#steddie actors au
stranger-stardustt · 1 month
🎬 Let’s take it from the top 🎬
for @steddiemicrofic May | Prompt: Top | wc: 510 | Rating: G | CW: None!! | Tags: Actors AU, misunderstandings, steve and eddie are both idiots, pre relationship, misplaced hatred |
i wrote this at 4 am pls enjoy
“Let’s take a quick break before we run this scene from the top!” Robin called, voice echoing through the building. “Steve, Eddie, will you come here for a second?”
Steve sighed as the lights on the set dimmed, wiping a stray drop of sweat from his brow. He tensed his shoulders, rolling them back and forth as he headed toward the directors chair.
Following behind him was Eddie Munson, his costar and the most infuriating person Steve had ever had the displeasure of meeting. The two of them stood in front of Robin, shooting each other glares as she let out a loud noise of exasperation.
“What will it take for me to get you two to get along?” she asked, running a hand through her hair. “You’re supposed to be madly in love in this scene, and you act like if you stand too close to each other you’ll explode.”
“I-” Steve began, crossing his arms. “Maybe if Munson wasn’t so hard to work with.” He muttered the sentence, but Robin and Eddie still heard.
“If I wasn't too hard to work with?” Eddie exclaimed, eyes closing as he furrowed up his face in a way that made Steve’s stomach flip with anger. “You’re the one who acts like I have the plague, Harrington!”
“I do not! You-” Steve clenched his fists at his sides, “you act as if kissing me is the worst thing to ever happen to you! We’re supposed to be professional!”
Silence rang through the studio. “It’s hard to be professional when your costar is a hit dickhead,” Eddie mumbled, so quietly that Steve nearly didn’t catch it.
He did, though. “What?” he asked, confused. “What have I ever done to you?” He did his best to ignore the ‘hot’ part of the statement. “Genuinely, Eddie, I have been nothing but welcoming to you since we were casted.”
“That’s the problem!” Eddie hissed. “You and your stupid smile, and your stupid hair, and your stupidly gorgeous face have been so distracting these past few weeks!” He rolled his eyes. “Go ahead, call me stupid for hating you because I think you’re attractive. I’m waiting.”
Steve’s mouth went dry. “You- what?” he asked, trying to grasp the situation.
“I’ve been trying not to fanboy over you since we met, Harrington.” Deflating, Eddie looked at the ground. “Let’s get this over with. Tell me you don’t want to work with me anymore, come on.”
Bewildered, Steve could only shake his head. “I want to work with you,” he said slowly. “You think I’m attractive?”
“Me and half the world's population, Stevie,” Eddie said with the roll of his eyes, glancing up through his eyelashes. “Why are you so shocked?”
“You aren’t too bad yourself!” Steve blurted, fidgeting with his hands. He locked eyes with Eddie, both of them staring at each other with confusion.
Robin was the one to break the tension.
“This has been… strange,” she said, looking from Steve to Eddie and back to Steve again. “Come on, boys. Let’s run it from the top.”
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undreaming-fanfiction · 5 months
I am massively busy with work and finalizing my Big Bang, but this idea just won't leave...
Steve and Eddie are both actors. They're in their mid thirties, well established, but they never starred together in anything. Steve tends to be cast in the same type, the dumb but pretty love interest, Eddie has lots of indie and disturbing movies under his belt. But this time, they both landed something big.
They get cast in the new Batman movie.
Steve is, of course, Batman. He insists on doing his own stunts. He refuses to get dehydrated for his shirtless scenes because he knows how damaging it is to both young men and women alike, he's not going to contribute to shitty expectations. The director (Dustin, duh!) sees something in him other directors never have - a potential for depth, for internal turmoil. He gives Steve the chance to prove himself as an actor and Steve pounces on it.
He's still very hot.
Eddie is cast as the Joker. He is a fan of the comics and scoffs at how absurd and deranged the character is becoming. He gets hired because he immediately says he doesn't think the character needs to rely on cheap tricks and shock value to be terrifying. Cutting off his face? Not cool. He suggests to play the Joker according to one of the older comics he has - one where the Joker is actually absolutely sane, but hides it to never be held accountable for his actions. The only person who ever saw through his ruse was Dr. Harleen Quinzel. Joker took care of that issue very quickly.
The chemistry between Steve and Eddie on screen is insane. They go toe to toe, it's impossible to look away when they interact. Eddie utilizes his bright smile to the maximum, tweaking it just right within moments so it becomes unsettling. The first time he laughs, Steve gets goosebumps.
Steve encompasses Bruce's loneliness so well Eddie's heart breaks for him. Dustin finds him in the trailer, giving himself gentle slaps over the face and muttering "you're evil, damn it, you don't want to comfort the Bat!!".
Batgirl (Robin) and Harley Quinn (Chrissy) find their slow descent into love hilarious. They all become good friends on the set.
Hopper, an acting veteran who plays Commissioner Gordon, grasps Steve's shoulder after an intense fight scene and mutters: "Good job, Steve, but maybe don't stare at his lips so much?"
Robin doesn't give him the same courtesy and once Dustin yells "Cut!", she screeches: "NOW KISS!"
The movie is a hit. People love the cast and the story, some of the OG fans complain as they always do, but the ratings are great, there are many interviews, panels, all of that.
And of course, there's gossip about Steve and Eddie being a thing, which enrages the macho Batman fanbase. Their Batman isn't gay!
But the rumors quickly disappear after an award ceremony where Eddie is nominated for the best supporting actor. He wins, of course. And as he gets up to accept the small statue and deliver a speech with enough "fuck"s to give the censor a headache, he drags Steve up and kisses him in front of the whole world.
A week later, Steve and Eddie are together in front of a camera again, answering questions in an interview.
The host asks: "What do you say to those fans that are disappointed, who say that their Batman isn't gay?"
Steve just snorts, pulls Eddie closer and answers: "They're right. Their Batman isn't gay. But he's definitely bi."
Also the comic story I'm mentioning exits and is short but fantastic. 10/10 recommend.
Oh also. The first spark happens when Steve sees Eddie's hair and blurts out: "Please tell me they're not making you cut it shorter. It's too gorgeous for that."
Also because people were asking about the comics - it's Batman Black and White - Case Study and it can be found on Tumblr HERE
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lihhelsing · 5 months
Steve’s tired. He’s wearing a tux and his head is starting to hurt and this interviewer is nice but he’s just one in what it feels like an infinite line of them. 
That’s what he gets for being nominated for the Emmy’s this year, it was what Robin said to him.
She’s right, of course.
He blinks and focus back on the interviewer. He’s asking him to explain that one scene on the show when he performed a long action sequence and Steve does it. 
It wasn’t that hard, with his athletic background. He actually had fun.
The interviewer laughs. Steve isn’t funny but he’s glad he’s entertaining someone. Knows some actors can be real assholes out here on the red carpet. 
He sees Robin on his peripheral waving at him to let him know it’s time to wrap this up and move on.
There’s still a few interviews to get through before the actual ceremony. And then a bunch more if he somehow wins. 
Then he feels a presence on his back and Eddie Munson’s face pops in, smiling at him. One of his hands wrap around Steve’s waist.
“Isn’t he delightful?” Eddie says with that tone that makes Steve’s inside all mushy. The interviewer nods, fascinated by this interaction. 
“You’re delightful,” Steve says, trying to look at him but it’s real hard when Eddie’s head is propped on his shoulder.
“Gonna save you a seat inside, sweetheart.” 
