#who basically wanted a xenomorph
anonymouseal · 6 months
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Made a few xenomorph OCs a while back, those are Venus (the queen) and Stella (the deacon), they're dating :)
Also that's the only fandom i'll probably never get out of lol
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gorgynei · 3 months
fascinating parts from this brennan interview about downfall
downfall was recorded in one week and brennan described it as "one of the most intense roleplaying experiences [he's] ever had"
if avalir was showcasing the age of arcanum, downfall will showcase the actual calamity
even though avalir and aeor seem similar on paper, brennan says the stories could NOT be more different. the themes, player motivations/briefings, and genres are completely unique
downfall embraces the nuance and complexity (moral and otherwise) of the gods and digs into the idea that the gods "called a truce" to fell aeor and what that actually means
brennan says aeor actually has a large population of refugees from the calamity by the time downfall takes place. however, they didnt have a large impact on the city's architecture and so by the modern era their cultures and presence in aeor (and wider exandria) have been almost entirely lost
overall downfall seems to focus on the ways that small errors in history can change a lot
brennan describes his experience with dm'ing in exandria as "going into a sandbox and creating the toys you're gonna to play with there"
the population of aeor is "demographically meaningfully different from who was living in aeor at the height of the age of arcanum," according to brennan. basically, not every aeorian will have bolo's accent (sad)
aeormatons will be in downfall in some way
setting, plot, and character backstories were worked on in tandem
on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of tragedy, brennan said downfall would need an entirely new axis. there is a "different kind of horror" in downfall, something that is distinct from "xenomorph chasing you horror"
brennan said "there are moments in downfall where i could feel my stomach wanting to drop out of my body"
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but-a-humble-goon · 1 month
Just got back from seeing Alien: Romulus. Not that it's much of a bar to clear but it's easily the best of the franchise since Aliens. A really solid, no nonsense back to basics Alien sequel wherein some humans are trapped in a location with a scary alien (or possibly several) and must endeavor to not be trapped in that location. The tone manages to find a comfortable middle ground between the pure horror of Alien and the action horror of Aliens in a way that I liked. My main issue was that this movie is so busy reveling in its love for the first two movies it sorta forgets to have an identity of its own. 30% of the dialogue is torturously inserted references to iconic lines from the franchise and it never failed to make me roll my eyes. They recreate shots and whole scenes from the two classics wholesale so often you could practically cut out the continuity references and call it a remake. Also who in their right minds thought the deepfake Ian Holm rendered in Cavillstache tier CG was a good idea? Overall, call it a 7.5/10 Now time for the obligatory personal nitpick: what was up with the scene where the xenomorph saves Rain? And you can't even argue it just wanted her for itself, it catches her gently with the non-stabby part of its tail and then carefully puts her down and then lets her go. Then it has like a solid 10-20 seconds to attack her but doesn't. I assumed there was gonna be a twist where she was somehow already impregnated and it was just saving the hatchling but no, apparently we just found the one chill xenomorph in the universe.
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victoriadallonfan · 6 months
Having re-watched Alien (1979) and Aliens (1985), I think I've realized what went wrong with the further expanded film universe on a thematic level (this is not accounting for AVP films, which seem to exist within their own continuity atm).
The main issue is that these films made 2 intertwining mistakes:
Making the Xenomorph too animalistic
Removing the mystery of space
For the first part, Alien and Aliens are quite vague about the Xenomorph mind. Alien treats it almost like a serial killer at times, including a particularly interesting moment where it disregards Jones the Cat entirely, despite making a very easy target, and how it will sometimes meander up to the crew as if it knows it's inflicting terror upon them. This Xenomorph even seems to only flee when Parker goes to kill it with a knife and hides within the evac shuttle when it realizes that Ripley was going there as well.
Aliens forgoes this in favor of showing how terrifying their numbers are even in the face of superior (if greatly mislead) fire power, but then pulls the rug under our protagonists by (seemingly) cutting the power and testing the endurance of the auto-turrets. While the drones are not individually as intelligent as the original xenomorph from the first film, this is instead given to the Queen, who understands not only the danger Ripley poses to her Hive but hostage negotiations of the most blunt variety. And, of course, incredible spite and vengeance when Ripley burns her eggs.
Basically, the two films do a good job of making you wonder... how sapient and sentient are the Xenomorphs? Do we take Ash's word and think of them as simply Hostile Weapons or do we see them for the adaptable and complex - if instinct guided - parasites just trying to protect their hive? This is further food for thought when we learn that one of the cut endings would have had the Xenomorph kill Ripley, tentatively use the shuttles control panel, and speak into the intercom with Dallas voice (ala Predator).
Imo, that goes too far into making them human, but we'll circle back to that later. The point is that the Xenomorph is never clearly one thing or another, but rather, something that constantly foils our attempts to understand them completely.
Aliens 3, Alien: Resurrection, Prometheus, and Alien: Covenant fail in that regard, because they take the firm stance that the Xenomorph is... an animal. A very, very, dangerous and hostile animal but an animal nonetheless. It's not some vague horror that we struggle to comprehend and reason with, because all the facts (as they are for now) are laid out: the Xenomorphs are weaponized animals that just kill, reproduce, and kill etc etc.
Nothing is entirely new about the Xenomorphs in these movies (beyond the forms and one part of Covenant, but we'll circle back to that as well), but rather trying to recapture the formula of Alien and Aliens. And even when the film isn't necessarily about the Xenomorphs like Prometheus, it still goes out of its way to copy the play by play of Alien to an almost hilarious degree (except, somehow, having a cast entirely of stupid scientists).
The Xenomorph is used as a toll for the films to talk more about the human threats who would use them, which is fine, except the same message of "Weyland-Yutani wants Xenomorphs, They Failed" over and over again (except I guess for Alien: Resurrection, but that had Walmart as a plot point so...) gets tedious. It's not longer about the folley of mankind, but rather this one company led by a man (or Android?) who keeps fucking up.
Ditto goes for the second part: removing the mystery from space. Alien and Aliens treat the Space Jockey and other (non-Xenomorph) alien life at an arms distance. They are large, grand, ominous, and vaguely defined. We don't know much about WY in either movie, nor how much is them knowing versus independent people within the company (Burke mentions cutting out his own bosses for profit for example, and Bishop the company Android is heroic and horrified at the situation they are all in, a big difference to Ash). The Xenomorphs having a Queen was a huge reveal, because we literally had no idea until then if those were actual eggs or simply pods artificially created.
Aliens 3 tries to add some mystery with the prison colony, but it's also hamfisted and given a lot of exposition to explain the situation they are in, but I will give it kudos for making Weyland (???) look like Bishop as a twist. Aliens: Resurrection... yeah, no.
Prometheus and Alien Covenant gave us a plethora of seeming mysteries, but also gives us really super simple answers. Basically, Space Jockeys are just super humans seeding life across the planets and they wanted to bomb Earth into oblivion because we killed Jesus Christ (who was a Space Jockey). And one of our androids then - possibly - goes to their home planet and bombs them to oblivion thus wiping out the human race. And they made Xenomorphs yadda yadda.
Prometheus in particular seems to despise the idea of space being a mystery, with the conversation David has with a scientist being plainly spelled out as the theme of the film: "Sometimes, humans/space jockeys just build shit, and it goes wrong I guess. No gods or mysteries here, just hubris."
Which, if handled well, is still a fascinating idea (I think it's a pretty interesting 'take-that' against the stupidity of Ancient Alien Conspiracy Theorists)... but it's not handled well. At all. And certainly doesn't work well when trying to write Xeno-Horror.
So, what COULD work?
Well, I think we need to look at how Alien and Aliens made the Xenomorphs, Space Jockey's, and Space itself all work.
