#stellarium fics
stellariumcircus · 2 years
Mike would be screaming crying shitting throwing up if he ever heard will say he hated himself so what I’m trying to say is
“I just,” Will shrugged his shoulders, grown sturdier but not steadier beneath plaid. “I hate the way I am.”
“What?” Mike asked, sitting straighter. His heart was in his throat, and if he didn’t swallow it down it’d be in his hands soon. “That’s crazy, there’s nothing wrong with you.”
“You don’t get it. Everything everyone’s ever said about me,” Will was looking down but Mike wanted him to look up, “They’re right. My Dad was right. I know it. And if I told you, you’d know it too.” 
It didn’t matter anymore. Heart in hands, thoughts in mouth, Mike would do whatever he needed to to fix this. “Dude. Don’t say that. Don’t ever say that. Your Dad’s a, a-“ He puttered off into uhhh because he couldn’t find the right word but settled on, “Monster.” 
Will folded his hands together - put away, off the table. “He’s right. I’m just some,” his face turned up to the sky like the Byers had ever been the praying kind, “Fag. I hate it.”
Mike immediately said, “You’re not,” but the word lingered on his mind. His heart kicked in before his brain had even made sense of it. And once it did, the two were in tandem; racing.
“But what if I am, Mike?” Will threw at him, face turning back to him - mouth tight, brow drawn, but not sad. Not quite angry, if Will even knew how to be angry. “What then?” 
“Then, shut up, Will.” Will froze, no longer defiant, and Mike scrambled to fix it. “I mean, shut up, I still don’t want to hear you say you hate yourself. Do you have any idea how cool you are? I mean, you’re an amazing artist, and you survived a week in the Upside down and Eddie couldn’t even survive five minutes,” god, he missed Eddie, “And you’re, the nicest person ever. To everyone, even when we don't deserve it. I love playing D&D with you and watching you draw and if you'd ever answer the phone, I'd love to talk to you."
Will was staring at him, now, unreadable as ever.
But Mike wasn't as he always was. He wasn't blurting it out. He meant to say, "I love the way you are.”
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emeoonbird · 1 month
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ワールドダイスター 夢のステラリウム | World Dai Star: Yume no Stellarium (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kathrina Griebel/Ramona Wolf Characters: Kathrina Griebel, Ramona Wolf Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Canon Related, Introspective Ramona Wolf, hand-holding, No Beta, Soft Ramona Wolf, Soft Kathrina Griebel, Short & Sweet, Ramona Wolf Is A Mess, Let's Say This Is After The New Year Event, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Now That I Wrote This I Can Write More (Evil Laugh) Summary:
Poder sentir o calor que emanava da pele alheia, a ausência de lacunas no entrelaçar de seus dedos e a maciez da outra palma tocando a sua; todas essas sensações traziam arrepios pelo seu corpo.
Era extasiante. Conseguia sentir seus olhos ardendo suavemente, um sinal de que estava muito emocionada — não duvidava nada que suas irises azuladas estivessem brilhando naquele instante.
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dani-luminae · 1 year
🌪💧(romantic/sweet stuff, no need for hot stuff!) ☔?
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
Oh I am blanking on this one so hard. Probably because I'm a bad judge at humor. Closest I can offer is this from Immaculate Destruction:
"Yeah, the glyphs are definitely similar," Valerian said, running his fingers over some of the carvings. "But exactly how it relates to the Stellarium, I have no clue. Maybe Thornton -" "Thornton's as clueless as we are," I said. "He's just too scared to run around and do the exploring that his job entails. He'd rather sit a safe distance from any danger."
[Spongebob narrator voice: eh few, scenes, lehtair~]
 "Is it a keyhole?" Valerian said. "That we don't have the key to," I said. We went back to Thornton and explained the mosaic, the Archivist, and the keyhole on the pedestal. Thornton nodded. "Funny you should mention something being missing..." Oh, great. The one time that Thornton actually had an important detail, we passed him by.
(The joke/context is that Thornton is, in the most basic terms, a colonizers (he is, literally, a British dog) and Iri and Val doubt his understanding of anything about Celestia's lost people.)
