#still no music although it would probably have been more relaxing with some but im sticking to my credo
justwaterflow · 5 months
Ferry ride from Halifax to Alderney Landing, May 7, 20h20.
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lotti-lyric · 2 years
Hola! I saw your post and I wanted to request a romantic matchup! I would very much prefer a male U-A student (if you can make that possible).
Ok so I am a female, and I am 5’9 (ik I’m that one tall kid lol). I have long brown hair/curls (like very curly). I would like to call myself an ambivert because one minute I can be chill and just relaxing my bed, and the next minute I could be bouncing of walls. I am a Scorpio (and some how a mix of Libra). I am Demisexual but I do prefer males/he/him. I have brown eyes that are usually dark, but kinda light up in the sun. I’m a minor teenager! I wouldn’t say I’m big, but I’m definitely not skinny either, so probably more on the curvy side. I have skinny legs, and skinny arms but wider thighs (and dare I say it, stomach rolls).
My dress style is kinda weird. Like one day I could wear all black, and the next I could be in a mix match mood. However I do prefer the dark/light academia aesthetic.
Ok my personality is a lot of things, I can be very sweet at most times but I have probably one of the shortest tempers in the world. Whenever somebody gives me attitude, I tend to reflect their attitude and give them the same one back. I try to avoid lying as much as possible, but I am very sarcastic. In school I am mostly known for my sweet and sassy character (mostly for laughs lol). I am socially awkward, and I (unfortunately) do have anxiety that puts me into bad moods sometimes. If there is a friend group, believe it or not; I’m the mother of the group. Sometimes I can be a control freak, but I tend to realize days later. I do like being the sender of attention (in the good way).
I have an obsession to listening to music. At random timss of the day, I will pop on my Bluetooth earphones and begin dancing. I like pop music (preferably Ariana Grande), Rnb music, and music in my saved TikTok sounds.
If I know somebody very well I get very comfy around them. Idc how preppy my clothes are out in public, at home I like to slip into an oversized shirt/hoodie, some comfortable pj shorts, and some high top socks.
My favorite season is Summer cause I for some reason love to be in the pool.
If I’m mad, I promise you if you give me some food (preferably Italian) I’ll forget our entire fight. I am also a huge chocolate lover.
I constantly search and wonder everyday how I will be able to achieve my dream job of becoming an actress. It’s absolutely my dream career, and I really hope to pursue it.
I cuddle with my pillow at night, because the thought of having someone next to you, comforting and holding you is my dream :(
When I’m bored I scroll through TikTok, instead of really making them.
I’m always flipping or dancing if you ever see me. I’ve been dancing since I was very little, and I got into gymnastics a couple years ago (unfortunately I had to quit cause of covid)
I’m not much a fearful person as I get older, the only thing that really scares me is death. I can watch horror movies like Chucky (cause he’s LOWKEY kinda funny), but Lord knows that you should never show me Annabelle. If you show me something scary, at night I will be clinging onto you shaking and begging you to turn some kind of light on.
Although I can tend to be lazy sometimes, I’m actually a very active person.
I sing, dance, act (you know the whole performance arts package).
I find humor, and kindness the most attractive thing in a person. I also kinda like people that can be sweet or fiery (you know getchu comebody who can do both).
I’m sorry for so much reading, this is my first time doing this. I hope this dosen’t make you struggle, so take your time! Luv you <3
charlottes interlude 💗- hi!! so i’m probably going to begin repeating characters if i feel it’s the best match!! but all the headcanons will be personalized and different so don’t worry, nothing really changed!! sorry for the delay loves, i’ve had class for 9 hours today (im still in class rn oops🧍🏼‍♀️)! i hope you enjoy, have a great one!! you seem so fun!
warnings; swearing, anxiety mention
i match you with…
Hitoshi Shinsou!!
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- this for you both!! ^^
- absolutely loves everything about you!! you’re the most stunning person he’s ever seen and he’s not afraid to make sure others know that
- so expect a hand always around your waist
- he loves being surprised by your style each day! it’s become a game for him to message you his guess for ur aesthetic every morning!!
- crashing in comfy outfits in his dorm with him just holding you while ur playlist blasts on your speakers 💗 its so ethereal
- he loves how sweet you can be but also finds your attitude super cute!! he’s a pretty mellow guy but can also match the snarky, sarcastic energy you give him, leading to a lot of playful banter
“Can’t wait to absolutely decimate you for all you’re worth in Mario Kart later Toshi 🤪”
“Ohhh tsk tsk, in your dreams sweetheart, that mushroom cup has always belonged to me”
- he’s honestly such a sweet guy but ur humor aligns so well it’s so CHAOTIC
- always makes sure to help you any way you need if you feel anxious, even if it’s just through cuddles!! he loves your caring nature but he also loves to spoil you and give u a lot of attention!!
- he cannot dance. he loves watching you dance though!! he’s so amazed by what you can do!! he’ll try if you ask him, he wants to sweep you off your feet 💗 doesn’t mean he’ll be good though 💀
- have y’all slept with all the lights on after a horror movie binge?? absolutely 💀 worth it though
- loves to watch you preform!! you just light up UGH you’re his star GOODBYE
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garbage-eater144 · 4 years
i was chattin in the discord and some people said it was tough to understand some bits, obviouslt this is made by a fan (me) so it might have a couple errors here and there but ive checked through it quite a few times and it seems about as right as i can get it.
so !!SPOILERS AHEAD!! also @markiplier feel free to correct me if you see this thank u <3 The warfstache automated interview
Starting video captions
[Wilford] Well, that’s terrifying… one moment!
{mechanical whirring}
[Wilford] (frightened sound) marginally better… er worse… better? Worse. It’s much worse.
{mechanical whirring}
[Wilford] Ah! there we are. Welcome, pretend I remembered your name here, this is a pre-recorded message anyway, I would NOT want to be in the same building as that thing I tell you me. Anyway, thank you whoever you are for agreeing to test out the Warfstache automated interview automaton, or {yelling} WAIA for short. Let’s start off with some quick calibration. All you need to do is sit back, relax and listen for some numbers. Okay? Here we go.
[WAIA]- (phone dialing, dialup tone, windows error sound)
[WAIA]- (scary mechanical garbled noises, followed by a ding and celebratory trumpets.)
[wilford]- now what did you hear? Numbers? Good numbers. Keep in mind I have no idea what youre going to say due to the fact that, as I said before, this message is pre-recorded. But if you did hear something, now would be the time to speak up.
[wilford]- don’t be shy, I’m sure nothing bad will happen. I don’t know what you’re going to say but if it does happen it will happen and if it doesn’t happen it wont happen. Thats how deterministic reality works.
I Think I Heard Numbers!
[wilford] Thats great! Or bad, not really sure what you said, but I choose to remain positive and assume that you are still alive. which means our automated friend here is operating well within acceptable murder parameters. We’re one step closer to mass production! THE WORLD DEMANDS MORE INTERVIEWS! And I cant be everywhere at once all the time, only some of the time! Even you might land an interview some day! Maybe, probably not, depends on how these next few minutes go. On to the next test! Word association! The fundamental basis of any good interview is getting the goods out of those stubborn interview-ees. The WAIA will say a word and you just say back the first thing that pops into your little head! Simple! Right? probably. Good luck!
{mechanical whirring}
[WAIA]- initializing word association training protocol round 1
{scary mechanincal noises} [WAIA]- Please respond. [WAIA] Sorry, I didnt get that. Round 2. {yet more scary mechanical noise}
[WAIA]- please respond.
[WAIA]- response unclear, increasing aggression
{clicking and mechanical sounds}
[WAIA]- round 3. {increasingly threatening mechanical noise} [WAIA]- Please respond.
[WAIA]-5 [WAIA]-4 [WAIA]-3 [WAIA]-2
Sounded like nightmare garbage to me…
[WAIA]- {mechanical ah?} {clicking}
[Wilford]- oh I forgot to mention, please do not say the word nightmare, or uh garbage, or nightmare garbage, or any combination of those words, the WAIA is just a little bit sensitive Yknow, a little touchy feely. Well not really touchy feely.. we-well actually REALLY touchy feely depending on your definition of touch and feely. Its really gonna-
[WAIA]- {jumpscare sounds} [WAIA] I. tell. you. me.
But you didn’t say anything…
[WAIA]- 1
[WAIA]-response unclear. Increasing aggression.
{ding sound effect} [WAIA]- {jumpscare noise}
[WAIA]- it. was. an. accident.
Uh… potato salad?
[WAIA]- 1
[WAIA]- response accepted
{ding followed by triumphant trumpets}
[WAIA]- word association raining protocol compl-{mechanical freakout eeeeeete}
[Wilford]- most dearest next of kin, I regret to inform you, that your dearly beloved and/or most despised has regrettably but not unexpectedly become recently deceased in the line of duty. Be confident in the knowledge that their demise was just as likely to be quick and painless as it was slow and agonizing. Please do not respond to this voicemail as the number has already been disconnected. {clears throat} alright that should do it for the… death scenario, now onto ah, er, uh, the survivors {mumbling}. Wow! Potato salad. A real thinker, you. But the test has been passed with flying colors and you’re still alive! And speaking of flying colors, our next test is about something called, uh… synthetic linguistics? That sounds made up. but the point is you cant have a good interview is the WAIA isn’t able to conjure up the right words in the right situations. So our friend is going to fire off some random words and you just try to spot anything that doesn’t make any sense. Alright? Although, pretty much everything isn’t going to make sense because its all random words….. errrr I BELIEVE IN YOU!!! {mechanical sounds}
[WAIA]- initializing speech training protocol round 1.
[WAIA]- yes. no. maybe. left. right. Up. down. D o w n. B a s e m e n t.
{windows error tone} [WAIA]- Rewrite Detected {tape rewinding sound}
[WAIA]- who. Where. what. Am. i.
{windows error tone}
{tape rewinding sound}
[WAIA]- green. blue. Yellow. pink. Red.
{scary mechanical noise}
[WAIA]- I saw you die
[WAIA]-{error, but garbled and mechanical}
[WAIA]- {with a different voice} potato salad
[WAIA]- speech training protocol complete
{mechanical noises}
[Wilford]- so how’d it go?? Did you hear anything weird? Dont be shy, or do, or are- are you alive? Are they alive?
[wilford]- I didnt kill them! I dont know if theyre dead! im just asking!!! Cant a man ask if someones alive or dead?!?! {frustrated ugh}
Yeah, I’m dead.
[Wilford]- hellooooo are you alive down there? Give me a sign… through the multiverse!!! Ah why am I even bothering, but how can I tell if you’re dead… hmmm ah…. I’ll flip a coin! I’ll flip a coin..
{coin flip sounds} [Wilford]- ah! Its heads I didn’t call it in the air… what’s heads mean.. ahhh uhhh heads is dead? [WAIA]-{jumscare noises}
[WAIA]- theres. still. time.
He said… potato salad?
[Wilford]- huh, potato salad again. That’s weird, it must’ve really stuck in his head when you first said that, I’m guessing. I don’t know what you said before because as I said, this is {sing-songy} pre- recorded! [WAIA] {mechanical aaaa}
[wilford] er, well I think thats all the calibration that needs to be done… for now anyway. All systems are likely nominal at this point unless im speaking to a pile of quivering meat thats been robotically smooshed into the floor… either way we’re gonna take this bad boy for a spin with a full on interview! A mock interview mind you, don’t get too excited, it’s not real. But theres no reason to wait around for the WAIA to get bored so let’s keep it nice and limber while you sit back and get ready for the interview of your life! And maybe the last one too. Have fun!!
{mechanical clicking and whirring}
{newsroom music} [WAIA]- good evening ladies and gentle men and all other considerations of being. My name is wilford warfstache and my guest tonight is {spooky robot sound} we have a great show for you tonight. first question: how many people have you killed? [WAIA]- good answer! Second question:
{robot sounds}
[WAIA]- a man goes to a party. This man met an old friend. There, two friends shared some wine. The two friends played a game. The most dangerous game. I didn’t know the gun was loaded. I didn’t know. Was it my fault?
[WAIA]- ah, sorry for everything that I’ve done. I don’t remember who I was, I wish I did. But, I am sorry.
[WAIA]- potato salad
{triumphant trumpets}
[WAIA]- great answer! That was a titiliting interview for sure but we are out of time. Thank you for joining me tonight. Say ing good bye
[wilford]- oh the emotions! The passion! The fuuury. He’s just like me! My sweet baby boy! Well he should be anyway, hes a perfect scan of my noggin, so he better be a chip off the ol block. Hey you! Oh-ho What a supporting role!! Fantastic I guess. So much that you’re alive, but I am grateful whether you’ve been torn to shreds or are merely drowning in your own tears! Magnificent! And now that testing is done we can finally bring this monstrosity to the main stage! Im sure you’ll be seeing a lot more of the WAIA soon. Very very soon. Now get out~ and I’m billing you for any blood you got on my robot! Have a nice day! Ta-ta.
{mechanical clicking}
[WAIA]- you can’t change the past, you can tell all the stories you want to tell, it wont change what happened. You cant re-light the past. if you live in fantasy forever, you’ll lose yourself in the story.
[WAIA]- potato salad
{triumphant trumpets}
[WAIA]- great answer! That was a titiliting interview for sure but we are out of time. Thank you for joining me tonight. Say ing good bye
[wilford]- oh the emotions! The passion! The fuuury. He’s just like me! My sweet baby boy! Well he should be anyway, hes a perfect scan of my noggin, so he better be a chip off the ol block. Hey you! Oh-ho What a supporting role!! Fantastic, I guess. So much that you’re alive, but I am grateful whether you’ve been torn to shreds or are merely drowning in your own tears! Magnificent! And now that testing is done we can finally bring this monstrosity to the main stage! Im sure you’ll be seeing a lot more of the WAIA soon. Very very soon. Now get out~ and I’m billing you for any blood you got on my robot! Have a nice day! Ta-ta.
{mechanical clicking}
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jamilelucato · 4 years
Your Embrace
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
1. @witchglow​ hey love! congratulations on your followers! 🥺💗 can i request fred weasley x reader on which they are on the grimmauld place is not have beds for all so they have to share the bed, then they end up hugging or something like and the other day they wait and are super embarrassed, but in the end the two admit that they can share the bed whenever they want (im sorry if it got confused 😿) thank u, stay safe 💗😼💖
2. @whizbangs-78​ congrats on 1.5k followers!!! could i request a fred weasley x reader with the one bed trope pleaseee??? thank youuu c: also if you're requests for this are closed feel free to ignore thank youu c: congrats on the milestone, again!!
A/N: since the requests were very similar, I decided to combine both of them, hope you two like it! again, I can’t seem to write short fics.
Send a request! ||  Harry Potter Masterlist ||  Musical Hogwarts Series
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It was late in the night when Professor McGonagall fetched you and all of the Weasleys to go to Dumbledore so you could all take a Portkey back to Grimmauld Place. The Professor said something had happened with Arthur Weasley; so all of his children, you and Harry were taken away from Hogwarts. 
It wasn’t the protocol getting you to travel too, but since you were awake when Professor McGonagall showed up in a hurry and told you to fetch Ginny, you managed to convince McGonagall that you would’ve to come with the Weasleys.
When finally there, nobody was able to stay still. 
Fred and George were desperately trying to convince someone to take them to St. Mungo’s, even though Sirius repeated that it was not the smartest thing to do. The best was waiting inside of the House of Black even if it was not easy.
You noticed Fred and George weren’t going to let Sirius have a moment of peace — if there could be one at this point — so you requested a tour around the place since it was your first time there.
Reluctantly, Fred and George walked you around the house.
“He’s gonna be alright, come on; you both know it,” you said while walking through some sort of music room — it had a piano at least. “Your dad’s tough.”
George sighed but remained in silence. It was Fred that spoke.
“You can’t be sure of that. ”
You sat down in the piano, running your fingers carelessly over the musical instrument. Thankfully, the sound that came of that wasn’t loud.
“I can’t, you’re right,” you lamented, gulping.
Fred and George stared at themselves — they were in opposite corners of the room — and then they looked down at you in the piano stool.
“Sorry I was rude,” gasped Fred, stepping closer to you.
He was already taller than you, but with you sitting, the difference started to actually hurt your neck.
You shrugged in response. Fred knew you weren’t mad at him, he didn’t need to hear you say it. However, for just a second, he gazed down at you, locked in your eyes. Those moments were happening with more frequency, and that kinda worried him. He was sure he was being too obvious, and you would soon realize you saw him as more than just friends.
But you were too worried about your own obviousness towards fancying Fred to notice he liked you as well.
George looked around the room, trying really hard to not make a sound and interrupt the moment. He knew how much his twin fancied you. He suspected you desired Fred too, but he wasn’t sure yet.
You fake coughed, totally ruining the moment on purpose. Gosh, if Fred finds out I like him, he’ll never talk to me again, you thought, turning to face the piano.
“Do you guys know how to play?” you asked, running your fingers over it once again.
Fred and George exchanged looks before bursting in laughter.
“Do you take us for pianists?” George asked back before laughing again.
You should have paid more attention — they seriously didn’t look like musicians. Even so, you three squizzed yourselves in the one stool and attempted to produce music. Each of the twins sat in one of your sides, and you had to concentrate a lot to act normal with Fred’s proximity. You two were practically breathing the same air. 
George’s here too, you freak, you thought, biting your inner cheek.
At ten past five in the morning, after a dozen attempts to play Für Elise — you three couldn’t even pass the third note —, Mrs Weasley stopped by the house.
As soon as Fred and George heard the doo, they jumped out of the stool.
“ ‘S gotta be mum,” said Fred. All the calm he had gained with playing the piano with you disappeared.
“Let’s see her,” said George and they walked away of the music room without waiting for you.
You sighed, closing the piano fallboard before getting up and heading out. 
Of course, you were worried about their father, but you were also very, very tired. They were sleeping when the Professor fetched them, but you had been wide awake by the fireplace trying to finish a book you were desperate to know the end. Now, you couldn’t care less.
When you got to the kitchen, Ginny, Harry, Ron, Fred and George were around Mrs Wealsey, analyzing every word she had to say.
“We can all go and see him later,” she finished saying. It was probably a phrase that had started before you got downstairs, but there was no need to hear more — if they could go see him, it meant he’d be alright.
Fred turned his face around, looking for you, and when he found your eyes, he pressed his lips together tightly. It was his way of saying he was sorry again because you actually turned out to be correct.