For the xenomorphs, I think back to one scene I actually thought was interesting in Alien: Covenant; as a chestburster is born from a hapless scientist, it lays its eyes (???) on David and replicates his movements, mimicking the first living thing it witnesses. Nothing is ever done with this (of course), but think about the potential that could be used! Plenty of animals like crows, ravens, dolphins, octopi, killer whales etc etc can use mimicry in voices and actions, and that includes things like tool-use! And of course, the fact that they take on new forms from hosts helps with that.
For the Space Jockey's: scrap them. They had their time, the mystery is basically solved. Show us new and different alien civilizations long past. Were they also victims of the Xenomorphs? From some other threat entirely? Surely, there are extraterrestrial predators out there that don't follow the Xenomorph formula. Why not have them share the splotlight, with just as little explanation?
For space itself: stop with trying to recapture Alien and Aliens. Alien: Isolation is the only successor specifically because of the format of the medium. Alien and Aliens rely heavily on the shock factor of sudden reveals. Remove that, and you are given "bug hunt" games and movies ala discount Starship Trooper. Focus more on making human space feel almost alien and beyond our understanding as well, but just enough that we can recognize the purpose that we would have them for our society.
How I would write an Alien Story:
(This would all be backstory and setup for the actual story)
I would set it within a colony satellite with an explicit task: a skyscraper ecological time-capsule for deep space experimentation of wildlife.
It would have levels, with humans situated at the second uppermost and an AI as the manager at the top level of the satellite, with all the other animals in different levels fit for their habitats (including some non-earth, non-xenomorph aliens). It's a religious sponsored and run organization, offshoots of [Insert Church Here] that is trying to get good press with cutting edge AI and biological research.
The prize is an alien lifeform that looks like a cross between a crocodile and a panther. Usually docile when fed, it has been growing more and more agitated, harming several workers on the job. Most assume it may be some late-stage degenerative disease within it's brain.
Not all things are as it seems, as at the bottom of the station, a location no one but a select few faithful engineers are sent to maintain, a pod is damaged. A young attendant watches in shock and horror as a bloody and maimed chest burster crawls out of the pod, possibly having injured itself to burn through the lock. The creature is mewling in pain, but the young attendant makes a choice: leaving food, water, and blanket for the creature. Watching as the creature watches them, before going to feast. All under the gaze of a camera.
The xenomorph grows and grows, eating more, getting bolder and allowing its "caretaker" to feel more comfortable. Soon it begins to recognize certain sounds as they pray when he feasts, and association occurs. One day, its hiss sounds suspiciously like "Lord".
This is when the young attendant reaches out to higher, but trusted, priests to share this miraculous revelation. The first one is shocked, terrified, but intrigued as the creature mimics words like "Lord" and "Mighty". Barely audible, some would say hallucinatory, but they believe they can here this humanoid creature speak their language.
The second is equally shocked, terrified, but listens and becomes a believer.
The third one does not believe. Rightfully horrified and full of questions. Their arguments in front of the beast escalate into violence and when the young attendant shoves the priest to the ground, it is the Xenomorph that pounces. Blood is shed. the creature rises in front of it's faithful, and the Xenomorph uses the same sounds it heard over the fight. Lord. Mighty. Here-tik.
They can't be delusional or driven by guilt! This is a sign... right? This creature is speaking to them!
The faith grows. Never large. Can't risk word getting out or people noticing too many missing priests. The satellite is just barely large enough that people can excuse going missing for a few days between objectives.
But key individuals are brought in. The creature is worshiped. Animal offerings are delivered. It's changing, slowly. Growing larger (not a Xenomorph Queen, it's too maimed, but adapting to a steady diet).
Things might have escalated, had one of the priests killed not had an estranged sibling/spouse/loved one who had the pull to make a formal investigatory complaint.
The investigator arrives with his repertoire, this supposed garden of eden in deep space, none the wiser to what he would uncover. (Again, this would be the backstory, not revealed except through character investigations and evidence found during that. Defeats the purpose if it's spelled out like this).
It would play with the idea of how sapient/sentient the Xenomorphs are (do they care? do they understand? if not, why act like this? if yes, what does this mean for their continued slaughter), how much one puts into faith versus delusions, and leaves lingering questions: who put the xenomorph on the ship, why is the AI so complicit with the deaths and disappearances, and why is the one non-xenomorph alien acting so dangerously agitated despite being far away from the xenomorph's quarters?
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motimatcha · 5 months
PART 2. White crow.
parts: one | two | three | four | five
dbd Xenomorph (alien) x fem!reader. attention: murder
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“Let me introduce myself, my name is Ellen Louise Ripley. I am the only survivor of the Nostromo crew.”
Ellen spoke without pride or enthusiasm. Her voice was filled with bitterness and sadness, with the horror and fear of facing a monster from the depths of space one on one. Ripley looked like a woman who couldn't be broken no matter what the odds got in her way, and that made you respect this strong woman.
The fire from the fire was crackling steadily. The thrown firewood slowly turned black, turning into coals. The flame did not warm, but gave everyone present a phantom feeling of calm and safety. The territory of the survivors, fenced off by a white soothing fog, did not allow killers and creatures from other universes to reach the fire, but many still preferred to stay, if not in groups, then at least in pairs. Because it’s so safe, because it’s so comfortable. So profitable.
And among all this multitude of people, you alone felt out of place. White crow among black crows. It would seem that you could maintain a dialogue with each potential team member, taught and learned something new, but you did not have the same mutual understanding as Dwight and Claudette . You couldn't talk to Mikaella and Honas about enchantments any more than your basic knowledge of totem blessings allowed.
You were yours. But you were a stranger and in case of danger, they would be the last to save you.
“I will share with you my knowledge regarding the Alien or Xenomorph , as it is also called. This is a new... killer, as you call them here, who has a number of abilities.”
The conversation around the fire began to gain momentum. From time to time you asked your questions to Louise in order to better understand what to expect from the Alien. The information was, to put it mildly, depressing. You sincerely wanted not to compete in the tests against this monster, but everything was the will of the Entity and a little of your luck.
For the next three trials, you come face to face with the xenomorph . Perhaps he remembered you and holds a grudge, otherwise you cannot explain to yourself how it happened that in the first test you were sent to meet with the entity in the first place, the second time you were allowed to leave through the gate as the only survivors, and the third time you have successfully stumbled upon a hook.
In every unnatural-looking shadow, you saw the outline of a xenomorph's vertebrae . You heard his cry when he got caught with his paws or tail, seemingly behind his back. You could feel his saliva on and under your skin as the sixth test passed, and the creature from outer space continued to pursue you.
When for the seventh time, having completely resigned yourself to your fate of being an eternal victim of the Alien, you are incredibly lucky. You were ready to go to Ghostface , if not kiss, then something like that. And although the latter would be glad to get his first victim so soon, the other survivors looked at you more than strangely and would have suspected you of colluding with the maniac if they did not know your situation.
Laurie patted you on the shoulder sympathetically whenever you managed to cross paths.
“I’ve never felt so disgusting,” Claudette said irritably , sitting down on the edge of a fallen tree near the fire. You sat a little further away, so you could hear her words. “All this time it stood almost behind us, while we... while we...”
“Let’s be honest, we were lucky that we at least escaped without injury,” Jake Park, who apparently underwent the test with Morel . “It wasn’t pleasant for me to run through the bushes with my bare ass.”
“Do you think I really liked it?”
The guy wrinkled his face and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his fingers. You, interested, eavesdropped on someone else's conversation, trying not to frighten off the source of information; It will be better for you if the couple believes that their most interesting conversation was left without due attention.
You shivered when clouds of cold fog touched the bare skin of your legs and pulled them towards you, bending them at the knees. Wrapping your arms around yourself and adjusting the jacket thrown over you, you looked at the sky: beautiful and cloudless, strewn with stars - almost the same as you saw on the Nostromo , except that the satellite was much larger or closer to the surface of the planet.
