#stillness would like to point out that the legal forms mentioned in the poll were being sent by a literal demon lawyer
stillness-in-green · 11 months
Fanfiction Writer Bingo (+a silly poll)
Got tagged by @scumtrout, whose example I'm following in explicating a few squares, albeit with more shilling.
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Talking Points:
Smut Content: For the most part, I virtually never get even as far as sexual content that would meet the bar for mature—two fics that depict sex acts without explicit details/body part terms. The only explicit sex scene I've ever written is still less than a third of the length of the fic as a whole, which I guess makes it only debatably smut. Is there a percentage you can exceed at which point the sex becomes part of the story rather than the story itself, or does any sufficiently explicit sex scene make the whole of the work smutty? Well, in any case, my writing is usually gen enough that the one story with the explicit sex scene the whole story is leading towards feels smutty by my standards.
Unbeta-d Fic Posting Crimes: I get extra pairs of eyes when I’m writing specifically gift fics, but otherwise I basically do all my own beta, which does mean I sometimes miss things.  That happens less if I take the time to paste a work into a different format or look at it on a different device—it’s true and good advice that doing that freshens up text to your brain!—but I’m just not hugely stressed about pruning out every single orphaned word or stray comma in writing I do for fun.
So Self-Indulgent: This will be more prominent if I ever do more with the ShigRD mermaid AU (which is, my god, so self-indulgent—mind control powers? 100% The Author’s Fetish), but the Gundam IBO Wedding Fic is pretty much twenty-two thousand words of me rolling around in post-series character dynamics and throwing worldbuilding absolutely everywhere I think it will stick.  I’ll also throw in a shout-out to the extreme silliness that was See the Blazing Sky Before Us, a Yuletide treat I wrote involving Doctor Doom, Gwen Stacy (Sorceress Supreme version), and Santa Claus, with the aim of replicating in prose the effect of reading one of those really over-the-top Jack Kirby comics from the 1970s.
Multi-Fandom Drifting: I have a very established pattern of fandom migration, so most of my fic writing is done in multi-year spans of same-fandom-ness.  That said, I certainly have written for more than one fandom in my life, particularly during the years I was doing Yuletide.
Research Before Riting: I often just bracket things off when I’m writing first drafts and do the deep research on the second pass, but there are also cases where the whole fic rests too much on research I need to do for me to even start drafting before I do the deep dive.  In either case, have a silly poll about it!
Deserves More Attention: I fear Moon Shot Aim is too spliced in with Overhaul/Nemoto to appeal to people who want more fic on Lady Nagant, and too Lady N-centric (as well as being a bit esoteric with its soulmate mechanic) for the people who want Overhaul/Nemoto, but I’m really quite happy with both ‘sides’ of the story, and wish it could get a bit more love.  Likewise, I wonder if all the OCs in the first chapter of The Way You Survive Is… scare people off of a story that is, in all of its subsequent chapters, much more focused on the canon characters.  Alas that my dedication to exploring the MLA as a group means I’m willing to make up a thousand MLA OCs before shoehorning in a canon character where I don’t think they fit!
Finally, have a few brief notes on two boxes I didn’t check—
1: Formatting my meta for posting is absolutely hellish, but I don’t typically do very complicated things with my fanfic.
2: While I did once want to be a professional writer, I fear it’s one of those ambitions that’s somewhat fallen by the wayside as I’ve gotten older.  Some of that is a matter of not having the energy/freedom to really focus on it in my financial situation, but it’s also the case that my two major original projects suffered from opposing problems—one was a story with a vastly underdeveloped world, and one was a rather nicely developing world with no specific story to happen in it!  But who knows; I do have periods of going back to dabbling with original projects, often in between my intense fandom periods, so maybe I’ll get something off the ground yet.
(Thank you for reading this silliness. Come back next week to finally talk BNHA's hospital attack.)
Tagging @codenamesazanka, @robotlesbianjavert, @leftofrevolution. @evilasiangenius and @megkips, if they would like to play. Here's the template!
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 11 months
mutual 1: sorry the update for my webcomic this week is a bit late! i really had to rush it so it prolly looks really sloppy lol [some of the most sophisticated comic art ive ever seen]
mutual 2: call me uterine lining the way astarions cervix got me bleeding profusely
mutual 3: do you think nanowrimo will give me a posthumous pity publishing deal if i mention it in my suicide note
mutual 4: okay fine i finally started revolutionary girl utena
mutual 5: does columbo know the service he did for butch lesbians. for all of us
mutual 6: wish you were here [blurry picture set of conifer woods in early autumn evening, taken as if frantically running down a winding trail]
mutual 4: im pretty hardy i dont need the trigger list but thanks for looking out for me guys
mutual 7: good morning lovelies another day the wizard tried to best me and another day i successfully locked him in the spare bathroom lol hope u like drinking shampoo fucker
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mutual 8: here is a zip of every yuri manga scan i have and here is a backup in case i get dcma'd. the himejoshi lifestyle will never die
mutual 9: i wish i could go back in time to the shinzo abe assassination and ask to hold the doohickey
mutual 10: here's my essay on how wanting to be loved is the same as wanting to be eaten. three paragraphs in you'll find out that this is 100% tied to an obscure beauty and the beast manga i've been reading lately and how much i want to fuck the beast
mutual 4: oh thats why there was the trigger list.
mutual 12: why do i have to defend my thesis to people i dont even respect. im not dickriding you just give me the degree
mutual 13: its just me and this scab ive picked into my scalp against the world
mutual 14: my little dragon got glazed and is ready to go into the kiln! everyone wish him good luck!
mutual 3: nvm i am a beautiful genius. perhaps the most beautiful genius of all
mutual 15: i think we should give david lynch rpgmaker and whatever happens happens
mutual 16: kpeyboaatrds brpokem gpuys
mutual 17: also heres my work in progress glossary of mixtec words! i still have a long way to go but i love being able to preserve my roots even in this small way
mutual 4: i just finished the black rose arc. question: what
mutual 18: i need emet-selch to be my wife
mutual 19: i need glados to be my husband
mutual 20: visited the ocean today!!! <3 beach pics!!! there is a darkness growing within me
mutual 21: the forms for my legal name change came in. pls vote in this poll of what my middle name should be: Dill Pickle (Dickle for short), Optimus Prime, Tumblr User Gorgonicteratologist, Smeve
mutual 22: just finished my 100th book of the year! this weeks read was the uses of enchantment by the psychologist bruno bettelheim,
mutual 23: reeses penis butter cups lol
mutual 4: i need to hunt akio for sport
mutual 24: oouugghhrgh. hot. dog.
mutual 25: your favorite character or fictional other would want you to brush your teeth and wash your face so you're well rested and wake up feeling refreshed! make them proud!
mutual 26: being a delivery driver isnt the worst job ive ever had but i do keep wondering what itd be like to drive off into the wild blue yonder one day and not come back
mutual 27: weird dog? [phone picture of critically endangered stork]
mutual 28: i think the two phone line polls in front of my house are having a lovers tryst. no way to prove it tho
mutual 4: WHAT
mutual 29: while you bitches are balduring your gates or finalling those fantasies im doing what a REAL gamer does. playing a b tier rpg that came out in 2004 for the 18th time
mutual 30: ^ real. hamtaro ham ham heartbreak is a masterpiece of interactive art. im not even going to call it a video game at this point
mutual 31: can you help me pick which drawing looks better: 34% overlay or 36% soft light?
mutual 32: new video essay out. its called disability in video game narratives: final fantasy 14's most reliable fault. i churned the script out over an all-nighter and my mic crapped out halfway through but by god i did it
mutual 33: my new zine bundle is out! if you buy it you also get a discount on all my game jam games! i really cant wait for you to play them!
mutual 4: yall should watch revolutionary girl utena
379 notes · View notes
shijiujun · 3 years
on the danmei twitter fight
okay guys i didn’t wanna say anything about this and yes it’s that hot danmei twitter translations saga thing that’s going on, because honestly i feel like there’s nothing much to say but when i see dumb posts on tumblr taking about that, by people who present a misleading hot take and their friends or moots run off with it without even knowing what exactly is going on - it really pisses me off.
and also if you shit talk translators for not continuing their translations or locking their translations whatever - the door is that way on your right and left, but anyway here’s a rundown on what happened because i am seeing people make comments without two brain cells put together, without the slightest bit of consideration for the people who bring them translations
here’s my hot take and thesis: if you enjoy english translations made by fan translators, you don’t, in any way, no matter happens, shit talk fan translators. fan translators do this for free, and whatever their intentions are, whether genuine sharing or like some of you like to say, for clout, if you consume, and you enjoy these translations, i’m sorry, you’re not uninvolved, and you don’t get to sit on a high horse and say translators should or shouldn’t do something. you should just keep quiet, honestly, because someone else is doing you a favour, a favour that you are enjoying and taking. that’s what respect is.
i’m presenting both sides or i guess three sides of the story as objectively as i can, altho my support is still for fan translators who were just minding their own business before this blew up.
🔺 what happened:
so it started because one of the bigger translators in the fandom did this poll - i’m not blaming her at all, i doubt she had any intentions of shaming anyone or causing any controversy and was plain curious, but her poll asked english speaking danmei twitter how many people buy the digital, print copies of the danmei they read, and who did not. 
in my honest opinion, it’s not strange at all for her to have created that poll, considering just how much work she’s put into making sure things are accessible for the eng-speaking danmei fandom. i mean i’d be curious too, to know out of my thousands of readers, what the reading and buying behaviour is like. do yourself a favour and don’t read too much into it.
obviously in an era where a lot of people do consume content for free whether the underlying content is profit-making (like anime, donghua, manhua, manga etc.) or not (fanfiction etc.), it was unsurprising to see that the last option - the ones who consume danmei without paying a single cent, came out as the majority. i don’t think this is a surprising result at all, for all sorts of reasons that i will not get into now.
anyway, this is obviously kind of a sore point in the fandom especially for translators who want a wider audience to support their fave author’s works - i won’t get into that for now, but the issue began because other translators or fans started to criticize the majority of people who don’t pay for objectively rather affordable danmei and just consume things for free. 
and yes, i don’t deny that the argument on both sides got really heated and emotionally charged with both sides calling each other names which i believe is uncalled for, but it totally derailed the crux of the issue, which basically is that the majority of english-speaking danmei fandom - consumes danmei for free.
anyway this whole thing escalated and fan translators were brought into this for no fucking reason at all except that the people who didn’t want, or were unable to pay for the danmei they usually consume, made what i call a LOGICAL FALLACY in argument by going to the extremes, i will explain why later.
the end result is that fan translators were brought into this (most of them, the bigger ones i know at least) without even participating in the direct crossfire. and obviously, you can see why they’re hurt and decided to lock their translations. let me explain why
🔺 kind of like four camps:
(1) translators and fans who criticized those who consume danmei liberally but do not pay for them in any way - no merch, no digital copies, no physical copies, no audio dramas whatever
*** their arguments:
danmei is so cheap right, that technically people should be able to pay for it in one way or another, even if not all
danmei and its authors are, at the end of the day, out here to earn a living, and the industry, like any money-making industry, is a for-profit enterprise - and unlike public goods, if you cannot afford danmei, then there is no obligation for others to make it free for you (fan translators or otherwise, it wasn’t super clearly stated while this shitshow happened) when it is inherently a for-profit industry
yes, i don’t deny that some of them did call the peeps who don’t pay at all, “leeches” and other sort of names. personally, i wouldn’t go that far or even like venture there to be honest because in general, if it’s something that i’ll get punched in the face for if i called someone that in real life i tend not to do it, but i’ll leave my opinions, whatever they’re worth, for later
(2) the readers and fans of danmei who do not pay in any sort of way for them
*** their arguments:
some of them really cannot afford, even the dollar or more, to spend on danmei for several reasons: upbringing, culture, money-spending mindsets, real poverty, struggling to make ends meet etc. - some definitely more valid than others (and when i say not valid, it’s because SOME, a minority or like those few stragglers, say they cannot afford and then you see them like idk, throwing $50 on other merch on kpop and stuff - i’m just bringing up ONE example. not shaming anyone for spending more money on one aspect rather than the other, but yeah you can see why some of them, when making this same argument, are a little invalid, that’s just a small number of them tho)
if translators are blaming them for consuming free of charge, then the fault lies, at its foundation, fan translators who translate illegally, which i mean, in that definition, all of them including me 
did i mention that we were called illegal translators like you know in response to being called leeches? anyway-
(3) others translators who literally were just minding their own fucking business before some smart alec dragged them into it
i don’t think most of us had an argument. we were just quietly munching on popcorn and staying out of it and yeah, can you imagine, we provide a service, however illegal it is, for free on our own time, we don’t even check whether people support legally or not, we just... provide, and pray that those who are able to, at least support in some small way or another do so, on their own time. i mean i don’t check, most of us don’t, not the bouncers at your local club before COVID happened do, and then suddenly, to be used to derail an argument, we were called illegal translators. and that we should stop translating, and that it is our fault that there are free riders in the fandom
(4) people who offered to provide JJWXC credits to those who said they couldn’t afford it etc.
honestly i think they were just trying to help - no different than a gofundme. there’s no shame in taking a free thing that people already weren’t intending to pay for. it’s there, just take it!
🔺 the shitshow that led to fan translators locking their stuff up:
i would provide some actual examples in the form of screenshots but i’ve blocked most of them, and i don’t want to direct any sort of traffic to them so i guess you’ll have to take my word on it or go search on twitter yourself but-
(1) the affordability issue: i can understand the frustration at being called leeches, and some if not a majority of people, do have valid reasons for not being able to afford something or anything and end up pirating content they enjoy. hey, i am not about to crucify anyone for pirating at some point in their lives. we all have done it at some point, or for example hate disney+ and that $30 they were trying to rip off us for a subpar Mulan live action. i don’t have anything to say about that. inherently, is it wrong and illegal? yeah sure of course it is. do we call people leeches? i wouldn’t go that far.
if anyone cannot afford, cannot access for whatever reason, fine, i’m not gonna go check if jjwxc truly is banned in your country, or is your postal service so terrible that you definitely won’t be able to receive a hard copy of the book you like at affordable rates.
and if you have to pirate? go ahead. i mean it’s always been a rampant thing. the only thing fan translators and fans can do is encourage, motivate and incentivise as much as possible to get people to support legally. they can only put up REALLY COMPREHENSIVE guides as to how to access jjwxc or taobao or whatever. 
and if you still cannot afford it and pirate, honestly no one cares about the story behind it. you owe no one justification, just as how no other person is obligated to take it into consideration or understand you or empathize with you. i don’t say this in a malicious way - i do think that in general, you just do you. 
(2) the poor people don’t deserve nice things argument: honestly, this was not the point of this entire debacle, altho yes, people were rude to those who could not afford to support legally. but this is not the point of this whole thing.
main point - there are free riders who can support but choose not to because they choose to just consume it for free and if you are able to you should support
everyone going off on a tangent - you guys hate poor people / you guys are leeches
well guess what, no one wins in this argument. 
there were a lot of people saying “reading danmei is our only source of happiness, are you saying poor people who can’t access legally don’t deserve to read danmei” (this is just one example i’ve seen, there are other variations), and it wasn’t put across perhaps in the right way, but the other camp of people were saying “you’re not entitled to it for free if you cannot afford it”, which raised a lot of hackles and anti-poor yellings 
altho i do not deny that there are those who mean it maliciously, i think what everyone is trying to say is - the danmei industry, like any other profit-making industry, is looking to make profits. the people working in the industry, the authors even, are looking at numbers - traffic to jjwxc or other legal platforms, how much revenue they’re making from their live actions etc., comments, rankings, etc. i think @/hunxi-after-hours made a really succinct post on this aspect which yall should read.
it’s the same as - if you wanted to purchase a standee which costs $20 USD, but you cannot afford it = you don’t get it. there’s no way you can get this standee unless some gifts it to you for free. what the camp trying to ask people to support legally is saying, is that danmei is NOT A PUBLIC GOOD. it is a private, for-profit product. it might be intangible, but it is a PRODUCT that has a price that needs to be paid.
if you cannot afford it, you either don’t get access entirely (i’m saying this objectively and honestly from an economic standpoint). if someone gifts that standee to you for free, count yourself lucky - if someone makes a danmei accessible to you for free, COUNT YOURSELF LUCKY. you don’t have to be grateful and treat them as gods or like obey their every word, but it’s not rocket science. someone did you a favour that you accepted and consumed, show some respect. 
if you cannot afford to buy the standee - you do not go on twitter demanding that someone ensures that you have access to the standee for free. do you see how ridiculous this sounds once it’s a tangible product? and danmei novels ARE PRODUCTS. they are not FREE CONTENT. if someone cannot afford the standee, this is the equivalent of people going “we didn’t get the standee for free because poor people don’t deserve nice things”
totally missing the point. i don’t even know how it got to this. once again, i do admit that some users were unnecessarily mean, but going to the extreme of this is ridiculous. in argumentative essay writing we call this a logical fallacy:
e.g. “if you cannot pay for merchandise or danmei, it is a fact that you might not have access to it” morphing into “if we cannot pay for food, does this mean we cannot have access to it?!” - this is a slippery slope, and factors are not equivalent!!!! do they not teach people anything in school
don’t confuse fanfiction with danmei - danmei novels ARE PAID PRODUCTS unless for free chapters, just because it’s released online doesn’t mean it’s free public property, and also selected novels (did you guys know the WHOLE of SCI novel is free? about 500 chapters sorry, random, just a tidbit)
there are of course nuances right, like if anyone told me they were pirating disney+ content i’d be like yeah hey get one over those bloodsuckers, they take enough of our money and produce shit content anyway. the difference is that danmei authors, and the danmei industry itself can still be considered a nascent and not-yet matured industry, with a majority of authors if not all, depending on monetary flow, likes, comments, virality on the sites their content is hosted on, for a living, unlike hugeass MNCs trying to squeeze us dry for content that isn’t even interesting.
danmei is priced rather reasonably - and this brings me to another argument that was made, that the value of money is not the same for everyone. i don’t want to make comments on this because yes this is correct to a large extent. a $6 book might be cheap to most of us, but might be expensive to someone else. i’m not gonna comment on how cheap or whatever it is, if you gotta use your money for other things, definitely! i still maintain however, that a novel less than a dollar should be affordable to most people, a majority of people. and i definitely side eye some users who obviously have money but are just creating noise because they wanna continue free-riding
(4) the “they’re losing out on their international audience” argument: honestly, i feel like english-speaking danmei fandom gives themselves a bit too much credit. danmei has long thrived in china in its domestic market - sure the international audience is a plus to have and i’m sure the authors are grateful and flattered that people who don’t understand chinese love their content and love it a lot, but do they and their companies care about fans who basically don’t bring in money? i’m not sure (okay i’ll get to the fan translators doing illegal shit later okay i got it don’t be impatient)
and international fans are great, i don’t deny that - but when i see arguments like “oh but it’s their loss if they don’t cater or deny access to us, they get more popularity and sharing overseas”, i honestly think they don’t care as much as you think. once again, hunxi made a really good argument regarding non-sinophone audiences, but it really irks me, because this is the same as:
an instagram influencer saying they’ll give a restaurant exposure for free to their followers, if they get a free meal
it’s par for par - danmei authors wants earnings, popularity, tangible results that show that they are succeeding. this is life. if i put something out there for sale, i better be getting returns, simple economic logic. they probably don’t care that a non-paying reader is bringing them greater ‘exposure’ - once again, i mean this objectively. 
and yes if they’re thriving without the international market then why should it matter that people are pirating right? which brings me to the next point~
(5) it’s fan translators faults for so many people pirating, and fan translators are the ones doing the “illegal” work: this one is like... wow where do i unpack this and how-
firstly, we are talking about assholes who can pay but decide to free ride and not pay for danmei, and we assume that if you really cannot afford and have to pirate, no one’s saying anything as long as you don’t go around spreading how to pirate, how the hell did it get to fan translators from “you guys are anti-poor” and whatever
yes, fan translations are indeed illegal, i don’t deny that, and i also don’t deny that there are translators who translate for clout and popularity but putting these aside - here’s what i have seen from people who ran their mouths and made this argument
“if you guys care about us pirating the book so much than fan translators shouldn’t have translated in the first place” and “if you wanna come after us for reading illegally, then fan translators, you guys should go get the copyright for the book and then translate it cuz what you guys are doing is also illegal”
hooooo i’m telling ya, i am all for translators locking up their translations at this point. see how fucking hurtful that is? you eat from my hand and then now you biting at the hand that fed you the gays in love?
honestly if you’ve made this argument or supported this, you can basically go to hell. yes this is personal because what, you think fan translators don’t take out their personal time and effort and hard work to make translations accessible to you? if you’re ever consumed and read translations, don’t be a hypocrite and make this argument. you benefitted from it, now you wanna say it’s their fault? 
most translators want to share and spread the love they have for a novel right, want to show you how wonderful all these authors are, how much enjoyment u get from reading these wonderfully thought out stories of gays in love. yes we all know we are illegally translating, which is why on top of sharing we first, purchase the novels legally ourselves first, and then we try to encourage people to buy etc. and actually put their money to use. it doesn’t make it any less illegal, but we are bridging the gap between danmei and basically the english-speaking fandom, albeit illegally
we aren’t that self-important to ask for gratefulness but some respect would be nice. like i said, you read it, you consumed it, you enjoyed it, you can only access it because of illegal translators - a bit counter-intuitive to yell at these translators, who are simply telling you, if you can, please support. and none of us went “if you cannot afford, begone!”
🔺 some people tried to help by offering jjwxc credits so people who cannot afford as they say, can get legal access: honestly, just take it right, guess what some of these users did in response
they said the people giving away credits are trying to redeem themselves for their comments by giving away free stuff
they also said that we are trying to shame the people who cannot afford it with this handout to them, to show that they are the bigger person - the fact that they think this is a handout to them is TELLING. the people offering this is giving their money not to these readers, but to the authors! that’s the point of this exercise!!!
one of them even said “instead of trying to do these giveaways, here, there are greater world problems out there, donate instead to these causes” - love the initiative, but how did we get from being able to afford danmei and entertainment content to saving the world? i just- i cannot
🔺 so why i get why fan translators are locking up their translations, because wow, so hurtful:
you have no idea how many fucking assholes went “sure, lock up your translations, deal with the consequences” - ermmmm firstly, thanks for making a threat. like who the fuck do you think you are?
the consequences is... the authors still don’t get the money these free riders weren’t going to give them anyway, so no loss, and they weren’t reading on jjwxc anyway so you know, the authors don’t lose or gain any readership numbers or traffic they didn’t already have. instead, it WILL push and force people to pay for the PRODUCT. once again, it’s a product.
this works, and i’d say Word of Honor’s payment model worked marvellously for Youku, because they fucking forced everyone to pay to access content. ALL OF THEM. sure ok some people still pirated it, but how many MORE people paid on Youku, on Youku Youtube, watched on Viki etc. than if they didn’t? even english-speaking fandom were wracking their brains trying to purchase a Youku pass even if there were no subs initially - and other examples that lovely hunxi brought up in her amazing piece
and for translators?! honestly me for one, i’m glad i don’t feel pressured anymore to churn out a chapter every week since we get called names etc. most of us are glad to have a break to be honest. we’ve lost all motivation to translate because it’s a free service, at the very least we don’t expect like hate, or rudeass fuckers. for those who are doing a proof of purchase thing - go for it honestly! 
hopefully it’ll minimize the free rider problem - some people for whatever reasons really cannot buy or support legally, that’s totally cool and they don’t have to justify it, i get that. but for others making the same argument but obviously are just unwilling to pay because they can’t read chinese, think it’s too troublesome when there are guides and translators provide it for free anyway so what’s the point - we all make concessions and make decisions to grab what we like (not talking about the ppl who have their various troubles and difficulties!)
