#stay tuned i got the next eps right up my sleeve here
Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20′s A Court of Fey and Flowers episode 1
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woodrokiro · 3 years
Do It For the Band, Part Five (fic)
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: IchiRuki: 
Summary: When Tatsuki said she wanted their sophomore album to be the next Rumours, this is NOT what she meant. Band AU. Read Part One, Two, Three, and Four.
Against her better judgement, Tatsuki takes an early flight home the next morning, so she really doesn’t know what went down. 
Frankly, between battling her colossal hangover and focusing on not puking on the plane when it hits turbulence: she doesn’t even think about it until later in the week. 
Since the tour ended, the band has a week off to just chill and take some time for themselves before regrouping and planning their next move. Tatsuki goes straight home to smoke weed and binge dumb movies on her to-watch queue. Chad and Orihime had plans to stay in their last tour city for a while since they had friends and family there. 
And as for Ichigo and Rukia…
Who knows. They’re both such dorks that they’re probably that gross couple who serenade each other in bed, naked, making weird metaphorical lyrics about the sex they just had.
Gross. But kind of sweet.
She makes a point to not think about or reach out to any of them (besides Orihime, of course) the entire week - not that she doesn’t love her team fiercely, but they all need the break away from each other... Especially after they spent all their time together making the album and going on tour, and especially if Ichigo decides to show one of his new Rukia-love ballads to the band upon their return. 
Still, she attempts to check in with Ichigo on the fifth day over text. 
How ya doin’, tiger?
He doesn’t respond for a few hours, but she doesn’t think much of it. He’s always been sort of a shitty texter, and there’s a strong chance all the raucous love-making isn’t reminding him to check his phone. 
She’s on the fourth episode of Terrace House’ newest season, debating whether one of the cast members is a chaotic queen or absolute garbage when she hears the familiar ping of a text message on her phone. She picks it up and reads:
Not exactly the sunshine-y answer she expected, but then again: it’s Ichigo. He’s not exactly a sunshine-y person, even when - apparently - he’s radiantly happy. 
She shrugs, deciding not to push it. She’ll find out soon enough how everything’s going when they have practice in a couple days. 
Practice is in Chad’s garage, and Ichigo, Chad, and Orihime are already there.
She mostly chats with Orihime, who has so much to update her on about her newest recipes, like natto ice cream and sriracha orange juice, and hey, Tatsuki, what are your thoughts on this newest article I found about robots dominating the planet within the next five years?
Tatsuki glows in the babble, chuckling when she can’t help herself. Says the first sounds… Interesting, the second sounds like maybe she can keep revising it a little, and that last article sounds like it might be from a not so trust-worthy news source. 
Her friend tries to argue the source’s credibility when she looks over at Ichigo. He’s silently tuning his guitar, head bent and posture weirdly… Slumped when she catches his eye.
She raises her eyebrows at him without interrupting Orihime’s chatter. You good?
He shrugs, gives a weak smile and thumbs up before returning his attention back to his instrument.
Uh oh. 
Ichigo Kurosaki does not do weak smiles… Or thumbs ups, for that matter.
It’s another few minutes before Rukia swings the door open, a bit of a sweaty mess and running out of breath. 
“Hi all, I’m so sorry I--”
“You’re late.”
Everyone swings their attention to Ichigo, who observes their keyboardist stone-faced. The shocked silence that follows is short, but suffocating. 
Rukia flushes before she blinks, raising her chin. “Yes. As I was saying… I’m sorry I’m running late, everyone. I had a lunch meetup with an old friend that went longer than expected. Please forgive me.”
“Chill, Rukia - you’re fine. You’re only five minutes over.” Tatsuki shoots a look at Ichigo, who’s still ruthlessly eye-ing daggers into Rukia. 
What the hell…? 
“... Whatever. Let’s just get started. Go over everything to catch back up to speed, and all that.” Ichigo plugs his guitar into the speaker, and Rukia nods as she quickly sets up her keyboard. 
Practice from there is…
Like. It’s good. It is. Despite the long break, everyone is still on top of their shit: Tatsuki’s beats are muscle memory by now, and Chad is as on it as he ever was. Ichigo and Rukia are in perfect sync, per usual.
The energy, however, is another story. While there was always some sort of joy and excitement when they all played together, now it’s like the air is stiff, heavy. From behind, Tatsuki can see Rukia keeps trying to look at Ichigo during all the parts they usually harmonize together, to get some sort of connection. 
Ichigo doesn’t even remotely glance her way the entire time. 
They’re near done with the entire set when Ichigo clears his throat, turning to the rest of them. Urahara has joined them by this point, watching with an unreadable smile as ever.  
“So… I think we should scrap Sun and Moon from our main set.”
Orihime lets out a soft gasp. Chad’s fingers accidentally let loose a note on the live bass. Tatsuki chokes on her spit. 
“Sun and Moon? You mean our crowd pleaser? The one we always end shows with a bang on?”
“It’s not our only crowd pleaser, we’ve also got some other great ones. I’m just afraid it’s gonna be a one-hit wonder, ya know? And with that note…” He turns to Urahara. “What do you think about us going ahead and starting to write for our sophomore album?”
They gape at him. 
Even Urahara raises his eyebrows. “That’s… Well. That was fast.”
“Is it? Our album is more like EP, anyway - just a little longer. Like a warm-up. And it’s good, of course I’m proud of it - everyone worked so hard on it - but, just… Why not start now? Why not take advantage of the momentum we’ve got going on?”
Rukia clears her throat. “Ichigo, that’s… We’ve got such a good grip on what we have -”
“I just think Soul Vibes is static for us. Outdated.” He quickly looks back at her before returning his attention to Urahara.
 Rukia looks like she’s been slapped. 
“I think we’re more dynamic now, even just in these few short months. And yeah it’s fast, but - we have time, right? To get started on writing?”
“I suppose so.” Urahara looks at Tatsuki and Chad, who both shrug. Something’s really off here, but Tatsuki sort of sees his point. It’s clear Ichigo’s raring to write something new… Why not? 
“Sure, if you’d like, I can make some arrangements with the music studio. You and Rukia can go in there and--”
“Actually, I was thinking we can work on some stuff alone before presenting it to the group.” He stops Tatsuki when she begins to sputter.  “Look, I know the whole reason for pairing Rukia and I for songwriting was to get us working as a team. But we’re fine now…”
Ichigo looks back at Rukia, and they share a look that’s so… Tatsuki doesn’t know what it is, but she sees Rukia swallow heavily in response.
“We’re fine now.” He repeats grittily. He starts again, stronger: “We collaborated on some cool shit, now I think it’s time to make it a little more diverse like I mentioned earlier. Have my songs, have her songs, have Chad’s songs if he still wants - all threaded together with Tatsuki’s beats. Why not?”
The room is quiet as they contemplate it. It’s not a bad idea, but…
Tatsuki glances over at Rukia, who’s looking down at her hands.
Urahara clicks his tongue. 
“Well, Kurosaki, you raise a good argument. I don’t see why not, and I’m not hearing any objections… Just one thing: you’re not striking Sun and Moon quite yet. No arguments! Hear me out.” He stops Ichigo with a hand. “You’re not striking it until any of you come up with a song just as good, if not better. There’s power in that one, you can’t deny it. Make something as rock n’ roll as that and the team will talk. Let’s just… Keep each other in the know, all right?” 
The band - Rukia included, albeit softly - agrees, and they start to pack up. 
Tatsuki doesn’t know what’s going on; she’s always down for making more jams, she knows Ichigo and Rukia have got more up their sleeves, that Chad definitely deserves to put more of his stuff forward - but that… Look the two vocalists shared…
What happened that night after she left the bar? 
She doesn’t have much time to wonder, however, because suddenly she’s shaken out of her thoughts when she hears Ichigo approaching Orihime about whether she wants to go out and get a couple of drinks. 
Tatsuki’s heart is too busy falling to see Rukia’s stricken face.
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miguel-manbemel · 4 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 27: A Side is Born Part 2: Grown and Lost
New episode of this fic inspired on Sanders Sides by Thomas Sanders, Joan S. and the Foster Dawg Team. Thank you so much for the good reception that the previous episode had. Now, the story continues, right where it ended. Each episode is gonna feature in the beginning a quick reminder from the most important events in the previous episode, with the fun fact that these reminders are embedded in the story and are of an unique style for each part. Nedless to say, these reminders are full of spoilers from these previous episodes if you haven’t read them. May you enjoy this second part of the story and until next week.
WARNINGS: Romantic prinxiety and logicality. Some light innuendo. Fair warning that in the last part of this episode, the mood switches to strong angst.
SYNOPSIS: In front of the others, Chris has started growing at great speed and they wonder why is it happening. In the middle of this, fearing that they will never know him as a child, Roman decides to take the boy to Sandersia so that Ira and Roland get the news of the newborn before that newborn is an adult himself.
[a sign reading “In the previous episode..." appears. Flashback images from the previous episode are shown while Roman’s voice is heard off-screen]
NARRATOR-ROMAN: [off-voice] Today has been a memorable day in so many senses. It all started this morning when Virgil suddenly felt not so good…
VIRGIL: I didn’t want to concern you, Roman. Probably it’s just something I’ve eaten that’s not agreeing with my stomach.
ROMAN: Still, my duty as your husband is taking care of you when you’re feeling bad. I thought we had agreed on not hiding things from each other.
VIRGIL: Don’t worry, Roman, I’m sure this is not serious.
NARRATOR-ROMAN: [off-voice] But very soon, things started spiraling out of control.
THOMAS: Heh… It’s funny. If you weren’t a man I would say that you’ve got all the symptoms of being pregnant.
[Virgil slowly lowers his hands from his face and looks at Thomas with a face of horror]
THOMAS: [serious] Wait… don’t tell me that you can…
VIRGIL: Oh… my… goodness… [putting his hands on his belly] For the love of Gerard Way…
THOMAS: But… this is not a Sims game! Since when can a person with male reproductive organs get pregnant!?
NARRATOR-ROMAN: [off-screen] Yep, surprise. We had a bun in the oven. Although it looked more like a micro-wave oven, cause the bun was cooking really fast…
VIRGIL: [in pain, putting his hand on his belly] Aw!
ROMAN: [scared] What was that, Virgil! Are you okay?
VIRGIL: I… I think so… He moved inside me, and kicked me really hard from my insides. It was so weird…
ROMAN: Seriously, Logan. How can this go so fast? This morning he was having the first nausea and now he looks as if he was six months pregnant already!
LOGAN: Well, as I told you, we’re not human. Maybe instead of nine months, Virgil’s pregnancy will be only nine hours. Probably less, judging how fast it’s going.
NARRATOR-ROMAN: [off-voice] And before we could know how, Virgil was lying on the couch in labor.
LOGAN: The next thing coming out of there will be the baby. Now, one last time, use all your might you have left and push as if tomorrow would never come. Now!
LOGAN: Here it comes!
[A bright magenta smoke comes out of Virgil’s body. As it comes out forming a magenta cloud, Virgil’s belly shrinks until it returns to its normal flat form, while he shows a face of huge alleviation. Then, the cloud floats to Virgil’s chest and after some seconds, it disappears, to reveal a little baby dressed only with magenta diapers. The baby starts crying]
LOGAN: Well, it’s done. Good job, Virgil.
VIRGIL: [with his eyes full of tears] I… I… look at him, Roman.
ROMAN: [crying] I’m looking at him, Virgil. He’s as handsome as his dad. And I mean you.
NARRATOR-ROMAN: [off-voice] And we thought that was it. We had our newborn son, Chris, we were set to live happily ever after as a family… and that was all. But there was another surprise on board for the evening…
VIRGIL: Um… guys…
ROMAN: What?
