boldlyintodarkness · 2 years
If anyone wants to talk Pitch Perfect with me hmu I’m not feeling super great and would love the company
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jokeson-u · 4 years
im gonna try to write every single ship combo i like cus im bored. aubrey/emily, stacie/emily, chloe/emily, beca/emily, aubrey/stacie/emily, aubrey/chloe/emily, aubrey/beca/emily, aubrey/stacie/chloe/emily, aubrey/stacie/beca/emily, stacie/chloe/emily, stacie/beca/emily, stacie/chloe/beca/emily, chloe/beca/emily, aubrey/stacie/chloe/beca/emily, and.. i think thats all of them
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emilyjunk · 5 years
Pairing: Stacie/Aubrey/Beca/Chloe/Emily and all their mixes and matches Rating: General? Teen? Chapters: 6/? Summary: The Power Rangers AU I promised y’all it’s literally just the plot of power rangers 2017 but Bellafied
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luckyfaeth · 5 years
hi sylvie. its my bday tomorrow and ive had a rough week so is it ok if i file a request for some staubechemily polybellas headcanons? i love my precious ot5 girls and miss them greatly
hi omg happy birthday babe!! and i’m sorry you’ve had a rough week :( i hope these babies help u 
concept: staubechemily all moving in together
a couple of them definitely have like, lived together already as roommates and the others would have basically lived with them along the line but it doesn’t become official until a little ways into their relationship 
i can see aubrey and chloe being roommates and then stacie moving in before they all get together 
they have to find a house bc well they’re gonna have five people living there! 
they probs have like two main bedrooms in case they wanna split up n one guest/quarantine room for when they’re sick 
they will usually try to pile into their giant bed altogether but sometimes it gets crowded and one or two of them will move to the other room throughout the night (usually stacie or aubrey, they tend to get the most cramped) 
although sometimes beca will be like. full on ontop of stacie and she can’t move 
emily has fallen (i.e. been accidentally pushed) off of the bed multiple times because she sleeps close to the edge (chloe always kisses her as an apology) 
chloe also is the bitch who YANKS the blankets with the strength of one thousand men and beca, stacie, and aubrey lose their MINDS
they all have VERY different interior design styles and they argue a lot over how to decorate
and by They i mean mainly stacie, aubrey, and beca 
stacie likes lots and lots of knicknacks and useless shit like bowls of glass fruit and like eighteen tapestries. aubrey is more minimalist but with a rustic/modern spin. and beca just in general kind of hates interior design and thinks its pointless and “why do we need this painting here aubrey” “it’s pretty” “ok but why” 
chloe and emily have to make the rest of them take a few days off from furniture shopping and they make it work for everyone 
(aubrey still thinks they Dont Need half of the little decor pieces around but she keeps her mouth shut) 
beca and stacie usually cook, and aubrey will help if she doesnt have to work too late 
emily can bake really well, and can kind of cook but gets a little overwhelmed multitasking so they usually give her like one thing to do 
chloe is Not Allowed to cook because she’s a crazy person in the kitchen and drives everyone else (esp. aubrey and beca) insane
she’s also banned from being in the kitchen while the others are cooking because she likes to Distract the others 
one time chloe got up before all the others and made pancakes for them 
they were mostly burnt but the others appreciated it anyway
and they went out to ihop 
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trashanddrivel · 5 years
recently ive had my brain consumed by the idea of a polybellas au where the girls are the authority (can you tell im a gay comic book nerd) so imma just brainfart this out a bit:
beca is the spirit of the 20th century. every 100 years a girl is born who embodies the century to come. beca was born in london (kendrick with an english accent dear god imagine it) in 1900 and she is living electricity. she hasnt been succeeded by the spirit of the 21st century for a reason she doesnt know. shes spent most of the last 120 years traveling the world listening to all the music she can until one day she meets emily and decides its time to actually get involved with humanity maybe.
emily is the doctor. for as long as humanity has lived there has been a doctor - a magical physician whos role is to treat humanity as a whole. emily has only recently been chosen as the doctor and shes still getting used to her new role and the fact that every single previous holder of her title lives in her head. she meets beca and they discover that they are not, as they had both thought, the only people in the world with superpowers. they decide to get together and see if they can find anyone else like them.
