#still just an associate
vaicomcas · 1 month
Introduction of the Other
s12e3 ""fake agents" scene. "This is my partner"
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S13e6 "fake agents" scene. "Here is my associate"
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deeva-arud · 2 months
So, about that one AU that's been marinating in my mind for years
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emblazons · 1 year
you mean to tell me these are fits that Finn has worn to the only two cons he’s had scheduled since the S4 drop?
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this man? This one right here?
—I know I (rightfully) said nothing said at any con is law for canon, but…I know an actor with an agenda when I see one. 😂 #BlueMeetsYellowInTheWest
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HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY!!! To this elderly bapy boye!!! he...!!!
#cats#ghhbbb this is the first time I've genuinely considered tumblr blazing a post lol but no.. i shant.. I feel too weird putting financial#information into tumblr or whatever unless I made like a seperate bank account or something not associated with anyhting else lol#but I gave it serious contemplation which is really sayng something (the evil magical spell that all cats cast over u by their perfection)#ANYWAY.................... old man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#it's technically like march 8th but I did his party a little early. I have other pictures to post later maybe too..hrmm#The '1' candle is actually a '4' candle with the side part cut off because they didn't have any 1s#I went all out (like under $15 still lol) and got new birthday decorations for him instead of using the same old#ones from the past like 5 birthdays that I've done for the cats lol..#His theme was rainbows mostly in as light of colors as I could find#The legal age to drive a car in the US is 16 so.... honk honk beep beep.. I shall go out and buy him the most expensive car on the market#as soon as March 8th comes. then he can run little errands (probably mostly getting kibbles or chicken somewhere)#stealing the rotisserie chickens from walmart or something lol#AND they would let him have them. He would drive up and walk inside and they'd call the manager to come over#and they would be so moved by his presence and his big goofy stare that they would just be like..... okey.. have all the chicken in the#entire store. Actually. have the store. it's yours now. And This would continue all the way up the chain until he was handed#the entire walmart company. And every other company. a boy who owns everything. probably wouldnt use it for evil. he'd just abolish#everything and then focus on eating chickens.. ........ chibken son...
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sushiisiu · 6 months
i always get a little sad when people tell me they like scollace from just my fan art and haven't checked out any of the source material because like nothing i make is going to ever fully represent their dynamic and the joy of shipping to me is really engaging with the canon material and going crazy over breaking down the crumbs of content. and it's a nice comic series! even just watching the anime you're missing out on a lot without context from the comics.
so i guess for the record for anyone who's interested but don't know where to start, /especially/ if you're just here for roommate yaoi. start with the comics. it's the most "scollace-heavy" and it's only 6 books. starting with the anime would probably leave you really confused on why anyone ships them (or what's going on if this is your first exposure to scott pilgrim media) the movie is a fine entrance piece also, imho. like it lets you in on the dynamics between each character and the general plot (even though the characterization is pretty boiled down, but hey a lot of shots are 1:1 to the comics so that's fun.) but yeah. don't let my silly gay drawings dictate your shipping takes. read the books yourself! they're fun and if you're a fresh adult that still feels perma-14 you'll probably find it fun too.
also they're stupidly domestic all the time
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laniidae-passerine · 2 years
if we were to look at it through a racial lens, I do find it very interesting that Jupe’s wife is white. that the audience at Star Lasso are majorly white. that he’s basically robbing the Haywoods, a black family, of their horses to feed them to an alien creature for white people’s entertainment. that he was the token asian adoptee in sitcom as a child. the model minority. fitting himself back into a system that used and failed him as a child, so he can find some semblance of respect and power as an adult man, only to still be swallowed up whole.
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coquelicoq · 2 months
my absolute favorite genre of tags to get on something is "idk anything about this media but i'm rbing anyway because [absolutely any reason whatsoever]". gets me every time. like aww you don't just have fuzzy feelings for this tv show or whatever. you like something that i brought to the table, enough to ignore the fact that you don't even know what the fuck i'm talking about. that is genuinely very nice to hear.