Jake about something . Her active gestures and talking face clearly hinted that the girl did not agree with the words of her boyfriend, but the latter was unshakable and calm to match the emotionality of his partner. Soon their quiet conversation died down, and you understood only one thing: a stranger was watching them while the couple had sex.
Funny. And scary.
Ellen said that the xenomorph is evolving.
“It looks like my next test will be with you,” Ripley sat down next to her , oh which you thought a second ago, smiled warmly, and then looked at the stars. “I liked looking at them too.” In childhood. I dreamed that I would explore space and make discoveries, but...”
There was a moment of silence, which became awkward with each passing second. Did the girl deliberately leave the sentence unfinished to make you feel uncomfortable, did she want you to ask your question, or did the silence seem tense only to you?
The wood in the fire continued to crackle rhythmically, breaking the silence in the clearing. As you watched the once glowing scarlet wood turn to jet black, you couldn't help but notice the analogy with human determination and faith. You believed that the xenomorph would someday leave you alone when he satisfied his desire to take revenge on you, reveling in the feeling of the chase.
Faith, like a weak flame, faded away.
"But"?” you ask, hinting to hear the continuation of the story.
“When I thought that death was about to take me away and I would get rid of this nightmare, I ended up here. And he too.” Ellen shrugged. Her tired gaze turned to your figure, slightly trembling from the cold; Louise herself did not care about any weather, be it the stuffiness of an abandoned cemetery somewhere in the desert or the bone-chilling cold of Ormond. “Honestly, I thought that the monster would hunt me more than others, but watching you, I made a small assumption...”
You raised an eyebrow in surprise and anticipation . You were very interested in other people’s words, but at the same time you felt somehow uneasy. If a stranger really needs something from you, then you can safely assume that his pursuit will never end and someday his razor-sharp fangs will end up in your body. The prospect of becoming his prey did not please you at all, but so far you have managed to escape even while being possessed by him.
“So, what's your guess?”
The former officer is silent. The look of her dark eyes slightly alarms and frightens you, and the next moment the girl will turn into her sworn enemy and attack you. The acidic blood will burn through your skin and reach your bones, with its claws it will open your stomach to tear and devour your insides with its sharp fangs. Fear bubbled in your chest.
“The next time you meet him, pay attention to whether the monster has left its scent on your body. Saliva, blood...”
...The xenomorph is behind you. He hisses when he receives a blow to his chitin-covered head from the boards. A nail driven into the wood manages to scratch the strong armor, causing green poisonous blood to spill. You scream when drops of acid fall on your legs - running immediately becomes painful and difficult, a stranger can easily catch up with you and hook you with his tail. But when you turn around to see if the killer is following you, you find that he is simply standing still and watching, and then walking in the opposite direction of you...
...The viscous saliva of the xenomorph spills across the floor in front of the locker in which you hid. The secretions of a creature from deep space are mixed with your blood, flowing down your arms and legs after a recent attack - the xenomorph's tail brushed your side. With a sharp movement, the monster opens the iron cabinet door, but instead of immediately picking you up with its main weapon, a huge paw hits the back of the cabinet next to your head. The big head creeps closer to you, and you think that your end has come, that now the second mouth of the xenomorph will make a hole in your head. The xenomorph's saliva running down your cheek makes you think about a lot of things...
“Suppose, if it was, then what?..”
Ripley sighed heavily before giving her answer.
“Then I have bad news. He chose you as his mate to create a new colony here.”
Finding yourself on the Nostromo again no longer seemed something scary to you, rather than meeting one-on-one with a xenomorph . The faint hope that in today's test there will be some other killer, and not your personal nightmare, was dispelled to dust as soon as one of the points of movement of the monster was noticed. The control center located directly in front of the generator gave the alien easy access to attack from behind without being noticed. Your hands trembled weakly from fear, but you went to the generator at your own peril and risk.
You retrieved and installed the remote fire turret before sitting down to repair the generator. Fearing the worst-case scenario and knowing your luck, you specifically made the fruiting of the Entity to successfully and quickly repair the generators in order to quickly escape from the cage created by the Entity. Your comrades: Meg , Ellen and Claudette , should have tried to buy you as much time as they could.
“Most likely, his next step will be courtship. For these creatures, it is the presentation of corpses as an indicator of their strength, so that the future couple will evaluate the abilities of the future partner.”
Ripley ’s words came at the wrong time, because you almost miss the reaction check, almost blowing up the almost finished generator. A nervous chuckle escapes your lips, but then you have to hold your attention as soon as the turret begins to warn you that the killer is close.
Having finished with the generator, you took the turret and moved to the next point, marked for you by the Entity in red. It was difficult and long to move with the installation, but it was better to do so, constantly knowing whether an alien was nearby, than to run away and evade the attacks of its tail. The generators marked in red formed a good triangle, depriving the killer of which was your first priority - the ideally close location of all three points allowed you not to waste time.
The fire turret began signaling almost hysterically as soon as you approached the generator and installed the equipment. In a couple of seconds, you reach the nearest stone shelter, which completely hides your figure behind it, before a tall xenomorph figure appears from the control room . He screams heart-rendingly, as if in pain, and you yourself also wince, either from the unpleasant sound, or because the creature is somewhat pathetic. With one blow, the creature destroyed the turret, which brought it out of its crawling state, depriving it of its main weapon, after which the killer looked around in search of the next victim.
The perfect weapon was so evil that during the long chase he failed to catch a single survivor, and now he was completely set on fire by the turret.
Not finding his next victim, the alien returned back to the dungeon, but you understood that it was too early to leave the shelter - perhaps the xenomorph was only hiding, and in fact was sitting near the exit from the tunnel, waiting for the brave man who had installed a weapon here. Long minutes pass and only then do you decide to return to the strong point, get a new fire turret and start repairing the generator.
When the generator was half finished, Meg's scream was heard . Most likely, the creature touched her with its tail or claws, then there was the sound of falling boards and another scream - acidic blood fell on the girl. You couldn't go help her even if you wanted to because your main task was fixing the generator.
This is how helplessness feels.
A heavy feeling settled in your chest. As if if you were there, you could help, but being obsessed with the xenomorph , he simply would not pay his attention to you, continuing to chase other survivors until you are the last one left. And one Entity knows that a creature from deep space will rise up, who also wants to make a new colony with you.
It is impossible to have children in the world of the Entity. This is an indisputable fact proven by many survivors, but hardly the stranger knew about it, otherwise why does he continue to haunt you? Unless, of course, the reason lies in close communication with Michael Myers. Thinking about this, a faint shadow of a smile appears on your exhausted face. The picture in your head of how a silent killer telepathically conveys some instructions to an extraterrestrial being, and he shakes his head and wags his tail like a dog, amused you. Perhaps you had simply gone crazy, but now it was difficult to imagine the xenomorph as a serious threat.
Until the moment you come face to face with him again.
Suspiciously quickly, Ellen is hung on a hook, and she comes to the point of fighting the Entity. The girl, who is not quite used to everything, loses several times in the fight, and you can clearly hear her bones cracking and crunching. This makes you feel uneasy, but you forcefully hold yourself in place and finish fixing the generator. Wounded Claudette is forced to run from the killer, and Meg is too far away to save Ripley . At your own peril and risk, hoping that the killer does not decide to change course, you run up to the brunette hanging on the hook and save her from the clutches of the Entity.
“Thank you,” the survivor nods gratefully as you begin treatment. The toolbox remains lying nearby while, armed with someone else's first aid kit, you heal the wounds of the former officer. “Next time, don’t take risks. I have no more attempts to save myself.”
Biting your lower lip, you could only nod obediently, agreeing with the words of others. If the girl is telling the truth, then it really won’t be possible to save her and the next hanging will send her to a meeting with the entity. I wonder if others have at least some attempts to save themselves or are you the only one who can still try to get off the hook? After saying goodbye to Ripley and picking up your tools, you go to fix the next generator.