VIRGIL: It looks like our little baby is not so… little… anymore… Look…
[Virgil takes Chris out of the cradle. Except that it is now a three year old boy]
CHRIS: [giggling and poking Virgil’s nose] Dad, I want pizza!
THOMAS AND ROMAN: [overlapping] Whaaat!?
[image of narrator Roman looking at the camera]
NARRATOR-ROMAN: And so here we are. What’s happened to our son? What is gonna happen next. Stay tuned, everyone.
VIRGIL: [off-screen] Roman, will you cut it out and come here already!?
NARRATOR-ROMAN: Sorry, Virge. I’m going. Rolling title screen.
[intro sequence]
THOMAS: What… has happened?
VIRGIL: Are you asking me? I don’t know how this works, Thomas, this is my first son.
CHRIS: Dad, I want pizza!
ROMAN: Don’t you think you’re too young for pizza, young boy?
[Chris looks at Roman, then his eyes get full of tears]
CHRIS: [crying] I want pizzaaaaa!
THOMAS: Well, I guess now I know which Side has inherited my passion for pizza.
VIRGIL: We’re gonna need help. Dad! Logan! Could you come here, please?
[Logan and Patton are risen up in Patton’s spot. They are kissing, unaware of their surroundings]
ROMAN: [saying the actual word] Ahem…
[Logan and Roman stop kissing and look scared at the others]
LOGAN: [angry] Hey, do you think this is an appropriate time to call!? We were… [looking nervously at Patton who is just blushing and looking away] busy!
THOMAS: I’m sorry, guys. But this is another… emergency. Look.
[Thomas points at Chris who is still crying next to Virgil]
PATTON: Who’s that boy?
VIRGIL: It’s Chris, dad. Your grandson.
ROMAN: He has just aged three years in a matter of a second and we don’t know how.
LOGAN: Oh, wow… I didn’t expect that…
PATTON: Why is he crying?
VIRGIL: He wants pizza. But I don’t think he’s old enough to eat it. I mean, he’s only five hours old. It could sit bad in his stomach. He was drinking his formula just half an hour ago.
PATTON: Young boy, crying is not the way to get the things that you want. If you want to get something, you must learn to say “Please” and “Thank you”. And even so, sometimes we just can’t get what we want and we must learn to deal with it.
[Chris stops crying, then looks at Patton]
CHRIS: [with a cute innocent voice] Please, grandpa. Can I get some pizza?
PATTON: [squeeing] He’s called me grandpa! Of course you can, kiddo. Take all the pizza you want!
CHRIS: [happy smile] Thank you, grandpa!
VIRGIL: Wait, dad, I don’t think that…
[But Chris has already jumped to the pizza and started devouring it]
ROMAN: Oh, my gosh…
VIRGIL: He looks like the cookie monster…
[Suddenly Chris stops eating. He stands still with a face of nausea]
VIRGIL: What is it, Chris? Are you okay? I told you not to eat that pizza!
[Chris burps loudly. As the burp goes out, he starts growing]
VIRGIL: Look! He’s growing again!
[In a matter of seconds, Chris looks like a twelve-year-old boy]
ROMAN: He eats and then grows? Perhaps I should have called him Alice.
PATTON: Like Alice in Wonderland? Hey, think! If he drinks some milk, the kid may shrink back. Oooh… I love alliteration.
CHRIS: Guys, why are you all staring at me? [looks at himself] Oh… I see, it’s because I’m still in these diapers. Hold on, I’ll fix that.
[Chris points at himself and his clothes change to a medieval princely outfit, similar to Prince Phillip from Sleepy Beauty, but the suit is white with a red belt, and the sleeves are dark purple. The cape is magenta and has a hood. He sports Roman’s shield on the chest, but with the background in magenta and a stormy cloud over the castle]
CHRIS: That’s more like it.
ROMAN: [with a smile of emotional joy] Oh, my God… You look… majestic!
CHRIS: Thank you, father. If I’m a prince, I must look like it.
VIRGIL: [same emotional joy] And you even carry a hood! I’m so proud!
CHRIS: I knew you’d like it, dad.
LOGAN: Hmm… Not only he’s growing physically at great speed. He’s also growing mentally. At this rate, he’ll look just as adult as anyone of us in a short time… Chris.
CHRIS: Yes, Logan?
LOGAN: Would you mind if I performed a check on you?
CHRIS: What for, grandpa?
LOGAN: Because… wait, grandpa?
CHRIS: You’re Patton’s boyfriend, aren’t you? That makes you my grandfather-in-law.
LOGAN: Well, technically not until we marry and… wait, we’re deviating. I need to make sure that you’re in perfect condition and that this quick growth is normal.
CHRIS: Okay, grandpa, help yourself.
[Logan gets a little nervous over being called grandpa again, but he puts himself together and places his hand on Chris’ chest. Logan starts shaking for a couple of seconds, then takes his hand off]
LOGAN: I see…
LOGAN: Chris is totally fine. There’s nothing wrong with him at all. This quick growth is perfectly natural.
ROMAN: But there must be a reason why he’s growing up so fast. We didn’t grow up that quickly.
PATTON: Well, as far as I remember, I was always an adult, so…
LOGAN: Yes, but that’s because you chose to have an adult shape on purpose, or so you said.
PATTON: To be honest, I don’t remember at all, Logan. What I said is my own explanation to that fact. When I met all of you, I always met you sharing the same age Thomas had at that moment in life, but back then, I was already an adult. When I try to go back in my memories, there’s always a moment when everything goes blurry until there’s nothing more.
LOGAN: That’s what always happens, Patton. No human can remember the first two to three years from their existence at all and their memories are blurry until they get around 6 or more. And guys, it’s true that we all took our time to grow up, but you’re forgetting one important detail.
LOGAN: Chris was born as a baby while Thomas was an adult. It was only natural, as Virgil would have exploded if he had to hold an adult body inside of him. But that doesn’t change the fact that we, as Sides of Thomas, must share with him, among other things, the same age. Chris was born as a baby, but now he’s bound to grow up at a fast pace to catch up to Thomas’ age. Then, he’ll start aging normally like all of us, at Thomas’ same pace.
THOMAS: Oh… Is that all?
LOGAN: Yes. What did you expect?
THOMAS: I don’t know, things with you don’t tend to be so simple.
CHRIS: Are you calling me simple, Thomas?
THOMAS: No, I wasn’t calling you…
CHRIS: [pulling out a classic medieval sword and a shield decorated with the same insignia on his chest, speaking with a theatrical melodramatic voice] Cause I could pull out my sword and challenge you to a duel, my good sir!
LOGAN: [sighs] He’s just as dramatic as his father.
ROMAN: [squeeing] He even has a shield of his own! Oh, my God, you look gorgeous! And what is also great is that now I’ll have someone to practice fencing with. [hopping] Oh, my goodness, I’m so happy right now!
VIRGIL: [smirks] Be careful, my love. You’re gonna slip on the puddle of your drool.
ROMAN: I suddenly had an idea. Since it’s clear that we’re too excited to go to bed right now…
LOGAN: [looking at Patton] Well, I was really excited to go to bed a moment ago…
ROMAN: [beat] You’ll have time for that later. I think we should take Chris to Sandersia, so that he meets my brother Roland and Ira. They don’t even know that he’s been born and I can’t wait to see their faces.
THOMAS: Isn’t it a little late for a journey, though? It’s eleven o’clock, and I’m a little tired, you know? Couldn’t we leave this for tomorrow? It’ll be Sunday, and I have all the day free of compromises.
ROMAN: [begging] Oh, come on! I want them to see him while he’s still a child! If we wait, he’ll be an adult already, and it just wouldn’t have the same surprise effect! I don’t wanna miss it! Pleaaase!
THOMAS: [sighs] Okay, if it’s so important to you, okay.
ROMAN: [hopping] Yayyy!
THOMAS: Are you good to walk, Virge? You’ve just given birth some hours ago.
VIRGIL: Oh, I think I’ll be fine, Thomas. I don’t have any pains and I feel strong enough.
LOGAN: You don’t need to fear for Virgil, Thomas. His recovery will be a lot quicker than in normal physical childbirths. If he doesn’t go through too intense physical activities at least for tonight, he’ll be fine, and tomorrow he’ll be good as gravy.
ROMAN: Then it’s settled!
THOMAS: Okay… Let’s go to Sandersia, then.
[All of them sink down and rise up in Roman’s room, then they head to Sandersia. It’s nighttime over there too. They all get in the royal carriage, always waiting at the door as usual, and head to the royal castle. As usual too, the carriage arrives in no time]
ROMAN: Well, here we are. Oh, the door is locked? That’s weird.
LOGAN: Weird? What did you expect, a welcome committee? You didn’t announce our visit and it’s freaking nighttime!
ROMAN: Not for long, though.
[Roman rises both hands. In a matter of seconds, the sky turns blue and the sun rises over the sea]
LOGAN: [a little blinded by the sudden sunlight] That’s cheating.
[Roman knocks the door using the knocker several times]
VOICE: [from inside] Okay, okay… why the rush?
[the noise of locks opening from inside are heard and the door opens. Ira comes outside wearing a green pajama
IRA: Oh, it’s you. When I told you to come for a visit, I didn’t mean for you to come in the middle of the… [noticing the sun is in the sky, confused] …morning? Did I oversleep? What time is it?
ROMAN: Oh, it’s twelve midnight, I just did a little tweak, so that you didn’t trip over anything in the dark.
IRA: But why? Is there any emergency of some kind?
ROMAN: Yes, and no. I just want Roland and you to meet someone.
IRA: Someone? [noticing the presence of Chris] Oh, good morning… I mean evening… I mean… whatever.
CHRIS: Good evening, sir.
IRA: And who is this lad, if I may ask, Roman?
ROMAN: I’m not telling yet, it’s a surprise. Go call my brother, please. I want you two to know who he is at the same time.
IRA: Okay. I’ll call Roland. You can wait in the throne room. Come in, make yourselves a home.
ROMAN: Thanks, Ira.
[Roman and the others get to the throne room while Ira goes away]
THOMAS: [yawns] Roman, I’m a little sleepy. We should have waited till tomorrow.
ROMAN: Hold on a little bit, Thomothy. Soon we’ll be done. Maybe we could even sleep here if Roland lets us.
THOMAS: Is that possible for me, though? What would happen if I fell asleep while inside the Mind Palace?
LOGAN: Well, for certain we would all fall asleep with you. All except Virgil, who is the only one that, if he wants to, can resist sleep or wake up while you slumber, due to him being your fight-or-flight impulses.
CHRIS: I can do that too. A gift from my dad.
VIRGIL: Oh, that’s good to know.
THOMAS: But would Sandersia stay in place?
LOGAN: Of course, Thomas. For Sandersia to have structural problems, you would need something worse than sleep. You’d have to be almost in a coma.
THOMAS: Well, I’m not going to that extent to do the experiment, and besides I don’t want Sandersia to be damaged, so it’s good to know that. Thanks, Logan.
LOGAN: No problem.
[Roman and Ira enter the throne room. Roland is wearing a dressing coat]
ROLAND: Hi, Roman, hi guys.
ROMAN: Hi, Roland.
IRA: Okay. We’re both here. Why all the rush, Roman?
ROMAN: Well, let me introduce you to our new addition to the family. This is Chris. Chris, these are my brother Roland and our good friend Ira.
CHRIS: Good evening. Nice to meet you.
ROLAND: Nice to meet you.
IRA: Good evening.
