#steve is sentimental
anarcoqueer1994 · 2 years
Was working on one head canon idea and another one hit me that I need to force on you.
Steve Harrington wasn't one for a mess, keeping his space relativly clean, with very little excess stuff. So when he and Eddie were moving into a little efficiency apartment of their own, not too far from the trailer park, Eddie wasn't expecting a lot things. Not like him, who held onto everything, loving the chaos of clutter.
Most of Steve's boxes were clothing, with one large box being dedicated to hair products. Steve was putting together thier bedframe in the other room, leaving Eddie to unpack some stuff in the living room. He was surprised when mixed among his boxes full of D&D stuff, mugs, guitar strings, random knick-knacks he thought were cool, was a lone box with the words "Important" on the front written in Steve’s neat handwriting.
Eddie can't help himself, kneeling down next to the box, pulling it open. Inside were various trinkets that he was sure Steve got rid of by now.
Three swim medals, wrapped in a varsity jacket, two silver and one gold.
A guitar pic Eddie threw off stage from the first time he saw Correded Coffin. He had Eddie sign it.
A beat up copy of the Lord of the Rings that Dustin had insisted he read.
A friendship bracelet Robin made for him the first time she came back to visit Hawkins after leaving for college with Nancy. It had pink, orange, and white beads on one side, blue, purple, and pink on the other with R+S in the middle. Eddie remembers he and Nancy having to watch those two be attached at the hip the entire visit. If she weren't his platonic soul mate, Eddie might even admit he was jealous.
A drawing Will had made for him of The Party, signing his name at the bottom.
Some old notecards with Nancy’s pretty handwriting covering the front and back.
A letter from Mike with "Top Secret" on the front. Eddie respects it but inside the letter, Mike said he was panicking because he likes Will how he used to like El, and though he hated to admit it, but Steve was the only person he knew he could ask.
A program from Billy’s funeral. Eddie knew Billy would always be an important part of Steve’s past, and that's okay.
The shiny pebbles that Eddie would find and have to give them to Steve. All 20 of them. He had no idea Steve kept them.
A clumsily crocheted hat that was far too big to wear but El had been teaching herself and Steve happily accepted it.
A ticket to Lucas' championship basketball game.
The visitor's pass from the many days and nights he spent with Max in the hospital, and the sappy little note she gave to him after. He never told her he was there when she was in a coma, but she knew.
A few pictures from various years; A group picture of all them, a way to commenerate everything they have been through together. Him and Dustin in Claudia's kitchen decorating Christmas cookies. (He is still grateful for the Henderson's opening up their home for his boyfriend after his parents disowned him) A picture of Eddie up on the stage. Steve and Robin at the video store on her last day, and finally a picture taken by Jonathan of Eddie and Steve on the Munson's couch, Eddie pulling Steve in for a surprised kiss.
So no, Steve was not one for clutter, but apparently Steve was one for his friends. Eddie can't help but fall in love with Steve a little more.
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yabakuboi · 1 month
There's an incredibly pretty girl at the front desk in Family Video, and Steve—Eddie's boyfriend of eight months—is leaning over the counter with a sly smile and half-lidded eyes.
Eddie pauses in the doorway, struck dumb for a moment as he takes in the scene, and then gleefully ducks down behind the nearest shelf.
"So tell me," Steve says, all low and intimate. "What kind of movie were you looking for?"
"Um," the girl says. She doesn't sound very enthusiastic—barely indulgent at best. Eddie wishes he could see, but any sight of him will ruin Steve's chances right now. He's got a pretty good mental picture though. "I really like those old black and white movies, the really glamorous ones, you know?"
"Oh, totally," Steve sighs, like he's swooning. "Like Cary Grant, Clarke Gabel?" Eddie can practically hear his smirk. "Katharine Hepburn? Ginger Rogers?"
"Oh, I love Ginger Rogers!"
"Really?" Steve says matching her excitement. "Well, you're just in luck! Robin here knows all about those old black and white movies, don't you Robin?"
