#steal my dads record player
imflyingfish · 5 months
Going through another phase of wanting to buy a record player verses being unsure if i should
#XwX#id just like it for special things#and ambience#id like it so that i dont have to look at a screen to play music#and to have physical copies of my favourite music#however i have no clue if it would be cringe lmao#but id just like the feeling of physically putting on the thing to play#i could get a cd player i suppose#ive been planning to burn somethings onto discs and get a dvd player for a while now#and it would be a lot cheaper#however i dont think it would feel as special#ive actually really enjoyed downloading my music directly onto my computer rather than just streaming it#which sounds lame but this is the first time ive really tried it#so id like to go into physical media#i miss having a dvd collection as well#idk if this urge will persist ive been sitting on it for a while now#then again ive been having a lot of urges to buy things recently#new haircut new clothes (pretty much all i wore before january was wilbur merch so im a bit stuffed on nice things to wear)#freaking hand made as well#fuck since that april fools episode ive been longing for a vr headset#what am i going to do with that??? i have like 3 games i want to play and thats it!#maybe i should play the games i actually HAVE already#i always get the urge to buy things during a stressful period#guess we'll see#although i could say that i will get the record player and some nice discs if I win that bursary#ach i feel guilty for wanting things like this that i dont need though X_X#we'll wait it out#steal my dads record player#jk i think he uses it to impress his new girlfriend#like how hes suspiciously started playing the guitar again since dating her
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augustinewrites · 1 year
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when the kids had first moved into the apartment, the first thing you and satoru sat them down and established was that you were not going to be their new parents. satoru, and eventually you, were just their legal guardians. 
then a year later, megumi had shyly asked if you’d come to his mother’s day lunch at school. 
after that, everything you’d said that first night had gone out the window (especially after tsumiki had given satoru a mug that said ‘my dad is rad’ with his face on it).
and you were both okay with that, because they were cute kids, and over the years you’d grown to love them like they were your own. everyday you spend with your little family is a special one, especially days like today.
instincts, perhaps, are what prompt you to get up much too early on sunday, a day where you typically sleep till…well, at least 8am. but there’s noise coming from the kitchen that concerns you. 
satoru has no such instincts, still snoozing away next to you. you shake his shoulder, hoping to pass off responsibility for whatever’s transpiring to him, but he simply nudges his face deeper into his pillow. 
so you take your own pillow and smack him with it. 
he wakes up with a start, eyes still heavy with sleep as he looks around. “what? what’s happening?” 
you point to the door, where the sound of the record player’s soft tunes are accompanied by something almost foreign to your household.
it takes him a minute to process the sound, but once he does, he looks just as confused as you feel.
“is that the sound of laughter coming from our two moody teenagers?” you ask, genuinely bewildered. “do you think they’re laughing at each other?” 
satoru sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “i think we should probably get out there. someone’s definitely holding them at gunpoint.” 
he slides out of bed to grab and hand you your robe, very obviously hiding something behind his back while trailing out of the room after you. arms crossed, you step into the kitchen to see the two teens working together to set up the table.  
“what is going on here?” you ask, eying the mess on the kitchen counter and prompting them both to turn around. “i hope you both know that i’m not cleaning this up.”
“of course not, babe. it’s your day,” your fiancée tells you, wrapping an arm around you and pressing a bouquet of flowers into your hand. 
“my day? so that means you’ll be cleaning up?”
“obviously not. that’s what the two freeloaders are here for. as for how i’ll be treating you today…”
the kids roll their eyes as he pulls you in for a longer than necessary kiss, stealing your breath away. megumi coughs loudly, prompting you to pull apart so you can start breakfast.
like every year, your spot is already set up with a plate of fluffy pancakes, eggs, and a steaming cup of coffee. 
“what, nothing for me?” satoru pouts as the kids load their own plates up and get settled at the table. 
“you’re not our mom,” megumi huffs. 
“yeah, but i’m your—”
“don’t call yourself daddy or i swear to god—”
you hide your smile behind your mug as you glance between the two. it wouldn’t be a family meal without satoru and megumi’s petty snipes. 
it also wouldn’t be mother’s day without gifts. satoru would never let them hear the end of it if there wasn’t. 
there’s a very…abstractly wrapped book from megumi, a perfectly knitted sweater from tsumiki, and classic ‘do the dishes’ coupons and the promise of a spa day.
“we really are grateful for you,” he says, pressing a kiss to the backs of each of your fingers before entangling them with his own. “i could never do this without you.”
“well, it’s a good thing you’ll never have to,” you tell him, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before slapping a coupon onto the table. “except when it comes to the dishes.”
(and after he gets sealed, you realize you’d never thought you’d have to do any of it without him.)
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wilwheaton · 7 months
I have a small part in the 1987 television movie (failed pilot) version of The Man Who Fell To Earth. Lewis Smith played the titular character. Beverly D'Angelo played my mom, his love interest. (Fun Star Trek connection: Bob Picardo is also in it).
My character was a Troubled Youth, which I gotta tell you was not a stretch for me at all. I was deeply, deeply hurting at the time we made it. I was struggling not to suffocate on all the emotional and financial burdens my mom put on my shoulders, and fully aware of just how much my dad hated and resented me. You need a kid who doesn't want to be an actor, whose eyes can't hide the pain? I'm your guy.
Anyway, one of the scenes I was in took place in a record store, where Troubled Youth steals some albums, before he is chased by the cops and saved by the Man Who Fell To Earth, who uses a glowing crystal to save his life from ... some scratches on his face.
We filmed the interior of the record store at Sunset and La Brea, in what I think was a Warehouse, and at the end of the day, I was allowed to buy some records at a modest discount.
I was deep into my metal years, on my way from my punk years to my New Wave years, so I only bought metal albums. I know I bought more than I needed or could carry (I was making a point that I was allowed to spend my own money, mom), but the only ones I can clearly remember are:
Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind
Judas Priest - Turbo and Defenders of the Faith
W.A.S.P - The Last Command
(I know this was in March of 1987, because Turbo had just come out.)
Of those, Piece of Mind is the only one I never really stopped listening to, even through all the different it's-not-a-phase phases. I still listen to it, today.
Ever since I became an Adult with a Fancy Adult Record Player And All That Bullshit, I have kept my records in two places: stuff I want right now, and stuff I keep in the library because of Reasons.
Generally, records move in one direction toward the library, even if it takes years to happen. I just don't accumulate albums like I once did, because I'm Old and set in my ways.
Earlier today, I decided that I wanted to listen to an album while I cleaned up the kitchen, and because I wanted to make my life more interesting, I opened the library cabinet for the first time in at least five years.
There was the very same W.A.S.P album from that day in March, 1987. I don't have any of the others -- I looked -- but The Last Command was right there.
Before I really knew what I was doing, I put it on the Fancy Adult Record Player and dropped the needle.
I watched four decades of dust build up with a satisfying crackle, and there was something magical and beautiful about hearing all the skips and the scratches, realizing I remembered them from before.
The title track was just as great as I remembered it. It struck all the same chords in me that it did in the late nineteen hundreds. The rest of the first side was ... um. It just didn't connect with me, and for the few moments I spent trying to find a connection, I don't think it ever really did. I would remember.
But I did remember how much I loved making those mix tapes, and what a big part of them that song was. I did remember how empowering it felt to not just spend my own money that I earned doing work I didn't want to do, but to spend it on music my parents hated, right under their noses. I did remember how impressed Robby Lee was, when I showed him my extensive heavy metal album collection.
Remembering all of that, in one of those cinematic flashes of rapid cut visuals and sped up sounds, told me why I kept this record, while I gradually sold or replaced the other records I bought that day with CDs, then mp3s, then lossless digital files, before finally coming all the way back to records, where I started.
I didn't listen to the second side. I didn't need to. I took it off the Fancy Adult Record Player, and put it back into the library, next to the George Carlin records.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 11 months
Records of forgotten times.
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
Old music records bring back memories and sparks talk of a new future.
Today was relaxing day in your Alexandria home.
