#reader x william afton x stu macher
jokeringcutio · 5 months
First Dinner (Footsie?) Reader & Stepbrother Stu Macher & Stepdad William Afton [Mature, see warnings, no smut]
Summary: It's your first dinner at your new house. Time for a battle of feet underneath the table with your new stepbrother Stu. But did your stepdad just put his hand on your leg during prayer?
AN: These drabbles are in no particular order and not necessarily related. But they are all Stepbrother!StuMacher x !StepsisterReader Universe. Some overlap with the Stepdad!WilliamAfton x !StepdaughterReader drabbles.
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For those of you who are keeping track of the Stepdad!William Afton fics: These are standalone fics, although some of the fics with Stu can be seen as linked to other stepdad drabbles. I'll leave it up to you to choose your own path with these drabbles and fics. 💜
Rating: Mature due to themes, Warnings: Footsie under the table, Stepdad might have misplaced his hand. Religious William Afton. Can be interpreted as dark/dangerous William Afton. Note: Reader is approximately 17 in this fic and Stu 18. No smut, there are touches and tension.
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Reader at table for dinner with William and Stu for the first time.
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Warm yellow light fell upon the table, the meal looking as good as it always had. Which was quite the achievement as your mother had cooked in this strange, new kitchen for the first time.
“Well, everything’s ready,” she said with a bright smile.
You sat rigid in your chair, still getting used to the new house, the new furniture and the new customs that the men in this house seemed to hold onto. Your mom was to your left and your new dad to the right of you. Your stepbrother Stu was seated at the other side of the table.
The unfamiliar weight of William's gaze fell heavy upon you as he glanced around the table, making sure everyone was paying attention to him as he declared, "We pray before we partake."
So this was how it was going to go from now on then? Right.
You looked at your mother as she folded her hands and closed her eyes. Then your eyes drifted to Stu who had already done the same. You bowed your head and followed their lead, silently wondering why you hadn’t thought William to be a religious man in the first place. There was just something about him that had screamed ‘unholy’ ever since you’d met him. You just couldn’t quite put your finger on what that something was.
The sonorous timbre of William's recitation of ‘Our Lord's Prayer’ filled the room, a droning incantation. You listened to hear the variation in his words. The Catholic Lord’s Prayer, you noted, having heard different versions of the ‘Our Father’ over the years.
While you listened, a stealthy pressure appeared on your thigh, warm and insistent. The shape of a hand, hot and undeniable. The fingers resting upon the fabric of your clothes. Thank goodness you didn’t wear your shorts right now.
Your breath hitched, eyes squeezing tighter shut in a mix of fear and curiosity.
Judging by the size and the angle the hand came from, it could be none other than William’s hand. But why would your stepdad touch your leg?
As quickly as it had come, the hand moved up your leg and then disappeared again, leaving you confused and doubting whether what you had felt had been real. Only one way to find out though.
You peeped an eye open to see who at the table had dared to unclasp their hands, your gaze snapping to your stepfather as he was the main suspect.
But William sat with his hands folded, piously. His eyes seemed to be closed, though it was hard to tell behind those thick glasses.
"And lead us not into temptation," he continued, tone unflinching. It made his words feel all the more like a stab. As if you had somehow succumbed to the temptation of curiosity. While you could have sworn he had placed his hand on your lap. But… had you been imagining it?
Relief washed briefly over you as the prayer ended, and the collective murmur of 'good meal' wishes echoed around the table.
While William launched into a monologue about his day at work, dissecting every minor occurrence with surgical precision, your mother was hanging onto his every word. You picked at your food, glad that the taste hadn’t changed and that at least that aspect of your life still felt familiar.  
A sudden nudge against your foot startled you from the numbing drone of workplace politics. Heat blossomed on your cheeks when you realized it was Stu, mischief dancing in his blue eyes. Had you moved your legs too much into his space? This seating arrangement was still new to you and Stu was very tall. Surely he needed more space to put his legs with the height he had on him.  
