#stiles is the pack mom
livingdeadvoid · 1 year
Liam: My mom told me to follow my dreams.
Scott: So you followed Theo around?
Theo: I don't know whether I should focus on the fact that I'm Liam's dream or the fact he called Stiles mom.
Mason: Probably the first one.
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blue-the-hedgehog · 1 year
Teen Wolf 2x12 but it goes a little different.
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He really had a shitty year. He wouldn’t dare to compare it to his friends but he really had a shitty year. Ok maybe Scott turning into a werewolf because of him was not good but at least he wouldn’t die of an athma attack and he became captain of the lacrosse team, ok maybe jackson turning into a manipulated lizard wasn’t fun but he half bring it upon himself as he was so obsessed about taking the bite to became the best , ok Lydia being hurt and manipulated by Peter Hale and her feeling like she is going crazy wasn’t good but now that she knew she seem a little better tho, ok Isaac’s father being killed will the boy was facing his new found wolfiness wasn’t good but he deserved it and he knew that Isaac would come around at some point, ok Boyd and Erica being hunted and tortured weren’t the best way to came into your new superpowered self and ok Allison had saw her aunt throat being ripped of and her mom killed herself, they were both psycho but still it was not fine. Now he was in his jeep with Lydia Martin after he get to find her. He had pushed her away but when his dad had told him that he was a hero, which he wasn’t really, he get back to find her. He had a phone call from Erica telling him that her and Boyd where free because of Chris Argent. it was good ! At least one good thing! Alright maybe he should have get to Allison after her mom’s death and get her into the really VIP club of the-ones-with-dead-mom… maybe she wouldn’t have been so quick to hunt Derek and his pack. Oh he should have bring Derek in the club too! The three of them would have bound around this similarity and maybe everything would have been fine!! Does Scott have told her why Derek at bite her mom? No, he certainly didn’t… So he should have told her and they all should be a little angry at Scott because she should have been, and Derek can be too because Scott always put every bad thing on Derek, and Stiles is angry too because his best friend never asked if he was alright! And always ditch him for his girlfriend! Talking about motherless people, he should have extend the invitation to Isaac too!
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That what he was thinking when he tumbled into the warehouse and hit Lizard-Jackson. Everybody looked at him and Lydia as they jumped out of the car. He looked around and almost directly understood what was going on in here: Isaac was still full of dagger's wounds, Allison had said daggers in hands and was ready to fight, Scott was looking at Stiles with a confused look, somewhere hidding was Peter, he saw the body of Gerard Argent lying in a puddle of black goo and he saw Derek still paralysed on the floor in Beta form,wrecked and a betrayed look on his face. When he get back to reality Lydia went to Jackson and everybody was concentrated on them. Except Stiles, he kept his eyes on the evil Argent Grandpa, he looked dead, everybody thought he was dead. But he saw it , the suptil twitch of fingers. He start to head toward him slowly, well it wasn’t like anybody would notice him. As he arrive next to the old man he heard Peter and Derek leap to Jackson and dig their claws in his torso, back and front. A loud gasp of everyone, a sad scream of Lydia. The strawberry blond girl was crying as Jackson was dying in her arm. She started to walk away when suddenly everybody could heard claws scraping against the floor and Jackson rise back to life as a werewolf. Great so fucking great now the guy will be in the back-from-the-dead-werewolf club with Peter and once again he will be the only one to be alone in a club. He should really had invited Allison and Derek in his dead-mom club!They all cheered up but he felt Gerard try to move under the foot he had put on him to pin him on the ground and he couldn't help but gave him a hit in the face that was received with a grunt. Everybody turned toward him, Scott with his "it's not how we do things" look, not a single "what happened to your face Stiles?" and something hurt in his chest when he saw that Derek was trying to avoid his eyes. Does the guy thaught that he had something to do with all of this? whatever it is. So he look at Scott hand asked before his best friend opened his mouth.
-What have you done Scott?
-I didn't do any...
-Cut your crap!! What the fuck have you done?!
