#stop motion video ideas for beginners
blazehedgehog · 3 months
If one decides to start a creative project about their favorite thing, be it fanart, fanfic, fangame etc. , which approach do you prefer, the creatives involved fully dedicating themselves to recreating and recapturing what made the original works...work, or make an active choice to be derivative (this doesn't mean artists are ignorant about the original material, not necessarily) How do you feel about either, and are there any other approach you can think of?
There's this guy who used to post at SFGHQ named Sam Beddoes who now runs Freakzone Games. He's made the official Manos: The Hands of Fate game, he did both AVGN Adventures, he's the project lead on that Toxic Crusaders beat'em'up, etc.
But he's an old guard Sonic head and I've heard him turn up on a couple of Sonic podcasts, specifically to talk fangames, and by his account he got really fed up with the Sonic fangaming scene when everybody became obsessed with perfectly replicating the Genesis games, because to him, all the creativity and magic went away.
I remember hearing that and both agreeing and disagreeing with him. And I have enough thoughts about it that I've actually considered doing a video about it, and about fangaming overall.
I think there is a stigma to replicating something perfectly that's very adjacent to people who are concerned about young artists who start out by tracing pictures other people have drawn. Plagiarism is a real, legitimate problem. But it's only a problem if you lie about tracing.
I'm of the mind that if you're starting out drawing, half the problem is just learning control. Tracing can be a valuable tool in helping you to understand hand motions and give you a perspective on the construction of an image. For the earliest beginners, I don't think there's any shame in starting out by tracing. It's building muscle memory. Just don't say you drew it.
Similarly, my game development skills went way, way, way up about the time I started to analyze and perfectly replicate existing games. Like, the long canceled Sonic Forever project used an early enough version of the Sonic Worlds codebase that I had to read the Sonic Retro Physics Guide and use their data on how to add Knuckles in from scratch. My code matched how he worked in the Genesis games almost 1:1, because it was largely me just interpreting the values into something Clickteam Fusion could understand.
Something similar happened when, in 2012, I started (and never finished) a remake of my famous Mario Blue Twilight DX fangame. That's when I started really paying attention to how the source games worked so I could get a better sense of how a Mario game needed to "feel" in order to be correct.
And that trend continued with every fangame project I worked on following that, like when I figured I could make my own version of Sonic 2's Hidden Palace Zone, since I wasn't happy with the Retro Engine version. The idea was to be accurate above all else. In some cases, I'd even watch recordings of official gameplay in slow motion just so I could see exactly how the game was created, and in some cases, count frame by frame the duration of certain actions.
And all of this just makes me think of when I showed a friend my game jam game, OverBite. He complimented me on how nice the controls felt, in that kind of backhanded way where he said "When did you learn to make games feel so nice?"
Because if you go back to those really early games of mine, they all feel like garbage to control. And I attribute it to putting in a lot of time pulling apart the nuts and bolts of real retro games and putting a microscope up to why they work the way they do. Deconstructing all of their little nuances and sub-states and then trying to put it all back together again in a different programming language.
You learn a lot when you're forced to stop and understand why a piece of code exists in the way it does. Why there are all these little edge cases that you never notice but still exist to make a game feel just a little better.
At the end of the day, yes, Sam was right. Games need to have creativity and seeking out the perfect replication of the Sega Genesis Sonic games can feel somewhat futile. Every SAGE for the last ten years, there will be at least three games that instantly vanish from my memory because they are basic, plain Sonic Worlds Delta fangames with no style of their own. They just want to make Sonic 4 and we've had a lot of different Sonic 4s by now.
But the thing about learning is, you gotta learn the rules before you learn why and where to break them, because breaking (or at least bending) all of those boring, standardized rules is where your personal style starts to emerge, and that personal style is ultimately what people are going to be interested in at the end of the day.
So I think it is vitally important to start at 1:1 exact recreation and once you've made a comfortable replica, only then should you start asking yourself what you'd change and why. Make sure you understand the material before venturing further. You gotta learn to do it right first.
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rainofdauwuand0w0 · 2 months
I sit and stop to think sometimes when i cant sleep, about the whats and the hows of everything, the whys usually escaping me.
For example my channel
My youtube channel, when i first created it, like so many others, just started out as a way for me to watch and enjoy the content of others, finding the enjoyment of those who also enjoyed games like i did, markiplier and jacksepticeye my main favorites for gaming related stuff, there were others of course but, sometimes its best to lay some parts of memory to rest and let them stay at rest. Randomly finding matpat in his younger days, and some other theorizing minds whom i lost interest and forgot over time most likely. Though i also found some other things. old game devs, playthroughs of the dev commentaries, and finding them in games myself. All these culminating in my interests of force of what i wanna do on my channel and sometimes i think about it and I get scared. But the best advice I’ve seen from this site was to do it scared, and so i have been, and slowly trying to get braver and more confident into talking into a shitty headset mic, on a computer thats being the lil dell desktop that could. And in all honesty if my desktop computer core was a thing, i would tell it how proud i am for managing what it can despite its own limitations, I am proud of it for giving me the ability to atleast get a start into all this. And so far, I have made technically two series to start off, lets start with “rain rambles”, the name i took from my own random idea for what i would call my random rambles on here originally but now it is for a video series, all about discussing my thoughts on weaponry and maps and modes in games of interest, of course it is called rain rambles so it may change over time, but for now that was the base idea, to talk about a game, mod, sourcemod, fangame, etc, and share my thoughts on the design of the stuff in it!
Then there is the kingsway game series i have started up, im gonna do my best to keep up with it atleast semi-regularly and try to keep working through things and go through the motions of trying to record the game, get to working on my confidence that a video could suddenly be seen by lots of people, even if in youtube numbers terms it may seem small, my brain imagines them in spaces i inhabit like they were over for a house part of some sort. And sometimes i overthink and go, “oh maybe tomorrow” and some days i manage it.
I hope despite the beginner quality, my videos are enjoyed, that my videos are at the very least some nice background noise to listen to and leave on while you are off doing something else, or that you do manage to enjoy my commentary, despite my shyness of irl and online being shown full force in these videos.
I wanna make videos, I wanna entertain folks, make them laugh, smile, and more. I wanna provide a space to relax, watch a video of someone playing a game for a long form, and enjoy the experience of it all.
But my youtube channel is not the only thing on my mind that cant yet sleep due to all these thoughts. It’s life, in general to a degree i think, because I think I’ve finally figured out something that scares me. I don’t know who I’ll be when I’m truly me, transitioned, in a household that I don’t have to worry about the foods and doing fractioning to ensure lil siblings get the food they need for their growing bodies. Ensuring the space of the household of downstairs, remains decent at the very least in looks and stuff, doing my best with my circumstances. I want to do a online job, so that i may continue my work on my youtube as well, my passion of creative energy going to something, somewhere, somehow, despite the feeling that the walls are closing in despite me only barely starting out adulthood, I have seen in my early age someone who became the person in the basement, playing in their room for while they didn’t do anything with all that time, looking for no jobs at the time, the scarily distance from anything but games yet no sight of anything to turn it into even just a hobby for the hell of it, to have fun with others, said person has since gotten a job and began making payments to ensure they keep their internet, so they’ve changed, but my brain has mentally exhausted and scared myself into a toxic visage of “YOU CAN BECOME THAT BUT x10 WORSE!” as if i wasn’t already on the road to being that burned out gifted kid, and yet here I am. Scared of growing up but also wanting to move on.
I don’t wanna be at my mom’s forever. Not due to societies weird obsession with instant separation of the family as they grow up past the big ol’ 20 that you now must be thrown to the wolves. But because I feel like this space holds me down in a sense, i wanna stop being the caterpillar, I wanna become the butterfly I know i can be. But rn its really hard to be stuck as the caterpillar, to be at the “just eating leaves” stage of my life seemingly, while the world around me has scary event after “moment(s) of our time” keep happening and happening, i wanna fly off to my boyfriends current place of stay and just get this all started, maybe even get this youtube thing more consistent as I will feel like I don’t have to waste energy on the most important things in my current place on the important things of watching siblings, the household, ensure that things aren’t being destroyed, make sure the lil siblings are fed for the day of lunch and breakfast, and sometimes ensuring that something is done in addition to that, like an extra chore, like cleaning a bathroom or putting away/starting dishes, and all that adds on to how much energy I’ve used in a day. So when i get to recording its hard to pull up and sit in the chair, sometimes i just wanna sit on the floor and play something else, thats where the edited videos of smaller things come in, the 2v8 dbd video was just me trying to use remaining energy to make something, to make SOMETHING out of my creativity out into the world.
