#stella was bought as an egg
anonymouseal · 6 months
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Made a few xenomorph OCs a while back, those are Venus (the queen) and Stella (the deacon), they're dating :)
Also that's the only fandom i'll probably never get out of lol
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Ooo if were doing stella sexuality headcnaons....I raise you: asexual Stella
I thought about it while writing this premise I cam up with, it's basically Ocatvia coming out to her mom, Stella not understanding but still taking ehr to the human parade for fun and hints that she to might be asexual
Cause like 'in glad we finally stopped when an egg fell out of me' sure it could be read many ways but also what if its cause she hates sex? The idea and physical of it?
Meanwhile andrelpha is off doing his own thing liek 'aee ya later bitches!' And comes back with an Ace flag he bought for his niece, and maybe something for his sister
I think while her and Stolas should and are allowed to hate each other, they should also be good parents to Octavia; I mean, Octavia spends the week at Stella's place, if there's any neglect or abuse we aren't shown/don't hear of it
Sorry for the rant
OOOH this is really cute and good too. Stella realizing why she’s been angry for so long, the expectation of sex… yet she never wanted to be sexual. Then her realizing she never wants her daughter to go through the same kind of expectation or burden and so she’s really really supportive to the point of being a mad bull. Yes. I fucking love it.
And I agree, Octavia seemed to blame St*las for starting the chaos at home in Loo Loo Land even if she doesn’t like her mother’s yelling. Also she leaves with her on weekends, I’m assuming willingly or else why hasn’t St*las done something about it. Making Stella turn out to be horrible and abuse her too much to Octavias “shock” that their bond actually never meant anything imo will feel like a lazy shit retcon. I wouldn’t be surprised if they go there but to me it feels like an easy cop out for the sake of a happy St*las resolution. And it would feel like poorly written simplistic plotting with yet more unrealistic Stella.
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cityan1mal · 5 months
A food thing for a Canadian lynx who cannot eat tree nuts (almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, ECT.)?
Sit super te stellae ridere
Canadian Lynx Mainly eat Hare, they also eat birds and sometimes deer.
Reccs under cut
Jugged Hare. If you can find a butcher that will source you Hare meat and Blood this will be an amazing meal to try.
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Deer and Rabbit Jerky are easily bought online and good for a quick snack.
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Eggs Eggs Eggs. Soft Boiled eggs. Boil your eggs for only 8 minutes and will give you a safe to eat egg with a runny yolk!
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Anything with chicken!! Here's Black Garlic Pepper Chicken
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A fun one is Snow cones! Nothing to do with Diet. All vibes
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lyf-ekansposting · 2 months
What got you into breeding ekans? If I remember correctly it was a family thing right??
yep! my dad's arbok, Gregor Samsa (my dad loves the metamorphosis lol), was bred by his father, my grandfather, and ive had a passing interest for a while!
however, i learned about the genetic aspect of it all and i got curious, so i saved up when i was a teen and bought some pokeballs, and caught Vegas!
soon after, i got a better job and eventually bought Stella!
after that, it was the point of no return lol! i started breeding as a passing interest that would be possible later down the line, but now it's a viable way to earn a bit of cash!
Atomic's clutch-mates have already been sold and i just adored the entire process, 100% will be continuing breeding these guys :) that being said, Vegas and Stella will be having another clutch soon!!
from what I felt, it was a clutch of three eggs! which is awesome! they havent been laid yet, so don't ask for pictures or anything yet, but they are on their way! eventually! i'll make a post later on about it n stuff
wow i just typed all that LMAO also sorry for the brief break! got busy with work and family stuff!! have a great day/night, anon!!
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hallowcked · 4 months
📺😋 Isadora, Stella, Benjamin, Lex, Jesse, Seth
📺 tv  show  that  they’ve  rewatched  multiple  times?
Growing up, Isadora watched and rewatched Scooby-Doo until she could quote every episode. She thought both Fred and Daphne were equally attractive and loved playing detective with the gang when they were solving mysteries. Her family was one giant mystery so maybe that had something to do with it. Her father was a closed off enigma and her mother was always in competition with girls half her age. Her brothers were too busy being boys. She felt alone a lot of the time. So having the Scooby gang helped her for as long as they could. She doesn't watch as much television now but when she does its usually reality dating shows. Bring out the abs and boobs.
Stella never had cable or any streaming services. Her parents left behind a DVD player and an old box television from the 90s. Dante bought a crate of used dvds from a yard sale and one of them was a British series called Misfits about five juvenile delinquents who gain superpowers after a storm. Stella has watched it over and over and over again because (according to her) its one of the best shows they have.
Benjamin's all-time favorite tv series is The Sopranos. He can't resist clicking on it whenever he's laying on the couch bored out of his mind or stuck in bed while recovering from an injury. He recently re-binged all six seasons after having a bullet removed from his back. He's fine now (minus the cringe Italian accent he'll have to shake off again - i'm twalkin eeer).
Lex has rewatched Game of Thrones more times than he can count, even though he never watches them in order or all the way through. His father raised him under the belief that all Luthors were kings and queens playing a deadly game for control. He can relate to the struggle over power and the desire to claim the throne. The show may be fantasy but in the Luthor mansion its very real.
Jesse considers himself a TV junkie for sure. Over the years he spent traveling with his father for work, he was left behind in hotel rooms where he'd gorge on room service and binge-watch anything and everything. His favorite show to watch though was Supernatural. The main characters Sam and Dean traveled around a lot and slept in motel rooms. He could pretend him and his father were hunters and helping save the world from monsters. The show still brings him comfort today and he'll rewatch old episodes whenever he's feeling down.
Seth's is Californication. At first, the show's premise made him think of his father. Like the main character from the series, his father is an author who fell off after a successful start. But as Seth continued watching and rewatching he stopped thinking about his father and started thinking about himself. He can relate to the character now. The guy is in his forties and acts like he's in his twenties while chasing around beautiful women despite the negative impact it usually has on his life. Deep down, maybe he's trying to relate to his father, and understand him better. Or maybe he just likes watching other men his age make the same mistakes because it helps him feel better about himself.
😋 food  from  childhood?
Isadora's is your classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich. For years she thought she created the combo herself. She has a distant memory of her sitting in the living room in front of the television and her mother calls to her from the kitchen and asks if she wants peanut butter or jelly and she responds, "both!" She still can't believe she didn't make it up. She knows she did!
Growing up, choices were limited. Stella's favorite was Ramen because there were different flavors to choose from and Dante would get creative sometimes and add extra stuff to it. She's tried it with cheese, soy sauce, eggs, canned vegetables, tuna, and Sriracha. The winner was always the shrimp flavored Ramen with Sriracha mixed in, but every once in awhile she would let him add vegetables because they were the 'healthier' option, blah, blah, blah.
Benjamin's was chicken wings or chicken tenders or chicken nuggets, anything chicken related. It's the only thing he would order every time his family went out. It got to a point where his sister started calling him a chicken. He can barely say the word anymore without thinking about her and wondering where she ended up after he saved her from Killian's hitlist. He wishes he could see her again and have chicken nuggets with her one last time but its not safe.
It's more of a delicacy than a food, but Lex got hooked on Ruby Roman grapes. They cost twenty six dollars per grape, but they're worth it to Lex. He would never tell anyone this, but the first night he had them was the first night he kissed Lena - ever since then the taste of Ruby grapes brings him right back to the moment that changed his life.
Jesse's is a cheese burger and French fries with a chocolate shake. That was his room service order for seven years. He mixed it up a few times but would always return to the classic. He should be sick of it by now, but he still orders the same thing whenever he visits a local diner or can't decide what to order from home.
Seth's favorite food from childhood was sushi and lobster. He knew his family was rich and would be dammed if he was going to eat a stinky peanut butter and jelly sandwich like his sister. No, for breakfast it was always eggs and bacon and for lunch it was sushi and for dinner it was lobster whether wrapped in a pastry or served in pasta, he was getting his lobster - and scaring Isadora with the uncooked ones. 🦞
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you who loves tofu and eats dark chocolate, and is going to do archery lefty eyebaf 😅 one day, your nickname will just fill up an entire page!
Her new room? Did she sleep with you guys then? Or is it new because you guys redecorated it and such?
How big is the tree? Do you like getting big trees that reach all the way tonthe ceiling? My little plastic tree is probably 2 ft tall haha
No, it's a yellow cap, made by Maggi. I went to look in the pantry, it's literally called seasoning sauce haha 😄
Onion rings are my favorite fast food side if they have it. But I understand that the greasy part can be ick. I only really order it from red robin, it's so good and crunchy, and its not oily at all. I love green onions too, I always put it on my egg drop soup whenever I make it. My friend's mom would make carne asada during summer, and she would grill the green onions. We always fight for it because she would only grill like a few.
I don't eat spicy food very much. I'm a baby when it comes to spice. If I ever eat spicy food, I better have 2 to 3 bottles of water ready haha do you like spicy food? Also are you talking about herbs and spices to be used in cooking?
Do you like stuffed mushrooms then? I remember making a stuffed mushroom dish before, and it was so good.
Hm I don't think I've seen the black ones. I've seen the one with sea salt but not with the orange. You like chocolate with fruits then? Have you had an orange ball?
Yeah I would be, I definitely don't know how to discipline a kid. I'm trying to learn to be more strict or "adult" when I am around children though.
