#steve terreberry
mystic-sn0w · 3 months
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Some funny comments I read on the video:
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nicnavarrocage · 10 months
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I used to like Stevie T, but now I don't really know if he's funny.
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Hello TTTE fans I have a question about a certain scene in CGI Thomas... IS TERRENCE SWEARING?? I was Watching Steve Terreberry and he featured a clip of CGI Thomas and The SUBTITLES said that Terrence the Tractor (Is he a Tractor??) that he said "Fxxx You... T-Thomas"... LIKE WHAT HE DIDN'T SAY THAT!!
(It's this video in specific-)
at 0:58 to 1:06
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wendylover2008 · 1 year
SpongeBob SquarePants FAKE GUITARIST?
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zombieplaguedoc · 10 months
Me: *texts Vampire Steve at one in the fricking morning* Stevie, I know this is coming out of nowhere, but hear me out: (Vampire) Stevie Wonder.
Vampire Steve:
Vampire Steve: We really need to work on your staying up late habit.
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mystic-sn0w · 3 months
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darktailkin · 1 year
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Watching Steve Terreberry rn
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jdhsnfosjfhsjhc · 1 year
Watch "Misheard Lyrics in Disney Songs!" on YouTube
Its my channel rui ayaki
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Your fancast for James potter (ranbir kapoor) kinda looks like Steve Terreberry, from YouTube lol
-anti snily anon
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I don’t see it 😭
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theart2rock · 1 year
DragonForce Sänger Marc Hudson mit nächster Solo Single
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MARC HUDSON (DragonForce) hat ein neues Lyric-Video zu seinem Song "Dracula X!" veröffentlicht, der aus seinem aktuellen Solo-Debüt Starbound Stories stammt! Die explosive Power-Metal-Hymne "Dracula X!" enthält ein gekonntes Gitarrensolo von Jacky Vincent (ex-Falling in Reverse, ex-Cry Venom) und beeindruckenden Gastgesang von Adrienne Cowan (Seven Spires). Starbound Stories ist eine erbauliche Reise durch MARC HUDSONs Universum aus Power Metal, Anime-Einflüssen, japanischer Musik und Videospiel-Soundtracks, letztere besonders präsent auf "Dracula X!". Das neue, von Comics inspirierte, animierte Lyric-Video zu "Dracula X!" führt den Hörer durch die spannende Storyline des Tracks. MARC HUDSON über "Dracula X!": "'Dracula X!' ist eine viszerale Reise, inspiriert von der Castlevania-Saga. Mit den fesselnden Schreien von Adrienne Cowan und der virtuosen Beherrschung der Gitarre von Jacky Vincent ist es ein beschwörender Schlachtruf, der durch die Korridore von Draculas verfluchtem Schloss widerhallt. Mit seinen eindringlichen Noten und seiner lyrischen Poesie verewigt es das unerbittliche Streben, das unsterbliche Böse zu besiegen, ein klangliches Zeugnis des ewigen Kampfes zwischen Licht und Dunkelheit." Der instrumentale Album-Opener "As The Twilight Met The Sea" dient als Einführung in die Klangwelten des Albums und wird von Samurai-Metal-Meister Ryoji Shinomoto (RYUJIN, früher bekannt als Gyze) an traditionellen japanischen Instrumenten begleitet. Shinomoto leiht auch dem folgenden Stück Freedom Heart" seine Stimme, das auch ein Solo des Gitarrenvirtuosen Syu (Galneryus) enthält. Im wunderbar emotionalen Nachfolger "Stars" spielt die klassisch ausgebildete Geigerin Mia Asano die elektrische Geige. "Astralive" lockt mit einem unbestreitbar eingängigen Refrain, schnellen Drum-Patterns, fesselnder Gitarren- und Tastenarbeit und gekonntem Power-Metal-Gesang, der in den Himmel ragt. "Swansong" beginnt mit einem wunderschönen Keyboard-Intro, das auch aus einem Filmsoundtrack stammen könnte. Der gefühlvolle Gesang setzt ein, bevor sich der Song zu einer ausgewachsenen Power-Metal-Ballade entwickelt, mit hohen Schreien und vielen Effekten, die die magische Atmosphäre noch verstärken, während sie die Gitarren und das Schlagzeug untermalen. Steve Terreberry, auf YouTube bekannt als Stevie T. (3,32 Mio. Abonnenten), spielt ein Gitarrensolo auf "Call Of The Martyrs" und wird von Prog-Gitarrist Galen Stapley (Azure) unterstützt. Stapley liefert auch ein Solo auf dem folgenden Titeltrack "Starbound Stories". "One More Sight Of The Sun With You" ist auf Japanisch gesungen und bleibt damit den Hauptthemen des Albums treu und schließt das gesamte Angebot auf einer erhebenden Note. MARC HUDSONs Debüt-Soloalbum ist ein herausragendes musikalisches Abenteuer, das zwischen Power Metal, Videospiel-Soundtracks, japanischer Musik und sogar Pop-Einflüssen balanciert und in seiner ganzen großartigen Instrumentierung Virtuosität zeigt. Starbound Stories Tracklist: - As the Twilight met the Sea - Freedom Heart - Dracula X! feat. Jacky Vincent, Adrienne Cowan - Stars - The Siren - Astralive - Swansong - Call of the Martyrs - Starbound Stories - One more sight of the sun with You Starbound Stories ist in den folgenden Formaten erhältlich: 1 LP Gatefold Translucent Blue (inkl. 24-seitigem Booklet + Record Butler) 1 LP Gatefold Schwarz (inkl. Lyric Sheet) 1 CD Digipak + T-Shirt Digitales Album Line Up: Marc Hudson - Vocals, Guitar, Backing vocals Shaz D - Keyboards Frédéric Leclercq - Guitars, Bass Rich Smith - Drums MARC HUDSON online: INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK TWITTER Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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famouszoom · 2 years
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mkmetz · 2 years
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(•⊙ω⊙•) i'm always mesmerized by musician zone face. Steve Terreberry's exspecially. It just seems super fun. i bet painters has a zone faces too just recorded less frequently.