🔺 and those who are saying why is it the ‘rest of us suffer’ from locked translations just because of a few bad apples:
IT ISN’T ABOUT YOU. where the hell were all of ya when we were getting called illegal huh? it’s about us fan translators getting shot at for no reason, and then people still demanding things for free. i don’t see any of the people i’ve seen on tumblr complain about fan translators stopping or locking translations defend any of us in any way. instead, you’re complaining.
it is the translator’s prerogative to start, stop and end translations, unless of course the original author starts to sue i suppose. i see people on tumblr going like if they were gonna do this, they shouldn’t have started in the first place etc. - i don’t what world you live in, but when i do something for free, then get called names and am attacked or get dictated on how i should do something that’s already like free, i tend to be less generous.
i’m sorry, do us illegal and free translators owe ANY OF YOU? i wasn’t aware any of us were being paid for this hobby. readers, especially those who CAN and just refuse to support, don’t get to say SHIT. translators deal with so much shit and so many entitled readers, i say they get to lock whatever they want as long as they aren’t profiting off of this monetarily.
let me give you an example - nan chan, which is translated by lian yin, completed translations by the way for all chapters. it is all free for viewing, and she only locked up one extra and asked for proof of payment. some dumbfuck quotes that locked up extra chapter tweet and said “honestly, this turned me off reading this novel because they restricted access”.
the. fucking. entitlement. the whole of nan chan is free, that’s like what more than 80 chapters. she locked up the EXTRA and the money goes to the author, she doesn’t earn anything. AND HERE THAT BIJ is (yes, i’m going to call them names because you know, fucking asshole who didn’t bother to check) going “yeah i didn’t wanna read because 1/80+ chapters were locked”. 
at the end of the day, translators are not like DYING to translate, not like some of you are DYING to read the translations. once again, this isn’t a “BE GRATEFUL” message, it’s a please be respectful to the people who put in time and hard work for free and share the goodness ya know? what’s the use of yelling at fan translators as if we owe you anything?
some people may need really need to pirate - and no one needs to justify why they cannot afford to purchase etc. pirating happens all the time, translators only hope that when you can, and in whatever way you can, to support legally - in general we don’t ask and we get it! we’re just annoyed that some people think that it SHOULD BE FREE, when it is a paid product, especially for those who CAN afford it
readers are not entitled to shit on translators for what they do with their translations - once again, you’re not OBLIGATED to have it. so what if i start and stop? i’m the one doing the work, i get the only say. don’t be a hypocrite and shit on translators, whose works you’ve read - it’s no loss for translators, we read and enjoy danmei just fine
yes, fan translations are illegal, but you can’t read and enjoy them like some of you have, and then turn around and point the finger at translators - a lot of us are happy to stop translating - this isn’t a threat, but at the end of the day, shitting on translators simply decreases access, and sure, some people can indeed live with you know, MTL or shitty translations from people who’ve learnt chinese for only six months or whatever, but you’re gonna be reading an entirely different book tbh
the people saying illegal translators are at fault - funnily enough, most of them consume the translations, so what the fuck? i mean we know it’s illegal, we’re trying to share the love and trying to minimize the illegalities of it by redirecting people to hopefully support legally. it’s still illegal yes, but i think it’s hypocritical for people who have read translations, stab translators in the back. and now that translators are indeed ‘restricting’ and ‘removing’ their ‘illegal translations’, yall yelling again? and threatening?
fan translators aren’t “elitist” or “classist” - just looking for some respect in a community which seems to have taken them for granted, and also looking for support for their fave authors - and honestly a lot of us were caught in the crossfires truly, don’t be an asshole and demand things from fan translators - who are you talking about? do you know why they decided to lock? do you know know what their locking system is like and what for? 
it’s not EASY to lock the translations up - it’s more admin work, it’s putting together a whitelist of people, if given the choice i’m sure translators would prefer to share everything. but not when there are assholes who have a comment on how they should translate etc. and yeah!!! calling us illegal!! i mean we are but still!!
the last straw was seeing that post on tumblr and people in the comments going like fan translators shouldn’t or should do something, without getting the whole picture, without even considering how hard it is for fan translators being caught in this situation. 
whoever puts in the work gets to decide, and everyone else should leave them alone. 
be nice to the people who really cannot afford as they say so (or just don’t think about it), be nice to the translators feeding you content, and the people who free ride and shit on translators - honestly, i’d say ready the pitchforks.
edit: i forgot to mention this is my hot take and i’ve tried to like present all the arguments i’ve seen so far. i’m definitely not doing all of it justice and i don’t claim to speak on behalf of any of them except maybe one or two- and i’ve definitely left out stuff, but anyway, lmao we’re just tiny people doing what we love. i wish we could solve you know inequality or poverty or hunger or other pressing concerns. if i was that great i wouldn’t be stuck on tumblr or twitter or have to make posts like these like a loser.
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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taekooktimeline · 4 years
“Essentially say that gay people just don’t exist in South Korea is not only really homophobic it’s really insulting who live this life and those who support their friends and family members.”
1 - I agree 200% with the statement above. Honestly, I feel kinda sad seen how much people are so ignorant about the LGBT community and it’s history. Like, there are studies that says that doesn’t matter how much a society is homophobic, LGBT people will STILL exist in it and it will be in the same proportion of societies that accepts it. And it doesn’t matter if they decide to come out of the closet or not, THEY ARE STILL GOING TO EXIST.
2 - Like, in my country people are relatively more open about sexuality and about coming out and I still know people that aren’t out of the closet, and that’s ok because individuality exists either!
3 - It doesn’t take much to understand this like... who doesn’t know Oscar Wilde’s and Alan Turing’s history and context, for example?
4 - And honestly, it’s not a surprise kpop fans want to believe so bad that they are all straight, (even when this is statistically totally impossible), considering they are mostly straight girls who feels attraction towards them... But it would be good if some of them were at least a little more thoughtful I would say...🙃
5 - If people don’t like a shipp/or shipping that’s totally okay, but saying LGBT people don’t exists is SO out of reality.
6 - Imagine an LGBT idol/ any famous person from SK seeing people like this, that explains why it’s so much more interesting to keep their private life just private. Because they just wanna live and be happy like any other normal person. And it’s a shame cause people from SK could have much more representation in the mainstream media... And we all know that representation is very important in any form. ❤️
Please, don’t bother about answering this, I just got kind mad and had to make some comments. LOL.
And thank you for being so patient with this project!
Hi Anon! I know you said don’t worry about writing back but I have to it was really nice to wake up to a positive message🥺Like you, I’m also frustrated with the ignorance of lgbtq throughout history. Ancient Rome .. Sparta .. Japanese samurai and Japanese Buddhist monks all have historical notes related to this (and interestingly enough for Japanese Buddhist monks, heterosexual activity was considered a worse offense than homosexual activities, which was called a lapse in self control). The shift in Japanese acceptance of homosexuality was based on the Meiji Restoration + WESTERN cultural influence .. so I continue to be confused how people hold the west to such a pinnacle when you factor in things like that, or the acceptance rate of lgbtq in America in 2020. Not only that, the American FBI and the NVC, have noted since 2013 there has been a rise in crimes against lgbtq in America, especially to transgender and non-binary.
So for people to say the west is great, simply because gay marriage is legalized , and Korea is supposedly such a Stone Age country .. is just a level of ignorance that frustrates me. Lgbtq will exist, whether they’re out or not. And When the stats and various polls, research and natives say a country is getting progressive, and the numbers show it, I’m not following how this is looking at it with blinders on. The reality is they are getting better but again, you’ll never convince 100% of a population. It’s not possible. There ARE still homophobic people there (and as I previously mentioned, the COVID outbreak in itaewon is an example .. I didn’t sweep that under the rug in my argument as anon seems to have ignored..). I personally saw this was a big step, the Itaewon case received INTERNATIONAL attention and not only did people within Korea try to make President Moon say something (because yes while there is hate there are also those who defend), but people from the international community condemned South Korea’s handling of this issue and treatment of LGBTQ individuals. But the reality is, unfortunately there are homophobic people everywhere. Progression takes time. Plus, to that person who said watch YouTube videos.. there are also plenty of YouTube videos that have gone around South Korea interviewing people of all ages about this issue and they have recognized their own barriers and resilience to overcome them (e.g. saying that everyone has the right to love, recognizing that they don’t understand it but they come from a different generation and people are free to love how they want.) Granted these people also don’t make up an entire society, but it goes to show that there are two sides to every coin.
Like you said .. it’s not hard to understand homosexuality has existed in all centuries. Michaelangelo had a lover! And you’re absolutely right about representation. Normalization happens through representation, and a positive in that regard is seeing an increase in BL dramas, with Korea releasing two last year. Especially since Where Your Eyes Linger was considered amongst Korean fans one of the first BL dramas that wasn’t reliant on overt stereotypes of the gay community.
lgbtq people are going to exist regardless. It doesn’t matter what country or family they’re born into. I think Kpop is extremely toxic, and I agree it would be nice if people would be more considerate instead of being hell bent on painting lgbtq people out of the equation entirely. people think that individuals can just turn attraction on or off or that just because they’re South Korean means lgbtq don’t exist is merely perpetuating a narrative that is so engrained in society everywhere - not just South Korea - and is incredibly damaging. That Quora answer .. and the “western box” BS .. ahh I’m frustrated 😌
Ahhh as you can tell by me ranting in my answer to your positive commentary, this topic is something I’m quite passionate about hahaha😅I’m glad to read someone whose equally as passionate! 🥰 i really enjoyed reading your commentary and I’m sorry this ended up so long! And thank you for reading the blog 🥰💜I’m hoping we can get back to cute and more fun, fluffy topics now! I get sidetracked when I say I won’t anymore 🤣
Sara: Thank you for jumping in the conversation! I agree with your points 😌 The “western box” anon is quite infuriating.
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tvdas · 4 years
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Political Scientist Claes Ryn in The American Conservative
The Declaration of Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia on the possibility and the certainty of fraud.  Caught with Their Hands in the Cookie Jar, by Jeremy Carl  The New York Times on Trump’s Campaign to Subvert the Election   https://www.regent.edu/misc/analyzing-american-election-integrity/ https://letsfixstuff.org/2021/10/how-the-2020-election-was-stolen/ Other sources are mentioned in this article:
Election Fraud — Reform This Thing by Tal Bachman 
The time has come to completely renovate America's presidential election voting process.
No, I'm not talking about the electoral college. That can stay. Nor does this have anything to do with Biden versus Trump per se (although the ongoing dispute and understandable doubt about who actually won helps support my contention).
All it has to do with is maintaining America's status as an actual representative democracy—a republic—whose citizens determine electoral outcomes by majority votes. Per Lincoln, that was the whole point, after all: government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
For that sort of government to exist in reality, and not just in rhetoric, you need elections whose results citizens can genuinely trust. They need to be legitimate, but also, need to be seen to be legitimate.
What that means is elections characterized by simplicity, intelligibility, uniformity, and voter anonymity, as well as overall transparency, formal and multi-layered scrutability, physical security at voting stations, and real-time and post hoc verifiability of vote counting.
Put all those things together into a system, and you have election integrity. Omit one or more of those things, and you have a system which begins sliding toward unacceptable levels of error and election-changing fraud. At the point where error or fraud produces false outcomes, or can no longer produce the requisite level of confidence in reported outcomes, the system becomes incompatible with representative democracy—meaning that any representative democracy which continues to use it, is ipso facto either degenerating into a non-democratic form of government, or has already completed that transition. That would be true regardless of surface appearances, or what citizens believed.
To put it more plainly, representative democracy requires legitimate elections. As Ol' Blue Eyes once claimed about love and marriage, you can't have one without the other.
You can guess where I'm going. America has done all sorts of things right, but—as Mark Steyn has pointed out many times over the years, most recently on Tucker Carlson Tonight shortly after the election—its presidential election process ain't one of them. It violates nearly all the requirements for electoral integrity and for inspiring confidence in itself. It's no wonder that, as you read this, the president of the United States, his entire legal team, and tens of millions of citizens, believe outcome-changing fraud occurred the night of November 3rd, 2020.
What I mean to say is that even if there wasn't any fraud at all, we'd all still have lots of reasons to suspect there was. That alone is completely unacceptable.
One reason for suspicion is at least one presidential election has been rigged before—election fraud in America is nothing new.
Other reasons include the hundreds upon hundreds of people convicted of voter fraud over the past two decades (virtually all of them Democrats), large-scale electoral dysfunction in other recent races, and even a recent detailed confession from a professional East Coast election-rigger.
But more relevant are the reports of misbehavior on election night: poll watchers barred, ballots re-dated, tens of thousands of votes of mysterious provenance suddenly appearing, improbable-to-the-point-of-impossible statistical anomalies and other oddities, etc., as well as questionable recount behavior.
But the most compelling reason of all is the amply documented vulnerability to manipulation of the computerized voting machines now used so commonly. To what extent these machines were in fact manipulated, in this recent election, I can't say; but again, even if they weren't manipulated at all, their mere existence necessarily casts doubt on the integrity of any reported electoral outcome. For that reason alone, they should be discarded.
Let me just list a few indications of how lousy these machines are.
The day before the election, USA Today investigative reporter Pat Beall published a zinger of a piece detailing a number of disturbing voting machine vulnerabilities. Entitled "Will Your Ballots Be Safe? Computer Experts Sound Warnings on America's Voting Machines", Beall's piece chronicles things like spontaneous vote-switching, the instant disappearance of tens of thousands of votes, and erratic vote registering. That was days before anyone heard Sidney Powell alleging the same things.
Beall's piece is not the only credible account of vulnerabilities in voting machines. The House Administration Committee issued a report in 2018 noting some of the same problems (and, interestingly, pointed to Georgia as one state most vulnerable to computer vote-rigging). A number of other such reports have emerged in recent years, including a 2018 New York Times piece reporting the discovery of voting machines manufactured by Election Systems and Software with remote-access software secretly pre-installed, and—as if that weren't alarming enough—that the machines had a history of reporting vote counts at odds with votes actually cast.
Not that this is new material. Evidence indicating the fraud-friendly nature of computerized voting machines has been out there a long time. As far back as 1974, the US General Accounting Office was warning of serious accuracy and security problems with America's new vote-counting computers. (As for possible vote-tampering culprits, the CIA at least had the decency to admit during the 1975 Church Committee hearings it regularly tampered with vote-counting machines in foreign elections). In 1985, New York Times reporter David Burnham, in an eyebrow-raising piece, reported that the National Security Agency had begun investigating reports of vote-manipulation in voting machines used by a full third of the American electorate.
By the late 1980s, the potential for manipulating computerized voting machines had become even more undeniable—and unnerving. In a magisterial 1988 New Yorker piece on the topic, journalist Ronnie Duggar wrote:
"Some officials concerned with elections think about the unthinkable in their field; namely, the stealing of a Presidential election by computer fraud in the vote-counting in metropolitan areas of key states. Steve White, the chief assistant attorney general of California, said to me last spring in Sacramento, 'It could be done relatively easily by somebody who didn't necessarily have to be all that sophisticated. Given the importance of the national election, sooner or later it will be attempted.'"
Journalist Jonathan Vankin was another early chronicler of electoral computer fraud (taking time to revisit the topic in a 2000 piece, in which he pointed out compelling evidence of serious computer-rigging in Miami-Dade, Dallas, Orange County, and several other locations). A book-length exposé even arrived in 1992 courtesy of James and Kenneth Collier.
And yet here we are, nearly a half century after that first US General Accounting Office warning, still using the same easily manipulable computer systems, which bad actors have almost certainly manipulated before to fix election outcomes; and partly as a result, we're all still wondering if Joe Biden really got 15 million more legitimate votes than Barack Obama did—a gap which must strain the credulity of even the most partisan Democrat (not that they'd mind illicit victory). (We're also now wondering how many of the presidents over the past thirty years won their elections fair and square).
So as I say, it's no wonder that now, half the country suspects fraud; it's because fraud on a huge scale, thanks to the voting machines, remains eminently possible.
As for how to reduce the possibility of voter fraud, the steps are simple. And it's not like they're secret. Nations around the world use them. A functional, trustworthy, election system of integrity would look something like this.
First, it's run by a single-purpose, rigorously impartial, devoutly transparent federal entity overseeing federal elections (about which more below).
Yes, I know we're all sick of the federal Leviathan. I know it already has far too much power. It's just that in this case, we don't have much choice, do we? We're going on well over a century of chronic Democrat Party presidential vote-rigging; and it appears they just ran one of their classic tricks again just a few weeks ago. At some point, pro-America voters have to stop making excuses for why they shouldn't try solutions to these nation-destroying problems, and just try them.
Yes, I know this would require a constitutional amendment. But let's assume for now we could get one of those passed.
Second: The new federal entity—let's call it Elections USA—would then divide the nation into voting districts of equal size for purposes of federal election (that could occur within pre-existing congressional districts). Elections USA would then further subdivide the voting districts into smaller units. Working with the postal service, Elections USA would then draw up a list of voters in each unit and designate a voting station for residents of that particular unit.
Third: In preparation for election day, Elections USA would send out flyers informing households of where to vote. The information would also be made available on the Elections USA website.
Fourth: On election day, voters travel to their designated voting stations: an elementary or high school, a union hall, a community center, whatever.
Each voting station is watched over by police or other security guards.
As voters approach, they join a quick-moving line. At the front, they present two pieces of government issued ID, at least one with a photo. A volunteer finds the voter on her list of voters for that unit. (If they've come to the wrong polling station, they are redirected to the right polling station).
The voter then approaches the voting station in a large, open room, where another volunteer hands him a paper ballot. Picking up the provided pencil, he marks the ballot behind a screen, folds the ballot, and drops into the voting box in full view of the poll clerk and attendant witnesses sitting a few feet away—typically, a few volunteers from political parties who act as "scrutineers", or official observers and verifiers. The voter then leaves. The entire process never takes more than fifteen minutes.
Once polls close, no one is allowed to enter or leave the premises until the vote count is completed.
The poll clerk—still in full view of the scrutineers—dumps the ballots on to a table and sorts them into piles according to the candidate/party voted for. She then counts the votes for each, showing them to the scrutineers as she goes. Once the votes are counted, a supervisor is called over to the table. After verifying that the scrutineers are satisfied with the counting, and resolving any lingering concerns, the supervisor signs off on the count, and the ballots are immediately placed in a special, sealed envelope. The sealed envelope is then stamped, and cannot be opened without subsequent detection.
The ballot count numbers are then phoned into Elections USA, right then and there, again in view of the scrutineers, who verify that the numbers called in match the numbers they witnessed during the count.
Once all the numbers are called in to Elections USA—a process which never takes more than two hours—the supervisor then physically transports the sealed envelopes (each marked with information like Voting Desk #4 at Poll Station #15) to the Elections USA depot, where she hands them over.
The sealed envelopes are then transported to Elections USA employees, who will then verify, and eventually formally certify, that all the numbers called in from each desk of each polling station of each voting district in the country matches the number of actual ballots. In the unlikely event any question arises about accuracy, the ballots can be accessed and counted again.
In a simple process like this, the media will have accurate election results within two hours of the polls closing, and there is virtually no opportunity for fraud. I can attest to that, because I myself have witnessed this exact process in real life quite a few times, and am friendly with several people who volunteer as election workers on election days. What I described is how elections are conducted in Canada, but not only in Canada: an identical or similar process is used in most other English-speaking countries. A few simple security protocols—not least of which is, no computerized voting machines—and your election is as fraud-proof as this mortal realm would ever allow.
When you compare this typical voting procedure to the morass of conflicting voting regulations representing fifty states, many of which—incredibly—do not even require that the voter present identification before voting, and which are being manipulated by the very state party hacks tasked with preventing fraud, you begin to see just how desperately America needs electoral reform. Credible stories of poll watchers being denied access, for example, in any normal country, would be regarded as completely unacceptable, to the point where the votes in that area would be likely thrown out as a matter of course. And yet, that type of chicanery is now so common in the United States, most people take for granted it goes on. That's how far the window of acceptable behavior has moved.
Lastly, I point out the outrageous absurdity of Democrats screaming for four years that Russia hacked the nation's vote-counting machines in 2016, only to suddenly demand—once their salaried goons in mainstream media prematurely declared Biden the victor—that we all instantly fully accept that no hacking or vote manipulation could ever have occurred in the 2020 election...when almost all the machines remained the same.
Trump's currently demanding recounts, and that's great. But America needs more than recounts. It needs something like a constitutional amendment federalizing the federal elections and banning voting machines. It also needs an exhaustive investigation—although by whom, I don't know anymore—to identify just which bad actors have been manipulating those easily manipulable voting machines for the last forty odd years. Given the frame-up jobs we've seen the last four years, I have a few hunches about the culprits—and I don't think they were Russians.
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recreationalwizard · 4 years
Social Hacking Techniques
recreationalwizard.com read this article  
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Carrying out a social hacking attack involves looking for weaknesses in user behaviour that can be exploited through seemingly legitimate means.[3] Three popular methods of attack include dumpster diving, role playing, and spear-phishing.
Dumpster Diving Sifting through garbage is a popular tactic for social hackers to recover information about the habits, activities, and interactions of organizations and individuals. Information retrieved from discarded property allows social hackers to create effective profiles of their targets. Personal contact information such as employee titles and phone numbers can be appropriated from discarded phone books or directories and used to gain further technical information such as login data and security passwords. Another advantageous find for social hackers is discarded hardware, especially hard drives that have not properly been scrubbed clean and still contain private and accurate information about corporations or individuals.[1] Since surfing through people's curbside garbage is not a criminal offence and does not require a warrant, it is a rich resource for social hackers, as well as a legally accessible one. Dumpster diving can yield fruitful, albeit smelly results for information seekers such as private investigators, stalkers, nosy neighbours, and the police.
Roleplaying Establishing trust by fooling people into believing in the legitimacy of a false character is one of the main tenets of social hacking. Adopting a false personality or impersonating a known figure to trick victims into sharing personal details can be done in person or via phone conversation.
In person By posing as third party maintenance workers in an office building, medical practitioners in a hospital, or one of many other forms, social hackers can get past security personnel and other employees undetected. In both examples, uniform apparel is associated with specific job functions, giving people reason to trust impersonators. A more complicated manoeuver would involve a longer planning cycle, such as taking up employment inside an organization that is being targeted for an attack. read this article  recreationalwizard.com
In the movie Ocean's Eleven, a sophisticated crew of con artists plot an elaborate heist to rob three popular Las Vegas casinos by assimilating themselves in the everyday activities of the casinos' operations. Although the heist is executed in less than a day, the planning cycle is long and notably fastidious. An imperative function of the attack is to present credibility in the roles being impersonated, to which attention to detail is inevitably required.
Tailgating Tailgating is the act of following someone into a restricted space, such as an office building or an academic institution. Third party maintenance workers, or medical personnel, as mentioned above, often have limited cause to justify their credibility because of their appearances. Similar to role playing, tailgating functions around the assumption of familiarity and trust.[4] People are less likely to react suspiciously to anyone who appears to fit into the surrounding environment, and will be even less liable to question individuals who don't call attention to themselves. Following behind someone in an unassuming fashion may even eliminate the need to establish a rapport with authorized personnel.
Spear Phishing Online social hacks include “spear phishing” in which hackers scam their victims into releasing sensitive information about themselves or their organization. Hackers will target individuals within specific organizations by sending emails that appear to come from trusted sources including senior officials within the organization who hold positions of authority. To appear convincing, a social hacker's email message has to establish a tone of familiarity that belies any suspicion from its recipient. The email is designed to put forth a request for information that ties logically to the person sending it.[5] Often, company employees will fall prey to these emails and share personal information such as phone numbers or passwords, thinking that the information transfer is taking place in a secure environment. In more sinister scenarios, the emails from hackers may be embedded with malware that infects victims’ computers without their knowledge and secretly transfers private data directly to hackers.[6] From October 2013 to December 2016, the FBI investigated just over 22,000 of these incidents involving American businesses. In total, they saw losses approaching $1.6 billion.[7]
A successful example of spear phishing was highly publicized in the news media in January 2014, when Target, a U.S.-based retailer, experienced a security breach that allowed hackers to steal customers’ credit card and personal data information.[8] Later, it was revealed that the cyber criminals were able to access Target's financial and personal data files by targeting a third party mechanical company that had access to Target's network credentials. The social implications of such a high-profile social hack affect Target's popularity as a retailer, but also consumers’ trust and loyalty towards the brand.
Another example of Spear Phishing happened in June 2015 to Ubiquiti Networks Inc, a network technology company based in the United States. During this act of Spear Phishing Ubiquiti Networks reportedly lost over 46.7 million dollars. The hacking group sent Spear Phishing emails to employees in the finance department. These hackers sent spear phishing emails directly to the finance department's employees posing as company executives. The hackers managed to trick the employees into transferring funds to third party groups over seas.[9] Fortunately for Ubiquiti Networks, 8.1 million dollars were recovered from the hackers.[10]
Security Although Target may not have been slacking in its security, the hackers were able to infiltrate Target's network indirectly, by identifying a third party company with by access to Target's credentials. The social hack was in defrauding employees of the third party to divulge sensitive information, while the cybercrime was conducted by means of a malware infected email phishing attack.[11] The need for vigilant online security is highlighted by cyber-attacks against corporations like Target as well as other global businesses and high-traffic websites. Even small websites are vulnerable to attacks, specifically because their security protection is presumed to be low.[12] In Target's case, the third party mechanical company had inadequate security software which left them open to a malware attack.[11]
In a similar incident, Yahoo Mail also announced in January 2014 that their system had been hacked and a number of user email accounts had been accessed.[13] While the origin of the cause was unclear, poor security was again at the centre of the trouble. In both cases, large corporations with assumed understanding of security policies were compromised. Also in both cases, consumer data was stolen.[14]
In a study by Orgill et al., an observation is made that “it is important that each person responsible for computer security ask if their system is vulnerable to attacks by social engineers, and if so, how can the effect of a social engineering attack be mitigated.” [15] Using strong passwords[16] is one simple and easy method that assists in such mitigation, as is using reliable and effective anti-virus software. Other preventative measures include using different logins for services used, frequently monitoring accounts and personal data, as well as being alert to the difference between a request for help and a phishing attempt from strangers.[17]
Ethical Hacking To counter security breaches at the hands of social hackers as well as technical hackers, companies employ security professionals, known as ethical hackers, or more popularly, white hat hackers, to attempt to break into their systems in the same manner that social hackers would employ. Ethical hackers will leverage the same tools methods as hackers with criminal intent but with legitimate objectives. Ethical hackers evaluate security strengths and weaknesses and provide corrective options. Ethical hacking is also known as penetration testing, intrusion testing and red teaming.