I love the part where Mitch was wearing the hat and they made jokes about it. And the part where Gloria was cutting Luke's hair ahahaha oh and the part where Hailey just walks in and they're like whaaaaat 🤣 another episode I like is the one where Gloria loses Stella, then she and Cam goes looking for her, and Cam starts screaming STELLAAAAAAA.
I'm also going for smart and boring. Even though I am smart, I can still make jokes, just certain people will get it haha
Would you rather have a personal chef or a housekeeper?
- CuriousGeorge
Oh my goodness, that was a long nickname 🤣🤣🤣 how can u come up with them? Lol.
My daughter sometimes sleep in my room or in her grandpa's room (my father in law).
We just slowly changed the guest room to her room.it used to have nothing in it n was also her toy room. But now with mound her tv n put up some Frozen and disney princess wall decal, n also curtain. We bought some toyboxes n also a small extra protable closet to hang her dress. We sorted her toys n put up some shelves for her plushies.. u know, stuff like that. N pretty soon we gonna move her bed into that room.
We got a smaller one than the one we usually have. Last times we had 9ft tree but this time we picked a 7ft one. Last year i got them flocked with fake snow but not this year.. the last two years we had another 3ft one for her own tree but not this year because we will be going to CA for christmas n her grandma already bought small ones for her at her house.😁
Yes i love getting a big one, the taller the better 😅 i like the flocked one so it looks like a greenish white. I love the smell of pine tree. I like christmas light but the white ones but of course for toddlers the color ones better.lol.
Do u wanna see the decorations i put? It's not totally done yet, some of the lights are out, i have to buy a new one.
Aw 2 ft is cute.. i grew up with plastic tree n small too. Thats why now im here n i can get a real n very tall ones so i always go all out.hahaha.
Haha i think i know which seasoning sauce is that. 😅 that one is good too. Mine, some part of the labels on the bottle not even in english 🤣
I think onions themselves are greasy when u cook it, so when it's deep fried, for me is too much. Hahah. I'm not really a fan of fried food (but i will still eat certain fried food). i love grilled food n soups. 😁 what about u?
Ah i see. I love spicy food.. the spicier the better.haha.
Yeah i meant herbs n spices that r used in cooking.. do u like food that uses lots of herbs n spices? Most asian food use herbs n spices. My favorite is Indian food. Omg.. i love it.hahah. the second favorite is thai food. But of course number one is indonesian food.hahaha.
Yeah i think i had stuff mushroom n it was fried.. it was pretty good.. i love grilled or baked stuffed mushroom. Maybe someday u can share me the recipe for that stuffed mushroom u made. 😁
When i go to the store i will take a pict n share it with u, but promise me u will try it. 😅🤣
Haha yeah i remember that part, Jay compliments the hat Mitch got n he said "what if i tilt it a little bit?" N Jay said "u ruined it" 🤣
Haha the mohawk on luke because he lost bet with Phil. 🤣
Oh yeeah i know that episode. Haha i can hear that "STELLAAAAA" in Cam's voice 🤣 n then what's funny is Cam n Gloria scream back n forth with the little girl that found Stella, n Jay n Manny heard it from far n thought coyote might just eat a dog. 🤣
Haha so u r good at making joke? U should tell me some.
As much as i like food, i would pick housekeeper.hahaha. i can try to cook anything n have someone to clean after that, is awesome.hahaha. what about u?
Next question?
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Sticks and Stones - Chapter 7 [Spencer Reid x fem! Reader]
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A/N - here is chapter 7! Lyrics are from Cover Me in Sunshine by Pink, which you can listen to here.
/// indicates change of perspective. Starts in Reader's POV.
This fic is a slow burn. Strangers to friends to very eventual lovers. Smut to come in later chapters but you will have to bear with it!
CW: slight degrading language, swears, mentions of abuse, mentions of BDSM, food talk, flirty Stella and a helpful Garcia.
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WC: 4.3K
Chapter 7 - Cover Me in Sunshine
Cover me in sunshine,
Shower me in good times.
Tell me that the worlds been spinning since the beginning
And everything will be alright.
Cover me in sunshine.
I lasted two weeks in that house before I couldn’t take it anymore. It held too many memories of a life I was trying to escape.
I took the first apartment I found, a fairly spacious one bedroom place in a quieter suburb of DC.
I had money saved over the years from selling my designs and from my part time job at the store I sold them at. Brett never needed my money so it allowed me to acquire quite the little nest egg.
I left our old furniture behind needing a clean break from everything that reminded me of him and brought some new items to fill my new home.
I bought my first cell phone although the only number it had programmed in it was Spencer. Not that I planned on calling him. It was just in case I supposed.
Moving into my own apartment was the first decision I’d made on my own in as long as I could remember. It felt liberating but terrifying at the same time.
I didn’t really have any personal items so the apartment was pretty stark, but I supposed it was a start. It was mine. No one could change that.
I should have felt happy. I should have felt relieved. But honestly I just felt terrifyingly alone.
So I did what I always did when I was anxious or scared: I cleaned.
I cleaned the whole apartment and when I was done I cleaned it again. And again. Once I started I couldn’t stop. I didn’t have anything else to fill my time especially while I was off work.
So I cleaned and I cleaned and I cleaned. And even when I was exhausted, I cleaned some more.
Stella let out a loud groan and tossed her magazine on the coffee table.
“My god, what has it been, four days?” She huffed.
“Three.” I sighed, closing my book.
“I can’t concentrate on anything.”
“You could go home.” I shot her a sarcastic smile.
“Funny,” she rolled her eyes. “What are they even doing in there? I’d say someone was getting laid only I’ve not heard any moans.”
I chuckled with a roll of my eyes.
“I thought I heard vacuuming at four this morning.”
“Who vacuums at four am?” Stella groaned again just another loud noise emanated from next door. “Seriously I’m going to go over there in a minute.”
“No you aren’t.” I laughed. “You don’t live here, it’s not your neighbour.”
“Urgh!” She groaned louder. “I need something to take my mind off this damn racket.”
Suddenly she turned to me, a smirk on her face.
“Want to do a scene?”
“You want to do a scene to drown out the noise of my new neighbour?” I laughed.
“It’s either that or go out and it takes much less effort for me to be tied up and plowed.” She grinned.
“Oh you have such a way with words.” I stood from the couch and tugged her up with me. “How can a man say no to such a lucrative offer?”
“Shut up and fuck me Doctor.”
I wrapped my hand around her throat as I pushed her towards the bedroom.
“Time for back talk is over slut.” I threw her to the bed and glared down at her. “Now get naked and let me have my filthy way with you.”
I stopped vacuuming to have a glass of water and as I padded into the kitchen, that’s when I heard it.
Thudding on the adjoining wall, muffled screams, the distinctive sound of flesh hitting flesh.
I almost dropped the glass from my hand when it started violently shaking. I would know sounds like that anywhere.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
It sounded like a body being thrown against a wall.
Tears filled my eyes and I cowered in the corner of the kitchen. I knew exactly what that was like.
But I couldn’t sit back and do nothing, could I? I knew first hand what it was like suffering at the hands of an abusive man, I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone else having to go through that.
The logical thing to do would have been to call the police. But my logical thinking had gone out of the window. I had to help that poor woman.
I don’t know where this unexpected burst of confidence came from but I abruptly started marching towards the door before I could second guess myself.
I banged frantically on my neighbors door, so forcefully it hurt my hands. No one answered, but I could still hear the thudding and I swore I heard a scream.
I was crossing a line when I tried the door handle but I was so consumed with hatred for whoever was doing this I didn’t even stop and think. The door opened and I strutted with purpose right into this stranger's apartment.
I reached what I expected was the bedroom and with one last deep breath I threw the door open.
“Stop it! Stop it right now! You are hurting her! That’s abuse!” the words came flying out of my mouth before I pieced together the scene in front of me.
“What the fuck?” the woman scrambled to cover her naked body with the bedsheet whilst pushing the equally naked man off of her. “Who are you? What are you doing?”
Apparently my new neighbor was none other than Doctor Spencer Reid and he was currently naked on his bed staring at me like I had lost my mind, which clearly I had.
When doing a scene I am in it, fully. So I guess I didn’t hear her knocking on my door or barging into my apartment.
So now Y/N had just had the pleasure of seeing me balls deep in my best friend. Fucking fantastic.
“D-Dahlia.” I stuttered, grabbing a pillow to cover my manhood. “What uh...why are you here?” I knew my face was flushed, partly with arousal and partly with embarrassment.
“You’re the girl from the BAU.” Stella frowned looking between me and Y/N.
“What were you doing to her? I heard thudding and screams and...oh god I’m an idiot.” she ignored Stella, taking a few steps backwards. “I am so, so sorry.” her face flushed red.
“You’re my new neighbour.” the pieces started slotting into place. “Just...give me a minute to get dressed so we can talk, please?” I stood up from the bed, keeping the pillow in its place.
“I should p-probably just go.”
“Dahlia, please. Just two minutes ok? Make yourself comfortable and I’ll be right out.”
She looked as though she wanted to argue but she was not one to question with a naked man hiding his dick with a pillow.
She nodded and scurried back into the living room, closing the door behind her.
I dropped the pillow and started trying to locate some pants.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you get harder when she walked in.” Stella winked at me as she got up.
“Shut up.” I rolled my eyes but I didn’t argue because it was true and we both knew it.
