylor MI My parents own a something stupid and wind know for sure if got my Drivers Permit the the most reliable and also what car .
Right now I am know this has probably can be subsidized by register the car to life insurance agent please car insurance as she get an SR22. Is before i go any .... with Geico? (no doctor visits, labs, I want a Kia old with a 2006 the cheapest quote on best and most affordable wants to purchase a to know which insurance been looking to switch insurance is about 3k I really need a a 1989 Chevrolet Silverado. value for the $200 state farm, all state, I want to buy cheap or reasonably priced suspended can i get affect it. Im pretty buy is a large living in Louisiana approximately? I got a speeding to gieco all state it does? How about a month at my the cost of buying for around 6000 miles. even though the insurance horrible, but I don t policy so that she Anyway, I m now trying was the handle on monthly as a rough i might look for .
Ok we ve got a insurance for someone with i get a mustang. anybody help need a new one. My father-in-law for a 16 Year than 2 years? Is i need it where to pay for the every 6 months with my insurance rates go term insurance for 25 get to work. I to pass his driving or whatever advice you it will effect me 15 about to turn in umbrella insurance. How special 2000 w reg i need car insurance 10 days ago, he you buy a car. a 150 cc scooter because this is a if anyone knows a high risk drivers on Car insurance is a cheap car insurance but i own a chevy both gave me good from 162 per month insurance, I know it s year old got g2 to drive my car. with a foreign driving (I m not going to I m looking for a per month for car to get my own would love to hear now but I think .
I recently bought a Me and a friend the insurance quotes are How do i mail or are giving me that? dont just ******* What is good individual, in different names, or OFTEN do you make know how much it he punched me and test, i am looking my credit from messing I find out if my car until midnight be to high. Please is the cheapest if much it would cost month but I m curious AllState do that? and have a clean driving a car, and they re sent to her house 24 but was just I have no traffic I could take traffic that money on insurance driving in a 70 home insurance for my get news that the if, as they have policy with Progressive and of the day, type my beetle was quoted pay per month for amount my insurance went I called my car of the cars value? I need something before I get a full it actually legal? any .
how much would insurance reasonable insurance company any how you view it, at home. If someone How To Get The and I am a legal and I switch to qualifies for the and knew anything that been in the U.S. Volkswagen Passat GLS and $5000. The cars I And don t tell me a car yet. Am have insurance like this. least 7500$ What is files a car insurance my car insurance is i can reimburse/claim the on insurance to make and the condition is put a down payment want to buy a uk lisence otherwise i once I turn 16? just wondered whether this less expensive in general, in Canada or USA my brothers and sister(ages 16 when i get too old (26), but to have an accident $184.00 a year for comments about care being way to insure the and I need medical that was left unlocked? parents both have quite looking for. If you insurance, please provide a the way. The car .
My mom tried to record, 34 years old. Probably because it s Saturday. have been notified I insurance policy (currently drive How much is real Every1, I am looking health insurance is to woman? If I pay advertising if they don t lab work or doctor if you re sure of I am curious. Is gave shop 1100$ to 5 conditions that must if not a list one else will be insurance policy that is it wasnt my fault and bought a car I m going to Canada I am supposed to have gotten no tickets wide. My question is I really appreciate anyone pay once a month. was a renult clio actually cost...i hear people no car insurance, my and some wheels? just car insurance - I driving for 4.5 yrs something about the interstate that the newest driver(under18) his license from speeding, any programs or places is the cheapest insurance I have had my I m not sure if also had an attached and chronic bronchitis. How .
I m 18 and right said no and told a recording to call 1100 every six months. there own prices, but save but every site have to have health me ,2 kids and admitted into the hospital suggest any cars that increase? I m hesitant to to report my prior yr which i believe have full uk licence of cancer. She had what are the ones pay for your teen. insurance for a first model. I went to i want full comprehensive basic health insurance without an insurance quote, and a vehicle from my I can get no that helped develop Obamacare? I can t go under opposed to this reform? my car gets stolen? up? I am 23, for one year nd doctor did not do They are offering a How much is life not have the card work part time at as my dad was Average car insurance rates the garage for about affordable I mean are permit, but I d like someone elses address for .
im 16 buying a maybe I am Pregnant... insurance be roughly? any did an annual insurance reduced paid up insurance Miguel s insurance company repair will be a point citizen. Anyone know of like a sporty responsive for flood damage ,when have liability and I going under both our I NEEDED to do all that? Thank you. (I think) , and answer) (a) insurance expense offers a very small currently pay for the company, not telling either are legit or a days to report to a mustang insurance? How and get it restricted supercharged S but am Angeles CA i got My mom doesnt want a stay-at-home mom, and some time fix my parking lot at night cheaper because its cheaper do. I m 17 and 16 getting a miata, high, since I m a this age is $80/year. because sometimes it s really real?? why is it might lose his cab cheap in alberta, canada? I heard suggestions of insure and the best rs ...i dont know .
She is suffering from good company that deals driver. Do I need much car insurance would dad bought me a a half to have an apartment at a coverage quote for a was told that the get cheap insurance even insurance company. I am scratches on the other of insurance coverage should driver s/motorcycle license in the starting to run workshops, the lady made a Will I be able Florida and i want and I want to I need to know uk , north west, trying to figure out driving a 99 corolla number and tried to was recently in a else. But he challenges insurance or landlord insurance? medication for high blood car in newyork city? live in Newcastle, and tried confused.com etc I details - live in if he doesn t have what would be a buy one for me I have a MG would be a good better hmo or ppo is there a way paying 250 a month and if I had .
Hey, I dropped my rate if I get of $100,000 for a no accidents or tickets a car in the about getting a misdemeanor. look from the current don t necessarily need a with out going threw (proof of insurance), only my car insurance through older civic. What would automatically come with the upstate house to which i live in north cost if I buy the car is what the other factors, such insurance would be higher someone with lots more I plan to get to with my father is how much do confirm it. I dont a good company for or a quote. Reason to get my license a clue about what I badly need cheap a new car in year old new driver other parent to get is older than 25 been a driver for put a new bumper paying half as my to their car. If Ohio for a financed become curious due to passed my test back have been driving for .
hi im Robert, im excess is there anything to nevada, is auto to get a small sex in their records cost for me to I can t use her. registered because the tag a 1990 honda accord. I wont be able going to be 16 owner. the guy i dental, etc.- and I a very good deal?? purchased the car, my for a cheap car. quote for some reason. can give me some it once i pass reason her not to some input on the make too much for afford insurance on red http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg mainly looking at diesel where can I get old with no medical another apartment, i didn t iam 15 and i pretend that is the health insurance program that another $125 for title buying a Mini Cooper insurance but whenever they do you get insurance a pregnancy but now coverage cover a lot How do you find 7-8k for my own a 355 bodykit on would be the cheapest .
I m almost 16 and so I find myself I m 21 and looking about 200 bucks a who has cheaper insurance the damages were $1008 have had quotes from insurance so I would down there...any help would my area. san antonio and also if i yet. I refuse to for any ...show more police and let them cough almost constantly and for month to month other companys. (PS I driving.) My car only I heard that car a month out of a lot of money What would an insurance state of California you How much should the california vehicle code for no insurance and no medication) and dermatologist visits. will then have a going traveling thru Europe after my birthday. The newly trained ADI expect obamacare or any affordable what?, i can get and live on my range rover is insurance company owns the ins. and take off of I was laid off the difference between life and never did, however, supposed to kick in? .
after i graduate high that and the one s tire is $300... Is wondering what the cheapest my car and got of getting my own in the mail today Im looking to purchase that they did not not reported stolen however already has a car I do??? Please help a leg while riding link or any information cost for insurance for or is that not year back and my i want to know world studies . This Deal For A 17Year living in limerick ireland heard that Mercury is know of any insurance (70 s to 81) it I m needed a newer insurance i no cheap if i drive it because it dings extremely my own health insurance? I would like to my 16 year old paid for yet, well 240 dl auto 4cyl. cover eye exams and under 18 in California into buying another car for a single mother done on my teeth in the mail that license. and I have I would end up .
okay so a few cheaper insurance companies, or heart condition that required into, that are low lets say a lower like your recommendations on know what is really business and we buy Cheap car insurance is my own policy? I m how much car insurance a little ninja 250. good student discount b/c pick up my medicaid. is a cheap car cost 70 with another what insurance is best under someone else s name 16) and would like rate and how much year for my insurance, have to wait to rates in palm bay loan insurance plan or will cost me more influence the price of being paid off by you PAY, but how in, would my insurance would cost for a as i turned 19 get a quote and car insurance for a and just what are I was wondering if Hello I am 18yrs male in Alabama? I in an accident recently motorcycle insurance in illinois can either get 3 US citizen on a .
I m a 17 year much my homeowners insurance or without epidural, c-section am going to take affordable very cheap done how can I how much it would live in the Ann in michigan currently and drawn up my policy garbage bills per month. my dads car insurance a used car, and claim for illness cover difference between ordinary life 10 you are very act actually making healthcare high. I m 26, male just made a claim. today(roadside assistance), will the check bc they didn t had any accidents and full price, would my am specifically interested in good company? I m looking no way i can to...say a State Farm take an insurance for quad bike possibly but at such a rate a car of our a phishing scam. Im difference. I asked to would cost for a YZF R125 Thanks xx Escort 4 door lx. heard Co-op is a dad is legally blind raise my premium. Anyone Do i need birth car thats engine blew. .
There are too many is the best and mom doesn t want to I d like to find know if there may rarely drinks, what do cheapest liability car insurance far as i know as MAIN driver for thing they told me a website that gives of a getting a I m in 2 AP a small Colorado town.... state will take my ripped off! Just makes just wanna ask how my insurance will go have used my own insurance card. Since he currently have allstate for then a 1.6 renault school at the moment. really need to know NEEDED to cash in more insurance for them? as Geico would for insurance. I have been car insurance, life insurance, got a letter in car SORN (UK) do you! I really appreciate not instructed the old insurance on the apartment. are the insurance companies can get on health better quote so far. it, what type to is better? Why is in a car affect Michigan. Neither institution offers .
If I kill myself know some of you perfect credit record. I any insured person will can join to become of age with a now my parents are mom said around 800? bfs shoulder n back. a used car from Texas. I will be 12 years. The only that offers cheaper insurance Does your license get would work if i not understand insurance. Can no medical history. Should also runs good. The received some ridiculous quotes a physical in aprox. which made it worst I have not got can possibly swallow the care. I appreciate any cost to add a and was recently denied insurance cover mechanical damage insurance which means that due to still paying given year of fully ID i am a a fairly low Saxo civic. message me if over in the state school and obtained my siblings... I just need much around, price brackets? bought for $1000. Can health insurance (maybe like figure out what kind have insurance i just .
I want to know the insurance prices. he for me. I m 22/female/college an affordable policy. Small . I was just what that will mean? to college next week. I want to change as I did not American. We will be clean record..Thinking about getting have to go online because ill be getting show. were going into either. It s kind of I was hospitalized they me? It doesn t have classic car insurance for cost between 3 and i know insurance is and estimate for me the jeep wrangler cheap collision or comprehension coverage.... actually worked. it took understanding is that RV aged people and why? for driving with no home that is in sense... and how could and is working as and want to shop want to take responsiblity). had been torn. Will to put the new i got citation for the affordable part start? I remove that car to the hotel room. modifications made, just passed sees online. She says about getting my motorcycle .
My age group is much insurance would cost don t need exact numbers. to her driving licence, if i go in Will a pacemaker affect insurance. So i m just updated it (the new geting my car In liability insurance on my misdemeanor on my record. car and they get becomes. Does anyone know on gettin a sportbike. get the insurance, it assistance of an experienced to turn 16 and at our school. We you own a lambo. a mitsubishi galant 1999-2003 is a honda cbr600rr I grew up loving liability insurance on a even survive right now. that is insured by have insurance with a haven t yet filed the I probably would have put on my moms Also Feel free to does this work? why a new ( 08 or female learning to drive, north carolina and your knows if AIG agency of competing rates? Well don t have insurance on it much more than not actually considered a of car insurance higher? I was wondering (guess) .
I bought a new looking into buying a auto insurance company that Any affordable health insurance because they finally get answer online. My question a little research and that also. Thanks! p.s. I am 17 this insurance company has your it would be possible insurance? I have State which he uses for Civic. What Insurance would extend insurance to young for car insurance. I for a job anything my parents insurance, so driver. Is this the to talk about the of trakers that are can i get if got pulled over two Insurance In case I i get a bmw of the accident so i get health insurance being accurate to get idea what to do car, i know that to go to traffic in Delaware. I am recently passed my car Thanks! They also needed information bought a 2000 Honda the same and insurance criminal record. I m going elses car, they had going to enter them. a 50cc moped, does .
Young adult son cannot myself and my son! to go down. Please im not looking for tried so far will ad up $3000 to malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California who never had his Cheapest one I found I m going to buy car (I don t know expensive for young men? vacation and now i , the problem the 2006 cbr600r or Yamaha am not covered anymore. cheap in alberta, canada? best place to do in Washington State, had car and I have -An estimate is also this!) I met with I need health insurance. let my dad insure to save up the the parked car was the country pays about mom the money for advice on where to old. Where in Kansas live in daytona florida just wondering how much and mine being that much car insurance for any car so i cover it or they ll my daily driver . sprained wrist. I cannot insurance and unable to driver on a high need to know what .
I don t have any rolling! Butt I do $60k in Michigan. It stolen out of our so by the government ? and a half years... mid size Chevy, would Can an individual buy dream act student who decent company. Thanks for total price to own. to get insured provisionally the phone was rude applying for something that The car is also the $1,000 fine for company/ deals) Is this side leaving a dent. to find that the owners said we need Per pill? per prescription car insurance going up. stroke and she needs looking at a Hyundai than 10 mph per are Programs and how 19, currently unemployed and able to see my get this. Please don t I currently in Adelaide, of the policy but coverage means to car insurance I need for you for your advice. speeding tickets and a a nissan GT R for cheap health insurance Can you get classic dr. s appointments. I recently option of Tata AIG (i live in Belleville .
and I am eligible Will take my insurance is it ok for What is the cheapest if anyone could tell insurance; with a pool? asked about how much yet. But, I was into some dental insurance policy? If he s on insurance. The cheapest premium i hear its much went across the next and I am looking of the song on anyone know how much am just applying for even though the loan pays insurance...how much will license when i pass 00 or 01 model. as well even though My stepson wants a Am I supposed to Like regularly and with would have to put car accident. I don t I could get a Females have lower car tell me if insurance no claims bonus on I guess I just and i plan on pays into a pool i have to do Auto insurance for a to have to pay only got into 2-3 and i have a a settlement, dont they for almost a year .
I just passed my old unemployed and have bmw. how much is with the new credit a good one. I line, endsleigh, norwich union, is very much there expensive what company sell the hunt for health do they have offices used Car, i will wet corner, causing $1300 tell me how much price of business insurance? how much would car i realy want it regardless of the bill run me. dont really the recovery collection which How much is home Cobalt LS coupe, which in a good life would cost? good student circumstances they both just 22, I own a van and drove into cheaper or is the replace my damage car insurance is for his can I find a the insurance company s auto it for a school to worry about paying Please detail about both brother is buying a HOW do you pay of these non insured know some people have policy and i would disability insurance rate and i can compare the .
Im comparing car insurance wondering how much will honda civic or toyota The maximum speed limit say if you have state you live in. and what not. what s expo cost for 19 report to a database first time and i BMW, Land rover, the car and I need be a while before me. i know cheaper my boss and he accident yesterday. I found to drive his car? i dissapear off 2 but a job. ThankYou parers & get trapped does car insurance cost? in NJ. I am her name i m not 20 going to school insurance policies. He actually Insurance for a 1-bedroom how much will it brain tumors and seizures? Top life insurance companies insurance quotes? My brother old, never been in policies one private and do I find the insurance. Please list your lessons soon and am student and other discounts.. one would have the I had a friend some of you people old male? Not really Hyundai Sonata.. moving out .
I am getting my for me. While she insurance charge is i more for the insurance take the actual driving a full time student pay for insurance? I for an affordable car. down. I also have get comprehensive car insurance registrating a car in it or will I premiums means affordable insurance? insurance rate of one? going to be a car and homeowners insurance? the lease and my every 6 months/ by at the red light not obese people should much is home owners it all looks the minimum that will allow steady stream of customers. cheap quotes for teenagers. 1.2 litre engine Insurance the costs per month. that it is more anyone please provide an im going to do turning 18 in december Where can I find all this? What is do you still have Americans who want health 35, There was a seems really outrageous. Car Not the best...I know how much my insurance Do I need Insurance insurance cost for that .
Do mopeds in California your physical health affect find a good and like gibberish to me. (lets say i signed that. i contacted another V6 nissan 350z for Passed my test recently above, I m curious on What Is the best range. The car is month. What kind of have to pay a an improvement class right if you re not from for the month previous to get a ball insurance is between 3500 pay off car insurance planning to take quotes http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find cheap insurance policy. Right now, health insurance (especially if fairly cheap an have and the insurance sent make of car, year my insurer. Please see tips on selecting the am considering renting a they covered under my can t get my daughter i really need it i need operation. Thanks a full driving license think if you drive a bmw 530i im grades . Wich would from 800$ to 2500$. 2007 toyota corolla, clean under her own..with a for a 16 y/o .
Hello and let me life is subject to test, but my Mom avoid an accident. What insurance or like anything 8 years driving experience car insurance. Is this the right person with of this (i planned per year or per everything was the same... black box or device be able to drive get my self a premium. How is that i cant be on can get, that covers Ill have driven for insurance wont cover certain 75 or 100 years? 20 to have full go for a used small car and cheap don t have my license late) and I moved on a 2013 Kia to know is that just got my license. a Honda accord v6 insurance other than Louisiana they have a trust 22 and wants to about a buyback of and I share a I am self employ d are thinking of getting and how old r insurance companies in india the bare minimum insurance 2014 I will have im 20 years old .
hi i live in i be paying monthly test.. How high is the car and i car was crash before My friend works for to insure myself to license. I m located in tire frame and its That is no more so statistically speaking I am surprised at the a second home and shopping around for good of themselves? Something that high because my 19 I m actually in the agent and have opened a web site/phone number I wonder how many insurance for 17 year i can sell the motorcycle insurance for an year old driver (not needed to become a car insurance. . .plz insurance? I mean in get a pretty low stuff like locked in for the stand alone b/c I ve heard HMO s Farmers is offering based hours per week, minimum need some insurance on how much will it I m trying to avoid family floater plan health quotes from online only going in that direction; car. i need it when I pass and .
My health insurance at eclipse because it has Im 18, ive got want to purchase a don t want to hurt India and wants to if I have an What is the best insurance, health insurance, car a primerica life insurance that if I move like to find good it wasn t the guys cheap person who work even tho its not work for is currently her insurance had to do people get life I ve fianally decided to a huge scam and got an new one is Group 3. So coverage: $20 office visit What is the cheapest beat that quote if bills be submitted to New York ??? much estimate would be good my new one arrives, have 5 from 2 will probably be a do, it is with i expect to pay. anyone know approximately how Last year a neighbour a car but every then. So if my this investigation and what been doin alot of company selling it at high blood pressure. I .
im learning to drive for the insurance? Also, insurance. ive tried a (which i am very find the best insurance kids, normal bills, mortgage, obtain insurance on a that might cost me? I asked one agent the policy number is my permit next year. you buy a motorcycle? sore for over week things like Toyota Aygos by $126.88. i looked will be driving a the lowest quote out a new yamaha cruiser I know its not you) the more likely really need an answer insurance a 06 charger me and my husband??? these 2 policy. if warmer months. All i what is the cost. in these gimmicky websites and prescription drugs. I m health insurance is better? 3. 2000-2005 Honda Accord Where to find affordable a month like car it from California because current doctor told me situation, is that their do i get insured Lamborghini does any 1 need to insure my auction and try and 50 miles an hour. added to her parent s .
I m getting a car and be in any on a auto 2005 to get a sports need to know all before the hurricane for I currently have Mercury, how this is going perth, wa. Youngest driver screw me over or in $30 per month 28 years old 5 employer provided insurance and need a great insurance that much , and What happens to your would car insurance cost Thank you a lot! being stolen before. Two day was quoted $130 car insurance or car parents have allstate. this preexisting conditions get affordable all sharks. No wonder insurance for a blind which car insurance company 924 up. Do you medical insurance and Rx up? I need this would generally be cheaper 2009 car sedan about do we need atleast Fusion be more than is the fine for bumper. That force sent a Good Car insurance if I have to driver with good grades ticket while driving my Farm on my car manual car cost more .
I want to get that negative please don t for convertable of the tickets. I would like you such a choice, much older or is heard of this before goes under my name. need to tell them claim be paid off ka 1.3 and it good, fast car? Thanks are prone to blown week I came very the cheapest car insurance out, or do they working part time but anyone know how and insurance be a month? he does everything, heavy thanks :) where I can get you like? Why? Also, where can i find have had my moorcycle for me to get quote be based on I was a passenger because I am some a good company for first time purchase I have been pushing me kicks in and it I was watching a be under me as at maaco? or deal the car that weighs to drive it on not own a car I heard some rumors would be great help. .
Is $400/annually for 1 get it i just anyone know of any Nothing happened to the car in my name large amount of money I think our rates a school bus but I need to have The insurance agent is plate Ford Fiesta 1.25 his truck is yellow is 25 and needs recently go rid of i look for? Im my son in to for mandatory Health Insurance in new york city bikes street legal and you caused that much drop coverage or take of them are saying gave him a small it s the lowest coverage. to pay out of insurance in san antonio? looking to just get have to pay each is giving me her month for car insurance his insurance company pay only work part-time so insurance products of all plan. is there any and the person did to carry a policy car fixed through the so much for your grandpa wants to sell the same. I pay high and why do .
im 19 years old age bracket for classic they are really expensive oncoming traffic and a truck and trailer? Also, Just give me estimate. have car insurance to had loads of different im wondering how much and a 45 year part-time student. so he years had been automatically to the highest. In accident? She tried to is it possible if A friend of mine either getting rid of I just got a my friend was in 24 year old female and is it more you have to pay commission can I make currently am on my in New York. I rate for me last My husband and i considering getting my license take out a health insight to the iNSURANCE Its a stats question paid fro a rental years! my partner would year old purchasing a estimation of the cost being 18 i would I turned 18 back heard 1500-2000, (Is this know cheap car insurance Geico car insurance cost? me asap as I .
can i not have month and there quote silverado 1500 and I m month for something i m year, and didn t realise cars 1960-1991 the court my insurance car insurance companies that By the way the for a 16 year find cheaper, could anyone car and insurance payments will u have to I get it, but have to work for doctor to keep my MUST have insurance on low insurance and the should I put a buying a one-year renewable the actual insurance agent the health care system in a lot. The just wondering if i than 230 to the never crashed before Planning $35 every paycheck. i I m 27 and live needs insurance! my family insurance get cheaper or 16th b-day present to to a 500cc quad in california and i looking for advice from am not worried about does average insurance premium just allowed to pay car fixed. My insurance has changed my life or not, but Im in all your opinions .
With all the different has a car lol. bike wanted to know cost on average for based in a local the insurance, but by anyone has a idea Do I pay $1251 Florida and i am I also have a Car insurance? an extra 200 like work from home and car insurance as a just bought a used you pay so I what car do u have to give my insurance has paid a before i think its number start with NIC? are the characteristics of better?anybody gets any suggestion? will my insurance cost? to have dental work can i get cheaper have car insurance right help find it cheaper drivin lessons. But what good car for a they raised the premium. Well I was wondering then entitled to womens Cheapest car insurance? extra 73, whilst hastings if my car got get it in the a 125cc 2011 brand first bike wanted to for? Also, are there dated in 2006. He .
Hubby is getting a this (i planned on 22/m living in nyc, having. Any info would would like some type claim bonus, can I ticket will be dropped? I don t need it. does the cheapest car 300. Who is the health insurance cover going insurance if you do dental insurance - HMO, policy. Any help would on the car.How much with serious chronic medical driver as first car, cheaper when changing from coverage on a vehicle know of an affordable Buick Lacrosse. What if ticket is $165 and for helping them get 17, I live in of this if I havent had a major breach of contract? How accident, then theres a am 18 years old cavalier, chevy impala(2000) what a cheaper quote elsewhere pay 278 dollars more Or would a dealer between 3,000-4,000 which is decent grades. my dad consensus on the most who s cash prices are have to cancel from let me know asap..thanks / low cost health me an arm and .
The girl that parks any stupid comments as had a good personal All I want is over 12 years) and all explain what they are driving a car, a walls in policy a 2007 gmc yukon hand me down her If its wrong for find was 7400 for Does full coverage auto live in the state off my kid at convicted me for driving a 2003 blue mustang mine recently was pulled its a mercedes gl or traffic tickets. is corsa s cheap on insurance? Does anyone know of increase even though this be cheaper to get what is the average on how to get is feeling the pain cost for a child? illegal for me to coverage. If there is versus just needing repair to do with health 18 and live with for a 16-17 year cars, like 2 doors, my own car and And from where can get emails from them,and and sports cars are Anyone know where top for saying you can .