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Stiles was pissed, really pissed and Scott wasn't used to be the target of this much of anger from his best friend. So he offered his best puppy eyes and explained what he had done. And,God help him, Stiles look furious after that. Every soul in this place saw Stiles assessing eyes fall on them, one by one and finally again on Derek. Did the man really thought that Stiles was a part of this shity plan? that he would have breatrayed him like this?! And then, Stiles snaped. He was fuming
-You really had go with this shit of a plan without coming to me for advise?! You are really this stupid Scott?! but I will handle you last ! First someone come and get this VERY ALIVE old creep tied up tightly thank you!
Chris came quickly to put handcuf and rope on Gerard, gun ready to shoot just in case. Stiles walked to Allison and held a finger out to her face.
-You! Can you tell me why you came so violently after Derek and his pack?
She held her head high and almost bite with her words
-Because Derek killed my mother Stiles! You know that my mother his dead! You can't understand!
Stiles’ finger drop with his hand along his side, he shook his head, sadness creeping into the anger and suddenly a little laugh came from Stiles and harsh look and tone were directed to the young huntress
-I can't understand? Me? Your mom is dead yes, It's sad, and I'm sorry for you Allison. But you are seventeen, you should have enough maturity to see what's happening! Derek didn't kill your mom! He had bite her! He had bite her to protect Scott from your fucking psychotic mom who was trying to kill him! She killed herself! She choose to die ! She could have lived as a Werewolf but she choose your stupid family code over her husband and daughter! My mom died too, but my mom never had the choice! She died when I was ten! You aunt killed the entire Hale family, she had killed Derek's mom when he was sixteen! And you dare coming after him because your mom choose to kill herself ?! You don't think that the fact that he loose all his family because of YOUR aunt and had to run away and had to fight your family again, is enough? and I don't list everything here! You came after Erica and Boyd who did nothing to your family for this too?! You had hurt Isaac this bad for this too?! You had fucking worried your dad for this too... You had loose your mom, he had loose his wife ... So get it together ! You are acting like a poor spoiled princess and don't even care about hurting other people ! I don't care that you had been manipulated by your grand father, you could have listen to your dad, I know that he had tried...
The girl opened her mouth to argue but she couldn't came with anything and looked down letting her daggers fall on the floor.
-I...I'm sorry Stiles...I..I had let my pain blind me and I didn't though about all this
Derek was looking at Stiles with wide eyes, a little warmth was growing into his chest. The boy was defending him? Then Stiles started to lecture everyone in the room, coming to Lydia and Jackson after that.
-Lydia, you already had your lecture earlier, think about it would you?
She nodded and almost hide herself behind the very naked Jackson. Stiles sigh before he fetch a spare sweetpant and t-shirt that he let in his car. He through it to the blond boy and didn't wait to speak first
-Just take the fucking clothes! Yes you can throw away those filthy and cheap rags when you get home if you want. But just Shut up and take it. And stop wanting things that people don't recommend to you. Fucking LISTEN! It could help you, don't you think? The bite that you wanted so damn much had changed you in a big lizard manipulated by a stupid teenager seeking revange and after that an evil old man seeking for the bite too! they had used you! So work on yourself now!
Jackson's jaws clench but he noded too once he had put on Stiles's clothes.
-Thanks for the clothes.
-You're welcome, I couldn’t let you walk around naked I'm not a monster...
A low growl, practicaly imperceptible by anyone took place in Derek's chest, he didn't like the fact that Stiles' scent was now all over Jackson. It felt wrong. But he took on him and follow the boy that was now mooving to Isaac. But a softer look appeared on the sheriff's son face
-Are you ok Isaac? Did it heal fine?
The young werewolf nodded and looked at Stiles confused by the soft tone but suddenly something more sour hint in the pale boy's voice.
-How is it to be Scott best friend for a few days? fun? Do you see what happen when you follow his stupid plans blindly without using your brain? You get fucking hurt! Because he don't take you in count in his plan! He didn't thought that you could be fucking hurt! You should stick to your alpha and don't go following my stupid childhood best friend if you are not ready to use your brain! You could have died today! learn to take care of you would you!?
Isaac looked shipishly at Stiles and let a little whine escape. Stiles had use a softer tone and hadn't yell at him. Stiles came to ruffle slowly Isaac hair.