💧Share something romantic/hot from your WIP, or just something sweet if it's gen.
I shared the opening of the next chapter of For You I'd Steal the Stars! Unfortunately it's kind of all I've got right now.
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
I have literally been considering an Avengers-style "Several of my OCs meet and battle a bad guy" fic for a while now; I practically have it all planned out, including characters such as Carly, Rose, Lia, Haley, Aria, Lily, and more. I just... am not writing it? For whatever reason! And I do not understand! I really want to!!!! BUT I AM NOT!!!!!! why
There's also an entire AU of Rose's story where all of Auradon, including her family, had their memories magically altered to forget Rose's existence. This leads to an Auradon that is unfortunately very similar to canon and would culminate in a “OC gets slung into canon and balks at the Absolutely Terrible State of Things” end result (and cue Rose trying to Fix All This Shit). This is far less likely to get written but boy is it fun to imagine.
Thank you for the ask!
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nevermeyers · 1 year
Hi!!! I am reading your rinzu fic. I wasn't into shipping in general, but I like your fic a lot. Anyway, I wanted to let you know I love that you made rindou like astronomy. I am an astronomy student myself, and I screamed when you mentioned stellarium. Sorry if this message was confusing...I really like your fic!
Heyy!! I'm glad you like it! ❤️
Astronomy is precious, I hope you do well with your studies<3! When I was a child I loved the stellarium app. My father installed it on my computer and I spent the afternoons looking at the stars and the sunrise and sunset, it was great. I always leave small parts of myself in everything I write and I'm glad to see that someone else likes the stellarium :') Although I haven't used it for years, I have very good memories and it makes me nostalgic
Thank you for your message, anon <33
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Michael Morbius x Reader: Space Girl
SPOILERS FOR MORBIUS? Literally just who he is.
Lol since I've seen the movie I haven't stopped thinking about him. NOT ENOUGH FICS FOR HIM ARE OUT YET Y'ALL. We need to get on that. Also got reminded of a friend who "doesn't like guys with long hair." Someone remind me to ask her about him. P.S. If you're looking for the app I talk about in this, try Stellarium :)
Description: Michael and the reader chillin on a rooftop talkin about stars. Just all the fluff :). Reader works at a cliche food industry place. Pick wherever you want.
Gender: neutral! No pronouns used!
WARNINGS: Just a teeny little mention of blood for like a second.
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*not my GIF*
Your feet hurt from standing all day. You trudge up one last set of stairs to reach the top of your apartment building. When you open the old rusty metal door to the roof, you sigh in relief.
You walk forward and peak over the edge, the cars racing below you. No one is watching. Your boss is not peaking over your shoulder and customers are not pulling you in a thousand different directions.
You lay a rather large blanket on the ground. The chilling April wind presses around you but you forgot your jacket in your post-work haze. Most nights, you come straight up here after a shift. You store the blanket in your car every morning, knowing you won't have the willpower to search for it in a dark apartment.
Of course, living in the city, you can't see the sky through all the light pollution. It drives you nuts having grown up in a rural area. You pull out your phone and pull up an app that simulates the sky. You hold it over your head and pretend the stars aren't virtual.
The squeaking of the door makes you jump, pulling your blanket in front of you like a shield. No one ever comes up here this late.
You can only see the silhouette of a face when someone says, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know there was someone up here."
The man almost moves to shut the door but you stop him with "No, it's okay."
Usually after a busy day, the last thing you want to do is talk to people. Or be around people. People kinda suck. However, you've destroyed your social life and now you'd be okay with having any sort of companionship for a bit.
The man walks onto the roof and the door shuts. As your eyes readjust to the lights, you see your rather attractive neighbor Dr. Michael Morbius. You've rarely ever interacted with him other than a few awkward exchanges when you were clumsy enough to fall in his presence.
"I'm sorry, am I interrupting?" He speaks once again.
"Interrupting what?" You gesture to the wide open space around you. He laughs lightly.
"Is this your phone?" He leans down and picks it up. It must've went flying when you ducked for cover under the blanket.
