#anti snily anon
Harry : "as if you've ever kissed someone"
Severus: "actually, I have kissed someone"
Harry: "kissing your mother doesn't count"
Severus: "no, but yours does"
-anti snily anon back at it again
That’s some menace to society shit, right there
There’s no comeback for that…unless Harry hits him with the good ol’
I’m guilty of using this comeback
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fanfic-lover-girl · 4 months
What are your thoughts for these Snape ships: Sirius, James, Remus, Regulus, Lily I know you prefer a female OC but I would like your thoughts on the other characters with Snape
Honestly, I don't read a lot of shipping fics with Snape. He's one of those characters that doesn't need a partner to have an interesting story. I just want him to have loving friends and heal properly and be happy.
I never found Snily appealing. I am not fond of her. I prefer reading platonic Snily where they reconcile or where Snape moves on from her completely and drops her like a bad habit. The thought of these two together romantically gives me the ick.
Similar feeling for Remus. I don't like picturing this guy with anyone. The dynamic between adult Snape and adult Remus is so gross. There's something so manipulative and gaslighty the way Remus talks to Snape. Similar to how Dumbles talks to Snape. Snape was obviously uneasy around Remus in POA. Snupin gives me an even bigger ick than Snily.
Now Reggie, Jamie and Siri is where things get interesting.
I have never fully read a Jeverus fic. I began reading one or two and they seemed pretty good. But I don't know, I never fully read them. I like the potential of the ship but its not enough to keep me invested. Probably because James seems boring to me now.
Snack is more fascinating to me than Jeverus. I can't fully explain why. But Snape and Sirius seem more on equal ground, especially as adults. I also love both the toxicity of the ship or how the ship can be a facilitator in Sirius' redemption. I love Sirius redemption fics!
For me Jeverus is like Dramione and Snack is like Drarry. One just has more fire and passion you know. I know there's a headcanon where Sirius/James bully Snape out of a sense of internalized homophobia. But it hits harder for me when it's Sirius who realizes he liked Snape and he can't have him anymore because of how much he bullied him.
I have never fully read a Regulus and Snape fic either. I read one that was pretty good - Snape and Reggie were so cute together. But the level of marauder bashing was too much (lol yes as much as I hate the marauders sometimes the vindictiveness of the bashing is too much) so I stopped reading. I prefer Reg and Snape as friends. Too bad so many Regulus fics tend to bash Snape. It's a shame.
The only Snape ship fics I have properly read were for Snack. I'm not really fussy about shipping Snape with anyone.
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maruke2003 · 2 years
Mum 1/ grandmother 1: myself
Mum 2/ grandmother 2: @moonlightdancer26
Sister of mum 1: @somesnapefan2
Sister of mum 1: @teddyscottish
Uncle 1 of idk which mum: @guljerry
Uncle 2 of same mum as above: @zephahhhh
Child: @halfblood-princes-crown
Child's child aka grandchild: @jokingly-dead aka anti snily anon. (Idk why tumblr won't let me @ you)
Child: @astronova-00
Child: @rosetheslytherpuffxoxo
Child: @bookwalmartav
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
OH Idk if you know but
Your grandson is officially engaged!!!
@jokingly-dead CONGRATS KIDDO
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roonilwazlibweasley · 3 years
do you think the snape and lily friendship was toxic?
I mean, even before they reach Hogwarts, Snape shows sign of prejudice towards muggles (Petunia, to be specific). But once they reach Hogwarts is when I think Lily starts to realize it. 
We know that Snape was a part of a group of people who all became Death Eaters. This group was known to have cursed Mary McDonald, a muggleborn girl and Lily’s friend. So, Snape is showing that he doesn’t care for muggleborns. 
He also gaslighted her. (“But we’re supposed to be friends? Best friends?”) Fast forward, he calls her a mudblood and consequently, their friendship ends. 
Now what’s really interesting is the conversation afterwards. 