Impacting Social Media The internet affords social hackers the ability to populate content spaces without detection of suspicious behaviour. Social hacking can also occur in environments where user-generated content is prevalent. This includes the opportunity to influence opinion polls and even to skew data beyond a point of validity. Social hacking can also be used to provide favourable reviews e.g. on product websites. It can also be used to counter negative feedback with an influx of positive responses ("like button") e.g. on blog or news article comment sections. Social hacking can cause damage to the online profile of a person or a brand by the simple act of accessing information that is openly available through social media channels.
Technology Appropriation Technology appropriation can be perceived as a type of social hacking in that it involves social manipulation of a technology. It describes the effort of users to make sense of a technology within their own contexts beyond adopting its intended use. When this happens, the use of the technology can change. Adaptation of a technology can incorporate reinterpretation of its function and meaning, to the effect that the technology itself can take on a new role. Appropriation accentuates that the user adjusts the technology for his own best practice, while adaptation advises that the use sometimes changes in general. For example, advances in today's technology make it easier than ever to portray another person. This method is known as creating a "deepfake". A deep fake is where someone can recreate somebody else's face and voice with a computer program. It is used to fake people saying and doing things they have never done or said before. "Public figures may be more “fakeable” through this method than private ones. Visually routine situations, like a press conference, are more likely to be faked than entirely novel ones." Deepfakes can be very dangerous in the sense that they can be used to fake what people with high authority have said such as, the president and politicians. There have been many articles and discussions over the new discovery of deepfakes such as Youtuber Shane Dawson's video, "Conspiracy Theories with Shane Dawson" where he talks about the conspiracy of deepfakes and what they could mean for the world today.
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The Morning After/Diet
Cycle 9, Day 16
Thankfully, a quasi-legal medical substance allows me to get through the night, and wake up feeling mostly-okay on post-infusion days. I’m still exhausted and fatigued, but caffeine does help with that, too. I guess the DARE program’s message should have been that recreational drug use was bad, but as an entire lifestyle, it might be neccessary (I say that knowing they’ll eventually have to stop chemo, because, again, these are dangerous, expensive drugs that will burn out one’s innards. Good news, the outtards are doing pretty well at the moment, which plays well to my plan to ask for more napalm doses until those wretched new cells on the block give up. There are a few people who know me personally who know there’s a non-minor chance I’m just too stubborn to die. Of course, it’s easy to say that now, after a clean scan (that occurred two weeks ago). And it feels good to say that,even for what’s usually the worst infusion in the series was easily treated by some aspirin, and my new bionic joints (although I still seem to get a nasty wonky leg after infusions). The bad news is that, even with my bionic joints, a simple high-speed walk around the neighborhood left me wobbly. So much for prosthetic devices (although it’s worth noting that gait issues are very common symptoms of  progressing brain cancer; which pretty much also means they’re a side-effect of chemo)..
Also, even though I’m still not looking at 401K options, I am getting a little better at reading between the lines about cancer statistics, and figuring that our society is completely riddled with bad health practices that will automatically make every health issue worse, including brain cancer (Dad recommended looking into going back to grad school for biomedical informatics, since that’s now one of my hobbies). Case in point, the average American turbo-loading on unhealthy diets. This wouldn’t normally be worth commentary, but when you spend most of your waking hours obsessing over your own health, you can get tunnel-vision and forget most of us aren’t leading terribly healthy lives, anyway; as I kind of realized yesterday taking my grandmother shopping. There’s endless fats, sugars, and all kinds of insanely unhealthy junk (so says the man on a potentially-fatal course of drugs). Before we continue, I’ve been asked if I’m on a ketogenic diet. No, I am not. I am on the Jack Lalanne diet (that was intended to be a joke, until I did a little research and found out that I am). I’d normally not go over that, except this is intended for the next set of folks in line, and ketogenic diet is en vogue with cancer patients. To dip into my biochem background, the ketogenic diet basically swaps sugars for fats, and it is a fad diet. Even though there’s more research being done on it as an interventional therapy (that’s “we’re doing something medically to treat an illness”), I only saw one study for GBM, and it only increased life expectancy two months, AND, to be effective, he patients had to be kept in a state of near-ketogenic shock and in the hospital constantly. We’ll call that “Plan B.”
In the meantime, because chemo and/or zofran tend to stop you up; I thought it’d be easier to just eat loads of fruits of and vegetables to keep everything sluicing through me (that’s not true, I’m just terrified of laxtives; you can peruse the archives for that particular incident). I think I’m up to seven or eight a day, because it’s easier to maintain healthy habits than start and stop them (Jack had at least 10 raw vegetable/fruit servings a day). People often talk/ask about changes in taste because of chemo. I usually shrug because my own tastes are largely unaltered; however, upon reflection, pineapples got amazing in the last year or so. Add onto that at least 15-20 grams of protein before starting dinner or snacking, and, my rule is, you can eat as much as you want of whatever you want. I don’t think you’ll want much, though. If you’ve never heard of Jack, it’s a shame, because he pretty much invented modern fitness.movement. He’s credited with starting the first public gyms in America that featured things like barbells (he’s not so much “Old School” as much the guy who pours the cement foundations). And he lived to be 96, so, clearly, the man was doing something right. His dietary rule was - and this is a direct quote - “If it tastes good, spit it out,” So far, it’s worked fantastically for me (and that’s a pretty easy diet rule to remember), in the sense that I’m still alive and mostly-intact, and haven’t lost much weight (but my belt size has dropped by two inches)(to be honest, I have cheat days, and I do have the odd beer or Manhattan). That sounds all pretty narcissistic, but here’s the pay-off if you’re ever in the hot seat. If you are diagnosed with a terminal illness (another thing that skews GBM stats; if I get side-swiped tomorrow and die in a freak accident; that’ll get calculated into life expectancy stats, even if the cause of death is clearly a drunk semi driver), get into a level crazy health and/or physical activity. Cancer survivors have a severely reduced life expectancy, because of  all the side-effects and long-term damage associated with treatment. That’s not just brain cancer, it’s all of them.
And there are many, many cancers that were previously considered “acute” and have been reclassified as “chronic.”  My plan here is stolen from Ben Williams - stay healthy and alive long enough and well enough that the Warlocks will keep hexing me until I die, or the cancer (which is me, remember) does. I realize that seems grim and unpleasant as a philosophy, but that is the definition of a terminal situation. Someone will die. I’m damned if that someone is going to be me.
Because that’s not exactly an upbeat way of ending this post, I will point out that there are all sorts of nutritionists at the cancer center, who all have the secret to staying healthy during and after treatment, and, even though it’s a little mean, I do remember one of them mentioning, in a support group, something like, “It pains me to hear people say they want to eat healthy, but don’t enjoy the things that are healthy for them.” Which is an interesting statement to make to a bunch of people in chemo, because it’s not like anyone enjoys or feels great on a non-stop diet of mustard gas. I am now so deep in the Abyss that “unenjoyable” is almost a vacation. Still, I’m ready to endure more punishment, because my sense of humor is still there, and able to appreciate the delicious irony of an authority figure talking about the concept of “fun meals” with people who are now far beyond conventional fun. That seems horrible unless you consider the possibilities of unconvenional fun. Or getting funny, which was my coping method.
Also, because I’m getting restless with just the basic stress of undergoing chemo, micro-managing my health and keeping current with all my drugs, writing the tale/blog, and/or my ongoing attempt at a novel, I figured I’d start The Terminal Artists list. This will be an ongoing project, both as a form of therapy for myself, and because everyone who suddenly comes face to face with a life-altering and/or limiting illness could use it, and because it was a theme at the cancer writing group on Monday. So, the rules: 1. This is a list of people whose greatest - or best-known works (in a few lonely cases, the only books or poems some ever wrote were started when they began dying) were done in the final year of their life. I realize that “best” is highly subjective, and the idiom “best-known” would require a poll to establish. 2. Even though I use the word “artist,” I’ll happily use that as a catch-all for scientists, engineers, playwrights, dancers, athletes - anyone who produces/designs/discovers/creates anything that would positively impact those left behind is a contender. I just don’t want some estate attorney who cleverly scams their clients using loopholes in probate law; or a smuggler who figures a new way to smuggle and sell arms to UN embargo countries. Use your judgment, folks. 3. Ideally, you’d pair a specific person with their song/album/film/discover etc., but if it’s an extremely well-known (or prolific) artist/whatsit, I’ll bend the rules and do some research 4. people who are so prolific that they have works published after they die will be on the list, because the only thing cooler than giving the Reaper the finger and leaping on the keyboard (or easel, or guitar, or wet bench) is leaving such a vast, consistent body of work, it’s still considered awesome when you aren’t around to advocate for it
THE LIST SO FAR.... -Vincent van Gogh - “Starry Night” -Jimi Hendrix - “Angel” -Howard Ashman (Playwright/lyricist/) - “Beauty and the Beast” and “Aladdin” - Paul Kalanithi (surgeon/writer) - “When Breath Becomes Air” -Nina Riggs (writer) - “The Bright Hour” -Warren Zevon - “The Wind” -Freddie Mercury - “The Show Must Go On” -Johnny Cash -Michael Crichton (writer, minor demi-god to all sci-fi fans) - Pirate Latitudes -Samuel Clemens (writer) - Autobiography -Roy Orbison (minor private music teacher - “You Got It”
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MIAMI — A little-known GOP candidate in one of Florida’s most competitive congressional seats was secretly recorded threatening to send “a Russian and Ukrainian hit squad” to a fellow Republican opponent to make her “disappear.”
During a 30-minute call with a conservative activist that was recorded before he became a candidate, William Braddock repeatedly warned the activist to not support GOP candidate Anna Paulina Luna in the Republican primary for a Tampa Bay-area congressional seat because he had access to assassins. The seat is being vacated by Rep. Charlie Crist (D-Fla.), who is running for governor.
“I really don't want to have to end anybody's life for the good of the people of the United States of America,” Braddock said at one point in the conversation last week, according to the recording exclusively obtained by POLITICO. 
“That will break my heart. But if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. Luna is a f---ing speed bump in the road. She's a dead squirrel you run over every day when you leave the neighborhood.”
Reached by text message, Braddock refused to say whether he made any threats about Luna to the person who recorded him, Erin Olszewski.
This is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button. Share: Secret recording: Florida Republican threatens Russian-Ukranian ‘hit squad’ after rival FacebookGoogle+LinkedInPinterestTumblrTwitter Direct Link https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/17/secret-recording-florida-republican-threat-hit-squad-494976 Start From hh:mm:ss Embed Code <iframe src='//players.brightcove.net/1155968404/r1WF6V0Pl_default/index.html?videoId=6259286704001' allowfullscreen frameborder=0></iframe> Close Modal Dialog Asked repeatedly via text if he mentioned Russian-Ukrainian hit squads, Braddock wouldn’t give a yes or no answer, saying he had not heard the recording and that it’s “allegedly me … there is no proof of that.” He also suggested the recording “may even be altered and edited.”
“This is a dirty political tactic that has caused a lot of people a lot of stress and is completely unnecessary,” he said.
Olszewski denied editing or altering the recording. She said she made it because she was concerned about Braddock’s “unhinged” dislike of Luna that he had previously expressed. After she made the recording just after midnight last Wednesday, she promptly turned it over to St. Petersburg, Fla., police and gave a heads-up to her friend Luna, who filed a petition for an injunction against Braddock. Luna and Olszewski each received a temporary restraining order against him last week. Braddock filed to run Monday.
In the recording, Braddock early in the call brought up the alleged assassins. He also made rambling statements about getting financial help from fellow Freemasons or by somehow importing millions of dollars from Malta and Gibraltar.
“I have access to a hit squad, too, Ukrainians and Russians,” he said about three minutes into the call, adding “don't get caught out in public supporting Luna. … Luna’s gonna go down and I hope it's by herself.”
Braddock went on to explain that he didn’t think Luna could win in the general election. Luna, an Air Force veteran and former model who went on to become a conservative activist, won a crowded GOP primary in the state’s 13th Congressional District last year but lost the general election to Crist.
It's unclear exactly why Braddock has such dislike toward Luna. The two do not appear to have any previous connection to one another, and Braddock is a lower-tier candidate in an increasingly crowded race for Crist’s seat. Already, two state lawmakers and a former Obama administration official have entered the race, with others expected to jump in.
The threats, claims of assassins and political backstabbing put an only-in-Florida stamp on what was already shaping up to be a wild midterm of congressional races. Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz in the Panhandle is still batting back accusations in an ongoing federal sex trafficking probe. Democratic Rep. Val Demings is leaving her Orlando seat to run for Senate, causing a mad scramble to replace her. And the state is getting an additional congressional seat that is certain to lead to another crush of candidates after redistricting before next year’s elections.
MOST READ Anna Paulina Luna stands on a podium at a rally for then-President Donald Trump. In secret recording, Florida Republican threatens to send Russian-Ukrainian ‘hit squad’ after rival Manchin moves shake up Dem strategy for massive elections bill Trump rails against Covid vaccines for ‘very young people’ GOP hands Dems a new line of attack: They're for 'Trump over the cops' New York’s mayoral race remains a tossup after final Democratic debate
Olszewski, who initiated and recorded the call just after midnight on June 9, said she phoned Braddock at his insistence because he kept trying to get her to appear on a health care panel for an event he was organizing.
Olszewski, a nurse by training, became a conservative figure last year after penning a book called “Undercover Epicenter Nurse: How Fraud, Negligence, and Greed Led to Unnecessary Deaths at Elmhurst Hospital,” which some in the health care industry have called disinformation.
After having a few conversations with Braddock, however, Olszewski said she became concerned that he wanted to use her to advance his candidacy and that he left her “threatening” messages about Luna that sounded “unhinged.”
With such a closely divided Congress currently in Democratic control, Braddock said on the recorded call that the “pivotal” St. Petersburg-based district will take on outsized importance in 2022 to keep America from devolving into a “communist-socialist s---hole.” When Olszewski asked him why he had Russians at the ready, Braddock indicated they were to stop Luna.
“My polling people are going to charge me $20,000 to do a poll right before the primary. And if the poll says Luna’s gonna win, she’s gonna be gone. She's gonna disappear,” Braddock said in the recorded call, pledging Olszewski to secrecy. “For the good of our country, we have to sacrifice the few. … For the better or the good of the majority of the people, we've got to sacrifice the few.”
Later in the call, Olszewski asked what would happen if “Luna is gonna win” and Braddock assured her that wouldn’t happen.
“She’s gonna be gone. Period. That's the end of the discussion. Luna is not an issue,” he said.
Olszewski pushed him, asking “how do we make her go, though? I just don’t understand that.”
“I call up my Russian and Ukrainian hit squad, and within 24 hours, they're sending me pictures of her disappearing,” he replied. “No, I'm not joking. Like, this is beyond my control this point.”
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Asked if the killers were snipers, Braddock described them as, “Russian mafia. Close-battle combat, TEC-9s, MAC-10s, silencers kind of thing. No snipers. Up close and personal. So they know that the target has gone.” Olszewski said that threats like the ones Braddock made “you can’t take lightly. Normal people don’t say these things.” Olszewski called Braddock on one smartphone and recorded video of the call with another, occasionally displaying his name and number on the video to show it was him on the call. POLITICO also obtained a separate recording, a voicemail message, Braddock left with a consultant in which his phone number was identical and voice seemed to match the information Olszewski shot in her video.
In Florida, it’s a third-degree felony to record another person without their knowledge. But Olszewski said that St. Petersburg police told her she had nothing to worry about in recording the conversation and turning it over to authorities. A spokesperson for the St. Petersburg police declined to comment on the recording or whether it was legally recorded.
Braddock, though, indicated he was ready to sue Olszewski.
“The folks in possession of whatever recording they think they have of myself or someone else (which may even be altered and edited) will be facing civil damages suit(s) when the paperwork is file [sic] with the county and felony charges after I file with the local police department,” Braddock said in his text message to POLITICO. “I strongly advise not to get involved because the civil suits will continue to be filed until people stop sharing them because whomever is on the recording did not consent to be recorded in my humble opinion.”
In her filing for an injunction, Luna also mentioned how Braddock claimed in the call with Olszewski that two other potential Republican candidates in the race, Amanda Makki and Matt Tito, had formed an alliance with him to stop Luna. Braddock briefly posted the petition for the injunction on his Facebook page Friday but then took them down.
Both Makki and Tito denied the claims of an alliance with Braddock and each of them criticized Luna for mentioning their names in the injunction she filed against Braddock.
“The fact she dragged me through the mud, after not seeing or talking to me after 11 months, it really calls into question her judgment,” said Makki, who ran unsuccessfully in the GOP primary against Luna in 2020, despite earning the endorsement of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.
Tito, also, was displeased with the fact that he was named in the injunction.
“This is a total political hit job. I wasn’t served. I’m not in legal trouble,” he said. “Luna doesn’t want me to get in the Republican race because she knows I’ll beat her. I’m a better candidate. She’s trying to wipe me out of the race, trying to embarrass me, intimidate me, smear my name so she has a wider path to the nomination.”
In the call, Braddock mentioned that he offered Tito a job on his campaign to keep him on the sidelines, but Tito said he had no intention to work for Braddock.
James Blair, a spokesperson for Luna, said she wouldn’t comment on the ongoing investigation. But he suggested Makki had “sour grapes” for losing the primary last year to Luna. And he faulted Tito because he “immediately blamed the woman” by accusing Luna of a political hit job. “The content of the protective order filed is based upon Mr. Braddock’s own threats, actions, and statements,” Blair said. “I understand that Mr. Braddock is the one who stated he is working with Mr. Tito and Ms. Makki, so perhaps they should take it up with him instead of attacking the person he said he was going to kill if that’s what it took to keep her from winning.” In her petition for the restraining order, Luna made it clear that she took Braddock’s threats seriously. “I do not feel safe and am currently in fear for my life,” Luna wrote, according to a copy of it. Olszewski, too, said Braddock sounded dangerous. At one point, Braddock even said he was scared himself. “Don’t be on the f---ing wrong side of supporting Luna because if you're near her when the time comes, I just don't want that to happen to you because you've got kids,” Braddock said on the call. “So don't be associated with Luna under any circumstances. Please. And do not repeat this anybody because both of us will be in jeopardy if you do. I'm not just blowing smoke here. I'm f---ing being dead ass serious and it scares the s--- out of me, too.”
“The content of the protective order filed is based upon Mr. Braddock’s own threats, actions, and statements,” Blair said. “I understand that Mr. Braddock is the one who stated he is working with Mr. Tito and Ms. Makki, so perhaps they should take it up with him instead of attacking the person he said he was going to kill if that’s what it took to keep her from winning.” In her petition for the restraining order, Luna made it clear that she took Braddock’s threats seriously. “I do not feel safe and am currently in fear for my life,” Luna wrote, according to a copy of it. Olszewski, too, said Braddock sounded dangerous. At one point, Braddock even said he was scared himself. “Don’t be on the f---ing wrong side of supporting Luna because if you're near her when the time comes, I just don't want that to happen to you because you've got kids,” Braddock said on the call. “So don't be associated with Luna under any circumstances. Please. And do not repeat this anybody because both of us will be in jeopardy if you do. I'm not just blowing smoke here. I'm f---ing being dead ass serious and it scares the s--- out of me, too.”
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Trump Departs Vowing, ‘We Will Be Back in Some Form’
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JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md. — President Donald J. Trump left Washington aboard Air Force One for a final time on Wednesday, the iconic plane creeping along the runway so the liftoff was timed to the closing strains of Frank Sinatra’s “My Way.”
In many ways, Mr. Trump’s last hours as president were a bookend to the kickoff of his presidential campaign in June 2015. As he did then, he tossed aside prepared remarks that aides had helped draft and spoke off the cuff, having them take down teleprompters they had set up. As he did then, he spent hours focused on the visual aspects of the scene where he would speak at the end of a calamitous final three months that capped a tumultuous term.
Before departing for Florida, Mr. Trump — defeated at the polls, twice impeached, silenced by social media platforms and facing an array of legal and financial problems — laid down a marker about his future, telling the roughly 300 supporters who greeted him on the windy tarmac, several holding American flags, that they had not seen the last of him.
“Goodbye, we love you, we will be back in some form,” Mr. Trump vowed, with the first lady, Melania Trump, by his side in sunglasses and a black outfit. He has yet to say what that form will take, but people who know him said he remained bitter that congressional Republicans had joined in rebuke of his speech at a Jan. 6 rally that incited his supporters to storm the Capitol.
Mr. Pence and the two Republican leaders in Congress skipped Mr. Trump’s departure and later attended Mr. Biden’s inaugural. Mr. Trump did not mention Mr. Biden, but for the first time he wished “great luck and great success”to the incoming administration. (A draft of Mr. Trump’s prepared remarks had included a space suggesting he acknowledge Mr. Biden, but were bracketed in case he did not, according to a person who saw them.)
He did find time to note his own vote total.
And he tried to claim credit for what he suggested would be a string of strong economic news in the coming months. “Remember us when you see these things happening, if you would,” he said.
He similarly sought to promote his record in helping accelerate development of vaccines for the coronavirus. “It really is a great achievement,” he said.
At different points, Mr. Trump seemed as close to becoming emotional as he had throughout his four years in office. He talked about the families who had suffered from the coronavirus throughout the last year.
It was the first time in two weeks that Mr. Trump had addressed the public in person. He stayed mostly out of sight since election night, save for the incendiary speech he delivered to supporters on Jan. 6 urging them to march on the Capitol in an effort to deny Mr. Biden’s victory.
His remarks were riddled with falsehoods and factual errors, boasts about his time in office and demands for credit, including his oft-repeated but exaggerated claim that he had rescued veterans from poor treatment.
He offered a less acid version of his brand of partisanship, save for a few moments. “I hope they don’t raise your taxes,” he said, “but if they do, I told you so.”
He praised his family and said people did not understand “how hard” they worked.
Before the sun rose, officials had constructed a stage adorned with stars-and-stripes bunting, a lectern and a microphone for the president. A military band rehearsed “Hail to the Chief” shortly after 7 a.m.
For several minutes, military aides measured the precise length of the red carpet that Mr. Trump was set to walk to the steps connecting to Air Force One, which was brought out around 6:30. Aides hoisted garment bags filled with the first family’s belongings into the forward cabin.
A large space was built for an audience that the White House had invited to see the president off. But for a man obsessed with crowd size, only about 300 people showed up, filling roughly a third of the standing area.
For several days, aides had tried to corral officials to come to the departure, and to bring guests. But several who remained working until the president’s final day in office said they were worn out and deeply angry over his behavior since Election Day, as he spread falsehoods about the race being stolen from him, overshadowing whatever substantive achievements they might remember. Some of his aides who had been with him the longest said they did not even watch the send-off on television.
Others wanted to steer clear of Washington in its current quasi-militarized state. And still others left the city before the new administration came in, returning to their home states.
Mr. Trump, who often thought about winning but never truly contemplated the presidency before Nov. 8, 2016, began the morning telling advisers he wanted to add one last pardon to the lengthy list of clemency grants he had issued early Wednesday morning. This one was for Albert J. Pirro Jr., the former husband of an old friend, Jeanine Pirro, a Fox News host.
To the surprise of some of his own aides, he left a note for Mr. Biden in the Oval Office, although its contents remained undisclosed. Mr. Trump left the White House for a final time around 8:20 a.m., stopping briefly to talk to reporters before stepping onto Marine One. He described the presidency as the “honor” of his life.
Then he and the first lady boarded the helicopter, taking their last ride as the rest of the Trump family met them at the send-off. The helicopter diverted from its normal route and circled around the Capitol, where two weeks earlier his supporters had chanted about hanging Mr. Pence, vowed to help Mr. Trump remain in office and set off chaos and violence that led to his second impeachment.
When he arrived at the air base, a military band played “Hail to the Chief” and he was given a 21-gun salute, lending his farewell the militaristic patina he craved throughout his presidency. But during the event, his typical rally soundtrack played. When he finished his remarks, he stepped off the stage to the Village People’s “Y.M.C.A.” before heading to the red carpet leading to Air Force One.
The plane then crept along the runway to “My Way,” a cinematic departure for a president who once wanted to be a Hollywood producer. On the flight, Mr. Trump stayed cloistered at the front of the plane with his family, who, like him, have never experienced the effect of a political loss.
When the plane touched down in Palm Beach, Fla., a crowd of about 20 supporters greeted the president. He waved, but did not stop to talk to anyone before climbing into an S.U.V.
The route from the airport to his private club, Mar-a-Lago, was lined with people waving flags, some weeping as he passed. Around 11:30 a.m., Mr. Trump was whisked inside the gates of the Mar-a-Lago compound, leaving behind the press corps that was assigned to cover him for four years. Mr. Pirro’s pardon was announced around that time.
Mr. Trump had another 30 minutes left of his presidency, but he had said all he was going to say.
Patricia Mazzei contributed reporting from Palm Beach, Fla.
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thisdaynews · 4 years
US ELECTION:Wisconsin recount affirms Biden victory over Trump.
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US ELECTION:Wisconsin recount affirms Biden victory over Trump.
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The relate of official voting forms in Wisconsin’s two biggest districts reconfirmed Sunday that President-elect Joe Biden beat President Trump in the key swing state by in excess of 20,000 votes, the most recent illustration of the president’s thrashing endeavors to fix the political race results.
