#steve rogers 18+
nocluejustexisting · 10 months
Resurfacing Shadows
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OC Villain
Warning: 18+ only, angst, mention of suicide, bullying, future smuts (more will be added through the series)
Summary: Steve Rogers and Hydra Agent Viper, once bitter enemies, find themselves drawn to each other as they clash in high-stakes battles. Despite their tumultuous history, their undeniable chemistry sparks romantic feelings they never expected. As they navigate the thin line between love and duty, their story unfolds with passion, conflict, and redemption.
Steve POV:
The night was dark and drizzling as Steve Rogers, known to the world as Captain America, patrolled the dimly lit alleys of New York City. He was on a mission, tracking a lead that had taken him deep into the heart of the city's notorious crimes. The rain-soaked streets seemed to mirror the somber thoughts that had been haunting him lately.
As he turned a corner, his senses picked up a faint sound – footsteps echoing against the damp pavement. Instinctively, he stepped into the shadows, shield at the ready. Through the misty rain, he spotted a figure clad in a sleek black body suit, moving with lethal grace. She was obviously no ordinary thug.
Captain America watched, muscles tensed, as the mysterious figure approached an abandoned warehouse. Her movements were precise, almost hypnotic. He had dealt with countless foes in his time as a superhero, but there was something unsettling about her.
With a swift, fluid motion, she produced a small device and began tampering with the warehouse's entrance. Steve couldn't allow whatever illegal activity she was involved in to continue. He moved silently closer, preparing to intervene.
Just as he was about to strike, a beam of light from a nearby lamppost fell upon the woman's face. Steve's heart skipped a beat as recognition washed over him. It couldn't be. Not her.
The woman turned towards the light, and there, framed by the rain-soaked night, her features became unmistakable. It was Laura, a face from his distant past – his childhood bully. She had tormented him relentlessly back in their Brooklyn neighborhood.
As memories flooded back, Steve hesitated. Laura had been cruel, a constant thorn in his side during those difficult years. Her taunts and ridicule had made his young life miserable. Yet, here she was, as a Hydra agent, involved in activities that threatened the very city he had sworn to protect.
Conflicted, Steve couldn't help but wonder how Laura had taken such a dark path. Had life been unkind to her as well? The rain seemed to intensify, mirroring the turmoil within him.
Should he reveal himself and confront her, hoping to find some shred of humanity left in her? Or should he prioritize the safety of the city and apprehend her as Captain America, setting aside their shared history for the greater good?
Steve Rogers, the man who embodied the ideals of justice and redemption, faced an agonizing decision that would test the very core of his being.
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natti-ice · 25 days
18+ mdni
based on this p link!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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His pathetic moans fill your ears as you torturously rub your ass again his clothed cock, the friction drives him insane as he tries so hard not to cum, you know he won’t last much longer and that turns you on even more. You love how weak he becomes under your touch, how desperate he sounds when he begs you to make him cum, you could get off on his whimpers alone. “B-baby please, I’m gonna-” he’s cut off as his seed shoots out and leaks all over his boxers, you know he’s extremely sensitive right now but you don’t care, you keep rubbing against him as he whines beneath you.
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Indecent Proposal (18)
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Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Characters: Jake Jensen
Warnings: established Stucky, caring mobsters, pregnant reader, fluff, polyamory, mentions of past partners/affairs, mentions of suicide, mentions of accidents
Indecent Proposal (17.2)
Indecent Proposal masterlist
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“My show,” Jake grins. He adjusts his glasses and clears his throat. This is the moment he’s been waiting for. He dreamed of becoming a permanent member of their crew. Jake knows this is his only chance to prove his worth.
“Jensen, we don’t have all day!” Bucky grunts. He can’t wait to get back to you, and the babies in your belly. 
“Alright!” Jensen grumbles. “Rumlow is damn good at hiding his secrets. There’s not much I found out about him until I dug a little deeper…or a fucking lot deeper.”
“Jake, we are losing our patience here. Did you find something or not!” Steve slams his fist onto the table. “We need to know everything about him!”
“Do you remember a woman called Dolores Donovan?” Jake dips his head to watch Bucky’s reaction. The mobster wrinkles his forehead. 
“She was one of our lovers,” Steve helps his husband out. “I think it was three or four years ago. She was a little too clingy and wanted you all for herself.”
“Oh,” Bucky nods. “That one.” He frowns deeply, recalling their last encounter with Dolores. “Didn’t she try to stab you?”
“Yup,” Steve laughs. “She wanted me dead because I was the one keeping you from falling deeply in love with her. I barely made it out alive.”
Bucky deadpans. “Steve don’t be a baby about it. She used a nail file, not a deadly weapon!”
Jake watches the two men bicker about nail files and her past lover. They laugh and joke while he tries to get their attention. “Guys, you wanted answers. Do you still want them, or can I go home?”
“Huh-sure,” Bucky clears his throat. “Go ahead. Tell us more. Why did you mention Dolores? We haven’t heard of her for years. She stabbed Stevie and left town.”
“She didn’t leave town,” Jake points at the manila folder on the desk. “Dolores drove too fast and rammed a tree. She was dead before the ambulance arrived. According to the police report, she rammed the tree on purpose.”
“Suicide?” Steve wonders. “Why? Because Bucky didn’t want to run away with her? We told her from the beginning that our affair would only ever be physical. Back then, we weren’t looking for a permanent third.”
“Well, I can’t tell you about her reasons, only what the police report says,” Jake opens the manila folder to show Steve and Bucky a picture of Dolores, their former lover. “She was a pretty girl. I get that Brock Rumlow was obsessed with her.”
“Rumlow???” Bucky and Steve say in unison. They look at each other and then at Jake. “What has that bastard to do with Dolores? He wasn’t even in town when we had an affair with her. She was just another girl we fucked.”
“He was her ex-fiancé. I told you that I tried to find out more about his past,” Jake huffs as it seems they do not appreciate his hard work. “According to my investigations, Dolores left him and the sleepy little town they lived in to find a new life in the big town.”
“Let me guess,” Steve sighs deeply. “He heard about the accident and came here to find out what happened. Rumlow read the police report and knew something must’ve happened. He decided then, that it was our fault because she couldn’t handle a sex-only relationship.”
“You summed it up,” Jake nods, and points at the next pictures. Pictures of Rumlow and Dolores before she left him. They are both smiling and look happy. “I guess he snooped around and found out that you and his ex-fiancé had an affair. He counted one and one and decided it was your fault she died.”
“If you look at it from his side, he’s not wrong,” Steve sighs deeply. “If anything happened to you or Y/N because of some guy, I’d kill them too.”
“Steve, we told her that we only want to fuck her,” Bucky yells now. He shoves the manila folder off the desk and sneers. “I’m sorry that she couldn’t handle the end of our arrangement, but she could’ve walked away that first night. We didn’t drag her out of the club and into our bed.”
“It’s true! Woman. Men. They are all over us all the time,” he’s not done. Bucky grits his teeth and snarls. “If they agree to become our plaything, they know what they get themselves into. We never made any promises.”
“We made promises to Y/N,” Steve softly says. Bucky barely loses his composure, but if he does, he’s almost feral.”
“And I intend on keeping every single one, Stevie,” he narrows his eyes. “I hope you want to keep them too.”
“Of course!” Steve hastily says. “I’d never abandon Y/N.”
Bucky pants heavily. Steve must run his hand over his husband’s back to calm him. “I’m sorry Dolores died. She was nice until she tried to ruin our marriage. I really liked her.”
“We need to increase security. If that bastard wants revenge, he’ll go after Y/N,” Steve worriedly looks at his husband. “We must protect her and our babies at all costs.”
“He could go after you too, Stevie,” Bucky cups Steve’s face. He presses his lips to Steve’s, savoring the moment. He closes his eyes, praying he won’t lose any of you. “I was the one rejecting her advances, Steve. It’s my fault if he hurts one of you.”
“We both wanted her, Buck. This is not your fault,” Steve pecks Bucky’s lips. “We couldn’t know she was having issues. I feel sorry for her too, but this doesn’t mean I will allow Rumlow to fuck with us.”
“Agreed,” Bucky murmurs against Steve’s lips. 
“I got more,” Jake clears his throat. His cheeks are flushed from watching Steve and Bucky kiss. “Do you want to hear more?”
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He watches Steve and Bucky bark orders at their men. They increased security. He curses because he missed his chance.
The little rat had to sniff around and find out about his past. Well, this can’t be helped.
He will get his chance. After all this time, Steven Grant Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes will pay for what they did.
Indecent Proposal (18.2)
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foxgloveprincess · 1 month
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader [Second Person Narrator]
Summary: Dr. Rogers has a problem.
Word Count: 1,308
Attic Wives Anonymous Masterlist
Warnings: Dark (Soft Dark), Bets/Wagers, Medical Themes, Smut (implied Masturbation, Video Recording with Dubious Consent, Fingering, Squirting), Infatuation, Obssessive Behavior, Possessiveness, Yandere Vibes. Minors do not interact (18+).
A/N: While he’s happy to make house calls, Dr. Rogers works mainly in his clinic. Like Breakable Girls, this is a side story for A.W.A. that I wanted to peek into and I can’t guarantee any more parts. But Enjoy!
I love feedback, so go ahead and reblog if you want. However, I give no permission to copy, translate, rewrite or post my work on any third party website or app. Seeing my work posted anywhere beside my blog, my library blog, or my AO3 account (FoxglovePrincess) means it’s been stolen/plagiarized.
I don’t do tag lists, so follow @foxglovefics to sign up for notifications on my fics. 
This is unBeta’d, so all mistakes are my own.
Please DO NOT click ‘Keep Reading’ if you are not 18+ years of age or if you are uncomfortable with the pairing, themes, dynamics, or warnings. You are responsible for your own media consumption. Thank you!
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“Good morning Dr. Rogers,” follows him down the hallway to his office. Sweet, sincere. The new receptionist not too distracted by work to greet him with a smile. The most adorable thing he’d ever seen. By the time the door locks behind him, he’s hard as steel and aching for relief. Just the thought of his new girl laid out on his exam table enough to take him right to the edge.
He grumbles to himself and sits at his desk, grabbing a towel and some lotion from the bottom drawer and taking care of business.
An hour of paperwork later, a soft knock interrupts the quiet.
“Dr. Rogers, Mrs. Carter is ready for you.”
That voice. Again. His cock twitches and he has to direct his mind back to the matter at hand. Zipping himself up, he stands and opens the door to find you. So innocent and kind. The ways he could ruin you.
“I sent her file to the computer,” you say, oblivious to what your voice does to him. “And I had her strip under her gown, so there shouldn’t be anything obstructing the exam, just like you asked.”
“Thank you,” he replies, compelled to reach out a brush his fingers over your shoulder. At your questioning look, he merely says, “lint,” before turning toward exam room 4.
Mrs. Carter waits for him on his exam table. She grips the bottom of her gown in tight fists, ready at a moment’s notice to hitch it up to her waist. But her expression remains cool and collected, almost aloof. He swallows a sigh.
You wouldn’t act like that. Not for him.
“Mrs. Carter,” he greets, tossing his white coat aside and sitting on the rolling stool, “it says you’re here for a pelvic exam.” His sleeves roll up his forearms, her eyes lock on each inch of revealed skin. “Have you noticed anything different or out of the ordinary?”
“Yes, doctor,” she purrs. Mrs. Carter leans her body back and spreads her legs, ready for the stirrups, eager. “I’ve noticed some tingling that I can’t quite explain and some discharge.”
Steve hums, lip pressing together to suppress a frustrated sigh. Such an inane dialogue, one repeated for every yearly check up and ever monthly ‘emergency’. A dialogue indicating she’s all ready for him. Under his control. Trusting him to do whatever he wants. So he does.
Feet in the stirrups. Gloves snapping onto his hands. Lube uncapped and dripping. Set before his subject. He begins his work. Prying her apart with the speculum to take his samples. Listening for the gasping hitch in her breath as the tool opens. He craves it. To know their pain. To soothe them after.
His thoughts drift to you. How would he play with you? Break down your walls until you crumble. Build you back up. Would he even need to? A girl as sweet and soft as you? Maybe you’d melt for him.
“Doctor?” Mrs. Carter gasps, nails digging into the flimsy medical paper covering her seat. High pitched and whining, close to her release.
You distracted him. He can’t have that. His attention turns back to the labia before him. Plump and sensitive. His fingers poking and prodding her vaginal canal until he finds the Gräfenberg spot. Her whole body tenses, her breath hitches. He curls his fingers against that slightly spongy texture inside, hoping to further his research. His chin tilts to the camera and he nods, an indication for later. A timestamp. To document his findings in this appointment.
It doesn’t take long. The muscle contracting and her body straining. The stimulation prompting female ejaculation. It spray out and coats his shirt. From the nearby table, he grabs his specimen cup, catching as much as he can to study. He must be thorough.
Mrs. Carter’s chest heaves with her breath. Deep lungfuls trying to revive her sense of reality. Her legs twitch. He makes a mental note. Like previous appointments, her labia minora pulses with her heartbeat. He’s pleased with the consistency.
His thoughts drift back to you. Would you fit his standards? No—you’d exceed them. The perfect subject to test and analyze. He could spend hours with you. Documenting each reaction, each sensation. Finally find the answers to all his hypotheses.
The gloves rip when he pulls them off his hands. Mrs. Carter tilts her head up, a question in her eyes.
“Are-are we done already?”
“I’ve taken all I need,” he replies, curt and a little too gruff.
She recoils, nodding and pulling her legs from the stirrups. Clutching the gown closed, she shifts, the paper sticking to the wetness on her upper thighs. She doesn’t meet his eye.
“Once you’re redressed, you may go. You know the way out.”
Steve turns and exits the room. Steps sharp in the hallway. He couldn’t—wouldn’t—complete their usual appointment. You filled his thoughts too full. His body unresponsive to the usual stimuli. He didn’t even experience the slightest tumescence with Mrs. Carter. Unacceptable.
He stops short, almost to his office. You’re there, leaning against the wall, his colleague by your side. Chatting, merry. A deep, possessive instinct sparks to life. Wanting to grab you, snatch and bundle you away from all prying eyes. He tamps it down with the thin, fraying threads of logic left to him.
And like a magnet finding its mate, your gaze turns to notice him.
“Dr. Rogers,” you greet, smile sunny and bright. “Dr. Kemp was just telling me about your research.”
“Was he?” He turns to his colleague, a suspicious furrow to his brow.
“I didn’t think you’d be done with your appointment yet. Mrs. Carter give you the results you need?” Steve Kemp asks, brow cocked in a smarmy sort of gibe.
“Everything went according to plan.”
Kemp hums, smile breaking over his features. “Always the man with the plan.”
You shift on your feet and pipe up, “Well, I should go back to man the front desk. Just in case someone’s early for an appointment or the phone rings.” You duck out of the hallway toward the waiting room.
