#stevie x nate
we have to stop meeting like this ~ eminem
word count: 3465
request?: yes!
“hi!! love your work :) can you do a fem reader x eminem where they are both on vacation at the same resort, but don’t know each other yet. they keep running into each other throughout their vacation and he finally decides to ask her to get dinner and they hit it off and he knows immediately she’s special and he’s going to be with her for a long long time. thanks xxx”
description: he never expected to meet someone on this vacation, but things have a funny way of happening sometimes
pairing: eminem x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two, three)
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Marshall was a workaholic. Everyone in his life knew that. He was always “on”, so to speak, and very rarely gave himself any actual breaks.
But after his two daughters had gotten engaged, and his youngest child had graduated from high school, Marshall realized that life was too short to be spending all of his time on work. He decided to take the time he had between albums and actually have a proper break - a vacation with his family.
He set everything up: a week long vacation in the Dominican for himself, his three children, Hailie and Alana’s fiancés, and Nate and his wife and their kids. He had even invited Kim to come along if she wanted, thinking it would be good for the kids to have both of their parents together, acting civil, during the first real family vacation they had been on in a long time, but she declined the invitation.
Marshall set up so that everyone had their own rooms, even Stevie, as he felt it would be way less awkward for the everybody than sharing one or two rooms between 10 people, especially for the three couples.
It was an unbelievably beautiful day when they arrived. Hailie and Alana were immediately enthralled by the idea of going to lay by the pool and enjoy the sun, and Nate’s kids were already energized by the idea of getting to play in the pool all day. Marshall was just excited to get into an air conditioned bedroom. From the moment they stepped off the plane he realized he made a mistake by wearing black jeans and a black hoodie, and not bringing a change of clothes in his carryon to change into when the plane landed. By the time they arrived to the resort they were staying in, he was dripping in sweat.
The feeling of the cool resort lobby was a welcoming one as he walked in to check in. There was one person by the front desk, a young man who was on the phone as Marshall arrived. At first, it seemed the young man wasn’t paying attention, so Marshall tapped on the bell on the front desk to draw the attention to him. The man’s gaze flickered over at him for a second before returning his full attention to the phone call. The action surprised Marshall, and he went to tap the bell again before a voice cut him off.
“That’s pointless. He’s not going to respond.”
Marshall looked over to see a woman stood beside the counter, leaning on her suitcase with another, smaller bag tossed by her feet.
“I’ve been waiting for 10 minutes to check in,” she continued. “He’s too deep into whatever that phone conversation is to answer.”
“There’s no one else working?” Marshall asked.
“Apparently not. I asked if anyone else could check me in, but he just ignored me.”
“Well, that’s unprofessional.” Marshall turned back to the man and said, “Listen, I have nine other people waiting to get to their rooms so they can go out and enjoy the weather. Is there anyone else who can come and check us in?”
The man held up his index finger, signaling “one moment”, before turning to the computer in front of him.
“10 people? Damn, you must’ve brought the entire family,” the woman joked.
Marshall chuckled. “I basically did. It’s me, my three kids, two of them are engaged so their fiancés are with us, and then my brother, his wife, and their kids.”
She whistled. “Wow, you really did bring the entire family. Makes me feel lonely just being here by myself.”
“There’s nothing wrong with a solo vacation. I just haven’t been able to take my family on a vacation in a while because of...work. Trying to make it up to them now.”
“Well, taking all of them to a Dominican resort would definitely be making it up to them in my books.” She moved from her suitcase to extend a hand to Marshall. “I’m (Y/N), by the way.”
“Marshall. It’s nice to meet you.”
Their introduction was cut off by the sound of a hushed argument. They both turned to see that another employee of the resort had appeared and was very clearly chastising the man at the desk in a hushed voice. Their argument was brief before the new employee angrily dismissed the man, then plastered a customer service smile on his face and turned back to (Y/N) and Marshall.
“I am so sorry for the inconvenience, you two,” he said. “Seems my colleague thought to take a phone call for a reservation over checking in guests. May I help the two of you check in?”
Marshall turned to (Y/N) and gestured for her to go first. “You were here before me.”
“Thank you.”
Marshall waited patiently while she gave him her name and information on her stay. It took this new employee - who, judging by the difference in his uniform versus the employee who had been here before, was a manager - mere seconds to find (Y/N) in their system and to give her a keycard for her room. He apologized again for the wait while (Y/N) turned to walk away.
She looked back at Marshall and waved before making her way to the elevator. Marshall watched her go until the elevator doors closed around her, cutting the two of them off finally.
Marshall snapped out of his trance and approached the front desk to get check in. In the same speedy manner, the manager had found his reservation, assigned him five separate rooms, and had five cards scanned and passed to him. Marshall thanked him, waving away another apology, and went back outside to find his family.
“That took you long enough,” Hailie teased when she saw him approaching.
“Front desk issues,” Marshall said, passing them their keycards. “I figure we take it easy for this first day, but if you guys want we could check out their restaurant for dinner tonight. I caught a glance at it while I was waiting and it looks a lot fancier than some of the restaurants back home.”
Alana chuckled. “Everything here is gonna be fancier than back home, dad.”
They all agreed to the plan and went in to get changed from their flight. They were all on the same floor, but each room was separated by quite a bit. Marshall’s was at the end of the hall, luckily near the ice machine. He almost felt like taking the ice and shoving it into his hoodie and pants at this rate. Anything to get rid of the intense heat.
He quickly peeled off his sweaty clothes and tossed them to the side. The air conditioning was on full blast and he sighed with relief as he felt it against his bare skin. The room came with a mini fridge, which was already stocked with multiple beverages, including several bottles of water. Marshall grabbed one and chugged half of it almost immediately.
After cooling down enough that he thought he could handle the heat, he grabbed a pair of shorts to put on and took a towel from the bathroom to take with him by the pool. He decided not to take a shirt with him. The less clothes he could get away with, the better.
When he stepped out of his room, there was someone at the ice machine. He glanced at them for a moment, not thinking anything of it, until he did a double take and saw that it was (Y/N). She looked up from her ice bucket and smiled as recognition crossed her face.
“Hey,” she said. “I see you got checked in alright.”
“Yeah, that guy was a lot more efficient than the one before him,” Marshall said. “Are you on this floor, too?”
She shook her head. “Next floor up. This is the closest ice machine apparently. So, I gotta hope the ice doesn’t melt by the time I lug it up the stairs back to my room.”
He noticed her eyes wandering to his naked torso, his collection of tattoos on display. She tried to make it seem like she hadn’t been looking, which made Marshall smirk.
“Going down by the pool?” she asked.
“Yeah, gotta soak up as much of the sun as I can before I can’t anymore.”
She nodded. “Cool...yeah...maybe I’ll - uh - see you down there.”
“Maybe you will.”
She nodded again, almost like she was unsure of what else to say. They both awkwardly excused themselves to go their separate ways again. Marshall had to fight the urge to look back at her as he walked towards the elevator again. She had definitely been checking him out, but he couldn’t lie and say he hadn’t been checking her out, too. Actually, he had been stealing glances at her since they met in the lobby. She was absolutely gorgeous, wearing a floral sundress and a pair of light sandals, her toenail polish matching her fingernail polish.
He shook his head to snap out of his thoughts as the elevator door opened. He had only just met the woman, he couldn’t be thinking about her so intensely already. For all he knew, he would never see her again once their vacation ended. She would be another memory tied to this week in paradise he had planned.
Hailie and Alana were already by the pool when he arrived. The area around the pool was full of people, but there was enough room that it didn’t feel jam packed. Most of the other visitors were in the pool, enjoying the cool water and the drinks they had in their hands. Nathan was sat by the edge with his legs in the water as he watched his kids playing around. Marshall pulled a chair up next to Hailie and laid back.
“Where’s Ash?” he asked Nathan.
“She wanted to take a quick nap before dinner tonight,” Nathan responded. “She was up almost all night with the kids. They were too excited to sleep.”
“Why weren’t you up with them?” Alana asked, peering at her uncle over her sunglasses.
“I was for a while!” Nathan said, putting his hands up in surrender. “I just sleep more soundly than she does, so when I got to sleep their giggling and talking didn’t wake me! I told her that I would’ve stayed up with them, too, if she had woke me.”
One of the kids splashed Nathan, both of them giggling evilly as their father exclaimed in shock. Nathan pushed off the edge of the pool and got in, causing the two kids to scream and swim away from him.
“It’s so fucking hot here,” Marshall muttered.
“That’s usually the appeal of the Dominican, dad,” Hailie teased.
“I know that, smart ass,” he retorted. “I’m just making a comment. It took me forever up in my room to cool down, and now I feel like I’m fucking melting again. At this rate I might just walk around the resort naked.”
Both of his daughters made noises of protest, which Marshall smiled at. 
Eventually, Stevie came down to join them by the pool as well, and Alana and Hailie’s fiancés decided to take up residence in the pool with Nathan. Marshall rested his head back against the chair, closing his eyes to block out the sun. His body felt like it was on fire again, but the lack of heavy clothing this time made it more bearable. He could get used to having constant sun like this.
It had to be a coincidence that when he opened his eyes and lifted his head again he saw (Y/N) walking at the other end of the pool. She wasn’t looking at them, she hadn’t made any sounds to draw attention to herself. He just opened his eyes and there she was. He walked her pick a vacant spot across from them to put her towel and her bag down. His eyes widened as he watched her pull her dress over her head, revealing the two piece bikini she was wearing underneath.
“Who are you staring at?” Hailie asked.
Marshall jumped. He wasn’t sure how long he had been staring at (Y/N), but it was obviously long enough for it to be noticeable. He really hoped she hadn’t seen him.
Hailie followed his eyeline and smirked when she got the answer to his question. “She’s pretty.”
