#steve mcgarrett x oc
Merry Christmas @munstysmind! I had you for the @occreatorexchange Christmas Gift Exchange.
I hope you like the photo edit/poster I made for your Hawaii Five-0 OC story, Your Weakness.
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I enjoyed reading your story. I look forward to reading more one day and seeing what happens with Steve and Harper. I want to know more about them. I even started watching the show because I wanted to know more about Steve and his team.
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Mini McGarrett (Rewrite) (New Normal)
New Cover:
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello, hello! 24yr writer here looking for someone interested in a Hawaii Five-0 roleplay! I'm in particular looking for a platonic oc x cc rp in literate style, 3rd person and past tense. I'd like for someone to play either Steve McGarrett or Danny Williams against my female oc, in a sorta of father-daughter dynamic. I'm down to double up and am willing to play both cc x cc or oc x cc pairings for your part and open to plenty of ideas! If you are interested, interact and I'll reach out. [re-sending in case it got lost!
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I got mean when I was leaving feedback for a food takeaway store and act all bitchy again. I find it hilarious b/c I never been so open before about it and ended up laughing too hard when is the smallest situation. 😂 Gosh, what's wrong with me today?
I still have paperwork but very reluctantly to do it. I actually have a stack of it. Lol. My lazy mood is so strong today that I didn't want to do anything. I'm also creating moments between Steve McGarrett having an Autobot female guardian
And I digress just did another accidental chapter moments short conversation between him and Elita-One. I also accidentally previously write a Steve McGarrett and OC female human/Jazz relationship. 💜
I kinda imagine Elita One being like siblings friendship with Steve and bit of motherly advice too. More so than Doris. And him complaining to her about his mum.
Whew I feel meaner now. My wild side is out.
Wow. Why that idea is out in my head? 😂
Still a fan of Transformers hugely x
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So, here it is, my Steve McGarrett x Oc Maggie James vídeo!
Go read my fiction - Family Comes First - on AO3 or on here
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hawaiifiveoh · 3 years
recompense | steve mcgarrett
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Your car insurance doesn’t cover damage due to H50 gunfights. You make sure to tell them. Except the flirting from a certain Lt. Commander is ruining your plan.
steve mcgarrett x reader
Author’s note:  Fluff. The energy in this seemed like early seasons SEAL. Featuring an amused Daniel and a cool old lady OC.
3,428 words | ♫ Playlist:  romeo - chairlift
In one swift angered motion, you clipped the visitor pass onto your shirt’s hem, collecting your nerves as you arrived at Iolani Palace. You took long model-like steps, the glossy black and white ‘special investigations’ emblem passing beneath your feet, the rehearsed speech in your head, fresh, as was the aggravation from being on the phone for 2 hours and the useless end result, on top of the blatant disregard for others personal property and safety. All of it fueled your pace, shoulders back, shoes stomping across the floor. Did this 5-0 team ever think about the damage they caused the other people, outside the case’s focus, what they were left with, to pick up the pieces of, to fix? No, because ‘Oh, it’s 5-0!’ and they weren’t the ones being directly saved anyway. So, it didn’t seem to really matter then. You scowled to yourself, it’s not like you didn't respect their value to O'ahu or appreciate how they put their lives at stake– no you weren’t arguing that. It just so happened that they wrecked your new car– the one you finally saved up for– and almost severely harmed your neighbour and friend– all because they were overeager for a lead and it ended up being a shoot-out with some suspect, who they failed to apprehend, at your apartment complex. Therefore, you were a bit pissed.
You saw two guys and heard the vague ambient sounds of nonsensical squabbling. By their casual stances, and lack of intent, they didn’t seem to be in the middle of anything crucial.
You called out to them, “Excuse me, are either of you the one in charge here?”
“I am, yes,” the taller brunette one replied, turning around fully to the voice, suddenly standing up a little straighter at the sight of you, clearing his throat.
“Lt. Commander Steve McGarrett, what can I do for you?,” he stated officially, offering his hand to shake.
You obliged, introducing yourself, in the most curt form as possible, despite his apparent pleasantries. You were on a mission, no distractions. You handed him a folded piece of stapled papers.
“What’s this?” McGarrett casually asked, opening it to read.
“A detailed description of the damage your team caused at the White Pearl on Tuesday.”
“The apartment complex?” 
“Yes, you managed to completely wreck the driver’s side of my week-old vehicle with stray bullets. It’s unsafe to drive. In addition, you endangered the life of an elderly woman on the first floor, Norma, and also managed to ruin her grandson’s ceramic artwork that he made for her 80th birthday present. All the way from the mainland, it made the trip unbroken, until you guys showed up.”
“You have to understand, none of that was intentional. It was merely an effect of the actions we had to take, considering the suspect was in fact, shooting at us.”
“I know it wasn’t intentional. But, you should be aware and accept the consequences of the risk you took. Not place your accountability onto someone else, correct?”
The blonde one raised his eyebrows in expressive understanding, “She does have a point.”
“Listen, existing in the world, on this island, in your daily life– all of it has unforeseen consequences to every choice, conscious or not. One could argue that you picked the wrong parking spot that day,” Steve countered, crossing his arms, his face somewhat intrigued at this whole exchange.
“Oh my god, seriously?,” you blurted out, irritation taking over, “Why don’t you admit you don’t have good aim or any time for self-reflection, Rambo, instead of diverting the valid point,” you spat out, taking a brief pause. 