"Sorry," you murmured under your breath, almost instinctively, shrinking back into your seat. You felt as if you had intruded in his space and surely he mustn’t be thrilled to feel his stepsister’s feet blocking his own. Why else would he have nudged your feet with his?
Stu's voice, low and tinged with amusement, barely reached you. "Don't worry."
You retracted your legs, making sure they were neatly underneath your chair, aware of William’s glance in your direction. Stu had leaned over his food, feigning innocence in such a way that he indeed had you fooled. It must have been an accident, and it had probably been your fault as well.
Oh well, you still needed to get used to all of this. With cheeks red, you continued to eat. You listened to your mother’s laughter and William’s dry work-related tales.
You could have forgotten the embarrassing under-the-table incident, if Stu’s foot would not have returned. This time, clearly intentional. You glanced up at him to see him smirk playfully at you. His foot brushed over the back of yours, slowly inching up your ankle, and you glowered at him, a silent warning for him to shut it out.
A small chuckle escaped his lips and you could not help but shake your head as you tried to suppress a chuckle of your own. What was he doing? This was ridiculous!
Stu’s foot came to rest against yours, toes kissing toes. It was actually nice and warm to feel this part of him against you. The both of you continued eating like nothing under the table was amiss, casting each other glances every now and then while you ate. But your feet remained dormant, pressed against each other. Then, silence followed, and you heard William clear his throat.
"Stu, how was your day?" He inquired, his voice smooth like aged whiskey, edges just as sharp.
The feet underneath the table shot back to his own side and you felt like you could breathe again. Finally, Stu seemed to leave you alone. His game had ended.
"Fine," Stu replied, shrugging. "Hung out with friends."
"Good, good," William nodded, the benign smile plastered on his face failing to reach the frost in his gaze. "Just keep out of trouble, all right? School's not far off."
Oh-ho, there was something there, you could tell. Apparently, Stu wasn’t very serious about his schoolwork. Or he spent too much time with his friends. Whatever it was, it was clear his father had just given him a warning, and quite right. This was Stu’s last year and no doubt William wanted his son to graduate.
"Sure, Dad." Stu's nonchalance was a well-practiced art, the shrug of his broad shoulders a quiet rebellion. "I'll stay focused."
Underneath the table, his feet returned to your side and without a warning, your leg became a battleground. Stu's foot pressed against it, insistent, warm through the fabric of your clothes. You tensed, breath caught in the crossfire between annoyance and something perilously close to thrill. Could you just kick him back? The idea seemed like a good one.
"And you," William's voice drew you back. "Must be exciting to start your final years here. You'll be attending the same high school as Stu. It's a fine institution."
"Y-yes," you stuttered, trying to disentangle yourself from Stu's silent claim. If you kicked him now then your parents would know you’d been having a silent battle beneath the table. And somehow, that thought worried you. You didn’t feel like getting a lecture from your mom, or – God Forbid -  from William. You didn’t know if you could survive such a thing.
"That's... great to hear," you stammered, mind not fully there as you tried to keep your eyes upon your stepfather whilst Stu’s foot was still battling with your own.
Finally, Stu withdrew, leaving behind a ghost of pressure. A smirk played on his lips, visible only to you, like a secret shared between predator and prey. You felt as if your cheeks must be a bright red now, and hoped William and your Mom would interpret your stammering and the flush on your cheeks as you simply being shy.
"Education is important," William continued, his tone paternal, as if he had this talk many times in the past. Another indication that he had been sternly talking to his son before you and your mom moved in.
"Of course," your mom agreed from her side of the table, passing one of the condiments to William via Stu. “Which is why I am so grateful you managed to get her in at the same school as Stu.” She looked at you, an excited glimmer in her eyes. “It’s the best one around here.”
You forced a small smile. Not that you didn’t appreciate what your mom and stepdad had been arranging for you, but you couldn’t quite care at this point. Everything you had known before, every friend you had made, was left behind. You had to start all over. And that… well, that felt kind of rough.