“We’ve run into each other a few times already,” Marshall said, trying to cover his ass.
“I’m sure you have,” Hailie teased.
(Y/N) got into the pool and swam around in one spot for a while before she began to make her way towards where Marshall was sat. He sat up quickly, although he wasn’t sure why. It would’ve made more sense for him to stay lounged back. Now he just looked like he was very eager to see her.
Which he was, but she didn’t have to know that.
(Y/N) swam up and leaned against the edge of the pool in front of the three. “Okay, we have to stop meeting like this.”
Marshall chuckled. “I’m not saying this was planned, but I did tell you I was coming out by the pool. Seems less than coincidental this time.”
“Oh, I assure you it was definitely all an accident,” she said. “I just also happened to be coming down to the pool. Totally forgot you said you’d be here too.”
They were both smiling at one another and Marshall forgot the world around them. He even forgot his own two daughters next to him, until he heard one of them clear their throats. When he looked over, they were both watching the scene with an amused smile on their faces.
“These are my daughters, Hailie and Alana,” he said. “Girls, this is (Y/N).”
“Nice to meet you,” (Y/N) said.
“You too,” Alana said.
“Hey, (Y/N), do you have any plans tonight?” Hailie asked. Marshall looked over at her in confusion.
(Y/N) shook her head. “No. Just enjoying the spot while I can.”
“Dad wanted to try the restaurant here at the resort, but we’re all pretty tired from the travel and all the sun. Maybe you two could go together.”
Marshall had to stop himself from whipping around in his chair to look at Hailie in disbelief. He tried to keep his cool, but suddenly his heart was pounding against his chest and the heat was feeling more suffocating than it had before.
(Y/N) looked up at Hailie, then to Marshall. A smile was tugging at the corners of her lips. “That sounds nice. What time should I meet you down there?”
“Uh, I guess...around 6 should be okay,” Marshall said.
(Y/N) nodded. “That sounds good to me.”
She pushed away from the edge and went back to swimming around in the pool. Hailie looked proud of herself as she laid back in her chair again, ignoring the questions and protests from her father.
But Marshall couldn’t lie, he was very excited to get some one on one time with (Y/N).
The girls explained the change of plan to Nathan, their fiancés, and to Stevie, all of which seemed very okay with the idea.
“I can take Ash on a date night instead,” Nathan said. “We won’t sit anywhere near you guys though, bro, don’t worry about that.”
So, with this sudden date in place, Marshall found himself digging through his suitcase to find anything that could be considered more “formal attire”. He hadn’t planned to meet anyone on the resort this way. He didn’t think there would be anyone he would have to impress. None of the clothes he packed seemed to do the trick, but he didn’t have much time left till he was supposed to meet (Y/N). He had to pick something, so he grabbed another pair of shorts and a plain t-shirt.
(Y/N) was waiting in front of the restaurant as Marshall exited the elevator. He almost breathed a sigh of relief when he saw she was also wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top. Nothing too formal, but something good enough for a surprise date.
“Hey,” Marshall said, getting her attention.
She turned and smiled. “Hey. I see you have a shirt this time.”
Marshall chuckled. “Yeah, I’m hoping the restaurant is air conditioned. Otherwise, I might get kicked out for stripping down if I get too warm.”
(Y/N) laughed at his joke, which sounded like music to his ears.
They walked in and were promptly seated at an empty table. The place wasn’t close to being full by any means, but it was still pretty busy. Marshall figured the resort had no problems staying busy at all times of the year. It was a beautiful spot, decently affordable and, besides that one rough patch when he had come to check in, the staff were very nice. He would love to come back again. Especially if this date with (Y/N) worked out.
They engaged in the usual small talk, getting to learn more about one another now that they were actually able to have some alone time together. Marshall was open with (Y/N) about his celebrity status - which luckily had not interfered with the vacation so far. To his surprise, (Y/N) admitted she had no idea that he was famous.
“I’m not into that kind of music,” she said. “No offence or anything, it’s just not my scene. I’m very much a pop and/or rock type of person.”
Hearing her say that felt like a weight had been lifted from Marshall’s chest that he didn’t even know had been there. There was always that small worry that he was getting into a relationship with someone who saw him more as Eminem the rapper than as Marshall Mathers the person. But (Y/N) seemed genuine about now knowing who he was, which made him feel like he could really relax for the rest of the night.
The night was going by very smoothly. Marshall found himself really falling for this woman in a way he hadn’t in a very long time. He worried that maybe it was happening too fast considering the fact they had only met for the first time that day, but then again there was a chance this relationship was also fleeting.
Which was something that had to be brought up eventually, and both of them knew it.
During a lull in their conversation, (Y/N) was the one to ask first, “So...what happens at the end of the week when you go back to Detroit and I go back to my home?”
Marshall sighed. “I didn’t really want to bring it up.”
“I didn’t either,” she admitted. “I’ve been having such a good time, I don’t really want to think about that future.”
Marshall thought for a moment before saying, “Would you be willing to do long distance if we had to?”
She nodded. “Of course. I’ll give anything a try, honestly.”
“I think...I could come see you. That would be easier to do than you coming to Detroit since you have your career and everything there. I can come see you and stay with you for some time, and next time you can get a prolonged time off work you could come visit me in Detroit. But the times in between...we’re just going to have to trust that we can do long distance for as long as we need to.”
(Y/N) reached across the table to slip her hand into his. “I think we can do that.”
Marshall gave her hand a squeeze. “I don’t want this to come off as me trying to push things too quickly between us. We only met for the first time today, we’ve only gone on one date. If you don’t want things to continue past here, I totally understand and I can respect that.”
She smiled and giggled. “If this were any other scenario, I think I would be more worried about going too fast and whatnot. But right now...I don’t know. I feel different with you. From the moment I saw you in the lobby, I feel like there was a connection between us that would be a waste not to explore it. Like you said, even if this doesn’t continue past the end of both of our vacations, at least we gave it a try.”
Marshall smiled. “Yeah, that sounds good to me.”
(Y/N) picked up her glass and raised it towards him. “To giving it a try.”
He chuckled and tapped his glass against hers. “To giving it a try.”
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Maybe I’m delusional and drank too much wine, but this is why Roy Kent being a closeted queer man explains EVERYTHING
While writing my meta piece about Jamie x Keeley I spent a lot of time thinking “What about Roy?”, since there are no convincing love interests for him aside from Keeley.
And, well, Jamie.
And for the first time I evaluated this as something that really could happen, since now there is the legit possibility that they make homophobia in professional football the prevalent theme in this season and having multiple queer storylines would help to illustrate different point of views and they could explore this with a Roy x Jamie romance plot.
And then I looked at Roy and … basically everything fell into place.
Why he represses his emotions, why he is so so angry, why he is so full with insecurities and struggles with his self-worth, why he is unable to show (physical or emotional) affection to a man without somehow having to taint it with an unnecessarily violent outbreak – the only notable exception being the Hug™️ in “Man City”. Something that hasn’t been addressed by anyone since then, which was a choice I always considered very odd, but postponing Roy’s character development to season 3 makes actually lot’s of sense, if Roy’s struggles are rooted in internalised homophobia. And if being queer in professional sports is the theme of season 3 like mental health was the theme of season 2.
Still makes his angry, violent outbursts really jarring and he has to show accountability, but if the pain he inflicted on others is related to the trauma of being forced to be in the closet for 25 odd years, that would be so heartbreaking. And it would fit into the theme of the show that actually good people like Rebecca or Jamie – and Nate once he gets his redemption – do unforgivable things and inflict pain on people who do not deserve it as a trauma response. Sure, it could be some other trauma – but this explanation would fit so well into this seasons theme, it just makes SO MUCH SENSE to me.
Also, Trent’s critique explains some of Roy’s insecurities, but he already was full of anger at seventeen, so the root of his anger has to be something different – and growing up queer in a hella homophobic surrounding since age ten and forced to stay in the closet unless he wants to throw away his dream career, if that is not a reason to be filled to the brim with anger, I don’t know what is.
And as far as I recall, the only people he actually physically attacks are Colin (the headbutt in 1x3) and Jamie. Then his beef with Trent.
In other words, we only ever see him being irrationally aggressive and violent towards queer coded or canonically queer men. Yes, he usually has reasons that are not related to (coded) sexuality – with the notable exception of “I have to headbutt Jamie before I hug him lest it seems gay!”
And the “ugly, ugly boy”-thing? Vanity is often used for queer coding. So Roy mocks something about Jamie that is queer coded.
This screams internalised homophobia.
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But I hear the naysayer going “Aren’t you reaching a bit?”
Maybe, but let us take a look at some ways how Roy is queer coded that come to mind off the top of my head.
First of all: He canonically has a secret double life, where he is notably softer, hangs out with a bunch of elderly women who have no clue who Roy Kent, professional angry footballer, is, and does yoga with them, frequents gay bars, hangs out with drag queens and watches reality tv while sipping rosé, which is a sweet girly drink, like you know “vanilla vodka. such a child.” – in his “real life” Roy would never ever drink rosé or admit to anyone that he watched even a single second of “Lust Conquers All” by accident (Keeley definitely didn’t know, or she would have teased him with this).
Who else has a secret double life? Colin.
And while I hate to be “look, so many gay stereotypes!” … Look, so many gay stereotypes!
Also, both Julie Andrews and Madonna are gay icons? As are Stevie Nicks and Tina Turner
“The Sound of Music” (his favourite) is popular in gay culture and the nuns are implied to be lesbians?
He mouths along when Rebecca sings “Let it go”, with Elsa being queer coded and the song being a queer anthem?
And when I googled “A Wrinkle in Time queer” first thing I got was a paper by the Syracuse University titled “Unusual Children: Queerishness and Strange Growth in A Wrinkle in Time and The Giver”, which discusses the queerness of the main character. You know, the “Am I supposed to be the little girl”-girl?
