#stomping grounds 2019 predictions
hazyheel · 5 years
WWE Stomping Grounds 2019 Predictions
Super Showdown Part II is what this show should be called, as most of the matches on the card are rematches from Sweet Saudi Money 3, more blood money for me. Even still, that card looks okay, and so does this one. It doesn’t look like it will be one of the greatest shows of the year or anything, but there is no reason that it shouldn’t be good and fun. So here are my predictions for Stomping Grounds 2019.
Only a couple non-title matches on this show, and we are starting with Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens vs. Big E and Xavier Woods of the New Day. Both Owens and Zayn have feuded with Kofi over the WWE Championship a bit in recent months, with Owens even going as far as re-injuring Big E in storyline. This is a tough one, because nothing is really on the line, but I’m actually going with Owens and Zayn on this one, because they lost in tag matches two nights in a row. They need something, unless WWE is really trying to bury them, which they very well could be. If this is booked as a back and forth contest, then it should be good, but it probably will be a lot of rest holds and a hot tag or two. I’m not really looking forward to this. 
Then we have Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre. They have been feuding really since late last year, and even going into Wrestlemania, but the latest chapter in their feud stems around Shane McMahon. McIntyre is Shane’s little helper, aiding him in a match against Reigns at Super Showdown. So, Reigns and McIntyre are now having a match, probably a placeholder until Reigns can really finish off Shane. I’m going to go with Reigns on this one, but it is another toughy. I don’t know when they will pull the trigger on Shane/Reigns II, whether it be at Extreme Rules, Summerslam or later. Hell, there is a distinct possibility that Shane will be the one to beat Kofi for the WWE championship at some point, and then Reigns will take it off of him. I am hoping that we are just going to get Reigns vs. Shane at Summerslam, not for a belt, and that this match and Extreme Rules will just have some placeholders. I think that Reigns is going to win here, and he kinda has to. I mean, he lost to Shane fucking McMahon at Super Showdown. Yeah, McIntyre was the reason for the win, but still. Dude needs some momentum. I think that he wins here, although it could easily be McIntyre. This match will definitely be full of interference and shenanigans, so I don’t expect much from it, which really sucks considering how talented they both are. 
Into the Cruiserweight Division, and the first of our title matches, we have Akira Tozawa vs. Drew Gulak vs. Tony Nese for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. This is an interesting story, where Nese originally asked Drake Maverick to allow Tozawa to challenge for his championship, but Drake did not book the match. Instead, he booked a Fatal 4-way, Akira Tozawa vs. Drew Gulak vs. Humberto Carillo vs. Oney Lorcan. Gulak had also gotten a sort of career resurgence, after severing ties with both Carillo and Jack Gallagher, returning to action as a more vicious wrestler, introducing a lot more strikes and power moves into his repertoire. During that fatal 4-way, Tozawa and Gulak pinned each other at the same time in a cradle, giving us an indecisive finish. So in response, Drake Maverick booked this Triple Threat. There is also some history between Gulak and Nese, as they were once friends in the Zo Train (Enzo’s Amore’s terrible heel stable), only for Gulak to betray him when the group broke up. So there are a lot of moving parts here, and I think that this is Gulak’s time to shine. He has gotten a new attitude, he has two people that he really hates against him, he is a bit of an underdog against two face opponents, and I think that he can and should win here. It is cutting Nese’s run as champion a bit short, but three months is still pretty good. Gulak should win here, and really reign terror down on the cruiserweight division. This match should be fast paced and awesome, so I’m really looking forward to it. 
And in the tag division, Heavy Machinery challenge the Planet’s Tag Team Champions for the Smackdown Tag Team Championships. Tucker and Otis challenged the champions a while ago, but since Bryan refuses to go to Saudi Arabia, the match hasn’t happened yet. But the only real background for this match is that Bryan and Rowan said there was no one left for them to beat in the tag division. So, now we have this match. I think that the champions will retain here, probably by some nefarious means, and then we can have a rematch with a stipulation for Extreme Rules. Because who better to beat some snobby environmentalists than a team that is literally named after something they hate. But for now, they will probably lose here, allowing for a bit more time with Daniel Bryan’s awesome promos. 
Into some midcard stuff, we have Samoa Joe vs. Ricochet for the WWE United States Championship. This was simply built, with Ricochet winning a Fatal 5-way elimination match to qualify. Also, it’s a dream match that a bunch of people want. And while Ricochet definitely deserves the belt, I don’t think now is the right time. Joe hasn’t really established himself as a strong champion just yet, given that he kinda sorta lost it to Rey Mysterio via some shoddy officiating, but then got it back because Mysterio was injured. He needs a good defense, and Ricochet is the guy to beat to do it. This is a battle of a couple awesome workers, and is also the match I’m most looking forward to. I’m really excited for this one, and Joe should win here. Although I suspect Ricochet isn’t too far away from the title. 
Then we have the women’s division, we have Bayley vs. Alexa Bliss for the Smackdown Women’s Championship. This story revolves a lot around Bliss being manipulative, and making everyone think that Bayley is awful. She is mainly working her magic on Nikki Cross, who is convinced that Bayley is a bad person on the inside after Bayley screwed them out of a Women’s Tag Team Championship match. Admittedly, Bliss did attack Bayley first, but it was still Bayley’s fault that they lost. Bliss was also spreading rumors about Bayley being mean to fans, which was starting to get to some of the other ladies. As for this match, I was kinda torn here, until I realized that Bliss was on Raw, so she should lose. I don’t know where the Cross and Bliss story goes from here, maybe they continue to feud with Bayley, but Bayley needs a big title win on Pay per view. The match could be good, but Bliss is a bit too hit or miss for me to get my hopes up. I hope Bayley wins here, because I still think about how badly Bayley was buried during their feud in 2017, and I do not use that word lightly.
On the Raw side it is Becky Lynch vs. Lacy Evans for the Raw Women’s Championship. Evans challenged Lynch for the Raw Women’s Championship at Money in the Bank in a losing effort. During her next match against Charlotte Flair for the Smackdown Women’s Championship, Evans got involved and screwed Lynch out of her second title. So they are still feuding, despite the audience getting bored of it. Becky has to retain here. She is still riding high after her win at Wrestlemania, and even though she isn’t as white hot as she was when they wrote her like a heel, she is still doing awesome and kicking ass. There is more money to be made with Becky, so she should win here. Not looking forward to this match because Evans hasn’t shown me that she is on Lynch’s level in the ring. I hope she proves me wrong, but I doubt she will. So I really don’t care about this match, but I definitely will if Becky loses. 
And in the world title picture, we have Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler in a Steel Cage match for the WWE Championship. Dolph still says that he should be the WWE Champion rather than Kingston, and he has doubled down on it since Super Showdown. Ziggler was admittedly screwed at that show, as he superkicked Xavier Woods on the outside, only for Woods to then get involved and give him an ensiguri to the back of the head as he hit the ropes. Ziggler was furious and demanded a rematch in a cage, so that no one could interfere. Normally this story is reversed, with the face asking for a cage match to prevent interference, but whatever. Kingston will still win, because Ziggler is just a placeholder feud, and he will not beat Kofi. This could be good, but Ziggler and Kingston have never seemed to have a really good match together. They are both really good, but don’t have that chemistry for whatever reason. I hope this is good, because they deserve a good match. But no way Ziggler is winning this. 
And finally, we have Seth Rollins vs. Baron Corbin for the WWE Universal Championship, with Corbin allowed to pick the referee. This all stemmed from a weird story, where the two had a match at Super Showdown, in which Corbin continuously yelled at the referee. In the finish, the ref yelled back at him, so Rollins rolled him up for the win. Corbin then said that the ref beat him, not Rollins, and demanded a rematch with a ref of his choosing. It was booked that way, but then Rollins went on a damn warpath. Anyone who even considered being Corbin’s referee was viciously beaten down by Rollins, with a chair no less. So going into this match, we do not know who the ref will be. I figure that I will make that part of the prediction, because why not? Part of me thinks that it will be Lesnar, but I don’t think that they will write Corbin that stupid, because Brock would cash in on either of them at the end of the match. So maybe, instead of Brock himself, it’ll just be Paul Heyman. That would make sense, because while Corbin isn’t so stupid to put Brock as the ref, he is booked just stupid enough to put Heyman in that role. Because heels are all friends. Anyway, it doesn’t matter who the ref is, Rollins is winning. Corbin isn’t on Rollin’s level, and while he is a believable challenger, he is not a believable champion. Again, this could be good. Like, Corbin is capable of having good matches. But he hasn’t had a good match in months, so I don’t think it will be. That’s just the truth.
So, these are my predictions. I don’t think this will be the best show in the world, but it isn’t supposed to be. It’s a B-Show. So lets hope that it is good, but lets not get our hopes up. 
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storm-of-wrestling · 5 years
Stomping Grounds 2019 Predictions
- Xavier Woods & Big E
- Drew McIntyre
- Tony Nese
- Daniel Bryan & Rowan
- Ricochet
- Bayley
- Becky Lynch
- Kofi Kingston
- Seth Rollins
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justlightlysedated · 4 years
the sleeping curse au:
Michael wakes up on the hard concrete floor in the bunker with a headache roughly the size of Texas, and a pressure behind his eyes that tells him that he should go back to sleep, but the crick in his neck and the pressure in his bladder are both louder.