Eddie winks at him and Steve cackle, throwing his head back a little. 
He feels Eddie’s hand squeezing at his waist and it makes him lightheaded. 
“Any plans on working together again? You two were brilliant!”
Steve has to give it to him. He’s fast with the questions. A good interviewer. 
“I’m game if you are,” Eddie says. 
Steve knows that. They talked about it. The show blew up because of their insane chemistry on screen. 
Their agents, Robin and Chrissy, are already looking into other projects
“I’d follow you to hell,” Steve says. It’s a joke and Eddie laughs, pretending to be flattered.
“See you inside?” Eddie asks and Steve nods, suddenly feeling a burst of energy. Eddie has that ability. It was helpful during long days of shooting. “A kiss for good luck?”
Steve laughs but nods, thinking Eddie is going to kiss his cheek. But no, he goes straight for his mouth.
It’s just a peck, but Steve feels his cheeks burning and before he can react Eddie is moving, lost in the sea of people on the red carpet.
Steve turns his face to the interviewer and from the red dot on the camera he knows this is live. He sighs, has to stand his ground despite wanting to run away. 
“Well. That was sweet. So are you two dating?”
Steve sighs, shakes his head. 
“No. He’s just a brat.”
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unfinishedslurs · 1 year
eddie's flat ass (steddie)
Dustin whips around as soon as they’re alone. “Steve!”
“I’m Eddie.”
“No, I mean you and Steve. You like him.”
“Of course I like him, Henderson,” Eddie says flatly, pressing a little harder on the gas in hopes of getting to Dustin’s house before he admits something he regrets. “We’re friends. Best buds. A couple of dudes being bros.”
“You’re full of shit,” Dustin says. “I’m not stupid. I saw that. I wish I hadn’t, but I saw it. You’re, like, stupidly into him. I don’t know how I didn’t see it before.”
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie mutters. His street can’t come soon enough. 
Dustin pushes through. “When are you gonna ask him out?”
“Uh, never?”
“Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies,” Eddie rolls his eyes. “Nothings going to happen, Henderson. Yeah, I’ve got a stupid fucking crush on your babysitter, it doesn’t mean that Steve’s interested in me. He likes girls, Dustin, did you miss that part in the dossier? He thinks we’re a couple of straight guys horsing around, if he found out I was flirting with him I could be thrown into Hunt the Freak 2: the thrilling sequel.”
Dustin’s mouth snaps shut, and he laughs nervously. “Right,” he agrees. “He likes girls. But, uh, hypothetically, if he was into guys…”
They roll to a stop sign, and Eddie turns away from the road to tell the little shit off. But Dustin’s fidgeting, staring steadfast at the road and refusing to meet his eye. 
“You know something,” he realizes. 
Eddie’s about to shake it out of him. “You’re hiding something, you little shit. What is it? Tell me.”
“I’m not,” he squeaks. 
“Bull-shit you aren’t. What is it? Is it about Steve?” Eddie pales. “Shit, does he know about me?”
“What the hell?!”
“I didn’t tell him!” Dustin yelps. “If you didn’t want him to know, maybe you shouldn’t have been so obvious!”
“Check your tone,” he snaps, hand shaking as he pulls on his hair. “Shit, shit, shit, okay, it’s fine, I just need to flee the country—“
Eddie is this close to throttling the kid. “What do you mean why?”
“Why is this such a big deal?”
“It could get me killed!” He shouts, banging a hand against the steering wheel. “He could—he could fucking tell somebody, and—“
“He wouldn’t do that!”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know that? You think someone’s a good guy until you’re interested in them, and then it’s all ‘You’re fucking disgusting,’ or ‘Freak,’ or ‘Don’t touch me, you fa—‘“
“Stop!” Dustin shouts, white knuckling the armrest. “Eddie, stop. He’s not going to tell anyone. It’s gonna be okay. It’s fine.”
“It’s not.”
“It’s fine,” Dustin stresses. “Steve doesn’t care if you’re gay. He definitely doesn’t mind you flirting with him.”
“You don’t know that,” Eddie says. 
“Yeah I do.”
There’s that deer in headlights look again. Then Dustin takes a deep breath, and his expression turns guilty. 
“I know you’re not supposed to tell people this,” he says, “but you’re freaking out really bad and I’m, like, 99% sure Steve thinks you already know.”
“Steve thinks I know what?”
Dustin tells him. 
Two hours later, he’s still laying on the floor in the trailer, looking up at the ceiling. 
Bisexual. Steve Harrington, the man Eddie’s always hailed as the patron saint of heterosexuality, likes men. 
Might like Eddie. 
“Are you flirting with me?” Eddie blurts out, and immediately tries to bolt. 
He runs face first into a wall and ends up on the ground, wishing the demobats had just killed him. 
Steve appears in his line of vision, standing over his sprawled body. Eddie is treated to a wonderful view, eyes moving from his long, athletic legs to his crotch to his chest and broad shoulders, and finally reaches his face. His very amused face. 
Eddie’s entire body lights on fire. 
“What the hell was that?” Steve asks, laughing. 
“Wile E Coyote over here. Seriously, man, that was some Loony Toons shit. I’m embarrassed for you.”
“Oh my God, shut up,” he groans. “Just let me die.”
“No way in hell. Sorry, Munson, I put too much work into saving your flat ass to throw it away like that.” Steve grins, holding a hand out for Eddie to take. He ignores it, rolling over so Steve can’t see how red his face is. 
“My ass isn’t flat,” he mumbles into the carpet. 
“Oh, it is,” Steve says cheerfully, nudging said ass with his foot, because he’s a bastard. Eddie doesn’t know why he likes him so much. Everything he does is catastrophically bad for his continued survival. “It’s cute though. I like it.”
“Henderson said, uh, that you were…umm…maybeflirtingwithme?” Eddie finishes in a rush. 
Steve’s face is open, automatically tilting his right ear towards Eddie. Eddie doesn’t know if he’s aware that’s something he does. Robin says it’s because of all the concussions, his left ear just isn’t what it used to be. 
Eddie sags, unable to lie to his wide-eyed confusion. “Dustin said you're flirting with me.”
Steve stares at him. 
Eddie fidgets under his incredulous gaze, growing more anxious by the minute. Oh God, Dustin was wrong. Dustin was wrong about everything. Steve probably doesn’t even actually like boys, Jesus. The whole thing is obviously a bust. Eddie needs to cut and run, maybe make some bullshit excuse about his uncle needing him home even though Steve knows Wayne’s working right now—
“You needed Henderson to tell you that?”
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aclockmaker · 1 year
Part 2 now here
Okay to expand on this I just think: Steve who’s been in a couple of tv shows and is having a moment, famous offscreen for his hair and his charm and onscreen for his ability to find chemistry with anyone (and also, again, his hair).
And Eddie who is a complete unknown; he’s been in some stage productions and had the tiniest bit parts on TV but nobody’s ever, like, recognized him on the street.
Eddie auditions for a new HBO show. When his agent tells him that Steve Harrington is already attached Eddie is like cool, I’ll never get this part but the audition will be good practice so why not. They’re never gonna cast him. He’s sure he’s playing it too weird, and he hasn’t cut his hair (but he will when a part needs him to) but then he gets a callback. Twice.
And then he’s getting called in to do a chemistry test with some of the other actors. The show is like a modern Freaks and Geeks but with a slow burn murder mystery, and Eddie’s actually dead in the main timeline but about half the show is told in flashbacks so it’s a big part. When he meets Steve he doesn’t know what he’s expecting from the paparazzi darling but the guy is super genuine, makes Eddie feel way more comfortable than he has so far. They do their read together and Eddie is just thinking to himself like… damn, this guy really is good, because that felt crazy. He’s acted opposite some insanely talented people but it’s never been that easy. That must just be what it’s like working with Steve.