The door to room 4 slams, heels clicking brisk and clear toward the exit.
“Doesn’t sound too happy to me,” Kemp chuckles. His hands shove in his pockets, hips thrusting forward subtly. “Able to give her the full treatment?”
“No.” The growl in Steve’s voice grates against his throat, an aftertaste of frustration lingers on his tongue. “I was distracted.”
Kemp puffs out a lengthy breath of air. “I know what you mean. What were we thinking, hiring a sweetheart like her?”
“We were thinking she was qualified and interviewed well over the phone.”
“Well, I’m having a hard time keeping it in my pants,” Kemp confesses before nodding toward Roger’s trousers. “Looks like you, too.”
Rogers adjusts himself and grunts.
“I mean,” Kemp continues, a taunting jab lacing his words, “I guess that doesn’t matter as long as we do our jobs.”
“I can do my job,” Rogers snaps, glare fierce toward his colleague and long-time friend. “I have it under control.”
“If you say so,” Kemp challenges. He steps away from the wall, hand extending from his pocket to shake. “How about a little wager, then? One month and the most orgasms gets her first.”
Rogers contemplates a moment, already knowing he’ll take the bet. Of course he will. “Just the patients,” he asks, “or do others count?”
Kemp’s fingers flex, folding toward a fist as he thinks. His head tilts. “It has to be documented,” he finally says, clicking his teeth, “and it should be in the clinic only. To make it fair. And we are allowed to try to win her over for ourselves first. Whoever does it quickest gets bonus points.”
Rogers shoves his hand in Kemp’s without another thought.
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lostalioth · 9 months
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→ hiii my loves here i go again with an ambitious kinktober prompt list!!!! it might end badly as in i dont finish it as i have the past 2 kinktobers i’ve tried to participate in. which is why i only have 18 days of prompts planned out from the 1st to halloween ill be posting a prompt fic almost every other day so sunday, tuesday, thursday and saturday!! i definitely wouldn’t be able to do a full 31 days when i can barely finish the prompts i laid out the past two years soooo
→ i don’t do taglists as that is too much for me to keep up with however you can follow my library account — @aliothslibrary where i reblog my new fics right after ive posted and thats all i reblog on there so you could turn on notifications for that account if you’d like to be notified when each days fics go out!! here is my masterlist as well :)
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day one — size kink + body worship w/ stucky
day two — mutual masturbation + gagging w/ eddie munson
day three — knife play + thorat training w/ loki laufeyson
day four — bike sex + oral w/ biker!bucky barnes
day five — shower sex + edging w/ steve harrington
day six — blood kink + squirting w/ miguel o’hara
day seven — face sitting + love marks w/ marc sceptor
day eight — free use + sir kink w/ steve rogers
day nine — bondage + creampie w/ tasm!peter parker
day ten — lap dance + fingering w/ bucky barnes
day eleven — cock worship + praise kink w/ steve harrington
day twelve — high sex + corruption kink w/ eddie munson
day thirteen — against a wall + semi-public sex w/ steven grant
day fourteen — choking + nipple play w/ steve rogers
day fifteen — overstimulation + begging w/ miguel o’hara
day sixteen — orgasm denial + dacryphilia w/ loki laufeyson
day seventeen — phone sex + dirty talk w/ tasm!peter parker
day eighteen— doubled penetration + drunk sex w/ steddie
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→ hope you enjoy my babes! please send me feedback don’t be shy to comment on the fics and tell me what you think please i love seeing your reactions to my fics guys!!!! thank youuu for reading if you do and if you don’t welll your lose ;)
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
If its ok what if
Lloyd hansen x reader x steve rogers
🥵 smutt
ya know, it took me a loooong time--this ask is from september--to come up with something, but today's the day apparently! And, AND! The lovely @darsynia made me an awesome graphic whilst I wrote all this filth! Thank you, bestie!!! WC 3.3k
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Warnings for oh fuck these two are terrors, smut, goddamn fighting (obviously, bc they can't get along in any universe), possibly the worst fucking puns ever and I no longer care, terrible/inaccurate/but very mild dom/sub vibes, not much but knife play. Please note that this work does not involve the two men together. Alternate title: Ro is 1,000% [nope, better make it 1,000,000%] going to hell. MINORS DNI. 18+ ONLY. There is plenty for you to read on my Light Masterlist, but this is not for you!
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You can tell Steve is about to crawl out of his skin as the knife touches yours.
"You buy these pretty things for me?" Lloyd coos, tucking the point of his switchblade beneath a lacy seam. He knows damn well the navy set with bright red hearts is not for his enjoyment at all, so he turns his head to stare at your husband.
"Useless," Lloyd growls, flicking his wrist deftly.
The sliced fabric springs back to reveal your thatch of hair. You have no idea whether Lloyd was talking about your panties or Steve, and frankly, you're too turned on to care. There’s a certain amount of goading you expected aimed at the awkward hunk leaning on the far wall.
Steve clenches his arms tighter across his chest and sucks in a breath, eyes darting to your skin in case Lloyd drew blood, but his gaze lingers at your almost exposed core.
He hates this whole idea, but you have tried talking to him so many times about how to make sex more interesting. Steve can't stand to even listen to the words much less do what you want. This is the compromise.
Lloyd Hansen will do anyone for the right price, and sure, usually, that's killing, but who doesn't love a good fuck? Who wouldn't get half-hard just thinking about taking Captain America's wife to pound town right in front of the guy?
Lloyd simply smirks, returning his eyes to you and nudging the lace a little farther. The flat of the blade on your mound feels cold and so fucking dangerous that you shiver, neck tensing to throw your head back.
"How's that feel, pumpkin?"
"Golden," you whine, mewling when he nicks the other end and pulls your panties off. Lloyd doesn't like safe words and shit, but he agreed to a few check-ins, and you do have a way to stop him because, let's face it, the money is the real goal for him. The rest is gravy.
Lloyd stalks over to Steve's corner of the room, lifting the ruined garment for the other to take. "A souvenir--" he chuckles "--what's that smell like to you, huh, big man?"
Steve grimaces, unmoving, so Lloyd shoves your panties in his face.
"Smells like team spirit to me."
You should laugh. You really should. You should not fucking moan when you see Steve's chest expand and his eyes flutter shut briefly. You should not have such a surge of tingling heat race to your center that your thighs slam together.
But you do. And Lloyd notices.
"This is gonna be fun," he whispers, likely to himself, as he drops the fabric and walks over again.
His fingertips slide from your knee up your thigh, and Lloyd bends to nip at your neck.
"Lie back from me, sweetheart. Go on."
You have to cover a squeak while you flop onto the mattress. This sort of dominance is nothing like Steve Rogers even on his most confident day. Steve is always measured and a little tentative, his force reined in to the point of being boring after so many years. This is all flush and feral with the promise of oblivion, and in the strangest way, you still associate every second as with Steve, not Lloyd Hansen. The exercise in trust--the sheer fact that he was willing to entertain this idea, much less the practice--is a show of devotion from Steve you never thought possible.
And then Lloyd kneels down and pushes your legs apart. "Open up for me. That's it. Good girl."
"Ah fuck," you moan into your hand, and thank god if Steve does hear you, he doesn't say a thing.
Lloyd skips finesse and plunges into the dirty end of the pool by licking all the way up and down your cunt, hands spreading your ass to expose every bit of you to him, and he pauses to speak with his mouth against your clit.
"Do I need to give him a lesson or can I just fucking taste you?"
"I know how to--" but Steve's protest dies behind the noise Lloyd makes sloppily eating you out like a man starved.
Your legs instinctively wrap around his head, and your hips buck into the wild ride. His mustache burns in the best way. You gasp so much that your throat burns dry, too.
He says other things, things that rumble up your spine and settle deep in your brain, but you can't process what those words are until the white-hot lightning finally cracks your body apart.
Lloyd is shockingly soothing as you come back down from your high but unshockingly smug when he sweeps his face clean of your cum.
"You're doing star-spangled spectacularly for me, slut, now why don't--"
There's a thunderclap of noise that wrenches you out of your bliss. You’re knocked onto your side as Lloyd falls to the floor.
Steve raises his arm again but hesitates when you call his name.
"He doesn't...he doesn't do well with language like that," you manage to say, still fuzzy and out of breath.
Lloyd wipes blood from his nose. "Yeah, I picked up on that. Thanks,” he spits sarcastically, followed by a real spit to clear his mouth. “Down, boy. I'll play nice--" he winks at you as he rises "--but not too nice."
Lloyd climbs back to sit on the edge of the bed beside you, his hand spreading over your throat gently. "Feels good, don't it? Feeling golden?"
You nod vigorously.
He licks more blood from his lip. “Yeah? Can we move on, pumpkin, or is your pussy still needy—“
Lloyd catches Steve's fist this time, jumping up to punch your husband square in the neck.
Steve, to his credit, doesn't even go down, but he drops his arm and steps back, rubbing the point of contact as he wheezes for a minute.
"Can I please continue?" Lloyd screams in annoyance. The man is not in any way used to sharing, or going slow, or giving a flying fuck about anyone in the room for that matter. However, Lloyd is a dedicated professional, so he’ll continue because he knows what’s in it for him. "God damn it,” he barks, spitting at Steve’s feet.
Lloyd takes a beat to compose himself and returns to your side, facing away now, his hand plunging between your legs.
"Time to earn participation points, Golden Boy." Two fingers breach your entrance without warning. "On your knees."
Lloyd snaps his other fingers and points to the ground like he's training a dog to heel.
Slowly, with wide eyes and hesitant steps, Steve places himself exactly as Lloyd did before. He strategically keeps his focus glued to yours until the squelching sound of Lloyd's fingers thrusting in and out of you becomes too loud to ignore.
That look--that fucking moment where your husband sees your core and hunger darkens his whole face--could send you back over the edge right here, but suddenly, Lloyd stops.
"Now we've got his attention," the cruel man laughs.
Like your panties before, there's no ceremony to Lloyd shoving his fingers into Steve's awe-parted lips, but the biggest shock is how your husband doesn't fight the intrusion. No. Steve grabs Lloyd's wrist to keep him there until Steve is done sucking your taste off another man's fingers.
You're pretty sure that's when your soul left your body, but it's a toss-up between that and every other moment tonight.
With more patience than you thought possible, Lloyd waits, comically making an “O” with his mouth and looking at you. “Someone’s eager for the beaver, I see.” He takes the same wet fingers and tucks them between your breasts, snapping the front of your bra sharply against your sternum. 
“Finish unwrapping your present. I wanna see what you got—” and when Steve immediately reaches behind your back for the clasp, Lloyd’s eyebrows bob up and down “—and he’s good at following orders, too.”
Your husband plants a gentle kiss on the swell of one breast before Lloyd stops him, tutting while he holds a fucking knife against Captain America’s chest to sit him back on his heels.
He ticks the blade down. “That’s your half now. This is mine.”
You’re practically panting while Steve’s eyes go hard in possessiveness, locked onto Lloyd in a challenge you don’t quite understand until the fancy man flips the blade back into it’s handle.
“Fine,” Lloyd grouches, tossing the knife farther up the bed. He shuffles closer to face you, a warm hand cupping your breast before he tweaks the nipple harshly. “Why don’t you relax for us, huh, good girl?”
Lloyd coaxes you to lean back again, orders Steve to hold your legs open and tease you, buries painful fingers in your hair, and forces you to watch.
“That’s it. Don’t you want to hear her beg? Doesn’t she sound so sweet? Oh, I like her desperate…”
Not in years has Steve Rogers whispered anything so filthy as the shit that falls from Lloyd’s mouth, but goddamn, every word is like kindling stoking the vigor with which Steve consumes you. You lap up the praise while your husband gulps down every ounce created by every word.
Lloyd lowers to suck and bite all over your chest, marks blossoming across the tender skin as he takes a sort of sweet revenge for his bloody nose. A kink for a kink.
“You want to tell him what’s next,” Lloyd rasps, straining your neck back to look at him in the last few moments before you come again, “or should I?” His devilish smile is the last thing you see before he pushes you to meet Steve’s eyes, the perfect, final flick of tongue rolling over your clit.
Dutifully—sweetly almost—Steve lifts away from you as your legs shake, replacing his face with his fingers to gently bring you down, and Lloyd does not like that. He swats Steve’s hand off to slap your raw bundle of nerves and shove his fingers in again, brutally hitting that spongy spot until the dam of orgasm doesn’t just rupture, it explodes inside you.
You cry out and flail. Lloyd pins you down with a knee to your ribcage, and it hurts but not enough to give a shit over the rush of cum soaking his hand and the sheets below. Steve holds your ankles so you don’t kick him in the face while squirming, transfixed on every move Lloyd makes to milk you stupid.
With one last wet slap, Lloyd rests his hand on your belly and tosses a gelled lock of hair out of his face.
“Wifey here wants to suck you dry,” he boasts, and your hands fly to your face in hot embarrassment.
You confessed that after drinking quite a lot during the ‘negotiation’ of terms for this little arrangement, but only when Steve excused himself to the restroom. Lloyd wasn’t supposed to repeat your fantasy.
“That’s right, big guy. She’s gonna blow your—“ his eyes drop and raise “—mind,” he continues, unpinning you and pushing your arms to the side. He leans down to smear your own slick across your mouth messily, quietly adding, “he won’t even notice I’m right behind you.”
The air rushes out of your lungs before you can stop it, making a downright pathetic sound of anticipation.
“Strip,” Lloyd commands, waving a hand casually at Steve and sauntering over to a bottle of water on the dresser. “The…uh…lady should get on her knees.”
Steve turns to the other wall, unable to meet your eye, bright red blotches spotting his neck and cheeks. He’s embarrassed, too, but from the speed at which he unzips his jeans to relieve his still-straining erection and then pulls his shirt over his head, Steve is also painfully aroused. You even catch him rubbing his cock with each conceivable pass while disrobing. It reignites that weak fire between your tired legs.
“Face up, Captain. Give ‘er some room,” Lloyd snorts, capping his water.
Of course, Steve spreads his legs in front of you, and instead of acknowledging how fucking hard he is, he helps you balance into position.
You capture a quick kiss and smile as your husband blushes even more.
“Jesus, I’m gonna vomit,” Lloyd mutters behind you.
He’s just so, so fucking evil, but you admit the contrast has you drooling to get your mouth on Steve. You’re already planning on adding orders to your regular routine. You buzz with excitement at all this play implies, now and in the future.
Steve isn’t just letting this happen; he likes what’s happening.
Lloyd’s warm hand pets down your spine until it rests heavily on your lower back, the heel of it pressed against your spread ass, an encouragement and a threat.
“Take him how you want. Just like you told me.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, listening to Steve’s ragged breaths amidst Lloyd's criticism.
“You don’t just lick him, do you, kitten? You can do better than that. I thought you wanted to swallow him whole. Don’t disappoint me now. More. You can take it. More.”
Your nose nuzzles into Steve’s pelvis as you feel his cock jump in your throat. You swallow around him but force yourself up for air after.
