#still a bunch of things i havent seen ugh when will i have the time
be-good-to-bugs · 1 year
well. back to the horrors
#the bin#ugh i hate hqving to work so much everyday#well. i had around 700 left over from last month which shoukd help with the cost of uberinv yomwork everyday now#might try the bus bc apparently they changed it and it runs earlier now but idk. im gonna talk 2.my boss and ask if i get there early or#late if thats ok. to a reasonable degree obv. i think he will say yes considering its cause my sister was in a car accident but idk 4 sure#once again didnt switch my sleeping over bc im a sleepy bug#FINALLY got the electric bill yesterday. havent got the water yet but itll prob b here soon#so i know now around how much theyll be. electric is usually more expensive than water too so#next month electric will prob be more bc of heat lamps always on for tha girlies but it should still not be terrible#i prepared myself for electric and water to be 300 total. i knew itd be less but i wanted to make sure i was prepared for it being a lot#now that i know how much ill need for that stuff each month i can tell how much i have to spend on fun stuff#probably gonna try getting a bunch of beads as my next thing bc i miss making kandi#getting so tired of my 1 coworker. she usually doesnt do my job anymore but when she does she makes a total mess and makes my life#so much harder. she also takes so long and spends sp much time just on her phone or talking to people and not working#which like. would be whatever except it makes the lives of 5 other people harder. me and the 4 other people in this department need things#to keep moving. not someone taking up a whole cart for 20 minutes and making a mess of the shelves#that makes it harder for me to put stuff away in a way that isnt precarious and it makes the morning suck bc everyone has to fix her mess#and its not that she doesnt know how. she does. shes worked her for 5 years. ive SEEN her do it properly. shes just lazy#i know its not 'cool' or whatever to take ur job seriously but i do. and i dont care if other people dont unless it makes my life harder
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soleminisanction · 2 years
You seem like youre frustrated with her character the same way I get with her too.
I think see the potential of the character she could be and should be with the correct writing and stories.
I really didnt like her Batgirl run either. There are bits and parts of it I do like and concepts of things there I love but I really dont care for it.
I also wish she wasnt used as a marketing tactic during "run" as Robin. If they were actually serious about it, they wouldve written her run differently and hopefully better.
Thats also the problem with all comic book characters, they have so many different writers with different ideas of what to do with these characters. Unfortunately some of them dont like the characters they write for. I know that Dan Didio hates Steph and never wrote her well because of that. (He also hated Dick Grayson and wanted to kill him off too)
Characters like Steph really are up to interpretation how they are supposes to be personality wise. Recently i havent been liking how shes been written for certain comics (Batgirls, Wayne Family Adventures)
You and I similar to seeing a character we want to be better. I see that she has all this potential to be a great character and love her despite all the garbage writing shes had over her 30+ years of existence
The lack of good stories is a part of it, yeah.
It's also the fact that, while she's hanging around not telling any stories of her own, her ability to do so often comes at the expense of other characters. Like a few months back, they randomly shoved her into a Titans line-up when she's never been a Titan, not once in her entire career, while the actual Batgirl who joined the Titans, Betty/Bette Kane, was nowhere to be seen. And she's part of what ruined YJ 2019, getting forced in awkwardly purely because a bunch of her stans spent months harassing the creators on Twitter, spewing racist epitaphs at the new black characters and demanding that she be included in a team she wasn't solicited for and, again, had never been a part of, purely because Tim was there and they decided he wasn't allowed to have a life without her.
And speaking of that last bit, don't even get me started on the Tim Drake Pride Special again or we'll be here all day. It is genuinely offensive how many people demanded that Tim's coming out be oriented entirely around the feelings of his straight ex-girlfriend.
That's why I can't read Batgirls, either. I can't stand the way they write the relationship between Steph and Cass, it's got no teeth, and perpetually reduces Cass to Steph's "Kato," the hyper-competent Asian sidekick who does all the actual work for an inept white person. Even the issue where they tried to make a big deal out of, "Ooo, this is a special CASS CENTRIC ADVENTURE, we're doing it COMPLETELY SILENT with NO WORDS!" turned out to be all about her running around trying to find Stephanie, and then they copped out with the gimmick and made it so the only words in the book were Stephanie's, talking mostly about -- surprise! -- herself, how great she is and how much she loves being a Batgirl.
Ugh. Spirit World can't come fast enough.
Honestly, when it comes to her run as Robin, I think the story itself could've been just fine if they'd left it as it was and just, hadn't made a big freakin' marketing deal about "OoOoOooOooOoo, the GIRL WONDER, how SPECIAL!!!" They didn't do that with Carrie. Or Tris Plover. Hell, at the time a few people pointed out how silly it was for them to make such a big deal out of her being a girl when Carrie Kelly is the most well known alt-Robin period and the co-star of one of the defining texts of the age.
But, y'know, Carrie was a short-haired butch tomboy with thick glasses who fought with a sling-shot, while Steph is the single most gender-conforming Bat-femme since Betty Kane and is consistently drawn to show off her child-bearing hips so. Yeah.
The part that honestly needs fixing is War Games, which I honestly think is still something that Steph needed to happen, because it did lead her to a moment of growth that she desperately needed (even if Chuck Dixon and Bryan Miller later ruined it.) I think you could fix that story up with just a few adjustments. But, hindsight is 20/20 and all.
I do have to caution a little against attributing malice where ignorance or incompetence is more likely, though. I've never seen any evidence that Dan Didio "hated" either Steph or Dick; rather, what he saw them as was expendable. By all accounts I've ever heard, when he was editorially mandating Dick's death in Infinite Crisis, he legitimately didn't know that Dick used to be the original Robin, he just knew that Nightwing wasn't Batman or Robin and thought that made him expendable enough to kill off for shock value. It took Geoff Johns talking him out of it at literally the last minute to get him to see sense.
(Seriously, you can tell that the page was drawn off a script where Dick got full-on murdered, and the original floppy release didn't have the hilariously awkward page they inserted into the collected editions where Dr. Mid-night promises to save him. It's kinda funny in retrospect.)
Stephanie was the same way, it wasn't that he "hated" her, he just didn't care about any character introduced after the silver age and thought that killing her off would be more ~shocking~ than letting her live and learn a lesson. Didio wasn't evil, he was just bad at his job. Your standard incompetent white guy failing up.
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selamat-linting · 1 year
i cant believe im saying this, but i actually enjoy playing re2 (remake). i havent played an actual video game in years so i think i'll probably fiddle around with a bit, watch some hurt/dying scenes, and stop touching the game after a week because i couldnt play. but i really really like it! not just for leon. one thing i like most is the atmosphere.
its been a long time since i got properly jumpscared, maybe in 2020 when i watched i am sophie, so this is a welcome surprise. i like getting scared actually, i just find it hard to be spooked or surprised in most situations. i love it when the zombies suddenly grab you from behind, i love it when they ambush right after you turn back from a door, i love it when i enter a dark hallway and shine a flashlight only to find a zombie that has been standing completely still and so close to me without noticing suddenly comes alive. i love it when im in a room exploring and the steady thumping suddenly erupts into a sound of breaking glass and a zombie stumbled in to fight me. i love it when dead bodies are dangling off the ceiling. i love it when i have to dread going up the stairs because a zombie would throw itself at the window nearby and you can never tell how long will the wooden boards would hold up.
and especially, that creepy thing with no skin. with all the brains and organs out in the open. its sooo scary. the terror i felt when i set up the c4 and the noises just came at me. i actually forgot that room actually has those creatures roaming around and i only remember AFTER i set up the bomb! i instantly ran to the corner near the door to shield myself from the blast, make sure none of those fuckers are creeping up at me from behind, and have close access to the exit just in case i have to bail. well, apparently those unholy perversion of human flesh decided to jump at me from the open ceiling! awesome! i love it when leon frantically stab at the creature and wasted half of our shotgun ammos just to make sure its dead! not a good decision in hindsight but we were spooked! the immersion of this game is top notch! it was sooo satisfying to get all of the puzzles. ALL OF THE PUZZLES.
have i told you how much i like the puzzles? i purposely try to not read any game walkthrough and blindly feel the museum / police station so i can fully explore the place on my own terms and it was just. so much fun. guys this is just like homestuck! aksnksxnzns anyways! ugh. it took a lot of backtracking and getting lost but i do adore the feeling of being confused amidst a sea of gore. it get me to look at things a lot closer because i dont know which one are relevant game clues and which ones are just props. it feels so satisfying when i solved things on my own and its just. SO PRETTY. the visuals! not to be a horror freak but the art and sfx are just sooo beautiful. the blood splatters are exquisitely done, the corpses, the zombies, the body mutations, its so gory. i wish i can kneel on one of the downed policemen so i can take in the details of their gored neck! i kinda want to poke at it lol. and the environment art for the museums are beautiful too. but if i have to see this irl i would wonder what kind of budget mismanagement that happens in the city to repurpose a fucking cultural center to be a police office.
right now, im trapped in the parking lot. before that, i went to the hidden pathway under the giant sculpture. i was disappointed at first at the lack of sprawling rooms. there was only a bunch of handgun ammos and some herbs and some construction items barring the way. now where should i go next? and then, that giant mutated zombie came. FUCK.
look, that was the best but also the most horrifying parts i've seen yet. i only have a grenade, a handgun, and a shotgun with exactly five bullets. i ran circles trying to find an exit but i was trapped! and everything got foggier and foggier and i cant see clearly let alone open a fucking map to get my bearings! and everytime i got caught my health dropped from fine to critical! what the fuck! the scene was gruesome too! but i didnt die tho. just so you know. i did finish off that thing with two grenades and a handgun. this game is so fun. im excited to explore everything! and i cant wait to see more of ada. the first thing we see of her is saving us from a rabid dog! that is so cool. i like how she told leon off to stop minding her business. she looks cute but she is so cool and awesome... *sigh*
and other than that... haha. i have to admit leon is cute. i feel bad making him run when his health is in caution because he sound ragged and tired. i like the tiny details in his idle animations and, lets just say im a little bit flustered sometimes. i cant wait to get off work so i can play this game again!
anyway, anybody knows good nsfw resident evil fanartists? so far i only find @/IOHMzgd on twitter.
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
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~ BL Bucketlist Tag ~
I was tagged by @bl-fan thank youuu!!!! 💕💚🥰❗️
yes those are little Tines 
I’m tagging: @emisfritish @tinesarawat @dollopheadsandclotpoles @zeejade88 @gulfkanawut @tharntypesupportclub @nakyngs @maddiesup @nieves-de-sugui @salaleo @sunmorkcafe @lostinbl @sarawatism @sarawatismybaby @sarawatiness and everyone else who wants to do it!! 😚
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quanxui · 3 years
thanks for the tag clio @dazaicsamus!! 
Why did you choose your url? it’s the closest i could get to quanxi
Any sideblogs? @marilags (fanfic) @agbasa (animanga caps & gifs) and then there’s a bunch with different purposes
How long have you been on tumblr? this blog’s been here since december last year but i’ve been lurking on this site since around the beginning of 2015
Do you have a queue tag? none, but most of my reblogs here are queued
Why did you start your blog in the first place? i use writing fanfics as a way to vent or entertain me when im bored and that’s what always led me to making a tumblr blog heh. i dont write fanfics that much anymore but im here now because i enjoy seeing posts and reblogs from my mutuals <33
Why did you choose your icon? i havent watched City Hunter yet but when i saw this i knew it was The One
Why did you choose your header? i like the shadow thing the trees do when you’re driving through somewhere with lots of trees
What's your post with the most notes? idk! but if i had to say it, i think it’s between a manga cap i posted of a woman with a tear rolling down her cheeks and a tag game lol
How many followers do you have? 1** !! wow, thank you! idk what you get from my mess of a blog but i hope you enjoy yourselves
How many people do you follow? 4** hehe 
Have you ever made a shitpost? maybe?? im no good with the terms you all use nowadays so idk idk idk....