stacie is the engineer. a technological genius, she redesigns her body with alien nanotechnology that she stole from the government. suddenly finding herself hunted by those in power, she is saved from her situation by emily and beca who tell her that theres a war coming and theyre the only ones on the side of the common people. everything stacies done has been for the people and shes being asked for help by 2 very attractive people so shes in.
chloe is apollo. a military experiment to create a superhuman soldier, chloe can use solar energy to fuel her enhanced strength and speed, as well as flight and laser vision. an almost-literal sun goddess, chloe has been in a relationship with aubrey for some time.
aubrey is the midnighter. produced by the same programme as chloe, she is an enhanced fighter capable of taking down whole crowds armed with nothing but her fists. shes a hardass, but has a soft spot for her girlfriend chloe.
chloe and aubrey hear about stacie from one of the sources they still have in the military. following the trail, they make themselves known to beca and her burgeoning team who invite the couple to join them.
they are the authority and their mission is to keep those with power in line. they are also very much in love and are super soft for each other.
this is super rough and very much hasnt fully formed in my brain but i wanted to get down what i have so far.
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becaeffingmitchell · 5 years
2018 Fic Roundup
Tagged by @emilyjunk bc no one else exposes me like this
Total 2018 Word Count: 169,216
Total 2018 Hits: 25,562
Other 2018 AO3 Stats:  Kudos: 1,682 Comment Threads: 210 Bookmarks: 228 Subscriptions: 242
Links & Titles to 2018 Works: under the cut bc this post is long 
I’m just gonna go in chronological order according to the day I started each. All of them are bemily and all of them are incomplete LOL bye
I’m stuck in the dark (but you’re my flashlight) Bemily Week 2018 series (8 works | 27,468 words)
you can have the best of me (and I will give you everything) prompt fics (22 minifics | 54,361 words)
I promise to sing to you (when all the music dies) fake married au but then real married au which turns out to be a secret married au that I WILL update before I die (2,560 words)
you can count on me (if you want to) post-pp2 Emily-centric fic that is much too long (44,117 words)
I want to get lost in you (I’m nothing without you) enemies-to-lovers au (like barely but w/e) that’s 2/3 done?? I guess?? (12,821 words)
oh I swear we’re gonna make it (you should come with me) airport au (10,767 words)
if you help me to start again (I’ll be there for you in the end) music & lyrics au that pulled me through my depression B)
Favorite Fic: a i r p o r t au not because of the plot but bc I LIVE for the airport and travel aesthetic (not even vacation aesthetic, just airports for some reason)
Hardest Fic: I wanna say the post-pp2 one bc it’s so dang long BUT I gotta go with the enemies-to-lovers fic?? bc I’ve been tRyiNg to wrap it up but I literally dk where do go LOL fail
Do you plan on taking prompts in 2019? I mean I’m always accepting, just not always answering (because I....slow....)
What was the best thing about 2018? the fact that I finally got into publicly posting fanfic in general!! wow!!!! all these stats were at zero a year ago!!!!!!!!
What was the worst thing about 2018? the personal issues and depression that kept me from writing as much as I did in the first half of the year :(((((( sad
Any last thoughts for 2018? the first six months and bemily week were great!!! but then my personal life went to shit and so did my writing so there will be none of that nonsense in 2019 
Goals for 2019:
finish all them WIPs
purge the prompts in my inbox that I haven’t started (sorry :((( but!!)
take more prompts and respond in a timely manner!! bitch!!!!
feel guiltless about writing things I wanna write about 
Tagging: uhhh @elizabethsaige @madstone015 and uhhhhh honestly anyone else who follows me and wants to do this, feel free to claim I tagged you
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zulasdubu · 6 years
Staubechemily: Supernatural AU
They don’t know what kind of radioactive waste gave them these powers but they have them and they’ll have to live with them. One glows, one’s a trickster, another’s possesed practically, another bends the fabric of time and the last one? She’ll literally take your breath away. 
In which these five girlfriends have to navigate their way around the world around them trying to disguise these supernatural ‘gifts’ that appear more as curses to themselves. They hate them on themselves but they adore them on the others and they wouldn’t have each other any other way. 
Emily is, what she likes to call herself, a human glo-stick. She lights up the entire room with her smile and her glowing skin. Maybe she’s radioactive or maybe she’s possessed but these beams of rainbows streaming from her fingers, that’s contained by some magic necklace, that may be pretty to look at but are actually deadly to whoever Emily targets. 