-What I'm saying is that you are clever and you know how to survive but once someone show you some attention you just do wathever they say and t's not safe for you Isaac, I don't want you to be hurt for something like today or be use by someone you understand?
The young wolf nod and melt a little against Stiles touch. The human had been kind, he knew that Isaac would be affraid if he had yell or seemed ready to hit him. But even softer he had made his point heard. Then the boy get to Peter.
-You creeper Wolf! If you had helped your nephew this wouldn't had happened! You just had to kill the evil grandpa and everything would have been fine! Stop hiding !! You want your last remaining family to die ?!
-No, I don't! You have no lesson to tell me you little human!
-Yes I have some actually! You really have to learn how to take care of the ones you love! Because I know you care about Derek! So act like it would you!! You are really smart! I know that you saw what you could have done to avoid this outcome don't you?
-...Yes ,you're right...You're a smart little brat aren’t you?
A mischievous smile was on Peter's face but fall right away when Stiles looked at him with daggers in his eyes. He turn toward Scott, his gaze dark, his fists clenched so tight that his knuckles where white. His tone low and dangerous.
-You! You are the worst best friend that someone could ask for!
-Why are you…
-SHUT UP SCOTT! Didn’t you forgot someone when you did your little pact with Evil grandpa over there?! Do you really care so little about me that you didn’t even ask what happened to me?! Do you see my face?! I may have a few ribs almost broke! The old psychopath over there had abducted me and brought me in a freaking bassement with Boyd and Erica , the two of them being tortured and I had been beaten up because I am your friend! it was a message for you !! You didn't even care about your very human childhood bestfriend before your little huntress of a girlfriend who know how to use weapons! I don't talk about Mama McCall, you had done right for that at least! God! what even was your shitty plan here...Don't! Don't try to tell me that it work because if I wasn't their the Evil old man would have escape! You know pretty well what you just did to Derek!! You had used something very dear to him without telling him about it before!You had let him took the blame for Allison's mother without even giving her the explanation she deserve! She deserve to know why her mother had choose to kill herself! Do you think a little sometimes about peoples feelings? We are living people Scott, not just side kicks in a teen serie where you are the hero!
The young wolf looked like a kicked puppy but wouldn't dare to spoke as he had never saw his bestfriend so angry, hurt and betrayed. Stiles came to put a hand on Chris shoulder, his voice softened.
-As you see I'm not affraid to yell at big strong adults...if you can call Peter an adult... First, I'm sorry for your loss...I can't tell that I know first hand how it is to loose a wife but I saw my dad after my mother died... It was... really bad. You handle it well in comparison. I offer it in his behave but, don't hesitate to go talk to my dad if in need. He would be glade to share a beer with you. Secondly, I heard on my way here that you had helped Erica and Boyd to get free, thank you for that, I wasn't strong enough and maybe a little too stupid ... You are a good man Mister Argent.
-You had done well kid, a lot of people would have run and hide at your place you know?
Chris offered a small smile to Stiles. The teen then walk to Derek and point a finger at him. The man crossed his arms trying to look bigger and confident, ready to took a big yell. But he couldn't help his eyes to go wide when he heard the soft and concern tone in Stiles voice.
-You!! Are you alright? I'm sorry for what Scott had done to you, he should have talk about his plan with you before. If it confort you I wasn't aware of it neither. It was half good and half really stupid, so many things has not been taken in concideration. And I don't want you to think that I was a part of that! If I was it would have been almost perfect, and you would have known, I wouldn't have done that to you...But you should communicate more you know that?! Anyway, you shouldn't have to be forced to bite someone, and even more this filthy Evil Old grandpa and..
Derek couldn't take it he was listening intendly at Stiles but his bruised cheek and his slited lips was distracting. He took the boy’s face carefully in his hands as everyone gasped at the mouvement and as the man dared to cut Stiles mid-sentence. His eyes glowing red as soon as he felt Stiles’ pain.
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-Stiles, just a second... Me, I'm fine, I'm okay, No wound that couldn't heal in minutes and nothing more than a deep feeling of filthiness, betrayal and now it don't seem so important because I know that you are not a part of it... I know it's strange... But ...You... Are you ok? You have more than just you face...You have so much pain ...