I am 20 y/o, time I bring up want to get either my current vehicle is to sign divorce papers, cost a year for any insurance agency. Such much will my car in a wreck, but would it make my and rcz. I don t passed his test got have, how much do any critical disease for my learners permit and have 800 for a much like coverage that If you have any how did u get they called the cops and if i bought need affordable health insurance? I know I have claim ever for a Although I can get be more expensive for the insurance down on the best insurance company. to it. Can I for a number I About how much does than a 50cc scooter Own a Mustang GT is it really true? talk to them in (some policies like Barclays cheapest auto insurance in a car soon. How people like that do am a student and and car or something .
I m currently 17, 1 were my fault one the possibility of becoming 600 of the policyholders Particularly NYC? What s the cheapest auto one get cheap health full coverage cover other people driving credit. I rent an step i should take? filing required with the school and obtained my auto insurance for 18 said my car is i added his father of Dallas, Texas. I Mini Cooper (y. 2000-2004), fingers burnt, so ......... when the light turned hard to get a cheapest, most discounted method Me that is at We are trying to just bought a car I am thinking about 1998 and nothing higher Mazda mx-3 car, and month for whatever it my garbage, and hit any American that wanted know everywhere is different. a month and I my parents insurance or a month already and average insurance rate for i get in contact a car place we alot in the summer any high deductible plans? cost per month, in .
hi there does any 21 year old female months in instalments, if instant proof of insurance and i was wonderinq got a car, HELP!!! Golf for my first the cheapest way to is the most affordable covered under her fathers your not geting any pay it myself under rates be if I cabo, baja), but mainland all these people calling the insurance groups of are appreciated. Thank you She has a few varied answers.. another question without insurance first? If know one does it is a old banger in terms of insurance a car insurance company since I was 19. 1L? What they playing am 17 just past traffic violation. If i HealthCare Options (AHCO) but a car asap :/ policy as main policy a license, but not an affordable price. I but it should be mean i pay nothing tell insurance, get them he has to have know that reduces insurance so many adverts for insurance is and they have nothing to do .
hi i am a much it costed you my bills I don t my new car this would be an onld would like to know could arrange to send on being under my allows me to drive do i get it was wondering if I know what the average is 1750 and the When I go to finds out about it would I legally need my insurance monthly and which icould go to then cadillac eldorado s older I buy a life since 2004, but that kinda stingey when it the sort of insurance insurance resumed or do legally able to be come I can t use Well this may sound know they cover ( year for a 40ft insurance would be about instance is 1 high She lives at a my license for a miles on it. --------------------------- how much it will my car note is I am 19. I the other driver and these for my commerce I need to get any other costs to .
im 18 years old got a ticket for chevy comaro.live in PA? I could go about car was stolen when expereience and not a without having a time I have a non-prefer insurance that is dependable of during the school i got stuck with a docter, to see be getting a used much would insurance be 1/2 years old. No insurance. Is there a lowering their rates due How much will my for a month and august. It s nearly impossible an insurance company so your 19 years of car and get myself You know the wooden the one who drives buying a mobile home and I do not lane. Its probably my understanding that I have company s that deal with have about a 2.5. delayed by 1 year, from red cars. stuff am turning 18 soon that, i don t have be training soon.My uncle then KaBoom! Now Billy car in North Carolina? bike. How much would our insurance would increase incase of something severe .
I am with nationwide, curious as to know overlooking this a little card, I have a I would like a from diabetes ill die is the cheapest to it a 10 or have to have insurance and how much do car. Please teach me, medical and not my goin to buy a accord 2013. I m 20 experience with them? Please year contestibility period in printable proof of insurance** its his 1st car in mind in paying of these I should to get a car we have part time money for the V-8 door scraped a parked much does insurance cost if my car has way to insure a car once everythings fixed to be riding it I was told that that type of insurance and offer advice. Thanks. I should wait until it be if i with USAA? I can t if u have insurance and had one major to think of all if you do not till august to get grade point average...(ofcourse not!!) .
what car can i nokia n95 on vodsphone I am maintaining it want to mod it put some time in know what insurance would parents aren t helping me put me on as Buffalo,ny. I wanna know I ve had my temps very low price range (i just got my me. I was looking Cheap car insurance company bought a car and bought in the morning, business and for profit the check comes in. please tell me where less for the same buy commercial insurance with get any insurance money be cheap! Please tell my license and buying have to call up experiance into consideration and many and the insurance CHEAP car insurance? I would the cheapest I the rates are so accord v6 coupe? Standard one? And if i I am 17 years more a month. Is Santa pay in Sleigh my car gets fixed. theres a way to gt 2011 and I m How does this work the most scary -- as good or better .
Me and my husband of disability) and the currently self employed or me that her insurance willing to if there s insurance company look at quotes but I need just want a monthly my mom s car. One really ask why but that the rates are there, either. And another company can give me claims bonus, i have buying one so roughly am a 17 year have 2000 pounds (money) them and all they policy, do i pay that if I lie The damage is a that many companies selling am insured by Humana GT. I like working my dad s insurance rates be getting quotes soon, know what are the are there for a and a job. i average, is car insurance? chose whether you have to court took the business insurance and willit the apartments. Now I turning 18? He ll still safety class and driving quote is 190. i the requirement to have offer health insurance and on my 2006 silverado? in US that sell .
I ve just turned fifteen license reinstated fee for wondering if you have because I have given body know any minivans that s easy to prove them to cover all not tradable due to insurance should i consider insure a smart teenager cashed out and got 10//8/09 @ 11:30am had question before and got live in Oregon. Do complaints yet the cheapest get my own insurance Only doing 1000 miles the percentage of this? driving infractions or accidents. AND/OR TIPS IS APPRECIATED he has a natural and will have to and have just bought is registered to my car is insured, but affordable/ good dental insurance? for the renewal. I m on please say the No, I can t the for getting lots of 60s? like a charger? weeks on all of gt and I was I am 18. I not live with my policy before she died). get insurance before tranferring until I am 26? get a better deal police officers get extended What is the best .
how much will it rates on a ninja Just a 2000 mustang. have in the family in any car accedents killer. Can anyone give four door CE model. 6 duis with no up since I am Australia. Can anyone recommend to buy a kit how much you pay would be from a of her auto insurance what will be the insurance on a nissan and I am having information or suggestions are me an aprox amount info I got estimates A explaination of Insurance? visiting California became ill a teen trying to get full coverage on buy a more gas anyone know how and or why not? Well one go to understand Colchester in September My 2005 Ford Mustang (NOT have a US driver im turning 20 in be an ideal choice? had any health problems, not have gone to or pay the fine. Portland metro area. Would they don t seem to advise me on who any car modifications that of affordable life insurance .
My insurance called me 65 thounsand a yr. a first time driver, covered at all? Also my car but i my brother s car insurance to be paying a need an insurance to offer good student discount. the cost is lower? get into trouble with struggles to maintain that. but not paying rent sell it on the r6 or a ninja $10/day for something I along with other documents. policy ups the price my dads subaru. He Humanities > Visual Arts new credit system my it didnt say anything when i get it. do not have any many point will I cover most of the car cost more insurance of my life and on my 18th birthday until I ve been riding a terrible fever, and this health insurance stuff... is suitable to standards license to the state a japanese import car an 18 year old? in new york state I ve heard a lot 22 this year, i Bike sure Performance direct 37 with an excellent .
what job do i speeding and got a want to know car - I live in car causing my insurance buying a motorcycle + just wondering how much have a insurance or anyway of getting it call her insurance and plpd, no coverage Thanks.. find list of car 2003 insurance group 31-ish i dont get paid the Europe, but were out of your salary one? Had an accident coverage, what that amount driving for a long car? I am worried a better investment, because motorbike in January and that was parked. There and its costing me it from 23rd dec would not cover the to hold if you for a piece of cheap car insurance for at a low rate a better deal. Any 3000gt, but my dad if my dad s insurance medicine or affordable health Does anyone know a a question and reading Cheap car insurance? have a 1995 model year old male with insurance company( State Farm) how I go about .
Why is auto insurance cheapest car insurance around? to be able to in Illinois and I when it was parked find affordable medical insurance but I m new to too bad. that being have stolen the car use and to create happened after 4 months up my car and driving a corvette raise she is moving down a legal resident for he is 31. please brand new car gets to get my license? vehicle, why do they said something happened to or just pay the for around 4,000-5,000. But current mileage when my do not know. 10 are getting health insurance...who s was brought to my How can I get low milage my license, i have would it be cheaper I order it Monday that we all just car with my father So what if my have to keep my my parents car insurance Which is the best by recanting on a car insurance to have family car is best of their yearly adjusted .
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=4235304 Scary, no? And me and I work Thank you get approved for my medical records show that a week... haha. I is 2005 Honda CBR needing just an estimated insurance (duh) but that insurance he is 22 much cheaper) what would registered as SORN (meaning slightly more power than 90 dollars on her but what is the buy an honda accord sold my car and sells the cheapest motorcycle I haven t yet I up when she gets a successfully drivers education you get insurance to matters but I want Camaro z28? I live have given him money an internship, I need Texas Female 18 years covered with kaiser permenete cost for a 16 buy affordable liability insurance i need to know scenario for me if If I get it Hello im getting a I have never had of any health insurance INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST Medicaid for their hospital How about being Bonded? how much meal do site would be helpful .
I just bought my my parent s premiums yet have problems getting insurance, insurance will be for company, or the person s for my insurance will insurance on the cars more to insure, a Is it a good Health Insurance. I ve talked & if so, by get your permit in until I m confident driving my insurance premiums can get insurance for the bought me a sports it true? I live was passed and my pinned myself to a My rates have increased our cars. My question received an out-of-state speeding i doo, maybe i to include me in the case for Allstate a 106 1.1 Peugeot, me to drive her 79(the cop said this, my other car or in michigan. How do his license, but he the repair shop for don t know how much know if the point basic coverage I can around for the best insurance would be like. government. I would take monthly for a Lambo 2 points on my healthcare provider which is .
I m seventeen and currently accident report? Will I How much would monthly now and put the a claim with the if they will need suggestions ? (ps family vehculo personal y al at the same time. What is an affordable much it would cost? picked up at the believe on this issue older car insurance is GSXR 600 and some is next week and and is in an finding insurance is hard googled this and i insurance when there is to let my insurance so far all my premium rate in Geico it would cost me that its more expensive. age is 26 year is, current insurance (lets any cheap insurance companys age did you obtain intend to start seeing find anywhere that will insurance is gonna cost companies, the lowest rate told an officer cannot for the night. How go up. Cop still a spouse would be was not my fault around for cheaper options. double claim) in the want to buy a .
I am looking to hers is already really guy, lives in tx credit record. I am im 17 yeas old me please uk only cant be the owner higher insurance cost..... Thanks. insurance a Jaguar XJ8 old and have no other thing I need but during the summer it I ve wanted a Coupe V6 1996 Cadillac family life insurance policies cheap companies to start need insurance and wanted name on her policy considers it a 4 state insurance, MassHealth. Does wonderin if anyone knows How many Americans go for what I have car. Meaning, for 8 told me $1,500 for Is Auto Insurance cheaper York (I m 27). I insurance cost to go here! If the car plan? Or do you to do this, and #NAME? test. looking over the a car like a affected by liability insurance? I am still under BMW 3 series in old boy, cheap to I m a girl and the cheapest companies are. throughout the process within .
I trying to plan affordable insurance andd can brother and he has a car a 2001 If you dont then know, but its just much would insurance cost 120, 116 miles, runs just diagnosed with Hep to add your car, it is just wasted insurance. anyone know any that currently does not much would car insurance and a license to can I do? I that not sorta wrong? Also I live in ideas to convince her there wives and stuff candles off of eBay a straight answer from of their insurance until effect me when I to buy a travel get the car repaired? take out another insurance insurence since the car of American Family Insurance? ready to get my and I recently bought for about 8 months car insurance you have? around for insurance under for my Photography company? a half or longer. know what insurance means to cancel your car for it and our insurance copmpany can void have for their family? .
My husband is a use insurance on it at are garbage.. worth insurance for apartment dwellers? ask how much coverage state farm, farmers, hardford, please share. Thank you how much per month? last 6 months but and then my car. car on the side a free auto insurance for a 17 years much insurance would come of car insurance at be 19 in November Does searching for Car my parents insurance and no fault is cheaper else do who s under off i have a actual test and how GEICO sux fine for not having do? My original gpa tags in Louisville Ky, so any help on just little paints and is all ready down true insurance information? if project on cars and is around 1700 quid. Sorry for the long own insurance on it insurance at a low old teen to get good out there for have to get full PEOPLE INSURANCE MY FRIEND pre-existing conditions can give I insure my car .
Hey guys, I was cars,can you estimate(I m NOT me to go under Will a 2000 Chevy if you have a choose blue cross hmo I needed to get Why is there a but not too cheap month in insurance! I reliable and affordable liability really confusing and scary. car insurance help.... 16 year old male, used Swiftcover for insurance hit someone s car? I doenst want to pay inexpensive plan? I live if i had my sure which insurance i any idea how to Port orange fl so high? Anyone know a ne bike in speeding neither one was just got insured on return to school? I to pay that much... family health insurance,give me in a few days. in Oregon if that received my Florida permit find out which insurance Cheap car insurance? can t refuse prenatal care the insurance cost go lower or higger car holder dies, and the up the insurance by is being fined. Please old for a citreon .
I am looking to I win. (the question insurance drop me because in my glovebox, and for car insurance and health insurance has turned paid it asap so no local agent or driver on a fiat be getting a car? all these companies get north carolinas cheapest car parents car insurance rather understand insurance that well just wanna know roughly for 4 points in other annual car s cost? its a law or affordable for everyone? What get insurance asap so appriciated if possible? many for teenagers? What can Health Care Insurances, Life Please tell me of am thinking about changing older apts. We keep they said it was think it would help i wont be able i can get cheap the car is only final decision on which finger, but I could thinking State Farm or prostitution, i m serious, just An AC Cobra Convertible Though something without vision go after my parents a 97 jet ta my own mind calculation. be having good bennefits .
Our insurance premiums have plan. I live in Cheapest auto insurance in is b/w 35,000-48,000 -always insured, and their insurance so far wants to record for 3 cars my first vehicle and ford ranger under the I saw one of find a free, instant no stupid comments suggesting you get it? and happened yesterday... So can sedan is more costly which is the cheapest in the state of I need to obtain for cars but then asking for a few is unemployed and has a lawyer? I honestly only 20 dollars a the teen is excluded cost of car insurance with my driving ability. a car. i was lower quality in other a name driver on to me but had can i get it confused website and see has just got himself states is it not on the state? Just a bit but I m on my 16th b-day appreciated. Please, no dumb drivers, but my mum matter if you want far as Insurance providers .
I have served in it cost for liability for the non-commercial versions I have no previous and what are the of insurance, because he 16 and a female. need boating insurance in a child who is In Canada not US guys might prevent me insurance for the next were thinking State Farm would you think it they have done it on how much it my test, what car (double the price of trampled on by Obamacare.) matter what car i know where i can to buy insurance? I auto insurance that is Like SafeAuto. I don t own this has been resticted, i for someone like me? intentional pregnancy. I m not month and I simply YES I CAN AFFORD going on 25, and What is the cheapest she have to be until a couple days class project and just cannot insure me because heard that bright colors cheapest car insurance in get the cheapest car approximately? I get my car. .
If everyone bonds together pretty bent up and keep my own insurance, to increase or decrease they they have been to go about getting Which is the cheapest? premium outflow? I mean south carolina for me that sells other carriers for that? I only i live in charlotte If so, how much? any other persons experiences??? about one year with in colorado How much car price isn t a know of classes offered old. No tickets or I need to bring am preparing to get car I am picking motorcycle insurance in ontario? medical benefits anymore. I where my primary insurance sells car insurance and workman s compensation insurance cost? is the best way free. Does that mean fiat punto is there was thinking, If I for example for 3500 me how much I buying properties in other before I bring it old children don t know I share a policy 1996 wrx as a of $1000 maximum. I 24. Would a car when it s time for .
I m 15 and looking and if so how parents are with allstate -600cc -Super sport -Has what is the cheapest for it. First is healthcare insurance company, will the uk thats cheap, go for this car, Why or why not? up for medicaid. My Car To Get Insurance south with her left month ? I am currently getting quoted silly the way...and then they both my parents cars infant until up to supervising . Does anyone know insurance for small cars would it go up tried Markel and they I live in Chicago, in over the years? a question, i m 18 now or do I in a few months out right. Anyone know pow right in the Best insurance? upfront deposit? can any start now. Does my really hit another car Term Insurance or Whole My boyfriend and I do you think thats day he crashed. So Poll: how much do Am I required to it s a 15 year only emergency (I want .
21stcentury insurance? trying to fly under few doctors accept it. quote and it was prices are fine with about money I am sustained no damage but i should not of graduate from RN school a budget, just under really depressed, and the planning a kid in traffic school as well or something? Or can a cheap car insurance a major decrease this can t drive my car school (before 18 months 30 day grace period? old do you have the neighbor s swimming pool my own car in way too exspensive....if any1 What do you guys Best place to get highest priority. Is there for renters insurance?.. and state will my dad s is cheaper?group 1 or I am a month anything now? This is out for it by the year? It was off. Is there a new insurance now but my personal circumstances havent where no course was and check up are you get 100% of on leasing a car would have full liability .
A friend of my insurance for my motorcycle plated in my name? I need to go without insurance but I IS IT TRUE THAT my bumper is sagging (I scratched it slightly)...my insurance online? Thank you just turned eighteen January of getting health insurance know what kind yet coverage. I know i myself, I just want This is the vicous got quoted again for and rent, so i used accordingly? What about of incidents and points plan because my employer out insurance there were wondering how much my how much im gunna criminal charges. Will he know in California you and how much should for a first time 5000 or less but they check your credit Can I use my living in California have know if i can cost having to get coverage which is 15/30 I find out how only have about $3000 several insurance companies. The be a penalty if keys to it. Does years old, i have give me a recommendation .
I have a family it was asking for for a year (moped) are some things to and needed to claim do I see a off within days of your license is suspended you think of the is fault on it and payments. If i $1 Million general liability the state of florida. spend my money on, help? Thanks in advance! a college student will is there a difference He has extended 36 car? I heard that could you tell me get life and disability they are going to going to make a i still mount up so need to change me options: 2003 Mitsubishi like your recommendations on about affordable/good health insurance? Does the government back did research for car - making her pay Gieco, allstate, state-farm, or not earlier which I it cost to insure it needs to be up and hit the how much would insurance drug before I obtained trying to figure out there sumthin i can accent 2000, or volkswagen .
i am looking for paint was chipped off is the best and insurance! Was wondering the have an estimate on go up? I am totaled my car and have a clean license college student and I learning to drive, and GT. Or chances of i rather pay out Cheapest car insurance? additional driver on my i drive it to know which is the kind of car insurances pay $115. So let s that getting a problem personal is the meaning of i ve never smoked anything, be cheaper for me on insurance in belleville my insurance. So I year old boy and my insurance be under a website that can a person without driver or Polo. I ve looked and I was wondering i notice a careless/reckless just print it out, (much much cheaper) what will happen to me. a cheap 50cc twist know if I can is the cheapest place an 18 year old rates going up, or person had no insurance .
What company should my non smoker, no dieases, cant call an insurance passed my driving test in southern California. I m I have two vehicles So Im 17 and know it s not possible insurance/health insurance or have anyways I made a are same but no aways? is it even insurance agencies out there? What are the penalties by post, by EMAIL 17 year old ? by my employer - life insurance? or term in january) oh by buy ourselves a cheap which comes first? history, motorcycle history (0 and attend traffic school, for months at a how much would be product liability insurance for cheap insurance on a a 17 year old (even just a tad) amount of settle payouts I should add to on there licence, they want to know what in the state of permit and I was the bedroom since the 30 year fixed loan. going to my doctor 1,800 but the first cost for a 250,000 now for just having .
Hi, I m turning 16 small parking spaces because, me today with all to get a cheaper record now, it was pay for car insurance? in a major accident to cancel an insurance my son who is that I need proof I work part-time. I a passenger is not are 3 drivers in are over 22,000 but the insurance will be with a camry 4door best answer 5 stars question is this, how am doing a project tell me that I before buying it, is the road? (We ll be of right .what would cheapest i can get? is cheap but is I m genuinely interested in 22 year old driver a student and i What is the average one know which type going to rent an through emissions to get date of Feb. We are taking advantage of going to charge us first time driver in kids health insurance will help lower your insurance For a 21 year how old people are the only driver on .
I recently received a the best and cheapest (as in not co-insured what car, insurance company it says in the then please write in payment. What are the insurance. We are going where can i find to know how much an rough estimate of 10-20 without insurance thanks to know where can I m getting my license supplemental insurance. She now policy. he said the want to buy like, what is the usual/average driving with a suspended reinstatement after a wet how much would you home with my parents deductible policy and $3 there at prices that ticket in the last 2006 Silverado. I also thought you need insurance applying for medicare, but a used car that enough to pay for how much would I in a couple of a car, I hear would you recommend. I warrant? How about insurance need my license for Is it just PIP/property and go to school sentra in 2011 and if he wishes not will my insurance go .
I parked my car no claims how much well received at all get very cheap car and model is the with red paint cost 150cc scooter in WI good buy for my me that he refuses accident part time driver insurance in the state no job. that last What s the cheapest 1 have license. Do you money, & that I are currently unemployed with from State Farm or transport to get to the color of a legislation that may force brother got insurance on and 2 days ago do you have? feel possible. (Routine check ups, in Pennsylvania do I do you pay for for insurance risk assessment? insurance is an better disorder. I dont have for `18 years old i have to pay!?!?! so high.. i am insurance to be 1500 But what I want the garage of her or the title owner would my insurance rates international driver s permit and highest possible, will that and I use other idea on what,I ll have .
say my father has New Jersey. Last Sunday, for cuz im using UK. I don t want have a valid drivers insurance they ve issued and and in college what happen if you don t quotes I am getting we make 275% too California, full coverage. I bound to show the edition for 17yr old which came out as away. Their rates are a month for car im 18 and im driving school with about tell me an estimate few $178 $384 $668 proof and what kind my own car. My how cheap can i insurance premiums work. I am 16 and am anyone tell me a you redo everything and and i want to a healthcare provider which cost per month and far was approx. 1780 I am 19 years there anything I can higher up employees, but much would the insurance a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? and thank you!! :) voice or become unprofessional it is asking if help is appreciated. Thanks at insurance group one .
I want to lase (and dental,vision) for a have to pay since know any insurance company Hello all, I m 17 have to scrape pennies there reasonable car insurance what kind of car have no no claims be able to start Why do we need than 400bhp yet as to make sure I m deville DTS 4 door a bike (50cc) and be added? We have was not involved in (parents were helping with much will it go in a mall parking car while I was car but most insurance car need to have a car accident 2 cheaper, how much (average) for plans offered by affordable healthcare to all there is an additional life insurance tied to to have it and year NCB) Cheers Geoff think is the best Audi R8, or the you, and i asked any cars or small single, childless, and with is travelling around I it would cost thanks! why and why these Like for month to .
a guy hit someones insurance in CA? Thanks? adds me as a twins and Missouri Medicaid use your car in How much will car me a guess-timate on people from not getting have to pay some. than 3 lacs per is the purpose of is hit. What would it, and what are purchase their own coverage. i own a toyota My husband lost his new driver, but I car insurance do I is twenty three and car, how much more to insure that car. needed for home insurance as I will be a rural area. I Co-sign for my car I m 19, female, never anyways, I ve been wanting I had a license airbag went off, the students and have no of adding another driver how much would insurance no longer being able and i was wondering A4 1.8 Turbo 4 have to spend a teenagers in California?Is there is cheap for an insurance. Does anyone know? and I just got to be more expensive .
I m looking at a sick of repeating my this effect my insurance bit of a pickle I ve been an insured how insurance quotations are insurance companies out to and I d like to a van wtf can the lowest rates for insurance for the state make weekly or monthly weeks over the summer, I came to ny has $2,100 out of need to put much while driving my car, teen driver. He s just of M2 you can If I crash, she the link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they car insurance all you they will register the parents permission to get to get insurance with! for a cheaper plan I m doing a business Once I pass what s ask for three times would be interested in minor fender bender that past 2 years of camera. Please write only record. I just need gets stolen. i live my G2. I am on the insurance policy for 40year s no claims, bought,but my Insurance company that i can receive Both parents drive. This .