Eddie presses a hand to his mouth to hide his snickering. Robin had looked like a hooked fish when he'd walked in, she's gotta be gaping stupidly right now. "Uuuh," he hears her mumbling, and tries not to snort too loud. "Y-Yeah, uh, golden age of Hollywood stuff, absolutely. I could? Show you where they are?"
"Oh my gosh, that would be amazing!" the girl says, her interest in the conversation now warmed by several degrees. Eddie is still a little in awe of how well his boyfriend can sniff out gay girls.
"I got the front here, Robin," Steve cuts in smoothly. "You ladies take your time, make sure you pick out a good one!"
Eddie waits another beat, listening at their footsteps shuffle away, before he pops up from behind the shelf. Steve, lighting up like a Christmas tree, beams at him.
"Am I a genius or what?" he whispers, grinning ear to ear.
"Your lesbian powers know no equal," Eddie says just as quietly, taking the girl's spot at the counter, leaning into Steve's space. Steve happily mirrors him, until they're tucked together, the world narrowing down to the two of them. It's Eddie's favorite place to be. "All hail Steve Harrington, blessid he, lesbian whisper. Come to aid all useless queers in the fight against singledom."
"Thank you, thank you," Steve says with an air of novel benevolence. "I promise to only use my powers for good."
"Dingus. Doofus."
They jump away from each other as if shocked. Robin glowers at them both, but the pretty girl behind her is giggling and standing way too close for friendly, just at Robin's elbow.
"Move it, lovebirds," she hisses as she rounds the desk. "I need to check Claire out."
"I think you already have," Steve says. His smile this time is down right evil.
Robin actually hisses at him, and hip checks him away from the register. Eddie does a bow, sweeping his arm out to give Claire the prime spot in front of the desk, before he turns back to Steve.
"My dear, if you could please," he simpers, all posh and nasally. "Show me to your finest, grossest horror movie, thank you my good sir."
"Ugh," Steve groans already heading off into the shelves, not waiting for Eddie to follow. "You're lucky I love you, Ed. Shit gives me nightmares."
"I know," Eddie sings, chasing him. "I love you too."
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cetkicica · 6 months
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More william sketches! i think about this movie too often and i just love matthew lillard sm
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patheticgirlsteve · 1 year
Steve holds onto everything his friends give him like they’re sacred items, and to him they really are.
He wears the friendship bracelet that El made for him everyday, he never takes it off because that’s bad luck.
He keeps the keychain that Max made for him with his car keys always. It’s bright yellow and green and helps him spot his keys quickly when he’s searching for them in the house.
When his walkie breaks, he asks Dustin to repair it for him instead of going out to get a new one.
He keeps all the tickets from all of Lucas’ basketball games, putting them in his drawer in his desk for safekeeping.
He hangs up every piece of art that Will makes for him. He cries when he moves into his new apartment and Will gives him a painting of their whole family as a housewarming gift.
He keeps the folded paper airplane that Mike throws at him unprompted and for no reason in the middle of one of their movie nights, even though it gives him a paper cut.
He keeps the sparkly hair tie that Erica flings at him in annoyance when he interrupts their DnD session during a particularly intense moment.
He keeps the programs from everyone’s graduation ceremonies, both high school and college. And grad school when Nancy and Robin both eventually get their post grad degrees.
He wears out the book on tape that Nancy sends him from listening to it so many times.
His home is filled to the brim with all of the stuff Robin just leaves lying around. She treats his apartment like it’s her own, even though she doesn’t actually live there.
He keeps all of the pictures that Jonathan sends him from his travels, El helps him put them together into a scrapbook.
And from Eddie? Well, of course Steve keeps all of Eddie’s stuff in his home, they live together. All of the little trinkets that Eddie gave him before they started dating (cool rocks, fortune cookie papers, drawings on scraps of notebook paper, etc.) all live on a shelf in their bedroom. Eddie keeps adding to it after they get together. The collection has grown to include pressed flowers, love letters, and even more cool rocks.
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larilarry · 1 month
At some party somewhere in another universe there are three boyfriends...
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mingmingbats · 1 year
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An angel sent ahead to guard you in all your ways.