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quaranmine · 1 year
the mcyt hate on this website is unreal. i mean, i knew that, but somehow it's so much more striking when it's directed at...jimmy solidarity of all people in that poll. like??? hello? yall are talking about jimmy solidarity?
i assume most of these people hate mcyt because of dream and dream smp. and jimmy is just...not associated with that at all. he's interacted with dream, what, maybe once? they were on a mcc team together three years ago in 2020. i literally don't think they've spoken before or since, not that i can think of. he's never been involved in dream smp either. honestly, in terms of degrees of separation, jimmy's just as close to stampycat (via martyn + netty) as he is to dream smp people. to my knowledge jimmy has never been in any controversy. not that i want to speak to soon or have anybody go digging up stuff, but like??? it's jimmy solidarity?? wet paper bag of a silly man who gives his two kitties little kisses on the head? AND PEOPLE ARE HATING ON HIM THAT HARD JUST BECAUSE HE MAKES MINECRAFT VIDEOS?
the entire term "mcyt" is just trashed because nobody knows how to separate the actions of a few people from an entire genre of content. which i already knew. but it just keeps getting continually proved to me
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effen-draws · 3 months
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“Oh tragic clown, so much sadness now. You built your mountain and now it blocks the sun.”
Alts and lines under cut:
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ribbittrobbit · 9 months
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i am still completely normal about the abernant sisters (take 2)
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genderkoolaid · 9 months
tfw a cishet person describes a piece of media as having problematic representations of queerness & you gotta fight the urge to go on a rant about it's nuance in depicting queerness and the reasons why it is so powerful and important for so many queer people and how trying to label any "outdated" or "complicated" versions of queerness as problematic/offensive is just making it more palatable for cishet liberals
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
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The girls have arrived!!
I received an email from the goldfish-delivering company that had “how to take care of your mogwai” vibes, with recommendations I was expecting like “don’t feed the fish for the first three days” but also some I wasn’t expecting at all, such as “don’t make eye contact with aggressive fish”:
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If you zoom in on the picture above, you can see it’s already too late.
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I decided to follow the timeless human tradition of ignoring things I don’t understand, and moved on to phase 2: poking tiny holes in the bags of fish and letting them float around on the water of their new tank until water temperatures and pH became even. In the meantime I had a mystery on my hands: in addition to the two bags of fish I had ordered, the parcel contained another, smaller bag full of some unknown liquid.
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The paper inside is just a page torn off a catalogue, there were no indications as to what this little bag was for and I was puzzled. My first thought was that it contained some kind of big name fish that needed to travel alone—or maybe the aggressive fish that you shouldn’t make eye contact with? An aquatic Pyrgus. But then I opened the bag and it only contained a clear water-like liquid; no fish.
My second thought was that the liquid was a goldfish tonic that I should pour into the tank to help the fish adjust to their new environment. I called the goldfish-delivering company just to make sure, and the man I had on the phone was like “Oh I’ve never been asked this question before! The little bag just contains a block of ice to keep the fish cool during delivery. If there’s still some ice in there you can put it in your apéritif this evening.” I felt pretty silly, but he sounded happy to answer a silly question about ice instead of having someone call to say “some of my fish died during delivery.”
(I shared my initial hypothesis with him—that the little bag contained the fish in chief who travelled alone in its own VIP vehicle—and he said “Vous avez été chercher loin !” (you’ve thought about this a lot!) and I said “no that was my first theory” and he was like “how was it your first theory”)
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Anyway—the fish had now floated long enough and were ready to be scooped out! Their travel water was pretty dirty and the bags pretty cramped, I bet they’re enjoying their 1000L tank with water lovingly filtered by my hardworking vegetables.
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Here they are exploring the place! You can see the plants’ roots dipping into the water from each tower (explanation in this post in case you’ve missed it) so they have quite a lot of underwater greenery to play with or munch on. I hope they acclimatise well and enjoy their mutually-enriching relationship with my greenhouse plants :)
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fecto-forgo · 11 months
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fermi paradox - it is the nature of intelligent life to destroy others.
(textless under cut)
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jtl-fics · 10 months
Aaron likes FF.
He’s a good friend to have and he’s been doing Aaron a huge favor this semester by tutoring Katelyn in German. He’d tried to tutor her but his teaching style and her learning had not been very compatible and it had been leading to some fighting between the two of them. Nicky had been the one to suggest that FF was a pretty good teacher and he wouldn’t take any sort of advantage of the inherent romantic setting of being a tutor (whatever the hell that meant).
FF was a good tutor.
Aaron liked to hang out while Katelyn and FF had their tutoring sessions and FF’s gaze never strayed down from Katelyn’s face when he was talking to her. He gave her German children’s books that he himself had used to better understand the written language and Aaron quite enjoyed the nights he spent over at Katelyns where she’d clumsily make her way through them as they were winding down for bed.
There were other things to like about FF.