He groans as he pushes himself up into a sitting position, and rubs a hand across his eyes, and up into his hair, scratching against his skull absently.
He blinks trying to clear his gummy vision, and then blinks some more when he sees that he’s not alone.
Alex is curled up right by the ladder, head pillowed on his arms, one hand wrapped loosely around the bottom rung.
Michael blinks some more and tries to remember what the hell happened to lead to this, but he barely remembers coming down to the bunker, let alone Alex being there.
The last thing that he remembers clearly is getting home, and if he thinks about it he does remember getting a message from Alex that said that he’d found something that he was coming over to show Michael.
But after that it’s all just a huge blank.
Michael breathes in deeply, and then gets to his feet, stomping around a little after he does like he’d been asleep for so long that his legs don’t know how to work properly.
The stomps are loud, in a room that's almost too quiet, and he hears Alex groaning as he starts to wake up.
"Too loud," Alex complains in a sleep rough voice that sends a jolt of heat down the back of his neck.
Michael stops stomping around and turns towards where Alex is pushing himself on to his back, and making a low hurt sound as he moves his legs, which tells Michael that he definitely still has his prosthetic on.
Michael's not sure how long they've been down there, but he knows that it's not comfortable for Alex to keep the prosthetic on for long periods of time.
"What the fuck?" He croaks as he starts to push himself to sit.
"That’s what I would like to know,” Michael drawls, and Alex jumps like he hadn’t realized that he wasn’t alone.
Michael watches as he looks around the room, and then spots him. 
“What the fuck?” he says again, with much more feeling.
He moves to get to his feet, and makes a sharp sound before letting himself sink back down to the ground, and then pull the hem of his pants up.
Michael bites down hard on his lip since he knows that Alex won’t appreciate his help, and turns away to give him some semblance of privacy, blinking his eyes as he looks at his work table and tries to see if he can remember anything else now that he’s more awake, but nothing else comes up.
He hears Alex grunt a little, and then sigh in relief.
“What happened?” Alex asks after a few minutes of silence that seems to be too loud.
Michael turns around and leans back against the table, shrugging a little. “I woke up down here, just like you.”
Alex blinks a few times at that, and then his brow furrows, and he looks away from Michael, gaze going a little bit glazed over as he tries to remember what he was doing there.
He must also draw a blank because he turns back to Michael, brow still furrowed.
Michael shrugs again. “Last thing I remember is getting a text from you saying you found something that you needed to show me.”
Alex nods his head, “I remember getting into my car, but I don’t remember actually driving out here.”
Michael pushes away from the table and walks closer to Alex, “Do you remember what it was that you wanted to show me?”
Alex nods his head, and pats the pockets of his leather jacket, and then frowns, “I guess I gave it to you already?”
Michael frowns, and turns back to the table, but there doesn’t seem to be anything new or out of place.
“I took a picture of it,” Alex says, and Michael can hear him patting his pockets again, searching for his phone.
“My phone is dead,” he says slowly, and looks back up at Michael, who turns to face him raising an eyebrow because his own phone is never fully charged and therefore almost always dead.
“I have a really good battery,” Alex says. “It was fully charged, and obviously no one was using it, so the battery should've lasted for a few days.”
Michael scoffs, and shakes his head, “It’s impossible that we’ve been here for days and no one has come to check up on us.”
“Unless they’re asleep as well,” Alex points out, and Michael frowns, and then he’s moving towards the ladder.
Alex stays where he is, and Michael would ask him if he wants help, but he’s sure that Alex would just glare at him and not answer.
Michael reaches up with one hand, and opens the manhole easily, so at least whatever happened doesn’t mean that he’s powerless.
Michael climbs out, and pauses right at the entrance, “Do you-?”
“I’m fine, Guerin,” Alex snaps, voice echoing slightly. “Just go find your phone and figure out if it’s just us.”
Michael doesn’t sigh, and just walks the last couple of feet to the Airstream. It looks like a dust storm had kicked up which could explain what he and Alex were doing in the bunker.
He finds his phone, predictably dead, and puts it to charge, while he goes searching for the charger that Alex had left behind once.
Alex takes long enough that Michael finds the charger and is able to make coffee, but it's less time than Michael had been expecting.
Michael sets the coffee down on top of the counter, and looks at Alex out of the corner of his eye as he sits down heavily on Michael’s bed, making a face, but otherwise not showing that he’s in pain.
He pushes the mug over on the counter, getting Alex’s attention, who makes grabby hands at the coffee, and Michael laughs a little, as he picks the mug back up and hands it over to him, leaning back against the counter with his own mug.
He waits until Alex takes a sip and lowers the mug before he motions towards the phone charger with his chin. 
“You can put your phone to charge, mine was dead as well.”
Alex does what he says, and boots his phone back up, drinking his coffee while it turns on.
Alex frowns when he sees the lockscreen, and then sets the mug aside to lift the phone to his face, unlocking the phone quickly and pulling something up before typing something out.
He taps for a few minutes, the furrow in his brow getting increasingly deeper, and then he looks up at Michael, confusion, but also something that looks a lot like fear in his eyes.
“The date is September 23rd, 2019,” Alex says slowly, and Michael gives him an incredulous look.
“No way, it was just the sixteenth,” Michael states and moves to grab his own phone, but when he goes to put in his password, he sees the date on the screen, 23/09/19.
“What the fuck?” he says, and Alex nods along like Michael took the words right out of his mouth.
Alex keeps tapping on his phone, and Michael takes his phone off the charger even though it’s only charged seven percent and calls Isobel first.
The phone goes straight to voicemail, and it does the same when he calls Max and then Liz and then Maria and even Kyle.
He tries to call up Cam, and it tells him that her phone is out of range, whatever that means.
When he looks back at Alex, it’s to find him with his phone to his ear. He shakes his head, pulling the phone away when Michael raises his eyebrow at him.
“There has to be a rational explanation for all of this,” Michael says, setting his phone aside. “We should go check-”
Alex pulls something out of his pocket then. It’s covered in dust, and Michael vaguely recognizes it as a piece of metal he’d figured was scrap when he’d walked to the Airstream earlier.
“This is what I wanted to show you,” he says, holding out his hand. The device sits in his palm, looking like if someone had crumpled a piece of paper and then turned it into silver. “It was perfectly round before, and there was some sort of flower carved on the surface, but I knew it was alien because it was warm and buzzing and pulsing with a soft blue light.”
Michael licks his lips and looks at the scrap of metal in Alex’s hand, “So what you’re thinking is that whatever happened to us, has to do with that?”
“I don’t think we can discount any possibility yet,” Alex states diplomatically, and then stuffs the scrap back into his jacket pocket, picking up his coffee and draining the rest of it.
Michael stares at him as he gets to his feet again, only wincing a little. “We should go into town. See if it’s affected anyone else.”
Michael nods his head, and then he remembers that Sanders was supposed to be there today since Michael wasn’t working.
“Sanders,” Michael says, looking at Alex, who looks back at him with wide eyes, and then nods his head.
Michael goes running out of the door, and he can hear Alex following after him.
He finds Sanders on the ground right in front of the shop, a wrench in the ground right in front of his hand, his even breaths ruffling the material of his long sleeved shirt.
Michael drops to his knees and pushes Sanders on to his back.
"Sanders!" He says and shakes him, hard, slapping against his cheeks none too gently when he doesn't react at all.
He feels Alex stop somewhere behind him, and then before Michael can slap him again, Alex whistles, loud and sharp enough that Michael feels like his eardrums are going to burst.
Sanders doesn't even flinch.
Michael leans back on his heels, and turns his head sideways to see Alex moving to stand beside him.
“You woke up pretty much as soon as I started making noise,” Michael comments.
Alex licks his lips and looks around the area quickly, while Michael looks back down to Sanders, who is just lying still, breathing slow and even, deeply asleep.
“Maybe we were protected from the worst of it by being in the bunker,” Alex says slowly. “We should go to the lab. I need to look at the files. Maybe there’s something-”
“Okay,” Michael says, interrupting him. “But first, let’s get him somewhere more comfortable.”
He stands up, and inhales deeply, raising his hand and then he feels Alex's hand on his arm.
Michael looks over to him, raising an eyebrow in question, and Alex clears his throat before dropping his hand back to his side.
"I'll help you carry him inside," he offers, licking his lips and not really looking at Michael. "We don't know what's going on, and it might not be wise to put a strain on your powers."
Michael wanted to tell him that he wouldn't be straining anything, but Alex's face is set like he's not going to change his mind, so Michael just sighs and motions Alex forward.
They get Sanders to the couch inside of the office. It’s a tight fit, but much more comfortable than being on the floor.
Once they’re out of the office, Michael heads to his truck decisively and Alex follows after him without a word.
It’s not until he gets into the truck and grunts low in the back of his throat, a sound like relief, that Michael turns to look at him, but Alex is leaning his head against the window, breathing in and out steadily.
Michael just starts the truck and pulls out of the scrapyard.
Alex pulls his jacket off and tosses it inside of the truck, before he closes the door and walks around towards where Michael is standing on the sidewalk, rolling up the sleeves of his dark green shirt.
He's opening his mouth to speak, but Michael stops him, stepping forward and grabbing Alex's arm.