Daryl had come home from a run and had brought home a literal truckload of items of which a couple of boxes were dropped at your place.
He busied himself moving the boxes into the living room while you continued your work in the kitchen.
"What did you bring back, Dee?" you mused from you spot in the kitchen, where you were cleaning off last night's dishes in your favorite shorts and one of Daryl's shirts that were way too large on you. It was fraying at the hem and the old classic rockband on the print was fading badly, tour dates from a long forgotten time barely recognisable anymore. He never thought twice about you stealing his shirts. They were so much more comfortable than his button downs and with the shirts smelling like him they helped you sleep when he was out on runs.
“Found an old storage place, had a bunch of boxes with music. I got first pick cuz I found ‘em.” He kept filing through the large boxes filled with records and taking each one he liked out to stack near the old record player your house came with.
“Let me have a look too when I’m done here, please?” He grumbled an agreeing response and you made sure to hurry along with your cleaning round so you could join Daryl on the living room floor.
Daryl had gotten up off the floor to fumble around with the record player and try out one of the records and to his luck it still played. He had pocketed some still boxed replacement needles and swapped the old one out before playing a Judas Priest record and got a nice, crisp sound to which he comfortably hummed along to and even sang along with some parts.
As you were hanging your cleaning rag and towel over the opened oven door to dry you mumbled along with some lyrics that had remained in the back of your head.
This surprised your dear old partner to the point of stopping entirely with what he was doing to stare at you enjoying his all time favorite band. “Ya know this music?” He sounded so confused it made you laugh. You never really talked about your old world life, never really feeling it was needed to share about it. Not until now.
“My parents were old school rockers, I grew up on this kind of music.” You had walked over and sat down at one if the boxes.
“Yer calling me old now?” Old. He hated that word, even if you were both adults he still didn’t like the sound of him being put in the same box as your late parents.
“I mean,” You started, not sure how to properly say this without being offensive. You loved Daryl and you were happy with him, really not wanting to make him uncomfortable. “I guess you’re around their age, right? Dad would have been sixty-two by now. He loved this music so much we had cabinets filled with CDs, he'd go to concerts with friends and have music nights every month. Mom woukd have been around fifty-eight I think. She preferred more symphonic stuff.” You were so caught up in your memories you had stopped looking through the music entirely, your hands shakily holding onto one record a little too tightly for Daryl’s comfort.
“I’m fifty-three, if ya really gotta know.” He had moved over to your side and put an arm around you to pry your fingers off the record. “An’ I really hope yer not secretly seein’ me as a father figure cuz I'd love it if my kid'd be one year old in about two years from now..”
You registered his comment and were pulled back into this world with a soft sob. You hoped it’d be saved for later when the sadness that these boxes brought you had blown over.
“I miss them.” Your words were barely above a whisper, but Daryl caught them all. He had managed to get the record from your hands and took a glance at the cover.
The image didn’t look all too different from the current world. A blue sky behind the ruins of a building, and a man in a rather unnatural pose on a regal looking wooden throne in the foreground. The title reading ‘A Farewell to Kings’ by RUSH.
“Yer old man listen to this?” You quietly nodded, sniffling and wiping at your tears that were now freely running down your face. He put the record aside to make a new separate pile just for you.
“Come on, let’s see what else is in here. Maybe some Ozzy. Ya like Ozzy?” You now nodded with a smile appearing on your face. “Y.. yeah, we had a dog named Ozzy. Mom liked him a lot.” The memory of the dog you had for a short while did lighten the mood a bit, thankfully.
Daryl had abandoned his search entirely and only looked through the boxes with you now, picking out records he did like and ended with almost the entire collection by Judas Priest, which you learned was his favorite.
“Oh shit, look!” You held up a copy of Mötley Crüe’s ‘Dr. Feelgood’ with an excited squeal.
“Nah, that’s what yer into? Crazy girl.” He shook his head with a loving smile. By the time you reached the second to last box you had both gathered quite the collection. Daryl had reluctantly handed you all the Crüe records he found, even if they were duplicates. You wanted to keep them because of their different covers. Even in this world you loved collecting and Daryl admired your ability to find happiness in these items.
“Hey, ya want this one too?” A Metallica record. Not one that you knew so you declined. A grumble let you know he heard you and the fwips of records being looked through continued until another one was being held in your direction. This time it was a Black Sabbath record. You took it to inspect the track list on the back and added it to your pile. “Oh! Another one, yess!” You happily pulled out an Iron Maiden album and admired the cover art, taking in all the small details.
“Ya really listen to them or just love the art?” A hand extended to hand you one more. “Ah, thanks. I like both.” You declared, staring at the next artpiece. “But I wouldn‘t be mad if these end up not playing. We could decorate with the cover arts.”
Daryl looked around the still bare walls of the house and loved your idea to make it more truly yours.
With all the boxes thoroughly searched and your collection put away you went to take the leftover boxes to the communal area for everyone else to enjoy. Seeing the other residents get so excited over music brought smiles to your faces and you went back home more satisfied than you’d thought.
“So..” You locked the front door behind you and nervously stepped over to the cabinet that held your newly acquired collection. Daryl followed your every step with a true hunter’s eye, wondering what got your nerves up all of a sudden. “Which one of these do you think has the best baby making vibes.”
“M’sorry?” No way he heard that correctly. He had convinced himself you hadn‘t heard him since you completely disregarded his comment before. “Ya sure? I mean.. I know wha’ I said but,” he stopped and couldn’t get himself to look you in the eyes. Opting for the crack in the floorboard instead. Before he had a chance to find the right words you had abandoned the record cabinet and stepped over to stand in front of him and kiss his cheek. “I love you.” You whispered before properly kissing him and making sure he got the hint that this was really what you wanted.
“But seriously, pick one. We need something loud to drown out the ..other noises.” You joked with a wink.
The talk you had with Daryl that day months ago turned out to be true.
When you laid in your shared bed you spoke about the one obvious thing about your relationship and how the Alexandrians were gonna be judging you for it. When word got out about yours and Daryl’s romantic relationship you already got stares from concerned women who thouht you were being claimed by the older man. You both were way more open about your relationship now that you had a safe place to live and try to have a normal life again, but the original residents who had never gone through the horrors that you had never really let go of their old world beliefs. And now that normal life you tried to live also came with your own child shich had the staring and quiet comments becoming even worse. Uncle Daryl already had Judith, who would always make rude comments to whoever dared to speak ill of her new auntie, but now he had you and with that his own soon to be born child and he wasn't gonna let anyone ruin his happiness because of some dumb opinions.
A/N: This one made me cry while writing. The parents are based off my own, one of which is no longer with us. Did some painful remembering for this one.
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dearest-painter · 1 year
No she’s MY daughter PT.2
Summary: Y/N Drew is the adopted daughter of Jessica drew as a 6 soccer year old girl. What she doesn’t know is that she looks a bit to familiar to her mom’s boss, in his eyes she’s the reincarnation of his dead daughter. When Y/N and her friends have to help an anomaly stay alive it reveals that more people want her as family.
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Reader is basically Gabriella O’Hara aka Miguel’s dead daughter but you can change your looks just some things will look like Gabriella,Reader is a soccer player which is based off of my experience,Reader is 6 years old so no romance bc duh,very out of character characters,this is a series,Her mama brought her to a chase,Reader is BFFS with Pavitr,people might be out of character,tell me if I need to add more
PT.1 PT.3
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You’ve been waiting for your mama for so long that coloring became so boring! “Miss Lyla, if your an AI can you tell me where my mama is please?” “I can try kid!” You smiled as she began looking for your mama, you’ve seen Miguel every so often asking if your hungry or thirsty..he’s sorta scary in your eyes as the dark room doesn’t help with his skull spider logo. He’s the same height as your dad so that made you less scared of him…sorta. “Okay kid, your mom is coming with some other people”
You nodded your head then started move your ankles in a circle motion at different times as your shoes were getting annoying so you then decided to just untie them to loosen them up. “Much better!..what to do is the question…” you made a ‘tch’ sound multiple times as you thought, steal from Miguel since in Hobie’s words ‘Big man don’t need it, he already got to much power’ or something like that, take a nap, or fix the little gizmo in your pocket…fixing the gizmo it is! You took the gizmo out and your double sided screwdriver (basically it can come out of the holder and it has a different screwdriver head on the other side). The gizmo is just a little robot fella named Gizmo.