ROMAN: I think I’m gonna let him to properly introduce himself. Okay, go ahead.
CHRIS: Well, my name is Christian Gerard Sanders. And I’m the Side of Angsty Creativity. But you can call me Chris.
ROLAND: Angsty… Creativity?
IRA: Hold on, weren’t those two concepts assigned to Virgil and you earlier? [face of realization and shock, then he smiles widely] Oh! Oh, my goodness, I get it! Congratulations, Roman!
ROLAND: What? What’s the matter?
IRA: Don’t you see? This boy is the son of Virgil and Roman! Angsty Creativity!
ROLAND: Oh, my goodness! How…? When…? Congratulations, guys!
[Roland and Ira hug Roman and Virgil, then they also give a quick hug to Chris]
ROLAND: I should have paid more attention. Of course he’s your son. His shield is a mix of both your insignias. I’m so happy to meet you, young man.
CHRIS: I’m happy to meet you too, uncle Roland.
ROLAND: Oh, that’s right. This boy is my nephew. And as your son… he’s the new heir to the throne of Sandersia! That’s great! But when did this happen?
VIRGIL: Today.
ROLAND: Today?
VIRGIL: Well, yesterday already. He was born just a few hours ago.
ROLAND: But he’s so grown-up already!
CHRIS: [suddenly showing a funny face] Oh…
ROLAND: What’s wrong?
CHRIS: If you think I’m a grown up now… wait and see…
[Chris points at his own clothes. They grow until they are of an adult size, too big for him]
ROLAND: Why would you do that?
CHRIS: [suddenly with adult voice that startles everyone] It’s happening again, I can feel it.
[Chris starts growing up in front of Roland and Ira, who watch with a stunned expression. In a matter of a few seconds he looks like an adult, and his outfit fits him perfectly]
IRA: I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe. But now… now I’ve just seen everything.
CHRIS: Well, I think the growing phase is over. Now I just have to age a little bit until I get synchronized with Thomas’ age and that will be it. Now I’m totally ready to start working as a Side of Thomas.
VIRGIL: Oh, my God… Kids grow so fast. It feels like yesterday when I was cradling you in my arms and now you’re a full grown-up man. Except that it was literally yesterday, of course.
CHRIS: It’s okay, dad. I may look like an adult, but I’m still your one day old son, ready to learn from you and father anything you’re willing to teach me to be a better Side.
VIRGIL: [bursting in tears] Why am I suddenly so emotional lately? Yesterday, I would have dismissed all these emotions as corny and now look at me. This feeling of love is so overwhelming I can barely resist it.
PATTON: [putting his hand on Virgil’s shoulder] Welcome to my world, kiddo. Nice to have you. That’s exactly how I feel about you all the time.
VOICE: [evil mocking tone] Isn’t this nice?
[everyone starts looking in all directions trying to find the source of the voice]
THOMAS: Who’s there!?
VOICE: I’ve been waiting for so long for this moment to come and finally, it’s here!
[Suddenly, Chris is surrounded by what looks like a dark bubble]
CHRIS: What gives!?
[the door opens and the Dark Master enters in, wearing a black cloak with silver ornaments on the shoulders and the hood. The dark bubble flies next to him with Chris inside]
THOMAS: You again? How many times do we have to defeat you, boy?
DARK MASTER: Long time no see, Light Master.
ROMAN: [pulling out his samurai sword] Release our son! Right now!
DARK MASTER: Release him? Oh, sure, I will release him, as soon as I’m done with him.
VIRGIL: If you touch just one hair of him, I swear…
DARK MASTER: Oh, don’t worry emo, I’m not going to harm him. I need him in one piece for my plans.
VIRGIL: [progressively angrier and more hysterical as he speaks] What plans? What are you going to do to him? Let him go, you bast**!
DARK MASTER: Let him go? After all the time I’ve been waiting for one of his kind to appear? Never.
PATTON: What’s so special about him? I don’t understand.
DARK MASTER: [giggles evilly] I certainly did a good job with you, Patton.
DARK MASTER: Erasing your memories was so easy. It wasn’t a perfect work, but nevertheless it worked. You wouldn’t even try to get your memories back. You just got contented and started behaving like the stupid father figure you are right now.
PATTON: I don’t understand…
VIRGIL: Neither do I, but I don’t care! Release him!
DARK MASTER: It’s your only fault that I’m taking your son right now, Virgil! You brought this onto him!
DARK MASTER: The original plan was to take you instead of him. You were born for that only reason. But you had to escape to the Light Realm and ruin everything.
VIRGIL: What would you know about my birth?
DARK MASTER: Oh, everything. I know everything about it. I even had you in my arms not long after you were born. You looked so tiny, so vulnerable. So suitable. You just needed to grow until you were mature enough. But Patton had to be a goody daddy and the Light Master had to ruin it all!
THOMAS: Me? What…?
VIRGIL: What is he talking about, dad?
PATTON: [confused] I promise I don’t know, kiddo. I don’t remember…
DARK MASTER: Perhaps I can help with that.
[The Dark Master points at Patton. A light blue sphere appears on his hand]
DARK MASTER: This, on my hand, are your stolen memories. You’re no longer a worthy enemy, so I won’t be needing them anymore, and I need to make room for… another procedure. Here, take them back.
[the light-blue ball is projected at light-speed and impacts into Patton’s head, making him walk two steps back. The light enters inside Patton’s head, who holds his head with both hands and groans as if he was suffering the worst headache ever, as if his head was about to explode right there.]
VIRGIL: [scared] Dad!
LOGAN: Patton!
[in a few moments, Patton adopts a serene face. He stops holding his head and looks fiercely at the Dark Master]
PATTON: [serious deep voice, never heard before from him] Now I remember… everything.
DARK MASTER: Good. Then now you know it all. How does it feel? Please, tell me that it hurts you, it would be so rewarding for me.
PATTON: Yes, I remember. Yes, it hurts. And no, you won’t get away with your plans.
DARK MASTER: [evil voice] I challenge you to stop me. If you want to find me, you know where to look for me… sweetie. [back to an unconcerned, mocking voice, to Roman] Oh, by the way, thank you Roman, I couldn’t have done this without you.
ROMAN: What?
DARK MASTER: If you hadn’t entered Sandersia with Chris, I wouldn’t have been able to reach him, and if you hadn’t turned the night into day, I wouldn’t have known you were here, allowing me to come here to check what you were up to. What a pleasant surprise you gave me when you introduced your boy. Thank you for your invaluable help.
ROMAN: [face of remorse] What have I done…?
[the Dark Master starts levitating and so does the dark bubble holding Chris in. Chris shows a face of fear for the first time and starts banging at the bubble, desperately trying to break it]
CHRIS: [scared whining] Father! Dad! Help me! Don’t let him take me!
VIRGIL: [in tears] You bast**! He’s just a baby! Thomas, do something!
THOMAS: I’m trying! I’m trying to go into Light Master mode… but I’m so tired I get dizzy when I try! I can’t keep it together!
DARK MASTER: Well, as the old cartoon said, that’s all folks! Bye!
[The Dark Master flies away through the door and the bubble follows him with Chris inside]
CHRIS: [screeching in horror] Heeeeelp!
[his cry for help gets lost in the distance before the others have time to react. Then Virgil starts running to the door]
VIRGIL: Come back! Give me my son back! I beg you! Take me instead! No!
[he stops before reaching the door, with pain in his stomach over the effort. Roman runs after him and holds him]
VIRGIL: [hysterical, he turns around and starts punching Roman’s chest with both fists, while Roman looks at his husband with a face of intense suffering and remorse] Don’t touch me! This is your fault! This is all your fault! They took him away because of you! I hate you! I hate you! [he stops punching Roman’s chest and lies on it sobbing on it while Roman hugs him, also crying] I hate you…
ROMAN: I’m sorry, Virgil. I didn’t know this would happen… But we’ll fix it. We have always defeated the Dark Master and this will be no exception. I promise by my royal crown that he’ll get what he deserves and we’ll rescue our son! I solemnly swear it!
[a sign reading “To be continued, guys, gals and non binary pals appears”]
[ending card]
[a couple of minutes have passed, The guys are sitting down on some benches. Virgil is lying on Roman’s shoulder, his face completely void, looking at the infinity, trying to evade himself from the horrible reality he’s facing]
THOMAS: I’m so sorry, guys. I wish I could have been of more help. I just couldn’t call my powers out of exhaustion.
ROMAN: It’s not your fault, Thomas. Like the Dark Master said, it’s my fault and only mine. I’m sorry, guys. [to Virgil] I’m sorry, my love.
VIRGIL: [looks at Roman and holds his hand, then speaks with a weak, heartbroken voice] And I’m sorry for hitting you earlier… I was out of my mind and I didn’t mean what I said. Of course I don’t hate you.
ROMAN: [kissing Virgil’s hand] I know, my love. But you were so right at the same time…
PATTON: You didn’t know this would happen, Roman. Don’t torture yourself.
ROMAN: A marvelous father I’m turning out to be. The first thing I do is delivering him in a silver plate to the enemy.
PATTON: Well, I don’t think I was any better, to be honest.
VIRGIL: [looking at Patton] What do you mean, dad? You have always been there for me.
PATTON: Not always, son. Not always. Now that I’ve got the full picture with the missing piece of my memories, I had… I have so much to regret and so much to apologize for.
THOMAS: It’s hard for me to believe that you, among all of us, could have a dark past of some kind. My mind simply can’t process it.
PATTON: And yet, I do. The Dark Master took good care of shaping my mind in a way that would never ever make me question the holes in my mind. He probably gave me that stupid naive personality so that I would never wonder about the kind of stuff he didn’t want me to remember. And it worked. I was so happy in my stupidity I got completely blind about that.
LOGAN: Don’t say that, Patton. You were not stupid.
PATTON: Yes I was. So silly, so childish. I’m so ashamed when I look back and remember the stupidity of my mind I had these past years.
LOGAN: We loved you the way you were. I loved you. I still do.
PATTON: I’m sorry, Logan, but as Deceit would say, you’ve fallen in love with a lie. The Patton you fell in love with is not real. It was never real. I don’t deserve any kind of love.
LOGAN: Falsehood! That’s not true!
PATTON: Yes it is. You don’t know what I did. What I made Virgil go through because of my weakness… Oh, my God, you’re gonna hate me so much when I level with you all. I’d wish that the Dark Master hadn’t restored my memories. I was happier in my stupidity and now I feel like I’ll never find peace in my life again. Maybe that was his intention, to see me suffer and torture myself forever.
VIRGIL: Dad, you are my father. Nothing you could have ever done could be so bad that I couldn’t forgive it.
PATTON: You don’t know the truth yet, son. Once you know, you won’t be able to say that again with conviction.
VIRGIL: Then tell me dad, to prove you that you’re wrong. What is that truth that is so unforgivable?
[Patton sighs]
PATTON: The truth about who your father is.
VIRGIL: You are my father, what do you mean?
PATTON: I mean your other father.
VIRGIL: My other father? You remember now his identity? Who is he?
PATTON: You already know him too well. You’ve lived with him for years in the Dark Realm. You lived under his yoke and his tyranny for many years, and I couldn’t save you, may God forgive me.
[Virgil looks at Patton. A grimace of horror slowly starts appearing]
VIRGIL: No… that’s not true… that’s impossible!
PATTON: Yes. As painful as it is for me to admit it, but it’s true. The Dark Master is your father.
VIRGIL: [progressively more hysterical as he speaks] I can’t believe you! He can’t be my father! He can’t! If he was my father, he would have never treated me the way he did in the Dark Realm! He would have never taken my son away from me! It’s impossible! No! I refuse to believe you! You’re a liar! You’re no better than Deceit!