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topfindr · 8 months
Can yoga make you get taller? 💎The Truth About Yoga and Height
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Can yoga make you get taller?
Yoga is an extremely effective practice when done correctly. It encourages people to become more aware of their bodies. It also helps people calm their minds and become more conscious of their surroundings. But can yoga make you taller?
What is the link between yoga and height?
Some participants in Gail Greenberg's UCLA study on yoga and how it impacts posture became taller. Yoga movements stretch every part of the body, removing impurities that might cause health problems. Toxins secreted by the body allow cells and hormones to begin to grow in a healthy manner, which can aid in enhancing growth.
Form is essential
Yoga will not help you improve your posture or grow if you don't do the positions correctly. Correct form is essential for reaping all of the advantages that yoga has to offer. Beginners should seek the help of a yoga instructor who can demonstrate how each motion should be performed.  Instructors work closely with beginners to ensure that each motion is correctly understood so that they can accomplish the poses on their own in the future. Online training videos and tutorials are also accessible, which provide step-by-step instructions for learning various poses and exercises. Men's Health includes three exercises that do just that. It's a good idea to have a family member or friend present when studying yoga exercises at home to help ensure the techniques are done correctly. Furthermore, they will be present if the relocation goes wrong. When maneuvers are performed poorly, sprains and strains are highly likely. Back and Spine Strengthening Some workouts are designed specifically to strengthen the back and spine. While these exercises may not cause you to grow, they do enhance your posture. This can make you appear much taller. While doing yoga, blood circulation increases and toxins are removed from the digestive system. This increases the quantity of fluid found around the spinal disks, strengthening the surrounding cartilage and enhancing the spine overall. Boosting Your Growth Hormone Everyone's body contains growth hormones. While many people believe that after puberty, you stop growing, these growth hormones can often be released to help you acquire an extra inch or two. Yoga is one approach to stimulate these hormones, and numerous books teach how to increase height with specific yoga movements. The deep breathing exercises taught during yoga help to thoroughly calm the body. The growth hormone is activated when the body is completely relaxed. Breathing exercises and meditation are crucial components to integrate during yoga for this reason. Deep breathing, according to Dr. Bernie Siegal, is not the only factor that produces human growth hormone (HCG). Laughter is also required. This is because laughter is another technique to relieve stress and tension in the body. Bring a friend with you to yoga. Yoga has numerous advantages. It not only improves your overall posture and puts you in tune with your body, but it also appears that it may, just possibly, assist in enhancing HCG levels in your body and help you develop.
Can yoga make you taller?
Yoga is known to increase growth hormone, and fitness experts agree that practicing specific Yoga asanas is one way to charge these hormones and start them functioning for you. Doing Yoga regularly can provide numerous benefits for the mind, body, and spirit since Yoga asanas are physical poses with breathing that require flexibility, strength, stamina, and balance, and when done frequently, it can also be very beneficial in increasing your height. The most effective yoga to increase height Samasthithi Stand tall and straight, with your toes and heels together. Maintain a comfortable posture by engaging your core muscles and keeping both shoulders relaxed. Maintain this position for 5-8 breaths. Concentrate on evenly distributing your body weight between both feet. This asana can be quite beneficial in maintaining a tall and strong posture.
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Paschimottanasana Begin by stretching your legs forward, keeping your knees slightly bent while they are stretched out. Extend your arms upward while keeping your spine straight. Exhale and lean forward at the hips, balancing your upper and lower bodies. Hold your big toes with your fingers if possible, or else hold any accessible part. Padahasthasana Begin in Samasthithi and slowly exhale by bending your upper body down from the hips. Bring your nose to your knees and stretch your arms down with your palms or fingers. Palms can be worn on either side of the feet. Feel free to bend your knees at first. You should aim to straighten your legs and bring your chest to your thighs with more practice. Chakrasana This is a back bend, so make sure you've warmed up properly. Begin on your back, folding your legs and placing your feet firmly on the mat. Place your palms on the floor below your ears and turn your arms at the shoulders. Inhale deeply while simultaneously lifting your body. Maintain a relaxed neck and allow your head to drift back. Dhanurasana  Lie down on your stomach, bend your knees, and keep them parallel. Now, take a tight grasp on your ankles with your palms. Raise your legs and arms as high as you can. Look up and hold the asana for a few seconds. Some of these positions are reported to be quite beneficial and will help improve the strength of the back and spine. The most visible improvement when working on the spine is that it improves your posture. This will ensure that you stand taller, as well as make you appear substantially taller. Yoga should also be practiced because it increases blood circulation and flushes toxins from the digestive system. FAQ: Can yoga make you taller after the age of 14? Yoga, if done correctly, can undoubtedly help to improve height until the age of 23-24 years. Can stretching help you grow taller? Stretching will not make you taller physically, but it will lengthen and release your muscles. How can I naturally get taller? Exercising has numerous health benefits, one of which is increased height. Regular exercise improves your health, strengthens your muscles and bones, and aids in the maintenance of a healthy weight.  Read the full article
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What Are The Best Video Production Apps For Your Phone?
In 2023, the power of video production is no longer limited to professional studios and expensive equipment. The advancement of technology has made it possible for anyone with a smartphone to become a video producer, and with a wide range of video production apps available, anyone can now create high-quality videos right from their phones. Video production apps have revolutionised the way we capture, edit, and share videos. These apps offer a variety of features that allow users to shoot, edit, add effects, and even create animations with just a few taps on their phone screens. One of the key advantages of using video production apps is their user-friendly interface. They are designed to be intuitive and accessible to users of all skill levels. W hether you are a beginner or an experienced videographer, these apps provide tools and features that make it easy to create professional-looking videos without any prior knowledge or experience in video editing. Video editing capabilities offered by these apps are also impressive. Users can trim and merge clips, add transitions and filters, adjust colours and exposure levels, as well as overlay text or graphics onto their videos. Moreover, many video production apps also include animation tools that allow users to bring static images or text to life with dynamic movements. These animation features enable users to add engaging visuals and storytelling elements to their videos effortlessly. Here’s some of the video production and animation apps that we recommend. Aardman Animator is an easy to use stop-motion animation app, which is perfect for beginners and professionals alike. This app is from the world-famous creators of Wallace & Gromit, Shaun the Sheep, and Chicken Run; Aardman studios. Aardman Animator is simple to use for stop motion animations in order to bring your own ideas to life. Premiere Rush is a scaled-down version of Adobe Premiere Pro, and is one of the best video editing apps to use. The free version of Premiere Rush is a great tool for beginners, and can be used on mobile and desktop. Professionals also love this app as they can move footage back and forth into Premiere Pro. Use this app to shoot, edit and share high-quality videos on the go! It’s intuitive, fast and easy to use for everyone! Quik is a great app for editing your action-packed GoPro footage, and allows you to remotely control your GoPro device. This app supports 4K and is free to download. The Quik app picks your best shots, syncs them to music, adds cinematic transitions, and creates a unique, shareable video for your audience. LumaFusion was the App Store’s “App of the Year” for 2021, and the recipient of the Editors’ Choice Award for video editors and storytellers. This award-winning app includes advanced features for video editing projects, and offers an unmatched range of colour, effects, audio, and keyframing options for iOS and Android. LumaFusion is great for storytelling video projects, and fluid to use. Tiktok has revolutionised the way we create and consume videos, making video editing more accessible and user-friendly than ever before. As a popular social media app, TikTok offers a range of features and tools that allow users to produce professional-looking videos with ease. One of the key aspects of TikTok’s appeal is its built-in video editing capabilities. The app provides users with a variety of editing options, including filters, effects, transitions, and text overlays. These features enable users to enhance their videos creatively and make them visually engaging. TikTok’s intuitive interface makes it easy for both beginners and experienced video editors to navigate through the editing process. Users can trim, merge, and rearrange clips effortlessly, ensuring smooth transitions between scenes. Additionally, TikTok’s extensive library of soundtracks allows users to add music or audio effects to their videos seamlessly. With a wide range of features including video editing capabilities and animation tools at your fingertips, these apps empower users to create captivating content without the need for expensive equipment or professional training in videography. What video production apps do you use? Let us know! +44 (0)113 288 3245 | [email protected]
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cam-a-roma123 · 2 years
Best editing video ideas
Are you looking for video editing ideas to take your content to the next level? Whether you're a professional videographer or a beginner, there are countless ways to get creative with video editing. Here are ten ideas to inspire your next project:Montage: Create a montage of your favorite moments or memories, set to music.Time-Lapse: Use time-lapse video to capture a slow-moving event, like a sunset or a busy city street.Tutorial: Create a tutorial video that teaches viewers how to do something, like cooking or crafting.Stop Motion: Use stop-motion animation to bring inanimate objects to life.Travelogue: Create a video montage of your travels, featuring scenic shots and cultural experiences.Comedy Skit: Write and produce a comedic skit, using video editing to add special effects and music.Vlog: Create a video diary or vlog, documenting your daily life and experiences.Interview: Conduct an interview with someone, editing the footage to highlight their responses and insights.Product Review: Create a video review of a product you love, showcasing its features and benefits.Highlight Reel: Edit together a highlight reel of a sports game, concert, or other event, using slow-motion and music to enhance the impact.With these ten video editing ideas, you'll have plenty of inspiration to create engaging, creative content that will captivate your audience. Remember to experiment with different techniques and styles, and have fun with the process. With time and practice, you'll become a master video editor in no time!
