#stepdad william afton x reader
jokeringcutio · 5 months
First Dinner (Footsie?) Reader & Stepbrother Stu Macher & Stepdad William Afton [Mature, see warnings, no smut]
Summary: It's your first dinner at your new house. Time for a battle of feet underneath the table with your new stepbrother Stu. But did your stepdad just put his hand on your leg during prayer?
AN: These drabbles are in no particular order and not necessarily related. But they are all Stepbrother!StuMacher x !StepsisterReader Universe. Some overlap with the Stepdad!WilliamAfton x !StepdaughterReader drabbles.
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For those of you who are keeping track of the Stepdad!William Afton fics: These are standalone fics, although some of the fics with Stu can be seen as linked to other stepdad drabbles. I'll leave it up to you to choose your own path with these drabbles and fics. 💜
Rating: Mature due to themes, Warnings: Footsie under the table, Stepdad might have misplaced his hand. Religious William Afton. Can be interpreted as dark/dangerous William Afton. Note: Reader is approximately 17 in this fic and Stu 18. No smut, there are touches and tension.
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Reader at table for dinner with William and Stu for the first time.
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Warm yellow light fell upon the table, the meal looking as good as it always had. Which was quite the achievement as your mother had cooked in this strange, new kitchen for the first time.
“Well, everything’s ready,” she said with a bright smile.
You sat rigid in your chair, still getting used to the new house, the new furniture and the new customs that the men in this house seemed to hold onto. Your mom was to your left and your new dad to the right of you. Your stepbrother Stu was seated at the other side of the table.
The unfamiliar weight of William's gaze fell heavy upon you as he glanced around the table, making sure everyone was paying attention to him as he declared, "We pray before we partake."
So this was how it was going to go from now on then? Right.
You looked at your mother as she folded her hands and closed her eyes. Then your eyes drifted to Stu who had already done the same. You bowed your head and followed their lead, silently wondering why you hadn’t thought William to be a religious man in the first place. There was just something about him that had screamed ‘unholy’ ever since you’d met him. You just couldn’t quite put your finger on what that something was.
The sonorous timbre of William's recitation of ‘Our Lord's Prayer’ filled the room, a droning incantation. You listened to hear the variation in his words. The Catholic Lord’s Prayer, you noted, having heard different versions of the ‘Our Father’ over the years.
While you listened, a stealthy pressure appeared on your thigh, warm and insistent. The shape of a hand, hot and undeniable. The fingers resting upon the fabric of your clothes. Thank goodness you didn’t wear your shorts right now.
Your breath hitched, eyes squeezing tighter shut in a mix of fear and curiosity.
Judging by the size and the angle the hand came from, it could be none other than William’s hand. But why would your stepdad touch your leg?
As quickly as it had come, the hand moved up your leg and then disappeared again, leaving you confused and doubting whether what you had felt had been real. Only one way to find out though.
You peeped an eye open to see who at the table had dared to unclasp their hands, your gaze snapping to your stepfather as he was the main suspect.
But William sat with his hands folded, piously. His eyes seemed to be closed, though it was hard to tell behind those thick glasses.
"And lead us not into temptation," he continued, tone unflinching. It made his words feel all the more like a stab. As if you had somehow succumbed to the temptation of curiosity. While you could have sworn he had placed his hand on your lap. But… had you been imagining it?
Relief washed briefly over you as the prayer ended, and the collective murmur of 'good meal' wishes echoed around the table.
While William launched into a monologue about his day at work, dissecting every minor occurrence with surgical precision, your mother was hanging onto his every word. You picked at your food, glad that the taste hadn’t changed and that at least that aspect of your life still felt familiar.  
A sudden nudge against your foot startled you from the numbing drone of workplace politics. Heat blossomed on your cheeks when you realized it was Stu, mischief dancing in his blue eyes. Had you moved your legs too much into his space? This seating arrangement was still new to you and Stu was very tall. Surely he needed more space to put his legs with the height he had on him.  
"Sorry," you murmured under your breath, almost instinctively, shrinking back into your seat. You felt as if you had intruded in his space and surely he mustn’t be thrilled to feel his stepsister’s feet blocking his own. Why else would he have nudged your feet with his?
Stu's voice, low and tinged with amusement, barely reached you. "Don't worry."
You retracted your legs, making sure they were neatly underneath your chair, aware of William’s glance in your direction. Stu had leaned over his food, feigning innocence in such a way that he indeed had you fooled. It must have been an accident, and it had probably been your fault as well.
Oh well, you still needed to get used to all of this. With cheeks red, you continued to eat. You listened to your mother’s laughter and William’s dry work-related tales.
You could have forgotten the embarrassing under-the-table incident, if Stu’s foot would not have returned. This time, clearly intentional. You glanced up at him to see him smirk playfully at you. His foot brushed over the back of yours, slowly inching up your ankle, and you glowered at him, a silent warning for him to shut it out.
A small chuckle escaped his lips and you could not help but shake your head as you tried to suppress a chuckle of your own. What was he doing? This was ridiculous!
Stu’s foot came to rest against yours, toes kissing toes. It was actually nice and warm to feel this part of him against you. The both of you continued eating like nothing under the table was amiss, casting each other glances every now and then while you ate. But your feet remained dormant, pressed against each other. Then, silence followed, and you heard William clear his throat.
"Stu, how was your day?" He inquired, his voice smooth like aged whiskey, edges just as sharp.
The feet underneath the table shot back to his own side and you felt like you could breathe again. Finally, Stu seemed to leave you alone. His game had ended.
"Fine," Stu replied, shrugging. "Hung out with friends."
"Good, good," William nodded, the benign smile plastered on his face failing to reach the frost in his gaze. "Just keep out of trouble, all right? School's not far off."
Oh-ho, there was something there, you could tell. Apparently, Stu wasn’t very serious about his schoolwork. Or he spent too much time with his friends. Whatever it was, it was clear his father had just given him a warning, and quite right. This was Stu’s last year and no doubt William wanted his son to graduate.
"Sure, Dad." Stu's nonchalance was a well-practiced art, the shrug of his broad shoulders a quiet rebellion. "I'll stay focused."
Underneath the table, his feet returned to your side and without a warning, your leg became a battleground. Stu's foot pressed against it, insistent, warm through the fabric of your clothes. You tensed, breath caught in the crossfire between annoyance and something perilously close to thrill. Could you just kick him back? The idea seemed like a good one.
"And you," William's voice drew you back. "Must be exciting to start your final years here. You'll be attending the same high school as Stu. It's a fine institution."
"Y-yes," you stuttered, trying to disentangle yourself from Stu's silent claim. If you kicked him now then your parents would know you’d been having a silent battle beneath the table. And somehow, that thought worried you. You didn’t feel like getting a lecture from your mom, or – God Forbid -  from William. You didn’t know if you could survive such a thing.
"That's... great to hear," you stammered, mind not fully there as you tried to keep your eyes upon your stepfather whilst Stu’s foot was still battling with your own.
Finally, Stu withdrew, leaving behind a ghost of pressure. A smirk played on his lips, visible only to you, like a secret shared between predator and prey. You felt as if your cheeks must be a bright red now, and hoped William and your Mom would interpret your stammering and the flush on your cheeks as you simply being shy.
"Education is important," William continued, his tone paternal, as if he had this talk many times in the past. Another indication that he had been sternly talking to his son before you and your mom moved in.
"Of course," your mom agreed from her side of the table, passing one of the condiments to William via Stu. “Which is why I am so grateful you managed to get her in at the same school as Stu.” She looked at you, an excited glimmer in her eyes. “It’s the best one around here.”
You forced a small smile. Not that you didn’t appreciate what your mom and stepdad had been arranging for you, but you couldn’t quite care at this point. Everything you had known before, every friend you had made, was left behind. You had to start all over. And that… well, that felt kind of rough.
As if your mom sensed where your thoughts were heading, she asked you, "Are you excited about making new friends at school?"
In front of you, Stu sat attentively, blue eyes glistening with interest while he toyed with his fork. But you could tell that he was listening intently. Next to you, William had placed his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his hands, attention fully back on you again.
"I suppose,” you said, realizing you didn’t sound as enthusiastic as your parents might have hoped. To defend the lack of energy fueling your words, you quickly perched on your seat and turned to your stepdad fully. "I'm actually looking forward to learning rather than to making new friends."
"Is that so?" William raised a brow and you couldn’t tell if he was impressed or skeptical of your claim. You were telling the truth though. Learning would keep your mind occupied and distract you from the things you had lost, everything that you had left behind. Plus, the sooner you got high school over and done with, the sooner you could find your own way in life.
"Have you always been this eager to learn?"
You glanced at him and was it just you, or did his gaze just seem to darken? Must have been a trick of the light.
“Oh no, I’ve always been a curious girl,” you said, the words slipping from between your lips with ease. “Learn new things, practice new skills. I won’t say I’m any good at it but I try and do my best.”
“She’s a very serious learner,” your mom said with a smile. “Truly what they call a good girl. And what a blessing to have for a daughter.”
You smiled at the compliment and then picked up your cutlery. But you made the error of letting your eyes slide past the men around the table, noticing how both Stu and William's eyes had darkened, a storm brewing in twin blue skies.
How very alike they were. The similarities between the two of them sent a shiver down your spine and you nearly dropped your cutlery.
"A good girl indeed," William praised, his words a thoughtful murmur as he watched you through half-lidded eyes, chin still resting on his fingers. It felt as if the air had grown denser, charged with something unnamed.
Your mother seemed oblivious to the change. She smiled brightly, taking William’s words as a compliment, not a threat.
You shook your head and let out a nervous laugh, and only looked up again when you heard the others had continued eating. William and your mother’s conversation had turned back to some of the women William knew in the neighborhood. He was telling your mom which ones she should try to get in touch with and had the same hobbies as she had. Then she would feel less alone whenever he was at his job. Plus, it was always a good thing to make new friends, right? It was yet another reminder of how lonely you were in this new neighborhood. Sure, you were still in touch with some of your old friends, but you didn’t have a partner who would present new contacts to you on a plate. You’d have to find them all on your own. And as the new girl in town, that was either going to be incredibly easy, or incredibly hard.
You had the feeling it was going to be the latter.
You listened, relieved that the focus had shifted from you back to your mom, and leaned back in your chair after you decided you had eaten enough.
As you listened to the banter, half lost in a daydream, a foot suddenly slid past yours again. Large, warm, familiar.
Your eyes instantly darted to Stu who was poking at his food like nothing was happening underneath the table. Well… If he wanted to play this game, you would entertain him.
With a smirk on your lips, you nudged back, a playful jab. You’d slipped your foot out of your shoe, making it easy to slip your sock past his shin. And yes, you deliberately aimed your foot a little higher, brushing the side of your sole past his shin sensually.
A sharp intake of breath was heard, but not coming from Stu in front of you.
Instead, when you lifted your gaze, it wasn't your stepbrother's smirk that met you. It was William's.
"Apologies," he uttered, the edges of his lips twitching upward. But there was an unpredictable glint in his eyes. "I seem to have bumped against someone."
Blood rushed to your cheeks, betraying you as you recoiled. "Oh no,” you yelped, hoping he would think the touch against his leg had been an accident.
“That was me.” You knew you looked flustered now as you stammered, aware of all eyes upon you. “It was my fault. I’m sorry. I’ll just keep my legs over here."
Across the table, Stu’s smile turned into a knowing grin. He shoveled another bite into his mouth before turning to face your mom.
“This tastes really good,” he said, eyes glinting mischievously. “You make the sweetest things.”
“Indeed,” William said, his lips parted as he paused, tongue darting out to tip against his canines while he thought. And you could tell that from the corners of his eyes, he was watching you as he murmured, “the sweetest things.”
You couldn’t shake the thought that both men meant something ambiguous with that comment. But surely, they couldn’t mean you, could they?
Because the thoughts inside your mind, right now, were anything but sweet.
AN: For more, follow me (:
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ahsxual · 1 month
William Afton x Fem!Reader who is his stepdaughter, Y/N being a person that dresses very feminine and a lot of short skirts and dresses. Y/N would have a boyfriend that she learns had cheated on her with her best friend and she goes to her mom and stepdad house for comfort from her mom before quickly, realizing her mom was not home and it’s instead gets cheered up by her stepdaddy 😏
Daddy's Comfort
Genre: Smut & Angst
Warnings: minors dni +18, sad reader, Soft!Dom!William x Sub!Reader, cunnilingus, fingering, Perv!William, married!William, nipple play, praising, William calls reader a slut twice, cheating, age gap (reader is +18), daddy kink, almost getting caught
Word Count: 2,2k
Tagging: @aliceblxck @wolfman-moony
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Warm tears streamed down your face the moment you discovered that your boyfriend was cheating on you. And to make things worse, it was with your own bestfriend, the girl you were supposed to trust the most. But oh, how wrong were you. You never saw the bad side of people, because you didn't believe that people could be so cruel and untrustworthy. Whenever you felt down, you would go to your best friend's house to cry on her shoulder, but now that wasn't an available option, leaving you alone with your broken heart and no one to talk to about your pain.
You never liked to vent to your mother about your heartbreaks, feeling embarrassed to be vulnerable in front of her. Your stepfather William Afton, on the other hand, always gave you advice about how boys your age only wanted to play with naive girls and take advantage of their fragile hearts, which was why he was so strict about you having affairs or boyfriends. Right now, as you were heading home to get some comfort from your parents, since there was no one else who would listen to you, you realized how William was absolutely right.
You were hoping that your parents would be home at that moment, comforting you with the right words and the reassuring physical touch that you so desperately needed. However, when you opened the door, you noticed that only your new parental figure was home.
"Hi sweetie! How was your day?" William immediately noticed you weren't well the moment he looked at you. Your red face and puffy eyes weren't fooling anyone, especially your stepfather who was such a intelligent and perceptive man, and who apparently knew you too well.
He was sitting on the couch watching a criminal documentary to which you didn't pay much attention, as your mind was occupied with other thoughts. He was already in his pajamas, so he must have gotten home some time ago. He got up quickly the moment you didn't answer him and instead you just cried on the spot, as his tall figure approached you carefully so as not to elicit any negative reaction from you.
"Hey hey come here, honey. It's alright, daddy's got you now, baby." he reassured you in a soft tone, as he hugged you against his strong frame. You instinctively returned his gesture, the feeling of hugging your stepdad being much better and needed than you expected.
"Do you want to talk about it?" you nodded, allowing him to carry you over the couch and sit you on his lap, while he rubbed your back and grabbed your exposed thigh to hold you closer. You hadn't realized the effect you had on him because you were wearing a short, pink dress with a bow that hung just below your cleavage.
"You were right, William... guys are all the same. M-my boyf-, I mean, ex-boyfriend cheated on me... with my bestfriend! How could they do this to me??" you started crying harder now that you had verbalize what had been haunting you since that morning, but you still felt much better for being able to talk about it with your stepfather. Suddenly, you felt William's hand squeeze your thigh harder, but you ignored that feeling for the moment. He remained silent for a moment before he spoke again.
"Sweetheart, boys your age don't know how to value a woman... Daddy tried to warn you, but you didn't listen. You need to find a real man who can take care of you and who won't break that soft heart of yours. You're too beautiful and young to cry over some idiot, and that's why I don't want you dating anyone. Do you understand me now, honey?" his voice was slightly deeper than before, but once again you let it pass. After listening to his "dad speech" about boys, you just nodded and leaned your head on his neck as you hugged him, looking for some kind of safety and warm physical touch.
"I'm sorry, daddy... I didn't mean to upset you. You were absolutely right... boys my age are real assholes." you stayed on his lap for a while, as he softly stroked your back and legs and kissed your head several times. As time passed, you noticed that his breathing changed its rhythm to a faster one.
"And there's one more thing..."
"What is it, daddy?" you asked innocently, having no idea what he was going to say next.
"You shouldn't... dress like that around men. You know how pretty girls are an easy target for men to take advantage of. You can... drive them crazy and make them do things that they can't... control. Do you understand what I'm trying to say, sweetie?" it was only then that you felt something getting hard under your ass, his thin pajama pants making it obvious that he was getting turned on by your outfit and vulnerable state. You blushed heavily at this and began to tremble a bit from embarrassment and nervousness.
"I'm sorry daddy, I didn't mean to..." you were left speechless, as you had no idea what to say or how to face this awkward situation.
"Do you want daddy to make you feel good?" he asked bluntly, his tone indicating that his intentions were far from innocent.