“Is that the best you got?” Lloyd teases, his hand sliding tauntingly down your crack and through your folds before he’s gone.
You open your eyes when he grabs your wrist and presses the closed switchblade into your palm.
“Go on. Hold it, pumpkin. Right there.” Lloyd makes your hand rest on Steve’s thigh. For balance, you have to open your fist and press the metal to your husband’s skin as you take him back into your mouth.
Steve fucking groans, pinching his eyes shut and grabbing the sheets beneath him.
“Oh yeah,” Lloyd chirps, “he likes a bit of danger, huh?” A flat hand cracks against your ass, making you whine with your lips around Steve’s dick.
The sound of Steve whimpering is coupled with the snap of Lloyd's belt. His fingers return, and you just know he’s unabashedly staring at your pussy.
“Whoo-ee, if you weren’t already gaping for me, I’d think you weren’t into this. Put your back into it.” You hear the rip of a zipper only moments before the thick tip of him lines up.
You can’t help but moan low and long over Steve’s length.
“Baby?” Steve breathes above you.
“She’s fine,” Lloyd answers instead, pushing in. The head of him pops past the first ridge of your walls, and his hand clamps down on your hip, the other flat over the small of your back, guiding, controlling.
The spit of both men coats your core and inner thighs, you remember, and the slow swirl of ambient air proves it. That thought makes your eyes roll back as much as the glorious pressure of Lloyd’s cock filling you.
But Steve’s fingers find your chin and raise you to look at him, repeating his question until you let him fall heavy from your mouth and lick your swollen lips.
“Golden,” you say just as Lloyd bottoms out. “Fff-ahh.” You barely stop yourself from cursing when he thrusts forward and another SMACK hits your ass. “Golden,” you promise, because you know Steve is watching with extremely mixed feelings.
You return what attention you can to stuffing your mouth full. A rhythm progresses while you rock between them, but it’s too gentle for—of all people—Steve.
His hand knots through your hair to guide you faster. You have to plant yourself steady on the mattress, the knife digging into both your flesh, and hold your hips still.
Lloyd isn’t even fazed as he takes over his own selfish pace, his balls slapping so hard they sting your thighs. He keeps talking, too.
“See how much she likes that, buddy?”
Oh, that is not going to go over well with Steve.
“Bet she’d drop to her knees for you daily.”
He’s not wrong there…
“Damn, babygirl—“ Oh shit “—sometimes a bitch just needs fucked doggy-style.”
You can feel Steve’s chest fill to correct him, the deep v-line of his Adonis’ belt pressing against your nose to cut off your air, but Lloyd purposefully slams into you. You lurch forward to deep-throat Steve with a scream of alarm, and the constriction nearly topples Steve over the edge.
Just for a moment, his hand holds you down, choking you. It’s Steve choking you on his dick, and your nails happily dig into his meaty thighs. You’ve dreamed of this day.
With a strangled sound, Steve pulls you off him, strings of spit drip from your abused mouth. You’re gasping for air but also not done enjoying yourself, so you lick and kiss up Steve’s length until ready to take him again.
All the while, Lloyd darkly chuckles and kneads at your ass.
When one spanking lands so hard that you cry out, Steve bucks down your throat and punches the bed, clearly torn between sensation and situation. 
“Such an asshole,” he grits through clenched teeth. 
“Oh,” Lloyd tuts, “she wants it in the ass? Well, when in Rome…” He swipes his thumb over the cream pooling at the base of his cock and shoves his thumb hard against your puckered hole. 
Honestly, you have no idea if it even breached because you scream and fall forward on Steve's dick. This time, Steve comes with a roar, a raging, animalistic thing you have never heard before, but you’re pulled away just as fast. 
Lloyd hauls you up to his chest, telling you to look at what a fucking mess your husband is for you. Steve desperately grips himself until it’s over, half his spend glistening on his abs, half rolling down your chin while Lloyd continues to thrust into your sweet spot.
He’s given up controlling his language entirely.
“Fuck, she’s close. Come on, big guy—“ he pinches your nipple and bites at your neck “—finish her off.”
Lloyd drops you like a stone into Steve’s waiting arms, and Steve wastes no time slamming his mouth to yours and furiously rubbing your clit. You’re so stretched out that three of his thick fingers feel like nothing until they curl.
This time you can’t help but shout your own curse. Steve just keeps kissing you, holding you two together as you writhe. You hardly notice Lloyd painting his cum across your back and ass but neither does Steve, it seems, because the next thing you know you’re laying beside your husband in bed while your guest grins in triumph.
“I’ll just take this,” Lloyd drawls, reaching beneath Steve’s bare leg to retrieve his knife. He slaps Steve’s ass, too. It’s as if Lloyd knows Steve will let him get away with just about anything in the post-coital fog. “Don’t want you to feel left out, buddy.”
Your husband makes no move at all except to kiss your forehead.
“How are you?” He smooths your wrecked hair out of your face.
“Oh wow,” you say with a rough voice and runaway breaths, “I’m golden, just golden.”
Lloyd grabs his water bottle, joking. “My work here is done, and you two—“ he swigs and swallows dramatically “—I don't mind repeat business from. Anytime. Fuck.” 
He struts to the bathroom, pants still undone and hanging open, uncaring. With a shout, he slaps the top of the door frame.
“That’s America’s Cunt!”
Steve’s whole body tenses. “I hate that guy,” he grumbles into your sweaty skin.
You snuggle closer, surrounded by familiar body heat and musk. “I know. Isn't it great?” 
Because it’s so, so true. There is nothing about Lloyd Hansen you actually want for one second longer than necessary. That's the beauty of teamwork: everyone serves their purpose.
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Honorable mention to the line I promised but ultimately couldn't fit in (that's what she said):
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@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @fallinallinmendes @deandreamernp
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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foxchild-v · 2 years
steve rogers accidentally ate a bar of aphrodisiac chocolate causing his crotch to be throbbing hard and needs his girlfriend, reader to help him out, request
How do you guys come up with this incredible ideas 😳😱😱😱 as allways: english is not my first language so... yeah you know the drill
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Protein bars
Warning: 18+, fingering, oral (m recieveing), smut, mentions of influence of some substances, mentions of blood, probably some tiping mistakes,...
Pairing: Steve Rogers x you
This fic is 18+. Please do not continue to read if you are under the age of 18. If you continue you basically state you are of legal age to read such things.
Coming back from your latest mission, you guys where tired. And hungry. Definitly hungry. Clint made his way straight to the kitchen, followed by Nat, Wanda, Thor and you of course. Food was important after all, right? Tony and Bruce stayed home this time. They worked on something new. Some kind of present for a friend or something.
Steve opted for the shower first. You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend. His metabolism should have starved him by now. Yeah shure, he was the only one in your team drenched in mud and blood because of his hand to hand combat, but... food, right?
After some time the supersoldier joined you guys squeaky clean. Only to realise you left no crumb for him. Pepper made some stew and none of you could resist her cooking. You looked at Steve apologetic.
"There should be some proteinbars in the fridge, honey. I'll jump into the shower and we'll get you something to eat afterwards, how does that sound?" - "Sounds good. Just be quick please." - "Shure thing, mister whiny." - "Hey, just imagine we would have left YOU no food." - "Impossible. I would allways put food first." You chuckled and kissed him on the cheek before you made your way to the shower. Sighing he grabbed some proteinbars and sat down on the couch.
A quick shower was not something you do quite often. You savored every drop of hot water that touches your aching body. Steve knew that so he grabbed the remote control and munched on his proteinbar.
"Hey guys. How was the mission?" Bruce entered the kitchen still dressed in his lab coat. "Same procedure as allways, Bruce. In and out. Except for Y/N. You know her. She allways plays with her powers." Nat answered still sunken in one of her books. The scientist nodded and opened the fridge.
Steve ignored their conversation and shifted his weight to try a more comfortable seating position. Somehow his training pants seemed to be smaller. And definitly too tight at the crotch. Actually his whole area down there seemed to be more affected at the thought of you under the shower than usual. Yes of course, he allways thought of you as irresistible but right now he almost felt feral just by thinking of you.
"Hey, has anyone seen the chocolatebars? I left them in the fridge to cool down before Tony and I proceed to test their effects." Bruce voice brakes his daydreams. "Effects?" Steve shot up and stared at him in panic. "Which effects?" - "We actually tried to spike them with an aprodisiac. You know, Tony's friend wanted to spice things up a bit and we owed him something for helping renovate the tower." - "An aphrodisiac?" Sweat started to rise at his nape. His breath now a little bit more rough. "Poor Y/N" Wanda laughed as Steve ran out and left everyone else dumbfounded.
You inhaled the scent of your lavender shampoo when suddenly the door to your bathroom flew wide open. Steve entered the shower panting.
"Honey, what happened? You look like you saw a ghost." You looked at him in confusion. Your gaze falling on the very evident boulge of his pants. "Do you know how beautiful you look naked and soaked?" His voice raspy and hoarse. Eyes almost black from lust.
"Steve? What on earth..." He didn't let you finish your sentence and stripped of all his clothes to join you. Hands on your body immedeatly. Roaming every inch of you. Despite the warmth of the water goosebumps formed on your skin.
"I have to confess something." You raised an eyebrow in confusion. His lips travelled down your neck. Covering you in breathy kisses. "I might have accidently mistaken Tony's and Bruce's new project for protein bars." This did not clarify the situation for you. It did not explain why your boyfriends very hard cock poked your belly right now.
Steve's lips found yours and pulled you into a passionate kiss. Tounges dancing and fighting for dominance. Though you wouldn't dare to complain, you would like to know why your lover was so turned on right now.
You broke the kiss in need of some oxygen. He looked into your eyes. Loving but seemingly needy. "For gods sake, Steven, what possesed you?" You managed to whisper as his hand started to travel deeper. Caressing your inner thights and brushing your pussy.
He never broke eye contact. "They may have some aphrodisiac in them." He confessed subdued. You could not hold back laughter. His cheeks started to turn red. "Oh" You breathed out between laughts. "Oh?" Steve sounded offended.
Your demeanor shifted almost instantly. Gripping his cock and sinking down on your knees. Water still raining down on you. "Well, we have to do something about it then, don't we?" You placed an open mouthed kiss on the pink, pulsating tip.
His eyes closed and his mouth let out a small moan at the sensation of your tongue now drawing circles. He fisted your hair and with the other hand he held onto the faucet for support.
You bobbed your head and stroke the base of his cock with one hand. The other massaged his balls just the way you knew he liked. "So good..." he moaned. Breaths starting to get feverish.
You gagged a few times but this sound only made him go faster. He loved the way you loved him with your mouth. Who knew Captain America was that corrupted. Seeing you taking his huge member made him weak. His hips stuttered and you tastet his hot seed that squirted into your mouth and you were damned if you won't relish every drop of what he gave you.
His mouth was wide agape and he looked at you in awe. Kneeling in front of him and licking him like a wicked kitten. As much as he would love to paint this picture in his brain for a little longer, he decided it would be time to repay the favor.
Pulling you into a kiss he tasted his own residue on your tongue. His mark. The proof that you are his and he is yours. The sound coming from deep in his chest made your knees tremble. You pressed your thights together for a little pressure on your aching clit. "My sweet Y/N. Squirming like an eel in my hands. Do I need to take care of you?" - "Please, captain" you managed to rasp out.
He turned you around so your back was pressed against him. His right hand travelling south on your body. Tenderly massaging it's way to your core. A ghasp left your mouth as he found his target. Stroking through your wet folds and pinching your sensitive nub between his fingertips just a little. "So needy. Thought I was the one who ate the aphrodisiac." He teased in a deep tone.
"Steve..." - "Unable to form a sentence? You are so responsive." - "Ugh.... please.. ah" You were unable indeed when he performed his magic on you. There were too many sensations at once. The warm water raining on your sore muscles, Steves fingers on your clit and nipple, his hard member poking your back, his hot breath tickeling your skin sending sparks through your whole body and his lips blowing kisses on your neck. From time to time he nibbled on a small spot which earned him another moan.
"Come on, baby. Let yourself fall." He encouraged you. He felt your velvet walls pulsating as you where near your climax. Your moans growing louder and your breath starting to stutter. And then you felt it. That sensation that travelled through your body. Legs shaking as you came hard. You gripped his arms and pressed your nails into his skin. Steve responded with a low growl.
He did not stop his motions when he helped you through your orgasm. Your boyfriend continued his motions until you where a stuttering mess. Infact he managed to draw a second orgasm out of you immedeatly after the first.
"I could watch you come undone all day." He breathed into your ear. You let your head fall back and nuzzled into his shoulder. "Why don't we take this to the bedroom?" - "Unsatisfied? I won't complain, captain."
He switched off the tap and took two towels as he helped you step out of the shower. Your legs still shaky but the anticipation rising once again. You wrapped the towel over your naked body and followed Steve to his room.
On your way you met Wanda who smiled at you knowingly. "I guess you don't need new food anymore?" - "Remind me to get Tony and Bruce a gift basked." You laughed as Steve just pulled you away to continue your actions from the shower in a more private space.
Thank you for your support. I hope you guys like it :)
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braveclementine · 2 months
October 24: Aftercare (Steve Rogers) 💚
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Warnings: None, fluff
Copyright: I do not own Steve Rogers or any other Marvel/MCU characters. I also do not condone copying of this.
You stared up at Steve with soft eyes, feeling slightly blissed out, and also extremely hot after the incredible, mind-blowing sex the two of you had just had. Of course, it was always mind-blowing as he was a super soldier, and everything about him was enhanced.
Steve smiled down at you gently as he pulled slowly from your sensitive channels, earning a slight hiss from you. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before rolling over to lay down next to you. "How are you feeling Princess?"
You smiled at the pet name he had called you since forever. "Wonderful." You rolled over to snuggle into him. He wrapped one arm around you, the other grabbing the icepack he always kept on the bedside table, putting the coolness against your forehead.
After all, if you burned up too much you'd burn the bed.
You closed your eyes, feeling completely loved and soothed. Slowly, as both of your heartbeats settled down, Steve moved from the bed. You could hear him drawing a bath in the bathroom, before he came back out.
You cracked one eye open to see him leaning over you to take you into his arms, carrying you into the bathroom.
He discarded the icepack in the sink before moving into the bath, sitting down in the water, subsequently bringing you into the cool, refreshing water as well.
"It's not to cold for you, right?" You asked. As a fire power Avenger, you needed everything to be cold, lest the added heat send you into flames. However, you also knew that cold reminded Steve of being frozen, and the last thing you ever wanted to do was send him flashbacks.
Steve chuckled warmly, pulling you flush against his back, "Believe me darling, after that, I need it as cold as it'll get."
You grinned, leaning back against him. He always took such good care of you after the both of you were spent, no matter what. If the sex had occurred because he was jealous or you needed to be punished- there was still aftercare. If the two of you were having sex because he needed to blow off steam and it was all about him (very rare, maybe once every five months)- he still took care of you afterwards.