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my-darling-boy · 4 years
i saw your sappho/soldiers comic and adored it! it's so beautifully done :) i'm trying to teach myself to draw, and if it's not too much effort i was wondering if you have any tips for beginners? thanks so much!
Ah thanks!
You’ve come to the right place because I’m completely self taught, I’ve been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil!
Definitely don’t be afraid to use refs, professionals use them all the time. Follow artists who inspire you, if a YouTube video pops up on your dash for a tutorial that interests you, watch it. If you get an idea, draw it, even if it’s nothing but scribbles. Let yourself make mistakes, let your art look “”bad”” let it look unprofessional. You can always go back and improve and refine. Equally, don’t feel it has to look professional or realistic: keep an eye on your own expression to develop your unique style, don’t worry about drawing like anyone else. You never stop learning as an artist, it’s lifelong.
But I’d say my biggest tip is getting acquainted with the personality of everything under the sun. I don’t mean in the technical sense, but in the feeling sense. And everything in the world has a personality, even things you can’t see.
The only way I can describe this concept is: there is a difference between drawing a circle for what one looks like and drawing a circle for what one feels like, tangibly, intangibly. When you are drawing a circle, at the tip of your fingers, at the tip of your pencil, in your wrist, in your heart, in your mind: what is a circle to you?
If I don’t know how fabric moves or how a wool coat sits on someone’s shoulders versus a leather coat, I put both on myself or look of refs and get familiar with how this object moves. How thick the fabric is. How it drapes itself. What shapes make up this object. I’m not studying concrete lines or technique but motion and mass, weight. I feel over textiles, crinkle them, stretch them, look at individual threads, how it’s made.
Sometimes I’ll hold my arm out for an arm reference and close my eyes and run my hand down my arm to feel the direction of my limb and fingers, the curves and dips. In the mirror, I over exaggerate my stance for refs, letting emotion dictate how fluid or stiff it’s to be. I take videos of me running to understand not just the one frame of running I want to draw, but how a person even ends up there, what running looks like, where weight shifts and muscles tense and ease. I’ll make a face and not only look at it in a mirror, but I’ll run my fingers over the valleys in my forehead or trace my fingers over my smile, feeling for the shape, not just looking visually for it.
What does happiness feel like on a face? Sadness? How tight are fists if you are angry versus when you’re victorious? How does a smile change if it’s natural or forced? A tiny change in a line can make all the difference.
Doing this has helped breathe a LOT more life and personality into my art. It becomes a form of expression of myself directly. One can have all the classical training in the world, even have a degree in art, but if you don’t understand the feeling of your art, the emotion of your art, the you that is present in your art, it’s only going be a collection of lines and colours, no matter if it looks like a simple circle or the Mona Lisa.
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astonishinglegends · 4 years
Ep 202: The Scrying Game
“The scryer does not seek reflections, but visions.”
– Donald Tyson, author of "Scrying for Beginners: Use Your Unconscious Mind to See Beyond the Senses
Who among us hasn't wanted to know the future or have insight into the hidden, at least in passing? From the first instance a human had a premonition that came true, it seems likely that the adventurous who were shocked and astounded wondered how those without the "gift" could duplicate this impossible experience. Then, when someone stared too intently into a reflective pool of liquid, a glowing ember, or even the night sky, and experienced an extrasensory perception, a technique and its medium are discovered to tap into a sixth sense. Practiced now for millennia, this procedure for obtaining occult information has become known as scrying. One interesting observation is that although there are general guidelines for preparing oneself and performing a scrying session, many mediums can facilitate the phenomenon. It appears that any object can be used that can capture the light and dazzle the eye, or a reflective surface that can offer deep introspection or a dark void that focuses the senses. But then the burning question becomes, how does this process work, and from where does the information come? Does this "second sight" materialize from deep within ourselves, external omniscience, or some combination of both? In tonight's episode, we'll look at the elements, the history, and the concepts behind this ancient and mysterious means of knowing the unknowable.
Reference Links:
Scrying on Wikipedia
The 1992 motion picture, The Crying Game
Lori Williams’ Controlled Remote Viewing website IntuitiveSpecialists.com
Russell Targ
Crystal Gazing – Its History and Practice, with a Discussion of the Evidence for Telepathic Scrying, by Northcote W. Thomas, M.A.
Benjamin, from the Old Testament or “Hebrew Bible”
“The Forgotten Art of Scrying” by Fernando S. Gallegos on ExploringTraditions.com
Bernardino de Sahagún
Moctezuma II
John Dee
Edward Kelley
“Notes on John Dee’s Aztec Mirror” by Ed Simon on NorthernRenaissance.org
Horace Walpole
“Making a Sigilum Dei Aemeth out of Wax [Esoteric Saturdays]” on YouTube
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
“Joseph Smith's "Magic" Glasses and Other Bizarre Objects from Mormonism” on ranker.com
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Episode 202: The Scrying Game. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel. Sound Design by Ryan McCullough; Tess Pfeifle, Producer, and Lead Researcher; Research Support from the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a.k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2021 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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irwinkitten · 5 years
lessons | a.i
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notes: so y’all have @nicoleshieru​ to blame for this one. we were brainstorming and then the beautiful concept of ashton being a lead guitarist who teaches cme up and with permission, i took the idea and fuckin’ ran with it. thus we have some v soft ashton. enjoy warnings: none word count: 2k
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Making the decision to learn guitar had been something you’d not really been sure about until you’d wanted to play for yourself more than anything. 
It’d been easy to look up at the adverts online, and you’d gone to a few different instructors, but none of them seemed to want to teach. They were bored or uninterested with your constant questions and it was slowly putting you off from really learning.
“If this next one is a bust, just use Youtube.” You muttered to yourself as you made your way to the final instructor you’d found.
His prices for lessons were cheap, but also you noted that he was only having a handful of slots for availability. So you booked in immediately and found yourself prepared to be disappointed.
Reaching the local studio that he’d booked out for the session, you felt somewhat intimidated by the imposing building, but when you reached the receptionist who eyed your guitar warily, you smiled, handing your ID over to him.
“I’ve got a guitar lesson at three.” His shoulders relaxed as he checked your ID against whatever list he had and passed it back to you.
“Room 204, second floor, up the stairs and to your right.” You thanked him before making your way up.
Knocking on the door, a soft “come in” had you pushing the heavy door open and you paused before stepping in completely.
Ashton Irwin stood before you, a smile on his face as he held out his hand to you.
“So you’re my three o’clock? It’s nice to meet you, I’m Ashton.” And so you took his hand, following his direction, shaking it whilst giving your name. 
