emmynominees · 3 months
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carol burnett as theresa stemple in season five of mad about you
primetime emmy award winner for outstanding guest actress in a comedy series
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kurage14 · 10 months
There needs to be a meetup group called the I Was Forced to Move Back Home Because of Covid and Now None of My Friends Live Near Me So I Started All These Weird Hobbies to Combat the Loneliness and Now I Don't Know How to Talk to People club
By fallout boy
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booksopandah · 2 years
The Last Tsar’s Dragons by Jane Yolen and Adam Stemple
Why does this book exist? In all honesty, I think two people thought “wouldn’t it be cool if the Russian Revolution had dragons?” and then started writing, without much care for the consequences. And while I suppose silliness in general, I just wish the dragons mattered.
This was mostly historical fiction, and the fiction was mostly weak, and also there were dragons for about 5% of the book? Maybe? It’s not a long book. And of course, nothing is changed by dragons coming in. The Tsar is still hunting peasants and Jews, Trotsky is still getting betrayed, and Lenin is still leading the revolution. Just how it be. I wish the dragons mattered.
I didn’t really enjoy this book. It did make me want to try reading about the revolution and the Romanovs and Rasputin more, because that sounds interesting, but I can’t recommend this book for that purpose. Your time is likely better spent elsewhere. Happy Reading folks.
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mydaddywiki · 6 days
Carroll O'Connor
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Physique: Average/Husky Build Height: 5′ 10½″ (1.79 m)
John Carroll O'Connor (August 2, 1924 – June 21, 2001; aged 76) was an American actor whose television career spanned over four decades. O'Connor found widespread fame as Archie Bunker (for which he won four Emmy Awards), the main character in the CBS television sitcoms All in the Family (1971–1979) and its continuation, Archie Bunker's Place (1979–1983). O'Connor later starred in the NBC/CBS television crime drama In the Heat of the Night (1988–1995), where he played the role of police chief William "Bill" Gillespie. In the late 1990s, he played Gus Stemple, the father of Jamie Buchman (Helen Hunt) on Mad About You. In 1996, O'Connor was ranked number 38 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Stars of All Time. He won five Emmys and one Golden Globe Award.
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Carroll was born in Manhattan and raised in Forest Hills, a borough of Queens, New York. After graduating from high school in 1942, O'Connor joined the Merchant Marines and worked on ships in the Atlantic. In 1946, he enrolled at the University of Montana to study English. While there, he became interested in theater. During one of the amateur productions, he met his future wife, Nancy Fields, whom he married in 1951. They would later adopted their only child while in Rome, Italy in 1962 while he filmed Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s Cleopatra.
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I first fell in lust with O'Connor for his role as crusty police chief William 'Bill' Gillespie on the crime drama "In the Heat of the Night." O'Connor captured my imagination so much that he still remains one of the key templates of what a daddy should be like to me. Chubby, grey hair, gentle features but with a hint 'I'll fuck you up if you cross me' added for good measure. But as hot as he looked on the show, he looked insanely gorgeous as Archie on reruns of "All in the Family." Yes a rarity for me. Liking a man when they were younger.
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Even though O'Connor was nothing like his alter ego, Archie. Being shy, soft-spoken, introverted, intellectual and liberal. He had a charm that would have had me on my knees in minutes of speaking with him. Just sheer daddy perfection. He may not have been traditional-leading-man handsome, but I’ve always found Mr. O'Connor as nice looking. Listed as #20 on TV Land’s Top 50 TV Icons Countdown, but in the top five on my all time actors that I’d like to fuck senseless. O'Connor died at the age of 76 on June 21, 2001, in Culver City, California, from a heart attack brought on by complications from diabetes.
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RECOMMENDATIONS: Return to Me (2000) In the Heat of the Night (TV Series 1988–1995) Archie Bunker's Place (TV Series 1979–1983) All in the Family (TV Series 1971–1979) Law and Disorder (1974) Kelly's Heroes (1970) Waterhole #3 (1967)
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citizenscreen · 2 months
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Legends Carol Burnett and Carroll O'Connor as Theresa and Gus Stemple, Jaime’s parents, in "Paved with Good Intentions,” 1999 episode of “Mad About You.”