He liked how FF could disagree with him without fighting with him. He liked how FF had the confidence to just leave any situation he didn’t like. He liked how FF sang to himself when he was distracted (he had a pretty good voice). He liked how FF could watch horror movies without blinking. He liked how he could sit in easy silence with FF and the two of them could just do their own thing. He liked how bad FF was at video games.
He liked how FF never confused Aaron for Andrew no matter what they were wearing or if they were aiming to confuse people. FF never said how he managed it when even Matt and Nicky got them confused every once in a while but FF never failed to know which twin he was talking to. He also played along when they were going about messing with the other non-FF freshmen by vacating the area instead of alerting anyone to them having switched.
(Aaron is completely unaware of an entirely uncomfortable talk that Nicky has had with FF where he asked FF how he could tell Andrew and Aaron apart. The answer was that initially Aaron always had a very tiny pen mark on his ear somewhere because he had a habit of putting his pen behind his ear. The answer in the long run was that they stood slightly differently and Andrew had a wrinkle that Aaron didn’t. Nicky had asked why FF was looking so closely at his cousins, “Well, I thought that Andrew might swap with Aaron at some point to lure me into a false sense of security and then he’d kill me.” FF answers unaware of why Nicky went still, “I realize now that Andrew isn’t like that.” FF had rushed to assure.
“Yeah…” Nicky had said awkwardly.
“Really, I honestly don’t think Andrew would pretend to be Aaron to kill someone.” FF had said again.)
The thing Aaron probably liked the most though was how happy his cousin was to have someone who was ‘his’ person. Andrew had Kevin and Neil, Aaron had Katelyn, and now Nicky had FF. They were hardly separate from the other Foxes nowadays and they roomed with Matt but there was always a difference for their group between ‘family’ and ‘friend’. FF was someone that Nicky had claimed as family and they had all agreed.
Aaron also enjoyed watching how Andrew and Neil both couldn’t fully comprehend how FF had ended up as Nicky’s when they had both made quite a few efforts. Nicky had always just shrugged and said that they’d understand when they were older before heading off to go see FF at Abby’s house as if the rest of them weren’t following right behind him.
FF was healing nicely and would be moving back into the dorms in the next week or so but he still spent a fair bit of time in Aaron’s room. He had heard Nicky talking to Wymack about possibly having him moved into their room which Aaron wouldn’t mind even if it mean that he’d have to do the ‘Smith Shout’ more frequently.
The ‘Smith Shout’ entails walking into rooms that you thought were empty but theoretically they could also contain FF. If you didn’t mind a minor heart attack later then you didn’t need to complete the ‘Smith Shout’ but if you were perhaps…interested in making out with your beautiful girlfriend?
The ‘Smith Shout’ was a must, they were all trying to get better about the levels of hanky and panky that FF was subjected to just because they failed to realize he was right there.
FF never made a big deal about it but it always felt embarrassing when they heard the click of the door as FF left the room they were making out in.
There was no need for the ‘Smith Shout’ today as FF was helping Katelyn with some basic vocabulary and going over conversations and pronunciation with her. Aaron was sitting nearby going over some micro-biology homework when they heard a door slam open down the hall, pounding foot steps, and then their door slammed open to reveal a pale-faced Kevin
“Kevin, what-“
Kevin shushed Aaron before he could ask what was wrong and came into the room and shut the door with shaking hands. His phone was held in his right hand so tightly that his knuckles were white from the strain.
“Lord Moriyama just called me.” Kevin said shaking badly enough that Aaron wondered if he should guide the Striker over to their couch so that he could sit. “He…he let me know that he’s dropped the percentage I owe him to 65%” Kevin’s gaze slid to FF who was sat at the desks with Katelyn still. “He…he said to give you his…regards?” He says.
Aaron’s own gaze whips to FF.
“Ok.” FF says with an awkward shrug.
Aaron almost laughs at the lack of response but he holds it in unsure of how Kevin would take it.
“Kevin, it’s a good thing right?” Aaron says instead.
Kevin looks at him and nods frantically, “Yes. It’s a good thing.” He agrees. “35% makes things so much…so much easier.” Kevin says his shoulders sagging and it always bothers Aaron when he thinks about the deal that Kevin and Neil live under. He knows that Andrew has only been even listening to offers over a certain amount since he plans on helping Neil.
“I’m glad.” FF offers before turning back to Katelyn, “Ok, have you finished reading that book I gave you last week?” He asks apparently more interested in tutoring than in what Lord Moriyama had to say to Kevin.
“Oh, yes!” Katelyn agrees.