You could feel him being tender with the slightly rough washcloth as he gently ran it through your sensitive folds, making sure everything felt alright.
You sunk a little lower in the water so that it would cover your shoulders. Steve ran the washcloth gently over your nub, making you wince. He apologized softly, placing a soft kiss under your ear.
Finally, he set it aside to pull you more firmly to his broad, well-defined chest.
You hummed in content, turning your head to kiss him gently on the lips, "Thank you Steve."
"Anything for you, my Princess."
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cheynovak · 3 months
From Russia with love
Bucky Barnes x F/Reader (Y/N)   
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Angst, aggression,  
Side note: English isn’t my first language.    
*Does not follow The MCU storyline!* 
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Bucky and Steve are tracking down remnants of Hydra in Russia. Who are trying to recreate the winter soldier program. Bucky asks the help of an old friend and ex winter soldier, Y/N. Who he fought with before she found a way to get out.
But will she be willing to help? And how will Bucky react to seeing not only the first female winter soldier but also his trainee.
In the dimly lit safe house in Moscow, Bucky sat with Sam, Natasha, and Steve, discussing their next move. Their mission was critical: infiltrate a clandestine facility run by remnants of Hydra trying to recreate the old soviet program that had created Bucky and others like him. 
As they deliberated their plan of action, Bucky who sat in the corner of the room spoke up, his voice heavy with memories of his own past. "I might know someone who can help us," he said quietly, catching the attention of the others. 
"Who?" Natasha inquired, her green eyes reflecting both curiosity and caution. 
Bucky hesitated for a moment before replying, "Another Winter Soldier who managed to escape once, a long time ago. Before the once were created in 1991." Sam arched an eyebrow. "Another Winter Soldier? How come we've never heard of her before?" 
"She was kept hidden, we trained together and sometimes send on missions." Bucky explained. "But she was different. One time when she had the opportunity, she stole her own programming details and she fled." 
Steve nodded thoughtfully. "If she's willing to help, she could provide invaluable insight into Hydra's operations." With their plan set, the team set off. Along the way, Bucky remembered fragments of memories about Y/N, her determination, her strength, and her unwavering spirit. 
Finally, they arrived at a remote safehouse nestled in the heart of the Russian wilderness. “Let me go in alone.” Bucky said, he approached the door with a mixture of apprehension and hope, unsure of what to expect. The door creaked open, revealing a figure standing in the shadows. A small lamp in the corner of the room showed the silhouette of a woman, with piercing eyes he recognised her. 
Y/N's heart raced as she stood face to face with Bucky Barnes, the first Winter Soldier, the man she had once feared above all others yet worked with countless times. Memories flooded her mind. "So, this is how it ends," she whispered, her voice tinged with resignation. 
Without hesitation, Y/N lunged forward, her movements fuelled by fear and desperation. Bucky's eyes widened in shock as Y/N's fists rained down upon him, each blow a representation of a lifetime of pain and suffering.  
Driven by instinct, Bucky fought back, his movements measured and precise as he sought to defend himself without causing harm. But Y/N's attacks were relentless, her fury unchecked as she unleashed a torrent of pent-up rage and anguish.  
Bucky and Y/N fell out of the window into the freezing cold snow. Amidst the chaos, Sam, Natasha, and Steve rushed forward, but finally, with a decisive motion, Bucky managed to pin her to the ground with a firm yet gentle grip.  
As she looked into his eyes, she saw not the Winter Soldier, but a wounded soul in need of redemption. "I'm not here to hurt you, Y/N," Bucky pleaded, his voice filled with sincerity. "Please, you have to trust me."  
With a heavy sigh, her body going limp beneath Bucky's touch as she surrendered to the inevitability of their shared destiny. As the chaos of the confrontation between Y/N and Bucky unfolded, Natasha's keen eyes scanning the scene with concern. 
Natasha's gaze locked onto Y/N, and a flicker of recognition sparked within her. She remembered the countless hours they had spent together, training relentlessly in the shadows of the KGB's training facility. 
With a determined stride, Natasha stepped forward, her movements fluid and purposeful as she approached Y/N. "Y/N," she said softly. "It's me – Natasha. Do you remember? "The weight of shame and regret pressed down upon her.  
"I'm sorry," Y/N murmured, her voice barely a whisper as she averted her gaze. "I don't...” Natasha's brow furrowed, her keen eyes searching Y/N's face for any sign of recognition. But Y/N's mask of indifference remained firmly in place, concealing the turmoil raging beneath the surface. 
"Are you sure?" Natasha pressed gently, her voice tinged with empathy. "We trained together at the KGB. You were my mentor." Y/N flinched at the reminder, the memories of her former life threatening to overwhelm her fragile composure. "I'm sorry," she repeated. 
"Why are you here, James?" Y/N asked, shifting eyes from Natacha to him. "I, we, need your help." Bucky continued, his voice tinged with urgency. "There are descendants of Hydra who are trying to revive their twisted experiments, to create more super soldiers. We can't let that happen." 
It took a second but Y/N, her response was hesitant, a reluctance born from the scars of her past and the fear of once again being dragged back into the shadows. "I can't, I've spent so long trying to get free, to forget. I can't go back there." 
Bucky's expression fell, disappointment flickering in his eyes, but he understood the weight of Y/N's decision. "I won't force you," he said softly, his voice tinged with regret. "But if you change your mind, we could use your help." 
"Y/N, I've heard a lot about you these days," Steve began, his voice warm with admiration. "You've faced unimaginable challenges running from hydra, breaking free from the KGB, and yet here you are, still living. We could use your help." 
“I’m sure those words mean a lot, to a lot of people Cap. Unfortunately, you were never my hero.” Steve's brow furrowed in confusion. "Growing up, I believed in heroes, in the ideals of justice and righteousness," she explained, her voice tinged with bitterness. "But then this happened.” her arms gesturing to herself. 
“No mission will ever redeem what I did.” With a solemn nod, Steve stepped back, his respect for Y/N evident in the way he held himself. "I understand," he said quietly. 
And as they parted ways, Y/n got consumed by her own thoughts and doubts. Deciding to set out to track down Bucky and the rest of the team. Determination, Hydra will not hurt, create, more people like them. 
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of searching, Y/N caught sight of Bucky and the others. "James," Y/N called out, her voice echoing in the stillness of the night. "I'll help." Bucky's gaze met hers, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before giving way to relief. "Y/N," he exclaimed, his voice filled with gratitude. "I'm glad you're here." 
In the dimly lit room where Steve and Y/N sat going over their invasion plan, the air was thick with tension and anticipation. Steve's eyes were focused intently on the maps spread out before them, his brow furrowed in concentration as he outlined their strategy with meticulous detail to Y/N. 
Bucky kept his eyes on Y/N from a crossed the room. "So, Bucky," Sam began, his tone casual yet probing. "Did you ever... you know... sleep with Y/N?" 
Bucky's brow furrowed in confusion at the unexpected question, his expression a mixture of surprise and discomfort. "What? No," he replied firmly, his voice tinged with annoyance. 
Natasha arched an eyebrow, her gaze shrewd as she studied Bucky's reaction. "Are you sure about that?" she pressed, her tone betraying her scepticism. Bucky's jaw tensed, his patience wearing thin as he met Natasha's piercing gaze. "Yes, I'm sure," he insisted, his voice clipped. "Y/N and I fought side by side, but that's as far as it goes." He rose to his feet to leave the room.  
With their plan meticulously laid out, Steve, Y/N, Bucky, Sam, and Natasha stormed the compound with precision and determination. Each member of the team moved with practiced efficiency, their movements fluid and coordinated as they faced down Hydra's descendants. 
Bullets flew and explosions rocked the air as they fought their way through wave after wave of Hydra agents, their unwavering resolve pushing them ever forward. Steve led one team with Y/N at his side, their synergy undeniable as they cleared rooms and neutralized threats with expert precision. Meanwhile, Bucky, Sam, and Natasha formed the other team. 
In the end, victory was theirs, won through blood, sweat, and sacrifice. The compound lay in ruins behind them, but amidst the rubble, a sense of triumph burned bright in their hearts. 
Bucky approached Y/N, his expression earnest yet tentative. With a deep breath, he spoke. "Y/N, I know this may not be what you had in mind, but... why don't you come back to the states with us," Bucky began, his gaze unwavering as he met her eyes. "You've proven yourself time and time again, and I believe you deserve a chance at a new beginning." 
Y/N's heart skipped a beat at Bucky's words, her mind racing with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The thought of leaving behind the shadows of her past filled her with both apprehension and hope, but deep down, she knew that she couldn't. "I... I don't know, James," Y/N replied, her voice wavering. "There's so much I still need to reconcile, so much I still need to come to terms with." 
"But you don't have to face it alone. We'll be there for you every step of the way, no matter what." Steve added. With a nod of determination, she met Bucky's gaze, her decision made. "Okay," she said quietly, her voice filled with resolve. "I'll come with you." 
As months passed and Y/N integrated into her new life at the Avengers compound, she found herself forming strong bonds with her newfound teammates, particularly Steve. Their shared experiences and mutual respect for one another's skills fostered a deep camaraderie between them. 
Meanwhile, Bucky couldn't help but notice the growing closeness between Y/N and Steve. Though he was genuinely happy to see Y/N fitting in and forming connections, a twinge of jealousy whenever he observed his best friend with his former colleague.  
One evening, as the team gathered for a training session in the compound's gym, Bucky found himself watching Y/N and Steve spar, their movements synchronized and fluid. A surge of jealousy washed over him as he observed the easy vibe between them, the laughter and shared banter echoing true the air. 
Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Bucky excused himself from the training session, his footsteps heavy as he retreated to the solitude of his quarters. Alone with his thoughts, he grappled with the unsettling realization that he harboured feelings for Y/N.  
As the days turned into weeks, Bucky found himself withdrawing from Y/N, his heart heavy with a sense of longing and regret. He couldn't bear to see them together, to witness the bond they shared knowing that he could never compete. Even though he would want nothing more than to see his friend move on from the pain he had since Peggy died. 
Sensing Bucky's distance and noticing the subtle changes in his behaviour, Y/N couldn't help but feel concerned. She had grown accustomed to his presence and valued their friendship, so seeing him withdraw was disconcerting. Approaching him one afternoon in the Avengers compound. 
He was after all the only person she know for a long, long time. All thought she knew the winter soldier and not Bucky. Still, she felt he was her first friend. 
Y/N walked into his room, gently placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder, her expression soft with concern. "Hey, Buck," she began, her voice gentle yet determined. "Is everything okay? You seem... different lately." For a moment, he hesitated, unsure of how to articulate the turmoil raging within him. 
"Seeing you and Steve getting along so well, it's... it's been hard for me." 
Y/N's heart ached at Bucky's confession, her own feelings of empathy and compassion flooding through her. "James," she said softly, her voice tinged with understanding. "I value our friendship more than anything. I just like the fact that Steve gets us. Gets the struggle we have been through.”  
“He’s a friend. Nothing more.” she added not knowing this was what Bucky was asking, but needing to make sure he knew she had no feelings for his best friend. 
As Bucky and Y/N sat together, their conversation drifted to memories of their time together, the battles they had fought. Y/N seemed to be the only person he was able to talk to about his past. Knowing she won’t pity or judge him. 
"Do you remember that mission in Berlin 1963?" Bucky asked, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Y/N nodded "How could I forget?" she replied, "That was the mission where we pretended to be a couple to infiltrate the enemy's household as their neighbours." 
” You got out short after.” Bucky remembers. “Only to join the KGB’s black widow’s program.” she signs “Training killers. Not much better.” Bucky hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest. "And... do you remember... the kiss?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.  
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise at Bucky's question, her cheeks flushing with colour as the memory flooded back to her. "Yes," she admitted, her voice barely audible. "I remember everything, even when we were programmed.” 
"Natasha and Sam... they thought that we... at least once... slept together." 
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise at Bucky's revelation, her mind reeling with disbelief. "What? We've never... ""I know, I too remember everything. " He admitted quietly. "But I couldn't help but wonder... if maybe there was something more between us that night in Berlin." 
Y/N's heart skipped a beat. For a moment, the air between them crackled with unspoken tension, the weight of their shared history hanging heavy in the air. Y/N asked Bucky if he wanted more from the night in Berlin than just the kiss.  
"I often wondered why I kissed you, I wanted to believe that the kiss meant something more. That even though Hydra had me brainwashed, there was still a part me that had control over my feelings.” 
"Bucky," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath, "I had no idea." 
Bucky nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips as she reached out to cup his cheek, her touch gentle and reassuring. "You were my first kiss since 1941." He admits shy.  
"And the last... since." He looked in her eyes.  
With a gentle smile and a heart filled with tenderness, Y/N closed the distance between them, her movements guided by an unspoken understanding and a shared longing. As their lips met in a tender embrace, a surge of warmth spread through Bucky's chest. 
“Why don't you show me what you wanted that night.” Y/N's whispered words hung in the air, a gentle invitation laced with desire and vulnerability. With a trembling hand, Bucky cupped Y/N's cheek, his thumb tracing the curve of her jawline as he gazed into her eyes, searching for any sign of hesitation.  
Closing the distance between them once more, Bucky leaned in, his lips meeting Y/N's in a tender kiss that ignited a firestorm of passion between them. Their kiss was an exploration, a dance of lips and tongues that spoke volumes without the need for words. It was a promise of things to come, a declaration of their newfound connection and the depths of their desire. 
Y/N’s gaze flickered to his bionic arm, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. With a playful glint in his eye, he reached out, his fingers curling around Y/N's wrist as he guided her to the bed, hovering over her. "Care to explore the possibilities?" he murmured, his voice low and enticing as he pressed a soft kiss to Y/N's lips. 
Y/N's pulse quickened at the suggestion, her curiosity piqued as she traced the intricate patterns of the metal with her fingertips. “What do you have in mind Sergeant Barnes?” 
As Bucky's bionic finger gently wrapped around Y/N's neck, a jolt of electricity surged through her body, sending a shiver down her spine. She gasped softly, her eyes widening with a mixture of surprise and arousal as she felt the cool metal against her skin. 
Bucky's touch was firm yet tender, his gaze locked with hers as he leaned in closer, his breath warm against her ear. "You trust me?" he whispered. She nodded.  
In response, Y/N reached for the hem of Bucky's shirt, her fingers grazing the warm skin beneath as she peeled the fabric away, revealing the sculpted contours of his chest. Y/N's gaze lingered on the flesh and metal where Bucky's bionic arm seamlessly joined his shoulder.  
Her fingers tracing the scar. There was a raw beauty in the contrast between the warmth of his skin and the cool gleam of the metal, a physical manifestation of the complexities that made up Bucky Barnes. 