You didn't know how to react, but what you did know was that you desperately needed him inside you. You stared deeply into his eyes, trying to figure out if his intentions were the same as yours, and as soon as you realized this was confirmed, you simply nodded and spread your legs wide. His pupils were extremely dilated and his stare at your lips was becoming unbearable, while a small smirk appeared on his face.
"My babygirl is so good to me... I promise that daddy will take care of his sweet girl and make her forget about everything that upset her. Do you want that, bunny?" his hand was now dangerously close to where you needed him the most, as you felt your white cotton panties already soaked by his simple touch and voice.
"Yes daddy, please... I need you." you moaned softly, and that was enough to drive him crazy.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked cautiously, yet you could see he was getting desperate and impatient to touch you in such an intimate way. The moment you said yes, his thin lips glued to yours in a hungry, passionate kiss, a kiss you'd never experienced before. You could have sworn it was the best feeling you'd ever felt, until he rubbed his long, skilled finger against your clothed pussy and smeared your cum juices all over your already ruined panties.
"Oh fuck... is this all for me, baby? You're so, so wet... it'll make everything so much easier, you'll see." and that's when you felt him pull your panties aside to insert his middle finger inside your cunt.
You immediately moaned loudly as he curled his finger inside you, hitting your g-stop over and over again, so sweetly. He went from fingering you to drawing circles around your clit as you he kissed you slowly, his tongue dominating its territory inside your mouth. After a couple of minutes, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your first orgasm, before he added a second finger inside you. Just as you were about to cum, he started fucking you faster and harder with his fingers, before bitting your neck and sucking on a purple hickey, making you reach your limit much more intensely. While you recovered, he never stopped kissing your neck and face, making you feel like the most special girl in the world.
"My sweet girl is so beautiful when she cums... What a beautiful sight to behold every day, every second... if only it was possible..." he whispered lovingly as he played with your lower lip. You wanted to please him too, so you took his thumb into your mouth and started sucking on it the best you could while gazing into his eyes.
"Can I suck your cock, daddy? Please, I want to pleasure you too." you were too eager to see what was under those pajamas, the hardness of it already promising that he could destroy you if he wanted to. He chuckled softly at you while shaking his head.
"Not now, sweetie. Daddy needs to taste his favorite girl first. You're the one who's had a bad day, right? So I'm going to pleasure you until you can't take it anymore... You can suck daddy's cock later, ok? I promise you'll see, feel and taste every bit of my cock sooner or later... I'll make sure of that. But right now, it's all about you, bunny." you smiled at his gentleness, and only wished you could have more time alone with him, since your mother would be home soon. Now you understood why your mother married this man after saying several times that she would never marry again.
William grabbed you in bridal style and took you to your room, where you would feel more comfortable and remember it every time you went there or slept. You were giggling in joy in his arms, his pecks on your lips made you feel hysterical butterflies flying around in your stomach. When you reached your bedroom, he gently placed you on your bed before undressing you. Your nipples hardened not only because of how cold it was in the room, but also with desire.
"Would you look at this... my bunny has such a perfect pussy. I can't wait to fuck you so good, princess. You're gonna love daddy's cock inside you. But for now... I'm gonna show you how a real man eats his pretty girl's pussy." his tongue trailed slowly through your wet folds, before leaving soft kisses on your clit. It was driving you insane and you desperately needed to beg him for more.
"Daddy, please... I need more please!" on another occasion William would continue to tease you, but your time was limited and he needed to make you cum again. He began to eat you out more eagerly, until you screamed his name over and over again. His skilled tongue never stopped pleasuring you, his beard and chin all covered in your juices, before you came again on his mouth.
"Just one more time and I'll let you go, baby... Come one, make daddy proud and cum all over my face." he demanded, before pinching your nipples harder.
His tongue didn't stop sucking on your clit, before it entered your empty hole until it reached the sweet spot inside of you. His beard scratched your tights and the slight pain only increased the pleasure you were feeling. A few minutes later, he grabbed your trembling legs and forced them over your chest with one of his strong arms, while his free hand fingered your pussy at a fast pace as he sucked on your clit. That was enough to make you moan loudly from pleasure as you came in his mouth and fingers, your cum dripping from your stepdad's chin as he stood up and looked at you.
It was only then that you heard some keys trying to open the front door of your house and you both immediately exchanged a knowing look. William wiped his chin with his sleeve, before leaning down to kiss your lips. However, you couldn't let him go just yet.
You knew that your mom's routine was to go to the bathroom before greeting her family, so when William was ready to leave your bedroom, you grabbed his arm to turn him towards you. He frowned at you, not believing that you were willing to risk getting caught, before you pulled his pants down and freed his cock.
"Honey, what are you do-" you didn't let him finish his sentence, as you put his long, thick dick inside your mouth and started sucking him off as if your life depended on it. "Oh fuck, you needy little slut... you just can't resist daddy's cock, can you? You're so desperate that you're willing to get caught sucking off your own mother's husband. Bad, bad girl..."
And that's all he said, before forcefully grabbing your hair and fucking your throat harder than you thought, which made you choke around him as spit dribbled down your chin onto your exposed nipples. Your mother had already left the bathroom by then, so you had to be quick. You held William's hips firmly and helped him fuck deeper into your mouth, which helped him finish faster inside you. You swallowed every drop of his cum, before showing your tongue to prove that you were a good girl for him by swallowing everything he gave you.
"I had to thank you for making me feel better, daddy. I wanted you to feel good and proud of me too..." you smiled shyly, while blushing and bitting your lip seductively.
"Oh, you little whore... my baby is always surprising me for the better. Next time, I won't be so gentle with you. And this is not a warning... it's a goddam promise." he said with a satisfied grin, before leaving your room with a wink in your way that held a million promises.
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oftenwantedafton · 5 months
A New Afton - Stepfather Steve Raglan/William Afton x Stepdaughter Reader
Chapter 2
Rating - Explicit
Warnings - sexual content, daddy kink
Also available on AO3
taglist @yellowbunnydreams
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William Afton thinks, perhaps, he is moving things along a little quickly.
It’s only the first night; it’s barely been a few hours. And here you are, your school uniform clad body pressed against him, your soft lips touching his.
He could argue that time was of the essence, there’s no time like the present, whatever other platitudes there are about that elusive entity that enslaves mankind, but he’d recognized that look in your eyes. You’ve been devouring him all evening, consuming his face and his body as thoroughly as you’d knocked back those beers. Coveting.
He knows about coveting. Intimately. It starts with the children at the arcade. A higher score. A bigger prize. Continues to the dining hall. Another slice of pizza. Another piece of cake. Outside. The Emily girl bullied. A kind of hum in his ears, as if her blood has a frequency. He wants to silence it. He craves revenge. He covets the power it brings.
Then there’s the simple fact that, well, he wants to fuck you. So yes, things are progressing rapidly. It’s just the nature of things. Fate taking him along by the hand, guiding his path to you.
The warmth leaves his lips as you and he draw apart. “Steve…”
He frowns. This won’t do at all. “There’s going to be a new rule around here. You won’t be calling me that when we’re alone together. You’re to refer to me as what I am. Your stepfather.”
You blink at him, looking uncertain. “You…want me to call you Stepdad?”
His teeth flash. “Nothing so proper. We can shorten that right down to Daddy.”
A little hitch of breath, a flutter of lashes. God you were gorgeous. He can’t wait to see what other sounds he can elicit from you.
Your stepfather has just kissed you.
Closed mouthed, it could almost be considered chaste and innocent except it’s everything but. You know you’re supposed to feel guilty. You know it’s wrong. But you like it. You like the warm hand on your shoulder and how he cradles your bare knee. You can smell the shampoo from his recent shower and the cologne stirs your pheromones.
You’ve gone on a few dates over the last couple of years, but have never really had a steady boyfriend. You’re still a virgin. You wonder if Steve knows this, if your mother has ever mentioned it. About your boyfriend situation, or lack thereof, that is; not the virgin thing. That would have been weird.
Not that cheating with your mom’s new husband isn’t weird in and of itself. When he suggests you call him Daddy something thrills within you. You feel the place between your legs throb and tingle. You’ve had a couple of guys try a few clumsy fumblings there but nothing serious or experienced. You think this man in his fifties must be quite the opposite.
“Ok, Daddy.” You try the phrasing out. You feel his body shudder beside yours. He kisses you again, his mouth lingering this time. The kiss becomes wetter. Lips parting. His tongue probes gently. Your stomach flutters and your pussy throbs again to remind you of the growing need within. You lay a hand on his cheek, sliding over his beard. This texture is new to you. All of the boys you’d been with have been clean shaven. The tendons in his neck are taut beneath your fingers. You’re too shy to explore any further just yet. His mouth tastes like mint. The scent of his cologne is heavy in your nostrils. It’s intoxicating. You have a pleasant buzz from the beer you’d imbibed earlier and in your body from your arousal. Every touch of his tongue against yours strums another chord inside you.
He sucks your bottom lip, tugging gently with his teeth. You feel the smile before you see it. “You like doing this?”
“Yes, Daddy.” It still feels a little silly and awkward. Or maybe that’s just you. You want to sound sexy for him. You’re just not sure how.
“Good girl,” he says, and the pulse in your sex is palpable, demanding attention. “I’m sure a good girl like you is still a virgin, right?”
You like the praise. Your body likes it too. “Yes, Daddy. I haven’t…I haven’t done very much of anything.”
“What have you done?”
“A little touching. And kissing. On the mouth,” you add hastily.
“Do you ever touch yourself?”
You worry your bottom lip, cheeks flushing. “Sometimes.”
“How? Show me how.”
You face grows even hotter. “I…I’m not sure…”
“Suddenly shy are we?” He laughs softly. “Its ok to feel a little embarrassed. You’ll get over that. What if I were to touch you instead? Would you like that?”
Your pussy immediately answers yes, throbbing and sending another wave of fluid. You know your panties are wet. You nod.
“If you don’t like it, tell me to stop, okay?”
“Ok, Daddy.”
He kisses you again and you feel the hand at your knee shift, stroking up your thigh, first on top, then shifting to the inside. “Open up a little for me.”
You part your legs, letting out a little whimper when you feel his fingers stroke you through the crotch of your panties. Only the first touch and it’s already a million times better than anything you’d previously experienced.
“You’re quite wet already,” he murmurs. He traces the outline of your clit through the cotton fabric and your hips jerk involuntarily, grinding you against his hand. His caress is electrifying, the nerves sizzling and snapping. “Does it feel good?”
“Yes, Daddy.” You gasp when his hand moves and shoves beneath the waistband, his fingers now touching you directly. A needy sound escapes you. You pant beside his mouth.
“Is this how you touch yourself?”
“No, I…it’s so sensitive I just use a pillow or a stuffed animal between my legs. With panties on. It’s…”
“Have you ever cum?”
“Yes, sometimes.”
“I’d like to make you cum. Either with my fingers, or…my mouth.” His tongue darts out to stroke your lips and you moan. “What do you think, sweet girl? Which do you prefer?” His middle finger teases your entrance while his thumb strokes your bundle of nerves. It’s all very gentle and slow. You can’t even stop yourself from pressing against him in search of more contact.
“Whatever you want,” you respond breathlessly, forgetting to add his new favorite title, but if he minds he doesn’t show it.
“What I want, hmm?” Steve withdraws his hand and sucks on the fingers damp with your juices. “Oh, you’re fucking delicious.” He shoves the coffee table back and kneels in front of you, lifting your skirt to admire the tiny pink bows printed on that delicate bit of fabric before hooking thumbs into each leg hole and the rest of his digits curling over the waistband, jerking your underwear down, over your hips and thighs and knees and calves and ankles. He flips the skirt out of the way and grabs your hips, tugging until you’re barely still sitting on the couch, the edge digging across your ass cheeks as he pushes your legs back for you to hold, your cunt presented to him. He spits on your sex—completely unnecessarily, you’re already soaked—but you find the gesture filthy and erotic. “Tell me what you want, baby girl.”
“I want you to…please eat my pussy Daddy.”
He plants a trail of kisses along your inner thighs, teasing you, his beard tickling your skin. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Are you going to cum in my mouth like a good girl?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
He rests a hand on the space below your navel, fingers spread over your mound, pulling slightly to draw the skin over your clit taut. His tongue slides across the nub in a sharp lick and you see stars. His mouth presses against you and he sucks and you moan. Better than anything you’ve ever tried, far better than anything anyone else has ever offered you. He’s slurping on your pussy like it’s the best meal he’s ever consumed, moaning at the taste and the vibrations echo within your core.
You release your grip on the back of one of your thighs and slide your fingers into the older man’s hair. So silky soft. Slightly damp, from the shower or sweat; you’re not certain which. It’s overwhelming, the feel of that ravenous mouth on your private place, all lips and tongue mashing and sucking and laving. You keen and whimper and mewl against him, insensible noises of pleasure, of need, of lust. You feel perspiration spark at the back of your knees. There’s a coiling knot of pressure building within your core that’s becoming unbearable. His eyes meet yours, dark and depthless and it sends you over the edge, spasming violently against him as he focuses all his attention on sucking your aching clit relentlessly. Your trembling legs fall and your thighs reflexively try to clamp down on him, the sensitivity skyrocketing. The fury against your pussy lessens and he laps more slowly, letting you ease down off your high, your body still wracked with spasms until he finally, finally emerges from between your legs.
Your stepfather wasn’t kidding when he says you’re delicious. Forget the best pussy, it’s the best fucking thing William’s ever tasted, period. Honey sweet. And the sounds you create. It makes him want to eat you out somewhere with vaulted ceilings so he can have that sound echoing around him. Fucking incredible.
So good he’d had to unzip his fly in the process and stroke himself to completion while he was devouring you. As much as he wants you to touch him—and fuck does he want that, those delicate hands and your sensual mouth and that tight virgin cunt wrapped around his cock—he’s not so far gone over in the lust that he doesn’t realize he needs to pace himself, for your sake. He likes you being needy, but he doesn’t necessarily want you reluctant or fearful. He wants you to want it. To beg, like you just had. It’s so much more satisfying to corrupt than to simply force. It takes skill and patience and Afton has plenty of that.
So for this evening, he’s settled for his hand accompanied by the flavor of your inner essence on his tongue and it takes the edge off. He shuts off the television and retires to the bedroom he shares with your mother while you shower and get dressed for bed. Perhaps you’re lying there awake right now, heart pounding, sex still tingling, limbs still feeling the aftershocks of your release. Not so much the young innocent girl anymore, the one who had chosen to wear pink ribbon patterned panties that morning before going to school, perhaps admiring the row of plush toys from your childhood lining the bookshelf beneath the window gone now, left behind, a relic of the past. Maybe you’re staring into the dark void above your head, cuddling whatever stuffed animal you’d previously used to pleasure yourself, wondering if he’ll come to you again.
The taste of you still floods his mouth and he thinks perhaps he will. Or perhaps he will wait.
It is only the first night, after all.