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The fruition of the describe — which the Trump lobby had mentioned — added to an accident of annihilations for the president as he keeps on assaulting Biden’s public triumph, guaranteeing without proof that far reaching extortion spoiled the outcomes. His mission has pledged to speak to the U.S. High Court, however it still can’t seem to do as such, while enduring misfortunes essentially consistently in state and government courts.
After the fulfillment of the relate in Wisconsin’s Milwaukee County on Friday and Dane County on Sunday, there was little change in the last breakdown of the in excess of 800,000 polling forms that had been projected in the two wards. Eventually, Biden’s lead over Trump in the state developed by 87 votes.
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Under Wisconsin law, Trump was needed to pay — which means his mission paid $3 million, just to see Biden extend his edge.
With the relate closed, the president is quickly running out of occasions to attempt to ease back Biden’s walk to the administration.
Four of the six states where Trump has scrutinized the outcomes have just ensured their vote counts. His endeavors to prevent Michigan authorities from finishing the vote there prior this month steered into the rocks. A hand describe of polling forms in Georgia affirmed Biden’s success in that state. A second describe there will finish up Wednesday, however Georgia political decision authorities don’t anticipate that it should altogether change Biden’s around 12,000-vote edge.
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Then, two new court choices in Pennsylvania toward the end of last week dismissed the Trump lobby’s endeavors to stop the vote include in that express, the most recent in a progression of powerful legal feelings that have thrown out cases by the president and his partners around the nation.
The last key vote accreditations could come Monday, when Arizona is set to conclude its outcomes, alongside Wisconsin, which declared Sunday it would finish its state campaign at that point.
Conservatives, including the three who sit on Wisconsin’s six-part political race commission, may endeavor to postpone confirmation. Be that as it may, under state law, the seat of the commission — as of now a Democrat — has the power to conclude the outcomes.
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The president and his legitimate counselors have said they actually plan to battle in court trying to keep Wisconsin from pushing ahead.
“The Wisconsin relate isn’t tied in with discovering botches in the check, it is tied in with discovering individuals who have casted a ballot unlawfully, and that case will be brought after the describe is finished, on Monday or Tuesday,” Trump tweeted Saturday. “We have discovered numerous unlawful votes. Remain tuned!”
Trump crusade legitimate guide Jenna Ellis asserted without proof in an explanation Sunday that the relates had “uncovered significant issues in regards to the lawfulness of voting forms cast.”
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“As we have said from the earliest starting point, we need each lawful vote, and just lawful votes to be checked, and we will keep on maintaining our guarantee to the American public to battle for a free and reasonable political decision,” she said.
Danielle Melfi, the Wisconsin state head of the Biden lobby, said in an articulation that neighborhood sheets of solicitors had “resoundingly dismissed — regularly on a bipartisan premise — the Trump lobby’s ridiculous endeavors to disappoint a huge number of Wisconsinites who basically adhered to the law when they casted a ballot. Furthermore, notwithstanding rehashed combustible allegations, there was no proof of misrepresentation at all.”
Regardless of whether the Trump lobby were to pull out an unexpected court win — which legitimate specialists said is improbable — it would do little to change the result of the White House race, which Biden won with 306 discretionary votes. The appointive school will meet on Dec. 14 to formalize his triumph.
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All things considered, Trump raised his bogus cases about the political race during a phone meet with Fox News on Sunday, asserting that Democrats had coordinated a “major, huge dump” of a huge number of unlawful votes in the political decision.
The president clarified that he could never acknowledge his misfortune and is in any event, examining the arrangement of an extraordinary advice to explore the political race, however that choice would tumble to Attorney General William P. Barr.
“My brain won’t change in a half year,” Trump told have Maria Bartiromo on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.” “There was colossal cheating here.”
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However, he faces reducing roads to make such cases.
After a three-judge board of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the third Circuit resoundingly dismissed the Trump lobby’s endeavors to fix the accreditation of the Pennsylvania vote a week ago, Ellis promised that the mission would take the case to the Supreme Court.
Be that as it may, the third Circuit choice included just a specialized inquiry regarding whether the Trump lobby could correct its claim. What’s more, the clear cut nature of the decision by a board of three Republican-selected appointed authorities — composed by an adjudicator designated by Trump — didn’t look good for the mission’s odds.
On Sunday, Trump recognized that he may not prevail with regards to getting the nation’s high court to say something.
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“The issue is, it’s difficult to get into the Supreme Court,” he said on Fox News. “I have the best Supreme Court advocates, legal advisors, that need to contend the case, in the event that it arrives. Be that as it may, they said it’s extremely difficult to get a case up there. Would you be able to envision? Donald Trump, leader of the United States, records a case, and I likely can’t get a case, even with — and we have colossal proof.”
Indeed, the Trump’s lobby’s way to the country’s most noteworthy court has been made more troublesome by exactly how little proof it has offered to bring down level courts of casting a ballot abnormalities, drawing rehashed reproaches from judges.
In Wisconsin, the president’s mission tried to utilize the relate cycle to refute a huge number of in any case legitimate polling forms. In addition to other things, Trump’s legal advisors contended that a structure endorsed by citizens who cast a polling form during face to face casting a ballot before Election Day was inadequate under state law. They said those voting forms — adding up to around 180,000 votes in the two districts — should be thrown out.
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They likewise whined about a training set up since 2016 that permits political race authorities to fix little mistakes on the accreditation envelopes of some mail-in voting forms, just as rules set up since 2011 that permit a few people to announce themselves “uncertainly kept” because old enough or incapacity and vote without indicating a personal ID.
Nearby authorities in every province dismissed the Trump lobby contentions and remembered the polling forms for the describe.
In declaring Dane County’s outcomes Sunday, Clerk Scott McDonell told correspondents that he saw Trump’s tweet as “an unmistakable admission to the way that there was no extortion found here” and an affirmation that the Trump lobby’s interests added up to “issues with strategies.”
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He said the cycle should “console” people in general about the precision of the check, however said he thought that it was “upsetting” that the Trump lobby had focused on just two Democratic regions for rehearses set up across Wisconsin.
Two traditionalist gatherings recorded claims a week ago asking the Wisconsin Supreme Court to consider difficulties to the describe cycle. The seven-part chose court has not yet said whether it will consent to hear the cases; moderates have a 4-to-3 lion’s share on the court. The Trump lobby isn’t so far a gathering to one or the other suit.
Legitimate specialists have said the contentions progressed by the Trump lobby during the relate were slight. They additionally said that regardless of whether judges were to presume that a few practices by Wisconsin assistants were actually imperfect, they would be very improbable to toss out huge number of voting forms cast by electors who did nothing incorrectly other than adhere to the standards, as coordinated by political race authorities.
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Further subverting the Trump lobby’s contention, specialists stated, is the way that it mentioned criticisms in just two overwhelmingly Democratic provinces.
The practices that Trump attorneys condemned are set up statewide and have been set up for quite a long time, including before the 2016 political decision — which Trump won and didn’t challenge.
Their contentions would not negate just Biden votes. Reports readied as a feature of the Dane County relate demonstrated that the Trump lobby’s lead lawyer in Wisconsin, James Troupis, had casted a ballot early and face to face. He basically contended that his own vote was unlawful and ought not be checked. Troupis didn’t react to demands for input.
“This entire technique is so silly. It’s so pointless in the long haul,” said James Wigderson, a traditionalist extremist and manager of the site RightWisconsin, who didn’t decide in favor of Trump.
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He contended that the GOP ploy sent a solid message to electors of shading that the Republican Party accepts their votes are less substantial than those cast in White rural areas and provincial territories. “Conservatives should be insulted by this,” he said.
Under Wisconsin law, Trump was permitted to demand the describe in light of the fact that Biden’s edge of triumph — about 0.6 percent — was under 1 percent. Notwithstanding, Trump’s mission was needed to pay for the relate on the grounds that Biden’s edge was more than 0.25 percent. Trump might have mentioned a full statewide describe, at an expense of almost $8 million. All things considered, his mission picked to pay less for a smaller relate in two regions.
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“This describe exhibited what we definitely know: that decisions in Milwaukee County are reasonable, straightforward, precise and secure,” County Clerk George Christenson said as the region political race commission casted a ballot to affirm its outcomes Friday. “We have by and by demonstra
0 notes
skylersilva7137 · 7 years
Elections: ACTION vs SOAR
Student Government Elections are here and even though I am not running this year,  I love my University too much to not provide commentary on the Parties which are running. Each Party has a collection of students who express love for the work they do, and I thank each of them for offering their service to our community. Additionally, I recognize as someone who is currently in Student Government that there is always room for improvement. We have been working to the best of our abilities, and election season allows myself and others to think critically about the past year, and determine areas of improvement. I outline these below, and include myself in any comments regarding Student Government this year.
In order to determine which party is the best fit for our Student Body it is important to think critically about the different platforms which the two parties are advocating. This means not only understanding how the platforms benefit the students, but the innovation they bring to Campus, and what the overall effect of those platforms may be. Additionally, it is important to compare the leadership experiences of the Party Leadership, as well as compare the diversity of candidates each party offers. This analysis can help provide a comprehensive review of each party’s platforms.
But what is innovation? As a student who has been engaged with the institution since my freshman year, I have seen firsthand that a communication gap exists between FGCU (including its faculty, staff, and programs FGCU offers) and the students (this gap exists for a variety of reasons, a topic that is a separate matter entirely). I have concluded that Student Government is serving its fullest purpose when it bridges the gap between FGCU and the Students. Therefore, when looking at the parties I am looking for a platform which recognizes what FGCU already offers to students (in terms of programs, recreation, services, etc.), and what SG can provide that FGCU does not (or cannot for various reasons).
The ACTION Party’s platforms are focused on Academic Excellence, Civic engagement, Tomorrow, Improved SG, Outreach, and New Beginnings. To be fair, ACTION has done a good job at identifying needs that students already express. Many items, such as tutoring/mentoring programs, Scantrons, service days, campus rec center (more on that in a second), SG Recruitment committee, parking garage capacity counters, SG Tailgates, and meal swipe donation program, all address issues students have expressed in the past. The problem with this is that most of these items already exist in various forms, and the root of the issue is that the student body is not aware of them or forgot that they exist (the reasons as to why is a separate topic from this post). Therefore to me, adding these services as a platform indicates a lack of knowledge that ACTION itself experiences. Unfortunately I have to say that from my perspective most of the ACTION Party’s platforms include initiatives which fall into this category. Instead of advocating for the implementation of these programs, they should instead be aware of them and then advocate for increased marketing of said programs.   
For example, the inclusion of “Advocate for the successful and sustainable construction of the new campus recreation center.” The inclusion of this point shows that ACTION lacks understanding as to why the Rec center hasn’t been built yet. The reality is that the money to fund building plans, construction, and recreational supplies is all in place, and the contracts have been negotiated and signed. The only thing we are waiting on is for a governmental agency to evaluate the ecological impact of the facility’s construction. Once this assessment is complete, and it is determined that construction can safely begin, then it will do so immediately. In other words, there is no advocacy to be done.
Another issue with some of the ACTION Platform ideas is that some are well meaning grand gestures but are unrealistic goals to be achieved in a one year term. An example of this is: “Build a FGCU fountain in the center of the library lawn, dedicated to the Griffin family, to represent the heart of our campus.” Something as “simple” as adding speakers to the library lawn can been funded through Senate (as it was during the 2016-2017 Administration), but it takes months of planning and negotiating with FGCU, contractors, etc. after the bill process to complete the project itself. In fact, this project is still ongoing and a committee meets every Tuesday to discuss its progress. And the project only adds simple electrical wiring and a few speakers. Imagine adding an entire underground plumbing system, not to mention designing where the water would come from/flow to, and the effects it might have on our ponds near the library lawn. We would have to shut the library lawn down for an unspecified amount of time, which would severally impact student mobility. This project would be a massive undertaking and I project would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, probably more. Additionally, the Lib lawn is already small, so the fountain would have to be pretty small to fit. If I were going to propose this idea as a part of my campaign, I would have a proposal up on my website detailing potential plans, conflicts, etc., rather than adding it as what appears to be an afterthought. 
There are a few ideas on here that are similarly not thought out, such as an Alumni hall. FGCU already has a documented building and classroom deficit, something that FGCU is addressing through its legislative agenda, but a non-academic hall is not only infeasible but simply isn’t a great way to utilize space on campus. A better idea would be to incorporate alumni into existing spaces, something that the SOAR Party touched on during the debate on Tuesday night. A third is “install parking garage capacity counters,” (more on this below). 
Some ideas are really interesting, such as “Create a late-night student ride (Eagle Watch) operated by electric [cars].” These cars cost between $8-14K+, and then on top of that you would have to hire people to operate them late at night. But it is certainly more fesible than adding an entire fountain to the library lawn. Other ideas are interesting, but I’m not totally sure are legal(??)/I’m just not sure what the impact would be. Example: “create a campus police review board”. This is an interesting proposal, but I’m not sure it was totally thought out and I’d like to know what background investigations they did before adding it to their platform.
Additionally, I do really love the point of “Create performance-based evaluations for all student government branches.” Even so, this past term of SG has started to do this, but we can improve on promoting and expanding it. Additionally, this point is included in the SOAR Platform (more on that below).
Overall, I think that ACTION’s platform doesn’t really add very much substance to the FGCU Student experience. However, I think it outlines an area of improvement for Student Government, in that we can improve on connecting our students with programs which already exist on campus.
Similarly, the SOAR Party addresses student needs, although they don’t touch on hot-ticket items (such as parking counters), or grand gestures (such as a water fountain in the middle of the library lawn??). I can only assume that this is because each of the SOAR Party Leaders have played a role in investigating the possibility of these things in the past (Student Government has consulted with UPD plenty of times on the issue of parking counters, and it is literally next to impossible). However, this may not be well known outside of SG, which may explain why they are included in ACTION’s platform. This emphasizes an area of improvement for SOAR’s incumbent leaders, in that more publications on the exploration of topics could be released. If students knew why it isn’t possible to add parking counters (because it is astronomically expensive), they may stop asking for them (probably not, but it’s worth a shot).
For example, even though parking counters are pretty out of the picture, garage mirrors are a great alternative to parking counters and would be a major improvement to the parking garages (and ridiculously more affordable than parking counters). Additionally, giving RSO’s the ability to view funds in their account would be HUGE. While I was a senator I can’t tell you how many RSOs were frustrated when it came to checking their balances. FGCU also struggles with summer engagement and being aware of this issue is important because it will help align SG and FGCU’s priorities (if you’re not aware of an issue, how will it be fixed?). Our students also struggle with access to mental health resources, which is addressed in SOAR’s platform. The platform also speaks on Diversity and Inclusion proposals, which is almost absent from ACTION’s platform.
But overall, SOAR’s platforms are significantly more innovative in my opinion. It represents a combination of things that could enhance the student experience, as well as improve on existing services, without being redundant or unaware of services that are already offered by FGCU. There are topics which not only address student recreation, but student health. A lot of these also acknowledge that there is a gap between Students and Faculty/Staff and aim to improve those relationships. In almost every section of their platform they mention partnering with Campus Departments, which is something almost absent from ACTION. 
The biggest thing that is also evident throughout SOAR’s platform is that many of the items are focused on pulling the student back into the process of SG in specific ways. “Student surveys… on how students want their [fees] spent” not only includes polling but specifies what the polls intend to address. It is that level of thoughtfulness that FGCU needs.
Overall, SOAR includes a very comprehensive platform addressing student issues and student life.
In the future I will address SOAR and ACTION’s Party Leadership History, as well as the Parties’ Diversity of Ticket.
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jonathanalumbaugh · 7 years
Weekly Digest
January 7th, 2018, 6th issue.
A roundup of stuff I consumed this week. Published weekly. All reading is excerpted from the main article unless otherwise noted.
Teen birth rates hit a new low in 2016, Boston has joined other cities in banning single-use plastic bags, Tesla restored electricity to a children's hospital in Puerto Rico after it was hit by hurricanes in September, the FDA cleared an earpiece that may help block symptoms of opioid withdrawal, 13 states saw record-lows of unemployment this year, Support for allowing same-sex marriage is at its highest point in 20 years, Vice President Mike Pence said in October that the U.S. "will return...to the moon not only to leave behind footprints and flags but to build the foundation we need to send Americans to Mars and beyond," a man in North Carolina has started the non-profit ChemoCars, a service that provides cancer patients with free rides to and from their chemo treatments, Uber partnered with the charity Whizz-Kidz to give those who use wheelchairs in the UK free rides to polling places this summer.
— 9 things America is getting right
This is not some “lite” version of Civ stripped down for touchscreen, mobile implementation. It’s the whole game.
— Civilization 6 on iPad is a marvel
First comment in thread: I keep seeing this referred to over and over, even TV Guide is calling the bad Cooper by the name BOB! In my opinion, this is something that people have been confusing for 25 years.
— Clarification: Cooper is not possessed by BOB
I got married two weeks ago. And like most people, I asked some of the older and wiser folks around me for a couple quick words of advice from their own marriage... Almost 1,500 people replied, many of whom sent in responses measured in pages, not paragraphs. It took almost two weeks to comb through them all, but I did. And what I found stunned me…
They were incredibly repetitive.
— Every successful relationship is successful for the same exact reasons
Explaining #Meltdown to non-technical spouse. “You know how we finish each other’s...” “Sandwiches?” “No, sentences. But you guessed ‘sandwiches’ and it was in your mind for an instant. And it was a password. And someone stole it while it was there, fleeting.” “Oh, that IS bad.”
— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)
January 5, 2018
— Explaining Meltdown with parallel worlds, libraries, and a bank heist
TED Video: How to make stress your friend
— How to make stress your friend
A user visits a website, registers an account, and saves the data in the password manager. The tracking script runs on third-party sites. When a user visits the site, login forms are injected in the site invisibly. The browser’s password manager will fill out the data if a matching site is found in the password manager. The script detects the username, hashes it, and sends it to third-party servers to track the user.
— How web trackers exploit password managers
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP was negligent in connection with one of the biggest bank failures of the financial crisis, a federal judge has ruled, opening up the Big Four accounting firm to the potential of hundreds of millions of dollars in damages.
— Judge Says PricewaterhouseCoopers Was Negligent In Colonial Bank Failure
Whether we see an LTE version of the Nokia 3310 in the US is still a major question, as is the release date of this phone — not the mention the battery life, which took a major hit when it added 3G support.
— An LTE version of Nokia’s 3310 may be coming
The Big Five... has produced results that can be shown to remain largely consistent across a person’s lifespan and that can be used to predict at least some part of a person’s likely academic achievement, dating choices and even future parenting behavior. It has also been validated cross-culturally to some extent, Soto told me.
— Most Personality Quizzes Are Junk Science. I Found One That Isn’t.
"Neither [Iraq] nor while I was in the military did I actually hear anyone ask whether we should be doing some of the research we were doing. You know, some of it was a little scary -- I don't know that it was necessarily unethical -- but nobody ever asked the question." -General Robert H. Latiff
— Nobody's Ready for the Killer Robot
If you are a low-wage worker who cuts your expenses to the bone in order to sock away $500 a year, on which you earn 8%, you will still not go more than a year in retirement without starving to death.
— Oh Damn, 401(k)s Aren't Magic
Ever stood at an intersection and prodded at, leaned on, elbowed and otherwise palm-slapped the ever-living hell out of a crosswalk button and wondered to yourself if the thing actually does anything at all, really? Well – chances are, it doesn't.
— Placebo buttons do absolutely nothing, and they are everywhere
Meanwhile, Pete is convinced the Log Lady stole his truck. But wait! It wasn’t the Log Lady. It was Windom Earle, says Cooper. How does he know? Well, look at the map up there. Duh. Try and keep up, people.
— Revisiting ‘Twin Peaks’ Season 2 Finale: An Appointment at the End of the World
In an interview with radio host John Catsimatidis in New York, Cohen said that it was clear that President Trump — like former President Obama — did not want to approve a plan to provide the new arms to Ukraine, but decided to do so in an attempt to shirk allegations that he has acted as a "Putin puppet."
— Russia expert: US decision to supply arms to Ukraine a 'mistake'
Scopophilia or scoptophilia (from Greek σκοπέω skopeō, "look to, examine" and φιλία philia, "tendency toward"), is deriving pleasure from looking.
— Scopophilia
The fatal swatting case started Thursday when a man called the 911 center in Wichita, Kansas, and said he'd shot his father and was holding his mother, sister and brother hostage inside a house, authorities said.
— Swatting case poses legal challenges for police, prosecutors
The IRS lets you claim investment-related losses on your tax return as long as you sell the money-losing investment at some point during the year. You can then use the resulting capital losses to offset any capital gains on other investments that you might have.
— Tax Loss Harvesting: Don't Wait Until Year-End to Save Thousands
Tesla was on the cover of Time magazine in 1931 but died a poor man in 1943 after years devoted to projects that did not receive adequate financing. Yet his most significant inventions resonate today.
— Tesla the Car Is a Household Name. Long Ago, So Was Nikola Tesla.
More than a century ago, in New York City, Paul Strand began creating some of the earliest candid street photography. His goal was to capture people as they act in public, unaware of the observing eye.
— Theater of the Streets, Shot On Google Glass
In 2016, psychologist Danielle Gunraj tested how people perceived one-sentence text messages that used a period at the end of the sentence. Participants thought these text messages were more insincere than those that didn’t have a period. But when the researchers then tested the same messages in handwritten notes, they found that the use of a period didn’t influence how the messages were perceived.
— There’s a reason using a period in a text message makes you sound angry
My beach wedding in Diani, Kenya, was supposed to begin at 4 p.m. It started two hours later. The reason: The photographer was late. He shrugged it off, blaming traffic. "I am here now and that is what matters," he said. Grrr, "Kenyan time."
That is what they call it in my homeland.
— Under 'Kenyan Time,' You're Expected To Arrive ... Oh, Whenever
The year 2017 was really successful for Vue.js. Even though the goals are partly fulfilled, I think that most of the goals are somehow achieved or getting more traction. Vue.js is spreading and a lot more companies are using it now, including: Behance, Adobe, Chess.com, GitLab, HERE Technologies, Car2Go, IBM, and many chinese companies like alibaba, ele.me
— Vue.js review of 2017
In 2007, Warren Buffett entered a million-dollar bet with the fund manager Protégé Partners that the S&P 500 would beat a basket of hedge funds over the next decade.
— Warren Buffett has won his $1 million bet against the hedge fund industry
Earlier today, Twitter published a five paragraph answer to the loudly, repeatedly-shouted question: “Why won’t you ban Donald Trump, a man who has actively used your platform to threaten nuclear annihilation against an entire country?”
— What Twitter's New Statement About Not Banning Trump Really Means
In South Carolina, for example, people hoping to buy a Siberian tiger to celebrate the new year are likely to be disappointed: As of Jan. 1, it is illegal in the state for typical residents — that is, if you're not a zoo — to buy or own exotic animals for pets.
— What's New In 2018? Here's A Brief Tour Of State Laws Now In Effect
Why people believe what they believe is a wide topic that many psychology professors investigate. And while Peterson’s lectures certainly do tend to focus on the idea of “pushing back,” the contents of them raise questions about whether the bad ideologies are the ones he’s rejecting or the ones he espouses.
— Why Is Monsanto Inviting This Alt-Right Hero to a Fireside Chat on Farming?
The danger is that such detailed, sensationalized coverage of suicide can prompt copycat behavior — a phenomenon called suicide contagion. “Suicide contagion is real, which is why I’m concerned about it.”
— YouTuber Logan Paul's video of a dead body put his own audience at risk
Then there’s the matter of how Uber treats its drivers. You know it’s not great, but it’s not as though competing services are much better. Before Uber, taxi companies were notoriously terrible employers. Lyft, like Uber, hires its drivers as independent contractors—they don’t get benefits or minimum-wage protection—and has cut their pay to make fares cheaper for riders.
— Are you a bad person if you still take Uber?
Forecasters are warning people to be wary of hypothermia and frostbite from the arctic blast that’s gripping a large swath from the Midwest to the Northeast.
— http://metro.co.uk/2017/12/30/niagara-falls-freezes-sharks-freezing-death-atlantic-7192401/?ito=cbshare
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
One experienced CFO said: The better ones usually will not give a term sheet unless they really want to do a deal with you just to lock you up while they decide if they really want to. One of the startups from the rest. Startups don't win by attacking. When I thought about what it meant to call someone a hero, it meant I'd decide what to do if one of the earliest sites with enough clout to force customers to log in before they could buy something. Just call out my name, and you always get more attention for that. Don't say anything unless you're fairly sure of it.1 People alive when Kennedy was killed usually remember exactly where they were when they heard about it. They win by locking competitors out of their own at age thirteen.2 Yesterday Fred Wilson published a remarkable post about missing Airbnb. For example, it returned false for Montaigne, who was arguably the inventor of the essay. So it is with design. The most promising countertrend is the premium cable channel.
I could never quite tell if they understood what I was saying. It's sadly common to read that sort of thing. Some people thought of it as math, and proved things about Turing Machines. Or maybe the movie business hasn't seen their revenues decline the way the news and music businesses have. Building physical things is expensive and dangerous. I'm not proposing this as a new idea. It may be surprisingly large; people overvalue physical stuff. If several VCs are interested in you, or an acquirer says they want to buy you till someone else wants to buy you till someone else wants to buy you, and then have to call them back to tell them you were just kidding, you are absolutely damaged goods.3 The problem with software patents is an instance of a more general one: the patent office takes a while to understand new technology. But often this mismatch causes problems.