Lyla watched as she secretly recorded it as she liked to see you happy. “There’s my girl!” “Mama!” You stopped and ran to hug your mama’s legs which you did! You then hugged Hobie which he hugged back then Gwen but you stopped at the new guy. “What’s your name? I like your outfit!” “Thanks! I’m Miles Morales!” You smiled and held your hand out to be nice. “Y/N Drew!” Miles shook your hand then looked at your mother then at you as he didn’t know what to say next. You looked around to see Pavitr as you missed your best friend.
“Where’s Pavy?” “Pavitr is busy but don’t worry, you two will see each other soon” “Yay!” You jumped a bit not paying attention to the conversation that’s currently happening between Miles and Miguel. “Don’t blame him! He had a bad teacher!” “Peter!” “Hey!” “You have a baby!” “I have a baby!” You smiled as you held Mayday as you two giggled, she then wanted to go to the wall so you walked to the wall and she started crawling on it. Miguel was say something in Spanish but you didn’t understand as you giggled seeing Mayday run or crawl away from her dad.
Jessica smiled as she knew you’ll be a great big sister with the way you take care of Mayday, your baby sibling will be so glad to have you as a big sister. Her and her husband always loved the way you ramble about how your going to protect and annoy your baby sibling as it seemed so adorable. Miguel looked over a bit to see you and Mayday playing together and laughing in joy.
He smiled a bit as it was a cute sight to see his daughter playing with a toddler. He knew Lyla was recording with the way she was squealing silently in joy so that no one payed attention to her. He wish he could take you home right now so you’ll be safe and far away from all these annoying assholes as you don’t need to be around all of these people as they’ll rot your brain.
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noirandchocolate · 2 months
Headcanons About My Master Kohga’s Mama—
Named Hotaru (“firefly”), as I’ve mentioned on a few past posts. Her family has a tradition of insect names. Not everybody in the line has had one, but it’s common enough among them that if you read Clan records and notice somebody named after an insect it’s very likely to be an ancestor of hers.
Was adept at making and then administering poisons, both via subterfuge in food, drink, touches, etc., and via daggers and kunai. She studied under the Clan’s master apothecary for the poison making part. Kohga’s father was one of her mentors on the stabbing people part.
In fact, one of her earliest flirts with Kohga’s Dad (while his own mother was Master), was to, after bringing him over a bowl of food in the Complex’s dining hall, watch him take a few bites and then claim she poisoned it “to see if the stories of the Heir having an uncannily strong constitution were true.” Dad panicked, then laughed his ass off when he realized she was joking. That was what clinched his interest in her romantically.
Hotaru had very long, wavy hair (for real, not as part of her usual magic disguise, although I do not know at this time if it was really black or if that was disguised) and was very meticulous about caring for it. Around the Complex (ie not on missions when she was younger), she’d often have it done up in complicated styles and decorated with hair sticks/pins and kanzashi.
She’s responsible for Kohga’s extensive skin- and hair-care regimes. She washed her lil’ boy’s hair and showed him how to finger-comb and -curl it into pretty, neatly flowing coils and then wrap it up in the style he still does today. <3
I’ve said this before but Hotaru was a musician! She’s the one who taught Koh to play shamisen. She also taught him traditional Ancient Sheikah calligraphy. In general, she was big on preserving Yiga culture and traditions. She was an avid reader too and would go slip into Gerudo Town in disguise to buy (or, yknow, steal) books. If you gave her a good novel as a present she’d be your friend for life.
Very competitive player of the Yiga equivalent of Go. When Nana Master Kohga noticed her son taking an interest in Hotaru, she near-immediately rushed to arrange for them to marry. But not before inviting the girl to play a match against her so they could chat about her interest level. Hotaru won, impressing Nana, and declared that if there was anyone who could rein in the rambunctious Heir and be a good match for him, it would surely be someone who could best the Master herself in a contest of strategy, yes?
As a teen and young adult going out on missions, she liked to make up stories about the Hylians and others she and her comrades spied on or saw at stables/in towns. And then she’d sometimes go up to these people and use her disarming way with words to find out if she was right!
She loved foxes! Especially snowcoat foxes found up in the Highlands. Whenever she met up with any fox, if she had food on her she’d toss it a bit, and even if she didn’t, she’d gesture it a greeting. She was a quite stealthy girl, and she loved getting as close as possible to a pretty perfect white snowcoat whenever possible!
Once killed a target she wasn’t strictly supposed to have, because he tried to put hands on her. Upon reporting to her Blademaster superior, she recited the information she’d gotten and then remarked that she “also learned that he was a lech, and that leches die easily.” She did not get in trouble for killing him.
Almost never raised her voice and felt strongly about maintaining decorum even when she was joking or…well, killing people. As I said in the second linked post up there, she did not use swear words under any circumstances! Now, creative curses were another thing though. Imagine a petite, beautiful woman saying, in an even and possibly mildly sweet tone, “May you be dissolved in the stomach acid of a Molduga” after you take the last dumpling she wanted.
If it’s not obvious already, Hotaru had a dry wit and a saucy sense of humor. She was a master of one-liners. But she was fiercely loving toward her family and the Clan. She was the friend who’d tease you about not being able to handle spicy food but then who’d warn you sincerely if a certain dish in the day’s lineup at the hall had peppers in it. She was good at remembering details about people and asking after them and giving appropriate gifts on birthdays, things like that. As the Clan’s Mistress, that made her a very unifying figure.
She sadly died of what was probably a form of cancer, just shy of a year after her son’s ascension to the Master position. She was only 50. Every year on the anniversary of her passing, Kohga goes to her altar in the Clan’s hall of ancestors and plays some of their favorite songs for her, and at least one new one each time. <3 <3
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soulofapatrick · 2 years
My Teen Wolf Character Headcanons
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𝕊𝕔𝕠𝕥𝕥 𝕄𝕔ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕝
My Top Ships: Malia; Lydia and Isaac
He’s Noah’s second son 
He realises he’s pansexual when he met Isaac 
Definitely kissed Stiles at least once when they were younger 
He gets scared very easily 
Malia reminds him of Isaac 
Loves having people over and just around him 
Really wants a sister
Always has some form of a snack on him
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𝕊𝕥𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕤 𝕊𝕥𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕜𝕚 
My Top Ships: Peter; Malia; Isaac and Jackson
Is the pack mum 
Is actually fond of Peter as he can match his sarcasm 
Falls out of love with Lydia after a year or so 
Keeps some of the power from he nogitsune - ‘spark’ 
Definitely Derek’s emissary 
110% dad of Liam and Isaac 
Had a crush on Allison 
110% bisexual 
Bruises very easily
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𝕃𝕪𝕕𝕚𝕒 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕚𝕟 
My Top Ships: Isaac; Scott and Jordan
Knew Jackson was bisexual 
Tried to use her banshee powers to reach Allison after her death 
Has some background movie or documentary
Has a good rivalry with Hayden 
Will call Liam regularly when she left for college as she had grown quite protective of the young beta
She goes to Isaac when she needs to rant and they watch movies with ice cream and vice versa 
Has lunch with Noah to talk town gossip 
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𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝔸𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕥
My Top Ships: Isaac; Stiles and Kira
Is related to Malia somehow - that’s why she’s seen wearing some of Allison’s clothes 
Has two cousins who got out of the hunting life
Is the hunter’s emissary 
Smells like strawberries
Terrified of clowns
Collects souvenirs of all the places they’ve lived
She’s amazing at video games, always beating Scott and Stiles who have given up trying to beat her
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𝔻𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕜 ℍ𝕒𝕝𝕖 
My Top Ships: Stiles; Kira and Braeden
He won’t admit it but he really does love stiles 
Sees Eli as a mini Stiles 
Has PTSD, especially when Jackson rejected the bite as it reminded him of Paige
Is secretly a comic book nerd
Is born on Christmas Day 
Loves old movies 
Will go to stiles when he has a nightmare or can’t sleep 
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𝕃𝕚𝕒𝕞 𝔻𝕦𝕟𝕓𝕒𝕣
My Top Ships: Theo and Nolan
Noah and Melissa see him as their son 
Lydia and Kira are the only ones to be able to touch Liam when he has an IED outburst - they hug him tightly 
Gains a sister bond with Lydia 
Gets along with Derek 
Falls for Theo and they have a complicated relationship at first 
Goes to stiles for everything 
Has survivors guilt 
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𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕒 ℍ𝕒𝕝𝕖
My Top Ships: Jordan; Scott; Stiles; Kira and Isaac
Loves action and amout of free time makes her crazy 
She gets cold easily and is always stealing Jordan’s police jacket 
She sits on everything except chairs 
Adores Disney, her fave movie being Bambi
Fascinated by records and record players
Spends time patrolling with Jordan when Noah allows it 
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𝕀𝕤𝕒𝕒𝕔 𝕃𝕒𝕙𝕖𝕪
My Top Ships: Lydia; Jackson and Stiles
Becomes attached to stiles despite their bickering
Malia finds Isaac in Paris and persuades him to come back 
Has a flirty and friendly relationship with Jackson
Finds solace in a giant pile of blankets
If he wakes up screaming from a nightmare he’ll creep down the hallway of the hale house and slip into bed with Lydia 
He loves to read anywhere - mostly found squashed in the armchair of Lydia’s living room 
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𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖
My Top Ships: Ethan; Isaac; Stiles and Cora
‘Hates’ stiles as stiles was his bisexual awakening 
Forgives Derek and becomes a surprisingly good beta
Lets Stiles come to him when Stiles has nogitsune flashbacks as they went through similar things 
Is actually very sweet and would pt himself in danger to protect his pack 
Wears cute sweaters that are too long - stiles; Isaac and Lydia steal them all the time 
Spoils Ethan so much 
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lucero-is-here · 1 year
Requested by~!
