#stitched hcs
cats-obsessions · 7 months
Durge and Gortash progressively playing a game of chicken as their relationship progresses where they continuously do vaguely threatening yet innocent gestures to test each other’s (dis)trust. It starts with something simple like Gortash placing his hand on Durge’s shoulder near their neck. He just wants to see the Bhaalspawn squirm, he justifies. Of course, Durge plays along- they won’t show weakness. So, it becomes a game. They do things like playing with a dagger while they talk, cutting the loose thread off each others’ shirt collar, bringing each other food or drinks with no guarantee it’s not poisoned, Durge insisting on shaving Gortash’s quickly growing beard for him after too many long nights planning. In the end, it just becomes habit, and they’ve just tricked themselves into allowing this intense domestic affection, allowing vulnerability and showing unquestioned trust. Oops. They still think it’s edgy though. Anyone else who sees it thinks they’re just married.
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s0up1ta · 2 years
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the girlboss of all time 😌
bonus content for huntlow nation:
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luz definitely set this up 100%
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outthewazoo · 8 months
Special bandaids for a special boy :3
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enchantedanimal · 1 year
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"Kneel before death."
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stitched-mouth · 9 months
could you please do nsfw hc with Larry?? ( if not totally understandable) I feel like I’m making you uncomfortable lol
Having Sex With Larry Johnson Includes…
Pairing: Larry Johnson x GN! Reader.
Summary: Larry Johnson nsfw headcannons.
Warnings: NSFW, Smut, Established relationship OR friends with benefits, Choking, Edging, Creampie kink, Rimming, I think I missed something - let me know if I did.
Writing Time: 15 minutes.
Word Count: ?
Format: Headcannons.
Of course not anon! You’re not making me uncomfortable with this request at all. I’m pretty much up for any nsfw requests, as long as it doesn’t involve minors or animals. And yeah Larry started out in the game as a minor but it finished with him as an adult. So I’m comfortable, I’m not aging him up here since he is now an adult canonly.
I do hc Larry as trans masculine, but I didn’t include that here before I’m not sure if anon wanted that.
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• Larry is definitely a gentleman in the bedroom.
• But that doesn’t mean he isn’t a tease.
• This man loves to tease and edge you.
• But he’s still a gentleman, so don’t worry, you’ll get your orgasm before it kills you.
• Scream his name and he’s officially your bitch.
• Larry also doesn’t mind being the sub.
• But I think you’ll have to have sex a few times before he’s completely comfortable being so vulnerable.
• He’s definitely a womaniser so I wouldn’t be surprised if y’all had sex on the first date.
• Larry has definitely had a few flings or FWB, so I’d say he’s pretty experienced.
• Larry has two favourite kinks: Creampie and Edging.
• He definitely won’t creampie you without you encouraging him though.
• I had trouble deciding this one, but I think Larry smells really good.
• Like so good it turns others on.
• I had trouble deciding this one because he looks like a wet boy.
• But there are definitely guys out there who LOOK like they haven’t showered in years, but once you get a smell you’ll know that isn’t true.
• Larry is into rimming, because I said so.
• Sticking your tongue up his ass is another easy way to make him your bitch.
• It might take a while for him to tell you that he likes rimming though, you might have to make clear to him you have kinks too first.
• And Larry is up to try almost anything, as long as it doesn’t hurt you or him.
• Like blood or knife play is a no.
• And if he’s choking you, you’ll have tell him repeatedly to actually choke you or else he’ll just gently have his hand around your throat, not actually choking you.
• Consent means a lot to him.
• So I can’t see him roleplay something with non-con or dubious con either.
• If you are into this kind of stuff, don’t worry, he’ll make it up to you.
• Libido? I’d say above average.
• But he’s still more than happy to go at your pace.
• Size? Also above average. You’ve seen his nose right? Think of that.
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the-travelling-witch · 18 hours
i’ve seen @mellosdrawings’s headcanons for azul’s cane usage recently and it reminded me that i love this concept!! it just makes so much sense and it would be such an azul thing to do!!
so naturally i couldn’t help but think about it when i stumbled over this piece of dialogue in the stitch event :]
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i know there’s a number of different explanations as to why he would say that, ranging from not being used to dancing to sand being unstable terrain even for humans to him being a merman, but i choose to add not having his cane to the pile
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it’s also super important (to me) to add that azul looks ridiculously good with and without the sunglasses!! if you know me you know that i love coloured shades but he’s just so pretty, it’s not fair ㅠㅠ
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bootlegatreus · 2 years
ATREUS PAGE ft. friends, family, and mfing Heimdal
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youngpettyqueen · 3 months
alright as promised- Julian and Garak and Garashir thoughts on A Stitch in Time!