You thought you heard a snicker from the shorter one, before you continued, “You’re perfectly content with other people cleaning up your mess, and accepting that it’s owed to you and your job, even though we had nothing to do with it. It still affects people, it can still harm people.”
The Commander leaned back slightly on his heels, thinking. You were ready and waiting to fire back with another rebuttal, but there was only an exhale from him, and the man with the coiffed-hair’s face eagerly laced with anticipation.
Steve uncrossed his arms, “That’s not true. I don’t think that. But, honestly, there isn’t anything we can do. We can’t go and reimburse everyone for every complaint and tackle that as its own case on top of everything else.”
“How many complaints do you actually get from bystanders on cases? And ones with documentation.” You added, pointing at the papers still in his hand, “I’m sure you can do something about this.”
“Alright,” Steve said, trying to hand them back to you, “How about dinner, on us?”
You didn’t get a chance to mock that absurd random suggestion because someone already had, “Dinner on us? What is that? And, by the way, it was your round that hit her car, Steven,” the shorter one immediately snapped back.
McGarrett turned towards him, the papers shifting closer to his chest again, “You can’t know that, Danny. There was a commotion, you had little to no visual.”
“No visual? It was clear enough for me to know where I was shooting, which wasn’t at this woman’s new car or into an apartment.”
“You can’t say that with 100% certainty, days after the fact, and with no witnesses.”
“You want me to call CSU to pull a bullet from the floor mat or somewhere else in her car and run ballistics on it?”
McGarrett sighed loudly as the man now known as Danny continued, hands still making pointed gestures in the surrounding air, “You know what they’re gonna say? The bullet was from your gun.” 
“I guess dinner would come with a show,” you interrupted, the sarcasm suddenly causing the two men to remember where they were. They both turned back to you.
“Just dinner with me then?,” Steve spoke up, assertively, “Might be preferred that way.”
Was he– was he smirking at you? You narrowed your eyes, on purpose, and made a face to stop whatever they were apparently revealing, cursing some idiotic part of yourself. Your voice remained unimpressed and unaffected, a locked gate,
“If you read the cost estimate for the car, alone, you’d see it’s over $500. That’s not even considering all punitive damages.” 
“Well, it might take more than one date, but it can still be arranged,” Steve replied with another lopsided smile.
The Commander’s confidence was killing you right now, like using this sort of method to try and get out of this was going to magically fix the problem. Pfft. No. No, no, no– not gonna work no matter how many times he batted his pretty eyelashes at you.
“Just write me the check,” you said.
Danny let out an uncontrollable giggle. McGarrett immediately shot him a look.
Then you turned on your heel, trying your best to ignore the attention, yet hoping their eyes were on you as you left, feeding off the sudden power in turning the tables. You walked out, as you confidently added over your shoulder,  “All my information’s there for payment. You have 2 weeks. Good day, gentlemen.”
You knew getting the money was a long shot. You didn’t want to actually have to get a lawyer and seek damages or whatever. That’d cost more than the repairs itself. It was just the principle of it all. You felt bad for Norma and her loss too, and wanted to stand up for her. When you walked down the palace’s steps, the hot tropical air floating around you again, you were flustered with the anger still running through your veins like a bullet train. And, you hated that your mind kept wandering back to if McGarrett’s date idea was just some ploy to get out of paying, or if it actually… wasn’t.
You stopped by Norma’s to give her the update, and see if her window had been repaired as it was supposed to be completed by now. It had been fixed, no memory of the randomized chaos ten feet away here any more (well besides your car). At least something worked out. You knocked, and after a few moments, the window’s louvres cracked open a tad.
“Hey Norma,” you greeted kindly, peering between the cracks.
“Hi honey, see they fixed it!”
“They did.”
The window closed and she shifted towards the door, opening it. Apparently, lime green was the shirt colour of the week.
“Come in, dear. I got about an hour before I gotta go kick some ass at the Moanalua course.”
“Who are you playing golf with?”
“Some clown from my art class who said I couldn’t ever get an eagle.”
“Is it a date?”
She howled out a laugh, as she scooted into the kitchenette to get some drinks.
“I just wanted to say I tried to get some justice for you and your lost artwork at the 5-0 headquarters, as well as for my car. But, I doubt anything will happen.”
“Well, you tried, Y/N. You stood up for me, and yourself. So, be proud you did. Maybe, you knocked some sense into them.”
“I don’t know,” you shook your head, “The guy in charge seems stubborn, and thickheaded, not totally, but enough. Also question: who the hell asks you out to dinner as a substitute for reimbursement?”
Norma’s antique bracelets on her wrist jingled as she slapped her hand against the countertop, holding back another amused yelp of a laugh, “He did what?”
“Yeah, I know. He thinks I’m stupid or something.” You commented, sitting down at the teal and white retro dinette set. She slid a glass of iced tea towards you on the table.
“Honey, no, I don’t think so. I think it’s the opposite.”
You gave a look to her that said ‘please explain’ as she sat down across from you. Norma continued, “From what I’ve seen of that team of people and what they solve on the news. I think they’re caring genuine folks. So, if that guy asked you out. He meant it,” she starting softly sing-songing the last part, through a smile, “Because he’s attracted to you.”