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And here is Delsin!
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Now I don’t know about this man, but let’s get to it!
- He can’t sleep still. You’re bound to find hum in the weirdest position while sleeping, you’ll question how none of his bones are broken from the position he has gotten into.
- if you share beds with him, and share blankets, he is stealing all the blankets and rolling into some kind of blanket sushi roll.
- cried watching the titanic ;-;
- he’s kinda of aggressive at times- even if he has no ill intention. He’s just kinda loud and his body actions tend to tell a different story to how he might be thinking.
- he’s really protective over his kids (he canonly has kids). He will do anything to keep them safe and he really does love them- Even if he seems kinda scary sometimes, he tries to be a good dad and really loves his kids
- he has a record player in his house somewhere. He loves listening to vinyls/record.
- he likes snakes- he finds them cool and everything. He considered getting a pet snake once- never got one though :(
- rough hands. His hands are really rough and scratchy- they somehow just became so coarse, and they aren’t exactly the most pleasant to hold sometimes.
- he could be wearing the most scary/badass outfit ever, and he will take off his shoes to reveal that he is wearing a really cute pair of socks- like it’s gonna look like a little cat or something- cause he just- je just- …HE REALLY LIKES CUTE SOCKS- YOU CAN’T BLAME HIM YOU KNOW YOU DO IT TOO-
- he reads. …He reads those storybooks for children sometimes, sometimes reads Alice in wonderland or Pinocchio or just…The previous versions of kids fairytales and goes: wow some of this is so dark- ( he read the original stories of Snow White and Cinderella and safe to say he is kind of scarred. DON’T GET HIM STARTED ON SLEEPING BEAUT-)
- he sadly can’t cook that well but he can cook rice using a rice cooker unlike SOME PEOP- Well anyways. He can’t cook that well, but he can at least makes something that is edible and taste decent. (I will never forget the time I saw someone mix rice will jelly on tiktok….)
- He’s strong- he can lift up people, heavy objects and that kind of thing.
- things break easily around him. He’s accidentally putting to much pressure on things and they snap. And he always feels so bad about it-
- someone gave him a stressball once cause they thought he looked really stress, and he broke it after one day. He squeezed it too hard and basically burst-
- he feels stressed and anxious a lot- the fact he easily breaks things doesn’t help at all. It worsens it.
- gets maximum 6 hours of sleep. Anything more, he’s probably sleeping in.
- needs therapy, considered getting therapy, gave up getting therapy.
- really bad anger issues- he tends to lash out by accident if he gets to angry and he looks so guilty and upset every time he does lash out it’s kinda sad.
- kinda bad spice tolerance and won’t admit it. He can’t eat anything spicy, but can still handle some spice. He doesn’t really want to admit it though.
- he tries to look tough, but he’s actually really soft hearted and kinda sensitive sometimes- though most of the time he actually is tough/strong so don’t underestimate him. (Insert me imagining him with so much angst-)
- someone gave him slime to play with to relieve stress and he loved it so so much- but then he lost the slime somehow. He looked so sad that moment it was heartbreaking.
- he likes sweets. He likes sweet food over salty food- he liked raspberry sorbet by the way-
- if he sees you crying, he’s grabbing you and bringing you out to eat ice cream.
- this is random like some of the headcanons I have but he had a pet rock- he glued googly eyes onto the rock, and named the rock “Pebs”. He keeps the rock in his pocket and absolutely loves Pebs- (totally not going to headcanon him loosing Pebs).
That’s kinda all for now- some of my headcanons are so random for no reason
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ask-carmenpondiego · 7 months
I asked and there was interest so here is the story! Chapter by chapter! It will be tagged by chapter number, so if you ever want to go back without scrolling, just use the tags! Enjoy!
The Loves and Crimes of Carmen Pondiego
This is a look into the life of Carmen Pondiego and the beginnings of her new VILE agents as they roam the multiverses, looking to steal various famous artifacts from various fandoms with the use of Library Door tech and the internet. This entire story has various scenes that include sex (both consensual and non-con), drug use, violence, and foul language. This is not your everyday wholesome romance story. It does get very dicey and may give plenty of not so good feelings.
This is also my first attempt at fanfiction as a whole. I usually RP semi-para. My author grammar and all may not be the absolute best, I just write what my mind sees. Thank you for reading and being patient with me.
This is a parody adaptation of an anthropomorphic character mashup originally between Carmen Sandiego and My Little Pony. The universe takes place in a parallel world but characters can travel and sample things from multiple series and different fandoms that are mentioned in the story. Any correlations such as family relations between any Carmen or Pony series could vary in detail to the original source and would not be canon anywhere else other than this story. All individual characters portrayed in this story are copyright to their players. This story has been put together with the help of multiple friends through rp.
Chapter 1: Museums are highly flammable
As the rain drizzled down, thunder had been distantly rumbling, a suited figure steps into the chrome retro style diner and shakes his umbrella by the door. A pure snow white haired, tan unicorn, dressed in a red and black business blazer and skirt, looks over from a booth with her purple glasses, raising a hand that had been fitted with cybernetics, the panels so closely fit and natural looking, one would never have thought her hands were not her own. She sipped her coffee as the suited figure sat down, taking out a cellphone, with a recording session ready to record. “Evening. Are you ready?”
She nods, “What would you like to know exactly?”
“Everything? Thats quite a lot to ask for. Where shall I begin?”
He had already pressed record on the phone and slid it across the table towards her. “Like all stories do. At the beginning.”