This are all the pop culture references I could recall off the top of my head, there may be things that are not queer coded, but … one or two, that is a coincidence. Three or more, that is a pattern. You cannot convince me that the writer’s “accidentally” queer coded Roy so extensively if he is supposed to be straight.
(Dear god, the only thing about Ted Lasso that always disappointed me was the lack of explicit queer characters – like, I’d bet with you that the majority of non-queer viewers didn’t get Keeley’s “dip the toe back in the lady pool” line or Colin’s “oh like Grindr?” – and if they now go and make the third season queer as fuck? Bless them!
And just like the next level trolling by Phil and Brett if they were actually spoiling the big love story for years, while everyone thought they were just joking?)
EDIT: Just looked up Gina Gershon, who Roy said he dated once—guess what, according to Wikipedia she’s considered a gay icon 🙃
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ohtobeleah · 8 months
💕 Galentines Day Song Prompt List 💕
Leah’s Galentines Day Special! Rules & Regulations are as followed 👇
🫶 All entries must be submitted over the weekend of the 17th & 18th of February. (Remember I’m Australian so this may be subject to Timezone differences)
🫶 All participants must be 18+ (Blogs will be checked upon entry for something that indicates this)
🫶 Participants must direct message me & requests a song to use as their prompt. Once a song has been recorded, selected and given to you, your @ will be tagged next to your chosen song.
-> Example: “Hi Leah, May I please select *Song of choice* for your Galentine’s Day special”
🫶 No kink!shaming allowed (Reader discretion will be advised by the participants involved) It will be the job of the Author to ensure their work is properly tagged and that warnings are properly placed.
🫶 Although this is a Valentines Day Soecial, angst is also encouraged as well as Smutty ideas, and of course our fluffy lovey dovey ideas. 💡
🫶 No Minimum or Maximum word count required.
🫶 Any art or moodboards are also welcome.
🫶 Submissions can be stand alone One-Shots or a blurb using previously established characters from worlds authors have already created.
🫶 All Submissions are to be tagged with #leahsgalentinesdayspecial and @ohtobeleah tagged.
🫶 All Submissions will be added to the official Galentines Day Soecial Masterlist as well as reblogged by yours truly.
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-> I’m Yours ~ Jason Marx
-> You're Still The One ~ Shania Twain @senawashere
-> Bubbly ~ Colbie Caillat @shinycupcakebaker
-> You and I ~ Lady Gaga @briseisgone
-> You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This ~ Toby Keith @a-reader-and-a-writer
-> Chasing Stars ~ Rupert Pope, Giles Palmer
-> Delicate ~ Taylor Swift @purelyfiction
-> Lavender Haze ~ Taylor Swift @becks-things
-> Style ~ Taylor Swift
-> Wildest Dreams ~ Taylor Swift
-> Lover ~ Taylor Swift @sorchathered
-> Wonderland ~ Taylor Swift @sparklehippie17
-> Love Again ~ Dua Lipa
-> Kiss Me ~ Sixpence None The Richer @muddwheelz123
-> Can’t Help Falling In Love ~ Elvis Presley @seresinsbrat
-> Can’t Take My Eyes Off You ~ Frankie Valli @withahappyrefrain
-> Be My Baby ~ The Robettes @nerdgirljen
-> Bad Romance ~ Lady Gaga @briseisgone
-> Somebody To Love ~ Queen @rockstxr-x
-> Lovefool ~ The Cardigans
-> Like a Wrecking Ball ~ Eric Church @mynameismackenziemae
-> Counting Stars ~ OneRepublic
-> Adore You ~ Harry Styles @seitmai
-> Radio ~ Lana Del Rey
-> All Of Me ~ John Legend @fanboyswhore9
-> Always Be My Baby ~ Mariah Carey @ryebecca
-> Let’s Stay Together ~ Al Green
-> Here I Am ~ Bryan Adams @auroralightsthesky
-> Something Just Like This ~ The Chainsmokers, Coldplay
-> Jessie’s Girl ~ Rick Springfield
-> Dandelions ~ Ruth. B @callsign-phoenix
-> I Want It That Way ~ Backstreet Boys
-> You & I ~ One Direction
-> A Thousand Miles ~ Vanessa Carlton
-> Hey Lover ~ The Daughters Of Eve @sunlightmurdock
-> She Will Be Loved ~ Maroon Five
-> Maps ~ Maroon Five
-> Girls Like You ~ Maroon Five
-> Stay With Me ~ Sam Smith
-> Love On The Brain ~ Rihanna @moonlight-prose
-> Mary Me ~ Train @sailor-aviator
-> Young & Beautiful ~ Lana Del Rey
-> I'm In Love ~ Hailey Whitters @purelyfiction
-> For Once In My Life ~ Stevie Wonder
-> Just Give Me A Reason ~ P!nk, Nate Ruess @bradshawsbaby
-> Just The Way You Are ~ Bruno Mars @mamachasesmayhem
-> I Don’t Wanna Live Forever ~ Zayn, Taylor Swift
-> How To Save A Life ~ The Fray
-> Love Me Like You Do ~ Ellie Golding @senawashere
🫶 Don’t see a song you’d like to use? Not a problem, direct message me your preferred song and I’ll add not only your song of choice but you to the list!
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explorevenus · 2 years
piercing porcelain, crimson sap ♡ vampire!steddie x reader (pt. 1)
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recommended listening - dracula (nate sees cassie) - labrinth
this part is generally sfw but the bulk of this series will be nsfw (18+) - so minors dni !!!!! or i will call ur mom
word count - 5k
description - in a fantasy world, reader is from a small, remote village. for many years you have been drawn to the mysterious mansion in the woods, the very same mansion you were warned against visiting for so long. you’ve tended to the neglected garden since you were young, growing attached to the strange, abandoned structure, only to one day find out the mansion isn’t as vacant as you’d thought...
tags/warnings - vampire!steddie, dark!steddie, innocent!reader, fem/afab!reader, pet names, no use of (Y/N), stevie is a lil cold at first but he warms up i promise, eddie is v manipulative lol, implied hypnosis, no smut yet but i promise it’s coming, fantasy elements obvi
a/n - ok i know this premise is done to death and like somewhat out of left field for a fucking stranger things fic but HEAR ME OUT. HEAR ME OUT OKAY. i am a SLUT for sexy mysterious vampire boys and i’ll be DAMNED if i don’t turn steve and eddie into sexy mysterious vampire boys at least once before i die. thank u for understanding and if u see this and it flops no u didn’t ♡
taglist - @urlbitchin​
my masterlist ♡ ​
part 2 coming soon ! lmk if u want to be added to the taglist :)​
fic below the cut, thanks for reading and i hope u enjoy ♡
-venus ♡
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Growing up in the woods, you were always taught to avoid the decrepit old mansion that hid away in the shadows of the tall trees, a warning you would heed with great caution as a child, but not so much as you grew into your teenage years. 
You were 15 when you first felt the urge to rebel, or rather when you first failed to fight it off. Restricting yourself to only the outside of the property, to make yourself feel better about your choices, if anything, you had set off along the overgrown path that winded northeast and just down the valley, into a remote corner of the wilderness where the decaying building loomed tall, quieting the forest around it.
Based on all the horror stories you'd been told over the years, you expected to find the place teeming with evil spirits, or perhaps grotesque monsters; but, it was silent as could be, utterly vacant by the looks of it, and at first, rather underwhelming. You thought to yourself that maybe that was the point of all those hyperbolic cautionary tales that the elders passed down, to build up this great big image of what evil might be hiding away here, only for the purpose of letting down those expectations later. You were ready to give up and walk home, disappointed by your findings (or lack thereof), when you caught sight of a beautiful jungle of plants out of the corner of your eye-- they were bursting through the gaps in an old iron fence. It was a long forgotten garden, and as luck would have it, plenty of the plants there were invaluable for your alchemical endeavors.
Every now and then you would slip away and return to the garden, mindlessly sifting through the salvageable ingredients, and as the years went on you'd made a habit of tidying up the weeds where you could, too. Your interest in alchemy hadn't fully extended to an interest in gardening, so you weren't the most experienced by any means, but it was amazing what the smallest loving touch could do for a long forgotten place. Not to mention, the ridding of the weeds allowed the more sought after plants to properly flourish. It became your own private place, your own little slice of heaven, untouched by anyone but yourself. You loved the community you'd grown up in, but you felt an immense comfort near that strange mansion.
In your adulthood you only began to spend more time at the property, caring for the precious plants and dreaming that the mansion was yours, dreaming that you were not a village witch thieving ingredients for a living but the mistress of a beautiful household, gardening for pleasure in her overabundance of free time. It wasn't so much the material that you wanted, no, but the freedom-- freedom from the dangers of the woods, freedom from that constant worry of being unable to provide for yourself, for your village. It was nice to fantasize sometimes.
On this particular afternoon, it was overcast when you were readying yourself to leave the village, so you saw it fit to bring an umbrella. The prospect of rain didn't bother you a bit, or change your plans to visit the mansion at all-- it had been too long since the last rainfall, so both yourself and the plants were sorely needing it anyway. You lifted the hood of your soft cloak over your head and stepped outside, flower basket in-hand and toting a leather backpack full of various gardening supplies.
Cutting through the trees to that fading old pathway, little rocks and twigs crunching ambiently beneath your boots, you looked up at the grey sky above to see that it was only continuing to darken on the horizon. Thick black clouds loomed in the distance, swallowing up every last bit of sunlight and visibly unleashing buckets of rain upon the northern end of the mountain range, and they were barreling closer at a rate highly noticeable to the naked eye. You briefly considered turning back, but decided to stick to it anyway, given the worst case scenario was having to walk home drenched.