Norma had lived way longer, so you couldn’t totally disregard her sagacious yet romantic judgment call, but you weren’t sold on it, even if your heart staggered at the thought. She took another sip of her drink with a knowing expression, before adding, “Was he a dreamboat or what? Your rosy cheeks are saying yes.”
You embarrassingly placed an elbow on the table, putting your forehead into your palm, scoffing out some sound of an attempt at a denial, but mostly failing in the process. You looked back to dear sweet Norma, who still had a faint smile on her lips,
“You couldn’t ever play poker, dear. You got an honest heart, and too much of it shows.”
About a week later, you came home to find a letter in the mail, with the state of Hawai’i seal on its envelope. You didn’t know what to expect, pessimism the most used option, which worked out well, considering it was merely a typed note saying payment was not authorized as signed by the Governor’s Office, despite 5-0’s request. A business card fell out of the envelope too. It was embossed with a name you recognized, for any further questions. You rolled your eyes, tossing the envelope on your desk. You didn’t call. You didn’t think anything of it, well not much. You had mentioned the apology letter to Norma. She asked if you were going to call Steve, and you just shrugged, forgetting about it. Or trying to, except every time you glanced at your now-fixed car you had a mixed-up mess of emotions, instead of the usual subtle rage. 
When there was a knock outside your apartment, you thought it was Norma. But when you quickly glanced to look through the door, you were wrong as soon as you saw the brown hair, broad chest, and rolled up shirtsleeves. You unlocked the door.
“What are you doing here, Commander McGarrett?” You greeted, “Another perp nearby you managed to lose. Or are we seeking some self-reflection?”
“Aha, yeah,” he laughed out sarcastically with a smile, eyeing you, “You think you’re funny, don’t you?” 
His eyes squinted at the sun’s golden rays that were lowering in the distance, making his tan skin an even warmer shade. You casually crossed your arms, waiting for him to state the reason he was actually here. His frame was in an ‘at ease’ stance, hands behind his back. (This guy was ex-military, like you couldn’t guess before.) You realized that giving your personal info directly to him and 5-0, was likely now a bad idea in hindsight. They probably ran background on you already.
“You didn’t call me,” Steve noted frankly.
“There wasn’t a reason to.”
“Actually there was. The letter stated the Governor’s Office wouldn’t issue payment in the form of a check,” McGarrett explained as he pulled an envelope out of his cargo pants’ pocket, “Here.”
“What’s this?”
“What I would’ve told you over the phone if you had ever called.”
You peeked inside, seeing four hundred dollar bills lined up, along with something else, a gift certificate for a pottery studio.
“The team did our best to compromise,” Steve said as his hand fidgeted slightly, scratching the stubble on his chin once as he put the rest of the words together, your own eyes softening as he spoke, “It’s most of your repair bill. And that’s a nice place up in Wahiawa, where she and her grandson can go. Make something new. I would hope he’d be visiting her again sometime soon, considering she lives in Hawai’i, of all places,” he noted, another smile tugging at one corner of his mouth, as he watched your reaction.  
You didn’t expect this, you really didn’t. So, you didn’t know what to say, besides, your most genuine, “Thank you,” clasping the envelope in one hand, while the other tucked a strand of your hair back behind your ear. Norma’s words echoed in your mind, wondering if your honest heart was showing too much again. 
“You’re welcome,” Steve replied, nodding his head for emphasis and maybe a bit of pride too.
He pointed towards wherever his car was parked on the street below, taking a step back, “Well, that’s all. Take care.”
“Wait,” you called out, and he turned back around in a split-second, a piece of hope still in his chest, ready for the pin to be pulled and burst like a grenade.
“I think you should give the gift certificate to Norma, it’d mean more than way. Hold on a second,” you ordered, going back inside to slip on your sandals and grab your keys by the door. So, you could walk down with him.
McGarrett actually waited and didn’t protest against the idea. He matched your stride as you headed downstairs, the breeze through the nearby palms the only noise. You suddenly missed the banter, you only knew briefly, “So,” you breathed out, “How’s your current case going?”
“It went fine, just wrapped up. Why?”
“Just making conversation,” you answered, and you made it to the second set of stairs before you felt the need to speak up again, “What branch did you serve in?”
“Navy,” Steve answered, feet hitting the ground floor, sort of surprised yet delighted at the question, “Navy SEALs, actually,” he corrected, subliminally enjoying the fact he could willingly bring that up into the conversation. McGarrett glanced at you briefly, waiting for a response, but you didn’t say anything else. You continued your pace along the sidewalk, until you found Norma’s apartment.
You knocked on the door, and it opened after a moment. Today’s shirt colour of the week was coral, like a slice of the gradient sunset sky. Norma called out your name sweetly, “How nice to see you, but who’s this?”
“Hello ma'am, Lt. Commander Steve McGarrett, Hawaii Five-0.” He said perfectly and professionally, and never failing to be so with his demeanor, offering the lady his hand, “Pleasure to meet you.”
Norma took it, her bracelets jinling during the handshake, glinting in the sun’s rays, her eyes twinkling too with a sudden sparkle as she glanced at you after the introduction,
“So, this is the fella you were talking about?”
You immediately scoffed, “I wasn’t talking about him, Norma. I mentioned him. Once, or twice. Because of the damages and invoice thing,” you corrected, feeling a blush creeping back onto your face.
“Mmmhmm, well, he seems polite enough to be let inside.”