"I was. I would have done. I never meant to call you Mudblood, it just--"
"Slipped out?" There was no pity in Lily's voice. "It's too late. I've made excuses for you for years. None of my friends can understand why I even talk to you. You and your precious little Death Eater friends-- you see, you don't even deny it! You don't even deny that's what you're all aiming to be! You can't wait to join You-Know-Who, can you?" He opened his mouth, but closed it without speaking. "I can't pretend anymore. You've chosen your way, I've chosen mine." "No-- listen, I didn't mean--" "-- to call me Mudblood? But you call everyone of my birth Mudblood, Severus. Why should I be any different?" He struggled on the verge of speech, but with a contemptuous look she turned and climbed back through the portrait hole...
→ It slipped out, meaning that he’s been saying it in his head for a while. 
→ This scene makes it really clear that Snape was extremely prejudiced
→ It also shows how at age 15, Snape had decided to join a terrorist organization whose main purpose was to eradicate the type of wizards/witches his so called “best friend” was 
To wrap this up, the friendship was doomed from the beginning due to Snape’s obvious prejudice to people like Lily. 
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maraudersftw · 3 years
...thousand miles apart? Enemies? Never in contact with each other?
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thequibblah · 3 years
What are your thoughts on Snape?
i mean... if you want me to go further than fuck that guy? jkshdjkfs
i think my thoughts on him are not particularly special. vast swathes of jily/marauder fans probably feel the same: that he makes an interesting character in the main series, that one of the most exciting things in my early reads was not knowing whether he would help or doom harry (especially at the end of ootp, god what a plot point), that his twisted not-love for lily made for a believable explanation for his actions. 
obviously i don’t think he was a particularly good friend. you can chalk that down to his insecurities and miserable home life, but the end result is the same: that he sought to keep lily to himself (as a friend) and their friendship was likely a ticking time bomb from the moment they arrived at hogwarts and she found other wixen to befriend. 
i don’t think he believed in or cared about blood purity — his mother’s heritage was more a way to escape a muggle father he hated and belong in a world where he could feel special and talented (which, to be clear, he was very talented). at most he had apathy for non-lily muggle-born students.
but CT lily and i are in agreement that that might make it worse, that he’d let himself get sucked into the death eaters without truly believing their dogma. 
he grew up to be bitter and difficult and all the more cynical, and i find it abhorrent that he treated certain students the way he did. but that all comes back to the same thing — he wasn’t a good person. he never was a good person. he sometimes did the right thing, and felt guilt for having done the wrong thing, and even then not for the right reasons. that’s what makes him a good character.
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Imma Rant about Sn*pe, that ok? (s*xual assult trigger warning)
OK, I went to the anti snily tag for some snape slander, i am salty today. and you know what I fricken saw? In my fricken tumblr?
Anti fucken lily evens
you wanna know why?
she was part of the sexual assulat lead by the muraders, and humiltiated him by saying "clean your underwear"
ok, lily Evens was a beautiful lady and wtf did my queen do wrong? How do I explain to a Sn*pe STAN that in a world where all afabs are told from 6 to never let anyone touch your hair or arms, and you can't ever trust a man? How do I explain that in this socity I grew up in fear because I had a vagina. Men do get assulted, but showing slimeball snapes underwear was like getting pantsed. It's bad and rude, but a childish behavior for some boys. It happened in the boys locker room in my school. (btw it is really horrid, do not do it, its not funny). but its not the same as a girl having her pants pulled down, because if it was, she would have had hell rain down on her. Comparing or calling it s*xual is wrong because there were no s*xual remarks or commments made. It can't even compare to what s*xual assult is, because alot of AFABs have horror stories from middle thru high school of that shit, so don't even say it.
He called her a slur, and as a biracial person, it fricken sucks when I have to explain to people, no I am white AND Asian, I am both. I hate the looks people give me, like I'm different. Lily Evans must have had the same shit of "what are you? no, like your blood" . Slurs hurt, and even tho I am half south Asian, I was told I was the smart Asian kid of the class. That was so infuriating and it wasn't even an insult, I can't imagine what it felt like to be called a mudblood, by a friend. Its litterly means that because of her blood, she is filthy, lesser, and dirty, and that was in a time where mudbloods weren't accepted. I can't remember why, but didn't he sleep outside her dorm? he's a grade a creep.