“So have you played before?” The question was easy and open and you could feel yourself hesitating.
“I had a few other lessons, but honestly they weren’t teaching, or at least they didn’t want to teach.” You finally admitted and he grinned which made you relax.
“Yeah that doesn’t surprise me. It’s why I wanted to do these lessons because curiosity is such a beautiful thing and I wanted to help cultivate that.” He motioned to the comfortable looking seat just opposite him. Once you were seated, he motioned to your case.
“C’mon then, let’s measure the so called teaching capabilities of the other tutors.” This made you laugh as you pulled out the guitar and let it rest on your lap as your fingers wrapped around the neck of the instrument.
“It feels bulky and awkward for me.” You admitted and Ashton sighed. 
“Because those people you went to didn’t even recognise the basic need of their students.” Without hesitating, he knelt in front of you. “Gonna ask this now, are you okay for me to touch you to make it less awkward for you to hold or do you want me to show you?” 
You felt so stunned by the question. 
The previous ones hadn’t even considered your feelings when they’d grasped your wrist and jerked your hand forward so that it was in the right place.
“I’m fine with that.” You admitted quietly and he smiled in return. 
His fingers were a lot gentler than expected. 
“Here, so I’m moving your arm so you’re not cradling the guitar. Maybe if you had a smaller one, you would be able to get away with it , however I need to at least show you the easier ways before we start making life easy for you by changing the problem entirely.” The tease was in jest, but his grin made you laugh.
“Wait, so instead of my wrist hurting because of the motion, I’m gonna get a ripped arm?” That was when you heard him laugh with eae and your mind immediately thought it sounded beautiful.
“The way you held it was entirely wrong for the strumming, so you would’ve sprained or long term-damaged your wrist which is a bitch to recover from.” 
“Especially on tour?” Your question was almost shy like and he grinned.
“Especially on tour. Despite the physicians specific interests, I had to keep playing which fucked my wrist up for like six months out of it.” This stunned you for a moment before he readjusted your hands so that your fingers were situated on the fretboard.
“Hardcore.” You muttered, causing him to laugh. His fingers were easy and gentle as they guided yours up and down the board, passionately. You realised that this seemed almost as natural as breathing for him, especially when you fucked up but he was patient and re-worded a lot of the explanations so you understood them.
As you went over the different chords and how each could be blended, he patiently answered your questions. Part of you was almost itching to learn about the lead guitarist for a band that you were a fan of, but you kept yourself in check.
“My turn to ask a question.” He finally spoke up with five minutes of the lesson left. 
“You clearly recognised who I was, out of curiosity, why did you decide to stick it out?” You hadn’t expected that question and paused whilst you were packing away the guitar.
“I guess because I was more intent on learning the instrument. I was more in the mindset of, if you can teach me, I’ll take it. I was honestly very close to just watching youtube videos and googling my questions, but I enjoyed the idea of human interaction. I don’t get out much outside of work and this is something I want to enjoy. Feeling overwhelmed because of who you are isn’t what I wanted to necessarily deal with.” 
You could see that your answer had caught him off guard and glancing at the time, you smiled kindly to Ashton.
“It was lovely to meet you Ashton, same time next week?” This prompted him to glance at the small diary on his desk and he grabbed a pen, noting your name and the time down. 
“Definitely. Enjoy your week.” He returned with a bright smile and you matched it with one of your own before leaving. 
You were glad you’d decided to not go down the youtube route once you got home and decided to go over the chords again.
Five weeks had easily slipped by. 
Whilst Ashton was on a break from recording or touring, the once a week sessions turned into three times a week. Two of the other clients had dropped out from the lessons, so he offered the extra lessons at no extra cost to you.
When you questioned him about it on the first extra lesson, he just shrugged.
“I’ve got more than enough money. Why do you think I put them so cheap? I don’t need the money and I have the time. And you’re really willing to learn. You even ask me questions that I don’t know the answers to, so you’re making me learn to look further afield. I’m learning too and I love that.” 
But as the weeks slipped by and you spent more time with him, you were determined to not allow yourself to be taken in by this kind soul who answered every single question you had, who had made you stop playing when you’d shown up distracted and tired and let you voice what was on your mind. He was certainly something else, he asked about your job, asked you questions to work on being able to split your attention.  
It’d been five weeks of learning about a wonderful man who seemingly had a heart of gold. 
The flirting between the two of you was subtle, but it was enough that even you caught on, the first time when you realised, you got entirely flustered and missed the chord entirely, making him laugh. 
But you were observant too, studying him when he wasn’t looking, and even though as a teacher he needed to watch your hands to see where you were going wrong if you were, but quite a few times, you’d caught him watching your face, going flustered when he realised you were watching him.
“If you want, we can start looking at the stuff that isn’t quite beginners but doesn’t throw you into the deep end?” This made you pause and you nodded. 
So he knelt in front of you, his fingers gentle as he readjusted your grip and you watched what he was doing as he began to explain what he was doing and why. 
But it took you a moment to register that he’d fallen silent.
When you looked up, you realised how close you’d actually gotten. You could see the soft pink dusting on his cheeks, hazel eyes studying you before dropping to your lips. Without realising, your teeth pulled your bottom lip in and he closed the distance, his lips soft and gentle on yours.
Before you could fully respond to the kiss, he’d pulled away, the worry and concern clear as daylight but you weren’t about to have that.
The hand that had been resting on the body of the guitar reached out to grasp his shirt, pulling him back towards you, lips colliding once more and this time you were able to enjoy the feeling that swept through your body before a noise had you jumping apart.
It took you both a second before you realised that he’d gone to lift his hand, but had strummed the guitar and you shared a look before giggling together.
Taking the neck of the guitar, Ashton sets it as gently as he can away from the two of you, kneeling up and his hands cupping your face, pulling you in for another kiss. It takes you a second to let your lips part under his touch, but you feel a shiver roll down your spine as he pulls away, his head resting against yours. Your eyes are closed but you can’t stop the smile from spreading across your lips as the two of you catch your breath.
“I wasn’t entirely sure, but I was fully prepared for you to slap me if I’d misread the signs.” 
You weren’t too sure what set off your giggles, but his laughter joined yours as you opened your eyes, a grin etched into your lips, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to the corner of his lips.
“You can read music no issue, but unable to judge our flirting? I was getting ready to ask you out on a date if you didn’t kiss me by next week.” You admitted and he laughed, his hands resting on your thighs, gently rubbing them up and down over your denim jeans. 
“I wasn’t sure, sue me. But I definitely want to take you out on that date one day if you’ve got time?” 
“For you? Absolutely. Maybe we can talk about something that isn’t me learning guitar.” And he laughed, leaning in for another kiss which you obliged with.
It took a few moments before you both registered the time and he pulled away regretfully. 
“I’ve got one lesson, but do you want to come back and I could maybe take you out on that date?” You hesitated for a second before a smile bloomed across your lips.
“I guess I can do that. See you at five?” His lips met yours once more and you were beginning to think that kissing him was going to get addictive for you.
“It’s a date.” 
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154 notes · View notes
Everything seems a little dark and scary at the moment, so I have complied a list of links to cultural and/or educational things (and some just streams of cute animals, or just plain fun) that are available to watch or listen to or do for free (mostly) online. Some of these will only work for the duration of the current situation (marked with a *), but most are permanent (so far as I know) so can be kept around for a little bit of sunshine on a rainy day.
Feel free to add to this with your own links or ideas, and remember, we’ll get through this together (with the appropriate social distancing). Follow the advice that’s been given, wash your hands, and be kind to one another. 
The majority of links were brought to my attention by @theyahwehdance, @elleflies, and @buckysleftarm (plus a bit of a deep dive through my drafts). Under a cut because hoo boy it got long... 
(Some links in the linked lists may be broken, some may be region-locked, and some may be duplicated, I haven’t checked them all.)
Culture and Education!
The Metropolitan Opera, free nightly (19:30 EDT, 23:00 GMT) broadcasts of operas, available for 20 hours following the broadcast too. (Schedule for the first week)*
Berlin Philharmonic: 30 days free access to their virtual concert hall (redeem before 31st March 2020)*
Playbill have compiled a list of 15 professionally recorded musicals you can watch at home (Not all free) and are inviting people to join them in watching Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella Starring Lesley Ann Warren on 20th March at 20:00 ET! (video may be region locked) 
12 highlighted virtual museum tours and a whole load of others from around the world!