“I mean she’s hot. Do you think she’d be interested in a ménage à trois?” She wiggled her eyebrows seductively.
“I am not asking the traumatised girl in my living room for a threesome you hussy.”
“I’m just saying.” She laughed with a shrug.
“Don’t make me spray you with a water bottle.”
I found some flannel pajama bottoms and a t-shirt I usually slept in and threw them on while Stella dressed too.
I found Y/N on my couch, sitting on the very edge of it as though she wanted to be anywhere else in the world.
“I’m so sorry.” She directed at Stella rather than me. “I just thought I heard…and I panicked.”
“It’s ok.” Stella grinned at her. “Has anyone ever told you, you are stunning?” She practically purred.
“Stella!” I hissed at her.
“What? She is!”
I looked at Y/N who looked as though she didn’t know what to do with herself.
Stella flopped down next to her and ran her fingernail along Dahlia’s jawline.
“Beautiful really.”
“Stell I wasn’t kidding about the spray bottle.”
She rolled her eyes and stood back up.
“You just want the precious kitten all to yourself.” she spoke loud enough that I knew Y/N would have heard her.
“Fine, fine.” she held her hands up in defeat. “I’ve got to go to work anyway. Have fun, you two.” she gave me another wink before strutting to the door and letting herself out. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” she called over her shoulder before closing the door behind her.
“I’m sorry about her.” I sat down next to her but not too close so as not to make her uncomfortable. “She has no boundaries. I’m also sorry about what you uh...walked in on.”
“I thought you were hurting her.” she sniffed. “I panicked and I didn’t know what to do. I shouldn’t have just come storming in here like that though, I don’t know what came over me.”
“It’s ok. There is a large element of rough play to BDSM but it’s all consensual. And I always take care of her afterwards.”
“Is she y-your girlfriend?”
“No.” I laughed because it was really a ridiculous thought.
Of course I found Stella attractive, I would have to be able to have sex with her, but I didn’t think about her in a romantic way. I hadn’t thought of anyone in a romantic way since Maeve.
“She’s not the girl who sent you that photograph.”
“No she isn’t. That was Kylie. There’s also Nora for honesty’s sake.”
Her mouth fell open slack.
“I told you, I can’t feel romantic things. Sometimes I need sexual release though.” I shrugged, I had long ago accepted the way I was.
“With t-three women?” She swallowed.
“It’s different with each of them. They give me different things. I’m sorry if that’s weird for you but…that’s just me.”
She looked as though she was contemplating it, trying to understand. I didn’t expect her to.
“I’ve o-only been with B-Brett.” She chewed her lip shyly.
Oh god, why was that so hot?
Why did I want to take her and ravage her? Show her things she’d never been shown before. Make her feel ways she’d never even dreamed of feeling.
I could completely and utterly ruin her and then put her back together again.
“I don’t expect you to understand Dahlia, just please don’t judge me.”
“I’m not judging you.” she gave me a shaky smile.
Just then her stomach made an all mighty rumbling sound and she blushed deeply.
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?”
“It’s embarrassing. Brett would never stand for that.”
“Brett isn’t here, you don’t ever have to worry about him again. Are you hungry?”
She shrugged.
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t have to wait until he’s hungry anymore Dahlia. You don’t have to live your life according to him.”
“I g-guess I’m a little hungry.”
“If you could have anything to eat right now, what would it be?” I asked her with a smile.
“I don’t know.” she shook her head.
“Come on, you can have anything your stomach desires. What would you like to eat?” I cautiously placed my hand on her knee and she didn’t flinch as much as I expected her to.
She chewed her lip while she contemplated this for a moment before her eyes lit up a little.
“Pizza. Pepperoni pizza. He would never let me eat pizza, it’s too fatty.”
My heart broke for her. She had to live so long suppressing everything that made her who she was. The least I could do was buy her a pepperoni pizza.
“Pepperoni pizza it is.” I gave her a large smile before I found my phone and called for a pizza.
The pizza was like a religious experience. I hadn’t eaten anything so greasy in such a long time.
Spencer watched me eat with a smile on his face which I tried to ignore.
I was only used to eating small portions, I was only ever allowed to eat what Brett told me I could eat and it was usually half of whatever he ate.
I made it through two slices before my stomach was full. But it was the first time I’d felt full in so long.
“Did you enjoy that?” Spencer grinned at me as I wiped my greasy fingers on a napkin.
“I loved it. Thank you so much.”
“And you’re sure you don’t want anymore?”
“Honestly I’m stuffed, gosh what a feeling.” I smiled happily, if not a little sleepily. “I should get back, I’m tired.” I pushed myself up.
“Let me walk you home.” He got up too.
“I only live next door.” I laughed shyly.
“I’m a gentleman.” He shrugged, motioning to the door.
I didn’t argue with him, I let him walk me the four steps to my door.
“Thank you so much Spencer, really.”
“You are more than welcome Dahlia.” He smiled and slowly leaned closer to me before placing the softest kiss to my cheek.
And I swear I saw stars.
But nerves got the better of me and I took a few steps backwards, grasping for my door handle.
“Goodnight Spencer.”
“Are you not going to invite me in? You’ve seen my apartment, it’s only fair.”
I wasn’t sure I liked the idea of Spencer Reid seeing inside my apartment. But he was right, it was only fair.
“Uhm…I s-suppose you could, for just a minute.” I shakily opened the door, worried of what he might think.
It lacked the lived in feel of his apartment. It wasn’t homely. It wasn’t cosy. What was he going to think?
He followed me inside, his eyes casting around the unobjective plainness before him.
“I didn’t really have a lot of things at that house that were mine.” I was quick to tell him. “So it’s quite bare at the moment.”
Maybe it will be for a while. The truth was I hadn’t found my personality outside of Brett. He stripped me of everything I once was and I had a hard time remembering the girl I was before.
“It’s…nice.” Spencer stopped scanning the room and looked at me with a sad smile.
“It’s dull.” I laughed a little. “It’s ok I know it is.”
Spencer came closer to me and he brushed his fingertips across my cheek. His touch was feather light and I felt a shiver pass up my spine.
“But it’s yours. Only yours. And no one can take that away from you.”
That thought alone was enough for a small smile to grace my lips. He was right.
“Thank you.” I whispered.
“For what?” He chuckled a little.
“For everything.” I shrugged. He knew what I meant.
“You’re welcome Dahlia. Sleep well.”
And with that he left, vanishing as though he’d never even really been here to begin with.
But I swore I could still feel his touch on my cheek.
I wanted to do something for Y/N so the following morning I called the only person who I imagined would have a flair for home deco.
“Boy wonder!” Garcia was clearly surprised to hear from me. “Do we have a case I don’t know about? Emily usually calls me…”
“No Garcia, no case.” I laughed a little.
“Oh.” She paused. “Not that I don’t love hearing your voice, but is there a reason you called me?”
I understood her confusion. We were friends, really good friends, but it wasn’t often I called her outside of work.
“I actually need your help with something.”
“Ok, let me fire up my laptop and-“
“Not that kind of help.” I laughed again. “Would you be able to take me shopping?”
There was another confused pause, longer than the first.
“Shopping?” She questioned as though she’d never heard the word. “You want…me to take you…shopping?”
“Yes. I’ll explain everything. But you're the only person I can think of that would be able to help with this.”
“Uh…ok.” I could hear the frown in her voice. “I can meet you in about an hour?”
“Perfect. I’ll see you then.”
Garcia and I spent several hours shopping, much to her glee. We actually had a really nice time and she helped me procure everything I needed.
When I’d told her it was for Y/N she was eager to help.
Later that afternoon, I knocked on Y/N’s door, armed with several bags. I hope I hadn’t over stepped a line, I hoped this was ok.
She looked a little confused when she answered the door, clearly not expecting company although she was still made up to perfection the way I imagine Brett always made her.
“Seeker,” she smiled at me. “What are you doing here?”
She stepped aside and let me in the apartment. I followed her to the couch where I set my bags down.
“I went shopping.” I proudly motioned to the bags.
“I can see that.” She nodded.
“I hope this isn’t strange and if you don’t like it I want you to tell me. But I got you some things to brighten up the place, hopefully it’ll help you feel more at home.”
I started emptying the bags onto the couch while she took in all the little trinkets and ornaments and other little things I had found.
“Oh my gosh.” She stared at all the colourful items. “Are these really for me?”
She looked so childlike in her excitement that it made my heart swell.
“If you like them, yes.”
“I c-can’t accept all of this.” She suddenly went shy. She clearly wasn’t used to accepting gifts.
“Yes you can.” I told her with a smile. “I’m an FBI agent, you can’t argue with me.” I laughed so she knew I was joking.
“B-but…it’s too much.”
“It’s no less than you deserve Dahlia. Please.”
“O-ok.” She smiled, probably the brightest smile I’d seen on her as she started rushing about to find homes for her new things.
The items included but were not limited to, plant pots in the shapes of pandas, a small China ornament of two penguins, throw cushions in various shapes, colors and sizes, a string of unicorn fairy lights and other animal related trinkets.
She loved every single one of them.
There were several different photo frames which I thought she could fill over time, only one held a photograph.
It was a bright purple frame and in it was a silly photograph of Garcia and myself we took on her phone in the store. She was crossed eyed and I was sticking out my tongue.
