govindhtech · 6 months
Statsig Reaches 7.5M QPS In Memorystore for Redis Cluster
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They at Statsig are enthusiastic about trying new things. Their goal is to simplify the process of testing, iterating, and deploying product features for businesses so they can obtain valuable insights into user behavior and performance.
With Statsig, users can make data-driven decisions to improve user experience in their software and applications. Statsig is a feature-flag, experimentation, and product analytics platform. It’s vital that their platform can handle and update all of that data instantly. Their team expanded from eight engineers using an open-source Redis cache, so they looked for a working database that could support their growing number of users and their high query volume.
Redis Cluster Mode Statsig was founded in 2021 to assist businesses in confidently shipping, testing, and managing software and application features. The business encountered bottlenecks and connectivity problems and realized it needed a fully managed Redis service that was scalable, dependable, and performant. Memorystore for Redis Cluster Mode fulfilled all of the requirements. Memorystore offers a higher queries per second (QPS) capacity along with robust storage (99.99% SLA) and real-time analytics capabilities at a lower cost. This enables Statsig to return attention to its primary goal of creating a comprehensive platform for product observability that optimizes impact.
Playing around with a new database Their data store used to be dependent on a different cloud provider’s caching solution. Unfortunately, the high costs, latency slowdowns, connectivity problems, and throughput bottlenecks prevented the desired value from being realized. As loads and demand increased, it became increasingly difficult to see how their previous system could continue to function sustainably.
They chose to experiment by following in the footsteps of their platform and search for a solution that would combine features, clustering capabilities, and strong efficiency at a lower cost. they selected Memorystore for Redis Cluster because it enabled us to achieve they objectives without sacrificing dependability or affordability.
Additionally, since the majority of their applications are stateless and can readily accommodate cache modifications, the transition to Memorystore for Redis Cluster was an easy and seamless opportunity to align their operations with their business plan.
Statsig Improving data management in real time Redis Cluster memorystore has developed into a vital tool for Statsig, offering strong scalability and flexibility for thryoperations. Its capabilities are effectively put to use for things like read-through caching, real-time analytics, events and metrics storage, and regional feature flagging. Memorystore is also the platform that powers their core Statsig console functionalities, including event sampling and deduplication in their streaming pipeline and real-time health checks.
The high availability (99.99% SLA) of the memorystore for Redis Cluster guarantees the dependable performance that is essential to they services. They can dynamically adjust the size of their cluster as needed thanks to the ability to scale in and out with ease.
There is no denying the outcomes, as quantifiable advancements have been noted in several important domains
Enhanced database speed They are more confident in the caching layer with Memorystore for Redis Cluster, as it can support more use cases and higher queries per second (QPS). In order to keep up with their customers as they grow,they can now easily handle 1.5 million QPS on average and up to 7.5 million QPS at peak.
Increased scalability Memorystore for Redis Cluster‘s capacity to grow in or out with zero downtime has enabled us to support a variety of use cases and higher QPS, putting us in a position to expand their clientele and offerings.
Cost effectiveness and dependability They have managed to cut expenses significantly without sacrificing the quality of their services. When compared to the costs of using they previous cloud provider for the same workloads, the efficiency of their database running on Memorystore has resulted in a 70% reduction in Redis costs. Their requirements for processing data in real time have also benefited from Memorystore’s dependable performance.
Improved monitoring and administration Since they switched to Memorystore, they no longer have to troubleshoot persistent Redis connection problems with they database management. Memorystore’s user-friendly monitoring tools allowed they developers to concentrate on platform innovation rather than spend as much time troubleshooting database problems.
Integrated security An additional bit of security is always beneficial. The smooth integration of Memorystore with Google Cloud VPC improves .Their security posture.
Memorystore for Redis Cluster A completely managed Redis solution for Google Cloud is called Memorystore for Redis Cluster. By using the highly scalable, accessible, and secure Redis service, applications running on Google Cloud may gain tremendous speed without having to worry about maintaining intricate Redis setups.
A collection of shards, each representing a portion of your key space, make up the memorystore for Redis Cluster instances. In a Memorystore cluster, each shard consists of one main node and, if desired, one or more replica nodes. Memorystore automatically distributes a shard’s nodes across zones upon the addition of replica nodes in order to increase performance and availability.