And now it’s dangerous because he really wants the part. He wants to stop bartending to make rent. He wants to be on this show, because the pages he’s seen are good, and he thinks he could really bring something to it. And because he wants to work with Steve. And even the rest of the cast, too, but—
The day Eddie gets the part he gets a text from a number he doesn't know. Hey man, really looking forward to working with you. And then, a few minutes later, It's Steve btw. He's smiling down at his phone so much that his agent, whose office he's in, is like "What, did you just score another life-changing opportunity I don't know about?" And Eddie is like "Nope, just the one, uh—it's just my uncle saying congrats. Anyway—"
They don't make him cut his hair. They don't tell him to stop playing it so weird. Everything goes so well that it feels fucking hard to believe, in fact, like he's just waiting for the other shoe to drop. There's one group of them playing seniors in high school, the main foursome of which is Eddie, Steve, and their two girl costars, Nancy and Robin. And then there's a younger group playing freshmen whose story intersects with theirs.
His and Steve's characters are set up as opposites, almost rivals, and at least at first, you're presumably supposed to wonder if it's Steve's rich, popular guy who's killed Eddie's character. Nobody in the cast knows the truth yet; the scripts get revealed to them as they're shooting them and they've been told the murderer won't even be revealed in the first season (so here's hoping they get renewed, because Eddie would really like to know who killed him—and he'd also like to keep making HBO money).
Their scenes are some of Eddie's favorites to film (although he also has a soft spot for the kids—especially Dustin who plays a hilarious and awesome nerd who does D&D with Eddie's DM). Eddie hopes his and Steve's stuff is working on whatever level they ultimately need it to work on—sometimes they do get notes that tell them to pull back or dig into something, to emphasize something else, so he has to trust that they're doing the right things.
They often film out of order so when they eventually film the scene where Eddie and Steve's characters have their first run-in at school, it's far from the first time they've shot together. They get all up in each other's faces in the scene, and they've run the lines, done a table read, but acting it out at full intensity is. A lot. Steve's character is mad because he thinks Eddie's character is trying to steal his girlfriend (really she was just buying drugs from him). The way Steve plays it is all simmering intensity, the threat of violence just under the surface, and this is where Eddie doesn't know if he's reading something into it that isn't there. Because for him, there's also another kind of tension between them. And he doesn't know if it's his real life bleeding into the character; if it's just how Steve can't help being with everyone; or if it's a legitimate part of the scripts that they're supposed to be picking up on and exploring. He doesn't even know if anybody else sees what he does. But they do their takes; nobody tells him he's doing something wrong. And after the director calls cut the first time, Steve winks at him. Just to cut the tension, Eddie thinks, maybe to make him smile, which it does. It's fun watching Steve work, watching him slip into and out of character. He's really easy to work with.
Sometimes they get together to run lines or talk motivation or whatever. “It's crazy, you know," Eddie tells Steve in his trailer one night. Steve's is bigger so all of them usually hang out here. They've been making each other laugh, shooting the shit about increasingly funny backstories for their characters, and Eddie feels high with it. "I mean, you know this is my first real show. It's like—" he gestures between them, trying to encompass everything that happens on-camera and all the fun of working on that off-camera. "I didn't know it would be like this."
"Oh—yeah, man," Steve says and laughs a little self-deprecatingly, running a hand through his hair. "But, I mean, for me, I've done a couple and, with our stuff—it’s never been like this with anyone else, either.”
It's going to be so hard, Eddie thinks, looking back at him, to not read into that more than he should.
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steddieas-shegoes · 11 months
Request: THIS IDEA JUST SPARKED HOLY SHIT?? OK have you ever watched Hot Ones with Sean Evens (first we feast is the youtube channel) so basically that but Steve is the one being interviewed but he LOVES spicy food??(watch the episode with Florence Pugh i LOVE it but basically I want it to be kinda like that) just yeah that. Jxjxnxnx please and thank you
MY LOVE ❤️ I admit, most of what I watch of really anything is either highlights on Tik Tok or short clips my friends send me because I am out of touch with the cool kids. But Hot Ones is SO GOOD. The Lewis Capaldi episode (I do love him anyways) had me actually almost pee my pants laughing. I hope you love this fun (short, sorry) thing for this! - Mickala ❤️
“I just don’t know why you got Hot Ones. They could have had the whole band on there making idiots of themselves,” Eddie pouted.
He’d been pouting for two days now.
In fact, his entire band was from the moment Steve called him on tour to let him know that he would be doing the Hot Ones interview next week.
“I told you, they had a last minute cancellation and my schedule just worked. Maybe you’ll get next season,” Steve said over the phone as the oven timer went off to let him know his brownies were done cooking.
“Whatcha makin’ Stevie?” Eddie’s curiosity was adorable.
He was in London, just got off stage from their last show in Europe. Steve was in their home in LA, having the last lazy day in before his awards season started.
“If I tell you, you’ll be sad you’re missing it.”
“Tell us! Tell us!” Gareth said from much closer than Steve would have expected.
“Hi Gare Bear. No personal space tonight?”
Eddie laughed as Steve pulled the brownies out of the oven and shut it off.
“He said personal space is for people who don’t like each other and he likes me very much,” Steve could hear Eddie’s eye roll in his voice. “A shame because I can’t stand him.”
“Play nice boys. You’ll be home in less than 24 hours,” Steve reminded them.
Gareth lived a mile up the road from them with his boyfriend and their excessive amount of cats.
Excessive being four.
Steve was allergic, so any amount of cats seemed excessive to him.
But Steve and Gareth were close, had been since even before Eddie and Steve started dating.
He was Steve’s best man in their wedding, much to Dustin’s bafflement. He only didn’t argue because Eddie softened the blow by asking him to be his own best man.
Usually if baked goods or a home cooked meal were involved, Gareth would show up at their door ready to partake.
“You’ll be home when I get there?”
“Yep. Cleared my whole day just for you, baby.”
“Good. Miss you.
“Miss you too. You heading to bed?” Steve poked at the brownies, making sure they were cooked.
“Yeah, I’m beat.” Eddie yawned to emphasize how exhausted he was. “Did your manager tell them you love spicy foods or are you just gonna let them assume you’re a wimp?”
“Nah. It’ll be fun.”
When he arrives on the set of Hot Ones, Sean greets him with a smile and a handshake.
Eddie wasn’t able to come with him, but Robin had promised to record the whole thing just for them.
She watched from the side next to his manager, Nancy, and his bodyguard, Hopper.
They settled at the table, got mic’d up, makeup touched up, and Sean reminded him that if he absolutely had to tap out, they could stop recording and edit everything accordingly to make it look like he made it through the challenge.
Steve wasn’t worried.
The first three wings didn’t even have a kick. It was just a casual conversation between friends.
He talked about his work with a theater group for kids in New York City, as well as his work on an indie film that was coming out in the fall.
The fourth and fifth wings had a pinch of spice to them, but nothing to make even bat an eye.
Sean continued asking questions, Steve continued answering them.
On the seventh wing, Steve was barely distracted from the question: “What project of yours are you most looking forward to doing next?”
“I think I’ll be most excited to take some time off with my husband, working on starting the family we’ve wanted for a while. He’s been on tour for most of the last year, and we agreed it was a good time to figure out what we wanna do,” Steve said as he took another bite.