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
As a distraction from current political events, I recommend the fantasy novella "The Last Tsar's Dragons" by Jane Yolen and Adam Stemple. Set during the Russian revolution, the Tsar has barns full of dragons to send out against his enemies...and the Revolutionaries are secretly breeding their own. The fascinating story features the Romanovs, Rasputin, Revolutionaries, and a calculating unnamed bureaucrat. I read it in almost one sitting.
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tentacion3099 · 5 months
KP/31 variants
Suomi "Korsu" (meant for shooting through vision ports in bunkers)
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Husqvarna m/37 (Swedish copy chambered in 9×20mm Browning)
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Husqvarna m/37-39 (M/37 rechambered in 9×19mm Parabellum)
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Lettet-Forsøgs ( Danish prototype with a spherical foregrip?)
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Hispano-Suiza MP43/44 (Swiss copy with a bayonet lug and a fixed sight instead of a rear tangent sight)
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Iranian prototype KP/31 (presumably mid-1930s, has a pistol grip and a top-mounted magazine)
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KP/26 (early prototype, maybe Lahti's first SMG design, had a crescent-shaped magazine, chambered in 7.65mm x 21)
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Stemple-Suomi / Stemple Takedown Gun (A transferrable machine gun version of the KP/31)
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electronickingdomfox · 4 months
"Ishmael" review
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Novel from 1985, by Barbara Hambly. A pretty great read, it's actually a crossover between Star Trek and a Western show from the 60's: Here Come the Brides. However, you don't need to have watched the other show to understand the novel, since the characters and their relationships are properly developed, and no previous knowledge is assumed.
The plot follows an amnesiac Spock waking up in 1860's Seattle (the setting of Here Come the Brides), and learning to navigate among the people there, all the while hiding the fact he's an alien (which is one of the few things that Spock remembers about himself). He takes the identity of "Ishmael", the nephew of local businessman Aaron Stemple. Funnily enough, Stemple was played by Mark Lenard (Sarek in Star Trek), which may have given the author the idea to combine both shows. Interspersed with Spock's chapters in Seattle, there are chapters focused on the "present", with Kirk and McCoy trying to figure out what happened to the Vulcan. I ended up finding those chapters a bit more interesting, since the reader is as much in the dark about the mystery as Kirk. But it was also nice to see Spock adapting to the townspeople, and being more human and emotional, given how little he remembers about his Vulcan education. Besides, this serves to confront Spock's values against those of XIX century America (addressing subjects such as the sexism and racism of the era).
I can't judge how well portrayed are the Brides' characters, not having seen the show myself, but they're all lively and easy to warm up to. As for the Enterprise regulars, they're fine, and in particular the portrait of Spock as a rootless, lonely stranger, carving his own place among those humans, is pretty moving.
On another note, it's curious how this is the first novel to involve time-travelling to Earth's past, considering it was a recurring theme in TOS (which even had its own Western episode!). And there are also parallelisms with the later movie The Voyage Home, where a somehow amnesiac Spock also visits San Francisco, though at a much later date. Apart from this, Spock's unofficial family name: "S'chn T'gai", is first introduced here.
To summarize, this is an intriguing story, that also manages to be quite poignant at times. Though there's still no cowboy Bones...
Spoilers under the cut:
During shore leave at Starbase 12, built in the vicinity of the Tau Eridani Cloud, Spock notices some unusual dealings in a Klingon cargo ship, and he's authorized to conduct a solo infiltration mission aboard the transport. Time passes without Kirk receiving any news from Spock, and the Enterprise follows the cargo discreetly, once it leaves the starbase. Suddenly, the cargo starts accelerating inside the Cloud, which is rife with magnetic anomalies, and then it simply... vanishes. The only transmissions from Spock that they receive before he disappears, are a cryptic series of words and numbers: "White dwarf. Khlaru. Tillman's Factor. Guardian. 1867."