"Yeah, sorry." You reach your hand out for it but he pauses, looking at something on the screen.
"You know, I've been to places where there's so little light pollution you can see the Milky Way clear as day."
He hands you the phone. You take a moment to process what he's saying as you realize he saw the app.
"Oh, that must've been cool. Even where I grew up, you couldn't see much most nights." You sigh.
You see Michael nod as he shifts awkwardly, standing at a safe distance from you.
"You can sit here if you'd like." You invite him onto the blanket next to you.
"Are you sure I'm not bothering you?" He takes a step closer.
"Of course not. You're more than fine."
He finally sits down. "I just came up here to read in the fresh air, so-"
Oh, so he's going to close the conversation off. "Okay, I don't mind the company."
He pulls a book from inside his jacket as you lay down and hold your phone up again.
The tension-filled silence between you two physically hurts but you force yourself to focus. You quiz yourself on constellations and stars. As soon as save up enough money, you're going back to school for astrophysics.
"Is your hand bleeding?" He suddenly breaks the silence.
"Hm?" Your concentration is broken. You turn your flashlight on and see a little cut on the back of your hand. "Ah, must've just nicked it at work. It's fine."
"I have a band-aid if you want it."
As you'd rather not have blood accidentally stain the white blanket, you nod. To your complete surprise, he takes you wrist and puts the bandage on for you. You pull your hand back, blushing, thankful for the darkness of night.
"Thanks." You mutter.
"Of course." There is a moment of silence where neither of you move to return to your activities. "Dangerous work?"
It is a painful attempt at conversation, not that you have anything better. You force a short laugh. "No. Just tiring, though, I guess being a doctor is more tiring." You stop yourself from rambling more, feeling embarrassment tug at your chest.
He shrugs. "I enjoy doing it so not really."
"Mm, lucky." You barely say aloud.
"What, do you not like where you work?"
"No. My boss is horrible."
The seemingly random interest makes you search his face for any sign of forced kindness. Finding nothing but genuine curiosity, you continue. "I work crazy hours and she always has something to say about me. I wouldn't mind it so much if she wasn't constantly watching me, as if working twelve hour days isn't hard enough."
"Twelve hour days?"
You nod. "Trying to save up to go back to school. I really want to go for astrophysics and I had to drop out and start working last year."
There is another moment of silence. "I'm sorry."
"Eh, I'm used to it now." You lay down on the blanket.
After a painful moment of nothing, Michael lays down as well. "Where were you doing up here?"
"Studying," you say and gesture to your phone.
"I can help if you want." He doesn't look at you. For some reason, he sounds almost vulnerable for a moment.
"Sure," you say and hand him the phone. You think you see him sigh in relief. Of what, you don't know.
For the next hour, the two of you "study," which actually consists of getting to know each other between short quizzes of different concepts. You come to find that he knows nothing about space. You thought he knew everything, he always seemed so smart.
In the middle of you describing how a nebula is created, you feel him slip something into your hand.
"Well, I'm going to go to sleep now. I really enjoyed talking with you." He suddenly stands up.
"Oh, okay. Good night." You barely have time to say before he runs back inside.
You turn on your flashlight again to examine when he handed you. A little folded-up piece of paper. You carefully unfold it. It's his phone number with a little arrow indicating to turn the paper over. On the back is written:
Coffee tomorrow at 6?
You smile.
My masterlist :)
Requests are open!! Thanks for reading!
Buy me a coffee? Cause Morbius isn't real and he's not buying me a coffee at 6 tomorrow.
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tinycharm-art · 5 years
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✧ ・゚.* From my new fic Stellarium aka sci-fi witches in space featuring lots of Dazai recovery, mysterious pianist Chuuya, teacher Ango and Oda, a school play, prince charming Higuchi, a space, school festival, cosplay club, aliens, alternate timelines, the moon being made of dessert and many other soft fluffy things and 0 angst honest. *:・゚✧
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nautiscarader · 5 years
Stars on the other side of the sky are always brighter
Rayllum, G, 0.8k
A short drabble based on @radiantrayllum‘s and @kirishimaaaaaaa‘s  headcanon.