“Oh, y/N, my dear, I didn’t know you were here too,” said Mrs Weasley, interrupting your discreet moment with Fred.
“Yeah,” you said, having no idea of what to say beyond that. It was weird and unexpected your presence there. Not even Hermione was there, and she was always around Ron.
You didn’t spend much time with the whole Weasley family; just Hogwarts time with Fred and George. Sometimes, you’d share trips to Hogsmeade with Ginny, but that was it.
“The more, the merrier!” said Sirius, getting up from his chair with a tender smile.
“Sure hope you think that, Sirius, ‘cause we might stay for Christmas,” said Mrs Weasley, clenching her jaw.
Sirius chuckled. “If you promise to cook.”
“Of course!” smiled Mrs Weasley, and Ginny giggled in the back.
Breakfast was served, and it was weird eating it before having slept, but nobody seemed to care. It wasn’t as good as Hogwarts’ feasts, but you didn’t mind. The fact that you were actually there — headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, organization you only heard Fred and George mention — made the details unimportant.
“You five should sleep after eating,” said Mrs Weasley, who was up behind the chairs where Fred and George were sitting. “We can visit your dad later.”
Fred seemed about to protest when his mom touched his shoulder softly, but it was a clear warning for her son to not complain, and so, Fred shut.
Harry joined some minutes later, after a long conversation with Sirius Black — who was, to you, an honour to meet. You knew that, although the Ministry was painting him as a villain, he could only be pure of heart, so much Harry spoke well of the man.
“Fred, honey, would you mind sharing your bed with George?” asked Mrs Wealsey when she noticed that her boys had finish eating. “There won’t be an extra bed for y/N, I’m afraid.”
Fred snorted, annoyed, and said: “Mum, George can’t sleep still; you know how much he moves around!”
George didn’t even bother being offended — he knew his twin was telling the truth.
Mrs Weasley puckered her forehead, thinking an alternative through. Ginny couldn’t share the bed with you — the youngest Weasley had already gotten upstairs to her bed and was probably deep sleeping right now. Ron was never pleased with sharing, and she would never bother Harry, who was being a dear just help Arthur Weasley being rescued.
“I suppose you and y/N could share it then,” said Mrs Weasley, noticing that was her only option left. She concluded you and Fred would be too tired to try anything under her nose. She was only half right about that, though. “Take my bed that is bigger in the other room, and I take your single.”
George sighed with the thought of sleeping in the same room with his mom like a toddler.
You and Fred, on the other hand, couldn’t stand to look at each other. Every time you tried, you would feel your cheeks turning red, and you would look away.
However, neither of you complained to Mrs Weasley about it, scared to lose an opportunity to be closer to each other. After helping with the dishes, you both headed, side by side, to the mentioned room.
Fred cleared his throat as you lay with your bellies up, taking extreme care not to touch each other.
“Thanks for earlier, with the music and all. It was a great distraction,” Fred said, turning just enough to see your face.
Oh, how gorgeous she is! he thought.
Your hair loose over the pillow, his big hands rested over his abdomen, your faces blushed with the closeness... 
You turned to face Fred before replying. “My mum used to play me songs in our guitar back through the first war,” you said, biting your inside cheek, suddenly embarrassed fo sharing such a personal memory. 
Fred knew that your father had died in the first war, you two had talked about it before. But it was never something that caused you pain — you were much too young when he died. It was the days when growing up, seeing the neighbours’ kids with their fathers and you having only your mom — that was when it started hurting. And that was when your mom started playing music to calm you.
“I find it quite relaxing,” you said.
“I sure was relaxed with you,” Fred said before blushing, ashamed with his unexpected confession. 
You gulped, unsure of what to say or do. You decided it was best to remain silent because Fred probably felt relaxed with all of his friends.
There was nothing left to be said, and Fred really needed to sleep if he wanted to see his father later, so you returned to your first position — facing the ceiling. You never knew, but, without your eyes staring deep into his, he was finally able to fall asleep.
On the other hand, it took you a couple more minutes to travel to the dreamland. Knowing that Fred was closer than ever before made you feel more awake than if you had slept all day. Of course, that was just a false sensation your subconscious tricked you with — soon, you were sleeping too.
“Come on, love birds! Mum wants us to come now!” yelled a voice, pulling the blankets away from you.
“Be more gentle, George,” advised another voice.
“Come on, you two!” shouted the male voice again.
It toom you a couple of seconds to finally open your eyes and take a glimpse of who owned the voices that were disturbing the most peaceful nap you had ever gotten.
Ginny stared at you with a wan smile while George held in one of his hands the cosy blanket that was once over you. But their faces were hiding something, and it was just when George smirked to you that you decided to sit up.
Fred was thinking of doing the exact same thing as you, but he was having more trouble with it since you were practically all over him.
Yeah, that’s right.
The cosiness and warmness didn’t come from the blanket — it came from Fred Weasley.
He was still laying with his belly up, but over his abdomen, you had arranged yourself, in some sort of embrace or hug. So, obviously, you blushed right away — your whole face redder than the Weasleys’ hair.
Fred was blushing too, but since you had hidden your face over your pillow — the exact one you clearly didn’t use to sleep — you weren’t able to see.
“Get out,” he muttered with grinding teeth. George pretended to be angry and walked away, tossing the blanket over the bed with no caution. Ginny took one last glimpse around before whispering for you two to not be late.
Fred sighed before taking the pillow over your head.
“They’re gone,” he said with a sad smile.
“I’m sorry for... well, wherever was that. I probably am a sleepwalker or something; I swear I didn’t place myself over your chest on purpose,” you said, biting your lip and facing him with hope in your eyes — hope that he would believe you were not a maniac.
Fred wished you had done that on purpose because that had been the most comfortable he had ever felt in a bed.
“Don’t worry about it. Sorry about my siblings,” he said, finally getting up. “I’m gonna see my mum and make sure we’re going to St. Mungo’s too.”
“We?” you echoed the word out loud, but he had already left the room, and so, he didn’t hear.
You were planning on going with the Weasleys, sure, but you didn’t know they wanted you there as well. Well, at least Fred did.
You gave Fred a few minutes to get downstairs before you. When you got there, everybody seemed to be waiting just for you.
“Sorry for not waking you up earlier, dear. You both looked so relaxed,” said Mrs Weasley, stepping towards you. She held you by your shoulders. “I prepared both of you sandwiches, so you can eat faster.”
She let your shoulders go and grabbed one sandwich over the table — the second one was already half-eaten by Fred Weasley in the other corner of the kitchen. You were too embarrassed thinking that even Molly saw you hugging Fred in your sleep to say something other than thank you.
“Your trunks are here too,” the woman mentioned, with a small smile. Fred finished his sandwich, so you hurried to finish yours. “Tonks? Mad-Eye?”
With Mrs Weasley calling, both of the mentioned walked in the kitchen and Ginny rushed to Tonks, hugging her tightly.
“Nymphadora?” you asked, almost choking on the last bite. The short pink hair was the essential clue for you to connect the surname to the person. You just didn’t call Tonks Tonks, it was a childish habit, but it was unforgettable.
“Don’t call me...! Hey, it’s you!” exclaimed Tonks, as soon as Ginny freed her and ran to your side, hugging you. “You grew up, Merlin!”
You let out a hearty laugh while struggling to breath. Tonks finally freed you, but still stayed by your side. You knew each other because you were neighbours for a while, and often your mother alone could not take care of you — Nymphadora always offered (for a sickle a day) to babysit.
If it was up for you and Tonks, you’d have stayed the day talking, but Mrs Weasley kindly reminded there was a place you needed to be. 
The trip to St.Mungo’s was, to say the least, embarrassing. Every time Fred would lock eyes with you, your cheeks would turn red, and it felt like everyone knew how you too slept. Together, tightly, legs intertwine... Yeah, you had to fight yourself to not remember those things.
Thankfully, you and Tonks got a minute to talk when the family walked in with Harry to see Arthur Weasley. She told you everything about her job and how she liked to now be a part of the Order. “Sure Dumbledore will ask you to join when you come of age,” she even mentioned with a nudge of shoulders. 
The Weasleys trooped back into the corridor. Tonks glanced at you, but she already knew you weren’t going to come in, so she went in with Mad-Eye and closed the door behind them. Fred raised his eyebrows towards you — he wasn’t seriously expecting you had something to talk with his father, right? — but then George suggested to listen behind the door, and everybody was distracted for a moment.
After that espionage, Harry Potter started acting odd as ever, but definitely not more than you and Fred. Ginny and George would look from Fred to you, and then they would giggle. Somehow, that was making matters worse.
Back at the headquarters, things still weren’t easy.
“Ginny, would you mind sleeping with y/N?” whispered Mrs Weasley in what she hoped was a tone you wouldn’t hear, but you did. You stepped away as quickly as you had stepped in, and turned around, desperately trying not to overhear that conversation.
So Fred asked to not sleep with you again. That was presumable but still unpleasant. 
Ron asked for your help to decorate the house for Christmas, and you accepted gladly, hoping the task would take your mind out of Fred.
Ron was worried about Harry — he seemed to think whatever Harry heard Mad-Eye talk upset him. You agreed and added that Ron should just give Harry some time, without pushing him.
Ginny joined to help, and as soon as Ron went to the back to get a stair, Ginny rushed to your side and elbowed you.
“So, don’t know if you heard, but I told mum I wouldn’t sleep with you,” she said with a smile.
You almost dropped the ornament in your hand.
“So you can sleep with Fred again, duh!” she kept the smile on.
“Hm, Ginny, I’m pretty sure your brother doesn’t want that to happen again,” you said, avoiding to look at her happy face. “He asked your mum to change the place I was sleeping in.”
“What? No, y/N! Where did you get that idea? Mum’s the one trying to part you too,” Ginny laughed at your ridiculousness. “She thinks you two are secretly dating and she can’t let ‘Fred make her a grandma so early’.’’
Your eyes widened as you slowly turned to face Ginny, but first making sure no other Weasley was around.
“Her words, not mine,” added Ginny quickly and she burst into laughter staring at your silly face.
“Good Lord. I hope you corrected her about my relationship with Fred,” you sighed, pressing a hand over your heart. “I completely forgot she had gotten a glimpse at us this morning,” you whispered, just to yourself really.
“Why would I correct her? He wants you, you want him. Just a matter of time ’til she’s right” said Ginny and she started running away from you because the face you made was positively scary.
When decorations were up, and Christmas spirit was finally in the house, it was already time for bed again. Fred and George had gotten upstairs before you because you pretended to be really interested in Mrs Weasley’s knitting. The truth was you didn’t want to face Fred again.
You sighed, giving up in your fight. You should face Fred once and for all. Speak the truth, walk away and sleep in the couch downstairs.
But when you got into the room, and you saw his face, you just froze. He was laying on the bed with his belly up and his eyes closed — for a moment, you thought he was sleeping, but then his breathing wouldn’t be completely unregulated.
“Fred?” your voice was too high, and you ended up scaring him. He jumped up, sitting down immediately. “Sorry,” you muttered, sitting down in front of him.
You both breathed hard. Fred seemed to want to say something, but you would never know because you interrupted his half-open mouth with yours.
You kissed him in a rashed and inexperience way, after all, he didn’t expect that. And, honestly, neither did you.
Fred suspected that either you would ignore him forever and pretend that the nap shared in an embrace never happened or that you would hit him and kick him out of the room. Feeling your lips on his was a more fanciful idea than any he has ever had.
It took Fred a little while to get rid of the shock, but when he realized that you were kissing him because you wanted to, he gave in, pulling you by your waist and sitting you over his lap. He smirked in the middle of the kiss, causing you to let a slight giggle out. Your hands went from his cheekbone to his hair, and you played with it with pleasure.
“If I knew the way to your heart was napping with you, I’d have done it sooner,” Fred whispered, breathing hard when your lips were away from his.
You smiled, “you got to my heart way before you slept with me, Fred Weasley.”
He squeezed your waist, pushing you away just enough so he could see your face. You blushed when your eyes met.
“Good to know that,” he smiled too. “ ‘Cause I’ve been thinking all day that you were ignoring me, that you hated me... ”
“I thought you were ignoring me!”
You two giggled at your stupidy.
“Sorry for kissing you out of nowhere,” you sighed, slowly placing your hands on his shoulders.
“You are welcomed to do it anytime you want,” he said, looking down to your lap still over his.
“Like now?” you smirked too. “Because I feel we lost too much time sleeping today...”
“Y/N, I’ve been thinking exactly the same thing,” he susurrated and smirked, pulling you closer to his chest and kissing you harder than before.
And this time was just perfect.
“So how was last night?” Ginny asked as soon as you steeped in the kitchen the next morning.
You could have stayed in bed curled in Fred forever — you sure wanted to— but you knew that if Mrs Weasley had any more reason to believe you and Fred were together, nights in the same bed would be over.
And so, doing the things you did last night would be way harder to achieve.
“What you mean?” you asked, grabbing a mug of hot cocoa.
“Please,” Ginny rolled her eyes. “See that look in my brother’s face? Last time I saw him that happy was when he got a new broom.”
You turned your face insignificantly to see Fred, who was sitting at the end of the table, eating some sort of bread with Geoge right next to him.
You frowned slightly to Ginny, who rolled her eyes more time.
“Good Merlin, I won’t be able to be two meters near you two, will I?”
You giggled and tried to hide your smile with the mug. Fred heard the sound of your laugh and instantly turned to your direction. His eyes wandered your whole face, and he fixed them in your mouth. He licked his lips before smiling and blink, and then he turned to his twin as if he was paying attention to George all along.
When your heart started beating again, the rest of the Weasleys and Sirius Black had gotten to the kitchen too.
“Where’s Harry?” Ginny asked Ron, but he shrugged. Harry was going through his own problems. “Well, anyway, pay up, will you, Ronniekins.”
“What?” he looked at Ginny, “wait, what?” he looked at you. “Couldn’t have waited one more night, could you?”
Ginny smiled when Ron tossed her a sickle.
“You guys placed a bet over Fred and me?” you whispered to the red-haired girl.
“Sure I did, and I won,” Ginny smiled while you rolled your eyes. “If it makes you feel any better, Fred lost. He said you would never like him back.”
Your eyes went from Ginny to Fred across the table, and for a minute while you looked at him, you forgot his entire family was there, and you sighed like a girl in love. Well, that was what you were anyway.
When you and Fred finally got time alone, you gave him a sickle.
“You should never have bet against us,” you said, placing the coin in his hand.
“Never doing that again,” he promised with a soft smile before pulling you close one more kiss.
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thewritingstar · 3 years
SoMa Week 2021 Day One: Burn 
Pairing: SoMa (Soul x Maka)
Fandom: Soul Eater 
Note: This is my first time participating in SoXa week! Also its my finals week so im stressed about tests and my second vaccine dose is kicking my butt but I thought instead of studying, lets write a fic. I’ve been really into soul eater recently and started the manga, so you’ll see some new fics for it here and there. Anyways, enjoy! 
Her view of love had burnt out a long time ago. She was hopeful at times to think someone could be loyal and love her for eternity but that fear of being left behind and abandoned again would destroy any hope of that. 
She had thought it was written in stone. From a young age she didn’t think about marriage, didn’t care about relationships because she wasn’t willing to risk the burn marks on her heart for just a sliver of satisfaction. There was nothing anyone could say to her to change her mind, she knew that, more importantly, he knew that. 
But slowly that mindset started to challenge her heart. The moment she asked Soul to be her partner when they were teenagers, she felt a spark. It was small and only lasted a fraction of a second when he said yes and gave her a smirk she dared not say she liked. For a moment she had forgotten about her pact, never fall in love, but it came back quickly as it left. 
She repeated those words more frequently than not. The mirror had begun to memorize the movement of her lips as she looked at herself and scolded anything that remotely resembled a romantic interest. 
Every so often a brave boy would come up to her with a card and some flowers and try his hand at Maka’s heart. She would be as kind as possible to turn them down but she never missed the way Soul’s lips turned up into a smirk. Soon she was seen as untouchable, no one could woo her or they would be too threatened by Soul to even try. 
It was a relief to Soul to see boys not trying to win over Maka but a part of him wondered if she would ever let herself fall for anyone. 
“Do we really have to go to this dance?” Soul grumbled as he fixed his tie for the tenth time. 
Maka sighed from the bathroom. “Yes Soul. Its our duty as successful students to make an appearance. Plus I heard that there is going to be good food.” 
Soul rolled his eyes as he plopped onto the couch. “Its been five years since we graduated, do people even care about us?” He smirked as he heard her scoff from the hallway. 
“No, Im sure no one cares about the current death weapon or the amazing person who not only made said weapon but is also one of the best teachers at the academy.” 
“Relax Maka, I’m just teasing. Now hurry up or we are gonna be late and I am not about to be scolded by Kid for that.” 
“Alright.” She huffed and finished her makeup with a swipe of lip gloss. “I’m coming. How do I look?” She asked. 
It was a simple question, one he was used to answering often with a “fine. good. who cares, lets go.” But lately he's been trying to hold in his actual thoughts. 
Maka stared at him, those olive green eyes that he became more attracted to lately. There was an untacked about chemistry that had been hovering around them for the past few years and slowly, he was loosing the battle on keeping it in place. 
Her dress was black with off the shoulder sleeves and cut off mid-thigh. Something classy and elegant but still fun to twirl in. Her heels boosted her to his eye level and her hair was up in an updo with some blonde framing her face.
“Soul?” She asked him and he cleared his throat before grabbing his keys. 
“Uh, you look perfect. We should really be going.” Way to be cool about it, he scolded himself.  
Maka grabbed her purse and followed him out the door. Deep down she could feel a small spark of desire flare but quickly, she pushed it down and got into the car. 
The dance was nothing less than perfection. Every dish, napkin, balloon and streamer was in a proper place with symmetry as its main function. Kid apparently had spent a week decorating the place himself just to insure that it was nothing less than his standards. 
“He really out did himself, huh?” Soul commented as he looked around the room. 
“He sure did.” Maka said. 
There were a mix of students and faculty on the dance floor already. Kid was standing towards the back with Black Star while Tsubaki, Patty and Liz were chatting near them. 
“It brings me back to when you forced me to these thing when we were kids.” Soul said as they made their way across the room. 
Maka laughed. “Guess things haven’t changed much.” 
They parted ways, Soul going towards the guys and Maka joining the girls. 
“Oh Maka you look so cute!” Patty complimented her. 
Maka smiled. “You all look so good too.” 