Kevin looks at them and Aaron has known Kevin long enough to recognize when he’s thinking about something. He even knows him well enough to sense when he’s thinking about something irritating.
Kevin leaves the room though so Aaron figures that it will be someone else’s problem.
He is, unfortunately, incorrect.
45 minutes later Kevin bursts into the room again and grabs Aaron, “I need your help with something.” He says, hands cold around Aaron’s wrist, and before Aaron can complain he is being dragged out of his room and into the room his brother shares with Neil and Kevin.
“Kevin, what the hell?” Aaron complains finally managing to pull himself out of Kevin’s grasp.
“I’m going to take control of Smith’s recovery.” Kevin says as if that was a normal thing to say, “Lord Moriyama wished him a speedy recovery and…and I owe him.” Kevin admits.
“You don’t need to take control of Smith’s recovery to thank him. You could just thank him?” Aaron points out the obvious answer but as per usual very few members of the Foxes were amiable to hearing the simple solutions that Aaron offered.
“No this is better. He’ll appreciate it more than just a simple thank you.” Kevin dismissed, “Now, do you think I should start with basic protein or more vitamin based smoothies for his recovery?” Kevin asks and only now does Aaron see the grocery bags of fruits, vegetables, and various other things littering the kitchen.
Why the fuck was everyone on this team so damn weird?
It was 20 minutes of Aaron trying to wrangle Kevin away from the weirdest combinations. The only thing that made him feel better was the knowledge that Josten was going to see all of these veggies and probably hiss like a vampire as he backed away from the fridge.
Still, 20 soul crushing minutes and they had a green beverage sitting in the blender that Josten had bought the room his sophomore year for Kevin. “I’ll be asking you and Katelyn for assistance on this project.” Kevin says.
“No thanks.” Aaron says exhausted from the last 20 minutes.
“Then I’ll just do it alone.” Kevin says and Aaron thinks about the various things that Kevin had wanted to put into the smoothie, thinks of FF tutoring Katelyn without asking for anything, and how FF had lied to protect Aaron’s brother even from federal agents when he had nothing to do with the mess of two years ago.
“Fine, I’ll help.” He grits out because he couldn’t leave FF to the nutritional whims of Kevin Day. He already feels bad enough about the drink that FF is about to be subjected to but he can at least stop Kevin from crushing actual multi-vitamins into the drinks and claiming it would make for good ‘texture’.
They come back to the room and Aaron hears Katelyn and FF talking about a new smoothie place that might be good for FF to try, “…have a peanut butter and banana one that would probably be easy on your stomach.” He hears her say unaware of the monstrosity Aaron has just had a hand in creating.
“No need for that.” Kevin says confidence unshaken and undeserved as puts a glass of green juice down in front of FF. “Drink that.” He says.
Aaron is immediately filled with a desperate desire to both apologize and slap the glass out of Kevin’s hand. Inevitable stained carpet be damned.
“Sure.” FF says as he takes hold of the glass.
It feels as Aaron watches it happen in slow motion. He sees Katelyn’s own revolted face and wishes he could tell her that this really was the best he could do in terms of saving FF. FF, unaware of Aaron’s inner turmoil, takes a sip of the green beverage full of Kale, spinach, sprouts, protein powder (plain), and some crazy Chinese health supplement that Kevin swore by but smelled vaguely alcoholic despite Kevin’s INSISTENCE that it was not.
“I know alcohol, this isn’t alcohol.” Kevin had said and honestly it was hard to argue with that logic.
FF brought it to his lips and drank it.
Aaron felt like he should have gotten a garbage bin ready but instead he watches on in horrified awe as FF drains the entire nightmarish glass.
“Cauliflower?” FF asks as he wipes the remnants of the smoothie off of his upper lip.
Aaron’s head whipped towards Kevin who was smiling as he accepted the glass back from Smith, “I’m surprised you would notice.” He says visibly pleased even as Aaron bristles.
“How the fuck did you put cauliflower in there, I was watching you.” He hisses.
“Katelyn texted you, I put it in then.” Kevin shrugs.
Aaron regrets nothing.
Kevin continued to hand FF bizarre healthy combinations of fruits, vegetables, and god knows what. Aaron and Katelyn did their best to keep Kevin from going too wild with his purchases but Kevin on a mission was a difficult thing to stop.
It didn’t help that FF accepted any and everything that Kevin handed to him without a single flinch. As far as Aaron knew FF didn’t even know that Kevin had decided to take control of his recovery and diet for the foreseeable future.