I have a powerpoint over his teaching, I can cover that later.
We all know Snape called others moodbloods, and made curses, and was that creepy kid in the back thats a perv and likes horror stuff.
I know how to explain it!
He's like that one guy in the heathers that said "I'd like to kidnap a Heather and photograph her naked in an abandoned warehouse and leave her tied up for the rats"
He's just so nasty and stinky and just like a puddle of goop that smells like dead rats.
I would pay to see James Potter absolutly deck that a*shole
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
I don't like Snape, for all of the reasons you've listed. His obsession with Lily was, quite frankly, creepy and I hate it. He was an asshole. - 🌙
Yeahhhh he’s not a good role model. I honestly find it really creepy especially how many Snape/Hermione fanfics there are (there’s some time travel ones that are fine but otherwise... yeah).
Honestly it feels like there’s a bit of a fetishization going on that (usually white women) see him as some victim or broken person they can fix? And personally I’m like... I would never be able to be with someone who was in the KKK. Why is there such a fixation on having these muggleborn characters get with a Death Eater (It’s not always Snape, sometimes it’s Greyback or Dolohov etc).
If you wanna make a redemption story, have it be with Draco: who was still a kid, who wasn’t able to go through with murder, who was forced into it by his radicalized father, and who ultimately tried to save his mom. He’s even Snape’s godson, so that’s the visible parallel (edit: so this part is canon but seeing as he does an unbreakable vow to protect Draco, there’s your actual canon parallel). Snape even takes the oath to try and keep Draco from following his path. He at least tried to do better by the kid.
Edit: before you complain about my post, go read through the notes :) and if you’re pro Severus and don’t wanna see this type of content, then block the “anti Snape” and “anti snily” tags.
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severusish · 3 years
Hey, thanks for the recently post defending SSHG/Snamione shippers. I'm relatively new to the ship and have been pretty sheltered from the worst of the hate. I felt like I had gotten a punch to the gut to hear people call my favorite ship toxic and unhealthy.
Welcome to the ship. I didn’t know about the hate until I started following the Pro-Snape, Snapedom and Snamione tags on Tumblr years ago. It was a shock to me as well and I’m sorry that you’ve gone through the same thing. 💌
One of the things about the HP fandom currently is that people have extremely strong opinions and are super passionate about their ships, but also there is a tendency for some people to then be equally passionate about their dislike for other people or characters on the basis of problematic traits which were either in canon or fanon.
Your favorite ship is not toxic and unhealthy.
There are some writers who start writing Snamione and do it “more carefully” than others when it comes to avoiding Severus and Hermione being involved physically/romantically when she’s 17. And those who do it “more carefully” tend to involve Time Turner incidents, or Snape Lives/Marauder Time-Turner Era/Post-War AUs, where the characters could realistically be in each other’s company romantically.
Everyone who reads and ships Snamione knows that there are problems that can arise from it if one isn’t careful — we’re aware of power dynamics etc. But then that is true of any teacher-student relationship to have begun or started in a Hogwarts Era setting. Not only Snamione. They just pick on Snamione because it’s easy to cherry-pick the fics you read and choose the ones that are objectively risqué, where Hermione is 17 and still his student.
Fics we know and love, such as Pet Project and Sin and Vice and Chasing the Sun and Unquestionable Love and so so so many more, all of them deal with the age gap and power dynamics elegantly. !!!!!!
The ship is full of potential for angst based on their past interactions but also so much reconciliation.
Additionally I’d like to say that while hate often feels personal, it also generally isn’t.
Don’t let the haters get you down. They will try to make hate feel personal and you have to realize that it’s not about you, it’s about the thing they can’t stand. They have a problem with the thing they are against, not you, and they are targeting you because you defend it.
Again, this doesn’t happen often, but occasionally some Brave Anti will wander into your asks and say something ✨spicy✨which ultimately will be more entertaining than upsetting. Best way to avoid issues is to avoid getting too involved with antis and to avoid becoming anti (in a way that puts others down) yourself.