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gracegrove · 8 months
WWII Harringrove au
Where Steve's parents purchased him a draft deferment but Billy volunteered because he wanted to get the hell out of the run down house and away from the beatings from his old man when he didn't come home with enough money. Billy lied about his age, knew he'd be drafted in a year anyway.
Steve feels a profound sense of guilt as more men his age leave and he remains in his small town. One of just a few men left his age. The others denied or exempt with family farms to run or personal health difficulties. Steve feels like a chump and finally volunteers in late 1943.
Steve struggles through his training but eventually makes it to England by the spring of 1944. He is hopeless on his feet with many drills and tasks, but his commanding officer sees a special talent in him and volunteers Steve to enlist into the Army Air Corps. Steve joins the 101st Airborne as a paratrooper.
While Steve is at the main base in England he meets a loud and cantankerous young army officer who has risen through the ranks in his own right. Lieutenant Hargrove.
They become rivals.
Steve flouting respect for rank and pushing his luck when he's out on passes in town. Returning to base past curfew and drunker than a skunk.
Lt. Hargrove has threatened to court martial him, but often opts for putting Private Harrington through unnecessary drills in the cold driving English rain. Crawling on all fours through muddy pasture and jumping stonewalls. Running down countryside roads until Harrington is doubled over and cramping. Before Lt. Hargrove let's Pvt. Harrington clamor into the back of his jeep groaning. And they drive back to base.
On June 6, 1944 they both learn that they will be crossing the Channel and into the razor sharp teeth of the Nazi defenses on the coast of France. Lt. Hargrove is assigned with his men to a navy destroyer. Pvt. Harrington is given orders to go by air and drop behind enemy lines straight into the beast's waiting mouth.
They have one last meal together. A quiet understanding reached. A truce, as they exchange glances between bites. The camp wide siren blares. It's time.
They stand. A hand on one another's shoulder, the other hand in a desperate grasping handshake that takes each man by the forearm and holds tight.
"Take care of yourself you sonnuva bitch." Lt. Hargrove forces in a tight mouthed wish of luck.
"You too. Stubborn bastard." Pvt. Harrington smiles, his eyes betraying the grin.
The parting is shaking. A brittle break from one another as they walk in opposite directions. They spare each other one last glance before they leave.
It is not until August of 1945 that they see each other again. In Paris.
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afewproblems · 11 months
To Better Things Ahead (Than What We Left Behind)
Okay, there's a video of two ladies in a golf cart and one is trying to teach her friend how to shotgun a white claw and it has SUCH Steve and Robin energy that I had to:
"Okay, so you just put your mouth on the hole that you made," Steve says patiently as Robin lifts the can to her face.
She glares balefully as she does so, with one eyebrow raised and skepticism clear in her eyes.
"Listen carefully now Buckley, these are important life skills after all," Eddie says conspiratorially to Robin and Nancy as he leans down to grab a beer for himself from the cooler, he gestures to the can as he turns to Nancy who nods. Eddie leans down a second time to grab another can and Steve can't help but stare.
How can he not, Eddie’s ass is fully on display as he leans forward, and the borrowed red trunks hug him in all the right ways. He looks at Steve briefly and winks with a wide lascivious grin complete with dimples. 
Steve tries to tamp down the blush that threatens to emerge, rolling his eyes as he scoffs loudly. 
He could easily blame it on the heat but Steve is also fairly certain that Nancy has now caught on to how the blush only ever surfaces when Eddie teases him --or when he took off his shirt earlier and tossed it at Steve's head.
It's not Steve's fault, he’s only human after all.
He ignores the way Nancy's blue eyes follow him with a small knowing smile as she takes the beer Eddie offers.
It's a Saturday and one of the few days that Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Eddie are completely free of obligations --school is out for the summer, the kids are all at the arcade, and none of them have been scheduled for work.
They settle beside the Harrington pool; no one has ventured into the water just yet but given the height of the sun and the rising temperature, swimming hasn't been completely written off for the rest of the afternoon. 