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onenettvchannel · 4 years
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OneNETnews EXCLUSIVE: A Canadian YouTuber goes Rage-fully Offensive for a Controversial Misheard Song Lyric of Big Yellow Taxi
TORONTO, CANADA -- Misheard lyrics is no laughing matter in any song with the big names of Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Engelbert Humperdinck, Foo Fighters, and many others in classical hits. But this 33 y/o YouTuber from Canada named Steve Terreberry goes rage-fully outburst'd for the offensive explicitively swearing, that violates the worst online standards from the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) and the MTRCB (Movie and Television Review and Classification Board).
Based from this YouTube video, the actual lyric according to the AZLyrics website as stated... "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot". He sings an American Musician named Adam Duritz, under a rock band named Counting Crows.
Steve goes for a total outburst mode, before he proceeds by using a Text-to-Speech test. "For years, i've been hearing this song and I STILL HEAR FRICKING!" While he adds, "That is such a cover-up... Now what they've done here is they've found a brilliant way of dropping the F-Bomb on the radio and getting away with it. Our hearing is flawed!" At the end of the Text-to-Speech test...
One offensive swearing was detected and it's not look good for the inaccurate text voicing speech. "Told ya they were dropping the F-Bomb... All these years, I thought they were singing (They paved paradise to put up a fricking lot). And they were actually just saying (Forget you)". He ended himself with a medium-level laugh.
Loudwire & Variety was previously reported told OneNETnews, he's a former bassist from his band named called "DragonForce" after his own Anxiety incident issue as a suspect. Google (a mother website of YouTube) has updating it's advertiser-friendly guidelines before it goes demonetized for this YouTube user for example, if they found suspiciously severe offensive swearing and more. This was issued at the Inappropriate Language: Section 2 - Turning on the Ads but only Brands who option-in will run the Advertisers.
As a result here in the Philippines, His violation of a Canadian YouTuber was made under the KBP (Kapisanan ng mga Broadkaster ng Pilipinas) Broadcast Code of 2007: Article 15 - Section 4 and Article 25 - Section 5. This was translated according to a reference of Revised Penal Code, the FBI Cybercrime Division possibly recommends his Canadian YouTuber will be temporarily suspended until further notice and booked for custody to jail sentence from 6mos. to 6yrs. in Prison (Suspension section) at the Metropolitan Toronto Police Headquarters if legally proven guilty. Charges will be fined to PHP15,000 (CAD415) with automatic revocation for the YouTube Partnership Program when later complied for it's first offense between the Light and Serious Offense on it's KBP Law.
We try to contact @CountingCrows on Twitter within 48hrs. but unfortunately, there is no response as unfortunate. Expect some heaviest punishment on this Canadian YouTuber upon demonetization if later complied the law standards of COPPA, FCC & MTRCB. The netizens will no longer apologize for Steve Terreberry's controversial misheard lyric for the song of Big Yellow Taxi.
SOURCE: *https://www.facebook.com/steveterreberry/posts/846624372540347 [RAW Video Relay from YouTube] *https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/countingcrows/bigyellowtaxi.html [Actual Song Lyric of Big Yellow Taxi] *https://loudwire.com/youtuber-stevie-t-dragonforce-anxiety/ [Referenced Article #1] *https://variety.com/2019/digital/news/youtube-profanity-ad-supported-video-demonetized-1203107619/ [Referenced Article #2f] *https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/9194476
SEVERE HONEST DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed from this news article are not those from the company of Google & YouTube. This online suspect will not imitate in any matter. Furthermore, the assumptions of this news report will not state or reflect those of our Radyo Patrol reporters. The station, management, interwebs and the network. Thanks for reading everypony.
-- OneNETnews Team
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clusterduck28 · 5 years
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I swear, sometimes Steve T’s fucking face looks like a PS1 game glitching the fuck out but in real life! WTF? WHYYYY
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