The story moves then to 1860's Seattle, where Aaron Stemple finds a badly injured and unconscious Spock in the forest. He recognizes immediately that Spock's an alien, given his green blood and strange ears, and understands he's been tortured and will die if left alone. Not without misgivings, Aaron decides to take the alien to his cabin in the woods. There he takes care of him, until Spock recovers, and is surprised to find out that the alien can speak English. Spock, however, can't remember anything about his past or identity, though from time to time he gets impressions from his previous life, that he can't pinpoint. The only other person who is aware of the alien's existence is Lottie, the local saloon owner, but she keeps the secret. Back in the saloon, Lottie notices two foreigners asking a hell lot of questions (the reader will identify them as Klingons at once), but she doesn't mention it to Aaron, despite her suspicions.
Back in the starbase, Kirk, McCoy and Maria Kellogg (the starbase commander), try to make sense out of Spock's transmissions. The mention of a "Guardian" is taken as a reference to the Guardian of Forever, and implies the Klingons are trying to tamper with the timeline. This is supported by the mentions of a "white dwarf" and "Tillman's factor", which describe a method to open a time warp. After some discussion, they also determine that 1867 must be a date... but from what calendar? As for "Khlaru", it could refer to a Klingon historian that was researching at the starbase. Khlaru's colleague, the Vulcan historian Trau, tells them a bit about their research. They were studying ancient Karsid records; a civilization that used to subtly infiltrate other societies through economic deals, before annexing them to their empire. The Klingons were part of that empire, until the rebellion that gave them independence (which is a very unusual backstory for the Klingons). However, Trau fails to see any connection between Karsid history and the Klingon's current plans.
Meanwhile, Spock is adapting to Seattle's society. He lets his hair grow to cover his ears, and passes as Aaron's nephew Ishmael, working for him as accountant at the mill. The general situation in the town is also explained. The Bolt brothers (Jason, Jeremy and Joshua) had brought several women from the East Coast to marry local workers. Aaron has placed a bet with Jason: if he fails to get all the women married by the end of this year, the Bolt's mountain property will pass to Aaron's hands. Ishmael (I'm going to refer to Spock as such, since that's the name used for most of the story) shows his super-human abilities when he's able to locate Jeremy and his fiancée Candy, lost in the forest, by hearing alone. However, Aaron manages to dispel any suspicions about his "nephew". Ishmael's acute hearing also comes in handy to save Aaron's life during a trip to San Francisco, where two men assault Aaron in the street. During this trip, Joshua meets Sarah, a doctor who faces discrimination for being a woman trying to work in the medical field. This is something that Ishmael can't understand; and he's constantly worried about slipping up, and showing traits unusual for a human in this era. The San Francisco bay also stirs something in his memory; Ishmael is certain of having seen that landscape in other time and shape, but whenever he tries to recover those memories, he feels intense pain around his temples (and if you know your Klingons, you'll probably guess by now that they used a Mind-Sifter on Spock).
For his part, Kirk consults with an engineer in the starbase, Aurelia Steiner (a curious alien that looks like a blob of gelatin, and shows her emotions through variations in her color and perfume). She devises a means for the Enterprise to create a time warp like that of the Klingons. At this point, they're certain that 1867 is a date from Earth's Christian calendar. And after Klingons try to kill Trau, and destroy the Karsid records, the historian concludes that there must be some relation with Khlaru's research. Effectively, they find out that the Karsid tried to infiltrate Earth around that date. However, they were stopped because a representative from Washington, Aaron Stemple, showed an unusual hostility and suspicion towards them. The Karsid abandoned their attempts, and soon thereafter, the Klingon rebellion put an end to them. Kirk and co. suspect the Klingons will try to kill Aaron before he enters local politics, so the Karsid succeed in their invasion and the Federation never comes to be. There's still the question, though, of why Aaron was so convinced that the Karsid were aliens (given how good were their disguises), since humans of that era wouldn't have reached that conclusion easily.