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tylerxrbtwhp · 4 months
Personal Favourite Fanfics | FNAF |
NOTE: This is entirely my favourites so if it offense any of you, I don't care. It might seem mean, but this is how everyone is. P.S: ISTG I'm actually nice 💀 Five Nights at Freddy's Steve Raglan/William Afton: New Year https://www.tumblr.com/jokeringcutio/738319099369865216?source=share Curious https://www.tumblr.com/fandomwritingbit/739432557821722624/this-is-almost-filthy-and-i-fucking-loved-it?source=share Regret (Platonic) https://www.tumblr.com/gh0stsp1d3r/735508718468349952/okay-so-imagine-steve-raglanwilliam-x?source=share Christmas Present https://jokeringcutio.tumblr.com/post/737626229094645760/stepdadwilliam-afton-x-reader-christmas-present
Pregnant {1} https://www.tumblr.com/jokeringcutio/738423315311493120/eeeek-i-love-this-idk-why-but-i-do?source=share Discovered {2} https://jokeringcutio.tumblr.com/post/738589200255975424/stepdadwilliam-afton-x-reader-discovered Newborn {3} https://jokeringcutio.tumblr.com/post/738766532152328192/stepdadwilliam-afton-x-reader-newborn Paternity Test {4} https://jokeringcutio.tumblr.com/post/738947769202524160/reader-x-stepdad-william-afton-drabble His Princess https://www.tumblr.com/charlottecutepie/739802423190798336/%E0%B1%A8%E0%A7%8E-his-princess-william-afton-x-femreader?source=share Tabbo https://www.tumblr.com/bratphilia/733098668839862272/taboo-w-afton-x-reader?source=share Job Offer {1} https://www.tumblr.com/cozymaples/734295038620794880/job-offer?source=share Job Offer {2} https://www.tumblr.com/cozymaples/735535339306942464/job-offer-part-2-steve-raglan-x-reader?source=share Three Simple Wishes https://www.tumblr.com/florence-nomachine/735979940369072128/three-simple-wishes-william-afton-x-reader?source=share Sweet Girl https://www.tumblr.com/fandomwritingbit/735344063499452416/sweet-girl?source=share Run Rabbit Run https://www.tumblr.com/ruh--roh-raggy/736380152312938496/run-rabbit-run-william-afton-x-fem-reader-smut?source=share Birthday Girl https://www.tumblr.com/ahsxual/738736837026316288/birthday-girl?source=share Only His https://www.tumblr.com/brightcosmos/737006060148260864/william-afton-x-freader?source=share Henry Emily x Reader: https://www.tumblr.com/florence-nomachine/708441636294754304/project-emily-henry-emily-x-gn-reader?source=share Henry's Nightguard https://www.tumblr.com/theyanderespecialist/703453824818528256/henrys-nightguard-headcanonsscenario-henry?source=share Steve Raglan/William Afton x Reader x Mike Schimdt: Doctor's Orders https://www.tumblr.com/florence-nomachine/734524663831642112/i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-im-not-a-sucker-for-mike-but-but?source=share Triptych https://www.tumblr.com/oftenwantedafton/740328436343635968/triptych-stepfather-steve-raglanwilliam-afton-x?source=share [No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/itsbuckytm/733025902691287040/having-a-relationship-between-mike-schmidt-and?source=share William Afton x Reader x Henry Emily: [No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/toraochi/675318916162191360/cough-cough-this-is-a-personal-opinion-might?source=share [No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/ffauthor/708986241097547776/william-afton-x-reader-x-henry-emily?source=share
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mattey-stu · 5 months
Fandoms i write for:
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Castiel Novak
Adam Stanheight
Lawrence Gordon
Mark Hoffman
Peter Strahm
Daniel Matthews
Five Nights At Freddys
Michael Schmidt/Afton
William Afton/Steve Raglan
Mortal Kombat 1
Johnny Cage
Kenshi Takahashi
Resident Evil
Leon Scott Kennedy
Luis Serra
Carlos Oliveira,
Agent Patrick (from Resident evil: infinite darkness)
Ethan Winters
Chris Redfield
Albert Wesker
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
The Witcher
Geralt Of Rivia
The Princess Bride
The Crush (1993)
Joe Goldberg
Forty Quinn
Gossip Girl
Dan Humphrey
Devil May Cry
Dante Sparda
I literally dk anything about the game or fandom hes just hot😞Someone educate me rn
American Horror Story
Tate Langdon
Kit Walker
Kyle Spencer
Jimmy Darling
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Billy Hargrove
Jujutsu Kaisen
Yuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Satoru Gojo
Other people I'll write for:
Skeet Ulrich, Matthew Lillard, Devon Bostick, Josh Hutcherson, Eddievr, Ronnieaintavampire, Juicyfruitsnacks, Chico Lachowski, Jordan Barrett, Cary Elwes, Evan Peters, Luis Gerardo Méndez, Joe Keery, Charlie Heaton
What i WILL write (as in smut):
Choking, degrading, maybe petplay, ftm reader + cis character, cis reader + ftm character, cis reader + cis character, ftm reader + ftm character, hair pulling, blood kink, if requested breeding kink, younger reader + older character, if requested stepson x stepdad (dont even ask.), teacher x student (both 18+), incest (again, do not even ask.) MIGHT write noncon.But only if requested
What i WONT write:
Minor user + 18+ character, 18+ user + minor character, pregnancy smut, sa, scat kink corpse fucking, foot kink, fem reader, fem character
What i WILL write (as in platonic fluff):
Dad x son, brother x brother, uncle x nephew
This is a male reader only blog.Females aligned please DNI.
When writing smut i will make any possible 18- characters 18+.
Whatevers not on here i might write. :P also i dont kinkshame🫶🏼
I do not condone any of the acts i write about.
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springlockscars · 6 months
to the anon that requested stepdad!william afton/steve raglan x dumb!stepdaughter reader, I'm working on it right now, I'm aiming to finish it and have it up tonight!
feel free to send me requests/one shot ideas/headcannons/etc ♡
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bratphilia · 5 months
hear me out- .. stepdad william afton x reader who plays the violin.. 👀
the violin is literally my fav instrument anon how did you know. anyways he teaches you how to play the violin (even if you don't really want to know or care). he wants to share a passion with you!!
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jokeringcutio · 2 months
Stepdad!William Afton x (f) reader - Cold Beer (short drabble)
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Five Nights At Freddy's Warnings: Stepdad x Stepdaughter implications, taboo attraction, Smutty thoughts (not explicit). Author Note below.
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The game's electronic jingle filled the room as William Afton, your stepdad, sat in his chair, engrossed in the screen of his phone. Your mom was out, leaving you two alone. His voice broke through the repetitive tune. "I'm getting a bit thirsty, sweetheart."
Blue eyes left the screen and slowly slid toward you. The game made upset bleeping noises, begging to be played. But his fingers hovered above the screen, not touching.
"All right,” you said. You knew your stepdad liked to have a cold beer on his days off. Relaxing in his chair, watching TV, or playing games on his phone. And as always, you wanted to please him, to impress him. You wanted to be his good girl and know that he accepted you as part of the family.
“Let me check if there's any cold beer," you replied, heading to the fridge. And oh, wasn't this fun? You bent forward a little more than necessary, knowing that the sight must do things to him. You were wearing the right kind of clothes, the ones you knew your mom always said accentuated your 'curves' - we all know she meant to say your ass.
Opening the door, the cool air hit your face as you peered inside, the cold welcome to your heated thoughts. You tried to focus, looking around and realizing there were no chilled beers.
“Oh,” you groaned at the sight, “seems we ran out.”
You frowned, spotting a bottle of soda that was within your reach.
"How about some soda instead?" you teased, reaching over and bending a little more before glancing back at him - still in this same position.
His blue eyes seemed dark when they met yours, his phone already out of his hand and on the side table. You watched as he shifted his hips, the crotch of his pants pulled tight at the movement, revealing that a rather impressive bulge was packed underneath. Your eyes quickly darted back to his face again.
"Let me have a look," he said and sauntered over. Before you had time to turn away, he stood behind you, too close for comfort. You felt his warmth enveloping your body, a stark contrast with the coldness of the open fridge.
Uncertain as to what to do, you tried to move from between his arms, only to feel his presence pressing against your back. As if he deliberately trapped you. Your heart fluttered unexpectedly. This couldn't be true, right? Was he... reciprocating? Was that his bulge pulsing against your back?
As you both gazed into the fridge, you felt the soft touch of his skin against yours, your eyes growing wide. Even though it seemed like an accident, you were convinced that William deliberately brushed his hand past yours.
"No cold beer," he sighed, disappointment masked by a sly grin. His touch sent shivers down your spine, but you remained frozen in place. Then, finally, his arm lowered and your hands were no longer touching. His blue eyes locked onto yours as he added, "I'd like something sweeter."
His hands were on your hips within the blink of an eye. "Whoops, don't fall over," his smooth voice came, teasing you. As he held you, he pressed his hips forward, tighter against you until there was no mistaking. He was hard. Hard and all because of you.
You could feel the heat, the hardened flesh underneath the layers of your clothes, the pulsing of his throbbing, trapped erection. And you gasped at the thought of all that the two of you could do now that your mom was away.
Now that you come to think of it... You just had a brilliant thought to keep her away for a little longer.
Flushed, you pulled away, but he followed, standing close again as you picked up your phone to text your mom. "Can you bring home more beer?" you typed out, hands trembling slightly.
"Thank you," William whispered, his hands still firm upon your hips. Warmth spiked inside your core. The feeling of his strong hands left you breathless. "Now, want to show Daddy how sweet you are?"
~ ~
AN: It's been a while, to the anons who requested/begged for more Stepdad Afton, I found this in my drafts. It was originally sweeter and more innocent, though I had plans to make it into full-blown smut. But unfortunately, I haven't been well enough to write much. I'll post an update soon, because I have been working on a little thing or two, including the Joker fic (which is finished in draft but needs another look over).
As always, you can find the masterlist on my page (pinned to the top). I have more multi-chapter works on AO3. And if you can spare something I also have a ko-fi.
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jokeringcutio · 5 months
Reader x Stepdad William Afton (Drabble)
AN: You got me there, ANON. All right, here's a very QUICK drabble for you, because I COULDN'T RESIST. MATURE THEMES/NO EXPLICIT SMUT. Just a happy family dinner (well....)
Also, I am overwhelmed with prompt requests and I love them, so do keep 'em coming. But if you want to help me out for reaching my goal to save up to commission a celebratory piece of artwork for this tumblr (as we've almost reached 1000 mutuals following this account :3 ) please feel free to donate me a little something on Ko-fi ♡ ︎.
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based on this in my inbox: [ See Reaction to the post here x ]
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The clink of silverware against porcelain punctuated the silence, a staccato rhythm that seemed to echo in the cavern of your chest. Across from you, William’s hands were steady as he cut into his steak, but there was something about the tightness in his jaw, the way his blue eyes didn't quite meet yours, that whispered secrets.
"Sweetheart," your mother's voice sliced through the tension like the knife in William's hand through meat, "it's time we talked about a paternity test."
Your heart stuttered in your chest, a wild, frantic thing eager to escape. You swallowed hard, the mashed potatoes on your tongue now tasting like ash.
"Whoever the father is... he deserves to know," she continued, oblivious to the undercurrents swirling beneath her words.
"Of course," you agreed, the word brittle on your lips. Your gaze flickered unintentionally to William, then quickly away, fearing what might be revealed in a single glance.
He cleared his throat, a sound that rumbled deep and low, a prelude to the storm you knew brewed within him.
"It's only fair," he said, but his voice was a masterclass in control, every syllable measured, every intonation practiced.
"You can ring up the boys... see if they're willing." She was all practicality, all motherly concern, not an inkling of suspicion clouding her features. If only she knew…
"Right," you breathed out, the lie sour and heavy in your mouth.
In your bedroom, Evan's chest rose and fell with the innocent trust of sleep. Unaware. Untouched by the deceit that hung thick in the air. The door ajar, otherwise he wouldn’t sleep if he didn’t hear that you were near. As if somehow, your tiny son was aware that he had been born in a house full of dark secrets and possible danger.
Your fingers curled around your glass, the cool surface grounding you. Water, while your parents were drinking wine. Wasn’t your mom still trying for a baby? Had she finally given up now that she saw how it was to be between diapers and the soreness of giving milk?
William's gaze flitted toward the open door where your son lay oblivious to the grown-up games played at his expense.
"Will do it tomorrow," you promised, your voice a whisper of determination laced with dread.
"Good girl," your mother smiled, contentment lighting up her face. But in William's eyes, the reflection of a different kind of pride—a dark, devouring satisfaction—flickered and then died.
You pushed your plate away, appetite lost. While inside your thoughts careened like a runaway train, you tried to remain your compose. Look and act normal. But what would happen when the truth came out? What would happen when the masks fell away?
What would William do?
Because in all honesty, it wasn’t your mom and her feelings you were worried about the most any longer. She had proven time after time again to be there for you, no matter what lies had been told about you. Her two-goody-shoes daughter, suddenly a wild partying animal who had gone and get laid whilst drunk – even if she bought it she faithfully helped take care of you and your newborn son. She was so – so darn sweet! Like an angel sent from the blessed sky. If she’d forgiven you this, then you wouldn’t doubt she would forgive you the truth.
Could you bear her disappointment? Right now? Could you see her so crestfallen and betrayed? Did you want to break that dam and wait whilst pain raked through you both – a pain that only time could mend?
Beside you, William scraped his throat, his thick fingers scraping past your thigh underneath the table. The horny beast. Even now he couldn’t stop touching you.
Shouldn’t he be working on one of his new robot animals? Like that yellow bunny suit he was making to resemble your favorite plushie? With the only difference that it was ten times bigger and build for him to wear?
You tried not to glance at your stepfather, not even when his fingers reassuringly squeezed your already bruised thigh. You gritted your teeth at the soreness – thanks to his latest bout of fucking, of course. The man took his chances whenever he could.
No, the real problem here was your stepfather. William was a tall, strong and dangerous man. His mind worked in ways that only left you guessing. And you had no doubt that he had hurt others in the past before to get exactly what he wanted.
If you wanted to play this game, you had to play it right.
Silently, you vowed to protect Evan from the shadows that lurked behind William's aviator glasses, from the manipulations that twisted beneath his agreeable facade. You would stand between your son and the man who wore danger like a second skin.
"Let's finish up here," your mother suggested, unaware of the battle lines being drawn right before her eyes.
"Indeed," William agreed, and his smile was a predator's grin, hidden in plain sight.
The baby slept on, his dreams untainted by the turmoil that swirled just beyond his reach.
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jokeringcutio · 5 months
Stepdad! William Afton x Reader – ‘Boyfriend’ (SMUT)
Summary: You bring home a boy. Your mother is excited. Your stepdad…not so. Cue to stepdad William Afton staking his claim and reminding you who you truly belong to.
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Fandom: FNAF (inspired by the movie verse) Pairing: William Afton x Reader Rating: Explicit Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content (SMUT), Age difference, Older man x Younger woman, stepdad x daughter!reader, dub-con, implied con, taboofic, spanking, fingering, cunnilingus, p in v sex, secret!sex, jealousy!, threats, hair pulling, unsafe sex, creampie, breeding!kink implied, infidelity, implied established stepdadxreader, William Afton is not a nice man, William Afton is a bad dad.
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Flashing him an encouraging smile, you stepped into the warmth of your home, the chill from the outside air dissipating. Your mother bustled about in the kitchen, the familiar scents of her cooking enveloping you like a comforting embrace. As she turned to greet you, her gaze fell upon Sam, who stood just behind you.
"Mom," you said, motioning towards the young man beside you. "Remember Sam?"
Sam was undeniably handsome; his blond hair framed a chiseled face adorned with bright green eyes that seemed to capture every bit of light in the room. His tall frame filled out the doorway, exuding a quiet strength that immediately caught your mother's attention. Her eyes twinkled as she looked him over.
"Nice to meet you,” Sam said politely, extending a hand that your mother eagerly shook. Her eyes traced over his broad shoulders and the white toothy smile.
"You are on the football team, aren’t you?" she replied warmly, her excitement barely contained.
“I am,” Sam confirmed, his smile broadening, reminiscing you of ancient statues of Greek Heroes and Gods. He was picture-perfect. Just the right type of boy to take home to impress your mother with.
"Actually, Mom," you hesitated for just a moment before continuing, voice shy and eyelashes fluttering, "Sam and I are dating.”
"Really?" Her eyes widened, a grin spreading across her face. "Oh, how wonderful!" She clapped her hands together in delight.
“Your daughter is a gem,” Sam said smoothly, words slipping out like velvet. You could just see how your mother seemed to approve of him.
He placed his bag on the kitchen counter and seemed to look around for something, then his eyes traveled to you, a question within them. You tried to suppress a grin and shook your head, and Sam’s eyes traced back to your mom.
"Excuse me," Sam said, "Can I use the…?”
"Of course, dear." Your mother pointed down the hallway. "Second door on the right."
As soon as he disappeared from sight, your mother pulled you into a tight hug. "So spill, when did this happen? Didn’t you tell me you didn’t like that boy?”
“Just today,” you said with a small grin. “And perhaps I changed my mind. Try and date. Like someone kept nagging I should.”
“Finally,” your mom said, raising her palms in the air. “I have been praying you would go on a date, even if it was just once. You really need to get some experience. And Sam seems… nice.”
“I know,” you said, tongue pressing against the back of your teeth pensively. “He’s not my type…”
“I wasn’t going to say that,” your mother said hesitatingly, though you could tell she had been thinking it. Then she flashed you another smile and gently placed her hand on top of yours. “I am happy you are finally crawling out of your shell. You’re a pretty girl,” at this you scrunched your nose and she caught sight of it, “yes, you are. Even if you think differently.”
Then she let go of your hand and let out a happy sigh. “Oh, I remember when I was your age.”