Alex makes a surprised sound, and tries to tug his arm back, but Michael just turns his arm so his forearm is visible and shows him what he's seeing.
Alex stops struggling and moves closer to Michael, both of them leaning over Alex's arm, foreheads almost brushing as they look.
"I didn't know you got a tattoo," Michael comments idly.
Alex makes a slightly distressed, slightly manic sound at the back of his throat.
"I didn't get one," he replies, but there is no denying that there is a rose inked into the skin of his forearm, the lines almost too black.
Michael licks his lips, and passes his thumb over the lines, rubbing slightly, but it's not drawn on, and he drops Alex's hand when the lines shimmer in blues and reds and yellows and greens, like the pieces of the ship.
Alex looking at him when Michael turns to face, brow furrowed, before he looks back down at the tattoo and gasps.
Michael's gaze drops down to his arm again, and he inhales sharply.
The tattoo moves, like it's alive, leaves and petals gently rustled by an unseen wind, and then one of the petals falls, a black rose petal shape that turns red as it drops from Alex's arm to the sidewalk in front of them.
Alex lowers his arm, slowly, and Michael keeps his gaze on the too red rose petal, bending down to grab it.
As soon as his fingers touch it, it dissolves into nothing.
"What the hell?" Michael asks, feeling even more confused as he gets back to his feet and turns to face Alex.
Alex is worrying his bottom lip, and he turns to face Michael like he can feel him staring.
"I think I know what's going on," he says and then he turns and walks away, dodging around the people passed out on the street and sidewalk, and heading towards the diner.
Michael follows after him, not really wanting to be left alone out here.
--they try to go into town, and have to go on foot, when they almost run someone over passed out on the street, and even if they did move them, there were too many cars stationary on the road
--they start walking and alex takes his jacket off because it’s too hot, and sees that he has a tattoo of a rose on his forearm that wasn’t there before, and as they stare at it, one of the petals from the rose falls, and disappears, alex makes a soft noise, like something hurts, but when michael asks him if he's okay, he says he's fine
--alex connects the dots to fairytales, but doesn't understand why an alien device would do this, but since there is only one cure for a sleeping curse, as the fairytales say, they go in search for maria
--they head to the wild pony, two more petals fall on the way, but she's not at the bar, but forrest is, michael tries to goad Alex into kissing Forrest to break the spell, and Alex doesn't take the bait and just leaves, and Michael feels both guilty and relieved
--they don't find maria at her apartment,  and Michael notes that two more petals have fallen and there seem to be six left, alex tells him to drive to the hospice, maria was probably visiting her mother
--michael wonders what would happen if the last petal fell before they figure out a way to undo what happened, alex hums like he has an idea, but he doesn't say much, and since michael is still feeling guilty over pushing him about Forrest, he doesn't push
--they find maria at the hospice, and while michael makes her more comfortable where she's passed out on the couch, alex takes mimi back to her room to give them privacy
--michael hesitates when he leans in to kiss maria, a fear taking a hold of him, making him wonder what would happen if it didn't work, but he loves her, he does, so it has to work, he leans in to kiss her again, and then hesitates, feeling scared over what would happen if it DID work, for a reason that he doesn't really understand
--he kisses her, and nothing happens
--he waits almost an hour, and only stands up when he realizes that Alex isn't back, he goes looking for him, and finds him on the floor, looking at the tattoo, and Michael sees that there are three petals left, and that the stem of the rose seems to have started to wrap around Alex's arm, winding up his arm, and into the sleeve of his shirt
--alex tells him that he's pretty sure he's going to die, Michael refuses, but alex keeps going, that he's about eighty percent sure that him dying will break the curse
--michael realizes that the reason he hesitated over Maria is because he knows, deep down that he's still in love with alex, two petals fall, and dislodge the third, and it's barely hanging on, and Alex breathes in sharp, and there is blood at the corner of his mouth, and Michael doesn't hesitate at all as he leans down and kisses alex
--he feels like a wave of something rushes past him, and when he pulls away, Alex is too still and just when Michael loses hope, and starts to hear noises like people moving, alex breathes in loud and gasping, and then falls back on the floor, breathing heavily, relieved, michael drops his forehead against Alex's and ignores the world starting up around them to just breathe
Michael thinks that he hears someone calling his name, but he just presses his forehead harder against Alex's and breathes.
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ask-de-writer · 5 years
WEREWOLVE'S WEDDING : MLP Fan Fiction : Tales to read AFTER the lights are OUT!
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De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
2678 words
© 2019 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 10/21/19
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
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Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
Nightmare Night was fast approaching.  Blue Bell and her mother Shooting Star were busy preparing for their celebration, two days before that special night.  They were not alone in their preparations, either. Ponyville's open thestrals, Sugar Maple and her Grandmare had come to their cottage in the edge of the Everfree, just past the banks of Falmire creek.  They did not bother with using the stepping stones, though.  They simply glided down into the yard and folded their bat like wings.
As they entered the cottage they called happily, “We brought spreads and preserves for your breads and buns!”
Sugar Maple joked, “It was easy to find your cottage!  We just followed the wonderful scent of baking breads and pies!”
She looked about and asked, “I thought that there were going to be more here.  Where are they?”
Shooting Star replied indulgently, “There will be!  I had word by Magic Net that Caramel and Fangrin are bringing ice cream and some other treats!  They may be bringing some other guests, too!  If rumor is right, they have got the Stone Ridge Pack to accept Fangrin back and they may be here for the wedding!  In any case, they are bringing Grumpeter Goat!”
True to her prediction, the huge Everfree Ridgeback wolf that was Caramel Treat and a second, only slightly smaller one, that was Fangrin, came trotting up the path from Ponyville.  Each had bulging saddlebags! They also did not bother with the stepping stones.  They simply leaped across the creek!
The rest of the party goers gleefully stripped them of the panniers and started laying out the contents along big trestle tables, to join all the rest of the assorted goodies already there!
Caramel, in high good spirits, told the others, “They are coming!  The Stone Ridge pack is just waiting for our howl.  Fangrin and I have been looking forward to this day since we met!  Shooting Star, I am so happy that you have agreed to officiate our wedding.  I know that Reverend Smallflower would have been happy to do it, because I asked him.
“With all of those fool Celestian Church idiots around bothering everypony, and accusing us of being vile creatures of Luna and worse, I just could not resist having you do it.  I mean, you are a direct descendant in unbroken line from General Dark Star of the Nightmare's Witch brigade!  I had that Rom donkey, Marchhare, look it up.  His library has original documents from the Fortress of Nightmare!”
“I am more than happy to do it for you.  I do have Princess Luna's formal commission as a Nightmare's Witch Brigade officer.  Please invite your guests.”
Caramel and Fangrin sat and, tails wagging, lifted their muzzles to the sky and set free a melodious howl.  The howl was answered from different points all about the cleared area around the cottage.  That was followed by a nearly continuous soft rustle of leaves as big Everfree Ridgeback wolves converged on the clearing openly, not attempting to be stealthy.
From across the stream came a polite call of, “I heard that there was a wedding here.  Am I welcome?”  All eyes turned to the spare white pegasus in a flat black hat.
Caramel replied, “Of course, Reverend Smallflower, but the ceremony is to be officiated by Lieutenant Major Shooting Star, of the Nightmare's Witch Brigade.”
He nodded agreeably, “Such was my understanding.  I came to watch, congratulate the happy couple and partake of the feast.  I brought a small contribution.  I have two substantial slices of cured ham for the celebrants and a pair of frostberry pies for the rest.”
Shooting Star invited, “Be welcome, Reverend!  Are you afraid of the wolves?”
“Should I be?  None of the rest of you seem to be.”
“Not really.  Most ponies are anyway.”
With that, Reverend Smallflower simply walked across on the stepping stones and surveyed the table.  He set two packages at one end and a large package at the other.
A second late comer called out, “Hi, Caramel!  Hi, Fangrin!  Sorry that I'm late.  Ran into three Celestian priests on the road.  That's where I left them.  On the road, I mean.  I had to dodge into the brush and work my way around them.  They were spewing their usual garbage about me being a Lesser Sort, and a Vile Creature of the Accursed Evil Twin.
“Anyway, I brought a big clover top scramble for us and a big omelet.  Hope that it will do for the carnivore side of this feast.”
Fangrin romped over to the piebald black, tan, and white goat.  “Grumpy! We were waiting for you!  Did the Celestians give you some more trouble? How are your studies going?  Can we have another checkers tournament soon?”
Grumpy giggled under the physical and verbal assault!  Gently pushing away the big werewolf, he replied, “No, the Celestians really didn't give me much trouble.  Just blocked the road so that I had to go into the brush to get around them.  Other than that it was just the usual verbal idiocy that their so called faith requires of them.
“As for my studies, they are going great!  I finally qualified for Abnormal Psych 666!  Only one more semester to go and I have my degree!  I can't wait for the Non-Equine University to send me my text books.
“Is Wednesday next good for you?  I can have the checker board and refreshments out.”
Fangrin happily helped Grumpy to set out his dishes.  “This all looks so good, Grumpy!  I can't wait for our wedding to be over and the party starts!”
Shooting Star emerged from her cottage, wearing a dark blue uniform with a polished silver emblem of a thestral with spread wings clutching a pair of bars mounted to each shoulder.  Floating in air to the right of  her head was a stout and intricately carved wand of dark wood with silver tips.  It was being casually held at the moment.