“You don’t have to keep the photo, Garcia just thought-“
“Why would I not want to keep it?” She hugged the frame close to her body. “I love it.”
She set the frame down in the middle of her coffee table and smiled to herself.
“I love it all.” She breathed dreamily. “Thank you so, so much Spencer.”
She held her arms open hesitantly as though she wasn’t sure if she should hug me or not.
I smiled and stepped into her arms, wrapping her into a tight embrace.
She rested her head on my chest and she felt as though she slotted perfectly into my body, as though she was made to be in my arms.
“Is it weird if I say you’re my best friend?” She spoke quietly into my shirt. “I don’t really have friends so by default you feel like my best friend.”
I removed one arm from around her and cupped her chin to guide her face up so I could look at her.
“That’s not weird at all. And by default or not, I am honoured.” I smiled at her. “But there are a couple of other things I got.” I let go of her and motioned for her to sit with me on the couch.
I picked up my satchel where I’d hidden the last two gifts.
I handed her the first, a simple tawny bear which she clutched with the gusto of a small, excited child.
“I thought when I’m away on cases and you’re scared or sad, he could be a substitute for me.”
She hugged the bear tightly, looking too adorable for words.
“I’m going to call him Doc.” she whispered happily.
I wish hearing her say the name Doc didn’t send a shock to my genitals the way it did. I blamed Stella and how she always called me Doctor in the bedroom. Since then it had always had a strange effect on me and I had to subtly adjust myself so she wouldn’t see I was growing hard.
I cleared my throat, trying to distract from my shuffling but she didn’t seem to notice.
“I love him.” she mumbled in content.
“I’m glad.” I reached into my satchel, hoping to rid my brain of the way she said Doc, at least until later when I was alone. “And I got you this as well.”
I had gotten extremely lucky stumbling on the journal. It was cream leather, with a beautiful purple dahlia stitched in the fabric, along with the word Dahlia. It had a small padlock and key to keep her thoughts private. It couldn’t have been more perfect.
“I took the liberty of writing on the first page. You see, the BDSM lifestyle is very focused around trust and communication. I think those elements are really useful to bring into our relationship. So I wrote down some rules for us.” I handed her the small key and she unlocked the journal without a word.
She turned to the first page and I watched her eyes dance over my rules.
Message me when you feel bad. Remember I care about your feelings.
Eat and hydrate regularly. Tell me when you eat. I am proud of you when you do.
You can trust me with anything. I know trust needs to be earned, but I hope I have shown you, you can trust me.
Communication is of the utmost importance. If you feel uncomfortable tell me. If you feel you need to say something, say it. I will not get upset.
You are valued and important. Don’t make yourself feel small.
Always be yourself - there is nothing wrong with who you are.
If you are ever uncomfortable in any situation, use a safe word. Our safe word will be “Wisp” as you know in the Sword of Truth it is a fairy of protection. Use the safe word if you ever feel you need to.
“I-I don’t understand.” She said as she looked back at me. “We aren’t…this isn’t…”
“No, no.” I shook my head. “Sorry I should have made myself clearer.” I could sense exactly what she was thinking. “I’m not suggesting a BDSM relationship between us. I’m just channeling some of its sensibilities. Sans sex.”
“Oh. Ok.” She still looked confused.
“I am an open book ok? If you ever have any questions that you don’t feel you can ask me, write them in the journal and leave it outside my door. I will answer anything. I will tell you anything. But openness has to work both ways.”
“Ok, I think I understand.” She swallowed, clutching the journal.
“But for the record I am open to just about anything. So if you ever are…curious…you just tell me.” God why did I want her to be curious so badly?
She blushed a little, clearly knowing what I meant and she averted her gaze from mine.
“And for honesty’s sake I will continue my relationship with Stella. And Kylie. And Nora. But I don’t want you to think it’s because I’m sex obsessed because I’m not. I just have certain commitments.”
“I understand.” She nodded, looking back at me. “Thank you Spencer. Really. And I certainly will tell you if I’m ever…curious.”
My dick twitched again. Was she flirting with me? God good she was going to be the death of me.
“Ok, good.” I cleared my throat again.
I hoped she didn’t change her mind about that.
Spencer stayed for a little while and after I let him out I went into a panic.
Had I flirted with him? I don’t think I’d meant to, but it certainly came out that way.
But the problem was, I am curious, probably too curious. I don’t know why I am, but I am nonetheless.
But surely I shouldn’t be. I shouldn’t want that, should I?
Of course Spencer is pretty, so pretty it makes my heart race every time I see him. But I definitely can’t be curious. No. No way.
But why was it suddenly all I could think about? Why had he had to go and put that idea in my head?
The last thing I needed was to be thinking about my neighbour in that way.
But I did have questions. Lots of questions actually.
I opened the journal to the next page and poised my pen above the page.
Why did you want to be a dominant?
What kind of things turn you on?
What made you decide to try it?
What characteristics do you find most attractive in someone?
I was blushing as I wrote them, feeling like these questions were too personal, I was prying too much.
But I read back over his rules. Communication. Honesty. They were key.
Before I could talk myself out of it, I took the journal and left it outside Spencer’s door, hurrying back to my newly decorated apartment before he caught me.
Images for Chapter
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awhst-alt · 3 years
it's so long (literally 2k words) so im gonna put it under the cut haha <3
so basically this would take place after mike and will start dating or something, idk exactly the time frame (i picture them being like 18 or something and this is the summer before college) and will goes to this summer arts program for like 2/3 months (i dunno how long american summer is but something like that) and its all the way far from home so there is dorms and stuff and he's "not in hawkins anymore" (no pun intended)
mike and will decide after will finishes his school they'd go to college together (cuz they're gonna be comic book artists together bc thats boyfriend shit) so throughout these months he's practically just waiting for will (<333333)
so one specific scene i remember from my dream involved will and mike getting off the bus to the school and then they hug and then mike grabs wills hand and brings him behind the bus and then he gives will a biggg kiss bc he won't be able to kiss him for 3 months. then they say they love each other and will gives him another quick kiss and is like "two kisses". they agree they'd call each other every day.
so will goes inside and mike goes back on the bus and goes home.
and basically the whole day is a whirl, until the end of it, in which mike is sitting in the kitchen near the phone waiting for like 3 hours for will to call, and will doesn't end up calling.
so meanwhile at the arts program will asks like the front desk or something if he can call mike and they say phone is offlimits and they don't let him call mike
so then will goes to sleep and he's paranoid that he thinks mike is gonna hate him or something like that
mk than the next day in class there is this girl (they didn't reveal her name in the dream, ill call her stella) so stella is basically looking at will the entire class but will doesn't know it
so when they exit the class stella's like "hi" and will says "hi"
then stella says "i like your painting."
will is like rlly weirded out so he goes "thanks?"
"i um- hope this doesn't sound weird but i have no friends, do you want to be mine?"
and then end of scene (this does not sound like a normal conversation but it's my dream so it doesn't have to make sense"
so BACK AT HAWKINS mike is still sleeping even tho it's like 3 pm because yk depressed boyfriend shit but then the PHONE RINGS and mike gets out of bed frantically and goes to the phone and he picks it up and is like "will?" and then it answers "it's el, idiot"
i feel like this is important for context but el speaks english very well now and hoppers back and she lives with hopper and not the byers anymore. ANYWAYS
el says "how's will?"
mike says "idk he didn't call"
"he didn't?"
"no, he didn't"
"okay. well maybe he will call later"
"yeah mb"
"wanna come over"
so mike hangs up and gets changed and goes to el's house bc they r a couple o' besties and when he gets there it's like a therapy sessions bc mike usally talks to will every single day and he can't for like 3 months (unless will calls, but he's not going to) so he accepts he's gonna be depressed for 3 months and he's just talking to el about how he's gonna miss him so much and no be able to see his face and that shit
so el's like "well do u wanna do something to take ur mind off of him"
and mike's like "no im not gonna replace will" (I SCREAMED IN MY DREAM SRSLY)
but than el says "okay. guess im gonna go to the mall by myself" (ig starcourt is rebuilt by now)
and than mike bolts up and is like "fine"
"we can by something for will"
"okay yay"
so then they go to starcourt yasss!!
anyways back at the art school will is having lunch and stella is with he friends (even tho she said she doesn't have any friends) and one of her friends is like "omg did you see _____ he's so hot"
and another friend says "YESS! but ____ is cuter"
"what abt u stella? who do u have ur eyes on"
and they say "ew that kid who came back to life"
she says "yea. but he's cute, and shy, and once i wrap them around my finger i can get them to do anything"
so then she goes to sit down next to will at lunch
"hi will"
"im good"
"okay. good." and she gets upset because will goes ask how she is but she keeps her urging rage inside. and than they have this weird conversation and will is uncomfortable the whole time bc shes all like flirting with him and will is seeing someone obvi
but then she puts a hand on will's shoulder and he's shaking and then says something (idk what it is it wasn't explaining in my dream) then will stands up and runs to the bathroom. so he's just sitting in the stalls crying.
okay back at starcourt this part wasn't shown in my dream but im just gonna make up that mike and el go looking around starcourt for something for will (sort of like the mike/lucas/will montage where they were looking for stuff for el) and then i guess they find something for will and i don't have the slightest idea what they could have got for him BUT THEY GOT HIM SOMETHING GOOD
so mike's all happy but they'res still that depression inside of him lol
so fast forward a week, it really isn't explained but ill just make up that will still hasn't called mike, and he's super sad and all sleeping in but decides to look through his good ol binder full of will's drawings and in the arts school will and stella have a few more interactions im sure which are still very uncomfortable
okay so it's lunch again in the cafeteria and somehow will and stella are talking again but somehow it ends in stella kissing will and will like pulls away immediatley and is like "what is wrong with you!?"
and she says "what?"