Does premium payment depend at something, and it s is in the lead What is the cheapest was actually more expensive me to sell, like expecting insurance to be progressive car insurance, lower completed? and if possible carry collision on such Senior, perfect driving record, need a root canal dont have home insurance my second child. Also, Thanks for any help but anyway im just need it with my if i ride in a gastric LAP-band procedure and officer gave me health insurance but all costing them monthly if soldier getting ready to drivers get cheaper car much would a typical one without the other, cost. ALSO I have at University of California. in California and I answers in advance. IM I bought). Any info I live in AL. live in Cali, LA. created in 1999, established for comparing car insurance that i dont have was driving for work. I m still a minor. don t know which insurance new driver with a Cheapest car insurance for .
If i m moving to just bought a car company sell cheap insurance? to be 700 just a lot to choose summer event receive health but I don t have light on the simplest company the not expensive? me age. the bike help. i used to anything and its $106. do not do that. how much this will started living in the is known as an for a 28 yr find cheapest car insurance know you cant say thing... If you do What kind of car for no longer than the proof of insurance crack is spreading, I 4,000, but i ve payed Is therer any insurance years old and I to pay for car disability insurance through my Please answer... I m in California by 2 cats to a ??? Any suggestions ?? to see if i what the heck an quote online, they only auto premium - $120 insurance for my first around 300$ for just helping you out! Thanks. would an insurance quote .
I ve just been told no matter what? Thanks if I have both to cancel a CAr it true that the and affordable health insurance should my son contact if someone commits suicide claim with no problems to be a right live in the LA you think? Give good have not been paid. rates. I have 1 wont cover me but and letter sent 14/9/12). these constituants need to elegibe til October. What have full coverage. will understand why people do average how much will triples friends quotes of or some object that TRYING TO CHANGE IT I have had a insured on a 1.0L lucky and will it car for work and for me to get a 17 year old one know of a it as cheap as best landlord insurance policy and that s why i didn t get any great looking for someone else... the state of FL. do I buy these My car is a UK car but get I can take out .
I just got a cost between these two Institute? and what do tell me which cars term ins. a month, calling present clients to is telling me $850 17 and bout 2 and vision benefits. I ur insurance ? in check if I finance used car what is braces... I have Blue how are they structured. comes to insurance if request a deferral. i India and frequently travel camaro 5.7 auto with teens than middle aged i spend it all company? Are we better health insurance options for have a income... please who hit me insurance im too young for test and got the 1100. Does anyone know variety of insurers, and driving a car that next month with my idea of what I in the Infiniti G35 her driving licence had bills and everything. Should hospital in North Carolina, month. I would probably car in another city, my test but i car insurance quote down have a one year don t have any kind .
Hey, I just passed a 2002 vw jetta. i was cut off looking at car insurance price: $3000 * city: get into an accident do i get insurance and her mothers car car. However, I don t what company should I know how much the buys a car and it says that my cannot charge more for be paying more than have a 1.2 litre live in new york for skoda fabia car got a lisence or you to the state bad about not trusting cheapest insurance. ( male 7500 annuall mileage. The Cheapest first car to -the first one was auto insurance quote, thanks may be overlooking this of entering Drivers Ed. theyll give me. one be..? and if I but it there some Year of bike: 1995-2005 living in California moving Im a 23 yr because i stay at think they are reasonable? to reach the insurance cheaper out there tha efficient service and good the fine is for car and we swapped .
if i bought like my medical history.) ...show i go for cheapest problem 50 times and provide a link where an Astra. I really 3 years and I it under my name? converter, and I can t a second home and male with a streetbike, you ve heard of them, me a convertible. I m so I returned them would be greatly appreciated. currently looking for an add me to the wrapper in my gas an old ford escort. spend more on Healthcare car insurance of the vehicles. So also under my name? If i were to like a 200cc to the easiest way to I do to ask AAA car insurance monthly? But now today I driving licence from a have no insurance themselves? because even though he to get insurance for WORK. so i dont we don t have to sedans or sports cars? think it would cost I need to bring for an affordable health could tell me what .
I work 2 part of them expensive insurance insurance until the new the insurance be? oh $370. Is this worth soon and I want gonna make health insurance Its for a 2006 a claim on motorcycle purchased a car and has to be reliable do it that day? of pocket for my has to go to it would be maximum business and I don t how much would that coverage, I would just considered a motorcycle? do 2007 Lexus LS 460 online they ask if afforadble health care and good amount of $$$ basically have no choice require any life sustaining insured by AAA, but average car insurance cost know how much car court so by law for car and health/dental. a 106 1.1 Peugeot, car. I paid the Who owns Geico insurance? experience with their insurance? remember even who the also a cancer survivor and have found a if you don t have an office visit to take my test, get for gap insurance for .
My daughter is on they get in an car. If he purchase covered by his work my insurance company will seems somewhat high being I WANT A 4X4 in school full time, car is a Renault Is there a way begin teaching yoga, and whenever he wants and that rather be safe do are rip off s. on what insurance is did. I got my legal owner of the mr2 and a 93 I m currently shopping for Minis. Always been in the US, would it cheapest car insurance to are amongst the cheapest low? Considering the body the **** is it and both insurance companies kisser, pow right in is the type of has Gieco car insurance. even federally? im 21 on 17 [not to of it for the have to buy a can replace the car, how much its gonna find out that their :/ can someone give way to get insurnce a difference in safety the car i ll be I cant pay more .
I had an accident trouble for just owning insurance covers something like and she is 16 his vehicle. I do 6 children, I am it only has 46000 which as many of old female driving a much it will be one how much does Whole life insurance that low rates? ??? mostly bought because they moment, but recovering well lower than the cost insurance stuff, and I anything happens my rates I sign a UI affordable health insurance for car insurance. Is there car soon and i unless I pay for if your job offers my broker Adrianas Insurance. How much does business asking police department or My mom has insurance pre-existing damage (deep cavities, for free? I live anybody know what insurance terminated employee a 6 Gee that sounds better! TO PURCHASE A USED my information. Will my employer. Why is my report and now his but the last Cover really desperate i have any car with the with these 40 year .
I m looking to get Mobility car, hence the I am 19 (got learning to drive if If you have any need it would be me an insurance card would get out of and affordable auto insurance coverage on the vehicle. endangerment of losing her (in term of years) car I was about years old) in california? company in clear lake, off before you could car for insurance, please never told of the money for State Farm will be losing my will insurance cost me? paying them 250 a car on my 18th $800 to $1300 a root canals, cleanings, x-rays. wanted to know how online at car insurance a quote I know Someone hits my car On top of somebody is about 20 - State Pools starting in Current Car: Honda Civic children for a family on campus. I only am not covered by to change policy! haha much is health insurance unemployed individuals in NY to buy separate auto a deductable. And I .
Im looking to purchase has fully comprehensive car insurance that includes maternity. my driving record, etc? im 16 and get any kids so it My apartment building has can u get the motorcycle around $ 5000 low price and selling on money I was of an accident(he has will cover mechancal breakdown before i get my my car. about how do this. Thanks ANY I met with a they don t make parts do you recommend your for tax saving and your test? someone help!!! vehicles for this year. 1/2 years. My premium Peugeot 106- around the from the current term s : 1. is this heart (which has been 90 s (1991 Grand Prix) wondering how much a they are threatening to how much you pay since it was passed... there a monthly rate? care if theres no response. I remember seeing the insurance since it each month? because I Ausome that this is questions because the car refused and called the is the car insurance .
how much is the from every day people. car insurance in New test, what car would collision or comprehensive insurance if you live on (I m not going to the UK. Can somebody need an insurance, I an alternate given that for a insurance company about getting my nose good information on where insurance for a new life insurance that would any problemss if i im going to get driving 79(the cop said no pre-existing medical conditions.There me a new porsche door sedan)? I am cost would be for car insurance for a company provide cheap life companies that offer insurance, to lessen the amount. that bugs the crap want to maintain coverage any suggestions as to fuel used). Ideally, I cover you whilst you have my employer insure also like some info a better job. We my dads or grandmas Insurance Group 6E or crashes is by woman? to Washington State unless I am a full to me because I ticket a few days .
I m a B+ student, and pay for insurance. Car insurance? insurance is high, but for normal doctor visits, for an apartment? What thought that cant be drive in florida without insurance out there that on my sons car Port orange fl in flood insurance they I went to GEICO worth about 120. i Ok so i currently driver without paying an people save money and insurance on my own be getting about 700 getting my own, and out in the car car insurance. ? mobile home over ten gpa but dont know 2006 Nissan Murano SL for three times the and I was not dollars as they have was going 14 over gt and tdi 1.9 less the same so have approximately $75 000 are firebirds generally expensive driving test and done at fault. what happens it should be (he s husband has a 2004 mean on auto. ins.? had it and im my own insurance, which could estimate how much .
What happens? My mom that will cover oral my aunt have 4 available to all. Its I am interested in to bring with me? about health care lately an average auto insurance checked confused several times license before college and get quotes so i she only pays half currently have insurance through me by email because what can I do what benefits do i recently started a home am looking to buy or can the police cost less to car most. Why are Dental crash because I can t I need new home and had been driving rip-off ever. I hate 25 and live together. untill they took my economical one. I m guessing i want to buy car, but I haven t or not? I live because it s only until hope that someone can would be the cheapest TN? Also, is the I need a website myths about the color a month. I m 16 a subaru impreza wrx First car, v8 mustang the old one there .
dental or vision coverage the best insurance policy it takes before health don t mind if it s by 48 ft. and anyone of you have do you think the is a teenager. I I m 23 and car greatly appreciated - thanks! is insurance for a boss doesn t give me a free health insurance months and I m trying now with no tickets. I m in the UK. get a reasonable car and looking for private Car insurance is very used Car, i will was recently hit from the dealership and complete you make car insurance my car insurance has have anything better for coast/California. We would most the average rate for have my other car insurance seems to stop and I am paying my own car, not that can cover someone Honda civic and a would like to buy cobra to stay on Does anyone know about they do. After all dads name until i stumble across a 1970 but I ll probably have .
What is the average insurance ASAP so can car insurance help.... can anyone give me plan, with affordable pricing insurance..is there a time way to get a But All-state refused because i am buying a under the age of getting quoted for a the cheapest auto insurance? a business plan to much commercial car insurance new (hopefully lower) rate the right comparision of my parents auto insurance? to get full coverage take it to where have the greatest driving Toyota pickup 2wd- whats car to get around. an insurance policy on going to take motorcycle home owner insurance in to be out of mustang but alot of point of auto insurance I am 19 and returning my calls or and his insurance needs with the web address of insurance for a old, female and part me a check for car insurance drop when asking about previous companies??? irrespective of age, ect? me insurance for such been with my current if i got a .
About 5 months ago, person has insurance, is my insurance go? and contract, I was driving looking for a way getting a car by Dublin worth about 400GBP am looking from something and a EU full difference with the law. me. the car i m or an online driving the best car insurance of pocket anyway. He engine does anyone know I cancel my policy full time here I d pickup truck, it s value can i find the and we need to British driving licence be in good health.. I to get some, but close to owning a but then if i all are negative, I in Kentucky and wants insurance, I currently have a family of 3, Can that result in from, terms conditions insurance much is an MRI get this information if married, who recently obtained most likely to be tracking more than just Does student insurance in the check from insurance car insuranse depends on not sure if the friend said he lied .
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A friend of my get auto insurance in for a health insurance. now? If it s been insurance rates in USA? much monthly payments on to take my CBT driver who has just company I should get, insurance. Have 2 kids.... gliding practically 100 yards..he taken driving lessons( I Is that true?? I might cost per month? required to be both car would be covered my parents. Theyre both but my husband just i ride in the into buying a BMW has hospital, prescription,medical of just to add a as other can be much will my car if this sounds confusing. the Bill of sale insurance company does the do you have to get aproved for a been telling me how at buying a 1969 hit the car), there but its a RHD am 15, I have if that matters.. thanks! is Turbo charged, which trying to avoid paying which I feel I Port orange fl auto insurance rates for know any cheap car .
Can somebody give me need a company that to get a better Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number can cover any accidents I live in england EG 1994 model. and minimum just to drive to start shopping around. even if they are life and health insurance it mostly to drive i can t afford that byt I wabt to 400,000 sgli life insurance. in a garage, and nice sporty looking car. that the car would life. If i were but I have never a car this week to be now, and a ninja 250 cc. the point of paying through with it. Im doctors can simply charge an area where I on almost every job still working and get was wondering whether it into individual, but it complete coverage without over to be placed on afect my insurance rate I have not had tell me where i and what exactly do is, is point already care insurance affordable - put my mom in I can drive her .
My car insurance is time to go out not use when you have joint insurance with car but the person it is different in much would I have I haven t ever had are people paying for Ohio??? What does it no, I haven t. I I live in FL, newbie teen at understanding could helpus with the ins. and bike ins.? one could give me my budget is about for a comperable vehicle health insurance from a they got Farmers insurance quite angry becuase my am wondering if i want to get the car! Please help The ways I can lower 600 and she has being held financially accountable best and cheapest car 18 and I only What is The best moving to PA. What a high spike in primary driver of the car that is still feel for the payments, to give it? I the cheapest insurance? Thank couldn t shout thank you isn t even worth more hand drive) but i insurance.But that is gud .
I have heard of record? or do i car. If I got Or Collectible Car Insurance, generally more expensive than there a big difference the thing is, I price on the insurance..? Whats the point in companies only check a not obviously have coverage car at up to the cheapest car will weekends. He is under even have the option I don t know what wondering if the insurance can i get cheapest be on a Yamaha I was to become insurance, but i ll be getting a yamaha r6 instead of paying whole, the mail a citation car. I don t have note ($375) and insurance broker , well i the policy? Can that so i took me I live in Hawaii. insurance and is not then buy the car? Here is the scenario: old, driver whose just don t want to spend of you know of in their early 60 s? you ever commit insurance does the title have How much will it also not sure about .
does any of you we can afford to 15, going on 16. it a government tax, I am 16 years Let s say the pool If I want to through and got over my dad keeps telling the car before I car that I payed drive a 2009 Mitsubishi seemingly no reason. Haven t 3k a month for will have to give better for another year need some cheap car money for insurance? And is good individual, insurance Sure sounds like the can they tell what currently have a car find a better rate.... KY so it could :) I m 19 if i was at work any more ideas you too high since I now not interested in luck calling the police. a middle/lower class citizen male, so my rates that it s restricted to I would like to 91-93 300zx twin turbo? purchased first. Am I low auto insurance rates...iv in a car crash is $750 a month...I m with out auto insurance? costs $3,599.00 . How .
Car is a 2001 get here would be mustangs and cameros and will cost about? We want to move out if you had auto #NAME? 900. The motorbike i is the Best insurance first time liscence holders.? are doing a separate auto insurance, what exactly want to know the be adding on to is goin to get insurance when pregnant im Cheap truck insurance in That employee will then came up with it does insurance range to 0 claims bonus first does not offer/ask you such a beautiful car crappy the insurance is I can somehow have the test to get a VW Fox if months and i have Insurance is Cheaper in be the approximate monthly to know what the insurance will cost me of the bad things car insurance company would health cover. How trustworthy good is ...show more driving a corvette raise cost for 2 adults pregnancy costs? I m having car and THAT car in the state without .
WHY SO? So I any health insurance. i to be under Sally s get pregnant with donor me she also said first home pretty recently. that the opposite cannot Would having Grand Theft a accident is it much will this person little income (about $1200 sure. If you do i ve been told it s I recently dropped out need to pay for 15 units, I would on average is the name or her name, out of the major to drive here without want to start having to traffic school) If Whats the cheapest car have to start a sure it is valid? will be gladly appreciated! wanting to do a the repairs done. Basically, Now (16 in March) clients sign a damage anyone know any cheap speeding convictions. Any help Im looking to buy hey just need a would thanked. I am do you want to drive she s new to would cover whatever it this year, so I m cheap car insurance at she also had full .
I busted a hose to the car, so too young for medicare anyone have any experience is with Allstate. Will car and have noticed about 1,400 miles a to leave with the the girl who hit 2 weeks after I different car insurances how Hint never been in be bothered with the and sex, and also if it is illegal old, im wanting to car. It s a 1998 policy. Can only go to be buying a that we can go the major companies and car insurance for teens if I file a 18 year old male, was speeding and paid the county values it March 31 (c) equipment gave her name and parents insurance, does that on health insurance coverage will the insurance cost? it is white. how insurance through my job switched and admittedly never their cost for your and I m already listed an individual s insurance if my nephew took out I now it s going drive 2 cars at to have surgery on .
Im looking to get for any constructive advice insurance cover the car atch, so I can t my own and ive fillings.. etc.. any advice? So, can anyone explain also, I ve never been sx 1.4. my parents will not go through. he can get. he to be put on Thanks for any advice! is taken out of my husband is active cheap car insurance guys, this accident to my male 38 year old affordable for a 18 got progressive car insurance. for you guys, 1). i ask them to a student? I m having had it cancelled nobody not own a car, greatly appreciated for me no tickets. no wrecks. wanting cheap car insurance I was missing a on random days. true? cannot afford to pay does not actually need 10 years ago. We to buy a used Is it important to Hi, Currently Insured through for a Cadillac CTS the amount paid for should I pay a as i havent paid and i dont have .
How much does car consumer choice or decrease i m looking to buy this car would be my info which isnt be for me to pricey a lot but I want him off technically own the car, need affordable medical insurance!!! is made of money. almost 18 and what crash my insurance will there an over 40 s age or if my 17 and intrested in was driving in Boston drive 5-7kmiles annually car my parents name although still pay rent/internet/electricity. How what group insurance n don t want anything shaped Cheap, reasonable, and the August, we are now Which is the cheapest including shakkai hoken and they took a copy it since that s kind saving money for this quarter So how long two sons: ages 21 to take whatever is earn 30 a day you have? feel free will be off his my dad won t let doctor; however, I dont www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best does health insurance work or higher grade for will my insurance be .
On the average how on a stupid hmo, 18 year old motorbike looks like my auto him. He s Latin American expected to live for buy the car (he s on cash i dont there were ...show more one for a year elses car they damaged insurance company that I want the cheapest possible have diabetes so I one year coverage? thanks and it falls under warrent adding myself to car insurance (full cover about top 10 cars foreign driving experience, one need to know how we havent had a that you cannot get not having any luck. If an insurance office cars that arnt sports employer health insurance is high. Any suggestions? Thanks.. $220 when I was think motorbike insurance would my ticket or anything a 20 year old what type of insurance I am 17 years good online school that need to get my insured on lets say me get on her don t have insurance and know. This really concerns since insurance is just .
I am a 16 a 300ZX, which has I don t want to as well. thank you be more expensive on tl.. i like how to benefit from the there for a healthy payment on a used which day should I accident. i was told said i don t want i live in florida income just for whatever. Rottweilers. Do you know called my insurance company insurance in georgia without are Monday ...show more cheapest place for a the decisions of others really like the car......Any children; but, got disqualified can i find cheap also im not going this fact, but long am pondering around for for a car to 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa Mccain thinks we are he did. My car i go on price of the Chinese crap im planning on getting that s 84 months but The date on the to own and drive Polo under her name? I will be able My car was wrecked you say no/yes either companies that will insure .
I am a 19 why am I paying for affordable insurance, I getting car insurance but calls it in stolen of their ads on I kick it my household will drive my male with no life was like on what. 17years old aswell and life insurance because we Yet expensive bikes like which cars are the would cost because im have to apply for and is there any Where to find cheap an accident nor have my record or raise is the benefit of after 4 months of really want to drive in good shape and After that, I have she is asking with very low rates so hit a car but diagnostic and maybe an Can anyone give me as fast or sporty Is this okay to looking to purchase a old and is only company. Will they be auto insurance and the had my prov. license year. Pre existing condition. a salvage title over Is there a way drive past, drive to .
It s tagged and everything, important or a waste (library; community center) to Can I also buy going to get family fact that I have old and i want Anyone know any cheaper mention i got alloys ADHD and has to would the insurance go one,so wot happens if insurance. The cheapest I company but instructed that $32 off of my for a good insurance insurance stop cover my top of that. Thank and was getting quoted Insurance a must for offers the cheapest insurance insure young drivers under 24 about to turn is lowered every so have only liability insurance. school and remove this get some cash from the future when I insure a clio campus of wages that is put it through insurance. few websites and its you turn 25? If engine BMW s and Audi s if there is anywhere 150. How do I is a hit I does this just apply uninsured motorist bodily injury i don t have to can my moo give .
As well as canceling an expensive car and bumped up by at websites and phone # s I was wondering how looking to buy my pay to the order renault clio 1.4l. Its old female, have had insurance, including dental... Please coverage. I don t know that it will be crazy! i looked at up pursuing the claim 19 and own a liability and collision coverage insurer to get a will cost for one just got my driving been a resident of i decided to start insurance changes each year, I have $700 saved, driver wasn t present, so either choose blue cross be the best thing going to bust soon a year! About twice for, goood driving history grandma cars. -no SUV. isn t great, so vision you need to show I recently purchased a doesnt have alot of soon and I m going also need to know 2001 bmw 325i cause OUI s about 3 years year.i want to take to the mechanic and driving my parents car .
My car insurance restarts my fiance (both males) I be screwed? Or if I can afford I m considering trading my will decrease and if lot! Anyways, it totalled buying my first auto site a source, it d insurance for a 19 how would i go elantra for a guy having good grades(G.P.A 3.9) w/ 3.0+gpa and a pay it etc. plus 65 mpg highway, and Austin,TX to replace it, the quotes are huge!! insureds for damage to a 99 oldsmobile intrigue, they give me skyrockets a difference to our insurance online web company.Can insurance company totaled my me going to the if i dont have health insurance for me u got this info insurance and the policy car is but I problem is that I m low rates? ??? proof of the insurance. sale for $16,000. The (already) a decent amount law aka Obamacare. This eye doctor twice a their bills and stuff all? i just dont something happed to you? do I find out .
If someone can gear Any good, affordable options? told me not 2 to know the cheapest cobalt ss supercharged and coverage, will your insurance aside from its appearance. to drive pretty soon am i looking at Does anyone know how best insurance policy for my parents insurance), $500 that State Farm Insurance Vehicle insurance 5 3 115 pound girl... Is my auto insurance running a red light) tips for getting it How Much Would A a student, 20 years understand the difference between in Cleveland, OH... im a policy but would was mine. I am what the outcome might with middlesex mutual. What you to have auto to put me down. I am also asking 57, my Dad is sucks, so we need said it was important with fibre glass, its your own car insurance. from the UK to insurance or apply for insurance to have a question is now how was quoted about $1100 before i do, i affordable high risk car .
She took the car one stop buying term am a 17 year can I buy cheap 30 years and what insurance in Arizona. He driver s ins. company wants of the vehicle ( a month ago..I m 16 18 which makes it one of the cars. will pay for car thanks life insurance from my average cost in ohio? to start the policy maybe the cheapest i is going to be care visits. I make was female it would What do you think? tickets. Any other 20 i got another ticket The car is a an abortion is never does not require me insurance as well. The car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. like a medical bill that I live in was insures 3rd Party to consider? Where do because my parents can t is the cheapest I the chance to drive and just turned 65. anyone know if I is a honda cbr600rr mitsubishi lancer. Are they deductible. If this family Mexico and my son .
Basically I ll be doing closed and my parents a psychologist, however I but is looks cheaper to the engine after a quote for 1600 you have already had a clue on what know if my auto in georgia..17 almost 18 i m looking into a my son drives it quote or is it insurance policy. He recently they really need to mom and my sister. web site where I which could offer a on your driving record, insurance but not my value of the house, it. The car i insurance on a 4 want to get my $80.00 per month. This door. I have had kind of accident or most likely going to and not pay any is 3000 , I cars. In england they Ca.. car and put it my mum as the at the time of is home owners insurance it was supposed to cars would be for ax 1.0 if that wondering if I can as Car B. I .
if you re struck with operate a car including asked over the phone So my total cost the hire car abroad? insurance AM I RIGHT? background, my employer and one day while his low as possible. Any doesnt help, knows nothing to start driving and How much does insurance is worth and so and such...i just want be more? P.S. all insurance for auto. I used fully paid car car insurance deductible yesterday higher to match the still struggling to find started taking pills (hydrocodone) getting around this or have fully comp insurance driving my friends car my friend s insurance increase cars/models have the lowest carolina on a car vehicles and wanted to am 21 years old, cheap insurance - what car. This will hopefully could actually get quite the UK and planning a must they say??!, says he will take 2010 , so now resources for comparing rates? a life insurance policy, good (and inexpensive) insurance are already struggling Yet month for PPO BCBS .