There is a whole community here ready to lift you up. And loads of discord servers too if you’re looking for more activity outside of the Hellsite (Affectionate.)
Steel yourself for a crazy dynamic primarily between Pro-Snapes and Anti-Snapes. Anti-Snapes tend to be Anti-Snape+Marauder and Anti-Snily and Anti-Snamione. And also Anti-Dramione, come to think of it.
Edit: it’s not very often that I intervene or contribute to posts where an Anti has sent an anonymous ask to my mutual, but when I do, I get long-winded and really specific about certain things. I’m glad my reply to the initial anon and a later complicated reblog was a source of comfort to you.
Anyway. You have my support Anon. Asks and messages always open!
— ish.
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If you were to get teleported into the 70s era with teen Severus and the marauders (and others) What would you do?
-anti snily anon
I’d make a beeline for the Marauders.
It’s on sight IMMEDIATELY
Remus and Sirius are getting walked like dogs
I’m giving Peter poison with a side of cheese 🧀
And I’m playing hunting season with James…I’m gonna have him on the hood of my car like this
Tumblr media
Lily ofc is catching these hands…
I want all the smoke.
Then I’d go make tea for Severus, make his favorite snack, and invite him to talk about his favorite hobbies and maybe if he wants I’ll let him teach me how to do a potion or two
Then I wanna hang out with Lucius
Maybe run head first into the forbidden forest because why not? I’m built different
Then I wanna go snoop around Hogsmeade and try butter beer
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mrdyketator · 3 years
Heyy I just wanted to ask what you mean by anti ship? Sorry if this is rude
Heyy anon!
Haha don't worry you aren't being rude. Anti-ship means that I'm opposed to some of the really problematic ships that some people seem to enjoy. I don't mean run-of-the-mill toxic ones like Snily or Darklina, I'm talking about pa*dophilia, literal abusers, coloniser/colonised pairings, forced hetero ships where one person is gay and turned straight.
Many people(ie pro-shippers, or anti-antis) feel that fiction doesn't affect reality in any way, and in the true spirit of Free America™, everyone should ought to be able to pair anyone together, regardless of moral standings. For example, tumblr user comradedeath once said that he found child r*pe sexy, and obviously I had an issue with that. I think that post is still on my blog, but I don't have receipts rn.
I don't want to get too much into this because this debate in itself is very toxic, especially if you regularly interact in fandom spaces. But I hope I answered your question?
Have an nice day!
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maruke2003 · 2 years
You and anti snily anon make me wanna not be single anymore so badly 😭😭😭
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
Why would snape keep lily's picture if he didn't love her? And what about the "after all this time? Always" scene??
“If he didn’t love her” dawg what 💀💀
Apparently a man not loving a woman romantically means he doesn’t love her at all. (Tell that to all the fathers out there!) Wow. That is totally not messed up thinking.
Also, neither of those scenes are romantic dumbass. Keeping your dead best friend’s picture and still missing them after their death is completely normal. Embarrassing that there are people who think like this.
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stuckwith-harry · 7 years
Opinion on those who say Lily should have been with Snape not James
-points to door-
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Why are you making anti-Snape posts if you think people should be free to like their problematic faces?
There is a huge difference between posting my opinion on my own blog and tagging it, appropriately, as “anti-Snape,” which is what I do, and reblogging pro-Snape posts to fight with the OP/going to people’s ask boxes to abuse them for their opinion. It’s possible that I was guilty of the former once upon a time, perhaps, when I was much younger?? But I’ve never in my life sent a negative or hateful anon and I can 100% assure you of that. I find them fundamentally cowardly and vile. If I choose to post an opinion about Snape I am posting it with the understanding that it is tagged specifically for people who want to read those negative opinions. I don’t put it in the “Snape” or “Pro Snape” or “Snily” tag. The people who peruse those tags should be allowed to peruse in peace. I can’t speak for people who go looking for arguments. I know I don’t.
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