A body that fell nearby made you scream in fear, and then the generator exploded, illuminating the area with hundreds of sparks and revealing your location to the killer. You froze, like a rabbit in the face of a boa constrictor and don’t know what to do: run, attracting attention to yourself and, perhaps, the stranger will be distracted by you, abandoning his prey. But the stranger who notices you is only watching.
“...presenting corpses as an indicator of one’s strength...”
Excruciatingly long.
“...so that the future couple can evaluate their abilities...”
You don’t even know where this creature’s eyes are, but you can say with certainty that the gaze of the alien monster is sliding over your figure.
The xenomorph slowly pierces Ripley's body with its tail. Lifts him in the air, turning him to face him. You see the grimace of horror on Ellen's beautiful face. A second later, the xenomorph's second mouth pierces her head, leaving a large hole in her forehead.
With gloomy calm you watch the alien creature. It throws a lifeless corpse at your feet, as if it is appreciating its work. You can clearly hear that unspoken “are you satisfied, my future couple?” in the shrill squeak of someone else. You manage to stand still with all your willpower, especially when the monster comes inappropriately close to you. You feel the iron smell, heavy cold breath above your ear, and viscous saliva mixed with blood that flows down your shoulder below.
The xenomorph suddenly turns its head to the side when it senses the presence of another survivor. It was Meg, who came out at the wrong time from around the corner of the Nostromo wreckage. Her gaze darted from Ellen's corpse to the xenomorph standing next to you.
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originally there was a paragraph in this chapter where the reader reflects on the outcome of his ordeal, but does not remember how it all ended. this is due to the fact that I am an adherent of the theory of amnesia of survivors and killers. Unfortunately, I had to abandon this, but I do not exclude the possibility that references could remain somewhere in the text.
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romanceyourdemons · 13 days
compendium of my alien movie pitches:
the virgin mary wants an abortion. basically alien 3 (1992) but leaning way harder into the weird christianity aspects of it
goopy slasher in a fifth element (1997) city! who says that a capitalist dystopia can’t be fun? there’s hologram billboards and crazy weyland corp nightclubs and something slithery has infested the apartment building and we’re all going to die here
lesbian pornography(?) still workshopping that one tbh
intergenerational epic from the pov of a bishop android about a colony of humans and a colony of xenomorphs living in on-again off-again conflict. tone straddles mimic (1997) and solaris (1972) as the humans and xenomorphs gradually change to resemble and imitate one another. possible characters include someone who, through medical intervention, has gestated a chestburster for thirty years, and maybe a time baby idk
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cacklingskeleton · 4 months
My big monsterfucker hot take is that people who want to fuck humanoid monsters like venom or a predator are above basic bitches who just want to fuck an anime demon girl or prettyboy vampire but below people who want to fuck something like a xenomorph or dragon
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therealvinelle · 4 months
What’s your favorite pothole of twilight saga
I don't really think there are plot holes. The characters all act reasonably based on the knowledge they have, the plot progresses organically, the lore makes sense and is consistent, oddities are easily explained. I have posted extensively on this blog about this, in part because there wouldn't be a blog if I thought these books didn't make sense.
I think, as a whole, people in this and other fandoms tend to look at something they don't like, or that they didn't want, or that didn't make sense to them, in their media of choice and call it a plot hole. You'll see this in every horror movie discussion: how could the biologist in Prometheus be so stupid as to approach a foreign lifeform on an alien planet? Not touch it, mind you, he just misread its body language as being friendly and went to have a closer look. Stupid idiot should have known it was a xenomorph about to kill him horribly.
There is one, single, thing in Twilight that frustrates me and that I've never been able to make sense of, and that's male hybrids only carrying venom. Rant post. Second rant post.
I suppose that makes the assumed sexual dimorphism in hybrids having venom or not my favorite plot hole, except it isn't even that, it's just something I couldn't make sense of. Real life does that too sometimes.
As a finishing note: you will notice I am not a fan of the movies. This is in part because the movies are one big glaring plot hole, basic things like "Why do the Cullens go to high school?" are never explained to the viewer. I also suspect the movies are why this fandom is so convinced Twilight is nothing but plot holes, as many don't distinguish between books and movies and some don't seem to have even read or remember the books at all. Yes there are book fans who think there are plot holes in the books, but quite frankly I've yet to see one of them find one I agree with.
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markerofthemidnight · 6 months
The Six Veldigun And Their Horror Monster Archetypes, or How To Make A Good Veldigun OC
So I’ve been thinking a lot about Veldigun. What would happen if I created more, specifically. The thing about them is that they’re all made to fit into specific horror monster archetypes: so I figured, why not explore those archetypes to help those who want to make good OCs that seem like they’d be canon characters?
(Note to self that I only have fairly limited knowledge of horror movies, and what I have seen is based almost entirely on Kill Counts for them. So this is just a collection of that limited knowledge, plus some extra help from TV Tropes.)
The Main Six
Clyde - Basic Horror Monster
There’s really not much to say about Clyde. He’s a parody of your basic supernatural horror monsters: the Xenomorph, the Thing, Pennywise- that last one especially is clearly a big inspiration for him.
You could also say the Velociraptors from Jurassic Park (or the Indominus, or the Indoraptor- really any of the smarter dinos) and I wouldn’t blame you. Clyde’s biggest weapon is easily his intelligence, no matter how fast he is or how badly he can warp body and mind.
Winfrey - Brown Note Being
(ok I know this is kind of an awkward name given the trope’s named after a recurring joke from South Park but it’s what TV Tropes calls this kind of horror monster so I’ll go with it)
This is the best trope I could find to sum up what he is, if what was established in the old lore still keeps up. He’s really big, and mainly stays in the same place all the time, but his “music” is what makes him dangerous.
He’s like a Quiet Place monster but in reverse. Other similarities you could pull include the Bird Box monster and Medusa.
Klaus - Slasher Villain
I think it’s been said in the old lore (again, if it still keeps up) than Klaus doesn’t absorb people’s minds like the others, he just kills them. This combined with his humanoid appearance (humanoid for a Veldigun, that is) and height makes it pretty obvious what he’s pulling from.
Big members of this archetype include Ghostface, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger (kinda?), Jason Voorhees, and- most importantly as he has been said to be a big inspiration for him- William Afton.
Jack - The Trap
This is less of a horror monster archetype and more of a horror game mechanic but come on, this is clearly what he’s pulling from.
He’s supposed to be like a mimic, or the Dread Duckies from Dark Deception. An inanimate object that you think is safe to approach, but then oh fuck, you’re dead.
Simon - The Exception
Because there’s always one of these kinds of monster. Whenever there’s a whole bunch of different monsters and they all have different mechanics, there’s always one that actually doesn’t pose a threat to you at all. Not much more to say.
The Flock - ???
…I’m not actually sure what he’s supposed to be.
My closest guess is that he’s supposed to be a horror monster that’s actually not a monster at all but just a particularly aggressive animal, like Jean Jacket from Nope. What do you guys think?
Archetype Ideas For All You OC Creators
And here’s what you’re all looking for: the part where I list off all the horror monster tropes I can think of so you can make Veldigun of them! Take a look:
Parasite/Hive Mind - Hive Mind Veldigun that has a “main body” with limited abilities but can also infect people into sorta sub-Veldigun that can’t infect others themselves and can also be killed. How would you guys take this? I’m thinking “nest of countless brightly-coloured, itching ants that lay eggs under your skin to brainwash you” myself.
Mind Hive - Ok, what if there was a Veldigun that didn’t absorb minds in the same way the others do? As in, there is no “main” Veldigun and instead just all of its victims fighting for control?
Little Menaces - This is kinda a sub-kind of the hive mind idea I brought up earlier but think about it. You know Gremlins? What if that but Veldigun?
Blind/Deaf - This trope has become ALL TOO FUCKING popular in the past few years. We need a Veldigun about it.