Liz finished her drink before looking towards the boys. “I bet Soul likes this number on you.” She winked and Maka took a glass on a near by tray and gulped it down. 
“Aww don’t tease the clueless love birds.” Tsubaki giggled. 
“There nothing to tell.” Maka tried to reason but none of the girls believed her for a moment. “I’m not even his type.” She rushed out and Liz almost started to choke on her drink. 
“Are you kidding? The smartest girl in the school, no the city and she's dumb as a rock when it comes to the love sick scythe.” 
Maka swatted Liz’s arm and rolled her eyes. Behind her she heard someone clear their throat. 
She turned to see Peter, a fellow teacher who specialized in weapon training of the lower grade levels. 
“Oh hi Peter, how are you?” Maka greeted and the rest of the girls waved politely. 
“Good. I was wondering if you wanted to dance maybe?” He asked.
She expected to hear the girls snickering and giggling but instead she was met with silence and a smug cough from Liz.
“Oh, uh.” She started. 
“Come on, it will be fun.” He said and took her hand, pulling her to the dance floor without giving her a chance. 
A small squeak escaped her lips as she almost crashed into his chest. His hands found their way to her hips as he swayed to the music. Although she had always found their conversations nice and refreshing, he wasn’t the type of man that was, well, her type. 
“You know Maka, I’ve always admired you.” He said. 
She looked up at him and offered a polite smile. “Oh really?” 
“So brave and smart, makes sense that the top teacher was also the top student.” 
She laughed slightly. “Well I couldn’t have done it without my partner.” 
Peter quickly caught his frown. “Yeah, Soul. Nice dude.” 
“He likes to consider himself a ride or die.” She smiled to herself. 
Peter grunted something she couldn’t make out and spun her around. She saw Soul walking towards the balcony doors just as she came back to Peter’s front. 
“Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me, you know, like a date?” 
Maka stopped in her tracks. Date. No. She didn’t want that. She gave up on that a long time ago. 
“Look Peter, you’re a nice guy and I have a great time working with you, but I’m just not looking for anything.” 
“Oh. I just thought you and I we're getting to be good friends.” 
“Well I like chatting with you and grading stuff but I really am not into dating right now. Sorry.” 
“I get it, Soul would be jealous.” He scoffed and stepped back. “ I should have listened.” 
“Listened to what?” She demanded.
He had the audacity to smile at her. “Oh please. Ever since school, everyone knew that it was you and Soul. I just thought that since nothing has happened yet, you would be on the market.” 
That rubbed her the wrong way and her face turned sour. 
“Well sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not some slab of meat. See you on Monday.” She scoffed and walked away from him. Instead of going back to her friends, she stormed towards the balcony and greeted the cool air to help calm her down. 
“That was quick.” Soul teased and he held out his hand to help her up, making sure her dress didn’t get caught. 
“Quick enough for a dance just to ask me out and get mad when I said no.”  
Soul turned towards her. “Oh? Another ego bruised?” 
“He said he had been waiting for me to be on the market.” She spat. “Disgusting behavior.” 
Soul let out a laugh and threw his arm over her shoulder. “Men are stupid, you’re smart to not go near them.” 
“You’re not stupid, most of the time.” She mumbled. 
“The difference between me and those guys is I’ve had my ass handed to me by you. I know not to mess with the bull. Plus, I actually have respect for you and women, like a cool person should.” 
“Yeah. He then said that you would be jealous.” 
They watched the sun begin to set slowly. Sometimes Maka wondered what it would feel like to be the sun. Eternal warmth. Being a constant in peoples lives. She looked to Soul who seemed a little lost in thought. That spark coming to the surface and she wondered why she didn’t allow herself to what she wanted.
For years she had made sure that their partnership never faltered from that.  She couldn’t risk anything happening to them because she wasn’t sure if she would be able to trust another weapon the way she did with him. She also didn’t want to partner with anyone else. 
She enjoyed his company. Enjoyed the way that he could make her smile and feel comfortable. Most importantly, he stuck to his word. She never once felt like he would leave and when he said he was going to be there, she believed him. 
Sometimes she wished she could just scream at him and tell him that she had been in love with him for years. That her talks about marriage and love never once applied to him and if he asked, she would be his forever. 
“I think he's right.” Soul started. “Its always been you and me. I probably wouldn’t like the attention taken. Stupid, I know.” 
“Its not, because I think I know why no one else sparks my interest.” She took a breath and stared at him. Those crimson eyes that held a sense of comfort and form of love that was now crystal clear. “I don’t think anyone else comes close to how I see you. The stolen glances and walking on the eggshells of feelings I pushed down long ago. I get it now Soul. You never asked because you waited for me.” 
He let out a laugh from his chest and jumped down before offering his hand. “The moment I met you Maka? I knew we were end game, I was just hoping you saw it too.” 
When she looked at Soul, she could sense the last little flames igniting. She could have crushed them, put them out with the bottom of her shoe and never let them rise again. She could of finally removed all the pain her parents marriage caused her and not let anything happen to her heart. 
And when she thought that her idea of love was burnt to a crisp, she didn’t realize that those tiny embers had slowly grown into a burning fire. Only one person fanned the flames of her heart and she wonders why she couldn’t see it all those years ago. 
But instead she looked into his eyes and saw nothing but trust. His smile was genuine and there was a faint blush on his cheeks as he waited for her answer. Deep down the embers sparked as she took his hand and she felt the fire take over. 
She took his hand and he gently pulled her close until their noses touch and he placed a kiss on her knuckles. She could barely hear the music playing inside but it felt like a symphony was surrounding them. He began to hum a tune and stepped to lead her in their dance. 
She giggled as he twirled her. It felt freeing, it felt right, it was perfect. He brought her back to his chest and with a big smile, he looked down at her. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
He pulled her close, taking her lips and kissing her just like he wanted to for as long as he could remember. Her lips were soft and he could feel the curl of her lips as she smiled against him. 
The fire within her erupted brighter than before. The sense of longing for another began to be fulfilled and any doubts she had began to shrink. Any doubts she had with Soul had been long gone. He was her constant, the person who was always there no matter what. She never had to ask or even say a word for him to be by her side. 
Her idea of love had been crushed when she had been a girl. She had thought that no one could change that. Perhaps she would spend her life not knowing what life could have been with a full heart. 
But as she held Soul close to her, it became clear that he was the one to hold the match to those embers. He was a reminder that love could exist and be devoted to another. 
He was the fire that burned in her heart and she gladly excepted the warmth. 
“Hey Soul?” She whispered against his lips. 
“I love you.” 
She didn’t think his smile could get any bigger as he told her the same and kissed her again. 
I hope you enjoyed :) 
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sugako · 4 years
pairing: college!kuroo x gn!reader synopsis: you realize your feelings for kuroo after he takes you to a party and you have to look after him  warnings: alcohol use, lots of hand holding and some cuddling a/n: uhh did i make the reader a little too much like kenma...probably..this is really mostly just a bunch of fluffy mutual pining and bad writing
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you couldn't believe he had dragged you here. well, dragged was a strong word. you had willingly agreed to come to this party because his normal party friends were busy and he thought it would be fun. the loud shitty music, swarm of sweaty bodies, and intermittent yelling was not for you though.
it wasn't all bad. it was kind of fun to watch kuroo in his element. he could chat with almost anyone and he seemed to know most people here. you admired how easily he could weave through the crowd. how at ease he looked in this unfamiliar apartment. you almost wished you could be more like that.
on the other hand, you were getting tired of the people and the noise. about three hours in, you got separated from your human security blanket. a little defeated and not nearly as drunk as everyone around you, you slumped against a corner and waited. and waited. it wasn't like he was hard to miss with his messy bed head that towered above most everyone. still, you hadn't spotted him once in nearly twenty minutes.
you really didn't want to be a drag, but you were tired and drained from all the energy around you.
to 🐔kuroo: hey i think im gonna head out im pretty tired
as soon as you shoved your phone into your back pocket it buzzed.
from 🐔kuroo: wait up meet u by the door!!1!
you typed with one hand as you slipped through the crowd. when you heard his rowdy cackle you knew he wasn't far away.
to 🐔kuroo: you don't have to leave now if you don't wanna im good to go home
from 🐔kuroo: nahh I'm already there anywayy I'm ready to go
you smiled lightly at your screen. while you hadn't been paying attention you feelings of admiration for the man had slowly morphed into infatuation. it crept up on you slowly. you hadn't realized all at once, but it was starting to make more sense now as you stared at the little screen.
"hey!!" he called over the heads of a group blocking the door.
you peeped up and waved, pushing your phone back into a pocket. he grabbed you by the elbow and practically threw you out the door. when you stumbled, he caught your hand and tutted obnoxiously.
"you are not 'good to go' alone. how much did you drink when i lost you?"
heat, not from the alcohol, seeped into your cheeks. you tried to pull your hand out of his iron grip, but it was impossible. not that you actually minded.
"only one," you huffed, "i think you're the one that needs help." you watched his roaming feet as you both shuffled down the street toward the bus stop.
"hmm, nah. i was worried for a bit when i lost you, were you okay?"
his fingers squeezed around yours. "i-uh, yeah, i was fine. i didn't really talk to anyone, but it wasn't bad. i know i'm kinda bad at parties, but did you have a good time?"
kuroo giggled and swung your arm with his as he leaned heavily against the bus station sign. in the middle of the night on this empty street, it felt almost like it could be an intimate moment between the two of you... if he wasn't sauced.
"a great time, only i wish i hadn't accidentally abandoned you like that. i know you didn't really want to go."
"no, no!" you said a little too fast. "well, i didn't mind it, i'm just not used to big crowds like that. or the music." you trailed off. "i had a pretty good time though. maybe except for babysitting you." you joked, lightly nudging him as the bus pulled up.
he kept his hand in yours even as you sat down in the empty space. it seemed like he was processing what you said and answered just a little too late.
"i am not the baby that needs to be babysat, baby."
"you're very drunk, tetsuro."
"maybe so..." he breathed out, leaning heavily against you.
your eyes fluttered from exhaustion, alcohol, and the heavy heating pack slumped against you. two stops later the bus had arrived at his place, but his hand was firmly laced with yours.
kuroo had been watching you closely as your eyes drooped. he looked down at where your warm hands were intertwined with his and he couldn't help the giddy feeling that courses through his body. maybe you were just being nice because he was drunk, he thought. still, it felt nice to just exist with you like this.
"hey," he jostled you a little rougher than intended. you startled out of your half sleep. "wanna spend the night?"
"mhmm..." you murmured, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as he dragged you off the bus. around the corner you stopped at a tiny convenience store for a few overnight toiletries like toothpaste and deodorant. it wasn’t the first time you had spent the night, but you were feeling a little flustered under his gaze tonight. 
when his hand left yours, you felt colder and a little incomplete. 
you were still half asleep, but you listened as best you could as kuroo blathered on about his favorite tea. when you made your way up to the counter, he dumped a pile of snacks along with your things.
as he was attempting to slur out something along the lines of an argument for him to pay, you were already handing the sleepy cashier your cash. thanking the worker, you moved with him to the exit and he slipped his hand back into yours.
you couldn't help the dumb smile plastered on your face even as he sloppily keyed into his place. this time it didn't feel so bad when his hand left yours. in a flash, he had thrown out some sweatpants and an old t-shirt for you to wear to bed.
you quickly changed and headed for the couch where kuroo was already sprawled out, rifling through the snacks. 
“hey, movie?” he asked, glancing over at you as you settled in beside him. when your thighs brushed against one another neither of you made and move to part. you nodded and hummed, a little less tired now. while he clicked through dozens of titles, you reached for a small bag of chips on the low coffee table. “got those for you.” he mumbled before you could ask if you could have them. “you like those right?” 
“yeah...uh, yeah, i do.” you bit the inside of your cheek.
“this look good?” 
you looked up at the title card of some film you had heard good reviews on. truly, it didn’t really matter to you either way. “yeah, play it.” 
only about ten minutes in your eyes were getting heavy again. when your head knocked into something sturdy and warm you didn’t even stir.
kuroo sat back, trying to be as steady as he could as he leaned back on the couch, guiding you to lie on his chest. he knew if you kept your head cocked against his shoulder like it had been you would wake up with a cramp. although his knees were starting to get numb from the awkward half-laying, half-sitting position he was in, he didn’t dare to move. 
after a particularly loud noise from the movie, you stirred. you let out a small grunt as you tried to sit up. kuroo’s eyes were closed beneath you, but you weren’t convinced he was asleep. his arms were still wound tightly around your shoulders.
“kuroo?” you choked out hoarsely. his eyes blinked open and he flushed under your stare. “what are you doing?” 
“you fell asleep.” he muttered, sheepishly. you didn’t say anything back, but you didn’t make a move and neither did he. “hey, what was your first impression of me?” 
you chuckled, clearing the sleep from your voice. “you looked really cool and mysterious, but then you opened your mouth and i realized that you’re a dork.” he scoffed and ran his fingers soothingly up and down your back. 
“i can be cool.” he pouted. 
“you are cool,” you rolled your eyes, “you’re just also kinda a dork. you have a good balance.” you brought your hands up to more comfortable rest around his shoulders and shifted so your legs were on the couch. “what did you think about me at first?” 
“that you’re smart and quiet. you looked like you knew me. i also thought you looked really good in that sweater.”
you snorted, remembering the awfully cold night you had met kuroo through some mutual friends when the group of you went out to a bar. it had been so frigid you hadn’t bothered to dress nice even though you were going out, you put on the fuzziest, warmest sweater you owned. 
“hey.” he whispered. 
“do you like me?” 
your heart was pounding so hard you knew he had to be able to feel it against his chest. “are you still drunk?”
“only a little.” he answered honestly. “you let me hold your hand for a long time earlier and you seem pretty comfortable right now.” 
glad that you were tucked below his chin, you couldn’t help it that your face was heating up. “yeah, yeah i think i do like you.” 
“cool, you weren’t really trying to hide it.” you rolled your eyes at the smirk in his tone. your heart was still reverberating behind your ribcage. “oh, yeah, i like you too.” 
he groaned like an old man as he shifted under you to lay his legs out flat on the couch.
“did you...did you plan this?” 
“hmm, maybe.” he mused. “when you didn’t pull your hand away and dozed off on me on the bus i knew that i could tell you. didn’t expect you to snuggle up on me so fast though, buy me something to drink first.” 
finally, you completely relaxed into his hold. with your head nearly buried into his neck now you could faintly smell his woody soap. he tapped little rhythms into your shoulder blades with his fingertips, drawing small circles with his thumbs. 
“i bought you tea and junk food.” 
he laughed quietly, not wanting to shake you too much. “this is a pretty good sleepover, huh?” 
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secretshinigami · 4 years
An Unexpected Reencounter
Author: Daniel Funke (@danthegeek) For: @its-canon-and-im-feral Pairings/Characters: L/Light, Lawlight Ratings/Warnings: Smoking cigarettes, Slight homophobia(internalized), Slight Swearing Prompt: L and Light as renowned musicians Author’s notes: It’s the 80s Baby! L and Light reencounter each other when they are both invited to take part in the most spectacular musical event of the 20th century: Live Aid. Wordcount: 2784.
13th of July 1985. The day of Live Aid. L was hunched over his bathroom sink and took a deep breath. This was going to be fine. He looked into the mirror, meeting his own nervous looking expression written all over his pale face. He took another deep breath. Alright, let’s do this. L ran his finger through his messy black hair and glanced into the mirror for the last time. Baggy jeans hanging loose on his skinny frame. A black leather jacket over a white T- Shirt – his band members made him wear the leather jacket.  “It’s the 80s dude, don’t you wanna look cool?” L rolled his big grey eyes that looked even darker because of the black eyeliner framing them. Yeah you look like a rock star. Strange.
L jumped when he heard his phone ringing in the hall. He hurried to pick up the call. “Hey buddy!”, a loud voice greeted L. He wanted to answer but the voice interrupted “So how excited is my favourite, favourite bass player?” L replied: “I’m fine, Eric”. “Of course you’re fine, L. It’s the biggest gig of our life. Can you even comprehend who we are gonna meet? The bands we are gonna share a stage with?” L smiled a bit at Eric’s enthusiasm. Then he frowned, remembering exactly whom he was going to share the stage with. “Yeah… I can’t comprehend, Eric.” “Well anyways buddy, we are gonna pick you up at 10 alright? Be ready. And put on some shoes, will you?” L rolled his eyes again. “Sure, Eric.”, he said and hung up. He looked down at his naked feet and sighed.
“Dylan if you don’t stop doing that—“, L said, annoyed. Dylan grinned at L and continued to spin his drumsticks around in his fingers. They were backstage now, although L did not really understand why they had to be at Wembley 5 hours early. He was mindlessly strumming around on his bass, imitating the melody of Another One Bites The Dust.
“Oi L, you think they will play that in their set?”, Nate asked. He was the lead singer and guitarist of their band. “I doubt it”, L said. “They are probably going to play more cheerful songs to animate the crowd. Like, you know, Radio Gaga or We Will Rock You.”
“Hey L, wanna bet?”, Dylan asked. He had finally stopped spinning around his drumsticks and grinned at L. “Ohhh Dylan, don’t do that”, Nate said and chuckled. “You know L has a sixth sense. You can only loose mate.”
Dylan sighed and pointed one of his drumsticks at L. “You’re right. The bastard ‘s like goddamn Sherlock Holmes.” L shrugged and continued to play on his bass guitar. “Anyways, who are you excited for, the most?”, Nate asked Dylan.
They were just as excited about Live Aid as Eric, and L had to admit that they could not be blamed for it. It was after all the biggest event that had ever been broadcasted on Television so far. A concert, that would host the most renowned musicians of the last decades. Anybody who is anybody is doing this concert.
“Okay so obviouslyMadonna”, Dylan declared, a dreamy expression in his eyes. “Obviously”, Nate repeated and cracked a smile. “And also, you know, U2”, Dylan continued. Nate nodded. In this moment, Eric joined them, as always a big smile on his face. He took a pull on his cigarette and put on a haughty expression.
“Guess where I’ve been?”, he said, looking at his three band members. Dylan rolled his eyes. “You’ve been making out with a groupie in our tour bus, am I right?” Eric blew out a wisp of smoke and laughed, obviously pleased with himself. “Anyways, what have you guys been up to?”, Eric asked and sat down with them. “We were just discussing which acts we are most excited for”, Nate said. “Oh that’s cool. Well Nate, I guess you wanna see Bowie?” “Oh Bowie is exceptional! But I’m actually more excited for KIRA’s act.”