Back in 1867, Ishmael accompanies the Bolt brothers to San Francisco, in a gambling quest to earn $50.000 at the casinos. Aaron had promised Jason that he'd forget about the bet in exchange of that sum of money. Jason was likely to lose the bet, as nobody wanted to marry one of the girls, Biddy Cloom, who is considered loud and unattractive. Aaron and Ishmael, however, had grown fond of the girl, and deep down, Aaron doesn't want Jason to marry her just to win a bet, since he's developed feelings for Biddy. The Bolt brothers start making money at the casinos using Ishmael's mathematical system. And again, the two foreigners from the saloon show up there. Meanwhile, Joshua meets with Sarah and proposes to her, but he disappears before going out on a date with her. They find Joshua a while later, apparently drugged and with marks around his temples similar to those of Ishmael. He also suffers from a minor memory loss. In the end, Jason fucks up when he abandons Ishmael's system to win money more quickly, and ends up losing all their cash (and this whole passage, with Jason's winning streak surrounded by impending doom, was pretty exciting). So they return to Seattle empty-handed.
A bit later, during Jeremy's wedding with Candy, Aaron finally asks Biddy to marry him (even if this means that Jason will win the bet and keep the mountain), and Biddy agrees, as she also loves him. Sarah also comes from San Francisco to accept Joshua's proposal. However, Aaron receives a sudden call from the mill, and leaves the party alone. Ishmael notices two men following him, and recognizes them as Klingons. This brings back all his memories (and from this point onwards, the novel refers to him again as "Spock", to signify the change). Spock follows Aaron, but he arrives too late, and finds him gravely wounded by a disruptor blast. The Klingons take Spock for a common human, and not wanting to disrupt history further, they leave, confident that Aaron will die anyway.
Spock and Sarah try to keep Aaron alive during the following days, but with their primitive medicine, there's not much they can do for him. Fortunately, Kirk and McCoy arrive in the cabin just then, having finally pinpointed the correct time and place. They take Aaron to the Enterprise for proper treatment. And Spock has a tender farewell scene with Biddy, where he promises to bring Aaron back in a few days, even if Spock himself will never see her again. Aaron is healed and brought back to Seattle, with the Enterprise returning to its proper time. As it turns out, it was the Klingons' interference precisely, what thwarted their own plans. By sending Spock to that time and place, Aaron became familiar enough with aliens, to resist against the Karsid later. The novel ends with a nice touch, as Kirk consults Spock's family records, and discovers that one of Amanda's surnames is... Stemple.
Spirk Meter: 6/10*. Kirk becomes very depressed after Spock is lost in the Cloud, having recurring nightmares and being unable to sleep. To the point that he hopes that Spock was already dead, to not suffer anymore. It qualifies as McSpirk too, because McCoy is shown to be similarly depressed, and turning to heavy drinking. At the end, both Kirk and McCoy stare open-mouthed at Spock being so affectionate with Biddy (of course, it's not romantic affection... but they don't know that yet, and it's easy to read it as jealousy). Besides this, there are many mentions of Spock being unable to appreciate feminine beauty, and he takes his inability to ever marry a woman as a matter of fact.
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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azspot · 1 year
In Clinton Township, Trump appeared before a non-union auto shop at the behest of boss Nathan Stemple. For years now Trump has buttered his bread by providing a faux-populism that aesthetically feels like it’s aligned with working people but has actively worked against their interests and in favor of the people who have exploited them to the point where the anger and organized action were earned. Signs were handed out that were meant to make it look like union auto workers supported him, but they were wielded by non-union workers and, in some cases, people who don’t even work in the industry.
You Don't Need A Weatherman: Biden, Trump, and the Prevailing Forces
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denimixart · 2 months
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Smash book to po prostu książka, w której możesz robić wszystko, co chcesz. Nie musisz się martwić o estetykę, porządek czy zasady. To Twoja przestrzeń do eksperymentowania i zabawy. Smash book może być dowolnego rozmiaru i kształtu. Możesz kupić gotową książkę lub zrobić ją samodzielnie z kartek papieru. Możesz też wykorzystać stary notes, kalendarz lub album. Ważne jest, żebyś czuł się swobodnie i dobrze się bawił.
Co jest potrzebne?
Książka (nie potrzebna), notes, stary kalendarz, cokolwiek co można poddać recyklingowi
Klej lub coś co pomize przyklejać elementy do stron, może być taśma dwustronna.