Ghostlike - Basically if Grimmso got the chance he deserved. All the basic ghost abilities: invisibility, intangibility, flight, etc. Is this a bit too OP for a Veldigun? Yes. Do I care? No.
Living Curse - This kinda wasn’t worded correctly but imagine a Veldigun that’s less of a tangible entity and more of a force. Like the Smile curse, or the Killer Track from Hatchetfield.
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orange-s-mario · 11 months
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A superheroine wished into existence by Jimmy Olsen
2. Queen Lucy of Borgonia
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the queen of a fictional latin american country named Borgonia. She became queen because her parents died, and a Count named Norvello, kept her hidden from the public, in the hopes that she wouldn't steal the hearts of her citizens and allow him to quietly rule the country with an iron fist.
3. Linda Lee Danvers/Kara Zor-El (Earth-One)
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The original that sacrificed herself to save the multiverse/remaining people of the surviving universes. She was brought back in "Many Happy Returns" but then goes back to original Earth-One. I think she's now alive somewhere because of convergence??? She also showed up as Linda Danvers's guardian angel and visited Deadman on Christmas. She's met the original legion
4. Ellie Leeds
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She was the first to discover Supergirl's arrival, but was exposed to X-Kryptonite and fell into a coma. When she awoke years later - after a chance meeting with Supergirl - she started exhibiting Supergirl's powers, and also believed she was the Girl of Steel.
5. Louise-L
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the Supergirl of the 5020th Century; She traveled back in time, to prevent the goals of some villains named Toxus and Tal Belok
6. Matrix/Mae Kent
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Matrix, a protoplasmic creation of an alternate universe Lex Luthor. She's met the reboot legion
6/7. Earth-Angel of Fire Supergirl
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Linda Danvers, who fused with Matrix to become an Earth-Angel
7. Linda Danvers
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Linda and Matrix unfuse and Linda goes on an adventure to find Matrix. I think she's met one of the legions?
8. Ariella Kent
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Linda Danvers's daughter who was saved from the pre-crisis multiverse, and now exists in the future. She has pre-crisis kryptonian level powers
9. Cir-El
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thought to be Superman's daughter from the future, but was actually a personality grafted onto a separate person made by a future version of Brainiac to ensure that version's existence
10. Linda Lang/Kara Zor-El
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The Post-Crisis version of Supergirl, I think much of the weirdness in her origin was because of Kryptonite poisoning? She's met threeboot legion
11. Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers
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The New 52 and onwards version of Kara Zor-El Supergirl, they showed much more of Argo's history in this version
12. Kara Zor-El/Karen Starr, First Supergirl, later Power Girl
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The New 52 Earth 2 version of Karen Starr, she has a similar origin to post-crisis and new 52 Supergirl where Superman grew up before she arrived on Earth, but like Earth-Two, the Superman and Lois of her world basically adopted her. She became Power Girl due to getting stranded on Earth 0
See Linda Lee Danvers
Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr (Earth-Two)
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(*sigh* also known as Paige Stetler) from Earth-Two, second Kara introduced, for a time, she was Atlantean. She is the only survivor of Earth-Two, except something something convergence :
3. Kara from Superman/Aliens
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The third Kara introduced, she is from a space colony named Argo (not the Kryptonian City, but instead from a planet named Odiline) that got destroyed by Xenomorphs, She and Superman tried to save the last Argonians, but they failed
4. See Kara Zor-El/Linda Lang
5. Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr (Earth 2) (Post-Infinite Crisis)
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A Power Girl from Earth 2, which seems to be a universe much in-line with Earth-Two, although there are differences here and there
6. See Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers
7. See Kara Zor-El/Karen Starr
Honorable Mention Kara (She hasn't interacted with main continuity): Kara In-Ze
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the DCAU version of Supergirl. She comes from Krypton's sister planet named "Argo," she was adopted by the Kents, but then decided to stay in the future in the legion
Laurel Kent, despite not being here for Supergirl or Kara reasons, she is here due to Supergirl and the legion
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She was initially introduced as Clark's descendant. For some reason, despite being in the future, Legion of Superheroes had tie-ins for event annuals. Superman editorial (presumably because of Byrne) wanted to get rid of all kryptonians, so guess what happens during Millenium:
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anyways. the reason she is on this post:
Laurel Gand/(was called Andromeda pre-5YL) (5 Years Later)
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Due to editorial mandates, Kara was erased from the legion's history. Laurel Gand, a distant relative of Lar Gand takes her place. She basically has the same history as Kara except Khunds keep on trying to kill Daxamites
1.5/2. Laurel Gand/Andromeda (SW6)
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A time paradox duplicate of Laurel Gand.
3. Laurel Gand (Earth-247)
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She's a literal xenophobe now. She gets better and becomes a nun to atone
Sensor Girl
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(so she doesn't actually count, but it was noticeable enough to mention)
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Lesla-Lar was a kandorian scientist, who was an orphan that took the last name of her best friend Zora Vi-Lar. She was killed by phantom zone criminals she released, but then became a ghost where she still troubled Supergirl. Her initial plan was to replace Kara as Supergirl Also Lana Lang with a helmet
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The helmet supposedly gives superpowers to those who wield it - but it does not. Superboy tricks Lana into thinking it does due to Clark wearing the helmet while bullets bounced off of him
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caitlynskitten · 1 month
My contribution to the Wednesday/Alien discourse is that Sam, Tara and Amber find out about her kink
Tara is horrified but Sam admits she has had similar fantasies about the Xenomorphs, especially the one in the third film, and Amber confesses to the same, mainly for the Alien Queen who Amber cites as her gay awakening
Wednesday's favorites are the ones from the original/Romulus and Covenant
The three spends hours happily discussing who the hottest aliens of the franchise were and what they think being eaten out by them and dominated by the Alien Queen would be like with Amber fantasizing about the second mouth popping out during it
Poor Tara can only try and block out her girlfriend and cousins sharing all their perverted fantasies and realizes she'll never be able to watch the films in the same way again
Poor baby Tara is sitting in the middle of the couch while Wednesday, Sam and Amber discuss their favorite aliens, how they’d like to be fucked and bred and used and basically everything under the sun with the Xenomorphs. They recount their fantasies and it makes Tara so uncomfortable she has to go back to her room to shut her out from the conversation.
It doesn’t help when they have a movie night with Mindy and Chad and Mindy is feeling monster movie marathon and puts on the alien franchise. Ofc Wednesday, Sam and Amber are glued to the tv while Tara wants to die inside lmaoo
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cyberneticslasher · 8 months
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Brand new oc! Meet Dr. Morpehus Sadler
a man hired by Weyland Yutani to work closely on xeno’s and crack the code on how they evolve so quickly. Dude spends like 5 years of his life obsessively looking at xenos and hardly interacting with people made him just a tad bit insane. As he struggled more and more on figuring out what made the xenos so special he decided hed just start splicing dna to try and replicate without the loss of the host. Obviously he becomes more desperate and delusional and decides that if he cant figure it out from the outside hed go inside. So he made basically a very macabre suit, tailoring pieces of xenomorph skin and crafting it into something he could wear to protect himself from them and blend in. Hes also injecting himself with the dna serums too…to make it seem more real. Its bio organic so the tail, the jaw, even the second mouth moves and works like his own. He gets like really really down bad for the queen and like desperately tries to do everything that he can to impress her, slowly loosing touch with why he was doing this all in the first place. Hes totally fooled the drones and theres been many times hes had to fight them off in defense because of the hierarchy but the queen knows i think. I think she just allows him, kinda just watching and observing this weird human who is trying so desperately to be what they are. Anywho lore wise thats about it hes just a exophiliac who really wanted to live his dreams. 🫡
I do want to say that his head crest folds in and his body armor is supposed to resemble a praetorian xenomorph, which are the caste that exist as the queens royal guard :3c
Idk i dont have a lot solidly or even details fully fleshed out but i love him sm
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justatalkingface · 1 year
I saw you responded to my Black Whip fiasco post and I just need a like-minded person to rant to about it, because my friend and I got into a little debate about it.