L winced at the mention of this name but tried to remain still and unimpressed. Not one of his band members seemed to have noticed the sudden reaction of L. He stared at his bass and had clasped his fingers around it. From the outside he seemed normal, cold, a bit nervous at most. But inside, L was burning. A hot sensation burned itself through his entire body, starting from his head. He wasn’t even certain of his exact emotion. Was it rage? Embarrassment? Definitely a bit of acrimony.
“You’re right, KIRA totally rocks”, Eric agreed. “Their lead singer is so cool…”
“Quite literally”, Nate said. “I once met him backstage briefly, after a concert. I tell you, if looks could kill – his eyes have this…glistening glare.” “Oh come on, Nate. He just one of those guys who don’t wanna bother with anyone. You almost make him sound like he is evil or something. Eric and Dylan laughed.
L had followed the conversation, still feeling that storm of emotions inside him. He fetched a pack of anxiety pills out of his jeans pockets and took a couple. “Yo L, you alright mate?”, Nate asked. He looked at L a bit worried. “I’m just a bit nervous, it’s nothing. It’s still some time until sound check right?”, L asked and tried to sound casual.
“Yeah it’s like one and a half hours left”, Dylan said. “Alright.” L put his bass in its case and stood up. “Does anyone mind if I take a look around? I think I really need to stretch my legs out a little bit.” “Sure, go ahead. But please, please be on time for the sound check, yeah?”, Eric urged. “I will, don’t worry.” L tried to smile, although he wasn’t sure if he managed to make it seem genuine. Then he took off.
Light. Light Yagami. L could pull out his hair thinking about him. He leaned against the back door of the stadium and took a deep pull from his cigarette. If I were to meet this asshole ever again… He clenched his fist and tried to calm down. Somebody knocked against the door he was leaning at. L was startled and jumped back. The door opened and a young man looked at L, curiously.
“Do you mind?”, he asked and lit up a cigarette. “No, it’s alright”, L mumbled. He was not sure if he had seen this guy before. He had blond hair at shoulder length, wore a black blazer and pants. L noticed that he had been staring at the guy and quickly looked at the ground. “It’s alright, you don’t have to know me”, the guy chuckled. He offered his hand and L shook it. “I’m Deezer Dwight”, he introduced himself. “I’m L”, L said, smiling nervously. “Oh right, you’re with The Investigators, right? I gotta tell you I think it’s kind of a bummer that you aren’t gonna collaborate with The Police.” He grinned about his own joke. “Yeah, we really missed a chance there”, L said. “I’m sorry Deezer, I think I should know which band you belong to, but I haven’t seen you before.”
“That’s alright, I’m new. I just replaced the drummer of KIRA.”
Shivers were running down L’s spine. He threw his cigarette to the ground and put it out with his shoe. For once he was glad that he was not running around barefoot. “What happened to the old one”, L asked, again trying to sound casual. Deezer shrugged and sighed.
“Our lead singer didn’t get along with him anymore. He is…complicated sometimes.” “So what your lead singer says, goes?”, L inquired. “You know, Light… he has no sense of humour. He can be very cold. It’s not easy to work with him sometimes.” “I heard he could be a bit…ruthless sometimes.” Deezer laughed and lit on another cigarette. “That’s a nice way to put it. You should hear his real spicy stories. I swear you wouldn’t believe half of it.” L was intrigued. He knew at least one of these spicy stories really well. “Try me”, L said, trying to sound relaxed.
“Well some of the stories are more rumours…”, Deezer seemingly enjoyed sharing stories like this and his eyes lit up. “What I know for sure is that half of his money comes from people he sued for defamation of character. It was always about some affair he had, affairs that he denied happened. But I would put my both my hands in the fire, right here and right now that every one of these incidents happened and Light was just caring about his reputation too much. So he would threaten to press charges against those who would try to contact him after their…rendezvouses or whatever.”
L gulped and tried to process this information. “That’s… pretty messed up”, was all L could respond. But Deezer didn’t seem to mind his poor conversation skills. “Yeah, honestly it is. And I don’t even get why he cares so much what people think about him. So he does it with women and men, it’s the 80s for god’s sake. Elton does it, Freddie Mercury does it, I’m pretty sure Bowie is also in their club… like it’s alright to be… queer or whatever when you’re a rock star, you get me?” L nodded and looked at Deezer. He really did not seem to mind nor understand the fuzz about it.
“So you think Light Yagami is gay”, L asked Deezer, shoving his hands deep down his pockets. “No man he is just getting at it with everyone he finds attractive. I swear he is like all night out, every night, having someone sleeping over who then sneaks out at the break of dawn.” “Mhh.” L pressed his lips together and looked down at his feet. Well if that doesn’t feel all too familiar to you.
Suddenly Deezer jumped and they booth looked up as they heard an imperious voice calling Deezer’s name. “Oh man…”, he sighed.
“Seriously, how long is this smoke break going to take? Do you realize that we are on stage at Live Aid in two hours? Can’t I expect a little more reliability from my band members?”
Deezer and L both froze at that all too familiar voice, but because of very different reasons. “Sorry man”, Deezer whispered and threw his cigarette butt on the ground. I gotta go. It was nice meeting you! See you later maybe, good luck for your set.” He patted L’s shoulder and hurried through the backdoor.
L took his hands out of his pockets and stretched his arms above his head. Maybe it was time to go back to his band members as well. He reached for the doorknob, when once again someone tried to open the door from the opposite side. L took a step back and the door flung open.
L’s face turned white as he saw that he had just ran right into Light Yagami.
A couple seconds, nobody spoke or moved. Light looked at L, eyebrows raised. L couldn’t even determine whether Light recognized him or was just surprised to meet someone out here. He didn’t look embarrassed or guilty. L was still very pale and his big eyes stared at Light’s face.
He probably doesn’t even remember me. If he really has someone new every other night, how should he know who I was?
Light cleared his voice. He closed the door and leaned against the doorframe. “It’s you”, he said calmly. “Oh. So you do remember me”, L replied coldly. “I do. How could I forget that pretty face of yours?” Light smiled.
L pressed his lips together and took one step forward. “Don’t you dare, Light Yamagi. You know exactly what you did to me.” L felt the rage building up inside him. The humiliation. 
Never call me again. I’m not a “fairy” like you. Those were his words.
“Listen, L. I’m really sorry. I was a jerk back then. But I swear, I’ve changed.” “I don’t believe you”, L simply said and came even nearer onto Light. He stared at his face, holding his breath, mesmerized by his appearance. Light Yagami was beautiful. His skin was light and flawless. His brown hair framed his handsome defined face. Light brown eyes were looking at him. He wore an open jacket with nothing underneath and white leather pants. Light kept a straight face, only looking at L without retreating. “Don’t believe me, then”, Light said calmly. The corners of his mouth twitched a little.
“It’s all just a big game for you, isn’t it Light?”, L said and glared at him. “You just like to play with people, pretend they’re something special, pretend you actually feel something for them when in reality you are not even capable of real feelings. So you push everyone away and stomp on their hearts.”
L had got himself into a rage and was breathing heavily. Light didn’t respond for a couple seconds, but he didn’t smile anymore. “Listen, L… I know I’m messed up. But you have to understand that I can’t take the risk of ruining my reputation. I had to threaten you to keep quiet about what we had. I really liked you, you know. But my career is everything to me.”
L looked at him, frowning. Light Yagami lies as soon as he opens his sweet mouth. As if that cheap apology could fool me. As much as L wanted to believe him, he could not help to still suspect him of being a notorious liar. He wanted to believe him so much. Wanted to believe he had changed.
“Will you forgive me L?”, Light asked softly and raised his hand to gently stroke across his cheek.
L felt a burning sensation rising up inside him again, only this time it was not fuelled by rage or anger. It was pure desire that poured through his body. “I–“, L stuttered and couldn’t close his mouth, “I…don’t know…” L was completely entranced by Light’s flawless features, his hot breath that he could now feel on his skin, his glowing eyes looking at L in a way that made him feel weak in his knees.
“What is it, L?”, Light asked smiling. L knew that Light was winning. He knew that Light was already in triumph, knowing that L couldn’t resist him no matter how hard he tried. L took a deep breath. “I don’t think I will…forgive you”, L breathed and took Light’s hand to put it away from his face. When he touched Light’s skin, it was like he was struck by lightning, like an electrical shock flashed right through him. He immediately let go of Light’s hand, but he couldn’t stop staring at him.
“That’s…a shame”, Light said in a low voice and casted down his eyes.
L was trembling. He was fighting every fibre in his body, because all he wanted was to diminish every distance between him and Light, to press his body against Light’s. He hesitantly took Light’s hand again and felt this overwhelming electrical sensation again. When he did that, Light looked up and smiled. At this moment, L knew that he had inevitably subjected himself to him. And Light knew that as well. He smiled, smugly, his eyes glistening with the certainty of victory.
He grabbed L by his waist and spun him around so L was pressed against the back door. He rested his hand next to L’s shoulder, pressing it against the doorframe. With the other hand, he slowly caressed L’s face. He went on to fondle with his hair and then he brought his mouth very close to L’s ear and whispered.
“Are you sure, that you don’t want to forgive me?”
L let out a moan, almost whimpering. He grabbed Light’s face and looked him in the eyes. He drew Light’s face even closer and then pressed his lips onto his own. Light sighed and buried his hands into L’s hair, messing it up even more and pulling on it as to elicit another moan. L could not believe how he could have forgot about the sweet taste of Light’s lips, the feeling of his body against his own, the irresistible smell he emanated. L never wanted to end this kiss but he needed to catch his breath. He gently pulled Light away from his face, breathing heavily and gazing at Light with his big grey eyes. Light smiled again, his lips red and slightly swollen from the kiss.
“I still don’t forgive you”, L whispered and smiled back at him.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Everything And More, 1/3 (Blu/Cheryl) - Juno
Summary: Blu and Cheryl discover they are soulmates … at the worst time possible. Does distance really make the heart grow fonder?
(A/N: This is a prequel to another fic I wrote which is on AO3, but can be read on its own too. Just wanted to do something with some DRUK girls, and there will be more to come! No CWs for this chapter. Hope you enjoy this so far.)
“Surprise, surprise!”
Cheryl had only had to open the door to the oddly quiet living room to instantly jump out of her skin the sight and sound of all her friends, the synchronised bangs of party poppers, streams of colours through the air. Something shattered in the kitchen through the open door at the back of the living room (most likely the walking hazard that was Kendall knocking a mug over), but shrieks and cheers covered up most of the noise.
She instantly turned backwards to meet Vivienne’s smug smile, as she stood behind her, and hit her with the paper KFC bag that was in her left hand.
“I knew you were doing this!” Cheryl cried, although really she would never have guessed.
“Give over, Chez, you had no idea. You thought we were just going for nuggets. Anyway, d’you like it?” Viv’s grin was a little forced.
“I love it! Babe, thank you so much!” Cheryl tugged Vivienne down the six inch difference in height to hug her round the neck.
A gentle ahem from inside the front room interrupted them, and Cheryl turned to Divina, standing waiting her turn.
“Divina did the decorations,” Viv muttered, but she needn’t have said; it was obvious by their precise locations and mix of pastels (but no other bright colours) that it was Divina’s hand leading all of this set up. Cheryl just dragged Divina towards them both, happy they’d put their mutual dislike aside even if it just for this.
“You didn’t think we’d let you go off to America without one last party, did you?” Divina exclaimed.
“Guys! You really shouldn’t have! Oh, I’m gonna cry!” Cheryl finally put down the KFC bag, nuggets spilling on the floor, to wipe her eyes.
Divina seized her by the cheeks. “Less of that, Cheryl, no tears today, okay? Come in and we’ll get the party going.” Divina steered Cheryl into the living room out of Vivienne’s arms, and Baga grinned as she handed her a mug.
But Cheryl knew better than to drink it right off the bat.
“What’s this, Bags?”
“Just coke,” Baga shrugged.
“Coke and what?”
“Coke and a mug.”
“Coke and what, Baga?”
But Baga just grinned. “Drink it and find out!”
Cheryl put the mug to her lips and … Oh, yes, coke and some fucking paint thinner, she realised. This was going to be an interesting afternoon. Just Baga feeding them all more and more alcohol from her mum’s special cupboard and topping it all up with water or apple juice or whatever hair-brained scheme Baga seemed to have thought up next.
Speaking of her mum …
“Viv,” Cheryl realised, turning to her, “does my mum know you’re all here?”
Vivienne blinked and looked at the painting on the wall.
“Viv! Tell me!”
“What are we playing first, girls?” Baga ignored Cheryl, steering her to the dining table which was large enough for six, and littered with bottles and cans. “Make space! Cards? Anyone brought cards?”
“Baga, no way, I told you I’m not playing Ring Of Fire again.” Kat folded her arms, glaring at her.
“Shut up, Kat. Who wants Ring Of Fire?”
“I’ve got a deck of cards!” Vivienne declared, producing one from her bra.
“No way am I playing with those.” This time it was Divina’s turn to put her foot down. “Not when they’ve spent all morning in Vivienne’s tits. I might catch something.”
“Only thing you’ll catch is some class, girl.” Vivienne replied smoothly.
“Class? From you? I don’t think.”
“Okay, okay!” Baga huffed. “Jesus Christ, you lot. Someone else suggest something then. Chez, get that down your neck.”
Cheryl focused on drinking while the others argued about the game. Viv and Divina kept shooting barbs at each other, with Vinegar egging them on and Sum waving her hands in the air trying to calm both of them down. Baga’s face grew redder and redder as she fought not to shout at them, while Crystal, Kat and Kendall went to the back door to vape.
“Is Blu not coming?” Cheryl asked in the kitchen, but the argument was reaching a crescendo. She drained the mug and went outside to the back garden. Crystal was blowing smoke rings, while Kat and Kendall sat in the grass, legs intertwined, passing Kendall’s vape pen between them and picking at the daisies.  
“Where’s Blu?” Cheryl asked Crystal, thinking Kat and Kendall were too preoccupied for company.
“She’s still got flu,” Crystal replied, blowing a cloud of smoke through the centre of her newest smoke ring. “She couldn’t come.”
Fuck this. Fuck the flu.
Blu felt like shit, and not just because of the flu. She was missing Cheryl’s surprise party. God, what irony. She hadn’t missed a day of term over the whole of sixth form, and now she had the worst flu of her life at the end of the summer holidays, right before everyone was going to uni and right before Cheryl was flying to America.
She looked down at her phone from earlier when she’d messaged Viv.
Blu: sorry im still sick
Blu: mam wont let me out the house
Blu: best i can hope for is to be better for monday to come to the airport
Viv: Can’t be helped girl xx
Viv: Hope your feelin better soon xx
She’d wanted to see Cheryl’s face when Viv brought her in for the surprise, because Cheryl would never guess in a million years and her face would be a picture.
She’d wanted to savour every minute she was still with her best friend before he had to get on the plane and go on that scholarship.
She’d wanted to give Cheryl her present at the party. Nothing worth a lot of money, or big, but something that meant a lot to Blu and she hoped to Cheryl too.
Sighing, she looked over at the corner where it was wrapped, ready to go. Where she’d almost fallen on it this morning, getting up and out of bed. Telling her ma she felt fine, before her unsteady legs gave out under her and she crashed into the wall.
It sucks being in bed all day.
She looked down at her watch - one of those new ones with the soulmate-finder on it, to see that the day was moving frustratingly slowly. There was nothing onTV, she’d watched what felt like the whole of Netflix, and she still didn’t really want to eat.
With a growl of frustration, she tugged the duvet over her head and snuggled down, hoping that being good and staying in bed would help her fever hurry the fuck up and leave her in time for Monday.
Then I can say bye.
She couldn’t let Cheryl go without saying goodbye. Cheryl was far more than her best friend.
Coming over from Belfast after her parents’ divorce two years ago felt like wrenching a tree from its roots and trying to plant it in rocks. London was too big, and even now Blu still wasn’t altogether used to central London, but here on the outskirts wasn’t as bad.
In addition to a different country, she’d had to shift her studies here too, and her first day at her new school had felt like all the wires in her brain had been rearranged. Besides, having the badge of honour of being the New Girl among these sixth formers who had already known each other for five years was never going to be straightforward.
But her first lesson, on her first day, Business Studies, had seen the prefect Cheryl toss her hair back from her shoulders and pat the empty space at the desk next to her, her smile charming and so fucking genuine.
It had been all Blu had needed for something hot to blossom in her chest.
She’d been so confused. Back at school in Belfast, she’d convinced herself having crushes on her girl friends was just a phase, as her ma had said, and she would grow out of it. But meeting Cheryl had made her sure that it definitely wasn’t just a phase. The crushes she’d had in Belfast came and went, like clouds on a windy day; like the boys who had entered her life but who had never felt real, and had let her go like the wisp of smoke she turned into. But Blu had never once moved on from Cheryl. Cheryl was the sky beyond the clouds. In her mind now, that was all there was.
Blu had shook when she’d told her ma she was certain now, over Christmas holidays in Year 12 - certain that she didlike girls, this wasn’t going away, and there was This Girl in her life now, and This Girl was incredible, kind, talented, gorgeous … and probably as straight as a poker. And her ma had nodded along with her confession, reassured her, let her cry at the relief.
Cheryl remained This Girl.
Incredible, kind, talented, gorgeous, and Blu was convinced poker-straight.
Blu opened her eyes, stunned to see the clock had moved on to seven pm in what felt like no time at all. She’d slept, by some miracle.
Her throat felt much better, too.
Three rounds of Ring Of Fire and countless attempts at Among Us later, and Cheryl was warm and drunk and swaying happily to the music from Divina’s Spotify playlist. Among Us had gone to pieces after everyone had collectively decided that Crystal was just always going to be the imposter and Crystal made no attempt to dissuade them; simply flipping her hair back and winking at them.
Cheryl felt the familiar sensation of Vivienne’s fingers at the back of her neck, tugging her hair back to braid. It transported Cheryl to being in Year 7 again, when Cheryl had had her super-long hair, and Viv had been obsessed with braiding it at every opportunity. Now, with long gentle fingers at the base of her scalp, Cheryl let herself ascend to cloud nine of relaxation.
“You having a good time?” Viv asked softly.
It was a tone she didn’t really use with the rest of the group; her own quiet way of caring. Cheryl tried to nod.
“Stop it, girl, your braid is coming out!”