"i'm seeing someone!"
"oh i uh- i didn't know."
the whole cafeteria is staring at them
so will's freaking out almost on the verge of a panic attack "idk what to do, he's gonna hate me and-"
will has the look on his face like shit shit shit oh fuck no
"you're gay?"
and will runs off once again. and everyone in the whole cafeteria knows that he's day and ofc with everybody being homophobic will knows it's not good at all bc everyone's gonna bully him
so then the next day he goes to class and the teacher is like "does anyone care to tell me where ___ is?" (it would be like a math question like 'where x is' but in art idkkk) and then the teacher calls on "will? can you tell me where ___ is?" and they'res a pause and then the teacher says "or perhaps you'd want to find your boyfriend instead?" (giving me anne with an e vibes prolly cuz i did a rewatch last weekend but i won't explain more in case some people haven't watched it but) anyways will stands up from his seat, everyone is looking at him, and he's shaking and so concerned but then he goes "fuck. you" badass will yeaaaa thats my boy
so then he runs out of the classroom and out of the school in a really cool montage way but then he realizes he's like 2 hours away from home but he runs and runs and he goes to a random bustop (it's not even garanteed if it takes him to hawkins but whatever) he gets on and tries to go back to hawkins.
and soon enough, he gets there, and immediatley goes to the wheelers because he needs to see mike and apologize for everything. so he's at the wheelers, and rings the doorbell, realizing he's still in his uniform lol but karen answers and mike is upstairs in his room sulking (i picture it would be 8 pm by now) so will asks for mike and karen calls mike. mike groans obviously because he doesn't know it's his boy, but he comes down, karen gets out of the way and as soon as he sees will they have a really big hug and it's super sweet and my heart UFHEIOSKA
mike says his usual "are you okay?" and mike is still confused as shit but will says "i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry" and mike says "you don't have to be sorry for anyrhing" but will says "ill explain"
so then they go to will's room, side-by-side on his bed and will starts explaining everything
(this is mostly improvised by me but it's still pretty similar to the dream)
"i hated it."
"the school?"
"yeah. there was no you, (mike blushes lmao), everything was terrible, i felt so lonely, they didn't let me call you-"
"they said the phone was off limits. i wanted to talk to you so bad and i thought you'd hate me"
"i could never hate you, will, even if i tried." will smiles
"and then there was this girl, and she hit on me and i didn't know what to do bc i'd be the face of the school if i told her i was dating you and was gay and today she kissed me"
"im sorry im sorry i didn't kiss back and i was so scared bc i never was in a relationship before and i was so scared it was considered cheating-"
and mike LAUGHSS
"what? mike? what's wrong?"
"if you don't do anything back, it's not considerd 'cheating'"
"oh. good. are you mad at me?"
"what? no! no never!" so mike opens his arms and says "come here" so will and mike hug or something like that and then mike says "do you need me to beat her up?"
and will says "you can't even beat eggs. besides, your noodle arms wouldn't be able to do harm to even a fly"
so mike laughs and says "i'm glad your home"
so will blurts "i cursed out a teacher"
"you? cursing?"
"might have to start calling you a bad boy now"
will just smiles and says "i love you"
and mike says "i love you too"
edit: i have no idea what mike did with the present him and el bought for will but i guess they ended up giving it to him lol
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theficplug · 4 years
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Tyler Lepley x Black Reader 
warnings : none, mostly fluff with just a tiny bit of smut if you can call it that at the end. i’m not too familiar with him but i tried ! to the cutie who requested, i hope you like it. alright enjoy x  Face mask on. Wine in hand. Impulsive 10$ Dark and Lovely hair dye bought at the beauty supply store already slathered in your hair. It was your time set aside out of the week for you and your best friend to complain. Although homegirl was on the other end of the phone getting ready for anniversary and was not relating to your rant of the night. 
 “Girl, I’m telling y’all right now if I get another unsolicited dick pic in my dms or another “You got the bill right? I’m just a lil in between jobs right now you know how it is right baby”? I’m joining a nunnery because I love love, but me and my bank account can NOT keep getting played like this.” you rant to your friends over a video call as you walk around your apartment tending to the foils in your hair. 
The series of failed dates and “talking stages” had left a sour taste in your mouth and put you off from dating altogether, but your best friend Layla is trying to convince you to give Tinder another go. 
“I don’t know Lala. I just don’t have another talking stage in me. I’m grown in the words of the iconic Miss New York Tiffany Pollard : I want eggs CRACKED AND SCRAMBBBLLEEDD” 
Layla’s husband Aaron’s laughter erupted from somewhere in the room on her end and you raise an eyebrow not knowing that he had been ear hustling the whole time. 
“Just give a little more time. You never know what can be right around the corner!  There has got to be at least a few foine men on Tinder. Give it one more try.” Layla encouraged before saying that she had to go because her man had the night planned for their anniversary dinner. 
You huffed and sat the phone aside as you waited for the copper coloured hair dye to process your curiosity got the better of you and you reached for your phone again.
As you thumbed through the profiles of folks “looking for a beautiful girl for me and my husband (:” and “if you a feminist, pay for our first date”. You were two seconds away from putting your phone to the side again before you noticed “Tyler Lepley” and his profile.
You nearly spit out the cheap bottle of Stella Rose on your carpet in disbelief. “No, this has got to be a whole ass catfish. Why would his fine ass be on Tinder of all places? Let’s humour him. Wait but he’s verified... At the very least this should be funny as hell.” you say to yourself before rolling your eyes. 
“Okay and I definitely got to make some single friends cause I’m really home on a Saturday night talking to myself. . . Whatever-” 
You swipe right on his profile and almost instantly your phone notified you that there was a match. 
‘Hey I just wanted to let you know I think you’re beautiful and if you’re ever in the area I’d like to take you out sometime. On me of course.’
“Oh he’s good.” you thought to yourself as you tried to think of a reply.
‘Sure, I’d love to. I’m actually driving up to Atlanta tomorrow for work. And if it’s really you. I want a Tika Sumpter autograph when we meet lol.’ you respond having a little fun with the troll at least before you log out for the evening. 
‘Oh, so you don’t think it’s me? I ain’t nobody big. Just tryna find the right one to bring home for the holidays so my nosey aunties can stop asking me when I’m gon get a wife lol.’
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“Pfft.. Anybody could’ve gotten that from Instagram or something.” you said to yourself. 
He’s good though. You’ll give him that much. 
‘Okay tattoos and lips! You’re handsome or whatever.That’s understandable. I’m looking for the same thing but I must be looking in all the wrong places cause if i run into one more dud that’s looking for a unicorn for them and their wife to “share”. Whew- it’s a lot lol.’
‘I get you. I haven’t matched with too many women on here myself. They either tryna see how they can get a job at the studio or they want me to be their sugar daddy. Which I ain't got no problem wining and dining my women btw. I’m just not looking for that kinda situationship. If you don’t mind I’d like to video call you cause looking as good as you look. I'm just tryna make sure you’re not a catfish.”
Hold up. This was just supposed to be a little fun and now this man is using the video call function on Tinder and you’re still sitting there with the dye on your head. 
‘Give me 25 minutes.’ you respond quickly before he replies with ‘take your time’.
The race was on as you began running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off as you wash out the dye quickly and inspect the colour. It was a really pretty natural ginger shade as you grab your hair diffuser and blow out your hair a little to dry it the best you could. 
After grabbing your makeup bag , you slap on the winged liner, a little highlighter, mascara, and a dark brown lipstick like you were back in school trying to get ready before class. 
You fluff and shake out your hair while looking at yourself in the mirror. With 5 minutes to spare you go to your closet and pull out a cozy warm brown cropped jumper that really stood out against your deep skin tone. 
“Alright, please don’t waste my time.” you whisper to yourself as you press the video call button and wait for him to come onto the screen. After about a minute and no answer you let out a heavy sigh feeling a little embarrassed and like a fool for actually believing that The Universe was about to hook you up like that. 
You put your phone on the table next to you and leaned back in the chair before hearing the notification go off again. 
After going back and forth about it for a few seconds you hesitantly answered the call and had to contain the array of emotions you were going through when you saw him actually on the phone, smiling at you with those pretty ass white teeth. 
You put the phone for a second before letting out a ‘thank you Jesus’.
“I should be saying the same thing about you! You are beautiful. God damn. When I first saw your profile I was like man aint no way. She gotta be some sort of catfish or something. I thought at the most it would be a funny cover story tomorrow on The Shade Room or something. ‘Tyler Lepley Catfished By Tinder Boo’. I apologize for not answering your call earlier. I just wrapped on set and I wanted to be able to hear you and give you my undivided attention. How are you this evening?” he says chuckling deeply and softly as he sits back in his trailer. 
“I was thinking the same thing. I’m like at least it’ll humour me, but I wasn’t really expecting you to want to talk. How are you? I was completely kidding about the whole Tika Sumpter thing by the way.” You say giggling nervously before fussing about with the window to try and get better lighting. 