He had been making a run to buy Katelyn some tampons when he found FF in the stomach pain aisle looking between a two-pack or an extra large bottle of Pepto Bismol. “Smiths, if Kevin’s god awful smoothies are hurting your stomach you can just tell him.” Aaron says as he drags FF out of the aisle knowing that Pepto Bismol would not be good. “You can’t take anything with aspirin. Nicky had me read your care instructions to him in plain English I know.” He says.
FF didn’t say anything as he let himself be dragged to the register where the girl there seemed surprise that FF wasn’t buying anything. “Nothing for you?” She asks looking at FF.
FF nodded, “Nothing for me.” He agrees.
“I’m glad! You deserve it!” She says smiling as if she hadn’t just said something that felt wildly rude to say to a customer.
Aaron grabbed FF by the arm, scowled at the cashier, and dragged him out.
“They don’t hurt my stomach. I ended up there more on auto-pilot than anything.” FF says and Aaron remembers the conversation they had been having in the stomach relief section. “I think what I had yesterday was a bit too much.” He admits and Aaron rolls his eyes but doesn’t say anything else.
Kevin’s nagging about their health had gotten a combination of better and worse since FF had started accepting the smoothies without comment.
Better because now Kevin had someone who he could unleash his full overbearing nature on and who didn’t seem to even care or notice just doing as Kevin ordered. Worse because now Kevin had a taste of what it was like for one of them to follow his orders.
This building irritation had lead to Josten and Andrew grabbing FF before he could be ambushed by Kevin for his usual lunch smoothie and drag him off to an off campus Deli that they both liked. Josten had probably wanted to feel just a little bit superior to the multi-lingual Freshman since it was a Russian Deli where the owner only really got what you ordered if you did it in Russian. It had happened on the day where at morning practice Kevin had implied that FF would be a better protege since he listened while Neil continued to refuse vegetables.
He could just imagine Josten offering to order for FF.
What an asshole.
He remembers coming into the room the day previous and finding them dumping the contents of a styrofoam bowl into the blender. “What is that?” Aaron had asked.
“Borscht.” Josten answered.
“Why are you putting it in a blender?” Aaron asks knowing that Josten didn’t have an ounce of social awareness.
“So Smith can eat it?” Josten said back to him slowly as if Aaron was the idiot between the two of them.
“Does Kevin know?” Aaron had asked
“Kevin can’t bitch, there’s plenty of vegetables in there.” Josten said with absolute certainty.
Kevin can, in fact, bitch.
“Andrew ordered the borscht for me.” FF says as they continue towards the dorms interrupting Aaron from his memory. “It was good, it was just too much. Like what Kevin said yesterday.” He adds.
Aaron can’t believe Josten is so opposed to ordering vegetables that he made Andrew order FF’s food for him.
What an asshole.
“A leash. I will find the largest child leash I can get and I will put it on you. Smithy, what the fuck.” Nicky bitches as they made their way out into the crisp December air. “I can’t believe you fell asleep and we almost left you again.” Nicky adds. “My sweet baby boy,
Aaron thinks his cousin is being over dramatic.
FF could walk back from the Fox stadium to the tower on his own just fine. He was a big boy no matter how many times Nicky claimed him to be his ‘sweet little baby boy’.
“I’m not your baby. Don’t call me that.” FF grumbles through his yawn sounding very much like a cranky little baby.
“Maybe stay awake through the game and I’ll consider it.” Nicky teases.
“The game was boring enough to play let alone just having to sit and watch.” Kevin says and it was only because Kevin had his ‘post-game’ smoothie for FF to drink that they realized he wasn’t there before they left the stadium. “We can hardly blame Smiths for falling asleep.” Kevin shrugs elated by the win but disappointed in the competition. “Drink your smoothie Smiths.” He says and FF went back to sipping at the unknown concoction, “The tart cherries and avocado should help you go to sleep when we get back to Abby's.” He says as if that combination was a natural one.
“Tart Cherries and Avocado?” Josten asks in obvious disgust.
“Hey, Granny Boy!” Came a shout that interrupted Kevin’s explanation.
Usually, anything that interrupted Kevin from some going on another lecture was a good thing but Aaron, bringing up the rear, can see how FF’s posture went from relaxed to painfully alert in a matter of seconds.
“Daniel.” FF returns.
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jakeperalta · 3 months
unpopular opinion I guess but I think maybe not every surprise song choice or mashup is about joe or a hint at tortured poets....