You rolled your eyes as you both said, “Dated a new boy each week.”
You looked at your mom and you both laughed. “I know, mom,” you said. “I know. But I’m not like that.”
“I know,” she replied with a gentle smile, her head resting on her hands and her elbows leaning on the kitchen counter as she looked at you. “I'm so happy for you, sweetheart! He seems like a great guy."
You couldn't help but smile. "He really is, Mom."
Sam returned to the kitchen, a sheepish grin on his face, and you both settled down at the table to work on your homework assignment. Your mother, sensing that you two might want some time alone, gave you both a teasing smile.
"If you get hungry you may take from these,” she gestured at the food she’d been making. “I'll be working in the attic if you need anything," she said before exiting the kitchen.
Sam eyed the snacks your mother had been making and picked one up, taking a bite. You followed his example.
The assignment before you was boring, and quite soon both of you were sighing. You noticed how Sam was moving closer to you with every opportunity he got, brushing an arm against you or a leg. It was exactly why you had chosen to date him. You just knew he would make a move and never took schoolwork seriously. He was that type of guy. Hands-on. Thinking of one thing only.
"God, I hate this assignment," Sam mumbled as he flipped through his textbook, his green eyes filled with annoyance.
"Tell me about it," you agreed, rubbing your temples. "Let's take a break and put on some music."
"Great idea." Sam pulled out his phone and connected it to a small speaker. Soon, the sultry sounds of bachata filled the air, and you couldn't help but sway along to the rhythm.
"Come on," Sam stood up, offering you his hand. "Let's dance."
You grinned, taking his hand and allowing him to lead you into the dance. His strong arms guided you effortlessly, the heat between you two palpable as your bodies moved in sync. The world around you seemed to fade away as you lost yourself in the music and Sam's embrace.
The sound of a door slamming shut jolted you back to reality and you looked straight into the fury blue eyes of your father.
William Afton, your stepfather, stood in the doorway, his face twisted with anger. You immediately felt a knot of fear tighten in your stomach.
"Uh, hi Dad," you stammered, trying to sound casual even as your heart raced.
"Who is this?" he growled, his cold blue eyes narrowing as they fixed on Sam. Pretty young boy. Everything the opposite of what he was.
"Th-this is Sam," you replied, your voice trembling slightly. "He's my boyfriend." Not quite, but dating counted, right?
"Boyfriend?" William sneered, his distaste evident. "And that makes this okay? You think I'd let something like this happen under my roof?"
"Sir, we were just—" Sam began, only to be cut off by the sharp, icy glare William shot him.
"Enough," William snapped, his tone making it clear that there would be no further discussion. You could see Sam's jaw clench in frustration, but he wisely held his tongue.
You forced yourself to take a calming breath and lowered your gaze submissively. "I'm sorry, Dad," you murmured, hoping that would be enough to placate him for now.
William's lips curled into a sneer as he paced the room, his anger radiating in waves. "You're too young to be dating," he spat, his words like venom. "Don’t know what you’re getting into, do you? So eager for a boy’s cock."
You felt your cheeks flushed and shyly stared at the floor, letting your stepdad’s words wash over you like waves.
“And you,” he then said, aiming his fully attention at Sam now. “I know your type. Think you can seduce a naïve young girl, fuck her on your cock once and then throw her aside like a cheap whore. Laugh about it afterward with your friends. You think my daughter’s easy like that?”
Sam shifted uncomfortably under the weight of William's gaze, visibly shrinking back from him. You felt your cheeks burn with humiliation, wanting nothing more than to disappear.
"Maybe your mother thinks it's cute," William continued, turning back to you again, his voice dripping with disdain. "But I know better. She'd love to see you become a whore, wouldn't she?"
"Hey, that's not fair—" Sam started to protest, but a single raised hand from William silenced him.
"Enough." The word was barely more than a growl, and it sent shivers down your spine. You couldn't help but feel betrayed by Sam's inability to defend you, even as you knew that standing up to William was like trying to stop a hurricane with an umbrella.
"Look," Sam muttered, avoiding your eyes. "I should go. We can finish the homework later, or something."
And it was exactly this something that had the hope inside if your tummy plummeting. As Sam rushed to your front door, you followed him with featherlight steps.
Somehow this was what you had expected of him. All tough and popular in school, but when facing a bigger man he would shrink away.
It irked you that he didn’t even try to stand up for you, that he accepted this defeat without so much as turning to your dad and telling him off. Nope, he just went to the door. Left you to your dad. Coward.
You slammed your hand on the door before he could open it, forcing him to lock eyes with you.
"Wait," you whispered. "Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you stand up for me?"
"Your dad,” Sam spoke through gritted teeth but hesitated, as if he were uncertain why he even had this conversation with you. At the end of the hallway, you could feel your stepdad’s towering presence, heavy and dark.
Like a shadow watching over the two of you.
“Your dad’s just...too much for me," Sam finally admitted, his voice tense. He paused and looked at you. "I'm sorry."
"Stepfather," you corrected him softly, feeling a strange mixture of relief and disappointment. "He's my stepfather."
Sam shrugged, his bag on his back, the zipper open still, showing the folders and maps you were supposed to be working on.
"Either way, I don't want to be around him." With that, Sam stepped out the door, leaving you alone to face the storm that was William Afton.
You slowly turned around, the shape of your stepfather like a dark shadow at the end of the hall. The displeased curve of his lips was visible from where you stood.
He only needed to point a finger to the floor, signaling that you had to return to him. No words were needed. Step after careful step, you walked closer, entering the room before he closed the door behind you.
“Well now,” the words came out low and rasped as your stepdad placed his large hand on the small of your back, guiding you back to the kitchen table before roughly pushing you toward it. You tumbled over by the sheer force, chest pressed against the cold wood as items that had still been on the table now clattered to the floor.
Strong hands moved past your hips, pulling your pants and panties down in one swift motion, exposing your neither regions. Cold air brushed past your skin and you subdued a shudder.
"You think it's okay to bring someone else home, hmm?" William asked, his voice cold. "Think I wouldn't find out?"
"Dad, I-" you began to protest, but he cut you off.
"Quiet." He didn't give you a chance to respond before he delivered the first spank, sharp and sudden. You gasped at the mix of pain and pleasure that shot through your body. His hands were big, even against the supple flesh of your ass.
"Count," he instructed, his breath heavy.
“One,” you said, words forced out through gritted teeth. Another slap, the stinging slightly fiercer than before. Your hands curled into fists in front of you, trying to support your weight on your elbows as you stood bent forward over the table. Another smack. “Two.”
You heard the deep breathing of your stepdad as it increased. He was getting excited. “You brat,” you heard him murmur in between slaps. The stinging increasingly becoming worse, the pain a delightful pleasure that made you hum.
“It’s clear Dad here has got to teach you a lesson not to be such a little slut,” each of those final words was punctuated by another firm slap to your buttocks, making you see stars and wheeze with pleasureful pain.
You whimpered out the numbers, bracing yourself for another smack. As the spanking continued, your cheeks burned and your arousal grew. There was something thrilling about being at his mercy, about submitting entirely to him.
Finally, your stepdad stopped, and you waited in anticipation for another slap. But it didn’t come. Instead, you felt his strong hands massaging your tender flesh. His fingers, rough from years of working on animatronics, sent shivers down your spine as he caressed your sensitive skin, separating your now sore cheeks and pushing them back together again.
"Such a pretty little thing, aren't you?" he purred, his hot breath fanning across your wet pussy. You could tell by the tone of his voice that he'd gotten exactly what he wanted, and it both terrified and excited you. He leaned down, his tongue teasing your slit before he captured your clit between his teeth, sending a jolt of pleasure through your body.
"Dad," you moaned, unable to contain yourself any longer. He hummed in response, his lips working expertly on your most sensitive spot. The nibbling the flick of his tongue to your sensitive clit, it was all too much, and you had to bite the back of your hand in order to keep from crying out loud. Suppose your mom would hear.
No, she could never find out!
Chapped lips curved against your sensitive sticky-wet skin. The little hairs of his beard tickled you as William continued to pleasure you with his mouth. You felt a familiar tension building within you. Desperate for release, you wriggled on the table, wishing you could somehow grasp his hair and urge him on. But he held your hips tightly in his hands, grip strong enough to create finger-shaped bruises, his head buried between your legs. All you could to was squirm against the table, wishing you could see him as he ate you out.
"Please," you begged, the sound nearly a sob. William chuckled darkly, slipping his fingers inside you and curling them just right. It was all too much – the pressure, the pleasure, the pain – and suddenly, you were falling apart, your orgasm washing over you in a tidal wave of sensation.
Your body trembled, pussy pulsing wildly around his finger and tongue, slick gushing forward and into his awaiting mouth, coating his lips.
As he withdraw, you heard a dark chuckle. Your world spun and slowly got back into focus, and you realized you were still on the table, your weight resting on your elbows as you stared at the photographs of your family hanging on the wall.
You were grateful that the table supported you, because your legs were shaking and you didn’t think you could stand on your own right now.
"Good girl," William praised, his voice low and dangerous as he withdrew his fingers from your quivering core. As you lay there, catching your breath, you could feel the lingering pulse of your orgasm still radiating through your body. But William wasn't finished with you yet.
"Stay bent over," he commanded, his voice rough and demanding. You obeyed, anticipation causing a shiver to run down your spine. The sound of his zipper being undone filled the room, and you couldn't help but feel both nervous and excited for what was about to happen.
"Such a tight little pussy," he growled as he positioned himself behind you, one hand gripping your hip while the other tangled in your hair. He pulled you back, forcing you to arch your back even more as his cock pressed against your entrance.
"Please," you whimpered, desperate for him.
"Who do you belong to?" he asked, his voice dark and dangerous.
"Y-you," you stuttered, feeling your face flush with embarrassment.
"Say it," he demanded.
"I belong to you, Daddy."
"Good girl," he praised before thrusting into you without warning, his cock splitting you open and filling you completely. A gasp tore from your throat as you struggled to adjust to his size, but William didn't give you any time to recover. He set a brutal pace, pounding into you like an animal, his grip on your hair keeping you in place.
"Fuck, you're so perfect," he snarled, his breath hot on your neck. His words sent a shudder through you, and you couldn't help but push back against him, wanting to take him deeper.
"Harder, please," you begged, needing to feel his complete control.
"Greedy little thing," he chuckled, somehow managing to drive into you even harder. "You love this, don't you?"
You parted your lips to answer, the feelings overwhelming you. But he was quicker.
“Quiet,” he snarled in your ear, “We don’t want your mother to hear what we’re doing here, do we?”
Hard as it was, you managed a nod – even with the way he kept a grip tightly on your hair. Your body ached for him, and every thrust of his hips seemed to drive you further under his spell.
"Tell me who you're gonna fuck from now on," he demanded, his voice a low growl.
"Only you, Daddy."
"Damn right," he muttered as he continued to pound into you, each thrust making your body shudder with pleasure. You felt the firm outline of his hips, the softness of his belly pressing against your back as he thrust inside of you. It shouldn’t feel so sinful, but it did. Your much older stepfather was making you feel so good, that it dazed you.
You could feel another orgasm building, but before you could reach that peak, William's grip on your hair tightened as his own release approached.
"Fuck!" he snarled, his hips slamming into you one last time as he came, filling you with his hot seed. His grip changed on you while you cried out, walls fluttering around his hard shaft. His hand on your hip and the one pulling your hair ensured that you were pulled flushed against him, making sure he stayed buried deep inside for just a little longer than needed while your cunt pulsed around him.
Slowly, your vision started to stabilize again. The warped pictures on the wall came back into focus and your pussy’s grip on his cock became looser, not pulsing as frequently as your body started to relax.
His panting breaths filled the room as he slowly pulled out, releasing your hair from his grip.
“Now, what do you say?” you heard his low voice rumble as you slumped forward on the table, catching your breath.
"Thank you, Daddy," you murmured, feeling the slick escape from the depths of your core, sliding all the way down your legs. You slowly got up and pushed yourself away from the table, facing William.
He stood a few feet behind you, his pants resting on his hips, cock and balls proudly on display. Liquid coated his softening shaft, and you watched entranced as he started to tuck it back inside his pants before zipping his fly.
You followed his example, bending over to pull your pants up, wincing at the discomfort you felt deep inside your core where he had been battering your cervix without a care in the world. You prayed your mother wouldn’t walk in right now, but luckily, she didn’t.
When you were presentable enough again – making sure your hair wasn’t quite the mess and ignoring the cold sticky liquid that ran down the inside of your thigh – you took a step closer to your stepdad.
“Mr. Afton,” you said, knowing he liked it when you addressed him so formally. And it worked. You saw the spark in his blue eyes. Licking your lips, closed the distance between you, standing on your tiptoes to give him a gentle kiss.
Once the kiss broke, your eyes met his blue ones. The pupils so dilated they seemed almost black.
“That’s better,” your stepfather said, his hand resting on the small of your back, keeping you close to him whilst towering over you. Just the height of him made you feel small, but then there was that gaze and the firm tone he used when he spoke to you. So demanding, so in control.
"Remember," he warned, his eyes dark and intense. "I don’t ever want to see you take another boy home again, or the consequences will be far beyond anything you can ever imagine.”
As a spark lit off in your eyes, he caught sight of it and his grip on you tightened. The corners of his lips pulled into a tight line. “I am serious, do not challenge me on this one. It is unlike what you are thinking of.”
And somehow, those words brought with them a sense of danger that made you actually feel cold on the inside, like he wasn’t threatening to fuck you hard as a punishment, but that he was threatening whatever man you might want to take home in future times. Like a death sentence. Would he kill them?
“You're mine, and I don't share," he rasped.
You nodded, your heart racing at his possessiveness. Somehow, it felt both terrifying and thrilling to be so completely claimed by this dangerous, powerful man.
And as you looked into his eyes, you knew your plan had worked.
“I promise to be good for you, Dad,” you said, words a whisper.
He let go just in time before the door flung open and your mother entered the room.
“Ah, sweetheart, you’re back,” she said, bright smile on her face as she walked over to give William a hug and a kiss on his lips. His blue eyes darted past her to meet yours and you quickly glanced aside.
Once they broke apart, your mother turned toward you. “Where’s Sam?” And then a frown formed on her face as she sniffed the air. She must have been quick in recognizing the scent and deducing what must have happened, for you could see her lips curl into a small smile and her eyes twinkle,
“Well, at least I hope you’ve used protection,” she muttered as she brushed past you to return to the snacks she prepared earlier in the kitchen.
“Want a taste of something sweet,” she curiously asked your stepdad, holding up one of the plates with prepared snacks.
William’s grin widened. “Oh,” he murmured, “I think I already have.”
~ Fin ~
AN: I am open for prompts. Want to read more? Why not check my masterlist, I write a lot of reader-inserts, including x William Afton, Arthur Fleck, The Grabber, Arthur Harrow, Severus Snape, and many more. ~
Taglist: @likoplays @2pacl0ve
AN: For more, follow me (:
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jokeringcutio · 6 months
Stepdad!William Afton x (f) Reader - Telephone Cable (WARNINGS, SMUT)
Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, stepdadxstepdaughter, while mom is away, (slight) choking kink, cockwarming, daddy's girl, unprotected s*x, creampie, daddy kink, praise kink, secrecy, Modern Day AU!, Henry giving William a call. AN: The first two paragraphs are a decoy. Underneath the read more is the real stuff. Based on this post
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Sunlight peeped through the blinds, creating stripes of gold on the two intertwined figures. It was William’s favorite chair, so naturally, he’d sat down on that, drink in his hand, while the clock behind him ticked as he waited for your mom to go out.
The distant sound of her car became fainter and fainter. And then you and him were alone.
A smile spread on his face, showing straight teeth in a joyful but perverse way. A silent promise. And all he needed to do was pat his hand on his lap, and you came over to him like an obedient little pet.
~ * ~ You could feel the heat of his body against your back, the way his hairy hips rested against you from below. Your pussy squelched delightfully with each shallow thrust, and a low hum escaped his throat.
"You’re a real daddy's girl, aren’t you?" He whispered into your ear, his hot breath sending goosebumps over your skin.
You’d been on your stepdad’s cock for a little over an hour. Just there to function as a warm cocksleeve around his shaft, until his cock had grown hard inside of you and your body thrummed with desire for more.