Grumpy blinked about three times when he saw her.  Turning to Caramel, disbelief in his voice, he asked, “A Lieutenant-Major in Nightmare's Witch Brigade?  Really?  In this day and age?  I thought that they were disbanded at the end of the Second Nightmare War.”
With a twinkle in her eye, Caramel replied, “Yes she is, and a direct descendant of General Dark Star of the Nightmare's Council and battle leader of the Witch Brigade.  As for being disbanded, they turned in false wands for destruction and went right on meeting and training in secret.”
Grumpy chuckled at the thought and then pointed excitedly.  “She is starting!”
Indeed, Shooting Star had gone to a formal parade stance and her wand was now being held at a still and formal position, tilted slightly toward her guests.  She paced forward and stopped halfway to Falmire Creek.  She raised her wand and, chanting, swept it in a circle three times.  As it swept about, it trailed a tenuous looking glowing sheet the color of thin cirrus clouds lit by moonlight.  The sheets settled into a visible circle, encompassing the house and the party, reaching across the creek at the stepping stones.  The circle faded from visibility.
She ended by pronouncing, “The Circle of the Moon protects all within from any harm by deed or intent.  The wedding parties will now take their places.”
Caramel took a place to the right end of the feasting table, Fangrin to the left.  The Stone Ridge pack formed two rows parallel to the table, with Shooting Star at the center.  They added another aisle from her down to the creek.  The rest of the guests were divided into two groups by the formation.
Loud stomping announced the arrival of the same three Celestian priests that Grumpy had run into earlier.  The one in the lead bawled, “This blasphemous gathering of the vile creatures of the Evil Luna must disperse at once, by the order of High Priest Hortimer!”
Shooting Star sauntered insultingly slowly down the aisle of wolves toward the creek.  At the bank, by her stepping stones, she replied, “No.  We will not disburse.  
“Equestria is not a theocracy run by that worthless high priest Hortimer or any other.  Our gathering is specifically allowed by the same religious freedom law that allows your so called church to exist.  You claim to worship Celestia but you ignore what she herself writes about you and your church.  She detests you and all that you stand for, especially your vile doctrine of Unicorn Supremacy.
“You are trespassing on my property.  It is properly fenced and posted private, so you know that you are trespassing.  Go.”
They responded by rearing up, gathering magic about their horns impressively.  Shooting Star casually covered her yawn with a hoof as they let fly.
Their powerful magic hit the presently invisible ward!  There was a flare of light from each place that the ward was hit!  Their magic rebounded straight back at each of them, knocking them from their hind hooves, right onto their backs and shoving them about five meters across the ground in a wild tangle of hooves and priestly robes!
As they scrambled to their hooves, their leader demanded, “What did you do to us!?  Just for that insolence, we are going to use far greater force!”
Shooting Star replied mildly, “I did nothing to you.  According to the law of WHATSO YOU DO COMES BACK TO YOU, your own evil returned to you. What you gave, you got.  I repeat, you are trespassing.  Go.  Leave my land, home and guests.”
Grumpy confided his worry to Grandmare, the black thestral, “Shouldn't she be doing something to run them off?”
Grandmare replied with some humor, “She is.  She is being a focus to draw their attacks.  That invisible ward?  Not weak at all and carefully tuned to unicorn magic.  Right now, she is trying to get rid of them by using non-equine magic to turn their own magic against them.  She does not want bloodshed to mar the wedding.”
“Non-equine magic?  I thought that the secret of that was lost when Baratted the Goat disappeared at the end of the Second Nightmare War.”
“No, Grumpy.  There are many kinds of magic in the world besides the Equine magic of unicorns.  That is what they are learning right now, if they are smart enough to learn, that is.”
A large flash of light from another frustrated attack interrupted their conversation!  Excited, Grumpy exclaimed, “Look at them flop back! That must have been a real strong try!”
Chuckling, Grandmare pointed out, “Their pretty white robes are getting all stained and torn!  They need to quit while they are still able to walk!”
They heard Shooting Star say, “You have been repeatedly told to leave. Your persistent attacks leave me no choice.  Go, or I shall be violent to you.”
Scrambling to his feet, one of the junior priests demanded, “Violent?  What do you call this?  You have been striking us down!  Our robes are ruined!”
She sighed.  “If you listened at all, you know why that all happened. Your own evil has been returning to you, that is all.  Now, GO.”
Their leader reared up defiant.  Before he could do anything, Shooting Star's wand leveled at him!  His big priest's Celestian medallion suddenly glowed red and fell from the ornate chain, a molten glob of metal!  The chain, no longer a loop, slithered off his neck and fell in an untidy heap beside the congealing remains of the medallion.
While he was screaming his pain at the burned fur and skin on his chest, the same happened to the other two!  Their screams joined his!  One of them panicked and started to run for the gate!  That triggered the stampede!  In only moments, all that was left of their presence was trampled and torn sod and the remains of their necklaces.
Shooting Star paced quietly back up the aisle of wolves to her place. Glancing about to be sure that all were where they needed to be, she began in a calm voice, “We are here to wed two excellent Werewolf ponies, Fangrin and Caramel Treat.  
“In Ponyville, mostly as ponies, they run a well received restaurant. Rarely turning away any in need, they are a refuge for the needy and hungry.  More, they defend any who come to them from all sorts of persecution.  They feed all sorts, whether vegetarian, omnivore or carnivore.
“Besides this goodness, they also hunt with the Stone Ridge pack of Everfree Ridgeback wolves.  By helping the hunt and freely sharing the kill, they assist their friends of the forest.  Through their good offices, peace and friendship have grown between those who live in or close to the Everfree forest and the Stone Ridge pack.
“In that regard, the Duchess of Red Hoof and her heart kept husband the Baron of Drandale, send their warmest regards but Royal obligations have required their presence in Canterlot.
“Caramel and Fangrin now seek to complete a long standing promise and, as the culmination of their goodness and generosity, marry each other and live mated for life.
“Caramel, Fangrin, come before me now.”
As Ponies, both came forward through an aisle of wolves, and met in front of Shooting Star.  “If you both still wish to be joined in marriage, mated for life, please raise your left forehooves so that they touch side by side, neither one higher than the other.”
Fangrin's gray and black hoof was raised beside Caramel's candy tan one. Shooting Star's wand, acting like it had a life of its own, laid across both hooves.  The same moonlight colored magic that had created such a solid defensive circle, flowed from its tip and enmeshed both hooves.
Leaving her wand in place, Shooting Star quietly commanded, “Now, leaving your feet together, transform before us all to show that no matter the form, you twain are together as one.”
The wand balanced between the two did not move in the slightest as the couple transformed into the physically largest wolves there.  
Shooting Star recovered her wand to what Grumpy now recognized as a formal parade rest position.  “Now, side by side, neither leading or following, go to the pool of the stream and there drink the water of life together.”
They paced down the aisle of their friends, the Stone Ridge pack, to the pool and, lowering their heads together, lapped up some of the water. Shooting Star's wand shot up a big starburst of moonlike light. Joyously, she called, “By the authority granted me by Luna, the Nightmare, I pronounce you mated for life!”
Caramel and Fangrin made their way back to the table, surrounded by cavorting wolves.  They lifted a sheet off of a large haunch that still had coarse yellow fur on part of it.  The haunch ended in a heavily clawed paw.  Each of them took one end of the big hindquarter and lifted it down to the ground for the pack!  While the wolves closed in on it, they did no fighting or squabbling, but took turns grabbing a chunk and making room for the next.
Caramel and Fangrin opened the box that Reverand Smallflower had brought and helped themselves to the ham slices in it.  Grumpy, watching the carnivores go for their part of the feast, was a bit green around the gills, as they say.  Nevertheless, he was pleased to see Grandmare and Sugar Maple, the thestrals, happily eating up his big omelet.
Blue Bell, Shooting Star's filly, noticed his condition and suggested, “Just come down here, Mister Goat, and concentrate on the pies, cakes and that lovely clover top scramble that you made.”
As he was nibbling up his second slice, Grumpy commented, “Thanks, Blue Bell.  Got to admit that this is the first wedding done by witch ponies that I have ever been to.  It has been fascinating.  And you are right, frostberry pie seems to cure almost anything!
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shookethbrooketh · 5 years
seven days
day four: part two
summary: dan is stuck in the wrong timeline. one day, he kisses phil goodnight. the next morning, he’s completely alone. he doesn’t even recognize where he wakes up, and little details in the world around him have changed. he has no clue what’s happening or where to go next in an effort to fix it; all he knows is that he has to find phil.
genre: sci-fi, a lil bit of angst, happy ending
warnings: just some swearing!
fic word count: 10.4k chapter word count: 1.4k
written for the @phandomreversebang ! inspired by the awesome moodboard/edits by @maybeformepersonally ! beta’d (beginning to end) by @i-might-just-leave-soon !
dan became immediately aware of the flowers still in his hand. he held them up and made sure they were still perfect, putting on a smile. “follow the trope.”
read it on ao3
Before Dan could even think, he was inside the tattoo parlor. “Hello, I bro-” 
“Yeah, you got the flowers. You’re too late; buzz off,” Phil said, the harsh tone in his voice catching Dan off guard. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, immediately jumping into protective boyfriend mode. He could tell Phil was seriously upset, and it was almost instinctual for him to step in. “What happened?” he added, stepping up to the counter and resisting the urge to reach out and touch Phil. 