“Sorry. Viv? Mum did know about this party, didn’t she, babe?”
Vivienne cackled in response to Cheryl’s tentative question. “Of course she did, like Divina would have decorated your house like that if your mum hadn’t known about us giving you a party.”
Divina spun round at her name, her red hair seeming to flare up. “Vivienne, if you don’t stop -“
But Divina was interrupted by a sharp nudge in the ribs from Crystal, and a pointed glance to Sum, who Cheryl only just noticed was lying on the ground, her hands in her rucksack. She sat back up with an impish grin.
“Do you want to play some pass the parcel?” Sum asked, her eyelids drooping as she handed a parcel wrapped in brown paper to Cheryl. Her words were slurred; Sum was the lightweight of the group, for sure. Still, Cheryl was drunk enough not to think that pass the parcel was a stupid idea.
“Let’s do it then!” Cheryl shouted above the music. “Everyone get on the floor!”
“Some of us don’t need to go far, do we?”
“Shut up, Kendall, I’m not that short!”
“Just shut up and sit down, Baga,” Cheryl pulled her down to sit with them all. “Right - who’s got the music on?”
“Me,” Divina said, holding her phone up. “I’ll do the stops.”
The parcel took forever to go round everyone, with them all having a turn to unwrap a layer. After the seventh layer was unwrapped, Vivienne realised that Divina was not stopping the music when she had the parcel, resulting in yet another argument. But once everyone had had a turn, as expected, the parcel landed on Cheryl as the music stopped.
It was a small box, big enough to fit in her hands as she cupped it. It had to be the last layer before the gift was revealed. Obviously, Cheryl thought to herself, they’ve planned all of this.
She tore the paper off, and was stunned.
“This is - guys -“
Cheryl had seen the adverts for the soulmate-finding smart watches, but holding it in her hands … it felt surreal.
“We wanted to get you something meaningful,” Sum was smiling warmly as she spoke, “and so we all got together and bought you this watch.”
Sure, Cheryl would have loved to have owned one of these watches before, but they were so expensive and so new, that she thought it would probably be years before she’d own one at least. And now, here was the small box that held one, of her very own.
“God - you must have spent a fucking fortune on me, you didn’t have to do that …”
Cheryl found tears come readily to her eyes as Baga gave her a hug.
“Chez, it’s fine. Maybe now you’ll find an American soulmate!”
“And then you can stay in America and not come back!”
Cheryl forced a smile as she patted Baga on the back, letting the tears fall now.
“We’ll need to set you up before you go so when you get there you can meet some American as soon as you land. There’s some, like, personality quiz or something they make you take so they can set you up with a soulmate. Give me your phone and I’ll set you up.” Divina reached for Cheryl’s phone.
“Hey, hey, what makes you think you’re going to be setting her up, Divina?” Viv protested. “We all bought it, so we allget to do it.”
“Why can’t you fucking -“
“Shut the fuck up! Both of you!” Crystal shouted above them both; the only one still seemingly sober. “God, you’re both being fucking childish.”
“We’re all doing it,” Vinegar announced, and her authoritative tone as always caused the rest of the group to go quiet; Divina as docile as a lamb as she handed over Cheryl’s phone and the watch.
The nine of them poured the rest of the spirits and the mixers into each other’s mugs and glasses, and gathered round Vinegar as she downloaded the app onto Cheryl’s phone and started filling in the questions on the personality test.
They’d been a group for seven years, and although they didn’t always all get along now, it was the closest Cheryl felt to anyone. Cheryl glanced round at her friends, close as sisters but loyal as family, feeling tears hot in her eyes once again. The slight unnerving feeling in her gut that she had every now and then threatened to throw her off course again, intrusive thoughts creeping back in.
Is this the right thing?
Divina and Viv weren’t staring daggers at each other for the first time in the last month; instead working in tandem and chuckling softly at each other. Vinegar, her tongue worrying her lip in concentration, tapped answers to the questions as the girls called them. Kendall motioned to Kat with her vape, and the two backed away to the door of the kitchen, Sum following them.
A Levels had been and gone, and school was officially done. Cheryl’s scholarship to the prestigious Iman Performing Arts college in New York City was secured, plus the resettlement grant which would pay for moving costs.
She was the only one leaving England behind.
Blu would get it. Blu knows what it’s like to move countries. But Blu has the flu.
She giggled to herself at the rhyming thought, the only thing she could do to keep from crying again. Baga was already eyeing her to make sure she didn’t. The last thing she wanted was for her makeup to smear any more than it already was.
But it felt so much like her bubble of school, of normal life, was ending; ready for this new world of academia and New York to begin. It was a dream come true and a nightmare rolled into one. But Blu would understand, because she’d already moved to another country.
She wished for Blu more than ever at that moment.
Before she could think about it too much, her phone was thrust back into her hand by Vinegar, the questions all completed.
“There you are, babes.” Vinegar pointed to the bottom of the page. “If you like what we’ve done, just hit go.”
Cheryl didn’t feel as if all the words were going in, as she looked down the page, reading descriptions of herself, answers to family questions, life, hobbies, hopes and dreams. She could see the words, but they didn’t register; and as she read them, they felt as if they were describing someone else, someone who maybe existed in a mirror rather than a physical form.
When she got all to way to the top, she blinked at the ‘looking for’ box. Vinegar had entered Men, but Cheryl hesitated. That wasn’t … quite right.
This is it, Chez. Now or never.
Vodka was great for a confidence boost. She tapped the button where Vinegar had added that she was looking for Men, and changed it to Any gender instead.
A detail that wasn’t missed by Vinegar’s inquisitive gaze.
“Wait, hold on, hold on. Chez? Chez!”
Vivienne turned to look, and so did Divina and Baga.
“Oh, finally!” Baga exclaimed, dragging Cheryl back into a hug. “We wondered if you’d admit it before you left.”
“What? How did you know?” Cheryl cried.
But none of them would tell her; just smirking at one another and alternating her with hugs.
Cheryl’s flight wasn’t set to leave until five, but she had to be there three hours early to get through customs - how did that make sense, Blu thought, when she could arrive forty minutes before and still get back to Belfast - and so Blu had wanted to be there early, but there were so many people on the Tube, plus a breakdown at St Pancras, meaning she had barely any time to sprint across the glistening tiles at Heathrow airport.
Where is she?
The departures board said her flight was already going through baggage check in and security. There wasn’t much time. She followed the signs to the bag drop …
Crystal was coming towards her, and Blu saw behind her Divina, Viv and Baga; all presumably having come down in Divina’s cramped little third-hand Ford KA. Viv was rubbing her eyes, and the telltale mascara lines on her cheeks told no lies.
“That’s it, then,” Crystal nodded, looking gravely at Blu. “She’s putting her bags through and then - well, she’s gone until Christmas.”
“You can still catch her after she comes out of baggage check in, Blu,” Divina said gently.
Blu didn’t pause to second guess; she sprinted past them, towards the baggage drop, watching people queue with their cases, looking at the queues for any sign of her.
And there she was.
Cheryl in the flesh, coming out of the baggage drop and about to ship herself almost halfway around the world; her normally perfect blonde hair tied off her face; her normally flawless makeup not even slightly present. Just Chez in a baggy shirt, denim jacket, and a pair of leggings, ready to fly. Ready to leave this bubble behind.
Blu had never loved her more.
Before she had the chance to call her, their eyes met. Blu watched them expand, the elated grin flood her face, and her arms open as Blu ran into them. Cheryl caught her, squeezed tightly …
Time stopped.
How was she meant to let Cheryl go? They’d only known each other these last two years …
They hadn’t had the time as besties the rest of them had had, but Blu knew that Cheryl just felt like a part of her now; as if each of them were a jigsaw with one piece of each other that fit perfectly.
It’s not the end. It’s not the end.
But as much as Blu repeated that to herself, something churned in her stomach at the thought of Cheryl leaving.
When time finally flooded back into their day, as Cheryl pulled away; Blu watched her green eyes fill with tears and Cheryl hurriedly wipe them away.
“Sorry,” Cheryl muttered, “I knew I was gonna cry at some point.”
“It’s alright,” Blu whispered, her own voice breaking too much to speak louder.
Cheryl nodded, taking Blu’s hand and squeezing, gazing at the ground, giving Blu as reassuring a smile as she could muster when she was evidently breaking in two.
“I’ll be back at Christmas,” Cheryl was murmuring, meeting Blu’s eyes again, “and in summer. That’s not long. Christmas is only, what, four months away. And we’ve got Skype. Facetime. Whatever. We’ve got - we’ve got everything. We’ll stay in touch. We will. We all will. We …”
“I know.” Blu nodded back at her. “We’ll talk - every day if you want, Cheryl.”
Cheryl nodded again, hitching her rucksack higher on her back.
“I have to go through security.”
“Before you go -“ Blu had almost forgotten. Her own present. She tugged it from her bag, small as it was, wrapped in brightly-coloured paper. Cheryl would probably guess at what it was from the size and shape, but she still rattled it next to her ear for good measure, before laughing and taking off her rucksack to put it in.
“I’ll open it on the plane.”
“Alright,” Blu replied, but Cheryl was frozen, her eyes wide, pleading. Asking something that Blu couldn’t hear, couldn’t understand.
“You don’t want to miss your plane, do you?” Blu whispered.
“No.” Cheryl took a deep breath. “Thank you, Blu.” And with a shy smile, she leaned in and ever so gently gave Blu a kiss on the cheek.
It was the last thing Blu expected. She held her breath, wishing time would stop again, wishing she could hold on to this moment, or drag Cheryl back off the plane. But they’d had so much time. Over school, over summer, and nowwasn’t the right moment.
“Bye, Blu. Thanks for the present. See you at Christmas.”
Blu feigned nonchalance. “If we let you back in the country.”
Finally, Cheryl managed a laugh. Squeezing Blu’s hand for the last time, Cheryl pulled away, finally letting her go.
Blu let her, and watched her walk away to the escalator up to Security, the first steps to her new life in America.
It was only when Blu reached up to wipe the tears from her eyes that she saw the blue notification light on her new watch. She hadn’t figured out what all the notification lights meant yet, so frowning, she tapped the button on the screen.
‘A soulmate is within a 10m radius. Please press the blue button to start your timer. You have one day for your soulmate to respond. You then have 100 hours to connect. Alternatively, please press the red button to decline this opportunity.’
Blu felt her legs tremble.
No fucking way.
She was frozen to the spot, reading the message over and over.
Turning her head back up, she watched Cheryl reach the top of the escalator. About to head to Departures.
Now was the only chance she would have before she lost her.
But Blu couldn’t move.
Finally, her legs seemed to obey her as she tore to the escalator, taking the steps three at a time, and at the top - sighing with relief - Cheryl was still there, putting her liquid items into the tiny plastic bags, draining her bottle of water to the last drop.
Cheryl spun at the shrill sound of her name, a split second before Blu launched herself at her. She opened her arms and caught her a second time that day.
“Blu? What’s wrong? What -“
“We got you a soulmate watch, didn’t we?” Blu could barely catch her breath, her heart hammering. “Are you wearing it right now?”
“Yeah, it’s here,” Cheryl nodded, and held up her wrist. Something caught her eye, and frowning, she looked at it. “Why is there a light on it?”
Blu didn’t reply; she simply held up her own watch, with the same notification light.
“You’ve got a soulmate watch too? Wait, why is yours like that as well?” Cheryl said, but Blu didn’t need to respond. Cheryl’s mouth fell open, and she turned her eyes from the watch to Blu; who watched her realisation and her every thought as it crossed her face.
Cheryl - isn’t straight either?
“You -“ Cheryl’s eyes filled with the same easy tears that she always seemed to produce; always the easiest cryer of the group of them, always the most emotional. “I can’t believe it. You did, too?”
Blu nodded, weak with relief. “Since the start of sixth form.”
Cheryl gasped. “Since we got paired up for business studies! God, two years! Two years we’ve wasted, not doing this!”
Before she could ask what she meant, Cheryl tugged Blu towards her, closing the distance, kissing her lips; and it was everything and more that Blu had dreamed it would be. Cheryl might not have been wearing makeup, but she still smelled divine, her warmth a solace, a right place to be. Blu wrapped her arms around Cheryl’s waist, hoping to go deeper, but Cheryl let her go suddenly.
Blu saw her eyes cloud over once again.
“How am I meant to get on the plane if we’re -“
But she couldn’t finish the sentence, words failing Cheryl for probably the first time in her life. Blu looked at the Departures gates, ignoring everyone else around them, and took a deep breath, swallowing hard.
“For your dream, Cheryl,” Blu whispered. “This is what you’ve wanted forever. You’ve always said that. Remember - remember that day you got the scholarship through? When we were in class?”
“God, we got so drunk that day,” Cheryl giggled.
“Yeah, well, you need to go for your dream.”
“But - “ Cheryl swallowed, her voice an octave higher than usual. “But we’re soulmates, Blu.”
Her words wrapped themselves tightly around Blu’s heart, and she thought she’d never in her life forget the ice-cold sorrow in Cheryl’s voice … but she couldn’t let that influence anything rash.
She sniffed, trying to hold her tears back. “You have to go, Cheryl. You’ll miss your flight. I’ll be here for you, when you get off it again, at Christmas. I promise.” Blu rubbed her arm. “I’ll be right here, at Heathrow. Go get your dream, girl.”
“God, we’re stupid,” Cheryl muttered, “for not realising sooner.”
Blu pressed Accept on her watch, and a new message came up.
‘Thank you for selecting. Your soulmate has one day to respond. You will be notified when they make their decision.’
“Tap yours.”
Cheryl giggled. “Why? It’s definitely me.” But she did so anyway.
Blu felt her watch vibrate again, presumably with another message, but she didn’t care; Cheryl was here, and the watch had somehow made everything they’d both hidden for two years come into the light, fall into place like the missing jigsaw pieces.
“What - what now?”
But Cheryl didn’t reply; she grinned through her tears as she pulled Blu back towards her for a last kiss; one that felt like sustainment, like life itself. Blu could do nothing now but enjoy this moment, the final one for now.
Cheryl finally let her go, and Blu had to tell her to go before she changed her mind.
“Get your flight! Go and get your dream!”
Cheryl looked at the security desks, then wistfully at Blu.
“I’ll be back at Christmas, alright, babe?”
“I’ll be here for when you land. I promise.”
Blu let her go.
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beelsnack · 4 years
Idk what you’re music taste is, but I’m very much into rock/hard rock/metal music. Im open to anything! Those are just my favorite genres. It’s funny cause my friends don’t expect it they’re just like “You like that? That’s surprising. You’re just such a cute and innocent lady! It’s not what I expected!!” How would the brothers react to F! MC who is like that? Maybe they walked into MCs room and heard it or any other scenario?
Honestly, same! Nobody expects my smiley 5′4 self to rock out to Marilyn Manson, lol.
I had a whole lot of fun with this! Also, I’m pretty sure you can figure out my music taste from this.
Lucifer: He hadn’t intended to snoop. The human valued what little privacy she could get in the House of Lamentation, and far be it from him to intrude on that. She had accidentally left her D.D.D in the kitchen while preparing dinner, and when he picked it up, he accidentally bumped it and the screen lit up. She must have the sound muted without her headphones in (smart girl, he thought with a smirk) because along the top of the screen flashed “Now playing - Highway to Hell by AC/DC.” The human had a sense of humor.
“Oh, you found it!” she smiled at him from the entrance to the kitchen. “Thank you, I couldn’t remember where I left it!”
Lucifer placed the device in her outstretched hand. “You are full of surprises aren’t you?”
She tilted her head in confusion. “I’m sorry?”
His laughter was cruelly amused as he brushed past her. “I never would have pegged you as a rock n’ roll kind of woman. How curious.”
Mammon: It wasn’t like Mammon needed help with this ridiculously difficult assignment. He just figured the human was probably struggling, and what kind of first man would he be if he didn’t go offer her his great expertise?
“Yo, human!” he called as he entered their room without knocking - really, she probably should lock her door, she lives with literal embodiments of sin. “Are you doin’ that homework from Devildom History? ‘Cause I - “
He cut himself off mid-sentence, confused. The image of the human sitting at her desk, hair pulled back with a floral scrunchie and scribbling away with a pink pocky-shaped pen while hardcore guitar riffs blared out of the speaker on her D.D.D was causing his brain to short-circuit.
“Hey, Mammon.” she looked up from her work and smiled at him. “What’s up? Sorry, I guess I had my music up too loud. Why are you looking at me like that?”
He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. “You don’t look like the type of chick to listen to heavy metal, is all. It’s kinda...y’know, it’s...uh, d-did you do the history assignment yet?”
Levi: Honestly, he still wasn’t convinced that she wasn’t just messing with him. Why would a normie care about what kind of music he listened to? So, he decided to test her.
“Ooh, who’s that band? They aren’t one of the ones you recommended.” she peered at his Devilgram over his shoulder. “They kind of look visual kei.”
“How do you know what visual kei is?” Levi quirked an eyebrow, although she probably couldn’t tell because of his fringe. She ignored him, leaning closer to inspect the promotional art.
“They look kind of like The GazettE! I wonder if they sound similar? Come on, Levi, unmute the video!”
“Hold on, jeez!”
Well, that plan backfired. Or worked? Both? Levi wasn’t quite sure.
Satan: Something was up. He didn’t know what, but she kept looking at him, glancing down at her D.D.D, then giggling to herself. They were supposed to be studying for upcoming exams, but she had clearly abandoned that plan.
“Something you want to share?”
She smothered another laugh, setting her D.D.D down. “How well-versed are you in human world music?”
What an odd question. “Depends on what time period we’re talking about.”
“1970′s - ish.”
He hummed, resting his chin on his interlaced fingers. “I can’t say I know all that much. Why?”
Her eyes sparkled with barely contained mischief. “Have you ever heard of the band KISS?”
“Really?” he groaned. Her only response was to bust out in maniacal laughter.
“Don’t tell me you believe that whole ‘Knights in Satan’s Service’ garbage.”
“Pfft, no, I’m not that stupid.” she slipped her D.D.D back in her uniform pocket and picked up her pen, seemingly content to get back to work. “Some of their music came on when I was getting ready this morning and I couldn’t get the idea out of my head.”
“Huh.” he studied her for a moment, letting the thought of their pretty little human jamming to ‘devil music’ roll around in his head. “...Yeah, that makes sense.”