“Thank you,” Steve replied, a newfound smirk on his features, something else in his eyes now too, bright with some new form of amusement, as he briefly turned to you, raising his eyebrows quickly in self-assurance, before stepping through the doorstep. You followed behind.
“You sit down, and I’ll go get something for you two to drink.”
“That really won’t be necessary, ma’am, I just--”
She snapped her fingers, and pointed, “Sit down. It’ll only be a minute.”
Norma, despite her kind nature and petite frame, had a presence about her when needed. You knew better than to try and argue with her. The SEAL apparently didn’t want to bother either, sighing to himself. You both silently sat down on the tiny loveseat that could barely fit in the room. Steve’s physicality of being was constant, not caring or aware of the fact his limbs and presence were unintentionally and intentionally bigger than most, his broadness enduring with stretched out legs, even with the confined cushions. You felt your knees touch as you shifted your weight. You didn’t think he noticed, his stare fixated on the starburst wall clock like it was bomb going to be detonated. Then you remembered, there was a bullet hole still in that wall, inches below it. He didn’t look at you, holding the small rectangle of paper delicately in his larger hands. You observed him, that subtle feeling you felt when you first met, redeeming itself. You wondered what it would be like to try and get to know this guy, what blessings and burdens he was hiding in those heavy ribs and deep ocean eyes, like the reasons as to why he ever taunted an idea that could tie you two together.
Norma’s reemergence, and the sound of a tray with two full cups of iced tea hitting the coffee table, disrupted your thoughts. Steve thanked her and took control of the conversation, sizing up Norma to be a heavy talker, which was a good read. She was–  granted, she did have a lot of fun and interesting stories to tell. Norma was touched by the genuine self-awareness and apology, as well as the kind gesture of the gift certificate for her and her grandson.
“Stand up, Commander McGarrett, so I can give you a proper hug.” 
“Norma, you can call me Steve,” he assured, getting up, gently leaning his head down over the elderly woman’s aging and fragile shoulders, the man suddenly recollecting the memories and long gaps of time away since last seeing his Aunt Deb.
“Thanks again, honey,” Norma said again and stepped back, “And thank you, Y/N. You’re always looking out for me. Without you, none of this would’ve happened.”
You just sheepishly nodded your head, making your way to give her a quick hug goodbye, “You’re welcome, Norma.”
“Alrighty then, you two get outta here,” she gestured theatrically, voice like a safeguarding grandmother, her eyes aligning with yours, silently stating her approval and offer to live a little.
“Have fun on your date,” she cooed, strategically, as you and Steve just stepped outside, grinning at both of your confused faces, shutting the door before either of you could say a word to convince her otherwise. You both turned to face each other, knowing what was said, but deciding to drop it mid-air where it still was.
“So, you were talking about me, huh?” McGarrett crossed his arms, proud of himself, as he walked beside you down the sidewalk again, “Good or bad?”
Your heart was still beating slightly faster, the words quick on your tongue, rushing out despite not sounding so, “Neither, but I’d rather talk to you over dinner then I'll know for sure.”
He stopped walking to turn to you, processing the information, “Really?” 
“Done. Are you free right now? Norma seemed to think so,” Steve noted, unable to hold back a grin. 
You couldn't either, as you answered with a yes.
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supergirl000983 · 7 years
Imagine Idea
Girl meets world/Hawaii Five-0 Crossover?
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ptrckjcne · 2 years
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a full, complete list of my published, written work, parted into their respective fandoms. works include character x reader, and character x oc.
leave a request in my ask box! ( requests closed! )
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∘ hawaii five-0 steve mcgarrett, danny williams, mcdanno
∘ criminal minds luke alvez, derek morgan, aaron hotchner
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last updated december 22nd 2022.
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hawaii5-0gurl · 3 years
Not Your Kids
Characters: Steve McGarrett X Reader McGarrett (wife), Danny, Grace, Tom McGarrett (OC), Karen Jones (OFC)
word Count: 1620
Warning: Language, Angst, Protective Momma Reader, Funny-ish
A/n: This is off of the Prompt List, its from Random #31 "They're not your kids, back the fuck off". I was requested by: @camillyb​ I hope you like it.
Requests are Open, just send me an ask or a message and I’ll add it to my list.
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You loved having days off. You could do anything, sleep in, have movie days, go hiking, which is Steve’s favorite, but there was one thing that you love doing the most. That was going to the beach. Your son was always so excited to go, especially when you were able to get Danny and Grace to go. He looked up to Grace like an older sister. So, days like this were always his favorite.
One day when all of you were hanging out. Your son, Tom was making a sandcastle with Grace. You had noticed a woman watching them, a little too closely for your comfort. You decided it would be better to sit closer to the kids. They weren’t far from you maybe 10ft, just so they had extra room to build the castle. Steve saw a change in your demeanor, as you started to get up to go, he sat up and reached out and grabbed your hand.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You looked over to him.
“I’m just going to go sit with Tom and Grace.”
“Honey, they are right there. Everything is fine, come on just sit back down.”
“I know they are I just want to go sit with them and maybe help them.”
As you and Steve were talking the lady you had been watching, had gotten up and walked over to the kids. She was trying to talk to them, but you guys taught your kids to stay away from strangers. Next thing you know Tom came running towards you guys with Grace close behind. He ran into Steve’s arms, and Grace went to Danny. You quickly looked over towards where their sandcastle is, to see the Lady walking over to you. You quickly stood up and walked over to her. You wanted to keep as much distance between her and your family as possible.
