#steve harrington head canons
familyvideostevie · 1 year
OMG!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!! you are truly so talented and such an amazing person ♡♡.
📸 CANDID: let's make some memories with our friends! send me a character and i'll tell you a headcanon i have for them ~ steve harrington I would love to read about your headcanon about him please, ily♡♡.
thank you so much! <3
okay let's think of something good....i think steve really likes to write you love letters? this might not even be a headcanon bc we know he writes that note to nancy, but i think that he wants the excuse to write them. like he'd spend time thinking about what he wants to say, he'd spell everything right and he'd keep the penmanship as neat as he could. and he'd never ask you about them but when you bring them up he's soooo excited about it!! and when you tell him you keep all of them he blushes and he's like aw its no big deal, they're just notes, but he's SOOO PLEASED
join the celebration!
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nothingtoseehere00-00 · 2 months
Lucas and Steve both being into basketball is fucking wasted in the show. Like who do you think taught him??? To the point of getting onto the varsity team as a freshman??? It would be so cute to see them practicing together!
Especially since Dustin was moving more towards Eddie and Lucas was moving away from dnd. Like it makes sense that Steve would be hanging out with Lucas the most.
Lucas and Steve friendship is so underrated!!! I love them so much!! I need more fanfics of these two being closer. It always Max or Dustin. But my boy Lucas is right there taking part in something that Steve loves, they have the most in common.
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stevieschrodinger · 4 months
When Corroded Coffin make it big, Eddie leans into the persona in a big way. Face full of black and white make up, often made to look like blood is dripping from his mouth. Big, wild hair, usually shirtless, usually leather pants covered in chains, fingers covered in rings.
Eddie does photo shoots in the get up; Eddie wears the persona to interviews. He accepts awards dressed that way. That is what Eddie Munson looks like.
Eddie Munson maintains that he 'doesn't do relationships' and is famous for having a different girl on his arm to every event. They never go home with him.
So when Eddie wants to live his life, he just...doesn't wear makeup. Puts the hair in a man bun. Takes off the jewellery. Steals one of his husbands happy sweaters.
Eddie Munson, possibly one of the most famous people in the world, can walk with Steve in public and never get recognised.
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ihni · 7 months
Billy Hargrove has been dead for little over two months when Steve opens the door to find him on the doorstep, dirty and pale and shaking. He stares at Steve with wide eyes – bluer than Steve remembers – before he collapses into a heap of dirty limbs halfway across the threshold. Steve pulls him inside, disposes of him in the couch in the living room, and naturally proceeds to freak the fuck out.
After some processing, he decides that he must be experiencing a very vivid dream – and honestly, it’s a welcome change after the usual nightmares – and since it’s merely a dream, he opens a bottle of his dad’s best whiskey, because where’s the harm, right?
An hour later finds Steve sitting on the floor with his back to an armchair, predictably drunk and watching Billy sleep. Or possibly being unconscious. It doesn’t really matter which, since it’s only a dream.
Turns out, though, that it’s not a dream – or if it is, it’s a damn weird one. Because Billy wakes up, and when he looks around the room and spots Steve there, he starts to cry, which. Is not something that Steve’s brain could ever dream up, alcohol-soaked or not. And Billy feels solid enough under Steve’s hand, when he awkwardly pats the other boy’s shaking shoulders.
The events that have taken place are eventually revealed, but make no sense to either of them. Apparently Billy woke up somewhere dark and cramped (the coffin, he doesn’t say, but Steve hears it anyway), promptly panicked, and … broke out, somehow. Dug himself out from the rain-soaked earth, and stumbled along the roads until he saw a house he recognized. Which was Steve’s house.
It’s impossible, Steve knows. Billy has been dead for months. Steve saw him die – had first row seats to the sight of him getting impaled by a monster made out of meat and bones – and coming back from the dead after all that is simply not possible. Yet here Billy is, sitting on the floor of Steve’s living room, not a mark on him.
(Literally. There are no marks, no scars. Just smooth skin where they both know he was speared through.)
They spend the rest of the night slowly making their way through Steve’s dad’s expensive whiskey.
In the morning, Billy says, voice hoarse; “I need you to drive me to California.”