Nancy rubs a layer of sun block on her arms and readjusts the umbrella Steve set up for her and Robin --who had previously demanded it not five seconds before abandoning the shaded seat to squeeze herself in beside Steve on the sunbleached lounge chair closest to the pool's edge.
"Okay Birdy, now in a sec you’re gonna crack the top of the can and you’ll want to tip it slightly so gravity helps you --then just start suckin’,” Steve continues, trying his best to ignore their audience and the strange flash of deja vu that hits him. 
He looks up briefly at Nancy and wonders if she feels it too. 
It's been a slow process, getting used to sitting  beside his pool again without the constant reminder of everything that happened that night hanging over his head. 
He still hasn’t reinstalled the diving board, not yet.
Steve’s gaze wanders, catching Eddie staring, the barest hint of pink begins to bloom along his cheekbones as he gestures with his beer can, "you better watch your apprentice Stevie--” 
He says it just in time for Robin to crack the top of the can and a fountain of beer to explode out of it, directly into Steve’s face. 
The can continues to spray out of the top as Robin thrusts it away from herself, opening her mouth to say something only to let the one successful mouthful of beer run down her chin and onto her knees.
No one says a word for five whole seconds as Steve wipes the beer out of his eyes.
Nancy and Eddie are frozen on the lounger across from them. Nancy looks as though she’s not sure if she’s allowed to laugh and her hands are braced on the seat on either side of her to launch herself off the chair at a moment's notice.
Eddie lifts a ringed hand to cover his open mouth, slapping his palm to his face just in time to catch a bark of laughter but not fast enough to cover it completely. 
No one can hear it though over Steve trying to catch his breath between gasping hysterical cackles. 
“Robin!” he manages to wheeze as he wipes his face with his hands again to remove the last of the beer.
She’s not listening at this point having doubled over, her shoulders heaving in silent laughter as she screams, “I breathed out!”
“Why would you do that?!” Steve splutters as another laugh splits his face into a wide grin, he slides off the lounger and onto the concrete as Robin flops backwards on the seat, holding her stomach as tears stream down her cheeks. 
Steve leans over with his hand braced on the lounger and takes a deep breath to slow down the laughter, “Jesus Christ”.
“You’re both absolutely covered in beer,” Nancy says at the same time Eddie crows, “that was fucking awesome Bobs!”
"I can't take you anywhere," Steve breathes out finally as Robin sits up and meets his gaze, looking past him for just a moment before letting her eyes snap back to his face with a wide mischievous grin pulling at her lips.
Steve barely has a moment to really register the look before Robin's bare foot is lifting up to press into his chest with enough force that he's tipping backwards.
Steve manages to squawk, "Robin--" in a strangled voice before he hits the water with a huge splash. Steve kicks out his legs to try and bring himself upright and breaches the surface with a loud gasp.
Steve sputters and whips his hair out of his eyes, taking deep breaths, "what the fuck Robin," he spits out a horrible mouthful of pool water and wipes his face again to see three sets of eyes staring at him.
Eddie stands in between Nancy and Robin, who cackles gleefully at Steve.
"Come on," she giggles, "you were covered in beer, easy solution," she gestures at the pool and shoots him a wink at the offended huff Steve lets out.
"So what's your excuse?" Eddie asks slyly as he lifts his hand to the small of Robin's back and gives her a gentle shove, she opens her mouth in a gasp as she stumbles forward, losing her balance, and falls into the water beside Steve.
Eddie turns to Nancy who crosses her arms at him with a fierce glare.
Steve doesn't understand how he ever thought Nancy Wheeler was some delicate flower with that fire burning behind those blue eyes.
She lifts a single eyebrow which is enough for Eddie to step backwards with a muttered, 'oh shit,' before he's turning towards the pool himself. Steve can't help but laugh as Eddie launches himself into the water in a fairly decent approximation of a cannonball, making the water tip up onto the concrete patio. 
Robin swims up beside Steve as Eddie surfaces, whipping his hair around like a dog as Nancy scolds him with a laugh in her voice.
"Did you ever think we'd get here," Robin asks him quietly, her eyes on Nancy as she takes off her sandals and walks around to the ladder on the far side of the pool.