He could feel the burn of this one at least, felt the sting on his lips and tongue.
But it was very manageable, and the jalapeno flavor was almost refreshing. It tasted fresh.
“Okay, I have to ask: did you practice these beforehand?”
Steve snorted.
“No. I’m just not very sensitive to spicy foods. I usually keep a lot of hot sauces in my house. Poor Eddie’s learned how to tolerate spice because of it,” Steve said as they brought out the eighth wing.
“I’ve never had anyone so calm at this point. I’m starting to think even the hottest one won’t really bother you!”
“I guess we’ll see!”
The ninth wing was hot. He wouldn’t try to deny it.
“It does have a lovely watermelon flavor to it, very fruity and tangy on top of the spice. I like it,” Steve smiled.
He knew his face was getting a bit red from this one, and he reached for the water, but only had to take a couple of small sips before he was ready to keep going.
“Alright, for this one, we’ll ask a question for you to answer before and then we’ll have one for right after. You ready?”
“Bring it on!”
And it definitely did.
It was hot, and he could feel tears in his eyes, and sweat breaking out across his forehead.
“Finally, we have a reaction!” Sean exclaimed.
“This one’s definitely a lot more than the others,” Steve added, reaching for the milk.
He could tell Robin and Nancy were laughing, probably very much enjoying any amount of pain he managed to have when he went into this so sure that none of them would get to him.
“Final question: Would you ever consider retiring to follow Eddie on tour with your future family?”
Steve nodded once, taking another sip of the milk.
God, this one was hot.
“Uh, yep. I mean, retiring is a strong word. I would definitely take a long break. I’ve always wanted a family,” he stopped to take another sip and a bite of the celery. “I’ve wanted to be a dad for as long as I can remember. And I know Eddie wants that, but he also doesn’t wanna stop making music, and the rest of his band isn’t ready to take a break like that. I know it would be easy for me, so my plan would be to take at least a few years off.”
“Doing alright over there?”
Steve laughed, fanning his face.
“I’m okay. That just went from a kick to a beatdown pretty quick.”
“Well, you’re a pro at making it look easy. You deserve an Oscar for this performance!”
It was a ridiculous sentiment, but funny, and Steve was up for an Oscar this year.
He finished the glass of milk and shook Sean’s hand, thanking him for having him.
“Eddie is already in tears watching Sean watch you in disbelief,” Robin started as soon as he joined them again.
“What was all that at the end?” Nancy asked, arms crossed, face furious.
He usually had free reign in interviews, but he knew Nancy would tell him not to mention anything even slightly related to retirement.
His career had really only just taken off a couple years earlier, and talking about a break or retiring now would immediately cut his chances of good roles in half.
“Just the truth, Nance. You know Eddie and I wanna start a family,” he said as they started walking through the backstage area to leave.
“I just didn’t know that meant taking a break. I thought you’d just take turns with stuff or hire a nanny.”
Steve knew that worked for a lot of couples, but they both were too family-focused for that. They didn’t want a nanny raising their kids.
“Why are you freaking out?”
“I’m not! I just would’ve liked a heads up.”
Robin stared between them, eyes bouncing back and forth like it was a tennis match.
“I don’t have to tell you every single detail of my life. You know all that’s relevant right now.”
Nancy sighed, but nodded, turning away and typing furiously on her phone.
His phone rang seconds later.
“Sweetheart, let me just say: it is so sexy how you handle those hot sauces,” Eddie’s teasing voice was enough to get him back into a happy mood.
“Your standards for sexy are so low,” Steve said as he walked to the corner to get as much privacy as possible.
“No, it’s just that everything you do is sexy.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“But I’m yours.”
“And I’m yours.”
“Steve!” Sean’s voice came from behind him, large smile lighting up his face. “Sorry to bother you, but would Eddie and the guys like to come on the show as our bonus episode this season?”
Eddie was screaming yes through the phone, much to their amusement.
“So…yes?” Sean asked.
“Yes!” Eddie yelled.
Sean walked away to update the producer while Steve kept talking to Eddie.
“See? Now you’ll get your show, too.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
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in the heat of the summer (you know that you should be my boy)
by greatunironic
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Famous, 5 plus 1 fic, Eddie Spends Most Of This Story Egregiously Horny On Main, Social Media, Summer Olympics, Swimmer Steve Harrington, Comedian Eddie Munson Words: 17,935 Chapters: 6/6
THAT ED MUNSON YEAH @eddievaninhaler okay real talk guys i’ve tuned into espn2 again THAT ED MUNSON YEAH @eddievaninhaler i was fully hoping i’d be able to catch my boy on something but THAT ED MUNSON YEAH @eddievaninhaler i just check the us swimming schedule and i don’t get to lay eyes on my beautiful husband steve harrington until june + the olympic trials THAT ED MUNSON YEAH @eddievaninhaler which, for the record: hatecrime THAT ED MUNSON YEAH @eddievaninhaler so instead i’ve got to content myself with (checks notes) usa cycling???????? Or: Five times SNL comedian Eddie Munson was horned up on main for Olympic swimmer Steve Harrington, and the one time it was in private.
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inlovewithrain · 1 year
do you think we'll be in love forever?
tw: mentioned sex
steve and eddie are famous actors and played a couple in a TV show when they were teens. (think jackie and michael from that 70s show)
of course everybody loved them due to their chemistry on screen, and when the show ended, everyone still continued to ship their actors together, despite them never meeting up out of set.
this all leads up to steve's 20th birthday, which marks the 5th year anniversary of the pilot of their show. eddie is, as always, invited to a dinner and small party. (but, he never shows up, even when the show was still rolling.)
so, steve gets the shock of his life when eddie shows up to his party/dinner. eddie recognizes a lot of people, including a lot of people from the show. nancy, robin, hopper, joyce, jonathan, vickie, even the kids, who eddie hadn't seen in two years.
immediately, he starts feeling guilty. this is a family. his family. the people he'd seen everyday for four years of his life. the best four years of his life. and what did eddie do? he just left them, ignored them and moved on with his life.
however, they still welcome him despite his nervousness, and after a while, eddie can feel the awkwardness wear off as he became more comfortable around them again, and desperately tried to ignore the way steve was staring at him the entire time.
at the end, as everyone was leaving, steve stopped eddie.
"hey, could i talk to you?" steve asked, clutching eddie's wrist.
"oh, sure." eddie said, stepping aside as mike rolled his eyes and slammed the door behind him, leaving the two of them alone.
"i- i missed you. you kind of just ignored me." steve said finally, staring up into eddie's eyes.
"fuck, i'm so sorry. i- i just, i didn't know you guys still hung out, and i didn't know it was a small dinner, i don't like parties-" eddie began, stumbling on his words as steve shook his head.
"no, before that." steve whispered, breaking eye contact to look at his socked feet as eddie let out a noise of confusion.
"when we slept together." steve said, a tad bit loud as eddie practically reeled back like he'd been shot.
"you remember that?!" eddie screeched as steve sent him a glare.
"of course i remember that." steve snapped. "and i didn't expect to wake up alone with just a note."
"hey, i had to go get ready for the award ceremony! aftercare doesn't extend in the morning if it's a one night stand!"