How often do you use tumblr? not always but often, especially when stressed
Did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? I don’t think so? i do my best to avoid those discourse stuff because it makes me anxious
How do you feel about "you need to reblog this post"? i ignore them, i dont really care
Do you like tag games? yup!! but recently i dont have time to sit still and do them! i did a bunch of piccrews and games without posting tho
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? uhh a bunch of my mutuals are fanfic writers so them? and uh i’ve seen minnie ( @honeymeh ) almost everywhere? im not really sure hahahaha 
Do you have a crush on a mutual? no, i only have a crush on ME ME ME jk, of course i  have a crush on everyone!! my mutuals are all lovely people!!
tagging @eremikas @honeymeh @ugh-tsumu @kirakirasaku @mjoork @luvnami @heatedfloortile @kobenl @himekotoga @fazaleas @zoppzoop @bobawithpomegranate @captainsolare @kerokenma @jujuno @bokutosworld
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meruz · 4 years
Hey I can't find this in your FAQ so sorry if it's been asked before! Your traditional art is so stunning and vibrant, would you happen to have any brand recommendations for people trying to get into painting? Maybe specific gouche paint, brushes, papers etc. Thank you so much and have a nice day!
no one has ever asked me this before because this is like the first time ive started putting traditional art on my blog! LOL umm to be honest I’m very far from pro on this front, most of my knowledge comes from a handful of classes I didn’t pay a lot of attention to and lots of youtube videos but here’s my recommendations:
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A lot of my paints are winsor newton designer’s gouache because this is what my teachers made me buy when I was a freshman at art school LOL. it’s definitely kind of pricey, I think it’s like $10.99 for a tube which I was NOT a fan of as a college student and is still not my favorite thing now. But they’re overall worth the price if you really want solid, high quality opaque paints. Though I’ve heard their student grade winton paints are decent as well?
I’ve heard less good things about brands like reeves and artist loft... but I think turner is alright? m.graham is supposedly great.
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I also bought a set of holbein acryla gouache when it was discounted on amazon a while ago and have found it very solid. One thing you have to know about acryla gouache is that it uses a binder more like acrylic paint (hence the name acryla). Paints are made out of pigment + binder and most gouache is essentially watercolor but with extra pigment/chalk to make it opaque - the binder is water soluble so these paints can be reactivated with water. Acryla gouache is NOT water soluble when dry and it dries pretty fast so it’s overall less flexible. But other than that you can pretty much treat it like any other gouache and I find they keep a little better too, less likely to get gunky or stiff.
All paint brands have a handful of starter packs which are slightly discounted but if you want to build your own starting palette I’d say get a warm and cool tint of all the primaries, get a lot of white (working with gouache somehow involves a lot of mixing with white lol), and get a brown, maybe like burnt sienna or raw umber for underpaintings. No need to get a black, mixing darks builds character, looks better, and having one out of the tube can become a crutch. If you find a white watercolor paint tube that’s cheaper you can buy that instead of a gouache white. Again, they have pretty much the same make-up. And white paints are generally opaque enough that the composition between gouache/watercolor shouldn’t matter too much.
I’ve never used a block tray of gouache. Like those paints that come in little blocks in a tray? I know there's a bunch out there but I’ve never used them and I don’t know anyone else who does so I have no opinion on them.
I’ve been kind of exploring this myself. I recently bought a cheap set of flat brushes off amazon LOL and I like them a lot?
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Theyre probably not The Best or anything but I found flat brushes suit gouache plein air painting really well because its suits the kind of color blocking shapes I want to make. Also these had the right handle length to fit in my painting bag. That’s like the main reason I chose them tbh.
Honestly a lot of my art supplies philosophy is “give it a whirl with whatever you have lying around and when it feels like you're missing something specific keep an eye out for when that stuff goes on sale”
GOTTA BE HONEST I’m using cheapo paper. Because I’m making these paintings half for study and half to give my parents something to hang in the living room.
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You can actually see some of them curling in on themselves here lol. If you’ve seen the sketchbook I’m holding in any of my pics of paintings it’s one of the canson mixed media books.
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and its FINE... I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it lol.. I like that the texture is very fine but it doesn’t hold a lot of water and definitely distorts. Also I keep ripping off the surface with painters tape but that might just be on me. Oh buy artist tape. Just because its so satisfying to have clean edges.
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I’m using painters tape instead of artist tape because I found it in the basement but if youre buying supplies buy artist tape because it’ll be kinder to your paper. 
I guess anything heavyweight for watercolor/mixed media will be fine? some people like a lot of texture but if you’re painting small you might want to avoid it and pick hot press over cold press. Honestly I feel like a lot of this is going to depend on what your specific needs are.. how big do you want the paper to be.. do you want a sketchbook or would you rather carry around loose paper... etc. Maybe go to an art store and touch all their paper. I feel like its easier to understand sizes and texture when you’re seeing it physically.
When I go on a trip, I normally bring a softcover heavyweight stillman & birn sketchbook because I tend to obliterate metal spiral books in my bag LOL. Also I don’t rip any pages out of my travel sketchbooks so I don’t need perforation or anything. Also they go on sale a lot in the art store I go to haha. I havent used gouache extensively in it but it takes inkwash/maker pretty well.
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On the higher end, I personally haven’t used it that much but my friends who do traditional illustration professionally swear by arches watercolor paper. It comes in lots of different sizes.
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Whatever you use, if you really want it to lie flat you’re gonna want to soak and stretch it on a board but I don’t bother with that because I am lazy.
You didn’t ask about palette but I’m taking the opportunity to be a shill because I personally use a sta-wet palette and I LOVE it.
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One of the biggest frustrations about gouache for me was how quickly it dries after it leaves the tube. And even if you can reawaken it with water its not quite the same? and consistency is SO important when it comes to applying gouache so I don’t want to be over-watering my paint.. ugh. Anyways, I don’t have to worry about that with the sta-wet palette and really its been a game changer for me. sta-wet is a brand name but there are a bunch of other wet palettes not by masterson that I’m sure are just as good. I mean, it’s just a box with a sponge basically, that can’t be hard to replicate.
The only thing - and I personally have not had this issue but I have friends who have - is that if you leave it wet for too long it could grow mold? or a mouldy smell? Just wash your palette with soap and don’t leave it for weeks on end and it should be fine.
If you’re not feeling a palette that’s always moist, the best palette I used in school was a simple glass palette. you can buy one I guess but it’s so easy to DIY, I think the way we did it in school is getting a piece of glass and mdf from the hardware store cut the same size and then duct taped them together on the sides so it wouldn’t be sharp.
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costs like nothing.
what else...get a palette knife if you like to mix paints? and like to save paints... mixing with the brush means you lose paint in your brush in the mixing process so a knife is a good way to maximize that process. I don’t use it much but sometime if I have to mix a lot of one color I’ll pull it out of my bag.
I don’t know anything about easels, I sit on the dirty ground like a gremlin when I paint.
Ok yeah that’s all the supplies tips I have. hope some of it was helpful! always try to save money with art supplies, I think. Especially if you’re just starting out - it’s less stressful to use cheap supplies too lol. Good luck! Happy painting!
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jcfoxington · 3 years
@sambambucky​ : “pls... Pastels, Peaches and Pain??? among us first draft??? marvel meets warframe meets a bunch of tumblr posts (it’s not an au!?!??!)
hi jo !!! Pastels, Peaches, and Pain is one of those sambucky wips i have mostly fully fleshed out in my head because of one (1) extreme moment of clarity after a rogue ‘what if’ tangent thought but havent written anything of yet out of restraint / knowing i need to finish at least one of my current sambucky wips before i start it or none of them will get done
this was the rogue tangent thought: “what if Sam is haunted by Figaro’s ghost and has been since he was a kid?”. i’ve changed the ghost cat to not be Figaro but that’s the premise !
i refer to the fic as the cat fic ‘cause the whole plot is based around sam’s ghost cat companion insisting he adopts nat’s cat Liho after endgame and then Figaro later and then [insert redacted because plot spoilers but just know it relates to Alpine]. no im not projecting my feelings about cats idk what youre talking about 
here’s some note snippets just for you:
the cat, inexplicably, takes a liking to bucky, which is really annoying bc sam doesnt know how to explain to him that all the oddly soft gusts of wind are actually sam's dead cat insisting on getting pats
bucky getting shade thrown at him by said ghost cat during all of tfatws + them making up (and not out. yet)
starts when sam's a kid & follows him as he grows up w/ a ghost kitty as a companion only he can see & interact with + angst with an undertone of comedy + getting together
he whispers to ghost kitty, who simply mmrrs happily
for the among us first draft thing, what basically happened is i saw this tweet and this video and my brain latched onto these dynamics so hard i had to write about them. 
here’s a sketch of my two main imposters, Black (left) and Cyan (right):
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and here’s a snippet:
The thing having Cyan pause and stare out at the asteroid field is how the colors stretch to family. When they and Black came aboard, they had thought every crewmember was an adult working on the planet-change project. That the patch of off-white with a black something-pattern-or-shape signified status. In a way, Cyan supposes it does, but just not the way they expected. They had expected it to show what rank an individual held within the hierarchy of the crew, from deckhand to division leader to captain, not to show that you're family of the crew and not actually part of the crew itself. 
There are innocents on this ship. Children. It was not something any of them had anticipated, and not something Cyan had been prepared to deal with. They and Black boarded this horrible place to eradicate a threat, believing each and single one of the humans were accomplishes and dedicated to the goal of destroying Cyan and Black's species, and their planet. But, now?
marvel meets warframe meets a bunch of tumblr posts... doesn’t have a wip title or seperate document for itself yet cause it’s been stuck in my ‘story ideas’ document since its creation. so ‘marvel meets warframe meets a bunch of tumblr posts’ is literally just me describing the vibe of an original world gjkerfkds
the world came to be for two reasons. firstly, i want to do make take on a superhero universe because the plot and complete lack of communication in both the dcu and mcu piss me the fuck off. secondly, needed a place to dump ocs with elaborate backstories or fantasy / sci-fi abilities that dont fit into any of my existing worlds
which sounds super competent but trust me, it isn’t. it didn’t gain any solidity at all until i decided to do a personal ‘how different can i make spn castiel look & still retain the same vibe?’ challenge. i have my own cas now
however, the reason i said ‘marvel meets...’ is because i’ve snagged a couple of different things from the mcu, most notably: enemies to reluctant coworkers to lovers, yes our best friend have the same name. no they’re not the same person, secret evil org is controlling the government, and the assassin that tried to kill you several times is now your best friend
warframe was added to the world because i got attached to my Volt build, gave them a name, and have some headcanons idk what to do with because i refuse to interact with that fandom. also because the friend i made through discussing warframe lore + plot dicked me over so it feels Bad to create for
the glue to this whole mess is that one “in every friend group there’s a mean bisexual, an even meaner lesbian, a she/they, a he/they, a himbo, an astrology bitch, a short king, and a token straight” tumblr post. my main group of superheroes ala the avengers consist of these people. the token straight is the only one i havent figured out who is yet
ever since i figured that out ive been throwing story / character ideas and weirdly specific aesthetics from popular tumblr posts into this world’s notes. here’s some examples:
sword grandmas
that trope where someone’s really nice and acts super well-adjusted to society but then they do something super whack and dangerous and you realize ‘oh they’re secretly a little bit insane, actually’
anti-gay group’s leader’s wife leaves him for another woman
superhero who swore to be the best hero [city / planet / solar system / continent / ????] has ever seen ever since he lost his wife. not because she’s dead but divorce just sucks & the hero-to-be is terrible at coping
dishevelled swamp witch
that one person who runs around with an amulet all the time & isn’t aware it’s cursed
an exasperated, tired superhuman assassin running after their husband and their husband's best friend. their husband and said husband's best friend both have wings. chaos ensues (yes, this one is a sambucky post)
ask me about my WIPs!