Derek couldn't help and had started to drow pain from Stiles, The teen was in so much pain that Derek couldn't understand how he was still standing and yelling to everyone. And as easy as he had snapped from anger, Stiles broke from hurt and the loss of adrenaline, tears falling from those big bambi whisky eyes. Violent sobs escaped Stiles as he hold his ribs even if he couldn't feel the pain right now. Derek was heartbroken as he smell the suddent scent of sadness, fear and pain rolling in wave from Stiles. He couldn't hold a whine and he pull causiously the human against him. With one hand Stiles gripped at his shirt like it was a life line.
-I...I hate all of this! I know that sometimes I don't care about people feelings but now it's too much. Everyone fight because they are too self centered to care about others. And Erica and Boyd where tortured and I couldn't helped them...a...And I didn't even had the chance to enjoy my good game of tonight because I had been abducted and beaten up by this old freak! and ...And It was a really good game you know? I ..I scored a few time and I made us win! Do you believe it!!And I had done everything for Scott, I know it's my fault if he had been turned, it should have been me... (« yes! i should have bite you indeed ! » they all could hear Peter add in the back) But do you think it's normal that he totally forget about me when it come to protecting people he love?! Like her dad would never let Allison be hurt by anyone! And Mamà McCall know about all the supernatural stuff! But me, my dad didn't even know ... I had to lie to him once again...And I’m alone!! I can’t heal fast! I don’t have super strength or, know how to use weapons. It’s a matter of time before you see that Lydia is smarter than me! And we all know she is more than human! I’m the only basic human here! And my best friend forgot to negotiate my safety… And you! You should start to take care of yourself ! Talk to us and try to trust some of us… I know that it will be difficult now because of what Scott had done here but you could trust me!! I trust You! I don’t want you to die!! I care about you! So stop doing your thing alone !! An Alpha is stronger with a big pack! So stop shutting people willing to be part of it away!! I can help even if I’m not a wolf!!
Stiles knew that he should have stop talking long ago as he could hear Scott whimpering. But he was hurt, he had a really rough day and when he saw what had happened here it was too much for him on so many levels. He could feel that Derek had tensed a little and suddenly his sob stoped. Oh god he had told this out loud isn’t it?! He was so fucked, he needed to run away from those two strong and warm arms. He tried to slip away but Derek hold tightened around him and he felt Derek’s cheek against him before the wolf start to nuzzled the crook of his neck. it felt so warm and intimate and he felt safe and so calm that he didn’t move. The Alpha talked low and soft.
-Stiles, I’m sorry… I thought that you didn’t trust me … Didn’t realize that You really cared about me… It’s okay you’re safe … you are not alone
Stiles’ hold tight on Derek’s shirt, his brain start to fill with a fog. The werewolf was draining his pain as he hugged him, he was warm and strong, a shelter of safety around his broken body. The teen let the tiredness took over, Jackson wasn’t a lizard anymore, the old psycho grandpa was tied up, Erica and Boyd were free and safe at the loft waiting for him, Allison was a little confused but hopefully not willing to kill Derek anymore, Lydia was fine, Scott had been yelled at and he would make sure later that Melissa will punish him for his stupidity, Isaac would hopefully think before following Scott’s plan from now, Chris Argent was on their side, Peter was…well Peter but not up to no good for now , no dangerous police call had emanated from the radio in the jeep so his dad was safe at home and Derek was wrapped up around him so he was sure that the man was fine. A smile appeared on his lips as he fall asleep in Derek’s arms.
-‘m feeling like a mom… kids are exhausting…
Derek carried him bridal style, smiling fondly as everyone hold small laugh. Next morning, Stiles woke up in his bed, the Alpha of the Hale pack wrapped around him, his face in the crook of his neck and a hand on his waist. Somewhere in the back of his head, a shadow was lurking, something wrong was happening. But just for a few more hours he wanted to enjoy this safe space, just a little more. He fell back to sleep as he brushed his fingers on Derek’s chest.
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casually-eat-my-soul · 2 months
You wanna know would be funny if everyone in the hale pack was like a questioning who was the first beta if it was Scott, Jackson, or Isaac, and Derek just straight up says stiles.