"it's called ettiquette, eddie! when you take someone's virginity, it's just a code to maybe check in on them in the morning! and then.. and then you just stopped talking to us! you were all nice to us at the ceremony and then boom, we never heard from you again."
that sends eddie reeling because there's no way that the most mind-blowing sex of his life was also when he took steve harrington's virginity. the same man that he still dreams about, both having him in his life and having him riding his dick, depending on the day.
instantly, eddie bursts to explain, apologizing rapidly as steve hangs his head low, and eddie's fingers brush against his chin and pull his head up gently, to reveal steve crying.
"why are you crying, baby?" eddie whispers as steve cries harder, clinging onto eddie like a koala, as eddie grabs steve's thighs and carries him towards the couch, when steve murmurs something about going upstairs.
eddie wills himself not to get hard at the duality of that sentence, carrying steve and setting down on his bed, before wrapping him in the blankets.
"stay." steve mumbled, gripping eddie's hand tightly. "please, eds."
eddie grumbles before getting in the bed, and steve immediately launches himself on eddie, nuzzling his head on eddie's shirt, and eddie goes silent, threading steve's hair with his fingers as steve falls asleep.
when eddie wakes up, steve is practically straddling him and his entire body goes stiff as steve lets out a soft yawn, eyes fluttering open.
"hi, eds." he said, rubbing his eyes. "shit- sorry."
"no!" eddie says quickly, gripping steve's hips to keep him in place, causing them to both freeze up. "oh god."
"eddie?" steve asks innocently, warm hands slipping under his shirt and resting on eddie's sides. "you want me on your lap?"
"shit, i'm so sorry-" eddie raced, hyperaware of steve rubbing his thighs together, throwing his head back as he bit his lip and crossed his legs on eddie's thighs, slowly rocking on it.
"eddie, mm, p-please." steve begged, hands slipping out of under eddie's shirt and slowly moving towards eddie's crotch.
the day ended with steve's throat raspy from screaming eddie's name, and eddie ended up with a backache from thrusting and slamming into steve.
luckily, in the end, eddie finally felt loved back in his pseudo-family that he'd refound, and the entire world practically screamed when steve and eddie revealed their relationship.
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robbie-verse · 11 months
people are saying the new bts video looks like it's filmed by steve, just a sweet moment on video of eddie and dustin interacting AND IT GOT ME THINKING
stranger things au where it's the 90s, the upside down is done and the party films a web series turning the horrors they lived with the upside down into adventures with a sweet dnd spin !!!! they post silly stuff for bts !!
they become a urban legend in the early internet !
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steddieunderdogfics · 4 months
“why do you do this to yourself” by sam_writes_fics features modern/no Upside Down au with Steddie doing a hot ones interview. It’s part of a famous steddie series and I really loved this one the most because it does the show’s format very well and Steve and Eddie’s respective reactions to eating spicy wings
why do you do this to yourself by sam_writes_fics
Rating: Teens and Up
7,684 words, 1/1 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Interviews, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Attempt at Humor, hot ones, One Shot, Established Relationship, Flirting, Boyfriends, Alternate Universe - Hollywood, Hollywood, Actor Steve Harrington, Musician Eddie Munson, Eating, Hot sauce, eddie can't handle his spice, and steve takes it like a champ, Fruity Four, Acting, Corroded Coffin, Not Beta Read, no beta we die like steve harrington's heterosexuality, idk just have fun with it y'all
Eddie glares at him. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” “I really am.” “Seeing me suffer.” “Not even—well, yeah, a little bit that too,” Steve laughs, shaking his head and taking another bite. “But this is fun. I’m having a good time.” “Yeah, you’re not gonna be singing that same tune after the next one,” Eddie grumbles, nodding towards the next hot sauce in the lineup. // famous!steddie does a hot ones interview
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Theme Weekend. The theme this weekend is alternate universes.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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racooninatrashcan · 1 year
This could be Steddie but y’all are cowards
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aclockmaker · 1 year
more actors au continued from here
Shooting the first season is a fever dream. Creating and playing in a world that no one else gets to see yet—no reviews, no public, just them. The cast is tight, right away. Eddie, like, loves them. He's already made plans to go to Robin's family's house in Joshua Tree this summer.
Eddie and Steve don’t have that many scenes together. Eddie knows, guiltily, exactly when they’re all shooting.
It’s not just what goes on when the cameras are rolling, either. (Which is, like, still insane. Still makes Eddie feel like he's taken club drugs. And maybe he's not the only one, because—)
It's also that Steve is more likely to ask him to hang out, just the two of them, after they shoot together. Eddie could text him or ask him but he has a complex set of rules for how often he's allowed to be the one initiating it, because, well. He's nursing a pretty bad crush here. It's deeply unprofessional.
In the episode before this, Eddie confides in Nancy’s character, their teen journalist-detective, that he has something he thinks he needs to tell her. Something that’s going to blow her mind. But they’re just in the hall at school, the bell ringing, so he can’t do it right now. It’s his own little “I’ve got a secret, Veronica Mars. A good one.” (He’s watched as many dead-girl tv shows as he can to bone up for the role—all the classics going back to Twin Peaks. Veronica Mars is uniquely applicable because Lily does appear in flashbacks, and even though they’re subverting the trope by having a guy get killed, they all know what kind of story they’re telling.)
In the scene they shoot tonight, Steve's character comes to Eddie's house that same night before he can get to Nancy to try to convince him not to tell her. It's not clear what Steve thinks he knows, when he climbs in through Eddie's window, only that he's practically begging Eddie not to do it. He starts off aggressive, like they're yet again about to get into a physical fight. But the fact that Eddie lets him in speaks to the fact that maybe there's a little more to their relationship. And then Steve's character breaks down, cries a little, and it's really—something, to be wrapping his arms around Steve's shoulders in front of the camera and the crew, under the lights. Eddie is a professional, and he's perfectly capable of slotting those feelings into their correct file folders for later perusal, but—it's something. He's given Steve bro hugs. He's pretty sure Steve even hugged him for real the first time he saw him after he was cast (it's a blur). The only time they've hugged like this is on film.
He's not surprised when there's a message waiting for him on his phone when he eventually gets back to it post-short scene with Max, whose character lives next to Eddie's in-story. The message itself is a little surprising. Hey, I'm wrapped so I'm going home but do you want to come by? And then an address in Silver Lake.
It's not so crazy. Steve takes awhile to decompress after filming something emotional; he doesn't like to be alone. Eddie has learned this very quickly and has very quickly come to crave being the one Steve decompresses with. It just typically happens on the studio lot, in Steve's trailer. But this is fine, too. It just makes sense. Steve was done for the day so he went home. But he still wants to see Eddie.
Eddie sends back three thumbs up emojis, bangs his head on his steering wheel, and starts driving. He chews a fingernail, wonders if he should stop somewhere to get something to bring. A bottle of wine. But that’s stupid probably—it’s not a dinner party. It’s just two friends hanging out. (If he thinks it a little defensively, that’s because Mike was leaning heavy on the innuendo when he asked Eddie where he was going tonight. “Oh really, with Steve? Huh. It’s nice you two get along so well.” Eddie had just glared at him and moved on. The kid is such a little shit.)
Steve hugs him when he gets there, which is almost funny—now that he’s acted it out, he’ll do it in real life, like an echo. But it doesn’t seem fake, it just seems like that’s what Steve does when someone comes to his house. He’s a little high strung, maybe, in constant motion while he waves Eddie in and offers him a beer.
They end up on the pool deck, beers in hand, sitting with their legs dangling in the water up to their knees. It’s secluded here, big, old trees blocking them from any neighbors’ view.
“So,” Steve says. “Good scene after I left?” It doesn’t sound like what he really wants to ask.