Steve hums, quiet for a beat, as he thinks of the last time he went swimming in this pool with Nancy Wheeler.
The warm summer air and sunlight rail against the cool wind and the blanket of stars in his memory, Tommy and Carol’s jeering is slowly replaced, piece by piece, with Robin’s full belly laughter and the utter joy on Eddie’s face as the beer can exploded.
Barb's face will always be there, lingering in the shadows of his yard, but as Nancy looks at Steve with a new bright smile before tipping her face towards Robin, Steve can't help but wonder if this is how they're supposed to feel at twenty.
"I hoped," he says quietly with a shrug as Robin nods and gently knocks her shoulder into his own.
Robin reaches out and squeezes his hand once under the water before she wades towards Nancy, bouncing up and down on the tips of her toes as she goes.
A hand touches Steve’s lower back and slides around to the scarred edge, it tickles lightly as  Eddie uses the contact to swing himself like a pendulum until he’s gliding through the water in front of Steve. 
The sun warmed water rises in the small wake Eddie creates and Steve can’t help but admire the way the light paints his skin.
“If this is what Harrington parties were like back in the day, I think it's safe to say I am pretty put out having skipped ‘em,” Eddie gives him a lopsided grin as he edges closer.
Steve snorts even as Eddie inches even closer, as his other hand comes up to trace the scars on his other side. 
“Nah,” Steve says with a soft smile, from this close he can see the faint freckles across Eddie’s nose, “you didn’t miss much”.
Eddie laughs as he leans in, “well, we got time to make up for it, hey sweetheart?”
Steve closes his eyes as Eddie runs the tip of his nose down his cheek. 
They have all the time in the world, and Steve can’t wait.
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cloudinterlude · 10 months
"Steve doesn't have to be perfect all the time--" But he is, so now what?
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pedropascll · 2 years
Bucky lying back against Steve’s chest in a relaxing hot bath, Steve giving him tender kisses on his neck and shoulders and laughing against his skin whenever Bucky calls him soft, but Bucky always follows up by turning his head to give the love of his life a soft kiss on the mouth (before splashing him and putting bubbles in his hair) because they’re together and at peace, and they have a lifetime of these little moments ahead of them
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cloudbells · 10 months
Sometimes I wish anti-eg-stevers would be honest with themselves and tag "anti steve rogers" instead of being cowards and only tagging "anti endgame steve" like that makes a difference.
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biillyhargroves · 2 years
it’s not that Steve is “the big brother that Max deserves”. it’s that Steve had the opportunity to be there for Max in ways that Billy could not be because he was either unaware of the dangers lurking in Hawkins, was under the control of an inter-dimensional being he had no way of understanding, or was…dead.
Steve stepped up to the plate because he had the knowledge and means to do so. Max relied on him because she knew that he understood her and that she could trust him.
there is no point in Max and Steve’s friendship where either of them seems to be trying to replace or fill in for Billy. rather, Steve is present for Max in her grief. you think he didn’t know exactly what she was doing when she told him to pull into the cemetery? who else would she be visiting? he knows that this girl has been through absolute hell, and as much as he complains about babysitting, you know he would (and has!) put his life on the line for any of those kids. in that moment, he would have done anything for Max. he knows he can’t fill Billy’s shoes. he know he can’t give Max what she really wants. he can’t bring her brother back. but he can do his damnedest to protect her, to shield her from any more hurt. he is there for Max because he can be, because he loves her. he will play big brother for as long as she needs him to, because her big brother can’t physically be there for her anymore. but he can’t replace Billy, and Max clearly doesn’t want him to. she wants her brother. Steve is simply there to support her as she mourns and adjusts to a world without Billy.