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noyzinerd · 1 year
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Rec links below the cut:
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How to Pass a Take-Home Exam by dancinbutterfly, (note: not what I usually read since it has mpreg, but I gave it a shot and it honestly wasn't half bad, also this is a part 4 of a series)
A Sated City by ColetheWolf, (note: not Sterek, just Derek sleeping around, but he very specifically buys a frozen dinner in this one)
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It was just a cupcake by thelittlestwolf
The Weight Of Living by thecomedownchampion
Full On Rainstorm by BarlowGirl
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Trust Fall by stoney
Bogarted by HalfFizzbin, (note: sheriff doesn't call Derek son, but Derek admits to seeing the sheriff as a father-figure)
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An Iceberg Named Stiles by orphan_account
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Gorgeous by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions)
Bravery Is A Loaded Gun by LiviKate DefNotForWork, (note: the author was named LiviKate when I first found the fic, username has since been changed to DefNotForWork)
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stuck in reverse by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli)
First and Last and Always by sffan, (note: not a kiss, but Derek does automatically brace himself for rejection during a conversation, also this is a part 1 of 2)
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For You There's No Warning by Zee (orphan_account)
Came Out Of The Woods By Choice by thensepia
will to follow through by owlpostagain
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You Have Reached... by isthatbloodonhisshirt, (note: over the phone)
if you want my love you got it by vlieger
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Bravery Is A Loaded Gun by LiviKate DefNotForWork, (note: the author was named LiviKate when I first found the fic, username has since been changed to DefNotForWork)
Walk me down your broken line by geordielover
For You There's No Warning by Zee (orphan_account)
Pretty Much a Big Deal by Dira Sudis (dsudis)
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Love, Like A Death Sentence by DevilDoll
For You There's No Warning by Zee (orphan_account)
Life Because of It series by FiccinDylan, (note: series, but part 2, Mi Primo Miguel, is what I think embodies this theme the most)
Make You Believe by LittleLynn
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Walk me down your broken line by geordielover, (note: these words are very, very close to being said, but they get choked off)
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You Always Make A Bloody Mess by Sweetsyren
The More My Prayer (the lesser is my grace) by LadySlytherin
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Kintsukuroi by Quixoticity
The Weight Of Living by thecomedownchampion
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Kintsugi by artemis69
Trust Fall by stoney
Cuddly Therapy by alisvolatpropiis
Walk me down your broken line by geordielover
We've Written Volumes (in Blood and Scars and Ink) by notthequiettype
Safety In Silence by Survivah
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Trust Fall by stoney
Cuddly Therapy by alisvolatpropiis
"Stiles, I was talking about the lasagna" by quackquackcey
will to follow through by owlpostagain, (note: not a small, shy smile, but just a rare, genuine smile that absolutely breaks Stiles' heart)
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First and Last and Always by sffan
For You There's No Warning by Zee (orphan_account)
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Are You Happy Now? by chasingshadows
For You There's No Warning by Zee (orphan_account)
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Convenient by exclamation
Hard-Hitting by all-or-nothing-baby (BundleOfSoy)
Sick Day by dragon_temeraire, (note: last part of the It's Casual, Really series, also it's a friends-with-benefits relationship, that they both only agree on because they think it's the most they can ever get, that evolves)
Have It All by doc_sock, (note: this is the reverse, where Derek thinks they're friends with benefits and is terrified of Stiles being bored with him one day)
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Gorgeous by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions)
Bravery Is A Loaded Gun by LiviKate DefNotForWork, (note: the author was named LiviKate when I first found the fic, username has since been changed to DefNotForWork)
Just For Now by linksofmemories_archive
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Stepping Off the Razor's Edge by MissAnnThropic
You Saw Me Standing Alone by orphan_account
We've Written Volumes (in Blood and Scars and Ink) by notthequiettype, (note: Derek seems to know their dynamic pretty well, but Stiles is confused as fuck)
I Broke a Rule by isthatbloodonhisshirt
Five Times Derek and Stiles Had Casual Sex and One Time They Realized It Was Something More by 42hrb
Slide on over and forget it's wrong by linaerys
@isthatbloodonhisshirt, @colethewolf, @chasingshhadows, @quackquackcey, @artemis69, @optimismology, @ficcidylan, @devildoll, @dsudis, @sourwolph, @thecomedownchampion, @everything-a-wolf-could-want, @vlieger-fic, @owlpostagain, @crazyassmurdererwall, @asterekmess, @halffizzbin, @stoneyboboney, @all-or-nothing-baby, @exhuastedpigeon
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