Stacie has the supernatural ability of Physics Manipulation; she can go against and manipulate the laws of physics, hence the title ‘trickster’. Stacie has a love-hate relationship with this power considering she adores physics but she has a thrill with being able to defy what she has hammered into her head as undeniable facts
Chloe’s pretty much possessed - as Beca so poetically puts it - but what she really is a witch. Sometimes she can’t control them, they come in hiccups (that she can’t get rid of by holding her breath or drinking water) but she would never dare to hurt her girls, that’s her worst nightmare that she wakes up from in a pool of sweat in the middle of the night, all of their arms wrapping around her and telling her they’re here and not leaving
Aubrey is a ‘time traveler’, at least that’s how her girlfriends romanticise it. She can travel backwards and forwards in time and, as she has recently discovered, can stop time and see how things might play out. But it terrifies her because she’s so scared that one day one of her visions will be her girls dying or that she’ll have travelled to the death of them or somehow stopped herself from ever meeting them when she travels backwards. Time is an enemy to her. 
Beca is scared to move her wrists. It sounds odd but she’s scared to use her powers. Her girlfriends describe her as breathtaking but no one will ever realise how literal that statement it. You see, with the slight movement of her wrist Beca can take the oxygen out of someone. The power of controlling oxygen is not limited to the air but also the oxygen molecules in water, fire and even the oxygen in the blood. Beca’s so scared that one day she’ll get too aggressive in speaking, flick her wrist and kill her girlfriends. Yes she could just reverse it... but she’s never discovered how to give someone their air back after taking it away. 
They have each other so screw the outcast label the world has given them. They’re on the run from professors who want to torture experiment with their powers. Even though they’re alone and abnormal in this great big world they love each other and know they’re going to be okay. 
“Are you scared?” Emily whispers one night as they lie in the reclined seats of their jeep. There’s the distinct hum of silence as they ponder. 
“Only of losing any of you.” Beca whispers, voice wavering above cracking. “I wouldn’t want to go on without any of you.” 
“Only of having you taken away.” Stacie admits. “If they find us I’d want you all to be safe, let them do what they want with me.” 
“Stace, we’d never let anyone take you.” Chloe says, her hand grabbing Stacie’s. “We’re together, all or nothing.” 
“Time is on our side.” Aubrey says. “Any time i have with you guys proves that.” And Aubrey isn’t a sap but these girls change that. And Aubrey hates using time metaphorically but here she is, her life completely flipped. 
“Promise you’ll never leave?”
“Promise.” Is the reply from everyone. 
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boldlyintodarkness · 1 year
Now hear me out but do I try to write some Staubechemily based fics (not all of them all at once, mostly just pairs) based on the 3 hour playlist I have made for them or should I not do that
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boldlyintodarkness · 6 months
I’m sitting here stuck in my own Staubechemily world with absolutely no new content in 1000 years send help
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boldlyintodarkness · 4 years
So I was thinking about Staubechemily bc what else are you supposed to do when you have an orbital mechanics exam to study for and here’s some hcs about what their favorite things to do with each individual person are (some of these also brought to you by @citrus--soda so thank you for talking these out with me lmao)
Stacie and Emily watch cartoons and documentaries together whenever the other three go out together because Emily isn’t a big fan of alcohol. Teen Titans is their favorite cartoon and Emily loses it over animal or space documentaries.
Aubrey and Chloe go hiking when the weather is just right for it (usually in the fall to see all the pretty leaves and in the spring because everything is so vibrantly green). They have a trail they found a while ago that has a small lake hidden behind a curtain of trees that you would miss if you weren’t looking for it
Beca and Emily are night owls and stay up playing video games and eating junk food if they don’t have anything planned for the weekend. Minecraft is their go to game but Beca refuses to admit it
Chloe and Stacie love to shop together and occasionally go to karaoke bars on Wednesday nights. They always end up calling Aubrey to come get them because they got too drunk and don’t want to lose stars on their uber rating
Aubrey and Beca work on Beca’s mixes together because Beca just enjoys music in general but Aubrey really loves watching Beca work and seeing what clever mashups she comes up with. They also cuddle on the couch when the others aren’t home and have fallen asleep together numerous times but god forbid either of them admit they’re soft for the other
Emily and Chloe get ice cream and go to the park all the time. They spoon feed each other their ice cream and sit way too close together on a park bench to watch people walk by. Emily likes to point out birds and wildlife she sees and both of them will pet every dog in sight
Beca and Stacie will sneak out of the house late at night to go sit on the roof of an old apartment complex and look at the stars together. They talk about life and all the deep stuff before going to commit a minor crime together.