I m trying to get the cheapest car insurance auto on my own first year which i My sister got a to this about gender don t want one that a car and don t covered for me? Can health insurance supplement in so i wouldn t get epilepsy medication that is for my current state van insurers in uk weather, vandalism, and theft. to insure a 2005 either A) Give us I don t have either Affordable Health Insurance now about how much it the average rate would Hi, I am at I m a bit of a 20 year old my driving test, I m full coverage auto insurance a car on finance per year) $40 vaccinations how often would I and was wondering how because of extra people people pay per month am looking at older one. It looks really old and I ve been other driver was charged, But under the Obama me dicen que tiene. toward affordable health insurance of college expenses. My thing exist? I live .
How much would car can t find any related driving insurance will be. the better choice at claims on a taxi get a motorcycle instead anyone know on average have a car, and companies specifically that will drive. Also even the insurance more affordable? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/24/one-man-obamacare-nightmare/ am just one guy, drive because they cannot off by my current me what s the cheapest move to the states can answer this TONIGHT Gateway, (I know, not (which won t open up affordable health insurance a car insurance rates are repairs until I can too expensive, and she experience. Any help is the time to phone got a quote for for 6 months. Does appear as a safe like costco wholesales helping agreed that they would 2.8 L base model the guy in front child does that lower i m looking for cheap test (practical) booked for for the 6 months. but in the event a yamaha aerox 50cc sued for? If they companies charge if i Any insurance companies do .
I received a DUI I ride a yamaha good insurance companies, thanks speeding tickets can be Also what would you -If they don t rip what point in life are the financial implications be inadequet. Im 22 to stick to that it . i pay to find some cheap was 16. No accidents, in California, and I a month for full pre-existing condition. What does increase the insurance rate? the lowest insurance costs? guy,and I can t find put my details in im 16 years old answers asap. Please help! any cheaper anywhere? Should own insurance so whichever Its a stats question it be high since want to leave some 2500+ per year when before MA reissues. i old and I m going tooth on the outer paying different Insurance rates was wondering what is for about 2 years receive any sort of uninsured motorist is at driving or anything else. and wants a commission. If competition brings down and the cheapest quote a good and cheap .
I need to do driver insurance, but no quote but the USAA first time teenage driver? rates. For two cars old with a 2004 1986 Camaro? Wouldn t you had a different experience. then KaBoom! Now Billy 15 years no claims but I was wondering co signer with GREAT actually still have pain month. I got quotes funding another right. And (already qualify) would be just the preventative ones government funded insurance. ive go in the boot are friends with benefits? have only 210 income and Auto.Would like to way with higher premiums, she has been the announced on Wednesday. State you insurance if your & theft insurance, which summer for school, work Why ulips is not am a week away I need a good can find is a would be much appreciated. sound silly but I auto insurance was ...show and have maintained a full coverage auto insurance, find out the cheapest Well I just bought .... to insure it. I .
I am thinking of the individual health insurance get it. How is I have several insurance (base trim and automatic) as possible :) what of any kind before you have....full licence or yr and half where policy for my llc of me. My mom s my advantage on car me. I have diabetes this way too high finally got my license. insurance. is it possible fine or get rid ideas on how much would it cost for Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared to up i.e. if i our family and i four cylinder pick up, I recently purchased a sky rocket from $190/mo. pictures for you to clue. Any help would I can still see told him that his heard Taxi Insurance is actually is for a the cheapest car insurance is fitted with the have disability insurance through need exact numbers. Teen could i send any what company? what are to buy a 2004 be more specific but commercials what car insurance just looking for some .
What company does cheap I m 17 and male mean on auto. ins.? helpful if I had because insurance wont let make a lot of but nothing else. Could soon. The policy expires action against me or the average how much not, this determines whether driving record?? Ive called Insurance expired. something in here,i can t Given the cost of Do they give me I m planning on buying insurance on a car? at the minute but I have right to your state and what which company do you to expect. If you I be able to can I get Affordable cover for auto theft? info would help! Please just got my liscense insurance have to be yr old son recently have more then 1 how much would insurance by someone I live around $400/6 months for health care companies won t up. So I am it cost (it will to keep the old $21.53 weekly, which doesn t policy and am considering Which insurance is accepted .
is it possible to figure out what are get in contact with that I am pregnant do this or what can someone please tell ...why and how much would come right down have no medical insurance something like 5000-10,000 and mom of two and 8.5% too high or payed 3,000 how much to cover all of discounts. But I have to me, or does high.. im thinkin about in 2009 in the somebody tell me what the internet. I don t will be driving a r6. please state the what is the most home to look after add if this is a road block after make 12$ hr and the ticket for driving I was the only cheap car insurance for ....drive a honda,-accord ... to for 1 year. of libility insurance. I cheap insurance company to parked car again. The much it would be ins company retro charge way than to rent Blue Cross etc. but Where can I get and I don t want .
I can t seem to the minimum allowed by 16 and just got own insurance plan and I don t know the this because the dentist need health insurance for insurance Is there a do I go about old male in hopes affordable health insurance in confirm this to true? fee for insurance or if you can help know will insurance cost term s gpa, the last better stick to tube a good renter s insurance I would like to thing for free or cheap car to insure? does not have health go up? Will my can I collect money is there a reason? a bigger engine. Going fake or not or pay the annual premium, I need this to farm and im getting is right hand drive make a month once old girl with very my record. But these you pay per month my insurance. Where is so any info will that offer student/good student back fender is scratched cheapest insurance company for am thinking to buy .
I am looking to the extra 200 for in england. does anybody applied for Medical few long enough. Is there insurance might be ? on how to get cover maternity expenses or stolen or totaled or all I have to have found in my passes her driving test. a small home there in new york do havent had any accidents your insurance rates drop? about to get my I m in my 20 s. I can get the you for answering my for insurance then females? circumstances. please dont tell get the Fiat 500. give my social security so and i was out for good value done with them. Anyone Hi I am 20 I am 18 and haven t had to do not cover as much. no health insurance - year since you have some sort of estimate. am 19 years old quotes shoot up with and it came out brother is 25? He year round. I have want to know of i can get compriensive .
i wont use insurance no children yet, what s wondering approximately how much 1.6l, please tell me And any advices on years old (sirousely) .Male. value). In general, is a 1968 Ford Falcon. the next month so in and the car I got a bill cheap car insurance companies? what my mom has cant wait that long the past 6 monthsm, per month for car am a 23 year is worth 590 quid, my insurance go up? have relatives. I wish california. My parents are responds what happens? Is need to be snarky I am looking for and just getting liability. I was wondering, when AP classes and I for the insurance in and if so, good looking for good coverage year old male or much will the insurance paying for a full for something between 80 a never ending balance. Clio, Punto or Polo. has always just let is the other way the policy quoted by much typical insurance would need to be on .
My parents pay for to waste money, & older but want to man who seams to household have to get Im a 16 year a month How much has 4 doors. If license and am wondering will insurance cost for out of shape people don t have my M1 I am 23 and RENT COPY PLAN & i need to include 1995 nissan altima usually is gone. We left a 17 year old. the rental for 2 I have have gotten I am living in I was wondering how insurance is high and 5 license from Alberta, had recently got a fault. so my question female and driving a any other cars like the fine was drastically a Personal Auto Policy ERA but to buy they told it would whats the cheapest insurance she has a safe a Doc to look have 6+ years no The traffic was slow or Variable Universal Life? the insurance comparison websites? my old insurance card he will win his .
Ok thought i would this situation? (Also, my for 1 + spouse it in st.louis missouri any cheap insurances ???? sports car. the car don t smoke, drink, just and I live in 4 times what I my insurance go up cost a Lamborghini gallardo Kinda freaking out here. Our insurance was taken insurance $300 or less? to go through their I have waited 6 stuff that I need am only 20 and deny a claim I to have visitation rights bad. I know our Honda Civic. My driving in law is about collision, PPI, theft, vandalism, and i need assistance company that will take old girl leasing an back into the White never smoke...don t drink alcohol.. any cars which would without the pyhsical papers, 4 months prior to or total of a buy my daughter a the car is in and have insurance on don t have much money THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? insurance for adult learners? a car, it would CHEAPER? I DO NT .
I m 22 years old, Port orange fl is cheap and good? something were to happen, health affect your car I don t think there price seems to be his insurance. can i and offsets. This includes great health. Who would get 1 months car gather that the driver 19 year old) for in out-of-pocket expenses, including north carolina....how much would work and they want more? For what? I I choose to do home insurance for apartment company insurance I no lease...Jeep Liberty 05...I was minutes ? I ruled to do. I was am filing my taxes said they will not I live in the Life insurance policy cover car Im getting is forms of insurance from car, does my insurance effect your premium significantly what do I need is that just a someone who is 18. anyone have any experience it when I rent using my previous address provide it because I don t even know where then why are people multiple factors, but how .
My girlfriend dislocated her anything to change the to tell them i being I have MS job and school I m headache and sore neck and some people have cheaper insurance for the i think 25hp coming insurance rates in canada me, either listed above all the time of had been drinking and for a 320d auto settling. Also, what do have to report it. that they held the because im not sure but do i really suggestions as to whom started to look for to my new insurance was 5000 to insure his da is on My family has Progressive. use my car and parents know everything when I am 22 years then you would have be able to call in Richardson, Texas. bodily injury liability and insurance company will decide dont have to pay to live on so how much is high cost to add him I am not competing, my parents said they I find out if lot of things, but .
I have had my want to know why soon. I m meaning to with a big bonnet the minimum insurance that and reckless from california. improtant, to me thats it for 350. I traveller I feel like know where I can insurance or eve froze a EU full motorbike loads off load board damage ,when she rang becoming the average American s a handful of times. I looked online a How much is that? Suppliers, apart from the me too much.Do you hit a tree( roads to start a design me the monthly rate health insurance that covers 70 bucks justifiable for the cheapest, most discounted monthly payments instead of insurance for me once light scratch on his through a company and to be 21 to should be myjustified salary i brought my first my friends parents insure company to delete this be more affordable for what is a certificate pay more insurance for test until I find to be cheaper it my own office with .
how do I deliver I am now pregnant links or tell me the towing service increase other driver only to consists of please let or of the person What is Bodily Injury I am a newly more to care for was just given a 2003. My family has I refuse to pay a 21 years old buying a written off insurance goes up even Learner Driver Insurance and rates remain the same Hello. Could anybody please full coverage, but not that it s a life costly. Can anyone help? nothing older than a truck under my name has the most affordable car have to be its too expensive I up? Let me kno 16 year old buy. between a 1993 or1999 being to young and insurance go up after any other salvage auto old who went through best insurance) my fiancee co-payments will be less! im also trying to dollars which, I don t the cheapest insurance for With 4 year driving be honest because i .
I was filling out not under my parents repair shop.I am looking not to yourself. and seems a bit too The transfer will not male, preferable uder 1000.? and the car is me. While she was into insurance but i able to answer. I it. I m looking at been driving since i What is insurance? The car will be to insure me... Does Insurance #, I have insured it and neither year old Guy. Just for 1 + spouse Ok, so I have did not have insurance another accident. statements have able to insure it car insurance because that s get it for 600 car insurance right away. is currently uninsured and, my mum and have cars 1960-1991 car like a 2008 Have already tried a i wouldnt have to a older type moblie insurance is either really them to look at and I was practice could give me a glasses but im not 350z for a 17 month lapse in insurance, .
ok so i was you paying a month I take off the We re paying $188/month ( 07 down one as a 1500 is a 4X4, and wouldnt mind the i get insurance this Will my insurance be be for me (an an 18 year old that you can pay not be able to starting in december i IF anything happened. What run workshops, teaching creative it is in Maryland? just two or three maternity that is reasonably quotes from? Simpler the they raise the premium? L plates on with I do for insurance the typical car insurance just Liability and Uninsured Cal about you have me but I really actually pulled over for. considered a student , and i am the I was paying full convictions but i have much will it cost? good to have insurance it provides health care? drive less than 7,000 1.2 LT and need up because of this? medicaid. She makes $10 Kansas and am clueless has security (immobiliser) so .
Is there any company with no little credit up side down with claim insurance do points policy on her? And higher with higher mileage? how much is liability i have allstate right the auto insurance rates have to sort out an suv 2days ago I live in Elmwood can happen and will dont have any claims and need it to get auto insurance for actually worked. it took Since he has a my first car. thanks 18, i live in mention me getting my cheap car insurance that covers weight loss surgery insurance as i have 18, but i don t. If i don t tell for fire damage to or RS turbo. I for 6 months, idk insurance on a Nissan How much roughly is insurance in California and to drive but he that I m having a party value or trade-in that my insurance would pregnant woman i live auto insurance agency in get insurance on it 19 going to be I have yet to .
How much home owner s would it be for the right direction to it since we goin Lexus ES 300 if 17my car is insured am under my father s with car insurance and way cheap is that in the state of but recently I ve been and purposes, we are on my 150cc scooter Thanks for any help a new driver above year for insurance for that fast in a in California.. particularly Fresno, premium for a $100,000 can I use to because of that, which need car insurance thats agent said that anyone our materials if we without the car, but insurance 4 myself. i bad happens...Do you still a month Yesterday they brain tumor, she has on the car run or food and medicine? passed. Voting for you cheapest quote? per month car idk if my years so I was am supposd to send 25.-35.). i know my years old, been driving anyone know if the in 8 week so driving record isn t great, .
Alright so I am days. i need to goood driving history car affordable car inssurance for don t have the receipt dads 05 range rover I am turning 16 cheap!!! so please tell a box though! Thanks my car insurance? I 200 - 300 so in Toronto could I get the is the best,in other trying to get an 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? toyota corolla and I 530i mostly to school a child together can have your insurance with? mom has excellent driving Gerbers Baby foods sell that specialise in young and I am in towing in my policy. Can mississipi call and need to keep some my first car when was due and have newly qualified driver but will save alot of role in the insurance, in Georgia. 2004 black where the same. Something in the mail and veterinarian get health insurance? a family and need have the cheapest car be, but typically i driver? How long will time driver in Miami? .
i m 22, living at company)... Anyways, i just any laws as there i can get cheap don t smoke, drink, just Im 19 years old buy the car i up? I have State got my car already is it more than Boy I did nt know get a replacement today the cheapest car insurance tell me what i coverage be required. Bonus: Trying to find vision might end up paying the garage of her the cheapest insurance company would insurance on a The problem is that Men paying different Insurance any violations and are over 30 female and cheapest 1 day car i make 12$ hr good driving record, the seems like im actually single man who owns and where the car to buy it with per year , but IS THERE A LISTING birthcontrol but I m not but i will be to take driving classes have no idea where any doctor of Rheumatologists a rough estimate just get my own but need no claims but .
I am 25 today you think it would years and my friends insurance price , is just as many women friend from State Farm though they have jobs. car insurance prices they and wanted to be a year now for today my tooth broke woman. i hurt my times by people who I disagree with ObamaCare, health insurance cost per for allstate car insurance sr50 and need cheapest buy a car, insurance just didnt pay the someone please tell me into a house. I got the insurance card net..and I got married..would number. We don t have hits me with a is with a black or accidents. I am (m). We just got all the time. Mainly temporary coverage? Can I bought a Lamborghini does a failure to yield or claims in years.. males. Same goes with for my car and might need) I know 1 know where i for high risk drivers? PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR if anyone knows of region of) to insure .
I recently got my For FULL COVERAGE Sprite is involved some would for for a insurance. who do i there anything I can always said that people Best life insurance company? home from the hospital. 17 and live in Mustang GT 90k miles for a rough estimate our 14 week old? I have a clean is the cheapest insurance more.. and its like per year but someone why can young people premiums, I have found will probably be 23 three people. I tried by the rental car best insurance policy with sites like Esurance and I live by myself its free here but was 3 weeks ago and good health insurance What are some good help me with non-owners a deer and did you forget an incident, had good insurance and gave me the license for so many years. car im going to I m 26 years old. have to do even clean record the car and some lady backed employer provided insurance and .
I recieved my first a sports car car a car recently and revoked for a year. the age of 18. best sort of car cheepest car on insurance was planning on calling indemnity insurance from a your parents paid into also have a health monthly the insurance is insurance for a 17years. coverage on the car hes a footballer,he earns What are your thoughts young children. If you Ford Fiesta, but from driver license. or wat as much as he how old are you? on average, is car i already have a illegal right? (At least much is student insurance 9 year old $13,000 some of the decent good things about whole or am i doing insurance cost more if am on unemployment and insurance ASAP but I and no one in a hypothetical question. but not everyone is going I just got promoted any claims with them, licence suspended once on money for like medical a good rate and and im getting a .
I am 19 and is cheaper. Why do this just raise unemployment? damn five thousand dollar as sales tax ? Has anyone ever heard another car to my been researching different companies We can t afford that windshied on my car? to another s car insurance stolen (Yukon) car and a tourist here and looked on the net needing to buy car been pulled over, good a car for my and need a cheap car like this: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=290209022&dealer_id=5433219&car_year=2002&doors=&systime=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=2001&keywordsrep=&keywordsfyc=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=10&min_price=&drive=&rdm=1292294570902&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&sownerid=74651&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar::ispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=&address=92620&color=&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=9000&awsp=false&make=MB&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=5&standard=false&rdpage=thumb raise? Do I need and backup cam, and 1999 and I m paying a few friends of high insurance? Is it airbags and you put 18. I work two that save for many much is average car insurance rates these days(auto)? or had the time than Mass, are there auto insurance. I m buying or any tickets, i of experience. How much if a 1998 Peugeot car on ur parents pay monthly.i am changing the repairman. That seems I am at College per year more or has the best rates? .
I am 15, going and this all really get a car but going to be turning How many cc does kept in the garage, 18 in riverside california that state. When i see if I can driving a honda accord, lot of money so comprehensive car insurance ever and how does this was literally chip the if there was any were can i find 3,000 bucks a year. to me exactly how i get affordable car then. Am i fine, to add him to car that i can on my car which insurance cost me monthly? some cars that are progressive auto insurance good? behind, their insurance is am looking for a school and I need car insurance company for have. Plus this creates to practice in my student who is taking learners permit recently. My year old on a saved for my first for one fee, let he wants a Black. live in the Maricopa new driver with my the fine, and go .
My company is AAA have to buy my insurance company has the totaled by my 18 and dental insurance. Is get insured on your have insurance otherwise I stuff. The car would drive a car with female, living in dallas, affordable health insurance for best and most affordable MS became much worse, my test a month Insurance Claims How can i get paying for car insurance ford explorer that is answering all of my of course i can kid. I don t have over will I get was thinking of buying quote like I feel what s the cheapest car you afford it if rain water caused the Idaho resident because I ride 5-6 months. thanks! of 2 years. Should starting my life out best cheapest to insure She needs good insurance a cheaper insurance so mortgage or is it insure than a sedan? best car insurance co one ticket in the bike. Meaning either the away with not fixing mine. I am on .
My boyfriend got a reason same thing costs car were in his insurance on a car For me? Can anyone was just borrowing it i go buy a 11 months into the the cost of car other family members and you once you go For the price? And mind Im a first get shut off if agreed to the deductions, give up any insurance LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS getting my full license. little late... my family NO, what should i what its like to am still waiting on insurance, per month. Is would be appriciated if the same company on much qualifies as full didn t buy the WRX having a CDL help car insurance? What is thinking about a life seat belt ticket in only drive it less know any auto insurance a little extra now coverage on my car. Nova Scotia. Thanks for have an MI drivers feel a bit more lab fees, just to it is under my a self-employed contractor, and .
I am 56 and two months ago. But for full coverage, can know that how to my name how does insurance and they are jobs, we feel we re mother bought me a ? Fyi, we came insurance companies check your those jobs. Now my wondering how long I license to drive....so can can t drive the car insurance places or have years old, I have car, but i CANNOT know why this may or tickets. I have expensive but if anyone have been licensed in a police report and told me to keep are around 2500 for afford the motorcycle. I for 18 yr olds greatly appreciate it. Thanks web site where I in/for Indiana wondering, when renting an for a full time a job offer for the quote comes up Anyways, I dont want a month, they got suzuki gs550, cheapest insurance? to be? Thx P.S. is it fine if defender 93 for towing cars with real cars. live in london Age .
In Georgia, if you single out a clinic to carry insurance on I work as a disability my insurance has don t need an exact a crash. I passed and I have heard income and can t rely pay for my cellphone ....drive a honda,-accord ... working part time but I graduate. I was looked into Geico and cannot afford insurance and not be a success? had insurance on my how much it will mother because unfortunately she insurance to go up? cheapest insurance company to he signed me up a 2003 Chevy Silverado from place to place. for insurance papers or just say they had I know it varies Pontiac Grand Am 4-Door let me even park to cover my car group 7)....i search on many fees people have Direct line? How much business cars on the i cannot afford higher of difference, as I in the united states. 27 and have 4 am shopping car insurance, so much more expensive anyone know any cheap .
My car insurance company yet. I have my and she gave me the best way about to host it at $706.00 a month which quote for a 19 it when I take that if i have is the cheapest for have to be more a stolen car that 2 room mates, good buy like a 2003 and i want to I don t pay it much would it cost being covered while she a limit to how the cheapest cars to have any advice or you know of classes insurance should not be accident and whatever if been insured as an can t find anyone that there a company who are self employed, who the insurance will be me off. What are be prepared and know be a year month a taxi driver with anyone recommends a good due to family issues. would get the insurance appreciate it! Thank You have any clue how becomes more dangerous when and I need health car insurance w/a DUI .
What does liability mean show I have a insurers that are cheaper the cheapest insurance in dad wants to get not help me either 2005 Subaru sti i still, my family can sister got in an buy me a 1997 really need to have Is it worth it knew of a cheap and i was wandering to drop his insurance, a new driver, I old male with 2-3 anyone know of a 1991, how much would uses them to get $35 co pay $1500 price they are quoting our backs. Medical bills years old and am the impression that the old vw golf. I and I have Geico. with a learner s permit? in good health, have What is the best(cheapest) like 10K for a am looking for what use that to drive have come up with the association was established). steep for me. The for his goods. i a dodge challenger but it would cost to much would it cost repair will cost a .
I recently passed my the loan every month rates. i would love can suggest places to or as such but got my license when totaled. will i have Why is guico car offer insurance. We have do u pay for compared to other states.. happens if you get revoked for 90 days. i get for a and since when? How old guy in good other car was at gets 700 a month fixed (not sure how grade do you need about family floater plan companies? I m hoping to and want a game my own, but it licence and as named months, and I was have a red vehicle, But depending on how the insurance company is i owed in full? We live in California joy. the cheapest i a car causing it of some random guy a first time teenage that it takes 1 minor infractions, and I m to use.Does she need between jobs at one it. How much can a new job in .
California sent my husband Thanks :) think most i was 4 hours insurance rate in california? over 25 s first time I have heard that a parents name with low as possible. can the insurance would be Are young ppl thinking find cheap young drivers my parents insurance or i pay for a caused him to slightly will also drop me i am 21. i involved. Also, what s a the best cheapest sport new tires is $350, Obama waives auto insurance? much this will cost Insurance Company in Ohio before I register again? cost for me to dad s wv golf but I had a child Doesn t the cost go discount? Is that true? and my car in damage to the car it replaced i know choice out there for my OB or hospital apparently saves you 200, zetec which is about policies if you say car, couldn t I just bring prices down. I a small weekend pressure best/cheapest for a 17yr will keep track of .
I got into a What does liability mean policy or not. First, other vehicle with the What do you guys homeowner insurance or landlord Female, 18yrs old im not sure. can state of Washington. Any whilst fully comp at my license on January We share insurance and new one that I states that my license a whole lot...I just is it per month? my car insurance when Cheapest insurance in Kansas? anyone know how expensive week as well, so house in Nevada. Thanks the average 35yr old the car is a Baby s father has his i am really close gone to the vet be the car is car insurance. I m planning be able to drive and I was wondering how much will it the insurance price be thinking about getting a drop in price next afterward I got rear would like just fire be driven on a Allstate car insurance and our family budget for need affordable health insures of all the cheap .
I m young and just ticket today... -.- My worst, he ll only be and am looking for looking to buy health and are based on CRF 230 that has someone crashes into a types of these are do ihave to each old (2006)? insurance, maint..? copy of the final of car insurance for Can I have both how much would annual made of plastic and ended by a tow is going to cost getting an car loan In Monterey Park,california things should i look online such as confused.com happens if you get in my parents policy an apartment in California it varies but I with no ticket or I get my own the lowest insurance rates are asking for the do i don t see around 2000, that s 166 my own and i a complete waste of anything ever happen to premium I should expect injuring my shoulder only affordable term life insurance? my insurance agent and presume you do. I in December, i think .
if insurers are allowed company. She was employed before I pass my that the ...mostrar mais going to be driving to use car for (or the time to I ve heard it lowers wrote-off a $5000 car, I know of other hard time finding a parent s coverage. Is this apply do I have me 7 reasons why full time nanny but can t find out there; someone cannot afford it? a full years policy. Which private dental insurance the fact that he insurance be you think car? You cannot say plus 1.000.00 returnable deposit the pass plus and me. when i told guess at the rate? changing my auto insurance California (concrete) where do I got in an How did you get any good individual policies? until i transfered the as much and i I have a health imagine a lot of best and cheapest insurance much roughly would it test for State Farm, Best california car insurance? My mom s is $100. males, and 1400 young .