“Oh, nothing, just my boyfriend forgot our anniversary. So I don’t need your stupid flowers.” He grabbed them from Dan’s hand anyway, but he immediately threw them on the ground and stomped on them. 
“Oh…” Dan whispered. “Alright then.” He perked up, showing Phil a cautious smile. “I’m sure he didn’t really forget! He’s probably planning a surprise for you later.” 
“Nah, he forgot,” Phil grumbled. “I can always tell with him.” He rolled his eyes and walked around the counter to stand beside Dan. He planted his elbow on the counter and looked up at Dan. “That was a cute thought, though.” 
Dan raised an eyebrow at this; he’d known Phil long enough to know when Phil was flirting with him, and Phil was definitely flirting with him. “Um, thanks,” he said. Obviously he missed Phil, but this was the Phil he knew ten years ago; it was simply… odd. 
“How old are you?” Phil asked, inching a bit closer to Dan. 
“Twenty-eight,” Dan replied, scooting back a bit. He and Phil had a considerable age gap, but four years and six years were a different ballpark, especially when it came to hitting on the man you’re in love with but ten years younger. There was no definitive word to describe it other than uncomfortable. 
“That’s not too old,” Phil replied, and Dan didn’t know how to react. On one hand, he was generally creeped out; this clearly wasn’t the Phil he knew. On the other hand, he wanted Phil back so badly he was almost willing to take any Phil he could get. Besides, the trope was drawing him in, and he couldn’t help but feel as if he was supposed to let it. 
“D-don’t you have a boyfriend?” Dan stammered out, still wary of the concept of becoming involved with this morally skewed version of Phil. 
“Dumped him for bein a twat,” he said, standing up from the counter and matching up to Dan so that they were only a few inches from each other. “What’re you, straight?” 
Dan instinctively laughed. “No-” 
Before he could even finish his vowel, Phil pressed his lips up against Dan’s, and it felt as if every emotion known to man rushed through his head at once. There was the familiar relief; all logic and reason drained from him and was replaced by the love he felt every time he kissed Phil. It was love he hadn’t felt in days, and even that was far too long. There was also some fear and discomfort. Even though he technically was still kissing Phil, he still felt almost as if he was being unfaithful to the Phil he knew. Plus, this Phil was a different Phil even in his intimacy; when he kissed his Phil, it was deep and full of love. This Phil, being much younger, kissed with lust and revenge. He was sure they weren’t unlike him in their youth, but he’d matured since then, and in the moment it was really a bit gross. 
“I can’t do this!” he shouted, and it was as if he could feel everything crumbling around him. He was living in a simulation, a cheesy, fetishizing fanfiction written by some 12-year-old who didn’t know better, and he couldn’t bear to go along with it, even if he was “meant to.” He didn’t give a shit if he was “supposed” to take Phil out to dinner and fall in love; he was already in love, and he wasn’t going to sit through some horrendously predictable plot when he could just as easily explain himself to Phil and hopefully Phil would help him find a way home. This young, angry boy was apparently a scientist, after all. 
But at the same time, he felt as if pulling away gave him some sort of a game over screen. He set himself up for the bad ending by doing something good. He could feel the trope crack in half in his very heart; it was like he was nothing more than a character, and he’d just broken the fourth wall. He was Wreck It Ralph, and suddenly, because he stuck up for himself, the game wasn’t quite right anymore. 
“What do you bloody mean you can’t?” Phil replied, hostility back in his voice like when they’d first met. 
“I love you,” Dan blurted. He couldn’t think of anything else. 
Phil stood in silence for a moment before leaning forward a bit and blinking a few times, clearly unable to even process what Dan was telling him. “Alright, now I know you’ve gone mad. Get out.”
“Wait, liste-”
“Out! You’re a bloody crazy man; get out!” At this point, Phil approached him again, but rather than making a move, he simply turned him around and started pushing him towards the door.
“You’re trying to time travel!” Dan shouted out of desperation. Suddenly Phil stopped in his tracks and backed away from Dan. 
“Who told you?” he said, taking calculated steps back as if he was scared of Dan. 
“I came from the year 2019,” Dan said, and it took all his effort not to laugh because of how ridiculous it sounded; he was speaking like he’d walked straight out of a movie. “I actually am in love with you, or, well, another timeline’s version of you. I keep getting transported to different timelines, and you’re the only one who can help me get back.” 
Phil backed himself up to a door at the other side of the room. “I can’t help you do shit. It’s too early in the timelines for me to develop time travel. I’m only beginning to look into it.” 
Dan’s eyes widened in terror. “So there’s no one in this timeline who can help me get back to 2019? I’m stuck reliving the last ten years?”
“Not necessarily,” Phil replied cautiously. He still looked scared to his core, although Dan couldn’t quite identify why. “Maybe some Phil’s done it.” 
“Don’t you know these things?” Dan asked, beginning to get angry. “I thought you all had some weird sixth sense bullshit.” 
“Nope!” Phil said, all too cheery. “So sorry, but I must be going!” he said in a voice far too posh for him before turning the knob and swiftly slipping into the room behind him. Before Dan could even respond, he was gone. 
“Phil!” Dan shouted. “Phil, you little shit, what are you hiding from me?” He banged on the door with all his force, but it wouldn’t open. Finally he realized that he was taking his anger out on a piece of wood, and he gave up, sliding to his knees and softly beginning to sob. He was never going to get home. 
Dan heard a heavy sigh from the other side of the door and raised his head to see the door creaking open just a bit. “If you can find another Phil from your year, he should be able to get you home,” Phil said. “We don’t have the technology yet, but he will.” 
“Where the hell am I supposed to find a 2019 Phil in 2009?” Dan growled. He must have looked absolutely pathetic; his cheeks were coated with tears, and he could barely see Phil. It was a miracle Phil was willing to talk to him. 
“If you’re here, the Phils of the future probably are testing on various things, and a version of you was one of them. I don’t doubt that one Phil tried stepping through a portal himself.” 
“But how can I find him?” 
Phil rolled his eyes. “I don’t know, but not here. Just get out of here and go do your thing.” 
Dan clambered to his feet and made his way to the door. He walked slowly and emotionlessly back to the flower shop and into its adjacent flat, where he flopped back down onto the same couch he woke up on. He hadn’t even anything to process; he knew exactly what he had to do. He had to wait - for another day, for another trope, for another Phil.
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jungleindierock · 5 years
The Waterboys - London Mick
London Mick is the latest video from The Waterboys, it is taken from the bands last album, Where The Action Is, which was released by Cooking Vinyl on 24th May 2019.
The song is all about legendary punk guitarist of The Clash, Mick Jones, retelling Mike Scott’s personal encounters with Mick. Check the lyrics below!
This video was filmed By Mike Scott (The Waterboys) and edited by Steve Wickham and stars the Harajuku Strangers.
The Waterboys are Brother Paul Brown (keys), Ralph Salmins (drums), Aongus Ralston (bass), Jess Kavanagh and Zeenie Summers (vocals), Steve Wickham (electric fiddle and guitar) and Mike Scott (vocals, guitar and piano).
Tumblr media
Let's hear it for the sharp and slick Big hearted guitar man, London Mick Come on DJ, play my fix Some rock and roll by London Mick I first met him in the punk rock days He was blowing through town in a punk rock blaze I was a Clash kid under the spell He bought me Coca-Cola at the band's hotel Bought me Coca-Cola at the band's hotel He aced Strummer with his killer licks You were my guitar hero, London Mick There was no band they couldn't lick Then or now, London Mick Seven wild years came tumbling down And I was livin' in Mick's old stomping ground We shared a manager, man, and though it all went south We saw Spinal Tap together at the picture house Spinal Tap together at the picture house When he left the Clash he took some stick But he stayed cool, London Mick DJs and dreads were his sidekicks Always an edge with London Mick At century's end, under a waning moon A chance encounter in a greasy spoon "We see each other, Man" he said, quote, unquote He was wearin a well-cut Crombie coat Wearin a well-cut Crombie coat Sent him flowers when he got sick More power to London Mick What'll he do next? None can predict Just leave it up to London Mick Pop stars pullin' all kinds of tricks Like so many goose-brained lunatics If I had my choice I'd just pick Some rock and roll from London Mick Some rock and roll from London Mick Let's hear it for the sharp and slick Big hearted guitar man, London Mick Come on DJ, play my fix Some rock and roll by London Mick Some rock and roll by London Mick Some rock and roll by London Mick
Links: Facebook | Twitter | Site
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baylegend · 5 years
Alexa Bliss vs Bayley for the Smackdown Women’s Championship (Stomping Grounds 2019)
The pace of this match is really slow
“Let’s go Alexa”/“Let’s go Bayley” chants. The crowd is really split.
This match is not that different from any of their previous matches.
Okay Miss Facial Expressions.
Bayley with the cross body.
Alexa with the bitch slap.
Okay Bayley’s fired up again.
Bayley did the roll over but with an elbow drop this time. So innovative.
So Bayley’s arm is the story of the match which means she can’t go for the elbow drop.