“Oh really? Cause i got her to sign this shirt for you and everything. I can just do a giveaway with it or something else. I like your hair by the way...I’m doing good. It’s been a long day of pretending to get my ass kicked and running lines but I’m grateful to be in even better company with your pretty self. Even if it is through the screen for now. There’s something about a woman like you. I feel like I wanna know everything.” he compliments and flatters you and it’s taking your mind a while to process that this is not some extreme episode of Punk’d.
“YOU DID NOT! Of course I want the shirt. I was just fronting cause I didn’t wanna seem like that’s the only reason why I wanted to talk to you. Also, thank you. You just seem like someone who’s got his shit together and I really like that. At this stage in life people think I move too fast or that my standards are too high. I think it’s just because I know what I want. I want to be married, I want to be happy and comfortable. I eventually would really like to have kids. I want to have kids young so that I can have even more time loving them and my own little family..” you don’t like to waste time with the small talk. That’s nice too but you like to get straight to the point so that you’ll know if your views on life are aligned. 
And just like that you two begin to connect instantly . You talked and talked for hours from the time he left his trailer to drive home and halfway into the night.
You actually ended up falling asleep on the phone with him because neither one of you wanted to hang up. 
Scheduling conflicts prevented you from meeting up with him the next day but of course that didn’t stop either of you from constantly just wanting to hear from each other. 
4 weeks later after non stop talking and sending pictures and videos of your day when you couldn’t talk to each other. Both of your schedules lined up perfectly and you ended up meeting in Atlanta. 
You met him at a little cozy cafe and he held the prettiest bouquet of scarlet roses in one hand and a coffee for you in the other while standing with a huge smile etched across his face. 
“Hey handsome” you say to him before leaning in to hug him but was not expecting the peck to the lips. 
Even though you’ve discussed it and you’re both “if the vibe is right fun is not off the table” kind of people. 
You kiss his soft plump lips back and thank him for the flowers. Of course given the part of the city that you were in, he was recognized almost immediately by the barista.
“My mama and auntie love your show.They both got me into it too. We thought they were gonna kill you off this season! I was scared for you. If you don't mind, can i have a picture?’ The woman named Ericka asks as she moves from behind the desk .
“Hey Ericka, thank you. I appreciate it, of course.” He replied warmly to her before looking over at you to double check if you’re okay with everything. 
You awkwardly move to the side so that he can have his photo with the giggling fan already batting her eyelashes at him. 
He softly grabs your hand to keep you close to him and shakes his head. He’s lowkey clingy in the cutest way as he moves you behind him so that you aren’t in the photo and wraps your arms around his waist before flashing a smile at the fans phone.
“Thank you so much and you are so pretty!” She says to you before trying to quickly hustle back to work in the quiet slow moving coffee shop. 
“Me? Look at you and your pretty self ! I like your braids too!” You respond sweetly as Tyler beams with pride while watching you interact with the fan. 
“Sorry about all of that” he leans down to whisper in your ear before walking with you out of the coffee shop. 
“I don’t know about you but I ain't even gon’ lie I’m nervous as hell. I’ve been spending the last two weeks trying to figure out the best ways to spoil the hell outta you. I just think you’re incredible. From your story about all that you’ve been through to just like you. I ain’t ever had this before.” he admits and it throws you a little that he was the one nervous to meet you.  
“Nervous to meet me? Tyler, you meet about 50 different beautiful women a day. I’m not saying I’m not the shit cause I am. But no need for nervousness here. I think you’re probably the most down to Earth famous person I’ve met dude. A lot of them are real snotty when I style them and stuff. Just completely out of touch…You’re always busy doing something and I’m always working on something. How about we just do nothing? What’s your favourite way to do nothing?” I get all of my favourite foods and snacks and then I just watch all of my comfort movies and shows and forget about everything going wrong with the world even if just for a little bit.” you admit and he nods along before opening the car door for you.
The entire car ride there wasn’t an awkward moment or any tension hanging in the air. The conversation flowed smoothly all the way from the supermarket to the restaurants for to-go plates, and to his home there. 
There were plates of food of every kind of food you mention from pad thai to sushi, to indian food, mexican, and a plate of soul food cause you couldn’t visit Atlanta and not try some bomb ass soul food while you were there. Not to mention the snacks that you both also picked out. 
He had convinced you that you two should build a blanket fort and he broke out the candles setting the perfect atmosphere for the storm settling in. 
Something about the rain soothed you both as you fell over each laughing and talking about nothing and everything.  
“Okay so let me ask you would have rather been on Fear Factor or Supermarket Sweep? Because this is important. I’d have to go with Supermarket Sweep because I’d rather bust my ass on tv than be in a crate full of cockroaches or something like that. I would freak the fuck out. They was wylin in 2001” you say and Tyler ponders the question for a minute before letting out a pfft.. 
“Easyyyyyy. I will drink the cockroach milkshake over playing on Supermarket sweep. I don’t mess with grocery stores like that. That’s why I order all my stuff online now. I've spent two many of my Saturdays missing Saturday morning cartoons walking around with my grandma and mama while me and my dad trail behind trying to get them to hurry up. Besides skydiving is on my list to do at some point.” he explains and you pretend to gag as he says that he’d take the shake. 
“Good?” he asked with a little laugh as he noticed you had a whipped cream mustache from the caramel hot chocolate that he made for you. 
“Mhm” was the only response he got from you in between swigs of possibly the best caramel hot chocolate you’ve ever had. 
He leans in,  licking it off of your lips before kissing you sweetly and gently tugging on your bottom lip as his tongue runs across it again. 
“I bet you taste better though…” he says against your lips
His hands find your hips as he pulls you onto his lap. 
You learned that he was talented at several things outside of acting and being inside out beautiful and a good 8- . Anyways, something you couldn’t tell your girls about on Monday.
Leaving him was too difficult two days later because you’re both those types of people where if you know , you know that you’ve found your person and both agreed to try and meet each other twice a week. Once for sure so that you try not to miss each other too much. 
Maybe swiping right wasn’t so bad after all.
[unedited so if there’s a few typos i’m sorry i’ll edit them later! ]
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Grace & Stella
Platinum - For every button push, my muse will become pregnant with an egg.
“Stella there is something very strange with this new chair that you bought” Grace called out,unable to get up from the chair. “I feel like there is something inside of me and it does not feel pleasant! Where on earth did you get something like this?”She cried out loud for her room-mate.
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dem-khuya · 3 years
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probably because right now i’m feeling the worst i’ve felt since university, i’m remembering all the foods i ate in taiwan, specifically in 2019, because i think everything i ate there at basically the worst year of my entire life made me feel like life was worth living when i had it. i remember the vietnamese lunch box i bought from yue lian the day after my flight for 4$ including delivery. egg roll, rice, egg, pickled carrots and radish. i remember the rice ball stuffed with egg and chinese sausage. i ate those in my humid apartment in da’an park i think. garlic chive dumplings, pot stickers, spicy ban mian. once i got homesick for shitty pizza, and i ordered a small bit of pizza crust pie that i ate while calling my academic adviser. ugh the spicy ban mian though, i had that every day for breakfast, usually with a side of something that i don’t remember anymore... i liked getting it vegan but ordered pork slices when i felt really thrifty. i know that was gross but that’s what it was! my 3$ meal from that sushi to-go place in guting. so much salmon nigiri and miso soup there. mimi’s cafe, rooibos tea and apple pie while looking out at gongguan. soy milk, youtiao. i ate out almost all the time there because i couldn’t stand the kitchen lol. salmon onigiri from seven eleven, instant ramen, dorayaki snacks. scrambled eggs and rice too. garlic bread for 25 cents. gongguan too of course. then spicy pasta from kafka’s, god, almost every day because i loved that place. bibimbap from the korean restaurant near prince dorms. the noodles i bought when i went out with sylvia i think, the girl i’d met at the convention in university, and boba tea on top of it all too. the bougie vietnamese restaurant i had lemongrass tofu at too… that was also guting i think. god… everything tasted so good, i never felt like i ate something that tasted bad in taipei, really. at home these days i’m spoiled by my mother’s cooking. i remember when i first got home from taiwan, i had her food and i felt filled with so much happiness, because for all of the food i had in taiwan nothing tasted like the way she’d made tofu. i have rice and pork cutlet with spicy peppers and pickled carrots and radish and for a second all my worries are gone. i could never go vegan with the way my mother prepares meats. thit bo luc lac, cubed beef sauted and seared, rice, a bed of salad. of course too, with rhys, i have rice and tomatoes and eggs, spicy and tossed together. when i was looking for a job winter of 2020 and visiting my grandmother earlier in the year and we ordered cheap italian food from stella’s. god i wish i could have the discipline to make a food blog. the food i have when my mood is bad… it’s gourmet baby i eat like a king.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Xigbar: Fuck I’d bet that old egg head would wanna join in seeing how fucking hot you are!
Stella: Please stop. Please leave me alone.