That old iron fence creaked loudly in greeting as you entered, even louder than usual due to the moisture in the air. You closed it softly behind you and made your way over to the patch of nightshade that you'd been tending to. You propped your umbrella up on the stump of a nearby tree, crouched beneath it, and got to work pulling up weeds as little droplets began to fall around you. The petrichor was delightful and comforting, and the rainfall softened the earth enough to make it just a little easier to uproot things. It didn't take long for you to settle into a comfortable autopilot mode as the droplets became gradually larger, and more plentiful.
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Eddie and Steve liked this kind of rain.
Any kind of rain was favored, of course, but today was unmistakably a treat. The clouds were so dense and blackened with excess that no sunlight could hope to shine through. There was much excitement to be had on darkened days such as these, for a creature of the night-- the ability to roam during waking hours provided an entirely new insight into the lives and routines of their prospective cattle, and as a bonus, the moisture in the air tended to strengthen certain scents. 
But, in a more wholesome light, it was quite nice to reminisce in the long faded memory of their own mortality, to pretend, if even just for one afternoon, that their hearts may beat with vitality as they once did, that their bodies might once again hunger for fruit or pastries instead of thick red blood. It was a perfect day for a stroll, Eddie thought, and if they were to happen upon something suitable to dine on in the process, well, that's all the better...
Unfortunately, for his own skeptical reasons, Steve didn't seem to agree. He felt that it was too much of a risk to be seen by anyone, that it would blow their cover, and perhaps his paranoia was not entirely unfounded, though Eddie hesitated to give in. Not only had it been a while since the last good rainfall like this, but it had certainly been far too long since they'd found a new plaything, and Eddie was becoming... rather restless. The last few cattle they'd brought in hadn't really wowed him, as they were chosen more out of necessity and convenience than pleasure, and in turn, it took hardly any time at all for him to grow bored with them. Eddie needed something new, something exciting to keep him entertained for much, much longer than that. The weather provided the most enticing opportunity to stalk around, it was a shame that Steve was so adamantly against it. He could really be no fun sometimes.
Eddie was sulking around the mansion while Steve worked away in the upstairs office-- he had taken the additional waking hours as an opportunity to get ahead on his obligations, which was quite characteristically responsible of him, but Eddie couldn't bring himself to sit still, knowing that such a golden opportunity was being wasted. He could only rearrange the liquor cabinet so many times, let alone the furniture-- the exterior of the mansion was to remain untouched, to maintain the illusion of vacancy. With each passing second, the temptation to slip out for a bit to hunt while Steve worked was picking away at him.
Tossing the idea around, just for fun, of course, Eddie approached the nearest window and drew back the heavy red curtains for a peek outside-- just a scan of the property couldn't hurt, right?-- and as his mocha eyes followed along the treeline surrounding the property, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but he froze in place as he picked up on an intriguing scent. Curiously, Eddie cracked the old window open, letting in a draft of the cool, fresh air, and just as he'd hoped, it carried with it the sweet smell of living flesh. The stars couldn't have aligned more beautifully-- there was a human nearby.
To avoid alerting Steve, Eddie quickly sealed the window shut once more, slinking away up the stairs for a better view from the windows in the master bedroom. They were bigger than the ones in the hallway, had a much higher vantage point, and more conveniently, faced the single overgrown path that led to and from the property. Truthfully, he hadn't expected to find much-- Eddie didn't really consider himself lucky, and he knew that the powerful scents carried by the humid air could sometimes be deceiving. 
Still, just as he'd done before, he drew back the curtains and cracked the window, peering outward, noting that the human's scent was stronger here. It was floral and saccharine, like fresh lavender and juicy peach, laced with ribbons of intoxicating iron. Eddie's lashes fluttered as his eyes slid shut in delight, and he allowed himself a moment to breathe in deeply with an open, slightly watering mouth.
His eyes opened again and immediately caught sight of movement on the ground below. Eddie couldn't believe his eyes at first; crouched beneath an umbrella in the garden was a pretty little witch, muddying her slight hands in the thick weeds with no evident knowledge of the mansion's occupants. She wore a pale pink cloak that matched her boots and her umbrella, the white frills of her dress poofing out from beneath it, pointed elven ears peeking through her hair. Eddie could hardly fathom leaving the girl out in the rain-- after all, she must be freezing...
Eddie briefly considered asking Steve for his opinion, but had a sore feeling that he knew what he would say, and it wasn't likely to be in his favor. Deep down, he knew that it might be a reckless move, but the aroma in the air was all too enticing. With every passing second he was losing grasp of his better judgement. The temptation was far too much, and so it was that he gathered an umbrella of his own, and decided he would rather ask for forgiveness later. His sleek black dress shoes went from tapping elegantly across the hardwood floors to sinking into the wet earth. While he wasn't exactly thrilled that his expensive shoes had been exposed to the elements, he knew that the reward could be well worth it. Conveniently, too, the softness of the ground masked the noise of his movements, allowing him a bit more time to observe the girl in her relaxed state. Eddie approached the little elf slowly, not wanting to frighten her. She was so absorbed in her work that she hadn't even looked up.
In all honesty, the girl's unmoving focus and lowered guard brought a little smirk to Eddie's face. Finally, he asked aloud, "My, sweetheart, aren't you cold?" His voice was so warm and sweet, but somehow chilling, too.
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You startled, freezing in place as your eyes raked up the length of his body before you-- he was so tall, with long legs clad in nice black slacks that fit him sinfully well, and contrasted to his pale white skin in a way that gave him a nearly unnatural glow. His alabaster face was framed by wildly curly, dark hair, tucked into a messy low bun behind his neck. You couldn't find the words to speak-- he was certainly stunning, a sight for sore eyes, but you had definitely not expected to see anyone out here, let alone in this weather, and it was even weirder that he was able to sneak up on you.
"Oh, you poor thing, you're shivering..." The mysterious man frowned, crouching to your level, fingertips tracing along the underside of her jaw. Little did you know that he was feeling for your pulse. "Why don't you come inside and warm up, hm? We'll get you out of this rain and into some dry clothes."
Inside...? You were only puzzled further-- as far as you knew, this mansion had been vacant for decades, and it certainly looked the part. The garden was far from the only section of it that had fallen into disrepair. The circumstances of this situation were overtly suspicious, but there was something about him that just made it so hard to say no. The mysterious man was equal parts haunting and alluring, comforting and hazardous. Before you could say anything, he reached forward to wrap an arm around your shoulders and then began to usher you indoors.
Shutting the heavy oak door softly behind you, the man rested a hand on your shoulder from behind. "May I take your umbrella?" He kindly asked.
"T-Thank you," You blushed, shakily handing your umbrella over to the man, suddenly being washed over by a feeling of guilt for dripping water all over the beautiful hardwood flooring. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know anyone lived here--"
"Shh, it's quite alright, angel," He soothed, hand sliding from your shoulder to your collarbone as he stepped forward, and twisted around to face you. Every movement he made was so enchanting, so graceful, you nearly tripped over yourself as he was stepping out of his muddy shoes. "I appreciate the company. It's not often we get visitors out here."
You were then given absolutely no time to ponder the implication of the word 'we' as the man asked for your name. Somewhat warily, you gave it to him. He hummed contentedly, testing the name out on his tongue, and he was very much pleased with how it felt.
"How pretty," He mused. "And how sweet of you to take such good care of our garden... it's nice to meet you. I'm Eddie."
You were immediately flustered at the praise, cheeks flushing bright pink as your eyes darted somewhere else, drinking in your surroundings-- perhaps the outside of the mansion was falling apart, but the inside was truly beautiful. Dark, but beautiful. Intricately carved wooden furniture decorated the space, fine paintings adorned the deep blue walls which flickered a warm orange with cozy candlelight, and the ceilings were so high that it made you feel particularly small. It looked almost regal. 
Eddie gently reached for your hand, bringing you swiftly back to reality. "Why don't you come upstairs and we'll get you out of those wet clothes, hm?" He asked, but he was already leading the way-- again, there was something unnaturally persuasive about him, and it went far deeper than his unparalleled beauty. You rounded a corner and began to ascend the winding staircase, the fine wood creaking softly beneath your steps. 
Clearing your throat nervously, you finally mustered up the courage to speak. "Do you live alone here?"
Eddie shook his head, leading you down a hallway at the top of the staircase. You followed obediently. "I have a roommate, an... old friend, named Steve," Eddie explained over his shoulder. "He's working away in his office, but I hope we see him soon. I would love to introduce you."
Of course, Eddie was well aware that your scent would soon breach the door to Steve's office, that it was only a matter of time until he'd follow it through the house until it led him to the both of you. He knew Steve would be angry with him, but he also knew Steve would have a hard time saying no to such a pretty meal laid out just for him. Eddie was willing to take that risk.
One of two thick oak doors creaked open before you, revealing an immaculate master bedroom. The windows were blocked with heavy black drapes which matched the dark, plush bedding, complimented by the stained wood floor. The walls were painted a deep, navy blue, shrouding the room in darkness save for the soft light of a bedside lamp crafted of Tiffany glass.
"You have a beautiful home," You spoke softly, eyes fixated to the many intricate details of the space that seemed endless, every flick of your eyes uncovering new treasures to be admired-- paintings, trinkets, candles long burnt down and dripping hardened wax down their bases.
Eddie chuckled, gazing at you out of the corner of his eye as he rifled through the closet for something you could wear, though it was hard for him to make a decision. You looked so adorable in your soft colored clothes, even drenched in rain and speckled with earth, and he sadly didn't have anything that matched your gentle appearance.
"Thank you, doll. You're very sweet," He finally replied, and as the words left his lips he noticed your polite manners. You observed your surroundings quietly, hands clasped in front of you as you made the noticed choice not to overstep, not to touch anything without permission, not to look too closely at any one thing. 