also, I am going to note before I even begin. yes, I ship Garashir, but im also going to focus on not viewing their dynamic entirely through a shipping lens. Garashir as a ship will be brought up, yes, but im making a concentrated effort to also discuss their relationship as presented because them as a duo compels me even without my shipping goggles on
without further ado, lets get into it-
I think the most important thing to take from how Julian and Garak are presented in A Stitch in Time is that Garak cares about Julian very, very deeply. whether you interpret that as romantic or not is up to you, but its at least made very clear that Garak cares about Julian. a lot. which, yes, we know from the show that Garak cares, but the depth of his care is truly revealed in this book
I think its safe to say that this book is the most open we see Garak be with Julian. and im not just saying in their scenes together- this entire book was written by Garak, for Julian to read. a chronicle of his history, entries made during their time on DS9, and letters written about what he's doing now on Cardassia, all written for Julian to read. this book is, quite literally, Garak showing everything he is to Julian. which is fucking incredible. we know Garak is a closed-off person and very defensive of himself, we see exactly WHY he's that way, and we're seeing that only because he's spelling it all out to give to Julian. this is an openness that Garak hasn't ever afforded himself in a relationship. and I think its for good reason that the first time he is this open and this honest, its with Julian
I was deeply compelled by Garak's point of view on his and Julian's relationship in the entries that took place during DS9. I love how distant they became from each other, and how strained things got. I never would've read it that way with just the show, and now I cant wait to do a rewatch with this new information in mind. Garak thinks Julian has ended their relationship, he thinks Julian doesnt want to learn any more from him, and he doesnt understand why. he's upset about it- he's mad! his feelings are hurt! but he cant let go. and that ties in with the sentimentality we see in Garak throughout the rest of the book. Garak could no more let go of his connection with Julian than he could his connection with Paladine when he was still on Cardassia. he still answers when Julian calls. he still calls Julian himself. even drifted apart, theyre still connected. they still care. and thats why they come back together before the end of the series- they still love each other. platonically, romantically, however you want to interpret it, you cannot deny that these two love each other
as for Julian's side of this rift. I dont think Julian sees their relationship as over, but I think he can tell something's off. Julian is very awkward in many of his scenes with Garak, and doesnt seem to know how to approach him, or even how to talk to him sometimes. whatever Julian believes is going on here, he knows something's wrong. so, in true Julian fashion, even though he doesnt know what to do or say, he reaches out. he keeps reaching out. he goes out of his way to get Garak's favourite food hand-made. he answers when Garak calls. he calls Garak. he tries to apologize. he tries, he tries, he tries. because he knows, whatever's going on, that he wants to be there for Garak. he wants to help. such is the nature of Julian Bashir- he always just wants to help
I love that his attempts to help are clumsy. the argument Julian and Garak have about Federation vs Cardassian politics is great! because we know Julian is trying to help, but Julian has a habit of being a bit condescending and even arrogant in assuming his way is the right way, and I love that Garak actually gets mad about it here. this argument really highlights just how different Julian and Garak are, but it also serves to point out just how strained Garak is with everything going on with the Dominion and Cardassia at this point. Garak is surprised at his own outburst, and I think part of it is because he's typically better at hiding his feelings, but I also think part of it is that he's this mad towards Julian. I dont think its a stretch to say that this might be reminding Garak of the events of Our Man Bashir. that episode comes up multiple times throughout the DS9 entries, and is an event that Garak associates with him and Julian drifting apart. its also the episode where we see Garak get mad at Julian about these same things- namely his arrogance, in assuming he can save everyone and that things will work out. while at first it surprised me that Garak saw these events as driving a wedge between him and Julian, in hindsight, I think it makes total sense
the idea of Julian pulling away from Garak after Our Man Bashir is what makes it make complete sense. Julian trying to apologize in the last entry for DS9 is what really makes it- he feels bad for hurting Garak. and he avoids talking about it, but he pointedly doesnt deny that he would've killed Garak if he had to, to save the others. of course the guilt of that's been eating him. of course he pulled away. because after Our Man Bashir, as we get into s5 and beyond, we see Julian start to go down a darker path. we see Julian kill. we see him lie, and manipulate, and do harm. we see him forced to compromise his morals, or compromise them by his own choice. so, yeah, it makes sense that he's pulling away from Garak
on the topic of episodes that get brought up- I love that Julian only pulls away further after the events of Doctor Bashir, I Presume? I'd wondered how that episode might've impacted his relationship with Garak, since we dont see it at all in the show besides Garak starting to make cracks at Julian about being augmented. I love that Julian being outed as being augmented played a part in him and Garak drifting apart. if theres one thing I wish would've been included in the DS9 entries, I wish we could've seen if Garak and Julian talked either during or right after the events of that episode. I think it'd be interesting, though, if they didnt. I think it'd be interesting if they never talked about it. I honestly think that could track with how they've drifted apart at this point. it'll be left up to me to wonder, I think, but its all very fascinating
I love that despite everything, Garak's respect and admiration for Julian is always clear- especially when it comes to traits like his kindness. its nice to see that, despite how Garak always gets on Julian's case about his naivety and optimism, he actually does love these so-called "soft things" about Julian. he loves his kindness. he loves his selflessness. he loves that desire Julian has to just help everybody around him. I think this kindness is what really helps pull their relationship back together, in more ways than one