“Yeah, fine,” Eddie agrees. “You know what Max is like—she’s too cool for school.”
“Don’t let her hear you say that,” Steve laughs.
“Never,” Eddie agrees. The teasing would never end. He glances at Steve, who seems mostly relaxed, maybe a little hunched in on himself.
“Did you ever, um,” Steve starts, looking out at the water. “Date a co-star?”
Eddie’s brain whites out a little, just static. “Uhh. I thought you were going to ask if I thought you looked weird when you cried, or something.”
Steve sputters. “Do I?”
“No, dude, very pretty crier.” Eddie smiles.
“Thanks I guess,” Steve says, frowning a little.
Eddie chews on his lip. “But, uh. No, I haven’t.”
Steve sighs. “Yeah, me either.”
Which is funny, because he’s been linked with a couple of them from previous projects, but Eddie guesses you can’t believe everything you read.
“Is there someone,” Eddie asks carefully, “you want to date?” Steve is close with Robin and Nancy. Eddie can’t see Robin dating a guy, but what does he know.
“I don’t know,” Steve admits. “I feel like. I don’t know if it would be a terrible idea, because we work together.” And then he just stops talking.
“I might be able to respond better if I knew who we were talking about here.”
Steve gives him a look. “You do know. Don’t make me say it.”
“Gonna definitely need you to.” And then, because he can't help trying to make Steve laugh. "It's Joyce, right?"
"Please," Steve says, and does laugh a little. "I wish I thought I had a shot with Joyce." She's a legitimately famous actress who Eddie often can't believe he's going to share an IMDB listing with.
"But, uh," Steve goes on. “I don’t want to mess anything up, though.” Now he sounds careful.
Eddie doesn’t know what Steve thinks he’s messing up—their chemistry, he guesses, if he’s not reading this very wrong. Their friendship maybe. The show. Any remaining semblance of professionalism. Eddie is pretty ready to throw most of that stuff out the window—after all, who says just because they hook up the work will suffer? Maybe it’ll be better because Eddie won’t be crushed under the weight of absurd amounts of sexual tension anymore. Not that it’s been a hardship, but…
“I don’t think you’re messing anything up,” Eddie tells him. “I mean—personally. Who says anything will get messed up?” I think it might be worth it even if it does, he doesn’t add, because it’s shocking to even think it, and obviously too much for the moment. He doesn’t know if he really means it—this show is, like, the opportunity he’s been waiting his whole life for. But he’s already dead on it; there’s only so many flashback scenes they can film as he ages further out of the high school age bracket for a character who can’t get older.
“Yeah, but.” Steve runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. “The way we are on the show—“ he shoots a worried little glance at Eddie, who tries not to react outwardly to that, which is hard. “Don’t you think some of that’s because—I mean, for me at least, it is, I’m not saying—for you—"
“Me, too,” Eddie assures him before he hurts himself. “But—okay, you brought this up, not me. What do you want, then?”
“Dude, I wish I knew,” Steve says. “I mean—“ he glances at Eddie— “I know what I want, but I don’t know what we should do. But I just felt like I was going crazy, and the only person I really wanted to tell was, well, you.”
Oh. “Steve,” Eddie says, almost a warning. He wants to offer that they can hook up and it won’t mean anything and nothing will change. He wants to offer that they can date and nothing bad will happen. It’s all stupid, impossible to promise.
“I know,” Steve says miserably. “Sorry.”
Eddie shakes his head. It’s almost unbearably sweet that Steve is so bent out of shape over him. “Come on, we only have, what, two more weeks of filming? We can make it through two weeks, right?”
“Guess we have to,” Steve agrees, but he moves his hand over a little so their pinkies touch on the edge of the pool.
tagging a few people by request, thank you for being interested <3 @atlas-talks @obsessivlyme @lyriclight @deadflowercollector @thatonebadideapanda @wolfstarlights @eddiemunsonswife @alienace @wishiwasacasualfan
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missjashin · 11 months
If this ain’t the most (famous) Steddie thing I’ve ever seen I don’t know what is
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camouflagedlove · 8 months
Make Them Feel It
Actor AU
Steve Harrington has acted in many romance movies over the years but finds himself yearning for that same kind of love in real life. He struggles to make those connections but feelings start to boil up for him when his co-star, Eddie Munson, wants to rehearse the love confession scene from their movie. It's just a scene...isn't it?
Additional info:
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: actor Steve??? Singer Eddie at the grammy's??? Eddie's band winning a Grammy & Eddie proposing to Steve accidentally in his speech???? & Steve crying and nodding yes but he is in tears & can't stand up??? Ok but then at the Oscars Steve actually proposes on stage because he had broken his leg & Eddie helped him on stage. But his proposal is the same as Eddie's because he also asks during his speech & Eddie cries and they get engaged again ❤️❤️❤️❤️
BABYYYYYY!!! NOT ONE, BUT TWO MARRIAGE PROPOSALS?! YES! PLEASE! I love the idea of Steve being prepared to propose to Eddie, has a whole plan, and then Eddie gets so emotional when he wins a Grammy that he does it before Steve gets a chance. Steve CANNOT be outdone, so obviously he does it too. We love love! - Mickala ❤️
Somehow, against every odd, Eddie Munson made it.
Corroded Coffin, through hard work and a pinch of luck, were nominated for a Grammy.
They’d spent years climbing their way to the top (hard work) and finally got signed to a huge record deal when an agent saw them opening for a metal band at a festival (pinch of luck).
Their first album broke records in ways that hadn’t been seen since Metallica stepped onto the scene.
Their first tour sold out in minutes.
Their second album had a lot of hype to live up to, and according to the Grammy nomination, it far surpassed the expectations.
He hated that Steve couldn’t walk the carpet with him, but he was happy he was waiting inside with all the significant others of the band.
Probably already drinking wine and champagne. Maybe even shots.
Dammit, Eddie hated walking the carpet.
Steve was a fun drunk, but he was even more fun when he’d only had a couple. His filter shut off, but he wasn’t quite at the point of bitchy. He was silly.
Steve was rarely silly.
Fun, funny, happy.
But never really silly.
Not like Eddie was.
But after a couple drinks? Downright clownish.
Eddie tried to rush through the remaining interviews, and the guys could tell, throwing him shocked looks. Eddie loved the spotlight, so it probably was a little shocking.
When they got inside, they were stopped by just about everyone who lived on planet Earth.
Eddie was ready to grab Steve and run.
Fuck the Grammy.
But he couldn’t do that. This was a possibly once in a lifetime thing. Wayne was watching at home even though he “doesn’t have time to watch those stupid awards.”
If they did win, Eddie had to give a speech, they had to go to afterparties, he had to fuck Steve against the window in their hotel room.
He shook his head, trying to clear it of any of those thoughts. Now wasn’t the time.
He walked into the main room, suddenly overwhelmed by the crowd and the vast expanse of tables and seating and stage area in front of him.
He caught a glimpse of Steve at a table not too far away, laughing at something Jeff’s wife, Amy, was saying. She’d almost skipped tonight, her pregnancy far enough along that getting all dressed up didn’t sound remotely appealing. But then she’d heard Steve was going, and she’d called her sister to alter her dress immediately.
Gareth’s fiancé, Sam, was sitting away from everyone, still not sure of her place in the group. They’d had a bit of a whirlwind romance, and Eddie would be more worried if Sam wasn’t completely head over heels in love with Gareth in high school first. But she’d only just met everyone a month ago, and this was the first public event she attended with everyone. She was visibly nervous.