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whorebergara · 1 year
Reminder that Ryan sees his relationships w Shane /Steven very similar to how he sees romantic relationships
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rillils · 2 years
what side of the bed do steve and bucky sleep on
hallo my dearest nonnie :3 here are some thinky thoughts for you, at least the few I could fit here bc the brain wouldn’t stop producing increasingly ridiculous scenarios lol
before the war
when they push their beds together, which is on most nights, Bucky tends to sleep on Steve’s left side, for practical reasons (as well as the simply, purely self-indulgent concept of getting to fall asleep next to Steve, that is):
one, that’s the side where the window is, and on the colder nights, when chilly draughts will creep in through the crack in the broken frame (that’s been sitting askew since about February ’37), Bucky can curl around Steve’s shivering frame, his chest to the curve of Steve’s back, his arm wrapped carefully around Steve’s waist, and shield him from the cold.
(Steve pretends not to know this. Steve may also pretend he’s asleep when he inevitably snuggles back into Bucky’s warmth, and settles his arm over Bucky’s arm, his hand over Bucky’s hand where it spans Steve’s soft stomach – and if somehow their fingers lace together, filling in each other’s gaps, it’s really nobody’s fault.) (Steve does not pretend he doesn’t love feeling the bow of Bucky’s smile against his neck whenever this happens.)
two, laying on this side gives Bucky access to Steve’s good ear; which is good, because Bucky wants Steve to hear him when he whispers Good morning, always spoken first, always sweetest, and listens for Steve’s sleep-rough Mornin’ in return;
when pre-dawn has barely colored their bedroom in soft blue and periwinkle, and Steve tries to roll away and slip out of bed first, have coffee ready in its pot for when Bucky gets up; and Bucky captures him in his arms, cajoles Steve back into their private cocoon; he wants Steve to know it when he murmurs, Shh, we got time. We can stay a while still. He wants Steve to hear him say it, say we, say us, and he wants Steve to catch the meaning behind it, the holy trinity of You and Me and Home hidden in that one syllable, and feel Steve shiver sweetly at the sound of it;
and on those nights – those nights when Steve’s body opens up for him – when Steve guides him inside and lets Bucky move them together–
when he twists his head back to seek Bucky’s mouth, offering up his cheek, his neck to Bucky’s hungry kisses, Bucky needs him to hear it – the desperate whispers of Please, the breathless praise of Stevie, Steve, Steve, so perfect, drivin’ me insane, doll, the helpless stream of I love you, love you – Bucky won’t let Steve miss a single ounce of it.
I think, when Bucky first comes back, being hyper-aware of his surroundings most of the time, the instinct to take the side of the bed that’s farthest from the door is strong, even more so when they’re spending the night away from home for one reason or another;
Steve doesn’t mind. Steve doesn’t even wait for him to ask anymore – he simply claims the door side of the bed for himself, places his broad, strong body between Bucky and the lurking shadows outside and makes a point of tangling their legs together under the blankets. If they want you, he’s said before, his lips sealing the vow against Bucky’s temple, they’ll have to go through me.
this doesn’t guarantee that they won’t, occasionally, wake up on the opposite side than the one they fell asleep on;
mainly in the summer, when Steve starfishes his large mountain-sized self in the middle of the mattress, and then Bucky has to work around him and/or crawl over him (any instances of him elbowing Steve in the guts during this process are totally and entirely accidental) just to go take a piss at 2 AM, and crawling back to his original spot is just too much work (and work means more heat, and more heat means more sweat), so he just plops down in the nearest corner available.
(Things may also get interesting on warmer nights because sleepy, overheated Steve has a tendency to chase after Bucky’s metal arm like it’s the holy grail and he’s stuck in an abridged episode of Monty Python, which is why sometimes – but don’t tell anyone – sometimes Bucky detaches the prosthetic from his shoulder, sticks it in the fridge for a couple of hours, and then leaves Steve to hug it like a teddy bear. Honestly, it’s worth it just to hear Steve’s sigh of relief, and watch his brow smooth into serene sleep. It’s nice while it lasts.)
My point is, no matter which side they’re laying on, as long as they’re together, they’re happy either way 💕💕💕
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diana-daphne · 2 months
Every time I watch a Steve Martin movie, no matter how corny or bad it is, I find myself crying either from happiness or sadness wtf
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fadeintoyou1993 · 1 year
insane how people will make literally anything that is strictly about robin and nancy and their dynamic about men like it's remarkable y'all should capitalize on that there's definitely a market for it
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