Steve thinks of asking why. Thinks of Max, thinks of Billy’s parents, thinks of telling the Party or the police or at least some adult who would possibly know what to do. What he says, though, is “Okay.” The world swims, and he adds, belatedly, “Tomorrow, though. I’m too drunk to drive now.”
A snort is the last thing he hears before he falls asleep where he’s sitting.
Half the next day is spent nursing hangovers and realizing that nope, last night wasn’t a dream or an alcohol-induced hallucination. The other half is spent making preparations for the trip.
Now when Steve is sober, he revisits the idea to simply tell someone. Billy being back is a miracle, and there are people mourning him, people who has missed him –
Billy shuts that down hard and fast. “No one is mourning me here,” he says, voice gravel-rough. “If they act like they do, it’s because they’re feeling guilty. There’s nothing left for me here.” He licks his lips, and his next words are a whisper. “I never wanted to come here in the first place.”
And, like. If he really thinks about it, Steve realizes that they wouldn’t be able to keep Billy being back a secret if he stayed in Hawkins. And if they tell Max, or Billy’s family, then word would spread. The government would no doubt hear of it. There would be a high probability of Billy being taken in for tests, experimentation, whatever else.
He doesn’t deserve that, Steve thinks as he watches Billy emerge from the shower wearing borrowed clothes. Because Billy died saving them. Sacrificed himself for them, even when they’d done so little to try to save him. This? Driving Billy to California? It’s the least Steve can do for him.
They get on the road the next day. Steve has taken time off work blaming the death of an elderly aunt and a rare family gathering, and been as vague as he can get away with concerning how long he’ll be away. Early in the morning, they put their bags – Billy’s is a borrowed one, containing only Steve’s things since he has nothing of his own and understandably didn’t want to keep the clothes he had on when he was buried – in the trunk of the car, and get in.
Steve is driving. When they pass the “Leaving Hawkins” sign, Billy lets out an audible sigh and slumps down in his seat. Steve glances over at him, and Billy explains without being prompted; “I always hated this town. I can’t believe they fucking buried me here.”
His incredulousness over the fact draws a snort out of Steve.
It’s strange, how easy it is to get used to having Billy Hargrove next to him while in a confined space. Stranger yet, how well they get along considering their history. And even more strange, how different Billy seems now, when they’ve left Hawkins behind them.
Or perhaps it’s not strange at all – at least not in comparison to all the other weird stuff they’ve both seen and somehow lived through. In the great scheme of things, one young man coming back from the dead and wanting to go back home doesn’t even make the top ten list of weird shit.
Billy is surprisingly funny, and witty, and smart – and it is dazzling without the sharp edges. It takes Steve a while to recognize what is missing, and when he does, it makes him watch Billy with new eyes. Because Billy doesn’t seem to exist behind a layer of anger anymore. The tension is gone. The further they get from Hawkins, the easier Billy seems to breathe.
The change is remarkable. Makes Steve think that he probably never knew who Billy really was, before this.
He finds himself thinking that he is looking forward to getting to know the real Billy.
They take turns driving. Sometimes they talk, sometimes they sit in companionable silence, and sometimes whoever’s in the passenger seat naps while the other drives. They stop at gas stations to stock up on gas and snacks, and at diners for food. That first night, they drive straight through, but the next night they stop at a motel for some proper sleep in a bed.
They share a room, but lie in separate beds. They talk for hours in the dark before falling asleep.
“I never wanted to be buried underground,” Billy says, when they’re both on the edge of sleep. “They knew that.”
“What did you want, then?” Steve asks, never having considered an alternative.
“I wanted to get back to the ocean,” Billy says. “Have my ashes spread over the surface of the water and become one with the waves again.”
Steve doesn’t know what to say to that. That he’s sorry that even Billy’s own family didn’t respect his final wishes? That it sucks that they buried his body in the dirt of a town he hated, leaving him to rot there forever when he never even wanted to come there in the first place?
“’One with the waves’ … That sounds beautiful,” he decides on. And then, as an aside, “I’ve never even seen the ocean.”
Steve can hear the smile in Billy’s voice when he speaks next. “You’re going to love it. It’s … everything.”
They get closer – to California, and to each other – and the closer they get, the less urgency Steve feels to get to their destination. Because what will happen when they get there? Steve can’t just leave Billy there without a means to support himself. Without a home, without a car, without money – without someone to take care of him. Steve can’t help it – he worries.