Nożyczki, prawdopodobnie wiesz do czego się przydadzą. 🙂
Dowolne pisaki do pisania tekstów, malowania ramek czy... szlaczków.
Zdjęcia, które chcesz zachować w swoim albumie.
Inne dodatki - tutaj możesz puścić wodze fantazji i użyć wszystkiego, co masz pod ręką. Mogą to być naklejki, stemple, washi tape, tasiemki, guziki, kwiatki, brokat, pióra czy cokolwiek innego. Możesz też wykorzystać różne materiały do ozdabiania stron, takie jak papier kolorowy, gazety, mapy, ulotki czy bilety.
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Podstawowa zasada:
To Ty decydujesz, co chcesz umieścić w swojej książce i jak ją udekorować. 
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cipheramnesia · 1 year
The long rather one-sided conflict between a person of color who copyrighted a material and a white person who continues to benefit from shows of antagonism so much that it becomes his brand is pretty gross. Thanks for pointing out the Easter thing, it seems pretty disrespectful to me :( there was a time when I was like hell yeah Stuart Stemple but it's so weird and hateful now
Yeah, I have very few dogs in this fight but there's a post floating around that digs into more detail and basically iirc "it's complicated" in the details. Like, it doesn't easily break down into something like X vs Y, which is more or less what's normal when people try and put other individuals on pedestal, which is a thing I hope everyone on Tumblr has figured out not to do.
I don't think it's widely known that Kapoor is Jewish. BUT, it's hard to imagine Semple doesn't know by now, and the whole deal of wishing Jews "happy [xyz Xian holiday here]" is just so rife with historical antisemitism that it feels particularly skeevy for Semple to have done it. And it probably won't affect him at all, because the whole thing of assumed default western religiosity and wide lack of awareness about forms of antisemitism.
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gwyoi · 3 months
and fuck Stuart stemple I hope everyone stops sucking his dick I can’t take another 10 years of this shit.
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"JULY 12. High summer and one can hear the universe; so overwhelming is the accumulated sound of growing in the meadow and in hedges, of pollen being released, of particles moving in heat, that all the minute motions together create a continuous hum: the sound of summer.
Meanwhile the swifts tear the fabric of the sky on scything wings. The yarrow flowers are tall, the hawthorn flowers have turned to hard green haws. Blackfly fasten on thistles, so too slender marmalade soldier beetles (Rhagonycha fulva) mating, tail to tail."
~ John Lewis-Stemple, Meadowland: The Private Life of an English Field
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godzilla-reads · 1 year
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Pulling out “The Dragon Book” edited by Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois, eyeing up my next story: “The Tsar’s Dragons” by Jane Yolen and Adam Stemple.
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sparklingichigo · 11 months
Main Story
Disclaimer: Sure it has elements from the game but it's with our own plot twist. Some characters might be ooc but we're trying our best :3
Part 1
One morning in Crystalist kingdom a mysterious envelope was found lying beneath the roots of the crystal tree and its leaves had been glowing since midnight. At the same time, the head wizard was passing by and saw the tree had been glowing so brightly for the past few hours. He grew curious and approached it. it turns out to be a RAD acceptance letter.
The head wizard immediately took the envelope to the throne room where the King and Queen are. He gave the envelope to the guard and let them read the letter.
The king reads through the letter, "Oh wow! This is great news! My Queen, look! Our daughter got accepted to a prestigious academy! She can finally continue her education!"
The Queen leans closer to read the letter and she's overjoyed! Her daughter can finally have a proper education after several bad tutors coming their way, "We should tell her! Oh no, we should make a congratulatory party for her!"
"That's a wonderful idea!" The King exclaims. "Here, give her this latter." He tells a maid to give it to her.
"Yes, Your Majesty." The Maid accepts the letter with a bow.
Meanwhile, on the fifth floor, Crystalia is doing her morning routine with the maids putting on her dress and another is styling her hair for today. it was such a peaceful morning for her, the birds were chirping, and it was not raining but not too hot. She smiles feeling the morning breeze from her balcony.
"Such a peaceful morning..." She says, closing her eyes and feeling the morning breeze blows her way.