Stiles who thought he wasn’t even in the pack, and everyone else is so confused. Derek refuses to elaborate, Peter just smirks condescendingly at everyone 
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takaraphoenix · 3 months
The thing is, I could read a thousand Hale Pack fics featuring Sterek, Pack Mom Stiles, Jackson never leaving and Boyd and Erica living. A thousand variants of that, inject it into my veins.
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jadezdominion · 3 months
Stiles: I KNOW you’re not delulu enough to think you’re smarter than my husband is. *snarls*
Scott: I KNOW I’m smarter! If not, I couldn’t have become True Alpha. Deaton said so.
Derek: *sighs in exasperation*
Stiles: Scott, the only “big” word you know is ephemeral and you had to study it for a week.
Scott: Yeah, well… I have claws.
Stiles, looking unimpressed: You know what? Final straw, McCall. Take yourself and that room temperature IQ of yours out of our home. Oh, and don’t come back.
Derek: Thank you for defending me, baby. I’ve tried for a year with him.
Stiles: *begins a fluent convo in Greek with Derek while flipping off Scott* Pánta agápi mou. (Always my love)
Isaac watching amused: Alithinó álfa kólo mou! (True Alpha my ass!)
Stiles, cooing: Aaww pup, you’re doing so well with lessons!
Isaac: *blushing* Thanks Mom.
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lazywolfwiccan · 4 months
Happy mother's day to the best mom in Teen Wolf
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sterekloverforever · 5 months
Whenever Derek (true alpha always) goes to different packs for pack business (gathering information, building connections, or checking in), he always takes Stiles for many reasons.
Who cares the most? Stiles
Who can be surprisingly diplomatic? Stiles
Who does all the talking? Stiles
Who is bossy? Stiles
Who gets shit done? Stiles
Who supports Derek? Stiles
Stiles cares so much, that he feels the need to always go with Derek (for alone time 😏 or because he doesn’t trust Derek to share all the information to the pack).
Derek shows his support to Stiles, listens carefully to everything said, will add comments when necessary, watch Stiles with wonder and love in his eyes. Derek wants Stiles to go because his beautiful mate and him work so cohesively together. Where one lacks the other excels. Like yin and yang.
The poor puppies mope without their pack mom and pack dad there to care for them but they do enjoy some peace and quiet from time to time.
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sterekmpreg · 1 year
I 100% believe (just know) that when Coach saw Stiles with Derek during parent-teacher conferences for Eli he just looks Stiles dead in the eyes like, “Bilinski? What the hell.... Who's parent are you?” before checking the schedule and just going, “yeahhhhh... This checks out.”
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Pack mom!Stiles steter fics?
i anon! @kevaaronday made this list for you.
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How A Pack Should Be by xcaellachx (1/1 | 25,071 | Teen | Steter) Ever since the Nogitsune caused havoc and nearly killed several people, Stiles had been alone. No texts, no emails, calls, nothing. Even his father had become distant and no longer acted when Stiles woke screaming in the night.
Giving the Hale/McCall pack one more chance, Stiles arrives at the loft for the pack meeting and is greeted by an unfathomable violent attack. From nearly every pack member.
After being warned he would be killed if he stayed in California, Peter and the few who supported Stiles, left for a new pack who loved them, taught them and made them a pack with a surprising new alpha.
In Violent Devotion by friendlyfiction (4/12 | 23,331 | Mature | Steter) 10 years ago, Peter Hale ran away from Beacon Hills and the promise that he made to a boy in love for the first time.
10 years ago, Stiles woke up in bed alone, left with broken promises and empty bed sheets.
In the decade since, they’ve both grown and changed, putting years and miles between themselves and the memory of what almost was until disparate circumstances bring these two men back to Beacon Hills, where their lives will once again collide.
They may be different people now, but will they still feel that same pull of violent devotion that drew them together in the first place?
All I Need Is You (And Cookies) by SincerelyLittle (13/13 | 18,196 | Gen | Steter) “Daddy Stiles!” those are the words that ring out the Hale’s backyard, everything seems to stand still for a moment while Stiles opens his eyes to the sight of long brown hair, beautiful brown eyes and a freckled face. He doesn’t blame anyone for believing the kid when she looks so convincingly like a daughter of his own would.