And then he looks at Billy’s smiling face next to him, and feels his worries being washed away.
He still finds himself taking the scenic route more often than not. Insisting on taking detours to see the sights. Claiming he’s too tired to drive unless he takes a break.
Billy smiles as if he knows what Steve is doing, but he doesn’t make a comment. Doesn’t complain. Seems to enjoy this little bubble they’re in together, in Steve’s car with the world passing them by outside.
It’s strange. But it’s nice, too. Steve kind of doesn’t want it to end.
The last night, they stop at a motel an hour or two from their destination. They could have kept on driving, but none of them seemed to want to. So they get a room, as usual. Steve pays, as usual. There are two beds, as usual.
Yet, when it’s time to sleep, Billy forgoes his own bed and goes to stand by Steve’s. There’s a question in the air between them, unasked.
Steve answers by peeling back the comforter in invitation. His mouth is dry and his heart is beating like a drum in his chest as Billy climbs in next to him.
They don’t speak much, that night. But they kiss. And they hold each other.
“I never wanted to come to Hawkins,” Billy whispers between kisses. “And I hated it there. But I met you, so I guess it wasn’t all bad.”
The next morning, they wake up in each other’s arms.
“I’ll show you my home,” Billy says when they get back in the car after breakfast. Steve is back behind the wheel, because he wants a reason to keep his eyes on the road. If he watches Billy too much, he’ll do something stupid – like turn the car around and go back to Hawkins with Billy still in it, or perhaps decide not to go back to Hawkins at all, himself. Just, stay here with Billy, for a while longer.
It’s a fantasy that hurts, so he pushes it down. Concentrates on following Billy’s directions, and drive through a city bigger than one he’s ever been in.
(When he first spots the glittering blue between buildings, he gasps. So does Billy.)
They drive through the city, then out of it. Along a winding road with fewer and fewer buildings around, the ocean vast and terrifyingly endless to their right. Eventually Billy directs them down a gravel road that doesn’t have a sign and looks like it might lead onto private property. Steve would worry, would perhaps protest, if it wasn’t for the longing on Billy’s face.
They have to walk the last bit, Billy says. They get out of the car. It’s hours before noon, but it’s already warm. Steve’s in just a T-shirt, and for a second he his face to the sun to feel the warmth of it on his skin – before turning to Billy only to see him turned to the sun, too. Like a flower in bloom.
He looks golden, in this light.
After a short walk down a steep incline, they end up on a little beach. A tiny one, empty, with rocky outcrops on either side which makes it seem like they’re the only people on earth. The sand is fine and pale under their feet, the water lapping at the edges of it and then stretching out in front of them until it meets the horizon, far far away.
It’s beautiful. But it’s not exactly a house. And didn’t Billy say he’d show Steve his home?
“Mom used to take me here when I was a kid,” Billy says, kicking off his shoes. Steve does the same, and pulls off his socks as well. “We used to come here all the time.” Billy holds out his hand with a smile, and Steve takes it. They make their way to the water. “She’d watch me play in the water for hours, sitting on a towel, just listening to the waves and the seagulls.” The first step into the water is a shock – it’s cold, but not freezing. It almost feels alive. Steve takes a tentative step after Billy, bolstered by Billy’s widening smile. “I think taking me here was the most peaceful she ever got to be. It was for me, at least. The best times of my childhood.”
They stand there in the surf, feet in the water and holding hands, when Billy turns to Steve. His eyes are shining with unshed tears and his smile is wobbly as he places his hands on either sides of Steve’s face and leans in for the softest of kisses; their lips just barely brushing against each other.
“Thank you,” he says, and Steve’s heart skips a beat because it sounds like goodbye, “for not letting me stay buried in Indiana.”
He backs up a step. Brushes a tear from Steve’s cheek – that he hadn’t realized had fallen – and turns towards the endless sea. Takes a deep breath and starts walking.
Steve wants to reach out to stop him, wills himself to to say something, but he can’t. Somehow, he knows that this is where they were heading from the start. This is why they had to go here.