Unfortunately, her daydreaming was stopped when she heard a knock, "Your Highness, there's a letter from...RAD."
"RAD?" She echoes, looking to the door. "Do come in." She says.
The maid comes in and shows her a letter from RAD. It turns out she was accepted to RAD and will be attending the school in a week...A WEEK?!
"In one week?!" She gasps. "But I haven't prepared anything!" She exclaims.
"It's okay, your highness! We'll help!" A maid exclaims.
Crystalia sighs in relief because she has her maids with her. "I'm so glad to have you guys around."
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Meanwhile, a mysterious person slides an envelope through the gates. Luckily a sister picks up the envelope and looks at it, "Oh, it's for Ichigo..." She then puts it in her pocket. Unfortunately, this letter was also read by the head sister of the orphanage.
"RAD University, in Italy?" She reads.
"Yes, head sister. It's for Ichigo." the younger sister replies.
"That's good, that's good. It means she's smart enough to be invited to such a prestigious university." She says. "Give it to her then, sister."
"Yes, Head sister." The younger sister nods.
Somewhere, Ichigo is teaching the younger orphanage kids. Since she's old enough, she is appointed to care for the younger kids there.
"So, 1+1 equals to..." She starts.
"Two!!" The kids exclaim.
"Good job!" She applauds them.
Unfortunately, their learning session has to stop when she sees Sister Mary coming her way.
"Sister Mary..." She greets her. "Cmon, kiddos, what do you say to Sister Mary?"
"Good afternoon, sister Mary!" The kids greet her too.
"Aww good afternoon, kids." Sister Mary replies with a smile before facing Ichigo, "This letter is for you. You're invited to attend in RAD University in Italy!"
"Italy?!" She gasps.
"Yes, isn't that great news!" Sister Mary replies.
Ichigo reads through the letter, seeing the official stemple and Diavolo's and Lucifer's signature, but she doesn't read it much because their signature is not even that visible. Huh, such unique names for an Italian.
Suddenly, she feels the ground shaking, and a hole appears beneath her, "What the-AAAAAAAAAA!!" she got sucked into that hole and went straight down the hole.
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At the same time, Crystalia, now Haruka, is in a chariot on her way to RAD. She sees a lot of mysterious beings, not that she has not seen worse but so far this area is unusually dark, and she hears screeches and screams surrounding the place. It seems to be from far away, yet it's so loud she can hear it.
"Are you sure we're going the right way?" She asks the coachman.
"Yes, your highness, this is the right way." The coachman replies yet the horse panics and screeches out of fear. "No, no, it's okay. This is the right way..." The coachman calms it down.
The horse finally calms down and eventually, she sees a building and the gate opens mysteriously on its own, yet the road is slowly shrinks,
"Your highness, unfortunately I cannot go further. The space is too small." The coachman says.
"It's okay, I can go on my own." She says.
"Alright, may the Gods be with you." The coachman replies as he blesses her with the Gods' protection. Haruka thanks him and continues walking into the gates.
"Why is it so empty? Where's everyone?" She looks around as she walks further. As time passed, she sees a door opening by itself. Haruka looks into the door entering it and finds a teal haired man in a suit,
"Welcome, you must be Haruka." He greets her. "I'm Barbatos, I will be your guide today."
"Yes, I'm Haruka. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." She replies giving him a polite nod.
"Wonderful, right this way." Barbatos gives her a tour through the dormitory. It's unfortunate that the dormitory is empty but eventually they reach her room.
"Here's your room, you will also have a roommate but she's from a really far place and it will take time for her to arrive." Barbatos says.
"Ah, I see..." Haruka nods. "Thank you for your guidance, Mr. Barbatos."
"Barbatos is fine, no need for those honorifics. I'm just a mere tourguide." He smiles.
"Ah, alright, Barbatos." She nods. Barbatos returns her smile, and the door closes itself.
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rachel-sez · 1 year
Shots fired, holiday edition, in my favorite bitch fight.
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(Stewart Stemple illustrates Anish Kapoor's sculpture, "The Bean" broken open like a cheap Easter egg.)
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