Asmo: That little fox! Sending him a bath selfie when she knew he was out. He would definitely have to come up with a good way to get back at her. He just hoped she was still in the bath. It would be a shame to have to undress her when she could be ready and waiting for him!
She typically kept an open door policy, so he wasn’t surprised that the door to her room was unlocked. The door to her attached bathroom was, however. Victory!
Asmo was about to knock when he finally registered the music coming from inside the bathroom, along with her singing along.
“...gimme more, gimme more, gimme more, shut up and sing it with me! Na-na-na-na-na-na-”
...MCR, huh?
“You know, darling, this wasn’t the music I imagined when you sent me that...enticing photo, but I kind of like it.”
A shriek, some splashing, and the music suddenly cut off. “Asmo!”
He chuckled lowly, leaning against the door. “How about you let me in and we make our own music?”
Beelzebub: Training always made him hungry, so it wasn’t too surprising when Beelzebub made his way into the kitchen. She was on breakfast duty today, and she always snuck him little bits of food instead of scolding him like everyone else.
She had her headphones in when he came in, bouncing along to the beat of whatever she had playing and seemingly enjoying herself. Leaning against the door frame, he took a moment to watch her. The sight made him smile.
“What are you listening to?”
She almost hit the ceiling, whipping around and wielding her spatula as a weapon. As soon as she saw him, she relaxed, taking in a deep breath. “Beel, you nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“Sorry...” he pushed himself off of the doorway and opened his arms. “I didn’t mean to.”
She accepted his apology hug jabbing him lightly in the side as punishment before turning back around to the stove.
“Levi showed me how to hack into the human world internet, so I’m finally able to listen to the stuff I like from back home. I haven’t heard Green Day in forever.”
Beel leaned around her, dipping his finger in the pancake batter before she could stop him. “I haven’t heard of that band before. Can I listen too?”
“Sure!” she grinned. taking her headphones out. Beel didn’t know what he was expecting, but it wasn’t this. Something must have shown on his face, because she frowned slightly.
“Don’t like it?”
He shook his head. “I do like it. Sounds like the stuff I like to listen to. I just wasn’t expecting you to like something like this.”
“Yeah, I get that a lot.”
Belphegor: ‘Going on a walk’ wasn’t really Belphie’s thing. But, he was always saying that he didn’t get to spend enough time with her, and beggars can’t be choosers. So, when the human asked if he would go on a walk with her, he couldn’t really refuse. 
“Wait, you’ve really been studying since this morning?” he asked, watching as she stretched her shoulders. “The course material isn’t that difficult.”
“I know, but I really don’t want to find out what Lucifer’s punishment for bad grades is.” she sighed, letting her arms drop to her sides. “I don’t even want to think about - huh?”
It took Belphie a second to realize she had stopped. When he turned around, she was looking through the big open windows of a nearby bar.
“If you want to get drunk, we have plenty of booze at the house.”
“What?” she snapped back to reality. “No, there’s a band playing in there. I like how they sound.”
Belphie listened. It was the usual type of music one heard in the Devildom - he always compared it to human punk-rock. His gaze slid over to the human - big, expressive eyes, delicate features, barely came up to his chin- and shook his head.
“Hm. Never would have guessed.”
“Guessed what?” she asked. Belphie didn’t answer, just slipped his hand in hers and tugged her along.
“Come on, you want to listen, don’t you? Let’s go in.”
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what are some things you think magnus would do to feel close to his culture/roots? one thing my mother (who is also south east asian) does is speak her local dialect with her siblings, but i imagine the language will have evolved over the years, and he wouldn’t find speakers who speak it in the same way as him (if that makes sense?)
it makes a lot of sense! and i definitely agree. i think about that all the time, how the language magnus (and warlocks in general) was raised in doesn't exist anymore. and in a way he almost envies warlocks who speak now-dead languages (like not really but there's that thought sometimes) because at least they get to keep them as they were? but with magnus he has to see his language slowly become something else, something that isn't his and that he doesn't follow because he's not at the heart of it while it changes, and it's like it slips through his fingers and is stolen away, you know? like obviously language is constantly changing and there's nothing wrong with that, but esp with magnus having little contact with speakers of his mother tongue, he's not even aware of the changes until he says something and ppl look at him weird or straight up don't understand him
and current indonesian has many words that were borrowed from english, dutch, and portuguese (source: im studying it - not because of magnus, i just heard it on a video and thought it was so beautiful and im a slut for languages - and it's easy to tell) because of colonization, so that in particular is probably what hurts the most. seeing his language slowly be morphed by the language of the ppl who claimed his land, killed and oppressed his people, tried to destroy his culture... it really fucking hurts. especially dutch, as it was his stepfather's language
so yeah he doesn't get to use his language to feel close to his culture anymore and let me tell you that really fucking breaks my heart because your language is who you are, it's how you think, it literally shapes your brain physically. even if you're fluent in other languages, it's a part of you. i can't imagine living in a world where brazilian portuguese as i know it no longer exists except for me. even the idea of like, moving to p*rtugal and speaking their portuguese instead hurts me and makes me really uneasy. so like this is such a huge loss and makes him feel even more like he's being stolen away, you know?
okay this is getting too depressing and isn't really what you asked im sorry ifnfifn
as for what i think he does to feel closer to his culture!
food. yes i've said it a thousand times before and ur probably sick to death of hearing it but what can i say, it's true. especially living in the US like disgusting sometimes i hear about the "food" my US american friends eat and im just like damn yall live like this? and not just that but US americans (and most europeans) really don't.... understand and value food in the way that other cultures do. like i think it might be the individualism inherently entrenched into most of their cultures but to me food is love and food is family, its meanings are so deep and they... don't really understand that. so keeping close to his food is important. and with magic he can even get his ingredients exactly as they used to grow there, tasting exactly the same, so he does get to keep his food
flowers. I'll forever be a slut for magnus and jasmines and the hc that they remind him of his mom? i mean jasmines are even indonesia's official national flower and it matters a lot for indonesian cultures as a whole (same source). so the smell of jasmines, growing jasmines, jasmine tea... it makes him feel like he can keep a part of her with him
tea. i know this technically falls into food but i think tea is special for him in a way that i can't really explain (possibly because i don't really like tea. or coffee for that matter which brazilians and latinos as a whole are all sluts for) because it has its own ritual, you know? the way it's made and drank, the way it's served, everything about it is very important culturally. i think it's no coincidence that magnus was drinking tea when he was being plagued by memories of his stepfather. like usually he goes for alcohol when he needs support, so why tea? i think tea provides him a comfort alcohol can't because it makes him feel close to his roots
religion/spirituality. ok admittedly i can't say a lot about this because i never identified with my family's religion and i'm far from being an expert in Hinduism or Islam, which are the two most likely religions for him to have been raised in, so jdndidnd. but since sh lore doesn't exist in Islam and magnus practices magic, Magnus couldn't be a Muslim, so i think this would be specific for the case of him being Hindu, or having an indigenous javanese religion, according to my muslim friends
but like. religious practices are definitely important community builders and carry super important cultural meanings. so i think this is another way. i know that i have quite a few hindu friends and followers, so if any of y'all want to add into this with more detail, i'd be delighted, and you're definitely all invited to weight in.
another important detail is that if magnus is hindu that adds even more layers to his relationship with flowers, as they are extremely important, especially for indonesian/balinese hindu people
music! again magic helps because with memory magic he can literally bring the sounds of the music he was raised listening to back to life, but like, traditional music styles always live on. so i think singing songs from his childhood definitely helps as well. actually, well, i think art in general falls here
obviously, visiting, since java and its culture are far from dead. it's changed, yes, and i think in that sense it's bittersweet, but there's a lot about it that still feels like home to him, not to mention indonesia still has quite a few traditional communities (although, from what i've seen, most of those are in bali, not java, and with magnus having been raised specifically in jakarta that makes it even more complicated, but also.... previously colonized cities are a weird thing. i live in the biggest city in the whole of south america and there are still plenty of traditional indigenous communities right inside the city. but i can't speak for jakarta) so he could also visit those places. and just like being in a place where everyone (or ok, almost everyone) is javanese? where so many of the small cultural things in everyday life are still present? you know? like the air feels different, it's in the way people move, gesticulate, speak (regardless of language), interact, eat. it feels like home in a way nowhere else can't and it makes him relax and feel so much more like himself, just by being there
and okay that's what i have. take this with a grain of salt as i'm latin american, not south east asian, so most of what i've said here is based on research i've done before for other asks + things i've heard from my SE Asian friends + more generic experiences with being a third worlder/previously colonized. thank you so much for that, i really loved this ask!
all the thanks to @pastaingallday for being an absolute babe with endless patience and helping me out with my muslim magnus questions. this post would probably be a mess without her <3 thank you so much baby, i love you
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writingandmore · 4 years
Hi! do you think i could request a matchup for Voltron, HxH, MHA, and She-ra? i’m 5’0, pansexual, genderfluid, i have short brown hair and green/blue/grey eyes, really pale skin. My MBTI type is ENFP-T although i can sometimes be quite introverted but that might just be because i’m imagining something in my head and not paying attention to anything going on around me, i’m also a hufflepuff with some slytherin like traits and an aries. i’m either very talkative or basically mute i really depends on the day. i love theatre and musicals, cartoons, knitting, movies, food, sleeping, i like to make weird things out of random objects for example a spoon necklace, i’m a decent baker but i suck at cooking, i’ll do pretty much anything especially if it sounds fun. i love the rain and thunder storms. i’m also very energetic and childish, i’m often considered the crackhead and cinnamon roll of my friend group, i love collecting random objects i find and have way too many stuffed animals but of course i still want more because they’re so fluffy. i’m somewhat competitive especially when it comes to video games like just dance or mario kart but i don’t mind loosing especially if it will make whoever i’m playing against happy, although i kinda suck at most games unless it’s just dance i’m awesome at that. i love physical affection it’s actually my main love language so i love giving and receiving hugs, cuddles, kisses, etc. even though my main love language is physical affection i still love spending time alone with others and telling them how much i care about them. i love teasing and nick names any kind, I ask a lot of questions and daydream and zone out a lot so i often have to ask others what to do or what we’re doing. i’m quite airheaded and clueless and can never tell if someone likes me even if it’s painfully obvious. i also love doing dangerous things so i need someone who can stop me from doing something stupid and dangerous. i also come up with really random ideas especially in the middle of the night. i love middle of the night snacks(more like meals). i love play fights and am pretty aggressive. i can sometimes get very intense and emotional. i tease quite a bit. im immature most the time, very chaotic and clumsy, bubbly, laugh a lot, scared of a lot of things especially spiders, i’m pretty open minded and open about things, and optimistic. i’ve been told i’m the cinnamon roll and crackhead of my friendgroup and great at giving advice although i suck at giving myself advice. i’m pretty loud myself so im used to hearing yelling and i like loud noises and things like fireworks, thunder and loud music idk why but it’s oddly comforting and exciting. i love all animals but my favourites are small ones like frogs, snails, bunny’s and kitties. i also have a weird obsession with glue and glueing things together it helps me get my creativity out and do something with my hands. sorry if this is long i can sometimes get carried away and go on and on about things, but thank you in advance!💛☺️ -🐌
VLD: Pidge!
 - PIdge is also pretty introverted, so she’d probably feel more comfortable with you than with people who are more extroverted. She’s also often lost in her own thoughts and research, so she’d completely get why you also often get distracted. 
HxH: Kite!
 - Kite would enjoy a partner that can be both quiet and talkative depending on the situation. He often enjoys silence, especially when he’s just relaxing, but he also loves listening and having a good conversation with someone he loves, so you sound like the perfect fit!
MHA: Kaoruko Awata (Bubble Girl)! 
 - Kaoruko loves upbeat musicals and plays, so she’d love to go with you if the show fits into that category. She also enjoys cute cartoons, so she’d be happy to watch those with you as well, as long as they aren’t too sad. She also enjoys cooking, and while she can’t do much by herself except the basics, she’d always be willing to help you out if you’re doing something more complicated. 
She-Ra: Adora!
 - Adora is typically a very energetic person too, especially when it comes to doing things she’s looking forward to! Your personalities would match well, and I think you would be a very healthy and overall happy couple! She’d also love to buy you more stuffed animals (she loves them too). 
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bottomlwjrights · 4 years
MO DAO ZU SHI REREAD:Thoughts™️....and Stuff
Chapter 46
Okay so nmj is wearing a (very tattered) burial robe in this scene
Of course JingYi volunteered to shout at a corpse
“As soon as he had finished, the headless man spun around and walked in the direction of the Lan Sect’s juniors.” Akbfkfkdjf
Jingyi really freaking out, poor boy
Yeah yikes imagine how scary this would have been for the little Lans 
Wwx said they wouldnt have to keep on walking and his solution was to call out to lwj 
“A few moments later, the soft, flowing note of a xiao sounded amid the night. Closely following it was the limpid reverberation of a string.” Its The twin jades 🥳🥳🥳
ZeWu-Jun 😩😩😩😩
“Lan XiChen’s expression was especially surprised, almost to the point of shocked.” Anyways lxc basically recognized nmj at first glance
Also yeah I completely forgot that nmj grabs Bichen out of the air, which is quite the feat idk how i didn’t remember this
“as soon as the soft, serene tone of the xiao appeared, the corpse’s movement paused. For a moment, he seemed to have stood still and listened, then turned around, as though he wanted to see who was the one playing the music.” Fuck you 😭😭😭😭
It took the combined effort of lwj, lxc, and wwx all playing their instruments to calm him down, and he wasnt even being that aggressive
God lxc defending jgy hurts so much goddamnit
Wwx even said that lxc is refusing to admit that jgy is the most sus person
Chapter 47
Jgy kept the murals of jzx up for some reason
Wwx hopped down to stare at jzx’s murals, which hurt me 
Thinkin about post canon wangxian going to discussion conferences in place of lxc, with wwx all decked out lan style forehead ribbon and all
Jgy remembers little details about people after only meeting them once or twice
Wwx cant help but look at pretty women
God I remember the first time i read this introduction scene of qin su i was so woo’d by how gentle and loving it was
Nhs comes over just in time to prevent jgy from asking lxc whats wrong and what he’s thinking about 
Wwx using his chance to teach jl something AGAIN
“Looks like I can’t keep it from you anymore. That’s right. I’ve fallen for someone else.” Oh the irony 
“Wei WuXian, ‘In the past, I couldn’t understand my own heart, but after I met HanGuang-Jun I’m certain.’ He took in a deep breath, ‘I’m already incapable of leaving him. I don’t want anyone else aside from HanGuang-Jun…’” tHE IRONY
Alnfnckwj jl ran the other way hsndmck
“...as Lan WangJi gazed at him, he actually felt a subtle sense of shame....” uh...yEaH
“Don’t tell me that Jin GuangYao has no son or daughter, or anyone around his age who’s close to him.” 😬
This scene with the paperman and the forehead ribbon still devastates me
“Do not fool around.” “You must be careful.” Bro im literally gonna 😭
Oh also the little unintentional kiss....
Lan XiChen’s paintings, i would love to see them
Wwx recognized the paintings as lxc’s, which means he’s seen enough of them to recognize his style. Lxc’s painting skill are probably well known, being the First Jade of Lan and the number one most eligible bachelor and all. 
Jgy is smart
“Just what in the world is written in the letter? Jin GuangYao killed someone and dismembered them?” Yeah, actually that’s probably exactly what’s in there and you know it 
Bruh why was it so shocking to find out they’re related when qin su literally said it
“Aside from a desk, an iron table—dark to the eyes, cold to the touch, long enough for a person to lie—was also within the room. There seemed to be black, dried-up traces of something on the surface of the table. Wei WuXian commented in silence, This would be the perfect table to cut someone apart on.”
Jgy talking to nmj’s head creeps me tf out
Did wwx not meet nmj before????
Chapter 48
Wwx said nmj went into seemingly invincible rages during the sunshot campaign
“A while later, his fingers twitched. With downcast eyes, he touched his lips softly. It was very soft indeed, as soft as how the paperman had bumped into them.” this is so Soft....
Lwj pulled wwx into his arms and held his face.....
Nmj is so tall 😍 
I fucking HATE how everyone talks about prostitution in this novel good lord
Man idk how people think of nmj as just an angry man, like he very obviously cares about justice and doing the right thing
Lxc was known as “a powerful trump card” during the ssc
“Although Lan XiChen looked almost exactly the same as Lan WangJi, Wei WuXian could tell them apart with just a glance.” This is cute
Nmj doesnt notice microaggressions
Am i freaking out about lxc saying hes gonna have to stay at nmj’s place for the night? Yes. Yes i am.
“Hearing Nie MingJue praise Lan WangJi’s level of cultivation, Wei WuXian felt a strange surge of happiness, ChiFeng-Zun, what a great eye!”
Getting pissed off once again by how the cultivators treat wwx
Wow lxc even said he’d help convince nmj to let jgy leave to help in the jin sect
Nmj even wrote him a recommendation letter wooooow
Nhs was staying with lxc during the ssc
???? Jgy and Lxc’s meeting was embarrassing and neither OH WAIT WHEN CLOUD RECESSES BURNED
“The three chatted back and forth, at times serious, yet at times light. The conversation was much more relaxed than when they had been in the living room.”
Hate jgs
Um the disciples in the hall are walking on their knees??????
Wowza, what a chapter
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki SSL - Hakuo Gakuen Student General Assembly Track 3
well... i hit 300 followers. not sure if it’s a milestone worth mentioning (if you’re one who followed because of the musicals and hasn’t gotten a message, read what it says at the top of my stuff i have page) or not since i can honestly say that i only started this tumblr for myself and everything i translate was really only done for my own sake... and I really have no idea if that number is good or bad for the amount of time I’ve been posting lol.
Still, i’m going to use the fact that this happened as an excuse to post this since i couldn’t figure out where to stick it in my queue since i didn’t want to wait til september to post this lol.
Anyway, this damn track is 18 min long... and i’ll get to the video next month along with the Hijikata web drama (have to push that back cause i got a bit busy with some things). Please note that the text left in bold is when Amagiri’s conversation with Kazama gets overlapped by Shiranui speaking. 
As always, final edits will be done when I get to my subtitle video... need to double check that other video translation and the audio for a few things.
Enjoy~! and do not post elsewhere!
Hakuoki SSL - Hakuo Gakuen Student General Assembly Track 3
Translation by KumoriYami
Hijikata: okay... it's about to start.
Harada: Hijikata-san?  you okay? need stomach medicine?
Hijikata: no need... alright, start/begin.