Izuku was clearly not in control of Black Whip and was panicking because it was destorying the area and putting himself and everyone else in danger. All Might - who at this point was in no position to physically help out and ALSO had little to no idea what was going on - can clearly see something's very wrong and tells Aizawa to stop the match.
NONE of the teachers do anything, even though Midnight and Aizawa have the Quirks necessary to do so (Mightnight could knock Izuku out, and Aizawa could erase Black Whip).
Instead, Ochako puts herself at risk to snap Izuku out of it... and is fucking PRAISED by Midnight and Aizawa for it, meaning they're basically proud that they sat back and could have let their students get seriously injured due to their own idiocy/negligence.
Like I know this is a hero school and all, but what tf are the teachers even at the trainings for if they won't step in when situations escalate like this? In the Battle Trials, All Might at least WARNED Bakugou that he'd interviene if he kept going for the kill (but he, of course, didn't 🙃) and the other students were begging him to stop the match. Even in Naruto where the kids are expressly being trained to be child soldiers, the squad instructors fucking interviened in the Chunin Exams when students were disobeying the rules and going for the kill.
Oh, Black Whip showing up is a clusterfuck for everyone involved (looking at you, Remnants!) and it's one of many points that make Aizawa look like a shit teacher... but wait! It's worse than you think!
Here's the thing: we know what that was. We had all the hints to expect that, yeah, at some point Izuku would get a new power, followed promptly by a monologue about what it was (and also, how Izuku was so bad for failing at standards he didn't have until just now, thanks Remnants!) but look at it from an outside perspective:
There's the exercise, things as normal, then combat tentacles explode from Izuku like he's hosting a new and exciting type of xenomorph. He grunts and groans, clearly trying to fight it. He yells, 'Run away!'
This looks nothing like his Quirk.
MHA is a one-Quirk setting, outside of high tier Mad Science, or a setting breaking Quirk. Shoto calls his Quirk two, but it's explicitly one, that's just him artificially separating it in his mind because of his trauma/how his dad seemed to have trained him with fire. So... why would anyone assume that was Izuku's Quirk, when edgy black tentacles have nothing to do with super strength? Why did everyone look at that and go, 'Yeah, that's totally Izuku'.
Why didn't anyone think it was something else?
And as for what else it could be? Well, you remember the first chapter? The slime guy, trying to parasite Bakugou? Sounds pretty similar to me! An energy version, sure, but still. With any normal amount of context these characters should have had, they shouldn't have treated this as, 'Izuku's having an accident with his powers'.
They should have been treating this as him being attacked.
I mean, fuck. In that next chapter (where they make it seem like Aizawa has been 'responsibly' keeping any eye on this the whole time), he even says 'if' this thing is a Quirk. He doesn't know what it is. The fact he's so laid back about letting an unknown element just... be there is mind-boggling. What if it isn't a Quirk? What if it was like the slime-guy, some Quirk that couldn't be canceled with a glance from, like, half a mile away? What the fuck is he going to do if breaks the neck of some kid a foot away from Izuku while Aizawa, who is way the fuck over there, is too far away to intervene?
It's so irresponsible it's insane.
And yeah, 'They still want to win'. Big whoop, they all do! I mean, hell, the losers are still going to want to win even after they lose; are you going to let them just have another shot because they want to win? He's clearly fine with letting them risk their lives to what the fuck ever that was, so breaking the rules and invalidating the win should be nothing in comparison, right?
This is the logic of an actual child. Consequences exist. Things happen beyond your control; hell, make it part of the lesson.
'You all lose, yes, just like when you're trying to catch a bank robber and them some gigantified asshole knocks over a building and suddenly you need to do something else. Get over it.'
But you know what? Even if they all did know, it shouldn't have mattered, because there's a point where things have crossed the line and when someone yells, 'Run away, my power is going to murder you!', the situation has clearly reached that point. They should have stopped it, instantly, and then at worst maybe have marked Izuku's team as an automatic loss if he was faking or something, but... it was smashing buildings. It clearly could have killed someone. I mean, at least Vlad King was concerned, but Aizawa? Nah.
I guess nobody died yet, so it wasn't worth stopping.
Is Izuku OK after all that? Eh, the boy who fought past breaking his arms, doing himself permanent damage, wants to keep going; clearly he's fine and we can trust his decision making process. What if it happens again? Well, I handled it so well before (by doing nothing), that clearly I can handle it if that thing tries to murder my pride and joy, even if I'm blinking when it happens, or maybe Shinsou is blocking my view of Izuku so I can't use my Quirk on him, or any other factor that might prevent me from intervening when I am nowhere nearby.
God, the fact that nobody has died in the process of being trained by this man is genuinely awe-inspiring. I guess Shinsou's greatest proof of how great a hero he'll be isn't his Quirk, or how fast he picked up scarf-jutsu, but the fact he got one-on-one training with Aizawa and lived!
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justyanderes · 2 years
yautja!uvogin x reader
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warnings: uvo is terrible in this! The world building of this au is also pretty dark too (clone trafficking is mentioned), implied future dubcon and the making mark of is basically branding the reader
A/n this whole au doesn't follow too closely into the yautja lore and is mainly made up by yours truly ofc
It's past midnight when the screaming starts up. The ships monitor is old- prewar in fact. No one when you asked earlier had any idea nor wished to use it. But works well enough to give you access to every camera on the ship.
Not many people in the galaxy are willing to haul a damn xenomorph. But the tag along group of mercenaries needed the money, everyone seems to do these days. It didn't hurt that you had money up front for the travel either. So they took you in, never thinking you could be dangerous compared to the illegal cargo they were handling. If they only knew huh?
Said captain who took you in without reporting your presence is the only one who manages to fight back. It's a useless endeavor. His spleen and other organs fall right out of his body when he least expects them to. It's hard to fight against something you can't see after all.
There's a lot of things this crew could have done to save themselves- it can all be traced back to them taking pity on you. Letting you tag along to the next planet where you desperately needed to get to. All of them are unaware of that stowaway you've brought that will be the death of them all.
You think that it will only take him another ten? No, five minutes at most to finish the task. Meaning you are left waiting, once more. The screams are getting closer now. Someone finally bangs on the room's door and you make no move to let them inside.You know all of this remains completely out of your control. If you want to live this is just another hard factor of life you'll have to come to accept. You are well aware of the fact, but it doesn't make any of this easier.
When you remember to breathe, that's when you decide to look around the room for things of value. The first item that catches your eye is a starship figurine. The second is an old school cloning catalogue. You can't help but chuckle trying to imagine a world that had such a dated product. Back on your home planet there were a dozen shops that offered cloning services with the promise of a finished product at the end of the week.
Eventually in your search you recognize a piece of tech scattered across the old storage room. Its value is no greater than a cheap battery pack. But it's the final piece you've been needing to finish up fixing your current project.
You check back on the monitor- confirming that the entire crew is dead due to the fact the Uvogin is no longer wearing his mask.Giving you a rare view of the ugly mug that makes your skin crawl. You've seen your fair share of aliens but his species was pure nightmare fuel. The space boogyman- that caring parents use to have their kids behave. If you're forced to be honest however its his eyes that frighten you the most. And right now staring back they seem absolutely piercing. You wonder briefly if you have zoned off far too long. Uvo would be really pissed if you have.
You hold on to the tech you found like it's your lifeline. This time it very much could be, you never know exactly where you stand with the yautja.
You've been traveling together for months and this entire time he's been able to understand every curse that's left your mouth. Yet you don't have the faintest clue what's going through his head. There's only so much meaning you can only make so much sense of what every low trill and sound means.
And the noises he makes that you do understand almost instinctively are ones you really wish you didn't hear.