As if your mom sensed where your thoughts were heading, she asked you, "Are you excited about making new friends at school?"
In front of you, Stu sat attentively, blue eyes glistening with interest while he toyed with his fork. But you could tell that he was listening intently. Next to you, William had placed his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his hands, attention fully back on you again.
"I suppose,” you said, realizing you didn’t sound as enthusiastic as your parents might have hoped. To defend the lack of energy fueling your words, you quickly perched on your seat and turned to your stepdad fully. "I'm actually looking forward to learning rather than to making new friends."
"Is that so?" William raised a brow and you couldn’t tell if he was impressed or skeptical of your claim. You were telling the truth though. Learning would keep your mind occupied and distract you from the things you had lost, everything that you had left behind. Plus, the sooner you got high school over and done with, the sooner you could find your own way in life.
"Have you always been this eager to learn?"
You glanced at him and was it just you, or did his gaze just seem to darken? Must have been a trick of the light.
“Oh no, I’ve always been a curious girl,” you said, the words slipping from between your lips with ease. “Learn new things, practice new skills. I won’t say I’m any good at it but I try and do my best.”
“She’s a very serious learner,” your mom said with a smile. “Truly what they call a good girl. And what a blessing to have for a daughter.”
You smiled at the compliment and then picked up your cutlery. But you made the error of letting your eyes slide past the men around the table, noticing how both Stu and William's eyes had darkened, a storm brewing in twin blue skies.
How very alike they were. The similarities between the two of them sent a shiver down your spine and you nearly dropped your cutlery.
"A good girl indeed," William praised, his words a thoughtful murmur as he watched you through half-lidded eyes, chin still resting on his fingers. It felt as if the air had grown denser, charged with something unnamed.
Your mother seemed oblivious to the change. She smiled brightly, taking William’s words as a compliment, not a threat.
You shook your head and let out a nervous laugh, and only looked up again when you heard the others had continued eating. William and your mother’s conversation had turned back to some of the women William knew in the neighborhood. He was telling your mom which ones she should try to get in touch with and had the same hobbies as she had. Then she would feel less alone whenever he was at his job. Plus, it was always a good thing to make new friends, right? It was yet another reminder of how lonely you were in this new neighborhood. Sure, you were still in touch with some of your old friends, but you didn’t have a partner who would present new contacts to you on a plate. You’d have to find them all on your own. And as the new girl in town, that was either going to be incredibly easy, or incredibly hard.
You had the feeling it was going to be the latter.
You listened, relieved that the focus had shifted from you back to your mom, and leaned back in your chair after you decided you had eaten enough.
As you listened to the banter, half lost in a daydream, a foot suddenly slid past yours again. Large, warm, familiar.
Your eyes instantly darted to Stu who was poking at his food like nothing was happening underneath the table. Well… If he wanted to play this game, you would entertain him.
With a smirk on your lips, you nudged back, a playful jab. You’d slipped your foot out of your shoe, making it easy to slip your sock past his shin. And yes, you deliberately aimed your foot a little higher, brushing the side of your sole past his shin sensually.
A sharp intake of breath was heard, but not coming from Stu in front of you.
Instead, when you lifted your gaze, it wasn't your stepbrother's smirk that met you. It was William's.
"Apologies," he uttered, the edges of his lips twitching upward. But there was an unpredictable glint in his eyes. "I seem to have bumped against someone."
Blood rushed to your cheeks, betraying you as you recoiled. "Oh no,” you yelped, hoping he would think the touch against his leg had been an accident.
“That was me.” You knew you looked flustered now as you stammered, aware of all eyes upon you. “It was my fault. I’m sorry. I’ll just keep my legs over here."
Across the table, Stu’s smile turned into a knowing grin. He shoveled another bite into his mouth before turning to face your mom.
“This tastes really good,” he said, eyes glinting mischievously. “You make the sweetest things.”