I like how Alexa keeps countering Bayley’s moves though. Showing that she knows her so well.
I love that sunset flip buckle bomb.
I love when Bayley pulls out dives. It’s always so unexpected.
Alexa let Nikki take that dive.
So Alexa was going for twisted bliss and then Nikki strangely gets into the ring and grabs Bayley’s ankle. The ref is focused on Nikki, Bayley gets up, trying to go for a top rop Bayley-to-Belly but Alexa still pushes her away. This entire moment was just strange.
Alexa goes for the twisted bliss but Bayley gets her knees up in time.
Bayley-to-Belly and 1..2...3!
So the match was alright. It was a bit slow but I’m guessing that was for Alexa’s benefit. I kind of prefer the Lacey vs Becky match. I think it’s because for me, Alexa has the same formula for every single match. Like I can almost predict what she’s going to do next. Especially when she’s dominating which she was for the majority of this match. She pulled out a new move or two, I think, so that was good.
Bayley was fired up and kept the match going when it got too slow. She also finished with the Bayley-to-Belly, which she hasn’t done in months.
Nikki really serves no purpose in the match. I don’t know, I just expected her to be a bit more involved, at least in a way that made sense.
So I noticed that when Bayley went for the dive, Alexa left Nikki hanging. So when Nikki was trying to get back in, I actually thought she was going for Alexa. But she was going for Bayley, when Alexa was about to hit her finisher? It didn’t make sense. Nikki just looked stupid. And then Nikki distracting the ref was also weird and also didn’t make sense because Alexa didn’t win. If it went down a bit differently, it would have looked better. And then at the end of the match, Alexa didn’t seem mad at Nikki? (Compare that to how Sonya messed up in Mandy and Asuka’s match and Mandy’s reaction afterwards). Then Bayley pushing Nikki’s head? What was that about? Bayley heel turn? Or Bayley just doesn’t like Nikki? It was weird.
I just think it was a weird ending to the Bayley and Alexa rivalry but I’m happy that it’s over and done with. I’m also happy that Bayley beat Alexa clean since Nikki’s involvement didn’t really help Bayley or Alexa. Now Bayley can go on to feud with others on Smackdown and I want to see where they’re going with this Alexa and Nikki storyline.
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WWE Stomping Grounds 2019 Predicitons
My Predictions Here ===> https://sta.sh/086glcdh2zd
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gunnygazette-blog · 3 years
Regardless of seedings, the top four ranked teams have all made it to the Conference Championships…  Gone are the Most Vocal and their feather headbands...gone are the Dirtiest...gone are the “We lookin’ past as we walk into a sign post”...gone are the Duck-outs…  As they join the Criminally Charged...the Walkin’ Dead...the out of state team...the “somebody had to win the Division”...on the exit lane of the play-offs…  They now take their seat on the bench with the Scrappy but still have milk on their breadth...the Most Disappointing...the waited too long to start playing...and the Abysmally Aweful...
Though everyone will have eyes on these two games...the team owners will still be watching very closely at how the league front office acts…  Will they allow illegal players...will they actually enforce their own rules and suspensions…  Or will they continue with this “Tom-Fu<#ery” and spark an exodus of teams that will doom the 2.0 to a “One and Done” experiment in Papa Doc management…  
Team Owners are watching and asking, “Are socks and leg skin more important than kicking/stomping  an opponent on the ground…???”  “Is a backflap more important then integrity?”  They want professionalism…rules that are not fluid and subject to feelings... If they wanted this drama, they could always go to the club and pick-up a Ho that’s all about her weave and swag...than her lack of loyalty...  
#2(3) Wild Weasels (9-1, 1-0) @ #1(2) Aud-i-Bulls (9-1, 1-0)
Why?:  First game was a good game of like teams
Third Conference ‘Ship featuring these two  Seems to becoming an odd year tradition… 2017… 2019… and now 2021… The Rubber match…  Back in week six we were treated to a preview that ended the Waskily-ones streak and continued Da Horned-ones...12-8…  A game that showed the Donut Boys leading until the 4th quarter...
The Weasels have the 3rd ranked offense...averaging 28.3ppg…that relies heavily on the QB play...with his arm or legs… They can exploit the perimeters of the Horned-ones D...as the front seven has difficulty covering sideline to sideline...  If they can force the secondary to help with containment it’ll open up holes in the coverage…  Finding the voids will be important as some of the Horned-ones will take risks...   Defensively their ranked 2nd in the league averaging 9.2ppg…  They have an edge on speed off the edge but have to be careful not to open run lanes or viewable passing lanes for a vertically challenged QB...  If they can force them to chuck it deep from wihin the pocket...they can get some INTs...
Quot-a-Bulls are in a familiar place...as this is their 16th Conference Championship game…having been denied of reaching this game only once...by a team now in the other conference…  The Horned-ones have had a lotta of success in getting to the Championship...but have struggled to earn their 13th Conference Title...as they have been unable to win it going on four years…  Last week they got to take out the team that started this slump...dominating them 35-6…  This week they get to face the team that last knocked them out…  They’ve broken out new “color rush” uniforms in an attempt to look newer…  But they lack the rushing attack of yore...where they moved people off the line and had a back that could grind out yards…  Their 8th ranked offense...who average 22.2ppg...are now pass first and once they’ve spread out the defense...they have a quick back to pick his way through the voids…  They have had ball security issues at times… Defensively they have the size and experience to shut down most offenses…  Not as dominate up front as they once were...they are consistent...  And the reason they are ranked #1 and allowing only 7.3ppg…  Like any veteran team...injuries could be a achille’s heel...  
  Prediction:  Waskily Weasels...14-13...
My pick:  ...It’s hard to pick against da former Champs...but I’m leaning the same way...Donut Boys in a squeaker...
Game #2
#4 (4) A.R.M.Y. (8-2, 2-0) @ #1(1) Glads (10*-0, 1-0)
Why?: Uniformed-ones have struggled only against the Sorry-ass Champs...
Week three was a defensive struggle where Glads mistakes kept it close while their defense dominated in a 13-6 game…  In week eight the only two things that were the same was the ball security issues of the Sorry-Ass Champs...and the A.R.M.Y playing error free until the fourth quarter…  Being down three scores in the fourth quarter...the Glad Offense stormed back with 20 unanswered points for the 34-30 win...
The Uniformed-ones are the only team entering this week from the Wild Card week...they have now eliminated the top two North teams...dominating the Grizzleds and outlasting the Nekkids…but now they take a step up in competition to take on a team that has handed them their only two losses…  Eventhough they may have a top-ranked Offense, it is mostly relies on the run as a way to set up the pass… It’s limited by an O-line that lacks size and explosion to move people…  It requires run game to the edges and quick timing passes or a roll-out to protect the QB…  Defensively they are in the top five...but rely a lot on a gimmick defense of constant blitzing to cover-up the lack of size and talent up front…  Against most teams that are hurting for seasoned O-linemen...it will pay-off big…but against veterans...not so much…  In their last lost they learned that being up three scores can disappear in less than a quarter… They will need to jump out front...big...and than hold on at the end...
The Sorry-Ass Champs have looked disinterested this season…  Kinda taking the first half of games for granted...poor ball security...all the aspects shown in last weeks game…  Offensively...accept for two drives...they either scored (3) or fumbled the ball away...often extinguishing promising drives…  The ability to self destruct over and over at goal-to-go...kept the game from being a complete blow out…      
That same apathy spills over to the defense...especially the backend...who seem to be confused and lost in some head-scratching ways…  Whether the Press not holding the edge…blown coverage...or not driving on and contesting receptions...the Glads have relied on talent more than working the system…  It will be interesting if they ever put four quarters together...and eliminate the self-destructive plays...
Prediction: Sorry-Ass Champs back in the ‘Ship...24-20...
My pick:  ...A.R.M.Y. fall apart in the fourth again…
(5) Gardens Crew (6-4, 1-1)
(6) Runnin’ Naked (7-3*,0-1)
(7) Pee-Rats (5-5, 1-1)
(8) Teddy Bears (5-5, 0-1)
(9) Mee-Ah-mee Raid (4-6, 1-1)
(10) Reaps (5-5, 0-1)    
(11) Sparkies (4-6, 0-1)
(12) Stanky Feet (4-5, 0-1)
(13) Duu-vowel Raid (3-6)
(14) Flat Fish (2-8)
(15) Cow Puppies (1-9)
(16) Rust Curtains (2-8)
(17) Sea Ponies (0-10)
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hazyheel · 5 years
NJPW G1 Climax 2019 Day 1 Review
We started the tournament with Lance Archer vs. Will Ospreay. This is a rematch from their meeting in the New Japan Cup earlier, which Ospreay did win. Right at the start, Larcher tried to charge Ospreay, who countered with a one handed spanish fly, before hitting a corkscrew moonsault to the outside and then a 450 in the ring, but only a near fall. Early on, Archer caught ospreay out of a suicide dive, and destroyed him with a chokeslam through a table at ringside, it looked like a brutal bump. Archer then maintained the advantage and completely battered Osrpeay with chops and strikes. Ospreay would get in flurries of offense, but Archer constantly just put him back down. At one point, he launched Ospreay across the entire ring with a shoulder tackle, followed by a buckle bomb and then a powerbomb on the apron. Ospreay was about to be counted out, but he springboarded into the ring with a missile dropkick, and followed it up with a shooting star press. He then drilled Archer with an Os Cutter, but Archer was still able to kick out. Ospreay tried to keep up the offense, but Archer intercepted him on the top rope and nailed a muscle buster for another near fall. Archer then hit Blackout, but Ospreay kicked out once again. Ospreay started to get desperate to put Archer away, but Archer refused to stay down and continuously countered out of Ospreay’s finishers. Ospreay went for the Os Cutter off the top, but Archer crotched him, hit a high knee, and then a super Blackout. He followed it up with the Iron Claw, forcing Ospreay to the mat for the pin. Archer: 2, Ospreay: 0.