As Steve watches, Billy … dissolves. Like in a movie. One moment he is solid, and the next he’s … not. He turns to dust in front of Steve’s eyes, fine dust that glitters like gold in a sudden ray of sunlight. It – he – is spread out over the water, is carried over the clear surface by the gentle breeze.
Instead of being trapped in the ground inland, he becomes one with the waves again.
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mardyart · 2 years
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sharing hobbies??? nicknames???? just kiss already ffs
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afewproblems · 2 years
I think Steve needs a secret creative hobby that he springs on the group, surprising everyone.
Sometimes, it can be a little depressing to believe that everyone you love sees you as this one guy, this dumb jock. Intellectually, he knows that the kids and Robin, Nance, and Eddie don't think he's stupid, but that doesn't make the feeling go away.
What if his mom had put him in a ballroom dancing class when he was younger? From age 7 to 12, he took dancing through an independent studio with the other rich kids. It started with ballroom, which continued into swing-dancing. He loved it.
And Steve was good.
He was fluid and graceful, an absolute natural the instructor would remark to his mother when she would come to pick him up. In fact, they were picking kids to participate in the upcoming tournament for the youth category, and Steve was a perfect candidate, the instructor said.
That was until his dad made the executive decision to pull Steve out and force him into sports after catching Steve dancing with his mom in the kitchen. Watching his son twirling around with Susan Harrington, a small indulgent smile on her face, was the final straw for Richard.
"No son of mine is going to prance around like that, like a little fairy," he snarled as he dragged Steve away from the kitchen, his firm white-knuckle grip holding Steve's small arm as they made their way up the stairs to his room.
Steve tried not to make a sound as he covered his ears to the yelling match taking place in room below him.
Steve ended up in little league the next day.
Steve still practiced though, on his own.
It wasn't as though he hadn't made friends in that class, kids who kept on with it.
He missed it, he missed them. He missed how he felt when dancing.
It was freeing.
Carla Neilson taught him the new steps, things she continued to learn while Steve played baseball, basketball, and eventually made the swim team in highschool.
Swimming would probably be the closest he would get to that feeling of gliding along the floor, that grace and fluidity never really leaving him.
He had been a decent player at one time because of his quick feet, but that was before Billy Hargrove rolled into town. Steve never quite learned how to plant his feet because dancing always kept him moving, Hargrove seemed to enjoy pointing out how truly 'fairy-like' he was as he made his way across the court. Those words, the same words his father had hissed at him, all those years ago left him cold and hurt.
He stops dancing after that.
It's not until years later, after Vecna, after Billy dies and his Father disowns him, after he kisses Eddie for the first time and he finally feels like he can breath again that the group finds out.
It's at a party. Everyone of age is a little tipsy or faded at this point in the evening and playing a question game, the kids roll their eyes at their older friends antics and stick to the Nintendo across the living room of Steve and Eddie's apartment.
The question of, 'What is your hidden talent,' comes up and everyone takes their turn.
Robin recites the alphabet backwards, not blinking or pausing the entire way which everyone applauds for once she's finished.
Nancy does a quick handstand and takes three steps backward before dropping her legs back to the ground, she curtsies with a sly smile and laughs as she sits next to Robin again who is staring at Nancy like shes never seen her before.
Eddie thinks for a moment before lifting his hand to his mouth and blows out an impressively loud whistle that prompts Mike to tell them all off for being loud.
Jonathan blows a giant smoke ring while Argyle moonwalks around the living room, earning the pair of them a chorus of woops and applause.
Everyone turns to Steve once Argyle drops back to his seat next to Jonathan, "Alright brochacho you're up man," he says with a hazy smile.
Steve thinks for a moment, looking around at everyone, all of these people who love him, and makes a decision.
"Uh, yeah okay, I've got one," he says slowly before standing up from the loveseat he's sharing with Eddie, "but I'll need a volunteer and some music".
"Oh my God," Robin stage whispers to Nancy, "is he going to do magic right now? Steven Harrington can you do magic??"
Steve snorts and rolls his eyes, "I think I found my volunteer," he holds out his hand for Robin to take as Eddie stands up to turn on their second-hand record player they got from Uncle Wayne as a house warming.
"Uh, one of mine Eds," Steve says with a slight shake to his voice, "something with a beat".