@sambambucky​​ : #i want to have a coffee and listen to synopses of all of these.... #i miss the discord wow #WRITING TAG #waitttt time jumping dream movie? lmao I'VE READ THIS LIST FORTY TIMES and every time i rediscover something i wanna know about #outfit doodlesss ugh i need to go
couldnt not respond to your tags because they make me go ghrkjfnerknf but in the good way. we miss you too jo !!
the time jumping dream movie was one of the first vivid dreams i had and the whole thing was so stupidly coherent and whacky i had to write it down. it grew plot, a queer love dynamic, weird sci-fi apocalypse elements, anti-military propaganda, questionable science, and a sequel while i wasnt looking and now i just. have to make it a real movie or i’ll combust
outfit djoodlles.png is only on there because my best friend sent me a ‘draw this outfit’ meme and space kitty, my current character brainrot, stole all the outfits for himself. otherwise, that file just sits there until im feeling like designing an outfit or wanna see how a stupid thing looks on my oc patrick
here’s one of the two poses-to-doodle-outfits-on of space kitty ive made so far:
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and here’s one of those stupid things on patrick (that then turned into an actual outfit of his because i have no self control):
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ask-the-party-god · 4 years
Ask The Party God - Timeline
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hi hi! as i mentioned earlier, i wanted to talk about my specific timeline so you guys are more or less aware of my situation when sending asks! thats me up there! the best doggy girl around ;o
as far as i am aware, theres not much of a difference between mine and... other timelines as far as the game goes! we beat sburb, we arrived to earth-c, we settled down, you know! the usual! i have my tower on a nice island, but its so far away from everything i barely go there, its... lonely!
i have a smaller house in the troll kingdom though! its a bit on the outskirts and like ten minutes away from dave and karkats, but i still crash at theirs or roses or roxys or johns way more often... X) its pretty standard all things considered, but i do have a bit of a basement lab to mess around with some side-projects of mine!
that aside... lets see...
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thats john! my lovely ecto-bro! :D hes been a bit down in the dumps for a while so i try to cheer him up and keep him company <3 he lives in the outskirts of the human kingdom bordering with the consort kingdom, in a little mixed village... recently hes started to grow his hair out a bit too! i swear its just laziness so he doesnt have to take care of that messy mane, but i do think itd look cuter longer sooo...
he doesn’t... do much, which is why i have been trying to cheer him up and be around lately! he’s a bit more active at least and talks with the others, but i do wanna encourage him more >:/
5/8/20 edit: thats june egbert, my adorable ecto-sis whom i adore so so so so very much!!! weve been hanging out a bunch since her latest birthday!
shes been doing a lot better! more energetic, more open about the things that worry her... i only wish her the best of the best for the future, and im sure well be having lots of fun together from now on! :D
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of course theres dave and karkat!!! they live together in the troll kingdom and have the moooost adorable domestic life i have ever seen, swoooon~ that being said theyre two awkward bottoms that couldnt realize their feelings even if they wrote a heartfelt love letter to each other and read it aloud, soooo its a... work in progress! i have tried nudging things along but thats an even worker in progresser, whoops
they also dont do much other than laze about most of the time, but dave has some creative side-projects with music and art that he shows me from time to time!
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rose and kanaya maryam-lalonde!!! two absolutely lovely ladies whom i looove very very much! ;o their place is at the carapace kingdom, but kanaya spends a good deal of time in the brooding caverns as the matriarch of the troll race! i helped them install a transportalizer to speed things up so they have more time for each other, if you catch my drift ;)
about a year ago or so, rose got really sick for a short while, but she recovered and has been her usual lovely self since! since that scare though, they have been considering the idea of expanding their family! they could adopt of course, but they wanna try other stuff first! i occasionally help kanaya at the caverns with ectobiology machinery trying to find a way to properly mix troll and human genes, but its not exactly... easy
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those are jane and jasprose! janes technically my mom but ive always seen her as a sort of cousin! we dont chat much but shes not bad! jasproses... well, you know! a wild kitty girl that knows how to have fun, hehehe, i hang out with her far more than my doggy alignment would have you know! ;o
a while back jane seemed pretty serious about running for office, and maybe because rose was in a bad spot or something, but jasprose started to pop up more and more often in public, and specifically messi around with jane? eventually she seemed to just lose interest in politics entirely and, while they havent said anything officially, i heard the cheshire cutie pops over by janes way too often to be just friendly visits ;o
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roxy and callie!!! both of them came as non-binary around the same time, probably after talking it out for a while! hehe, rox has got that strider style going, and callie has been wearing their old wig more often in public! roxy and i have been messing around with their old lab equipment trying to give callie a fun surprise, but as it turns out messing around with basic biology with tech made to be used by 13 years old requires a looooot of tinkering... maybe some time?
i love them a bunch! theyre not really together i dont think so? but im pretty sure theyre more than just good friends that live together! im pretty sure callies still experimenting with identity and labels so, i wont pry really!
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two cool dudes~ jake and dirk are nice, dirks a bit shy but ive gotten him to open up about robotics and we talk from time to time! jakes pretty much like jane, i pretty much see him as my cousin! we go hiking around from time to time in the weekends im not busy doing other stuff! :B
dirk got really concerned about rose when she had her episode, but dave helped him keep his cool about whatever was going down, and they hang out about once a month or so! also i was never sure whether dirk and jake USED to be dating or are STILL dating or whatever but, hey, much like with rox and callie, im not gonna pry!
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tereziiiii :( shes away from earth-c plundering the corpse of paradox space! we barely see her but we keep in contact and send her supplies out into the furthest ring!
we worried for a bit that she was focusing too much on vriska and harming herself being out there, we kind of made it work in the end! some of our other friends are still out there and theres the possibility of finding some weird remnant of a timeline or something, so she keeps watch in case she can guide someone still living or trapped back to safety... and in the meantime she keeps watch for vriska, too, of course- ugh, i sorta just wish she got back already, im sure her being around would also encourage john to be more active! but as long as shes safe...
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davepeta!!! the coolest cat around B) ive not... seen them in person since our little encounter near the green sun, but, terezi bumped into them a while back and sent a selfie! i dunno what theyre doing out there, but they mentioned about popping by earth-c eventually, sooooo, weve been holding onto a welcome celebration for a few months now!
and i think thats all? uuuh, if i can think of anything else i will add it, and you guys can ask me anything that wasnt clear or to elaborate on other stuff! hope this gives all of you a better picture of whats been going on in my life! :p
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movedthechangingman · 4 years
(1) I am watching atla for the first time and I know why zuko redemption worked while other’s (kylo, catara) failed, Zuko always has honor and was shown to care and make good decisions and be a good person even at his lowest points, like when he cared about his crew or tried to help and save a little kid even though the family and the kid ended up rejecting him, he never did something outrageous and he had time to learn and sort out his feelings before making a turn around and join the gang
putting this under a cut!
(2) azuko always acted upon what he believed was the right thing, once he was exposed to the outer world he learned how awful the fire nation was and the chain of abuse he was living in, he by himself made the decision and has 2 season in order to redeem himself while characters like Cassandra (tangled) and Catra had seasons of upping the stakes and acting more and more awful each time and only one season where the narrative are like “they were under someone else control and they were abused” (3) “so they nice blonde best friend who acts more like their sister and who they were abusing and victim blaming has to forgive them for everything bad they did because they were uwu abused too” and it seems many people like that which fine, if this was characterized as a delicate situation, where it could turns bad, which could turn to be even toxic, I wouldn’t have a problem with, but it is framed as beautiful and as good and as “true love!” (4) without the main aggressors Catra and Cassandra putting as much in their relationship as their blonde counterpart Adora and Raps who are forced to act as a matyr till they get fed up with their friends abuse and toxicity and put their foot down yet they always end up forgiving their abuser’s transgressions by the end somehow, it seems like the classic tale of “if he pulls your hair or means he likes you” which it’s most similar to (5) To the honeymoon or the reconciliation stage of an abusive relationship cycle’s, nothing assures you that the abuse won’t continue on but they sell it out as this wonderful and beautiful love story which it’s plain wrong, and I feel that it doesn’t receives as muy flack because it’s F/F but in reality in a relationship one has to be consistently good and reliable and as a bisexual women I feel like they are doing a disservice and it’s worse because it’s directed towards kids (5) and lastly both Wlw parings were being either outright mentioned or hinted at by the show or crew as this characters having a “sister bound” with Cassandra and Rapunzel Being outright being described as sisters in the show and Catara and Adora being described as that by the crew and with them growing having the same motherly figure and having a clear case of golden and scapegoat child, which coupled with the abuse they suffered at hands of their paternal figure and at each other hands makes the situation very gross
i have never seen ATLA outside of the first 3 eps but that is the general consensus ive heard. i have also never seen rapunzel TAS but i watched/read a bunch of spoiler stuff for it but i think my understanding is still loose. i also heard that he wasnt a villain very long idk how true that is though. but youre right from what im reading! i think it is important for your character to have an appropriate amount of time to make up for their actions... its also important with these redemption stories for the character to address the things they did, like not a “sorry for the things or whatever” but “i am sorry i did x , x, and x” etc IMO and there needs to be work put into making things right. and the victim should not necessarily be the one pushing them through that...
like i can say for certain if c*tra was a dude there would be a HUGE discourse about the fact that yeah, she really is that “mean because they have a crush on you” BS and whats most horrifying is that it seems like noelle saw NO problem with how she portrayed that relationship and all the guilt and suffering adra went through bc of ctra was really supposed to be romantic. fcking insane. like if it was just a fandom ship w.e.... ppl always gonna ship characters if they hate eachohter... but the actual creators saying its romantic is SO WTF abuse isnt negated by it being el gee bee tee rep and whats awful is i think people REALLY believe it is. not to mention uh your WLW love interest being an physically + emotionally volatile fascist who canonically does not care that she goes out to her way to aid violent takeover of innocents for a dictatorship is already like. huh.
(i mentioned also like even seagawk and mermista - her constant “uuuugh youre so annoying” about him is supposed to be cute apparently.... like noelle posted a pic of her in a shirt that says “im with stupid” pointing at seahawk and... like... that would be funny if they had healthy communication and she didnt seriously treat him like he was an idiot 24/7... but if this was reversed it would be a huge problem and everyone would flip out.)
i never thought catra and adora were written very sisterly since its undeniable that there was a clear attraction between them in the early part of the show but holy fck if the crew did say that.... ugh... although i agree it is really skeevy that their plot revolves around an abusive mother which i feel inforces the “adoptive siblings arent real siblings” pseudo incest trope as much as i think the interactions between catra and adora were not sisterly in how they were written. if that makes sense
i hate to bring up SU but i think it covers this topic really well w spinel - whos so toxic she literally poisoned people - while steven does set her on her path, he does not make himself responsible for her redemption. we get a snippet of that later ofc - where we see that she is trying to become better while also helping the other abusive characters through their change (which we also see is still ongoing - those behaviors havent been fully unlearned - nothing can be fixed that quickly). and most notably the victim (steven) while tolerating them through their attempts at change and encouraging them, does not forgive them and makes an open effort to distance himself even while his abusers still want him to help them 24/7.
whats bothering me the most is not that ppl enjoy these ships bc no matter what people will and you cant stop them but rather that ppl refuse to admit that something they like is abusive - either bc they want to save face as a unproblematic fandom blogger or bc they are 100% unwilling to take critique on something they like, to the point where now ppl wont accept any criticism on she ra at all as a show even if it has nothing to do w the awful excuse for romance.
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morganisboringg · 4 years
Omegle friendship story ;-;
Stranger: m
You: hiya
You: f
Stranger: bonjour
You: hola
Stranger: im 18 bitchh
You: im 14 hoeee
Stranger: shidddd
Stranger: 😂😂
You: yeah im a childdd
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: but im not a creepy guy so ur good 👌🏼
Stranger: hahaha
You: yeah ie had a 20 year old try to keep talking with me
You: and a 17 yr old ask if i have a nice ass XD ive delt with creepy guys XD
Stranger: hahaha dudes are horny
Stranger: used to be like that too but i realized its wrong
Stranger: so yeah just vibing rn
Stranger: 😤😤😤
You: yeah they are, i be vibin too im watching sky high B)
Stranger: lol
Stranger: im watching rick&morty
Stranger: im the ultimate virgin
You: lmaoooooo , i mean u have to also like game theory and film theory for that but ur close XD
Stranger: never heard of that
Stranger: 😂
You: theyre nerdy yt channels, they make theorys on games and films and shows and stuff
You: they have a bunch on rick and morty
Stranger: oh
Stranger: i watch some of those
Stranger: 😤😂
Stranger: im an ‘adult’ child
You: yeah i do too, i literally have their merch
Stranger: hahahaha
You: oh i hope to be an adult child bc gRosS adults
Stranger: yeah i dont wanna be an adult
You: me either, adults get stares when they only dress in hot topic clothes why would i want that
Stranger: hahahah yeah
Stranger: thats the reason i dont have a gf
Stranger: bc im too childish
You: well then u just havent found the right childish girl
Stranger: that is a fact
You: might i reccomend the single rider lines at like amusement parks XD
Stranger: hahaha why
You: ive seen plenty of dudes shoot there shot there bc the girls are by themselves then they get to ride a rollercoaster together
Stranger: hahah yeah thats fun
Stranger: maybe i wikk
Stranger: :)
You: yeah XD then if it works out a cute date at an amusement park!