It came as a surprise to him when he felt his cold heart swell. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt such a way about someone he'd tricked into his home for a quick meal.
He brought his attention back to the closet, giving up on his own side and choosing instead to rummage through Steve's-- yet another decision he might come to regret, but at least Steve was more likely to own something soft and colorful. Almost immediately his eyes landed on a thick yellow sweater that would surely warm you up. Eddie plucked it off of its hanger and turned to hand it to you.
However, you were lost in an oil painting on the wall, wide eyes glassy with wonder as you looked over each brushstroke of a glowing crescent moon over a stream of rushing water. Eddie and Steve had acquired that painting so long ago that Eddie couldn't even remember where it came from or who painted it, but just how mesmerized you were by the piece was art enough for him.
Eddie cleared his throat to gather your attention, holding the sweater out for you. "Here, this should help you warm up," He smiled, careful not to bare his teeth. He didn't want to scare you off now. Only moments ago he simply wanted to bleed you dry, but now he found himself wanting to taste you, savor you, perhaps even keep you.
Oblivious, you took the garment from him with a smile, amazed at how soft it was. You thanked Eddie quietly before turning around to shed yourself of your dress, undoing the thin ribbons that secured it in the back before letting it slip gently down from your shoulders. You stepped out of the soaked piece carefully, thankful to your past self for choosing to wear tights and thin shorts beneath it, and as you pulled the cozy sweater over your head you delighted in the near immediate warmth that came with it. Shortly after, you gathered your dress from the floor and turned to face him.
"Thank you. Is there somewhere I can hang this to dry?" You asked.
Eddie tried to conceal his smirk as he answered you, "Well, I would say you could hang it on the clothesline, but..." He gestured toward the window which was concealed behind the thick drapes, but the sound of fat rain drops pattering against the glass was clear. "You should stay inside until the rain lets up, hm? I'd be happy to light the fireplace for you."
"I don't know... I should probably get back to the village in case the storm gets any worse," You spoke reluctantly, casting your gaze to the floor in disappointment, a move that was not lost on Eddie. "I might need to help cover the crops. I don't know what we'll do for the winter if our harvest is flooded."
Your disappointment communicated a couple of things to him-- one, you truly wanted to stay and spend time with him, and two, it was likely you'd be easy to convince to do just that. Of course he understood your plight, though he hadn't really considered the struggles of everyday, living, breathing people in a long time, but selfishly...
"Well, how many people live in your village, sweetheart?" He asked. You looked up at him, tilting your head quizzically. He chuckled, clarifying, "I don't get out much. I wouldn't know."
You had to think for a second-- you'd never really counted-- and when you landed on an estimate you were comfortable with, you obliged. "I don't know exactly... 45 or 50, maybe?"
Eddie hummed, crossing his arms casually. "That's a lot of hands. I'm sure they'll fare just fine without your help for a few hours, yeah?"
You pondered for a moment, just beginning to part your lips to accept his offer to stay for a while when another voice cut through the air, disapproving and materializing out of nowhere: "Eddie... What do you think you're doing?"
While you startled at the unexpected voice, jumping slightly where you stood, Eddie could only grin, turning slowly around to face the man in the doorway.
Only logical, you surmised this was the 'friend' Eddie had told you about earlier-- he was tall and athletic, square jaw and long lashes with fluffy brown hair that wisped over his face. The top two buttons of his white shirt were undone, revealing a thatch of dark hair over his strong chest. Your mouth dried-- the two of them were strikingly, devilishly handsome, especially together, and suddenly you felt your cheeks heating up with confusion over your own feelings and embarrassment for causing a problem.
Eddie's response cut your internal dialogue short. "Stevie! There you are," He greeted innocently. "Remember how you mentioned the garden looked like it was coming back to life? Well, I found the culprit," He joked, gesturing to you as he introduced you by name. Your face burned even hotter.
"...And you found the culprit wearing my shirt?" Steve asked.
You felt your heart sink into yourself. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know-" You stammered, but Eddie raised his palm to quiet you and spoke for you instead.
"Come on, Steve, look at her... Poor thing got soaked in the rain! Besides, doesn't she look adorable in yellow?"
Suddenly you felt hot for a different reason. You looked down to the floor to hide your face-- little did you know they could both hear your heart pounding. Still staring at the floor, you spoke up again, a little louder this time. "Um, I'm sorry for intruding... You can have your shirt back and I'll just go. I didn't mean to cause any problems."
As you looked up to make your way toward the door, you accidentally locked eyes with Eddie. An unexpected wave of calm washed over you, stopping you in your tracks.
"Nonsense, sweetheart," Eddie said. "You're not intruding at all."
Steve gave him a look that missed you completely, a look you wouldn't have been able to read anyway in your trance-like state. You couldn't really manage to speak, let alone interpret the silent communication between two men who were obviously so close with each other that the most subtle physical cues could speak a thousand words. 
Eddie put a hand on your shoulder. It was cold.
He smiled at you confidently. "Would you mind giving us the room for a moment, doll?"
Your feet were carrying you to the door before his words even fully sank in. Your gaze lingered on Steve for just a moment as you passed by him on your way out-- he was intently watching you go, arms crossed as he leaned against the door frame. You weren't sure how to feel about that.
Plopping down to sit at the top of the staircase, you tugged at the sleeves of the yellow sweater and wondered what kind of conversation they were having. It was overtly obvious Steve didn't want you there, but Eddie seemed quite sure of his ability to change Steve's mind. Having just met him less than an hour ago, you didn't know him well enough to trust his judgment on that. 
A tall grandfather clock ticked rhythmically down the hall, echoing each passing second. You picked idly at your tights just to pass the time, hoping Eddie's offer to light the fireplace for you would still be in the question, should Steve decide you could stay. You could faintly hear the timbre of their voices muted by the thick wooden door, but you couldn't make out what was being said or even discern the emotion behind it. All you could do was sit there, practicing your patience. Part of you wondered if you should just leave the sweater in your place and go, if it weren't for the fact your dress was still in the bedroom and you had no idea where Eddie put your umbrella.
You were too absorbed in your thoughts to notice the hallway had quieted. Apparently you were also too absorbed in your thoughts to notice the sound of the bedroom door opening.
"You do look rather cute in that sweater," A voice startled you from behind. Clutching your chest, you turned to face the source of it, surprised to find Steve. He was noticeably calmer and offering you his hand to help you up. "I might just have to let you keep it."
Shocked, you blushed as you took his hand, rising gently from where you sat. His hand was cold too. "T-Thanks," You stuttered. "I'm sorry if I caused any problems-"
"You didn't," He cut you off with a warm smile. "I promise. The apology is mine-- I'm sorry for coming off the way I did. You didn't do anything wrong."
"There you go, Stevie," Eddie chimed in from the bedroom doorway. You were beginning to sense a pattern that they had a unique ability to sneak up on you. "See? I knew you could play nice."
Steve shook his head, giving you an exasperated look that communicated quite well to you that Eddie was no stranger to successful persuasion such as this. "Let's get that fireplace lit, shall we?"
Guiding you down the stairs by your hand, Eddie trailing close behind, Steve led you to the parlor and encouraged you to make yourself comfortable as he knelt before the fireplace, stacking nearby logs of firewood into the soot-stained enclosure. Eddie was quick to replace Steve's hand with his own, leading you over to the couch. He offered to brew some tea for you, which you eagerly accepted, and as he made his way to the kitchen you found yourself sinking into the soft couch and watching Steve turn the gas valve at the bottom of the fireplace, striking a match to set the lumber alight at last.
Steve sat on the couch to your left, leaned coolly against the arm. The light from the fire cast a flickering orange glow over his handsome features.
He asked you about how you'd found yourself here, what measures you'd taken to revive the garden and what your village was like. He seemed hesitant to tell you much about his own past, other than that he came from a family in the city that he wasn't particularly close with. You let it slide, figuring there was much more to it than that, and you didn't feel comfortable prying.
Soon Eddie returned with a hot cup of tea, cautioning you to be careful of its temperature before he handed it off to you. You hadn't asked what kind it was, but it smelled delightfully earthy and herbal and a little bit minty, sure to chase the chill from your bones. You thanked him with a polite smile as he sat on the couch to your right, cradling the warm porcelain in your hands.
The three of you continued to chat, learning more about each other as you all became comfortable and opened up a bit. You learned that Eddie plays guitar-- he promised to show you sometime. You learned that Steve used to be an incredible athlete. You learned that the two of them met in school, that they hated each other at first, but have since been inseparable for a longer period of time than either of them could recall. You told them about your family, about your aptitude for horticulture. You promised to teach them how to care for their plants.
The conversation came to a comfortable break, the parlor draped in silence other than the pleasant sound of wood crackling in the fireplace. You were a sip or two away from finishing your tea when Steve leaned forward, tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear as he asked, "Do you believe in the supernatural?"
It was an odd question that seemed to come out of nowhere. You nodded slightly. "I mean... yeah. Living in the woods for so long, I know quite well that there are many things on this Earth that nature couldn't possibly explain." You quietly sipped your tea.
"Does it scare you?" Eddie smirked, planting a cool hand on your knee. Suddenly you were feeling nervous under the pressure of their attention. You finished the last of your tea, leaning forward to set your empty mug on the coffee table.
"Not really," You replied, eyes focused on the fire. "Everything in nature requires a balance. Light and dark, hot and cold..."
"Predator and prey?" Eddie added.
You tensed a little bit, nodding. "Sure, that's a great example. It's all Gaia's will."
"Even if you were the prey?" Steve asked.
"Y-Yeah, I mean, of course," You hummed, wishing now that you hadn't finished your tea so fast. You needed something to fidget with. "It's all Gaia's will," You repeated.