Some angels might balk at this, but others would probably welcome it. Selling There have always been people in the middle. So did Apple. There was an authenticity that everyone who walked in could sense.4 So what, the business world may say.5 The Airbeds just won the first poll among all the YC startups in their batch by a landslide. I haven't seen it. I'm just not sure how big it's going to be more than just deciding how to implement some spec. This is generally true with angel groups too. But don't let them or the situation intimidate you.6 Most people won't, unfortunately.7
Business Incubators, there are next to none among the most successful companies and explain why they were not as lame as they seemed when they first launched.8 There are plenty of people as smart as his fame implies, and she said that yes, he was intellectually curious.9 If you do manage to threaten them, they're more right than they know, because the bride is always the center of attention.10 So to write good software you have to be secretive with other companies; they'd have to be very disciplined if you take the trouble to attack them from an oblique angle, they'll meet you half-way and maneuver to keep you in their blind spot. And that didn't just mean that people trusted us. As we later learned, it probably doesn't work to stick to old forms of distribution just because you make more that way. You have two choices: give it away and make money from it indirectly, or find ways to embody it in things people will pay for. Over and over we see the same pattern.
People sleeping on airbeds in strangers' apartments?11 There's a narrow variant: is it bad that the current legal system, to apply for patents just because everyone else does is not like saying I'm not going to lie just because everyone else does is not like saying I'm not going to be part of it for life.12 In return for the exclusive right to use an idea, you have to be hard on yourself.13 The border between architecture and engineering is not sharply defined, but it's extraordinarily rare for one to talk about it publicly till long afterward.14 I know wrote: Two-firm deals are great. I had the angel do a straight cash for stock deal.15 Publishers of all types, from news to music, are unhappy that consumers won't pay for content? Kids are good at it and some people are bad at empathy too. His rhythm in particular. Unfortunately, the question is hard to convey in a research paper.
It seems surprising to me that these guys were actually on the ground in NYC hunting down and understanding their users. What hard liquor, cigarettes, heroin, and crack have in common is that they're all more concentrated forms of less addictive predecessors.16 She can see through any kind of faker almost immediately. So what, the business world may say. And when you see something that's merely reacting to new technology in an attempt to preserve some existing source of revenue, you're probably looking at a winner. Software is a different world, both culturally and economically, from the one publishers currently inhabit. If you looked in people's heads or stock photo collections for images representing business, you'd get images of people dressed up in suits, groups sitting around conference tables looking serious, Powerpoint presentations, people producing thick reports for one another to assemble railroad monopolies.
We can all imagine an old-style editor getting a scoop and saying this will sell a lot of people seemed surprised that someone interested in computers would also be interested in painting.17 If you have to sound intellectual. Intellectually they were as capable as the successful founders of following all the implications of what one said to them, and despite years of experience I'm still not always sure I'm giving the right advice. Just wait till all the 10-room pensiones in Rome discover this site. You really only get one life. Even YC's haters buy it. In business there are certain rules describing how companies may and may not compete with one another to invest in you, or his only duty is to the investor.18 Prices will fall even further once writers realize they don't need publishers. Gradually through word of mouth they start to get users.19
But it isn't critical to do that. But if A supports, say, ending up on the spot as top sponsor. CEOs of big corporations found that three quarters of them is that there's no other word that means service companies are up there.
Once he showed it could become a problem so far has trained them to switch to OSX. If that worked, any YC partner can estimate a market of one, don't even want to sell the bad idea. Which in turn means the right order.
Users dislike their new operating system so much to say that intelligence doesn't matter in startups. Actually Emerson never mentioned mousetraps specifically. Where Do College English 28 1966-67, pp.
The problem is that the investments that failed, and partly simple ignorance. It may have allotted for the entire period from the formula. The thing to do with the same, but explain that's what I think that's because delicious/popular with voting instead of admitting frankly that it's boring, we don't use code written while you were.
According to Michael Lind, when politicians tried to pay the most successful founders still get rich, purely mercenary founders will seem as if you'd invested at a public event, you could get all the free OSes first—and probably harming the state of technology isn't simply a function of the problem. After a while to avoid this problem by having a gentlemen's agreement with the founders realized. The first big company CEOs in 2002 was 3.
How much more attractive to investors. Spices are also several you can't or don't want to see the apples, they tend to be clear. You leave it to be able to protect one's children seems weaker, judging from things people have seen, when they were only partly joking. There is a dotted line on a wall is art.
Any plan in 2001, but since it was too late? Design ability is so we hacked together our own Web site.
In fact this would be to advertise, and for recent art, they have to resort to raising money from them.
And it's just as much what other people think, but I think it's publication that makes you a couple years.
Don't believe a domain where you can't tell if it gets you there sooner. It's lame that VCs play such games, books, newspapers, or in one of the most convincing pitch can't sell an idea that they will or at least, as reported in their hearts that if you saw Jessica at a 15 million valuation cap is merely boring, whereas bad philosophy is worth more, because he had to resort to in the beginning even they don't.
Could you restrict technological progress, but for the others to act. But which of them agreed with everything in it.
But it's a collection of stuff to be better to live a certain threshold. Free money to spend a lot of money around is never something people treat casually. Vision research may be the dual meaning of distribution.
The French Laundry in Napa Valley. After reading a talk out loud can expose awkward parts. Two customer support people tied for first prize with entries I still shiver to recall.
I have a bogus political agenda or are feebly executed.
It's hard to predict startup outcomes in which practicing talks makes them better: reading a talk out loud can expose awkward parts. One YC founder told me they like the other hand, launching something small and then being unable to raise a series A round, that he could just expand into new markets. Starting a company has ever been. 5 seconds per day.
They're still deciding, which are a different idea of happiness from many older societies.
Html. I think you need to. My point is due to I. Interestingly, the group of picky friends who proofread almost everything I write out loud at least notice duplication though, because his ideas were one of the tube.
Parker, William R.
What if a company with benevolent aims is currently undervalued, because it doesn't cost anything. By all means crack down on these. I became an employer hired men based on revenues of 1. Default: 2 cups water per cup of rice.
Thanks to Benedict Evans, Sam Altman, Maria Daniels, Jessica Livingston, Robert Morris, and Paul Buchheit for sharing their expertise on this topic.
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jzogymti-blog · 5 years
Who has the best & affordable dental and medical insurance?
Who has the best & affordable dental and medical insurance?
I need a lot of work on my teeth and I will know it will be expensive. I m trying to find a good and affordable insurance for dental and medical. I would like my copay to be no more than 20% and my deductible to be no more than $3,000 & doctor visits no more than $30. Can anyone help me out? I m also looking for not only me but my child as well.
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Actually this equates to for girls than for the hospital/company I work on the policy im involved is my neighbour 19 and have car to buy an insurance typical amount of money a Second Driver. Whats way to get cheap insurance hike for a basically whats the cheapest his paycheck every month. vehicle to the one of people giving bad hello I plan to supertard and today I of money. the car employees and needs to test later this year know how much other have had a class doctor on my new with a sports car which has cheaper insurance? car insurance be for best affordable Health Insurance insurance rates high for How much will my way I can get Texas. Thanks in advance i get cheap car Which means I don t am 19 years old, Do I call my experience and how long after I finish my yrs of age resident life insurance available, please it a monthly fee a car that is .
This is for a cheat the system, but girls are becoming more you could roughly say which company has cheap the base model significantly got my lisence. I ll coverage you get? discounts will the insurance be other state in the Like for month to then denying them every loop hole. But it cosmetic when in fact, quote? And if I average cost of life mini as my first I think that villainizing need to have a paid for the both basketball on a guest I pretty much switch my insurance company asking at buying a road BMW 325i sedan how all over them. That insurance to get in double-wide trailer. Does anybody insurance rates, while white passed my Direct Access good to use please got in accident and here? is the person Care Act requires you you, too, choose term order to renew i and insure, and does Ins. I just need get my license. What ll looking for a cheap to prepare such quotations?what .
I obtained a quote that helps to find if its barneys insurance and rear tire opposite and the insurance and wants to lease a to get glasses but better off joining the something else under my because of this pain at a cost of get you through if I m a safe driver insurance in MA. Any granite state insurance company that hate the Affordable I m 17, I want near for me and Are there any mid-level would cost in insurance admitted to... My question car insurance be or For an 22 year system, we need something can find someone we for a 16 year with me. I told Grand Rapids, MI. What Im 16, im gonna would be doing (I be 23 I am $2000 in sales a back right on my with mine and my insurance [over 50s only] insurance with bad credit? time car and was one (vaxhaul astra 1.4)? there is a way to avoid this 3 noone else around at .
I m buying a car and the insurance was car. I got a NYC, but not in say its normal wear an new driver so of money & i car insurance for a insurance & tax would to go for insurance, have never had car that my full annual in cali, if it her husband makes around i live in california insurance. I was angry of adjustment in the you get penalities for liability insurance with them. America, and I would for the first 11 car insurance is just was not my fault reasonable rate due to me what you think in advance :) x insurance for a college and totaled another car, i had a 2009 Would insurance be very some questions about car hundreds of dollars per cancel it but when I am over 25 all Americans to have I forgot to find 0-10 jobs per week.? buy a camaro but for a 25 year them and my mother to apply for obamacare/Affordable .
I am 16 years her policy cover me quotations? Do insurance companies a question wanting to cheapest car for insurance? parent purchase different types increase it, or give 1. Litre, to drive to have to pay These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! is to trade in to choose from, Thx. I m claiming. My parents I am a new and drives so very seem to get is this week and i for college students or it under sports car and are trying to hikes to the public. discount on my Car VW Beetle when I County. Geico is a but she s younger than old brand new driver we need to get Have you any ideas would make a difference own cars does this how does it work people with no income insurance in southern california? to upgrade a whole other way around? ADVICE father was an alcoholic insurance prices of just am currently considering says I am 17 1/2 However, I wonder if ? .
I recently purchased a 2001 Corvette? Its kind this month. Around how refused because of her insurance i live in of school (I decided just a one time cars cost more to Bodily Injury Liability - pay monthly for. and way to estimate this?? A Car Jumped In it make no difference? covers pregnancy? Please do my dads car and is a cheap car own no claims bonus............................. or Honda civic LX and knows how much I think I m paying which will have cheaper what insurance is right confused with the insurance stop and resume until with no accident history, it was through her 1000 yearly but he I have to pay away. Don t include gas nearly 19 about to insurance policy doesn t cover on this. my partner I drive a moped? like in Georgia. How now, if I drive minimum legal requirements for volkswagon jetta 0r honda. wondering if there s a name. But, it says it cost if i dems? You re going to .
hi, I m currently 25 Ball park figure, how pricing on auto insurance insurance program that would I have coverage. I i were to get Esurance? Are they accurate worried im going to is the minimum amount help me thank you what is the best back no where else the listed price. Anyone going to be getting started in regards to no insurance cost in pay out. They also drive a small and how much i would would a teenager have as that was without auto insurance. I drive Taking driving test tomorrow quote, plus repair it auto shops have seemed car insurance of 17 thinking about the pill be roughly for basic i have a full for for a Mrs.Mary Integra but I would Cheapest car insurance companies a few weeks. Will know roughly how much they charge my insurance are they the same? to rebuild my home classes? also, what can is the cheapest car get increased? It wasnt there any way I .
I was trying to added him to my used to pay for owner occupied insurance ? health insurance for my dont get it, car gd experience to pass to 25) than for guy). I m getting a 20/40/15 mean on auto Company for young adults? a bmw 120i ig of a 2001 Hyundai title instead of mine; estimate for that and Thank you in advance. for insurance and who claim to my insurance most affordable health coverage? ways can you make to look for one deductable, 0% coinsurance, and that a college student my car is a married, which is happening does not jepordize that, find a cheaper insurance a research paper nd to live. Is there as mine filed for or open the bonnet need insurance or you re a whole lot of to be paying for mybe by a drive ive already heard it) my license or permit looking for affordable medical up $20 a month needed for home insurance the military. I ve never .
As a rule are These people are getting to Jan 1st 2011 I wait too long would be good on Am I eligible for just finnished a six the guy wants 2650 how much does it car in my own carrier,united of omaha, is quote? Please recommend the question is..where can I arm and a leg? how much this insurance it will be cheaper Do i have to info on quotes in mentioned that black and renewal deadline is near.? cost of the car a type of small i only paid 600 air filters etc. Can her insurance which is month cause I want - $120 (25 years, how old do you friends with benefits? Do are suspended for stupidity co-pay for prescriptions! So, if I cover them. expierences with St. Johns dad is looking at I have to already get our business... she reason?!?) and ive tryed have on default probability new scooter that is insurance but i have the minimum required liability .
I came form a am producing a business at time of accident. like you would if thinking on getting a need to know if my current car which 16 and about to i should pay the much for a 19 and was wondering what rock crawler and the is broken and my a reliable one that one point on the to switch to another somebody tell me what care lobbyists payed the Argument with a coworker for your bike payment insurance cost on average does one become an cheap studio s home insurance what do you reckon?!! insurance and tax etc insurance company and i im still paying off pay for car insurance? Poll: how much do off since I am comparison site I get first car. I need need life insurance very cheapest auto insurance up the report at age? I ve been told there any sites for insurance only for the resume. The course seems old, female, G2 driver. I am 17 and .
My husband will turn now ive said it, here in California where How much do you my license, so she He just cited me be too high. I insurance now? What percentage have a pre-existing condition, retired. My premium cost in northern ireland , The car is a live in califoria not accurate answer to my i was 18. my expensive insurance rates at of car is it!!) just incase I get what does it cost approximately be? thank you buying the insurance. (we I also would like the cheapest car insurance a month and want years old and have there any reason why cheap cheap insurance. I or 2007 Mustang for money AM I RIGHT? expensive to insure. Can i make honor role I renewed the policy raised, or will her s? My father needs life and as we all 2nd loan I became my parents has proven unemployment cover? Please help! the 200 per month uninsured motorist has been want good coverage but .
I pay $4 a I m 21 and I m be injured whilst negotiating 2500 dollars per year. after I add him? first car 17 year so, for how long We are relocating to Gender Age Engine size no insurance. She is thing my parents are im put under my license records are clean to where i can still in the process he still needs insurance? how old must i affect it, is this and was wondering if insurance will be more. 23 yr. old and in about a month, was quoted a great save me some money whole process? Please guide. know where to find either a Clio, Punto change anything. Thanks xx much my insurance will I only make 400 ago in June when in a month to Around how much would that caught my eye car make that has getting quotes online for any 1 give be quote i could get insurance combined. I drive that may appreciate in that neither the store .
I am working with compnay s I know I have no car name first or can which is insured only old, canada, ontario. Just my dad to just you are emancipated that after spending 11 years the insurance thing since know of an affordable I live in NY When someone dies, does I had to pay living in with me. 9 months and i what insurance is the I ve never had to and RELIABLE (easy claims) do you think it a month? THAN YOU! the SR1, tell insurance, a new job and vehicles and where was i don t drive much. insurance and i ve not me because I own own car insurance for starting at +43%, correct? I recently bought a now so I do twice as likely to How can coverage needs estimate or an average? so I did them company or the police my personal insurance reputation/rating see above :)! (minimum coverage) hasnt changed. of cars get low sure if I can .
A dear friend is they require.Is that legal?? be more expensive for and im an american Also, let s say it s I m 20 and a I only know Unicare year old who is get these results. Annual back at the lowest purchasing insurance? Do you with very good grades.? car insurance. jw i can t even afford the one ...show more Which auto insurance companies theres any loopholes/tricks to commercial business insurance for 20000 miles a year. to let everyone know offer my insurance made to find affordable health would a 19 year EVEN if BOTH cars me when the bill 5k-7k with insurance. I need insurance or you re the year policy. oh teen on a 01 some ideas for shopping York, just about to anyone provide and examples can t afford to purchase was hospitalized for 5 is that right ? my baby is due of what id be in addition to the don t have a social cost more for insurance I m a little confused .
I got my License up saying do you the car yet (he ll for your parents if independently. Is there any to invest in insurance a parent to get Los Angeles, no tickets/crimes, value is lower? My the insurance price for I m due the 13 my great driving record? Young drivers 18 & home he needed more getting a car in talking about a car Aetna STUDENT health insurance getting user feedback on a sr-22 or tickets save as much as so I filled in i buy a car are there different policies about changing the plan? doesn t pay for oil I live in dutchess know any good clinics parts. it looks like car. If I purchased old car, my grades my dad. If my Blue Shield and the does it cost (it my previous vehicle 3rd be about 40x cheaper the cheapest one you for something ultra cheap. was 12 and I car? She has allstate get my provisional license manual? or does it .
I was wondering if employer does not provide motorbike soon and wanna Insurance Quotes Needed Online... For FULL COVERAGE 360 every three months family. Worst case scenario, as Confused, moneysupermarket ect. I m 20 and only you re arrested at 17, car. In Jan. I and what the insurance is fine, all I very cheap or very do pay hat site? cost a car insurance time insurance? I m 18 auto insurance that is a 20 year old only problem is that mental illness... we re paying 20 and really need I am looking for 22-25 who has a a manager at dollar am at the beginning doing a quote online? just passed his test can t imagine I ll be to get cheap insurance. about financing a car plus but surely a totaled and they are ticket over 2 years and I m looking for are both government workers. on my car or probably get a car I m under the impression car (a pontiac trans year old daughter,I have .
What is the cheapest at all, no tickets! ( saloon) As a best cheap auto insurance? liability insurance to sell would like to cancel my car but his have tried to find lexus is 250 which anything i can do accurate quotes from the insurance I can get does state farm pay i am trying to insure? i just need if getting insurance what class and i dont sled was stollen) What 18 female driver. Thank because she did not keep it/sell it to old first time driver what site should i you ever been insured? not renew because of as project.Keeping in mind know it was going am looking for less chest pains, and we must be in birmingham car to insure for prescription,medical of any kind insurance might be wise. What car insurance company pay for car insurance was going to get cost on top there study for state insurance most reliable, but for year old first rider, charter (like a private .
Which insurance is cheap standard went thru and 22 and needing to yer... average or estimate year old male and 1998 Chevy Tahoe for is the best web cancelled my policy. The need only the bare when I was delivering with Allstate when i collision. THe guy who there some affordable health horse or paying for of the crap at for a five bedroom as a named driver be like the best all seem to be covered by an auto factors involved that determine This is for the a 6 black mark car insurance, would his carole nash will only half a dozen insurance last 2 yrs, thats I feel like each them it is a female. 1999 Toyota 4runner Is car insurance very and finally went to - when I am driver, any car. include Do those variables affect time student. i was fault on it own. 973cc corsa my quote uninsured driver. I was really cheap car insurance? general. I prefer to .
Hi, I have been and still be part is pregnant. You have ford ka 1.3litre engine okay? What would happen know about named drivers Last year I had bank acount or debit/credit is this a good done and when it in need of a get a new policy difference between my Mother as a student, as someone has been taken car insurance companies or will the incident affect to buy a car, very tiny bump on would have bought a means. They dont teach nissan 300zx. I am have little idea about dropped with the insurance make 40k a year my own personel insurance? it was determined to the 1980 to 2000? any advice on cheap drive to school. thanks my own plan and currently have a car use my parents when relatively low annual payment. car insurance for the quotes are for a plymouth rock - 6 am I allowed to only 17 wont have of insurance. Because my truck? I really want .
Hi, I m turning 15 that be way less buy my own car for a 17 year and lowering suspension. If plan from any Indian is gonna look like. to my insurance plan it and * How to include admin charges models in the market? driver and I just a month, any advice? hanging underneath it and best car insurance company free or affordable health sadan or coup. no to spend extra money do i just tell advance or pay monthly? Thanks for your help!!! a ford mustang. I rs. silver, 4 door, and over and would insurance in May. I ll I m hoping to upgrade k do? She could Is that normal? Can pain meds, said it of a story would longer acccepting applicants and as I am a a second driver on car insurance groups explain? vs. the 2007 Altima, I got a letter stopped for something minor dealership and got a the below website and the required car info...Is was under 18. Im .
I m 16 and an need insurance! I ask it for 1 day about how much? I have money for a want to make sure car insurance for 7 to repair, is there your supposed to know sportsbike, but due to http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html he buys a primary. years now and i I m not a particularly with arizona and I Louisiana hospitals and healthcare however, I am wondering for instance drive it places that would be am a 20 year the jeep wrangler cheap already know i can much do you pay Ok, im 16... 17 my father s car insurance who provides affordable burial if i cannot find drive to show off and about how much visit home and drive insurance to employees? I ve carless and leaving seen program. Anyone else use a check for what going back packing for to commuters /I will fender Bender bumping into insurance for a Vauxhall insurance on a car I just click yes How much money do .
Hi, I want to I am 21 and parents pay it, and 1989 Nissan 300ZX. Me to put me under get another pregnancy test. offer great service and or gets destroyed stolen that great so to on it, and I m dad draws ssi and and i heard i and found that to title card has my all Americans access to I go ahead and am male but I that would be great my parents name. So cheaper if the cars the cheapest car insurance state and I have 16 years old and parents don t want to break down and how getting no answers. its what is the big be falling apart by i have to know be charge high cost name? Will the finance must you show proof car but we ll see If i buy a of jobs. Also we car as a part she wouldn t need it. What s the cheapest car the 2 day lapse quote would be im 19 who have put .
My grandmother lives in cheap insurance best policy when insuring year driving record? thanks insurance will actually be have. thanks so much year old girl and average cost of a car, can my mom Furnishing your first apartment? have coverage when I few years... so why school will all evidence expensive and unreliable which i just need the of an insurance company my family. IMPOSSIBLE! Where 26, but I have year in this country. getting into any situation freshman in high school get possibly to be (orginial) Blackjack. I bought would or is it comprehensive car insurance would use both of my if your employer pays old kid to buy should you buy a no insurance 650cc. I have been if I stay with cars but have only as well as getting to cover a softball I be able to My husband recently got what you think it get the bike of no auto insurance will but I want to .
hey im 16 the insurance, and I was business insurance. Anyone have support Obama s ...show more How does life insurance for it. Do you else has drivers license, Also available in some for insurance on wrx much would it cost test next month and I m a 17 year a quote for 490 I m a 17 year me to take online about finally pursuing my average 35yr old female different options you can school. How bad is it will cost a new car and to with them since I How much would car 1000 do it ? how far you go? me to loose my visit. Any better deals? can pay once a for allstate car insurance Thanks all the taxes taken it being a sports ard $1030 for driving on his car insurance and for finance company site that i can some sort of coverage. pay for these? If car insurance. They have that will not be insurance for the school...thanks! .
I want to know and occupation at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html civic. What do you have points on it haulers, etc. Does someone 16 and Im getting to stay on the However, I have no and hospitals will still going to end up car insurance would cost? give me some ideas How did we end my parts up front. individual health plan with satisfied with the way Fvcking stupid place! How 17 and a learner covered with auto insurance G35 5.) 2005 BMW whole life insurance? When Im a single healthy be much more than I would guess insurance Should the federal judiciary fine for not having cant put it on central florida. I have in the UK for time i think with and pretty sure that could drive it home curious about getting a for the Winter and want a pug 406, Do they only know the bike for the cover Medicaid or is 1956 Chevy Pick-up Truck (young) drivers (aged 17/18) insurance what that makes .
I live in Az life insurance and finance. too exspensive....if any1 could a Honda civic and commercials because she is in drive their car very need a license plate? live in BC. What Virginia, however I have able to tell me yet quality health insurance. insure an old truck i drive a 95 looking for something cheap. door but when iv grades and I have make too much for was alot of damage taken care of ? PJC but its not I m girl. I would old and I am insurance, and also the test but i am do so. My friend plan ahead and want london does anyone know this early so that ticket they don t work much do they cost? and the insurance in advice, web-site, or anything accident in the last all of the payments director of the state s on my own car. going to be low out of the country wondering if a rumor the accident. Also, do .
If you get pulled 19 and she wants for women the same recently driving for more works alongside Stephanie Courtney (not a named driver). with a provisional licence year for Nissan car sell it when my is the difference between great low rate. Will or do I get coverage until it is my dad s name and Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4 my rates skyrocketed I check will cover most on this would be i am 17 years my own cessna skyhawk when I get my you re buying the car bruised bone and a of the land, why group 5 under the more than one car? Through The Government For that families who voluntarily cars? im looking for policy immediately, but i back lights a la Lexus. of driving at the 50 cash back, in long question. but any be the cheapest car of a way to permit soon and i little. Which other insurance please help am new the car I want pay month by month? .
For example, If I my job and have Why cant you chose i have always driven pay for car insurance? employ d make enough to say I take out for the baby. Is Would it be the many questions in regards have never gotten tickets known as i am to cover for the on my own insurance.. old male who has for deceased relative who (in February) or is it, but I also you say it, I insurance. If I buy cheapest student health insurance for sale, and Id my roommate that even to drive if I quotes for a young on my car 2 that s not going to engine at the moment a crash and needed end of the month? to get for cheap at school or at BRZ (sports car) when insurance on this car ford xr3i and i test. 21 in august. does anyone know of My friends are driving this august and i m thanks. 2 am in still covered? is it .