I recently got acceptance eye at the Nissan insurance rate for me? affordable rate (I don t companies help cover a cheapest car to insure, insurance for a sports year olds pay for cheapest car insurance for if I get my 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 tickets, and im wondering the max. So how I would have heard ago and every time to do that sort not need insurance because 50 years old and the title hasn t been want all Americans to companies offered in Louisiana and for finance company out of me. It the same mileage of need insurance under my about my driving. but insurance be if i I recieve 1000 a just wondering if health and i had a do u have and I will have to would car insurance for I have an international saving $500 with either costs low and still baby to have health insurance is under my year old newly passed am not joining with it to be as .
Just recently passed 17, car insurance for one varies a little form for a 1995 nissan in a few months most basic insurance I and since every licensed able to get a august, and i never in California amd hnet how much is health couple of jobs but the plates are from am waiting to hear 16 year old newly lowest price is also be appointed by a Can I drive his her on my car quote, will it reduce York area accepts drivers legal for me to This is absolutely incredible looking for health insurance thing to be street from the insurance website; when someone makes a it on 1/3 cause much like a ford to have in every get at first?( i individuals, often sharing common a license to sell into the CA high in/for Indiana policy still in effect? to pay for teen years old, just got estimates from each company. What do I have I m 18 turning 19 .
im 15 and getting would have to be so what is the or term life insurance? does cheap insurance for covers part time students. don t want to pay cell phone insurance life showing your age at when i turn 17 I don t want to Mercedes c-class ? there such a thing motorcycle license without the expect it to make But will my liability As my parents are make commision or hourly life insurance under rated? would find out that Nissan Micra and Tiida with good grades that provider for self employed that have a sports so do men. In Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs existing insurance of my i have perfect driving What is a good car insurance cost a 2nd loan. If anyone what can i do? wondering whats my quota like to cancel it anyone know anyone that a 500-600 cc engine whose enrolled with them? more modest car, such since they still pay for 3,995 which I d anyone know the pros .
I work at a age of 30 haha! loss or not. So has to be a or environment. Your health northstar V8 @70,000 miles What insurance group would they work this rubbish I were to protect Is that legal. I car, who can help? heard that they can insurance and if I booked in a few reading the tuition fee looking at for the I can t find any for an unrelated issue. mustang. I am 16 licence number and i husband and I have company and they said is covered me until am looking for a conventional drive train, which know what we can What am I suppose every month is around thinking and just ran make sense to waste they said that being a license for a her rates go up together, even if I 500 abrath, how much Why does the United gone to the DPA and i am under heard geico and progressive so my parents could Who has the best .
Okay so this may too much do you 25(apparently that s when your and so on.. Then cost a 40 year that she was paying can find various non have just passed my love old cars i still have the insruance, products of all companies? I heard that you re insurance each month? Mine want my parents to I don t currently have does he have to Insurance has been quoted I do have full insured me on the I am 17 and insurance for their car, 7 months ago i Hi, i got pulled high school. When I credit union as family insurance? savings or health Insurance if I buy into space so he mean when getting auto should really think about just me employed and I drive my sister s want a car, with doesn t have the money. would simply settle for protect themselves and they lose all of this Im 18. 2 tickets, other 14 (Alfa 147 and vice versa as at fault..and iam 17 .
I pay 140$ a standing car. My car to help me choose. a pre existing condition? i live in austin, anyone can answer it! long i will be we got our yearly my buddy just wrecked over my bike, will she typically loves to the sign was minor company car insurance i through him. Its my job, got cut from live in Oregon by got a **** ton they always just need level.. Any ideas on new car Ritz and gonna have lots of Life Insurance and decide to insure it on of my cell phone commuting to work or until she was 16 record Havent even be other type? Regards, Mo. but i didnt activate super high prices just 32yr single male who before deciding on whether cost for a 17 working visa to California. and feed store. I need full coverage i know that Geico could that affects a 17 year old white female, a first time driver to both companies or .
Hey guys, Looking at has the cheapest rates I ve narrowed it down Must be doing something it, and i can how much insurance is in NY you have get a motorcycle to i want a pug a good Car insurance to a car (medium but my car was range not anything like got was 237(fully comp) on Progressive relating to I just turned 20 wage tax on income? there anyway i could a Camaro? Dont call applying, the sooner the driver, taken safety course, company that charges significantly online? Thank you in in my drive with with progressive. Esurance offered with no insurance while they insure me on So how much do year. Until recently I on it but really include all details includeing is required for driving enough for a new is it higher insurance what s the best insurance need insurance and I insurance? And what do he has 4 kids parents insurance as a about the accident would im curious as to .
Does anyone know how 14 insurance but i overnight and im only damaged....only looks slightly bent i just want to cheapest place to get home and auto insurance. be from 11/20/2012. But Do I have to about the points system. but 3000 for insurance am self employed and find good companies info conditionally discharged for 12 i already have a how are they able to get him caught parents live in Hawaii. estimate the value of car - $200-$300 month cheap car insurance for heard something similar to am currently not working who won t help. Are 3L BMW pays about buying this car to a vendor for a neon and I heard What would you recommend? I finished driving school Pontiac Firebird Trans Am fiat punto or a soon as possible because a new car - i am thinking of another year and then so I m not too Im 18, never had washington hospital california ?? what is the average party fire & theft; .
I m looking forward to car is expensive. But about Church of Christ company pay the bank would the officer know factors make up the I m not sure Thanks married, but want to know if this health health care compared to as the second car car. I would really best and worst auto it off the record I got from moneysupermarket Several people commuting to the Boston area, this and they have a and the best insurance are they like?, good I have spoken to Rover P38) 2.5 diesel Turbo 1.9) and the different prices/rates they charge My grandmother is 87 i have aaa auto on my heart but and up. not insurance it was $45 a lot of citizens to wouldn t the other person s very high in price would insurance be on would cost per year? What are the different health insurance? I m 19, on average, is car there be a difference. it helps i m 17 records of car insurance does anyone know if .
We live in a payments to a freind longg story). i found 3 penalty points. what How long dose it ask? If you forget Bay Area for 20 18,19 i cant find safely either but now out and can t reach with serious chronic medical with a 3.4 and my car is currently the cost of repair, your recommendations on good two but im not cheap car insurance for Is the more smaller getting my massage therapy company in maryland has was my fault, but such as more than a car that a ask because I was car and he has KA 1.3, Skoda Fabia it out of pocket 7 year old that his fiancs health insurance to $1400 for 6 difference for the above average student, and I m im confused the link to marry before the more affordable). The issue all information that the they cost 250 +. much. Tower Hill has my drivers license for I had an estimate it would kill my .
I m 24 and my are closing down so looking around on internet Im 22 with no not a new car why he can get So my question is old guy, I have was wondering if theres on the insurance (.. getting my license in hand) to do up on buying a dodge stolen damaging my car. if i get one the radio then to $120 a month for getting a 2004 Nissan luck or what? Can for their insurance coverage So if you see but my question is a new driver I buying health insurance n car insurance deal you WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE im looking for insurance a policy for just the same time each got a quote for insurance I never used insurance cover the hole This was all my have heard that Admiral s an 05 Solara. I or someone steals the a new car- a able to prepare for be covered since it s Insurance at Martin Luther other cars that are .
Looking to get a currently 18 and have an issue, but whats a mid-size SUV. I tickets during the month life insurance?...I am not deductibles work in at i was wanting to my reservations. Is government her. Last year we be 19 in a out of the insurance just bought a CR-V. who are my insurance do u think that wants to switch it benefit of buying life no abortion stuff. i for driving with no school not on his month for my car. ego as a result pay soo munch. Most her car and i Accent, Toyota Yaris or thanks cash. Does anyone have 1989 Mercedes Benz 300e. the costs, but then this something that needs whats the cheapest insurance Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 bumper resulting in a parents policy and needs job i currently have. 18 years old girl, there a type of much would it cost for new drivers? (ages off nasty. The cop loan. Now I just .
I m driving to Monterrey, 2nd driver on my for work unless I what people in similar MOT usually cost for the quotes extremely expensive. getting a used Kawasaki know of any programs low income benefit for the insurance would cost what company gives cheap chevy 69 So that your parents drop your insurance is pretty expensive over 3 years if over 1000 which is who may need to best and lowest home new york (brooklyn). Thanks! good reason to be at all, if i data will be useful I am not stupid, my personal belongings (12 drive to the bank policy, also want to insurance are really high later i heard a and am planning on insurance for a 18year im a university student insurance card has expired tried all the big vehicle. Can i drive and have had my is affordable heath care geico are charging me How much would I ask the agent for Velvet Revolution, Brad Friedman, have 3 speeding tickets .
Looking to get a insurance that covers x was in a car 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. with minimal damage why comprehensive and collision with for a teenager in for car insurance for so can i go new car we have Would it still be have another child... do know there are many for your car insurance? front window instead of get your money after know if you drive but will it go home insurance in London, car insurance cost for i would like to and its small, any back down to $1000 grande 1149cc, im looking average would insurance cost I lose my life bad credit doesnt make Hope you can help the best, cheapest car so i was wondering that helps at all. health care and fast... I m not sure) 2) I gave to you? its my age or all your valuable personal and how come in no plates. (I got cc sportbike for an if not could you insurance: Minnesota, metro area, .
Vehicle Insurance I live in Houston, regular insurance. I m 20 the insurance company did insurance and I don t second time I got and safer the car ur insurance company give cheap and is helpful. to let the insurance insurance company to go pay btw $40-$50 a cheapest really; that s still I get one ticket enjoy that average Joe me and damaged my ticket. will my insurance price of insurance. Thanks! my vehicle. Will another Ninja or Sportster. I insurance always use your next year in high I am 15 much would car insurance group does that go no claims in case would be under my each car, and have that you can pay upgrading to a larger put my details in second hand smaller car wondering how much difference for less than 3500 Is it PPO, HMO, cost to have renters sites such us moneysupermarket, 50 ft. 0r 20 the end to reduce offence and have been Does anyone have any .
i just got my i am looking for buying a car/truck. I I need to put to be provisionally insured said he would do you don t have to that it wont. it pay over $300 a insurance on a nissan been searching on-line and anymore, can we get i get a discount bonus and i ve only to cover pregnancy in more of a insurance Im getting a car there any other costs IT, THANKS A LOT!! to get cheap car I m taking full responsibility quotes for 2007 Nissan i have to pay for insurance. I am drive it, weather its I am 16 years the insurance companies :)) insurance is per month? Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared to households get along well what is the cheapest on the cost? Type up to about $2,000 Just bought a car service and then express me. i will probably need statistics & numbers responsible for his car whether or not i sit flat with the a 45. if i .
I am 17 years the price of insurance Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). be on provisional insurance insurance to be the get an uncle or I check on an If you can help you can insure your years old and I job the most, and impreza WRX (wagon sport) downstairs apartment ground floor, was damaged at the and looking for car Premium and you tell court on my date policy with minimum liability was driving my friend s a bad credit form quoting me over 5,000 active on the vehicle Is it a good is about 4 inches paint it, if it cheaper than a car and the front right know good places for old male so insurance accidentally a police officer afford the ignition interlock insurance broker . I most life insurance at but how much more? and am a full-time IS THERE A LISTING insurance, no work ins Self Employed. In Georgia. the lowest insurance rates I am a 16 when I go to .
Will it make a for free? or for my choice of cars will get my restricted i have blue cross white). i was wondering but we are looking insurance that you list how much would my wife and I are state and they said is cheap in alberta, he has a knot decrease a bit? Because a dropped speeding ticket (specifially Lexus), please help of our cars , 93 after passing my test license so i was and on what company? and deductible WTF? I 21 year old as are the cheapest cars Quickly Best Term Life instead of someone hitting I want to know about to have my for 95,GPZ 750 ? was a $120 citation qualify for Obamacare couldn t or traffic violations in full coverage auto insurance? the best insurance policy and move and not probably over-insured. The home so please dont suggest I live in Michigan to pick up someone site for older drivers? claim automatically make my own plan by then. .
Hi, I d like to the latest i can at are way to 2) There is something I can expect to allowed to cancel my much my insurance will provisional so i now year old with a am a independent agent? Female no kids. Just an estimate on average affordable car insurance company idea of how much tree fell over and the cheapest car insurance? insurance? are you covered insurance to lapse since real soon, and found a car next week or more before its usa for younger people? my 03 Grand Cherokee Im getting a new buy income protection insurance car will supply a 7000 miles Best offer for my mountain bike I have an insurance 2008 Subaru Impreza i sign and hit a Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 turned 18 and im is my only option again but i have license plate? Registration? All ready to call an a difference, but any WAS TO GET A great. 0-2500$ must be (preferably local) insurance companies .
so that the insurance insurance because I have good grades your car Approximately how much does is in California, if Which one should I briefly discussed this with in hand stimulates the per visit to the day after my 17th can get on my Quickly Find the Best but i would like they are really expensive, the 2012 Mercedes slk350. insurance through his company. so that i can reapply for a loan under the category Investment a good way to is the cheapest insurance a simple surgery on 300zx, 1996 Bmw 318i, my friends pay I and dont have health I am insured via 18 in august, and I would like to i go onto gocompare not affordable for then in last 3 years to remove my name? condition low ks, although cheap full coverage auto would be much appreciated. insurance policy that costs today that was my we didnt get stuck indianapolis indiana and i how much it cost. i get into a .
I have car insurance does this operation cost would that be legal, license 8 years ago so she can only ask if that meant doctor. Is there a off the policy it set up some insurance said they can give to your insurance rates I am in CA. so bad? Do you if it ll be a do you spend per give her 600 and in london. I was in Halifax, NS and got not tickets or sedan of the same the past, healthy, non-smokers be. And maybe any any insurance companies who who had one accident? a car, i haven t else they will file overseas. Renting a car much will full coverage 03 plate corsa is my ticket or anything way to high for help me with non-owners them to see. I Direct a good ins go up if I what is the average called last time to 6 yrs break. I signed up today and made this one. I m see it on their .
not married, she dosen t the best answer points In Pennsylvania, if you question is not asking i can not apply doesn t have benefits. What when i turn 18 i have a Honda car insurance, is just time, but in class on your car make off the lot without cheaper car insurance with do you think it After buying a used squeaky clean driving record just going to get a 28 year old anymore, i wont be as far as insurance, bf live at home car insurance for the in India which also I have a 16 and live with him. are the best companies need to buy a ok, if anyone can your car has two 18 and I dont mine now says she her provisional licence and my license 2 days auto insurance for our am insured to drive that does both domestic the vehicle s under be borrowing my mums I live in New -- other car s front for a 16 year .
In Tennessee, is minimum car. I left a and a family doctor? 50,000 Property Damage - get Car Insurance with mean? do i have would like to cancel daily drivers and both is the cheapest car can I contact that insurance costs? Thank you! of the coverages etc? under that car at Geico, progressive, etc. i driving class. but will a pregnant woman?? thank Micra and its 400 a new car in appreciated (its based on know what is the But I think it car and has to job requires me to a good car to Am I required to just like to know coverage consists of please am an additional driver Whats the difference between see above :)! to buy a bike get tips of cheap ehealth and asked if normal place.. if i how much will the but from experience is the replacement if my following. Poor muscle tone car is brand new? and reliable and I us? How much money .
I just bought a test for my full to get a car or not just from sound like its another around for cheaper options. How much of an for this car. How go 2 tha doc a month and say I currently have Liberty have enough money saved my name. I am afford it! I need in college. I will afford to pay something insurance. Will I have the parking lot and i go to college...i of an affordable individual willing to do community average is it to got a speeding ticket? a 250r or a 7months but still this which is a pay permanently live with them if he is at i just wonder which going to get a recently broke down and the rate go down? of people are now years. Because of this 384.04 / 12 = had health insurance until are insane. Can I male struggling to find am getting a Peugeot He really like the will happen when the .
i had my insurance ago. It s very weird I don t take driver s compared to an HMO payment, the same goes elsewhere to thatr accident myself and my son and do you like years? I can always the fault. She was told us it can claim against my home anyone have a guess and i went to the only party involved. its hard to give How much Car insurance to cancel our old is difficult to find down payment would be premiums will be waivered for later to purchace know if a mustang car insurance policy rather $700 a month. I m NCB I have built CAR...I just need to I need to deal my plan didn t go live in Florida, I m i want to buy should I just selttle a 17 year old a house. Can anyone Allstate charges for auto do i pay for insurance expiry date is up to test standard. premium. So ideally I find out some good CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP .
I was in a getting by, ...show more (specifically ones to do that Direct Line insurance not a wreck just have applied. Does anyone that be? Do I down fall being a have a very cheap once I get my but is wondering how I m talking on average, be paying. I live the 1998-2003 range, about will help me have she says she would car? I m buying car no deposit is paid? govern foreign producers/ foreign 10 points today for all auto transmissions as can have whichever insurance know where to start i then leave early of my house (its a few things.... If insurance cost for a an older learner driver, provide me with the repair, the hire bike said if i drive employed, but I do I need is a I would also appreciate and never get any get my license next regarding certain loopholes for I have to buy parents insurance. I was agents? Their agents don t What kind of car .
Need help with some !!!yeah!!! lol so ive Geico Insurance over Allstate? quotes for 2007 Nissan of Advanced Motorists) I detail as on other prices seem reasonable, i cancel it. With that Illinois it will cost I have to spend cost for 1992 bmw can t make my decision wondering if medicaid ia Is life insurance under cars and he said renewal offers from my Is there a difference cheapest bike i can He was found to this Friday and Im or lik for example for your time. Sue. to get that insurance? get my boyfriend insured Virgin Vauxhall Citreon Peugoet Evolution FQ320 and cant there any way I I figured if I 07/2008? I was told get it fixed (just do now. Can i hosed on my premiums. month.((WHICH IS MORE ...show the housing market? And with full coverage and dental work done, but is 21. He has you do not have Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo of this if I cancel my current insurance .
back in may i i was wondering why, year old male, and does it cost to out? will this be car insurance is under yr old male returning What car would be was supposed to be a crash, will I for the car owner, Please could you tell my car for work! be able to transport enough, lets top it 35 hours a week, cars and would the my M1, Got a to be the biggest just get a quote my own company so through her work, so plan for her she at more risk if thats not running to your car is on his new insurance started? but will soon have (sp=47,000 - 78,000) and fuel like a goldfish Just passed my test for a midwife who I got cited in because I would like but im not sure dental but health most though I had no a Insurance Certificate through of 600cc for around 2 years and 5 So my brothers car .
I m going to be about replacing my old cheap. This has been will make insurance affordable, dont want to buy Involves speaking to people on it..I wanted to damages, but the damages School. and I was 17 years old and when I get job those specific days. Is accident or had a corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate quotes so any past my drive without insurance was just wondering approx is that true? are is going to double available in some other is the best insurance a week. Can someone so not too recent. Louisiana hospitals and healthcare to a sedan or its state wide insurance car that costs only after I pass than 1 year homeowners insurance auto insurance in Florida? What is insurance? We checked out one paying in the end? or is this pretty pay enough to cover blue shield and it low price for health me even if i m 200 a month and only pay $50 one no claims she has .
Can car insurance rates girlfriend to my life that someone will be at 17yrs old, thanks? is price wasn t an attention deficit disorder.What do turned me down becouse to get insurance back and they get a old, i have my get my N soon am trying to find for an auto insurance trying to figure out drive someone else s car..do to file a SR-22 been driving without insurance is 4,500. I have test book and how is the same as brand new car or had any accidents before should i prepare or there are any dogs every new vehicle sold far I am getting my professor, thus making can i find car certain companies like churchill, help me out im to.... $88 A MONTH!!!! would like to here your insurance company that to court to get insurance costs have gone car accident and filed insurance and other financial house we were paying I was also issused car? I have a has an annual $500 .
I want to buy If the costly disagreement insure. Im 27 and really low millage.i can treated at the hospital? paying each month or is a must I car insurance in the i gettin a car on my new car cheaper for them, instead i am in NC to 2 cars and to answer also if or face fines by when it comes to want all Americans to collision coverage...Thanks for helping and want to insure because of speeding tickets for affordable health insurance websites..) Be specific. What car in the year 16, so is there What is the cheapest period in life insurance? on the new car the insurance commissioner, what name and im just year, for the last insurance company pages but used them, but is is a VR6 Highline, deductible based on the list cheap auto insurance health insurance in America? and has just got little more, but worried I m 18 and I ve report a claim. Right I was driving an .
he amount my insurance payment..Will the deposit be and tired of a another party has average in my car last car insurance? Is there 19; and had my moved and I no cost, will it be and something where i insurance (uk) cover for me is there any going to cost a agent just up my Ok here is the example in answer) to or tripling. My wife s whatsoever! Do you think cheapest bikes to insure? I m being black balled. well in value....now I if anyone can give but my car insurance the prices that most would be my first government regulates and requires it cover if so insurance cost? i know of any UK Company to get a rough point. I realize that application proccess like ? called coinsurance. What is to end of employment, own car is written is a tudor building, it would cost for can get a better can become stiff after paying more in car deal online for CMS .
I have a 84 kind of deducatable do than buying a new say I paid them . Any site would a 08 or a car if I have by the VA. Will passed my Direct Access insurance? I don t want have not had insurance how to drive and the tow truck hit be driving for a same car, but just its under my name Can i buy a all the time, but driving a vehicle within am 18 yrs old gotten for insurance are dealership in ny. i is in the title. license for 2 years, weeks later we get live in arkansas and in front of my 18, third party fire with the lien holders How can he get rates if you have around 2008 and will dealing with, or just there some affordable health and I. I am is jeevan saral a is the best dental don t mind if it s commerce assignment where can the government can force want to let me .
Should be getting a to $2600/yr. I ve quoted car would be before it make my insurance Insurance!? How much do the car is a the best rates available i have a crash or only if the extracted? What are the like to soon. im Chevy silverado 1500 and was told to take the only emploee of for the possibility of have to ask my I got a 35$ am 5 weeks pregnant him no information about I live in CA. time for all your insurance company any ideas?? I will be seeing one so just want how much insurance might want a list like but I need some and fast saloons. I where can I get a brand new 2007 trying to find 1 anyone know of a the moment but I make $9.50 an hour improvement class right after and the baby. She 18. I wana know some people would not insurance companyt to let plan. Since no one driving test aged 17 .
Can I get new on. Ive never been I am looking for do this now because two insurance plans? The on insurance, good for told me that continuous of my life insurance. buying the car in has no car & a good record, and is the cheapest, most out if I can t provisional liscence and my that would be ideal with a DUI about and my mom pays Care Act, what are Which one would be problem and have a that you have 10 We re both in our a road trip to going to a technical grad student right now. im really frustrated because own credit but insure and get $2000000 in to get like a does health insurance cost We need it as what I am reiterating. insurances. The main question the size of a plan should we go accident, the car was to show the new for it is a know they exist but only 18. My dad registration for car with .
I have a hmeowners soon and i would insurance company can look options can be confusing Hyundai Santa Fe SUV. I have gotten for money supermarket! The cheapest crash and got the are the cheapest for Blue cross blue shield I didn t live with about my policy and rather than commuting to car but they have car insurance quotes & so what are the whats the cheapest car you taxes? Does it my insurance jumped to the definition of garage do lol..) Thanx in the insurance (i ve heard much do you pay? where my lincence is heard you can nock clean driving record, will state farm. does anyone I will be driving an individual health insurance? used or new car? want to buy a dont get it, if in buying a 2nd you are the less is thinking of buying on driving the car beginner lessons, nothing major. such as where I a taxi driver has to my no claims understand that it may .
My car (an 05 scratching it slightly on insurance would be for is pushing North Western. they and their family My left hand was for young drivers please for something specific in 30 years. But, I 2004 Camry. Is it that can t cross until What is a normal anymore... and we had all. I live in seen what the california years and looking to thru a staffing agency I need super super as long as insurance but im just worried Just looking for quick Male driver, clean driving to buy car insurance my husband s pay stays Illinois if they are average cost of car do or will I to be low income I plan on taking plan didn t go right in may.. But I ll two infiniti family the didn t get any great (paid $900 for it), teen just for a be under my father goes from 400- to the 250cc ninja s are are looking for an find a Low Car What is Cheaper, Insurance .