Eddie's hand repositioned from your knee to your thigh so smoothly that you almost hadn't noticed. "Hmm... What about pain and pleasure?"
Steve's yellow sweater was beginning to feel rather hot on your body. Your breath hitched in your throat. "Absolutely," You answered innocently, although your voice shook. "It all contributes to a delicate balance."
You weren't stupid. You knew where they were going with this... or at least you thought you did. Oddly enough, as you'd answered just moments before, you weren't scared.
Maybe if you'd really known what you were in for, you would have been.
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skinnywalker · 2 years
Multifandom masterlist
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Nsfw 🌶
Angst 🧅
Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso
None yet
Coach beard
None yet
Trent Crimm
None yet
Rebecca Watlon
None yet
Jamie Tart
None yet
Roy Kent
None yet
Sam Obisanya
None yet
Dani Rojas
None yet
Nate Shelley
None yet
Will Kit man
None yet
DnD honor among thieves
None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
Criminal minds
Headcanons 🌶
Spencer reid
None yet
Aaron hotch
Professional nanny
Penelope Garcia
None yet
Derek morgan
None yet
Emily Prentiss
None yet
Stranger things
tastes like kiwi 🌶
Girls like boys who like boys
Black fem reader
Let's just forget
Male reader
Back bumps 🧅
Male reader headcanons
Things are different now
Somebody has a crush
Love you
Where you will go pt1
it will be ok 🧅
dating eddie as el's brother
Chrissy Cunningham
In the forest pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Steve Harrington
God you were such a dick🧅
Billy hargrove
My little dove pt 1🧅
Pt 2🧅
Pt 3🧅
Karen wheeler
Suburban mom 🌶
Picture prefect
Mall love
None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
The Last of Us
Joel miller
None yet
Ellie williams
None yet
The Sandman
The ruby burns
Humanity's cold arms 🧅
A bird in a cage 🧅
None yet
The Corinthian
Lester sinclair
Lester x male reader pt1
Pt 2 🌶
RZ Micheal myers
Child reader pt 1 🧅
Pt 2
Mine after all this time 🌶
Bo sinclair
None yet
Puppy tender
Vincent sinclair
None yet
Tiffany valentine
None yet
Norman Nordstrom
None yet
Mick Taylor
None yet
Billy lenz
Billy x male reader pt1 🌶
pt2 🌶
Billy loomis
None yet
Stu macher
None yet
Amber Freeman
Noel yet
Amanda young
None yet
Multi fem
Fem slasher headcanons
Thomas Hewitt
None yet
Bubba sawyer
None yet
The collector
None yet
The lost boys
Male rolling reader
Tiny hands
All in a day's work 🌶
Oh Stevie 🌶
I'll do it myself🌶
Pretty boy🌶
Cold water
My god
None yet
Bucky barnes
None yet
Steve rogers
Well hello 🌶
Tony stark
Just a coffee outing
Natasha romanoff
None yet
Wanda maximoff
None yet
Foggy nelson
None yet
Matt murdock
None yet
Miles Morales
I knew you
Spider Gewn Stacy
None yet
Pativr Prabhakar
None yet
Hobie Brown
None yet
Boy crazy 🌶
Edward nashton
Bottom headcanons 🌶
You just don't get it pt 1 🧅
Pt 2 🌶
None yet
None yet
Red Dead Redemption
Arthur Morgan
None yet
Lenny Summers
None yet
Charles Smith
None yet
GoT and HotD
Daenerys Stormborn
None yet
Rhaenyra Targaryen
None yet
Sansa Stark
None yet
Arya Stark
None yet
Bran Stark
None yet
Robb Stark
None yet
Jon Snow
None yet
Theon Greyjoy
None yet
Yara Greyjoy
Daenerys Stormborn
None yet
Sandor Clegane
None yet
Brienne of Tarth
None yet
Podrick Payne
None yet
None yet
Oberyn Martell
None yet
Margaery Tyrell
None yet
Loras Tyrell
None yet
Tyrion Lannister
None yet
Jamie Lannister
None yet
Tormund Giantsbane
None yet
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dolly-gutzz · 2 months
☆masterlist + about me ☆
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★ ⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆★
~ 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔪𝔢! ~
⚝ ‧₊˚⚝
~ Sophie // 16 ~
~ 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔰: (she/her) ~
𖦹 𖤐 🕸 𖤐 𖦹
~ 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔬𝔣 (davi<3!!) ~
 † ཐི❤︎ཋྀ †
~ 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔟𝔷 𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 2 (Lolita-Lana Del Rey) ~
(//_-) 𝔤𝔬 𝔞𝔴𝔞𝔶!!!
☆masterlist ☆
☆Characters/Fandoms I write for ☆
Hazel Callahan
Juno macguff
☆Good Will Hunting
Morgan O’Mally
Will Hunting
Ruben!platonic only!
Stevie/sunburn!platonic only!
☆Metal lords
Hunter Sylvester
☆She Drives me Crazy
Scottie Zajac
☆Pretty in Pink
Philip “duckie” Dale
☆Breakfast club
Brian Johnsom
John Bender
☆The Last Of Us 
Ellie Williams
☆Diary of a Wimpy Kid 
Rodrick Heffley
☆Ferris Buellers Day Off
Ferris Bueller
☆The Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreaves
Klaus Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreaves
☆The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Rue Bennet
Nate Jacobs 
☆Ten Things I Hate About You
Patrick Verona
Cameron James
☆Gilmore Girls
Jess Mariano
Tristan Dugray
Dean Forester 
☆Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien Agreste 
☆Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children
Enoch O’Connor 
☆The Black Phone
Vance Hopper
Finny Blake
Carlos Devil
Jay Jafar
Harry Hook
☆Descendants~Rise of Red
James Hook
Zed Necrodopolous
Wyatt Lykansen
Jeff The Killer
Ticci Toby
Eyeless Jack
Hazel Callahan-
☆Dating hazel would be like 
☆nights w fuckshit
☆Nicknames- pt 1/pt 2
☆ray x platonic!sibling!reader- Pt 1/ Pt2
~one shots~
Hunter Sylvester-
☆ Hunter x goth!f!reader
☆Hunter x fem!reader 
☆ten things I hate about you 
Enoch O’Connor-
☆back to your arms
☆Breaking and Entering
☆Dilemma only a gf can fix 
!!Author's notes!!!
Hey my little freaky freaks!! Welcome to my little coven of writings! Feel free to request anything your little heart's desire, and i will try to make ur dreams come true :3 ; just know that with my junior year of highschool coming indubitably near, my schedule will be a little packed (curse my partaking in four college classes ) But I will try my damndest to write as much as i can!! Love yall and happy reading <3
DollyGutzz(aka elmokid)
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eludin-realm · 11 months
Character Name Ideas (Male)
So I've been browsing through BehindTheName (great resource!) recently and have compiled several name lists. Here are some names, A-Z, that I like. NOTE: If you want to use any of these please verify sources, meanings etc, I just used BehindTheName to browse and find all of these. Under the cut:
A: Austin, Aiden, Adam, Alex, Angus, Anthony, Archie, Argo, Ari, Aric, Arno, Atlas, August, Aurelius, Alexei, Archer, Angelo, Adric, Acarius, Achilou, Alphard, Amelian, Archander B: Bodhi, Bastian, Baz, Beau, Beck, Buck, Basil, Benny, Bentley, Blake, Bowie, Brad, Brady, Brody, Brennan, Brent, Brett, Brycen C: Cab, Cal, Caden, Cáel, Caelan, Caleb, Cameron, Chase, Carlos, Cooper, Carter, Cas, Cash, Cassian, Castiel, Cedric, Cenric, Chance, Chandler, Chaz, Chad, Chester, Chet, Chip, Christian, Cillian, Claude, Cicero, Clint, Cody, Cory, Coy, Cole, Colt, Colton, Colin, Colorado, Colum, Conan, Conrad, Conway, Connor, Cornelius, Creed, Cyneric, Cynric, Cyrano, Cyril, Cyrus, Crestian, Ceric D: Dallas, Damien, Daniel, Darach, Dash, Dax, Dayton, Denver, Derek, Des, Desmond, Devin, Dewey, Dexter, Dietrich, Dion, Dmitri, Dominic, Dorian, Douglas, Draco, Drake, Drew, Dudley, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan, Danièu E: Eadric, Evan, Ethan, Easton, Eddie, Eddy, Einar, Eli, Eilas, Eiljah, Elliott, Elton, Emanuel, Emile, Emmett, Enzo, Erik, Evander, Everett, Ezio F: Faolán, Faron, Ferlin, Felix, Fenrir, Fergus, Finley, Finlay, Finn, Finnian, Finnegan, Flint, Flip, Flynn, Florian, Forrest, Fritz G: Gage, Gabe, Grady, Grant, Gray, Grayson, Gunnar, Gunther, Galahad H: Hale, Harley, Harper, Harvey, Harry, Huey, Hugh, Hunter, Huxley I: Ian, Ianto, Ike, Inigo, Isaac, Isaias, Ivan, Ísak J: Jack, Jacob, Jake, Jason, Jasper, Jax, Jay, Jensen, Jed, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Jonas, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Josh, Julien, Jovian, Jun, Justin, Joseph, Joni, K: Kaden, Kai, Kale, Kane, Kaz, Keane, Keaton, Keith, Kenji, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kieran, Kip, Knox, Kris, Kristian, Kyle, Kay, Kristján, Kristófer L: Lamont, Lance, Landon, Lane, Lars, László, Laurent, Layton, Leander, Leif, Leo, Leonidas, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Louie, Liam, Liberty, Lincoln, Linc, Linus, Lionel, Logan, Loki, Lucas, Lucian, Lucio, Lucky, Luke, Luther, Lyall, Lycus, Lykos, Lyle, Lyndon, Llewellyn, Landri, Laurian, Lionç M: Major, Manny, Manuel, Marcus, Mason, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Maverick, Maxim, Memphis, Midas, Mikko, Miles, Mitch, Mordecai, Mordred, Morgan, Macari, Maïus, Maxenci, Micolau, Miro N: Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Niall, Nico, Niels, Nik, Noah, Nolan, Niilo, Nikander, Novak, O: Oakley, Octavian, Odin, Orlando, Orrick, Ǫrvar, Othello, Otis, Otto, Ovid, Owain, Owen, Øyvind, Ozzie, Ollie, Oliver, Onni P: Paisley, Palmer, Percival, Percy, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phineas, Phoenix, Piers, Pierce, Porter, Presley, Preston, Pacian Q: Quinn, Quincy, Quintin R: Ragnar, Raiden, Ren, Rain, Rainier, Ramos, Ramsey, Ransom, Raul, Ray, Roy, Reagan, Redd, Reese, Rhys, Rhett, Reginald, Remiel, Remy, Ridge, Ridley, Ripley, Rigby, Riggs, Riley, River, Robert, Rocky, Rokas, Roman, Ronan, Ronin, Romeo, Rory, Ross, Ruairí, Rufus, Rusty, Ryder, Ryker, Rylan, Riku, Roni S: Sammie, Sammy, Samuel, Samson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scout, Seán, Seth, Sebastian, Seymour, Shane, Shaun, Shawn, Sheldon, Shiloh, Shun, Sid, Sidney, Silas, Skip, Skipper, Skyler, Slade, Spencer, Spike, Stan, Stanford, Sterling, Stevie, Stijn, Suni, Sylvan, Sylvester T: Tab, Tad, Tanner, Tate, Tennessee, Tero, Terrance, Tevin, Thatcher, Tierno, Tino, Titus, Tobias, Tony, Torin, Trace, Trent, Trenton, Trev, Trevor, Trey, Troy, Tripp, Tristan, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Ty, Teemu U: Ulric V: Valerius, Valor, Van, Vernon, Vespasian, Vic, Victor, Vico, Vince, Vinny, Vincent W: Wade, Walker, Wallis, Wally, Walt, Wardell, Warwick, Watson, Waylon, Wayne, Wes, Wesley, Weston, Whitley, Wilder, Wiley, William, Wolfe, Wolfgang, Woody, Wulfric, Wyatt, Wynn X: Xander, Xavier Z: Zachary, Zach, Zane, Zeb, Zebediah, Zed, Zeke, Zeph, Zaccai
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x-manson-annotated · 3 months
X-Manson Annotated Chapter 4 - Part Four - ORORO MONROE
This is a part I've been both anticipating and dreading. This section will get into Storm's place in this Au, but it's also the spot that I have the least amount of background information on some of the references. I've googled a few of them, but I will need some help piecing together a few of them if you can help.