It was a cool evening, just before dusk and a family of anthro ponies were mingling around an art museum. A mother unicorn of the classic hourglass shape, tan fur, dark reddish brown hair, spring green eyes, dressed in red and black blouse and pencil skirt, was pushing a stroller containing an infant toddler unicorn colt, seafoam teal in fur, brown hair and currently chewing on his father’s red and white beanie hat, cooing happily. The father figure was a tall earth stallion and had a somewhat lanky build dressed in jeans and a striped red and white sweater, pale blue fur with brown hair and rather nerdy glasses, he looks up at a little filly riding his shoulders, her little yellow sundress gleaming in the few stray rays of exhibit lights, her little wings flap excitedly as her pink eyes are wide, peeking under a rather haphazard attempt to tame the grayscale locks into bangs and ponytail. “Dada!! Look!! Daggie!” The father, Wally, chuckled, keeping hold of the child’s squirmy legs. “Yes, Adora. I see the dragon. Thats is statue. Can you say Statue?”
“Statoo! Dat.. chachoo!” Her face scrunched as she tried to say the new word.
The mother, Carmen, laughed “You know, I used to know some dragons on my explorations. And so did your Dad.”
The filly wriggled more, holding onto Wally’s hair, “Wreely?! For wreal life?! I wanna be exploder too!!!” She screeched happily. “An Ahm gonna marry big daggie when I growd up!”
The parents looked at eachother with a mix of concern and laughter. “We’ll… come back to that idea for another day, how’s that sound?” Carmen reached up and gently pulled her daughter down, giving Wally’s shoulders a break. “Yeah, kiddo. You got your whole life ahead of you. Its ok to stay a kid while you are still a kid. Your only job right now is to have fun and be a good big sister to Blendin.”
He bent over to ruffle the colts hair before scrunching his nose. “Speaking of which.. I think someone needs a change.” Carmen sighed and rolled her eyes, “Rock paper scissors for it. Loser gets the diaper duty.”
After three quick rounds, Wally grinned and swaggered to the gift shop as Carmen headed to the restrooms with both kids in tow. After a quick stinky change and a little princess piddle, the three emerge to a bit of a crowd. There was a faint scent of fire burning the edges of Carmen’s nose. She held Adora’s hand and grabbed Blendin from the stroller, as it became more apparent the crowd was becoming panicked and an alarm sounding. “Momma? What happening?” “Its going to be alright, little one. Just stay close to me, do not leave my side. I just need to find your father..” Carmen frantically looked over the crowd as best as she could but saw no sign of Wally.
Smoke started to billow as a tapestry and curtain started to burn. She finally caught sight of him just underneath and unaware, him looking as lost as confused as she. “Wally!!”
“Carmen? I’ll meet you outside! Get the kids out!” He shouted into the crowd, not seeing her across the room. Just then the curtain rod falls, trapping Wally and a few others with a wall of fire.
Carmen cried out for him but couldnt hear him afterwards. She adjusted her hold on Blendin and gripped Adora’s hand tight, “Come on, babies. We need to get to safety. Daddy will meet us there.” The crowd was like a rushing river, they could only go in the same direction until they all pooled outside in the museum’s open courtyard, fire crews already rushing in with hoses and gear.
The three found a small area by a tree and huddled together as they watched the building engulf in flames. Carmen’s heart was pounding as she watched for anyone coming out from inside.
A few hours passed and both children were asleep in her lap, her eyes still glued to the scene. A figure came up to her, and for a moment she felt huge relief until she realized it was not Wally, but instead a police officer and the fire chief. They had been going around to lingering folks checking for injuries. “Please.. my husband.. he wore a red and white sweater.. where is he? Did he get out?” The fire chief handed her a large medallion, “Was he the owner of this Wander Society coin? If so, then I’m afraid he’s gone.” Carmen trembled and her chest felt like it imploded inward, she shakily took Wally’s coin, water dripping onto it. She touched her face, realizing tears were pouring down. “I.. I need to see him. Please let me see him.” She carefully stood, the filly slightly stirring from sleep and the colt was still cradled against his sister, unbothered. Carmen started to walk towards the museum ruins but was held back by the officer, “Wait. I know you. You held that heist by the Hoofer dam! You’re Pondeigo!” She wrenched her arm from his grasp, “I dont care! All I care about is being with my husband! Let me see him!” She sobbed, grabbing hold of the uniform and sinking to her knees, screaming out Wally’s name. The officer grimaces solemnly, “Look, I cant just forget your alleged crimes. You still have active warrants. I have to take you in.” He looked towards the kids, Adora rubbing her eyes and watching as she held her baby brother. “Those your kids?” Carmen nodded, reaching out for them and scooping them into her arms, burying her face into them. “Is there anyone you can leave them with until we can get this sorted out? I mean, I aint dumb, you will probably escape before you’re even sentenced.” The officer kindly offered, not blind to the sensitive situation at hand.
Carmen kneeled silently for a moment before letting go of her children and reaching for her bag for a couple slips of paper. Her hands shaking as she handed the papers over, “Wally and I decided that if anything should ever happen to us, my daughter Adora would be in the care of this location.. and my son Blendin will be at this location. Just let the keepers know who their parents are. Its all arranged… please.. I just wish that you would let me go this once. My children are all I have left..”
The officer spoke into his walkie and reading off the slips of papers, and after a moment or so a suit clad individual took the papers and scooped up the kids. Carmen flung herself at him, trying to reach her children, “No.. please!! Not yet! Dont take them yet! Dont take them too…” she begged, the officer gently taking her wrists and handcuffing them behind her back, she pulled against the officer trying to follow the suit. “Adora! Blendin!! Mommy loves you! I’ll come back for you! Mommy promises!!” She screams out in despair as she was loaded into the police cruizer, watching as they drove away from the worst night she had ever lived.
The next few days were a blur, she was checked in and registered, given a quick hearing and sent to a holding facility, all while she was numb and nearly catatonic from grief. Her expressions were blank and listless, she didnt speak even to defend herself in front of the judge. She was loaded onto a bus and sent to a building further from the city. Only then did she furrow her brow.
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austinswhitewolf · 1 year
Blue Eyes Baby Pt. 17
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Almost Friday! <3
The entire way from the airport to their home, Gabe was wide eyed and staring out the window. Everything was so different from Atlanta, she couldn’t wait to explore it with him. As they got into the neighborhood where the house was, the yards grew, the landscape became more elegant and the houses got bigger. 
When the driver slowed and pulled into a driveway that had a gate, he punched in a code and the gate opened. Once he parked, he got out and started to pull out their luggage while Austin got out and held his hand out for Gabe. She smiled, excited to see the inside of his house. “It’s beautiful Aus.” She said looking at everything she could see. “I’m glad you like it. If there is anything you don’t like, we can change it.” He said while leading her to the front door and pulling his keys out of his pocket. After he unlocked the front door, he opened it and let her in first. Gabriel was in awe of the design, color and feel of it all. It just fit him perfectly. It was homey while also staying the perfect balance of fancy and relaxed. The living room had a piano in one corner and a few guitars hanging on the wall as well as a record player with a few shelves full of vinyl. The kitchen was something any true cook would drool over with plenty of surface space. There was a bedroom on the first floor that he had turned into an office and one entire wall was bookshelves that were full of not only books but knick knacks that held memories and sentiment for him.There was a full bath across the hall from that. There was a laundry room off the door to the garage,
Austin grabbed his two suitcases, leaving his carry on by the door, Gabe followed suit and stayed behind him as he led the way up the stairs. “Master bedroom is down the hall here.” He said, leading her there so they could set their bags down. “This room is a spare bedroom I have set up for guests, there is a bedroom over there that was empty but I had my dad guide the movers to put what they could in there. Anything that didn’t fit, they put in the garage.”  
When Austin opened the door to the master bedroom, her jaw dropped. It was so beautiful. The wall the bed was against was a beautiful dark grey while the other three walls were white. The bed had a very fluffy couch at the foot of it that was an off white/grey color with a glass table in front of it. Almost the entirety of one wall was glass. There were two sliding doors that opened the space up to a balcony. 