for one thing, I think if Julian wasn't his kind and loving and open self, I dont think Garak would be able to be as open as he is with him. Garak is very much used to people having multiple agendas, and Julian is just not like that. Julian is open and honest to a fault, with his only big secret being that he was augmented, and once thats out in the open, he doesnt have anything left to hide. Julian and Garak's relationship might've started with Julian clumsily trying to be a spy, but it quickly became just... a friendship. Julian doesnt want anything from Garak besides a relationship. he just wants Garak. and its this honest, open approach to that that reminds Garak that this is Julian, who he can trust, and thats what lets them mend this thing between them
I also think its crucial that Garak's respect and admiration for Julian's kindness ultimately overpowers his desire to teach Julian his ways. Garak sees their relationship as over because he believes that Julian doesnt want to learn from him. the hurdle that Garak has to overcome here is that he needs to see that Julian can still learn from him, but not in the way he thinks. Garak has to learn that Julian doesnt need to learn how to be a hardened spy from him. he doesnt need to learn how to close himself off, or be more cynical- what he gets from Garak, what he learns from Garak, is how to be challenged. Garak challenges Julian constantly, forces him to think about things from different perspectives he otherwise wouldnt have considered. Julian gets caught up in believing his way is the right way, he cant always see the other side of things, and Garak is the one who will make him see it. thats why their relationship, even when its distanced, is never over- because Julian is still learning from Garak as he continues to challenge him, and Garak is still learning from Julian as he learns that sentimentality isnt a weakness after all
the last entry set in DS9 means the entire world to me. Garak immediately calling Julian after a nightmare. Julian going to him. the discussion they have. Garak realizing what he has to do. the apologies Julian tries to make, and how Garak won't let him. the way they come together again at last, and you know theyre going to be ok. Garak calling him Julian... you have to wonder if this is the first time Garak has actually called him by his name, because to my memory he doesnt do so at any point in the show. and of course its Julian who makes Garak see what he needs to do, and where he needs to be. just, that entire scene. its so important to me. you can feel the love, and it feels like a sigh of relief, because they've finally bridged this gap between them
to me, though, the most loving bit is the very end of the novel. Garak inviting Julian to come to his home, and see what he's done. Garak has just documented pretty much his entire life and sent it to Julian so that Julian will know every part of him, and he's ended it by inviting Julian to his home. holy shit. this is where the shipping goggles go on cause oh my god. Garak has just gone "here's my heart. here's my soul. here's my core. here's everything that's made me into me. here's what I was thinking when we weren't talking. here's how much I missed you. here's everything youve ever done for me. nothing would make me happier than you coming to see me. come see my home. come see what ive done. I love you. come to my home." this entire novel is such a massive display of vulnerability and trust, of an openness Garak has never allowed himself to express, and it end it by inviting Julian to come to his home? im going to fucking explode.
Garak wasn't this open with Palandine. he wasn't this open with Pythas. he wasn't this open with Tolan, with Mila, with Tain- there's been nobody he's been this open with. his relationship with Julian is so much different than any other relationship he's had, just for the fact that he can be truly, openly himself. and he knows he can be, because he knows Julian. this novel really highlights how well Garak knows Julian, and understands him- he knows Julian will accept him for who he is, because Julian always has. Julian would never be as harsh on Garak as Garak is on himself, Julian is the kind voice in his head, and its exactly BECAUSE he sees Garak for who he is: a man who's trying his best. nobody else has ever seen that in Garak- I dont think even Palandine saw it. I think she probably got the closest to seeing it, and I think Pythas too might've gotten close had they not been separated for so long, but nobody ever got close to Garak like Julian managed to
I think however you interpret the Julian and Garak dynamic, you can read this book and understand that these two love each other. deeply. whether that means platonically or romantically you can interpret yourself, but however you define it, the love is still undeniably there. do I think its romantic? hell yeah. they make me fucking insane and every interaction between them in this book made me scream out loud. but I think its a testament to how theyre written that the love is there no matter how you read it, and that their relationship is just incredibly solid all around. Andrew Robinson clearly put a lot of work and love and thought into how he portrayed these two, and it shows in every scene, every line where Garak even thinks about Julian
alright gonna wrap up because this is getting. so long. I love that this book wasn't about their relationship, but it also was. because this book is, of course, about Garak. but it was written by Garak, for Julian. and it ends perfectly, with Garak holding a hand out and going "you're always welcome, doctor." so, yeah, this is Garak's story, but it's also Garak's story for Julian, and that makes me, personally, feel a little insane
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pa-rou · 1 year
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Sketch dump!! feat. Attempting to draw a consistent Grian
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shockpinkrosary · 9 months
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Hell yeah ! I don’t think he’s my strongest suite yet tho lol
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"I'm correct" - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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helsex-moved · 9 months
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After literally like 5+ years of being a hc fan and Grian enjoyer I finally made an actual design . is this anything (click for better quality as per usual)
(ps if you don't want to rb that's totally fine but please don't like it ^^)
[I.D. Three different digital drawings of Grian, a peacock avian with brown hair in a manbun, glasses, fully dark black eyes, scruffy facial hair, and stitches at several of his joints and neck. In the left corner of the drawing is a low opacity png of Grian's Minecraft skin. The background and overlay is light gold yellow.