Bucky's breath caught in his throat at the sensation, his eyes locking with Y/N's in a silent exchange of understanding and acceptance. Bucky reached out, his fingers tangling in Y/N's hair as he drew her closer “How are we doing this Y/N? Soft or rough?”  
With a hunger that matched his, she met his gaze with a steely determination, her voice low and husky as she whispered, "Rough, Bucky. I want it rough." They abandoned themselves to the raw intensity of their desires, their movements fuelled by a primal need for release. 
Their kisses became bruising, their touches demanding as they explored each other. In that moment, there was no room for hesitation or restraint. Just as Bucky ripped the rest of their clothing to shreds, they hear the door.  
Startled, they turned to see Sam standing in the doorway, his expression a mixture of shock and disbelief. “Oh, I’m sorry...I'll... I'll give you two some privacy," Sam walked out. As the intensity of the moment faded, Bucky couldn't shake the feeling of embarrassment. 
"I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice tinged with self-doubt as he avoided Y/N's gaze, unable to meet her eyes. "I didn't mean to... let myself go like that." He left his room, leaving Y/N lying on his bed. Wondering why he just took off like that.  
In the days that followed the unexpected interruption, a tension lingered in the air between Bucky, Y/N, and Sam. Each interaction felt tinged with a subtle awkwardness, as if they were all tiptoeing around the elephant in the room. 
Sam cleared his throat, "Hey, guys," he began, his voice tinged with sincerity. "I just wanted to apologize for walking in on you the other day. I didn't mean to intrude." 
Bucky and Y/N exchanged a glance, Y/N spoke up with a small smile. 
"Actually, Sam," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "I think it was a good thing you walked in when you did. It prevented someone from making a big mistake.” Her eyes glanced at Bucky. 
Bucky's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at Y/N's words. As Y/N slipped out of the room, leaving Bucky and Sam behind, a sense of confusion settled over the two men. "Buck, did I say something wrong?" Sam asked, his brow furrowed with concern. Bucky shook his head. 
As Bucky approached Y/N's room, his footsteps heavy with the weight of his emotions, he hesitated at the threshold, unsure of how to proceed. But before he could gather the courage to knock, he caught a conversation between Y/N and Natasha.  
"...sex with Bucky?" Y/N's voice trailed off “I've... I've fantasized about him. Years ago, when we were still working together. I later realised I was fantasizing, in that moment I was programmed. But the other day ... when he took control. Fuck everything came back." 
Bucky's heart skipped a beat at Y/N's confession, he had never dared to entertain such thoughts, never allowed himself to imagine that Y/N might feel the same way about him.  
Later that night. 
Bucky found himself standing outside Y/N's door once more, his heart pounding with anticipation. The door opened, revealing Y/N standing before him. 
With a primal intensity burning within him, Bucky seized Y/N's hand and pulled her into the room, his movements fuelled by a hunger that left them both breathless. Without a word, he pushed her onto the bed, his eyes ablaze with desire as he hovered over her.  
Bucky's hands moved with purpose as he reached for the hem of Y/N's shirt, his touch sending shivers of anticipation coursing through her body. With a slow, deliberate motion, he pulled the fabric over her head, revealing the soft curves of her body beneath. 
"You like it when I take control?" he murmured, his voice thick with desire. "You want me to make you scream my name, to leave you trembling and begging for more." Y/N's breath hitched at Bucky's words, her body responding to his commanding tone with a surge of arousal that left her trembling with anticipation, she nodded eagerly. 
"You want me to take you hard, don't you?" he growled, his breath hot against her skin. "To make you mine in every way possible." Her voice trembling with anticipation. 
"I want to feel you," she gasped, her voice barely above a whisper. "All of you. Every inch of your body against mine." 
With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Bucky's hands trailed lower, teasingly tracing the curves of Y/N's body until they reached the hem of her panties. With a slow, deliberate motion, he hooked his fingers into the fabric and began to slide them down, his touch sending shivers of anticipation coursing through her. 
Y/N's breath caught in her throat as Bucky's hands explored the soft skin of her thighs, his touch igniting a firestorm of desire that left her trembling with need. With a playful grin, he teased her, tracing circles along her inner thighs before slowly moving closer to her centre. As Bucky's fingers danced tantalizingly close to her most sensitive areas. 
"Please, Bucky," she whimpered, her fingers clawing at the sheets beneath her as she arched into his touch. "Don't stop. I need you... I need more." Bucky's eyes darkened with desire as he listened to Y/N's pleas, his own need for her burning hotter than ever before.  
"You're so beautiful like this," he growled, his breath hot against her skin. "I love the way you moan for me, the way you beg for more." With a primal growl, Bucky pressed himself against Y/N. With one swift motion, he surged forward, his hips meeting hers in a powerful thrust that sent shockwaves of ecstasy coursing through them both. 
Y/N gasped as Bucky's body collided with hers, the force of his movement driving her wild with desire. With a low moan, she wrapped her legs around him, drawing him closer as she surrendered herself completely to the dizzying whirlwind of sensation. 
Bucky's movements grew more intense, his desire burning hotter with each passing moment. As he plunged deeper into Y/N, a surge of raw passion coursed through him, blurring the line between pleasure and pain. 
Y/N's cries of pleasure filled the room as Bucky's relentless onslaught sent waves of sensation crashing over her, her body trembling with the overwhelming rush of pleasure. With every thrust, she felt herself teetering on the brink, her need for release growing more urgent with each passing moment. 
As waves of pleasure washed over her, Y/N's cries of ecstasy filled the room, her body trembling with the overwhelming rush of sensation. But even as she reached the peak of pleasure, Bucky showed no signs of slowing down, his movements growing more relentless with each passing moment. 
With a gasp, Y/N pleaded with him, her voice thick with need. "Bucky, please," she whimpered, her fingers clawing at his back. "I can't... I need a moment." With a husky voice, Bucky encouraged Y/N, "You can do it, Doll. I’m not done yet."  
Bucky turned Y/N onto her stomach, as she surrendered herself to his command, Bucky's hands roamed over Y/N's exposed skin, tracing every curve and contour with a possessiveness. His hand grabbed her behind feeling how his metal hand hit her flesh.  
"You're going to lie down and do exactly what I say," he murmured, his voice thick with desire. "You're going to let me take control.” He hit her ass. With a primal growl, Bucky surrendered himself completely to the fiery passion that burned within him, thrusting himself into Y/N with an intensity that bordered on ferocity. 
As Bucky pushed deeper, Y/N felt herself stretched to her limits, the sensation both exhilarating and intense. With each thrust, she surrendered to the overwhelming pleasure of being completely filled by him, her body responding eagerly to his primal dominance.  
Bucky's relentless assault pushed her to new heights of ecstasy, with each powerful movement, she felt herself teetering on the edge, her need for release growing more urgent with each passing moment. 
With a primal instinct driving him, Bucky's metal arm wrapped around Y/N's neck, his touch both possessive and commanding. The pressure was firm but not suffocating, a gesture of dominance that sent a thrill coursing through Y/N's body. 
Feeling the strength of Bucky's grip, Y/N gasped, her breath catching in her throat as she surrendered to his control. As their passion reached its peak, both Bucky and Y/N surrendered completely to the overwhelming rush of sensation that consumed them.  
As the intensity of their passion began to subside, Bucky released his grip on Y/N's neck, dropping himself next to her. With concern in his eyes, he gently caressed her cheek. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine concern. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" 
Y/N smiled up at him, her eyes filled with warmth and affection. "No, Buck, I'm okay," she reassured him, reaching up to place a comforting hand on his arm. "You didn't hurt me. That was... incredible." Relief flooded Bucky's features as he let out a sigh, his tension melting away at her words. "I'm glad," he murmured. 
Bucky's voice was hesitant. "Um," he began, his eyes searching hers for reassurance. "Was this... I mean, was it just a one-time thing? Or... do you want it to be more?" Y/N's heart skipped a beat at Bucky's question, the vulnerability in his expression, the complete opposite of the man who fucked her minutes ago.  
She reached out, gently cupping his cheek as she met his gaze with a reassuring smile. "This doesn't have to be a one-time thing," she replied softly, her voice filled with sincerity. "If you want more, if you want us to explore this... whatever it is between us, then I'm all in." 
Please feel free to like, share or comment. Make sure you check out my masterlist.    
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nocluejustexisting · 10 months
Resurfacing Shadows Series
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OC Villain
Warning: 18+ only, angst, mention of suicide, bullying, future smuts (more will be added through the series)
Summary: Steve Rogers x OC Villain
In the dimly lit underground lair of a clandestine Hydra compound, a flickering fluorescent light revealed a high-tech laboratory shrouded in secrecy. The ominous hum of machines and the acrid scent of chemicals hung heavy in the air. In the center of the room stood a figure, her silhouette casting eerie shadows on the walls.
The woman, known within Hydra as Agent Viper, had undergone a transformation that defied the laws of nature. Her eyes gleamed with an otherworldly, malevolent light. She possessed powers beyond comprehension—demonic energy capable of destroying reality itself.
As she conducted her sinister experiments that involve harnessing her demonic energy to create devices capable of unleashing catastrophic destruction upon the world. These malevolent experiments are designed to develop weapons of mass devastation, posing a grave threat to global security and stability. As she delves deeper into this dark research, Viper becomes increasingly aware of the destructive potential of her actions, setting the stage for her eventual redemption as she grapples with the consequences of her choices.
Agent Viper couldn't help but recall her past. A past that involved a scrawny, frail boy named Steve Rogers, the same Steve Rogers who had become Captain America, a symbol of hope and justice.
Long before the Super-Soldier Serum had transformed Steve into the superhuman icon he was today, he had been a target of relentless torment. The memory of her cruel actions toward him in the crowded streets of Brooklyn that haunted her.
Agent Viper had been Steve's childhood bully, and she had made his life a living hell. Her taunts and relentless ridicule had nearly crushed the spirit of the young, weak Steve Rogers. She had planted seeds of doubt in his mind, making him question whether he even wanted to go on living.
But fate had a twisted sense of humor. On that fateful day when Steve Rogers had taken the Super-Soldier Serum, his life had taken a radically different turn. He had become Captain America, a symbol of courage and resilience. Agent Viper, on the other hand, had been left behind in the dust of history, until now.
As she felt the power coursing through her, Agent Viper couldn't help but wonder what Steve Rogers would think if he saw her now. Would he recognize the face of his tormentor from a bygone era in this powerful, malevolent being?
The past, once buried deep within the recesses of her mind, clawed its way back to the surface, intertwining with her newfound abilities. Agent Viper knew that her past and Steve Rogers' past were forever intertwined, and the specter of their shared history would play a pivotal role in the battles to come.
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natti-ice · 2 months
18+ mdni
a/n: this is a edited version of an old post of mine!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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You riding on top of him rocking back and forth on his dick taking every inch of him, you’re in complete euphoria, one hand on his chest for balance while you use the other to circle your clit. You can feel yourself getting close, you keep your pace focusing on cumming. He watches himself disappear inside of you, when your hand catches his eye. He lightly grabs your wrist pulling you out of your daze.
“Let me taste you” he says in a husky voice
You smirk before pulling your hand from your clit and bring your fingers up to his mouth. You lightly brush them against his lips before slipping them into his mouth, he immediately starts sucking on them bobbing his head back and forth, his tongue dances on the pads of your fingertips.
This made you even wetter if that was even possible, he slowly pulls your fingers out of his mouth making sure he didn’t miss anything
“Fuckin perfect.”
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eva-knits12 · 2 months
Lazy Weekend
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Trigger warning: smut, multiple orgasms-both male and female, male and female giving oral, female and male receiving oral, watching each other masturbate, praise kink, dirty talk (not in a degrading way), fingering, overstimulation, orgasm denial, fluff.
*This will be an 18+ over story. So if you're a minor, PLEASE DON'T READ. If you're 18+, read at your own risk!
Summary: Your fiance Steve Rogers comes back from a mission, and you both spend a lazy weekend together.
Steve is sleeping on his back, his arms wrapped you. He pulled you closer to him so that you could sleep on his chest. Your engagement ring sparkles in the early morning sunlight. Steve proposed to you on your birthday the year before, and he proposed with his mother's ring. He had it sized before he even popped the question.
The mission was to rescue and release hostages. The hostages were being held on a cruise ship, right off the coast of Spain. Tony and you both spoke fluent Spanish, so Tony really needed you. This wasn't your first mission where you were using the skills that you learned, thanks to your promotion. You really didn't want to mess it up. Everyone, including Nick Fury and Agent Coulson were also counting on you. You used the security cameras to guide everyone to safety.
You and Steve were exhausted. It was 9 a.m. by the time you both woke up. The automatic coffee pot made coffee earlier, but it was still on.
You and Steve were just going to have a lazy weekend together, and it wasn't often that you two had this. You and Steve had been planning for your spring wedding, and it was taking up a lot of time. This wasn't just any day. This was a day where you and Steve would become husband and wife, and spend the rest of your days as such. Today, you didn't have a dress fitting, and your bridesmaids have already had their dresses fitted. You also picked out the cake, the flavor, and planned on having cupcakes that looked like a waterfall.
Your and Steve's wedding was only a few weeks away, but it felt like it would be days away. Plus, your bridesmaids were throwing you a bridal shower next week, so having a lazy weekend with just you and Steve was a welcome change.
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Steve had a few days old beard, and he always looked sexier with it. You and Steve were naked under the covers, and you both enjoyed a round of love making, which was your custom after missions. You both would have made love on the quinjet, but you both wanted to wait until you both got home, and were in bed. You both showered together afterwards, and made love in the privacy of your own home. In a way it was better than the quinjet, and Tony wasn't even around. If you both had, Tony would never shut up about it.
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You just felt even more beautiful right now. Steve was right, you have a glow after you and Steve make love. Part of that glow was just from being in love with Steve, part of that was from making love to the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with.
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After a while, Steve comes back with two cups of coffee, one black, the other with some vanilla caramel creamer and two sugars. You brush your teeth and wash your face while Steve fixes the coffee.
Steve is wearing his tank top and boxers. You're wearing a pair of panties and one of Steve's large hoodies. Steve is busy reading his book, and you're reading yours. Steve and you are just enjoying your coffee.
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"Mmm, Steve, don't stop," you say.
Steve put his book down, and removed your hoodie, leaving you in nothing but your panties. Steve is kissing your bare shoulder, and your neck, and it feels so good.
"I can do this all day," says Steve, as he's kissing you all over right now.
"Mmmm, then we can spend the rest of the weekend in bed," you say.
"What's even better, is seeking you naked all weekend, doll," says Steve.
You and Steve wouldn't mind being naked all weekend.
You both finish your coffee. You and Steve don't get in the shower right away, instead, Steve kisses you lovingly.
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"I love you, doll," says Steve.
"I love you, too, Captain Sexy Spangled Man," you say.
Steve and you kiss deeply and passionately. Steve lowers you down on the bed, and focuses on your more sensitive spots. You're enjoying the sensation, and you eventually remove Steve's tank top. He looked even sexier shirtless. Your panties are starting to become wet from your own arousal.