“Indeed,” William said, his lips parted as he paused, tongue darting out to tip against his canines while he thought. And you could tell that from the corners of his eyes, he was watching you as he murmured, “the sweetest things.”
You couldn’t shake the thought that both men meant something ambiguous with that comment. But surely, they couldn’t mean you, could they?
Because the thoughts inside your mind, right now, were anything but sweet.
AN: For more, follow me (:
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kissingrhi · 7 months
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thinking,,,,, So many thoughts,,,,, 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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whorrorfix · 2 months
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theghostinyourwalls · 2 months
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Me and my slasher boyfriends
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tobyisher3 · 2 months
I would die in a horror movie first because I would flirt with the killer.
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teeramoonlover · 7 months
This got me thinking.
Billy Loomis, Stu Macher/William Afton, and Bo Sinclair as they grew older, at some point they need someone from their own flesh and blood to continue their legacy, right?
So yeah those three gonna build one big happy family with reader, and their kids gonna be a bunch of satan's spawn but only being lovely to their own mom/dad/guardian.
And ofc in this case, those three lovely slashers ain't dead in these scenario.
Billy Loomis
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As we all know, Samantha Carpenter is the infamous daughter of Billy Loomis. But what if Billy Loomis actually have another kid from the reader? I'm gonna assume this guy gonna be his son.
(My pov) His son definitely will hunt and kill the Ghostface, who dare to be like his dad. In his mind, he was like 'my dad and his friend are the only Ghostface, no one's gotta be like him. And it will stay that way'. So to ease his bloodlust, instead of killing innocents, why not just kill these Ghostface rookies. It's like they're asking for it, didn't they?
Not surprised to see he loves horror movies, maybe get inspiration from crime documentaries. High chance he is the mastermind and have many ways to lure those new Ghostface to him. Tempting to torture them like John Kramer did to his victims.
Oh and if his dad has mommy issue, bro got a whole daddy issues coming in. Like father, like son
Cast (Son): Benjamin Wadsworth
Born: 1997
Stu Macher/William Afton
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If Stu Macher had a kid, ya bet his children gonna be a goofball like him? Wrong. In fact (from my pov), his son gonna double up from Stu's inner psychotic tendency in him. More aggressive, more violent and more unhinged. His son knew to embrace madness.
If Stu Macher become a killer because of peer pressure, this kid just pure psycho. Instead of being a friendly social butterfly or party king like his dad, he's the appitome of school's bad boy type of thing. It's either being mean or meanest.
Don't let me start on him becoming Micheal Afton.
If he gets proper love from his mom/guardian, he gonna be a big softie and overprotective (possessive) to his love ones. Gonna be hella toxic. He can be good, only with his mom/guardian, but to someone else? Rarely occasion.
Cast (Son): Drew Starkey
Born: 1996
Bo Sinclair
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Ok first of all we all know, BO SINCLAIR IS A BEAST IN BED (rip reader's cunt/rim hole) and when he knew reader is pregnant, he was worried he might not be a good father figure to his kid until their first child born. Things change. Seeing his son's big blue eyes, like him, stir something in him. The Sinclair Jr made him soft. So ofc, Bo becomes bold and wants another child cuz he doesn't want his son to be lonely.
It's to be expected. To be apart of the Sinclair, they would eventually have twins sooner or later. Thank god both their son's head still intact in one piece. On the other hand, his three sons grew handsomely and receive motherly love from the reader.
The eldest, have a nasty tempered like his dad. You got on his way, he'll beat the shit out of you. He only be really nice to someone he care most, like his mama dearest. Always goes to church with his dad to see his grandma and help him in the garage.
The twins - The first twin (middle child) definitely got the charm from his dad. Knows how to be a sweetheart to ladies, but can be deadly once he hunt them for his uncle's sculpture. Most likely helping Vincent to build the museum. Might as well make an art museum next door too.