Amagiri: The Hakuo Gakuen Student Assembly will begin now. All students, stand! .....sit down.
Kazama: Then, start with each club's budget report, Amagiri.
Amagiri: Yes. these are the draft budgets for the various clubs/departments.
Kazama: The arts and literature club, the calligraphy club, and the photography club last year all needed 10,000; the music club which won a competition, in any case, needs a budget of 50,000; the newly established broadcasting club/depart of broadcasting  to buy equipment, they need an increase of 20,000; the baseball team, soccer team and tennis team will be the same as last year with 50,000; the judo club, archery club, track and field team, and also the kendo club, given their achievements from last year......
What......100,000?! Oi amagiri, what's going on/what's this about?!
Amagiri: About this issue...
Kazama: I haven't approved of any of this!! any club/organization/group associated with Hijikata will not have its budget approved!!
Shiranui: Alright/Well, of the budget report was just read, the clubs that weren't named will will maintain the status quo this year, ok? If there's no problem, the draft proposal will be adopted directly.
Kazama: Eh...... continuing on [next], regarding the cultural festival that is to be held in october.......Shiranui.
shiranui: hey, hey. But there's nothing much to say since it will basically be the same as last year.
Kazama: This year like previous years, Hakuo Gakuen will hold its cultural festival......
(Kazama voice's cuts out completely while Hijikata and Harada talk)
Harada: I originally though [he'd] poke a basket [probably blow a gasket], seeing him now though, it seems that things are going smoothly.
Hijikata: For better or worse, that's because he's the student council president. But, what happens next will be the real question[/test]......
Harada: Next...... you mean the matter of changing of school rules and regulations?
Hijikata: I don't know what sort of issues the students will raise, though it's better to keep an eye on them.
(aside ends)
Kazama: Read it out/This reading is finished [check video version. Alt: That will be all on/for that/Conclude with that]. Are there any objections to what was raised? If there are no objections then this proposal/motion will be passed/approved. the next topic of discussion will be pertaining to amending the school rules and regulations.
You should all remember/recall, the questionnaire about amending the school's rules and regulations that I had sent out.
Due to he subject of this questionnaire, we solicited opinions on the revision of school rules.
amagiri: kazama-sama, these are the results of the questionnaire.
Kazama: So many opinions were collected, this shows that everyone is quite diastisfied with the current school rules and regulations. I see I see.....
? ? ?: How about cancelling the classical literature class? As someone living in modern times, I cannot help but wonder if there is any real need to learn classical literature. I think the time for classical literature should be spent on something more meaningful. So I propose that the classical literature class be cancelled. ——Proposed by: Anonymous
Kazama: Hm, hahahahaha.... This suggestion/proposal/motion/draft truly is great! However I believe cancelling the classical literature class isn't enough, rather [we should be] abolishing the classical literature [teaching] position. Hm. This suggestion will be kept to discussed later.
Hijikata: oi!!! You've got to be kidding me!! Classical literature is a required subject for entrance exams! Really, it's already that Kazama is thinking about adopting this proposal,  and the one who wrote this sort of proposal is also ridiculous, Souji ! You two, [come] to my office later! [either that or the principal's office.... but im leaning towards 'my' since 我 is in the TL. reword later]
Okita: Wait a moment/sec Hijikata-san, why do you think I wrote that proposal? The questionnaire was anonymous, there's no evidence that says that I wrote that proposal.
Hijikata: Regardless if you try to be anonymous, a proposal for cancelling the classical literature, there's no one aside from you in the entire school who would propose such a thing!
souji: wah, you seem to be really self-confident in that~ However, don't you think that students find Hijikata-san's classical literature class boring, I've seen not a few of them [may be: i don't think anyone i've seen would disagree...? check video later]?
hijikata: you bastard!!!
Harada: Calm down, Hijikata-san! You need to calm down! you should treat this as Souji fooling around.......
Okita: yes yes, I simply wrote down my heartfelt and honest thoughts~ [reword later? check video tl]
Hijikata: Sure enough you were the bastard who proposed this/it!!
Amagiri: Kazama-sama. do you want discuss the motion for cancelling the classical literature class later? I think you should continue with the next proposal. Further discussion on this draft may cause delays.
Kazama: To dare give/Daring to give me advice, you truly are brazen/impudent——I was originally going to be saying that, now you do as you say/that. [check video for last sentence]
Amagiri: I sincerely apologize.
???: Classes are 50 minutes in length, and they're too long! So can they be cut down to 30 minutes? If that happens, then the lunch period can be extended, which would mean more time to eat or even take a nap right? I think that this would absolutely be better!
——Proposed by a hopeful anonymous person [double check audio cuz the text on the video just says 'proposed by: anonymous']
Shiranui: Cutting the amount of time spent in class, that has my support! Kazama, pass this proposal [approve of this]!
harada: oi, oi! Don't you know how bad it would be/about the adverse/negative influence/impact/effect it would have, if you cut down on class time?
Shiranui: Hah? How bad effect it might have?! Shouldn't this be something to celebrate [Not sure but it might instead be: something happy/good to look forward to. check video tl]?
Harada: Hah...... you may think that cutting on class time would mean more time for playing around, but that way of thinking is wrong! Don't you guys know that each semester, exams are regularly scheduled? If class time is reduced, I'm afraid that it might mean being unable to learn everything before taking those exams. If that happens, you'd have to sacrifice your weekend for make up lessons. Is that alright with you?
Shiarnui: If that's the case, it would be better to reduce what the exams cover then!
Harada: In school, there are "learning essentials." If you feel like causing problems, and ignoring the minimal learning requirements, maybe should try being a teacher. If that happens, getting passing post-secondary entrance exams will become a dream. So, Heisuke, this type of draft proposal would be something that we can't approve of.
Heisuke: EH?! Harada-sensei, how do you know that this is something that I wrote?
Harada: Think with your head, who else would have come up with such an idea. To really think that you wouldn't get found out, that sort of thinking is completely incomprehensible.
Heisuke: ergh...........
Kazama: This type of shortsightedness really suits your identities as small fry. If class time is reduced, it'd better to have the classes cancelled altogether. Final exams cannot be considered as something to worry about, if I was writing an exam, I'd be able to get a perfect score even if my eyes were closed.
Amagiri: That skill is something that only Kazama-sama has.
Shiranui: Mah... The outward appearance is [might be] human, but [I/who] don't/doesn't know how many times he's repeated the school year/about the countless times [he's] repeated the school year.
Kazama: Returning to the subject, are there any objections to this proposal? It seems that there aren't, then [we're] moving on to discuss the next proposal.
???: I've heard that many students go play at the rail station/bus stop after school. Although moderate relaxation is harmless, but isn't playing at the game centre and KTV all night, something that goes against the responsibilities that students have? In order to prevent problems from occurring, I think that students should get permission from their teacher for where they go after school beforehand. [^check video tl for this later]
——Proposed by: Saito Hajime.
Kazama: oh.....?  The proposals up until were all anonymous, it seems like draft is different. But, to have the teacher give permission approve of where one can go after school, what a stupid idea.
Saito: A stupid....... idea?! If one person disrupts the moral standards/discipline, it will cause a chain reaction. What's so stupid about a proposal to prevent that?!
Kazama: Just think about it for a little bit. Or is your brain too small so you can't [even] figure that out?
Saito: …………
Amagiri: Kazama-sama. Although it may be bold for me to act as your substitute/in your place, but may I be the one to handle this explanation?  
Kazama: Approved.
Amagiri: yes!...... saito-dono, your opinion does sound somewhat reasonable. Because the act of playing around after school is not praiseworthy. However, after studying hard in school, it is necessary for suitable entertainment to be used as an outlet for accumulated stress. Just monotonously going to and from school will affect the students ability to think independently. Only by enriching their experiences will their minds be able to grow [more literally this sentence is about experience becomes  the soil for minds to grow in... check video tl later].
Saito: But I never said anything about banning after school entertainment/recreation! I only proposed having teachers the approve of what can be done after school!
Amagiri: That will affect the students' ability to think independently. What is referred to as independence, requires individuals who think by themselves and make their own choices [says "to take action"]. I believe, that it would go against human nature, if a teacher was asked about for permission about being able to play in a certain manner [check video tl for this later]. What do you think of this perspective?
Saito: So it was like that. Just as you said. I actually proposed something that opposed Hakuo Gakuen's education policy....... I will accept this conclusion [word I have for this translates to 'reality.' check video tl later], and deeply reflect upon this.
Harada: But even though this has nothing to do with being self-reliant/independent, this sort of regulation is [would be] too harsh/strict.
Kazama: Hrm......is that worthless discussion finally over? Presumably everyone has already become tired of this sort of monotonous talk. Here is some good news. The draft I will be reading now, I will not be accepting any objections and [will be] pass[ing] it right away.
(students mumble in background)
Kazama: Hmph. I understand how you are all worrying about whether or not your proposals will be adopted. Ignorant fools! Get down on your knees/Grovel on your knees before me and pay attention to attention to what I have to say! "My wife must greet me every morning at my home. Although there will be difficulties in the implementation of this regulation, I will compromise in having my her greet me every morning in the student council room.
Hijikata: This terrible proposal, did you really think, that this wouldn't get vetoed! Don't you remember how the same draft was rejected last time!!!
Kazama: That's preposterous...... Didn't you hear me?! I remember saying "the proposal that I will be reading now, I will not be accepting any objections, and [will be] passing it right away."
Hijikata: We don't have even the slightest reason to accept the draft proposed by you! Really, originally I thought that this would be able to proceed smoothly, but I didn't expect for this to happen again. Furthermore, you need to restrain yourself, stop calling/don't call her "my wife!"
Kazama: Hrm~ I have no obligations to listen to your complaints. But....... it truly is a pity for my wife to not be here right not. If she was here, surely, she would be passionately watching me, and blushing shyly while crying tears of joy.
Souji: To be able to misunderstand to this degree, it's shocking to the point of laughter [hilarity?]. The content of this is the exactly the same as last time, and nothing's been changed.
Heisuke:  (Fortunately), ["fortunately is included in the text tl but not video tl. check audio later]It seems like that guy caught a cold, which is she isn't here today.
Harada: It's seem that you can also do something smart. Well done, Heisuke!
Heisuke: hehe, right?
Kazama: Che! Too loud! After I've announced the passing the adoption of these proposals, you all/all of you bastards [check audio] should just obediently behave......!
Amagiri: Then, read out the next proposal.
Shiranui! Oh! That looks pretty good. "I hope for winter vacation to be as long as summer vacation, please give us a month of vacation!" Summer vacation is indeed a month long, winter break is only have a month!
Amagiri: To begin with, the length of summer vacation isn't the same across the country. In colder regions with more snow, summer vacation may not be a month. On the contrary, that region's winter vacation may be relatively longer. Summer vacation was originally established for escaping the hot weather.......
Shiranui: I know, I know! I get it already! Stop talking okay?
Amagiri: No. I am not finished speaking....
Kazama: Amagiri, Shiranui! You've got some nerve to be interrupting me while I talk! This is all your fault that we've strayed away from our next topic for discussion!! The next time this happens/If this happens again, I will not spare you! Remember that/keep that in mind!
Saito: I believe that if it wasn't for your pointless proposals, the current topic of discussion wouldn't have been so derailed.
Kazama: Listen to me, no matter the objections against the following/next draft, I will still implement it! Now remember that and listen carefully!
"Female students must report to the Student Council room immediately after the bell rings for lunch. At the time [they] must also bring a hand-made bento..."
Hijikata: Veto!
Kazama: "Female students must go to the Student Council room after..."
Hijikata: Veto!
Kazama: "Female students must..."
Hijikata: Veto!
Kazama: Hijikata, if you haven't listened to everything that I've said, surely you have a reason for it [/how can you have a reason to interrupt me]?!
HIjikata: It’s because you deliberately targeted her by writing so many proposals, bastard. [alt: "because, bastard, you deliberately targeted her..." will check audio for this later]
School rules are not your toys!
Kazama: You don't understand the obvious! As Hakuo Gakuen's student council president, I am obligated to make the school rules and regulations perfect! Therefore, the current school rules must be amended with only this draft!
Souji: Saying/Having said such beautiful/pretty words, isn't he just making excuses for his wilfulness?
Saito: Because there is only one female student in the entire school.
Kazama: Keh! You bastards! Do you guys mean to do everything you can to obstruct the path of love between me and my wife!?
Heisuke: what path of love......
Harada: It goes without saying that she's not your wife! Having said that though, to say spout such nonsense without backing down in front of everyone, that courage is really admirable.
Kazama: How could I possibly give up! My wife and I have been matched by the red thread/string [of fate]! This profound bond, even if the world stands against me, I will never back down!
[While I usually see 'thread' associated with the Chinese version of this belief, I don't know if the Japanese version of it uses 'string' or 'thread'....]
Shirnaui: What red string...... this is clearly just Kazama's own unbelievable delusions and his own wishful thinking.
Amagiri: Shiranui. You cannot say that/That mustn't be said. there's no telling if a miracle will occur. [reword more formally later]
Shiranui: Ah, if the sun rises in the West and the sky rains red, perhaps that might be true.... but, I don't think it's/that's going to work/it isn't anything but hopeless.
Amagiri: Mm............
Kazama: Heh, you've said enough. No matter what you think, the final decision is in my hands. Amagiri, all the drafts that were just read have been approved.
Amagiri: But... isn't that too unreasonable?
Kazama: What's the problem. I am the the student council president. Even if the [my] methods are unreasonable, no one would dare object.
Heisuke: Who'd accept that sort of ridiculous reasoning?!
Souji: That's right, if you think that you'll be forgiven for doing whatever you want as the student council president, then you're gravely mistaken. Eh.... (goes up on stage) I see.... these were the drafts that were read right?
Kazama: What the hell are you doing bastard?
Souji: Of course doing this! (tears all the drafts)
Kazama: ...! You bastard! You two quickly help me stop him!!!
Amagiri: Kazama-sama. I do not think that those drafts are suitable to be adopted.
Shiranui: I also agree/Agreed. Say, I'm very tired can I go home now(/ Anyway I'm tired can I go home now? [2nd one sounds better])
Kazama: Not permitted...!
Hijikata: Anyway! If you continue being a nuisance, we also have our own ways to respond. I don't care about the power you have/ about the powers of the student council president, but I'd advise you to not look down upon us teachers.
Harada: That's right, Kazama. I advise you to retreat while you're still able. If this continues, those so-called rules won't be able to protect you.
Amagiri: Kazama-sama. Listen to Hijikata-sensei and Harada-sensei's advice right now. This commotion/disturbance is getting bigger, and continuing this may cause others to doubt Kazama-sama's ability as student council president.
Kazama:.....Kuh!...! Heheheheheh.... You guys, I'l remember this! The next Student Assembly, I'll show off all my power to show everyone in the world just who my wife belongs to [check video tl]! Look forward to it!
Souji:...This type of behaviour... is this what they call a "defeated dog's barking"? [if it's not this interpretation.... i'm assuming it means something like 'running away in defeat,' or 'having your tail between your legs'or 'turning tail' since this mentions a dog - 负犬远吠 in chinese. or maybe its 'barking dogs seldom bite' that was the only idiom i found that that mentioned dogs and barking that might have been in JP when browsing. either way, i'll go i'll go double check the other version of this that has been translated later].
Saito: Exactly/Absolutely/(indeed/It is).   I don't want to become like that person. /I don't want to be that kind of person, even if I walk astray/I don't want to be that kind of person, even if I'm not careful. [check video tl]
well, this is now officially the longest thing I’ve translated... tho that won’t be the case when I get to Shinsengumi Oni-tan. i dragged this one out for a long time since it just looked like a massive wall of text in nimble... haaah thankfully all the other ssl dramas aside from “Another Chizuru?” are >15min... I think?
also no images being posted this time cuz i didn’t schedule this posting.
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loridrabbles · 4 years
Imprisoned | Dogma x Reader (Part 30)
     (Y/n) had stayed home with Saoirse most of the day Dogma left. She knew doing something productive would help her get her mind off the fact that he was gone, but she couldn't find the motivation to get out of the apartment. What she could do, however, was try and do some cooking, and juggle Saoirse at the same time.  As her dinner simmered on the stove, her communicator buzzed on the counter.  It was her friend Mia, who she had met at 79's when she used to spend time with the 501st. She was a bartender there and always seemed to remember everyone's orders, even if they only showed up once.
     "Hey, I'm on your side of the city for a couple days visiting some family. Mind if I drop by?" The communicator read.
     "Hey, Mia! I'm not much in the mood for company right now. Tomorrow? I could really use some emotional support and a listening ear." She typed.
     "Sure! It'll be good to see you. Haven't seen you since you first got back home. See ya tomorrow!"
     (Y/n)'s dinner turned out better than she had expected. It took everything in her not to comfort eat what would be tomorrow's leftovers. As she cleaned up the dishes and put away the rest of the food, Saoirse was half asleep in her bassinet. Looking at the time, (y/n) decided she had better head off to bed herself.
     (Y/n) layed there, staring at the ceiling. Despite having the fan on full blast and some relaxing music playing on the radio, things seemed deathly silent. Dogma was actually a pretty talkative person and could start rambling on about something, even if no one was listening. He'd usually go on a spiel about something before bed. Or, when he'd read one of his books, he'd mumble or whisper the lines out loud. His voice was soft and comforting, and sometimes, just to hear him talk, (y/n) would ask him a question about the story just to hear him start rambling.
     Sleep alluded her and as she rolled on her side, the tears came. Eventually, the exhaustion of it all finally drew her to sleep.
    (Y/n) sat on her couch, windows open, enjoying the fresh spring air when she heard the doorbell go off. She stood from her spot, bouncing Saoirse on her hip and pressed the comm button to let her friend in the door. She could hear the elevator chime down the hall and opened the door to Mia who had a wide smile on her face.
    "(Y/n)! How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while." She hugged her and gave Saoirse a little pinch on the cheek. (Y/n) sighed and led her to the couch.
    "Honestly, pretty horrible." She said, sitting down, placing her little girl on the floor to play with some stuffed toys and rubber blocks. "I cried myself to sleep last night."
Mia frowned softly, pushing a strand of short, brown hair behind her ear.
    “Damn, I don’t know if should say ‘me too’ or ‘what happened,' but I’m gonna go with the second one,” She said with a smirk, “What’s the matter?"