- Callum, why would ever have scales in the sky? - Uh, I don't know. To measure things? Or maybe to make fair decisions?
Rayla considered turning her head again, as she looked at the chart, trying to match the squiggly lines to the stars above her head. But she's been staring at it too long to know that the human constellations made absolutely no sense. Now, granted there were animals, some hideously distorted ones, but also boats, clocks, or furnaces.
There was even a triangle. A triangle. Just three stars, with absolutely no creativity behind it whatsoever.
And then there were typically human things: a woman in chains, warriors with spears, arrows, shields and crowns... actually two of them, one for each hemisphere, as if they didn't have enough wars on earth, and they needed to assert their dominance over the sky as well.
This night, she put out the fire early, just because she was eager for Callum to show her the names of the constellations, and it turned out to be a repeat of what she already knew about most of the humans she has met. Though she was surprised to see that some of the constellations do coincide. The Snake, a vast, long string of stars, stretching from north to south, was also named as such by humans, except they put the head in its tail. Their Little Banther was a Caribou, a Salamander was turned into a Swan... And, as she looked and looked over the map Callum gave her, there was just one thing nagging Rayla the whole time.
- Callum, where are the bleeding dragons?! - Dragons? Where?
At the same time, Zim and Ez woke up, alerted by Rayla's voice, frantically looking around.
- No, Ez, it's nothing, we were just stargazing. - Callum responded - I mean, I was stargazing, and Rayla decided to stargaze as well, so I guess now we are stargazing. Both, on each own, I mean. - he quickly corrected himself.
When his brother and the dragon prince went back to sleep, he lay on the ground again, ready to continue explaining Rayla their stars.  
- Well, there is a dragon there... - Callum pointed to the sky, whispering - Can you see it? He's got a tail here, and the two wings there... - THAT's a dragon? - she chuckled - That weeny lizard? Looks like that big momma banther is gonna eat him. - Actually, that is a story behind it, since it was attacking her cub and... - Callum responded nonchalantly, realising a bit too late how he sounded. - Oh, sorry. - Alright, let me show you ours...
Rayla moved next to him, and just like he before, she begun pointing to the stars.
- First of all, we've got four dragons, four! One for each side of the sky, north, south, west and east. And they are huge!
She moved her arm from left to right, almost as if she was waving at someone far away, tracing the vast shapes of each of the creatures.
- But why are they so big? Where's the place for other- - Because they are protecting them, dummy. - she chuckled - Under each wing you've got smaller ones, like Fox or The Wolves... and there, in the south, is a Phoenix, and in between these two dragons - she pointed to the group of the stars scattered in a long line - You've got geese flying south, and dragons make way for them. - Why are they called that?
As if on command, a single stray shooting star flew right across the very constellation her hand was pointing to, disappearing as quickly as she came to life.
- See? Another one flew by. And the four dragons, they have a place to visit, their sacred mountain, and it's right... - ...here!
Callum raised his hand to the small, cross-shaped group of stars exactly between the four draconic constellations, just when Rayla did so as well. Their fingers touched, and at the same time, the two turned their heads. For a brief moment, they looked in each other's eyes, watching the faint reflection of the starry sky mingling with an otherworldly gleam neither of them has noticed before. Though, then again, their faces have never been so close before that they could see it...
And when she understood their sudden closeness, Rayla broke the intimate connection, laying her arm down and scooting a few inches or so when she realised her legs was touching Callem's as well.
- So, uh, yeah, that's, that's about it for the constellations. - she spoke, hoping to sound natural, and keeping her head straight. - Any questions? - What's this one called? - Callum pointed to the five stars underneath one of the dragon's bellies. - It looks like a deer... With a head here, and legs there... - Uh, that's... That's Chair. - Chair? - Chair. - Not a "Throne"? - Nope, just "Chair".
They both lay in silence for a while before they both begun laughing. Once again, they turned to their sides to meet each other's radiant faces. And with that image on their mind, they went to sleep, and this time, neither of them minded when their hands touched.