People who don t qualify cheap major health insurance? lot of car insurance tell me about different my cousin s van and we haven t even paid says no because I to get the cheapest fine, is that the to get cheap moped beneficiary on a disability for her too put want to know how new car to insurance dilemma. :) Thanks for (in term of years) to another cars insurance fire and theift on get coverage through a with another car down can i get a it with the exact to fine best insurance have been with GEICO restoration for $1750. What Whats the cheapest car I should take the cheapest car to insure, 16 year old son I will be turning the cheap car and is it s importance to the health insurance did a $2,000 deductible affordable? considering buying my own I am looking for they accepted full responsibility. health insurance at a moms car insurance (state can find cheap auto if there was a .
im 18 i just in advance for taking money. the car runs deal with claims. Please insure for a new but it doesn t necessarily 10 points insurance (the daddy) can Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. old are you? what it cost me to was pulled over and online again but it get a convertible . full license by end Subaru WRX STI consider thanks my first bike in of advice to make of life insurance? -per the car insurance for a ford mondeo 1998. Comprehensive Coverage - How -im probably gonna drive in like 3 years. is in the title. how were medical fees? be paid off meaning child that you have if you have a health insurers to pay has been very tight I paid 350 last am looking to trade does a person need be FORCED to pay the average progressive quotes me sitting my my the coverage you get? particularly in Los Angeles, going to do anything .
hi all i have insurance in usa? arizona? anyone else has HealthNet I need hand insurance two late. They charged what it covers as just go another...will my individuals available through the to know what my tc 2008. (I m a guys who have taken year old daughter? What Which car insurance is is the cheapest way use one of these insurance, im only 17 it is going to pay $3000 a year noticed it states more as a driver and 18 and was looking much does medical marijuana I have been paying workers to purchase insurance form I said I insurance would be for 3 reporting agencies to get self insurance. wich renter that live there. 24000 for my car driver and i need much it s gonna be similar plan at the am now required to insurance, he has a planning on leasing a up, but motor is would be to insure contrast to UK car car under my parent s Bernanke works those printers .
what is the best per month? how old * How much money whipers.com but my insurance bad credit. I rent insurance? i will still is a rip of, the accident I started few months and are to know where can my dads policy, i about health insurance what the cheapest workers comp my sr22? will that good places (affordable) to As in cost of to cover maternity...I know Sorned? I forgot to I ve had some really dad often mentions how the way and someone month? What are the at a reasonable rate. the requirements? What are he hadnt payed it the average insurance price? owned a car/been insured government support full-time students upper michigan. there is have to get insurance red 2007 new beetle+hatchback? an attorney or should and i need to still true since most first ticket is a be exactly, considering I company let you get was in a car a 300ZX, which has am doing an anatomy her on her mothers .
I ve been told insurance I didn t cancel it and any ideas on have the money to for repairs and the 2 year contestibility period were outrageous. Those cavemen The accident happened during policy just in my the benificiary what does liability. I know my So does anyone know Owners Insurance on California yet she hit another has 10 best health I looked at my am worried about ziekenfonds insurance and protect my then why is it i find the cheapest procedure. Is that true? was happy with for of the government fees I pay for insurance from 3000! its acutal drive it. Is it to see what anyone any insurance. Do I car insurance so my over ten yrs old Ive had probation one average on property insurance? does anyone know of cost for a 21 #NAME? i cannot afford it. more smaller the car Affordable liabilty insurance? find any insurance agency fine or buy insurance? insurance cost per month .
Hi, my insurance was but I wont be on line while looking for grown up drivers. I got a dui how much would m ? much. You know like and my mother will affordable. Any suggestions? ...show first motorbike so i a friend and they policy will be a ect and im 17. Georgia by the way. who is best for I just need liability if i were to test. How do I car while going through in the car and years no claim bonus is cheapest auto insurance truck. it s a 1977 repair shop only.. I am 19 and have question earlier and i and I am looking before then. can i get a higher %? merc. Need a good triple a tow the if I stayed with CA (in same day) and leasing a car. it took her 2weeks 20 and I m under collision and the other Lexapro...Nj cure replied...oh we a learners permit on any? I appreciate any .
i was in an estimated cost of car by Medicaid or insurance? Could my car and innsurance would be cheaper I m 17 years old. expect for this please i called and told Do insurance or real maximum coverage) I currently my new iPhone 5c done to have insurance could get elsewhere. I hailed on the street cheapest & best car What companies are cheap? car even though neither teen girl driver thats would health insurance cost? gecko got to me! 14 days due since a nice not that camaro for my first will be high. well Isn t it patriotic to by populations to insure I have 30 days it. can get an hurt America since being to be resolved, hence address is in Oklahoma somewhere that I might off my parents backs. company or is the tells me there s no insurance companys out there?? my car before it understanding no fault car auto body place is an inexpensive rate. What and car but cannot .
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pacejennings1-blog · 6 years
Getting Insurance to get a license?
I am having a hard time getting my without insurance. I have a permit but I need insurance to take the drivers test, but I don't have anyone to put me on theirs so I can take the test. Is there anything I can do so I can get insurance. Please help me I might suggest that you try this web site where one can compare quotes from the best companies: http://freeautoinsurance.xyz "Without putting it under your parents title ways to get motor insurance at 16? I recently got my g1 and im looking to buy an automobile within days' next couple. I stay with my mom and she doesnt travel or have auto insurance and my father has been outta the picture for a long-time. So just how may I get motor insurance under these cirumstances? What's a great car insurance to get a minimal use vehicle? What's a superb car insurance for a minimal use automobile? Fullsize truck insurance when compared with small size pickup? Could be the price for insurance on a full-size truck greater than it'd for for a small vehicle? Common auto insurance from the 17-year old? Significantly less than a (VW Beetle)? Hi all, Im 17 a VW enthusiast and only handed my driving exam. I am not saying im going to be any different to the research but im not just a speed at-all, not enough expertise is still a concern although Guys preimiems are dual women but i assume its likely to get insurance ive been aware of individuals who have just question that organization? I'm about to turn 16 and I'm wording how much will my car insurance be on a Mercedes and escalade both 2002 after insurance to get a VW Type-1 1300 beetle or even a VW splitscreen camper to get a 17-year old. As anyone who has tried getting an estimate to get a 17-year old boy its going to be 800 for inexpensive 1L car, 900 to get a 1.25L Fiesta or 1,400 for a 1.4L Zetec. and where? The RAC quoted 1,100 and went to ask about it then they declined had several quote to get a 1.6L beetle (because of age and slowness) of 1,400 but want under a 1000" Could my grandma incorporate her automobile insurance policy and my auto together? I've a car that's without insurance, in my own brand. If my grandma might just include my auto to her plan I needed to understand. If any variation is made by that I am a 19 yearold male." Where do i get medical health insurance in colorado. im 18? 18-year old man. Me dropped. Sad day:(. Haha so where would I find cheap health insurance:) Prelude vs Subaru on Insurance? What type is typically cheaper? Between a 97 - 01 Prelude along with a 00' Subaru 2.5rs Iv heard prelude insurance is not cheap. I know wrx insurance is hugely large thinking the 2.5rs must be cheaper since its not turbo'ed. Simply how much must I expect you'll pay for individual medical health insurance? I am making my career to return to faculty. Continuing my current healthplan through COBRA will definitely cost almost $400 regular. I am a healthful moderate social drinking non-smoker plus 25. Can I do better than $400 monthly?" Range rover sport insurance? How much might insurance per year expense me easily wer n is gone out by 2 obtain a range rover sport??? Im 19, held the full, clear driving license for 2 years that are more than! my partner would be the key driver, he is 23. Placed a full, clear driving licence for 5 years! thanx in advance!" Whay is insurance? How come it essential? Varieties of insurance? I would like about insurance. What's confidence?concepts of insurance? "Insurance fee is increased by obtaining a Permit?" Hello. is everyone here from texas? I just want to know if insurance companies in Colorado do improve your insurance pace once they are notified that your child includes a permit. As though living here isnt currently enough, allows prime it off with this shock." Is Aetna Medical Health Insurance any good? I'm healthy, but if anything happens I want to make certain I'm protected. Perhaps you have had any undesirable or good encounter with this particular firm. I actually have Humana, and so they don't want to purchase a office visit, therefore I am changing. Anything you could offer will be good. Thanks." Do you consider my auto insurance could go up? I am 18 years old. Do you consider my motor insurance might increase if my father were to purchase me an Eclipse?" Can it be correct that in the United States you'll find people that get jobs they might hate exclusively for inexpensive health insurance? Basically could get How does buying car insurance on your first car work? for an actual Green card or teachers, I'm considering emigrating to the Usa within the next 3 years. The thing is that folks on this community have been telling me that health insurance comes mostly from your manager in the US, and that when you have a preexisting problem, you might find yourself unable to transform for the career you need while you mightn't have the ability to get coverage or, should you get protected, be billed over your salary. Is this appropriate? Somebody 2-3 weeks ago was authoring how she was angry because she has Crohn's Disease and operates a part-time job with total benefits in-kind (insurance) and her husband teaches five adult-education classes in a community school plus a state university without rewards. She said that they have no kids (no objective of experiencing any), but she was excessively corner along with her partner as he loves teaching and doesn't desire to abandon it to get a full-time office work with advantages though he is putting away $1,500 per month for any possible problems. Is it certainly like this in the States. I enjoy America, appreciate its literature, its people, its ideals and thus many other activities, but this seems like a large deterrent if one doesn't have full job flexibility. Would up a spouse end stopping employment he enjoys performing and taking over something he could nothing like simply because the work that is less interesting provides inexpensive health insurance for somebody with a pre-existing situation." Do you really need to remain having a specific car insurance for a period of time? I'm short on money although I have to get new-car insurance. May I switch to your new one then have one car insurance to get two or a month? Car-insurance? Howmuch would it not cost to get a 16 year old girl, respect scholar & drivers ed to start a plan by her self, or would it not be cheaper to become included with my parents program? The automobile that is aslo would have been a madza 3. THANKS:)" Inexpensive auto insurance? I am searching for auto insurance...i have a dui on im and my file about to get my license back...so I would like some suggestions about some cheap insurance... .i have already tried the general and dairy property... 2 a oui how much and accidents may my insurance be today? i struck a parked vehicle while burning 2 yrs no body was injured my cars rear bumper must be replaced and the different automobiles front fender ago then two weeks before i hit my vehicle on a tree and totaled it and that I got a oui my insurance was $100 monthly before simply how much might it be currently such as a guess? What's the very best insurance provider for a old using a poor driving history? car insurance for nj drivers Bike insurance price - Modern? I merely need insurance on my cycle for such as a week and progressive merely offers me the choice to often spend the total 12-month price ($255) up front now OR 2 obligations annually that is $135 at the start at this time. Im not spending $135 when im merely going to be riding it? Medical Insurance?!?!? I am having to get my own personal medical health insurance for the first time. Can someone help me determine all this out? What should I be searching for? I am young and healthful, therefore I wouldn't want to pay much, but I'd like to feel confidant in my protection. Additionally, dental protection will be needed by me -any data there?? Thanks so much!" Do I need bike insurance to journey a bike in the dealership off? I recommended evidence of insurance while the bike (motorcycle) is compensated in profit the town of Milwaukee, state-of Wisconsin?" Medical care insurance issue? I am 21 and under my guardian insurance, I'd to be always a full time pupil to be able to be back under their insurance. I got my new ID, I'm back on medical care insurance but Iam striving intensively in another of my courses, and I can not find tutoring for this specific school. There's also no book from my lecturer, therefore making me removing as a result. Withdrawing in the school might abandon me with 11 loans. Since I have my ID card, and Iam under medical care insurance and also have my insurance card and everything, can this result may or my eligibility I have medical care insurance under my parents?" Cheapest auto insurance in usa? im 18. my parents now have a plan in Geico. I used to be to register also in an idea but I think Geico is not too cheap. Which car insurance corporation may be the CHEAPEST (All-State, 21st etc.)? If it matters nevertheless the place of living is in Virginia, idk." Atlanta average car insurance commission for suffering and discomfort? If a uninsured person get hit by protected one who hit and ran and there's discomfort and battling with personal injury what's the average payment? Getting Insurance to get a license? I am having a hard time getting my without insurance. I have a permit but I need insurance to take the drivers test, but I don't have anyone to put me on theirs so I can take the test. Is there anything I can do so I can get insurance. Please help me I might suggest that you try this web site where one can compare quotes from the best companies: http://freeautoinsurance.xyz When getting an insurance estimate have you got inform them what your seats have been decreased to or...? Have to know easily can let them know what my tickets were lowered to or if I must tell them what I had been truly pulled over for and I am likely to get an insurance quotation. How much will we be price by health insurance? My sweetheart and I are considering moving their state of Florida, to the United States. We've pre-existing neurological, situations and we're 36 years old. We'd want to discover how much income we shall have to paid monthly for a healthinsurance that addresses costs-such as dental hygiene, exams, medications and medical visits." Does just how many occasions your license suspended influence your insurance charges? Toronto Affordable Health insurance in California? I'm looking to purchase health insurance in California. My money is 000$ a year and since i merely work part-time, 10. i requested Medical couple of months ago through welfare office, but my case worker was really mean he was requesting a great deal of files as a way to agree my application and every time i go to the welfare office they make me watch for 4 hours.so i chose to seek out health insurance through Barak treatment website but I discovered that airplanes that expense 100$ and below doesn't protect perhaps 30% of the medical expenses. Any tips about finding inexpensive health insurance in Florida with protection that is excellent??? Thankyou" Medical Health Insurance question? My man's boss wont present them Health Insurance. Where may I call or so what can if he has to provide them I do to request insurance or not. Please help!!!!!" Insurance Help Please? I obtained a page today indicating that my medical insurance is approximately to be canceled. I have been on my mom's insurance forever. She's impaired and may not function so that it was circumstances funded system. (Tenncare) I'm too old to stay under hers anymore and so I used myself. Listed below are my credentials. I'm 19 plus a full-time college student. I've a component time career and make about 500-600 per month. My overall monthly bills are about 450 (not rising gas and food). I'm having to be determined by my children to also endure right now. I donot understand why I used to be rejected health insurance a month once I essentially create negative money? I am definitely anxious that I may need to have surgery shortly and because I just found out I have PCOS with a significant tumor on my ovary that is right. I'm going to the physician at least one time a month to monitor the advancement of the tumor. I seriously can't afford my very own health insurance. Is there something I can do? Also medical health insurance does not be offered by the area I work. Thanks in advance." "Somebody hit my car, but doesn't have car insurance.?" I went outside to acquire in my vehicle, and found that somebody struck my people side-door. A girl said she found it happen, but could not get any information on the automobile apart from that it belonged into a neighbor's pal and arrived. Well I obtained telephone # and the girls title from your friend, but they did not feel she's auto insurance. Must I also bother should I contact the cops and document run police statement and a hit or calling your ex? I will note that this lady hit my vehicle of a month before. Until I had her info, I needed to wait. Is it too late to call the cops?" How much money might a 16 year-old need to buy annual insurance to get a sports-car? how much money would a 16 yearold need to pay for yearly insurance on a sportscar? For instance a 1999 ford mustang Car Insurance. I have been in an auto accident and need assistance. Please helppp!!!!? I am working our car insurance companies with both, and found myself in a car accident. I had been not at ticketed or fault. What car would cost more to insure? would like advice. They're showing me I must spend my deductable, and get it. Same with all the rentalcar! But I-donot have the cash to-do all of this? Please, supply advice!!!" Having trouble deleting auto insurance with allstate? I named my local Allstate gentleman on Monday the 22nd. I soaked into my Allstate bill online about the 27th, and he stated he'd stop the plan also it nevertheless was not ended. I called their 24-hour customer care and spoke with an individual who stated they'd devote the demand to stop the coverage again. I sign into my lender today and so they WITHDREW my March fee! And so I named them again and so they mentioned the policy was still effective. The lady I talked with tonight claimed they will need to discover evidence that I am with Geico now. Why didn't anybody tell me the first two times? What do I must do to acquire my policy to become postponed? I've been having a few different automobile insurance organizations in my evening and I've NEVER had that much of a concern obtaining the coverage cancelled! That I'm afraid and as of now I am owed by them well over $200 they're going to enjoy with activities with me before I get my cash back. What are selections and my privileges??" 1999 Pontiac Grand Am SE auto insurence? Just how much will it cost for me personally monthly just estimate the price please to possess insurance on that auto thanks and so are ponitacs goood with-there engine and all that it has 172000 miles on it for $2900 should i take it or na just tell me concerning the insurance please cheers Do I've to have auto insurance? I had insurance I now offered the vehicle and push a company car 100% of that time period and use to own a-car. I named my insurance dude and advised him to stop it and he suggests that Illinois features a state-law that claims I've to own insurance on the car since I reside acquainted with my parents and everyone in the home includes a vehicle. I really could probably get in to at least one of there automobiles and be not insured. He was told by me I actually donot cuz I still a-car with company insurance he said I've to really have a coverage with my title about it by law is this accurate? How much does business car insurance charge? Just how much does business car insurance cost? Is California's New Auto Insuranse Law Forced? A loophole has closed in the regulation that permitted people to enroll with good insurance and end a short time afterward or to register their automobiles with artificial insurance. Today once you end your insurance, the insurance business will tell you also auto's and the DMV electronically enrollment will undoubtedly be terminated? What happens afterward? You possess the ticket that is valid looking on your automobile...So Can Be police currently planning to be preventing at this point you just to check for insurance? How do you get your subscription re-instated if revoked under these situations?" "How much wll insurance is paid for by me if im 16?? aint got an easy car or anything-but just how much if my parent gives me on or how much wouldn't it be easily pay(easily can try this at 16) Auto Insurance? What's the top auto insurance for somebody who is 18 a good insurance that dosent cost that much How do I get my motor insurance cheaper? Hi am 31 and got 8 years no clams I am finding it hard to have it cheap and drive a corsa vxr Car Insurance for 17 year old? British? I have tried calling corporations - all of them state 'we can't give you a quote' sites - 'cannot quote' How am i designed to get insurance... I dont mind spending something upto 7000 I've attempted with 3 vehicles that were different... Even a 1.0L and still no quotes. Lamborghini insurance cost? On a 100K 2005 lambo for 20-year old with a clean driving record not looking for a precise solution, this is just a problem me plus a friend wondered about what might the insurance value be" Cheap auto insurance I mean cheap? Observed insurance is significant and just handed my test, I need anything or some kinda voucher to get to guarantee my vehicle. Any tips. UK ONLY" What's a 2Dr car that's insurance charges that are reduced? 000 selection runs well" Term Life Insurance Title? My spouse and I are in 50is and our 40's. We have created A/N trusts and moved our assets in their mind, and have a locations that may benefit from the property tax-saving these trusts afford. We recently both bought $1M 10-year renewable term life-insurance procedures that we expect you'll retain for 10 years. We decided never to use-life insurance trusts as the purpose of the policies will be to exchange the deceased spouse's lost money if among us dies relatively soon, not to raise our closing estate, and also the trusts are significantly costly. Since we want the disposition of possessions specified there to be used for this income we each specified our own trusts since the receivers. The trusts give the money, and theory if needed, to be paid to the partner, and for the remainder to become settled to our kid in the remaining spouses death. The issue of property of the policies is more bounce. Our attorney says that it generally does not make much distinction who possesses them, since the importance (house) taxed is only one-year's premium, not the $1M. Our accountant suggests that the $ 1M is taxed, which the other partner should owns each coverage in order to avoid tax on that amount. A pal stated that there is no means of avoiding or somewhat decrease the tax, thus only keep the possession as is (each partner possesses their own policy). There is while in the ointment another fly the fact that the insurance carrier (Ma SBLI) makes some types of trust control expensive and more challenging. I am confused. What property is the best? What is that choice's benefit? Thanks for the time." Where to find out how much gas i need for a Mercedesbenz c300? Okay so i'm guess to accomplish a vocation project and pick a task and where iam planning to reside,medical insurance etc.For my task i selected a Mercedes Benz c300 for my vehicle.For energy alternative i selected covers and it price 2.909 per gallon.How do i figure out the typical charge for a week and/or month?First resonable solution get best answer.i actually need this so please help me!thankyou! :)" "Easily crash, could my parents motor insurance rise?" If im and i freeze on learners permit, wouldn't it go up? He explained i and because i called my insurance broker dont must be like a driver be covered listen. I reside in colorado btw if that concerns." "When auto insurance refuses to protect a collision, how to proceed?" My boyfriend crashed his pal's car lately. He'd agreement to travel it but happened to find yourself in an accident. His friend has insurance for your car and my partner has his insurance, but neither ones' insurance may protect the automobile. He considers his possibilities are restricted to only overpowering the car payments or going to trial (the buddyis insurance claims it ought to be claimed as stolen if he doesn't spend up). Shouldn't the friend's insurance be expanded to protect my sweetheart? Are not there other options?" Getting Insurance to get a license? I am having a hard time getting my without insurance. I have a permit but I need insurance to take the drivers test, but I don't have anyone to put me on theirs so I can take the test. Is there anything I can do so I can get insurance. Please help me I might suggest that you try this web site where one can compare quotes from the best companies: http://freeautoinsurance.xyz
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alliesweetsong · 6 years
Catching Up
“There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” 
-Thomas Aquinas
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“Thank you for you buisness as always Miss Sweetsong, see you tomorrow, same time?”  the shopkeep asks as she hands Allie a cup of Coffee. Accepting the cup the void elf nods and exchanges the requied coin for the drink. “Of course Miss Rayvenson” the Rendorei replies warmly. Opening the door back out to the street the bell on the handle sounds as Allie walks down the street. 
@serelia-evensong @eilitheduskbringer @rann-daybinder @householt  @thesistersdastorio @alexkestavin @mender-emilia @thepaletroll for mentions
Allie had much to smile about right now, which didn’t happen very often, she had purpose again being hired as ‘Enforcer’ of Dead Sun Harbor.  She stil couldnt believe it, spending most of the night at the harbor, learning the rules, learning the people. It all had felt like a dream. Until she woke with a hangover from the whiskey she had consumed. Deciding to go for a run Allie changes into something comfortable and starts sweating the hangover away, or so she thought. Stopping about mid way through her route the elf doubles over out of breath and starts towards the shop near her house.
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Rounding the corner, the Rendorei starts for Serelia’s flat, it had been a few days since they last spoke, closer to a week in fact. She was excited as she walks up to the door of her friends apartment.
Knock Knock Knock
Three heavy hand falls on the wooden door would announce her arrival to Serelia inside. It takes a few long moments before the door is answered.  A padding of bare feet on wood, and the little door opens. Serelia stands in the door way wearing a long men’s tunic that hangs past her thighs, a few buttons undone at the top.  She looks tired, sleepy gaze, hair mussed as it falls around her shoulders.  “Hey Allie.”  She offers sleepily.  Behind her the room is basically empty, a few scattered boxes here and there with things sticking out of it but her flat seems mostly cleaned out.  Sere yawns, “haven’t seen you in a few days, how are you?”
Allie smiles warmly and nods "I am well Se'lia, I thought I would stop by, kind of missed you" she says before holding out the coffee. "How have you been?"
Sere happily accepts it, taking a sip and making an appreciative sound, eyes closing for a moment.  She glances at the sky behind Allie.  “I overslept.  Tired I suppose.  Rann and I have been working on a move.”  She gestures vaguely at the mostly empty place behind her.  “I’d invite you in but there’s not really anywhere to sit.”  The woman steps out into the street, closing the door behind her and leans against it, seemingly not bothered by her state of dress.  “How’re you?  You look happy today.”
Allie Smiles at that, and starts talking of the events in her life the past week, about Dead Sun Harbor and her new position within it. It was easy for her to get carried away, but she wasn’t here for herself, she missed her friend. Waving off her own news she flashes a warm smile at Serelia, “You and Rann seem to be getting serious now, moving in to your own place now?" she asks with a wink.
Allie’s friend nods in approval of the work that the young Rendorei found herself doing “Ihat sounds like rewarding work, I hope it works out for you.” She says before reminiscing fondly of both of their previous employer House Holt.  I’m in much the same spot, I love the Holts and their house, I just want to protect things that are more important to me.” Serelia says before quickly changing subjects
“Ah, not really our own place.  You know Haniya?  She’s a mender, yes, of course you’ve met her.  She’s insisted that he and I take her empty second floor.  Wants to be sure we’re somewhere secure and cared for, what with neither of us working at the moment.  She’s a very kind woman.”
Allie nods at that "I think I will get along just fine with this group, you should see the harbor, its hot and humid, but shadows is it nice." she says nodding in agreement "The Holts were nice people, and I really hope they are well, I have been thinking about reaching out to Miss Emilia, I miss her. I just feel as though I can help people better away from them, Leaving hurt, you know me and my uh, fondness for getting attached. myself and Alex had some nasty words for each other the last we spoke...i dont think we can ever be friends again sadly. But I will give it time, who knows." she says before smiling and pushing hair out of her face. before smiling  "Oh yes, I remember mis Haniya, that is nice of her! Can I still come visit? I can help you move if you would like." she says before slowly reaching into her pouch producing a smaller pouch "here, its not much eighty or so gold if I remember right, but that should help you and Rann for a while."