Blood is tracked all over your boots by the time you make it to the medical center. Or what's left of it anyways. Uvo is waiting for you, perched against one of the counter tops.
You can more clearly make out the yautja's familiar features now you aren't huddled in a corner with a shitty monitor. He's impossibly tall, to the point you think he's some genetic failure rather than a creature that should actually exist.
Silver dreadlocks are the only factor that shows off his true age. One of your first mistakes had been assuming Uvo was a young blood- growing up you had heard tales of how easy it could be for humans to trick the younger males.
All one needed was a xenomorph to set it off on a hunting rampage. Needless to say your escape attempts using that information did not pan out well.
You show off the piece of tech you found. Which thankfully does the trick in keeping Uvogin from giving you any bullshit. Earning you a pleased trill followed by what you think is his impression of a human laughter.
He hands you the broken translator and settles down so you can reach him more easily. The thought of using your screwdriver and plugging it into his big forehead is there. Despite the fact you know you'd die before you ever get the chance to get a swing in.
"When it is fixed, it will likely be the last time before it breaks down completely. You'll have to find another one once it breaks".
The yautja considers your words for a moment, giving a grunt to confirm he actually was listening to you.
That was another thing odd about Uvo you can't quite place- even if you've been careful with how you act in front of him. There have been times where you have been too scared to listen to his commands. Which you know has made the yautja who expects worship at his feet to be pissed off enough.
Even the slightest amount of a threat should be enough to set the male off. Since he hasn't killed you yet he'll have to let you go, you think. In your mind you can't think of any other reason why he would keep you along any longer. Once the translator has been fixed you'll be home free.
It takes a great amount of effort for you to keep your hands from shaking as you wire the final piece.
You then carefully attach it to his neck, ignoring the way his eyes are scanning over your form. Sizing you up, seems to never stop despite how long you have been forced to work together. Even a hardened thief is nothing compared to a yautja. Especially a maddened one could care less about it's own species or their traditions. You thought by now he would have learned you weren't a threat to him.
"Test it out now".
For a moment there's only static until the translator is properly warmed up.
"Took you long enough! 'uman, I was beginning to think you didn't want to hear my voice again". Uvogin says, a little too close into your ear.
The voice could be fitting on a human perhaps- on UVO it's nothing short of unsettling. His attempt at flirting makes your skin crawl.
Needless to say the voice options leave a lot to be desired. You'll take what you can get however. This voice is certainly better than the last one he had set up. Most importantly you can now properly understand him.
"I spotted that this shithole had some alcohol if you're in the mood to celebrate".
It's an offer, but it's obvious that declining the offer leads you to trouble. Tonight you are too tired and not in the mood to deal with such games.
"Sorry big guy. Drink without me I need a shower and to rest before this headache kills me".
You quip, backing up into your own personal space. In your mind you start up trying to guess the value of things. Despite the fact there's nothing else really valuable here- Uvo has ruined anything that was.
You head back to the shower room, likely to get rid of the bloodstains. It didn't make a lot of sense to Uvo but he lets you walk away just this once. Come tomorrow the yautja won't be as willing to overlook your odd human habits. He's been planning to do this for a while now. At first he wasn't sure if he truly wanted you, or if it was his instincts talking. Too many mating moons spent alone finally turning him into a romantic sap.
But pretty didn't always mean useful- Take the clone Phinks had stolen from Saturn for example. Prettiest thing he ever saw and yet the stupid thing still tried to run every chance they got. You on the other hand learned quickly what trouble running got you.
He wasn't necessarily looking for a strong human to mate with. But Uvogin would be damned if he was stuck with a weakling.
His own species was a little too headstrong. A fact that Uvogin began to despise more every passing year. Especially the females, who would rather kill their more powerful counterparts than try and work together. Pakunoda was the only one who never tried to battle Uvo for dominance- Thus she was his only yautja sister he never had to kill.
Since it would be pointless to imagine you beating him, it took a while to decide what task he could set you upon to prove your worthiness. Planning a way to allow you a chance to survive was even more difficult. In the beginning he often wondered if you were worth the effort.
You've been ready to run from him since the start. And if he were a youngblood, too concerned with taking what he could. It's undeniable that he would have messed this whole courting thing up. Likely killing you long before he could ever fuck you.
The image of just that settles his thoughts for a moment. His favorite pastime as of late has been imagining your little cries of pleasure. Or how you'd look at him with those perfect eyes terrified of what he could do. All of it gets him off more easily than any other has. A factor that certainly lines up with the idea that you could be his mate. All you have to do is prove yourself worthy enough and Uvo would accept you for himself. The tracker he had placed on you confirms the fact you really are asleep. Or at least trying to. See, the plan originally was to give you a full six hours of rest. But being a little impatient Uvo decides you'll have to do well enough with four.
Uvogin kills the first xenomorph with ease. Detaching its head from the rest of its body. Saving a bit of the foul creatures blood within a vial. (If you survive this, he will need the less acidic blood to mark you)
The second is still heavily drugged, it doesn't even twitch when Uvo chops it's ugly little tail off. Followed by him breaking one of it's hind legs as well. He leaves the creature's arms intact however.
After all he isn't trying to make this too easy for you.
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icycoldninja · 3 months
Do you mind writing the DMC men with a reader who’s similar to Ellen Ripley ( as a Xenomorph survivor ) from Alien as in occupation and what Ripley had gone through
She was the sole survivor of the first Xenomorph encounter, and one of the few to survive the same alien infestation in LV-426. Ripley also had some crazy feats; which includes her intelligence, quick thinking, strong willed and determined (like deadass going back to fetch her catch when she knew she was being chased down by a hostile life form in space). The reader can be quite fearful but can pull her weight and man up in certain situations
Not only that, because of her multiple encounters with the Xenomorph, she also develop issues along the way. For example:
1) if they breathe down her neck, she’ll flinch violently and almost knock them out, jaw clenching and stuff due to the trauma of having the Xenomorph breathing down her neck
2) if she hears a sizzling sound or a sound of something similar to a hiss, she’ll snap her head at said direction so quick and started loading up the blicky just to realize it’s the sizzle from the pipes
3) Absolutely refuses to enter any dark and cramp spaces ( worse if it’s damp and wet ) as it reminded her of the time she walked through an entire nest with barely any lights. She’ll light up an entire house and only turn the lights off when extremely necessary
4) Develop a weird fear of swallowing large proportion of food as it reminded her of the time she was nearly face-hugged by the face hugger so (NSFW: If they choke her, she’ll most likely slap their hands away bcz it reminded her of the wrap of the Face hugger’s tail)
Her paranoia barely alleviates even after landing back on Earth
Yup, absolutely. Enioy.
Sparda boys + V x Ellen Ripley-like!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante is very understanding of what you've been through and wants to help you recover.
-He maintains personal space and always lets you know his intentions before he gets close to kiss or hug you.
-Tries his best to keep annoying sizzle noises from occurring in your house so you don't get nervous.
-Keeps the lights on all the time, let the electricity bill be damned. When the power does inevitably go out, Dante will pull out a whole box full of candles and light them so you don't have to sit in the dark.
-When you guys are eating together, he makes sure to cut your food up into bite sized pieces, regardless of the weird looks you guys get since you eat pizza like a 3 year old.
-Honestly admires your badassery and would never even dream of putting his hands around your neck--the most he'll ever do is press a few loving kisses to it.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil understands trauma causes one to develop certain fears and habits and will help you avoid some of the more serious ones.
-No, he won't put your meals in the food processor, but he will give you small portions and usually makes soup or pasta for you.
-He makes you carry a large flashlight around with you whenever you leave the house or when a storm is approaching (pardon the pun) in case the power goes out. Also, he keeps the house dry and tidy, so you don't have to worry about venturing into damp spaces.