“What the hell did you do?”
“Excuse me?” She gave you a disgusted look.
“Did I stutter? What the hell did you do to my son and niece?” You talked a little slower, hopefully she would get it this time.
“I didn’t do anything to those kids.”
“Then would you care to explain to me why you have been staring at them for almost an hour? Then tell me why they felt like they had to come running up to us to get away from you?”
“All I did was come up to them to tell them to stop throwing sand. It was going to end up in someone’s eyes.”
“Do you have kids?” She shook her head.
You let out a small huff. You looked back to Steve to see a confused look on his face, he had gotten up and started walking over to you. He left Tom with Danny and Grace; Danny was watching you guys carefully to see if he needed to step in.
Steve came up and stood next to you, he had his arms crossed and was looking between the two of you.
“Everything okay?”
“Well, this lady, who doesn’t have kids, seems to think that she knows how to take care of children better than their parents.”
“That’s not what I said. I told them to stop throwing sand because it was going to get in someone’s eye.” She crossed her arms and leaned to one side causing her hip to pop out to the side.
“First of all, we were watching them, and they were fine. Second, they aren’t close enough to anyone to get it in their eyes. If they get it in their own eyes, we as their parents will deal with it.”
“I’m just saying, you should think about their safety. You wouldn’t have to deal with it if you would have taught them not to do it in the first place.”
“Alright I’m done playing nice.” You got right in her face; Steve tried to pull you back, but you were able to slip his grip. “They’re not your kids, back the fuck off!”
She took a step back, but you could see the gears in her head working. Steve had walked up behind you putting a hand on your shoulder to try and calm you down.
“I would just leave if I was you.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone.
“What are you going to do to me if I don’t?” You shrugged your shoulders.
“I’m going to call the cops.”
“Oh really?” Your face lit up, now you know you shouldn’t mess with her, but you couldn’t help yourself. “You know you don’t have to do that.”
“All of a sudden you’re scared because you know you’re going to get in trouble.”
“No, it’s just can you ask for someone other than Commander McGarrett. That guy absolutely hated me when we met. I would like to have this be fair and not one sided.”
She called the non-emergency number, and of course asked for Steve like you had planned. Steve was trying to hold in his laughter. He lowered his head to your ear.
“Really, you realize she’s going to be even more mad now.”
“Does it look like this face cares?” You pointed to your face; you just cocked your eyebrow at him.
“Absolutely not.” He let out a small chuckle. You just smiled at him.
The lady turned back to the two of you. She had a smug look on her face.
“They said that they would call him, but today is his day off. So, it’s up to him if he decides to come, or send someone else. They are going to call me back so that I can talk to him.” Steve’s phone started ringing.
“Excuse Me.”
He was trying to hide his smile. He walked away to where Danny and the kids were. He grabbed his badge out of your backpack. Tom had fallen asleep on Danny’s lap and Grace was playing in the sand next to them.
“Sorry to call you on your day off commander, but we have a public disturbance on one of the beaches. I wouldn’t have called you, but she asked for you specifically.”
“That’s ok.”
“Oh, are you sure? We can send someone else.”
“I’m currently at the beach so I can take care of it quickly.”
“Ok, I’m going to call her back and patch you through.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Steve looked back when he heard a phone ringing. Then he saw the lady pick up the phone. Quickly she was patched through.
“Hello, this is Commander Steve McGarrett. May I ask who I’m speaking too?”
“My name is Karen Jones.”
“Well Ms. Jones I was told there was an issue, and you asked for me specifically?”
“Yes, I am at the beach with my family and there is a lady who is trying to ruin our day.”
“What is she doing exactly?”
“I was trying to have a calm conversation with her and then she was up in my face. For absolutely no reason.”
Steve looked back to see you off to the side looking at him. Karen had turned so her back was to the both of you. He guessed that she didn’t want you to hear what she was saying. He walked back to the both of you. he lowered his phone to his side.
“Ms. Jones.”
“Turn around.”
She did just that to see Steve standing behind her. He ended the call and showed her his badge. You could see the anger bubbling up getting ready to burst out. You walked up to stand next to Steve.
“Oh, did I forget to mention that I married Commander McGarrett? My bad.” You had a smug look on your face.
“I thought you said he hated you.”
“No, what I said was that he hated me when we met. It’s bound to happen when you have two control freaks trying to work together.”
“So, here’s what’s going to happen.”
Steve started, he really wanted to get this over with so that he could spend more time with his family before the day ended.
“You’re going to go back over there and pack up your stuff and move somewhere away from us. Somewhere where you can’t see us, and we can’t see you.”
“And if I don’t?”
“I could put you in a holding cell for 24 hours, but I don’t think it needs to come down to that.”
“Fine.” She walked away and started packing up her stuff and left the area.
Steve turned to you; you had a big grin on your face.
“Let’s not do that again.”
“I’m not the one who started that.”
You poked him in the chest, causing him to get a mischievous look on his face. Next thing you know he had you over his shoulder and was spinning around.
“Steve! Put me down!” You were hitting him on the back and he finally stopped when you smacked him on the butt.
“Ow! That hurt.”
“Then put me down, or I’ll do it again.”
You had lifted yourself up, a hand was on his shoulder to support yourself. You were basically sitting on his forearm, like as if you were a child. He wrapped his other arm around you, then slowly lowered you down to the ground. You just stared into his eyes.