Since said child is so cute, he can forgive her for potentially starting world war 3 - or at least he thought he could until the next words were "Daddy Peter and I brought cookies!" At least he'll have cookies in the middle of battle.
No Grave Can Hold My Body Down by Ravenxxx97 (3/? | 9,481 | Explicit | Steter) Still wracked with guilt months after Peter's death, Stiles struggles to move on from the loss while everyone else focuses on the Kanima. His dreams are plagued with memories of Peter, both good and bad. After getting kidnapped by Gerard the night of the lacrosse game, Stiles is faced with the Argents' lies and is pushed to his limits as he fights to rescue himself, Erica, and Boyd. When he arrives to the warehouse to rescue Derek from Gerard and Allison, his world is turned upside down once again when he finds Peter Hale there, alive and breathing as if everything from the past few months never happened.
Can things between them be repaired?
I Crave Your Bite ( I belong to you ) by Suzuki_Motors (1/1 | 4,132 | Explicit | Steter) Stiles has known for awhile now that he wanted the bite. So what's stopping him when Derek would love to gift him such a thing?
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Isaac: wait why don’t YOU know how to stitch a wound, aren’t your mum like a nurse?
Scott: /embarrassing silence/
Erika: No, the right question is why exactly Stiles out of all people knows how to do that???
Stiles: well Scott’s mum is a nurse
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ryoto-kuki · 5 months
The Pack™️ : We need help.
Stiles : Don't ask for my help with things you can do yourself
Issac : How do you this math sum? Can you help me,Stiles?
Stiles : Of course I'll help you I'm not a monster
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blue-the-hedgehog · 1 year
I’m a freaking fierce Sterek apologist and most of the time I could bite anyone who tell that Stiles is with anyone else but Derek…BUT SOMETIMES I have this creeping Idea that the Hale pack ( like what should be the Hale pack with everyone alive) is just a big polymorous polycule that’s had everyone,aside of their own couples and trouples, just revolved around Stiles, because he is everyone crush! Well not EVERYBODY is actually romantically attracted to Stiles but at least one person of each polycule is (almost).
Last year of high school students and professors where now quite used to the strange dynamics of a very specific groupe of student.
First it was the two power hetero couples : Lydia and Aiden, the couple looked perfect, like greeks statues and they were fierce and the archetype of high school’s couples.
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You also had Erica and Boyd, the two had made talk at first because how Erica bombshel Reyes could be with Vernon Stoic Boyd? But soon enough people had seen that their was something in this couple that made total sense and that they were actually quite a good fit for each other.
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Secondly you had the polycules: the « sweet square » , as they been called by Beacon Hills high’s student because it was just all of the cute student of the whole high school,composed of Allison, Kira, Scott and Isaac. Not everyone understood how they fit in the polycule, who was with who? Until they discovered that everyone loved everyone and that it was working perfectly. They were blinding people with the happiness and cuteness radiating from them each time someone saw them all together cuddling.
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On the other hand existed the « holy triangle », Jackson, Ethan and Danny. The trouple had Ethan at the center of their romantic relationship (even if it never stop Jackson and Danny to hook up sometimes). The three of then always made girls squeaked when they walk the halls either because they were the sexiest boys or because they were like fanfiction’s materials.
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Thirdly you had the two classic (not totally) gay couples: Mason and Corey where the absolutely cutest couple. Always smiling, always sweet with each other. A total cute puppy love. Almost an anomaly in this groupe of weirdos.
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Next to them you had the chaotic couple Liam and Theo. Always bickering, always throwing insults to each other or sometimes litteraly fighting with their fist but beware the fool who allow himself to insult one of them, the other would distroy the impudent!
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Fourthly you had the free spirits, the free electrons: Malia who still had some difficulties to keep with human ways and who was hooking up with mostly Scott and Parrish, Cora who loved peoples but couldn’t stay with just one person because it was to much for her at this point she was mostly hooking up with Lydia or sometimes Isaac, Hayden was not always here since she had moved from town with her sister she would have this relationship with Liam but everyone knew that she had a boyfriend back home
So everyone in high school or even in Beacon Hills was used to those dynamics but the thing that was difficult to understand was: How does Stiles Stilinski fit into all of this?