Grant’s wife, Savannah, was clearly trying to make conversation with everyone.
And Eddie knew that Steve and Amy weren’t purposefully making it harder, but they certainly weren’t making things easy for her.
They were laughing so much, he couldn’t even be sure they were laughing at something.
He sidled up to Steve’s side, plopping down in the empty chair to his right.
“Eddie! Amy’s here!” Steve smacked his arm excitedly.
He was at least three wines in.
“I see that, sweetheart. Hi, Amy.”
“Hey, Eddie. He’s drinking for two,” Amy smiled fondly as Steve took another sip of wine.
“And she’s eating for two!” Steve said as he reached out to touch her belly. “I can’t believe I don’t get to have your babies, Eds.”
Eddie snorted. Amy let out a loud laugh.
“I’m sure we can give it our best shot later tonight,” Eddie whispered in his ear, smirking to himself when he saw Steve shiver.
They all continued chatting, occasionally getting interrupted by guests: producers, musicians, agents, even some kids who were big fans.
When the show started, Steve was drifting. He’d had maybe one too many, and he’d reached the sleepy part of wine drunk a lot sooner than he should’ve. Maybe because he barely slept last night. Maybe because Eddie fucked him in the shower and the couch and the bed, and then woke him up early to fuck him on the counter before he had to leave for an interview with Good Morning America. He was tired.
Eddie was tired too, but he was used to a lot of late nights and early mornings over the last couple of years.
Plus, he was running on so much adrenaline at the thought of winning a Grammy, he was pretty sure he could stay awake for another 12 hours.
Steve’s head rested against Eddie’s shoulder, his hand entangled in Eddie’s.
For seven years, Steve’s been his biggest fan, his person, his everything.
And for three years before that, he was his best friend.
He was there at grungy bars, outdoor festivals in rain or shine, that one fundraising event at the mall that was a total disaster. He was front row at their first opening gig for a Midwest metal band, and front row at their opening gig for Ghost. He was backstage for their first headlining tour, in the studio when they recorded their first and second albums, and on the tour bus when he could miss work.
It only made sense that he was here for this.
He wanted him here for everything.
This wasn’t the first time he’d thought that, probably not even the hundredth. He’d wanted to marry Steve for years.
But Steve was focused on building his own career, and Eddie insisted that he do what he wanted to do no matter what Eddie did with his career.
It meant a lot of time apart, a lot of FaceTiming at weird hours of the day or night because it’s the only time their schedules would sync up, a lot of missing each other.
But they believed in their relationship the same way they believed in each other, and they kept making it work.
He had a ring. He bought it years ago. Wayne had it so Steve wouldn’t find it, but they’d already planned on him taking it with him on his next stop in Hawkins.
He let himself relax a bit. Had a glass of wine, then champagne, and a beer. Their category was almost the last of the night, so they were able to relax for a while.
Steve knew a lot of people in the industry because of his acting career, but he’d made it very clear tonight was about Eddie to anyone who tried to talk to him.
The night was long, longer than Eddie could really handle.
His nerves were through the roof and Steve had fallen asleep on his shoulder.
When their category was announced, Eddie nudged him awake gently.
“Hey, sweetheart. I’m either about to be a Grammy winner or get a lot of great sympathy sex from you,” Eddie whispered in his ear as a camera guy settled in front of their table to get their reactions.
Steve was suddenly wide awake, the realization that this could be one of the biggest moments of their lives making him grip Eddie’s hand like a lifeline.
“And the winner for Best Metal Album is…” the announcer paused for dramatic effect. “Corroded Coffin with Reanimate!”
The whole room was cheering, but their table was going wild.
Steve jumped up the moment they said Corroded Coffin, jumping up and down and pulling Eddie up on his feet.
The next minute was a blur as they made their way to the stage, his boys surrounding him and clapping each other on the back excitedly.
They’d all worked hard for this, dealt with endless bullying in high school because their music was different, fought through the struggle of trying to appease bar owners and small town festival organizers with “softer” music so they could get in front of the right people. They spent thousands of dollars they realistically didn’t have to travel to places where metal was more welcome.
They had to take out personal loans to get studio time to record a demo and send it in to every record company they could think of.
Steve gave them 25% of his inheritance to buy their first tour bus because “it’s a good investment, and it’ll save money on hotels and eating out.”
When they got to the stage, Eddie realized that he’d have to speak.
He’d kind of prepared a speech, but he also didn’t want to get his hopes up too much so he’d just let it go.
“Uh, wow. Okay. Thank you guys so much!” He started. He could just barely see the faces of everyone at their table, but Steve’s beaming smile was enough. “I didn’t prepare much other than that because I just didn’t think we would win. I know we’re talented and we work hard, but this is the biggest award you can win in the music industry and we still have a long way to go to really feel like we can even be in the same room as most of these talented musicians.”
He was killing it!
“I need to thank these guys up here with me, all the guys who work with us in the studio, everyone who makes tour possible, my Uncle Wayne, who probably is crying but won’t admit it when I talk to him later.” Everyone laughed. “But I have to thank Steve more than anything. I think the guys would agree he’s been the guy there for us through everything. He’s not just my boyfriend, he’s our first and biggest fan. Sorry to all the wives and future wife at our table.” More laughter. “I don’t know where we’d be without him, but I really don’t think I’d be who I am if not for the way he loves me, the way he’s always loved me. Even when it’s hard, even when we go months without being able to see each other, we find ways to make us work. We keep doing the damn thing even when the damn thing is hard. I didn’t plan to do this tonight, and Wayne is gonna kill me, but Stevie, sweetheart, I can’t go another day without knowing. Will you marry me?”
The room erupted into cheers, the guys on stage jumping up and down. He saw the camera guy zooming in on Steve’s reaction as they broadcast it on a screen by the stage.
But Eddie didn’t need the screen. He could see the tears streaming down Steve’s face as he cried, his smile bigger than life as he nodded.
“He said yes!” Jeff yelled.
The crowd cheered louder as Eddie handed the Grammy award to Gareth and ran down the stairs back to his table.
Steve jumped into his arms, wrapping his legs around his waist.
Eddie’s hands immediately went to his thighs to support him, and Steve’s hands cupped his face.
“I can’t believe you just did that,” Steve sobbed out.
“I can’t believe I haven’t done it earlier,” Eddie responded.
They kissed in front of the hundreds of people here and the possibly millions watching at home.
It was one of the best kisses they’d ever shared. The room around them went quiet, at least to them, as their lips moved against each other passionately, but with a gentleness they rarely had with each other anymore.
They pulled apart after a few more seconds, foreheads resting against each other as they caught their breath.
Eddie gently let Steve down, using his thumbs to wipe away some of his tears and giving him a beaming smile.
“Wayne’s got the ring. I have a feeling he’ll be making us come for a visit very soon so I’ll put it on you then,” Eddie whispered.
The rest of the band had trickled back to the table to collect him for post-win interviews backstage, but he couldn’t go without one more kiss.
Steve gave it willingly, always giving love in whatever way he could.
“Okay, I gotta go answer some questions. We’ll be quick,” he said with one more kiss to Steve’s forehead.
“Love you. So proud of you,” Steve said as he pulled away.
“Love you so much!”
Steve’s engagement ring glistened in the spotlight hitting their table at the Oscars.
The Oscars.
Steve Harrington, almost Munson, was sitting at the Oscars because he was nominated for two awards: Best Actor in a Drama and Best Actor in a Comedy.
Eddie was sitting next to him, somehow more nervous here than he was at the Grammys.