Steve starts to go down on you, and you are loving the sensation. Steve's kissing every inch of your pussy, and it's now starting to become soaked with your juices. You remove Steve's boxers, and lick your lips. You need Steve inside you NOW!
"Steve, please. Please! I need you, I need you inside me," you say.
"Mmm, soon doll, soon." says Steve.
You grab a hold of Steve. Steve's erection just feels good. You start to stroke him, and Steve let's out a moan. Beads of pre-cum were leaking out of his now swollen, red tip. Steve couldn't wait to be inside you. His erection was becoming more painful, more swollen, and was really throbbing.
When you were holding Steve's painfully erect penis in your hand, it turned Steve on even more! It turned you on, too because it felt good to hold Steve's erect penis, and you just loved the feeling of it. You also loved stroking him and it always felt beautiful, special, and Steve loved it. He loved how you made your strokes loving, and found a pace that worked for the both of you.
"Don't stop, doll," says Steve.
Steve has a look of pleasure and relief. You keep stroking him, because it's helping him feel much better right now.
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"Are you feeling much better, Captain?" you ask.
Steve looked painful and uncomfortable. You keep stroking him until he felt better. Beads of pre-cum were still leaking out of him. Eventually, some semen started to leak out, leaving a white streak on your thigh. Steve was trying to keep his cum in. He really was waiting until he was inside you. He wanted to make sure you took every drop of him.
"OH, FUCK DOLL!" says Steve, as pleasure and relief washed over him.
Steve removes your panties, leaving you completely nude. Steve kisses every inch of your now naked and completely soaked vagina, Steve's tongue was dipping in and out, and he was also fluttering kisses to the lips of your pussy. Steve eventually reached down and was rubbing your nub with his thumb and forefinger, which was now swollen. It felt warm, and Steve wasn't too fast or too slow. His pace was perfect. With his other hand, he's dipping two fingers in and out of you, and this feels amazing. Steve always done this, giving you that clitoral stimulation that he heard so much about, You explained it to him, and what you can do. Steve wanted to try using his fingers on you, and he heard about this. This was all about pleasure for the both of you.
Steve and you tried different types of this, and Steve found toys too intimidating. He tried using a dildo, but found it confusing. You explained that he can use his fingers, if he liked, and he was willing to try that, and that he can use his other hand to stretch you, and his dominant hand to also stimulate you. When Steve tried it with his hands, you let your pleasure was over you. Steve was also turned on by this. You've been using this method ever since, since it worked for the both of you. You explained that clitoral stimulation just isn't for you, it's also for him. You both needed to be stimulated in order to make sex more pleasurable and more enjoyable for the both of you.
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You also explained that one of you could sit, while the other masturbated. You could have him watch you masturbate, if that's a preference. Steve was curious about that one! So, one night, when you and Steve wanted to experiment with a different method of making love, you both watched each other masturbate. It turned out that it was a huge turn on for the both of you.
You started, slowly. You stood in front of him, you reached down, and started to rub your clit. You used your other hand to stimulate the feeling of Steve's cock inside you. Eventually, you let go, and your orgasm turned Steve on.
Then, it was your turn to watch Steve. You watched Steve, stroke himself. He kept doing this, and it was slow at first, the pace being perfect. Eventually, Steve lost control, and went faster. Steve let go, letting out a guttural grunt, but Steve was still erect. You told Steve to switch places, he could sit there, and he could spread his legs a bit to make room. You kissed Steve lovingly and passionately, paid close attention to his sensitive spots, and then straddled him. You grabbed the condom he remembered to grab, opened it, and then rolled it on him. He had his first orgasm as you were rolling it on him. You grabbed his cock, lined yourself up with him, and pulled him inside you. You both had sex right then and there, but it felt like it was so much more.
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You also explained that you could both try making love using different positions. You explain that he can try ones where you're on top, and he's on the bottom. He very much liked the mastery. After watching each other masturbate, you loved to initiate sex. For Steve, it helped him, too. It made him appreciate you more, and he saw a side of you that he never saw before. It turned out you did have a bossy, dominant side that only came out during sex. Steve loved this! It helped him turn off his captain switch.
You explained how different positions make the act of sex more pleasurable, and that it was good for the both of you. Missionary was tried and true, but it gets boring having sex in one position only. So, the mastery was a winner. Doggy style-both the original and the standing version was another clear winner. Spoon was a winner. Lotus was also a clear winner. You explained that the different positions were for the both of you. Spoon and missionary were the perfect positions for lazy, slow, and perfect sex.
You also explained that lots of couples watch porn, and that's enough stimulation for some couples. You both tried that one, but it just didn't feel right for the both of you. Watching each other masturbate was the one!
You also explained that you could both make a video of the both of you having sex, and that lots of couples do this. You and Steve try that, and it was a clear winner. Steve and you had your own personal version of porn for just the both of you. This helped with watching each other masturbate because it helped give you that visual, and it helped move things along for the both of you.
"Steve, please, don't stop," you say.
Steve keeps going, and he keeps kissing your pussy, and he keeps dipping his tongue in and out. The feeling of his beard against your naked pussy just added to the sensation. He kept rubbing your clit, and you felt the coil in your belly about to snap.
Finally, the coil in your belly snaps, and there's no going back now. You let it happen. You feel it happening.
"OH, FUCK! FUCK STEVE! OH, FUCK!" you scream, as your first orgasm washes over you.
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"That's it, doll. Keep going," says Steve.
"Keep working your way through this, doll. You're doing great, keep going," says Steve.
"Let it out. Don't hold back my beautiful dirty doll. Let it out," says Steve.
You keep going, and Steve keeps talking your through your orgasm. Your orgasm is over in no time.
"Good girl," praises Steve.
Steve is still rubbing your nub, and is still dipping his fingers in and out of you. Your juices from your arousal are all over his fingers.
"OH GOD! FUCK STEVE!" you scream, as this next one washes over you.
You let you orgasm happen, and Steve works through it.
When you had your first orgasm, Steve liked to talk you through it, and work through it, which helped the both of you.
Good girl," says Steve.
Steve raises his fingers to you, which are now covered in your juices. This was something new, and Steve really wanted to explore this.
"There you go, keep sucking," says Steve.
Steve is talking you through this, and you also discover that you like this. It seems so innocent, but so dirty, to be sucking the arousal off of your fiance's fingers.
"Mmm," you say.
"How does it taste? I bet it tastes sweet," says Steve.
"Mmmmmm, this tastes so sweet, and it tastes so good," you say.
"There you go, keep sucking, You're doing great," says Steve, as he's rubbing your clit. The more stimulated the both of you were, the better.
"Keep sucking, you'll be rewarded," says Steve.
"Are you finished? Do you still need to keep sucking your juices from your pussy?" says Steve.
"I still need to keep sucking, Captain," you say.
"Good girl," says Steve, when you not only said your need, you also called him Captain.
Steve also discovered that you had a praise kink, and he took that and ran with it. He didn't take advantage of it, You both discovered this by accident. You and Steve were making your first video of the both of you having sex, and well, Steve started to praise you. You loved it, and he praised you when you had an orgasm. That made him even harder, and when it was your turn, you also discovered that he actually liked dirty talk. Yep, Captain "Language" America actually liked dirty talk in the bedroom. Who knew?
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Steve wasn't even inside you, yet. Your orgasm actually pleased you, and it pleased him, and only caused him to become harder. Steve had even more cum leak out of his already swollen cock.
Eventually, Steve grabs himself, lines himself up with you, and with you also holding him, you both guide him inside you. Semen was already coming out of him at at unholy speed. You're legs are already spread, and Steve welcome this. He kisses you passionately and deeply, and you both just lie there for a few minutes. You just feeling Steve inside you just made him feel even better. He wanted to wait for a few minutes until the swelling went down even more. You let out a sigh, and Steve lets out a guttural moan when he enters you.
"That's it. You get to now have my cock. You've been waiting, and you've been so good, my dirty slut," says Steve.
"Shit, doll! Oh, fuck. this feels good!" says Steve.
Steve's cum was already starting to fill you, and seeing you enjoy the sensation of Steve's cum filling you was turning Steve on even more. You were turned on by the very feeling of Steve being inside you, filling you with his hot, white cum, and it actually felt good for the both of you. This was the first time you and Steve didn't use a condom, so sex actually felt even better, because there was nothing between your bodies. Normally, you or Steve would reach for a condom. Not this morning. You and Steve discussed this ahead of time, and Steve wanted to wait until you both got back from the mission.
Steve and you kiss lovingly and deeply again, this time Steve starts to move. You rock your hips, and Steve welcomes this. This time, Steve starts out slow, and you love this. Steve and you would speed up to an even faster pace that was perfect for the both of you.
"Shit, doll. You feel so good! This feels so good!" says Steve.
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"Mmm, Steve. Please," you say, as Steve is kissing the spot on your neck that is making you see stars.
"Mmm, right there," you say.
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"Please, what, dirty little whore?" says Steve.
"Please, don't stop. Please, move inside me," you say.
"That's better, my dirty doll," says Steve.
Steve moves inside you, and you let you're primal urge to come happen. Steve feels this, too. You need to come, he needs you to come. You feel the coil in your belly snapping.
"OH GOD! FUCK STEVE! FUCK!" you scream.
"Good girl," praises Steve.
Steve is still moving inside you, and he now feels much better and much more comfortable. Making love to you right now was keeping him going. Releasing his warm, white liquid inside you was keeping him going, and you anticipating this was even more of a turn on. Just helping your fiance with his painful, swollen erection was enough of a turn on for the both of you
Eventually, you wrap your legs around Steve, giving him a new angle. Steve is welcoming the new angle, and eventually, he picks up the pace. You welcome this.
"Not sure how much longer I'm going to last, doll," says Steve.
Eventually, Steve speeds up, and his thrusts have now become faster and sloppier. Steve slows down, and in one final thrust, he lets go inside you.
"OH, GOD! "OH, FUCK, CAPTAIN! OH, GOD!" you let go, letting pleasure wash over you.
"Good girl," says Steve.
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"OH, FUCK, DOLL! SHIT, DOLL!" screams Steve, as his orgasm washes over him, making you have another orgasm that was completely unexpected, and came out of nowhere.
"OH, FUCK! OH, FUCK CAPTAIN! OH, MY FUCKING GOD, CAPTAIN!" you scream, as your final orgasm washes over you.
"Good girl," says Steve.
You feel Steve twitch inside you, and you also feel his warm white liquid being released inside you. Ropes and ropes of his cum were already being released inside you, and they were filling you in a way that satisfied you. It was also satisfying for Steve, knowing that your and Steve's lovemaking made you both feel pleased, and it was better than your ex-partners. You pull Steve down for a loving and passionate kiss, and you and Steve just lie there. Steve is still inside you, and you're both coming down from your highs.
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"I love you, Captain Handsome," you say.
"I love you, doll," says Steve.
You and Steve kiss passionately again, and Steve rolls off you, wrapping you in his arms.
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"Mmm, that was amazing, Steve," you say.
"Mmm, that was the best," says Steve.
With all the wedding planning, missions, and the fact that you were working more, love making between you and Steve also fell by the wayside. But today, it was all about your and Steve's primal urge to express your love as a couple.
You kiss Steve lovingly, and are just lying with Steve, under the covers. You and Steve are just staring at each other lovingly, and Steve kisses you lovingly again. Steve grabs some boxers and his favorite hoodie, and Steve grabs one of his hoodies, and a pair of panties for you. Steve grabs some socks for the both of you, and you get a glimpse of Steve. Steve pulls the covers off you, picks you up and carries you bridal style to the shower.
"Mmm, Steve," you say.
Steve and you strip down, and Steve backs you into the shower. You turn on the water, and the next thing you both knew, you and Steve enjoy round two in the shower.
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As your drying yourselves off when your both done, Steve wraps his towel around his waist. You're dry, you just comb your hair and put on your moisturizer.
Steve is just sitting in the bed, with his towel still on.
"Clothing optional weekend, Cap. Permission to remove my hoodie!" you say.
"Permission granted," says Steve.
You rock your hips back and forth, causing you and Steve to both laugh. You give Steve a loving kiss, and start to focus on his sensitive spots. To be honest, you and Steve have always been curious about males receiving oral sex from their partners. Steve heard about this, but never experienced your lips being wrapped around his cock. Steve started to have another erection, when you removed your hoodie, and stood there, in nothing but your bra and panties. You reach back, undo your bra, and remove it. Steve was becoming more erect.
"Stay just like that, Steve. If it feels uncomfortable, the safe word is Brooklyn," you say.
"It's about our pleasure, and our comfort," you say, giving Steve a quick kiss, and you kiss him passionately after a while. You pay close attention to his sensitive spots, lingering at each spot.
Steve was sitting on the bed, his erection on full display.
"Just spread your legs slightly more," you say.
Steve spreads his legs a little more.
"That's it, Steve. Right there," you say
You knelt down, and started to kiss his length, making sure each one lingered a little longer. You see his swollen head, and get excited. You wrap your lips around, and start to play with him, using your tongue, pulling in him a little more every time. You pull him in as far as you can go, and as far as he feels comfortable.
Eventually, you finish. You and Steve didn't use the safe word, because you took your time, which Steve welcomed. What you couldn't fit, you stroked. Plus, you trusted each other enough to try new things and explore in the bedroom. Well, wrapping your mouth around Steve's erect penis actually felt better than expected. You and Steve didn't see what the big deal was, it was just an erect penis, and the woman he loved was making this kind of sex more intimate. Steve had hooded eyes the whole time, and even put your hair back in a ponytail.
Steve ejaculated into your mouth, letting ropes of his warm white semen fill your mouth, and you swallowed his warm white liquid. It actually felt good doing down your throat.
"Mmmm, that was better than I thought," says Steve.
"It wasn't even gross, or disgusting. It was amazing," you say.
Giving Steve oral wasn't just for you. it wasn't just for Steve. it was for the both of you, and for Steve, it felt better to be on the receiving end of it, and you giving. You just sat there, with your head on Steve's lap. Steve was sitting on the bed, completely naked, and is lovingly stroking your hair.
You and Steve just enjoy the silence, with Steve still stroking your hair, and your head is still on his lap.
"Mmm, I'm hungry, doll. Breakfast?" says Steve.
"Mmmm, that sounds good. It will taste even better after sex," you say.
Steve puts on his boxers, and his hoodie, but you just wanted Steve shirtless right now. You throw on your hoodie, but leave your bra on the floor. You're only wearing your panties underneath the hoodie.
You pull out the bacon, and Steve gets the eggs. Your fixing the bacon, and Steve lines a plate with paper towels. Steve stands behind you, and puts his arms around your waist.
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The bacon is ready, and Steve cooks the eggs. You make the toast, and butter it. You place the jelly on the table, and then slice the toast, and place it on a smaller plate on the table.