Science Twitter, a series of Skype with a Scientist virtual lectures! (A sign up with an email is required through the link in the tweet, running from 12:00-14:00 EST, (16:00-18:00 GMT)
30 virtual field trips! Links to virtual tours and live cameras of many different places! (Aimed at kids)
Cincinnati Zoo Facebook Live virtual safaris, every weekday at 15:00 EDT (19:00 GMT)* Completed safaris will be posted to their website shortly after the Live finishes, and also kept on their Facebook.
Live Monterey Bay Aquarium Cams: 10 different cams showing various tanks and enclosures, and the bay itself!
Live San Diego Zoo Cams: 9 different cams showing various creatures in their habitats! 
Atlanta Zoo Panda Cam
Danish Sea Eagles Cam (this site in Danish, and may go dark, as the equipment is solar powered): A live feed of a Danish Sea Eagle nest!
Peregrines in Norwich and Bath!
Live Animal Cam, Ohio: A cam focused on a feeding station, with night vision so the feed continues even after the sun goes down! (This shows wild animals, so there is no guarantee that you’ll see creatures)
Shedd Aquarium let their penguins out to explore! (Under supervision) More exploration here! 
Two Oceans Aquarium did too, and look at these little cuties on the stairs!
A livestream of adoptable kitties!
And here’s a thread with some of these cams, and more!
Various people (started by cellist Yo-Yo Ma) playing/sharing music that comforts them on Twitter.
Virtual High School Musicals! (Original Thread) (Wider Hashtag) Many High School kids are now finding themselves unable to perform the musicals they’ve been working so hard on, so Laura Benanti invited them to video themselves performing and share it with her, so they still get to perform for an appreciative audience! (Some of these are absolutely stunning!)
Never before heard Hamilton track demo! 
A playlist of Quarantunes on Spotify, compiled by Rita Wilson (Tom Hanks’ wife)
A playlist of 101 Feel-Good songs on Spotify, compiled by @lanamlouise 
This guy made a really cool instrument out of PVC pipes!
A group of engineers in Stockholm turned a set of stairs into a piano to encourage people to use them rather than the escalator!
Josh Gad reads a bedtime story (Olivia goes to Venice) with voices!
Various celebrities reading kids stories, as part of a charity initiative to keep kids fed during school shutdowns.
A bunch of free short stories, essays, audio and video by the wonderful author @neil-gaiman (Plus two photos of him in an ancient hat!)
Find your local indie bookstore and support them while also getting a new book! (US only)
And of course, you can’t leave out the marvelous Archive Of Our Own for fanfiction and fanworks for almost every fandom you can think of! (Remember to make use of the tags and filters to narrow your search or avoid things you don’t want to see/read!)
A recipe for Norwegian Christmas Butter Squares! (Apparently like sugar cookies, but in bar form and better)
A fudgy brownie-in-a-mug recipe!
A really nice chocolate pudding (in the British sense, so like a cake) with spiced chocolate sauce! (I love the whole cookbook that this is from, and it’s especially good for Discworld fans. Available from various sellers, I have linked my favourite money-sink, the Discworld Emporium: Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook)
My favourite biscuits (cookies) to make! Honey and cinnamon, with a picture book (Honey Biscuits by Meredith Hooper) that you can read alongside to explain to kids where all the ingredients came from!
Creativity and learning new things!
LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems! (13:00 ET weekdays, videos remain post-stream) Aimed mostly at kids, but don’t let that stop you doodling with the  Kennedy Center Education Artist-in-Residence!
A little list of doll makers/dress-up sites!
How to take really good photos of the night sky with a phone! (Please continue to observe social distancing rules while taking your pretty pictures)
Fancy making a language? Here’s a site with resources to help you get going with that!
A long list of sources of inspiration, arty websites, and some that are just fun!
Make your very own Peaches the Mouse by @my-darling-boy!
Want to learn 3D modelling? Fusion360 is free (for hobbyists and students) and professionally used, with a good network of tutorials and an, imo, fairly intuitive interface! (I use this a lot)
Want to play with Photoshop but don’t have the money? Here’s a free, in browser version! (Has ads, but they’re unobtrusive)
Want to try your hand at creating a sim? The Sims 4 Character Creator Demo is free! (Limited options, but still fun to play with)
Whether you play D&D or not, this is a really cool custom miniature creator, with loads of options that are being constantly added to updated! (And if you have the money, you can get it in a printable format, or printed for you in a variety of materials!)
Fancy learning something new? Memrise has a load of free courses, ranging from real languages like French or Spanish for beginners to fictional languages like Quenya (one of the Elven languages from LotR) or Klingon, or trivia bits like Harry Potter Spells or Noble Houses in Game of Thrones, and many more! (Available in multiple languages, although not all courses may be available in all languages)
Ever fancied trying to build armour or cosplay props from foam? R31 Studios has you covered with free PDF templates for all sorts of bits!
Meditation and Calm!
60 second meditation tool! Put a worry into a star, and watch it float away with a calming soundtrack and 
Meditation with Lizzo!
Customisable Rain Sounds!
Customisable Train Sounds!
And many more customisable noise generators!
Play with liquid/particles! (Warning: this one made me feel a bit motion-sick, but pretty!)
Interactive generative art!
Random bits I couldn’t catagorise!
Don’t want to dine alone? Have dinner with the Gaffigans!
A series of Mildly Interesting images from @catchymemes!
A group of stuntmen doing Super Mario!
Another list of Good Links (Really well organised!) by @secretladyspider! 
@thelatestkate draws wonderfully reassuring cartoons! (On Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook too!)
World Record Egg Instagram! Lots of nice little positive cartoons.
Happy news from The Happy Broadcast on Instagram, The Happy News, and HuffPost Good News!
Here’s an ongoing list of good stuff by @pftones3482! (Check the notes for more good stuff, and the latest addition)
Some feel-good browser games!
And finally, a little frog here to give you some reassurance!
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thirsty-x1 · 5 years
The Interview I | Kim Yohan
|| Part 2 ||
Hi! Can i req. for a yohan smut one shot that is based on the fake casting porn genre? imagine broke student yohan looking for a job and his friend offered him a job for “modeling” but when he went to the interview (the fem reader is the interviewer) its actually for a porn company so at that moment he will decide if he shld go for it or nah bc hes unexperienced but since hes broke, he went for it and smut happens bc its the main part of the interview. this is too detailed hahahahaha
Worry not! The more detailed, the better ^^
↬ Pairing: Yohan x fem!reader
↬ Genre: Smut, slight Comedy (?)
↬ Warnings: explicit language, oral sex, fingering, protected sex.
↬ Word Count: 2.2k
↬ A/N: I changed the title eight hundred times and will probably change it eight hundred times more so worry not.
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“I’m at the address you told me but this doesn’t look… Very professional…” Yohan’s suspicion seemed to grow the more he examined the building.
“Hey, you need the money yes or not? You just have to go there, record for a bit, take a few pics… You are handsome, I’m sure it will go well.”
“Why aren’t you here? You said you would help me.” He complained once again, a hand brushing his hair back a few times.
“I had to attend a meeting but good luck, yeah?” And just like that, Hangyul hung up on him.
Was he really going to do that? Sell his looks without even telling his parents? He needed the money but didn’t want to worry nor trouble his family asking for it, so when Hangyul offered him a job as a model it looked like the perfect opportunity. But now, being there… Sure, he used to be an ulzzang and all, but modeling was pretty different from all that. He took a deep breath, straightening his posture and finally going in.
Eyes roamed the inside of the building. At least it seemed clean, although it was quite different from the modeling agencies he was used to see, but that might be because it was starting off. He looked for the office number that Hangyul had told him until he finally found it, sitting on one of the chairs right in front of another three guys. At least he wouldn’t have to wait much.
“Sorry, but do you know what the interview consists in?” He leaned in to ask one of the guys, who smiled brightly back at him.