"Oh shit," Robin chokes out as Steve tugs her close. She nearly stumbles, but his arms hold her up.
Eddie smirks like it's a challenge and pulls out Whitney Houston, earning a smile from Jonathan and a small, 'really?' from Nancy.
Argyle laughs, "Heck Yeah man, Whitney rocks dude, turn that shit up!"
Steve smiles and takes a deep breath, his heart is racing but he doesn't care in this moment, he looks at Eddie who is grinning at him, a slightly curious look on his face.
And it's like riding a bike, he leads Robin across the small space twirling and dipping her as she squeals and tries to follow.
Steve probably could have picked a slightly less clumsy volunteer, but he loves Robin and showing her, showing them all, this part of himself after hiding it for so long just means the world to him.
He keeps his own feet fast, keeping the beat but moving Robin where she needs to be as they glide over the carpet, he spins her out and then back into his arms as the song ends, they are both breathing heavily by the time the last note rings out and Robin can't contain her hands from smacking into Steve's chest as she yells, "Who the fuck are you! Dingus how could you hide this!"
Steve blushes as Eddie comes up behind him to hook his head over his shoulder as his arms come up to wrap around Steve's waist.
"Fancy footwork dude," Argyle says nodding at Jonathan who is looking at Steve with fascination.
"When did you learn to dance?" Nancy asks, her voice soft and kind, as though she knows exactly how big this is for him.
"I will accept the fact that you did not pick me to dance just now if I can be your partner next time," Eddie says into Steve's ear, letting his teeth graze the lobe slightly making Steve shiver and laugh.
El and Max refuse to let him sit down for the rest of the night, insisting that he do that spinning move with each of them until all of the kids demand a turn.
Even Mike.
And he loves them all, happy to have finally shared this piece of himself with all of them. His heart is full.
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queenimmadolla · 5 months
if god was real, i’d be in a hot bubble bath with my back pressed against Steve’s wet, hairy chest.
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italiansteebie · 1 year
Steve is a big nickname guy.
Robin is Bobin, or Robs, or even Bobby.
Dustin is Dust, or Dusty.
Hell, he even has nicknames for that little brat Micheal.
So yeah, he's a nickname guy, but the thing is, he's never had a nickname. He's always been just Steve. And I guess you could argue that since his full name is Stefano, that Steve is a nickname but... It's not the same. It didn't come from a place of love, or friendship. It came from the kids in his kindergarten class who sneered and said that was too hard. So he became Steve.
He doesn't count King Steve.
That's just a title that became a reminder of how much of an asshole he was in high school. Because he was. And if we're being honest he can still be kind of a bitch (The sass never ends).
But he's never had a nickname, and it hits his insecurities just right because was he really never worth something as simple as a nickname?
But then Eddie comes along.
And he's Eds, and Love, and Baby.
And Steve...
Steve is Stevie, and he's sweetheart, and Sunshine. And Steve loves sunshine, he thinks it might be the best thing anyone has ever called him. And when Eddie finds out his full name is Stefano, he's Stef. And if that doesn't make his heart swell. Because Eddie is using his real name, and it's not too hard, and it's pretty. And it comes from love, because Eddie says he loves the way it feels in his mouth, and he love the smile that grows on Stef's face when he says it.
And suddenly, Steve is fine with no one giving him a nickname. Because the one's Eddie gave him were worth waiting for.
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billy-theratking · 2 years
I totally believe that Billy absolutely would have slipped on a patch of ice during winter in Hawkins while trying to saunter around cause he's not used to having to walk carefully during the colder months.
Billy: Lookie here! It's the local bitch, King St-
*wipes out*
Steve: Watch out for the ice, Hargrove.
Billy: You're so dead, Harrington.
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junoisthecoolest · 2 months
Rovickie headcanons?
omg yes
robin is the big spoon fs
this is more of a theory but i think vickie will fs make the first move
vickie really likes riot grrl music and whenever she has the money she takes robin to concerts
(modern day) robin, vickie, johnathan, nancy, and steve have a group chat called “and steve” based of the song “you me and steve” (it was steve’s idea since he’s the only single one ) but robin and vickie started the group chat
robin would put vickie’s name on her shoes, and they would also have matching hearts on their shoes
ok that’s it lol
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nancyqueerer · 5 months
My steddie rock concert canons:
Metal is not the main stream of Steve but he goes always to see Eddie's performance.