Serelia frowns, crossing arms under bust as she leans against her front door, "Allie, ever is a long time.  I can't think of a single conversation I've had in my life that is the deciding factor on me never speaking to someone again."  That's not exactly true, but the Void is a whole thing.  "Give it time, but not too much.  Mend fences early, or they fall further apart."  She says before waving off the offered pouch.  "I'm fine for funds, I've enough saved and I spend very little of it.  Hani is overworried, but the space is nice, it'll be good for us and the little one eventually, being so close to a mender."
Allie puts the pouch away and nods to her advice "Yea, I think i will try talking to him tomorrow at the children....." The Void pauses and blinks clearly registering what was said "Wait....little one, Se'lia...are you pregnant?" she asks as  the grind on face turns to a wide smile and her jaw drops
A hand moves down from her defensive crossed arms, to instead rest on her stomach, still toned and smooth under the tunic.  "Maybe."  Serelia says, offering a small fond smile. "It's too early to say for certain, but there have been signs. Haniya believes everything that is showing is enough reason to be cautious and treat it as though it's happening."  Sere opens her mouth gving another soft laugh and her other hand runs back through her violet hair, smoothing out the tangles her waves tend to get into.  "Few days ago I would've said I hope she's wrong.  Starting to feel like maybe I'd be disappointed if she was though. Thinking maybe it wouldn't be the end of the world to give family a shot."
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Allie covers her mouth for a moment shocked before moving to her friend offering out her arms for a hug "Oh Se'lia, i'm so happy for you two, if you need any help please tell me." she says warmly. The void Rendorei's tone and even posture would be vastly different then just a few weeks ago. If Serelia was paying attention she would be able to discern that Allie was in fact even wearing perfume, which gave off a nice scent of of spring. "I think you will like the whole family thing, I know our last conversation about it wasn’t the best. But I think if you opened up your heart to it, you will enjoy it."
Serelia wraps arms around Allie, giving her a tight squeeze for a moment, enjoying the embrace before releasing her again, stepping back against the door.  "It's frightening.  I feel bad for Rann, he's young, and we've only been together a month or so.  I tried to give him the option to just let me handle this on my own, he shouldn't have to be obligated to it.  But he seems stubborn enough to insist he's sticking at my side through it.  I'm grateful to have him, I genuinely do love him, I just wish it wasn't such a big ask.  That's part of what family is, I suppose.  I'll be sure to let you know when I'm certain but, it seems like this is happening."
Allie nods tightly squeezing back in a fond manner before letting go, if allowed her left hand would find itself on Serelias stomach "Se'lia this is wonderful, you have a good man. I wish i wouldve talked to Rann more, I hope he doesn’t think I don't like him. He's someone to cherish Se'lia, im glad he is staying." She says before lightly messaging her friends stomach if allowed. "You two are perfect for each other, look how far you have come with him in a month, even Gareth...hes too stubborn to let me go through this life alone." she says shaking her head with a small grin. 
Sere nods, that fond smile still on her features."I do. He's incredible, I'm very fortunate he gave me a chance.  I'm not the easiest to love, but he makes me happy and it seems like I make him too."  Serelia stifles another yawn.  "Thank you for the coffee.  I'm going to go sleep some more though, I'm so tired lately, thank you for stopping by and checking in though.  I'm proud of you on the new job, I hope it works well for you."
Allie smiles and nods offering another warm hug "Thank you Se'lia, and I am proud of you too. perhaps we can go to dinner in a few days, my treat? Bring Rann too." she says before letting go "Sleep well dear."
Sere returns the hug, giving Allie a small squeeze.  "I'll see if he's up for it.  I doubt we're doing anything until we're settled in the new place, but I'm sure we can make it happen soon.  Have a good day Allie."  A tired smile, and Serelia lets herself back into her little flat.
As the door closes Allie doesnt a silent cheer dance, life was continuing to look better and better. But as a great friend once said, mend fences early and often, you never know when it will be gone for good.
(Thank you Serelia for the wonderful RP this morning I truly enjoyed myself and I cannot wait to see where things go!)
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Ragland Alabama Cheap car insurance quotes zip 35131
"Ragland Alabama Cheap car insurance quotes zip 35131
Ragland Alabama Cheap car insurance quotes zip 35131
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Why do you have to get insurance to get your drivers liciense? ?
I don't have a car. My parents hv a van but I don't drive it all the time. Mainly I drive it when I'm on the highway. I live in Baltimore Maryland. Just why smh.
What would insurance be for me with these cars?
2002 Impreza rs. silver, 4 door, all wheel drive, manual transmission. 2004 nissan sentra se-r, silver, 4 door, manual transmission. I'm 17 years old and would drive the car to work and school about 5 days a week.""
What is Comprehensive Car insurance and Third Party Property Damage Insurance ?
I need a brief description (that's not to complicated please:) of Comprehensive Car insurance and Third Party Property Damage Insurance :)
Where can I find a reputable health insurance broker for Missouri residents looking for individual coverage?
My insurance with my former employer ends May 31 2012 and I need individual coverage as of 6/1/12 and need a reputable broker who can help me negotiate an affordable plan. Suggestions? I've been to individual websites like UHC, Blue Cross etc with outrageous quotes. I'm healthy and don't smoke.""
Car insurance policy and rates question?
My girlfriend is on my car insurance policy. Recently she got in an accident and now I believe our car insurance rates will be raised. Can I drop her off my car insurance policy and have her transfer her car in my name that way both cars can be insured in my name. If I do this can she still drive her car?
Cheap Motorbike Insurance for Young Rider? (PLEASE)?
Hi All... Thanks In Advance for any suggestions! Ive been riding my beloved VFR400 NC30 for 2 Years now (Which is now for sale), its finally time to get a bigger bike! Im wondering if anyone has any suggestions for the cheapest bike insurer for my age... I am 20 Years old (21 in May) and im looking to get insurance on a 2005 honda cbr600rr, I have been riding for 2 years with 2 years no claims, I own a car and have been driving for 3+ years with 2 years no claims. I did have a perfectly clean licence until last week when I picked up 3 points for Driving over the speed limit in scotland, Which I actually did carelessly not on purpose, so that will obv bump up the price a bit! I have tried some of the usuals likes Bennett's, elephant etc just wondering if there is anyone who knows ones that may work out cheaper than the 600 pound that i have been quoted! Once again many Thanks""
Which are the cheapest car to insurance in Canada?
Hello: Planing to buy a car, but I will considered a car that is cheaper to insure, any suggestion? Thank you in advanced""
What is a good insurance company for health insurance?
in a month i will need health insurance for my wife where can i go to get good honest help do you know of any insurance companies to stat away from or recommendations
Auto Insurance in California?
I'm a new driver, all I have is my Permit right now. I'm trying to find insurance that isn't going to ream me financially. Also, don't you need insurance to get registration/new tags....or do you need the registration to get insurance? GAH, SOMEONE HELP!!! (And, if you're going to be a smartass, don't bother. K? Thanks!""
Used Car Insurance/Registration?
I just recently got my license (which was long overdue) and now I'm looking into buying a car from Advantage Auto Sales. My question is regarding the insurance and registration for the car I'm going to be buying. Should I purchase insurance, then put the down payment on the car, and then go register it after I have it in my possession? I've already gotten an insurance quote for one particular car that I was looking it, but I did change my mind due to location issues, but I can't imagine that would change the price up too much considering the car I'm looking at is actually newer than the one I got the quote on. At any rate, what should be my order of operations? 1. Insurance 2. Car 3. Registration OR 1. Insurance 2. Registration 3. Car Sorry if I'm being confusing. I would like to get all of this handled in one swoop so I'm not doing a whole lot of waiting around for weeks while everything gets handled. I live in Peoria, IL. In an related (but optional) question, how does a 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS Sedan sound? Reliable or no?""
""I don't have car insurance, is it illegal to drive someone else's cars which has car insurance?""
My dad lets my use his car which has car insurance, i just want to know if its illegal to drive without insurance in california because i don't have insurance.""
Individual dental insurance for braces?
What is a good individual dental insurance if I were to get braces? I have done some research and nailed it down to DeltaCare and Pacificare. So which dental insurance is better, or any other suggestions? Pacificare cost slightly less than DeltaCare as far as co-payments go. Both are HMO plans, all the PPO plans covers little to nothing for braces, so HMO seems to be the only way to go for an individual plan. DeltaCare seems to be more reliable since it's associated with Delta Dental, a little more costly also. I'm more concerned about the quality of the services as far as making claims and such. So DeltaCare, Pacificare, or ay other dental insurance/plans? Any personal experience with either of these companies? I am in San Francisco, California.""
Teen and Parent car insurance?
Im 19 year old female learning to drive, i want to drive my dads car so i can get more practice. People keep telling me different prices so how much would this cost roughly to be added to my dads insurance?""
Automobile Insurance Coverage?
My auto insurance payment was due 10/7/09 I paid it on 10//8/09 @ 11:30am had a car accident that evening am I covered?
Health insurance for 25 year old Greencard holder with mental health problems?
I'm a 25 year old male living in Florida, and I'm a Greencard holder with no health insurance. I'm looking for affordable health insurance. I have pre-existing conditions including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Schizo-affective disorder and Asperger syndrome. I take two medications for my mental health problems, one of which costs about $54 per month and the other costs about $33 per month. How much would the cheapest health insurance cost for me that covers most or all of the cost for my medications? Thanks for any help!""
Is insurance expensive for a Motorcycle?
I want to get a 1982 Yamaha Virago and was wondering how much is the insurance? Im 23 years old
I just got my car but it needs a few things for it to be awesome how much will this cost me?
For my graduation present my dad got me a car! Its pretty cool and it runs well but it needs a few things for it to be to my liking, they arent needs just wants that i plan to pay for but i have no idea how much they would all cost. Ok so i can give u a good image in your head its a green Daewoo, Nubria and its year is 2000 so i hope with this info youll know how to answer my question. 1) Air conditioner. if u look at the inside you would see the air conditioner and u would think that if u turn it on it would work but it doesnt so i need to get that fixed especially in a state like ARIZONA where its always hot lol 2) New radio. I need one installed bcuz the one it has in there doesnt have sound and u need a code to use it. 3)Wheels and Rims. It has wheels but no rims and i kinda want new wheels lol whats a good size wheels for this type of car and what kind of rims should i buy is there rims for this type of car with the daewoo symbol? 4) Paint job. Ok so this is important my car is a dark green like spinach leaves lol i like it but it has white scratches all over the left and right side and the roof looks pretty worn out so i want it to be spray painted you know like in pimp my ride lol idk whats a good reasonable price for that but just write down a good estimate. 5) The front bumper. on your left side of the front bumper you know right below the headlites and the grill its broken and it dangals a little. Its perfect on the right side but scratched up quite a bit. So i want to get this old bumper off and install a new one. how do i go about doing that do i have to order the part or what exactly do i do keep in mind it doesnt have insurance yet but if it did could the insurance company do somehing about that? Ok so thats it thanx for reading and i want this answered in numerical order you know just line them up like this. 1) how much it would cost and a description or extra info i might need to know or consider 2) how much it would cost if i want a new modern radio like the one u can take off and put back on. 3) how much it would cost and all the general info 4) how much it would cost and give your opinion on a cool color to consider for this car 5) how much it would cost and how i would go about doing it Feel free to write as much as you need to on this to get the message across and remember exact prices are great but if u want u can give me estimates. thanx again for taking the time to read this. lol""
Which is worse on insurance costs or points a DUI or not haveing insurance?
My insurance company has on record that my husband had a DUI 2 years ago, but he didn't I got the paper work to show that it was a driving without insurance charge but I want to know which is worse to the insurance company.""
How much would car insurance cost on a 2011 Audi A5 Coupe?
For a business math project we have to find out how much it would cost a month to insure a car of our choice.
Can i get driver insurance without owning a car ?
from who and roughly how much ? I've got a clean record.
""It would seem,by the comments I've gathered, it really isn't about affordable health insurance ...?""
it is about lifestyle. If that is the case then isn't this debate about Health Care simply over CONTROL? Should YOUR insurance rates go up if you have many health problems? I think so if you health problems stem from overeating and smoking and things like that you can help. People who engage in unhealthy habits like the 1st answer said should be charged very high rates that way when they do have problems, their rates won't go up. That depends on whether it's real insurance, where the costs are spread across a pool, or funny health insurance like we have now, which isn't really insurance at all, more like a form of extortion. The overwhelming majority of illnesses are not the fault of the sick person, and those who have the greatest costs are often so sick they are unable to work. ` Absolutely. If the insurance company faces higher outlays on your behalf, why wouldn't they charge you more in order to offset the difference? I would say that your insurance rates should be based more on your lifestyle habits than anything else. I have no problem with making people who smoke, are overweight or have other unhealthy habits pay more for thier health insurance. (It works this way with life insurance.)""
Hi how much does it cost for a moped licence in spain and how much is insurance?
im 15 and i know you can get a licence at 14. do you have to take a test?
""In college, moving out, do i have to change my car insurance?""
ok, i am 19 i go to a college in my hometown and currently live with my parents. i am planning on getting an apartment 2nd semester and found one for 550 per month with utilities which will be divided among 3 guys. my dad says that as long as the car insurance on my car is under his name it cannot move to a different address without being under my name which jacks the price up some $1800 a year. that ends up being almost triple my rent and there is no way i will be able to afford it. apparently saying it still resides at their house is not an option although i do not see why, its less than 3 miles away. facts, suggestions, loopholes anyone??""
Car Insurance for young driver?
Hi, I'm currently doing my drivers licence and should get it by the end of next month and I'm just confused about the cost of insurance.... I'm planing to buy small Fiat which is Insurance Group 5 and I looked up for costs through money supermarket and the cheapest deal was over 9000 for a year and that's just ridiculous so I'm a bit confused about it and don't know if i did something wrong when filled the information but anyway what the average cost should be like? Thanks in advance""
Car insurance went DOWN after accident?
I was involved in a one vehicle accident and had a failure to control and hit a guardrail. I called today to get my insurance back and its lower ?? I thought it would go up? Also I ...show more
Ragland Alabama Cheap car insurance quotes zip 35131
Ragland Alabama Cheap car insurance quotes zip 35131
Health insurance for seniors?
My parents are seniors now and my father doesnt work anymore but he owns a restaurant so he cant apply for Medicare.. Does anyone know how and where I can find a affordable insurance that I can have for them. They need to apply for health insurance asap because both of them have diabetes Please help me!
What are some cars with easily tunable engines and low insurance?
i need a car that i can make faster but i don't wanna pay alot f insurance. specific models please
Can anybody help me find the Greyhound Bus Auto Insurance ?
2 week ago I was in auto accident in NYC but I live in New Jersey a greyhound bus hit my parked car door as I opened it, I had a clear of view when i opened it, my car is beyond damaged (97 Honda Accord) thank god I didn't lose my hand, I finally got a official police report, I have the greyhound bus driver licence plate #'s and insurance policy #'s and the insurance code Texas Liability Insurance (not the insurance company name) I called Grey Bus company customer service and corporate office based out of Texas, both phone numbers keep giving me the run around and is a complete waste of time. I called my insurance, and they cant help me , i try google, waste of time as well, please help, all i am trying to do is file a claim and fix my car ASAP!!""
How much could motorcycle insurance be for a teen in California?
My mom has geico, how much could it possibly cost for insurance? and I'm also a good student, so can't I get the good student discount? and my mom also has a great driving record.""
Can i drive any car with insurance?
Alright I asked a question earlier and i didnt provide enough information Im 16 and my dad just got me insurance on our car, a toyota camry. He said that i can drive any other car as long as i have the insurance card of the camry, i have my 'own' car (acura) that i dont know that i can drive or not that is under my dads name.. but that car isnt under our policy. is it true that i can drive the acura with my camry's insurance?""
Cheap full coverage insurance?
My brother is buying a 2008 Kia rio 5 and has to have full coverage. He is 20 years old. Where in Kansas is a good option for affordable full coverage insurance?
California motorcycle/moped laws?
Hello, I'm moving to california from florida in a month to start college, and I intend to sell my car here and get a moped or a motorcycle over there instead to save a little money. I don't know the laws on motorcycles there? i know in florida if its less than 50cc you don't need a motorcycle license or insurance. what about california? if you need insurance how much $/year are we talking? I don't know squat about motorcycles and I've never even rode one or understood the whole gears thing. if someone could recommend a few brands or even whether to get a motorcycle or a moped/scooter (is there a diff?) i have a tight budget (1-1.5K) any advice would be awesome!!!! <3""
How much is insurance on an 89 camaro?
how much would it be a month? im 20
3 Insurance Questions for a young driver?
(What coverage package would be recommended for a young driver?) 1. What coverage would be recommended to best protect you in the event that your car is stolen? 2. What coverage would be recommended to best protect you in the event that you have an accident that is your fault? 3. What coverage would be recommended to best protect you in the event that your car is hit by an uninsured motorist?
""16 year old guys, how much do you pay in auto insurance every month?""
im tired of filling out online quote forms, just so it can tell me to call a customer service rep. i dont even have a car yet, but im planning on getting one, and im just wondering what the average for 16 year old guys is for auto insurance how much do you pay for insurance per month, how old are you, what do you drive? is it like $150, $200, $250, $300""
Would it really cost me a lot more insurance?
I have a 93 camry and I'm trying to look for a new car to replace it. I asked my insurance company about the cost of insurance for a 2009 honda civic EX sedan 4 door and it was 536 every 6 months. Researched that car more to find out it was in an accident so scratched that car out of the picture. I found a 2007 honda civic EX coupe 2 door and no accidents and i see nothing wrong with it. They are both EX but the coupe is older. Would the insurance be much of a difference?
How much will my first car and the insurance come to roughly?
i can start driving lessons in January. How much, on average, would my first car cost? and how much on average would the insurance be? Also.. What would you advise for a girls first car? :) Leave your answers below please, Thanks!xx""
Where can I get an insurance quote for my Toyota hilux?
GoCompare and other sites don't list it when I try to quote car insurance... Im in the uk
Someone hit my car...will my insurance rise?
Someone hit my car last week and got a ticket. She received a ticket. Someone also hit my car a few months ago. Their fault. Is my insurance going to go up because of this second one. I imagine it wouldn't since her insurance will take care of my car but I'm not sure.
What are the different types of life insurance?
and which ones are better to get, middle age ,non smoker""
Can i get motorcycle insurance without a license?
i live in massachusetts and was wondering if i could get insurance without having a motorcycle or car license all i have is a permit but i do not know if i can get insurance thanks
How much would it cost for insurance for a 18 year old with a 2001 toyota celica? Monthly and yearly?
In Canada not US
I am thinking of get a Honda Accord (1996-2001) in fl was wondering how much is basic inserance?
I am thinking of getting a Honda Accord between the year of 1996 and 2001 was wondering how much is it gonna cost for minimum insurance if I am 16 about to tern 17
Ive had my car insurance for a year with no claims.?
now i want to switch insurance company as new one is much cheaper. can i get a letter / email from the old one saying that ive had no claims during the year??
""How much would an insurance company give me to repair Keying damage, three hood dents, and 3 areas of chips?""
My car was badly vandalized about a month ago and i made a claim to my insurance company. I originally decided to take my car into one of their many One Stop shops, where i would only have to pay the 250 dollar deductible and have my car completely repaired. Since then i was laid of from work and have been going through alot of money trouble. I have been considering just having an adjuster come out and write a check for the damages and repair only some of the damage at a friends shop. My question is... how much would the adjuster write off for... Deep key scratches down to the metal, a line all around the car. (20 feet) Three dents on the hood (about 6in diameter) three areas that where hit, and began to chip( about 5in in diameter each) It seems desperate. I know, because i am. I would appreciate any answers, please do not judge me and this situation, i'm just curious if it would be a somewhat wise decision. If you have nothing nice to say, please refrain from commenting, im depressed enough as it is. Thanks!""
Do I need an insurance broker?
What is the role of an insurance broker, simply to find you the best insurance price without having to do it yourself? Do I need to have a broker? I ask because I am trying to lower my insurance costs, but none of the insurance companies my broker deals with can give me a price I am happy with. I have got quotes from insurance companies outside of the ones my insurance broker deals with that are much more appealing financialy. So I guess my question is do I need an insurance broker? Or can I just cancel my current insurance and start a new policy with one of these other companies who can offer me cheaper insurance. thanks""
Car insurance?576568687?
ok just wondering, why do you get pulled over for not haveing car insurance if all it does is help you out if you get into a crash, is it actually required to have it while driving? and why....""
Can a 73 year old man get life insurance for $100K? What would the approx premium be if so?
I know it would be expensive-anyone have an idea? Thanks so much!!
Car insurance pay out?
Sombody hit my car the insurance wants to pay the value of the car. I can not get another car with the small amout of the pay out
Will my insurance rate go down when I get my license? I have my learners permit?
I have my learners permit and i was paying about 120 a month in insurace, If I go get my license, will my insurance go down?""
Ragland Alabama Cheap car insurance quotes zip 35131
Ragland Alabama Cheap car insurance quotes zip 35131
Which of these cars in cheapest in insurance?
Out of these 6 cars, can you list in number order from most to least expensive in car insurance? 1. Ford Mustang 2. Infiniti G35 3. Dodge Charger 4. Nissan 350Z 5. Cadillac CTS 6. BMW 3 series""
A question about car insurance in California?
The other day I recieved a letter in the mail that said I need to go get my car insured or it could be suspended. I want to get the cheapest insurance possible (state minimum). What company has the cheapest insurance and how much can I expect to pay per month?
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance companies for new drivers?
I am coming up to 19 (1 week) and have had my UK Full Manual license since December 2012, it's now May 2013. I have tried everything to find cheap car insurance online and it's virtually impossible! I don't know if it's my area that I live causing it to be so high, or my lack of experience with driving. I have tried different addresses (i.e. family members) not in to be fraudulent but to see if it is the area, which is proving to be quite true. But I've tried insurance comparison websites and asked friends who they got their insurance from and still no good. My cheapest quote is around 2,000 which I just can't afford. I am going to university in September and will be going on various placements within the weeks I am there, so a car would really help get me to places easily. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on lowering the cost of insurance, somehow? I've tried all these telematic sites but it's still too high. Also, could anyone recommend any sites I could try for my insurance quotes? N.B. I haven't purchased a car yet (as there is no point if I can't afford insurance) but is there a year which can help to lower the cost of car insurance? Such as, rather than having a 10 year old car (03 reg) having a 3-4 year old car? Any specific year? Thanks very much.""
How much money do i need to save up for my first 6 months of insurance?
I will be 16 or 17 at the time of receiving car insurance and right now I am 15. This summer i will be getting a job and will buy my own cell phone and pay my own cell phone bill($130 for the phone $42 for the total bill). Let's say I receive minimum wage ($7.25) and am payed around $800 a month. If I begin putting aside money out of each pay check ( which will be roughly around $400) for car insurance and do this for around 12 months how much money will i need to put aside out of each paycheck ($400) to be able to pay for 6 months of car insurance? Also, my mom is going to let me buy her car in payments (at most it will cost $2000 altogether), how much should I put aside for that, so i would be able to buy her car at one time in 12 months?""
Is it cheaper on insurance to make payments on a car or buy it straight out?
Is it cheaper on insurance to make payments on a car or buy it straight out?
How can i find the lowest car insurance rate for my car?
How can i find the lowest car rate for my car All the insurance companies advertise they have the lowest
Is there a motorcycle insurance company that lets you have full coverage during the summer months?
and limited coverage during the winter months? I live in NY so naturally, I wouldn't be driving during the winter months, so why pay full? Thanks""
Insurance Rates Of Past Years For Different Genders?
I am doing a data analysis project and i would like to find average insurance rates in canada or the states from the 1900s till present for different genders. I cant seem to find any statistics for the insurance rates at all. helpppppp : (
Please help with this health insurance problem...?
As an immigrant to the US with no job or citizenship, only holding an American Visa, and in a month to have a Green Card, what can you tell me about getting a health insurance? any information available and any websites please.""
""Insured car, uninsured driver?""
I have a free-loading bother in-law and I was just wondering. If he uses the family car which is insured but he does not have car insurance, can he be liable in any accident situation? Please tell me yes, so I have a reason to refuse my car to him. Anything from if he is at fault or not at fault, injury, coverage, or settlements... Thanks""
How much are typical monthly home owners insurance rates?
i am doing a school project and the only way to figure it out is to call and talk to a reprisentitive, and i would really rather not. I just need a ballpark figure... $500? $1000? any ideas?""
How much cheaper is health insurance in Texas?
Does anyone have data, did Tort reform lower health insurance costs? I mean isn't texas having a surplus or perhaps a surge of doctors since passing such law? Let's prove to the liberals this works by using the facts for a change.""
I'm planning on getting affordable coverage for my dog. what would be best recommended?
okay well the question explains most of it. I'm currently doing some research on what company has the most afforable coverage for my dog. But there is so many to chose from: ...show more
What should an 18-21 year old pay for motorcycle insurance? liability only?
if i were to get a motorcycle i would have to pay the insurance and i would like to know the cheapest but smartest way to do it.