You bit your lip and tried to nod, but the movements made it difficult. So instead, you answered by moving your hips against his own, lifting yourself a little further off his cock before you sat back down again. Your hands were on his legs, near to his knees.
You could see your reflection on the inky black television screen.
"So nice,” William’s low voice sounded, his hands tightening on your hips before this grip loosened again. He kept your hips deliberately still, making sure he had full control again. The thrusts he gave were shallow, as if he wanted to draw it all out, making the pleasure last as long as possible.
“Still so tight," he grunted, The gentle thrusts were not enough to bring you to the brink, but deep enough to make you shudder and your walls flutter around him. You could feel the ridges of his veins, the hot flesh of hard erection as it was buried inside you, the head pressed snugly against your cervix, kissing your womb and leaking the first drops of cum.
“Think I can make you come before your mom is back?” you heard your stepfather ask, his voice hoarse with delight. His hand squeezed your right breast, hidden underneath yoru sweater.
His hips still only moved leisurely.
“I think I’m gonna fill you up before she comes home. Have you carry all my seed inside your womb while she prances around, not knowing Daddy filled up her little girl good,” the mental image sent shivers down your spine and you bit your lip again. “Would you like that, huh? Keep Daddy’s secret?”
Your heart raced, the threat of him coming inside you while your mom was away only made the moment more exhilarating. Still, his hips only moved slowly and shallowly. The itch inside your core begged for more. And so did you. "Harder, Daddy," you pleaded, unable to contain your desire as you tried to move your hips. But his hands tightened on your hips, keeping you firmly pressed against him. He stopped moving fully now.
“Do you think you are in a position to make demands?” came the rough voice of your stepdad. William let go of your right hip to push his glasses back on his nose, the frame pressing against the skin around his eyes.
You whimpered sadly, wishing he would pick up his pace and let you come. Your eyes went to the clock. Not long before your mom would arrive home. You’d been on your stepdad’s cock for a little over an hour, cunt sopping wet and his shaft coated with your juices. Yet, he never let you properly ride him or come.
You just hoped he would have mercy on you and decide to make you come before your mom arrived home. You wanted to have your fill. No. Needed it.
He might love edging, but you loved it more when your pussy throbbed around him and pleasure washed over you. Nothing weird about that, right? You thought you deserved it with all the things he made you do.
“Didn’t I ask you a question?” he wondered, though the teasing in his voice was evident. He just wanted you to acknowledge his filthy desires.
“Yes, Daddy,” you moaned, eager to move your hips. He stilled them again, smacking the flat of his hand against your right ass cheek for good measure, an indication for you to keep still. Yet, your pussy squeezed around his cock, eager for more. You heard the gasp that escaped his lips -  he wasn’t left unaffected.
“I’ll keep your secret Daddy. I won’t tell anyone that you filled me up. Won’t tell Mom. Just, please, make me cum.”
“Well,” William drawled, the fingers of his hands gently stroking past the soft flesh of your hips. “Since you ask so nicely…”
You bit your lip, prepared for the ecstasy that was about to come. But just as William tightened his grip on your hips again and the muscles in his hips tensed, his mobile phone lit up with an incoming call.
You growled in annoyance, throwing the screen a glare. The name that lit up on the screen was a familiar one and your heart sank. It was his business partner, Henry. He would never deny Henry. It might be something important, especially as Henry was at work today at the restaurant they both owned.
As predicted, your stepdad picked up the phone, still holding you close, and you were just incredibly grateful that Henry hadn’t started a video call but a normal audio one.
“I’m sorry, Henry, could you repeat that again?” you heard your stepdad say, frowning while he pushed the glasses back on his nose again. His other hand, still on your hip, forced you slightly up from his cock only to guide you back down again with a squelch. You bit your lip to keep from moaning. Suppose if Henry heard…
“It’s really hard to hear you,” a pause. “Could be… Henry, can you call the landline instead?" he asked.
Another thrust, deeper this time, hard. His cockhead bumped against your womb’s entrance, involuntarily slickening your core.
And then William put his mobile phone down, screen facing the table. You could see just in time how the call had ended and glanced at William over your shoulder to try and measure his reaction to it all.
His eyes were hidden behind glinting glasses, his expression hard to see. But then he frowned and grabbed your hips harder. Your stepdad snarled in your ear: "You better keep quiet. This is an important call."
Your heart pounded in your chest, the anticipation building as the landline phone rang. William picked it up, and you noticed how the cable of the phone brushed against you, sending another shiver down your spine. Glancing over your shoulder you saw he must have noticed it as well, eyes focused on the cable.
He hooked the phone between his chin and shoulder, using both hands to guide your hips up and down until he found the right pace and angle.
"Hello, Henry," William said, his voice steady despite the situation. Your mind swirled with thoughts of what might happen next, the danger of being discovered only heightening the thrill. But you knew you had to keep quiet, not wanting to ruin this moment or jeopardize his work.
"William, we've got a problem at the pizzeria," Henry's voice crackled through the phone. "One of the arcade games is on the fritz again."
Thrust. You brought your hands up to your lips, covering your mouth with both of them as your stepdad decided that this was the perfect moment to properly start fucking you.
After being inside of your warm cunt for so long, this was the time. When you had to be quiet.
You silently cursed him inside your mind as he picked up a pace. The position in which you were in enabled him to hit you deep inside.
"Which one?" William asked, his voice steady even as he wrapped the telephone cable around your neck, surprising you. Your eyes flew open wide, hands darting from your lips to the cable. His strong hand pulled, tightening the cable around your neck, cutting off your flow of oxygen ever so slowly. You gasped as he forcefully made you ride him, guiding your movements with his hips and the grip on the phone cable.
"Whack-a-Mole," Henry replied. Slick sounds came from where your hips met, where his cock moved in and out of you with force. "It's been acting up all week, and I can't figure out what's wrong with it."
"Did you try resetting the system?" William inquired, gently tightening the cord around your neck. You struggled to keep your breaths quiet, focusing on the sound of their conversation.
"Of course I did," Henry sounded exasperated. Your cunt clamped down on William’s cock and you bit your tongue from crying out. Behind you, William transferred the cable of the phone to the same hand he was holding the phone in – not only tightening the cable around your neck but also leaving his left hand free.
That free hand circled you to rub against your clit, making you writhe on top of him as you tried to suppress a moan. Your walls started to flutter helplessly around his shaft, and he closed his eyes and nibbled on his bottom lip in reply.
"It worked for a while, but then the problems started up again."
"Sounds like a short circuit," William suggested, a wicked grin playing on his lips as he watched your eyes widen. "You'll need to open it up and check the wiring."
Thrust, squelch, thrust. Your breasts bounced underneath your shirt as he picked up the pace – no bra as requested. You felt your face flush in embarrassment, praying that Henry did not hear the wet noises that filled the room, and grateful that phone calls with smell hadn’t been invented yet. The room smelled heavily of musk, of raw intercourse and hot slick.
His fingers against your clit roughened, increasing the pace until his index finger slipped forth and bumped against your slick hole and his cock. And then his touch subsided, just in time to prevent you from coming.
You subdued a groan in annoyance. Nearly there, you thought. But the promise that he would make you come still lingered.
"All right, I'll give that a shot," Henry agreed, though there was a brief pause in which William’s hips didn’t move forth, but instead circled, stirring his cock - like a wooden spoon in soup - inside of you.
You gasped at the sensation, your hands loosening the grip on the cable and grabbing air instead as you threatened to fall forward. The cable pulled you back, the only thing holding you upright on your stepdad’s lap.
And then, with a devilish grin, your stepdad pressed his hips against you again with a loud squelch. His cockhead bumped against your cervix, eliciting a yelp from your lips. Although not loud, it obviously had been loud enough.
"Is everything okay over there?” Another pull on the cable took your breath away, preventing any more sound. Somehow, the suffocation was just enough to tip you over the edge. Stars started to cloud your vision, your walls clamping down hard on your stepdad’s cock.
Tears formed in your eyes as your stepdad humped his hips against yours, cock pressing against that delicate spot deep inside while you came.
You actually came.
The grip on the cable loosened and you brought your hands to your lips again to keep from crying out, walls trembling around William’s cock as your body was submitted to wave after wave of orgasm.
It felt so good.
And he didn’t stop or show mercy. He just kept fucking you as if he wanted you to betray your secret tryst.
“It sounds like there are some...odd noises. Are you playing with one of the new animatronics, hmm?" Henry said, indicating that William had promised to work on a new animatronic for their enterprise.
William grinned. “Perhaps,” he teased, another particularly hard and deep thrust. It betrayed that he was near now as well. That, and the hoarseness that crept into his voice.
"But you will have to wait and find out," William lied smoothly, giving the cord a playful tug. Your body reacted accordingly. "Don’t worry. My day off is well spent."
"Okay, if you say so," Henry said, still sounding a bit suspicious. "I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the help, William."
"Anytime, Henry. Good luck," William replied before hanging up the phone.
As soon as the call ended, he removed the cable from around your neck, leaving behind a faint red mark. His hands went down to your hips, forcing them up and down. Your tight walls were forced up and down his shaft, clamping down like a vice. His breathing increased.
You muttered nonsensical things, all soft whispers as the overstimulation was getting too much.
“Almost,” your stepdad mumbled, “almost, there, baby girl, almost,” and with a loud groan he came with one firm thrust deep inside.
You felt your body tremble as you came down from your high, breath returning to you as your pussy pulsed softer and softer around his throbbing cock.
Hot liquid coated your walls. And then there was silence. Just the ticking of the clock.
You moved gently on top of him, turning to face him over your shoulder and placing a petite kiss on his lips. His blue eyes were fixed upon you, following your gaze with affection. You knew he would deny it if you asked him, but he truly cared about you. This was more than just a primal hunger for sex. Your stepdad loved you, and you were starting to feel the same.
More and more with each day.
"Thank you, Daddy," you whispered, flushed and breathless from the exhilarating experience. He leaned down to press a tender kiss to the top of your head, his touch surprisingly gentle.
"Get dressed," he ordered firmly, his eyes glinting with a hint of danger. "Your mom will be home soon."
You obeyed without hesitation, standing up on trembling legs. His cock, for the first time in nearly two hours, slipped free from its confines: you.
It felt odd after having been filled for so long. You knew your stepdad loved to be close to you and to enjoy your warmth for as long as possible. And quite often that wasn’t long enough. It was why he wanted you to sit naked on top of him – whether just with your pants off or skirt flipped up, or perhaps naked in full. It didn’t matter, as long as he would be inside of you.
At first, you had thought it weird, but exciting. Now, you’d grown used to it, and you loved the feel of his stretch. You missed him when he was gone.
Slipping your panties back on, you made sure that William could see the evidence of his actions. The sticky cum that slipped out of you was dripping on the fabric of your panties, coating the crotch of your panties like paint. You left them deliberately halfway up your knees, waiting for all of the sticky liquid to have left your folds. Once the dripping stopped, and most of it had collected in your panties, you slowly pulled them up and pressed William’s hot cum against your core once more. As if your body could absorb it like this a second time.
Once your mom would be home, those panties would still be on, and your stepdad would still be inside and against you. He growled appreciatively, a predatory smile curving his lips.
"Daddy's good girl," he murmured, just as the sound of a car pulling into the driveway reached your ears. Both of you glimpsed outside, hidden by the blinds, to see your mom step out of the car, a bright smile on her lips. Your stepdad turned to you, flicking a knuckle of his fingers gently past your cheek; an affectionate gesture.
His blue eyes slid down to your now-clothed cunt, knowing his cum was still there. Then, William quickly left the room. You hurried to make yourself presentable, running a hand through your disheveled hair before retreating to your room, pretending as if you'd been there all along.
When your mom opened the door, you were behind your desk working on an assignment that needed to be finished soon. You smiled up at her, innocently. “Hi Mom, how was your day?”
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AN: For @likoplays 8) Might do a different approach to the same prompt later on. Not betaread etc.
Taglist: @likoplays @2pacl0ve
AN: For more, follow me (:
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jokeringcutio · 5 months
(f) Reader sends accidental Pic to Stepdad William Afton [ Explicit/SMUT]
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Fandom: FNAF  Rating: Explicit Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Non-con/Dub-con, First Time, Reader loses Virginity to stepdad, Stepdad teaching Stepdaughter Reader a lesson, age difference, forbidden relationship, height difference, infidelity, name-calling, Dark!William. All characters are mature in this. NOTE: These drabbles are in no particular order and not necessarily related. But they are all Stepdad!WilliamAfton x !StepdaughterReader Universe. As a reaction to this prompt:
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Reader sends accidental Pic to Stepdad William Afton
The phone buzzed in your hand, a chilling reply displayed on the screen.
I'm coming home.
Panic surged through you like a tidal wave and you had to double-check the sender. But no, it was right there. Dad.
But why was your stepdad coming home, right now, when he was supposed to be working?
As you slowly scrolled the page up, thumb trembling, you came eye to eye with the picture you had intended to send to your crush.
Nothing wrong with it, was there? Most of your friends have done this. They’d encouraged you. Just take a picture with nothing on, send it to the guy you want to be dating, and voila.
But here, something had gone horribly wrong.
Because that intimate picture had been sent to William Afton, your mother’s husband, and since a few years your new dad.
Good lord, how had you made such a slip-up? Running your hands through your hair, you paced the room. Your stepdad was a strict man, not at all pleased when you announced you wanted to start dating. Very discouraging actually.
Boys were strictly forbidden, according to him anyway. But you were a girl with hormones raging and you’d met a nice bloke at your college. Plus, your friends had pushed you to do something like this. Just sent him a sexy pic. Not that you had shown all. But still.
It wasn’t something you wanted your stepdad to see.
Looking at your own picture one more time, you felt embarrassed. You looked good in it, your absolute best. Very seductive. A very revealing pic.
You were so going to get it now.
No way your stepdad was going to let you live this down. You instantly flicked your finger over the picture, deleting it. You weren’t in the mood to send it to the right guy any longer, only felt trepidation now that your stepdad could be home any moment.
He worked at the pizza plex nearby and was one of the managers. He could go wherever and whenever he wanted, and he had a really fancy car as well.
The sound of tires screeching signaled he had arrived sooner than you had anticipated. You had run out of time. Your heart raced and you clenched your fists, unsure of how to explain yourself. Casting a glance at your mirror – you were dressed in your unflattering comfy clothes – you mentally prepared to face your stepdad.
His car roared into the driveway, and then you heard the front door slam shut.
"Where are you?" William's voice boomed throughout the house.
"Upstairs!" you called out, trembling in fear. The sound of his heavy footsteps grew louder as he ascended the stairs. He was tall and very intimidating on a good day. You didn’t want to know how he would be on a bad one. But it seemed like you were about to find out.
He burst into your room, face flushed with anger and confusion. "What the hell were you thinking, sending those pictures?"
"William, I... I didn't mean—" you stammered, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
“When did I give you permission to use my full name?” William sneered, anger radiated off him in full waves. He pushed the aviator glasses back on his nose with an agitated growl. “I am still your dad, step or not. Address me respectfully.”
You hardly dared to look at him as you complied. “Yes, Daddy,” voice now soft as you glanced at the floor in shame. Yet, there was that little voice in the back of your mind, wondering what he had thought when he had seen your pictures. You looked like your mom – everybody had always said so. Had he thought you attractive?
Slowly, your eyes slid higher, from the floor to his feet and upward, past his shins and to the obvious outline of his cock in his pants. You swallowed, mouth suddenly dry, when you realized that your pictures at least must have had some effect on him.
You got your stepdad hard.
You quickly looked up at his face. The thin lines around his eyes betrayed his sternness, the corners of his mouth had dipped into a displeased frown.
"Did you even think about the consequences?" he snapped, his blue eyes blazing with rage.
"Let me explain," you pleaded, your voice barely audible. The weight of his accusations hung heavy in the air.
"Explain what? That you've been sleeping around and sending pictures to your boyfriends?!" William's tone was laced with venom, his words cutting deep.
"Dad, I'm not dating anyone," you stammered, feeling a hot flush creep up your cheeks. "I just... I wanted to send them to someone I have a crush on. He asked for them."
"Christ," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Do you even realize what could happen if you do something so reckless?"
His question hung in the air, unanswered. You didn't know what to say, feeling small and humiliated.
"Think about it," he continued, his voice cold as ice. "Your pictures could end up all over the internet, with no way to get them back. And worse, that boy might want to fuck you."