Stranger: hahah yeah
Stranger: do u have a amusement park obsession
Stranger: lmaoo
You: uh- thats uniMPORTANTTT
Stranger: hahahhah
You: theres food and adreniline whats not to love!
Stranger: i love them too
Stranger: i once forced my cousin to ride the same coaster 12 times in a row
You: ive ridden king da ka the tallest rollercoaster in the world XD
Stranger: he puked after
You: lmaoooo sounds like smth id do
Stranger: hahaha
You: but then id just say again and go again XD
Stranger: hahahah same
Stranger: adter he threw up i went alone
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: dude i need some advice
You: sure
Stranger: my friends sister (shes 15) has a crush on me
Stranger: what do i do
You: oh shit uh- tell her shes too young
You: or like take her on a cute date but say its a friends date
You: thats a nice way to friend zone sm1
Stranger: yeah true
Stranger: its kinda weird
Stranger: my friend says he doesnt mind
Stranger: 😂
Stranger: but still wekrd
Stranger: weird
You: well thats uh getting to chris hansen levels so gotta shoot her down lmao
Stranger: yeah hahaha
You: but like yk when like a little sisters older siblings s/o would take them on a "date" to show them how to be treated u could do that- idk
Stranger: yeah idkk
Stranger: we shall see
You: we shall broski, just uh dont do anything that chris hansen would ask u to sit down with him over XD
Stranger: hahahah
Stranger: i have no idea who that is
Stranger: oh i looked it up
You: yeah XD
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: yeah like it is weird but not the age difference
Stranger: 3 years is not a lot
You: oh abt the friends sibling thing? XD
Stranger: ya
You: ik 3 years isnt alot in like the grand scheme of stuff but NOW 3 years is the difference between 6th graders and freshman and thats really weird
Stranger: yeah true true
You: and abt them being a friends sibling, um dont pull a kissing booth and be all dating behind everyones back- that movie was weird in general smh
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: yeah i wont
Stranger: his mom told me i would be a good son in law
You: LMAO too soon??
Stranger: 😂
Stranger: yeah right ilnow
You: 1) u arent even dating and 2) u think its weird
You: that would creep me tf out
Stranger: yeah but i dont really care
Stranger: i take it as a compliment
Stranger: it means im nice
You: yeah, im just a generally akward perso so XD
Stranger: hahahaha
You: but like uh if u dont wanna date a friends sibling dont, in most movies thats like number one best friend code no dating sibkings
Stranger: yeah i dont really care if my friend doesnt mins
Stranger: but i dont like her
Stranger: i like someone else
Stranger: and she doesnt like me back
Stranger: 🙃🙂
You: oh cool, aw that suckss u seem really chill and have a good personality so idk whats not to like thats prob my pansexual talking tho XD
Stranger: hahha
Stranger: ur attracted to pans?
Stranger: thanks lmao yeah idk
You: no i came out of the pantry smh
Stranger: 🤯🤯🤯🤯
You: common misconseption XD
Stranger: yeah shes my girl best friend
Stranger: so thats why she doesnt like me
Stranger: but maybe some daaaaaayv
You: oooo thats a hard place to get out of the f r i e n d z o n e
Stranger: ivee been tryyiiiiiiiing
Stranger: to make u love meeee
Stranger: but everything i try
You: *blasts u belong with me by taylor swift on a boombox* now go stand outside her window
Stranger: just takes you further from me
You: XD
Stranger: ghost town by kanye west is such a good song
You: oh i dont think ive listened to it lmao too much emo music and musicals
Stranger: you like kid cudi
You: who..? ugh i feel stupid not knowing stuff
Stranger: ur too young
Stranger: hes a legend
Stranger: makes good music u should listen to him
Stranger: kind of drug/depresion related
You: oh okay, that sounds like smth id listen too XD
Stranger: listen to love. by him on youtube or soundcloud
Stranger: it isnt on spotify
You: oh okay, i use amazon music like a loser XD
Stranger: oh
Stranger: yeah its only on yt or soundcloud lmao
Stranger: hahah doesnt matter right
You: yeah lmao
You: u wanna be friends? its ok to say no cause im 14 XD
You: im morgan btw whats ur name?
Stranger: hahaha aw thats a nice thing to ask
Stranger: but i just came on here to twlk to random people :( sorry
You: im not good at the whole "making friends" thing so idk what to do but ask lmao
Stranger: my name is julian
You: oh okay
Stranger: im sure u will make friends some day
You: OMG ofc its julian- i meet guys with m names or julius/julians never anything else
Stranger: hahaha what do y mean
You: i mean in the past week ive met a mike, mikey, and a mick then ive met like 4 julius' and 2 julians
Stranger: ahhaha wow
Stranger: thats funny
You: i swear idk what is up but smth is
You: my fbi agent is on smth ig
Stranger: hahahhahaha
Stranger: tryna set u up
You: yeah they want either an m&m or m j XD just m&ms or michael jackson IDFK XD
Stranger: haahahah
Stranger: so when did u find out u were pan sexual
You: uh when i was 11 i thinkk
Stranger: wow
Stranger: when i was 11 i was eating boogers out of my nose
You: yeah i knew i wasnt straight since like pre school girls are just too cute lmao
You: lmao thanks for sharing
Stranger: that is a facr
Stranger: women are cute
You: yeah they are XD
Stranger: hahaha
You: ummm idk what to talk abt now lol
Stranger: yeah me too lol
You: uh do u like heathers? like the movie or the musical
Stranger: never heard of it
You: my friends saying to skip u smh but i wouldnt dare
Stranger: what do u mean hahah
You: heathers is like a cult classic 80s movie like breakfast club or 16 candles or the outsiders
Stranger: ohh ok hahah
Stranger: i dont watch a lit of old movies
You: u know what those are right? especially the outsiders?
Stranger: only fiction
Stranger: never heard of them
You: U HAVENT???
Stranger: whats sliced bread
Stranger: 😂😂😂😂
Stranger: i swear i dont watch movies
You: like a loaf of bread XD its an expression
Stranger: oh lolllll
You: but like look up dallas winston MMMMM I LOVE THAT MAN
Stranger: hahah ok
Stranger: this was a fun talk dude hahah
Stranger: i ahve to go eat rn
You: okay byee nice talk too bad we cant be friends i wish u luck <3
Stranger: were kind of stranger friends
Stranger: so count me as a friend
Stranger: :S
You: okay too bad after this we'll never talk again
You: S?
Stranger: idk lmao
Stranger: yeah but thats life
Stranger: byeee 😘
You: yeah it is byeeee
Stranger has disconnected.
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ssironstrange · 5 years
endgame rant
yeah i know i said i wouldn’t post spoiler shit but listen i gotta get this off my chest ok
i have some REAL BIG FUCKING ISSUES with the way the russos handled a lot of plotlines. don’t get me wrong, this movie was amazing and epic and fucking award worthy, but as a fan i’ve taken offense to a Lot of things.
nothing about his ronin story makes a lick of fucking sense in the mcu. his family is dusted so he…… goes on a mass murdering spree??? decides that he should get a haircut and spend the next five years getting an edgy tattoo sleeve??? um. okay then. destroy the past like 10 years of his character having one of the best moral compasses of the entire team. why did he take up using a fucking SWORD in present day? do you know how long it takes to master swordsmanship at the level he was? with at least half of the world’s teachers gone? more than five fucking years thats for damn sure. and between him and natasha dying for the soul stone? it should have been him. i know he had a family and all but listen. nat went through physical and psychological torture. her body was modified against her will. she was brainwashed and used. and finally, FINALLY she gets free of it all, finds a family in the avengers, and continues to try and better herself to make up for things that weren’t even her fault to begin with. and clint? what did he suffer? oh thats right. nothing. he’s just damn good at his job and loves his family. the fact he has a family sucks for sacrifice, but they are well taken care of and every single one of his kids are old enough to understand AND nat would have stepped in immediately as a parental figure to help laura. they fucking fridged nat for clint and i will never forgive that.
here we go. thor’s character legit made me uncomfortable. they went way overboard with the new thor personality. but… fatshaming and making fun of his very real depression and ptsd?? wtf russos. like, haha he let himself go so funny but its NOT. he wasn’t even like…. fat, for one. just a normal dadbod and beer belly. which by the way seems a lot more realistic according to most norse myths of the gods. they were warriors, yeah, but they drank a fucking lot and feasted a fucking lot so. anyway. thor has lost his entire family. not only that but he watched them all die. he saw his mother bleed out. he watched his father disperse into nothingness. he watched the brother he has loved and cherished no matter the amount of times of betrayal and misdeeds get his neck snapped and his lifeless body thrown to the ground. and then the sister he never knew he had killing almost all of your people and then being forced to find a way to kill her. can you imagine trying to cope with that??? and when you put his age into our perspective, he’s only in his 20s. so imagine seeing your whole family die before you’re even 25, then taking on the responsibility of ruling your people. said surviving people are then massacred in front of you with only a few dozen escaping. THEN living with the guilt of blowing your chance to kill the man responsible for that and unable to stop him from decimating half the universe. (and even when he does get revenge on him, it’s too late) tell me you wouldn’t have an atomic level meltdown. thor is suffering so much and all they can do is make fun of him for it and shame him for it. he deserved better.
yall know i don’t like steve. i don’t hate him and i’m not anti-steve, i’ve just never enjoyed his rather inconsistent character and self-righteousness. it felt like we were FINALLY getting a steve i could get behind in this. a steve that swears like he should. a steve who still puts on a brave face for the public but behind closed doors with friends he’s miserable and broken like the rest of them and SHOWS it to them. a steve who realizes he is stuck in the past and just can’t seem to move forward. a steve who i can finally see the culmination of EVERYTHING he’s been through resting on his shoulders and eating him alive inside. finally we were getting a properly layered steve rogers. and then tony came back and that all fell apart. we didn’t get the apology steve owed him (and tbh tony owed him one too but we’ll get to that), we didn’t get a remorseful steve. he didn’t even address the goddamn issue. he went straight back to his bullshit. admittedly he was a better listener this time around and a far better team player overall. it wasn’t a total loss. but. BUT. his ending? no. hell fucking no. i’m happy he and peggy got their life, but it still shouldn’t have happened. how fucking selfish. how fucking backwards of his character. i get he didn’t have a choice in being brought back into the present and that is unfair and sucks for him, but what fucking right did he have to mess with a timeline like that? what right did he have to just decide without telling anyone he was done and giving up? why did he get the fucking happy ending???? steve rogers who looked tony in the eyes and said he wasn’t the kind of man to lay on the wire for someone copped out. steve rogers who knows of all the social progress we’ve made decides to go back to a time where he would be forced to accept segregation and extreme gender inequality and rampant, blatant, gross racism of all sorts oh and more war and alkjdalksdhkas NO plus they broke their own time travel rules so like whatever i guess right?? it’s okay if steeb gets his stupid happy ending right? god is it SO MUCH TO ASK FOR JUST ONCE TO HAVE A GOOD CHARACTERIZATION OFCAP???? it’s not your fault cevans honey you’re doing amazing your directors just have no fucking idea 
frankly this has been amongst rdj’s best performances of tony. i’m still partial to a lot of his acting in the iron man movies BUT this was FANTASTIC. him finally being allowed to absolutely go off on steve was fucking delicious and everything i was waiting for. let it all out tony baby. buuuuut we should have also had something more. i know my fellow tony stans typically don’t believe it but tony was wrong in civil war too. surprise they both fucking were. ANYWAY. i was waiting for an honest apology between them both. after everything they just went through, NONE of the petty bullshit they went through before matters at all. and yet the closest thing we get is tony just being like “turns out i don’t like to hold grudges” or what the fuck ever. why is it so hard just to make one of them say i’m sorry, the other say i’m sorry, admit it was a bunch of BULLSHIT hug it out and then go forward???? ugh. their choice to make tony suddenly care about his dad and be happy to see him???? disgusting. they made it canon that howard was an abuser, neglectful, cold, and hateful. it’s been a BIG DEAL how tony has struggled with the relationship to his dad because of how shitty the man was to him. and then they do tHAT? fuuuuCK that!!!! i’m not saying tony isn’t allowed to forgive howard. thats fine and expected tbh. but they pushed it way too far. the tony stark we’ve known for the last decade would never get all giddy and happy to see him and hug him and fucking thank him??? what the fuckk?? god that was gross. you know what we should have gotten? what tony deserved more than howard fucking stark? MARIA STARK!! and then, of course, my main issue. they fucking killed him. which only tells us, the audience and fans that no matter what you suffer and sacrifice that your only way to redemption is death. jesus fucking christ i am SO angry over this. they killed the two who suffered the fucking most. the two who every single goddamn day worked on being a better person. nat and tony both deserved so much better than waht they got. how the fuck did it make sense to kill tony who now has a fucking CHILD, who still has a future, who FINALLY FOR ONCE IN HIS FUCKING LIFE FOUND A SHRED OF PEACE????? and then let steve just go selfishly galavant through time as he pleases to have the cute happy ending? FUCK that ending. fuck it right up the ass with a huge unlubed cock. steve should have been the one to use the gauntlet. period. he should have been the one to die like that. i would have still fucking cried but you know what?? that would be the most cap thing ever. i wanted a mirror of pre-serum steve jumping on that grenade, but this time grabbing the gauntlet and not hesitating for a split second to snap. but no. they killed tony who left behind a wife who DESERVED MORE THAN HAVING THE MAN SHES LOVED AND SUPPORTED AND MARRIED AND HAS A CHILD WITH RIPPED AWAY FROM HER!!! tony who left behind a daughter too young to really comprehend yet why her daddy isn’t going to be coming back. fuck you russos. the injustice of it is astounding. i’m never going to get over it. you know how they could have killed tony? if they really felt like they needed to? have him grow old and die naturally of old age with pepper in their cute little lakeside house after watching morgan grow into such a strong and brilliant person. but oh. they gave that to steve. right.