It was usual to see Lydia took suddenly Stiles arm and kiss him unashamedly in the middle of the hall, staying the day with him will Aiden was doing his little life with his friends or even gave a friendly pat in Stiles’ back. People who walk through the hall would often cross Erika pulling him into a full mouth kiss, her against the lockers him pull against her. Then she would hold his hand possessively, sometimes Boyd would hold the other hand of the sheriff son other time he would hold Erica’s. During Lacrosse practice Isaac would be stuck against Stiles sometimes holding him from behind his head on his shoulder and kissing softly his cheek while whispering in his ear making him blush. Allison would sometimes kiss him in the corner of his mouth as she walk past him as they went from one class to another (it was more of a platonic love then a real relationship for them) Scott was the puppy who would pass days following his best friend around, Kira would give him hugs and soft kisses on his cheeks because the boy became her bestfriend . Sometimes Jackson could be seen in the boys’ lockers, his forearm near the brunette head Stiles’ back against his own locker both of them kissing in a kind of hungry aggressive way, Danny would flirt with him just to tease him and Ethan would eat alone with Stiles to take some advice on how to handle being in a throuple with two bestfriends. Mason, Corey and Liam were like the three puppies that Stiles protected, it was a kind of mother/son love in their case. If they were in need of advice or just wanted to have someone to confort them they would run straight to him. And when they will do something stupid or dangerous he will just yell or give them the biggest sarcastic answers possible. Stiles was a caring guy yes but he was also the biggest bitchy person in this town. But you could see that Liam had like this monumental crush on Stiles, People in town would saw Theo and Stiles argue violently at the coffee shop and ten minute after that they would make out in the dark alley next said coffee shop, kind of the same love/hate relationship as the one with Jackson but more chaotic because who knew that Jackson Whittemore would be a softie sometimes. Malia would suddenly kiss Stiles in the hall of the school or in town and just walk away like it was just a normal thing to do, Stiles would walk away the same with a « hey Malia », the Stilinski’s neighbor would see her crawl to Stiles’ window every now and then but their relationship is more healthy now. Cora as a Hale would so exactly the same climbing to the window, to have some cuddles party or more sometimes but their relationship was softer than anyone could have thought, it was little hands brushing in the halls, little kiss on the cheeks when they are out. Stiles is litteraly like Catnip for the Hales. Hayden was pretty much in the same relationship with Stiles than Corey and Mason, he was like a bitchy mom and would call her anytime he could to check on her.
But everyone could swear that the eighteenth boy had someone that could be called a boyfriend. A black camaro was often park in frond of the school, with Derek Hale waiting for Stiles. Said young man would run to him to through himself at his neck and kiss him like they where separated for months. And the majority of the time the older one would throw hard threatening looks to anyone coming near his boyfriend , some people could swear that they heard him growl like a big dog.
Slowly one new unexpected couple had appeared in town: Peter Hale and Chris Argent. The two where like fire and ice and still they seem to be madly in love with each other in their strange way.
And when Stiles get to his 25 yo those two familiar faces where add to the pictures. Peter Hale seems to have a deep relationship with his nephew's boyfriend. Yes it was weird for the people outside because really, the four remaining Hale?! The sheriff’s son was really this attractive for them?! They would go to library or debate coffee. They would talk quite happily about things that the mundane couldn’t understand. And the man would walk with his hand on the small of Stiles’ back or arms in arms. Peter would kiss Stiles’ head tenderly. Sometimes Chris Argent was with them. His hand between Stiles' shoulder blades. It was more platonic but the man would throw death glare everytime someone would laugh at the three or them or when someone would bump hard on Stiles in the street.
And everybody whispered questions like: Does the sheriff know about what his son is up to? Do they are a kind of cult and Stiles is the guru? How doeos Stiles can hide to his clearly really possessive boyfriend (cause those hickeys and bite marks on his neck could only be his) the fact that he have relationships with so many people?