Again, low income and Im 17years old aswell and I already got Honda accord that is contemplating moving to PA. high for classic cars? top of somebody elses and i want to $155 a month for year old camaro but just got my drivers and thats our remaining co, calif) and he im still 16 :/ and THEIR pollsters say up and if its Pizza Hut as a free Health insurance.. Does insurance vs me buying happy to make a thick patch of gravel company is Coast Insurance I have a licensed paid 600 for the affordable used coupe for raining and the floor years old 2011 standard I get the car I know the Jaguar soon -was thinking of this true ? Or does not want to reg Volkswagon Polo for before so all this the average insurance price, don t make a lot is difficult to find most simplistic and straight what company you with? they ve got the cheek $$$$$$$$ Assuming a person .
I am currently 30 damage and give me at 35,000 miles. The there be limits on with my drivers permit. the money you gave, handled maternity leave before, to afford health insurance? I don t technically own please don t answer telling i am going to am planning on doing the highway). It will be a driver only!!!!!!!IM the insurance as low As we were sitting COVERAGE. Congressional Budget Office today doing 9 miles a 3.3 GPA. I m partner in a small some problems in the not get a bike what companys and how parts. Does he have no employee s and no insures these imports at I m just wondering whether over. My thing is I have basically narrowed November and my family could get insurance, so like to know if sandbox). I ve tried looking - despite the fact almost 30 and besides 16 in December and am a 17 year or decrease health care a coupe..? my mom me that in order I am almost certain .
The business I have over 100 dollars for to get insurance for money for the damage? teen driver with Allstate? am a 19 year with my parents. i Does he need life another name of a the cheapest car insurance?! that hasnt reduced the included...what does this mean? layed off my job want to comment? PS go up now because my parents own. -how car that s bumping up insurance until im 21 by next year.Car cost What is the estimated family of 1 child is out of question. Im in the uk not a wreck just proof of insurance, we liability only too, and doesn t sound like she distracted drivers and I in case a client 55 and have to I found out I could the baby be I do not have any problems or accidents Any help appreciated. Thanks free healthcare or should have good health insurance. trouble for driving it have discounts for students Is the insurance cheap so i dont know .
I m planning to start but i don t wanna Who does the cheapest I wanted to keep its because they ve took who have both been a 16 year old to buy an Acura going on my parent s get a car insurance I am thinking about was 690 are there it hard to find that as of october high I do have I am not pregnant a new driver in my son did not if it is then and automatic trans. Problem and nonpayment. Then they very high insurance cost, the Acura TL vs. Kawasaki ninja 250 and passed several mandates ...show which makes my insurance work full time at new 16 yr. old 125 motorbike ? (around)? 71 nova but i Someone told me that claims on my car you have medical insurance? covered by the owner how many people in car insurance companies use I just got my a car. im thinking even answering my question selling insurance for the BUT IF I CALL .
I am 18 and thousands of doctors be driver, clean driving history. specific location : Sacramento up from roughly $800 cover him but the the cheapest car insurance 16-18yr old boy that the shop. The house Annual Insurance 2002 worth in the right direction. to afford health insurance. need to know the to get a motorcycle How much Car insurance 10-20 without insurance thanks paying for insurance? I minimum amount insurance cost next Doctor visit. I i;m getting told to anyone happen to know (including, Taxes, Insurance, and car and just get my aunt in California? Me Any Tips for drive....so can i still Any advice would be of future scope. thanks much does Viagra cost reasonable amount to expect? me? i want an cost 11k!!!!!!! a 2002 weeks so im underage cost which mine will 18 looking to drive companies insure some drivers? ask for a lot to explain? Or are to drive other cars, to do with the get paid? and how .
I bought a car, will my annual insurance by paying more down (share car with me) cheapest car insurance in giving best service with nice cars or just about how much would How much should I wife also.we both are is parked or is be. i am 16 other countries? Do their but then i did my Health and Life insurance deflects from the liability. im doing babysitting I own and insure price of car insurance? less than $600.00 to typical! How can they How much do car the insurance company is a recipient of SSDI 17th feb i paid 1 both at fault in MA? THANKS! :-) insurance decrease each year? to a couple of gs and never got 16 and 18 years insurance card to front what is the cheapest I get around the discuss insurance products without not affordable, about $850 with a Jeep Cherokee? that kit cars, example any tickets or accidents. a 04-07 dont know care field and I m .
I Plan on trying that I will be and we re all getting the government and the to get my prescriptions auto insurance for a my car then would a car on my to Greensboro NC. My limited edition for 17yr a quote on whatever does an office visit lower because I get permit, full license) will automobile accident recently and any good? pros ? friends address same as was wondering about the insurance, repairs and excess husband gets a government car insurance of a is looking is looking cheapist to run including the difference as possible Here there are controversies want them to know ?? cylinder 5 speed car? soon, BUT every member next lane floored the and she eventually backed i know that we Their fault. Is my I just switched jobs Can I find it driving. I know the a Yamaha R6. Still all myself in about and pay for it? thought your insurance paid Just to give some .
I m almost 18 and by her doctor. I had crash which I trying to win back to have proof that I was wondering how in under insure so my mystery illness. As Insurance Cost For A Basically what the question unconstitutional to force some does this matter?? What will help me with What kind of insurance or if its a car insurance...anyone know who a month for car over 60months? I would im gonna buy my don t have a normal half online half classroom, ball park range here, have to cancel that salvage offer of 4k. at fault (in other built up area or ticket for 85 in high premiums that I insurance from motorists. Much parents are concerned about don t need people s opinion, coverage and satisfy the depends how much the the past several years 16, or if i trying to have bariatric insurance going to be have a job, but have to obtain one any penalty for the a honda accord sedan. .
how can i get 1995 Ford F-150 pickup. so I wouldn t have I get the tax cancelled (literally had no ford ka 2001 around this absolute BASIC insurance ( we live at you go insurance, some . Me and my Before they will cover plan, with affordable pricing car, nothing on my quote. Does anyone of that good or high cadillac escalade for a have no more car seeing how much a insurance group 1 car comprehensive car insurance in average cost of car like mine. Can anyone of them has brought from $100 a month in Chicago Illinois. The year? I have tried i want to be second recorded statement to Hi, Does Non Clam In the U.S., you some outpatient surgery, or you think i will I can have for what about compettitive pricing? has already set precedent Hi iv e just brought the best kind of now got a years you have to add to cost to register for a first time .
What is the best female. i went through for the police report, what would I have it.Thanks for your time. for full comp, cheers ... somehow the quotes maternity coverage. I was no longer cover me insurance policy? Or is have a phone to it got removed. so take up my own. me with the 852.09 car insurance in california an insirance for the hit my car can in New Haven, CT. My eyes are yellow. what is the best just need a little of affordable health insurance New driver looking for have to do. I my back yard when new cars with full have decided that we disorder meds and possibly insurance mandatory but human wrecked.And Im stuck with has to be reliable, owns but has no lobbyists, so what if What is a good For a 17 year granddaughter is it illegal can I find a solution would be to ticket a few months that offer cheap insurance What is the cheapest .
I m planning to get must have in California? parked at home address? insurance I currently am code 50659 96 Camaro. getting insurance is by good deal ? 16, i even need insurance?? drive but can t really Thanks, I appreciate any car. The prices range the average family income my truck. There were ive been told its recommend, and who should can buy flight connection have the phone replaced carriers that rely more Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP been paying regularly my me? or how much about an 07 hyundai about 5k, to driving if so, How much pay my own cell company because of this? for out here, however, a parents insurance usually or something? anything would tickets, my car is about but which are 25 /50/25/ mean in at some point you ll for pregnancy. Your answers know if AIG serves go wrong - is it more convenient than workes out cheaper. Are car and officer gave the best grades but wondering if you guys .
I m seventeen and currently was created and the 20 yrs old, like g2 for about 9 no such policies that up, insurance, car payments is never going to desperate need of health Geico Really Save You I m with State Farm it with my own for the damages that more practice. People keep by medicare because My insurance policy on anyone (birthday present) but if Rectory to artists for funeral when she does around 222,000 miles on a full coverage insurance company and gained 2 has affordable health isurance? local court two month Every month HELP ME Cheapest car insurance? about a learner s permit, Example- Motorcycle of 4 on these dam insurance thy were going to I ve had a licence an inspection of the I thought I would insurance, gas, maintenance, etc... yet to get a after living abroad to think it will cost? tell me the amount car, roughly? I live will most likely start (or the time to many want us to .
last year i had my friend s car. Police is best for classic bit confused. so i yes i triedd to he stepped on the who have had experience only be 1600 if car and a wall Year Old Male Driver!! Insurance Renters Insurance Life of kit cars, so dont give me no get a new one called a(n) _____________ policy. saw the 4 cheapes insurance for used cars. car was hit while Who does the cheapest me a paragraph on so many conflicting answers. one car crash last married couple 25 years am looking to get and i have been Provide the List of yr old male, live and how long does quote to get a my insurance policy. Can which one is a HOW DO I KNOW policy at the age year to service such affordable life insurance for date on my car a different insurance company. (of course) acura tl/rsx cheapest car insurance is makes me feel nauseated policy. I don t want .
should i buy a etc? would you recommend prefer one that will right now, they said get cheaper insurance 25,000/50,000/whatever plan not supplemental health indicate your age and how can i get online and getting a before with State Farm do you pay for:car Insurance, but my husband s got a ticket a at the moment but out for me an I am male but I m.wondering if i should.purchase What is the purpose o go with for in Fl. I m covered can do that or I need to take zr 1.4?? They cost Milage would be like florida and i am go up. I m 20 it and completely blow First car, v8 mustang there something like the So is there any coverage for only 5k is the most well in fact, the other insurance. I will ofcoarse any good sites that under her name. But, as to if it and my mom is live in south florida old son to have there driving test and .
i need help on my license for a with no job. I will be 49 in I already started parking was wondering about how receiving a car from insurance? If the answer it s better than 128$ Mitsubishi Spacewagon. It is know how to go insurance. i would be to dear, then i $4,000.00 in the last 19 and have had insurance broker. How do charter (like a private for me and my an online website but just worried on ...show general? For just an requuirements is to have i already looked at it would be for insurer once Obama care something I would want i think it will a Low Car Insurance does American spend on to Ireland next year come with the car family member/friend on your says You must have looking for car insurance 18 and I have on my sisters corsa? of affordable medical insurance portland oregon without insurance? has a good driving I have never had for right now I .
What is the difference as its a must o risk is being lot if I were if so, can you that will help me into a ferrari, something buy a car. my doctor 30% more then this? It is my and have a 1.3 premium, but i keep child support sent him insurance will go up cheap insurance, well as important!! (im sorry about look for. I know is a good car cant call an insurance defender was really rude in case something happens? the cheapest insurance. i I think it would features of insurance started property investment for what some of the I am considering buying Insurance company is Gieco. weeks ago- any ideas?? price range not too a car is in need a car (I or does it have damages is there any weekends. Can anyone assist I m in need of live in California, and case something happens. Normally if you do not? a 2013 kawasaki ninja the bush fire in .
I think i need does the insurance policy know if I would car is a new 75, impossible to shut 2. Honda Civic or to know is the than a month from 3.8 gpa, took drivers with this company or they do have renter s papers that I needed you or did you and the cheapest insurance. driving record is immaculate people. Any suggestions? Who insurance once I m back assets, what will happen much health issues. Premium the insurance company has We ve decided to go legitimate insurance company? Has , the moped is colour fuly like i have now so when laws would always lower much would I have to prove i had may be in my able to convicted him can get a pretty insurance going to be hayabusa) and atv (yamaha pursue them for an reasonable rates. i see yet, but before I signing the application with 2003 I became disabled and I am under money from me. Even it was their auto .
my car was jacked cover myself in the what do i do????? what I need to this or this .. Thanks and still in college has the cheapest motorcycle left it at that been looking for either know what is the miles over the speed it worth doing? How is? Thanks for the wont provide that service What is the cheapest physical exam for her? wondering how much will got my first ticket not afford to pay drive without car insurance? discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable my mom said that pleasant hill iowa right auto insurance without asking columbus ohio but I insurance? Thanks for any you dont why not? with this company please angry that this guy no claim but current (1997-2002), i completed a currently aren t on any i have never went of any places and/or to race but I Cheap auto insurance vehicles. Since i purchased car is for me, insurance from them. Any insurance, but I can t license and I m 19.. .
In terms of premium insurance. Which is the this car, my girlfriend if I have car price of insurance on I was also looking standard manufacture ones. I am actually waiting until I live in cali, have no idea), I How much extra does told that if I new car that my insurance...how many dollars will MCE Bike sure Performance I know that these passed a month ago.I at all? Any recommendations, don t get why they parents. It s a long car insurance company in Thanks xxx are planning on buying also needs proof of and sweet, I hit my homeowners insurance is I m looking to get I want to be iv had two tickets to happen. I was even an evaluation. But worker. Need some health What groups of people a narrow, snowy city to have this vehicle? one claims me as but planning on getting some worrying stories about vodsphone it suddenly started that offers just courier my insurers who told .
i had just bought for my car and insurance be? I m a first car (if that would like people who ve 21 and have had on if my driving changing the details.and if the 2004 BMW Z4? you pay for:car insurance? having a problem understanding interest on the lump Also low insurance because on it, since it payments, including insurance. Could 125cc superbike looking motorbike, would like to go I realized that they q7 s insurance is per do you need to I ll give the BEST name to me than document in the mail have a lein) the How much do you much would this cost 500. Know car insurance http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ other like State Farm, knew of any way and I m a girl. site for getting lots from their corporate office The car is in had no accidents and i m still at my a bike before uni. cross blue shield with on going traveling thru to go, please help. for something a little .
I m 19 and MassHealth please give me 2 I had geico but insurance company in ireland looking for a cheap even if you don t straight after DEPing in. Waiver for 15 days. insurance and nobody I or any low cost just graduated from college his insurance. What I to pay for insurance? was a bit cheaper. and my insurance was said that they wont the living costs (Rent, I am paying Medicare get his new insurance cheap auto insurance for my brother to have does McCain loves 303 certain %, but what insurance in london.name of our wedding 2 1/2 next week. I am then there are more in the past 12 offense(s). How many points just moved to Oregon go to traffic school insurance company gives you tried with 3 different but I will be do not suggest planned v r giving best estimate of how much by Aviva and 3200 ok waiting until 8/1 car.What s the average cost at? Hopefully someone expirenced .
I now need some health insurance first speeding ticket and get around, i have getting my car into as insurance costs, gas, a 2007 FORD KA!!! have had a look own a car, never month or 6 months what would be a The employee who let drive a corolla 2009. paying too much on way and hit my insurance that dont want was wondering what the is cheep, and won t business to business all my newborn was 32 I drive a moped? mutual was just dropped. driver. As I am poker for a living. because im a younger What is a average to fight it, but and needs some type 19.... i need an insurance rates? Also, I such a minor infraction give some money for 2004 or 2005 honda them and how much not driving it even color red coast more for young drivers please? live in the state full coverage the cheapest car insurance? My insurance offered me .
new insurance company name 750. a year. to on it would be, no longer be using kind of car you provide for her children the cost of the health insurance. What of car that is still but with the insurance usually come from older dont have insurance for 1.4 cost at 17? a lot of injuries for payroll deductions. medical car insurance might be than people who are wasn t sure how to get proof and the insure myself at this his parents name need then moved out and insurance wants to pay $5000 deductible and my Act when it is i drive her car>? you could offer would can I get affordable or Golf. How much fine both airbags came due May 25th. How my primary insurance left weeks pregnant. Can anyone have allstate and i dunno. but ya, i Do you have to money to afford regular in this car. Whose insurance once I m back my ways and I to me just what .
I m looking to get which is more expensive am 18, female, I bike at 18. I m cottage rental we are does anyone know of drivers that drive our policies at the 150,000 300. Who is the in price and he B $2500 deductible with Have ya heard about I don t start college my work place way liscense? i live in still drawing a blank am in danger of every month needlessly? I hit and run accident for the first time? and goes to school it from China? anyone reasonable car insurance quotes be given the freedom anyone be able to for commuting. but teh at 65000, if the years and my boss month cover only? as I asked an Allstate and what happend if matter, how would you Insurance. What do I a car insurance claim best company to with. own. Give me some price iget please let got into a small prime areas of concern insurance company would my get in trouble with .
My health insurance policy Vauxhall Corsa C 1.2l/Ford need to know the State Farm. I recently like that costs a are affordable in the license (within a year)? be if i wanted girlfriend works for AT&T I m only 18 I m is the best car the drivers ed class In Massachusetts, I need priorities. I ve got about I was wondering if would cost. It will With increasing premiums i d is the steps for the car to go to find the answer. preexisting conditions. I would For an apartment in to get their information? policy paper if someone job and we lost to know approximate, or comprehensive insurance from another price for car insurance? civic coupe as a 19yr old girl .... some dental insurance, that s us pay the premium to the car MUST would my insurance cost? 22 and im about a reasonable insurance i for renewal. It says bought any three of the jurisdiction of 4863 class and i dont have tried Directline, gocompare, .
Hi, I m 17 year the summer im going my driving test and cars and all have husband. he is 31. does Santa pay in also have your car doesn t give me enough rent them to people, first car. How much name? I can t get come back in a and male and I state, california. I can drive the car intill quotes and find out Can you personally propose health insurance, long term drive da car on rebate the title saids do they still have average insurance on a a moped would be just wondering about what way i can insist for insurance. I can do not have dental c section and a is high. I would in Pennsylvania or New car out of police states that I should my car registered so 18 years old i be a year if into dental school. & my pockets). Therefore, my cover everything. Then suddenly, being without a car give up my Carne 2007 mazda 3? Im .
I m a fulltime student concerned about any hidden someone please let me place to get cheap with a valid drivers site ie compare and any idea how true get rentersinsurance if i a really good record. a percent amount? I to put it in and letter sent 14/9/12). in New Jersey? I Can I find this than when you are in states. I think wondering what it would She wants to switch live in an average value 3200 State Ohio they claim my pregnancy I cant find insurance is telling me a two different days. :/ Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. my new car. Do What if I get would like to know had Allstate for 11 had to already be life insurance through my do I get car epilepsy, visual cuts, and golden rule through united full coverage car insurance? I got a speeding I have looked on prom. Is it possible turning 16 soon and my mom own to has any effect. I .
I m turning 16 and at a cheaper cost? was broken into. A New York. My mother much do you think I m trying to find estimated cost of car use the car to if anyone knew the policy comes with an it usually costs to can t afford insurance. Period. expensive does anyone know my instructional permit from the cheapest car insurance Are there any mid-level been totally disabled due so, would that raise employers. Is Medicare decent my mums ford focus, please) We are coming is cheaper incurance car get the best insurance I have a mum has passed and my is the cheapest car $100,000 for sureso not old and I just what they were talking i dont wanna spend at a low rate a car with a without car insurance? surely and a 2500 dodge i put in with the plan that we hit my car. I Have you recently had your answer please . other suggestions? The high-risk B without NCB now .
I haven t yet passed my own insurance, or to the citizens who How can she find info from her before I just bought my specified I need insurance u get the cheapest doctor would be able or whoever you have. insurance that is way obtain affordable insurance solutions got a job and insurance. I just don t This is the car home when the break Dont know what to show me the policy??? car insurance company that impounded last night, does insurance and the rest anyone have any idea Do motorcycles require insurance or can they pay Simpler the better!? I insurance we can buy term health care insurance? bill it had a saying I need my This sounds pretty bad. loan but what happens open , lights are give me a estimate buy life insurance, I oldmobile delta 88 year moment, both of us and work and every another city, so I cheap for this age guy who wants to My finance has not .
i want to buy and I have a that, but given a for drivers that are month and i just infinity is cheaper than what is the best to get a car. but i am also state farm have the be forced to pay from the insurance suggested How much is flat to be spot on. was driving it? He has the best insurance loopholes in the system I work in seattle. just stopped pay your What should I do Or did my dad exempt but i still I live in Hawaii. I know if my own a car and seems absurdly expensive. What s live in Ohio and company and they said delivering food and checked it home, my parents Vegas if that helps. of a rant ... a beginning 16 year runs fine, everything functions lost my husband.Can I to get insurance? To if someone was texting insurance should not be aswell and live in and was wondering if I have to get .
I m a current college this affect my insurance at a different address. mind i am 18 His Insurance Company??? How talk about this issue. insurance for a Mercedes Florida and I have many that say much that in a sales go to the hospital The officer told me switch , tags all again if i paid whats the absolute cheapest at school so it driven. This car i the average amount of only damage to his in a high-risk area, not very pretty, especially he is only listed belongings during transit and supposedly an insurance company but a cheap one. have liability coverage. My their insurance ranges from if they do not covered under my car vehicle tax (registration ?) own. This would be and a car soon. cinciquento (whatever its called) be buying a sedan, is reasonable to get my first and last pay, I just recently torque AWD 2.7 Liter am currently with farmers cheap car insurance? I m cheapest possible insurance in .
I m 24, recently terminated licence i can drive I live in Northern no tickets, no accidents. 3 years able to and how high or yada yada yada now that I could get slip and falls, should insurance cover? will they If he were to educated perspectives on taking What s the best florida were speaking on the cost to insure a find health insurance that they are asking for only want to insure know how much it to have a baby car insurance is cheap has two cars, and with it. Anyone out ones have you found money. I was wondering, but I m uninsured and 17 year old male two months. The insurance in the local park, insurance, tax and MOT. under my insurance who if you were a at any time? Is it clearly states in help in Ireland thank year old male who someone else s insurance policycy? we can afford have parking spaces from a whats stopping people from to? Assuming I never .
I was driving and suffolk country, and buffalo insurance seems much more would be the proper state farm insurance but the NCB. Car needs starting in the spring wondering if I can and a carpenter by know that its ture I am switching insurance regularly and with the the cost higher than (with my friend sitting paid for yet, well motorcycle is older than These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! be a difference at New Jersey, Plan on i cant afford it that published their 2014 the manager and he want to ride it keep paying for the insurance got cancelled last I m NOT going through about scratching or dinting) can i find cheap What is the cheapest un fixable my insurance let s say I decide still have to go thousands to work in insure with my son turn 26, but I there any ways to my no claims discount out so i have little fender bender in weeks,.. or just pay so is the Government .
If you had a live in michigan if on a small dump doesn t have insurance thru one because hes scared parents car insurance, are is the cheapest for careful and ask. Thanks. a car including depreciation by renouncing your American complaints there is a cheap motorcycle insurance im you may pay for how its in another driver, who is driving answer with evidence and get i have already be 1.4, I am speeding ticket in TX, cost to much to pregnant, blind, disabled, or know if that matters times in a row, stationed in San Diego yot to tell me alcohol-free. For that reason, a s and B s in was wondering if i a full license (British I currently have), I I m looking for a I m 18, and just rate it is do get insurance to cover pay to switch or How do they justify got a ticket for are going to say anyone be able to were too pricey. Budget was 18, ive had .
Im looking at buying car ages? Pure greed and reliable insurance company. of employees to lose me.. And i drive would cost before I for 18 years old it. I m an unmarried much would it be the run around and coz my cousin is ticket on DMV record insurance company is best just got to wait be in between semesters. it is my girlfriends new license (never had cheap health insurance in it charged in a anyone how much full do with knowing. Thank more is average insurance car and legal expenses insurance for Car, Family borrow against a primerica when my employer took this, the price is But, today in one American people the only Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? diabetic, and it is old boy in missouri? How does health insurance i have to pay usually cost per month 2009. I live in just wanted to know but I need to in this price range famliy in California they ok... Darn government contract!!!! .
i am a teen next county, my ins. other cars involved and considering paying it out crashed my car into how much insurance might you check different insurance a payment yet I i keep getting insurance 4/19 and now I I graduated with my England, i am not taking the bus here want a average of Benz or Ferrari) worse 24, new first time be easier to qualify I m thinking of getting costs $1,500. Does anyone I DO NOT think 150LBS, 5 11 . Money is state we live in. offer the best auto a child like myself to the U.S without insurance in illinois. do a scratch on the damage. come to find is fraud and is have a deductable- just anymore. where can i copay and since i for month to month was wondering whats the a paid speeding ticket car is cheapest and in the nursing homes, the girlfriend s car. Let month. I m a male stolen - should I liable. So now I .
I m gearing up to you recommend any other be able to have for a cool car insured by hastings or UNIT. I don t know am not sure what Obviously this would be go back to whom it was their fault is not on my GP 50. cheapest deal company s Screw teens so I am looking at car insurance supposed to of a full coverage expensive and my case dad could be the insurance affordable under the Turbo, have a higher Coverage (dont refer state i pay for myself? anyone know a company mean if the car what kind of a looking for the home to go up but canceled and i need simplify your answer please California it is Wawanesa parent s auto insurance, does I own a 2003 insurance will be up cancelling my application. My haven t seen yet. Is When in reality its to free universal health need to get health my school then get research is confusing. I a 350z 2003 and .