Austin guided her over to a doorway that led into a large walk in closet. His clothing filled only a third of the space, maybe a little bit more. “You can use up all the space you need.” He said, setting his bags down by a counter that held a mirror and chair. “We can unpack later or even tomorrow if you want. I usually just take a day to wash it all even if it doesn’t need it.” “We can do that, just may steal something from you to change into tonight.” Gabe responded with a cheeky grin. “Sounds perfect to me.” He said, giving her a look over quickly before leaning down slightly and giving her a loving kiss. “There is a pool outback and I’ll show you where your stuff is in the spare room and then the garage.” Lacing his fingers with hers, he led her over to the empty room, opening the door. When they both looked in, Austin had a slightly amazed look on his face while Gabe had a happy and proud smile. Kris and Rose had done better than you had hoped. The boxes were labeled with the room they came from and what was in them. They were also taped up well so nothing got damaged from the cross country trip. Austin’s dad must have had the movers stack things by room and in nice stacks. “This looks like it should be most of it. If not, there would only be a few extra boxes that aren’t here.” Gabe said, leaning her head against Austin’s shoulder. “Well it shouldn’t be too hard to get unpacked with how everything is labeled.” He said with a light squeeze to Gabe’s shoulders before kissing her head. “Would you want to clean up and get rid of the travel feel? I’m going to go take a shower myself.” “Sure. I always hate long travel days for that reason.” She said with a nod. Austin led the way back to their bedroom, making a quick stop in the closet to grab a pair of shorts and shirts for them before heading into the bathroom. Setting the clothing down on the counter, he grabbed two towels while Gabe started the shower, turning the heat up just enough. 
Both Austin and Gabe decided to just relax on the couch and turn something easy on while they napped on and off. It was a wonderful afternoon and Gabe was happy to do just this, as long as Austin was at her side, this was perfect and enough. That evening, they just ordered chinese so they didn’t have to go out to get groceries yet. There wasn’t much food left over when they were done eating, so they just put it in one container and into the fridge. When Gabe gave a huge yawn, Austin smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Want to call it a night? Maybe read something or turn the tv in the bedroom on?” When he got a nod and soft smile in return, he scooped her up into his arms, earning a light yelp and gentle laugh while she slid her arms around his neck. Once in the bedroom, Austin let her legs down, keeping his arm around her waist while he pulled the blankets down and turned the lamp on the nightstand on. Gabe was quick to slide onto the very soft mattress and waited for Austin. He nabbed the remote for the tv off the small table in front of the couch and then shut all the shades. Once he slid onto the bed, Gabe rolled and curled up against his side, head on his chest and arm over his stomach. Both gave happy and content sighs as he pulled the blankets up over them. “This is the most comfortable bed ever.” Gabe murmured, wiggling her legs just slightly with a smile. “Glad you like it. It took a while to get used to the bed in Australia.” He murmured while kissing her forehead. He offered her the remote for the tv as a large yawn formed. Gabriel smiled, taking it from him and turning the tv on.  It didn’t take long to choose on demand and found Mysteries of the Abandoned. Once that was on, she turned the volume to a soft level and the timer on the tv was set for a half hour. Austin took the remote when she handed it back to him and set it on the nightstand before flicking the lamp off and the room was then bathed in the flickering light of the tv.
“Love you so much Austin.” Gabe said softly, looking up at his beautiful blue eyes. “I love you too, Dove. More than you could ever know.” He tilted his head down and gave her a soft, loving kiss. Long lith fingers started to thread through her hair as he once more kissed her forehead. He loved the feel of her silky hair trailing over his fingers. Something about it was very soothing to him. 
When he glanced down a few minutes later, her eyes were closed and her breathing was even. “Welcome home my love. My soulmate.” With those words, he let his own eyes close and let sleep take him. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following morning, Gabriel was slow to wake up. The warmth surrounding her, the soft mattress and Austin’s scent was everywhere. When she shifted, Austin’s arms pulled her closer to him and he nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck and shoulder. 
He took a deep breath and gave her skin a soft kiss as he started to wake up himself. When he did finally open his eyes, a sleepy smile filled his face. Gabe was hugging a pillow to her chest while sleeping. He was content to just lay there and watch her until she was awake. When she finally opened her eyes she felt Austin run his hand gently up and down her arm. “Morning Dove. How’d ya sleep?” His voice was deep and gravely, the drawl thicker at the moment. “Mmm… The best I ever have.” She said softly as she shifted to face him, sliding her arm over his side. “I’m glad.” He kissed her on the forehead and the tip of her nose before leaning his forehead against hers. Both laid there happily for a while before Gabe had to go to the bathroom. She slipped from his arms only after telling him she would be right back. Austin stretched, rolling onto his back, arms above his head, feet pointing out in a very long stretch. A few pops emanated from him and he groaned happily, a goofy smile filling his face. When Gabe stepped back through the doorway from the bathroom, a loving smile filled her face. Austin’s hair was a mess and it was adorable. She moved to the edge of the bed and sat down, lacing her fingers with his. With her free hand, she brushed some hair from his face. Austin turned into her touch and kissed her wrist. “Want to go to breakfast then get groceries?” He asked softly, leaning up on his elbow. “Sounds wonderful Hun.” “I’m going to go to the bathroom, change and then I should be ready to go.” Gabe nodded and when Austin got up, she moved to the closet to grab an outfit for the day that was clean from her suitcase. 
When both were ready to go, Austin grabbed the keys to one of his cars and guided her out to the garage and opened the car door for her. Within moments they were backing out of the garage and on their way. 
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soldier-requests · 9 months
can i get a playlist for a tiger therian? i like kind of ethereal/mystical music, or anything that reminds you of a jungle or forest. please include some nonlyricals/instrumentals! thank you eternally :3
hello! sorry for being so late, but hopefully you like some of these songs. happy new year!
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songs go like "song" + "artist"
"Evening Wind" + "Joe Hisaishi"
"Heimr Àrnadalr" (From 'Frozen'/Score) + "Christophe Beck"
"Tulou Tagaloa" + "Olivia Foa'i"
"Around" + "Modulogeek"
"Shalala" + "Moses Gunn Collective"
"Sunshine Recorder" + "Boards of Canada"
"Lycanthrope" + "NOMAD_theband"
"Creature of the Night" + "Air Traffic Controller"
"I Am Here To Lose Control" + "De Staat"
"We are Gods! We are Wolves!" + "Le Loup"
"Werewolf Heart" + "Dead Man's Bones"
"In The Room Where You Sleep" + "Dead Man's Bones"
"Fangs" + "Younger Hunger"
"Therian" + "Papadosio"
"Feels Like We Only Go Backwards" + "Tame Impala"
"Plastic Beach" + "Gorillaz" and "Mick Jones" and "Paul Simonon"
"I Can't Wait" + "Nu Shooz"
"Shut Eye" + "Stealing Sheep"
"Animal Impulses" + "IAMX"
"Kitty City" + "Cyriak Harris"
"I Saw an Angel" + "Puzzle"
"Photosynthesis" + "Blank Banshee"