“Ah, you just have to undress and then they will make some personal questions to you, but it’s just that. It’s not like it’s an amazing job anyway.” Yohan nodded, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the idea of having to expose his body, but it made sense since usually the advertisements showed the guys’ abs and such.
He waited patiently, putting on his earphones and listening to some music whilst he observed the rest of the boys go in, be there for some fifteen minutes and get out, their hair slightly ruffled and clothes messy. Maybe they had to change and get their hair done inside to show off different outfits. Finally, a woman opened the door and called for him, nervousness filling his system again.
As he got inside the room, someone was cleaning the floor, the woman that had called him before fixing her make up on a small mirror before fixing her eyes on him, smiling wickedly. He sat on the chair that was in front of the table, his fingers fidgeting.
“Do you have any kind of STDs?” The question shocked him a little, was that what they asked in interviews nowadays? How was that even relevant for modelling?
“Uh, no, I don’t…”
“Do you have a type?”
“T-Type? Of what?” The woman scanned him before licking her lips and standing up, her hand touching his chest and he shut down.
“I’m talking about your taste in women.”
The door opened suddenly as you breathed heavily, staring at the scene in going on in front of you before sighing heavily, dropping your bag on the desk as you pulled your friend aside.
“Can’t you just follow the procedure? I swear you will be getting fired if you keep that up.” Yohan was even more confused now, what was even going on.
“That’s going to be his job anyway! Why can’t I have some fun beforehand?” The older woman winked at him and Yohan just wanted to run away in that exact moment. “Anyway, I covered you so finish with him and wait for the next ones.”
You nodded and signaled her to go away as you took a seat, grabbing the papers and staring at Yohan whilst reading his data.
“Sorry about that. So you are Kim Yohan, 20 years old, clean… Oh, Hangyul sent you?” He nodded quickly in response. “Ah, I see, you must be good then. Let’s proceed, do you have any experience?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand what you are asking…”
“Is it your first time acting in porn videos? I’m sure you have watched many but that doesn’t count as experience.”
He opened his eyes wide, mouth wide as he moved his hands frenetically trying to explain himself, but the words would come as blabbering. You simply waited for him to calm down, giving him a glass of water, his face flushed red. It was kind of cute to see him react like that and the laugh was becoming hard to hold back. Finally, he seemed to be able to put his thoughts in order.
“I don’t– I didn’t know this was a casting for p-p… p-…” “Porn.” “Yeah…”
You nodded a few times before clapping once and walking towards the door, opening it for him. His eyes flew from you to the desk and you again, considering calling Hangyul right then and maybe killing him later.
“You can go if you want, it’s completely good, and these things tend to happen when pranking each other.” There was a little bit of annoyance in your voice, how come he didn’t notice? “You didn’t hear anything? The girl before me tends to make rather physical and loud interviews.”
Oh. Oh. Realization washed over him: the building, the undressing, the personal questions, the guys leaving before him… He felt rather stupid right now.
“I-I need the money…” You felt some guilt at his response and maybe also a little identified, after all that was the reason why you were there as well.
He stood up suddenly, taking off his jacket and throwing it on the floor before his hands went to grab the hem of his shirt but you stopped him, your turn to be surprised and wide eyed to his actions.
“W-What are you doing?”
“One of the guys said that we have to get undressed for the interview, so…”
“No, don’t– Keep your clothes on. That’s what my co-worker does, I don’t do that so you can relax. Sit down and let’s talk a bit.” You went back, sitting on the desk as he sat on the chair again. “Are you virgin?”
“N-No... But I haven’t had much practice on that either.” His cheeks blushed again. You let out a sigh, everything becoming quite more difficult.
“My boss would kill me if I hire you, understand? If you at least had more experience in personal sexual relationships then maybe I could have let it pass, but…” Yohan could feel the opportunity slip off his fingers. It was good money, and it wasn’t like someone would recognize him nor anything like that if he did.
“Help me, please, just– Teach me what you know, or let me prove it to you! I’m good at learning fast, I just need someone to guide me.”
Thoughts were running wild on your mind. Hangyul had talked to you about him, his story, how hard he worked to make his dream come true and not bother his family at the same time, so you felt a little bit sorrowful for him to have to go there. It wasn’t a proud job, you weren’t sure to even call it a job… You considered it a bit. It was true that you had some experience, at least more than the one he had, and especially when it came to the business he was about to get inside of.
“I’m not sure, I feel it might be better if you–” He was in front of you in a flash, his trembling hand on the side of your face before leaning in, giving you desperate kiss.
His soft plea against your mouth, his hand still gentle resting on your cheek, his hair tickling your nose. Arms around his neck, you kissed him back, his hands going down to your hips as he placed between your legs, his raging boner already evident, making you smile. Typical beginner. Your fingers slid down, tracing the shape of his muscles over his clothes until you reached his pants and palmed him, earning a shaky moan from him. Your lips parted slightly and he wasted no time in sliding his tongue in, a shiver running down your spine as he took control, his fingers sliding under your shirt and caressing the skin of your waist before pulling you against him, rubbing his hard on against your core.
One of your arms threw all of the papers on the desk to the floor whilst your other hand held the nape of his neck, his body following yours as you laid back on the cold surface. His fingers came up and started to unbutton your shirt, the light graze of them against your skin made your heart beat faster. His kisses slid down, delaying on your throat for a while before continuing towards your chest and your stomach and finally your pants, tugging and taking them off along with your shoes.
Next time he looked up, he had a hungry stare and a playful smirk whilst he made your underwear aside, licking a stripe up your folds, your voice coming out involuntarily. He took it as an encouragement, diving into your heat as you gripped his hair. His fingers entered you, his lips closing around your clit, humming each time you tugged on his hair. A particular motion of his wrist had your moans hitching up and you came, a proud smile on his face as he licked your juices, any previous sign of innocence had completely disappeared.
“How was that?”
“Pretty good for a beginner but let me show you how it’s done.”
You got off the desk, turning him to stand against it and took off his shirt, biting down on his neck softly as if to not leave any marks but enough to have him bucking his hips before dropping to your knees, freeing his dick quickly and jerking him off. His gaze was fixed on you as he ran his fingers through his hair, the sight making you wet again. Somehow, he was now acting completely confident and it showed in all of the small movements he made. Your tongue ran up and down his shaft, your saliva making it easier to stroke him. The second you put your lips around his tip, he let out a groan throwing his head back, the muscles of his abdomen tightening. You sucked him off, hollowing your cheeks and deep throating him, his hands coming to your hair and holding you down as he shoved his cock into your mouth a few times before stopping.
“I get it now, but if you continue I will cum in seconds and correct me if I’m wrong but porn isn’t all about oral sex.” You chuckled at his remark, opening one of the drawers of the desk, examining his member for a few seconds before grabbing one of the condoms, his expression surprised as you got his size right.
“This is my job.” He laughed before rolling it on, grabbing your thighs and picking you up to place you on the table again, ramming into you without a warning.
His pace was brutal, not giving you a second to get used to his size, and honestly? You loved it. The sound of your moans mixed with his grunts filled the room, his eyes taking in each of your features making you feel shy, hiding your face on his chest. His thrusts were starting to get sloppy and you clenched on purpose, just so he wouldn’t go acting all big later.
“Fuck.” He pulled on your hair, your scalp stinging, your teary eyes staring into his. “Don’t do that again.”
You let out a whimper as he teased your clit with his free hand, his cocky smile annoying you to no avail, so you clenched again and kissed him to distract him. It worked, because soon he was replying, your taste on him, the grip on your hair easing as his arm fell down, wrapping around your waist and carrying you to the nearest wall. The impact left you breathless as he shoved into you, a string of swears dissipating into the air as you came while he fucked you through your orgasm, burying himself deep and spilling into the condom.
He pulled out of you, slightly hissing at the friction, gracefully unhooked your legs and put you down. As both of you dressed up, you tried to take in what had just happened. If Hangyul knew that you had screwed his best friend, he would never stop bothering you about it. Plus how were you going to explain how exactly you let him pass it being that he had no experience whatsoever.
“So… Am I hired?” He seemed quite oblivious to what you two had done… Or maybe he was way more professional than you. Anyway, the way he swayed his body, his hands behind his back, eyebrows raised as he waited for your answer with the same expression a puppy would wait for getting his treat.