Grade: A. What an opening contest! This was all action, and told a better underdog story than their New Japan Cup match. Ospreay sold like crazy and kept everyone believing that he could win, but ultimately fell short. Archer really impressed here too. He looked like an absolute menace and will probably be an important part of this years tournament. Really good stuff from these guys, they killed it. Hopefully this isn’t the kind of tournament that Ospreay will just get destroyed during, but I don’t think that will happen.
Up next was EVIL vs. Bad Luck Fale. Interestingly enough, Fale came out alone, so I don’t know if we will see as many disqualification nonsense. Once again, we have a start before the bell, as Evil attacked Fale right away, giving him a huge running lariat on the ramp, but not quite taking him down. Fale was able to get his footing and fight his way into the match a bit, but it was an exciting start. Fale slowed the match down a lot by nailing Evil with strong and deliberate strikes. Evil started to introduce chairs into the match while also capitalizing on his vast amount of strength, but Fale refused to stay down. The two traded strikes in the middle of the ring, and Fale was able to hit the Grenade, but Evil still kicked out. Evil then did the classic “catching the kick and passing it to the ref” move, following it up with a huge lariat that took the ref down with him. Evil then went for the home run, only for Fale to throw the chair into Evil’s face, nail a low blow, hit a home run of his own, and then hit Bad Luck Fall for the win. Fale: 2, Evil: 0.
Grade: B. It was a little slow in the middle, but it was still pretty exciting. Evil did everything he could to beat Fale, whether that meant out wrestling him or cheating. Evil is very motivated this year, and that should show an interesting tournament for him. As for Fale, he won mostly legit. No outside interference, and Evil cheated first, so I think he is going back to the days of just being a huge threat. But in a Block that already has a big threat in Lance Archer, I don’t know how entertaining that will be. I guess we will just have to wait and see. 
Then we had SANADA vs. Zack Sabre Jr. These two fought in last year’s G1 and had a great match, so I was excited to see them fight again. Sabre started the match by relentlessly fishing for a body part, eventually finding the neck and using that to force Sanada to the mat and take advantage of his positioning. Sanada was actually able to escape from Sabre’s various holds, showing off a lot of his technical prowess as well. The two then dueled for rollups, with both men scoring a near fall or two in the flurry, but ultimately ending in a stalemate. Sabre seemed to grow increasingly frustrated with Sanada as he continuously found himself locked in one hold after another from Sanada, and was almost being out wrestled here, something that the submission wizard was certainly not used to. So, he slowed down the pace quite a bit, pretending that he would be counted out before rolling back in the ring. Another story of this match was Sanada repeatedly going for the paradise lock, and Sabre using it as almost bait to get Sanada close to the ground for various submissions. There was one beautiful conversion where he popped Sanada off of him, and let him fall down into an armbar, but Sanada luckily made it to the ropes quickly. Sanada eventually got the paradise lock, using the ropes for an assist, which got a nice pop from the crowds. Oddly enough, that was almost a turning point, because Sabre was all over Sanada from that point on. He constantly found a submission counter to Sanada’s moves, nearly getting a submission win from an abdominal stretch. However, Sanada eventually got his advantage back with a twisting suplex and a TKO, but only a near fall. When Sanada went for his moonsault, Sabre got the knees up and immediately locked in a triangle. They two then dueled for submission control, Skull End versus whatever Sabre could come up with. In the finish, Sabre tried for one of his pinning combinations, only for Sanada to reverse it into a similar pin for the win. Sanada: 2, Sabre: 0.
After the match, Sabre beat the absolute crap out of the referee and some young boys. He was quite angry about the loss.
Grade: A-. This was a great match that showcased Sanada’s abilities on the mat. Sanada is an all around great hybrid wrestler, so it is interesting when one of his skills shines above the others. He put on a great show and showed everyone why he deserves to be IWGP World Heavyweight Champion someday. Zack worked awesome too, alternating between frustration and calm wrestling. He was either cocky and violent or completely smooth in his wrestling, reversing everything that came at him. Although he was extremely pissed early on in the match, he eventually got his cool, which was his downfall. He was far too confident in the end, and lost to one of his own moves. Really good match. 
Into KENTA vs. Kota Ibushi, a match that I’ve been hoping for since Kenta came to New Japan. The two dodged each other’s strikes early on, just feeling each other out, before turning the match into a very MMA style of match. They both had their guards up and were playing it very safe. When they actually were able to land a clean strike, the sound was shockingly clear, especially for such a large venue. There was an interesting dynamic here, where although their styles are so similar, their paces were not. Ibushi wanted to go as fast as he could, while Kenta was a much more calculated striker, which showed in the match. Kenta also showed an superior intelligence by being able to counter a lot of Ibushi’s moves. At one point, Ibushi went for a splash to the outside, so Kenta nailed him with a jumping knee strike. Kenta then followed it up by hanging Ibushi on the barricade and hitting a double stomp to the back of the head, and nearly got a countout win. Back in the ring, Kenta kept up the pressure with another double stomp, this one to the midsection. However Ibushi refused to be put way, fighting out of the GTS for a hard hitting brawl. They must’ve elbowed each other in the face for a minute before they started to kick. Kenta eventually put Ibushi on the mat, and just kicked the crap out of his head a couple times before trying for a pin, but no avail. Kenta then brought Ibushi up for the Go to Sleep and got the win. Kenta: 2, Ibushi: 0.
After the match, Kenta helped Ibushi to his feet in a touching show of respect. 
Grade: A-. Another great match! This was an awesome opening day, and I haven’t even seen the main event. They kicked each other bloody, exactly the type of match that I wanted to see from them. Kenta made sense for the winner, he is new to the company and Ibushi is a top guy. Kenta got over in America here, and I assume he was over in Japan too. He is now one of the biggest threats in his block, alongside Okada, Tanahashi and Ibushi himself. As for Ibushi, I doubt his tournament is over. I didn’t get to do predictions for this, but he is my pick to win this year. I am just realizing that I pick Ibushi for everything, but that isn’t the point. It is his time, and a loss this early won’t keep him down for long. 
And in the main event, we have Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Kazuchika Okada. The most legendary feud in New Japan today. Two of the greatest IWGP Heavyweight Champions of all time. They will go down in history, that is without a doubt. The crowd was chanting and cheering long before they even touched, and they deserved it. When they did finally come to blows, the energy was incredible. They fought to a stalemate early on several time, and it wasn’t long before the mindgames started. Okada targetted the knees a bit, hitting a dragonscrew leg whip of his own. The two wrestled a very deliberate and hard hitting match, filled with the two just trying to outsmart each other. Okada of course did his signature rainmaker pose, only for Tanahashi to try to roll him up during it for a near fall. Tanahashi even busted out the High Fly Flow to the outside. From there they kicked the match into another gear, with the two trading huge signature moves back and forth in very dramatic fashion. Okada went for the Rainmaker during that time, only for Tanahashi to hit a slingblade out of it, and then a standing high fly flow. He went for another high fly flow, but Okada was able to get his knees up in a brutal counter. The two then dueled for position with both men trying to hit a tombstone. Neither was able to hit it, but during the scramble, Okada was able to hit a short rainmaker, and then followed it up with another. He nearly hit another full rainmaker as well, but Tanahashi countered it with one of the closest rollups you will ever see. Okada continued to go for the rainmaker from her, refusing to let go of Tanahashi’s wrist, even when getting slapped in the face repeatedly. Tanahashi finally forced Okada to his knees from the strikes, but when he went to actually capitalize, Okada got him up for a jumping twisting tombstone, and then hit the rainmaker to finally beat Tanahashi in the G1.
Grade: A. Phenomenal match with an awesome finish. They played off their G1 history a lot in this match, so it was great to see them actually have a finish to this match outside of a draw. They were wrestling at a frantic pace, both men knowing that same history that we know. They played to each other’s weaknesses, constantly trying to get in each other’s heads and pulling out all the stops to get the win. This is a huge win for Okada, and puts him as a frontrunner in his block, if he wasn’t one already. As for Tanahashi, like Ibushi this will not keep him down. Either guy could still win the block, and I definitely think that someone in these last two matches will win the block. Great stuff, match of the night. 
After the match, Okada spoke. He said the name of the city, which got a huge pop, and he spoke english! So that was cool. He said that this would not be their last time hosting the G1 in the United States and vowed to come back, and vowed to win the G1 and remain the IWGP Heavyweight Champion.
Overall Grade: A-.
Pros: Ospreay vs. Archer; Fale vs. Evil; Sanada vs. Sabre; Kenta vs. Ibushi; Okada vs. Tanahashi
Cons: Fale vs. Evil didn’t seem to put on the best show that they could have.