"Bathsalts" + "Blank Banshee"
"The Mind Electric" + "Miracle Musical"
"Temptation Stairway" (Waltz Variation) + "Metaroom"
"Blood In The Wine" + "AURORA"
"Little Boy In The Grass" + "AURORA"
"LIGHT SHOWER" + "Melanie Martinez"
"SPIDER WEB" + "Melanie Martinez"
"最後の楽園" (in english: "The Last Paradise") + "Haruomi Hosono"
"This Is My Beloved" + "Mort Garson"
"lain" + "C4FF31N3"
"6pm" (from Animal Crossing) + "Arcade Player"
"K.K. Jazz" (from Animal Crossing) + "Arcade Player"
"Town Gate" (from Animal Crossing) + "Arcade Player"
"13 Angels Standing Guard 'Round The Side Of Your Bed" + "Silver Mt. Zion"
"I'm Not Human At All" (Copenhagen X Sessions) + "Sleep Party People"
"I Am Shell I Am Bone" + "Gazelle Twin"
"Wrath Of God" + "Crystal Castles"
"Love You" + "The Free Design"
"Once Upon a December" (from Anastasia) + "Emile Pandolfi"
"Landscape With a Fairy" + "aspidistrafly"
"Aquarius" + "Lor"
"village song" + "Paris Paloma"
"Come Along" + "Cosmo Sheldrake"
"Birthday Suit" + "Cosmo Sheldrake"
"Entangled Life" + "Merlin Sheldrake" and "Cosmo Sheldrake"
"In the Woods Somewhere" + "Hozier"
"Old Black Train" (feat. Justin Rubenstein) + "The Blasting Company" (Over The Garden Wall)
"Merry Go Round of Life" (Howl's Moving Castle) + "Vitamin String Quartet"
"Inside Out" + "Duster"
"Insomniac" + "Memo Boy" and "Chakra Efendi"
"Woodland" + "The Paper Kites"
"Featherstone" + "The Paper Kites"
"Willow Tree March" + "The Paper Kites"
"Oceanic Feeling" + "Lorde"
"Sunflower" + "Rex Orange County"
"Blackbird" (Remastered 2009) + "The Beatles"
"Here Comes The Sun" (Remastered 2009) + "The Beatles"
"Call Me The Breeze" + "John Mayer"
"Rule #28 - Sand" + "Fish In a Birdcage" and "Raquel Lily" and "Atlys"
"The Bug Collector" + "Haley Heynderickx"
"Call me" + "90sFlav"
"Everything at Once" + "Lenka"
"Firefly Lullabies" + "Ava Beathard"
"Howling at the Moon" + "Skyhill"
"Changing Colors" + "Hiwet Tesmi"
"La femme à la peau bleue" + "Vendredi sur Mer"
"Les Fleurs" + "Minnie Riperton"
"Monk's Robes" + "Deradoorian"
"Lavender Moon" + "Haroula Rose"
"Lions" + "Jenny Hval" and "Vivian Wang"
"Caribbean Blue" (Remastered 2009) + "Enya"
"Avalanches and Unfamiliar Ways to Die" + "Ha Vay"
"Sea, Swallow Me" + "Cocteau Twins" and "Harold Budd"
"Persephone" + "Cocteau Twins"
"Moses" + "Elizabeth Fraser"
"Andromeda" + "Weyes Blood"
"Holocene" (feat. Weyes Blood) + "Zella Day"
"Caliope" (Remastered 2011) + "Maanam"
"Mishima" + "Daphne Guinness"
"Mermaids" + "Florence + The Machine"
"Fairy Fountain" + "Super Guitar Bros"
"Glory Box" + "Portishead"
"Waffles" + "Whatever, Dad"
"Would I Be The One" + "Sean Ono Lennon"
"Electric Counterpoint: III. Fast" + "Steve Reich" and "Mats Bergström"
"Speak For Me" + "Cat Power"
"Bolero" + "BLAST! Ensemble"
"All the Candles in the World" + "Jane Siberry"
"Clouds" + "Resavoir"
"all I understand is that I don't understand" + "toe"
"The Moon Will Sing" + "The Crane Wives"
"Metaphor" + "The Crane Wives"
"The Moon and the Stars" + "John Mark Nelson"
"Mr. Fox in the Fields" + "Alexandre Desplat"
"Alive" + "Phil Lober"
"Star of the County Down" + "Van Morrison" + "The Chieftains"
"Acolyte" + "Slaughter Beach" and "Dog"
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dividers from @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more and @/cringecrew
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 1 year
Oversharing On The Internet
Thank you @iboatedhere 🍋🛶
ONE: Are you named after anyone?
No. My dad was desperately grasping for anything, because he hated the name my mom wanted. He did a pretty good job though.
TWO: When was the last time you cried?
I honestly don’t remember. My dad is battling some really scary health stuff right now, so it was probably related to that.
THREE: Do you have kids?
Stealing Rae’s answer: God no.
FOUR: Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Of course not (she said sarcastically)
FIVE: What sports have you played/do you play?
Despite my obsession with the beautiful game (football) (soccer) I never really played. I did, however, coach three-year-olds and that was kind of fun. Except for the time when I had to wear my local pro soccer team’s mascot costume (eww, so hot and smelly) and do photo ops with kids and some of the players (kind of neat). I was also on swim team in school and I was, like, really good at it.
SIX: What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their teeth. I know, it’s weird!
SEVEN: What’s your eye colour?
Deep soulful brown.
EIGHT: Scary movies or happy endings?
I refuse to watch scary movies.
NINE: Any special talents?
Writing, I guess. Also I can cook.
TEN: Where were you born?
By the sea.
ELEVEN: What are your hobbies?
Reading, hiking, writing, watching the football (soccer), going to the matches and wearing my scarf and singing the silly little songs, listening to music in every form, going to record stores and buying records then bringing them home and listening to them. I go to a lot of concerts. Last one was Erykah Badu, can you believe it?
TWELVE: Do you have any pets?
Oh my god, you guys! I have been living in shitty apartments my whole adult life where I couldn’t have a dog. But I just made an offer on a home which was accepted and you know the first thing imma do is get me a dog! It’s going to be a Boston terrier and I wanna name it Disco Pickle.
THIRTEEN: How tall are you?
FOURTEEN: Favourite subject in school?
History in high school.
FIFTEEN: Dream job
Something in the music industry, maybe working at a quirky indie record label or being on the music team for a show like Lonestar. How do I get that job? I would crush that soundtrack.
Tagging: @freneticfloetry @chicgeekgirl89 @never-blooms & @carlos-in-glasses
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ribelleribelle · 1 year
talking about my wip/go to fantasy for when im bored in class because i have nothing to do
it doesn't really have a name, but it's about 3 flatmates who are kinda broke and in their 20s (except for steve but i'll get to him in a moment), one of them's rock band, and the sheer chaos that they are constantly in.
we have:
Seb (sebastian) - he/him, gay, plays guitar, is a complete disaster and a total mood, looks like a metalhead but listens to all rock music, really ("i don't see any difference, rock is rock"). he's a bit of a dumbass but not that stupid and really cares about his friends (even if he seldom shows it). he works in a record shop since he dropped out of university, now he is in a band.
Vivian - she/her, maybe bisexual?? she doesn't know (i don't know either i haven't decided yet), aspiring stylist/movie costume designer, sleep deprived and coffee dependant, sarcastic sense of humour, can't stand her flatmates, actually a nice person if you aren't seb or his bandmates (except eve).
Steve - he/him, the most middle-aged-dad-literally-just-some-guy ever, ghost. yeah, he's a ghost, he died 30 years ago (in the dullest way you can imagine) and since then he haunts the house. not that he cares about all that haunting stuff tho, he's just here to read his newspapers and chill. he can't really chill though because he has to hear the band practice and vivian argue with seb every. single. day.
then there's the Haunters (because of steve haunting the house), seb's band, and we have:
David - he/him, trans and bi, singer, he and seb were best friends in middle school and high school, they were inseparable until he got a girlfriend (who looked suspiciously a lot like seb) and went in the same university as her. when they split up, like 2-3 years later, he realized uni wasn't for him and went to find seb again. seb is in love with him since they were 16.
Ash - they/them, aroace, bass player, met seb in the record shop and have been friends for a couple of years. they're the youngest member of the band and has been basically adopted by them. tiny and angry, has a collection of sunglasses and gets bored easily because of no attention span whatsoever (they're literally me except i don't play bass).