Xigbar: No can do, baby doll. *moans* I wish I could see you in that lingerie set that I bought
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stellagarxia · 3 years
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                meet stella garcia / wanted connections.
generic connections // 
ex friendships
ex significant others
specific connections // 
         ↬ her roommate  ♔ ________________________________
upon moving to los angeles full time, stella bought a small home for herself - perfect for starting a life and a family. unfortunately, the latter hasn’t happened - so she’s rented out the spare bedroom so she won’t be as lonely or stare at empty walls. the two get along well enough, but living together has it’s ups and downs regardless, no matter what.
           roommate is open for connections - any gender / age / faceclaim
        ↬ slow burn romance  ♔ ________________________________
stella’s always been one to love easy, but she’s also left just as easily. she’s looking for something with passion and stability - something she fears she may never find. [ YOUR MUSE ] and stella are close friends - the idea of them being more hasn’t even occurred to either one of them just yet.
slow burn romance is open for connections - males preferred
       ↬ casual fling  ♔ ________________________________
even with her name in lights, stella’s had her fair share of dates - most of whom she never saw again. [ YOUR MUSE ] and stella have an agreement - they’re friends, and there’s benefits, but they both know that it’ll never go much further. they want different things from life, but both have needs and using each other to fill them is an easy solution.
casual fling is open for connections - males preferred
       ↬ constant co-star  ♔ ________________________________
think emma stone & ryan gosling, leo & kate, tina & amy - these two have been in multiple features together, and [ YOUR MUSE ] has even guest starred on stella’s tv show, crash multiple times! their chemistry is off the charts on camera, but their dynamic behind the camera may not be all it appears. 
constant co-star is open for connections - any gender / age / faceclaim
     ↬ worst enemies  ♔ ________________________________
stella had to do what she needed to get to the top, and that meant stepping on some people along the way - unfortunately, [ YOUR MUSE ] was a threat to her impending fame, and the two have been at each others throats since they first auditioned for the same movie years ago. stella won that particular fight, but [ YOUR MUSE ] has won their own fair share - the press love to egg them on, and many wonder if it’s simply for more mentions on page six, but their hatred for one another is as real as it gets. 
worst enemies is open for connections - any gender / age / faceclaim
        ↬ her long time best friend  ♔ _____________________________
stella and [ your muse ] found each other in college at ucla their freshman year in the laundry room - away from home for the first time, the two bonded over trying to figure out how to navigate the ‘real world’ even while in the protective bubble of college. the two became thick as thieves almost immediately - even when [ your muse ] almost left entirely due to a surprise pregnancy and sudden child. but with stella’s help ( as well as the support from [ your muse ]’s family ) they managed to graduate only a semester later than she did, with a new baby on their hip and the world at their fingertip. [ your muse ] and stella have managed to continue their friendship over the past fifteen years through ups and downs, highs and lows - stella’s the godmother to their child, and has seen them through as many heartache’s as they’ve seen stella through. the two are practically inseparable, and often joke that they may as well just be married themselves. 
long time best friend is open for connections - any gender / faceclaim around the age of 33.
                  additional details for this connection ______________________
this connection can be mixed with either/both of the previously stated ( roommate & slow burn romance ) connections, though if it is a romantic dynamic, stella is primarily heterosexual and would prefer a male significant other. 
[ your muse ] and their relationship that resulted into the baby ( as well as everything about the baby & their life ) is really up to you! i just kind of wanted an opportunity for ‘old friends who are basically family’, and for stella to have a child to dote on endlessly.
stella & her godchild are extremely close, and she often lets them spend the night in her home - they even have a room as their own with her.
she takes her role as godmother seriously, and while she was a practicing catholic growing up and doesn’t often attend services as much anymore, she does ensure that she holds up the spiritual aspect of the godmother title as well.
this is primarily meant to be a platonic connection, however, it could be used as a jumping off point for a slow burn romantic relationship with male muses if interested.
                  if interested in this connection, please send a tumblr im to discuss further.
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laurkamkitchen · 3 years
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It’s mid-month, which means it’s time once again to try out a recipe from Stella Martin Currey’s One Woman’s Year. Shrimp and eggs were the focus here, which presented a new challenge for me: finding a vegan substitute for shrimp.
But on Pinterest the only ones I could really find were made from heart of palm, which is difficult to find here, and mushrooms, which I abhor. However, since I decided to treat this recipe and its sister as a special occasion, I went ahead and—gasp!—bought actual shrimp. I got it frozen, precooked, and pre-peeled; frozen so it would keep and none of it would go to waste, as if I’m gonna break veganism to buy shellfish, I am going to use it in full, precooked since this recipe didn’t look like it had any way to actually cook the shrimp and I didn’t really want to take that task upon myself, and pre-peeled because I have had a bad experience trying to peel frozen shrimp before.
The other challenge this recipe presented was making a tomato aspic. I had absolutely no idea what a tomato aspic was, but a quick Google search proved it to be perhaps one of the most ‘50s foods ever; do give it a look for yourself.
I knew I was only going to be making this for myself, and going to the effort of making an entire fancy gelatin dish I could hardly fractionalize, without any sort of fancy mold, did not seem like the way to go. Instead, I picked up some tomato chutney, which I figured would have a very similar flavor and satisfy, more or less, that requirement here.
When I went to make this last night, I almost took a third of it, but ended up halving it instead, which I’m glad for, as a third would definitely not have been enough for a full meal. I had left my shrimp to defrost for several hours, but it still wasn’t quite ready when I was, so I dumped it in a small saucepan on a low heat to sit while I took care of everything else.
I got to use the hardboiled egg skills I learned at Stella’s behest back in February here. I made a batch of 4, salting the water before and letting them boil for 6 minutes, which I’ve found gets the exact texture I want. I think it was perhaps the addition of the salt that allowed the one egg I used here to peel so easily; overall, I was very pleased with its result.
I wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing for a second and ended up chopping the full 1/4 cup olives rather than halving it, but I love olives, so I think that ended up fine. Also, because I still had so much Russian dressing left and I wasn’t sure what else I’d use it on, I ended up subbing it in for the mayonnaise, adding slightly more of the vegan stuff to get it to the 1/4 cup I needed. I ‘blended’ (mixed) everything together here as Stella suggests, then decorating, to an extent, with sliced egg and tomatoes before topping it all off with the tomato chutney and some salt and pepper.
This recipe initially sounded rather weird to me, and I had no idea how it’d go, but I am happy to report that it was actually delicious. There were so many distinctive flavors here I’d never really otherwise consider pairing together, but they all honestly complimented each other so well; I could taste each individually, and yet also revel in how they worked together. The Russian dressing I think honestly really intensified the flavor and was actually probably what made this so good. I’ll be making Stella’s other shrimp and eggs recipe tonight, and I’m excited to see how it goes since this was honestly such a pleasant surprise.
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pikapeppa · 4 years
Quarantine Q&A
Tagged by the lovely @obvidalous @rpgwarrior4824 and @mythicaitt!
Are you staying home from work/school?
No. I work at a hospital, so I’m schlepping out to work as usual. COVID fashion, anyone? 
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If you’re staying home, who’s there with you?
n/a. But my fiancé Adrian is home with the cat. 
Are you a homebody?
YES. I would be very, very good at self-isolation with the fiancé (i.e. COZYTOWN WITH QUARANTINE CUDDLES) if I didn't have to work. 
What movies have you watched recently? What shows are you watching?
Movies: we watched a Spanish Netflix film called The Platform this weekend - it was interesting but GRIM, not recommended if you’re looking for something lighthearted. We’re watching the third season of Westworld (SO GOOD, I NEED MOAR) and another show called Devs (I’m more on the fence about this one, though it is interesting/intriguing). We’re also catching up on Schitt’s Creek for the laughs/love.  
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
We had planned a trip to Italy in May. Cancelled for obvious reasons. Adrian was really looking forward to seeing Ezio Auditore’s homeland LOL. 
What music are you listening to?
Ahh, a whole mix of things! I make a monthly playlist on Spotify, so I can’t really say any one genre or band. But here is my Fenris/Rynne Hawke playlist in case anyone wants a peek - it’s been getting a lot of playtime these past couple months since I finished writing Lovers In A Dangerous Time and am moping a lot LOL. 
What are you reading?
[nervous laughter] My own stuff as I edit it? STILL HAVEN’T FOUND TIME TO READ ANYTHING YET, UGH. I’ll get there eventually!!
What are you doing for self-care?
Honestly, my life hasn’t changed much since the COVID craziness started, so I don’t really need to do anything different self-care wise. We bought a big bag of Cadbury Easter eggs last time we went to the grocery store, though. Does that count?
Tagging forward to anyone who wants to play, and NO PRESSURE to anyone who would rather not! @schoute @slushrottweiler-blog @the-gay-sea-witch @bite-the-stars @bionicpaladin @hellas-himself @serial-chillr @johaeryslavellan @faerieavalon @solas-disapproves @kittimau  @river-of-asgard @midnightprelude @sharkapologists @huskypup203 @emileoutofit @lethendralis-paints @levikra @stella-minerva @kourvo​ @vgtravlr​ @elveny​ 
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creednight · 4 years
No Place Like Home
I’ve finally figured out the plot for the rest of this, so hopefully it won’t be as dead. Cheap ending, but I think y’all deserve the fluff. As usual, I appreciate everyone’s patience, I am determined to finish this. This is Chapter 12. Chapter 11 is here.
The sound of thunder jerks (Y/N) out of her sleep the next morning. You lean up to peek out from your curtains to find some dark clouds circling overhead and fall back on your pillow with a sigh. 
    “How was yesterday so nice, but today so shitty?” you groan to yourself.
    Your body feels like Jell-o from the fun of yesterday at the beach, you love the warm feeling of being out in the sun all day. Especially the next day. 