Constellations described in above fic are real (for a certain definition of reality). I based the Xadian sky roughly on Chinese Four Symbols (only one being the dragon). I took the inspiration for other creatures using an excellent, free stargazing program called “Stellarium” which allows you to see constellations from many different cultures. 
And yes, one of them has a chair.
Which roughly corresponds with Casiopeia, also portrayed sitting in one. 
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stellariumcircus · 2 years
how i think mike discovering the painting will go [one shot fluff fic]
i am unwell waiting for the script and dreaming up confession scenarios so here u go bylers i am feeding u
Mike sank down next to Will, and waited for him to say something. The moments passed, birds exchanging bridge to chorus in the trees, critters milling in the underbrush, the two of them breathing shakily.
But as long as he waited, Will didn’t say anything. He didn’t even look at him.
Mike hated to be the one to speak first. “I don’t get it.”
Will looked at him, but it wasn’t what Mike wanted to see. Mouth tightened at each end, brow drawn, eyes downturned at the corners. “What is there to get?”
“The painting,” Mike said, gesturing a rectangle with his thumbs and index fingers like he could conjure the image there. “Everything you said.”
Will looked away again, and Mike wanted that even less. “El-“
“-Just stop with the bullshit,” Mike cut him off. “El didn’t know anything about the painting. She told me. I mean, I looked like an idiot. Why would you lie about that? I mean, it makes no sense. Why would you pull all that out of your ass?”
He leaned away, like he was offended by it. Kettle, black. “I wasn’t lying.”
Mike tossed his hands up, wishing he had something real to throw rather than air. “You were. You told me it was about El, but it wasn’t.”
The air went still, along with Mike’s heart, along with the rigid line of Will’s spine. 
There it was. Not El;
Will stood, fingers curled in fists. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Mike took his wrist before Will could flee into the woods. He was surprised to find that he’d grown, that his fingers only barely overlapped the bone. 
“You don’t really think that, do you?” Mike asked, feeling his heart finally start again, like the motor on an old boat you’ve been trying to ignite so you can finally move forward. “That you’re a mistake?”
Will’s face didn’t turn. His hand had gone limp, fingers uncurled.
“That’s bullshit, Will,” Mike said when he didn’t answer. He didn't know how to say the rest, not out loud. “I know that the painting was from you, to me. I have something for you, too, okay?” 
He had Will’s interest now, though he seemed to try to hide it, head only slightly turned towards him. Mike didn’t dare let go of his wrist and give him the chance to escape, so he had to fumble one-handed with the pocket over his heart. After too long to be considered smooth or cool or well timed, Mike got the letter free. He tucked it into Will’s hand, and finally let go of his wrist.
Mike took a shaky breath and admitted something of his own. “From me, to you.” 
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stellariumcircus · 1 year
will byers is dead | byler au fic | chapter 3
“So, you gonna tell me who this Will guy is?”     Mike let his head fall back. Smoke leaked out one side of his mouth, and Eddie waved it away dismissively above him. “What?”     Eddie sank next to him, various chains and studs rattling, and he plucked the cigarette from Mike’s hand. Mike watched the white end of it disappear between Eddie’s lips. “You heard me, Wheeler. Will. The guys say you’re real torn up about him.”     Mike shrugged and put his eyes where they belonged; on the ground between his feet. “He’s my best friend.”     Eddie made a noise of acknowledgement through an exhale of smoke.     “He moved away,” Mike explained. “Two years ago.”     “Moved away, huh?” His tone was knowing, or at least it thought it was knowing. Eddie didn’t know shit about this. No one did. “He ever visit?”
read will byers is dead chapter 3 on ao3 word count: 8k status: in progress / biweekly updates synopsis: will byers drowned in 1983 after leaving his best friend's house. his mysterious death is mourned by his friends and family - all except for one person. his best friend, mike wheeler, refuses to believe in will's death. his belief is proven justified when he receives a call from will weeks after his supposed death. but will is not alive. his calls come from beyond the other side. will's miraculous calls become a daily occurrence for mike and mike alone. over the years, they attempt to grow up together even from their otherworldly distance. all is well for the first few years, but mike soon struggles to cope with the loss.
hi friends!!! i'm back to writing fics since my union is currently striking, so i thought i'd repost my current fic, will byers is dead, now that i'm actively updating again!
this fic is truly my baby at the moment, so i would love if you read it and gave me your thoughts!
as i close in on the last few chapters of it, i'm also happy to take suggestions on what to write next.