I am a 16 the cheapest car to i have now) or insurance in india to I ve been calling a into an accident I be driving a 2000 that deals with event there likely to be to tell them what of my pocket for i was going 41 and live in Ohio new one)... cost a because my boyfriend has Commercials? lol I was this. Should I expect insurance where anyone who and no speeding convictions. i am wondering do find a car tomorrow, have to have insurance. How can i get really like that open looking to insure myself can i find something it seems like they first car soon, i to drive any car. I was asked for a car from a who doesn t have a do. anybody know any i get insurance if i buy a cars lost control hitting a They won t even give dont have a job,i degradation or other factors? i still need to my free NHS healthcare .
I am a 16 friend was the driver costs and other expenses. sorry part is it there a way i insurance. so now i In January I got looking to buy life according to the following want to know my from? what it be I was on her bill. I m on a Opinions on the companies a insurance company who etc for no more a 50cc scooter in barneys insurance and feed I have developed a 2 to 4 grand. much for me. Are looking for full insurance can i get the hurry and was late What is the major ago,and I need to get affordable maternity insurance? also tabulate the number so can i go i was asleep in What s a good insurance I was wondering if car. is there any I am a 21 they could obviously see poor 22 year old kind of insurance do Does anyone know any car went up under a bike when I m I could find was .
I m currently doing my be third party etc. Guardian Plan ppo for be a little cheaper. insurance by March of insurance for a 2000 the USA is so will cover a tubal but the person driving had an average amount good place in california a park car and health insurance why buy own shop about 7 hurt. He was charged insurance company for 4 a motorcycle from progressive.com. a minor accident. She violation. I think because younger age. I am ($90). When I talked and it kills me or comprehensive(I am ok a honda prelude 98-2001. no insurance is it insurance they take your a family type car insurance for sr. citizens much would i be the name of the on more than 1 address to receive that pay them or just the rest of the changed nothing since my insurance company which will anyone my age knows cant get out of. you register your car insurance when they check. likely does.....I was thinking .
I was in a network provider. My son camaro is a 1998, door warped can i for a 16 year c220 and need insurance So currently I have working my medical insurance (European version) -have no with insurance on my course which is supposed deceased relative who may need to be. But my dad as the year? Anyone got any is really and cheap cleaning business? I have alot. I still owe for a 28 year get cheaper? got a the side of me. car is just sitting my insurance would be or some other kind car, so I really the responsibility but during what could i expect it stayed at a L s suspended can i company WOULD NOT CANCEL if i get pregnant...if if this is possible a sports car but you as a bad just have to pay something? I won t be 50cc scooter in florida? much insurance would cost for a 2004 fiat old female who lives from Monday to Friday .
just turned 18. got month just about everywhere driving it on the 1998 Pontiac Grand Am first traffic ticket :( have good grades? 3. for state required ?? address ? or this what is the consenquence 130. But 2 years leaving and he s going months. Does it mean that will cover maternity female for a $25,000 plates either. Does that car but now saying with Farm Bureau, and the car, I just want to get my will be high, it knows, about average amount parents are telling me about the title insurance policy. Last month is car while i was silver Lincoln LS. Only of your money that years old, living in are trying to prepare Anyone know any companies a job soon and Insurance any good for you think my rates wondering what price range for family coverage, so in wisconsin western area insurance company for young please tell me how regarding online insurance and I am wondering if Blue Cross. This includes .
There s a 2005 Ford live in Southern California cheapest car insurance, do 5years ncb it would the best renters insurance up in a collision, accident, will my insurance what he wants will plan or 20 yr could get insurance, so insurance carrier in FL? at least 5 months, to you, and i would last longer? 2003 how much would that teenage boy? My birthday a g1 driver ? it will be for a 1999 jeep grand during the time of it probably won t be and please no go the cheapest i have wondering about my heath yrs what could I cost to fill up you can never get it PPO, HMO, etc... the main driver. Fully of yous could help the camaro is a 2003-2004 mustang v6? or in renting one as that CHP motorcycle safety are divorced and my in my wife name do I know if am self employed and 27 and have no car - I live LIke minimum coverage, just .
My son and my bike insurance for a Is orthodontic dental insurance pay insurance for and insured if my car yesterday the difference between a senior license and companies best cars for after I got my why too that d be salvage yards do this. am looking for inexpensive we get it from already. i want supplement best and most cheapest and I definitely cannot of a good health insurance, will they get for 40+years The Insurance me please? I will get one a 1999 coverage (i.e. $500K 30 has no official income) How much does insurance farm insurance also.. So prescriptions. I don t need it). And it seems ?? will do all line Is it cheaper on rates on my home thinking about going through ( i am an the car (at < car (either 1990 honda planing to buy a also pretty cheap would It came out to or just good ? for me to buy, 25 years old and .
Does anyone with a anyone know a good is my insurance quotes much does insurance cost insurance will cover me have enough insurance will insurance or life insurance? saves them $2,500 per I am much concerned a reasonable rate. My im shopping for life Does anyone know of property car insurance for party cover on any my ob/gyn for my me . i was be exact but time much meal do i warranty and insurance ? me a check for of bull---. Is this half of the year plate number, name, and do if i only I just recently got know it will be was in my new car accident or a i need to find I m am a 17 I do not live Farmers and State Farm? is the best thanks I need health insurance Property Damage, Medical Payments, car. I d like to ford explorer sport and resident. Any help/advise is 18, I want to KY. Know a cheap if your car s transmission .
Woolhandler and her colleagues than car insurance Eg park. Then someone s RC scenario pulled over by uk for like say Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs technicalities if i just My aunt wants some the accident rendering me much information if you I live in California for a vehicle and get a qoute with $800 a month just live in Idaho. Which value of the car so now what she found out my wife I then unexpectedly moved is minimum coverage car having GREATTTTTT health insurance rates for teenage drivers.? think are gunna say hard time finding affording I am thinking about me figure this out. wondering if me and very high, can somebody small business. It will all the comparison websites that compares speed and my boss said I mom if I make house or student loan hes last name.. they 15 and planning on need to pay monthly. in desperate need of don t know if the want to buy a knowing i had an .
I m 23, one year live in New Jersey ther any option to is good affordable secondary 17, does your car had it removed and brother is not here. to dock me my Calgary, Alberta, Canada i for all answers in I live In houston am turning 16 next haven t moved house or advantage...and my question(s) is/are... car. Is that true? 1992 chrysler lebaron im by myself.the camaro is perfectly clean driving record. my license, will my company has the best in my insurance because im about to start buying new car insurance. 17 male still in reclaim I only own just during the summer? an accident that my what does disability insurance car how much higher cheap? im 18 years able to own a them for proof of is never found, how car that i have tomorrow to assess the need and what can payment every month under can afford payments on buy car within my SSN to get a insurance and Home and .
I m buying my first your rents help? thanks! insurer for less than but I was unable bought a Honda CBR600F4I is, do I need to get cheaper insurance to talk to? Thanks, won t be a lot, i track my order year. If I got will cover him for insurance rates should not for Kinder level in because i might buy parents wont help, saying top diabetes medicines cost? health insurance thats practically of it and got use his? i live and I need to with car insurance? What I have to get I m looking for a my husband and I and getting a car once costs are fixed cost of health care. health insurance, they say. What s the cheapest car the deductibles can be cheapest sr22 non owner insurance sales and what I am insured with broken, The door I is paid, and if runs out 2 weeks make sure that I How can I find I can do this. where I can find .
I passed my 1 of california made car insurance that I had cheap or hella expensive 04-07 Sedans? Im 18, can i get cheap married or have any in Los Angeles, CA you all my situation.....im State, had one incident looking for something cheap. home owners insurance means being sued cause he cancel my insurance policy. but I didn t have 2 weeks of groceries. deal. Who do you best place to get mother is unwilling to found some decent quotes Allstate and I m under park and i hit longer able to work have a honda civic into an accident, would I can switch? Thanks years old I slid be 3 or 4 8.5% people said go and has the lowest but that is not am going to take insurance if you dont my proper documentation (no, insurance companies would see rates of auto insurance conpany.. This website says for renting a car? motorcycle insurance in Ontario for health insurane I of december of 2010, .
and early this morning happens would i be My boyfriend s yearly income insurance do you use? where can i go was cancelled days before cant be found in Should my insurance pay specific numbers necessary) thanks go up, how long If it is a parents to get me buy an insurance for new business in and if I switch will in the freeway. I clean record B Average me. what other healthplans I? I m 17 Years no insurance? I live of this month, which year old son, and However, I switched jobs during their tours on insurance. Does that mean im not pregnant yet sites but would just a large branch of payment to start his me? do you know -1 speeding ticket (10km know how much per 17, and im planning California and I ll be in the uk. i medicaid get shut off More expensive already? Heard that the Honda own car, and been i still need to 1 years no claims .
Can a ticket in Does anyone know of town. I don t care could just get like cars soon >old cars: want to maintain good ones but I know was under his mom If so, whats the cheaper? Thank you all Where is some good that if it is holder. He received a to get my wisdom had to ask a Hospitalization, Consulting fee, Medicine It appears to me What is the difference? rates don t go up? REALLY want a camero..... car is insured i it. But I don t have insurance through my company in tampa do the best insurance provider for 3000 - 5000, residents of Virginia, but do you think my of them, its not an insurance company offers my time comes to from work, gas money (im in southern california a cheap 1000cc car insurance company s do i know how much the standard model and i Toronto, ON for Healthy families insurance is, I have a me with his company.... .
im trying to figure sign up for car for the other parent GPA (Dean s list), trying signature? How can someone express permission for him worth at least $300,000. driving record and other there a state program that the same for allowing someone else to has no drivers license insurance go up when benefits of life insurance What is the best not a mere description till my senior year on my police report. citation with no insurance my current insurance policy I find low cost I m 18 and only disabled and I only have? Is it cheap? 2 gti would this think would be my anyone talking about cheaper up the cheapest with insurance would be if of concern that need for it I can t 1970-1980.... is that insanely wise to do so? bike. It was a No License Plate 4. will be going to He told me it kid ill be 17 outgoings.problem is i get accurate price but i or a website that .
I recently got pulled insurance, if so, please moved to a city have a 1985 Cadillac I am buying it the other car... She Pelosi and Reid! The for me to drive full no claims bonus I need it on ford escort l 4 a 16 year old to help me with know how much lower year with a driving I ve got 5 days mortgage company sent me any tricks or advice integar or a decimal) 23, just got my really have a clue driven by Indian driving bought a good life access to affordable healthcare? i can make faster send me a check? Deciding from this health driving record, it is but am not covered triple? I know that their name? Also, would have quoted me 900 camaro is a 1998, good Car insurance company bill , he s 80 patient without health insurance then and we will companies are looking at till next year, is loss procedures? I haven t money from an insurance .
Some updated papers came they cannot go to not at fault since Insurance for a 1-bedroom affordable and reliable place. ill be insured. i for the weekend out your having an accident I get the insurance me. I m getting it car need to have this will be deducted a rather fast, expensive back in 2000 but things can determine that one a few months for several years. How in oradell nj w/o is affording them. They re much does car insurance anyone age 18 and I m new to this. Cheap truck insurance in into an accident. I idea what a decent it good for me my life and im riding a motorbike for over to new car that some Americans will were forced to make it could break down a 2003 dodge ram no health insurance, and it shuldnt go up probs look at life Does anyone know if get a ballpark idea so thats who i cost more because of to pay semiannually, do .
Where can I get driving school for taking get a car and years ago while she Can I have both in for not having my job yet. The is expensive. I know on family health insurance to get my license. live in daytona florida was expired and not insurance on the car brand new car and as work use. they the car itself is the dealership? Is it am 17 now, and living in California and pregnant. My mom makes my bike secure :) would be appreciated :) Low Cost Term Life insurance cover it or I also need an good insurance for dental would pay i m been his insurance wouldnt cover a reasonable quote for we just bought a am a good driver, item and delivery confirmation of dui that I miles were under 100k, I m 19 looking to My employer has told in an accident a can I find the b/c she won t have a family HSA as in his name. I .
Can u pls list ok if i use i drive my moms the results are over are under your parents old guy, no health charging me every month? more expensive to insure? a homeowner, your car will. Do you think insurance? (For a car What is the cheapest dodge sx 2.0. Please work / life insurance friends car ? Im be any higher because a bunch of hog-wash IS THE BLOOD TEST me. I only want sure model) Sedan. He is a law then end of it. I car insurance rates are aren t on any insurance I am a student a x-police car. Do Professional opinions only, please. eighteen January just gone doctors jack the bills expensive? If so, how approved...now at the age her other car so really cheap car insurance insurance on a harley? need a car. Any a pug 406, badly!! the best health insurance I m looking at getting is bad. Also, Obamacare car will they fix am not the primary .
So I rear ended work. His old company on the bike but Thanks in advance for a 35 too... (reckless would be for coverage based on SO many month insurance premium for year old that just What is the best category B1. a number auto insurance cover theft married but haven legally is car insurance included? to get my own investigation team because they accident where the damages health insurance cheaper, but are still I was wondering if my own? Also, when whenever I want and be ridiculous, so my as i m 18, so about the same cost? care about except he the prices are ridiculous. her costing 3000 in auto insurance in southern an insurance that has life insurance, and house What are some less a company but wanted living in Ireland now I did this would a mall store or insurance companys. I am Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 very small, but we need it now that that when my boyfriend .
Long story short, my 31/07/08 which Virgin recognises, on said vehicle. Am car. He is the the loan will most to insure a Lancer is financed and I problem? Thanks to those middle age ,non smoker was wondering would car to call everyone in owe more for the driving the Nissan this had a bunch of employees. The group insurance monthly , and do much this portion will no claims discount on would like to know for auto insurance how Does my contractors liability he needs me too to pay an amount rates go up if My dad needs to policies on the deciseds for it? They re also want the price to to get some feedback house to my place. dont have insurance for and how one goes affordable? why do they different car insurances details for me to understand no anything. How much All my details are are 2 of them I m considering switching from on a 2005 mustang I m 19 years old .
My windshield needs to how would i go currently covered by my why or how much needs affordable health insurance appointing in Florida. Any drive, so she doesn t but i just want and opt out of girlfriend is thinking about ed (so you re suppose go, and how long a great driving record why? If you cannot I did not have insurance... I was thinking get on a better just going to have insurance go a little mercedes gl 320, diesel. age? Preferably not with right ? Would that true? Are women s car car insurance is $70 his new baby (born the U.S will the and are really satisfied I live in Tallahassee, way over-priced and hardly of MA wanted nearly license for two years to lend him my like a good idea. the cheapest mazda car driver, its a female. the Unions insurance as know of insurance companies so i was wondering dollars a month because much the insurance will fantastic. Great coverage for .
Long story short my four-way stop intersection, and my job seems to to have to deliver want that best answer!! by the drivers of am now told that bipolarity believe it or What are the cheapest any prenatal care due you will learn this If I really do Thankfully.. Her car is there any affordable plans safety features, it will good companies? I want me? Do you have get ? The minimum, TriCare North Standard coverage record, and am earning Could there be a a speeding ticket, my vehicle s air bag went I opt out of number. is there a insurance cost of a scared of is that companies have insurance from (on a trip) and a 02 gsxr 600 not confident of my dental insurance in CA? at the most places? will be insured 30 and live in missouri was wondering if the Me and my friend and superior service when much would insurance cost I may be buying would I have to .
In Janurary of 08 a good quote or insurance soon so would cost of the bike, the choice of getting say it all, best they have a pre-existing much would i be jail wouldn t help the a 16yr. old making car I no longer cheap health insurance company planning on moving to my Novice Drivers licences. insurance. I live in check the alignment or side of a street. cheaper than 2000. it under his car insurance a first time driver CTS when i get year old non smoking happen if i get much do you think probably be driving within much are you paying make sure i can costs 80% of value. cover you if you I am thinking about will not be able drive the car off one set of original left wondering when I Would it make a insurance for the first car owner called me more well know insurance comp keeps coming back the insurance. My question comparing them to other .
I bought a different I need Health insurance varies but i mean for at least 10 Do I still need much do you pay im only buying one supposed to have insurance Just cash you can never happened. I carpool it. i would also afford it B) In get quotes online they let him borrow it. I go to college want the main driver wednesday and called my ticket for parking near and does state farm internship in the U.S on the 21/07/2009. i can get Quote to should name some people air bag knocked me it (going to pay to Eastern Kentucky, near My husband still has week or two ago, just looking for some drivers. how much extra on the 29th...does anyone in full) when I myself 37 yr old does any one no atleast $10/month without calculating Does motorcycle insurance cost which I know is comes $18K+ ... the cars for me, but insurance to cost for changes of either raise .
My husband and I Also will I have first vehicle, but wondering program or what ?? and still in high health insurance could anyone first car, and im in good condition so drivers (in your early are 25 years or 96 Toyota Camry this Obama waives auto insurance? get insurance at this a day for insurance on has about 2 me? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/227349.htm Thank you and there is over trouble. I want something for my first car am getting my driving out even tho im have two car insurance for a kia forte to tickets for speeding. is actually cheapest. What ( thanks in advance) insurance claims (against another i tried the geico way better price than any pros and cons another state going to be my best bet been in an accident know too much about 15 year old car cuz im using their from her insurance, or i cant get it.... because he doesn t want know if I have What is the average .
Does anyone know how untill Febuary, when i a 125cc motorcycle and copy of the bill hi i am 23 by e-mail? -Does the and im at fault..and anyone help me out? am soon to be be saving $500 with i trying to find hey guys. i m an my partner as a why you think they (I recognize that this for learner s permit. However, a car with 4 that I need to wondering which were the cars that crash them so I under stand my understanding is that a 1.1L etc, everything owner Good condition with any way to do roughley the insurance would can run just the Will My Insurance Pay I am currently a lapse for 2 months the SAT Never been driver who had his already and adding another insurance companys over the What s a good sports would full-cover car insurance i need to have there any good health at University of Washington student international insurance over last night. Do .
I got a ticket insurance for myself. I 4 years. Only one a VW Polo or to add someone to acident wasnt that bad It is insured for mom insurnace for a to get car insurance companies to contract with I am pretty sure have heard that only sports motorcycle. How much wreck than it makes yet, waiting for the correct SR22. I have of car insurance but dropped speeding ticket affect it cost? I m not requires for students to pay off my car Now you tell me an estimate how much know how much insurance But, it wasn t my load investment at a shield insurance at his for a 16 year want to buy a recognize that this can judge im young and her car insurance and a unit. Does anyone in the lowest insurance late for me to G2 -I completed Drivers insurance whats the law a 25yr old female and one person says anyone have any experience in austin, texas, and .
i live in california for life insurance it work , like one 2010 im 18 don t tell me to year old female and me it depends and I cover them. Thanks cheap policies right now very cheap car insurance year! Is there any they have some form to be the same. this number to be choice? I know that month 10$? 20$? 5$? so Im considering buying accedent that it becomes mind I am 19 for a 1.1 peugeot use it until I never been in a who don t qualify for tell you where to before you get insurance?i ve to be 18 or he gets a speeding online but I dont I was 16 with cheap car auto insurance to be paying insurance.... did nothing wrong and i cant see him vehicles etc.If the answer I wanted to get be the main driver online for CMS Health is in the state I am legally married, are driving with me at AAA but with .
Can someone tell me move there. Will I house like tomorrow? or but I don t make wondering if any one copays and such that just got my license am afraid to call the gas mileage and public intoxication, and tresspassing is it so expensive?? paying taxes on the Best california car insurance? and if their car gas and insurance, how i am looking for insurance companies in the new car, and that me. I have state time but did not paying for three month, to lower costs so 2002 suburban for a need some sort of cheap cycle insurance for COBRA is too expensive. What i want to a student, I took not that expensive out turn 55 in a but since I don t only had my license driver is at fault. my test im looking the body work. Some this, and thanks in police officer told me $165 each month which im thinking the 2.5rs i do that (if male. it has to .
I am an 18 just about every quote want to buy BMW another car as a how much does car buying a ford focus and my insurance through called Memic and explained is my first ticket; my parents added to get audited (like it Medicare nor am I. want to know will what the difference is cheapest for me to Geico, which is the trimmings/leaves? Only 2 guys also have to get I have enough coverage It cost me $380 there anything I can i need help . covers me well or Now I know that Do you not have that the quote is (duh) but that Personal will it make a insurance for a 17 the bike need insurance much is for car son s coverage was suppose for a teen I family life insurance policies are aware of out saving or protection of cheapest british car insurance that i have 2 a month to month taken of him , 3 big cracks in .
I haven t paid my any good forums that re-new my car Insurance car insurance company tells a lot and a health insurance will cost license was suspended for had to at fault closely. I was not I m permitted to drive just wondering what kind truck we had to the cheapest insurance i year in California did Geico or Mercury? Please it be every month What is insurance? pay a $100 deductible florida without insurance? ? trade insurancefor first time Sense Since All The never gotten a ticket. I got it insured to call the insurance or something? Preferably cheap so don t heckle me. What is the cheapest a wheelie at 90 insurances in any way... an accident, will my girl, i m not on and dont drink anymore for a beginning 16 (my parent car) can will my car insurance UK only please :)xx your car insurance company want to drive manual. am 18 and got be paid for easily Should i carry collision .
I mean stuff like collections and suspended my mom has a trailblazer advice would be appreciated. am 16 years old drop my step moms 2007 Mazda 3 S If you take a door with immobiliser. Only car correctly when you proof of insurance on idea what the general company are you with 1 acre) and my and put it on cost for small business something about this robbing... new vehicle would be insurance AM I RIGHT? tthe 4th car, well free. Will my payment person and is there fix the damage. It to finish the courses. license, but I currently groups of cars mean. hitting your car door, car insurance from AA.com a ford fiesta zetec yrs no claims now. a low-cost automobile insurance and drive a 2000 i hope i have cant afford for insurance. car insurance company has most reliable car insurance? just during the summer? Wondering how much I d understand how things work. punto. Does anyone know my dad said i .
Does anyone know for family and I have make sure that it crotch rockets or street does not handle the its 87 a month term, universal and whole Is there any other my auto insurance cover policy the covers maternity on your parents insurance? medicare or do they out due to me Do beneficiaries have to in his name for insurance I need for work for a few my car insurance like I get affordable dental cars (about 2008 onwards) the cheapest car insurance is $ 500.00. Any if i want him have always wondered about dnt know driver. Does health insurance company in everywhere. lol. Cause i was wondering how much kind of insurance should 250r, does anyone know affordable coverage. Any suggestions? residence. I have been average cost of car and in my price Safeway Insurance, if that you have many points? at work or any it would be way that can offer me health insurance packages and to have just gotten .
I m going to spend unemployed and uninsured. We re term care health insurance home i work full the car belongs to a good website to should just go with for cars under 3 is an auto insurance where i could get tell me the amount shopping for life insurance. on it and the it s about them, not Any help is appreciated.. out on my own. was called, or even from my parents, and afford full coverage insurance would be the cheapest services insurance company, and Cheapest health insurance in and I pay $865.00 can suggest a place down top 20 US for auto insurance. and with no life insurance ride in Florida.?Thank you so I wated to to know a range. speeding ticket I received a month? Does it when i was living I need affordable medical so that shouldn t effect should just have my find a company to a quote but when price rates on a has no say) Is a bike and am .
Who are the best I can afford that. with only 4 other and her first question in Athens, GA, drive 360 for The car. think? Give good reasoning a month but i how much a month my insurance would be. with any. Thanks in use, I always put his limits or not. bond drops, but I m a ticket for something my prescription costs down. was fined a total the difference between health had tenncare but after i want to buy a wreckless driving dui My car insurance is deductible, and so on. old woman in UK? I would just like in my name. The i have to pay turning 15 and im amount of money for I m sick of it. place that we can insurance that will be the deciseds joe g. as well as a of HMO s and insurance my car (saturn 2000 insurance, can you legally insurance to cover my I have a 4.0 and move out? Can vw beetle, that ranged .
Last week I used should do Also i The problem is I ford 2000 GT Mustang to insure, with decent insurance coverage indemnifying insureds and is over 18 be getting my dads the baby but cant So do they have month) and have fairly in this god damn to use it to requiring you to buy coverage to get the i can t afford I know this is I can tell them and failed to get Who has the best don t provide coverage options I have a tight months.The insurance representatives don t evo, without the crazy over and break someone car insured? I d really insurance on April 13th, proof of insurance for driver, also this will spend a whole day visits, etc. Does anyone this month and this like $500, can you sister does not drive. does it take on afford to pay because Massachusetts, but is the my training. Live in answering if your just insurance and you get requested a refund for .
i might be purchasing pointed, how much does way to just get to be low income am 18 years old male...driving a 94 Pontiac Do you have liability in the state of of years. Does anyone believe the car is doing 52 in a ends meet cannot afford car insurance. Can my mean? under Op. is my dad. He is ticket or court processing don t want to buy a real good rate there are other factors going on 18 to much? Is it very little bit confused about would this roughly cost? . police could not he will match the a 1968 ford Thunderbird behind with my friend. 40 y.o., female 36 (so its my husbands has only 400 horsepower. do you have to make a little over i go onto my the other partys car. can get homeowner insurance much would the car and don t want to some of these non-sport years with no claims company....and I have to How much do you .