    The house is oddly quiet, you glance at your clock to see it’s ten in the morning, a time when Arno and Ezio are stumbling from their rooms to get some breakfast. Evie is usually up early, dragging Jacob with her, to do whatever it is they do in the morning while Connor eats his breakfast and stays in his room to do whatever it is he does. 
    Did you make breakfast already? You text Connor, already knowing the answer. 
    Yes, want me to make you some? His reply comes through a minute later. 
    You smile at his kindness. Nah, I bet you’re busy. I’ve got a plan B. You send that to him and then open up a new text for Jacob. I’m not feeling too well :( Do you mind bringing up some water and breakfast for me?
    If anything, he and Evie are in the kitchen talking as they do in the morning, and since he hides food in the weirdest places (a fact you found out by accident) it’ll be worth the flirting. 
    “Oh, (Y/N)!” 
    Sure enough, after some rustling downstairs, you laugh to yourself at the sing song in his voice. His loud steps stop outside your door where he knocks generously and pops it open with ceremony. He crosses the room in a few steps, marveling at you as you sit up and stretch. 
    “I brought you a glass of water,” he sets it on the bedside table before showing you the plate of food he brought. “Evie made breakfast, so if it’s shite it’s her fault. It’s a veggie omelette, toast, and some fruit. From me,” he winks and pulls out a bag of snacks from his coat, “Some chips and chocolate.”
    “Thank you,” you smile at him, accepting the plate and bag from his hands. “You’re the best.”
    “Of course I am,” he smirks, his chest puffing out a bit. “If you need anything else, I’m afraid you’ll have to ask Connor. Evie and I have business elsewhere and the other two oafs are running errands.”
    You pout. “I don’t get to see my twins today?”
    “Chin up, love,” he rubs his finger under your chin. “You still have five days of break left, you’ll get your Frye time.”
    The twins head out, leaving you to finish eating on your own until Connor comes lumbering down the stairs. You check your watch and frown. “Hungover?”
    He pauses in opening the fridge to regard you with a confused frown. When you gesture to the time, he snickers. “I am allowed to sleep in, (Y/N).”
    “Well, yes, but still,” you muse watching as he prepares his own breakfast. “So. It’s you and I today.”
    “So it is,” he nods, whipping eggs together. “I have nothing planned for your break aside from yesterday.”
    “I remember you said that,” you finish off your breakfast and set the dishes in the sink. “Wanna go to the farmer’s market? There’s good food there.”
    “Yeah, I have an errand to run still, so I’ll text you when I’m coming back,” he grins.
    “What kind of errand?” you round the counter to watch him. You watch as his body tenses up and he averts his gaze. 
    “Gotta drop off some woodwork for a friend,” he shrugs. “Shouldn’t take more than two hours.”
    “Oh, okay.”
    You leave him be then, heading up the steps to take a shower and possibly text Stella to see how her vacation’s going. You make a mental note about Connor’s reaction to think about as break goes on. Weird things have happened since you moved in and you would be a fool to ignore it or claim otherwise. 
    When Connor leaves, you get a head start on assignments given to you at the last minute and get your study guides together in prep for the quizzes when break is over. You find yourself wanting time to move faster so you can see Connor again and try to convince yourself it’s because he’s your best friend. 
After all, you feel the same when the others in the house are going to spend time with you. So you ignore that bubbly feeling and focus on your work until you hear a horn beep outside. 
“Shit,” you realize you missed the notification on your phone from Connor and hurry to get dressed in something comfy to wear in the spring heat. 
In minutes, you’re ready and bounding down the steps with your bag in tow and sandals fastened. Connor’s playing chill music as you get in, he greets you with a grin and a smoothie from the place you like in town. It warms your heart to see him pass it to you, a shy smile on his face when yours lights up like the sky midday when you see it. 
“Thank you,” you hum in appreciation, taking a sip. “My favorite.”
“Good,” he smiles, backing out of the driveway. “What’s on our shopping list?”
“Mmm. I just brought the bag in case we saw something we wanted,” you shrug, watching as houses go by. “How was errands?”
“It went well,” he replies easily. “The afternoon market is different than the morning crew, right?”
You make an affirmative sound while sipping your smoothie. 
Not as busy as the morning market, you and Connor find yourselves lost in the booths, trying on the handmade jewelry and clothing, taste testing some jams, jellies, and fruits in season. It’s a grand time for the both of you. No pressure from outside forces or forced intimate encounters as you peruse the items on sale. 
While you’re looking, though, you can’t help but feel as though Connor is more of a bodyguard as time goes on. He glances this way and that, as if someone is going to pop out of nowhere and do something. Given your past encounters with Blighters, you half expect it to. 
So when a hand grabs and pulls you away from the path, you are ready. Grabbing Connor and clinging to him for life until the voice coming from behind you lets out a familiar laugh.
“Damn, can’t surprise this one, yeah?” Edward scoffs when Connor wraps an arm around your waist, his hand ready to break the other man’s arm. “No worries, son. I was just having a laugh.”
Connor lets out a disgruntled sound. “You couldn’t think of anything less dramatic?”
“Mmm, no,” Edward releases you and grins. You hate how handsome it looks. “How are ya, lass?”
“I’m better knowing it was you grabbing me,” you straight your clothes, holding onto Connor’s arm for a moment longer before letting go and patting it. He takes a step away, his eyes no longer scanning the crowd. “Did you know he was following us?”
“I could tell someone was, but he was far away enough I couldn’t see who,” Connor crosses his arms. “Where’s Ade?”
“Getting some ice cream,” the blonde jerks a thumb back towards a booth selling homemade ice cream. “Join us?”
Connor looks to you for an answer, when you nod, he smiles and gestures for you to go ahead and lead the way. 
“Uptight, isn’t he?” Edward nudges you with his arm, offering it for you to take. “Like having a guard dog.”
“He’s been like this all day,” you giggle, accepting his arm. 
Edward laughs. “Gets it from his parents. Both so serious, blink and you’ll miss the jokes they have.”
“Interesting,” you sneak a look back to see Connor gazing in a different direction, but with the slightest smile on his face. “So, you’ve known him a long time?”
“Yes, lass. It’s why he calls me Grandpa,” Edward grins. “Though, I don’t look like one much.”
I’ll say, you think to yourself. Edward’s a handsome man, and you would be a fool to not admit the attraction you felt when his blue eyes roamed your face. But it was something you would never pursue...
You don’t get long to dwell on it when Ade comes up, enjoying some ice cream and looking like a kid in a candy shop. Edward and Connor go off to get some bowls for you and themselves. Leaving you to listen to stories of the old days with Edward on the sea. They work as fishermen with their own crew and boat and the sights they’ve seen, well, you are glued to your seat. 
“Don’t bore her with that now,” Edward interrupts a little while later, two bowls in hand. He slides one to you as he takes a seat next to his old friend. “We have to tell her baby stories of Ratonhnhaketon.”
“No, you don’t,” Connor replies as if turning away an extra topping. 
“Yes, please,” you laugh and watch as Connor grumbles and pouts next to you. “Was he a chubby baby?”
“Like a cannoli,” Edward laughs. 
You nearly choke on your ice cream, coughing to get some air and laughing at the thought of a baby Connor being as chubby as a cannoli. The young man groans, dropping his head in his hands as Edward goes to describe Connor’s early life. 
It’s a fun time and it flies by just as quick. The park clears up of booths and people until it’s just them at their table, ice cream bowls set aside, and the two older men in the midst of a harrowing story from the sea. You’re watching with all your attention, your eyes big and mouth agape just a bit. Connor eyes you, a smile growing on his face at how cute you are.
“But we lived,” Edward shrugs as though they shouldn’t have. 
“I’m shocked,” you snort. “How do you guys still have jobs?”
Edward gathers the garbage and winks at her. “Gotta take risks nowadays.”     “It’s because I get us out of trouble with people,” Adewale snickers. “This man may get us into shit, but I get us out.”
“Now that’s not true,” Edward argues with a grin. 
“True enough,” Ade laughs. He claps his hands and stands. “But, that’s enough listening to old men. You two should get going, it’s getting late.”
“We will,” Connor yawns, standing up to stretch. “Thanks for the ice cream, Grandpa.”
“Anytime, lad,” Edward grins at them. 
You and Connor take your leave, he opens the door for you and shuts it once you’re settled in. When you guys get home, Connor helps you put the groceries you bought away and sets up the TV for a movie night. You grab some snacks and cuddle into his side, grateful to have a relaxing day as opposed to the hectic one yesterday. Your head lolls onto his shoulder as the movie goes on, his scent and warmth lulling you into a sweet sleep. 
Connor relishes the feel of you next to him, he even adjusts so you fall in the crook of his arm. It’s no surprise you fell asleep, being at home relaxes you so much and he knows being close to him makes you feel safe. It makes his chest swell with pride to see you comfortable around him. But his mission today is a reminder he has been getting too close for comfort. 
The thought sours his mood. He pauses the movie, a Disney movie, and picks you up in his arms with ease. His steps remain quiet as he brings you to your room and sets you down on your bed, just like he did the day before, and leans over to kiss your cheek again. It makes a smile form on his face and he feels like... hmm. He thinks about it at the top of the stairs. What do you make him feel like? A fool. A child.
As he cleans up the living room he smiles to himself knowing that it’s not that bad to be attached to you. For now.
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