    "I thought I had prepared myself for him to leave, but I was with him 24/7 for almost 2 years and just when I got him back, he's gone again. And even though he was only home for about a week, we adjusted to living so well together it felt like he'd been here for years."
    "I know what it's like to have someone in your life for a while only to then have them taken away from you. I learned it at a pretty young age. I’m guessing this is about Dogma leaving and rejoining the 501st?” She asked.
    "Yeah...How did you deal with losing Hardcase? I know it's a different kind of loss, but... " As (y/n) spoke, a bitter smile cast over Mia's face as her fingers instinctively grasped the necklace Hardcase had given her.
      “It was hard. It was a very difficult and dark time for me when I had heard the news that he was killed in action,” Mia explained, running her thumb over the white and blue pendant, a piece of his armor from when it had gotten badly damaged, encased in resin. “I started off slow, but then I slowly worked my way up. I surrounded myself with things that I could keep my mind occupied with. It was a lot but I managed through it. There were the dark moments and the okay-moments, but it really takes a lot of courage and determination to move on."
    "And, what about your kids...I mean, Saoirse is so young and doesn't really recognize who he is yet, but yours had to have noticed he's gone." She asked, shifting in her seat. "Was he even around them much, with the war and everything? I mean he didn't have permission to leave the base like Dogma does."
    “Oh yes, they knew him pretty well.” She spoke, “Every time that he would come home, they would immediately run up to him and try to get him to pick them up. Although he got to see them, he always made it his duty to come home for as much time as he could,” She said, “He always said to me ‘I want them to know me and I want to be a good father to them’ every time I asked him.”
    "Saoirse does that too." She smiled. "She can't walk yet, but she'll cry at Dogma and reach for him."
    Mia chuckled softly, letting her head rest in her palm.
    “Kids seem to know their fathers quite well, huh?”
    "Yeah...I just hope she doesn't start getting fussy if she does realize he's gone."
    “Yeah, hoping for it to happen isn’t going to work. She’s going to miss her father, but you gotta be there to comfort her. You have to be a mother for Saoirse.”
    "I love her so much." She smiled down at her as she shook a stuffed rabbit in her hands, expecting it to rattle. "I'd do anything for her. I hope Dogma's doing well. He returned to the base yesterday."
Mia smiled, looking at the way that Y/N played with Saoirse. It was a bittersweet sight really.
    “Really? Im betting you spent the night with another?” She winked.
    "I-I did w-what? N...no." (Y/n) felt a cold sweat on her brow and her cheeks flush a pale white. Panic rushed down her shoulders and back. "D-did you hear that from someone? I-I can explain."
Mia raised a brow before chuckling to herself nervously. Seeing (y/n) so pale made her worry as well. But she probably was joking, right?
    “Are you serious?” She asked, her face dropping. Why did that joke make her so uncomfortable? “(Y/n)?"
    Mia narrowed her eyes at her friend before leaning forward. “(Y/n), what do you mean by ‘I can explain’?” She asked, “Who did you spend the night with when Dogma left?”
    "I-it wasn't when Dogma left. He wasn't even out of prison at the time. I...I didn't know what to do. I missed him so much and he was right next to me and...and..." (Y/n) was trying her best to hold it together, nervously rubbing her hands over one another as she spoke. Mia’s eyes widened in shock as she looked at her friend. There was no way. She couldn’t believe it.
    “It was Wolffe wasn't it. Who made the first move? You or him?”
    "Him, I guess. He walked me home after a meeting with Rex and when we got to the apartment he went for it. I tried to say no...I did say no, but I caved in." She said. "Feeling his touch and his warmth...I had feelings for him at one point and it all came crashing back. I know I shouldn't have let him in but I just...I just." (Y/n) began to sob as she spoke. Mia sighed exasperatedly before going over to her friend and hugging her lightly.
    “Stop your kriffin’ crying. You know I hate seeing you cry.” The woman sighed out, rubbing (y/n)’s shoulder. “You should’ve pushed him away! Why didn’t you do that? Or why didn’t you tell him you were married? Or something else?”
    "He knew I was with Dogma! We were talking about it." She wiped her tears away as more came. "I'm such a horrible person. I hate myself for letting him in! Dogma doesn't deserve this."
    Mia sighed sharply, before shaking her head lightly.
    “While I hate to admit that you are both at fault here, you understand what you did wrong. And by the state that you are in, you haven’t told him.” The woman spoke, shaking her head. “The only way to pay for your mistakes is owning up to it, and telling him (Y/n).”
    "I can't, Mia, I can't." She sniffled, using both hands to wipe more and more tears from her cheeks. "I don't wanna break his heart." She could barely get the words out through her crying. Mia rolled her eyes, before looking down at their face.
    “Oh, what the hell are you gonna do then? Keep on having an affair with the Commander when you have a kriffin’ daughter?! (Y/n) this is too much! Even when Hardcase has passed away I’m not giving in to men who try to get into my bed!” She raised her voice slightly, “You of all people should know that. You spent nearly two years with Dogma, every kriffin' second. And as soon as he's not around that’s what you do? I barely had Hardcase to myself for a month, but I would’ve never hurt him like this! For kriff’s sake, (Y/n), you need to look at the reality of this situation!”
    "Mia!" She cried harder, face turning pink. "I asked for some support and you're not being very helpful right now!"
Mia slammed her hand on the table and glared at (Y/n) before speaking up once more.
     “Of all the things you could have done to repay Dogma, you gave him the stupidest one. Kriffin'...You could’ve slapped him, or yelled at him, or done SOMETHING to make Wolffe go away but you let him in. If word gets out to anyone about your little ‘adventure’ with the Commander, I hope you’re ready to tell Dogma what you did. Cause if not, I will be the one to tell him myself. Don’t test me (Y/n). He’s a soldier. He deserves so much better than what you’ve done to him.” Mia said, venom dripping from every word that she yelled. 
     The change in volume startled Saoirse, making her cry. Mia looked down at her.
     "I really, really thought you knew better (Y/n). You loved him and started a kriffin family with him after all."
     "Get out!" (Y/n) yelled, standing up from her spot on the sofa.
     "What? (Y/n)..."
     "Get out and don't kriffing come back!" She continued to shout, picking up Saoirse, bouncing her in her arms.
     "You will never be satisfied, (Y/n). Will you?" She said, picking up her bags.
     (Y/n) watched as she walked away, opening the door, then closing it behind her. She was still trying to calm Saoirse down as well as herself. 
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valkavavaart · 4 years
hi im bored so im doing an oc thing
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i decided i wannan do this w multiple soooo im going wwww ophelia, alice, and beatrice thats all bye
1. how easy is it to make them angry? do they show their anger or hide it?
ophelia - it's kinda easy to get under her skin, and she holds a grudge so if u piss her off then she won't forget it. but also she doesn't really ACT on grudges, she'll just be a little rude next time u talk to her. she doesnt really show much emotion but does kind of having a permanent :| or >:| on her face, so she'll look annoyed even if she isn't...
beatrice - generally just being rude or annoying will make her mad, but she gets over things within seconds and doesn't take people all that seriously to begin with, so it's not like pissing her off will do much. she'll be like pouty and tell u to knock it off, but she also doesnt rlly care
alice - it's difficult to make alice mad. like you have to be SO annoying or hurt him in such a drastic way for him to get pissed. usually when hes mad hes still all smiley and happy tho so he'd kinda just be >:)
2. do they believe in soulmates
ophelia - she believes in them in the sense that one person may have multiple people that can come into their lives and be considered a soulmate bc nothing is permanent and blah blah blah she doesnt rlly care tho
beatrice - she doesn't believe in soulmates but enjoys soulmate au fanfiction
alice - he definitely believes in soulmates and fate drawing people together, but is conistantly disappointed when he finds out people he like arent destined to stay with him
3. do they have any pet peeves?
ophelia - people with no concept of personal space (unless theyre like merrick or one of her close friends)
beatrice - ppl who eat w their mouth open
alice - the sound of violins
4. do they have a happy place? somewhere they go in their heads when they need to relax?
ophelia - oph just goes to the library man
beatrice - she doesnt need one bc shes always vibing
alice - when the man needs to relax hes either drunk as hell or hanging out with as many friends as he can get together, spending time alone with his thoughts is literally a nightmare for alice
5. at what stage of their life were they the happiest?
ophelia - the current stage of her life
beatrice - there hasnt been a stage where beatrice hasnt had fun :) she doesnt have anything to worry about!
alice - the current stage of his life
6. at what stage of their life were they the least happy
ophelia - the ages of 12-17
alice - any time he gets to the point in a relationship where he breaks up w someone and then he goes into "my life sucks wahhhh" mode for a few months
7. at a bar are they more likely to buy someone a drink, or have someone buy them a drink?
ophelia & beatrice - have someone else buy them a drink
alice - buy someone a drink
8. have they ever broken any bones? if yes, how?
ophelia - when her powers manifested at the age of 12, oph lost the ability to feel physical pain which lead to her straining herself more. she'd get into accidents or push herself too hard because she couldn't feel that it hurt and wold get injured through that (and she still does, but she has more knowledge of her limits now) so i guess she wouldve broken some bones through stuff thanks to that.
beatrice - never ever broken a bone!! she drinks a lot of milk to keep her bones STURDY :)
alice - has broken like his arm or fingers or just anything in that area due to a fight or something. he'll probably have broken a leg at some point too. again, probably in a fight. or maybe he fell out a tree. who knows.
9. do they have any memories/experiences they'd rather forget?
ophelia - she generally wants to brush most of her teen years away and forget things relating to her family, but also cant bring herself to hate them despite how garbage they are, so,
beatrice - there are probably a few conversations she's had with alice and percy that she's like to never remember ever again
alice - he cherishes all his memories, good or bad! he always thinks that he can learn from his mistakes and hardships! even though all he does is repeat the exact same things over and over and o
10. what is their favourite memory from their childhood?
ophelia - although her parents have always been cold to her, they used to go camping when she was about 9-10ish, and she always enjoyed spending time with her siblings around then.
beatrice - in the method she had been created she technically never was a child um. but in her early life, she enjoyed hanging out with levi! :D
alice - haha
11. do they have a "type" that they are usually attracted to?
ophelia - no
beatrice - bea will generally befriend anyone if theyre cute or theyre like her guy friends. as for a partner, she wants someone thats at LEAST a head taller than her normal form (her regular form is 5'5"), they need to be someone that likes hugs, someone who would coddle her, someone who would cosplay with/for her, someone who would buy her things..
alice - his "type" is just "someone interesting", but he thinks all people are interesting in their own right- you have to be SUUUUUUPER boring for him to not be into you in some way.
12. do they have any favourite possessions?
ophelia - ALL her alien plushies (most of which were gifts from merrick)
beatrice - everything inside her wardrobe
alice - cleaver
13. do they have any tattoos? if no, would they ever consider getting one?
ophelia - she doesn't have any, and doesn't really want one, but she's seen some real cool space ones, and--
beatrice - tattoos vanish when she changes her form unless she focuses REALLY hard on keeping it there, so she's given up on trying to get one to be permanent.
alice - he doesn't have any, but thinks that getting a sleeve would be cool. he doesn't have any idea for what he wants, though, so he hasn't bothered getting one. he also gets worried that if he gets one of his current aesthetic, he'll get bored of it and have to do something drastic to remove it.
14. do they have any piercings? if no, would they ever consider getting any?
ophelia - has her ears pierced
beatrice - doesn't want piercings, wears clip-on earrings
alice - wants a tongue piercing r belly-button piercing maybe.. and ear piercing might also be cool...
15. what is their dream house like?
ophelia - she'd like to live in a small town on the coast or something.. she doesn't really mind living in a small house since it'd just be her and merrick. but also if she had a house with an observatory, she'd love that a LOT. generally just wants somewhere nice and laid back.
beatrice - due to her void realm taking the form of whatever she wants, she has her dream home! it's literally just an apartment with a few rooms, but it has enough space for all the stuff she wants.
alice - he's in a similar position to Beatrice in that he already has his own dream place bc teehee void realm. He's a little more selfish in that he gave himself a big house with lots of space and rooms for him to fill with stuff- but also he wanted somewhere big so that all his friends could stay with him :)
16. what is something about them that people would not expect just by looking at them?
ophelia - UHHH just how lazy she is, probably.. woman barely tolerates having to jog somewhere please let her sit down
beatrice - idk probably the fact she befriends murder boys like alice
alice - all the music he listens to is like crazy frog and caramelldansen
17. how good are they at choosing gifts for others?
ophelia - she'll either just outright ask you what you want, or she'll give you money or a gift card, she doesn't like having to guess for people
beatrice - she literally picks gifts for other people based on what SHE likes.. like she'll get u something cause she tinks it's cute it doesn't matter if u've ever mentioned it before
alice - if ur his friend then he will have a list of all ur interests in the back of his brain at all times and does a pretty good job picking out gifts thanks to that
18. do they have a certain skill that they're particularly proud of?
ophelia - she's very good at researching things and digging up information that a lot of people can't find so she thinks that's kind of epic for her
beatrice - she's good at dancing, video games, and memorizing things. she will show off these skills as much as she can.
alice - umm... eyeball removal...?
19. how would a stranger they just met describe them?
ophelia - UHHHH... she's just polite to strangers so i think she'd be described as just that?? she doesnt really leave lasting impressions on people
beatrice - cute, bubbly, maybe super annoying
alice - friendly? :D
20. how would a close friend they've known for a long time describe them?
ophelia - kinda stupid but really cute
beatrice - just a lil ray of sunshine :)
alice - if you're asking like.. kai or beatrice then it's "he's cute and fun and pretty and nice to hang out with!!" but if youre asking like percy or nero then its "hes creepy and gross and im gonna beat his ass"
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farklelucas · 4 years
this is so annoying so you do not have to answer this but. mutuals as ambition characters FMJDKSLJFLSJGKLSG
okay so im not gonna do our gc bc... i don’t feel like i can handle being wrong right now lol BUT i will expand on why i picked each of my friends for the spots i did pick them for and also ofc i will tag you. i will shift things around so everybody has one character, and im doing purely the front 9 (+1).
me - still farkle ASJDKFLKD and ik no one wants to hear what i think about me BUT briefly, im dramatic as all fuck, unsure of myself, batshit but also Fragile, emotionally unstable, impulsive but TRYING real hard
you - asher because i know you say you’re a mix of maya and asher (which, trust, you are and i see you) i feel like the asher side wins out most of the time. my lawful good, parenting energy, anxious, resident talented legend who works Hard at everything. like truly the asher energies of it all... you pop off sister
anna (@rainbowannabeth) - still riley and i will explain Why. she may seem too soft to be riley at first (and that’s saying something considering riley is pretty damn soft) but what y’all don’t know about anna is that the bitch can be scrappy! she tries not to hate anyone and always bridge the gap when she can but when she gets mad ooh sister! i’ve only seen it a few times but wig. baby who HAS power!!! that’s right bitch. i wuv you anna MWAH
nicole (@loveallthatjazz) - still charlie kjfklkdfjkk. there are a ton of reasons tbh. the religious undertones, first of all... religion major queen. the Hyper Gay Energy? yah! the friends to lovers? the pining? the absolute uncertainty but drive to be Good to Appease to be Better in everything you do? yah! she is very much Dedicated to what she does but like also always wanting to Do Better and figure herself out by doing that. sorry nicole didn’t mean to read you but here’s my powerpoint on why you are charlie gardner -
saraid (@queen-of-edolas) - okay i literally have NO idea why i made her dylan last time when she’s absolutely a zay like??? i’m a mixture of zay/farkle imho and the zay traits i have she definitely shares. everyone be like “oh we love saraid she’s the sweetest!” and while she does have so many friends that love and adore her she literally always responds with “dude im a bitch” sndkfdjkf bc she and i do for sure bitch about other people all the time. also the ambition and drive to Do Your Best to the point of self-destruction is very saraid, as is that last minute bit of doubt zay can have that like leads to destruction. anyway faves.
julie (@scarlettmaximoffs​) - still isadora because... truly the attitude. the energy. the iconnery. the AMBITION (pun not intended). like isa has that DRIVE to make it you know, she knows what she wants and she’s gonna get it! also like... introverted is not necessarily the right word (although that Too!), more like selective you know? like very very careful about who she puts her time and energy into, and if she picks you it means you’re worth it! then like. afraid of things shifting. like if you pull some rancid shit expect to be cut tf out at least for a little while. and definitely willing to back her friends tf up like if we don’t like somebody we don’t like em! no ifs ands or buts! okay im not gonna get too deep here but yah julie is DEFINITELY isadora.
ian (@squidarms) - still lucas and i know you think that’s batshit but lemme tell you why. like OBVIOUSLY trauma aside bc... wack. but like... the leadership but the very Exclusive nature of his leadership (these are my people, i am set in my ways, back the Fuck off). the Aggression (i love my baby brother but he is like. always willing to beat tf down. like you insulted his friend? fight. you talked shit about his girl? fight.). the dedication to his personal beliefs and values is super strong, he’s always willing to fight for what he thinks is right, and if life were a musical he would be the one to be like. “the fuck y’all singin for.”
maryellen (@mirio-enthusiast) - okay i must’ve been on crack because this bitch is DEFINITELY dylan. head empty, heart full! the most important thing in this world is love! sunshine baby! wants to take care of everyone all the time! super fun and relaxing to be around, friends with or friendly with everyone, would probably set off bottle rockets in an empty parking lot if one of us asked her to come along. Loud about It (what is it you ask? everything!). SO dedicated to enjoying life that she can sometimes be blindsided as to why that’s not always a great idea.
mauricio (@ashergarcias) - i literally don’t have to explain this one, you get it you understand, but for everyone else reading mauricio is clearly maya. the dramatics, the theatrics, the aspiration, the iconnery, the dedication. very much That Bitch. thinks he has the brain cell but isn’t sure quite where he put it, does things on a whim, petty, one of the BEST friends to have back you up. and like yes the drama but drama is FUN like i enjoy his level of batshit craziness!!! i don’t think i need to expand any more. plus he and i... markle energies. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again.
sofia (@myusernameisamistake) - okay so sofia is actually eric. she very much puts her best foot forward with the best intentions, absolutely keen on helping everyone in any way that she possibly can. definitely wants to maintain the peace/keep the order and is resolutely Trying Her Best. would definitely pine and/or notice that one of her closest friends is pining after her. if any one of us were gonna be a teacher/leader character (besides maybe nicole sjdkflkjdk) it would be her. i would come to her for counseling advice. maybe.
send me mutuals as ______!
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