As he spoke, he began unbuckling his belt, using his foot to kick your door shut. Your eyes grew wide, surprised by the suddenness of his actions. What was going on? Your body froze as you watched him, kicking off his shoes, unable to process what was happening.
Was this really the man who had been a part of your family for so long?
“It’s a good thing your mom doesn’t know what whorish behavior her daughter has been up to, because I swear, she would have gotten a heart attack.”
You stumbled backward, calves hitting the edge of your bed which made you glance shortly over your shoulder. There was nowhere to go any longer.
“Now, if you just do as I say, then we can keep this quiet,” William said, eyes gleaming behind his glasses. His pants fell to the floor and he kicked them off, leaving him in just his disheveled blouse and his socks.
His cock, long and thick, peeked out from between the edges of his blouse, the head an angry red and slit already weeping pre-cum. A mouthwatering sight, a man well-endowed. You could have enjoyed it, had he been anyone but your stepdad.
"Dad, please," you whispered, but your voice was drowned out by your own racing thoughts. It suddenly became very clear what his intentions were. You couldn’t just stand and watch. Your body kicked into action, and suddenly you found yourself bolting toward the door.
But before you could escape, William's strong hand gripped your arm, stopping you dead in your tracks.
"Where do you think you're going?" he snarled, his eyes dark with anger and something else. A deep raw hunger. Lust. You instantly knew there was no escaping the consequences of your actions.
But you were going to try.
You struggled in his grip. “Dad, William, no!” You cried out, as you tried to escape his grip. But his arm circled around you and you heard his breathing heavy and excited in your ear. You felt his chest, hot and hard, against your back. His cock pressed against the small of your back, the pre-cum staining the fabric of your shirt. Run, a voice inside your head screamed. But he was too strong.
Struggling, you felt him drag you back to your bed, so full of childhood memories. Always your personal safe little spot. And now? Now he threw you upon it without ceremony, crawling over you before you had the chance to get up.
You knew what he wanted to do to you. You could see it in those blue eyes, gleaming behind his glasses, pupils diluted with perverse intent. Could you ever look him in the eye again after this?
“Dad, please, think of Mom,” you tried to reason with him. But strong hands pried your legs open without hesitation, palms rough upon your knees, your thighs trembling as you tried to push him away.
"What are you doing?" you asked, your voice shaky and uncertain. You couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Surely he wouldn’t pop your cherry? Surely, he’d back down, laugh, and tell you he only had done it all to frighten you?
He leaned backward, trapping you to your bed with only his hips. Rising to his full height, he pushed his glasses back up his nose with a smirk, eyes roaming over your helpless figure underneath him.
“Oh, I think you know what I’m doing,” was all he said before two large fingers hooked around the waistband of your pants, tugging them down along with your panties, just enough to expose your cunt. Your breath halted as you looked at him in fear. He wouldn’t, would he?
“Dad,” you started, voice choked. “This is wrong. You can’t just-”
But you froze when you felt your stepdad’s long cock rub past your entrance, the tip dipping in and stretching your walls wide. He hunched over you, a grin plastered on his face while his eyes glinted. He brought his lips near your ear, hot breath flickering past your skin.
"I’m gonna teach you a lesson,” he murmured. You felt his fingers guide his cock, the fingertips pressing against your labia. Then, without a warning, he pushed himself inside in one firm thrust.
You threw your head back, back arched, and legs spasming. A loud cry was torn from your lips.
That fucking hurt.
Your stepdad was too large to be inserted in one go. Tears brimmed in your eyes while you brought your hands up to grab his shoulders, but he pushed them down and trapped them at either side of you.
“Take it,” you heard your stepdad growl through gritted teeth. “You wanted to tease some poor bloke, didn’t you? Then take what he has to offer you.”
His hips moved harshly, but it was just a few thrusts before he came to a halt. Your pussy throbbed painfully, desperately trying to adjust.
Through the tears, you managed to look up at him. William had raised a brow, looking at you as if he were studying your reactions while his hips gently started to move against yours again. You heard sickening slick sounds coming from where your bodies joined.
Experimentally, he moved his hips, and you arched your back again, fingers curling onto the mattress as you threw your head from side to side.
“Take it out,” you pleaded, “Please, Dad, take it out.” Soft mewls fell from your lips, it was pathetic. But you were in so much pain right now, split upon his cock. It was like he was tearing you apart. “It’s too much.”
You’d fantasized about cocks before, your mind wasn’t that innocent. But you’d never had a real one inside your cunt before and this – your stepdad’s cock –  was just too large. The way it stretched your vaginal walls was painful, your pussy throbbing desperately around his shaft to try and adjust. But he kept moving his hips, making it harder to get used to the feel of him.
The head of his cock hit you deep, nudging against a part of you that you didn’t know existed. You shuddered on his shaft, taking deep breaths as your stepfather kept pumping his hips.
“You surprise me,” you heard the roughness in his voice, as if he was thirsting for something. “You're so tight," he groaned, his voice thick with lust. "Like fucking a virgin.”
Something in his blue eyes flickered and you bit back another pained gasp. “Fuck, you feel so good."
Another deep thrust moved you up the bed. You tried to get a grip on the sheets, the blankets – just anything, but your dad kept pushing your hands down, pinning them at your sides. Once you relented and left them there, fingers digging into the soft material of your bedding, he finally placed his arms around your head.
“That’s better, sweet girl of mine,” William’s low voice hummed. “You’re starting to adjust to my cock. I can feel it.”
Wet noises confirmed that he was still stretching your cunt, but also, that you were wet enough for him to easily slide in and out of.
“Please,” you begged, voice sounding weak, but you had to try.
Your body trembled, muscles being stretched into positions they had never been stretched before. You felt how your chest was trapped to his own, how it became hard to breathe while his cock still pushed deep inside your sensitive core.
The pain slowly began to ebb away, your legs slowly started to relax now that they got used to being pushed this far aside. Your stepdad was a large man, both in height and width as in girth, and you had to spread your legs really wide for him to fit in between. But you managed.
“I don’t want this, Daddy,” you weakly said. And you felt weak. Perhaps that was the worst of it. Not his large cock splitting you open and tearing you in half. But the fact that you wanted to appear strong, and yet your voice sounded so small and tears were threatening to fall from your eyes.
Your stepdad glanced down at you and gave another thrust. “You don’t want this, sweetheart? You’d think those boys would care if it hurt or not?”
You flinched at the harshness in his voice. As if to punctuate his words, your stepdad moved his hips in a rather sharp thrust, hitting that spot deep inside with such ferocity that it made you flinch in pain. You groaned, gritting your teeth in order not to cry out.
Something in William’s eyes flickered, recognition at what he’d done to you, and then, he did it once more, chuckling as you clearly put in effort to keep from gasping in pain.
“This is how real men fuck. If you can’t handle it, you shouldn’t send out invitations,” his words were rough and mean, and his cock dipped in even deeper inside of you, stirring your innards, making you see starts. You sincerely regretted ever having even taken such photos, let alone sending them to your stepfather.
His thrusts grew bolder, harsher. His cock was buried to the hilt as he folded you over, drawing your knees up to your chest while his hands slipped under your shirt. You felt rough fingers grasp the soft flesh of your breasts, squeezing them painfully in a tight grip that made it impossible to keep from crying out.
“That’s it, baby girl,” William spat, “When I squeeze you I feel you clench down on my cock.” Another firm squeeze of your breasts and you became aware that he was right. Your pussy clamped down on his cock firmly, as if it wanted him inside. You let out another gasp. A denial might have escaped your lips, but if there had been a quiet ‘no’ then it was denied by your stepdad anyway. He thought he was right, and apparently, he didn’t care a dime about your feelings in any of this. He was just using you for his pleasure now, nothing more.
His hips moved a little slower now while he grunted, his hands stilled on your breasts. “Let’s get rid of that,” you heard him say as he tutted his lips. His fingers grazed at the fabric of your shirt. “I’ve already seen it all on the picture anyway.”
With two strong hands, he tore at the shirt, lifting it over your chest until he left your breasts exposed.
A whistle escaped his teeth.
“Well, would you look at that,” then he leaned over you again, his breath hot on your skin. “They look even better than on the screen.”
And then his mouth was upon them. His lips circled a nipple, sucking and suckling while the other one was assaulted by his thumb. You gasped and arched under his touch, glad that his hips had stilled, but still trapped under his weight – his cock snuggly all the way inside your tiny cunt.
He was working his lips on you, suckling and nibbling on your sensitive nipples until it made you gasp. You felt how your body betrayed you. How pain from the initial intrusion and the hard fuck started to morph into something else.
Your pussy started to pulse around his cock, not in pain or in an attempt to adjust. No, your body was drawing him in, starting to milk him for pleasure. Liquid started gushing down his shaft, easing the way for him as your body started to thrum. Your nerves started to tingle, a hot coil formed in your core. Each pinch, each nibble, each suck and each bite set your body on fire. Your core throbbed.
Your stepdad was really skilled with his mouth. The hairs of his bread tickled your skin and heightened the sensations.
And then he started to move his hips again.
William’s lips left your breasts but his hands lingered. Dark eyes – the blue now a deep black – stared at you through his aviator glasses. His hips moved forcefully against your own, but the pain had now fully morphed into pleasure.
“That slides a lot better now,” your stepdad drily commented, moving his hips expertly against your own while you felt his cockhead bump against something soft deep inside of you. The sensation had you mewling.
“Always knew you were a tease,” his cock thrust deep, tearing another moan from your lips, “from the very start,” thrust, “Just another whore begging to be fucked.” Thrust. “Want to be Daddy’s good girl?” Thrust. “More like Daddy’s good whore.” Thrust. “But you have impressed me, sweetheart.”
A thumb gently brushed past your clavicle and, at feeling the sensation, your eyes looked up to search for his. The sight you met was that of a demon possessed by lust. Darkness shielded his emotions, making him look all the more fearful to you.
“Never thought I’d get to fuck my virgin daughter.”
And with that said, William gritted his teeth and started to pick up the pace. His fingers dug into your hips as he held you in place, his cock repeatedly battering so deep inside of you that you were starting to feel sore. Globs of pre-cum softened your cervix as he pressed forth, the head of his cock hitting the entrance to your womb at a punishing pace, again and again, until you gasped in both pleasure and pain. A perfect combination, for your eyes fell shut as your body worked towards an orgasm.
Your pussy tightened around your stepdad’s cock, your toes curled and your fingers dug into your bed. William’s hands were tight upon your hips, leaving bruises where his fingers dug into your skin as he rutted you like an animal in heat.
And then you came. A blissful feeling. Like a volcano that erupted inside and made you see all the stars in the galaxy. The feeling overwhelmed you. Your entire body shook and trembled, your pussy milked your stepdad’s cock for all you were worth, nearly sending him over the edge. But he had control. With gritted teeth, he worked you through your orgasm until the stars you saw started to disappear and you slowly came down from your high,
You came back to earth again feeling your stepdad’s fingers tightly on your skin, hearing his rough grunts, and feeling the force of his harsh thrusts. He was getting near. Even as inexperienced as you were, you could tell.
Your eyes opened wide. Not only was your pussy overly sensitive right now – your body begging him to stop – but this was also your first time having sex. Ever. And you weren’t on any birth control.
And your stepdad should not come inside of you.
“N-Not inside,” you managed to beg, although it took a lot of you to be able to speak after having reached such bliss only moments before.
For a moment you feared that William hadn’t heard you or wouldn’t listen. But then, after two more firm thrusts, your stepdad withdrew and you let out a loud sigh.
Relieved, you smiled up at him and watched as he sat back on his knees. His glistening erection was an angry red, the head throbbing against his own belly. Slick stuck to his shaft, coating it, creating strings of yellowish white tinted with red that caught to the hairs on his stomach.
William seemed to catch his breath as he ran a hand through his wispy hair.
You wanted to thank him for not coming inside of you, for being considerate, but the moment you parted your lips to speak, he hovered above you again. His lips turned into a devilish grin, spelling doom and confusing you because – what was he up to?
“Daddy hasn’t come yet,” he ominously rasped. You loved the way his voice sounded, so deep and hoarse. It sent another spark of arousal through you. You wondered how he was going to finish, whether he’d come on your stomach or ask you to put your lips around him and swallow his load.
But then you felt his hands on your knees, pushing them apart once more. You reached up a hand, “Dad, no!” but it was too late.
He plunged his cock back in while he hooked a hand underneath your leg, pulling it upward, meeting your hips at a different angle this time as he started thrusting without hesitation.
He curled over you, his cockhead once again beating your cervix, sending a fresh bout of tears to your eyes because it felt so good but you were oh-so-sensitive down there. You gritted your teeth, completely helpless, and left at his mercy as he fucked the living daylights out of your already sore and tired body.
“Didn’t I say I was going to teach you a lesson, pretty girl?” You heard his low voice rasp as your stepdad pressed his forehead against your own. You felt his sweaty skin against yours, felt how your sore pussy clamped down on his cock as if your body wasn’t eager to ever let him go.
“Perhaps Daddy doesn’t want to come outside,” he grunted, his large hand upon your right breast, squeezing it. And despite having already cum, your pussy reacted accordingly and clamped down like a vice. It was becoming hard to breathe now, your body was overstimulated, your core sore. But William wouldn’t stop as he worked himself toward his own bliss.
“If I want to fucking come inside of you, then I will. Part of the lesson, kiddo. I don’t fucking care if you were a virgin ten minutes ago, or if you were saving yourself for some fucking dim-witted boy. You fucking got yours now, and you’d better keep everything that Daddy has to give you. Because… here it comes.”
The last few words were all punctuated by firm thrusts, and then your stepdad groaned and rolled his eyes back as his body stilled. His hands were still firmly upon you, keeping you pinned down, whilst hotness flooded your womb and covered your insides like hot burning liquid.
You let out a silent sob, feeling certain that William held you pressed down to the mattress on purpose, keeping you pinned underneath him until he was done pumping his semen inside of your womb. When he finally retreated, his cock slipping out of you, still half-hard but already softening, you let out a sigh of relief.
Yet, your pussy fluttered around nothing, suddenly feeling empty. You started to feel drowsy, body content after the heavy fucking, heart overruling your mind. You groaned and waited to see your stepdad put himself back inside his pants before you slowly sat up.
It felt awkward and painful between your legs, making it hard to move. A thick trace of cum and blood filled the bed, pooling from your sensitive cunt to the sheets. You looked at it in disdain, wrinkling your nose as you realized that this was all done by your stepfather.
Your stepdad had ruined your cunt, taking your virginity and coming inside unasked.
You glowered angrily at him only to meet his gaze, eyes cold. He took the challenge head-on and set himself down next to you, on the edge of your bed.
“Any boy would have done that,” he said, voice low but calm. His hand hovered in the air between you, almost as if waiting for permission, and when you didn’t recoil he placed it gently on top of your bare thigh.
“I did you a favor. And I suppose, a thank you would be in place.”
Was he serious? You looked at him, core throbbing painfully after the sex. After having fucked you so carelessly, he now expected that you would thank him for it?
But then you saw that darkness in his eyes and knew you wouldn’t be able to get out of this one. This was your stepdad, you were living under his roof, eating his food, dancing to his tunes – and you would be for quite a while to come, economic crises made sure of that. It just seemed the music had changed and you were no longer in the children’s disco.
And so you hung your head. A soft whisper fell from your lips, but you could tell he had heard you by the grin that slipped onto his. “Thank you for teaching me a lesson, Daddy.”
His big hand gently squeezed your thigh, skin warm and soft.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” his hand then left your leg until his fingers gently tucked your chin up, carefully making you meet his eyes.
“I just want you to know that although I am not your biological dad, I am your family now. And as your stepdad, I will always be here for you to help you. You need anything from Daddy, just ask. Don’t tease it out of me.”
You almost felt ashamed at this point, and had to remind yourself that you did not send him that picture to tease him. It had truly been an accident. Had he interpreted it the wrong way? Did he think you had wanted him to do this? Was it your fault?
“The world out there’s a nasty place, with nasty, vile men. And what job is it but a Dad’s job to prepare his gorgeous daughter for that world? So that’s what I’m here to do. Help you, guide you, teach you all you need to know.”
It could have been sweet, had his voice not lowered and his intentions not so thin-veiled with lust.
“Just ask. I have many more lessons to teach you.”
Your mouth turned dry at the silent promise that he would fuck you some more – and all the trouble that could come out of it if your mom ever found out.
What else could you say?
“Thank you, Daddy.”
He smiled.