“I love you, even if you are a pain in the ass.”
“Well, I’m your pain in the ass, I love you too.”
He placed a quick kiss on your forehead.
“Come on troublemaker, lets get back to the others.”
You smiled before walking back to Danny and the kids, to enjoy the rest of your day off.
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cheriesbucky · 3 years
so I know there’s a fandom for probably every show ever but I was curious to see if there’s one for Hawaii 5-0? I’m obsessed with the show and was planning on writing a fanfic with steve mcgarrett x oc so let me know!
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word-scribbless · 5 years
~Updated 1/10/21~
🌸female reader
🌻gender neutral reader/ no gender mentioned
I write for:
Hawaii Five 0
Chicago PD
Criminal Minds
Follower celebration Drabble Masterlist!
Hawaii Five 0
Clumsy - Steve Mcgarrett x reader 🌻
A Real Date 2 Parter Masterlist  - Steve McGarrett x Reader 🌸
Jealous - Steve McGarrett x Reader 🌸
Nicknames - Steve McGarrett x Reader 🌸
Cute - Steve McGarrett X reader 🌸
Babe - Danny “Danno” Williams X Reader 🌸
I Care About You - Danny “Danno” Williams  X Reader 🌸
Chicago PD
Hot - Greg “mouse” Gerwitz x reader 🌸
We Can Be Now Masterlist- Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz X Reader 🌸
Not Ready To Talk About It - Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz X Reader 🌸
Worry - Adam Ruzek x Reader 🌻
Badass - Adam Ruzek X Reader 🌸
Do You Wanna Be? - Adam Ruzek x Reader 🌸
Public Kiss - Adam Ruzek x Reader 🌸
More Than Friends? - Adam Ruzek x Reader 🌸
Your Move - Jay Halstead x Reader 🌸
Done Fighting - Jay Halstead x Reader 🌸
Took You Long Enough - Jay Halstead x Reader 🌻
Family Masterlist - Gibbs x Reader 🌸
Patient and Stubborn - Gibbs X Reader 🌸
Date?- GibbsX Reader 🌸
Time and a place - Gibbs x reader 🌸
Seen my hoodie? - Gibbs x reader 🌸
Oh Baby Masterlist- Gibbs x reader 🌸
Different - Gibbs x reader 🌸
Valentines surprise - Gibbs x reader Drabble 🌸
Belong - Gibbs x reader 🌸
I’ll Wait For You - Gibbs x Reader
Eyes - Gibbs x reader
Thought of you - Gibbs x reader
Slowing Down - Gibbs x reader drabble
Work Wife - Gibbs x reader
Don’t settle - Gibbs x reader (with OC reader’s teen daughter)
Drabble celebration Masterlist (has LOTS OF GIBBS!) 🌸
Always - Dwayne Pride x Reader 🌸
Come Back To Me - Dwayne Pride x Reader
Drabble “will you be home for dinner?” Dwayne x reader
A look - Dwayne Pride X reader
You Get It - Chris Lasalle x Reader 🌸
Criminal Minds
LANGUAGE -Spencer Reid X Reader 🌸
Hurry Home - Spencer Reid X Reader 🌸
Hiding - Spencer X Reader 🌸
Lock screen - Spencer Reid X Reader 🌻
Rossi’s Niece 2 Part Masterlist- Spencer Reid X Reader 🌸
Trying Something New - Spencer Reid X Reader 🌸
Burnt Food and Surprises-Spencer x reader (a Valentine’s Day tale) 🌸
Not A Secret - Spencer Reid x Reader 🌸
A Girl Genius for the Boy Genius - Spencer Reid x Reader 🌸
Can I Kiss You Now? - Spencer Reid X Reader 🌸
Things Are Different Masterlist - Spencer Reid X OC (Annie Hotchner) Series 🌸
Pizza Date - Spencer Reid x Reader 🌸
Dating Hiatus - Spencer Reid x Reader 🌸
Smile Again Series - Hotch x Reader 🌸
Done Being Stupid - Hotch X reader 🌸
Good Enough Series Masterlist - Hotch x Reader 🌸
Pick Up Lines - Hotch x Reader 🌸
Home - Hotch x reader 🌸
One bed - Hotch x reader 🌻
No Matter What - Hotch x Reader 🌸
Take up my time - Hotch X Reader 🌸
The text heard round the campfire - Hotch X Reader 🌸
Lucky to have you and your beard - Hotch x reader 🌸
Holding back - Derek Morgan X Reader 🌸
Impatient - Derek Morgan x Reader 🌻
Sons of Anarchy
Tattoo- Opie Winston x female OC
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello, hello! 24yr writer here looking for someone interested in a Hawaii Five-O roleplay! I'm in particular looking for a platonic oc x cc rp in literate style, 3rd person and past tense. I'd like for someone to play either Steve McGarrett or Danny Williams against my female oc, in a sorta of father-daughter dynamic. I'm down to double up and am willing to play both cc x cc or oc x cc pairings for your part and open to plenty of ideas! If you are interested, interact and I'll reach out.
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To be honest I prefer Heroes Reborn ost soundtrack the newest one. For some reason the tracks sounds better and only some music of Heroes TV I enjoy.
I am almost getting the title but still tinkering.