ROMAN: [holding him by the shoulders and shaking him] Virgil, calm down! You know he would never lie to you, especially in a matter so serious!
[Virgil sits down. He can’t look Patton in the face]
PATTON: [sad] See? I told you you would hate me.
[Virgil doesn’t answer. He just stares at the infinity, with rivers of tears running down his cheeks, in complete silence. Patton looks at his son, and his eyes also get watery and red. Logan hesitates about if he should hold Patton’s hand, his face noting he'd really wish to do so. Eventually he shies away and doesn’t.]
ROMAN: Just give him some time. It’s too much to assimilate in one go.
THOMAS: I have so many questions…
PATTON: [sniffs and swallows his tears, then trying to show the voice of a dad commanding something to his son] I know, Thomas. But for now, they’ll have to wait. If we want to stand a chance against the Dark Master, you need to sleep. We all need it, for the record.
THOMAS: That’s easier said than done, though. How am I going to catch sleep with all this turmoil of emotions and thoughts running through my mind? I don’t feel sleepy, just tired, really tired, but not sleepy.
PATTON: You’re exhausted, Thomas. You don’t feel sleepy because of your nervousness over all of this, but I’m sure if you try, it won’t take you long to fall asleep. And while you sleep, we will all fall into slumber, including the Dark Master, so that could at least delay his plans with Chris. And since Chris can resist slumber, it could give him a chance too, if he could ever break out of that ball, that is.
THOMAS: What are the Dark Master’s plans?
PATTON: No, Thomas. Not now. Now, sleep. Tomorrow, I’ll tell you everything.
ROLAND: You can all use the guest bedroom in the castle. I always have it ready in anticipation for days like this when all of you would come over. The sheets were changed just this morning. And you, Thomas, can find some sleeping clothing in the closet that will suit you. After all we all have the same size in this world, right?
THOMAS: Thank you so much, Roland.
ROLAND: Don’t mention it.
ROMAN: Okay, time to bed, then. Tomorrow, we’ll call Deceit, Honesty and Remus and we’ll think about what to do.
ROLAND: Is it really necessary to call Remus, though? I’m quite unnerved by his presence. He tried to kill me, just in case you’ve forgotten, that’s why Ira came to live here with me, to be my protector against him. It just doesn’t feel right for me that you’re all so… attached to him right now. I don’t trust him.
ROMAN: I know what you mean and I understand your concern, but Remus is no longer the same as he used to be. I mean, he’s still pretty chaotic and all, but he’s harmless now, and he’s trying to fit in with us, in his own unique way. Besides, we need to be all together for greater chances of success.
ROLAND: [sighs] Okay, if there’s no choice, okay. But don’t ask me to behave nicely to him, because he wasn’t nice to me.
ROMAN: It’s fair, but you should try to give him a chance. Now, let’s go to bed. I’ll turn the day back into night so that we can sleep well, even though it’s almost morning at this point.
[they all stand up and follow Roland. Virgil, apparently unaware that the others are leaving the room, remains sitting down for a moment, still looking at nowhere, before Roman grabs him by the hand and asks him to follow them with the sweetest glance he could come up with. Virgil just follows them like an automaton to the huge guest bedroom which has eight beds. Thomas puts on the pajama he finds in the closet and gets into bed. The others just summon pajamas for themselves and get into the other beds. It only takes a matter of minutes for the exhausted Thomas to fall asleep. When that happens, the rest of the Sides fall asleep too. All of them except Virgil, who just keeps staring at the ceiling, still crying in silence, all night long]
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lafenixrey · 7 years
Boruto ep. 25 Recap
“The Turbulent Field Trip”
Boruto wanted to blow Iruka’s wig off. LMFAO! HE HEARD THAT IRUKA WAS A BALD-HEADED HOE, SO HE WENT HIMSELF TO SNATCH HIS CRANIUM! I AM INCONSOLABLE! Don’t y’all ever in your musty ass lives talk shit about my nephew ever again! Giving us quality content!
It’s so funny that Naruto wasn’t mad that he was tryna pull a prank off, but more upset with the lack of execution. Like he said, he needs to have more finesse. 
Omg. I swear when Naruto was facing off with Boruto, I thought he was talking to his own shadow clone. Only Boruto can push his buttons like that. 
I saw that Boruto was tied up, hanging upside down from the cieling and I smooth didn’t think anything about it. I wanted more details about the field trip.
It’s so cute that Mitsuki is sitting down next to his future teammate, Sarada.
I’m telling y’all right now that they are not paying Shino enough to babysit a class full of bad ass kids in ANOTHER country! Nope. I’m stressed for him.
*gasps* The KakaYama baby has spoken! I’ll never let that shit go. This is Kakashi’s baby & we deserve answers! Ima animate my own paternity test episode for this reason alone. Stay tuned!
Sumiere went undercover to destroy the Hidden Leaf, & thinks it’s entirely TEW much for her to volunteer as the field trip leader. Listen. I too, would rather steal people’s chakra.
They threw Boruto under the bus. Hahahahahah! My girl Sarada came up with the master plan & Shikadai’s unloyal ass co-signed it to get the class riled up. Lmao! I live!
This lil girl with the brown paw sleeves still freaks me out. I want her transferred to another class, immediately!
Metal Lee is like his grandaddy Gai, he can’t handle the waves of the ocean.
I squealed when I saw the girls enjoying themselves in the pool! Yes, princesses! Treat yourself!
This interaction between Sarada & Boruto on the ship’s deck was so funny! When he mimicked her, I ASCENDED into another dimension. hajdhifuheifureahihiufhgiruhghgiu! I cannot wait to see more of these babies once they are in their designated teams.
I’ve come to like Iwabe but he needs to chill with his debbie downer shit. I REBUKE the angst! 
I’m starting to think Mitsuki don’t sleep. 
Mitsuki low-key shaded Boruto. He said his jutsus are not just for anybody & he got a lot learn. 
I don’t learn nobody’s name that are not my nieces & nephews cause I don’t care but this boy, Kagura!? He’s adorable! Omg. Look at the baby Mizukage!
ChoCho is a fully realized girl. She thinks Kagura is cute but what about the inside??? Is he trash or not? lol
Shino better WORK that bag! Yasss! Swing that tote from side to side!
Aaaaaaahhhh! Shino taking pictures of his dorters is so adorable! He don’t got no kids but he’s a whole ass dad.
Shikadai & Boruto are such nerds. Like full-blown card trading nerds.
I love how Shikadai smiles way more than Shikamaru & Temari did, combined, in their entire lifetimes. A happy baby!
These ugly ass boys from the Mist got a lot of nerve. They’re pressed.
Like, these kids are being good for once in their life & here they come tryna start trouble. 
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mayonara · 7 years
Prompt: dick and jason captured by a villain who wabts to know batmans secret identity. Dick volubteers himself for interrogation but does it in a way so the bad guys dibt get suspicious. Like, "hah, him? No way woukd batman tell HIM his secret ID." And jason afrerwards being pissed bc Dick you idiot how could you do that toyourself you self sacrificing idiot
Thank you anon for this lovely prompt! I had a great time writing it and I hope you liked what I wrote ~ 
It was just their damn luck. Sheer stupid luck that endedup getting them caught in a trap. Or should he say, it was Dick’s fault. Yeah,let’s just blame it on Dick. They were investigating an abandoned warehousetogether where Dick ‘accidentally’tripped a wire, caused them to get doused with sleeping gas.
And now, Jason found himself tied up in a locked roomalong with an unconscious Dick beside him. His hands were knotted tightlybehind his back and legs were bound together. Dick was in the same condition ashim, but he seemed a little bit more roughed up than usual. Had a small bruiseon the side of his face, smeared with a bit of dirt. Did he fall on somethinghard or did he potentially wake up only to get knocked out by whoever hadcaptured them?
Whatever it was, Nightwing seemed okay for the most part.Was slumped against him, head resting on his shoulder as it rolled back andforth. Jason was thankful that they hadn’t bothered unmasking them…yet. Tried to sit up straight so hecould make it comfortable for his—his well, his whatever it was. Brother? Fake brother? Or his crush that he often lusted after, butnever took it anywhere? Instead, just flirted like an idiot.
He sighed softly and wanted to nurse the slight poundingin the corner of his head. Blamed it on the toxic gas for making his mindbleary, but at least his head survived the fall. Bless his mask. Whoever madefun of it can go to hell because this thing was a life saver.
Jason looked around the room for any sign of openings.Found that there was a door that was most likely locked and hopefully, it couldbe easily picked. Otherwise he could just blast it—oh no. He can’t. His gunswere taken. Jason peered down at his holsters and found that they were indeedempty. He luckily still had a few gadgets on him, could feel them within hisarmor. The idiots hadn’t checked them completely.
There were soft rumblings from beside him and he feltDick shuffle, head tripping over Jason’s shoulder and jerking him awake.
“Morning sleeping beauty,” Jason mumbled,teased him as Dick lifted his head with his mouth ajar and a brow raised.
“Yeah. Nice to see you’re up.“ 
“What’s going on?” Dick questioned, stillgroggy and trying to wake up. He gave a quick glance around the room andsuddenly sat up straight, seeming to realize the situation he was in. He tuggedat the bonds, testing to see if they could be undone easily, but they weresecured as a cuff. “Shit,” he cursed and that wasn’t a first. Dickhad a bit of a profanity issue even though most didn’t think so.
“Good to know you’re aware we’ve been captured andtied up.”
“So has whoever caught up revealed himselfyet?” Dick asked and winced, hissing loudly.
“No and are you okay?” Jason murmured,concerned about Dick’s well-being.
Dick sighed and nodded his head. “Yeah. Just, Ithink I hit my head.“ 
"Hm.” Jason tried to search for it in the dimlylit room, couldn’t see much of anything though. “Can’t tell.”
“Here,” Dick said, twisted and turned as bestas he could so Jason could take a good look at the side of his head, which, hestill couldn’t see anything.
“I don’t see—” He was suddenly interrupted bythe door swinging open, banging against the wall with a loud thud.
There, stood a man, one that they knew. The criminalwho’d captured them was the drug lord they were after. He was a middle agedman, large and burly. Was balding partially and had a receding hairline. Thelines of his face were sharp and he had a defined jaw. Eyes were dark andheavy, intimidating to the general population. He was wearing a smirk on hisface and strolled in like he owned it, flaunting his success at capturing them.
He pulled up a chair from the side that Jason seriouslydidn’t see beforehand, swung it around so the back was facing them and sat downwith legs squeezing the front. Placed his arms atop the back rest, lax andpompous. 
“Look what we got here,” the man sneered.“Red Hood and Nightwing. Twopeas in a pod." 
"Yep,”Dick said with a pop of his lips, confirming for the man. “That’s us.”Nightwing blurted and Jason wanted to kick him in the leg but couldn’t.
“Ah. Smart one aren’t we? But who’s the one that’stied up and about to be at my mercy?" 
"Not us.”
Jason rolled his eyes so hard they almost got stuck atthe back of his head. He tilted to the side, banged Dick on the head with hishelmet, heard him grimace and groan at him.
Snickering, the criminal made a remark. "Looks likeyou two are in a bit of a shuffle.”
“Nah. You’re just thinking it,” Dick said butthere was a hardness to his voice, warning Jason to stop getting in the way.Even though he was the one that was trying to be an annoyance. Didn’tunderstand they were in a bit of a bind here and probably should be cautious.
