#stilles wasser
landschaftsmalerei · 6 months
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Stilles Wasser im Wald von Peder Monsted (1907, Gemälde)
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brosis-medical · 20 days
Häufiges Sodbrennen? Dieses beliebte Getränk kann die Ursache sein
Haben Sie häufig mit Sodbrennen zu kämpfen? Die unangenehmen Symptome wie Aufstoßen, ein brennendes Gefühl hinter dem Brustbein und Druck im Oberbauch können sehr belastend sein. Wenn Ihnen das bekannt vorkommt, gibt es eine einfache Veränderung, die Ihnen helfen kann, diese Beschwerden zu lindern: Verzichten Sie auf ein beliebtes Getränk. Sodbrennen: Ein weit verbreitetes Problem Sodbrennen ist…
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sangoshop · 2 years
Warum Sie ausreichend (stilles) und gutes Wasser trinken sollten!
Erfahren Sie alle wichtigen Fakten und Auswirkungen zum Thema ausreichend stilles Wasser trinken und dem gegensteuern von Übersäuerung.
Wasser – Grundlage des Lebens
Warum basisches Kangen Wasser!
Ursachen der Übersäuerung
Ihr Sangoshop.de - Team
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forestlion · 2 years
i accidentally bought stilles wasser WHYYYY is there no regulated color for STILL, MEDIUM, SANFTPERLEND, KLASSIK. you know i cant and wont read the labels. every bottle is all over the place, every sprudel company is choosing the colors AT WILL. even the names! medium is usually medium but the other types are UP FOR DEBATE it seems
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meisterdrucke · 4 months
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Still-Life with a Skull, vanitas painting by Philippe de Champaigne (1671, Öl auf Panel)
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123-alles-ist-vorbei · 4 months
6 years ago
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Stilles Wasser ist immer rot!
Als Warnung!
Pass auf was du sagst anon, ich liebe stilles Wasser ‼️‼️
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shiniestcrow · 1 year
Sometimes you listen to a fun song and think well this might make a good metaphor even if it's not intended as one
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breitzbachbea · 1 year
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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schalotte · 2 years
that water bottle color coding post is very funny but i can't and won't sympathize with sparkling water enjoyers
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Goretober 18: Zombie
cn: spoilers for Stille Wasser, rotting/decay, worms, choking
[fanfic for @krissinonstop's novella Stille Wasser. which you should totally get once it's out if you speak German]
He’s lying in the dirt on the ground, there’s a sharp rock somewhere in the area of his butt, a root digging painfully into his spine, his ankle got twisted at some point during the scuffle and the woman is still pointing his own gun at him. Andrej takes notice of all this only on the edge of his mind. His full attention is on the person – the thing, as he refers to it in his mind, if only so he doesn’t have to think of it as a zombie or worse, by the name she used to have – in front of him. That seems to be reciprocated because judging by the stare of its glassy eyes, it also fully focused on him.
Derica takes another step closer to it, leaning towards it, as if she were about to hug it. A tiny part of Andrej still hopes despite everything that she’ll be able to talk some sense into it. She takes one of its hands in her own, runs her fingers gently over its knuckles and the stumps where some of the fingers have been hacked off. She lowers the gun a bit. She’s distracted, and Misaki is dealing with her own injuries. Andrej considers jumping up and booking it before any of them can get him.
And then Derica says something. He is sure he should not be able to pick up the words, with his blood rushing deafeningly in his ears, and Derica speaking in a hushed voice, but there they are, clear as day: “Go get him.”
Suddenly the thing is on top of him. His head hits the ground, and the world goes dark for a moment, lighting up again to show him a view that is almost worse than the pressure of the thing’s remaining fingers wrapping around his throat.
If Andrej had any doubts that this woman was dead, those are gone now. The creature’s limbs feel damp and bloated against his skin, oozing rotten juices. The smell is bad enough to make him gag even without the addition of getting strangled by it. A third reason gets added when one of the worms crawling across its face loses its hold on the mutilated eye socket and falls into his gasping mouth.
His hands fumble for his weapons. In vain, of course, both the Glock and the knife were taken from him, and so he just reaches up for its arms and tries to wrestle them away. His fingernails rip the bloated flesh wide open, and more worms crawl forth. But that is all he can accomplish. The zombie’s grip is relentless, almost superhuman. Or maybe Andrej just doesn’t have any strength left.
The cracked blue lips in front of his face split into a smile that starts as just a little crinkling and then stretches over the entire face, like another cut inflicted on it. And then that horrifying visage gets mercifully obscured by black dots dancing in front of his face.
He’s going to die here.
He wonders if they’ll leave him here to rot, or if they’ll throw him in the lake as well, if in a week’s time he will look like that as well: Rotting, bloated, stinking like old fish and offal. He wonders if anyone will be looking for him like they looked for her, but he doubts it. Anyone who might have is dead already. Will anyone even remember him, or will the worms be the only ones interested in him?
Before he finally passes out, he hears Derica’s voice on the edge of his awareness: “Rest in peace.”
It’s filled with warmth, sadness, and affection. He knows the words aren’t meant for him.
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bicibikefahrradvelo · 10 months
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Sofia Elena Borsani in "Über Wasser" von Jela Hasler
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schlafenwiezuhause · 2 years
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123-alles-ist-vorbei · 11 months
Ich weiß nicht wieso mich das so beschäftigt,
ich weiß auch nicht wieso mir das so weh tut.
Ich weiß nur, dass ich das nicht mehr möchte.
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kazuhxs · 2 years
mein mineralwasser des vertrauens hat das design gewechselt ICH HAB STILLES WASSER GEKAUFT YHWKWOXGKEKFKG ich werde elendig verenden ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
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