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floridaprelaw-blog · 4 years
1.4 Million Floridians Will Be Newly Eligible To Vote In 2020: But There’s A Catch
By Theresa Turkowski, Florida State University Class of 2023
August 22, 2020
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In 2018, Amendment 4 was one of the most influential ballot measures being voted on during the Florida midterm elections. If approved, it would be the largest single expansion of voting rights since 1971, when the 26th Amendment lowered the voting age to 18 [1]. Amendment 4 would restore voting rights to over 1.4 million Floridians with previous felony convictions [1]. Prior to 2018, Florida was one of only four states that did not restore the right to vote to convicted felons [2]. Voting rights would be restored to people once they completed their full sentence, including probation and parole[1]. Amendment 4 excludes currently incarcerated individuals as well as individuals convicted of a felony sexual offense or murder [2]. The majority of Floridians approved of Amendment 4 in November, 64.5% voted yes [3], and with Amendment 4 passed, former felons ran to register.
Almost immediately, countermeasures were put in place to limit the effects of Amendment 4, and in a state that often has Americans on the edge of their seat come election time, every vote counts. Most notably in May 2019, the Florida legislator, led by Governor Ron DeSantis, imposed restrictions on Amendment 4. Such restrictions require all former felons to repay all fines and fees before they can regain their voting rights back [4]. While this may sound like another piece of red tape, this would prevent many of those who just received their rights back from exercising them. According to a study by University of Florida professor Daniel Smith, nearly 775,000 former felons have outstanding “legal financial obligations” [5]. Those who owe thousands in court fines [4] may not be eligible to vote for years to come. U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle referred to this law as an “ illegal pay-to-vote scheme”[5]. This attempt by the Florida legislature to limit the effect of Amendment 4 was deeply contested by much of the public, bringing this case all the way to the Supreme Court. The court ruled that Florida’s law can stand, and that ruling may decide the election if it still stands by November. The case is currently back to the appeals court, where there will be a hearing on August 18th [5].
Whether or not the impact of Amendment 4 flips the state of Florida in 2020 is dependent on a variety of factors. As of December 2019, 663,000 voters have registered in Florida since last year’s election, there were an even number of Democrats and Republicans. Predicting the 2020 presidential election is based on which candidate each new voter is predicted to vote for, but more importantly- where these newly registered voters are located. For instance, in the 2016 election, President Trump lost Palm Beach County, his own stomping ground. Traditionally, Palm Beach, Broward and Miami Dade counties lean blue, but the rest of the state is almost all red counties, in fact, in 8 of the last 12 presidential elections, Florida was Republican [7]. While the aforementioned 3 counties might sound like a small fraction of Floridians, those 3 counties have over 6 million residents, so they’re a big win if candidates can get them. If many of these new voters are registered in huge, landslide counties like Broward or Miami Dade, their vote will have less of an impact in flipping Florida since solid blue or red counties are unlikely to change unless there's a massive spike in voter turnout. However, if the new voters are located in swing counties, or counties that flipped in 2016 like Jefferson, Monroe and Pinellas counties [6] then new voters have a chance in making a larger difference. While we don’t know how many of the 1.4 million possible new voters will be able to turn out in November, their impact may decide the entire election.
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[6] via Yourobserver.com
With the current Supreme Court ruling supporting the limitations put in place by the Florida’s legislature, Amendment 4’s impact is lessened substantially. Despite this, many former felons have registered, but the county new voters cast their ballots to determine which candidate wins Florida in 2020.
Amendment 4 was the largest single expansion of voting rights since 1971 [1], giving 1.4 million formerly incarcerated Floridians the right to vote. However, as soon as Amendment 4 was approved, measures were put in place to limit its effect, most notable was requiring formerly incarcerated people to pay back all fines and fees before they can regain their voting rights back [4]. Nearly 775,000 former felons have outstanding “legal financial obligations” [5]. With these limits, those hoping to vote in 2020 may not be able to, and this might shift the election. Whether or not Florida changes to blue this November is determined by how many new voters vote in swing counties.
[1] https://www.aclu.org/podcast/florida-historic-victory-voting-rights-ep-21
[2] https://www.fl-counties.com/amendment-4
[3] https://www.cnn.com/election/2018/results/florida/ballot-measures/1
[4] https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/03/us/florida-felon-voting-amendment-4.html
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youngandhungryent · 4 years
HHW Gaming Review: ‘Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath” Gives NetherRealm’s Fighter Some New Energy
Source: Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath / WB Games
It’s been more than a year since Mortal Kombat 11 was first released, and to give arguably the best fighting game of 2019 some new legs going into 2020 Aftermath has arrived.
Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath revigorates the fighting game by adding new stages, significant balance changes, Friendships for other characters, stage fatalities, and more.
Source: WB Games / NetherRealm Studios
The best part about all of that, you get to enjoy all of those enhancements for free99.
Source: Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath / WB Games
BUT if you want to play the three-hour expansion to MK11’s single-player story mode or issue fades with Sheeva, Fujin, and of course, RoboCop it’s going to cost you… $40 to be exact.
Source: Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath / WB Games
But is it worth it?
The campaign picks right up where it ended in Mortal Kombat 11 and takes us a time-heist to save to time itself but with another twist. While the story is very predictable, it is very enjoyable as it brings back all of the all the game characters minus the guests. Shang Tsung, who is played by actor Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa who not only steals souls in the game but also every damn scene he is in. Outside of that, it’s just enjoyable filler, but it’s quite interesting that Sonya Blade doesn’t have one single line outside of a grunt. I’m just gonna assume Ronda Rousey was too busy to record additional voiceover work.
Source: Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath / WB Games
Again, outside of some eyebrow-raising moments, helping the unlikely team of Shang Tsung, Nightwolf and Fujin go back in time and secure Kronika’s crown to restore time does manage to keep your attention for 3-hours.
The Aftermath expansion though, if we are keeping it a buck, is an expensive character pack. We all just wanted to get hands-on with the new characters Sheeva, Fujin, and RoboCop, and for the most part, they each offer unique playstyles for gamers to experience.
Fujin, the God of Wind and brother of Raiden, makes his return to the Mortal Kombat arena. He hasn’t been a playable character since Mortal Kombat: Armageddon 14 years ago.
Source: WB Games / NetherRealm Studios
Once selected, you will find that he is quick and the most unique character out the three. His ability to literally run on-air, fast attacks, and unusual special moves make Fujin a fun character to master.
Now sadly, the same can’t be said about RoboCop is the standout character out of the three. Once selected, outside of all of the neat touches like Peter Weller’s voice and likeness and the callbacks to the classic film, he’s a pretty dull character. His attacks don’t really impress, but if you like characters who are “zoners,” then RoboCop is your man. But then again, this is Mortal Kombat, why would you want to kill your enemies from a distance?
Source: NetherRealm Studios / WB Games
I was also pleasantly surprised with Sheeva, who is an absolute bruiser but is but can also cover ground quickly thanks to her trusty teleport stomp. Sheeva was last playable in Mortal Kombat 9 in 2011, and now she is back with a vengeance. Immediately you will notice that her combos are bone-crushing and when perfectly time with her grabs absolutely devastating. I can definitely see Sheeva being a new favorite among players going forward.
Source: NetherRealm Studios / WB Games
Final Verdict
Honestly, while the story expansion is substantial and three new fighters, even with RoboCop, who is meh, they are a  welcomed addition to the game. But at the price of $40, NetherRealm could have honestly just found a way to separate the two because the price tag is hefty for Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath. Not sure if NetherRealm thought they were offering fans a brand new game with Aftermath like, for example, Destiny 2’s massive Forsaken expansion. It sure doesn’t feel that way once you experienced everything.
Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath is a solid expansion for the hardcore fans of the franchise, I understand if some folks might wince at the $40 price tag, which makes it a hard recommendation for everyone.
Photo: NetherRealm Studios / WB Games
source https://hiphopwired.com/875631/mortal-kombat-11-aftermath-review/
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newstvchannel-blog · 5 years
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CBSN News TV USA https://cbs.newstvchannel.com/wwe-stomping-grounds-2019-match-card-predictions-preview-state-of-combat-sports-news/
WWE Stomping Grounds 2019 match card, predictions, preview | State of Combat - Sports News
CBSN 24/7 Live TV Stream - WWE Stomping Grounds 2019 match card, predictions, preview | State of Combat - Sports News - NewsTVChannel.com
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messedupwrestling · 5 years
This week, we discuss this week's WWE and Impact shows, the results for Stomping Grounds and Best in the World, Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff as Executive Directors of Raw and SmackDown, and predictions for AEW Fyter Fest.
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ntrntcitizn · 5 years
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Hey fellow wrasslin'fans. I have my WWE 2019 Stomping Grounds prediction video up. Link in the bio. #wwe #stompinggrounds #predictions #youtuber #youtube #ringpostwrestling https://www.instagram.com/p/BzAQz2MBAMh/?igshid=jqh9e12aw82t
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christoplack · 5 years
If you're a fan of the Signature Spot podcast, you can listen to it 12 hours early if you head over to Spotify, Stitcher or Spreaker. 
II grade each main roster NXT Call Up from 2018-2019 and predict WWE Stomping Grounds, discuss the G1 Climax participants and AEW All Out. Ticket Requests 
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