“Right,” the man said, whistling a tune as hepulled out a knife, twirled it around to show off how sharp the edge of theblade was. “So, which one of you would like to go first? Telling me allyour secrets, especially Batman’s identity.” He licked his lipssatisfyingly. Neither Jason nor Dick answered to that question, let it hang inthe air for a few minutes until the drug lord got impatient. “No one eh?Well, if no one volunteers then I’ll just pick one.” He said and pointedthe knife directly at Jason.
That’s when Dick decided to jump right in and do the moststupid thing he’d ever done. Okay, oneof the stupidest things because the fool always had to be the one to puthimself in danger. He was just a freaking danger magnet.
“Hah.Him?” Dick scoffed, putting on his bad boy attitude. “You’ll getnothing from him.”
“Shut up.”Jason hissed and tried to make a jab at him but his elbows wouldn’t reach.
“He’ll tell you nothing. I mean, come on. He’s theRed Hood for fuck’s sake. Do you even think he knows Batman’s identity?”
God this idiot was trying to offer himself as thesacrificial lamb. Just put himself on a plate and serve it right up. Oh hell nowas Jason letting him take the fall.
“I’d be more opened to telling,” Jason said andDick about just shoved him off to the side. 
“Stay down,” he snarled, getting pissed off andoh, was he angry. “Just let medo this.”
Fuck no was Jason going to listen to him. Parted his lipsto argue back, but it was too late. The man got up from his seat, chair fallingto the ground and strode right over to them. Fingers wrapped around Dick’s arm,squeezing so tight it could bruise and jerked him upwards, reeling him in. Hecut off the ropes that bound his legs and kept the knife to his lowerback. 
“Try to run and I will kill you,” he threatenedand shoved at Dick, caused him to fumble forward as he made him exit theroom. 
“Nightwing!” Jason shouted, struggled to undothe ropes keeping him grounded. The man snickered, glanced back at him with afucking grin. Jason snarled back, gritting his teeth and just wanted to wipethat smirk off his face. 
“You’re going to enjoy hearing his screams as Itorture him,” he taunted and kicked the door shut. Heard the lock clickand footsteps slowly getting farther and farther away.
Jason shouted, angry and slammed his feet against theground. “Fucking Dick,” he murmured under his breath, cursing hisidiot of a crush or whatever the hell he was to him, for doing what he did.
He need to calm down, needed to find a way to escape sohe could rescue him. Wasn’t going to just let Dick be tortured for information.Not like that because he knew how it felt, had gone through it before. It was thereason why he died in the first place and there was no way Dick was goingthrough that.
Jason drew in a few deep breaths, in and out to calm hisrapidly beating heart. Pulling it back to a norm before he thought up a fewdifferent scenarios in his head. Luckily, the man wasn’t smart enough to do athorough check and he was lucky to still have the knife buried in the sleeve ofhis jacket. 
Carefully, he twisted and curled his wrists as best as hecould, getting his fingers to bend enough so the tips could grab onto thehandle of his tiny knife. He pulled it out and quickly cut through the ropes.After successfully freeing his arms, he stretched and shook them, tried to workout the kinks and stress of his muscles. Next, he undid the binds on his legsand jumped up to his feet.
The fucker was about to get a beating for messing withthem and if he so much as sees a cut on Dick, then he’s done for.
For being a criminal who thought he was so smart, hewasn’t really. Had the simplest lock on the door that Jason picked within a fewseconds. He didn’t even have a bolt or even any freaking bodyguards to watchover him. Seriously, was the guy a novice and just got lucky because Dick andJason decided to be idiots tonight?
That just made them sound like they were also beginnersso Jason scratched the thought and decided to just leave it at the man for notbeing well prepared enough. Underestimated them—yeah, that sounded nice. 
Jason carefully filtered down the hall, searching throughoutthe warehouse for signs of Dick. Pressed an ear through each door to listen forsomething, didn’t want to just open it in case he’d get caught. It was oddthough, felt like there was no one within the whole vicinity. The man couldn’tjust be a one-man show…or he could. Or his crew was just small. 
Speaking of crew, he found them crouching outside thebuilding. Could see them from the second story as he peeked outside the window.Well, there they were. There were about five men who were just standing guardoutside, not at all suspicious.
Jason was starting to think he was new to the businessand he supposed that would be a bonus for him. Easy to out play and take out.
He continued with his search and roamed the place somemore and finally, he heard Dick’s screams, loud and screeching and he rushed tothe room. Found it wide open with Dick’s hands tied up to a rope hanging fromthe ceiling, pulling him up just a few inches from the ground. His uniform wasin tears, ripped up and torn, parts of it hanging off around his waist. 
Jason could see tiny cuts and bruises coloring his torso,what bit of skin he could see and god,he could see red right now. Could feel anger boiling within him, ready torelease on this poor soul that was about to meet his end. Fingers curled intotight fists, balling and he jumped right in, caught the man off guard as hekicked him off to the side and stabbed him in the back. 
“Hood!” Dick called and Jason couldn’t hearhim. All he could hear was static, screeching and buzzing in his ear. Was sopissed at this fucker for hurting Dick and knocked him to the ground as hetried to get up. He climbed on top of him, pinned him to the cold concrete andthrew punch after punch at his face until he was no longer recognizable. Untilhis hands were covered in blood. 
“Hood. Fuck!Just—listen to me Little Wing!"  
And that’s when he stopped. His body frozen when heregistered that nickname that Dick had given him. Green-blue eyes stared at themess he’d made, the face he’d just pummeled. Couldn’t even tell whose blood waswhose as he could feel his knuckles sting with pain. The man was still alive,very much twitching and slowly, he climbed off of him. Kicked him once morebefore he went right over to Dick. 
The Golden boy sighed softly, relieved that Jason hadcalmed down, as much as he could calm the fuck down. He helped Dick out of hisbind, wrapped a secured arm around his waist to support his fall as he undidthe rope. The moment he dropped to the ground, Dick disentangled himself fromJason and moved to check on the motionless body. Found that he was stillbreathing and just unconscious. He got right to work and bound him up withzip-ties and made a call to the local police.
Jason was just standing there, lost in thought as he juststared at Dick, watched as he worked. And then he was being tugged away, pulledalong by Dick like a sack of potatoes as the vigilante dragged him out of thewarehouse, away from the crime scene.
They ended up hiding between two buildings, out of viewfrom everyone. In a corner of town where there was less people, almost like aghost town. Not that anyone would really be out this late at night. 
Dick had Jason pinned to the wall, unclasp the hooks tothis helmet and pulled it off. He tossed it to the ground and roughly grabbedhis hands, attempting to dab away the blood that was slowly drying with hisripped up uniform.
"Dick—” Jason called.
“What?” He said, snapped back at him and no, he did not get to do this to him.Because he was the one that endangered himself and was being stupid and—and—
“God damn it Dick,” Jason hissed and grabbedhis wrist, stopping whatever he was trying to do. “You—” he growled,getting pissed off. Was ready to let out his anger that he’d been holding infor the past few hours. “You’re so stupid." 
"What?” Dick asked, appalled by the insult. 
“That’s right. You’re an idiot. You’re aself-sacrificing idiot who just—god damn it. Why did you have to do that toyourself? Why do you always have to be the hero?” Jason shouted, voicefilled with rage. His fingers were trembling as he pressed down around Dick’swrist with enough strength to leave marks.
It must have hurt and he knew it hurt and yet, Dick saidnothing. Just looked at him with his chapped lips pressed into a thin line. Heturned off the whites of his lenses and Jason could see his bright eyes, blownwide and confused. 
Jason took that as a sign to continue seeing he wasn’tabout to retort. “You always do this. Always have to be the one tosacrifice yourself to help others. You have no sense of danger for yourself andthen you end up getting hurt!” He knew he was shouting, raising his voicebut he couldn’t help it. He was irritated and anxious, hated it every time Dickpulled a stunt like this. 
“Your identity is important and so is Bruce’s even though I hate him.” Jasonsighed and loosened the hold on his wrist to reel him in. Dick fell intoJason’s chest and the taller man wrapped an arm securely around his waist.Buried his fingers in his hair and pressed his lips tenderly to the cute littleswirl he’d like to stare at sometimes. “I worry, damn it. You made me worried. You’re a risk. I’m not. I’m deadto the world so it wouldn’t even matter if they unmasked me.”
"No. Let me fucking finish. I’m not done beratingyou yet.” And Dick just chuckled at that and Jason had to crack a look athim. The man was smiling wide, wearing an amused grin on his face like whatJason had said wasn’t important. That it was nothing and it was just a joke.
“Why are you laughing?" 
”Well. Iget what you’re saying but I couldn’t let you get captured and tortured. Again.“ He added that last wordsoftly, sounded sad and guilty. "Not again because I wouldn’t be able tobear it.” Jason knew exactly what he was referring to and felt Dick’s handcurl against his chest. “I wasn’t there last time, but this time, I was.So I had to do something. Anything toprevent you from being in that position again.” Vibrant blue eyes gazed at him,full of concern and honesty. So vulnerable that Jason couldn’t help but kisshim. Captured his lips with his own, heard Dick gasp from surprise. It wasshort and chaste and just—everything Jason wanted.
“You’re so fucking dumb. I swear. I can handle myself,” Jason said, was bluffingthrough his embarrassment, trying to hide it. 
Dick just laughed and leaned up on his tip toes (whichwas adorable as fuck, enjoyed the fact that he was taller than the Golden Boy),kissed the tip of his jawline, leaving tiny little soft kisses. “I supposeI am. But I’m not changing that. If I can save someone than I will." 
Jason groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, pinched thebridge of his nose in frustration. He was never going to learn. The golden boywas who he was and no matter what Jason said, no matter how he spun his wordsor how much he tried to convince him otherwise, he wasn’t going to listen. Hewas always going to be the self-sacrificing fool and Jason just had to learnhow to deal with it.
He couldn’t believe he was about to say what he neverthought he would say. "This is why I fucking love you.” And Dick justsmirked, like he knew it already. And that, well,that was okay then. At least they could start somewhere.
And anywhere was fine with Jason.
If you’d like to send me a prompt, feel free too and I’ll try to get to it as soon as I can :)
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themousai · 5 years
2018 Favourites: Mandie Hailwood
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Top 3 Singles
Liily - Toro I don’t understand why this song only has less than 250k views, when their other single 'Sold' has over a million? It sounds a little like the lovechild of old school rock bands (have a listen, i'll leave you to work out who I mean) - but it still holds to it's own. Someone asked me in August if there was one small band to watch out for, who would it be - and this was my instant answer. That still stands.
The 1975 - Love It If We Made It The day this song came out I may or may not have played it really loudly 5 times straight in my friends car. He hated it. I don't care. I love it. I love The 1975. You can find them on Facebook.
Finn Johansson - Lovebomb I have never ever been so mesmorized watching someone play guitar as I was watching Finn play with Emily Fairlight earlier this year - he truly did become one with his guitar. So I was pretty stoked to realize that he had a whole lot of other great tracks up his sleeve. Something about this song just slowly unclicks all the anxious nerves in my body. I can't explain it. (see also: ‘Why Can't I Fly’)
Top 3 EP’s
Matt Maeson - The Hearse You know those songs that just come at you right when you need them? That's how I felt when this little alt/indie gem of an EP came out - especially as i’d been spinning ‘Hallucinogenics’ for nearly a month straight prior. The way that this raw little collection of songs builds? Both musically and personally? Damn. If you know, you know.
Fairhazel - 7x7 At first I was unsure about whether I could call a two song release an 'EP' - but that opening verse of ‘7x7′ will forever be the soundtrack to my life. Also fun fact: ‘The Directors Daughter’ was written whilst in a sensory deprivation tank in London - Hugh repeated the lyrics to himself for a whole hour so that he wouldn't forget them before he could write them out.