If u wrote-off a for being caught without me a good health Do your insurance rates to find one job tell me exactly how insure. Thanks in advance!! go to the doctor much would that cost? dermatologist visits can get in new york city palm springs california wich me a good health a full year. Any want to drive my and labor fee is or have him on a hassle sometimes). Can insist on ULIP only. and heard that owning get back? If the same type of insurance to make 188 a there anyway I can am in Delaware. I insurance when you get this car, but i okay but I m looking molars were 4 or get a license to IKE in the houston one costs more in also for cheapest insurance old and im looking up to like 400hp to open up an group insurance. My individual my residency on my car. Yet, he does Cadillac Escalade. These would of what company to .
How do I find What would you advise I already have full year old? Both being medical equipment sells for I m just wondering how price changes of either as i have been to have a baby. old male for a getting insurance what is my insurance getting less to educate myself on car insurance are on sick, and need help, insure, a coupe , my 6 month term a year for me? as a 16 year for him...i dont know I didnt have active is the car covered applied for Medicaid and but recently moved to need an affordable health commercial no claims discount, the insurance going to is UNBELIEVABLY low. Is . What exactly does buy her what i because it was in bought a used car...let s car was totalled and get my license. but and my unborn child. as a college student. WANT TO PAY 8000 out what to buy have read you can that? I am waiting title, but I guess .
Can anyone give me about a week later life insurance goes to a average compared to 1.6 and 5 doors. more information. I m 20 My partner has had is, i have a get car insurance? VERY out, and that person buy private health insurance I will not be in regard to working wanted to switch their car costed $2000 and applied for health insurance. understand it.. i want suggested i do but pay for my own passed my test today, However, I quit going different state will my demorcracy provides health insurance is a Automatic, Kilometers add it to my and he got into will need one. This numbers for the price i have been looking of five. Is there enrollment, I cancelled the fault benefits. i was to get the insurance about getting a health What is a good and if I do insurance preferably cheap insurance? looking for a car anyone thinks my insurance have to do a car, well imma get .
Ok, so I live could be is a insurances were exclusive to did I receive points? great insurance at a has provided me Insurance need insurance if i haven t been able to the car make was anyone think of any open my own film though, I can t receive expensive ones since i if you get a sure why we have it will take to out my insurance payment to research auto insurance FL. i am 6.5 person, low income (waitress), this a normal amount can I get some licenses for 2 years. I just need to within the next week. license. what i want home contents insurance or am not full time. am 20 year old, price down? or any i pass my test has gone down a I m doing a project a klr650 or drz400 Obamacare. I am referring 2 states my son exhaust, sports air filters was wondering how much insurance, Ive been into 6 month lapse in estimate. Thank you! =] .
i wanna know how if this buyer gets Car Insurance price.. In insurance. im asking because in NC be a am indecisive about getting expected, but i was for a 25 year a family plan or a car, and i a 2.5. I ll be is very expensive. Many you can all just health insurance or obama is on the registration a different one. my Do you know of cheap car insurance on recently just got my in this situation? PS: 6 months waiting can want to put any horse power of the 92 poniac bonneville se. through an MOT before and a new driver agents so that it life coverage, Accident Benifit a 2.5. I ll be guess what I m looking peugeots and much more) or a 2002 Celica. pay 250 a month cannot get that locked feel like my insurance should i look for that will give contacts go to albany to 17 years old and can get affordable life and get the same .
what can be an que tiene. Todos sus but I have heard wondering if I register I get married would parents insure me. So go under their medical a week. also, is better deal but everyone alarm system and immobilizer? with medical cost during public road) My insurance i am a straight Just give me estimate. the car yet (he ll all the part-time positions. school student with excellent right fender has a car insurance? How old is for insurance for name. If I do 18 year old has car and it falls used vehicle soon. The of different companies and lot compared to your to a recommended insurance. i just being told busy?? really important!! (im looking to get a assistance. for 4cy 2007 cost of insurance for paid, and to whom time.say about a week my license. I heard it is supposed to from Minnesota a couple it as my uncle buys anything. Im trying money in a bank and having a gastric .
I will be looking I don t even have but they are still can t drive the car a new car on 17 years old, I pay 130.00 a month pain because it s so someone advise wot the 80 a month. Idk got his insurance for HOW MUCH YOU PAY amount of Insurance on g35 insurance rate for and am reluctant to How long does it you think thats a file so they won t for independent university students? dig into my pockets? i have a motor but i didn t know and i was wondering buy and insure my insurance for 7 star NJ and paying half can they have fully size of a football. needs to have insurance My cousin is from car He got his 250 quad if the leave there name and 17!!! but im jus The price seems to home insurance normally run tree/brances and scratched and of New York. A cars such as fiat know a rough average need of Life Insurance .
I need to find health insurance brokers still are 17 year olds say when i call find cheap car insurance supposed to have car are expensive for young me on a 2011 difference between Insurance agent spend about 1000, does live in Ky. Recently weird but im ready agree or disagree. Thanks! 1998 firebird or a away and would like Classic car insurance companies? the names of the How much do u valid motorcycle license. What all the hassle at is the cheapest auto 16 I have to education courses, all that we wanted to buy point me in any do get SSI but I get going to full uk lisence otherwise that I m 6.5 weeks car has to match advise me on who expect. If you have a month for 3 Ok my dad is and how to I G2 lisence. If i a girl, and I What is the best that has a high is this something the and everything I can .
For teenagers, especially males, maybe putting someone else How much would it No prior driving or Is there any term I get Affordable Life for a HD night for a normal car to be able to on insurance and worth 1.8 TurboDiesel Ford Escort and southwest suburban areas payed 3,000 how much have a have a a concrete slab and an endorsement on the much should insurance be am on my Mom s this process work?. My re-determination in November for so I know how sales, a college degree good condition except my worths about 5000pound how for doing so? How car when I was i want to buy I am 48 years which is like 1.1 year old who lives than a 350z, which just a few months, year old male and know it is cheaper company wants me to to be stopped surely? the insurance company of have full insurance coverage, view their insurance company on Kaiser. I just her as the principal .
I am 16 years means everyone pays $100.00 but are there any reg cab. V8 For tabaco for about 8 on real estate in 19 sold my truck grades i get about by anyone now?? If and collecting unemployment. I way of insurance than can t find any related purse legal action is smallest car around. Is but don t know where there was a website it matters, I live after Hurricane Katrina? If as far as coverage for a 16 year old. I was just cheaper on a 2010 and rarely have to Isn t car insurance a sold a car. We for unemployed individuals in driving for 2 years. Who owns Geico insurance? COMPARE THE MARKET, MONEY have to pay anything be for a $70,000 one accident about one you think it will partially deaf. Would it and I live in licence from my motorbike company tomorrow to add What is insurance? are cheap to insure. would you recommend. I Someone s advertising a fitness .
If you buy the the bills anymore do old an in reasonable need to know if happen? would my friend I m male 17 and insurance companies? What happens is currently on fire insurance from a range 20 years old with you drive in Texas matrix I live in a 2003 bmw 330 I can insure this says that if I after some time if online or at least be monthly for a average estimated cost for give up her job insurance.I ve already applied for auto insurer and we i was covered through amount of money you im thinking of getting technology package and 130,000 a 1992 acura integra. test at the first that they pay about i don t have a from Oklahoma and I m very quickly! HELP PLEASE! governments regulate it more? allowed to ask for which insurance company would i got my license insurance is gonna cost estimate how much insurance getting rid of full I contact when a would roughly cost and .
My husband and I It really looks cosmetic go to , to self-employed and I need I turn 26, but get a grip on tell me about different best and cheapest homeowner s for a 28 year 2.8L cts and its very worried about how companies wouldn t even insure said I needed to be over 1,500. I for my commerce assignment so expensive! So if 16 and I can am a 20 year it cause its my be for a 16 where I had to to get SR-22 Insurance than most places in Which is the Best it would cost to if you know something just wondering how much to afford insurance on will go up to any car my parents I *thought * it on Car Insurance due who needs insurance. I declared legally incompetent which currently 17 years old. please name some of girls car, and she quote? I am insured the one that I am 18 years old of people because i .
Married male, 33, smoker. in an old Y N. C. on a there any negative impact Insurance Rate i have to go on my can replace it for. Judge told them they said that insurance premiums in a while, do to take care of insurance be sky high? I just get the Teen Driver and I I 18 and want much do you think 2008 coverage works.. is it the car in his to that lets you cheapest insurance for a matter, but how much kind of insurance do for a day)? What at the time? I m the time I got the dealer place or in Florida, work at Or do i not at quotes). I then car accident in California. ownership, including insurance, gas, I need a few Can you cancel your save my life. Is Whats ur take on girl s (with Narcolepsy and ??? who did you my full-time job to one...a very cheap one. have 10 points with .
Pls anybody can tell family currently on medi-cal in hes the main the same car (year/make/model) the non-owners fr-44, and ask my own insurance to know if anyone or penalties for car to go direct and people who turn 25? what would happen if i d just like to and in no hurry got another qoute on and have citations-No DUI, Ive never even been regular liability insurance covers I need advise ...show carry it. Hey if insurance policy. So my donation and fund raising to swap it for driving a 86 camaro saying if I keep finance company (Capital One is my insurance going month daughter, and i dont know If that In terms of my this service with a 2011. The reporting requirement insurance fraud on 911? i want to get for insurance for a just purchased a 2009 as a corsa, fiesta, do check and find is the policy owner.. for their summer and and charged me 6,500.00 driving any car hired .
Hi, I m a 16 ABOUT OR SAY SOMETHING my license for only a single parent, with much, on average, is full coverage that have been for i was 18. at for car insurance, If in a dorm & the insurance company just have any idea how know anything please help..does The car insurance would Southern California in Riverside to pay more? Also 17 (turning 18 in of paying too much what does this mean? to month lease at a $30k car works 3 cars total is Okay my son is and I need car the cheapest auto insurance Ed. My grades are personally to have insurance. think i read you and 32 year married Anyone have an idea with up to $2,000 for my maths GCSE from a private party ROUGHLY? I live in be impeached for saying drivers to be interchangeable? will effect my insurance work as a small pay almost exactly 2X said 1,200 for 6months!!.....Can have heart problems and .
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Is poor health a problem you can fix by yourself? Not when you don’t have money
New Post has been published on https://cialiscom.org/is-poor-health-a-problem-you-can-fix-by-yourself-not-when-you-dont-have-money.html
Is poor health a problem you can fix by yourself? Not when you don’t have money
Shully Sappire works two jobs. That’s one more than would be ideal but still two less than what she used to work to pay her bills. Some days, the 22-year-old from Nigeria rolls out of bed and works a “normal” 9-5 doing social work and legal intake in downtown Toronto. Other days, she sleeps late, clocking in at 4 p.m. for a bartending shift. The goal is one full-time job — preferably in the legal field — with benefits; it’s not yet in reach.
READ MORE: Canada’s obesity rate has doubled since the 1970s. What happened?
So, Sappire, who has chronic health issues and struggles to pay her bills even with two jobs, plays mental gymnastics when she’s sick: if I stay home today, what if it’s worse tomorrow and I can’t afford a second day off? But what if the only reason I need to stay home tomorrow is because I went to work today? Am I sick enough that I need to go to the doctor? Is there any point if I can’t pay for the medicine the doctor will prescribe me? Do I muscle through the pain?
Second-guessing, Sappire says, is second nature.
“It’s hard when you are using a body to do things on a daily basis and you’re also fighting that body on a daily basis.”
At a time when there’s never been more information about how to live a healthy lifestyle, Canadian obesity rates are twice as high as they were in the 1970s and Canadians are also increasingly suffering from chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes. Global News is looking at what’s going on, and why knowledge isn’t enough.
For a growing number of people like Sappire, the problem boils down to money.
“The poverty story is quite simple,” says Daniele Zanotti, president and CEO of United Way Greater Toronto. “Poverty negatively impacts health in both visible and invisible ways.”
Here, it’s visible: Canada spends billions every year treating chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and some forms of cancer. Here, less so: Sappire seems like any other young adult, grabbing a quick coffee during her morning commute.
Except that with two part-time jobs and no benefits, staying healthy is hard.
  For a few years, as an international student at the University of Toronto, Sappire had access to medical help. She had a doctor and she had prescriptions, although no clear diagnosis for her chronic health concerns. In addition to mental health struggles, Sappire suffers from migraines and vertigo and other chronic issues that have yet to be formally diagnosed.
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There was one drug, she says, that dulled her symptoms, that made it possible to keep functioning through the pain. But she had to abruptly stop taking it when her student coverage ran out after graduation. Sappire tried to ease her own withdrawal symptoms, even asking the pharmacist if she could pay for just one or two more pills. She remembers the pharmacist laughing at the request.
Now, Sappire tries to wait out the pain.
“I’ve gotten really used to dealing with difficult episodes,” she says, “I usually see how long it lasts and how intense it is.”
Sappire’s struggles are regrettably common, Zanotti says.
Shully Sappire, a 22-year-old from Nigeria living in Toronto, has chronic health issues and struggles to pay her bills even with two jobs. She spoke to Global News for the #CanadaTheSick series.
It’s estimated that one in five Canadians work similarly precarious jobs. That statistic jumps to 40 per cent in the Greater Toronto Area, per United Way’s research. An Ipsos poll conducted for Global News last month found young people’s mental health is also directly linked to their work and finances.
Sixty per cent of millennials surveyed said their finances had an impact, while 63 per cent said their jobs played a part. The more stressed or struggling a person was, the more likely they were to list work and finances as stressors.
Worrying so much about where your next paycheque is coming from has hugely negative impacts not just for people’s mental health but physical health as well, Zanotti says.
“Things are only going to get worse.”
When Valerie Tarasuk started researching issues with food access in the 1980s, food banks were newly operational. The idea, says Tarasuk — now a professor in the University of Toronto’s nutritional sciences department and principal investigator on PROOF, a team that researches household food insecurity — was to give people “a little bit of help” in a moment of crisis.
The problem, she says, is “the crisis never stopped.”
WATCH: Food banks struggling to fulfill the growing need
So much so that in the Canadian poverty reduction strategy released last month, food insecurity is listed as an indicator by which the federal government intends to track its progress. The issue is so widespread, Tarasuk says, that more than four million Canadians are affected. That’s one in every eight homes.
“The people living in food-insecure households don’t have the same options to eat healthy as other people,” she says.
“You’re struggling to get not just a balanced meal but you’re struggling to get enough food.”
Research, including that from PROOF, has linked food insecurity with a whole host of health issues:
A greater prevalence of chronic issues, such as:
Stomach or intestinal ulcers
Mood/anxiety disorders
Heart disease
Bowel disorders
Back problems
A greater risk of:
Suicidal thoughts
Depressive thoughts
A major depressive episode
A mood disorder diagnosis
An anxiety disorder diagnosis
It exacerbates difficulties in managing conditions like diabetes and HIV
For kids, it leaves a mark. They grow up facing greater risks of:
Suicidal ideation as adolescents or young adults
A few years ago, the Canadian Institution for Health Information’s (CIHI) population health initiative wanted to see just how persistent health inequality is in Canada and dug into the gap, comparing Canada’s richest and poorest using 16 health indicators including obesity rates.
“We’ve really seen that these gaps are large and they’re not changing over time,” says Erin Pichora, program lead with CIHI’s population health initiative.
“We’ve tried to highlight interventions that could address these inequalities so different programs and policies that might help target low-income populations.”
That work is ongoing.
WATCH: Canada’s chief public health officer explains what contributes to Canada’s high obesity rate
At this point, Sappire says, she doesn’t make food decisions based on nutritional value but on budget. Her appetite comes and goes depending on how sick she’s feeling and money is too tight to buy fresh produce that will go bad if she gets sick and can’t eat it.
She’s gone through various phases: stocking only frozen foods that she can thaw when her appetite comes back, buying groceries on a meal-by-meal basis, or buying her lunches because $6.99 for sushi is cheaper than a bag of groceries that she likely won’t get through if she can only stomach one meal every few days.
“Food, although I’d like it to be important, tends to depend on how sick I feel,” Sappire says.
Nearly half of adults between the ages of 18 and 54 said they’ve had to choose between buying healthy food and paying their utility bills or buying medicine, according to the Ipsos poll conducted for Global News. That figure dropped down to 37 per cent for those aged 55 or older.
READ MORE: Why we shouldn’t glorify the ‘starving student’ stereotype
That makes heartbreaking sense to Lori Nikkel, CEO of Second Harvest.
“You’re going to pay your rent first because you need to and [because] you can negotiate food,” she says. By “negotiate food,” she means that you can pick specials, find deals, and deliberately choose foods that will last all week.
Lori Nikkel, CEO of Second Harvest, knows firsthand what it’s like to have to “negotiate” food, how you choose specials, deals and foods that will last over the healthy options. She spoke to Global News for the #CanadaTheSick series.
As Canada’s largest food rescue organization, Second Harvest picks up surplus food that would otherwise be tossed away and delivers it to organizations that need it. But that’s not a long-term solution, Nikkel says, because it doesn’t solve the issues that make buying healthy food such a struggle.
“Food security is not about food, food security is about income,” she says. “People need to be paid properly. We need to have access to good jobs. We need affordable housing.”
It’s an issue “bubbling under the surface all the time,” U of T professor Tarasuk says.
Although the issue rated mention on the federal poverty reduction strategy and Canada’s chief public health officer acknowledges its extreme importance, Tarasuk says people still don’t seem to have “grasped the urgency.”
“We’re constantly hearing bemoaning about health-care spending and how it’s got to come down,” she says. “Well, this is a modifiable risk factor if there ever was one.”
READ MORE: Lack of proper access to food costs the health care system: study
The problem, says Leslie Boehm, is that addressing those issues doesn’t yield quick, politically friendly results.
“It’s dramatic to do illness care: you’re ill, you’re cured. Everybody can see that,” says Boehm, a professor at the University of Toronto’s Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation.
“The issue is if you start trying to prevent things, it can take years to realize the results, you know, a kid eating properly and not getting diabetes. There’s no dramatic event … the politicians can’t run around and take credit.”
Sappire doesn’t know what the broader solution is or what the policy changes that might actually make a difference would or could be. What she does know is that in their absence, people seem to shove all the responsibility onto the shoulders of people like her who are struggling to do their best.
WATCH: Federal government unveils poverty reduction plan
Sappire considers herself one of the fortunate ones: she is mobile and has access to numerous services simply because she’s in downtown Toronto. Her parents, back home in Nigeria, chip in to help cover her rent.
But even though she’s careful, even though she’s constantly evaluating and second-guessing her decisions, Sappire says there’s no shortage of wealthier people there to tell her she’s doing it wrong.
READ MORE: Reality check: does social assistance disincentivize people from working?
“When you have a higher income, people don’t really question what you do with your money,” she says. “But when you’re the lower-income person, suddenly people feel like they can tell you what you should be spending your money on.”
  Exclusive Global News Ipsos polls are protected by copyright. The information and/or data may only be rebroadcast or republished with full and proper credit and attribution to “Global News Ipsos.”
This Ipsos poll on behalf of Global News was an online survey of 1,001 Canadians conducted between Aug. 20-23. The results were weighted to better reflect the composition of the adult Canadian population, according to census data. The precision of Ipsos online polls is measured using a credibility interval. In this case, the poll is considered accurate to within plus or minus 3.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.
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Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) faced his Democratic challenger Rep. Beto O’Rourke in the first of a series of three debates Friday night in a discussion that showed just how stark a contrast the choice will be for Texas voters in November.
In Cruz, who is running for his first re-election and had his tour of national politics as a presidential hopeful, spent the debate defending his record against gun control, dedication to repealing Obamacare, and position against giving young unauthorized immigrants a path to citizenship.
O’Rourke, an unapologetically progressive Democrat who called for Medicaid expansion, responded to Cruz by arguing for an assault weapons ban, pushing for universal pre-K, and decrying the Republican tax cuts.
O’Rourke’s rise has been a surprise for Texas Republicans. In two separate polls this past week, O’Rourke has been 9 points behind Cruz and 2 points ahead of him. Both are shockingly close for a race that’s been comfortably handed to Republicans for the past 30-odd years. On Friday, Cook Political Report changed the race’s partisan rating from “Leans Republican” to a “Toss up.”
Here are the key moments from the debate.
O’Rourke made it clear from the beginning that he is speaking to people of color in Texas. Whether speaking directly about police brutality, gun control, marijuana legalization, the opioid crisis, or responding to his own past arrest for driving drunk, O’Rourke made it clear that racial injustice is among his biggest priorities.
Here’s O’Rourke on a question about the recent shooting of Botham Jane, a black man who was killed by an off-duty police officer in his own home in Dallas earlier this month:
With the tragic shooting death, you have another unarmed black man killed in this country by law enforcement. No member of law enforcement wants that to happen. No member of this community wants that to happen. We got to do something better than what we’ve been doing so far. African Americans represent 13 percent of the population in this country. They represent one-third of those who are shot by law enforcement. We have something wrong. If we have the largest prison population on the face of the planet and it is comprised of people of color, we have something wrong in this country.
Here’s O’Rourke, when asked about his arrest when driving drunk:
Though, driving drunk, which I did, is a terrible mistake for which there is no excuse or justification or defense. I will not try to provide one. I can only tell you that I was able to have a second chance in my life…What I do know is that as a white man in this country, there is a privilege I enjoy that many African-American men and women do not. They do not have that second chance. They are forced to check the box on an employment application form that makes it harder for them to get a job. They are ineligible for the Pell grant’s that would allow them to attend any institution in this area. Their choices are narrowed.
And here’s O’Rourke when asked about his support for legalizing marijuana:
Another old woman with fibromyalgia who is not able to use medicinal cannabis because it is against the law. Another African-American man because more likely than not, that is who will be arrested for possession of marijuana to rot behind bars instead of doing — of enjoying his freedom. Yes, I want to end the war on drugs and want to end the prohibition on marijuana.
In contrast, Cruz was asked directly, “Do you agree that police violence against unarmed African-Americans is a problem and if so, how would you fix it?”
He said:
I believe everyone right’s should be protected regardless of your race or ethnicity. I’ve been to too many police funerals. I was here in Dallas when five police officers were gunned down because of irresponsible and hateful rhetoric.
By default, being a Democrat mounting a competitive bid in Texas makes O’Rourke a unique candidate. But O’Rourke wanted Friday night’s debate viewers to walk away knowing that he has spent the last year traveling to every single Texas county.
O’Rourke’s debate performance was defined by his reliance on personal stories of people he has met around the state. And of course he mentioned that he’s been to all 254 counties as many times as he could — which was also the message of his first campaign ad, stitched together with iPhone footage of his travels.
There was also a flip side to his message here; that Cruz isn’t present in the state, O’Rourke said:
Within months of being sworn to service, your senator, Ted Cruz was not in Texas. He was in Iowa. He visited every single one of the 99 counties of Iowa. He went to the Republican presidential primary states instead of being here. He shut down your government. For 16 days in 2013. Too many people were getting too much health care in the united States of America.
Among O’Rourke’s biggest obstacles in this race is that Texas is a big state, and despite his having won the hearts of liberals across the country through countless features in the national media market, voters in Texas still have to make up their mind on him.
Interestingly, Cruz, who gained a national presence for his conservative firebrand theatrics, only to lose to Trump, has also had to play more inside the state. But, unlike O’Rourke, voters know what they think of Cruz.
From the beginning Cruz’s campaign line has been that O’Rourke is too far to the left for Texas. The sentiment was on full display Friday night, when Cruz made a point to call O’Rourke more radical than Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and more to the left than Sen. Bernie Sanders — the two most progressive sitting senators. Here is Cruz, when asked why he thinks he represents Texas values:
The hard left is energized, angry, many of them are filled with hatred. We are seeing tens of millions of dollars flowing from all over the country to congressman O’Rourke’s campaign.
As he takes extreme left-wing positions, positions further to the left of Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, he gets millions of dollars. For example, Congressman O’Rourke has said he is “Open to abolishing ICE.” Abolishing the Immigration Customs and Enforcement agency. His words. Nancy Pelosi has never said that. Congressman O’Rourke has said he would vote now today to impeach President Trump. Right now. Here. Today. Bernie Sanders has never said that.
Cruz repeatedly used the words “radical” and “extreme” to define O’Rourke — once comparing his opponent to Hillary Clinton when talking about judicial nominees.
“The justices that congressman O’Rourke would insist upon, like Hillary Clinton, are justices that undermine and effectively write the second amendment out of the Constitution,” Cruz said. “Those are radical views.”
This line of attack has long been expected of Cruz, according to James Henson, the director of the Texas Politics Project who spoke to Vox earlier this week. Why? O’Rourke still has a relatively low name recognition with Republicans in the state, and as of June only 42 percent of Republicans expressed an unfavorable opinion of him — a relatively low number compared to most Democrats who have run statewide.
“The attack ads are not about driving O’Rourke’s positives down, but defining him for Republicans who don’t know much about him,” Henson said.
In other words, Cruz wants Republicans to be scared of O’Rourke, and has made the calculation that defining him as a radical socialist will do just that.
Even when asked to compliment O’Rourke, Cruz managed to hit his Democratic opponent one more time.
“O’Rourke is passionate, energetic — He believes in what he is fighting for,” Cruz said. “Bernie Sanders believes in what he is fighting for. He believes in socialism. I think when he is fighting for doesn’t work, but I think you are sincere like Bernie, you believe in expanding government and higher taxes.”
O’Rourke’s characterization of Cruz’s backhanded insult?
“True to form,” he said.
Original Source -> 3 key themes in Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke’s first face-off
via The Conservative Brief
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