Examples Your data is housed in a Memorystore for Redis Cluster instance. When speaking about a single Memorystore for a Redis Cluster unit of deployment, the words instance and cluster are synonymous. You need to provide enough shards for your Memorystore instance in order to service the keyspace of your whole application.
Anticipating the future of Memorystore
They are confident that Memorystore for Redis Cluster will continue to be a key component of .Their services a database they can rely on to support higher loads and increased demand and they are expanding they use of it to enable smarter and faster product development as they customer base grows. In the future, they will continue to find applications for Memorystore’s strong features and consistent scalability.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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ninhaoma-ya · 1 year
For the fic writer meme: 4, 16, 32, 39,54. 56
Thank you very much for the asks!
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
All over the place. Reading something else, cycling home, listening to a podcast… mainly I blame the cosmic inspiration rays, streaming through the universe, combined with my lack of protective gear to stop the pesky buggers.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
Eeeeh… 94? <sweating>
And I’ll one-up the ask and share two! “How to win friends and influence people” for DoVio and “Chess game” for LawNa. And, of course, the rest of the prompts for this years Heart Pirates week which I will get to, eventually…
(And my latest reread of Discworld which had the unfortunate side-effect of inspiring me to start plotting a Moist von Lipwig-story…)
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
The list is too long for tumblr, but since I am in thesis hell, I lean towards hurt(/comfort) at the moment.
@chromatic-lamina for the Hearts (AO3 here)
@senlinyu for the angst (AO3 here)
@purplehairedwonder for that sweet, sweet whump (AO3 here)
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
Law grunted as he sliced through an enormous alligator, rearranging its parts with those of a nearby tree. Their path so far had been quite uneventful, but they were probably nearing the shade and good hiding spots of a ruined temple, if the increasing amount of beasts and just plain weird creatures were something to judge by.
“I’d say we’re nearing the main area,” Nico Robin said, echoing his thoughts, as she used her extra limbs to brush away greenery and peer through the undergrowth.
“What makes you say that,” Bepo asked, panting and surreptitiously clawing at the opening of his boiler suit. Law furrowed his brows – the mink sounded like he was suffering from the heat. He really should have left Bepo on the cool ship with Ikkaku and Franky, but Bepo had insisted… but what kind of captain was he if he didn’t put his crew’s needs before their wants? A quick Scan ensured him that Bepo was fine, even if he was running a bit of a temperature.
“If not for the increasing amount of things that try to kill us, which implies the presence of good hiding spots, such as could be created by a ruined temple," she said, pointing at a cracked stone tablet, “I’d say the sign that says ‘this way to main plaza and temple entrance’ in one of the ancient tongues of the island is a good indicator.”
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Writing. Also, my least favourite part is writing. It’s good you get to write, but then you have to write, y’know? But I really enjoy getting lost in the story and finding the right way to express something, preferably with at least two layers of meaning to it.
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
My multi-layered jokes and easter eggs and call-backs and puns and wordplay. It’s fun to just go off on a pun-tangent and drop weird-ass almost-acronyms and still somehow make it make sense (for me at least). I’m still inordinately proud of my “plastered enough to start their own construction company” as a way to describe really, really drunk people in StatSig, for example.
I'm still accepting (and hoping for) more asks as I try to procrastinate working on my thesis, so anyone reading this; feel very free to ask away! List to be found here.
Answered: 1, 2, 4, 9, 11, 12, 16, 25, 26, 32, 39, 54, 56
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seattlereddit · 1 year
Local Start Up Statsig - female workers kneeling down before male tech leader. Is it acceptable?
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shreekant-patil · 2 years
Statsig expands its free feature management tools
StartupIndia - http://dlvr.it/Sj9vhR
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aserougi · 2 years
Statsig expands its free feature management tools
http://dlvr.it/Sj9k5f t.ly/m_Jb
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hostor-infotech · 2 years
Statsig expands its free feature management tools • TechCrunch
Statsig, the well-funded Bellevue, Washington-based startup that enables product teams to test and evaluate new features with the help of feature gates and other experimentation tools (using live data from real customers), today announced that it is essentially making its feature gating capabilities available for free to most users. The new allowance in the free plan, which previously allowed for…
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ninhaoma-ya · 1 year
hello!! i’ve got a few picks for the fanfic writer ask game! you don’t have to answer all of them if you don’t want to, totally up to you!
7, 20, 41, 47, 65, 74
thank you!! ♥️
Hello there!