You On Television - You On Television I've lost count of how many times i've listened to this psychadelic stoner little number since catching them opening for The Leers earlier this year - but boy. Every single time is as much a treat as the first. Even in the middle of winter, this had me grooving and dreaming of blazey summer days.
Top 3 Albums
Liza Anne - Fine But Dying My first love of the year. This ethereal indie folk album hits every single nerve that it needs to, and not a single person I sent it to said they didn’t like it. It reads a little like a series of poetic diary entries, and if you have a look at Liza Anne’s website - each song has a little hidden meaning in there which she’s left for you to decode. Thank you Liza for this little gem, it’s helped to keep me sane this year. Top picks - ‘I Love You But I Need Another Year’, ‘Paranoia’, and ‘Panic Attack’
Marlon Williams - Make Way For Love Does Marlon even need an introduction these days? I'll never forget being sent to The Tuning Fork to photograph him in 2014. I had no clue who he was, nor what I was in for, and as he introduced himself with his rugged young South Island accent, I was more than a little unsure - but the moment he started singing? You could've heard a pin drop in that room, and boy, i've never judged a someone by the way they talk since. It's no surprise that the rest of the world have been snapping him up. He's about to set off on a NZ wide tour next month, so if you haven't got your tickets yet - what are you waiting for? Top picks - ‘Can I Call You’, ‘Nobody Gets What They Want’, and ‘Party Boy’
Palaye Royale - Boom Boom Room (Side B) It's like My Chemical Romance and Arctic Monkeys had a baby and i'm definitely here for it. Possibly the least hyped up gig of the year - but also simultaneously one of my favourite live acts i've witnessed this year? Will the emo kid inside of me ever die? Stay tuned. Top picks - ‘Death Dance’, ‘You'll Be Fine’, and ‘Love The Void’
Special Mention
The Story So Far - Proper Dose After a bit of a hiatus - I had already come to terms with the thought that maybe, The Story So Far just weren't coming back. So you can imagine my delight when they released ‘Out Of It’ and started teasing for a new album - plus they pulled through and released something truly magnificent. All the grief and waiting was definitely worth it in the end. I could easily write an essay about it, but i'm not about that life. So just go and fucking listen to it (also read this interview Parker Cannon did with Kerrang! to get a glimpse of what was going on behind the scenes) Top picks - 'Proper Dose’, ‘Take Me As You Please’, and ‘Upside Down’ 
I made a playlist of my top 10 songs on Spotify - have a listen, you might find a new favourite!
Quick Fire
One band I would love to photograph would be... Arctic Monkeys
Three things I can't live without are... Adventures in nature, something to take photos with, and music.
If I could only shoot one venue for the rest of my life it would be... Galatos Basement. I love floor shows and also those walls create for some hella interesting backdrops.
Three adjectives that describe my life are... Ironic. Magical. Surprising.
If I held a world record it would be for... Changing my hair colour the most times but always keeping it pink.
My first memory of loving music is... Taping my favourite songs off the radio and hiding them inside Christian cassette tapes.
One photo i'm really proud of is...
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One band I could listen to forever is... My Chemical Romance.
My biggest musical guilty pleasure is... There’s this playlist called 'One Direction All Songs' and it bangs.
If I could create a line-up ft. any three bands it would be... The Story So Far, Manchester Orchestra, and also let's revive The Academy Is... while we're at it.
0 notes
miguel-manbemel · 4 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 24: Bold Bonding Between Brothers
New entry of the “Aspects & Fanfics”, the first one of the year 2020. I hope you enjoy it, and also the new ship that is gonna be featured from now one, starting from the end card in this episode. New year, new ship. I’m not going to say much more and leave you with the story, which as the title suggests will be focused in the relationship between Roman and Remus. I don’t think there’s any need for any kind of label. It’s the normal relation between two brothers that sometimes they love each other and sometimes they hate each other, sometimes both at the same time. The normal siblings relationship, that is.
As usual, if you want to read previous entries of the story, as well as seeing past posts from this vlog, you can find them right here. And I hope you enjoy it. Until next time.
SYNOPSIS: Thomas is entering a literary contest where they ask for scripts for a feature film. The winner will get his script made by a legendary director. The problem is that the asked genre is horror, and Roman is not an expert on the matter, which will make him call Remus for help. But will they be able to work together or will the differences and Remus’ fear make it all blow away?
WARNINGS: Horror is mentioned throughout the story, including some disturbing scenes mentioned by Remus. Romantic Prinxiety is featured as usual but (spoilers) also romantic Logicality will make an entrance in the end card.
[Thomas is in front of the camera with his New Year hat on and a cup of champagne on his hand]
THOMAS: [singing to the tune of “Auld Lang Syne”]
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne…
[yelling with a wide smile, rising his cup] Happy new year! [he suddenly goes serious as if he was listening to someone] Wait, what do you mean we’re already way into the New Year? [smiling bashfully] Wow… Some parties really go wild, don’t they? [a little concerned] But it’s still 2020, right…? And what are you still doing in my house? The party’s over now! Get out! Shoo, shoo!
[intro sequence]
THOMAS: What is up, everybody!? You see, this morning a friend of mine told me about something that could be fun. It is a contest, a script-writing contest. The winner gets to have his script filmed by prestigious director Steven Spielstokes, director of ��Indiana Picani and the Last Cartoon Therapy”! It is a unique opportunity!
ROMAN: [rising up, excited] It is, Thomas! I can’t wait to start on this project!
THOMAS: Right!? I’m pumped up!
ROMAN: Me too! This is the chance you’ve been waiting for! You’ll be able to join the elite of so many prestigious scriptwriters that preceded you. And the Oscar awaits you, Thomas, all shiny and golden and…
LOGAN: [rising up] We get it, Roman. There’s no need to exaggerate. Besides, don’t put your hopes too high before time is due. There will surely be thousands of contestants trying their luck and many of them will be as talented as Thomas or more. We can be the winners, but we must be ready to accept defeat if it comes.
ROMAN: Ugh… here comes professor Wet Necktie, always spoiling the fun…
THOMAS: Roman, nicknames…
ROMAN: Sorry, Logan. And getting back into the stuff that really matters in this conversation, what are the rules? I need to know the limitations I shall have to place into my work, to start planning and all that stuff…
THOMAS: Um, yes… I read them just a couple of minutes ago. It has to be a script of a feature length, between 60 and 80 minutes, written in standard script format, and the topic is…
ROMAN: Romance? Fantasy? Musical? Adventures?
THOMAS: …horror.
ROMAN: [suddenly serious] What? Horror!? [looking at Logan] Well, I hope you’re proud of yourself, Logan. You jinxed it all with your talking about accepting defeat. I know nothing about the horror genre! That’s not my department!
THOMAS: I was afraid of that, never better said. I never made any true horror story, so I didn’t know how well you could perform in this genre. So, I let the contest slide, right?
ROMAN: No, no yet, Thomas. There’s always a first time for everything. If I have to write… [face of disgust] horror, then horror it will be. [smirks] Besides, I’ve got an ace under my sleeve, the best consultant I could ever ask for: my husband.
LOGAN: That’s absurd, Roman, Virgil doesn’t fit into your sleeve.
ROMAN: [singsongy voice] Virg-i-i-i-l!
VIRGIL: [rises up] Please, would you mind not calling me like that again? It makes me feel like a dog called by his owner.
ROMAN: That’s why I call you like that, my cute little puppy!
VIRGIL: And don’t call me like that, please… not in front of the others, at least.
THOMAS: I’ll pretend that I didn’t hear that.
LOGAN: Agreed…
VIRGIL: So what do you want, Roman?
ROMAN: I’m glad that you ask, Virge. I need your help. I have to write a horror story and…
VIRGIL: You do understand that, even if I look like a creepy dark emo, creativity, creepy or otherwise, is not my department, right Ro?
THOMAS: [low voice] …Ro?
VIRGIL: I’d love to be able to help you, but other than with brief inspirations based on Thomas’ real anxious experiences, there’s not much I can do for you. And you don’t want me to make Thomas go through a hell of anxiety to give you story ideas, right?
ROMAN: Well…
THOMAS: [firm voice] No, Roman, you don’t!
ROMAN: [sighs] Fine… Then I don’t know what to do.
VIRGIL: Well, you could ask another Side for help. Another Side that could be really well versed on the matter.
[as he names each one of them, the Sides rise up one by one, not knowing how they got there as if summoned against their will]
ROMAN: Well, Patton wouldn’t be of help. Last time I read him Little Red Riding Hood he got so scared he slept for two weeks with a bottle of purgative in his pajama pocket to use it if some Big Bad Wolf swallowed him while he slumbered, to make him throw up. Deceit… I don’t know. He has trouble remembering lines. He’d forget everything he’s given me and it would be a really incoherent story. Honesty… he is out of the question. He’s too attached to reality to create a work of fiction. He couldn’t even make a single change to his room from the real living room. How could he create a simple story? Logan… he would be great for a horror poem, but people don’t speak in verses unless it is a period stage show. This is a script where characters are not supposed to speak in rhymes, I don’t think he could be good on that either.
LOGAN: I’m here, listening to you belittling me, in case you didn’t notice.
PATTON: What is going on here, kiddos?
LOGAN: Thomas has to write a horror story and Roman’s considering his options for assistance.
PATTON: [unsettled] Ho… horror? What am I doing here, then? I don’t like horror stories.
ROMAN: [to Virgil] See?
HONESTY: It’s okay, Patton, it’s fiction. It’s not real and it can’t hurt you.
DECEIT: [creepy voice] Unless…
[Patton gets scared and Honesty goes to comfort him]
HONESTY: Dee, stop pestering the child!
DECEIT: Sorry, Patton, I was kidding… unless…
[Honesty looks at Deceit with a murderous glance as Patton whines on Honesty’s shoulder and grabs him, terribly scared]
ROMAN: You see how my judgments on each Side were on point? So, as I was saying, I don’t know what Side you really mean, Virgil.
VIRGIL: [beat] You’ve left out the Side I really meant on purpose, right?
ROMAN: [sighs] Yes.
DECEIT: But why? He’s your brother, Roman. They say that the best working relationships, especially in creative works, are the ones composed of siblings. Why not giving him a chance?
ROMAN: For ordinary siblings, maybe, but we’re not ordinary siblings, Dee. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean I don’t want to work with him. I’d love for us to be able to create something together. It’s just I don’t know how I could work with Remus. We’re so different in terms of creativity. I don’t like anything he comes up with and he doesn’t like anything I come up with. And also, I may be a little extra…
LOGAN: A little?
ROMAN: [frowning at Logan] …but in spite of that, I create my works methodically and seriously. And Remus seems to be so chaotic in everything he does. It would be a hell of a working environment.
VIRGIL: And yet, him being the part that takes care of Thomas’ dark creativity, he’s the best Side for the job. You know it, Roman. You need to call him.
ROMAN: Maybe he doesn’t want to work on this.
VIRGIL: You won’t know if you don’t ask him. Call him.
ROMAN: [sighs] Okay… I hope I don’t regret this… Remus! If you hear me, come quick! I need you here!
REMUS: [suddenly appearing with his usual grin, next to Roman, who flinches at his sudden appearance] Wow, Roman, this is new! You are summoning me? You really must be desperate for something, am I right?
ROMAN: Well, I really am, to be honest.
REMUS: Well, what is it? How can this crazy little brother help his fluffy big brother?
ROMAN: I’m not fluffy!
