#steal kids’ candy
toomanywatchers · 4 months
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K but honestly the most surprising thing to me is that Percy walked into Hermes cabin, opened his bag and his jellybeans were still there.
You're telling me that CANDY survived the HERMES KIDS UNSUPERVISED????
Sally Jackson must have some Jellybean protection magic or something because I was honestly expecting Percy to pull out an empty bag.
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justaboot · 8 months
God we don’t appreciate the DT Halloween episode enough, with Huey freaking out about growing up, and I understand that it’s absolutely accurate kid-logic but the PEAK humor of this “Oh no…it’s our last Halloween where we really enjoy the holiday…” while their mom and uncle are trying and failing to run a haunted house like their lives depend on it and their fart of a fossil millionaire uncle is beating down doors for candy in costume is just genius. Literally it just gets better.
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sarah-kings · 7 months
Ok, but, like:
Borrowers and tinies getting excited for Halloween.
Just imagine two borrower buddies sitting outside in a carved pumpkin, warming each other up with the tea light inside, excitedly crawling out of the pumpkin to sneak more candy for themselves from the bowl the human left out, pointing out kids costumes and taking guesses what they are supposed to be most likely guessing horribly wrong because they barely know what Halloween is in the first place.
Borrowers could just run around all the time and people would shrug it off as ghosts and ambient noises.
And just imagine the amount of pranks borrowers could do by pretending to be haunted dolls! I can already see how borrowers could have their own Halloween tradition along the lines of dressing up as a doll and going about the human's house however they please, simply just pausing in their step if they are spotted and the human most likely freaking out about this weird haunted doll they suddenly have in their house! The second they want to take a picture or show somebody the creepy doll is suddenly gone the borrower just hid behind the nearest object and is laughing their ass off.
Or equally imagine borrowers daring each other to ring the human's doorbell to prank them, the bean getting more and more annoyed by "those stupid brats and terrible youth nowadays that keeps playing ding-dong ditch!"
Borrowers could get all mischievous on Halloween night and could get away with it.
The possibilities!
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vergil-losing-archive · 7 months
Vergil the type of guy that tries to steal candy from a child and manages to fail
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lukasdoodles · 1 year
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Misc doodles ft Disco, Aran, and Hondo as well as my gal Kaori hehe
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caelumforge · 7 months
Kawaki Halloween decoration.
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weregreatatcrime · 10 months
splinter: do not steal or commit crimes
the turtles: ya ok makes sense
splinter: unfortunately we live a hard life in the sewers and sometimes we have to make sacrifices to our moral codes
leo: what
everyone else: oh shell yeah
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loptrcoptr · 2 months
This Willy wonka nightmare pop up thing in Glasgow is giving me all the flashbacks to my time working in a toys r us nightmare pop up that was also terrible and badly done and I love/hate that this is apparently a universal experience that some of us have now lmfao
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moocha-muses · 2 years
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Watcher, I miss one birthday and look what happened to my sweet little angel!
W-well, h-happy birthday, Grey Mohinder. I’d promise you two cakes for your next birthday, but since you grew up with such sticky fingers you’ll probably just steal your own!
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good-beans · 7 months
I wanted to do blog trick or treating but I may be busy vibing with the family tonight -- just know I am knocking on all your doors dressed like this
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supercantaloupe · 10 months
i got so many goodies at the market this morning but the highlight is possibly the sweet couple at the egg stand who spent like five minutes searching for a spare jumbo carton so they could give me a half dozen duck eggs instead of a full dozen
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spider-at-law · 7 months
Parent. Remember to check your kids halloween candy this year. Somebody might have put full sized candy bars in the bags.
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neon-vocalist · 1 year
shoutout to tired employees. gotta be one of my favourite genres of people
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Megabee fnaf au!
alright so the setting is a security breach like megaplex themed around music from each decade. The autobots and decepticons are basically all different rivalries between each era that eventually evolved into two seperate factions.
Megatron is a 60's greaser style bot who acts as lead singer of his band. He towers over most adults at just under 8ft and he generally marketed to teens. He's designed with a blood red pompadore with gray streaks on either side. He sports a dark gray closed leather jacket with red detailing, black rocker jeans and gray combat boots plus a red belt and black fingerless gloves.
Bee is an 80s esque roller blader who stands at roughly 5ft nothing and teaches kids how to skate. Besides from the usual protective gear and of course skates (all yellow and black naturally💛) he rocks a black long sleeve leotard and tights under bright yellow balle shorts and a matching cropped sleeveless jacket with shoulder pads all tied together by yellow leg and arm warmers.
One night megsy is cutting through the plex and stumbles upon one if the "side attractions" He doesn't usually bother with. Inside there's a roller rink with some bot he doesn't know decked out in bright yellow 80s athlesure absolutely SHREDDING on a bass while rolling around. Needless to say he's intrigued. By the time bee's done megan is crushing HARD for this roller twink and is very interested into recruiting him for his band. He eagurely applauds finally catching bee's attention and making him freak out a little bit.
After awhile they form a bond and end up dating. Bee is incredibly flustered by this swave bastard who keeps calling him "graceful" and "captivating" and absolutely insists that he belongs on stage. Bee's not used to being called anything but annoying and twitchy by anyone but the kids so he utterly laps up a big shot like megatron calling him "regal." On megsy's side he's got it bad and is absolutely DETERMINED to swoon the pretty bee and win his heart. He means every word he says because he loves how bee handles the groups he works with and how regal he looks doing it, "like a queen bee commanding her hive." A quote that got him the nickname "queenbee" from the earth cons who all exclusively call him that or some variation of.
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baronvonriktenstein · 2 years
complain about opening the door to hand out candy but refuse to leave a bowl of candy outside because you don't trust kids to not steal candy but it's candy not diamonds
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