i’ll never complain about having more stephen content but uhhhh i’m gonna complain that we didn’t get more than what we got cause after sitting in the soulworld for five fucking years you canNOT tell me he didn’t get even stronger with time to practice and meditate and work through every iota of information of mystical shit in his head. and yet they sidelined him??? after we’ve SEEN what he’s capable of in IW? just gonna put him on flood control???? something that any of those goddamn sorcerers could have done while he helps wipe the floor with thanos or any of the thousands of enemies? fuuuuuuuuuck that. can you fucking imagine how quickly thanos would have been taken out if it were wanda, carol, and stephen all three against him? jesus. he’s literally amongst the most powerful people but nah, just have him stand over there.
the gay russo
FUCK you for that. i am LIVID about it. yall can’t fucking make valkyrie bi???? or carol????? yall can’t GET AN ACTUAL GAY ACTOR? “ We felt it was important that one of us play him, to ensure the integrity and show it is so important to the filmmakers that one of us is representing that. “ WHAT????????? are you fucking telling me a WOC WHO IS OUT AS BISEXUAL AND WANTS HER CHARACTER TO BE BISEXUAL COULDNT ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF AN LGBT CHARACTER???????????????? “ It is a perfect time, because one of the things that is compelling about the Marvel Universe moving forward is its focus on diversity.”  SEE PREVIOUS COMMENT????? oh my god fuck them forever.
lets make rules for our time travel then break them immediately
idek whats going on in the timeline anymore. they utterly fucked up and BROKE the timeline of 2012 avengers after letting loki get away with the tesseract. which should have cascaded into their future but, well, it didn’t. so i GUESS now we’re just pretending that made a new timeline which makes no goddamn sense but whatever i guess. steve going back to completely fuck with his timeline, or a timeline at least, and having no consequences in the future besides being old. okay. sure??? we can do all that but we can’t fucking get natasha back. right. cool. okay.
anyway i’m sure theres more bugging me but these are the things bothering me most.
and frankly i don’t care if anyone disagrees i’m not arguing or debating any of this. 
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asamlambung · 5 years
Gush about your fave DR character! ♡
WVJHKHKHKHK anon whoever you are please know that youre unleashing a beast but also thank you im….. 
(actually i made a tierlist for this though it might not be as accurate since it was a few months ago)
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(also sorry for the characters that are in the lower tiers i swear even if i don’t like them most of them are still good memes. and the ones in “c” and “b” i’d definitely like more if there’s some good art/fics that explore their characters better though i might not actively look for it.)
OK so just to preface i havent seen most free times and most of my impression came from joseph anderson’s playthrough sooo i might be biased but im definitely planning on rewatching at least v3 in its entirety with all of its ftesO i guess it’s best if i start chronological and lemme just say. SAKURA OOGAMI IS BEST GIRL
it’s easy to say that im weak for big stronk gal who can lift me easily. and there is /definitely/ that point.
this is gonna sound weird but i really like the level-headedness she brings to the trials. i wouldnt say she’s the smartest but she rounds up the whole cast in a way that keeps the trials from being too absurd and non-sensical. there are other characters that also do this but seeing it come from her makes me happy somehow? maybe it’s because she also balances asahina in that sense and also that she’s the fourth trial stronk person who’s the most level headed compared to gonta and nekomaru. not saying those two are bad either, they’re great characters in their own right but i feel like their function is more on the side of entertaining rather than weighing in on the discussion. i especially think nekomaru’s whole thing with shitting is funny and it’s kinda a shame that sdr2 cut him from trials starting from the third.
speaking of sakura, yes i ship her with hina. no, duh. they’re good together. but i was also kinda touched when she talked about kenshiro. idk, sakura has two strong beefy hands and she can hold her girlfriend and boyfriend at the same time ok.(pretty sure kenshiro appears in udg but i havent experienced that game outside of seeing a few cutscenes so i wouldnt know)
also the fact that we get a callback to her in the strawberry house was. idk if i should say cool or if it was funny but it was something. and yep, her death was the saddest out of the fourth trials the games had. nekomaru’s death was more respectful for me and i felt more sad about gonta during his trial than his death. it’s more gruesome than sad, to be honest.(and ok the smoothskin joe gives to sakura is also kinda funny)
with other dr1 characters i like most of them are usually because of my friends’ (who got into dr years before i did) influence like kyoko and celeste. there are some others i laugh at but it’s more because of the inside jokes of the streamer i was watching.
ok so with sdr2 komaeda is easily one of the top. but tbh the reason why it is is bc a few years ago i read this (illegally distributed) doujin that had written his character really well. tbh i feel kinda bad now knowing that the doujinka stopped circulating their doujin bc of that and some of the subject matter of their doujin is… a bit too much for me. but the ones that are good are really good and when i came into canon i was like, “oh, this is the fingers in ass guy who got memed to death" nowadays, i see him more as pickle nagito though. i am interested in seeing how his character can be… well, not redeemed but i want to see him heal. whiiich might never happen in canon bc his hope bagel personality is too infamous now.
also i know everyone hcs nagito’s voice as smth along the lines of nico’s voice or john’s voice but like consider jph’s stoner voice. please. it’s so fucking funny with the fucking pickle komaeda meme. maybe it’s bc although im not obsessed with hope or despair, i related to his way of seeing karma. 
after experiencing sdr2 thoough, lemme just say that johnny yong bosch did a great job voicing hajimmy hinata. like im not even kidding i really like that voice and if i was ursula i would steal that voice for my own use. buutt i cant do that. unlike komaeda, i’m pretty indifferent to his character arc and enjoy his one on one interactions with the characters more and how he reacts to the immediate events that happened over the course of sdr2.
soo yeah komaeda and hinata are literally opposites in my head, ain’t much of a surprise that i ship them i guess. but!! i like a lot of the gals in sdr2 surprisingly.
like, ok. maybe i’m biased but the designs for the gals in sdr2 are so goddamn adorable. like okay there’s the obvious ones like chiaki and sonia. and i don’t know why sonia’s personality is so goddamn adorable. like not in the “awww you’re so fucking uwu” type of way but more in the sense that she’s funny? it feels like even through all her weirdness that she still manages to make genuine connections with the characters.
with peko, it’s hard to dislike her considering her whole arc with the second trial. of course liking her goes in hand with liking fuyuhiko’s character too but i just like.. how stoic she sounds??? it’s adorable????? and with mikan yeah she kinda went… off in the third trial but consider???? her voice when she snaps was so goddamn hot?????????????? sdr2 has the best voice acting cant change my mind.
and i don’t know why, gundham is so goddamn funny and if i wanna show how absurd sdr2 can get i show my friends gundham’s scenes. he’s fucking funny, ok. and alongside nekomaru i can respect his death in a way. i goddamn saluted when i first watched his execution (with the full context of the trial) because i just really liked the conviction he carried with his murder.
aand with v3…
miu’s one of the funniest character ever!! i swear. i know some people look at the sex jokes and go, “ugh” but im a manchild so i ended up enjoying her moments so much. though i’m kinda a bit meh on the fanservice side, i like how she’s one of the characters who sticks out more. in my language we call her “pentolan” i guess.
tenko’s kinda an easy character for me to like considering… stronk lady. would love for her to carry me. the misandry can get a bit too much but she’s also a pretty funny and genuine character on top of that so she came out with me liking her.
kaede and tsumugi are characters i grew to /love/ after i thought about them a lot.
with kaede, the point i started to relate to her… was with her thirst with girls. i swear im not joking. but. okay. i like her position as the protag and all her ideals. one thing i was surprised that didn’t manage to make me relate to her was her passion for piano considering i’ve also studied it for like, around 12 years. maybe it’s because i kinda fell out of it around 2 years ago because reasons. despite of that though, i like how assertive she was in her time as the protag. and her execution was goddamn beautiful.
tsumugi, though, i wouldn’t grow to love as much if it weren’t for 郁十‘s works. like. please. go watch all of their videos it’s all so good. i think someone else talked about this, but tsumugi’s position as the mastermind feels a lot more “human” than what we got with junko enoshima. compared to kaede, i feel like we could’ve gotten so much more with her as a villain and i just want to see more of her outside of her “plain bread” facade.
it might also be due to my own hcs for them so they’re on my head a lot more than most of the other v3 characters are. even more than my two actual favorites!!
ok, ok. kochiki and shuichi are definitely my favorites of the bunch. like, the toppest tiers of fav actually. it’s kinda hard to talk about these two separately tbh. maybe it’s because before danganronpa, my previous otp in my previous fandom had these two’s dynamics as well. and like, there’s a certain pairing to a fandom i haven’t caught up to in years who also have a detective/phantom thief dynamic. aaand also persona 5 and that one pairing that i don’t have to name for people to know which is my otp.
yeah i’m a sucker for these types of characters. it’s kinda typical that they’d be popular in the fandom. which i’ll  h a p p i l y  eat up.
soo it’s kinda easy to start with kochiki. i think i don’t have to go into every minute detail and go all meta on why i like him as a character because a lot of people have articulated better on why his character works. he’s fun to watch when interacting with other characters and figuring out his motivation put my brain on work. i’ll say this though, i actually enjoy kokichi better when he’s not being woobified. he’s a rat through and through and i will enjoy this possum boi for that.
(oh wait, possum boi is rantaro. nvm.)
and now mr. detective himself. so i loved his character at first. didn’t love him more than kochiki but. liked his arc, he was a fun protag. then the fan content came and he became very moe in my eyes so i guess it’s easier to say that i uh, like fancontent of shuichi better but i like canon kokichi better. and also how is it that the majority of ousai e-rated works has shuichi as a top SHUICHI IS NOT A TOP um yeah anyway. i feel like out of all the main characters he’d be a pretty nice person to hang out with.
also his eyelashes are nice. im totally not embarrassed while typing this out. im literally physically restraining myself from typing out more so i can not embarrass myself even further.
okay congrats anon here you are i hope you enjoyed this embarrassing mess it took me more than a day to type this out because i don’t know where i should stop myself regarding some characters. but uh yeah. i have gushed. now i shall return to the abyss.
(unless anybody asks me to gush about my ocs which might actually be thrice as long as this)
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kvltprince · 5 years
I was tagged by the lovely @leporidaefluff (Thank you! it was the push i needed to get started on this instead of just going oh~ neat~!)
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same. Sorry if anyone has already been tagged, no obligation. @ heathie on whatever acct cos im a dumbass an i miss your bois(you miss em too), @randomwordsandstormydays, @randomfuzzbunny, @jornaquinn @chrysocolladawn ( @somewhere-withoutyou if you would...) and anyone else who would enjoy doing this. (if i get tagged again ill do anther oc. i would tag a few others but i feel weird tagging ppl i dont like ever talk to lol.)