-Helps you overcome some of your smaller fears, such as your paranoia when someone breathes down your neck. How does he do this? By literally smothering you with his frame to "override" the bad memories and replace them with new, romantic ones.
-He won't choke you, though, and makes sure nothing tight wraps around your throat, especially in your sleep when you're more likely than ever to get tangled up in the blankets.
-He honestly admires your intelligence and resilience for being able to survive all these horrific events and still manage to enjoy your life years later.
□ Nero □
-Nero thought you were so cool for being able to do what you do.
-Your quick thinking and intelligence, as well as your unshakable determination was basically everything he never knew he needed in a woman.
-He doesn't want you to feel paranoid in your own home, though, so he takes great care to always have the lights on, keep the house dry, etc.
-Try as he might, things still go bump in the night, and when you get scared, he will be there, holding onto you and assuring you it's only the pipes.
-Nero would never ever even think about choking you, so don't worry, your neck is safe.
-Takes extra care to keep you away from any and all demons, due to their frightening resemblance to the Alien.
● V ●
-V wants nothing but to ease the pain of spending so much time struggling to survive in space.
-He comforts you whenever you grow frightened of anything, no matter how silly it might seem to others.
-More often than not, you end up shivering in his arms because the fridge started hissing and it reminded you of the alien.
-Reads to you to calm you down, usually with your head in his lap and one of his hands tangled in your hair.
-Always leaves a nightlight plugged in for you so your room is never truly dark.
-He tells you every day how much he loves you and how he is so proud of you for surviving what you did and retaining your integrity. He hopes you feel as confident in yourself as he is in you.
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stem-sister-scuffle · 8 months
Kal'tsit (Arknights) vs Entrapta Princess of Dryl (Netflix She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
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Kal'tsit is a Medic and Pharmacist!
Entrapta Princess of Dryl is a Roboticist, Programmer and First Ones' Tech Historian/Archaeologist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
"Kal'tsit is the Officer-in-Charge for Rhodes Island's Medical Department and she uses her expertise to heal other operators in battle while being apart of the battle herself. Kal'tsit seems to be one of the closest characters to the player character "Doctor", being familiar with their past while Doctor has no clue due to amnesia. Apparently she has been around for quite a long time and, old lady jokes aside, due to all the experience she has she seems to be one hell of an op operator (though I have been unable to play Arknights myself so I am relying on the information of multiple different people who do play). Also she is my wife I love her <3"
"first of all, she is a cat woman (she is very old)... her companion is a green dragon crystalline monster whom she has a symbiotic relationship with... they understand each other and kal'tsit also commands them in battle she oversees the medical branch of rhodes island which is a research & pharmaceutical company trying to find the cure to the fatal rock disease that plagues this world and kills you slowly :( despite living in such a harsh world, she never stops fighting for and helping the people... even tho people want to kill her, she remains kind she mentors all sorts of people and trains them to be future doctors and in the game itself she is classified as a medic! hiiiiii demi its me lapis teehee i hope u have fun hosting this too!!!!"
"My beautiful catgirl ex-wife. She has definitely been alive for millennia, is a passionate ally to the downtrodden (you know, to atone for her previous history of war crimes), and founded a pharmaceutical company that largely does charity work for sufferers of the setting-specific incurable magic rock cancer. She's psychically bonded with the xenomorph-esque monster that lives in her spine. She wants to kill me. <3 For added context to the above, when I say "me" and "my" above, I refer to the player character of Arknights, the otherwise-unnamed "Doctor." While it is unlikely that Kal'tsit and the Doctor were ever literally married, the particular nature of their closeness, implied history, and current co-parenting has lead to "the ex-wife" to be a near-universally accepted fandom nickname for Kal'tsit. In a game full of hyper-competent characters with mysterious pasts, Kal'tsit is both the most competent and the most mysterious, and is genuinely a major factor in my fondness for Arknights itself."
"(cracks fingers) here we go-- dr. kal'tsit is a wise and kindhearted individual who travels and helps as many people as she can in need. when you first encounter her in the game, she comes off as cold and harsh, cutting straight to the point. however, that's only because the player character probably did something really awful (unknown atm). in events where we were able to explore her backstory and see how people reacted to her, we find out that she will save as many lives as she could through tactical negotiation, but she is ready to fight as needed if people fail to consider her warnings. as a doctor with an incurable rock disease (incuritis 2 JDHEJDJFKE), she understands the pain of that illness and administers help to people who get infected, no matter who they are, even if theyre some rando in the village woods. she also created a type of poison that would help in a quiet assassination, something that wouldn't be immediately detected by other forensic scientists until it was too late. i know i said that she tried to save as many people as possible, but this situation was a bit different. i would expand on it but i might be rambling a bit too much, but basically shes got a complex set of decisions and loves humanity a bit too much and also has the skills to back it up.she rocks both a maid outfit and a suit in canon"
Entrapta Princess of Dryl:
"She builds robots!!! She's curious and inquisitive!! She loves her robots!! She has the coolest hair and also I want to be her bestie. She's an absolute love"
"autism :)"
"Builds robots and computers for fun and companionship. Can take apart and understand almost any tech she is presented with. Autism lever set to max and I love her. Mandatory boob window in all her outfits and I've never related harder to a character."
"autistic icon, amazing inventor and app round excellent character"
"she has prehensile hair it’s literally the best thing i’ve ever seen in my life, it’s never once acknowledged by any of the characters as abnormal or explained in any way i’m literally obsessed with it. also autism queen"
"PIGTAILS!!!! autism"
"Entrapta is very bubbly and positive. She never lets anything like losing her friends or going to the bad side or getting put on a death-sentence island stop her from scientific pursuits! She actually drives a lot of the conflict in the story, as she explains the technological backstory of the world, and helps both sides be better at fighting. She loves data, doing experiments, and the scientific method. She's also in love with space. She is an autistic queen <3"
"phenomenal canon autism representation without being weird & shitty. also she’s so strange & wonderful & relatable in so so many ways. my computer is named Darla bc that’s what she named the AI for the spaceship in s5"
"She is THE science queen because she loves science so much and her love of it is INFECTIOUS. I don’t know anything about science but Entrapta makes it seem like the coolest thing in the universe. I love her"
"She ourple. I luv her"
"She's so passionate about her work. Takes through notes! Figured out how to hack her home planet!!! She's autistic as hell and I like her overalls."
"You won’t get autism like this anywhere else bestie"
"amoral mad scientist who flips between the good guys and bad guys, loves building so many inventions, ends up converting the head bad guy (for most of the series) to good through the power of love"
"She has outfitted her entire castle to be a maze, and installed electronic locks on some. Her staff seems to be mostly robots she has built herself. In good part reverse engineering or adapting ancient tech found on the planet. She's incredible at what she does and personally fixes, invents and builds a wide range of stuff from space ships to portals to a prosthetic exoskeleton to trackers to war machines. She can do it all. Autism win! Girlie has been criticised for being treated childlike or being unable to understand those around her to a ridiculous degree, but I'm honestly just glad she's not a Sheldon Cooper. Her favorite bots have personalities and therefore implied AI (but not the shitty kind), which means she's pretty fucking good at software too. She likes tiny foods."
"So very autistic about technology. Initially believes robots are way better than people, eventually makes human friends but also very much still has robot friends (I love Emily so much). Gets so excited about finding new First One's tech. Also her happy spinning around in a space suit in that one season 5 episode heals my heart every time I watch it"
"She's the planet's leading expert on ancient tech (sci-fi/fantasy universe) and develops most of the tech in the show and is very autistic about it. i love her"
"She is fun and funky. Chaotic neutral. Definitely some autism coding going on, which is very charming. She has a pet robot? It is cute"
"Bc she is ENTRAPTA!! No srsly she is such a well-written character. At times kinda morally grey but always lovable and great and she is truly amazing at what she does!! I'm pretty sure she's already been submitted but I wanted to make sure :)"
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