Emily and Aubrey have a garden in their backyard and they plant flowers and vegetables together. Aubrey teaches Emily how to make flower crowns when the flowers bloom and they make some for all of them to wear.
Chloe and Beca go on long drives around town blasting music if their girlfriends are distracted with their work. They have several playlists they made together that they play depending on their mood. Chloe drives bc Aubrey hates it when she gets in the car and the drivers seat is practically against the dashboard after Beca uses the car.
Stacie and Aubrey will workout together in the mornings because Stacie is the only one who can even come close to being able to handle Aubrey’s intense routine. At night they’ll watch Jeopardy together and it gets very competitive. The other three make popcorn and watch from the dining room table.
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jokeson-u · 4 years
this is a long shot but ya girl is in the hospital for over night testing so if anyone wants to whip out some stemily (or staubechemily) headcanons....... that'd be much appreciated 😭
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jokeson-u · 4 years
i just want poly!bellas content 😭
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emilyjunk · 5 years
Pairing: Stacie/Aubrey/Beca/Chloe/Emily and all their mixes and matches Rating: General? Teen? Chapters: 5/? Summary: The Power Rangers AU I promised y’all it’s literally just the plot of power rangers 2017 but Bellafied
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luckyfaeth · 6 years
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pitch perfect horror week // day one: who done it? (bellas inc. au)
The chaotic, determined team of Chloe, Emily, Stacie, Aubrey, and Beca banded together years ago to form a premier, supernatural investigation team called Bellas Inc. After a summer full of investigating nothing but false alarms, the Bellas head home. But on their way back to Atlanta, they stumble upon a case that might have more in store than meets the eye. 
The Bellas delve deep into investigating the murder of a bride and a haunted wedding gown, facing adversity that could threaten the bounds of the supernatural as they know it (or worse, their relationship).
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emilyjunk · 6 years
Pairing: Stacie/Aubrey/Beca/Chloe/Emily and all their mixes and matches Rating: General? Teen? Chapters: 3/? Summary: The Power Rangers AU I promised y’all it’s literally just the plot of power rangers 2017 but Bellafied
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emilyjunk · 6 years
headcanons for aub. chlo. stace. n bec teaching Em how to drive
okay im gonna do this for power rangers au bc it reminds of the scene when they’re trying to get out of the mine and billy is freaking out when driving jhbgfewrhgbrwg
aubrey has tried to teach emily to drive a bunch of times. but emily gives her anxiety when she’s driving so no matter how much she goes “hands on ten and two!!! hands on TEN AND TWO - CHECK YOUR BLIND SPOT” she never gets used to it and eventually emily begs her to stop trying and that it’s okay please just relax you can drive aubs okay?!?!
once they get their powers, beca tries to give her some lessons, but when stacie witnesses one she immediately shuts it down because beca’s like “yeah i mean if nobody’s coming u can just like... roll through the stop sign. omg see these guys at this light?? let’s race them” and stacie is like NO EM DONT RACE THEM
so then stacie tries to help out and she’s pretty good but she’s kind of a backseat driver and when she sits in the passenger seat she’s liable to instinctively GRAB THE STEERING WHEEL when Em is driving but overall she is the best so far
then chloe gives it a whirl and emily expects it to go pretty awful because chloe is like, legit a little nuts, but chloe is actually the best because when em messes up and accidentally goes through the intersection when the left hand turn signal is on the yield marker instead of full green and almost gets them in an accident, chloe is very calm. near-death experiences apparently don’t bother her v much and she’s super patient. she’s like “okay em that means you have to wait until the coast is clear to turn... it’s not a full green. you can only go when nobody is coming but that’s okay nothing happened we all make mistakes!!” and then one time another driver honks really loud when em does something and chloe is like omg and sticks her head out the window and goes “WE HAVE A STUDENT DRIVER CAN YOU BE MORE POLITE THANKS!!!” and from the backseat beca opens the window and flips them off
ultimately they help emily get her license and emily is super happy and smiley but she tells them she’d prefer to not drive ever if that’s okay and beca is like “that’s gay activity” and emily is like “? we’re all dating?” and chloe is like “yeah it’s awesome!!!” and then aubrey and stacie treat them all to ice cream the end
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