“Any time, darling. Any time.”
AN: For more, follow me (:
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jokeringcutio · 5 months
Stepdad!William Afton x Reader - Christmas Present (WARNINGS:SMUT)
Warnings: Creampie, taboo, stepdad x reader, secret s*x, Daddy kink, Christmas Dinner, Secret touching, Fingering, Behind your mom's back, Praise kink, dd/lg, Dark William Afton/William Afton is not a nice man, Mutual agreeance & consensual intercourse.
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AN: I don't know what I did, but this just came out. Not beta read but I am going to sleep now and I wanted to share this with you all. For quick links and more, see notes below.
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The soft glow of Christmas lights bathed the room in a warm, inviting atmosphere. You sat at the table with your mom, stepdad William, stepsister Vanessa, and her new boyfriend Mike. The scent of roasted turkey and homemade stuffing filled the air, while laughter and cheerful conversation echoed around you.
Vanessa and Mike animatedly chatted about their budding relationship, beaming as they recounted their favorite dates and shared aspirations. Their love was palpable, and they seemed eager to impress your mom and William with their connection. It seemed to work, your mom seemed smitten with Mike and William hadn’t said a nasty thing to him all evening – which you considered a win.
"Hey," Vanessa said, turning her attention to you, "when are you going to get a boyfriend?" Your heart clenched, and words failed to form in your throat. She didn't know what had been going on behind closed doors.
"Yes, good question," William chimed in. “Your mom has been dying to get a grandkid or two,” he said, feigning concern.
You nearly spat your drink out and tried to look away. Especially as beneath the tablecloth, you felt his hand snake onto your upper leg, fingers brushing against your skin. It sent shivers down your spine, the ghost of his touch haunting you.
“Dad!” Vanessa cried out.
“Well, it’s true,” William said matter-of-factly, and you could tell from the corner of your eyes that your mother blushed. “I just want to see all my girls happy and settled. So, when will you bring home a nice boy for me to meet?” His voice dripped with insincerity. Bringing home a date was the last thing he was waiting for. He didn’t want to see you date, or risk losing you to anyone else.
The fingers on your legs dug possessively into your skin, a silent warning that you were already claimed.
"Uh, I'm not sure," you finally managed to say, avoiding eye contact. "I've just been busy with work, you know?"
"Sure, but there's always time for love," Mike added, oblivious to the undercurrents at play. He didn’t know what was going on – none of them did. He couldn’t see how your stepdad’s fingers traced up your Christmas over-the-knee stockings until they met bare skin.
"Maybe one day," you murmured, forcing a smile. As the conversation moved on, William's hand remained on your leg, a sinister reminder of the secrets you shared.
It became hard to focus on dinner like that. With his palm hotly upon your flesh. Memories of your stepdad’s mouth on your skin, his possessive grip on your hips, and his whispered promises to keep your liaisons secret washed over you.
You swallowed hard, trying to focus on the colorful decorations and warm atmosphere as everyone continued eating, trying to ignore the sick knot forming in your stomach.
God, how could you want a man like him so badly? When you knew it was so wrong?
"Delicious turkey, Mom," you said, attempting to regain some semblance of normalcy. Your mother beamed with pride, but all the while, you felt William's hand inching further up your leg, like a spider crawling toward its prey.
"Thank you, sweetheart," she replied, oblivious to the tension that was slowly strangling the air around you.
"Great job with the table setting too," Vanessa chimed in, squeezing Mike's hand as they exchanged loving glances.
Yes, great. Excellent, you sardonically thought as your stepdad’s fingertip brushed past the crotch of your panties. A wet spot formed where his fingers brushed past your nub, the now damp material seemingly spurring him on, for his fingers became more insistent. Even going as far as to hook underneath the elastics of your panties at one point to dip a fingertip between your soaked folds. You flinched, knee banging against the underside of the table, and whispered a flustered apology while William dipped his finger a little deeper inside your cunt – as far as he could go from where he was seated really.
You met his heated blue gaze as you looked to your side, saw the way he watched you intently from behind his aviator glasses. He pumped inside of you a few times, just to the second knuckle, and then his finger slid out again.
The now wet digit remained on your naked thigh for the remainder of the meal, only leaving when William had to pass food around. You watched with fascination as the criminal digit stroked past one of the bowls, how his fingertip glistened with your juices and accidentally tapped against some of the lettuce inside.
Time seemed to slow to a crawl as you picked at your food, each bite feeling heavier than the last. Your core was like a fuzzy ball full of wires that all got tangled. Expecting your stepdad to touch you - and hating the fact that you wished he would.
When dinner finally ended, you excused yourself, claiming exhaustion from work. You escaped to your room, away from your stepsister and her happy relationship, away from your mother and her bright smiles. And most importantly, away from him.
You slipped into bed, pulling the covers up to your chin as if they could protect you from the reality lurking just beyond your bedroom door. Sleep was elusive, your thoughts racing and your heart pounding in your chest.
The creak of the door opening sliced through the darkness like a knife, and your breath caught in your throat as you heard your stepdad’s familiar footsteps approaching. He stood beside your bed, his presence looming over you like a shadowy figure.
"Merry Christmas," he murmured, voice barely above a whisper. "I came to deliver your present."
He wouldn’t even flick on the light, but you could see him illuminated by the glow of the streetlamps through the window. He was already naked, a bow wrapped around the base of his already erect cock. He held it in his right hand, stroking himself and brushing his thumb past the head, the slit already weeping pre-cum that glistened like white pearls in the dark. "I've been waiting for you all through dinner." He stepped closer until you felt the bed dip with his weight, resting a knee next to you on the mattress. You could feel his breath on your skin, hot and tantalizing.
"Are you ready for your present?" he asked, the gravelly tone of his voice making your stomach flutter.
You swallowed hard, unable to speak, but your body betrayed you, nodding in submission. The tension in the room was palpable, both of you knowing what was about to happen. You wore a nightgown with nothing underneath. As always. Easy access for Dad. Like Daddy’s good girl.
His hands found yours, gently guiding them to the ribbon around his shaft. Your fingers trembled, but followed his lead, slipping beneath the fabric to pull it off. Your fingertips gently stroked past his fevered skin, feeling the ridges and the veins and how his member throbbed at the slightest touch.
"Beautiful," he murmured, eyes raking over your flushed form before he pushed you down on the bed again.
He wasted no time, reaching out to touch you, fingers tracing delicate patterns across your sensitive flesh. You gasped, hips arching involuntarily as pleasure bloomed within you. The suddenness of it all was overwhelming, your mind racing with thoughts of guilt and desire. Your nipples peeked underneath your nightgown, his blue eyes drawn toward them. He lifted your gown to reveal your stomach and breasts, wasting no time in tasting your skin with his lips and his tongue.
You writhed underneath him in pleasure while his erection bobbed against your hip. The wish to just put it in there grew stronger and stronger with each flick of the tongue and each nibble of teeth.
Soft whimpers and moans escaped your lips as he kept your arms pinned down, hovering over you like a predator eating its prey. His lips moved lower, just when it became too much, and then his tongue flicked past your stomach to your core.
A yelp escaped you, and wetness gushed forth between your folds, making your core glisten in the light of the lamps from outdoors.
"Quiet,” he whispered, leaning down to press a heated kiss to your inner thigh. "Your mother might be waiting for me in our room right now. You don’t want her to find us like this, do you?"
It took effort to shake your head and mutter a faint no, because he was driving you wild. Your core pulsed with slick, too empty and aching to be filled. You were drowning in sensation, sinking deeper into the abyss of forbidden lust.
"Please," you whimpered, no longer able to distinguish between want and need.
"Shh, you want to be Daddy’s sweet girl, right?" He cooed, pressing his lips to your trembling ones. "I'm going to make you feel so good."
And so he did. His hands roamed, his mouth tasted, and your body responded with an urgency you had never known. The world outside ceased to exist, replaced by the symphony of your ragged breaths and whispered moans.
"William," you gasped, as he finally positioned his hard cock at your entrance. You placed your hands on his broad shoulders, fingers digging into his sweaty skin. “Daddy, please,” you begged him. “I wanna be your good girl. Fill me up, please, Daddy. I wanna be good for you.”
And with a grin that made his teeth glisten in the dark, he entered you, filling you completely. His thick cock spread your pulsing walls wide, pussy fluttering helplessly around his size as he bottomed out. His balls slapped against your skin as he moved out and then in again, nudging his cockhead deep inside your core and making you see stars.
It was such a delight. How you had missed feeling him inside of you like this. To be filled so completely by this man that your mother called her lover.
If only she knew.
William filled you completely, satisfying a primal need you wished you had never known as it became an addiction. It was a sensation that both terrified and exhilarated you.
"Say my name again," he demanded, eyes locked onto yours. "Let me hear it."
"Daddy," you repeated, more firmly this time, feeling a surge of power as he shuddered above you.
The love you made was sweet and tender, yet laced with a darkness that could not be denied. Whispers of ‘my sweet girl’ and ‘Daddy’s good girl’ were accompanied by a pull of your hair or a thrust so rough it made your teeth chatter. Your bodies moved together in perfect harmony, each thrust bringing you closer to the edge of ecstasy. And when you finally tumbled over, it was as if the world had shattered around you, leaving only fragments of pleasure and pain. Your walls fluttered around his cock, forcing him over the brink with you. A loud groan filled your ear and revibrated through your entire body.
As you lay there, panting and spent, your stepdad slowly moved up on his elbows and reached for something on your nightstand. The light blinked on and you had to close your eyes because of the brightness, bringing an arm up to your head.
His warm body withdrew from yours with a slick squelch. And then you felt his strong large hands as he pushed your legs open wide. You slowly recognized he reached for his phone, capturing the aftermath of your union. The sight of white globs of sperm leaking from between your legs seemed to bring him immense satisfaction, and he held the camera up close to capture it. The way your pussy pulsed in the aftermath, the way his seed was slowly pushed out and then sucked back in again by your body - a wicked smile graced his features as he recorded it all.
Then, once he was satisfied, he put the phone aside.
"Best Christmas present ever," he declared, his voice heavy with pride and possession.
You smiled up at him, cheeks flustered and eyes tired. You slowly pulled your nightgown back down, covering the fresh hickeys, love bites and bruises your stepdad just gave you.
“Thank you, Daddy,” you said, heart swelling with satisfaction when William’s blue eyes twinkled at your words.
“Good girl,” he said again.
You watched as he slowly raised himself from the bed and bent forward to seek for the Christmas ribbon. Once he found it, he pumped his cock in his fist a few times until it started to become erect again.
“Help me with this, will you?” he asked, holding out the ribbon for you to take. You sat up on the bed on your knees to help him, feeling how even more of his sperm seemed to leave your soaking-wet core. You bit your lip as you tied the ribbon around the base of his cock once more, creating a lovely bow, then carefully glanced up at him.
William caught your look and groaned. “Oh, honey, don’t look at me with puppy eyes like that. Makes me just want to ravish you again.”
He bent over to capture your lips in his own, cock still in his hand, pumping himself a few more times. When he broke the kiss and leaned back you could see how his cock was now back on the way to be fully erect again, and you bit your lip in desire.
“Much as I want to fill you up a second time, I got to tend to your mom first. Promised her a Christmas present as well.”
He must have seen the way your face fell – no one wanted to be reminded of their lover having sex with someone else, especially when they were family. But you had known something like this would happen. He was your mom’s husband after all. Not yours.
A gentle brush of his thumb past your lip and your gaze softened.
“What will you tell her about the wetness?” you asked, shyly gesturing at his cock which was still coated in your mixed juices.
William’s smile turned into a devious smirk. “I’ll just tell her I lubed up,” and then his hand ruffled through your hair. “Don’t worry, baby. Your still Daddy’s favorite girl.”
He leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. The gesture should have been comforting, but it only served to remind you of the twisted reality you now found yourself in. You watched as your stepdad left the room and then cuddled underneath the blankets again. A smile slid on your lips and you closed your eyes.
Your stepdad knew how to give the best presents for Christmas ever. ~ AN: Merry Whatever you Celebrate.🥳 If you like this kind of filth, I have a lot more of Stepdad!Afton x Reader and more coming up. I also write for other interesting bad men such as slasher characters. If you are feeling generous - as it is the season of giving - you can always leave me a little thank you on my Ko-Fi  (: I'll post some quick links below to other works. My prompt box is still open, but I will be heading into the hospital at the end of December and depending on my treatment, I might have to close it in the near future. But I'll keep you up to date :) Quick links: ~~ Masterlist - Request Box -  Support me on Ko-Fi ~~
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jokeringcutio · 5 months
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Stepdad! William Afton x (f)  Reader: New Year ( Warnings: Smut)
AN: Happy New Year to all my followers and all you WilliamAfton / SteveRaglan / MatthewLillard Fanbunnies. Here’s a little drabble that fits inside the stepdad AU universe.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content. Talk about adultery/secrecy/taboo relationship, mouth on v, p in v, unprotected s*x, threats of stepdaddy wanting to keep you with him.
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The soft glow of fairy lights illuminated the room as you sat at your desk, pen in hand, diligently writing in your diary. The New Year had just begun, and with it came a sense of renewal, of change. You couldn't help but wonder what this new period in your life would bring—new experiences, new people, or perhaps a different side to those already in your life.
The door creaked open, and without looking up, you knew it was him—your stepdad, William. He entered quietly, his footsteps barely making a sound on the wooden floor. You didn't move, not even when he approached and placed a warm, strong hand on your shoulder.
"Enjoying the peace and quiet after all that partying?" he asked, his voice low and smooth like aged whiskey.
"Definitely," you replied, setting your pen down. "Vanessa and Mike really went overboard with the drinking, huh?"
William chuckled, his fingers starting to trace slow circles on your shoulders, drifting lower with each pass. "Yeah, they were both pretty hungover the next day. Serves them right for turning our living room into a war zone."
You shivered at the sensation of his touch, but continued the conversation. "I guess it was a memorable way to start the year." Your thoughts betrayed you, wondering if William's presence in your room held some hidden meaning, some unspoken desire.
"Memorable indeed," he murmured, his hands now dangerously close to the curve of your breasts.
The heavy thud of your diary closing echoed through the dimly lit room. William's blue eyes locked onto yours, a shadowy look lurking in their depths. He leaned in, his breath hot and hushed against your ear.
"Your mother is doubting our wedding," he whispered, his voice laced with bitterness. "She's talking about divorce. She suspects I've been fucking her darling daughter."
Your heart clenched at the words, anger bubbling just beneath the surface. You scowled at him, the unfairness of it all surging within you. It was he who had started this twisted game, manipulating you into secrecy. You would never want to hurt your mother this way. You’d never have allowed a married man to touch you if he hadn’t been living in the same house, under the same roof, manipulating you into this with every breath you took.
"And did you tell her the truth?” you hissed, accusingly. “Did you tell her how often you fuck her little girl?” You used those words on purpose, as William loved to remind you of how much younger and weaker you were compared to him. Nothing more but a little girl that needed to be put in her place. Whether you’d been bratty or not.
A low growl escaped his lips as he grabbed your wrist, flipping you over the desk without a moment's hesitation. Your body tensed, adrenaline rushing through your veins. He pushed your pants aside with rough fingers, and then… he surprised you.
His beard tickling your skin as he lowered his mouth to you.
"Dad!" you gasped, but it was too late. His tongue traced patterns on your most sensitive flesh, teasing you mercilessly. A shudder ran down your spine, the pleasure building up inside, threatening to explode.
The tip of the tongue dipped in. He slurped and sucked and suckled on your nub until you writhed in pleasure. But a strong hand kept you pushed down, your chest against the desk, your diary trapped underneath your tummy.
"Remember who's in charge here," he murmured against you, his voice dark with desire. The air from his lips tickled your wet folds. You felt a shiver run down your spine, felt your walls pulse helplessly with pleasure.
He always managed to do this to you. The strong hand kept pushing you down, giving you no room to move away from the onslaught of his mouth. His lips, his tongue, his beard – he was driving you insane. This must be the reason your mom invited him into her life, you thought through the haze. He was so good in giving you pleasure, that you’d forget whether you had said yes or no or had allowed him in. The sensation of his beard brushing against you only heightened the intensity, pushing you closer to the edge. You were seeing stars.
And then his lips were gone.
"Please," you whimpered, your voice wavering. "Daddy, please." The word felt strange on your tongue, but there was no denying the thrill it sent through you. William's eyes darkened with lust as he flipped you over, onto your back, and positioned himself between your legs.