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What is your name?
"Lucy Grandchester, yeah that one.” 
How old are you?
“Fourty-five unless you are getting nitpicky about cryostasis. That doesn’t count unless I am joking with a ghoul, honestly.”
What do you look like?
He lets out a small half chuckle, "Oh, we are doing this okay. I’ll bite. Slightly short middle aged punk, long greying curly hair, undercut, with one leg and too many tattoos?”
Where are you from? Where do you live now?
Lucy uncomfortably takes down his hair and redoes his messy bun while sighing and becoming a bit short. “I’m from just the other side of that irradiated water near that gas station south of here. Name kinda gives it away. You have seen it? I honestly am not sure how it’s standing still between the bombs and everything else. It’s looked after now, and is a surprise asset to still have. I lived in Boston for a while after all that, and back in this area once Nuka World was opened, then back in the Boston area, and would you look at that I am back in Nuka World and it is a lot more comfortable now.”
What was your childhood like?
"...Unstable, for everyone. It got a bit better once my parents were dead... are we done with this line of questions? Or am I excusing you?”
What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions?
“Well, I started out trying to play nicely vaguely with anyone that didn’t try to shoot me first. That.... hasn’t stayed how it is. At least not fully, though i generally play nice until I am given a reason not to. I am friendly with the Disciples, the Operators, several of the Children of Atom groups that haven't irradiated their sense out of their heads yet, the Railroad.”
Tell me about your best friend.
He finally visibly relaxes the rest of the way after that history business, and takes a drink of a quantum. “Oh only one best friend? Are we in high school again? aw Alright. We have some parallel histories.” He swirls the glowing drink, but doesn't let himself get lost in his head too far. “Great humor, puts up with my shit somehow, doesn't blow my sneaking. Laugh that could take on the world even though they probably wouldn't. No I am not spoiling who I decided on. A man has to have some secrets somewhere and mine are in short supply”
Do you have a family? Tell me about them!
“My son Shaun never ceases to surprise me with what he can come up with, and how well adjusted he is. Codsworth is still helping out with the household, and helping keep Shaun from disassembling live turrets while I am away, though now he is living here at Fizztop with us. Surprisingly it seems to be an alright setup, and Shaun has taught a few people some upgrades in their downtime. There is enough room to keep things comfortable, and I have done some park remodeling since I arrived. My closest companions that don’t hate my choices I have made I consider family, but that has become a smaller circle than before.”
What about a partner or partners?
“Gage of course, he is my husband for whatever it is worth in the wasteland. Otherwise I suppose that depends how you are defining that. I am an affectionate person and some people seem to have rather strict definitions of where the edge of friend and partner should be”
Who are your enemies, and why?
“Several people aren’t speaking to me very well at best after I have settled into the Overboss seat here, on a personal level. The Pack were wiped out. The Brotherhood were wiped out. The Institute were wiped out. The minutemen are pretty pissed understandably. The Gunners still show up in vertibirds sometimes and are still pretty fun target practice. My settlements are generally comfortable, and my outposts mostly only have problems with gunners or trappers. Minor annoyances.”
Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them?
“Yeah, of course. I think they got too headstrong for their flightsuits. I mean I understand but you really can’t do that shit and expect no repercussions. It was quite a firework show honestly, I wonder how far away the heat was felt..”
What about The Enclave?
"I don’t know much about them, only one of their ex-soldiers, he didn’t exactly tell me much. Cute, a bit odd. Not sure if it is the radiation that did that or not.”
How do you feel about Super Mutants?
He has a flash of a pensive thought drift across his face “There’s a few that aren’t so bad. Obviously the FEV isn’t mass-curable though, so not exactly much of a choice what to do about them unless you like getting a rocket launcher or a nuke in your face.”
What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in?
“Proobably~ around Bunker Hill, It was just, A Lot. That whole time was not just the specific fight. I don’t remember a lot of it, I’m pretty sure Gage half dragged me home after the main running around and meetings after the fight. I don’t think I had a full thought for a while.”
Have you ever fought a Deathclaw?
He thumb points to a sniper rifle leaning against the wall “Yeah, too often, thankfully usually I see them first, and I’ve gotten the sneaking thing down. They make pretty good steaks.”
Do you like fighting?
“Sometimes, honestly. Something tired and overstated about old habits or something boring. Really though, it is exciting and keeps the boredom away. Playfighting and sparring will do, no need to draw blood. I guess. Good to keep knife and sneaking skills sharp however you can.”
What’s your weapon of choice?
“A modded real sharp Throatslicer she called it, I swear Nisha found this thing in the loading dock or something it is the nicest box-cutter I have ever owned. Opens up anything.”
How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?)
“Outlive everything around me usually by not being seen, notice it first, shoot it faster, stab it more, talk my way out of it, or by luck. I have zero real idea, but I can eat nearly anything and I bet that helps too.”
Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them?
"Of course, there are a bunch, and I was ushered into 111 to turn my life upside down. They seem to only be any good for salvage, horror stories, clean water sometimes, and if you are real lucky a trade post and a shave. I have a settlement vault that is doing well that I have taken over and built up, but that is not Vault-Tec related, obviously.”
How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you?
“I have a few recipes that are good for radiation, though it doesn't affect me very badly overall and I am slow to feel any sickness. I suspect that one day I will turn into a ghoul.” He is rather matter of fact and unbothered by this, and hints that he knows that not getting sick much from radiation means just that.
What’s your favorite wasteland critter?
“Probably the stags and gazelles and other herd animals. They are overall unchanged other than most have two heads now, they are still nice to watch”
What’s your least favorite wasteland critter?
“Honestly? radscorpions? Those fuckers are too quick and you cant shoot them cos they tunnel and they knock you on your ass and poison you and just UGH”
How do you feel about robots?
"Robots are alright if they are not causing trouble. Some of them are nice. Jezebel is not so nice, but she is guarding red rocket and bitching the entire time so shes no longer my problem. The Rust Devil’s robots are a pain in my ass for real.”
How many caps do you have on you right now?
Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla?
He cocks his head slightly “I havent heard that one in a while. Depends on the flavor of Nuka Cola, I do like Sunset Sarsaparilla though, if you have any.”
Do you do chems?
"Not recreationally anymore. No, not because of him.” He nods toward Gage “It just, gets out of hand”
Do you ever think about the Pre-War world?
"Not as often as you would expect, I mean obviously there is the ‘oh i remember when that wasn't destroyed’ of things, but things are more comfortable than I thought they could be”
What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently?
His eyes narrow slightly “I don’t really do regret. Things were done the way they were because it was the choice at the time. A choice now for an old situation isn’t helpful to living my current life or my old life. I am not living then, I am living now.” 
What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve?
“Surviving all of this, and myself. Creating this strange semi-stability in this post apocalyptic place.”
What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world?
“Keep me and mine safe, happy as we can be, and I hope that my found-family never fully stops growing. Curious what the future holds for my raiders and friends, there is so much potential, it could be risky but it is there. For once it is a good solid place to be, and it’s mine.” Lucy polishes off his questionable as hell drink with a smile.
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
heir!svt // boo seungkwan
♥ fluffy!
♥ 3k words
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this cutie full of sass and just overflowing love is the heir to his mother’s infamous jeju tangerine company
yeah people might think, oh thats nothing
but hoo boi they’re the no. 1 selling jeju tangerines in korea
because they’re so sweet just like the boo family :O
and sometimes they even import their goods worldwide, ITS THAT GOOD
back to our boo
he may seem pretty eccentric, especially when he’s around seokmin or soonyoung, but he’s also a sweetheart who takes care of his juniors and friends
like he will always remind them of their worth and sometimes get really clingy
but of course his sassy side is one of the many reasons that people love him too!!
they find it funny whenever he goes on a savage strike and literally drag anYone
like he doesnt care who your parents are, he will drag you down to hell
but everyone knows he doesnt mean it half the time, but when he actually does, it will bring shivers down your spine
since his well-loved among the students, he’s literally friends with everyone
especially the younger ones because he like to feel like an older brother and feels proud when his juniors look up to him
this is so soft fk
but he also has his moments where he wants to be taken care of too so he simply just joins his closest group of friends aka the big bunch of thirteen boys
people wonder how the heck they seem so close when all of them could form a class
anyWays, onto you
so theres two groups of people when it comes to seungkwan
1) you’re friends with him or 2) youre not
lucky you, you drop in the first category because if you dont, you’re just a sad outcast who doesnt like the cutest squishy boy
but even if you were friends with him, you werent as close to the extent where you guys hang out often
its the little greetings you guys say to each other in the hallways that keeps this acquaintance going
and its not like youre scared of him or anything
in fact its a little bit more than that
you’ve always admired him for being such a positive light in Pledis High along with his friends
and he’s someone that you aspire to be like - to be fearless and firm in yourself as well as be a pillar of strength for everyone else around
but you’re just that shy student who stammers during presentations because being in the center of attention scares the living heck out of you
he’s practically your aspiration
and its pretty difficult to get close to someone who has 46389392 other people to choose from to hang out with
but thats just you overthinking it because seungkwan has been wondering if he should just ask you to join him for lunch
on the other hand, seungkwan sees you as someone who works diligently behind the scenes
yeah sure you might not be able to lead people in a group project or voice out your opinions
but you do research like a mad scientist and quietly lead the group to an A for a project by leaving notes for improvement in their files
hell yeah he sees you, he sees potential in everyone
but its also because he thinks you’re pretty cute when you get so into the textbook that you’re literally inches away from kissing the pages
but he threatened vernon not to tell you that because he cant just mAke A MoVe
he wants to get to know you more first, about your favourite colour or what you think about when you daydream in class or how your brain manages to store so much information about general facts
most of the random facts you remember is from snapple bottles but no one needs to know that
so yeah maybe boo seungkwan is a little bit Whipped™ for you h a h a a little bit???
like every other day when seungkwan passes by your class, he sees you in your seat scribbling on your notes with furrowed eyebrows and your bottom lip between your teeth
and you just tugged on his heartstrings because how can someone look this good while doing something so,,, normal
and vernon has to snap him out of it
“dUde you’re really not making this crush thing any less subtle,”
and seungkwan nearly wants to hold him in a chokehold and make him regret his words
but when he takes another glance at you, you’re staring back and he’s quickly covering up his slightly blushed cheeks with a little wave
while you shot a shy smile towards him and waved back
and that simple action of yours just saved vernon from being suffocated
which also makes seungkwan say fuck it and ask you to join him for lunch or a study session after school that day
he wasn’t able to catch you at lunch that day, probably because you felt more comfortable in the quiet and cool library of the school
so when he sees you preparing your things to leave the school, he jogs right after you and nearly slams himself into your locker door
“hi! yn right?” he asks you, as if he’s never repeated your name in his mind every time he sees you
“y-yeah, what’s up?” you inquired back, zipping up your backpack and closing the locker door shut
“i was thinking, if you had the time, if you could join me on a study session today,”
and as much as you want to confirm his words, the way he looks at you with the hopeful sparkle in his eyes confirmed itself
boo seungkwan was asking you to hang out, and he chose you out of everyone else
“oh,, im free but i have a curfew so i hope you dont mind if we dont stay out too long,” you mustered every ounce of courage you had as you slung your bag over your shoulder
“great!! i know just the right place for us to study at,” he smiles, taking the spot next to you as he guide the both of you out of school
throughout the walk to the study spot seungkwan had planned, he had been talking about the stories about his friends and the way they have been annoyingly him lately - but of course they did it out of affection
“they say i pout alot when i get angry but i dont pout that much >:((” 
and as he whined about the statement, his lips indeed formed into a big sad pout just as his friends had said
as you tried to hold back the giggle, that is until he brows began going up and down in frustration like a rollercoaster
and that was the trigger 
you burst out laughing, covering your mouth even though it was too late to cover up
while he looked back at you with a confused look - although his chest felt entirely different
the way your eyes turned into crescent moons when you smiled really wide as well as the way your voice sounded harmonious to him
“i’m so sorry,, it’s just that,, your friends are totally right. look at you!!” you attempted to catch your breath while you held your phone to him, the front camera had indeed showed him the pouty face his friends had mentoned
“even you too??? but its not that bad right?” seungkwan looks back at you with pitiful puppy eyes and a part of you melts at the adorable sight
“no its not bad!! its actually pretty cute,” you reassured him, still recovering from your laughing fit
cute?? did you just call boo seungkwan cute??
he’s smile starts to radiate and his cheeks turn bright red from being flustered
but you were too busy chuckling at the accidental selfie he had taken on your phone
before he could even mention the compliment, the both of you had reached the cafe, swinging the door gently as you entered first while he followed behind you
you guys grabbed a spot by the corner, it being one of the best place, as recommended by seungkwan himself
“i’ll order the drinks and you can start studying first,” he shoots you a kind smile before sliding out from his chair
“oh yeah, what would you like?” he inquired, quickly giving him your normal order before he went to the counter
the place was beyond amazing and you werent sure how you havent seen it before when the shop had been placed near the school
the calm and soothing ambient given by the soft jazz playing in the speakers and the bright light illuminating the place was not glaring either
as you began flipping through your notes and your textbooks, seungkwan arrives with a tray of your drinks as well as slice of cake on a plate
“we didn’t order cake but the owner of the shop gave it to us on the house. maybe its because i’ve become a regular,” he chuckled, rubbing the nape of his neck after he had placed the tray to the side
“really?? ah we should thank them,” you turned towards the cashier where a man with circular glasses had a smile plastered on his face
and is that a,,, thumbs up?? did he just mouthed ‘good luck’?