You and Steve talk and eat. The breakfast tastes way better than it should. Why did breakfast always taste much better after morning sex?
You and Steve clean up, and you load the dishwasher. Steve comes up behind you. He wraps his arms around your waist, and then grabs your chin, and turns your head towards him. He kisses you lovingly, and when you and Steve break the kiss, you lean your head back into his shoulder. You two just stay there, and Steve starts to kiss your neck. You move your head to the side to make more room. He's kissing you in the spot that's making you see stars.
Steve and you were still in hoodies, and he reaches up, and starts to play with your nipple. This is form of stimulation also worked for the both of you, and you discovered this, when you two tried the modified version of doggy style. Eventually, you reach back, and pull his boxers down just enough to release his now erect penis. You grab his cock, and rub it against your clothed pussy.
Steve reaches down, and removes your panties. They slide down the floor, then Steve keeps his hands around your waist. You reach down, and start to rub your nub. Steve eventually removes your hand, and replaces it with his own fingers. You start to dip your fingers inside you, and when they're nice and lubricated, you reach up, and place them in Steve's mouth.
"Mmmm, doll," says Steve.
"You taste so sweet and so good," says Steve.
You eventually grab a hold of Steve and start to pump. Steve enjoys this new sensation, and he keeps rubbing your nub. Eventually, you remove your hand from Steve's cock, feeling that he is stimulated just enough. This morning, he was so overstimulates, and in pain from holding his cum in. You explained that even though you and Steve started having sex without a condom, holding his cum in wasn't good for him. It needed to be released, and if some is released before he's inside you, it's okay. He didn't have to wait, his penis was painful, throbbing, and uncomfortable from holding it earlier. The sex-including oral, and including right now-was the perfect way to release whatever semen was left over. In fact, you realized earlier that Steve was overstimulated.
"Steve, please," you say.
"Watch me, baby. Watch me make the cum come out of my cock," says Steve.
You kneel down on the kitchen floor, and just watch Steve pleasure himself. He keeps going until his cum leaves his swollen, erect cock in thick, white ropes. You remove your hoodie, and are now completely naked.
"Wait, Captain," you say.
"That's it, kneel just like that," says Steve.
You kneel on the linoleum floor, and Steve has grabbed a hold of his cock. You start to suck on his cock, and Steve helps things along by pumping himself, and you've grabbed onto his hips for support. You've never tried this with Steve standing up, but you two could do it with him lying or sitting. That's was well and good, and you and Steve wanted to try it this way. What better time like the present?
"Good girl. You're such a good dirty little whore," says Steve.
Cum is now being released into your mouth, and your pumping what you can't take. You keep swallowing, and Steve and you are actually enjoying this. Steve keeps praising you, telling you that you are taking this so good, and that's this is what you, his good, dirty little slut and him need to do more often. You and Steve have done this before, but not in the kitchen, You've done this in the bedroom. You and Steve just wanted to try this out of curiosity, and well, you both liked it. When Steve is done, you lick him clean.
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Eventually, Steve helps you back up. You lean on the counter to help you regain your sense of balance, and as you lean forward, Steve grabs his penis, which is now even more erect, then enters you from behind. He starts to kiss your neck, and Steve starts his thrusts. He found a rhythm that worked for the both of you.
"FUCK, DOLL!" says Steve.
"OH FUCK, CAPTAIN!" you say, your orgasm washing over you.
"Keep going, keep moving. That's it, just like that," says Steve.
You're leaning forward, and your moving your hips back and forth. Steve is thrusting into you, and Steve is praising you.
"You're doing so well, dirty doll, taking your Captain so good," says Steve.
You an Steve keep this up, and you feel another orgasm coming. Steve feels it, too, so he tells you to just let this happen and to just let it out.
"OH, FUCK STEVE! GOD STEVE!" you scream.
"Good girl," says Steve.
Steve loved talking you through your orgasms, and he loved praising you when you had one.
"You're holding back, doll. Just let it happen," says Steve, when he sensed that you were holding back, because you really wanted him to watch you pleasure yourself, so you wanted to save some of your energy.
"FUCK STEVE! OH MY FUCK, STEVE!" you scream.
"That's better," says Steve,
You and Steve keep at this for a while, and Steve finishes. You feel Steve's final thrust, and you feel ropes of his cum being released inside you.
For holding back, Steve denied you your next orgasm. Which was fine.
"For holding back, you can't have this next one. Resist the urge, doll. Cum for me when I say so," says Steve.
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Your urge to have your orgasm is stronger than ever after a few minutes, so you ask for Steve's permission.
"Permission to come, Captain?" you ask.
"Permission denied. I can't let you come yet," says Steve, who has arms around you, and has his fingers dipping in and out of you.
"You still can't come. You may come when I'm finished," says Steve.
You were trying your hardest to resist, but every time you wanted to, Steve kept denying you.
"Nope, not until I'm ready," says Steve.
"But Captain...I need," you plead.
"Nope, permission denied," says Steve.
Steve comes back around, so that he's now facing you.
"Okay, please pleasure yourself for me. Remember, you can't cum until I say so," says Steve.
You immediately start to pleasure yourself. You keep going, and keep going and keep going. Steve is enjoying this, eventually you feel like you're about to snap, permission from Steve be damned.
"Okay, now you may come doll," says Steve, seeing you tear up. Steve didn't want you to suffer any longer.
You let each orgasm wash over you, and the last one is the strongest.
"That's it, keep it coming," says Steve.
Steve backs into a chair, and sits and watches, while you continue to masturbate, and have orgasm after orgasm.
"Good girl," says Steve.
You keep going until you bottom out. You're just exhausted from having multiple orgasms. You're exhausted from masturbating until you came on your fiance's command. You're exhausted from the earlier round.
"Here, come sit on your Captain's lap," says Steve.
You go to put your panties and your hoodie back on, but Steve stops you.
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"Don't bother with clothes, doll," says Steve.
"Come here," says Steve,
You do as your told, and sit in Steve's lap. Steve wraps his arms around you, and kisses your cheek, and lovingly strokes your hair. Your head is resting on his shoulder.
"Mmm, that was the best kitchen sex we've had," says Steve.
"We're making up for a ton of lost time," you say.
"Mmmm, true. I miss this," says Steve.
"I miss this, too," you say.
You and Steve didn't realize how much you two missed the act of sex because you both had been busy with missions, paperwork, meetings, and wedding planning. So far, this morning just felt like you had weeks of pent up sex and pent up desire just needing an outlet. Back to the tried and true later. You and Steve needed to let this out, you and him needed this outlet. It actually felt better now that you two were letting it happen. It's as if the last several weeks were waiting for the both of you. You and Steve had a healthy sex life. You made love five nights a week. Sunday, Monday, Thursday Friday, and Saturday were the days you and Steve often had sex. Those mornings, you also had morning sex. That helped Steve get rid of his morning wood. When this happened the first time, Steve apologized.
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"Try peeing right now, Steve," you tell Steve.
"You have nothing to apologize for. It's normal," you say.
Steve tried to pee, but just couldn't. He wasn't pee shy. You told Steve to come back to bed, you had another idea. You kissed Steve passionately, and you two proceeded to make love. That was actually more helpful to the both of you. When Steve got up again, you went and made the coffee, and Steve peed. You saw him grabbing himself, standing with toilet seat up, and he was emptying his bladder. It helped to pee after sex. Steve wiped himself, flushed, then washed his hands. You peed, then brushed your teeth.
Your hand is across his chest, and Steve starts to gently rock you. The gentle rocking lulls you to sleep. Steve continues to rock you, and sees that you've fallen asleep. He kisses your forehead, and he gets up, and carries you to the couch. He lays you on the couch, covering you with a blanket. He gathers his boxers, your panties, and both of your hoodies. He neatly folds everything, and places them on the recliner. Steve gets behind you, and falls asleep next to you. Steve wraps you in his arms, and Steve falls asleep, too. The mornings sessions really wore the both of you out, so a nice, long afternoon nap in each other's arms was just what you two needed.
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You and Steve wake up, and Steve kisses your shoulder, and down your arm.
"Mmmm, can we just lie here and spoon, doll? says Steve.
"Mmm, permission granted," you say.
You feel Steve's hard on, and you explain what you want Steve to do.
"I'm going to back into you, slowly, okay," you say.
You pull Steve down for a loving and passionate kiss. You grab Steve from behind, and he grabs himself. He lines himself up with you, then you both guide him in. You back up as far as possible, and you and him start to move together.
"Cum with me," you say.
You both have an orgasm together. Steve and you kept going until you both bottomed out.
You and Steve have lunch, then have dinner. You and Steve wake on the couch the next morning, and it's Sunday. Lazy morning sex was just what was needed. You and Steve make love, slowly, and you have an orgasm. Steve praises this.
You and Steve just spend the rest of the day being lazy slobs, much like you did yesterday in between rounds. Today, it was just about being lazy, and you and Steve snuggle on the couch. You kiss Steve lovingly and passionately after you two watch one of the videos of you two having sex, and Steve is completely nude, and he was masturbating, his hot, white liquid coming out of his cock. Steve can't even move, he's that hard. So, you kiss him passionately, then kiss him all over, focusing on his sensitive spots.
"Here, let me," you say, as you straddle him.
You grab his cock, line yourself up with him, and then you lower yourself down on him, and Steve responds. You keep at this, until the coil in Steve is ready to snap.
"FUCK DOLL! FUCK, DIRTY LITTLE DOLL!" screams Steve as his orgasm washes over him.
"That's it, Captain Fuckmerica, just like that," you say.
Now, that was a new one! Steve kisses you passionately, after he pulls you down. He loved it when you took control, and set the pace, and set the stage. It made the both you feel stimulated, because it allowed for you take control, and it allowed for Steve for much better stimulation, and he didn't need to work as hard to get you going. It was good for him, because it allowed him to for much better access to your pussy and your clit, and it also allowed him to take a back seat and just enjoy the act of sex, and he could just enjoy being inside you.
Steve loved dirty talk, mostly it was him talking dirty to you. It was new for you, too. So, you both love dirty talk, and you needed to do this more often to him.
"Mmm, doll, says Steve.
"OH FUCK! STEVE, FUCK!" you scream.
"Good girl," says Steve.
You kept going, and Steve kept praising you. After you finish, you're sitting on Steve's lap, and kiss him passionately.
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"Mmm, doll. That was perfect," says Steve.
"Steve, this was amazing, it was even more beautiful, it was even more perfect," you say, and kiss Steve lovingly.
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You're still in Steve's lap, and you and Steve just sit there, with Steve lovingly stroking your hair. Steve kisses you lovingly, gets up, and carries you bridal style to the bed. Steve and you just have some plain, good old fashioned, missionary sex.
The lazy, sex filled weekend was just what your both needed. You and Steve take a nice, long bath together, and Steve rubs your little nub, and then dips his fingers in and out of you.
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You enjoy this. When you and Steve get out of the bath, Steve sits on the bed, cross legged, hoping to hide is erection. You see Steve's erect penis, and you start to gently stroke him. You kiss him lovingly and passionately, and Steve grabs your hips so that you won't fall off him. You sit with your legs on either side of hips, and grab his cock, and you line yourself up up with him. You guide him inside you, and you rock your hips. Steve starts to thrust, and you let Steve have the first orgasm.
"Come on, Steve. You get to have the first one. Don't hold back, just let it out," you say.
"SHIT, DOLL!" screams Steve.
'FUCK CAPTAIN!" you scream.
"Good girl," says Steve.
You feel Steve twitch inside you, and he releases ropes of his cum inside you.
The candlelight just added a nice, romantic feel to the bedroom. The light catches your engagement ring, and it sparkles. After, you just hold Steve in your arms, with him resting on your breasts.
You and Steve just loved the Lotus position. You loved how closer you two became, and you just loved the intimacy of the position. It really allowed for the both of you to enjoy each other, and for Steve, it allowed him to feel even more stimulated, and it allowed better clitoral stimulation for you. It also allowed Steve to feel you at an even better angle. You were right. Clitoral stimulation wasn't just for you, it was also for Steve.
The next day, you and Steve wake up in each other's arms. That morning, you and Steve just enjoy some nice, lazy morning sex. You just lay there, wrapped in his arms, and it feels so good. Before you and Steve get ready for work, you and Steve have some shower sex.
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It's like this for the next several days. On Thursday, you start your period, so Steve spends the rest of the weekend taking care of you. It gave you both the chance to rest, and it gave him and you the chance to have some true intimacy. You two just make out right in the shower, and then in the bath when you take a hot bath to help relieve your cramps.
You and Steve need to have lazy, sex-filled weekends more often.
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Sorry, people. I had to make this 18+ because this took a direction that I really wasn't expecting. I just decided to run with it, and it just worked out. Please be kind, because I don't write smut at all. This is my first time writing smut. I also wanted to add in some fluff. Please keep in mind, kinks should be mutual. Anything you and your partner want to do in the bedroom should be discussed by the both of you, and always remember to get consent. Also, please remember to use protection. I don't have to remind people, it's just common sense. In this, unprotected sex was discussed by two consenting adults. So, with that being said, please remember that anything you want to do with your partner, discuss with your partner. Also, it's okay to discover new things in the bedroom. In this, the the reader and Steve discover that the reader also likes dirty talk. Dirty talk should also be discussed-what terms do you both prefer, what you're comfortable with, how far are you both willing to go, etc.-with your partner. Also, remember that clitoral stimulation-or any stimulation-isn't just for you, it's also for your partner. You don't have to use toys. Toys aren't for everyone, so you and partner can also experiment with what your like in order to get stimulated. Just remember, certain things just aren't for everyone.
Please enjoy!
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krirebr · 7 months
Ugh, it's a bad migraine day. Thinking about a soft Steve coming over to take care of me.
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Because of all his previous medical issues, he'd understand how exhausting and discouraging it all is for me. So he'd make sure my ice cap is cold and ready. He'd start a load of the laundry that's been piling up and order groceries for me when he sees how bare my fridge is. He'd make sure my dog is taken care of. Then he'd crawl into bed with me and use his big hands to work out the knots in my neck and shoulders, softly murmuring to me the whole time.
He'd very seriously ask if an orgasm might help, and I'd laugh in spite of myself. His hand would snake down to between my legs, and his fingers would gently work their way between my folds and carefully circle my clit. His lips would travel up and down my neck, and he'd tell me how good and strong I am. When I came, whining his name, the rush of dopamine and oxytocin would genuinely relieve some of the pain. I'd fall asleep right there.
When I woke up, feeling better, but hungover and with a case of the post-migraine sads™️, he'd stretch out with me on my couch, putting on some comfort TV and ordering the trashy fast food I crave when I feel like this (Popeyes, it's always Popeyes).
Ugh, forgive me for how ridiculously self-indulgent this is. Feeling tired and sad today 😔, which is probably partly from the pain and partly from the medication to get rid of it.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Before you (18)
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Summary: King Steven Grant Rogers once was a good king and a gentle alpha. Now he’s a cruel shadow of his former self. Can he find the light again? 