"Remember, you are my little girl too now," he growled before thrusting inside without warning. The intensity of it left you gasping for breath, fingers digging into the edge of the desk. His movements were rough and hungry, leaving you with an overwhelming sense of both fear and pleasure.
His cock was stretching you impossibly wide, your vaginal walls pulsed around him in an effort to fit him in. Slick lubed him all the way, dripping down and even coating his balls that were heavy and tightened with each thrust, ready to burst.
"Harder," you managed to choke out, driven by a need you couldn't quite comprehend. He obliged, his grip on your hips bruising and unyielding. Your thoughts were a chaotic whirlwind, torn between desire for William and guilt over betraying your mother.
"Mine," he snarled, his eyes locked onto yours as he drove into you with brutal force. The desk squeaked and thudded against the wall, the papers that had been laying upon it fell to the floor, your phone tumbled over the edge. The word echoed in your mind, pulsing with each pounding heartbeat. You belonged to him, body and soul, and there was something undeniably intoxicating about that fact.
As the coil within you tightened, desperation clawed at your chest. "Oh, Dad, I'm—"
"Say it," he demanded, his voice harsh and unforgiving.
"Daddy," you whispered, barely audible. “I’m gonna come on your cock.” And with that final submission, you shattered beneath him, your climax crashing over you in waves. It took him a few more firm thrusts but he followed soon after, his release hot and possessive inside you.
You bit your lip after catching your breath, listening to the low pants of your stepdad as he too got down from his high. You watched as he ran a hand through his wispy hair, grey locks betraying how much older he was compared to you. Not that you minded. You thought the age had added a spark to him – like fine wine.
Withdrawing from your trembling body and leaving a trail of lukewarm cum on the inside of your thigh, William reached down, sliding your diary from underneath you. He flipped it open, his eyes scanning the pages. The thin-lipped serious expression he wore slowly was replaced by a predatory smirk. As he read, his smile only grew wider, more satisfied.
"Look at this," he murmured, his fingers tracing over your words. "You write you can’t wait for us to fuck. So eager during the day, waiting for your mom to go away so Daddy can have his fucking fun on the playground.”
A low groan, an indication of what your words did to him. You knew exactly which parts he was reading. The entries where you described how your body had started to adjust to him. How it felt when he had you warm his cock. How happy you were when he made you cum afterward. How your feelings for him had started to change. Whatever they had been in the beginning, they had been fully replaced with an unadulterated love for him.
His blue eyes met yours, the smirk never leaving his face. “You like it when I fuck you, sweetheart. How sweet. It even says you claim to have fallen in love with me."
He closed the diary, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss on the top of your head. The contrast between his earlier violence and this tender gesture left you reeling. He helped you up into a sitting position before he turned away from you, adjusting his pants and making sure he looked presentable again.
"I'll find a way to keep you with me," he promised, his voice low and dangerous.
You knew you should have been terrified, but all you could feel was that strange, dark thrill deep within your core. William Afton had claimed you, and there was no going back.
If you like this kind of filth, I have a lot more of Stepdad!Afton x Reader and more coming up. I also write for other interesting bad men such as slasher characters. If you are feeling generous - as it is the season of giving - you can always leave me a little thank you on my Ko-Fi (:
I’ll post some quick links below to other works. My prompt box is still open, but I will be heading into the hospital at the end of December and depending on my treatment, I might have to close it in the near future. But I’ll keep you up to date :)
Quick links:
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jokeringcutio · 6 months
FNAF | William Afton (stepdad!) x (f) Reader | MATURE Warnings: Family Gathering, Secret Touching. AN: These drabbles are in no particular order and not necessarily related. But they are all Stepdad!WilliamAfton x !StepdaughterReader Universe
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The cinema was dark, the action movie exploding on the screen in front of you. You were on a movie night out with your ‘new’ family. Your heart pounded in your chest as you sat sandwiched between your mother and stepfather, William Afton. Vanessa, your stepsister, sat on William's other side, engrossed in the movie. She still lived with her mom, so you didn’t see her as often.
As the protagonist dodged gunfire on the screen, you suddenly felt a hand on your thigh. You froze, eyes darting to the side to see William's fingers resting just above your knee. He didn't look at you, his attention wholly on the movie. The tension in your body skyrocketed, every muscle tightening as his fingers pressed gently into your skin.
"Can you believe this scene?" he murmured, a smile playing on his lips. Your mother nodded, her eyes fixed on the screen. It was like he wasn't even touching you.
But he was. You felt it.
His hand crept higher, inch by agonizing inch. You bit your lip, fighting the urge to jerk away from him. What if your mother noticed? What if Vanessa saw? You couldn't risk it, so you remained still, a deer caught in headlights.
"Such an incredible stunt," your mother agreed, completely oblivious to your situation. You tried to focus on the movie, tried to ignore the way William's fingers traced patterns on your inner thigh, but it was impossible. Why had you decided to wear a skirt today? Of all times?
Oh, you knew why. You had wanted to impress potential boyfriends. Heading out, even with your family, meant a chance to flaunt yourself. And as a lonely teenager with hormones raging through you, on the crisp of tipping your twenties, you had thought that dressing up like this was the best of ideas. Now you cursed your choice of wear. Because it meant that he could touch you as easily as this. Your breath hitched, and you prayed no one could hear it over the sound of explosions and gunshots.
"Are you okay?" Vanessa asked, leaning past William. Her concern only made things worse, guilt twisting your stomach into knots, but you managed a weak smile.
"Y-yeah, just a little jumpy from the movie," you whispered back. She nodded and returned her attention to the screen.
As the action movie played on, your heart raced for entirely different reasons. William's hand rested on your thigh like a coiled snake, waiting to strike. The feel of his skin against yours made you shudder, but you couldn't escape it. Your mother sat beside you, blissfully unaware. Vanessa's attention was focused on the movie as well. You were trapped.
William's hand moved higher, brushing the hem of your skirt. You held your breath, praying for the movie to end, for some kind of miracle to save you.
"Hey," Vanessa said suddenly, leaning over her father to address you. "Do you want some popcorn or something?"
William's hand retreated at once, like a guilty child caught in the act. You exhaled, grateful for the reprieve. "Oh, right," you whispered, your voice a little shaky. "I’ll have the usual."
"Oh, could you get me a soda?” your mother asked, and Vanessa nodded.
“I could come along,” you offered, stirring to get up. Beside you, William tensed, as if he hadn’t anticipated your action. For a moment, you thought you could escape your stepfather’s advances. Bonding with your stepsister seemed like a much better alternative than staying here and being subjected to this – and all the temptation it brought along with it.
But Vanessa cut your luck down, shaking her head as she moved away. “No, I have this,” she said, smiling kindly. “You just keep enjoying the movie, sis,” and your heart plummeted in your chest.
She was gone before you could get up to follow, and as soon as she left to fetch the snacks, William's hand returned to your thigh, creeping beneath your skirt with a newfound boldness.
"Amazing stunt work in this film, don’t you agree?" he commented casually, striking up a conversation with your mother while his fingers brushed against the delicate fabric of your panties. You clenched your thighs together in a futile attempt to stop him, but it only seemed to spur him on.
"Truly incredible," your mother agreed, completely engrossed in the on-screen action. Her obliviousness drove a spike of fear through your chest.
You tried to focus on the explosions and fight scenes, but every stroke of his fingers against your panties sent electric jolts through your body. He was relentless, smirking as you squirmed in your seat. Your breath hitched, and you prayed no one could hear you over the cacophony of sound from the movie.
"Is everything okay, dear?" your mother asked, finally taking notice of your discomfort.
"Y-yeah," you lied, desperate to keep your secret. "I think I need to, you know… visit the er…”
She nodded in understanding, finally allowing you a chance to get up. William’s hand slipped from between your legs just in time for your mom to notice. You caught sight of the way he wiped his fingers past his pants, not in a way that showed disgust but rather like he wanted to keep it as a treasure.
Startled by the action, you stared down at him. Vanessa returned just in time, her hands full of popcorn and soda. You excused yourself and rushed past them, taking your time in the bathroom and splashing your face with cold water before you returned. As the seat next to Vanessa was empty, you decided to sit next to her, avoiding direct contact with your stepdad.
As the movie continued, your mind raced with a thousand questions. It had become obvious that your stepdad was becoming bold, making moves on you while your mother was there. You realized you were lucky. How much further would he have gone if you hadn't changed seats? That thought sent a whole new shiver down your spine. Because...how much further would he take things?
During the remainder of the movie, you felt his intense eyes upon you. His pleasant conversation with your mom had ceased. And you smiled as you enjoyed your snack.
Let him gawk and be pissed, you thought. You wouldn’t be an easy lay. The old man would have to try harder if he wanted to get his hands on you again. ~
Taglist: @likoplays @2pacl0ve
AN: For more, follow me (:
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jokeringcutio · 5 months
Stepdad!William Afton x Reader "Pregnant" Mature/Drabble [1]
FNAF | William Afton (stepdad!) x (f) Reader | MATURE Summary: Imagine: Your mom is pregnant and tells you the 'joyful' news. She doesn't know you carry a child from your stepdad as well. Only, you are not allowed to share the news with anyone. AN: These drabbles are in no particular order and not necessarily related. But they are all Stepdad!WilliamAfton x !StepdaughterReader Universe. This could follow up on Christmas Present.
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Warnings: talk about dub-con/taboo relationship, keeping it a secret, angst, drama, William being mean.
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"Come join us at the table, dear," your mom called out to you, her voice brimming with excitement. You reluctantly took a seat, forcing a smile onto your face as she presented a sonogram in front of you. William, your stepdad, stood nearby, his involvement in all this clear by the proud look on his face.
The sight of the sonogram made your stomach churn. No, all but that, you silently pleaded. But the picture was still there. No lie in it.
An unborn child, a baby, already very much formed, sucking its thumb, stared back at you. She wasn’t just pregnant, she must have been for a while. It explained why she started to eat more and had gained weight. You should have noticed. Fighting back the nausea threatening to overwhelm you, you continued to feign happiness for your mom and stepdad's sake.
"Can you believe it?" your mom gushed. "You're finally going to have a sibling! I've wanted to give you a brother or sister for so long, but I never had the chance. And now that I'm getting older, I thought it might be too late. But it's like a Christmas miracle!" She laughed, lost in her joy. "I swear it must have happened on Christmas Eve."
You tried to stomach the details, politely listening while feeling sick to your core. Your eyes searched William's face for any sign of guilt, but he only looked back at you impassively, raising his fingers to his lips in a hushing gesture. Christmas Eve. A miracle indeed, you thought. You remembered the evening well, how William came to your room before going back to your mother. You forced another smile, wishing the conversation could end.
"Mom, Dad, I'm really happy for you both," you managed to choke out, hoping your words sounded genuine. And you would have been, if not for your stepdad constantly putting his cock inside of you behind your mom’s back. You felt guilty and dirty and quite frankly, you felt like a cheap toy to him. Yet, you had grown to love his touches. You craved him.
William Afton had become a need in your life.
And so you would have been happy for your mom if she had married any other man than your stepfather.
"Congratulations, Mom," you whispered, wrapping your arms around her in a tight embrace. You could tell she appreciated the gesture, and for a moment you thought you could fake your way through this. William be damned. He couldn’t break the bond between mother and daughter. Not with his manipulative games, not with his secrets, and not with his control over you. But then, the traitorous nauseating churn in your stomach grew stronger as she clung to you, her joy infectious yet painful for you to witness.
"Thank you, sweetie," she said, pulling back and beaming at you. Your vision blurred, the nausea intensifying until it was unbearable. "I'm just so –"
"Excuse me," you interrupted, clamping a hand over your mouth as you bolted from the table, but it was too late. The contents of your stomach spilled out, splattering across the table in a vile mess.
"Are you okay?" your mom asked, concern etched into her face. "You've been unwell a lot recently."
"Sorry, I'm fine," you lied once the heaving finally stopped, cheeks burning with shame as you grabbed tissues from the counter and started cleaning up the mess. You couldn't let her know the truth. William would kill you if you told her.
"Maybe you should see a doctor soon," your mom suggested, glancing at William for support. "Don't you think that's a good idea?"
He nodded, his arms crossed and expression stoic. "Yes, it might be best."
"Thanks for worrying, Mom," you mumbled, your heart thudding in your chest as you wiped away the last traces of vomit. "I promise I'll make an appointment."
"Good," she said, relief flickering in her eyes. "I just want you to be healthy and happy."
"Me too," you whispered, forcing a smile.
With a final swipe, you finished cleaning your mess and rushed past William to throw the dirty tissues in the trash. "Congratulations on becoming a dad again," you said, trying to sound sincere.
"Thank you," he responded with a nasty grin, his voice dripping with malice. "I've always wanted more kids."
His words twisted like a knife in your gut as you retreated to the living room. Your mom beckoned William over, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Come sit with me, let's think of names for our little miracle."
You watched them for a little while, your heart heavy with sadness, feeling more alone than ever. Why was your stepdad this way, you wondered?
Unable to bear it any longer, you fled to your room, closing the door a bit too loudly behind you. Frustration bubbled up inside you, threatening to explode. You groaned and threw yourself onto your bed, tears streaming down your face as you cried out in despair.
"Damn you, William," you choked between sobs, placing a trembling hand on your stomach. "How could you do this to me? How could you do this to my mom? You knew it, you knew all along that something like this could happen and yet -"
You bit your lip and never finished that sentence. Instead, you pulled a yellowing pregnancy test from beneath your pillow – two purple lines stared back, cold and unyielding, a stark reminder of your fate.
The memory of William barging into your room, a smug grin plastered on his face, came rushing back. He had casually tossed you the pregnancy test, demanding that you take it immediately.
"Go on," he'd sneered, "make sure you get it right."
“I’m not pregnant,” you had said boldly. It was what you had hoped, after all. A baby would complicate so many things. It sounded like a nightmare, not a dream. Not like this.
You recalled the humiliation and fear as he forced you to go to the bathroom, standing by your side like a perverse sentinel as you peed on the stick. His eyes never left you, a twisted fascination in his gaze, and you couldn't shake off the feeling of being violated.
"Good girl," he'd said mockingly once you were done, the words dripping with malice. He’d celebrated the outcome of the test quite elaborately. “Let’s see if we can make it twins.” You felt dirty thinking back of it.
Now, staring down at the damning evidence in your hand, you thought about how you probably got pregnant around the same time as your mom. The realization churned your stomach, the sheer wrongness of it all making your head spin. Both of you, carrying this man's child – it was too much to bear.
"Fuck you, William," you whispered bitterly, clenching the pregnancy test tightly in your hand. Your breaths came in shallow and ragged as you tried to calm yourself, focusing on the sensation of the life growing inside you.
"Stay strong," you told yourself, trying to push away the dark thoughts swirling in your mind. "This baby... this baby is innocent. It’s his doing. He is trying to break this family apart."
A knock on the door startled you, and you quickly hid the stick beneath your pillow. Grabbing a book, you pretended to read, hoping to mask your tear-streaked face.
"Sweetie, can I come in?" your mom asked, stepping into the room. Her eyes scanned your face, noting the redness and damp trails on your cheeks. "Oh, sweetheart…I know it's a lot to take in," she said gently, "but I really want you to be happy for me."
You nodded, swallowing hard as you tried to muster a smile. "Of course, Mom. I'm happy for you both."
"Thank you," she said, her voice soft and grateful. "And with me getting further along in my pregnancy, I'll probably need your help more around the house. Can I count on you? I think you’d be a wonderful big sister."
"Sure, Mom," you agreed, your voice barely audible. As you spoke, William appeared in the hallway, his chilling gaze locked onto yours. He wordlessly flashed two sonograms – one of your mom's baby, the other of your own – before placing a finger to his lips, warning you to stay silent. You had to be quiet; you knew that much.
"Of course, I'll help you, Mom," you reassured her, forcing a smile. "Because I am young and strong."
Her eyes softened, and she reached out to squeeze your hand. "Thank you, sweetheart," she murmured.
Suddenly, you felt a flutter within your belly – a small kick from the life growing inside you. Your eyes turned wide as you prayed no one had seen it. Your mom’s eyes were still soft and focused on your face. But your stepdad’s cold blues had darted down to your stomach.
As your mom left the room, William's sinister presence lingered in the doorway, then vanished.
How long could you keep this little life hidden?
AN: For more, follow me (:
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