Of course I'll answer them all, when you've put in the effort to select these exact questions :)
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
If I remember correctly, it was a Harry Potter fic. I don't remember much of the plot, but I think there was a scene where Narcissa Malfoy had done the same mistake Hermione did in second year and turned herself into a cat with polyjuice potion. That's all, folks :D
20. what is your favorite trope to write?
What an interesting question! And really, really difficult to answer… I had to go look up trope lists and decided to go with this one. When I look at my published works and my drafts, I'd say (in no particular order):
slow burn
crack fic
I would love to write a few 'there was only one bed' and 'fake dating' ones as well!
41. what is the weirdest story idea you’ve ever had?
Statistically Significant, hands down. I had no plan when I started and the story just kept on emerging around a random bunch of quotes I found on tumblr dot com
47. what story are you most proud of?
Fireside chat: I'm happy with all the things I managed to fit into 1286 words!
Where the swallows fly (the sky is burning): I'm proud of the pacing and language, although it is a dark, dark fic.
65. when have you felt the most confident in your writing? 
Just before I press "publish" on AO3 – and then I question EVERYTHING and find all the spelling mistakes :D
74. are you a planner, pantser, or planster?
All of the above. It really depends on the fic. StatSig started as a random collection of quotes, Coffee. Black. Please. started as a plot bunny which refused to leave me alone (there's one more chapter forthcoming) and I have been working on a slightly longer LawNa-fic with a proper plot for ages now.
Thank you for the ask!
Prompt list found here.
Answered so far:
7, 20, 37, 38, 39, 41, 47, 65, 74
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dothtml5 · 3 years
Google Chrome 92が正式公開 - Chrome Actionを拡充、サイト分離も強化 (窓の杜)
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CLS改善した結果、事業成果がグンと上がった話 (CyberAgent Developers Blog)
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Next.jsベースのオープンソース静的サイトジェネレーター「Nextra」 (かちびと)
Statsig - GitHub Actionsを使ったサーバレスなステータスページ (MOONGIFT)
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ウェブ制作に役立つ!面倒なCSSのコードを簡単に生成できる便利ツールをまとめました (コリス)
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gamingfeminism · 10 years
Honest question: Given that it appears to be using women-in-fridge tropes and possibly minimizing sex trafficking down to a simple VG plot, is spreading gifs and such to advertise WatchDogs is the best practice? I mean, maybe it handles these issues with dignity but given the state of the industry, I guess I'm warier about it than you appear to be. I'm tired of rape and abuse being used for VG entertainment and so I'm bothered by a feminist blog touting it before we see how it's handled.
Honest Answer: I'm not entirely sure if spreading gifs of Watch_Dogs is a good idea or not. I know, that's probably not what you were expecting for an answer. But, in the name of being honest, I'm really excited for Watch_Dogs. Ubisoft makes great games and I'm expecting the best out of them.
That being said, based off the story trailer, I'm not sure this is their best. Killing a child to give motivation is cheap, overdone, and boring. One of the reasons why I like Infamous: Second Son is the fact that the main character is a political activist who chooses to fight back. So, making Aiden care about what's going on because his daughter was killed is shorthand in video games and it comes off as shorthand. There are two ways they can go about sex trafficking: either they downplay it into a simple rescue mission which isn't honest at all or they actually try to educate people about a very serious issue.
Until we see reviews (or interviews with the devs), we don't have any idea how they will handle the issue. Obviously, even if they try to handle it well it can go over poorly and people just dismiss it as too "preachy" or something else. 
Because we do not know how well Ubisoft is going to handle this topic, the writers for this blog are going to donate to a charity or a foundation that helps fight human trafficking. That way, despite giving money to a developer who may let us down on this, we still help the spread the word and fight against trafficking. That's what it means to be a good ally. We're looking at the Polaris Project, Made By Survivors, Abolition International, and Not For Sale. Followers, if any of these organizations are problematic or there's another one we should look at, please reply or message us.
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thebicker · 11 years
statsig replied to your post: “For their enormous contributions...
Maybe I’m hoping for too much out of people, but I’m thinking that the specific phrasing “a modest proposal” marks this as satire, a la Swift’s Modest Proposal? No? Please?
This same dude also wrote a piece about how insider trading should be legal BECAUSE FREEDOM. If he is a satirist he is a goddamn master.
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