His leg hadn’t stopped bouncing up and down since they sat down 20 minutes ago. The other people at the table were luckily good friends and didn’t think anything of his anxiety.
Eddie never got nervous before shows, or interviews, or photoshoots, or even his award shows. But when it came to Steve, he was a nervous wreck.
Before auditions, before appearances, before red carpets. He was on edge whether he was with him or not.
Tonight was no different.
They’d had incredibly busy schedules after the Grammys, only seeing each once over the last three months. But Eddie had told his manager nearly six months ago that he would not miss this for any reason, that Steve supported him at all of his big events, and he wasn’t going to ask permission to support his fiance, he just was.
Except it turned into more of Steve supporting him as the night wore on, the realization that Steve could very well win both categories keeping Eddie strung out.
It was actually a little cute.
The comedy category was first, and he had tough competition. Anytime you’re going against people like Jonah Hill and the people at Disney you have to be ready to lose.
And he did lose. Well, Eddie kept saying “it’s not a loss, it’s just not a win”, which was really the same thing.
But Steve wasn’t as upset as he expected to be. Comedy wasn’t really his forte, he’d only done a handful of comedy movies and shows over the last few years, and none of them were major roles.
It was the drama he cared about.
He’d put his heart and soul into this film. It was regarded as the breakthrough queer film of the year, up for enough awards tonight to be considered an Oscar Sweep.
He never would have gotten here if not for the man next to him, so he could handle his nerves easily.
“Drama is next,” Eddie breathed out, his hand squeezing Steve’s knee.
“I know, baby.”
“What if you win? Oh my god, what if you don’t? No, no. You’ll win. This is your best work. Seriously, don’t know why I would ever think you wouldn’t.”
Steve smirked as the announcer started saying all the nominees’ names.
The camera focused on him was probably capturing a lot of Eddie’s mumbling under his breath, but luckily they weren’t mic’d up so it would be easy to explain away.
“The winner for Best Actor in a Drama…Steve Harrington!”
“Oh my god! Oh my god! Steve I can’t feel my legs, I can’t feel them. Or my arms. I think I might black out, oh my god,” Eddie immediately turned to him with tears in his eyes.
“Baby, I need you to help me on stage. My leg’s broken, remember?”
And that was a pain in the ass. His last role required some stunts and Steve was an idiot and insisted on trying one for himself. It didn’t go well and he’s lucky it was just a broken leg.
Steve kissed Eddie’s lips softly, quickly, to get him to focus.
“Right! Okay,” Eddie stood up and held his arm out for Steve, who was using a single crutch to get around this evening instead of two. “Off we go!”
Steve giggled, and nodded at people clapping as they passed them on their way to the stage. Eddie was so busy looking ahead, trying to get him to the final destination safely, he missed the announcer making a joke about Steve earning the drama award by breaking his leg.
When they got on stage, Steve stood at the mic while Eddie stood at the side of the stage. He was crying, much like Steve had when he got his Grammy award.
“Sorry for taking my sweet time. As you can see, I thought I was able to do what stunt actors do and forgot that they’re actually very in shape and talented.” The room laughed. “Hey, no laughing, I didn’t win in comedy.” More laughter, louder this time. “I have to thank everyone who worked on this film; It’s truly one of those films that will continue to change lives. It was the most difficult job I have ever had, and I am so grateful for everyone who gave me the chance to prove that I could do it. I’d like to thank all my kiddos, who aren’t kiddos anymore, for all yelling at me in the group chat when I almost turned this down because I didn’t think I could do it. My agent, who goes through a lot of amazing opportunities but always manages to find the perfect one.” Steve looked over at Eddie and let himself finally tear up a little. “And Eddie. Can’t forget that guy. My support, literally.” He saw Eddie snort out a laugh between his tears. “Would not be standing here without him and not just because he had to walk me up here. Every time I thought about giving up, he made me go to one more audition or read one more script. Every time I’ve not gotten an offer I really wanted, he’s been there to remind me that there’s something better coming along. Like this one. I’d been turned down for a show I really wanted the same day I sent in the audition tapes for this role. I cried for hours on the phone with Eddie and he told me, I’ll never forget his exact words, ‘You’re meant for better and better will find you.’ And it did. But the best is you, baby. You’re the better that is at the beginning and end of all my days. I could never work again and I’d still be the happiest guy in the world because you’re mine and you want me just as much as I want you. Eight years ago, I was closeted, telling myself that the way I felt when my best friend hugged me was just because he was my best friend. Now, I’m winning an Oscar for playing a queer man in a deeply moving film about finding love for yourself even when love from others isn’t an option. I’m marrying you, that best friend who probably knew exactly what he was doing when he hugged me. And I know I’m wearing your engagement ring, and we’ve already set a date and picked the cake, but I feel like I should ask. Eddie, you’re the only one who gets me at my best, and you also get me at my worst and still love me anyway. Will you marry me?”
He watched as Eddie’s brain ran through a million options at once, finally settling on joining him at the microphone.
He pulled him against his chest, hand against the back of his head.
“Is that a yes?”
“Yes, it’s a yes. Fuck, yes,” Eddie sobbed out.
The crowd was cheering, and the cameras were circling around the stage getting every angle of the moment that they could.
“Next time you’re on this stage accepting an award, you’ll be Steve Munson,” Eddie teased.
“It’s got a nice ring to it,” Steve said against his shoulder.
They pulled apart enough to kiss, much like they did at the Grammys: soft, passionate, but slow.
“Do you have a secret ring hiding at Wayne’s too?”
“No, no ring. Just wanted to show the world I love you as much as you love me.”
“Oh, so it’s to show off. Got it,” Eddie poked him in the side, smirking when he laughed. “Get your trophy before they kick us off the stage.”
Steve grabbed his award, waved to the crowd with one final thank you, and let Eddie help him off the stage.
They were getting married in three months, honeymooning in four. They’d just bought their first house together, spent the last seven years renting apartments wherever life took them. They started talking about taking a break after Corroded Coffin’s next tour and Steve’s next movie so they could start a family.
They had so much to look forward to.
But most importantly, they had the backseat of a limo entirely to themselves on the way back to the hotel.
If they left a $500 tip for cleaning after, it was their business.
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you were never not mine
by Lihhelsing
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Gareth & Eddie Munson Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Gareth (Stranger Things), Chrissy Cunningham Additional Tags: Minor Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham, Past Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler, mentioned briefly - Freeform, Minor Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Social Media, Actor Steve Harrington, fan Eddie munson, Getting Together, Miscommunication, Eddie Munson Hates Steve Harrington, or at least he thinks he does, Online Relationship, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Hook-Up, Flirting, online flirting, Eventual Smut, Top Steve Harrington, Bottom Eddie Munson Words: 19,997 Chapters: 1/1
When Eddie Munson first learned he won a dumb online contest to meet the cast of his favorite fantasy show, he didn't expect it to bring out so many feelings. He was happy, of course, because this was a dream come true. He was excited to actually meet them, take pictures, and see the new episode of the show. And he was definitely worried about one person in particular. Steve Harrington, who happened to be the main character of the show and someone Eddie couldn't stand. Amid all those feelings, Eddie also didn't expect to be missing one of his online friends so much. The hurt from getting ghosted still lingered, but Eddie would be lying if he said he didn't still have hope that Knight would come back. He just didn't know what he was hoping for. OR; the one where Steve Harrington is a famous actor in a Fantasy show and Eddie Munson is a fanfic writer who hates his guts.
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