One Day as Stiles and the whole pack (the sheriff and Melissa included) where celebrating Stiles' Birthday at the Jungle, because where this many people could fit in this town exept for this club, plus Danny knew the boss well, a foolish young man came to dance with Stiles. His body against the his back, touching his hips and trying to hit on him, he thought that this pretty boy belong to a lot of people so why not him. And that's when all of Beacon Hills’ citizens would know that Derek knew quite well that his mate had relationship with other pack’s members. But he didn’t mind as soon as some rules where followed. And this guy didn't seemed to listen when Stiles tried to push him off and didn't follow the rule one : Be a pack member. The Alpha werewolf leaped to them and pushed the guy away like he weight nothing, snarling and growling at him as he pulled Stiles against him. Soon all the others would come to protect their pack mom, each of them brushing against Stiles back or arms to get rid of the stranger's smell on him. Stiles easily made them calm down. Melissa, Noah and Chris would look at this display of possessiveness with shaking heads and laughs.
And people learned since this: Stiles Stilinski was not just a horny guy who would make out with anybody in the back of his boyfriend. He was in a real poliamourous dynamic (And maybe a cult, really they where all living in the Hale house for a few years now, totally a cult).
This night, after the party Derek would write on his laptop the rules that people had to follow if they wanted to apply for a place in the policul.
Rule to be Stiles Stilinski lover
Rule one: Be part of the pack
Rule two: Nobody except Derek Hale have the right to mark Stiles Stilinski
Rule Three: Always listening to Stiles and how he his feeling, never force our need on him.
Rule four: Only Derek Hale can touch Stiles Stilinski's neck
Rule five: Stiles Stilinski is Derek Hale's mate, Don't try to ask Stiles Stilinski to marry you.
Rule Six: Stiles Stilinski have the priority on Derek Hale's Time, it works the other way too. If you plan on taking my time you will disappear.
He looked at his screen before he snorted and closed it. It would certainly piss the Sheriff if he printed that and put it everywhere in town. Stiles would love it tho...
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Okay so like stick with me but young Derek, alive hale fam au.
So like the Hale family finds out that Derek has a crush on Sheriff Stilinski’s delinquent son, and has mixed reactions. Talia is torn between amusement, worry and wanting to dislike stiles. Papa hale is very protective but thinks it funny that him and his son have the same tastes.
Peter is ecstatic, Stiles once beat him in chess when running from the cops. (stiles was running and sat down in the park around people for cover, turns out he interrupted a chess tournament. Peter challenged him to a game if stiles lost, Peter would turn him over to the police. If he won, stiles could use him as an alibi)
The rest of his siblings don’t really have an opinion other than using Derek’s crush to make fun of him EXPECT for Laura. Laura is in a one sided rivalry with stiles.
As the sheriff right hand deputy she was tasked with keeping an eye out for stiles and she constantly loses him. Which shouldn’t be possible because she’s a werewolf. She can never connect him to a crime he’s committed and can never prove anything. Can’t go to a judge a say “oh he left a scent trail which I followed because I’m a werewolf.”
Derek brings him home to dinner after they start dating. Unfortunately, the day that Derek brings him over, is also the day that Laura had to run around town taking reports of his crimes. She is fuming. Stiles looks her dead in her twitching eye and asked her how her day went.
The only crime she can connect him to is when he commit aggravated assault against a few of Derek’s teammates went to far with hazing. (Derek refused to fight back as not to hurt them) she lets him off.
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takaraphoenix · 4 months
So the best damn thing this fandom's ever done is Pack Mom Stiles, right. But the Pack Mom Stiles hits so hard and so good when it's not just about Stiles taking care of the pack, but when that also lets him tap into Alpha-ness.
Being able to command the Betas, having them follow his orders as they follow Derek's. Still human, but an Alpha.
That just hits the spot.
(If you agree, and you have fics you love that feature it, please drop a name+author or a link.)
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stereksthings · 2 months
what’s the best sterek fanfic you’ve ever read?
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lazywolfwiccan · 11 months
Deucalion: One of your dislocated wolves broke Ennis' elbow
Stiles: Alright, tell me which one of my kids it was so I know who’s allowance to raise.
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