The second gonna be a rebellion, daredevil (youngest child) Well, not like strapping him to the chair. No no, mama won't like that. He loves adventure so definitely follow uncle Lester from town to town. He likes hunting, depends whether the prey will be animals or people. He can be nice. Charming too. Gonna be good friends with Stu's son, probably.
Cast (Sons): Eldest - Bill Skarsgård, Middle - Harris Dickinson, Youngest - Rudeth Pankow
Born: Eldest - 1994, Twins - 1996
Yep, one big chaotic, happy family indeed.
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idle-teen28 · 28 days
İm so tired of hearing "billy did it, the first killer was billy, they're trying to recreate Billy's murders" in the movies, like, why is everyone in the series is acting like as if billy did everything alone?, like i get it, billy was the mastermind behind this, but stu also had a part in this, a big part too, the killings happened in his house, hell, even the official movie posters makes it looks like as if billy did this all alone
it's always "billy loomis" but never "billy and stu", like, might fly to California and commit "the whatever-th woodsboro murders" again just for this
İf y'all see a brunette killer girl in the news, that might be me! (no guys don't take this srsly i wouldn't do it, i don't wanna go to jail)
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ahsxual · 5 months
Can someone give me some ideas to write about Matthew Lillard characters? 🥺 I want to write about Tim Laflour, Stevo Levy, Stu Macher, Doug Van Housen, Dennis Rafkin, Tim from The Curve, Jerry Conlaine, Billy Brubaker, Shaggy Rogers and obviously William Afton ✨ Maybe other Matthew's characters, if you request it? 🤭 (I think it's important to say that I only write with fem!Reader or GN!Reader <3)
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gh0stsp1d3r · 7 months
Hello! I LOVE your Steve/William fics so far and I saw your requests are open. I was thinking a younger William when he first started killing and like after he got done with his first murder the reader found out and is offended that he didn't ask for help. kinda like a murder couple duo from your fic partner in crime, maybe like a origins story? idk, I'll leave that up to you!
Have a good day!
hi! I love this sm. I’m using Stu as a young will because duh
Warnings- Insane couple again, mentions of blood, blades, murdering children yk the usual
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“Hey, honey.” He mumbled, kissing the crook of your neck, nuzzling his face in it.
“Hey. You got off work early.” You giggled, not even realizing he had come inside.
“I know. Decided to wrap things up early. Think I’m gonna go out tonight.”
“With who?”
“Henry.” He lied.
“Mmm.. okay. When are you gonna go?”
“Later. But right now..” he put a hand on your chin, kissing your lips and smiling against them.
The knife in his bag was weighing heavy. Would he really be doing this tonight?
You knew of his plan with the pizzeria. You knew of it when you had gotten together. You wanted one thing, and that was to be in on it. It intrigued you, the idea.
He knew you’d be pissed if you found out he did it without you. But, he wanted to test the waters first.
It was the middle of the day, a time where no one would suspect much. He was walking around in the woods, waiting for any unsuspecting kid.
He hid deep in the bushes, where he caught a little boy roaming around, giggling. He seemed to not see William, until William grabbed the boy. He was covering the blondes mouth, and put a knife to his throat.
William snuck around, quietly taking the boy back to his car and speeding away before his sister realized he was gone.
The boys hands were tied now, he screamed for help but William just rolled his eyes at the boy.
“Shut up.” He groaned in annoyance. Oh well, he’d have to get used to it.
Once he reached the pizzeria, he made sure no one was around. He walked in, grabbing the kid roughly by the arm while doing so.
William forced the boy to lay down, strapping him into a metal like confinement.
The blades of Williams creation started to move. He smiled sadistically when the boy turned his head, whimpering and trying to escape this fate.
“Sweet dreams.” He laughed, as the boy yelled in pain, blood splattered around the floors, and hit William, who was continuing to laugh madly.
You snuggled up on the couch, grabbing pieces of popcorn from your bowl while watching a scary movie.
He came in rather loudly, this time. You looked back and smiled, but something was off with him.
“Hi, baby.” He mumbled, walking up to you and leaning down to give you a kiss.