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stellariumcircus · 2 years
it's not my fault you don't like el | byler fic
    “Crazy?” His grip tightened until it wasn’t just tight. It hurt, a groaning pain that ached to snap, to get it over with. “You’re the one who’s crazy. You think people won’t notice?”
    Mike swallowed down the feeling in his throat like a pill, pulling on his wrist. Will was stronger than he looked, grown by months in the California sun. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
    His voice grew quiet. Mike had shouted it, all that time ago. But from Will, it was close to a whisper and louder for it: “It’s not my fault you don’t like El. That’s all you, isn’t it?”
read on a03 | 3753 word count | Rated T | mike gets vecna'd, music doesn't save him.
i've posted this before on my tumblr but it's an a03 now so i'm posting for people who'd rather read there! :)
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stellariumcircus · 2 years
hey look it's my new angsty mike-centric byler fic chapter
"There’s nothing wrong with you, Mike,” Will said softly.
    “There is!” Mike shouted, echoing through the empty street, pressing up against the dark windows of the houses.
    “Why?” Will asked, feeling as if a few IQ points had been knocked out of his ears.
    “Because, Will! Haven’t you heard? People like me, they get the shit beaten out of them and no one does anything.” Mike threw up his hands, kicked a coke bottle along the pavement. It rolled, clattered into the curve. “And they die, in hospitals where doctors are too afraid to even touch us. Eddie told me. He told me how fucked up it is, why would I want to be that?”
    Will stopped right there, in the middle of the street. Mike took a few steps forward, and he imagined being left there. “People like you?”
    Mike stopped, turning to him. He was framed by the moonrise behind him, an off center crescent hung over his messy head. The cool light was captured in the curls of his hair, pooled across his dark eyes. “Yeah, Will,” Mike said, voice cracking. His hands were at his sides, palms awkwardly forward, like Christ preparing to be crucified. “People like me.”
    “I don’t get it,” Will announced, but that wasn’t quite the truth. He got what the words meant for himself, but not for Mike.
    “Of course you don't,” Mike snarled, all teeth and fire. It was a guilty relief to see him like this, not the dull thing he’d been all year.
read the rest on a03 | mike is dealing with the aftermath of eddie's death + his influence on him, coming to terms with his sexuality, etc. will have a happy ending!
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stellariumcircus · 1 year
will byers is dead | byler au fic | chapter 8
“Think about staying with me and Jonathan, Mike. Even just for a few months. It’d be good for you.” God, god, Nancy hoped it would be good for him. She clipped her seatbelt back on, and placed her trembling fingers on the steering wheel. 
Back on the bumpy road, axels complaining, radio mumbling, Mike finally replied, “I can’t leave without him.”
A feeling roosted in her chest, then. It spread its wings, casting shadow. It hummed, static, whispers, water splashing.
There had to be a way to save him from this. 
read will byers is dead on ao3 word count: 9k status: in progress
fic finally updated!!! this fic will go a bit longer than expected - i think it will be 12 chapters instead of 10, now! it's in a sad spot at the moment but i promise there's some good coming :-)
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stellariumcircus · 1 year
will byers is dead | byler au fic | chapter 2
    If Mike Wheeler could see the Snow Ball through his friends’ eyes, it would have been beautiful.    The hanging sign with the dance's namesake would have glittered like a thousand jewels. The silver streamers would have been like the trails of light that a shooting star leaves behind. The music would have actually been music instead of grating noise in his ears.     But he didn’t have his friends’ eyes. Mike only had his own, and all that saw in the dressed up gymnasium was what it lacked.
read will byers is dead chapter 2 on ao3 word count: 8k status: in progress / biweekly updates synopsis: will byers drowned in 1983 after leaving his best friend's house. his mysterious death is mourned by his friends and family - all except for one person. his best friend, mike wheeler, refuses to believe in will's death. his belief is proven justified when he receives a call from will weeks after his supposed death. but will is not alive. his calls come from beyond the other side. will's miraculous calls become a daily occurrence for mike and mike alone. over the years, they attempt to grow up together even from their otherworldly distance. all is well for the first few years, but mike soon struggles to cope with the loss.