When the song ended. Eddie spotted Steve in the waves of crowd, Steve grinning widely and he shouted. “the performance was great!! we want moreee!” Steve hyping the crowd aslo audience shouted along with Steve. Eddie plays Steve's favourite romantic alternative rock song for Steve:) Steve just stunned on his ground when he hears his favorite song played. He didn't realize at first, but he knew it's for him. Steve clearly smile widely and remain standing there. The crowd singing with Eddie, and swaying their hands in the air like, it's shoot from a movie scene.
Steve enjoys listening to Eddie's new songs in record player.
Steve's enjoying playing drum in, Eddie's band studio. He almost broke the drum stick.
Robin help Steve making a poster for Eddie's band group advertisement. Bonus Nancy wrote the headlines.
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mwahmimi · 7 months
Eddie Munson tells everyone he loves horror movies but when the party all end up watching a scary film, he’s hiding behind his hands. Peeking at the screen in the gap between his fingers, covering the eyes of his bat plushie too. Curling himself up in Steve’s side whilst trying to act like a tough metal head. They’re hardly surprised. They’ve all made him jump by running up behind him and scaring him before.
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mangywayway · 9 months
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Finished these babies aaaa 🫶🏻
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melodymunson · 8 months
Steve Harrington x fem reader x Eddie Munson valentine's head canons
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Headcanons for Steddie Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson x fem! reader Valentines throughout the years. Contains NSFW, smut, and as always 18+
Ao3 link
-You were best friends with Eddie and Steve in high school and throughout college. You graduated from Hawkins High in 1986 with Eddie and went to the college of your dreams on the other side of the country. Steve and Eddie stayed in Hawkins. Eddie worked at a guitar and music store and stayed in Corroded Coffin as well as recorded/toured with them. Steve, on the other hand, ended up going on to work as a manager at Family Video and then worked at a car dealership and made a really good commission.
-Besides fighting the Upside Down with Steve and Eddie and defeating the Demobats along with Vecna with the help of your friends Robin, Nancy, Max, Lucas, and Dustin, you remained an outcast even past graduation as did Eddie. The wreckage from the hurricane and the battle in upside down only brought you and your friends closer together.
-It was late spring of 1990 and you graduated college with honors and moved back to Hawkins to get a job. You missed your family and home but most importantly you were missing Eddie and Steve. You became Steve's roommate and got a temporary job working with Robin at a comic book/record store.
-As you got closer to Steve and Eddie, you spent your weekends playing Dungeons and Dragons with Eddie and the hellfire club but during the week you spent your time with Steve and Eddie cooking/baking, watching movies, playing records, and finally, that fall you got a better job. You ended up working for your dream job and by early 1991, with a big promotion you moved into an even bigger place with Steve and Eddie moved in with his best friends.
-You started as friends with benefits in late 1990 but it grew into so much more by the beginning of February '91 when Steve and Eddie asked you to be their girlfriend. Of course, you said yes and you all celebrated by having the best and biggest joints, mind-blowing sex, and happy-ending massages.
-With Eddie things were a bit rough usually but in all the best ways. Both Steve and Eddie cared so much about pleasing you and getting you off--even more than getting themselves to cum.
-Their favorite way to please you was by eating you out simultaneously and making you cum over and over again at least 8 times before they fucked you deep and hard.
-You loved to get them off by giving them head and they both swore you gave the best blowjobs ever. Having no gag reflex and being able to easily deepthroat were two of the reasons why but they still enjoyed and loved eating you out even more.
-Every day in February up until Valentine's they gave you little gifts. They would give you anything from a new band tee or denim/leather jacket--to a new pair of shoes, really nice and elegant jewelry such as bracelets, necklaces, and even earrings, lingerie, or your favorite bottle/type of liquor. No gesture or gift was too small. Even a home-cooked meal they prepared or a tasty dessert (even one brought home from the local bakery or your favorite coffee and donuts) was a gift you fully cherished.
-On your first official couple's Valentine's Day together you received the biggest chocolate heart and an expensive bottle of really nice champagne tied in a pink and red ribbon bow when you first woke up. When the boys got home from work you had a nice meal cooked and they brought a multi-color variety of 2 dozen roses just for you.