“Hi. You have fun?” You asked, holding him by the back of his neck, rubbing up and down.
“Yeah. Yeah. I think I’m gonna go take a shower, okay?” He spoke quietly, he wanted you to keep focusing on the movies so you didn’t notice the blood stains currently on him, and the knife tucked away in the bag.
“Okay.” You said back, giving him one last kiss before he left. You turned back to the tv, when you realized something out of the corner of your eye.
You furrowed your eyebrows, turning to the bag on the table. He had walked in the house, and grabbed his shoes with him, which is something he never did. And you noticed a silver little thing reflecting in the dimness, hidden away.
You walked towards the bag on the table, picking up the object that caught your eye. A knife, stained with blood. Your eyes widened, had he gone killing without you?
You put it back into the bag, deciding to wait until he left the bathroom.
He left with a towel hung low on his waist, he entered the room and threw his clothes under the bed. He looked back, seeing you standing behind him.
He jumped at you, not expecting it.
“Holy- don’t scare me like that.”
“Care to explain?” You dropped the bag in front of his feet.
“What are you talking about?” He pretended, asking in a confused tone.
“The knife! Did you go without me?”
“Wh- baby… why would I-“
“Don’t lie to me, Afton.”
He sighed, sitting on the bed. He pulled out his clothes from underneath the bed.
“Fine. I just wanted a little taste, I promise-“
You groaned “Will! You said we would do it together.” You complained.
“I’m sorry.” He said, and genuinely had meant it. You sighed, sitting next to him.
“Did I make you upset?” He asked quietly.
“Yes. I’m offended.”
“Oh, c’mere.” He grabbed your shoulder, pressing your body against his as he rubbed his hand up and down your arm.
“Promise not to without me next time?”
“I promise. As a matter of fact, I’ll let you do it by yourself.”
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frogspond200 · 6 months
𝚂𝚝𝚞 𝙼𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝙷𝙲𝚜
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Requested by: the voices in my head
Ask: Do it.
Warning: Stu Macher Behavior
Stu is completely infatuated with you, to the point where he becomes infatuated. He constantly monitors you from afar.
Stu is convinced he’s the only one who truly understands you and your needs. He becomes fiercely defensive, to the point of becoming as fucked up as Billy, even if it means eliminating anyone he perceives as a threat.
His biases are masked by his humorous and lovable nature. Stu uses this appeal to exploit situations and people around you to ensure they stay close to him.
Stu can often show signs of jealousy when you interact with others outside the group. In his mind, Stu believes he and you are meant to be together.
He can switch from being goofy and caring to terrifyingly menacing in the blink of an eye, especially when he feels jeopardized or challenged.
Stu might feign vulnerability or distress to gain sympathy from you, subtly using your concern to deepen the emotional bond between you.
While initially trying to win your affection through “charming” gestures, his habit might lead him down a darker path, resorting to violence or extreme actions to eliminate any perceived obstacles to your relationship.
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fl3shm4id3n · 7 months
Idk why I have the bright idea of an Au where Stu Macher didn't actually die. Instead he left town and changed his name to William Afton. He started fresh, got himself a wife and daughter in the process. Then he decided to create a pizzeria with his partner Henry. Then Freddy's Fazbear's Pizza was created, but William went back to his own ways and decided to kill children instead. Then again he changed his name to Steve Raglan and became a career counselor instead.
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angeldiarybook · 3 months
Hey yall… send request please 😼
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Mostly for scream 1996 cast,the outsiders and TWD😭but I’ll take any request for these prompts
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snowycorpse · 1 year
someone on facebook got a video of it omg guys
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whorrorfix · 4 months
is it the daddy issues or is he just really hot idk
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theghostinyourwalls · 2 months
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I had these two pictures pop up next to each other on Pinterest
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loomiseater · 2 months
I don’t EVER wanna believe that Stu didn’t love Tatum 😖💔💔
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They were so good togetherrrrr!!!
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