And I'm liking the idea of past relationship view of my OC x Steve McGarrett moments (quite a significant plot hole too whew I definitely did a butcher on them lmfao so there will be tissues - don't get me wrong, I love Steve too from Five-0)
And after Jazz x OC why they will be so compatible
Whew I'm evil on this chapter
Just a bit age change to my oc. Okay, I admit. I did want to toy with a triangle friendship, loveship going on. 😂💜 I just can't help myself. But if you don't know Five-0, is a fantastic show.
Yes I dabble in a lot of crossover. And my OC is expandable, very significant.
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Family Comes First Ch1 - Hawaii 5-0
Tumblr media
Summary: Chicago PD Officer Maggie James was visiting her long-time friend - and mentor - Lou Grover when suddenly his daughter Samantha is kidnapped. Racing against the clock - and against the law - the two must find a way to steal 100 million dollards to pay Ian Wright in exchange for Samantha's life.
Pairings: Eventually Steve x Oc, father!grover x daughter!oc, ohana being cute and mcdanno being na old married couple
Word Count: 1454
Warnings: Bad writing maybe? (sorry about that)
A/N: I’m start by saying this - I don’t know what I’m doing. I love H50, I love to write, but I’m terrible at it, not to mention slow af. Maybe, if I feel inspired, you can expect a new chapter every week - maybe two. Give me your feedback, it helps a ton.
Chapter One
Lou Grover was family. Well, sort of. He and Maggie met back when he was a cop in Chicago and she was a 8 year-old left on the streets on her own. He took her in and he and his wife became her legal guardians. Maggie look up to Lou as a father figure, and it was to no surprise when she became a police officer herself.
And since he left Chicago and moved to Hawaii, most of Maggie’s vacations where spend in - you guessed it - Hawaii. Which wasn’t bad - at all: white sandy beaches, tropical warm weather and an easy-going lifestyle. She would spend most of her days shopping with Renee or going to the beach with Samantha and Will on their free time, and dinners were always at the Grovers. At that moment, she was with Lou at Kamekona’s waiting for Sam to lunch.
“You would like living here, Maggie” Lou spoke as he checked his phone, again “and we could use someone with your set of skills on the HPD”
Maggie shot him a cheeky smile “Aww, do you miss having me around to save your ass, Lou-Lou?”
The man shot her a disapproving look “What I don’t miss is me keeping YOUR ass alive and well, little Miss Keep-Getting-Myself-In-Trouble-All-The-Time!”
She laughed loudly “Like you always said, I’m a trouble-magnet, and this is a fine ass, so I would like to keep it as save as I can... Aloha!” She greeted Kamekona as he served the three sets of shrimp plates, shooting her a wide smile
“Oh, look like you got stood up, brah.” the cook said, pointing at the empty seat
“Oh, no, she'll be here.” Maggie assured
“One thing about my daughter Samantha, she's sort of punctual.”
“Well, if she doesn't show, and you need a hand with the shrimp plates, my cousin Flippa, he got a lunch break coming up.” He looked back at Maggie, winking “He’s also single, in case you want to see the island through the eyes of a local”
Lou eyed him infuriated, but simply replied “Thanks, but, uh, she'll show.”
“Just in case, I'll have him on standby.”
Kamekona said as he walked away, making Maggie chuckle. Lou was already speaking to Sam, but something was wrong “All right, who the hell is this?”
Maggie reached for his hand, and it was shaking. He looked up to her, his eyes showing the deadly terror he was feeling.
“Samantha, honey, I want you to listen to me very carefully. The man that you're with is a very dangerous fugitive... Now-Now I know you're scared, but I need you to be strong. I'm gonna find you. I promise you. I'm gonna find you…”
Maggie quickly moved from her seat closer to Lou, leaning her head closer to the phone. The voice on the other line was from a young man, and although he spoke calmly she could hear the anger in his demanding tone.
“Stay close to your phone, I'll be in touch. And obviously, this stays between us. Tell any of your cop buddies about this, and you'll be using your daughter's college fund to pay for a funeral.”
In no time they were on the library, following the signal of the GPS from Samantha’s phone. Lou had told her all about Ian Wright through the way, and Maggie couldn’t help but think that maybe Ian didn’t care about the money at all, maybe he just wanted to hurt Lou. She followed Lou closely, as he looked from the phone to a trash can, throwing the lid away and pulling Sam’s backpack, as Maggie reached for the phone that was inside. Samantha had disappeared. 
They ran back to car, and Lou started panicking. Lou dialed a number but after a ring, he hang up, muttering to himself “Stupid! Alright, alright…”
Maggie reach for his arm, squeezing it slightly “Listen to me, we’ll find Sam, and we’ll bring her home safe and sound, alright?” he simply nodded his head “Who were you calling?”
Lou’s phone started to ring, but he didn’t answer.
“Doesn’t matter, he can’t help us.” the ring stopped “We need to go get guns, lots of them”
As they entered the Grover’s house, Renee called out from the living room. Lou let a “don’t tell her” before walking to his study and locking the door, leaving Maggie to distract the woman.
“How’s lunch?” Renee asked, holding Maggie closer by her shoulder
“Lunch was fine, the food was amazing!” she replied with a grin, trying her best to hide the truth. Renee wasn’t easily fooled, and honestly Maggie had never lied to her before.
“Did Lou had “the conversation”?” Renee asked, lowering her voice. Maggie smiled simply as she nodded her head affirmatively, and the older woman continued “He hates to be the bad cop, you know?”