The first drawing is a fullbody illustration of Grian, standing with one hand on his hip and the other on his face/chin as he thoughtfully looks to the side. He is wearing a red sweater vest with a white undershirt, grey pants, black boots with gold accents, and several gold accessories.
The next drawing is only from the waist up and he is wearing the same clothing. He is pointing a thumb at his chest and grinning smugly, behind him his peacock tail is splayed.
The last drawing is slightly blurred and lower opacity, from the back and waist up. Grian looks over his shoulder somewhat and on his back there are his mostly folded wings and scars around them but also bright purple geometric and nonsensical tattoos surrounding where his wings connect to his back. END I.D.]
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lil-vibes · 11 months
hc that dazai loves to sneak his arms under chuuya's shirt and soak up all the warmth his skin provides and that chuuya loves, loves, loves to feel dazai's bare arms, scars and all, wrapped around him while they sleep or cuddle in bed
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eyelessfog · 5 months
Letters unsent
> There are pieces of paper on the table, crumpled parchment with ink stains and blotches and smudging. A pen sits next to them, uncapped and drying out. There is a needle and thread in the corner of the desk next to the wall.
> Read letters.
> “To,” the name is scratched out. “I hope you’re doing well. You look like you’re doing well.”
> Next letter.
> “I don’t know what you remember. I don’t even know if you remember. I hope you don’t. You look happier now.”
> Next letter.
> “I’m sorry I used the amnesia potion. I’m sorry I thought you were dangerous. I’m sorry I still think you are. I’m sorry we’ll never see each other again.”
> Next letter.
> “I miss you.”
> Next letter.
> “Dear Falsesymmetry, I’m sorry.”
> Next letter.
> “Dear sister, do you miss when we didn’t hate each other? I do.”
> Next letter.
> “Dear sister”
> This page is more crumpled than the rest.
> Next letter.
> “Dear,” an underline where a name should be. “Once we stitched each other up. Once, I couldn’t hold my hand up and sew it back to my arm on my own and I’d go to you because you could do it. Once, I stitched your foot back to your leg. Once, I trusted you to help me with it. Once, you trusted me. You broke my trust first. I think I broke your trust worse. I don’t think I could ever place my arm in your hand again. I don’t think I could ever let you help me. I think I’d be too afraid of your knife in my back. I’ve learned how to stitch myself up now. I know how to balance myself on the floor so that my body parts are steady and don’t roll. I guess you have too, because your stitches are good, even if they aren’t even. Maybe”
> Flip page over.
> “you found someone else to help you stitch yourself back together. Maybe you didn’t. I don’t know. I’m the only one who ever holds a needle to myself. It feels weird to let someone else do it for me. They could never be my sister helping me put myself together. Part of me hopes you feel the same way, because then maybe it means we didn’t change as much as it feels like we did.”
> Next letter. This one is the last.
> “I hope you still have trouble putting your head back on. I do too.”
> Put the letters down.
> You haven’t changed your stitches once since you’ve found yourself here. You don’t even know where to get thread.
> Take needle and thread.
> Leave.
> …
> She was right. You still have trouble stitching your head back on.
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horizoncountdown · 2 months
Character Headcannons: Kina
Given how close Kina was with her mother while she was growing up, Kina developed a love of needlework from watching - and later assisting when she was old and strong enough to - Sakura at her craft.
But instead making garments like her mother, Kina chose cross stitch.
Kina’s first cross stitch piece:
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galaxygermdraws · 1 year
For the mobian requests… idk if u have a design in mind for cleo but i WOULD like to see cleo >:>
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Cleo jus for you Ros <3
They were a badger. Then she died I guess. or some kind of experiment. I don't really know. But now just kind of an amalgamation of animal bits.
(reblogs w tags/comments are appreciated. Thankyu)
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