REMUS: Yes, you are. You’ve gained a little weight on your buttocks since the last time we met, bro.
ROMAN: [briefly scared, trying to look at his own buttocks] What!? Really!? [suddenly returning to his previous attitude] Whatever, that doesn’t matter right now. What do you know about horror?
REMUS: [pumped up] Horror? I love horror stories! There are so many ideas I have written in the last few years! Why do you ask?
ROMAN: Well, Thomas needs to write a horror story and…
REMUS: And you have no idea where to start, right? Of course you don’t, all the horrifying creativity stayed with me after the split. But don’t worry, bro, Remus is here to save your butthole!
THOMAS: If only he could avoid using that word in one of every two sentences…
REMUS: What word, “butthole”? It’s not true that I use “butthole” all the time! I used “buttocks” earlier!
[Thomas sighs in frustration]
REMUS: So, what are you thinking on, Thomas?
THOMAS: Well, as I told Roman, this is for a script writing contest, so it has to be a script, of feature length, and the theme is horror.
REMUS: Any specifics? Horror is a broad term, there are so many things we could put into the story.
THOMAS: No, no specifics. Just horror. But I don’t want anything that would be too gruesome or too extreme. [pointing at Patton] Not in front of the kids.
[Patton is wearing headphones and smiles while humming a song. Honesty is with him]
HONESTY: It’s okay, I got it with Patton. He’s distracted with the Spongebob camp song and will be okay… as long as his phone battery lasts, that is.
REMUS: [looking at Patton, then at Roman] And you’re telling me that you didn’t go crazy like me after having to cope with this kind of shenanigans all day? Okay, let’s get cracking. [he cracks his hands while saying this, making Thomas grimace] I would personally go for gruesome, because that’s the most horrifying and fun, but if you say you don’t want too gruesome, let’s stick with that. You’re the master after all, the Light Master to be exact.
ROMAN: Okay, I had thought about the story taking place in a castle…
REMUS: Boring.
ROMAN: You didn’t let me start explaining the story and you already find it boring?
REMUS: Sorry, Rommie, but a horror story taking place in a castle? That’s too cliche. Besides, there’s nothing so special with castles. Believe me, I know.
ROMAN: If you’re saying that with your own castle in mind, our experience on that castle suggests otherwise, I’m just saying.
REMUS: Oh, please, Roman, what I made you go through were just little fancy games. If those silly antics upset you, you should see the castle’s west wing on the way to my chamber of secrets next to my bedroom.
DECEIT: Why does that “chamber of secrets” thing make me shiver in disgust even though I don’t really know what’s in there?
REMUS: Oh, I call it like that for the Harry Potter book, but I’d never have secrets with you, Slimy Boi. If you want to know what’s in there, I have…
ROMAN: Remus, we have work to do, remember? If you really call yourself creativity, please behave like it and start creating.
REMUS: [shrugs] Okay, it’s your loss, anyway. I enjoy myself there all the time.
ROMAN: [sighs] So, you don’t like the castle as a horror topic. Then, what do you suggest?
REMUS: Well, my suggestion is to place horror where ever the viewer would less suspect to find it. This way, throwing it unexpectedly to him would make a bigger impact on them, don’t you think? For instance… a children’s playground in a park, in broad daylight.
THOMAS: It doesn’t look very easy to find something horrifying in a setting like that…
REMUS: That’s what makes it more challenging, Thomas. Imagine this. An invisible creature, some kind of abomination from an antediluvian era, which has been asleep for uncountable centuries, suddenly wakes up and rises to the surface, in the middle of the playground, and it starts snatching kids and… well you said you didn’t want gruesome details… [pumped up] I don’t care, I want to say this! It starts eating them alive in front of their horrified parents! Ugh… I’m so good…
THOMAS: [ironic] Thank you for omitting the gruesome details, Remus.
ROMAN: Couldn’t we use a story where kids don’t have to die?
REMUS: Yeah, we could, but it wouldn’t be as fun.
THOMAS: Roman is right, I have a reputation of working for young audiences. Suddenly releasing something as gory as that, it could damage future working opportunities for me.
REMUS: Said the guy who played J.D. from Heathers, a character who tried to blow up a whole school after murdering several students. You played that character five years ago, and your career survived afterwards. I don’t know how since you never made anything special at all, but it did.
THOMAS: That’s different, I’m an actor, I need to work on all kinds of roles to grow as a performer, and I took care of warning my viewers beforehand of the kind of show that was Heathers. But creating something from scratch, it makes you deeply involved into it. My regular audience would want to watch it and it could create a bad image of me.
REMUS: And what does prevent you from warning your viewers again? I mean, to me, it’s nothing so bad, but if you think it would be traumatizing for your audience, that could work.
LOGAN: I never thought I would ever say this, but I agree with Remus. What you did with Heathers, you can do the same with any type of creative work, Thomas. You can create anything you want and, as long as you keep everybody aware of the type of content you’ve created and that content doesn’t go against any law, you and your viewers will be fine. A creator should be allowed to evolve. They’re not forced to stick with a limited type of works for the rest of their career. You can create adult content whenever you want as long as you label it appropriately.
THOMAS: Okay, you two may have a point. But still, I don’t want children to die in my story. I want to make something I personally like, and I wouldn’t like that. It’s a question of taste, if you like.
REMUS: [groans] More like Patton’s taste, I think… No, Thomas, I don’t like it, but if that’s your final word, so be it. Let’s look for something else.
ROMAN: How about a mansion with a group of people whose members start disappearing one by one and the others get scared about who’s making them disappear?
REMUS: Roman, please, try to be original. That story has been told millions of times. “The House that Screamed”, “House on Haunted Hill”, “Maniac Mansion”… And besides, it’s not even horror, it’s the typical whodunit flick, like one of those boring Agatha Christie’s novels, where only one person dies and the rest of the time it’s just the others, or a pompous detective, going in circles to find the murderer. I mean, if I killed someone, I wouldn’t hide it, I wouldn’t mind the consequences at all.
LOGAN: [offended] Hey, take it easy! Do not besmirch Dame Agatha Christie’s – may she rest in peace – name in my presence! However, you’re right on the rest of your sentence, Remus, except the part of you murdering someone, of course. A whodunit, even though it can have some horrifying elements, is generally classified as part of the thriller or suspense genre. I don’t know if that’s exactly what the contest is asking for. They specifically ask for “horror”.
THOMAS: Yeah, that’s right.
VIRGIL: Is no one going to acknowledge that, out of the three examples Remus named, two were actual horror flicks? I know, I watched them.
REMUS: My advice is that, instead of making people disappear, we see the creatures who are snatching them in all their gruesome detail, with their sharp teeth, their red eyes, their sticky tentacles. I love tentacles, personal preference. Did I mention “Day of the Tentacle” is my favorite video game?
ROMAN: Why do you have to use gruesome creatures? Not every horror story has to be gory, in case you didn’t know.
REMUS: I know, Roman, but designing these creatures gives me more space to develop my creativity. Humanoid dangers are too dull for my taste.
ROMAN: [groans in frustration] Ugh… It’s just as I feared.
REMUS: What?
ROMAN: You and I are like water and oil, Remus. We’ll never mix well. It’s like we’ll never agree on anything at all.
REMUS: Bullsh… [bleep] , Roman. You’re just not trying hard enough.
ROMAN: I’m not trying hard enough? I’m the one pitching all the ideas and you’re the one twisting them, as you always do!
REMUS: Well, if you brought up some interesting input, then I wouldn’t have to fix anything!
ROMAN: If everything you’re gonna do is fixing my works, then I don’t want you nearby!
[Remus shows a face of utter offense and hurt]
REMUS: You don’t want me nearby? What do you mean by that?
ROMAN: I mean exactly what you think I mean! Get away from me and let me work in peace!
THOMAS: Guys, please…
REMUS: So, the cat’s out of the bag at last. You recognize that you don’t want me in your life, right!?
ROMAN: [suddenly confused] Wait, what? I…
REMUS: I’m glad that you admit that! At least this time, you’ve been honest and didn’t trick me into jumping on a boat to leave me on a lost island!
ROMAN: [stuttering, not understanding anything] Wait… what is going on here? I…
REMUS: Don’t worry, bro! I’m not gonna make it difficult for you! You can go on living your perfect dreamlike life however you want, and I’ll return back to my crazy lonely life as I’ve always been! Don’t think I will suffer over losing you! I’ve lived 20 years all alone and I can live like that again whenever I want! Despite what your self-aggrandizing ego suggests you, you’re not so important, [mocking voice] your majesty!
[after saying this, Remus sinks down. Everyone stays quiet and confused for a couple of seconds]
THOMAS: What… has just happened here?
ROMAN: I wish I knew, Thomas. I thought we were having a creative discussion. I don’t know where that came from… Did I… Did I do or say something wrong? You guys sometimes call me out for not being nice when I didn’t even realize I wasn’t…
DECEIT: It’s okay, Roman. It’s not your fault. Or Remus’ fault either.
ROMAN: Dee, do you know anything about this that I don’t?
DECEIT: As a matter of fact, I do, but you should talk it out with Remus yourself. This is something between him and you that you two should fix.
ROMAN: Fix? Up to this point, I didn’t even realize there was something broken between us at all. I thought we had fixed all our disagreements these past few weeks. If you know something, please, tell me, cause I’m totally confused.
DECEIT: Okay, I’ll tell you. It’s because you’ve turned back into a Light Side.
ROMAN: What? But I thought that would be a cause of joy for him, not of anger. Now I’m more confused than before…
DECEIT: Of course he’s happy for you, Roman. But he’s also… scared.
ROMAN: Scared? Of what?
DECEIT: He thinks that you bonded with him because you were a Dark Side and had no choice but to get closer to him or being completely lonely. Now that you’re a Light Side and back with us, he thinks you’re not gonna need him anymore and he’s scared to death of losing you again.
ROMAN: But… that’s nonsense. I wouldn’t do that. My feelings for him remain the same. He’s my brother, I wouldn’t dump him out.
DECEIT: That’s what I tried to tell him the other day, to ease his concern. But I guess it didn’t work. It seems that Remus, the embodiment of intrusive thoughts, also has intrusive thoughts of his own torturing him and that thought of you hating him must be recurrent for him. Perhaps if you told him yourself… He would believe it more easily if he heard it from your own lips and your own heart.
ROMAN: I mean… it’s my own fault that he has that thought on a regular basis. After all, I did leave him behind once… but I’m not the same I used to be back then and my feelings for him are not the same as they were either. Of course I’ll go tell him. He’ll probably be in his room, right? I’ll go see him.
THOMAS: Roman, I don’t want to intrude or anything, but if you go, could we use your orb to check that everything’s going okay? I will be terribly worried otherwise.
ROMAN: Okay, seems fair. Remus doesn’t have secrets of any kind, anyway. Or so I thought. Can’t believe he talked about this first to Deceit instead of directly to me.
DECEIT: Don’t worry about that. You know when someone needs to vent, the last person they do it with is the person with whom they have the problem.
ROMAN: You’re right, I guess… [pulls out the orb and gives it to Thomas] Okay, I’ll let you watch, but if things get too personal, I’ll switch it off, okay? [sinking down] See ya in a moment, guys.
PATTON: I really hope he can make amends with him, even if I don’t like Remus’ ideas very much, it’s Roman’s brother. And today’s task is a proof that Thomas needs him just like any other of us.
HONESTY: What? I thought you were listening to your headphones, Patton…
PATTON: Oh, I switched them off long ago.
HONESTY: And the subjects they were talking about didn’t scare you?