“Papa Lou-Lou has a marshmallow as a heart” Maggie responded, and both women laugh. Renee finally let her go and Maggie moved quickly to the study, knocking on the door softly until Lou opened the door.
“Grab that bag on the corner and fill it with these” he commanded, as he set a few more guns on the pool table. Maggie quickly sat the duffle bag on top of the table and gathered the guns carefully, placing them one by one inside the bag, leaving only the shotguns behind. 
Lou moved towards the desk and pulled out a box form the top drawer “Guess I’ll give you your farewell gift now, might come in handy”
She opened the small box and unwrapped the paper, reveling an holster made for her, with a space for her gun on the right and a slot for a small hunting knife on the left. The man really knew her well.
“Thanks Lou” she smiled, as she putted on the holster, rubbing her thumb on the unused leather. Both stopped dead on their track as Renee’s voice called out for them “Lou, you got a visitor.” 
“Be there in a minute.” he replied aloud, and walked out of the room.
Maggie walked closer to the door as she listen unnoticed to the conversation. Lou talked to a man, McGarrett. He was the man Lou had called in the car, and apparently he was the one in charge of the Hawaii Special Force, Five-0, and he needed SWAT backup for a pick up a large amount of money by a government transport. Lou quickly dismissed him as his phone started to ring, and received new instructions.
Maggie and Lou arrived at Kahana Bay right on time. They were in the SWAT vehicle, like Ian demanded, with the uniforms and tac gear, like he also requested. Lou had put on his own uniform, and gave Maggie one two, just in case she needed to blend in. They exited the truck - there was no one on sight. Lou started to pace back and forward, muttering pleas as he tapped his phone on his hand. The phone finally rang, and he answered it immediately.
“All right, Ian, I did everything you asked me to do.... Maggie’s family... please” a moment after Lou went silent, tearing the phone away from his ear and setting it on speakers
“Mahalo Maggie” Ian greeted “Helping out old Pops, are we?”
He knew who she was “I just here to take Samantha home. We got everything you wanted.” Maggie stated firmly, bracing herself for Ian’s response
“Aww, aren’t you adorable? Slow down, sweet Maggie, we’re not done yet.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Turn around. You see that truck coming your way?”
A grey truck came to sight, approaching at speed “What about it?” Lou asked
“You're going to give those men inside that vehicle the uniforms, weapons and credentials.”
“And then what?” 
“Then you're going to help them steal $100 million.”
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h50fanficdirectory · 3 years
via AO3 works tagged 'Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams'
by 5friendsforlife
This part of the series can be read without knowing the others. It is self-contained and has nothing to do with the others.
Things couldn't be better for Danny and Steve. The two work on their cases as usual and have a good relationship with each other. But as time goes by, things change in Danny's life and all of a sudden he doesn't just have a secret from his best friend, but several. While Steve notices that Danny has changed, he tries to get to the truth, but Danny won't let him. Because sometimes it's better to keep a secret.
"But Danny, there's nothing wrong with that. I mean, you're still the same," Steve said, looking at his colleague who was trying to avoid him. "I don't know, Steve. It's kind of complicated and I just can't accept it!", Danny averted his eyes from Steve. "We'll get through this together, you hear me? Just like we've always managed everything together so far.",
Pairing: Danny x Steve Oc's: Maxim, Muna, Shiya, Calum About the book: It's written like a series with episodes Episodes: about 20 episodes are planned
Words: 2434, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Danny & Steve, Part 1 of Special stories for Danny & Steve
Fandoms: Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve McGarrett, Kono Kalakaua, Danny "Danno" Williams
Relationships: Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams, Steve McGarrett & Danny "Danno" Williams
Additional Tags: Love, Gay, special part of this series, i dont know how to say this, I Love You, two best friends, Job - Freeform, Career, Police, Detectiv, Murder, Case, file of a case, Help
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fandomcares · 4 years
Writer, Artist
Fandom(s):  Teen Wolf - Peter Hale/Christopher Argent, Victoria Argent/Christopher Argent, Peter Hale/Victoria Argent/Christopher Argent, Peter Hale/Victoria Argent, Peter Hale/Sheriff Stilinski, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale/OC (male or female), Erica Reyes/Vernon Boyd, Jackson Whittemore/Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore/Ethan, Derek Hale/Braeden, Allison Argent/Lydia Martin, Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey, Malia Tate/Kira Yukimura Harry Potter - Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy X-Men - Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr Star Wars - Han Solo/Leia Organa, Han Solo/Lando Calrissian, Poe Dameron/Finn, Kylo Ren/Armitage Hux, Thane Kyrell/Ciena Ree, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios/Agent Kallus Hawaii 5.O - Steve McGarrett/Danny "D
Offering: Writing (fics 5k words and under), Writing (fics over 5k words), Moodboards
Likes:  To explore the dynamics between character dynamics that stand on opposite sides just as hunter/werewolf, imperial/rebel, pureblood/muggleborn, mutant politics in general...), Kid fics and mpreg 
Dislikes: Smut, Time Travel AU or full crossovers, but open to discuss AU where characters live in a different universes (please talk to the author about specifics) Bad Peter Hale or Bad Hale Family.
Link 1: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20709989/chapters/49196288
Link 2: https://artemisa97.tumblr.com/post/189765995924/peter-hale-is-a-smuggler-a-scoundrel-a-ruthless
Link 3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23299147
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