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*Fuck yes, John and James. I love these guys a lot. Huge is an understatement.
**Also, finally someone's calling out the thing she's doing.
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*Not sure Callisto was ever a marine in the comics. John was, so maybe he knows her from previous things in his life.
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*Were the Proudstars working for the government to spy on the school?
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*Maybe not.
**This could be Xavier's psychic tampering, normal government incompetence, or someone in the government had a reason to keep the school going.
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*Xavier killed people who weren't even directly tied to the cult, just people making too much of a stink about them.
*haha, get it?
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*Logan and Rasputin destroy listening posts.
**The recently acquired houses are meant to act as Xavier's eyes and ears within the town when Psychic protection on targets are in place.
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*Sounds close to The Age of Apocalypse in terms of deal. A mutant revolution in this au sounds messy and cruel. Most revolutions are.
*I've noticed in this chapter the spelling gets more canadian. I don't edit these unless it's the highlighting, bold, or underlining to add emphasis and focus. So these are Benway's own additions. Doctor Benway is Canadian.
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*The Nate Count now stands at 3. The Rachel count is at 2.
**That's fascinating.
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It's mother fucking Storm!
*Ororo is from a long line of priestesses/magicians and might in a very technical way count as a princess.
Also, i read all of her dialogue in x-men 97's ororo voice. Fun things can be fun, even when they're deeply upsetting.
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I'm reading this section as Ororo and by extension, The remains of Xavier's cult using Afrocentric Revolutionary aesthetics to try to make their case seem less threatening in comparrison to The Proudstars and their care centre.
I think her highlighting the accusation of slavery and sexual predation is a sign of that. This whole fanfic seems highly influenced by conspiracy theorist thinking that I'm more familiar with from the 2010s-2020s. It reminds me a lot of Q-Anon more and more as I read it.
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*Who are the other backers?
*Who manipulated Xavier, Ororo?
**That dream is alive, but it's not alive inside all of you. But I know who.
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I have some guesses about who the non-mutant volunteers might be. But this is not something that will be semi-confirmed later in the story, this is just a headcanon. I think Stevie Hunter is probably among them.
Stevie Hunter, Tom Corsi, Sharon Friedlander, Peter Corbeau.
Corbeau could also possibly be a financial backer or could be manipulated by the cult. Possibly tied to Warren Worthington.
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I'm loving this trend of the Proudstars taking the piss out of people's little personality flaws.
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A lot of shit all at once.
Ororo Munroe is probably an actual princess? I don't get this.
She worked for the Dictator of Zanzibar as a member of his secret police. Left in 1976 during a coup.
She was forced out of an embassy in Washington in 1978 during another coup.
She was photographed for a pornographic magazine called "Dark Chocolate". I initially thought that the African woman described on the cover was meant to be her, and might still be, but none of her traits like the white hair or her name are mentioned. The scars are what lead me to think she's Ororo. In the comics Ororo has a traumatic past with a few people so it's possible this version has physical scars from it.
Headcanon: In keeping with my minor headcanon that Xavier is the host to The Shadow King, maybe when he became the host Shadow King!Xavier essentially groomed Young Ororo on the Streets of Cairo to go on to do this. Sending her south to act as an agent of disruption? But this is really me drawing at straws here.
I want to know more about these Coups in Zanzibar in the 1970s. I read somewhat about them, but the coups i found occur on different years so i'm not sure if they're meant to be anything specific.
I'm not sure what Ororo being a princess has to do with her being in The President's secret police.
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wqbytop100 · 2 years
Top 100 for the week ending March 19, 2023
Heaven---Niall Horan -2 [intro .16s /Ends Cold @ 3.00s]
Reborn----SIDEPIECE, *Kyle Walker remix-3^ [intro .08s / Break@ 1.34s / Ends Cold 3.38]
Here We Go Again----Oliver Tree, David Guetta -4^ [Intro 0.7s/ Ends Cold @4.39s]
Dancing's Done----Ava Max -5 [intro.10s/Ends Cold 2.40s]
Left & Right----Ownboss, FAST BOY -97 [Intro .03s/Ends Cold 2.31s]
Just The Kinda Feeling----Yotto, Lost Boy -9^ [intro 0.6s/Cold 3.32]
Lovesick----Alan Walker, Sophie Simmons -11 [intro .08s/EndsCold @2.03
Back To You---Lost Frequencies, Elley Duhe, X Ambassabors -12 [intro.08s/[email protected]]
High Heels - Party Down Under----Flo Rida, Walker Hayes, *Sam Feldt remix -18^ [Begins Vocals/1stEnd [email protected]]
Sparks----MEDUZA, DEL-30, Mali-Koa -19^ [[email protected]/[email protected]]
10:35----Tiesto, Tate McRae -21 [Begins Vocals/[email protected]]
Good Time----The Dare -27^[[email protected]/EndsCold2.13s]
You Know What I Need----PNAU, Troye Sivan -15 [intro@09s/2.46s]
Unholy----Sam Smith, Kim Petras -1 [intro.21s/[email protected]]
I Can't Wait----Tiesto, Solardo, Poppy Baskcomb -17 [[email protected]/Ends [email protected]]
Pearls----Jessie Ware -25^ [intro0.30s/[email protected]]
Money On The Dash-----Elley Duhe, Whethan -7 [introBeginsVocals/[email protected]]
Never Gonna Not Dance Again----Pink, *Sam Feldt remix -10 [intro0.07s/Ends [email protected]]
When I Talk-----Kx5 f/ Elderbrook -14 [intro0.14s/[email protected]]
Lay Low----Tiesto -13 [BeginsVocals/[email protected]]
Hungry Heart-----Steve Aoki, Galantis, Hayley Kiyoko -92^ [BeginsVocals/[email protected]]
Borderline-----Tove Lo -62^ [intro0.7s/[email protected]/Fade3.00s]
Out Of My Mind----Little Image -8 [[email protected]/begins long fade @2.21s]
Something's Coming----Cheat Codes, Lady A -58 [intro0.8s/[email protected]]
If We Ever Broke Up-----Mae Stephens -68^ [intro0.08s/[email protected]]
Red Lights----Lane 8, Emmit Fenn, *EMBRZ remix -23
***River----Mylie Cyrus -(new entry)
Chasing Shadows----Alex Warren -89^
Afterparty----Loud Luxury, Hook N Sling -6
Gone (Da da Da)-----Imanbek, Jay Sean -16^
Lennon----ESSEL -33
Different Kind Of Lonely---Camp Kubrick, Don Diablo -24
New Gold----Gorrillaz, Tame Impala, Bootie Brown, *Dom Dolla remix -32
Tra Tra----HUGEL, BLOND:ISH, Nfasis -35
Bel Mercy---Jengi -37
Flowers ------Mylie Cyrus -43 ''peak16''
Shut Up----Alan Walker, UPSAHL -20
Freeze---Kygo -31
Solitude----Snakechips, BIA, Lucky Daye -36
I'm Good (Blue)----David Guetta, Bebe Rexha -34
What's It Gonna Take-----Cheat Codes, Michael Tenpenny -44^
How Many Tears----Kygo, Sam Feldt, Emily Warren -40
Makin' Time----Sultan + Shepard, Julia Church -45^
Sete-----BLOND:ISH, Francis Mercier, Amadou & Mariam -41
Gimme That Bounce----Mau P -26
Drifting Away----Audien, Joe Jury -38
Lipstick----BLR, Robbie Rise -56^
Rely On Me-----Sigala, Gabry Pointe, Alex Gaudino -22
*I'll Be Around----Elderbrook, Amtrac -(re entry)
Need Me Right----Anabel Englund -53
Show Me----John Summit, Hannah Boleyn -46
Pouring Rain----Guz, Camden Cox -55
No Love For You----Regard, Drop G -39
*Don't Make Me Come Down There----Dolly Parton -(re entry)
Revolution---John Summit -57
Kill Me---Alok -54
*Make Me Feel---The Chainsmokers, Cheyenne Giles -(re-entry)
What House----Block & Crown -88^
What A Life----John Summit, Guz, Stevie Appleton -42
*Can I Get It Back----Jordana Bryant, *R3HAB remix -(re-entry)
Firewalk-----Morgan Page, Lissie -63^
Clouds-----BUNT., Nate Traveller -81^
***Moving All Around----Schak, Kim English, *John Summit remix -(new entry)
The One---INJI -61
Stay Above----Lukas Graham -64
Anyway----CASH CASH f/ RuthAnne -70^
***Where Are You----John Summit, Hayla -(new entry)
Rhyme Dust----MK, Dom Dolla -78^
Bedroom Exile----Giant Rooks -74^
***Next To You----Loud Luxury, DVBBS, f/ Kane Brown -(new entry)
Say Your Mine----Paul Oakenfold, Nat Monday, Christina Novelli -75^