Pairing: King(Alpha)!Steve Rogers x Maid(Omega)!Reader
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Lady Natalia, Stephen Strange, Lady Sharon, Peter Brock Rumlow, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner
Warnings: angst, a/b/o, threats, implied (magical) torture, ooc/dark Stephen Strange, fluff, hurt & comfort, scenting, unrequited love
A/N: Now... We are in the endgame. 😭 This chapter leads toward the three planned endings...
Before you masterlist 
<< Part 17
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The king is obsessed with you. Even more than before.
Since Sharon tried to kill you, Steve didn’t let you out of sight for too long. Even when you weren’t allowed to leave his bedroom. For days he’s the only person you saw, and you get the feeling he won’t allow people to visit you anytime soon.
Steve is scared to the bone. He cried in your lap when everyone left you alone. The usually strong-minded alpha lost control and showed you his vulnerable side.
“I feared I’ll lose you again,” Steve whimpers in your neck.
At the moment he’s curled around your body and holds you close to his chest. His alpha took over and he gives in to his instinct.
Protect. Scent. Nest.
“I’m here with you, my king,” you softly say. You need to calm the pumped-up alpha. If not, he’ll never let you leave the room again. “I’m safe with you.”
“Bucky saved you,” he grits his teeth. Steve hates that his brother was the one saving you. You know Bucky must’ve seen the shard in your hand before Steve even got the chance, but Steve blames himself for not saving you. “It was my duty.”
“He’s your brother, and my friend,” he hums, but holds you even tighter. “Bucky saved me because of you.” – at least that’s what you try to tell yourself.
There was something in his eyes after you hugged him. Something that you didn’t see before. Bucky’s scent changed the moment you whispered alpha in his ear and he purred low in his throat.
The word just slipped past your lips, and now, you fear that you woke something in the alpha that you cannot take back.
“Bucky is a good brother and a good man,” Steve nuzzles you. “He’s going to be a good brother-in-law. I’ll make sure he finds his luck too.”
“His luck,” you close your eyes and bask in Steve’s scent.
It’s hard to think straight close to your true mate. It’s so much easier to just give in to what your omega is yearning for.
You let go of all of your doubts, fears, and the nagging feeling Bucky wanted to tell you something before you let go of him.
“Do you want me to get more knights to guard the door?” he asks. “I want you to feel safe, my love. You will tell me if you don’t feel safe, right? Please.”
“I’m safe here,” you turn in his embrace to bury your face in his chest. “I feel safe too, Steve. Can we forget about them for a while? I just want to forget about Peggy and Sharon.”
“We can forget about it. I promise. None of them will ever hurt you again. I made sure of it. The sorcerer supreme made sure of it…”
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“She was a tough little bitch, huh?” Rumlow watches the sorcerer walk inside his cell. “I swear, I don’t know anything about Sharon’s plans. I only know what Peggy told me. Please…”
“I know, my sweet and well-behaved boy,” Stephen smirks darkly. “What a downfall for the Carters.” The sorcerer gently pats Rumlow’s head. “For you too. I saw your future, my son. You could’ve been so much more.”
“I could have been so much more…” the fallen knight whimpers as Stephen cups his face roughly. “I should have been so much more.”
“You had one chance and didn’t take it. Your fate is sealed,” the sorcerer drops his hand from his prisoner’s face. “I cannot shelter your life. The executioner is on his way.”
“I accepted my fate, my Lord,” Rumlow whispers. “I brought this upon myself. All I ever did was hurting people. With my end, my sins will get vanished too.”
“I will pray for you, my good boy,” Stephen pats Rumlow’s head again. “I will ask him to do it fast…”
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“Bucky, what has gotten into you,” Natalia watches the alpha throw a chair against the wall. “JAMES!”
“She called me alpha!” he sniffs.
“Who?” she softly asks. “Bucky, what happened?”
“After I saved her, Y/N hugged me,” he whispers. “She sniffed at my neck and called me alpha. I guess it was just a slip of tongue. Maybe she wanted to say it to Steve and—”
“I see,” the redhead nods thoughtfully. “Maybe she feels the same, James. If there is only the slightest chance Y/N loves you too, you cannot let her slip through your fingers. You must tell her and Steve how you feel.”
“I can’t,” he whines low in his throat. “I told you, this will ruin everything for my brother, Y/N, and the kingdom. You can’t ask me to be selfish in this.”
“I don’t ask you to be selfish, James,” Natalia shrugs. “I want you to get what you deserve. I’m your friend, you know. Even if we weren’t meant for each other, I feel a connection. I don’t want to see you in pain…”
“Natalia, I’m not in pain,” Bucky puffs his chest. He tries to hide that he dreams of you whispering alpha in his ear. “I will get over her.”
“I got over you too, right?” he gives Natalia a cracked smile. “Don’t give me those eyes. We both know the kingdom will go to hell if I run away with Y/N.”
“So…you thought about running away with that sweet omega,” she presses on. “How do you want to do it?”
“Come on, it’s only you and me here, James. You can tell me about your plans…”
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“Off with her head,” Stephen chuckles darkly. “Aw, my dear Lady Sharon.” He enjoys the fear on Sharon’s face. “What? Don’t you like my sense of humor? I guess you are more into hurting innocent girls.”
“I did nothing wrong,” she spits on the ground. Sharon is stubborn and strong; Stephen gives her that. “The king deserves a woman of royal blood by his side, not some maid growing up in dirt and sin. She cannot become queen.”
“I think you are mistaken,” the sorcerer harshly grab Sharon’s face. “You forfeited your life for a dream you’ll never reach. Even if you would’ve succeeded, he’ll never love you.”
He stares down at the shaking woman. “Now, did you learn your lesson or do we want to start anew? I got this nice potion making you feel like your body is on fire. Do we want to try it?”
“I suggest you tell him everything he wants to hear, Lady,” Rumlow grunts. “It’s easier and less painful.”
“Coward,” she spats.
“That I am,” he laughs now. “But at least my pain is over, Lady. Yours just began…”
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“It’s been a long time, sorcerer,” the healer watches Stephen put his potions back inside his bag. “I assume your task is done?”
“Healer Banner,” the sorcerer bows. “A pleasure to meet you again, my old friend. How long has it been?”
“Six years since you decided to turn toward the darker side of our…profession,” Bruce sneers at the sorcerer. “Did she tell you everything you wanted to know?”
“I must talk to the king,” Stephen dips his head to glance at Sharon who is cowering in a corner of her cell. She dares not to look at the sorcerer. “She’s all yours. But be aware, she will try to kill you. Lady Sharon will try to lure you into false safety.”
“I’m not a fool,” the healer bites back. “I’m not wearing weapons and, I brought two knights with me.”
Lord Wilson nods at Stephen. “Your prisoner is in capable hands now. Thank you, sorcerer supreme.”
“Very well,” Stephen takes his bag and turns to leave. “I’ll take my leave…”
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“Grant, my love,” you grab Steve’s hand to drag him toward the door. “Let’s leave the room. We are here for over a week.”
“I can’t…Y/N,” the king hesitates. “I need to…wait.”
He takes your hand to press it to his heart. “What is it, my king?”
“Sharon is gone, the man killing your family too,” Steven licks his lips. “I know this is the wrong moment to ask you but, do you…”
“Grant,” you cup his face and look up at Steve, “what do you want to tell me, my king?”
“I-I I want to wake up and see your face every morning. If you give me the honor to become my wife and omega, I will know that I'm right where fate wants me to be. Where I want to be. All I want to do for the rest of my life is loving you.”
“Steve, I don’t want to become queen,” you stand on tiptoes to brush your lips over his. “But I want to become yours…”
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Stephen Strange left in the morning; leaving a bitter taste on the king’s tongue.
You never know on which’s side the sorcerer stands. So far, he never betrayed the king, but Steve doesn’t trust the man with cold eyes.
“Is he finally gone?” Bucky asks. “Strange gives me the creeps.”
“He told me everything about Sharon, Peggy and King Howard. There is no secret uncovered. At least not theirs,” Steve looks at his brother. “Strange said he saw the future.”
“He did,” Bucky swallows thickly. “What did he say?”
“The sorcerer said he couldn’t see our future clearly,” the king says. “But he told me that Y/N is the key to our future. She must be protected at all costs…”
>> Normal ending
>> Bucky’s ending
>> Alternative ending
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foxgloveprincess · 3 months
Good moaning. 😇
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Sweet Jesus, moaning is right. 🫠 I love him, Navy. Thanks for sending this in!
Warning: Suggestive, Smutty Thoughts. Minors do not interact (18+).
Can you imagine waking up to that???
Rolling over, your mind drifting to consciousness. You know it’s too early.
But your eyes peek open anyway when you hear a shuffle in your room.
Steve’s sitting there looking all cute and innocent.
Waiting for you to wake up cause he’s been on his run at the crack of dawn—because of course he did.
He’s just out of the shower and dressing in his sweats and tank because that’s the rule.
It’s a lazy Sunday and you will not hear of real clothes.
It’s a small movement but you lift the covers just the tiniest bit. It lets in the cold morning air and you shiver for a second. Steve’s already there to wrap you up in his arms.
You’re still sleepy and a little slower in your thinking and when you tilt your head to give him a kiss, you miss his lips.
He chuckles softly and cups your cheek to direct you right to where you wanna be.
You purr into his lips, mind still hazy enough to lack its normal filter to keep that enjoyment to yourself
Which is why Steve loves you like this. Comfy in your jammies and way too sleepy to be self conscious.
It’s his favorite time to take you. In the morning, when you’re the most vocal. When the smallest little spark sets off a blaze.
He’ll take you again and again and wring you dry just to hear every sweet sound that falls past your lips.
And when it’s over and you both stand under the stream of water in the shower or in the kitchen making breakfast or going about the rest of your lazy day, he’ll sneak them in. The little comments, the compliments, the praise and reminiscence of your morning romp. Just to make you squirm with that slightest bit of playful teasing.
Cause he loves being under your skin and getting that close to you. When all your reservations are miles away and he gets to see you.
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littlemissomega · 2 years
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Key: ♤= smut | ♡=fluff | ◇= dark ^=personal favorites | *=top/most likes
[Last updated: 10/01/2023
HoneyMoon Hell ♤♡
Sensory processing disorder reader! x Tom Holland
Summary: Morning wake up call gone wrong
Warnings: smut, sensory meltdown, aftercare, Tom being a perfect hubby
Big Girl Thoughts ♤*
mommy!wanda maximoff x reader
Summary: Wanda just can't get enough of her baby
Warnings: Overstimulation, smut, mommy kink, Wanda being condesending, degrading
How Would They Know? ♤♡
mommy!natasha romanoff x reader
Summary: Y/N and Natasha go out for dinner, but Natasha has an idea to mix it up
Warnings: overstimulation, mommy kink, public sex, bathroom sex, pet names, degrading, aftercare, etc
Word Count: 3405
Series: Meeting the Coworkers ♤♡^
Steve Rogers x Y/N x peter parker , wanda maximoff x bucky barnes x natasha romanoff
Summary: Steve has been transparent about his polyamorous relationship with some of his Coworkers since he started dating Y/N, but she was never interested. Until she became curious with that part of Steve's life and asks to meet the gang, but just one at a time. Things get heated and Y/N discovers a whole new side of herself
Part 1: Meeting Peter Parker
Dios Mio♤♡
peter parker x tony stark's daughter!reader
Summary: Peter and Y/N get caught in the act by her dad- Tony Stark
Warnings: smut, oral (f recieving) orgasum denial if you squint, Tony Stark being an overprotective dad, getting caught in the act, embarrassment, mention of getting pregnant, mention of marriage,
Cravings ♤♡
Natasha romanoff x pregnant! reader
Summary: natashas 's wife wakes up with intense pregnancy cravings
Warnings: smut, mommy kink, pregnancy, pregnancy cravings, strap on, hypersensitive, nipple play, aftercare, pet names, Russian pet names
Viral ♤
Pornstar!Natasha romanoff x influencer!reader
Summary: Y/N's followers dare her to call Natasha 'Mommy' on camera
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, strap used, overstimulation, Mommy kink, video sex, live stream sex, cussing, pet names (bunny, luv, luvie, baby, babygirl, etc), praise kink, degradation kink, Y/N says “it hurt” (nothing is physically hurting her tho), bad writing
Principessa ◇♤
dark!mafia!bucky barnes x innocent!reader
Warnings: smut, non con, kidnapping, mafia leader Bucky, housewife kink, degrading kink, non consensual use of a vibrator, overstimulation, bondage, crying, innocence kink, squirting, virgin reader, Bucky’s kinda sick but it’s also kinda hot 👀
Summary: Y/N's trip to Italy turns dark
Conflict of Interest ♤
dom!Natasha x needy!reader
Warnings: edging, overstimulation, Y/N falls deep into subspace, praise kink, use of a vibrator, Y/N’s insecure thoughts, use of a strap, allusion to aftercare, but not actually written
Summary: Y/N is very needy while Natasha is working
alpha!Wanda x omega!reader
Summary: Y/N joins the Avengers thinking she’ll be able to hide being an omega. Wanda bursts her bubble.
Warnings: smut, overstimulation, mating, biting, penetration, omega heat, fingering, knotting, pet names (malyshka, baby, luv, luvie), Bucky’s an asshole, a kinda maybe spark better Bucky (I can’t write fight scene without banter), scenting, scent blockers
Hungry ♤♡
alpha!Rhyand x omega!reader
Summary: Rhysand finds a way to make his mate eat during her heat
Warnings: smut, cockwarming, teasing, mating, reader not wanting to eat but Rhys convincing her too, bargaining, heat and rut, overstimulation, mention of biting/marking, breeding kink, pet names (Alpha, Omega, little dove, baby), wing play/stimulation, food play if you squint, bad writing, not proof read
Chronically ill Reader:
I'm Here ♡
steve rogers x endometriosis!reader
Summary: Steve Roger's girlfriend has endometriosis and gets her period
Warnings: chronic pain, reader has endometriosis which causes extremely painful periods, reader gets her period, throwing up, crying, little suggestive but not really (Y/N thinks Steve is gonna do something sexual for a second, but he doesn't)
How Low Can You Go? ♡
Diabetic!reader x Stucky
Summary: reader’s blood sugar drops in the middle of the night
Warnings: Dangerously low blood sugar, low blood sugar symptoms (head racing, shaky, brain fog), crying, blood, mention of glucose tablets (which is kinda a medication? It helps get your blood sugar up), orange juice, fluff, pet names (Ladybug, princess, sweetie, honey, etc)
Short and sweet enough to give your hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)
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Coming soon
Meeting the CoWorkers Part 2: Meeting Wanda
Bare: dom!rhysand x reader
Principessa Part 2
Comment any emoji on this post to get added to my taglist! I'm not the best at remembering, but I try! <3
All banners are by @cafekitsune <3
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