PATTON: A bit, but with you next to me as you were, I was less afraid. I can cope with horror as long as I have my friends supporting me.
HONESTY: [flattered and emotional] Awww!
VIRGIL: [smirks] My dad is the pure incarnation of cuteness, he can’t help it.
THOMAS: Guys, the orb is turning on. Let’s see how they’re doing.
[The guys watch the orb. Roman rises up in Remus’ room. He’s nowhere to be seen]
ROMAN: Remus? Remus, where are you? [waits for a couple of seconds] I know you’re here, Remus. Stop hiding. I just want to talk to you.
[Remus pops up, serious]
REMUS: And I just want you to leave me alone, Roman. Is that so hard to ask for?
ROMAN: Not until we have talked this out, Remus.
REMUS: There’s nothing to talk about, Roman. You made it very clear in the living room. You don’t want me with you.
ROMAN: I didn’t say that!
REMUS: Yes, you did! I am a nuisance for you and you don’t want me nearby! You said it!
ROMAN: You misinterpreted me, Remus. It’s true that our working routine is too… bumpy. And I admit that it’s too hard for me to work with you because we’re too different. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to try to make it work out. I was talking out of frustration, I didn’t mean it! And I was only talking about our work, not about our life!
REMUS: Yeah, right. Do you really expect me to believe you? You’re not the most trustworthy individual in the world. I suffered the consequences of your tricks once and I’m not buying them again. I’ll break ties with you and go back to my castle alone before you decide to send me to the trash can again. I don’t want to be abandoned again. I don’t know if I could take it, and I’m scared to death to find out.
ROMAN: Brother, you’re wrong. And me using the word “brother” should already be giving you an indication. I told you many times already. You are my brother. I don’t want you out of my life again and I will never abandon you again. That Roman that hurt you so bad years ago is long gone. I have changed. I promise I’m saying the truth. I already told you these past few weeks and I really meant it.
REMUS: Bullsh… [bleep] You said all of that these past few weeks because you were stuck as a Dark Side and wanted someone to distract you from your boredom. I just happened to be the only one available, an amusement to keep you entertained and distracted from the memories of the people you really wanted to be with. Now that you have those people that you really care for back in your life, you don’t need me anymore. That’s a fact.
ROMAN: No, Remus, that’s a falsehood, as Logan would say. Yes, I missed my friends and I do care about them, but I also care about you. As I also told you, it scared me to get closer to you at first because I feared your rejection. Do you think I would care about that if I didn’t really care about you?
REMUS: Who knows? As far as I know, you’re just as dramatic as I am and you could have been overreacting in regards to that just because. After all, I don’t really know you that much. You didn’t let me, remember? And you don’t get to truly know someone in a few days.
ROMAN: Well, I want to fix that. I want you to know me and I want to know you.
ROMAN: Don’t you see that, out of fear of being dumped out, you’re the one who’s in fact dumping me out and that you are forcing to happen what right now is only happening in your mind? Please, don’t do that. It would really hurt me if you do that. And I know it would hurt yourself too, and I don’t want you to get hurt.
REMUS: I don’t want you to get hurt either, and of course I don’t want it to happen. It’s just that… [his voice starts breaking and his eyes fill with tears] I’m so scared… I love you. I’ve always loved you and I’m so scared of losing you again.
ROMAN: Then don’t make that happen for real, Remus, because I love you too, and I’m never gonna leave you again. Let’s be brothers once and for all.
[Roman hugs Remus. Remus hugs Roman back and starts sobbing on his shoulder]
REMUS. I’m sorry, Roman. I’m sorry…
ROMAN: It’s okay… brother. I’m sorry too. Calm down, okay?
[Roman looks right at the camera from the orb with a gesture of apologize, and the orb turns off]
LOGAN: Well, I guess Roman wants some moments of privacy now.
THOMAS: I understand. I’m relieved, though, to see that at least they’re fixing things up. But now, what are we going to do with the contest? I can’t create any horror without Roman and Remus. So what are we going to…
[Suddenly, Romulus rises up in Roman’s place by surprise]
THOMAS: [scared] What!? Romulus!? You’re back? What is going on here!?
ROMAN: It’s okay, Thomas. It’s me, Roman. The original Roman before Remus and I split up.
THOMAS: [frowns] Suspicious… I don’t know if I should trust you. Maybe I should break you up like the last time, just in case…
ROMAN: [scared] Please, don’t do that, Thomas, don’t force us to split again. Last time, you turned me into a Dark Side. Next time, I may not live to see another day.
DECEIT: I think he’s saying the truth, Thomas.
THOMAS: Are you sure, Dee?
DECEIT: You know I can catch a liar from miles away, Thomas, and he’s not lying. It’s Roman.
ROMAN: Thank you, Dee.
THOMAS: Okay, if you say so, Deceit. Well, what happened, Roman?
ROMAN: I’m not entirely sure. When we were hugging, I felt a heartwarming sensation, and suddenly Remus joined into me. And here I am.
THOMAS: It’s weird. I thought you couldn’t join together again, and the result certainly has been a lot different from the last time when that hideous Romulus almost replaced both of you.
LOGAN: I’ve got a theory. Maybe working out your issues has had a beneficial effect, Roman. The last time, you joined because of your mutual unhealthy dependence of each other and the result was a distorted and unstable fusion that eventually became Romulus. Then you lost your capacity of fusion because of the trauma of the abrupt separation, and later, when you recovered, Remus’ fears could have acted as a hindering block, figuratively like one of those deadlock seals from Doctor Who that the sonic screwdriver couldn’t unlock. Now, all hinders are gone and, most importantly, the fusion has been born from your love for each other instead of any kind of dependence, and as such the original Roman came out as a result and not the corrupt Romulus.
PATTON: It’s what I always say, then. Love fixes everything.
THOMAS: But are you sure you’re gonna be okay, Roman? And what about Remus?
ROMAN: That’s worrying me a bit too, Thomas. Logan, now that you’ve mentioned Doctor Who, and since you are our own Doctor on this team…
LOGAN: That’s the biggest compliment you’ve ever given me, Roman, thank you.
ROMAN: …would you mind doing me a medical checkup, please, just to be sure?
LOGAN: Not at all, Roman. Allons-y!
THOMAS: I hope he doesn’t pull out a sonic screwdriver… That would be cool but this is serious business…
PATTON: [happily] Since Logan is the Doctor, can I be his companion, please!?
[Logan blushes for a second, then he clears his throat, approaches Roman and puts his hand on Roman’s chest. Logan starts shaking for a few seconds, then takes his hand off and goes back to his place]
LOGAN: As far as I know, Roman. You’re totally fine. Your form is stable, you’re still a Light Side and if you wanted, you could stay like this permanently. It’s your natural state as you were born, so that shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.
ROMAN: …but? Because I sense you’re gonna say “but”.
LOGAN: But… if you stay like this for more than a couple of hours a day, Remus will disappear and become part of you, making the fusion irreversible. Also your traditional form as Roman would disappear forever. You’d be stuck as you are right now forever. No more Netflix-Kids-and-Family-Roman. And before you mention it, Thomas, the intrusive thoughts would still be there, only that they would be served by Roman, whether he likes it or not.
ROMAN: No, I don’t like that. And I don’t want my brother gone now that we made amends. But couldn’t I force the split like I did 20 years ago when Remus was born?
LOGAN: You may try, but I doubt it would work now, and besides, some different Sides would appear as a result. It wouldn’t be the same Remus as we know him, and we don’t know how much of the Roman we know would be left. It’s too big of a risk.
ROMAN: You’re right. I’ll split up soon. But first, I think we could take this chance to help Thomas with his contest. In my full form I get all kinds of great ideas for a horror flick.
THOMAS: That sounds cool, if we do it quick. I don’t want you two to get into any risks because of me.
ROMAN: Of course. You said we had around two hours, right? Then let’s get to work right now.
THOMAS: Okay. [to the viewers] Well, we’ve got a lot of work to do and very little time, so, until next time, take it easy, guys, gals and non binary pals. Peace out!
[end card]
[Logan is in his room. Patton rises up]
PATTON: Hi, Logan.
LOGAN: Oh, hello, Patton. How are you?
PATTON: I’m fine. Roman and Thomas are still working on their horror story, so I stepped out.
LOGAN: Yeah, fiction is not my department, so I decided to dedicate some time to catch up on some books I’ve had for some time.
PATTON: Oh, I see you’re reading Roman’s story, the one he gave you for your Secret Santa two years ago.
LOGAN: Yeah, please don’t tell him it took me so long to read it. I’d say I didn’t have a free second to read it until now, and as a matter of fact, I’ve been busy all this time because Thomas has been busy all this time. But, to be honest, I forgot about it until Remus mentioned Agatha Christie in our debate earlier and I remembered Roman wrote me a Sherlock Holmes mystery story just for me that I still hadn’t read. Roman would be really offended if he found out and I don’t want to hurt him.
PATTON: It’s okay, Logan. You always had the intention of reading it someday and that’s what matters. And what do you think about it so far?
LOGAN: The story is very good. Roman really knows me well and what I like most of a fictional story. I’m enjoying it very much. It’s too bad I didn’t read it sooner. I wish he makes me more presents like this in years to come.
PATTON: I’m glad that you mention presents, because… I came here because I have a present for you.
LOGAN: [closing the book] A present? For me? But why? Christmas is long over and my birthday is many months from now.
PATTON: Just because, Logan, like when you gave me this cat hoodie as a present. There was no reason, other than how much we love each other. [pulling out a wrapped box] Platonically, of course.
LOGAN: [blushes] Of course… And what is it?
PATTON: Open it and you’ll find out.
[Patton gives Logan the box. He opens it and takes out the content]
LOGAN: Is this… a sonic screwdriver? Like the one used by the Ninth and Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who?
PATTON: Yep, I loved the idea of you as the Doctor and me as the companion, so I decided to give you this for the occasion. Do you like it?
LOGAN: Like it? It’s… fantastic! Thank you so much, Patton!
PATTON: You’re welcome. It makes me so happy that you like it, Logan.
LOGAN: Patton… I owe you an apology.
PATTON: What? An apology? For what?
LOGAN: For the treatment I have given to you in the past. I have consciously belittled your opinions so many times, and you never held it against me.
PATTON: Oh, don’t worry about that, Logan. I’ve always thought of it as you being grumpy, but I’ve always known you never really meant it.
LOGAN: How could you know that, Patton, when I didn’t know it myself?
PATTON: Well, when you’re an expert on feelings, you become aware of them. Feelings are not just about knowing them, Logan, it’s more about feeling them.
LOGAN: It has no logic… Of course it doesn’t, they’re feelings. Maybe that’s the reason I was such a… a jerk. I didn’t understand feelings, so I rejected them, and since you are the embodiment of Thomas’ feelings, I rejected you too. Will you please forgive me?
PATTON: There’s nothing to forgive, but if it will make you feel better, I forgive you, Logan.
LOGAN: Thank you, Patton, I… I…
[Logan looks at Patton, unable to speak. Before he knows how it happened, he approaches Patton and kisses him on the cheek, next to the corner of the mouth. Patton shows a face of surprise and shock, stroking his cheek where Logan kissed him. Logan gets nervous]
LOGAN: I… I’m sorry, I don’t know where that came from, I…
PATTON: [with a cute smirk, he puts his finger on Logan's mouth to shut him up, then he looks at him with a loving glance] You certainly took your time to confess it, Teach. I love you too, Logan.
LOGAN: I didn’t conf… mmm...
[Logan shows a glance of shock when Patton starts kissing him on the lips, interrupting him mid sentence, then he just closes his eyes as he hugs Patton and kisses him back]
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