#stop travelling to uae
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"UAE Kills Sudanese people. Boycott the UAE. No more vacations to Dubai while Sudanese blood spills."
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good-old-gossip · 1 month
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A record number of people worldwide were displaced last year, according to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre. Its research shows nearly 76 million people were forced from their homes. Most were displaced by conflict and violence; others by natural disasters.
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houpss · 3 months
🧊–return to masterlist ¡! ✥
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"Good day, this is JYP ENTERTAINMENT. 26.12.2021 Lily Hwang of Stray Kids is taking a rest due to worsening panic attacks and anxiety disorder, which is why her activities are suspended for a while. All of Stray kids' next events, comebacks and promotions will be released without her participation until she is fully recovered! We ask fans for understanding and all possible support, she asked you not to worry about her.JYPE will consider the artist's health a top priority and will do everything possible to support Lily's speedy recovery."
Then this statement from the Company shocked everyone and everyone was very upset by this development of events. Hundreds of thousands of letters of support were written to Lily in the bubble, they never forgot about her and encouraged her. MANIAC's comeback came out without her participation, but the students were so upset because Lily was in the teaser and in the video, but she was not in the promo or other songs.Lily appeared for the first time since her return to the bubble in May (01.05.2022), writing two messages:
[🐻]::Y/n!! hi, I feel much better. did you hear that the boys will have a world tour?:) Please visit it! I promise you'll like it (06:19 a.m)
[🐻]::I miss you and the boys, pain makes us stronger (08:32 a.m)
On the first day of the STRAY KIDS world tour in Seoul, Lily came to the concert with Mingi and Tenshi (she was the only one who was very scared), sitting in the front rows and she was shown on the big screen at the end of the concert, the boys burst into tears and were very happy to see her because they didn't know about her arrival at the concert, Lily also cried, and then she was allowed to go up on stage and they all stood there together and cried,they hugged so much:((( I can say that it was a difficult concert without Lily and the first concert after the pandemic, the boys were very upset and happy to see Stay again, but so tearful because of Lily. (this moment went viral everywhere), (date 05.05.2022)
On July 31, 2022, the video and song TIME OUT were released, with the release of which Lily left the rest, and the students were in great shock and also cried when they saw Lily in the video and heard her voice, everyone was incredibly happy about it. Then Lily wrote in the bubble:
[🐻]::Next to Y/n I am stronger, I promise to work and work and make my baby Y/n happy (11:02 p.m)
[🐻]::War is over (reference to the song) (11:07 p.m)
[🐻]::Oh...do you want for me to stay with you? (11:10 p.m)
[🐻]::During these seven months my life has become better! all thanks to Y/n's support~ (11:12 p.m)
[🐻]:: I missed you too, baby! let's continue to work harder so that we move forward together (11:15 p.m)
[🐻]:: I traveled a lot and went to a psychotherapist, so I felt better... (11:18 p.m)
[🐻]:: My close friends and boys helped me a lot (11:27 p.m)
[🐻]:: I don’t regret that the MANIAC comeback was without me! so Y/n saw the boys' talents to the fullest (11:28 p.m)
[🐻]:: Should I live onair tomorrow??
[🐻]:: I'll carry it out! and we'll have fun! (11:30 p.m)
[🐻]:: And now I'm going to bed! soft dreams, baby 🩷 (11:35 p.m)
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Lily suffered all these seven months, she was terribly ill. She did not leave the room, did not eat, and did not communicate with anyone. Even SKZ couldn’t get her out of this state, not to mention Lily’s friends. Then Donghyun arrived from New York and, together with Kiri and Tenshi, began working on Lily’s condition. They organized a tour for her to different countries: Italy, France, Canada, Greece, UAE, Japan, Great Britain, and she also visited the Maldives. Lily even thought about committing suicide if it weren’t for Seungmin, who saw the prerequisites in time and sent Lily along with Chan to a psychotherapist (Lily refused to go alone). She wanted to quit K-pop completely, but her close people stopped her. What about Lily's parents? They didn’t know about it, or rather, Lily’s mother knew and quietly sent her money for treatment, but her father simply didn’t care. he abandoned his daughter back in 2017.
I can say that everyone handled Lily's rest differently, but it was hard. I think Felix and Jongin were the most depressed,Changbin hid his fears within himself , Minho became more irritable and Jisung was anxious without Lily...what about Chan and Hyunjin? They saw Lily most at this time, perhaps she only let them in and sometimes Felix, she didn’t want to see others. Seungmin observed the situation from afar and he was the one who helped her the most, but is not visible.