***Adore---Bob Sinclar -(new entry)
Crazy----RMR, Ryan Lewis -79^
Better Now----TELYKAST, Francis Karel, MEDUN remix -76
Forget You----FAST BOY, Topic -66
***Rewind (But I Loe You) ----Whipped Cream -(new entry)
***Find Your People----Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors -(new entry)
Feelings----EMELINE -85^
Caught Up----Gryffin, Olivia O'Brien -86^
The Freaks----David Guetta, Marten Harger -84^
Feel This Good----Sigala, Mae Muller, Caity Baser, Stefflon Don -95^
***Take Me Away----ACRAZE -(new entry)
***Submarine-----Seeb, BANNERS, SUPER-Hi -(new entry)
***Thousand Miles----Miley Cyrus, Brandi Carlile -(new entry)
***New Bottega-----Torren Foot, Azealia Banks -(new entry)
***I Wrote A Song----Mae Muller -(new entry)
***F U Goodbye----Peach PRC -(new entry)
***Choose You----Elmiene -(new entry)
****The Way----Manchester Orchestra -(new entry)
***After Midnight----Lucas & Steve, Yves V, Xoro, *TELYKAST remix
***Headstrone Gunner----Aldn -(new entry)
***Lose My Mind-----Stephen Dawes -(new entry)
***Everybody Hates Me----GAYLE -(new entry)
All Or Nothing----Topic, HRVY -49
*All Falls Down---Alonestar, Jethro & Ed Sheeran -(re-entry)
Sing Your Lullaby----R3HAB, Mike Williams -48
Wings (I Won't Let You Down-----Armin Van Helden, Karen Harding-39
High----NEIL FRANCIS, PawPawRod -40
Good Life----Hayden James, Emie -51
***Oi Oi Oi----Dubdogs, Maxximal, MC Hollywood -(new entry)
Gone this week are;
Heart Wants What It Wants-----Bebe Rexha Anything But Wet----I O LIghts Creepin-----Metro Bloomin, The Weeknd, 21 Savage Serotonin Moonbeams----The Blessed Madonna On My Mind-----EDX Be Right There---Diplo, Sleepy Tom, *HUGEL remix Pegasus----MEDUZA, Eli & Fur Ghost Again----Depeche Mode Sleepwalking----Matt Sassari, Goodboys If I Live Forever----Vintage Culture, Izzy Bizu Shockwave----R3HAB, Afrojack Hurt That You Gave Me----Cheat Codes, Bret Young Nervous System----JOSEPH Heartbreak Feels So Good----Fall Out Boy Can't Tame Her----Zara Larson Here----Tom Grennan Blue-(Da Ba Dee----Effel 65, *Gabry Pointe Ice Box remix Horizons---Guz Dapperton Sweet Goodbye-----Robin Schultz Do You Really? ----Lyn Lapid, Ruth B Helicopter----Jame Hype It's Quiet Now-----Hoeny Dijon, Dope Earth Alien Feel Alive----TELYKAST, Sky Blu Whistle----Jax Jones, Calum Scott
0 notes
youknowwhyyy · 3 years
Box in the Woods spoilers
if ANYONE who reads this book and still thinks that Stevie and David are a healthy, compatible couple, LET ME JUST SAY. YALL. 
Nate is always, and i mean ALWAYS, there for Stevie. how many times has David just left Stevie, or distracted her, or put more stress on her during a case? all. the. time. he doesn’t understand Stevie. he likes her, and cares about her, sure, but he doesn’t get her like Nate does. Nate’s a voice of reason where David is an addition to the chaos, but even when Nate knows it’s a bad idea, he stays with her. 
Nate knows when to just be with Stevie, and when to pry her out of her own mind, and when to have a conversation with her. he says multiple times in BitW how her crime-solving method is like his writing method. he understands how her mind works. they have an understanding, a connection with each other, that Stevie and David just don’t have.
 in The Hand on the Wall, after everything has come to a close, Stevie sitting by herself when someone comes to find her. the actual lines from the book? “’What are you doing?’ said a voice. Nate, of course. ...She had been waiting for him. She knew he would come and find her in her thinking spot.” He’s the one she tells the last piece of the puzzle, the final connection to the case that she loves, not David. Nate. and she waits for him to come find her.
Nate is always incredibly impressed with Stevie. He tells her when he’s amazed by her. When she’s talking through her cases, he’s always there (usually the only one who is there, i might add,) and he says things like “I’m never questioning you again.” he shows Stevie how much he trusts her. he is her Watson, not David. he’s the one who is there when she finds the diary, when they’re shot at; he saves her life by helping her jump into the lake! they’re a dynamic duo. 
AND! guess how many times Stevie says “I love you” to David in this book? 0 times. how many times does she say it to Nate? TWICE. 
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a-little-annoying · 4 years
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putting these two versions out there since we all lack some Stevie Bell and Nate fanart in our lives. nate taking stevie to the dance is forever my favorite thing
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The lost fandom
I just finished the third book and I have to have some sort of hope that this is part of the Author's plan because you cannot deny the chemistry and the complimentary between Nate and Stevie. You. Can't. 
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When you finish a book you like so you go on tumblr aka the breeding ground for (lost) fandoms(sometimes) and you search it up and you find like 30 posts about it(it’s a very small fandom, this is a win) and then you search up the ship you like and then you find almost nothing about them because EVERYONE ELSe ships the canon one like ‘ohh looook he likes herrrrr’ and you’re like ‘absolutely not there is the guy RIGHT FUCKING THERE who clearly has chemistry with her’ and you just want to scream at fucking everyone because now there’s no chance in hell that the ship you want will become canon and the fandom isn’t big enough to find fanfics for them(i found exactly one for THE FUCKING CANON SHIP). 
Not to mention the fact that the canon ship DOES NOT WORK because it is clearly only skin deep like there’s no emotional connection she barely fucking knows him they’ve just made out a few times MEANWHILE there’s the wisecracking funny introverted friend who is actually one of the funniest characters i have ever read being one of her best friends and jokingly saying i hate you(someone please name a canon friendship where THAT HAPPENS) and really GETTING each other because they both dont like parties or doing anything with large crowds or physical touching(both of their love languages is acts of service and quality time sometimes) and so far i think that the guy likes her(calling her even though he truly does hate talking for no reason, volunteering her plus one because DAMMIT IF SHE HAS TO SUFFER SO WILL HE) and she also does a little but doesn’t know it yet(’your smile is like a rainbow on a cloudy day’ LIKE FUCK YOURE JUST FRIENDS) and honestly they are the perfect couple to just be in the same room but do different things like they’ll be on the couch next to each other on their laptops and drinking coffee, not talking but enjoying each others company AND SOMEONE PLEASE WRITE SOMETHING FOR THIS OH MY GOD THE PERFECT FLUFF PIECE also when they first met, he was staring at her like in a cute way not in a creepy way with heart eyes(i mean this part is all speculation, she was oblivious and didn’t really see it[this happens a lot in books{harry potter, percy jackson}])
(if you actually read all of this I applaud you this was written at 2:06 am and i dont think it makes much sense, it was 428 words of pure nonsense and sleep deprivation and that one meme of the conspiracy theory guy you know who im talkin about)
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trulydubiousadvice · 4 years
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Stevie and Nate complement each other perfectly. Not to hate on David, but he’s too complicated for Stevie’s already weird life. Meanwhile, Nate provides a safe space for her, helps her relax, and therefore to think clearer, and I love that for them.
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the-horologist · 5 years
Truly am I the only person who ships Stevie with Nate? I’ve found nothing for them on here but come oooon it’s the classic detective and sidekick pairing
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nineliars · 3 years
okay, so I was on MJ's wikipedia page and I saw THIS
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NINE LIARS IS THE NAME OF TD5???? I had not heard ANYTHING about this despite the fact that I stalk MJ's twt page daily for updates, so I click on the source link and
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if anyone else on tdblr knew about this or has any other information, or if you just wanna swap thoughts and theo0ries, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE DM me or consider joining the TD discord I've started! (discussion, not rp)
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