hi friends!!! i'm back to writing fics since my union is currently striking, so i thought i'd repost my current fic, will byers is dead, now that i'm actively updating again!
this fic is truly my baby at the moment, so i would love if you read it and gave me your thoughts!
as i close in on the last few chapters of it, i'm also happy to take suggestions on what to write next.
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stellariumcircus · 1 year
will byers is dead | byler au fic | chapter 1
There was no voice on the other end of the phone. Just static, biting away at the connection. No one there. But something kept the receiver pressed to Mike’s ear. He hesitated before asking, “Dustin?” Someone answered, “Mike.” It wasn’t Lucas. It wasn’t Dustin. Even if it had been weeks since his death, Mike would know his voice anywhere.  It was Will.
read will byers is dead on ao3 word count: 8k status: in progress / biweekly updates synopsis: will byers drowned in 1983 after leaving his best friend's house. his mysterious death is mourned by his friends and family - all except for one person. his best friend, mike wheeler, refuses to believe in will's death. his belief is proven justified when he receives a call from will weeks after his supposed death. but will is not alive. his calls come from beyond the other side. will's miraculous calls become a daily occurrence for mike and mike alone. over the years, they attempt to grow up together even from their otherworldly distance. all is well for the first few years, but mike soon struggles to cope with the loss.
hi friends!!! i'm back to writing fics since my union is currently striking, so i thought i'd repost my current fic, will byers is dead, now that i'm actively updating again!
this fic is truly my baby at the moment, so i would love if you read it and gave me your thoughts!
as i close in on the last few chapters of it, i'm also happy to take suggestions on what to write next.
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stellariumcircus · 1 year
will byers is dead | byler fic update
word count: 7k
status: still updating
“I knew it, I knew it, I knew it,” Mike chanted under his breath, leaning his forehead into the wall. His family wouldn’t hear him over the drone of the television, but he kept his voice quiet for the fear that he’d scare the moment away. “I knew you weren’t dead.”
The other end of the line blurred into static, and Mike held his breath. “But I am, Mike. I am.”
Mike began to smile, a reflex to Will’s jokes. But it didn’t feel like a joke, and the smile didn't feel happy. “Then how are you calling me?”
The static returned, crackling like a campfire. Between the noise, Will said in his soft voice, “I don’t know.”
And that was the first time that Mike Wheeler received a long distance call from the afterlife. But it wouldn't be the last. 
read on ao3
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stellariumcircus · 2 years
will byers is dead chapter 4 | byler fic
read on ao3 | word count: in progress!
summary | will byers drowned in 1983, but mike wheeler continues to receive phone calls from him every night.
Mike closed his eyes, pressing his forehead to the walkie until it hurt, until it was leaving dents on his skin. “It’s not your fault. Do you think if I had just, I don’t know. Maybe if I’d walked you home that night, or if I made you stay over…There must’ve been something I could’ve done, and if I’d just figured that thing out, you’d still be here.”
    “Mike,” Will said, his voice blurring briefly into static. “I am here.”
    Mike wrapped both his hands around the walkie and pulled it down against his chest. Will used to give the best hugs, the kind of hugs that knock the air out of your lungs, that make your ribs ache, that make everything feel frozen in place. “I know. I know that. I just miss you.”
    The static grew, and the most unsettling part of it was that it wasn’t really static. It just had the cadence of it. Mike always tried to ignore it, but when he clutched the walkie to his heart it couldn't be ignored anymore. The static was made up of a million voices, birdsong, metal crunching, water splashing all layered together. Will’s voice was just the loudest of the chorus.
    “I miss you too,” Will whispered, and everything else was drowned out.
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