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
🔅Wed morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
🔻3 rounds of rockets at northern towns, including Rosh HaNikra.  1 round of anti-tank fire.
🔹BIDEN SAYS.. “Hamas has now become the only obstacle to achieving an immediate ceasefire and providing aid to civilians in Gaza.”  Amit Segal notes: “At the beginning of the war, Biden supported the overthrow of Hamas. Now the overarching goal is the cessation of fighting and aid to the Gazans.”  (( And we add: ‘nor security for Israel. Hamas’s ‘use our own population as human shields and examples for Western pity’, fully successful. ))
🔹BAD ISRAELI POLITICS.. Opposition leader MK Lapid (Yesh Atid), after traveling to the US without coordination with the Israeli government, is now traveling to the UAE for “meetings”.  War Cabinet member and leader of National Unity MK Gantz will meet in the afternoon with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, together with War Cabinet member MK Gadi Eisenkot and with Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Mike Herzog at Kibbutz Yad Mordechai.
🔹ECONOMY - RISE IN DAIRY PRICES.. Tnuva announced an increase in the prices of its price-controlled dairy products by a rate of 4.48% starting tomorrow. In addition, the prices of Tnuva's other dairy products and Sunfrost, Delicacies, Mama Chicken and Tirat Zvi products will be increased after Independence Day. 
🔹NEW PROTEST - ATTACK NOW..  "The road to victory passes through Rafah”, hundreds of bereaved families of fallen IDF soldiers will establish the "Heroic Encampment in Jerusalem" opposite the Knesset to protest for VICTORY NOW.
🔹AID PROTEST.. The Allenby crossing was blocked to the movement of aid trucks by activists of the "Order 9" movement, despite a closed military area order imposed on the place, stopping hundreds of trucks headed from Jordan to Hamas.
🔹HOUTHIS REACHING FARTHER.. with an attack 600 km from Yemen in the Indian Ocean on a cargo ship owned by an Israeli.  The question raised: how did the Houthis manage to carry out a naval attack from a long distance on a moving target, without having a naval fleet or satellites?  Who’s providing targeting data?
🔹HOUTHIS TELL AMERICANS OFF.. The Houthis again rejected American incentives and offers in exchange for the cessation of attacks in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden (and now the Indian Ocean). The Houthis sent messages to the United States and Britain through intermediaries warning of "severe retaliation" if their attacks against Yemen continued.
🔹EMEK HULA - DRILL.. an extensive military exercise is expected to take place in the Emek Hula area - as part of which a lively movement of forces will be felt.  It’s a DRILL.
🔹US TO BEGIN ACCEPTING GAZA REFUGEES?  A CBS news report based on an internal document between various government agencies: according to the document, the Biden administration is considering transferring to the US a group of Gazans from the Strip who will be accepted as refugees, including an option for permanent status.
🔹UK - IRAN GUARDS NOT TERRORISTS.. British Foreign Minister David Cameron told the House of Lords in London that defining the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization "is not in Britain's interest”.
.. Qatari Al-Arabi Al-Jadid newspaper from Egyptian sources: an Israeli delegation that included senior officials from the Shin Bet, the IDF and the Mossad arrived in Cairo for an urgent visit that lasted about 3 hours.  They received a revised document containing the comments and corrections that Hamas demanded be added.  ROTTER denies.
..  Security official: If the answer doesn't come by tomorrow evening, we won't wait any longer.
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axel-skz · 11 months
Felix x Reader
[Credit for basic plot line:@/read_between.the_wines on tiktok]
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You had moved away for travelling which turned into semi permanent residency all over the place while you explored to your hearts content. It was a very fulfilling trip. You had made so many wonderful friends and seen landmarks you had only ever dreamed of as a child.
But it was time to come home. The non stop calls from your family and friends had finally shattered your resolve to be away.
Especially your twin brother, Jisung. He had traveled from time to time for his work and by some miracle, you had crossed paths twice.
Out in the wild… if you can consider Los Angeles and the UAE wild.
It was so comforting to see him and spend a few days with him whenever you guys were close. You missed home but you pushed through to resume your travels.
Not anymore. He had made it his mission to pester you till you came home. Him mentioning your favourite [insert favourite comfort snack here] that were exclusive to Korea finally did the trick.
He was proud of himself, knowing food was your weakness. You practically inhaled them as a kid. Your brother was put off of them specifically because of it. But now they served his purpose.