“i think he wished us good luck for our exams since exam season is coming up,” but when you turn back to face seungkwan, he has his hand motioning back and forth across his neck, mouthing something along the lines of “shh”
“you actually know him?” you inquired, catching his attention as he nearly cracked his neck from turning too fast
“o-oh yeah sure! i come here pretty often remember? besides, we should really start studying before its too late,” he laughed nervously, slipping back into his seat and fetching out his required materials
and hour pasts and the pain in your neck starts to grow from facing your textbook from a weird angle, making you stretch in your seat while it captures his attention
“10 minute break?” he asks with a knowing smile as you nodded a little too enthusiastically, immediately regretting your decision while you held your drink in your hands, taking a few sips every so often
“did you get a lot done? i barely got the english practice questions done,” he sighed, taking a sip from his own cup
“yeah i guess. i managed to finish my english assignment too so i can help you if you want!” 
“reALLy?? ugh you’re a life savior yn. but enough of studies for now, LETS DIG IN,” he excitedly exclaims, placing the sliced cake between the both of you and handing a dainty small fork that matched his
your eyes sparkled in delight when you tasted the light whip cream along with the soft and spongy cake, eliciting giggles from seungkwan as your shoulders danced in elation
“you’re too adorable,” seungkwan complimented you on instinct
and its only when you look at him with wide eyes that he realized his action
“a-ah am i too straightforward?? i’ll stop if its uncomfortable,” 
but that compliment had brought a shy smile to your face, tinting the edges of your ears while you shook your head
you were slightly confused then - was your heart racing because you were with someone you admired, or was it because you began to see him in a different light
in a span of a few hours, seungkwan was more than you had assumed and you really meant that he was more than just an embodiment of positivity and sassiness
you werent sure what words you would exactly use to describe him now that you knew him a little more
but it was definitely not in a way where you saw him as an aspiration any longer
and more on seeing that smile on his face
“yn? yN? are you really sure its ok?” and that cute pout is on his face once again
“y-yeAH its totally fine!! we better finish this cake quick, my curfew is in another hour,” you smiled apologetically before taking another bite
“it’s alright, we can study together again if you want to,” 
and minutes just as fast as the time the both of you had spent together
in a split second, you had arrived at your door - although with many times you had reassured him you would be able to walk home alone, seungkwan wouldnt budge an inch
“i guess i’ll see you at school tomorrow?” he questioned, a small shy smile on his face
and as the both of you waved goodbye and went your separate ways, neither of you could wipe the wide smiles on your faces
days turn into months and a year felt like it had passed in a blink of an eye
so many things had happened during that period of time
without a doubt, you had become one of his closest friends (but others think otherwise when they see you two linking pinkies in the hallways)
and as we all know, all 13 boys came as a package, so it was only a matter of time until you met all 13 of them
it was a chaotic meeting, having to meet all of them at once made remembering names wayy more difficult
but after a while of getting to know them, you had grown accustomed to their personalities
like that one time that the noticeboard fell off the wall for some reason and you immediately thought of mingyu
you turn around and mingyu is standing right beside that noticeboard, with his entire body frozen into place
or like that one time seungkwan was telling about a prank that happened to him and asked if jeonghan was in charge of it and he just goes yEAH AND I GOT MY HAIR DYED BLUE FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK
and seungkwan was relieved that his friends had accepted you as a person
because they can get pretty protective of each other #squadgoAls 
but also because he wouldnt know what to do if they didnt like you when his crush on you is mAssive
it has grown to the point where he’s so close to confessing, but he never knows the right time to do so
on the other hand, you had begun to see him more than just a friend
the way he looked so worried when you had a little papercut on your finger
or when he stopped the other boys from teasing you because he feels this weird sense of anger boiling in the pit of his stomach
its called jealousy but boy has a little bit of a problem seeing it as it is
and anytime seungkwan initiates skinship with you, you feel your body heat up but its not to the point where you feel its overwhelming??
its more like this comfortable warmth that you can never get enough of
the kind of feeling you dont get with anyone else
and that was the moment you had finally accepted the fact that it had grown into a full-fledged Crush
either of you is still oblivious to each others feelings but its wayy to obvious to everyone else that theres something else brewing than ‘just friends’
but your thoughts and doubts get the best of you
because what if seungkwan is just this nice to everyone else?? i mean he did help out most of his juniors with their homework
and its normal seeing him hold hands and hug his other friends
and it kind of has your hopes lowered but it didnt hurt having a harmless crush right??
they come and go anyway
but seungkwan’s crush on you hasnt gone ever since his heart raced at the sight of you with the widest smiles
and he wasn’t planning to ignore it either
as per normal, the both of you walked into the cafe the both of you now frequented together, ordering the same drink but a different kind of cake to try every week
its come to the point where you guys have nearly tried every pastry there was in the cafe
but this time, seungkwan doesnt take out his notes or his pencil case with the matching tangerine keychain which you had gotten for him as a gift while your similar keychain hung on your bag
“what’s wrong?? no assignments this week?” you questioned, debating if you should finish yours alone
“well,,, not quite actually. but i felt like we needed a little break from studying since exams are over,” his eyes remain glued to the cup of iced americano in front of him 
which was weird since he would usually shoot you that warm smile you’ve grown to love so much
“is there anything wrong?” you had held onto his arm instinctively, thinking that maybe he just needed a little push to tell you whats on his mind
“i dont want to scare you or anything, so you dont need to answer back if you dont want to,” he rubbed the nape of his neck, playing nervously with the end of his hair
you nod along for him to continue, letting your hand linger on his while his eyes glanced towards the skin contact
“do you,, see me as anything more than a friend- you really dont have to answer it if it makes you feel-”
“yeah, is there something wrong with it?” you answered with a tiny bit of confidence
meanwhile your feet was bouncing under the table and your cheeks had already turned as bright as the red velvet cupcake between the both of you
and you answer shuts him up quickly
and it had been the first time he had looked back into your eyes ever since the both of you had stepped into the cafe
and they still look as sparkling as ever, if not, even more than you have ever seen them
his lips slowly curled into a bashful grin, accompanying his flushed red cheeks
“then i guess its appropriate to ask if,, if you’d be my,,,lover?” the term rolling off his tongue sends shivers down his spine
but when you bring his hand towards your lips, placing a quick peck, he nearly explodes and shortcircuits
“how could i ever say no?”
a/n: im so soft for seungkwan??? like i would squish his cheeks all day if i could o k also as per usual i’ll proofread this tomorrow morning because i can never get as inspired when it isnt 3 in the morning oops
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paladin-andric · 6 years
An Even Game
Hey, everyone! After finishing Blackheart I had a few ideas for some shorts, so I think I’ll be posting some! This one’s about a bunch of mercenaries taking some time off to play some rather elaborate games...
Sofia’s entrance into the company hall was far from silent, but with the boisterous shouts coming from the table, it might as well have been.
None of the group of five could hear her coming as they laughed and complained, the sound of rolling dice and shuffling paper being heard.
“It’s nonsense is what it is!”
“You’re just mad you’re losing!”
“Hey, I’m only losing ‘cause you stacked the game, you rat!”
The woman was a member of the Drakebloods, a mercenary company that had been successful enough to found their own hall. While small, as the company was, it was a pretty massive achievement for them.
It appeared several of the members were using their downtime to play games at the hall, all of them crowded around the round, wooden table and sat in cheap wooden chairs.
Sofia, a soldier within the company, chucked her things onto an empty table as she made her way to the end of game room. Ahead of her they sat, a massive map, a mess of cards and papers, and dice and miniature figurines taking up the entirety of the table.
“Hey boys,” she said casually, most of them turning to look at her.
“Oh, hey Sofia!” David answered, a notable chipperness in his voice.
David was one of three humans at the table, the others being Michael and Emanuel. The fourth member of the group was a koutu, one Sofia knew very well as Con. Though his true name was Conchobhar, enough of the company called him by the simpler nickname that he was now known by both.
The final man at the table was a saalik, one of the lizards from the desert kingdom across the seas. He was Bahim, one of the largest and most intimidating warriors in the whole company. His great size, plainly apparent strength, and frightening reptilian visage did little to show his true nature.
Emanuel smiled at her. “Hey, wanna join? We’re short a player!”
“Pona Federation’s still not taken,” Michael added, sounding a touch irritated.
“Uhh, actually I’d just like to watch, thanks,” Sofia answered, hands on her hips.
“Come on!” David said, trying to egg her on.
“We’d love if you joined us!” Conchobhar said cheerfully, clutching onto a slip of paper.
“Really, thanks but I don’t want to. I don’t even know what you’re playing.”
“We could teach you,” David said softly, a playful grin on his face.
“That’d take ages.” Michael’s voice was low and carried frustration in it. “This game’s already an hour in and we’ve barely done anything. Can we get a move on?”
“Hey...if she doesn’t want to play, we shouldn’t make her,” Bahim’s voice was quiet and meek, as it usually was. Quite a mismatch for the brutish-looking warrior.
“Tsk, whatever,” David said with a roll of his eyes, “If you say so…”
Sofia pulled a chair from another table and joined them, leaning over the massive map and piles of papers. “What in the world is this game, anyway? What needs THIS much work to play?”
“Deacan Kings!” Conchobhar said excitedly.
“Deacan Kings…?”
“You mean to tell me you’ve never played it?” Emmanuel asked, his tanned face staring at her in confusion.
She shook her head. “Never heard of it.”
“Wow…I thought everyone in the whole damn company played this at least once,” David mused.
“Not me. What IS it, anyway?”
“Deacan Kings is like playing history!” Conchobhar cried. “Err...well, like playing how history could have been, anyway. You pick a nation and try to manage your kingdom, and build up the administration, deal with court intrigue, and conduct politics with other plays, forge alliances, scheme, and try to conquer all of Deaco! It’s wonderful!”
Sofia crossed her arms and frowned. “Manage politics and administration? Sounds complicated.”
“Oh, it is!” Bahim said, a sort of shy happiness dancing on his face. “B-but it’s really fun! Once you learn everything, there’s just so much you can do! There’s so many different paths for you to take your nation! There’s dozens of laws you can change your stance on, and nation get their own bonuses, and your ruler gets personality traits that change things and limit what you can do, and how the game goes…” The large lizard stared off into the distance, lost in his joyful recollection of the rules like a child telling his parents about his favorite play.
“Hey, speaking of ruler traits…” David tapped the map. “Turn 20. Time for everyone to get one.”
The group all grabbed for a stack of notes in the corner, each taking one off the top one by one. As they looked at what trait their ruler now had, varying reactions came from all over the table.
“Oooh, I got workhorse!” Conchobhar said excitedly, “Yes!”
“Ah, whatever,” Michael said angrily, tossing his card to the table.
“What, what'd ya get?” David asked.
“Hey, that’s not bad at all!” Conchobhar said, “That’s amazing for the endgame!”
“Yeah...for when you have a massive empire,” the irritated human said, “I’ve got two regions, man. TWO. All cause David’s mad that I’m better than him.”