Eve - she/they, lesbian, drummer, vivian's best friend (who doesn't approve of her being in the band tho) and fashion icon. can't drive but loves to and doesn't let anyone touch her car. she is the one who knows seb and david the least, so she's constantly going insane over their always present sexual tension and obvious mutual untold love.
basically the main story is: vivian wants to hold a party to show how cool she is and how good her clothes are so that she can get a job and start her career as a designer, meanwhile david arrives unannounced to reunite with seb after 2 or 3 years since they last saw each other. they decide to put together their old high school band again, ash joins them and later so does eve (who met the band kinda by accident). they start playing together and they like it so much they manage to convince vivian to let them play at her party. while her, eve and ash organize the party and try to figure out all the problems and trouble they find along the way (steve tries to help too), seb and david have to put back together their frienship by being extremely gay and even more oblivious with each other. the day of the party comes and everything is set up (more or less), the guests are all there and vivian is confident. all the attention should be on her creations but when the haunters start playing they steal the spotlight with an amazing performance and the frontman and guitarist being unintentionally very homoerotic. the tension between the two finally breaks after they kiss on stage and they Realize a LOT of things. but the show must go on, they keep playing while ash is unimpressed (they saw that coming) and eve is SHOCKED (they didn't), but not for long because steve arrives to see what the hell is going on in the living room and he's VERY angry because he just wants to read but there's too much noise, so he freaks out all the guests. they all run away, stuff catches fire, it's a MESS, and vivian is FURIOUS. just before she's about to commit 4 murders in a row (not 5 because steve is already dead) seb and david escape and there's like a wholehearted conversation about their feelings (spoiler: they're been super in love with each other since before david got a gf but didn't realize it) also they make out a little??? idk i'm too aroace for this. meanwhile the rest of the band is also safe from vivian's rage because a woman approaches her and tells her how cool this whole performance was (clearly thought it was fake) and offers her a job. everyone gets an happy ending but the story WILL go on because the hunters are gonna keep playing and maybe they'll get famous and vivian too, who knows? (i don't)
.....doodles under the cut bc i wrote already too much :]
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if you can read my handwriting ily <3
anyways, what's in these blurry pics:
david + tiny eve playing the drums and tiny ash being *swag*
messy sketch of seb and david being gay
old ass drawing of eve and ash
even messier sketch of seb and david being gay
same thing as 5 and 7 but with ash and tiny steve being a ghost in the corner
random drawings of everyone
eve being shocked, ash being uninpressed and the only decent drawing i have of vivian (sorry)
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powpowhammer · 2 years
congrats on RECORD PLAYER!!!!
thanks! no more going to my dad's place every time I want to listen to something on vinyl. next step is stealing back all my albums from him
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DRPG - Character Episode - Mao
He's the current Dean of Evil Academy.He has an EQ of 1.8 million and loves conducting evil research.He's also a remodeling maniac who loves to drizzle soy sauce on omelets.
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Level 1/New Summon
I am Mao, the Dean of the Evil Academy and the No.1 Freshman Leader. I have been recognized as the fiercest and brightest student who has ever attended the academy.
You are [Player], right? Are you also a top student? Are you a Delinquent?
Do you wash your hands after using the toilet? Do you like to steal other students' lunches? Do you never return any games you borrow from your friends? Every top student does these things. You should never go to bed or get up early, have a perfect attendance record, or be nice to others. [Player]. You'll definitely make a good top student.
Level 100
[Player]. When you have the time, would you mind accompanying me? It's nothing major. It'll take no time at all. It's just a little experiment.
I just want to make some modifications to allow you to fly freely in the sky. How does that sound? Why are you so nervous? Don't worry! It'll just hurt a little. If you undergo this experiment, I'll reward you with a year's supply of sweet potatoes! Doesn't that sound nice?
Level 200
It's not easy to run a school. Last night, I broke into the home of students who were late in paying their tuition fees and demanded they hand over the money they owe, including interest (The annual interest rate is 100%).... Just the other day, I beat up a Delinquent Teacher who was asking for a raise. I then asked him to hand over tuition fees. There are little things like this happening every day. I don't have any time to rest.
If I had my way, I'd give up being the dean and just focus on my research.
Perhaps, [Player]. Maybe you'd make a good dean. Calm yourself. With my EQ of 1.8 million, I'll easily be able to transform you into an excellent dean. Don't move, [Player]. Hahahahah....
Level 500
[Player]. Today is the anniversary of my father's death.... My father was a great Overlord. Since we're on good terms, I can tell you the truth. When I was a kid, I always idolized my dad....
But, because of me, he… I needed to surpass my father and become the Evil Academy's dean. This is all I can do for him now.
My power will never stop increasing...... Although, even I have my limits, of course. [Player]. I would be very grateful if you could remain by my side.To assist me in future.
Level 1000
[Player]. I've become much stronger because of you. When I first heard that there were humans coming to the Netherworld to train Demons, I laughed out loud.... You definitely know your stuff, and you should not take those words lightly coming from me, the Dean of the Evil Academy. I believe that you're talented enough to train someone to become the strongest Overlord in history.
There's one more thing. To me, although I treat Raspberyl as an enemy, we are actually in some ways friends… But with you, it's safe to say we are even more than friends. Perhaps even best friends.
[Player]. My friend. From this day forward, we will battle side by side!
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romeoandcinderellas · 1 month
───── ・ 。゚★:•˚☆
“Well here we are! The record store! Are you ready for this, Kiddo?” Your father asked with an enthusiastic expression. You’re father had been planning this for awhile now, ever since, well what you considered, your sophomore year of high school, you’re almost a junior now, it’s the end of summer meaning junior year is coming but you aren’t worried. You do online schooling so it’s not bad, you won’t have to introduce yourself to your classes, walk across campus to your other classes, staff being obnoxious, and more. 
  It was nice, your dad didn’t mind that you wanted to do online. He instantly talked to the school about it which they were hesitant but had to comply since this was the parent of their teenager talking here. Your father was in fact happy with this since that means you’ll help in the record store. 
Die Hard Records
  that was the name of your father’s store. Kinda off I know but if your dad likes it and is happy with it then you’re happy too. Your dad opens the door which reveals tables filled with records of various artists, a section filled with CD’s, and shelves filled with cassette’s, and the back have shelves with CD players, Record players, and Walkman’s for cassettes, then record players that can play all three as well. It was a cute little store, not too small and not too big. 
  Looking over, I see dad turn on the open sign before going into the backroom. But not before hugging me, “I’ll be in the back, if you need help just shout and I’ll come running okay? I have to make flyers and post online” hugging dad back I just nod before walking behind the counter. “Well, I guess im going to be working here from now on” I giggled to myself before starting up the computer and register. After doing so I pull out a magazine to read since I don’t have online work at the moment. I finished the work for the day already since it got published at 12 at night and I just happened to be awake at the time.
Flipping through the magazine I soon hear the door to the shop open along with the bell. I look up to see a group of four boys walk in as they were being a little loud. I remember them, those four are on the football team. Stan, Luke, Trevor, And Chris. The four of them noticed me just leaning on the counter reading a magazine. I looked at them before nodding at them. 
“Welcome to the store”
I soon cover my face with the magazine. The four boys looked at each other before one made a joke I couldn’t hear and they all started laughing. Great, now I have to deal with these guys that could possibly be making fun of me. Whatever. I peaked from the magazine as I watched them look through vinyls. They were picking out Deftones, Amy Winehouse, and more. They were talking about the girls on the cheer team, like how hot Samantha was or if the new freshman are able to keep up with the others on the team. 
  Soon enough some of them grab what they want and come to the counter which I look over like I didn’t just look at them making sure they didn’t steal anything. I look at them putting a smile on. 
“Did you all find everything alright?”
They nod or said yeah before I started scanning. 
“So, are you new in this town?”
I look up seeing the person who asked was Chris. “No I’ve lived in this town all my life, you probably haven’t seen me since you guys are all jocks on the football team and I was pulled out for online school at the end of sophomore year” I gave a fake smile before going back to scanning everything
“well damn, we didn’t ask for a whole life story”
”and I didn’t ask for obnoxious people so early in the fucking morning but here we are”
I smiled at Trevor with a fake smile. 
“You need to calm down mamas, you shouldn’t be so angry this early, what’s wrong? Did your boyfriend break up with you?” 
  I looked at stan who said that before rolling my eyes. 
“I don’t have a boyfriend and don’t call me mamas we aren’t dating”
”your guys total is $45”
each of them soon pulled out money as they combined it and handed it to me.
”at least you guys gave exact change”
”anything for you, mamas”
“Stop calling me that!”
”okay guys, we shouldn’t push her, she already had to deal with our loudness when we walked in, let’s just hurry to practice”
Luke soon grabbed the bag before nervously looking at them. “You’re such a pussy, Luke” soon the guys started ripping on Luke as they pushed him but not harsh. Luke rolled his eyes before walking out, the rest of them following. 
What a morning.
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