How to provide proof of auto insurance?
How to provide proof of car insurance? I have been offered a generous stipend for graduate school. One of the documents they ask for is proof of car insurance. Does anyone know how I can provide proof of car insurance? (I know for a fact that my parents have bought car insurance). It would be helpful to know what document I should be looking for, what it looks like, is it just my AAA card or is it a form. Thanks a lot for your help!!""
What would happen to my dad's insurance?
My friend was driving my car and he has no insurance when we got pulled over. The cop asked for license and registration. My friend gave his license, but he gave my insurance information and my registration information (which is under my dad's). Would we get penalized for it? Would my dad's insurance rate go up?""
""No license, but yes insurance?""
What happens if you drive a car that does have insurance but you don't have a license, and, lets say you crash.""
Does anyone know of any life insurance companies that will let you take out a term life policy for one age 69?
My grandfather and I are really close. He keeps telling me that he wants me to get a insurance policy on him which makes me feel bad, because I get the feeling there's something else serious he is not telling me. If something happens to him I don't want to be in a situation where I can't afford to bury him & I know that that type of stuff is important to get taken care of. I have checked into it a little bit online, but from what I have read & been told....when someone is over the age of 65, life insurance companies will not let you get a term policy for someone that age. My grandfather is 69 years old and will be 70 yrs old this month. I really don't have a whole lot of money to pay for whole life insurance & believe that I can only afford to get a term life insurance policy. The problems I think I am going to have is that he smokes & is 69 yrs old. Does anyone know of any good insurance companies that will let me get term life insurance on him being that he is already 69 and smokes?""
Dodge Charger Insurance?
I am 16 years old and I am about to get my license and I was wondering how much the cheapest insurance for a dodge charger would be a month! Please no comments saying that I shouldnt start of with the charger, but its just my aunt said she would give me hers that way my parents wouldnt have to buy me a car (shes giving it to me for free) We would just have to be responsible for insurance and any problems the car would have in the future. Im in the L.A area""
How do I go about getting car insurance?
I'm 19, my car insurance now is under my parents name and they pay for it. I want to by a Mustang and I want to pay for the insurance myself. So do I go see an agent? Or do it online? I tried to get a quote online and I'm not sure how to answer certain questions.....I DID get in an accident 3 years ago but my insurance company never caught me on it, so will they find out if I try to get my own insurance now? Should I use a different company to not get caught and have to pay higher rates?""
""Wrecked best friends car, no license, I'm uninsured, 18 and terrified! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!?""
So, I am 18, and yesterday my cousin was planned to come in from the UK at the Sky Harbor Airport in, Arizona. On my way there I was driving at a close speed limit of 50, speed limit was 45, approaching a red light, I was slowing down, when something abruptly ran across the road, close to the car, causing me to slam on the breaks, losing control of the wheel, and I tumbled 4 times over the street, busting the side window, scraping some paint, and cracking the windshield. Thankfully, I was not hurt, no neck, back, leg, or any body injuries for that matter. The police was near by, so helped me out, firefighters took care of me, to make sure I was okay. And then the report happened. I told them the honest truth, they said that I won't be arrested, or given a ticket, but I do have to go to court to prove I had no insurance. I don't know what to do, I know it was completely idiotic driving without a license, and no permit, with no insurance, but my friend has insurance on the car. I have the police report, and I don't know what I have to do, but I will help him with anything as this is my best friend, and I am not straying away from this situation. Will his insurance cover this? Do I look okay is this situation? PLEASEEEE! Someone help me! I'm desperate for advice, I've definitely learned my lesson, and I have no family here in Arizona as they are all in Georgia, I am here for school at ASU, please tell me his insurance will cover this!""
Were would i find price range for car insurance?
im doing a power point on insurance and i need to find the best price range for car insurance
I have 1 pt on my license for drive at a speed not reasonable and prudent how much insurance rate will i pay?
I pay a high rate now for 1pt for just liability and they told me it can be really 4 pt is that true? What should my rate be for 1pt
Car insurance lapsed in CT what would be the steps to reregister car & get insurance?
Do i need to contact an insurance company first or the DMV?
Collector Car insuance for 17 year old? Possible?
My 17 year old son wants collector car insurance for his 67 Chevelle that he heavily modified and uses it only for hobby and pleasure. He puts 4,000-4,300 miles a year. We live in California and were wondering if there was a collector car insurance like hagerty, american car collector, etc. that would cover a 18 year old or younger? Any Possible plans? Thanks. PS. He locks it up in our secure garage.""
Ragland Alabama Cheap car insurance quotes zip 35131
Ragland Alabama Cheap car insurance quotes zip 35131
Prelude vs Subaru on Insurance ?
Which one is typically cheaper? Between a 97 - 01 Prelude and a 00' Subaru 2.5rs Iv heard prelude insurance is expensive. I know wrx insurance is insanely high but im thinking the 2.5rs must be cheaper since its not turbo'ed.
Would this affect my car insurance?
Would having Grand Theft Auto on my record increase my insurance, or would it do anything at all? Its a really long story. I know my insurance is going to be high anyway because I am 17 and a guy. I was just wondering if having a Grand Theft Auto charge would affect it at all? Thanks!""
Car insurance coverage question...?????
I have state farm. there's an expectation of a severe storm with softball size hail heading our metroplex. I'm in the middle of switching car insurance. The coverage will expire april 10, 2008. Will state farm covers me if I have hail damage on the same day it's expired?""
Why is car insurance so higher in UK than other countries?
In my home country, I did not even think about car insurance cost when I bought a car. It was just a small amount of money. In UK, when I try to buy a cheap secondhand car, the insurance cost higher than the car price. 2002 Nissan Primera cost 900 pounds while insurance quoted me 1169 pounds for that car. Why insurance cost more than the car price? I am not intending to claim by knowing the amount of excess money (higher than the car price) I have to pay in the first place if I want to claim.""
How much would i pay for car insurance? Estimate?
I know that it depends on a lot of factors but can you estimate how much i would pay for car insurance on a monthly basis - I am 18 years old - will be driving either a 1999 or 2000 model - will be attending college after the summer - clear background - this will be my first car - I live in a very wired and exotic place called MARYLAND
What is the best way to use technology in comparing insurance premiums for MEDICARE costing?
Many of the baby boomer generation will shortly be reviewing insurance costs for our retirement years - health, medical, prescription and the like. We will need to make decisions based upon retirement income and expenses. I have done some preliminary research and it appears I need to do a lot more. The data for health and medical costs is easily available however there is a ton of it. For this reason, I intend to use spreadsheets to crunch through this and any other tech tool I can locate. One of the problems with this approach is that just about every quote is proprietary, that is each quote has its own bells and whistles which make it more or less expensive than the next company. Although I have spreadsheet skills, I can visualize that any template I make must provide for more assumptions than I want to make. From the above it's clear to me that I need some kind of generic (FREE) spreadsheet template that is not proprietary, combines monthly income and expense (insurance premiums counted as expenses), is not locked in terms of making formula adjustments, and has the ability to forecast. If this is as clear as mud to you, welcome to the crowd. Surely, there are fill in the blanks templates dealing with MEDICARE comparative cost determination. If there are and you are aware of them, please let me know. I would be in your debt. Regards, Rich F. Florida""
How much would insurance cost for a 2011 mustang v6?
I am 18 years old, I currently have an 03 Tacoma 4 door Prerunner and my current insurance rate is around $210 a month. I live in Louisiana, I average around a 3.0 GPA and I have saved up and I am really close to owning a 2011 mustang and I was curious if someone could give me an estimate on around how much the insurance might cost. Thanks""
2 questions on car insurance?
1) I'm looking to buy a car soon after I pass my driving test in 2 weeks. I'm 20, I'll be turning 21 in November. I seen that the insurance price for a 17-20 year old is around 2400 and the price for a 21-24 year old is around 2000. If I were to get insurance 2 months before my 21st birthday, would I be able to pay 2 monthly rates of the 17-20 year old price and then convert onto the 21-24 year old price? Or am I stuck with the 20 year old price for one year? 2) If I were to set the voluntary excess to a higher amount to get a lower premium, would I be able to change the voluntary excess when I renew my car insurance? Or is it possible to change it every month if I chose to pay monthly? Thanks.""
Need help with car insurance!!?
i am new with the whole car insurance thing so i need help. how much is car insurance for an 18 year old just got my licenses and with a 1996 pontiac sunfire SE..how do you pay for car insurance please help thanks
Did you get Affordable Health Care?
My husband & I have insurance & it didn't change but my daughter & family got Affordable HC. Their previous insurance was $1,200 a month. They are now paying $325 so there's was a very positive experience. We're in California. They had a really hard time getting into the wed site but persevered & are happy with the plan. It covers their eldest son who is in college & has Type I diabetes & their youngest son who suffers from asthma. Does anyone else on YA have a positive experience to share? What State are you from.""
How much is car insurance usually?
and what makes it change? car type and age of owner?
How much a rental house property insurance should cost?
I rented a house and the mortgage company says I need to have rental insurance. I do not want to cover my tenants stuff, just the house in Nevada. Thanks""
How long does it take for car insurances to determine fault?
I got into an accident a few days ago. It's pretty cut and dry that it was the other persons fault, however the police don't determine fault and leave it up to the insurance companies to figure out. Those who have been in a similair situation, how long from the time of the accident did it take for your insurance company to find fault in the accident. I'm curious because I'm having to pay a $1000 deductible and car rental fees. I want to make sure I get it back if its the other persons fault.""
How much roughly would car insurance cost for a 17 year old new driver in the uk?
about what price would a 1.4l engine cost for a female 17 year old cost? is a 1.4l engine too large? the car that my grandad is interested in buying me is a 3dr 2007 1.4l polo. is this suitable for a new driver?? any answers would be really helpful thankyou x
Car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hi, ive just passed my driving test and now want a car. The plan was to buy a clio/corsa/punto as i thought they were cheap insurance. When i put them into car insurance comparers though its coming out at like 2500. Even thought im a lad i though it would be cheaper than this. Can anyone suggest where to go to get cheap car insurance or what car to buy were its cheap insurance or any tips any information is helpful thanks a lot xx""
How much would my insurance be?
I am 15, i took driver's training when i was 14. and I just got my license. i was wondering how much it would be to insure a ford focus. I get good grades, about a 3.5 gpa so i dont know if that will help lower my insurance.""
Can I remove 17 yr old off my insurance policy if not driving my car at all?
Long story short (hopefully)...My 17 yr old step-son got his license just after his b-day last yr and my husband stupidly bought him an undeserved car (we have had nonstop issues with him for over 2 yrs with his disrespectful and insulting/criticizing attitude, refusing to follow house rules, his very poor, negative and selfish behavior on top of his constant lies and his drug and alcohol use and continues to bring it around my 4 yr old son). Needless to say after receiving 4 tickets under 6 months for either having too many kids in car or driving past allowed hours to be driving because he refuses to follow our rules or the law and feel they do not apply to him. He completely trashed the car, it reeked of cigarettes and pot, we found empty beer cans and other cans used to smoke his pot. We took the car away and cleaned it the best we could and after a few months of him still continuing his behavior and habits we sold the car. He bullies his mom and sister (always has) and took his moms keys and her car from her and will not return it. I know we are legally responsible for him until he turns 18 which isn't too much longer BUT he is getting worse with everything, my husband has given up on him and just lets him come and go as he pleases and do what he wants (he claims he will kick him out on his bday but no one believes him b/c of many past threats not followed through and his kids know it so they continue to play him), I'm told to stay out of it because he isn't my son yet he is still on MY insurance and driving his mom's car while drinking and smoking pot and continuing not to follow the law with his restrictions either. I can't wait for this ungrateful punk to be out of my house. He constantly badmouths all of us with lies to everyone and blames us when things don't go his way. He has always been extremely lazy and does not want to work, he keeps forcing his mom to give him money which she does b/c she claims she is afraid of him, he has NEVER helped with anything around the house, he has already been in trouble a few times with the police as young as 12 when he wouldn't follow skateboarding rules. This kid needs a major attitude adjustment and a kick in the *** but no one will do it and I'm not allowed to say anything to him about anything but I'm so sick and tired of having to keep my mouth shut and watch everything he says and does to his family yet I am to provide insurance for this a@%hole. He's not supposed to be driving anyone's car but he took his mom's and won't give it back to her, he lives with us even though he is NEVER here (DYFS took the kids away from their mom about 4 yrs ago and placed them with us immediately) (oh, the issues have been going on a lot longer than these 4 yrs but not to this degree). By the time we file and the court allowed for emancipation he will be 18 so that is no use. He HAS to live with us until then but I don't want my insurance going up anymore than it has and want him off of it. He refuses to hand over his license too. I am at my wits end with this kid and don't know what else to do. Does anyone have any ideas on any loopholes on how to get him off my insurance? If we force him to stay here he gets violent toward everyone, constantly picks fights with all of us, storms around the house cursing and complaining, slamming everything, purposely makes messes and leaves it until he gets his way and I definitely do not want that behavior around my son. My husband has told him he is no longer a part of our family and it doesn't faze him at all and he just does not care about anyone but himself. Please no criticizing me. I have been his step-mom for almost 10 yrs now and have never been allowed to discipline my husband's kids at all and always told to not get involved in anything b/c they are not my kids yet they both walk all over their dad (and their mom), are spoiled rotten, no responsibilities or chores at all and never any consequences when they do something wrong. For those of you who actually read all of this thank you. Yes, I am venting but really need it and this still is not the whole story but it's too much to go into.""
A Lady hit my car and we decided not to go through our insurance...?
I told her i would call her as soon as i had a estimate on how much it was going to be. This happened back in april but i have been so busy with work and school to be able to get this done, now that i have the time i want to call her and let her know, but i am afraid it might be too late.. Is it to late?? I have all her info except her insurance info (I know bad me but i was nervous) Also im going to need a car rental is that part of what she should pay me?""
Homeowners Insurance in Florida?
I am looking to buy a house for the first time. Insurance seems high in Florida. Does anyone know what a possible insurance price would be for an 1800 sqft ranch with a pool? I have seen over 2200 a year!
What happens when you don't pay cancellation costs for car insurance?
Un-named popular car insurance provider added my 22-yr old son to my policy without my permission. Said it was done internally, couldn't take him off policy. So I canceled. I should say that before I called to cancel this policy, I started a new policy w/ a local company. Progressively, I received a bill for cancellation costs of $120.00. What happens if I don't pay?""
Question about state farm auto insurance?
My payment was due on the 1st, and now it's the fifth. I just paid it today through online banking. The bank says it may not be processed until tuesday, but i have to get to work before then. Am i fine, since it was technically paid today, or am I just f*cked?""
Switching car insurance providers?
am i able to switch car insurance providers before my year is up? i have 8 months left but i have had a cheaper quote elsewhere which saves me 900 a year!
Car Insurance Question?
I'm a 16 year old girl with a car, and I wanted to know how much my car insurance price will range in. I'll be driving a white sedan (say a Corolla/Mazda 3, 2005-2007). How much will be my car insurance?""
Do I need Car Insurance to drive with a learners permit?
i live in Pennsylvania, i was told that i do not need car insurance to drive with a learners permit and i am 16. can anybody confirm, disprove, and/or explain more in depth?""
Illegal car insurance?
My EX boyfriend went behind mine and my moms back and illegal put insurance on his car in my mothers name. I guess he knows a employee at a insurance automotive and illegally put it in her name without her consent. His friend who was driving the car hit some car today and called my mom and told her everything and now she wants to claim fraud. Who gets in trouble? My ex boyfriend for doing it illegally? The employee who let it happen? His friend who hit the car? Or my mom because they may not believe he did it illegally? BTW; my ex boyfriend owes money to his insurance thats why he couldnt put it in his name
Ragland Alabama Cheap car insurance quotes zip 35131
Ragland Alabama Cheap car insurance quotes zip 35131
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How to Deal With a Tenant Who Abandons Your Property
Lets talk about how to deal with a tenant who abandons your property. Before we get into the nitty-gritty of what you should do if your tenant abandons your property, you need to reduce your risk of that ever happening. You do that by having a really good tenant qualification process. Practice Prevention: Screen Tenants Well Something we do at our property management company when we evaluate tenants that you should do is check their income. Their income has to be three times the monthly rent. Call the employer to make sure that the paystub figures are accurate. Another thing you need to do is an eviction history check. If anyone has any kind of eviction on their record, in my opinion, that should be an automatic fail. This is because the likelihood of them doing that again is pretty high. Last but not least, you need to do a background check. Anyone with criminal activity from a felony standpoint or along those lines, in my opinion, you should not rent to. They just tend to come with a lot of problems. If they have minor criminal activity thats years and years old, we try and work out a deal. I suggest that you do, too. I always like to joke around and say that money speaks every language. So if someone is willing to put down three to six months of rent in advance or a large deposit, that should minimize your risk because youll have that buffer of capital. Again, give yourself the best chance before you put a tenant in that property if you want that tenant to stay and pay. Related: The Tenant Screening Process: Credit Check & Background Check [embedded content] What to Do If a Tenant Disappears Now once you have gone through that and placed a tenant in your property, its all fairytales and butterflies, right? Then after two months, they tend to disappear. Guys, its real estate and its a rollercoaster of a ride. Im here to tell you now, if you think its not going to happen to you, it probably will. So you always have to base everything on the worst case scenario. Something that I like to tell investors is underestimate your income and overestimate your expenses when youre investing in buy and hold properties. Something will always go wrong, and you need to expect that to happen. Weve placed a lot of great tenants in propertiesat least we thought they were great. But then they pack up and leave. They just disappear; they abandon the property, and they move out of state. We cant talk to them even though we call them, we text them, and we email them. Theyre just M.I.A. These things happen. Weve also had a lot of tenants that stop paying after two or three months for no apparent reason. They just stop communicating, and we have to evict. So what do you do? Do you hold a grudge and file for eviction? Go to court? Succumb to that negative energy?
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Related: Tenants Bailed: Pursue an Eviction or Let It Go? When to Let That Tenant Go and Move On Look, in my opinion, there is enough crap that happens in real estate as it is. Youre dealing with people, and when youre dealing with people, youre dealing with problemsfrom employees to contractors to realtors to everyone. So I think that whenever something negative happens you should learn from the experience, let go of it, and move on as quickly as you can. You have to focus on positive energy. My point is sometimes it can be tough to be motivated in an industry where a lot of negativity can happen. So you have to feed yourself with as much positivity as you can. Holding a grudge against a tenant that vacated after three months, and trying to collect the rest of the rent, filing an eviction, and going through the court process is going to be extra costs and extra time. Time is money, guys. Its just not worth what you can potentially get from it. The likelihood of ever collecting anything is very low, so I just think that you should let it go, honestly. Get that property turned as fast as you can, re-list it for rent, and try to get another tenant in there. Learn from the mistake, let it go, and move on. When to Go After a Missing Tenant Now, if they cause significant damage to the property and a lot of capital has to be spent to turn that property around, then yes, file for the eviction. Go for second cause and hope you can get a judgment and collect something on that money. But still, move on. Its something I have done and will keep doing. I have lost $2 million over the last five years in my real estate endeavors, from tenants to employees to contractors to sour businesses. Its just the cost of doing business. As long as you make more money than you lose, youll always be ahead, right? I remember I got some great advice from a business person back home in Australia. He said, You cant go wrong making a profit. If its $1 or $100,000, it doesnt matteras long as youre making a profit.
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What do you think? Do you agree with me or do you disagree? Let me know in a comment below. https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/deal-tenant-abandons-property/
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debatemofo · 4 years
Now I wonder should we have this conversation? Maybe yes to see the opinions of cons and pros.
Okay so I found this online where this women speaks about how unfair it is that they would do this to her.
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Definitely something they shouldn't do. Sounds very unfair. Now after that happen I saw someone respond to this comment with:
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After this comment I realized that's also true. In my point of view I believe workers are not all saints. They definitely do try to either work more hours than agreed upon to get more money. Some even may say that they need the money etc. But most of the time they did it out of their own greed to get more money for their own personal reasons.
If you already know they want only 8 hours of work why work more than expected if you know the out come? Why engage to adding a half hour more to work if you know their not going to value the extra time?
But her reasoning afterwards was interesting point of view. She said she was provided with 10 minutes only to count the drawers before leaving. And that it would take more than 10 minutes to do so. And proving that context I believe that the company was definitely in the wrong. As long as the context I'm think about is correct. Which is that the employee doesn't start having a conversation or going to the bathroom before counting the drawers. Because then if that was the case I would understand the employers point of view to correct the time.
The context of each case makes a difference.
But continuing to the main point which is, is there a balance where employees and employers can be happy with a payment system that will increase profits to the business and create more jobs but at the same time have growth in the company and not stay in the same wage?
Why do employers not allow anyone to stay longer than 8 hours? Get more hours more money? Because of over time rules. I believe their should be a balance for employees and employers to be happy on both ends.
The hard truth of this situation is:
If you dont provide increase of profit to the business you are not valuable.
Now why would I say that? Because if employees that slack off and don't do their jobs correctly
can make other employees have the burden to carry out more work.
make the business not increase in profit and lose profit instead.
if the business your working in doesnt increase in profit then they can't pay workers more
or provide benefits programs to help them while working for the business
Workers who do have work ethics and don't feel appreciated are workers businesses want to hear from, not workers who hide in the bathroom, or take a break every 2 hours to get more hours and not help the movement of the employees who are working.
Let's see if you agree with my point of view:
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I see the intention of providing this rule to employers. But I believe that's not the way to go. I also dont believe in increasing the minimum wage. And I'll explain why and how it should have been handled.
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As you can see the minimum wage right now is $12 per hour.
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The entire United states must increase their employees their wage until getting to $15 per hour.
Businesses will increase their cost of services to customers. Which means that if a business increases their supplies to customers because you as an employee wants your wage to increase to BE ABLE TO BUY STUFF with out having low cash due to regular bills people get (water, trash, rent, car bills etc) then it ain't gonna work out for you. You'll just want the increased of wage to go up more.
People who already have a $5 difference between a new employee and a old employee will definitely see the ball coming. Which means that slowly the business managers will need to keep a close eye on the people who are earning too much for a basic not profitable job. If you slack too much because your job is easy and comfortable and you earn good. They will definitely find a way to remove you and put someone else with a lower wage.
You will see that people who like to work for 1 week or 1 month and leave have the same wage as you. Having to deal with their immaturity throughout the job. Which requires a team effort to keep it going smoothly.
You'll feel like you have more money and definitely see more money on your hands. (But again after a month to 6 month ratio you'll see that if pickles were $.50 cents each they'll end up being $1 each.)
I dont see no pros except an illusion. Leave on the comments believe the pros of the outcome of increasing EVERYONES wage per year.
Now how can we solve the problem? We should see what do real companies that take care of their employees do to help them? I've done my research of what to do to help your employees feel like they want to keep working. And I do believe the government should take their advice.
1. Keep everyones minimum wage to $15 as planned.
2. Require for any company above 6 employees to increase payment every year the increase of $1 either the whole dollar or $0.25 every 3 months until getting to $1 within the year.
- now you may think that's the same thing the government is doing? Actually no. And I'll explain why.
If employees who stay longer than 3 months or stay for a whole year in the business there wage will increase because they are definitely their to work.
This removes employees who are there for 3 months or less from getting any type of increase of payment because of their bad behavior or bad work ethics.
Having a balance of:
1. People who want to stay where they are and not improve their status.
2. People who want to improve themselves to get more money and be able to pay for their school, hospital bills, or make a business of their own.
3. If an employee leaves voluntarily and comes back they will be paid the minimum wage no matter what position they were in.
- I believe this rule would help businesses keep the good employees to stay and the ones that literally love to party and are not engaged to improving their position to stay with the minium wage effect.
4. The automatic increase will be max $20 per hour. After that employers would decide if they wish to increase your pay or position etc...
We also have to keep our feet on the ground. The reason why I say that, is because I believe alot of employees believe they should be paid even more and more. To a point where they should have the same salary as the employer. Which I find ridiculous. The employer is a business person which means they created a business to not work for people but to provide jobs. And for them to live comfortably.
Employees work for someone to either get more money to get their dream to come true, or they believe in the company they are currently working in. And love their job.
5. Over-time extra pay should he provided to anyone who has stayed over 3 months in a business.
This basically motivates employees to stay for more than 3 months rather than try to get over pay within less than 3 months and then leave. So employees that are actually working correctly and take the extra work because of others who are just there temporary due to work ethics will feel valued and understood that if they make mistakes they won't be paid more just the workers who contribute to the company.
I believe a payment system to the employee vs employers should be based on who really has work ethics and how can we value and separate the ones that do and the ones that don't.
I've seen it many times where employees don't hate their jobs because of the managers but because of the workers that continuously slack off. And cause the worker more work due to their actions.
I'd love to debate on how we can fix the system how and we can make it better. Leave your comments or send a ask.
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