-The best and biggest gift they got you was your final Valentine's Day gift of a puppy and it was your favorite breed that you named Dio.
-That first Valentine's Day together was the most special of them all because you were so spoiled by getting so many amazing presents in addition to receiving a night of being pampered with a set-up home spa complete with lit candles. They ran you the best bath and gave you the nicest massages and some of the best sex ever with rose petals scattered all over the room and the King-sized bed.
-The night was finished off by watching My Bloody Valentine a true classic and Night Dreams (a porno that was horror-based and inspired by the gritty and dark work of David Lynch the director of Twin Peaks. It was about people fucking in hell and you thought it set the mood). The dirty movie led to more sex including 69 with Eddie as Steve filmed it. Eddie then filmed you and Steve fucking doggy style and then anal.
-Future Valentine's Days with your boyfriends included going to a burlesque show one year, a strip club another year, an epic rock/metal concert of your favorite rock n' roll band, and your 4-year anniversary had you and the boys getting an escort who was stunning. She was goth with the prettiest hazel eyes and the most gorgeous figure. Of course, Eddie and Steve wanted you to indulge in your fantasies of being with a woman. They didn't in any way want to deny you that pleasure even though you were seriously dating them. They trusted you and you felt safe with them.
-The other woman was so tender and caring and as Eddie and Steve watched you make love to her, they got off by giving each other handjobs. You loved to watch them as well as you and the woman pleased each other. Everyone had a wonderful time and even though it was a one-night stand you still occasionally went all together to see her headline shows at a local Hawkins burlesque club.
-Some of the hottest and most vivid moments of Valentine's days you spent with them were by far going out to eat at restaurants and showing each other off. After your first Valentine's together your men made sure to always take off Valentine's Day from work and you did as well.
-After being together happily for 7 years you were pregnant and everyone was overjoyed. Steve hoped you were having twins preferably a girl and a boy. Both of them were so happy for you though. Steve wanted to have at least several more kids after this birth and you and Eddie wholeheartedly agreed with him. Soon Dio and another dog had puppies and you kept half the litter giving the rest to Nancy, Robin, and Dustin.
-That next year on Valentine's and 4 months pregnant, you got married to them in a ceremony and celebration with all of your closest family and friends. In attendance was Uncle Wayne, Hellfire club, your parents, best friends, your cousins, some of Steve's relatives, and of course the whole gang including Max, Eleven, Nancy who was now married happily with 2 kids to Jonathan, Robin who was engaged to Vickie with an adopted 5-year-old daughter, and Argyle along with his long-time girlfriend, Eden. Legally you were married to Steve but Eddie was still your husband as well in your eyes and Steddie's and that's all that truly mattered.
-10 years later you were still married but living in an even bigger place with 4 kids now. You had twin girls and two boys. Robin and Nancy were of course the Godmothers. Mike and Dustin were the Godfathers and loved having those titles more than anything. Dio was such a protective and loving dog for the twins and the boys and so were the other dogs.
-You felt so safe and secure with your family and felt like you had more love than your heart ever felt before. For that, you were truly grateful and wouldn't trade any of it for anything.
tag list @chrrymunson @xxhellfirebunnyxx @bimbobaggins69 @babygorewhore @inourtownofhawkins @corneliuswatkins @keeryatmosphere @imyourdaninow @ali-r3n @harringtonfan4 @koskeepsake @munson-mjstan @bunnsandroses @onegirlmanytales @steveslittlesunflower @reidsbtch @emsgoodthinkin @jadeylovesmarvelxo @zestychili @s6raphic @probablyin-bed @corrodedcorpses @dollalicia @djoekeeryy @lokis-army-77 @shescreamslikeachild @somethingvicked @ofhawkinsandskippy @prettyboyeddiemunson
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creepycranberry · 2 months
I feel like Eddie would secretly fuck with stardew valley so hard.
Robin would fuck with it openly.
Steve would play with Robin but act like he was too cool for it
Dustin would also play with Robin but he’s enjoying himself thoroughly
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queenimmadolla · 11 months
why the fuck is Wham's Last Christmas so Steve Harrington christmas love story coded??? i have not been able to hear that song for the past two years without thinking of him
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