“Aww, what are you talking about? I thought you were GOOD at this game!” David laughed mockingly.
“Literally no one plays the kobold tribes, you ass. They get annexed by turn three, tops.”
“Michael’s the best Deacan Kings player, basically ever,” Conchobhar explained to Sofia in a low whisper, “Whoops everyone here every time we play. David complained so now he’s handicapped.”
The woman nodded, now understanding why Michael seemed so annoyed. He was too good to play with, so they had given him a nation so outgunned it would be hopeless to win in most other players’ hands.
“Oh, and soft-hearted boosts happiness and lowers unrest in every region,” the birdman added, “Pretty amazing when you’ve got dozens of places to keep under control.”
The woman nodded, becoming more interested in the game. “I see…God, this is complicated. Interesting, though...”
“And yet here you are at turn 20. I don’t see what you’re complaining about…” David was grinning like mad.
“Cause you’re BAD,” Michael said, flashing a grin of his own, “Five thousand tribal warriors, and you just can’t stamp me out.”
“Tsk. You got lucky!”
“Nope. Learn about terrain and maybe your massive army could beat a couple of kobolds with sticks,” he shot back.
“I’m gonna kick your ass!” David shouted, “Just wait til ya-”
The man’s eyes went wide as he stared down at his card, his mouth freezing in place.
“Oooh, I think he got something good,” Emmanuel said, looking over at the other man.
“What? What did you get?” Conchobhar asked, trying to peek over his card.
“...GENIUS!” David announced triumphantly, “King Bohem is now a genius!”
“Horseshit,” Michael grumbled. The others all chattered in excitement as he tapped the table, deep in thought.
“That’s a good trait, I’m guessing.” Sofia said, the others turning to look at her.
“Are you kidding?! It’s the best trait in the whole game!” David answered, still ecstatic.
“It lowers civil unrest, boosts tax and trade revenue, increases your military command, gives a nationwide boost to prosperity, and makes you able to change laws three times as fast!” Conchobar explained giddily.
“I haven’t seen anyone get genius in a long time,” Emmanuel said quietly, “Speaking of which...I’ve got agriculturalist now.”
“Aww, come on!” Michael complained, “Did EVERYONE but me get a good trait?!”
“Soft-hearted’s a good trait, just-”
“Just not for the current situation, yeah yeah yeah,” the increasingly frustrated man cut Conchobhar off, “I know.”
“A true ruler serves the people,” the koutu said with a sly grin.
“Chieftain Stonebark giving his slaves hugs doesn’t really matter when they’re all about to die, does it?” Michael said with a roll of his eyes.
“...ah.” Bahim’s eyes rose from his card, a sullen expression on his muzzle. “Err...cheer up, Michael. Stonebark’s got it better than the Sultan.”
“Oh dear. Get one of the negative traits?” the man replied.
“Ahaha...you know how David got the best trait in the game?” the large lizard smiled sheepishly. “Err...Sultan Venhim is now...insane.”
There was a brief pause, the entire room bathed in oppressive silence for a moment...before everyone erupted into laughter.
Sofia watched them all lose it, confused by their reactions.
“O-oh, God!” David slapped his thigh. “Oh, WOW!”
“Rest in peace, Abinsil,” Emmanuel said, trying not to laugh.
“Oh dear...that just leaves the kobold tribes as allies to the Koutu Kingdom,” Conchobhar said with a notable amount of worry.
“Tsk...sounds like I might need to sail down there and take a few regions, Bahim,” Emmanuel said.
“W-what?! Aww, come on!”
“Hey, my back’s been against the wall this whole game! I’ve gotta do what I’ve gotta do,” the human answered back.
Michael’s anger seemed to have evaporated. “Huh. I guess things really could be worse…”
“Uhh...why are you all talking like he’s just out of the game?” Sofia asked, “Is it really that bad?”
“Yes, and he basically is,” Conchobhar answered.
“Insane makes you roll the dice at the start of every one of your turns,” Michael explained, “If you roll lower than 20, every one of your actions, changing laws, moving troops, diplomacy and troop movements...is decided randomly by rolling to see what happens.”
“Insane rulers basically flail about doing nothing until their entire nation is wiped out, since they can’t even move their troops to defend or attack anything,” Emmanuel added.
“That sounds...really, really dumb and unfair,” Sofia said, rubbing her chin.
“Yeah, but it makes civil unrest skyrocket too.” Conchobhar flashed a scrap of paper with lists of names and traits. “If they survive long enough there should be a civil war, and since the player usually can’t respond in any way they’re beaten and overthrown quickly...not that anyone should TRY to keep an insane king in power! Once they roll for their new monarch they can start playing again.”
“Ugh...PLEASE don’t invade me,” Bahim whined, “I don’t wanna get kicked out now!”
“I don’t know…” David gave the lizard a predatory grin. “You’ve been developing your regions SO well. They’re so rich…”
“Aww, come on! Don’t! Pleeeaaase?”
“Hmm...I’ll send you a marriage proposal!” Conchobhar announced, “Then we can form an alliance and I’ll take the heat off of you!”
“R-really?! Wow, thanks!”
“Don’t thank him yet, your loony king still has to roll to accept,” Michael noted.
“I’ll just keep trying til we succeed!” the koutu said happily, “Then I can deploy in your regions!”
“Hey, now everyone’s in a coalition against me!” David cried, “No fair!”
“Hey, you’re the one who picked the overpowered nation,” Michael said with a grin, “It’s only natural.”
“Bah! I’ll just deploy dragons against you all!”
“Once my capital gets to the next prosperity level I can summon dragons too,” Michael said, “You’d better watch out…”
“Argh! I won’t let you live that long! I’m attacking you!”
Michael shifted miniatures as David did the same, the two of them moving their “soldiers” into lines across their borders.
“Better hope that this doesn’t end up like the last assault…” the kobold player said with a grin.
“Whatever!” is all David, the Geralthin player managed in response, grabbing a sheet of paper. “Pah...forty to one, you see that?! You’re hopelessly outnumbered.”
“Than it’s an even game.”
Sofia leaned back as she watched them all go, everyone shouting encouragements and playful insults as the two players prepared for battle.
Perhaps I should learn how to play, too…
Tag list: @thereisnothingwrongwithbeingmad, @lady-redshield-writes, @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword, @sheralynnramsey, @tawnywrites, @writer-on-time, @oceanwriter, @zwergis-spilledink, @fluffpiggy, @elliewritesfantasy, @homesteadhorner,  @laurenwastestimewriting, @elaynab-writing, @the-ichor-of-ruination, @disheveledcorvid-deactivated201, @reya-writes, @bexminx
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purplesurveys · 6 years
Do you use public transport regularly? I would if it were safer, more efficient, and less crowded. But it’s none of these things, so I resort to driving my own car. Who do you usually say hello or good morning first? My girlfriend. Do you usually have time for breakfast in the morning? What do you have? Not this sem, because my classes start at 8:30/9 so I usually go straight to the bathroom for a quick shower and off to the car. I never have time to pick up breakfast, unless my dad is home and packs me food. He usually makes me eggs and hotdogs. Have you ever had to work while there was a film crew at your work place? I’ve never had a job but yeah, they recently shot a movie in my school. Caused a lot of traffic that day but tbh I can’t be mad, the movie’s supposed to be really good (although I haven’t seen it so shame on me). Have you ever gotten an ailment just before you were going on holiday? Ugh I never get sick, my immune system doesn’t have a lot of stories to tell.
What’s your favourite colour of carnation? Light pink. When’s the last time you got to leave work earlier than scheduled? Not work, buuuut my communication research prof always dismisses us early for some reason. Last week he let us go 45 minutes before our scheduled dismissal. Do you play any “getting to know you” type of games with a friend on FB? No, that sounds very 2009. Are the roads basically rock solid frozen slush where you live right now? No snow where I’m from. Do you/have you worked a job where you could bring leftover food home from? Is there a winter break/half term coming along in your part of the world? No, we don’t get seasonal breaks like that except for summer and that doesn’t come around until May. Who or what greets you at the door every time you come home? My dog used to, but he’s gotten old and doesn’t really have the energy to go down the steps anymore haha. Still, he’s the first thing I see up the stairs when I get home. Have you had any assignments to finish lately? Yep, I did one before I drove home tonight. How about any long-running group assignments? I finished one last night but my groupmates were shit and I didn’t feel good about that homework at all. Do you have group chats with your friends that make you laugh? Yes, we have one for our friend group. Do you sing or whistle while you work? Sometimes, but it doesn’t last long because 1) I sing terribly, and 2) whistling is loud. Would you ever like a professional kitchen’s dishwasher at home? I’m fine with manually washing dishes tbh. Any exciting or fun plans for the weekend? Not this weekend. I do have to go to a volleyball game that’s required for my PR class, though. Not that I find it exciting. How about for this evening? I just got back home from a laidback date with Gab, so. We had cheap dinner and a study date at a coffee shop. Do you ever chat about your favourite video games with your friends? Hahaha, I don’t play video games. This is Gab’s question to answer. Have you ever supported anyone’s Kickstarter? If so, what was it? I don’t think so, no. What do you like in your omelet? We don’t usually make omelets at home, so when we’re staying at a place that makes omelets (usually a breakfast buffet at a hotel), I ask them to put everything that they have available–cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, bell peppers, whatever else they offer. Do you do anything physically taxing that makes your limbs or back sore? Yeah, I have a shoulder bag that worsens my scoliosis when I have to wear it, cos it only puts a lot of pressure and weight on one side of my body. Does a cat ever randomly jump on your desk and blocks your screen? Does said cat like to climb on your shoulder and kneads your arm? Was today surprisingly sunny where you live, too? It was just sunny, it’s never a surprise. Did you encounter many happy people today? Did it make you happy? Surprisingly no. My org’s hangout space is empty on Tuesdays. I guess people’s schedules are packed on that day. The only people I saw were Laurice, Jane, Jo, Jum, and Kate, and they all were okay, but I wouldn’t call them happy. Has anyone put their freezing cold hands on your body today? Uhhhh nope haha. Has anyone tickled you mercilessly today? No, I would’ve kicked them in the face. Has anyone hugged or kissed you today? Yes, Gabie gave me both :) Aaahahhhhhhh I love her so so so much. When do you normally come on Bzoink? Mmm once a week, cos that’s the only amount of time I get to take surveys these days. Have you had to change clothes more than twice today? Nope, just one constant outfit for today. What’s something that makes you feel confident? Gab giving me boosts. I trust anything she says, so if she says I can do this or I can finish that, I usually will. Do you have any presentations you have to give in the near future? Nah, I don’t think so. Have you ever had a shrove bun? (Look it up, they’re really good!) NO BUT THEY LOOK REALLY GOOD I WANT ONE NOW??????? Do you have time for regular coffee/tea breaks throughout the day? I can’t take coffee anymore dude haaah. I recently ~resigned from coffee, cos I realized that whenever I drink coffee now, I feel more sick than energized to finish work, and I always end up having chest pains now unlike before. I denied it for a long time and kept drinking coffee (and getting sick after) until I finally sucked it up last week. Haven’t had any since. Do your lips or hands go really dry in cold weather? Not really. Do you have any wine or rum in your fridge? Yes. Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder when you got that old? Hahahaha yeah I look in the mirror but I don’t necessarily ask myself that. Are you currently studying a language? If so, which one? No. I get spurts of enthusiasm here and there, but they always die down quickly. Just three weeks ago I went back to studying Korean but I stopped after two days lol. Are you good at word games and anagrams? Yesssssss I love those. UBWHAECNI ^Give me the longest word you can make out of those letters Beach, china, whine, bench, bunch, cabin. Do you encounter eccentric looking people on a daily basis? In UP? Of course. I love it. Has a song been playing in your head today? What was it? imagine by Ariana Grande. Is there anything at the movie theaters right now that you’d like to see? Alone/Together, but I heard that the trailer is way better than the film itself. I’d see the movie but only if it were someone’s treat haha. Do you have free tickets for anything that need to be used soon? Nah. Do you have candy in your cupboards? We don’t keep candy in the cupboards, but yeah we have some lying around the house. Are you itching to do something else now? Eat, because I suddenly got hungry. Can you hear snoring from somewhere right now? Nope. Has the sun gone down by now? Yes, hours ago. It’s 11:36 in the evening.
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