“I will call you and let you know, you desperate kid.”
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I actually enjoyed writing this a lot??? I even have ready a second part because I happened to think of it while writing this one?????? Yohan is an inspiring babe. I might have slightly changed some things in the request but hope you can still enjoy it, anon uwu ♥
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returnalpcdownload · 3 years
Returnal PC Download
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hatdigidigidog · 4 years
Philippines vs Thailand Badminton Men's Singles Quarterfinals Sea Games 2019
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Court dimensions
The badminton court is 13.4m long and 6.1m wide. For singles the court is marked 5.18m wide. The lines marking out the court are easily distinguishable and coloured white or yellow. The lines are 40mm wide. A court may be marked out for singles only. The back boundary lines also become the long service lines and the posts or the strips of material representing them are placed on the side lines.
The diagonal full length of the full court is 14.366m.
The posts are 1.55m high from the surface of the court and remain vertical when the net is strained. The posts are placed on the double side lines irrespective of whether singles or doubles is played. The posts or supports must not extend into the court beyond the side lines. Where it is not practicable to have posts on the side lines, some method can be used to indicate the position of the side lines where they pass under the net, eg by the use of thin posts or strips of material 40mm wide, fixed to the side lines and rising vertically to the net cord.
The net is 760mm in depth and a minimum of 6.1m wide. The top of the net from the surface of the court is 1.524m at the centre of the court and 1.55m over the side lines for doubles. There must be no gaps between the ends of the net and the posts. If necessary, the full depth of the net at the ends is tied to the posts.
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Badminton Racket
Modern Badminton Rackets are light in weight and don’t weigh more than 100 grams. The frame of the Racket can be made of common metals like steel or aluminum. Sometimes rackets are made of alloys, tough carbon fiber, ceramic, or boron. Its length does not exceed 680mm and width does not exceed 230 mm.
Sixteen feathers fixed in a cork base enveloped in a thin leather sheet make a shuttlecock. Interestingly, the best Badminton Shuttlecocks are made from feathers from the wing of a goose. The shuttle weighs between 4.74 to 5.50 grams.
Badminton Shoes
A good pair of Badminton Shoes provide good grip, cushioning and some flexibility at the forefoot.
Badminton Accessories
The commonly used Badminton Accessories are Grip, Badminton Clothes, Socks, Wrist Band and Head Band.
A grip made of cloth or synthetic fiber absorbs sweat and provides you a drier feel.
Badminton Clothes
Comfortable T-shirts and shorts, that don’t hinder your movement are ideal to play Badminton. A cotton round-neck or a collar t-shirts with a pair of light shorts are usually preferred.
Wear a pair of thick cotton socks as they help to absorb sweat. They also prevent your feet from slipping inside your shoes. Avoid wearing Nylon socks that don’t absorb sweat.
Wrist Band
If you perspire a lot, you may consider getting a wrist band that prevents your sweat from flowing to your racket handle.
Head Band
Wear a Head Band if you wear spectacles. It prevents your lenses from getting wet and also stops the sweat and hair from getting into your eyes while playing.
Basic Skills
The right grip in holding the racket is really important to achieve control on shots while avoiding the chances of a wrist injury. A proper grip will allow you to play both backhand and forehand strokes effortlessly.
The stance is how you stand while playing badminton, both in between a rally and before the serve. A stable and correct stance will bring a huge change in the results due to easier movement.
Badminton is played on a court with limited space, and the athletes have to take care of the same while playing. Footwork plays a huge role in helping with an effective and organised movement on the court. In fact, some coaches even raise footwork to prime importance over other skills.
Service is among the most basic skill that you need to master in Badminton. Also, you should ensure to make a legal service otherwise it might lead to penalty points.
Drop Shot
Badminton Drop Shots are delicate badminton shots that can win you points that aim at scoring points in deception. Played with both backhand and forehand, these are used to move the opponent to the frontcourt. This creates space in the midcourt and backcourt for you to exploit. There are slow and fast drop shots, played judging the situation.
Clear or Lob
The lob shot in Badminton can be imagined as a shot with an inverted ‘U’ trajectory. It is normally played from the forecourt with an aim to lift or ‘lob’ the shuttle over the opponent. The idea is to land it as near to the baseline as it is, at an angle that is impossible to clear. This is similar to the drop in challenging the opponent with sudden motion backwards this time. It can also be executed by both backhand and forehand. This generally results in the creation of space in the front and midcourt, opening plenty of opportunities.
Technical and Tactical Skills
Technical Skills
The Ready Stance - it is a position in badminton wherein the right stance is readied by the player in order to minimize the amount of movements that would be needed in order to hit the shuttlecock Forehand and Backhand Grip - these are the two basic grips that new players must familiarize themselves with. By doing either of these, it would be much easier for players to control their shots Footwork - it is a necessary skill in order to play badminton. A proper foot walk would help in mastering the sports Strokes - initially, there are four strokes that the player can use.   Underarm Backhand Serve - it is a type of serve that beginners can use
Tactical Skills
Applying pressure on hitting the shuttlecock Position yourself in the central base It would be easier to hit the shuttlecock on the corners of the court Deceive your opponents during singles match
Rules of the Game
A player must wait until his opponent is ready before serving. If the opponent attempts a return then he is ruled having been ready. The feet of both players must remain in a stationary position until the serve is made. Your feet can not be touching the line at this time. It is not a fault if you miss the shuttle while serving. The shuttle cannot be caught and slung with the racket. A player cannot hold his racket near the net to ward off a downward stroke by his opponent or to interfere with his racket.
The shuttle, at the instant of being hit is higher than the servers waist or the head of the racket is higher than the servers racket hand. The shuttle does not land in the correct service court. The server's feet are not in the service court or if the feet of the receiver are not in the court diagonally opposite the server. The server steps forward as he/she serves. Any player balking or feinting his opponent before serve or during serve. A serve or shot that lands outside the court boundaries, passes under or through the net, touches any other obstructions or a players body or clothing. The boundary and service lines are considered in play. The shuttle in play is struck before it crosses the net to the striker's side of the net. You may follow through over the net. A player touching the net or its supports with his body or racket while the shuttle is in play. Hitting the shuttle twice in succession by a player or team.
Scoring System
A match consists of the best of 3 games of 21 points. Every time there is a serve – there is a point scored. The side winning a rally adds a point to its score. At 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first, wins that game. At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point, wins that game. The side winning a game serves first in the next game.
Interval and Change of Ends
A 1 minute interval between each game is allowed. In the third game, players change ends when the leading score reaches 11 points.
Officiating the Game
The officials are the judges responsible to ensure a fair badminton game is being played. They consists of:
The ‘main judge’ for the particular badminton game. He/she has the power to overrule any decisions made by the service judge or line judges. The umpire is the person ensuring that the badminton game is run smoothly and prevent any players from delaying the game play.
Whenever a player requests to change the shuttle, the umpire will need to approve that the change could be made.
The umpire also looks out for faults committed around the net area such as whether a player touched the net when returning the shuttle.
Besides, the umpire is responsible to make a ‘fault’ call when the shuttle touches the player or the players’ attires except for the badminton racket. In badminton, it will be a fault/foul to a player if the shuttle touches any part of that player’s body or attire.
Service Judge: 
The service judge is responsible in making a ‘service fault’ call and to provide shuttles to the players.
Line Judges: 
Line judges sit beside the badminton court (right in front of every in/out lines) to determine whether the shuttle is inside or outside the boundaries of the court.
Their calls are usually very subjective and are often controversial.
A seamlessly flawless victory for the Thailand’s Men Badminton Team has emerged in the 2019 Sea Games against the Philippines. It was an intense battleground fought till the end that had shocked the arena throughout the period of the game. Although the Filipino lost, he still showed determination and key perseverance that had paved way for him to reach that far. Despite such event, it has led both teams to pursue more on the strife of becoming better players that would soon reach the heights of endless possibilities. Overall, it was a fair and just game that showed great precision in officiating the game and calling calls, and the totality of the set-up has showed professionalism all throughout.
VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTm2dbteyt4
Department of  Local Government, Sport, and Cultural Industries. (n.d.). Badminton. Retrieved  from www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au:  https://www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au/sport-and-recreation/sports-dimensions-guide/badminton#:~:text=The%20badminton%20court%20is%2013.4,The%20lines%20are%2040mm%20wide.
Heda, R. (2019,  July 5). 7 basic badminton skills you can learn without coaching.  Retrieved from Kreedon.com: https://www.kreedon.com/basic-badminton-skills/
MST. (n.d.). Badminton  Rules. Retrieved from web.mst.edu:  https://web.mst.edu/~ima/rules/Badmintonrules.html
TutorialsPoint.  (n.d.). Badminton- Equipment. Retrieved from www.tutorialspoint.com:  https://www.tutorialspoint.com/badminton/badminton_equipment.htm
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VivaVideo: Video editing for free - Apps on Google Play
In addition to videos, you can also create beautiful collages from your last beach vacation, which you can embellish creatively with stickers and picture effects. The often extensive video editors offer almost exclusively a voluntary premium upgrade.
Types of Apps: Native Apps and WebApps
Alternatively, you can have your work shared on online platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo. Hollywood strips have already been cut with the video editing software Lightworks from EditShare LLC. The full version of the professional tool therefore also costs an annual license of at least € 170. For experienced YouTubers with high demands on video editing, we recommend the standard Final Cut Pro X or our favorites Adobe Premiere. With comparatively generous content, even for free users, the FilmoraGo - video editor is likeable straight away. Tools are available here without restrictions and there are no annoying watermarks. We can also flexibly adjust the playback speed - or simply reverse it. The video editor and photo-video maker processes videos with effects, stickers and sound effects.
Explanation of terms: What is an app?
The operation of the app is unfortunately only explained in English-language help files. However, after a while you will surely figure out how it works. The app has features similar to the tools mentioned so far. It can cut videos, offers effects and zoom functions, can convert the videos into time-lapse and slow motion and provide its own outros.
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Via XML, projects from mobile systems such as iOS can also be transferred better.
For this you need a Creative Cloud subscription for Adobe After Effects.
You can either divide the layout according to your ideas or use one of the preset modes.
After you have put the loaded videos in the correct order using "Move up" and "Move down" , choose an output format and click "Join".
You can cut, edit, insert effects and transitions and import them directly from the camera or mobile phone. Windows Movie Maker is a simple editing program with which all beginners will quickly find their way. FilmoraGo for iOS has everything you need to edit videos on your iPhone quickly and easily. If you want, you can even underlay your recordings with music from the integrated audio library. Operation could not be easier, the app automatically improves several aspects of your videos, but leaves you sufficient freedom of choice. The app can also combine photos and images into attractive and dynamically animated slideshows. We also use snapshots to create vivid video clips with several audio tracks, text tools and with varied transitions. With more than 100 f-stops, the editor also puts vacation photos together to create eye-catching clips; we can determine the duration of the transitions ourselves. Music and background images are available for free download and the resolution of videos and audio files can be flexibly determined. This also applies to the repetition of images in all the videos made - unfortunately, supple 60 FPS are only available here after a paid upgrade. Final Cut Pro X includes a substantial number of video and audio effects (over a hundred each). You can individually design each of the effects. If you integrate additional special effects functions via plug-ins, Final Cut binds them get more info directly on the user interface. A similar tool will assist you in preparing short videos with animated text for social media. It exports your project to platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. This video editing program for Windows and Mac helps you to easily create brilliant videos. YouTubers therefore appreciate the software very much. And after video editing, you can upload the video directly to YouTube. This website uses cookies to offer the best possible functionality. If you continue to use the website, we assume your consent. Audio editing at PowerDirector is limited to the most necessary tools. To do this, you can enhance your video with visual effects such as filters and titles. In addition, sounds recorded via the microphone can be inserted.
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bloglinespe-blog · 6 years
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Stop Motion Video Imovie Road Trip [2018] #StopMotionVideo Imovie WOW Great #RoadTrip in Not So #SunnySouthAfrica Port Elizabeth
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doraemoonnn-blog · 5 years
Soccer Jersey Information You Need To Know About
Ever wonder how those professional soccer players get to become very good? If you're like most people you probably wonder what it takes to have all these great skills that you see your favorite players possess. If you would like to learn some great tips that the pro's use to become great players, then continue ahead to the following article.
Always keep your eyes open. If you are fortunate enough to get the ball, pass it to the person that you think can advance toward the goal, even if that is not you. Be selfless in order to help your team win. However, in order to follow this piece of advice, you have to be vigilant and know what is happening on the field at all times.
To become a great soccer player always wear cheap soccer jersey , you must be very active in the game. Join a local team and show up for all practices. Look into local soccer clubs you can join. Find out all you can about the history of the cheap football kits clubs in your area. The better your skills, the better club you can apply to.
Learn how to freeze a defender. Doing this causes the defender that's coming after you to stop in their tracks to figure out your next move, which gives you time to maneuver around the field. To do this, act like you're going for a long kick or shot just before they reach you. If done correctly, they'll either turn to a side to cease the fake motion or freeze to see what you're doing next.
Scan the field for an open player if you find yourself boxed in. This allows several seconds before the opposing team crosses the field, so the risk of losing control of the ball is lessened.
When teaching your kids how to play soccer and purchase cheap soccer jerseys , make sure they learn how to dribble. Many learn by simply kicking the ball ahead and chasing after it, but this doesn't provide any control and allow the opponent to steal it. Have them run slow and use different parts of their feet to maintain the ball in front of them. Teach them to stop it on one spot with a gentle tap down on the top of the ball when dribbling to set it up for a pass.
If you're in the center of the field, make sure to pay attention to both ends. Be prepared to get the ball from a player on one end and immediately get it transferred to the other. You need to figure out where people are defending and who is open all the time.
When you are training for soccer in between seasons, try to do exercises that you actually enjoy. People have a hard time doing things regularly that they dread. You need to train, so it would be a good idea for you to find a training regimen you will look forward to doing.
Before each soccer match, make sure you take the time to do some pregame warm-ups and stretching. By following this pregame ritual, you will decrease your chances of sustaining a connective tissue injury. By providing additional blood flow to your muscles, tendons and ligaments, warm-ups and stretching increases your body's flexibility. Your lower body should be the focus of your stretching exercises.
There are three essential skills all cheap soccer jersey online players must master. They are dribbling, shooting and passing. These skills can not be developed overnight. They require many hours of practice. By doing drills from a stationary position, a beginner can begin developing these three must-have skills. As a player becomes more proficient in these drills, add in some motion.
Watch how a professional that plays your position and learn new strategies by watching him or her perform. Try incorporating his techniques into your own game. If you find that a player has moves that are their signature ones, you can use them when you play too.
It is very important that you eat a light meal before playing soccer, but make sure that you eat something that is not very heavy. You meal should contain a lot of carbs and it should be eaten a couple of hours prior to you heading out on the field to play.
When you are on the soccer field, try your best to keep a positive attitude and avoid foul language. When coaches feel like you are difficult to deal with they will find every excuse they can to keep you sitting on the bench, so be as pleasant as you can be.
Choose your soccer shoes according to the type of field you will be playing on. If your game will be on the grass, you will need a cleat with enough traction. Shoes with permanent cleats are an excellent option. These cleats have different patterns so that it's easier for you firmly grip the ground.
If you have a bad showing in a cheap football shirts game, don't make excuses for yourself. If you didn't play well, try to figure out what went wrong. Don't let your ego keep you from learning from your mistakes and finding ways you can improve. Being honest with yourself can help you do better next time.
Watch videos of other soccer players to improve your own game. This is especially effective right before a game. Analyze what the player is doing, and consider how you can incorporate that into your own technique. Experiment with different styles and strategies you observe in other great players in order to step up your own skills.
When you are coaching soccer, you should avoid complication. Keep your coaching technique light, fun and simple. Be sure that you really are a good soccer player before you set yourself up to teach someone else. You will have a lot easier time of it, and your soccer team will take you more seriously.
As you can see from the article you just read, there are certain things that the pro's do in order to become great at their sport. You too can learn these skills by taking the tips you just learned about and using them to practice. Becoming a good player is simple when you have great tips such as these.
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