You had taken the first flight back after tying up all the loose ends you had. You had spent a year in a location and then moved to another for a year. It was exhilarating but very time consuming. You had been gone for years.
When you got back, it was like you were home but also like you knew no one. You didn’t mind of course but it felt a little strange.
You were now at the airport entrance. You had taken your luggage and were waiting for your brother.
What you got though, was only an eighth of what you expected. Although you didn’t realise this because a random man was waiting for you with a sign that had your name on it. A massive van type thing with blacked out windows was waiting for you behind him. Much like the boys used on tour.
You expected to be in for a peaceful drive before you got home to a chaotic welcome from everyone who had ever uttered your name in this country. You didn’t get that luxury because once you opened the door, your brother pulled you in.
Almost like you were being kidnapped.
Because that’s always great.
When the initial surprise wore off you hugged him back tightly, ‘Heyyy Ji! I missed you sooo much!’
‘Only half as much as I missed you then,’ as he pulled away, you noticed the other boys… all of them…
While Jisung closed the door, you properly said hello to everyone. Waving and smiling politely. You sat down and everyone asked you how your travels had been seen they last saw you.
You had managed to get well acquainted with them all the times where you were with Jisung.
You all talked until you got home and you had a massive welcome, like you had expected. After an hour or two pf pleasantries, you excused yourself and finally rested.
This was the first time in what felt like forever that you didn’t have any plans on going anywhere. You took a nice break for a couple days.
The food at home was amazing and you had missed eating with your family. It was hectic but you loved it. The boys were over a lot and you all hung out.
You had gotten especially close to Felix. He called himself the stand in twin while you were away from Ji because they were both born a day apart. He was funny and he played games with you online while you were travelling. In the times where you were on a plane or had a day where you weren’t going out, you would call him and the both of you would talk and play stuff together.
It felt more like you had a few friends here because of all of them.
It was late at night and you were hungry so you had decided to get something to eat from the convenience store. It wasn’t too far and you wanted to stretch your legs. When you got there, you were browsing when you noticed there was another boy here too. You kept that in mind just to be safe but he was suddenly getting closer to you. It freaked you out.
You were about to walk away when he said, ‘hey! Y/N?’ You were shocked when he said your name and you turned around with a puzzled look. ‘Sorry if I freaked you out. I’m Jake. From your maths class if you remember.’
You looked at him carefully and realised that you did remember him. He sat right at the back and you guys worked together like twice. He had really grown up since then. He had a charming look to him and you kind of liked his smile. ‘Oh, hi. My bad for not realising.’
‘No, it’s ok. Anyway, last I heard you were off somewhere far away. Our small country being too small to hold such a big spirit and all I’m guessing?’ He joked.
‘In a sense, I guess,’ you laughed a little, ‘it was fun and I learned a lot. I got back a couple days ago.’
‘I can’t imagine better tteokbokki anywhere else,’ he quipped.
‘That is correct! Nothing more authentic then how my mum makes it,’ you laughed again
‘Umm so, before I go, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime. I get if it’s too soon but I liked you a little back in school and it killed me that I never told you. OH! That is if you aren’t totally into an international boy,’ he looked nervous but hopeful.
You smiled and considered it for a second. You hadn’t been on a date in a long time. It wouldn’t hurt to go on one now. Might be fun. ‘You know what, yeah. Sure.’
His smile got bigger and he looked a lot cuter. You couldn’t help but get a little bubbly feeling inside. You guys swapped phone numbers and adorably said an awkward goodbye. You went home after getting what you needed, which he had very sneakily paid for.
You were excited for the date. You and Jake had been texting for a couple days and you were getting along very well.
He was taking you to a restaurant that he liked quite a lot. He had come to get you in a nice light pink shirt which you smiled at. ‘Making a statement there. Pink is everyone’s colour. I support!’
‘Right. That’s totally why. Not because my roommate did my laundry and turned everything pink,’ he smirked. You guys talked as you made your way to the restaurant.
‘The only concerning thing there for me is, why is your roommate doing your laundry?’
‘He lost a bet.’
‘Oh? What bet?’
‘Ok don’t laugh. I have a big mouth…’
‘Great way to start a story,’ you tried to hold your laugh in, ‘very informative and engaging.’
‘I feel like I’m being critiqued.’
‘I give you an 8 out of 10 for that beginning.’
He gasped dramatically, ‘hey! I’m trying here! I deserve a million out of 10.’
‘Ok pouty, continue your story, please?’
‘Well, since you asked so nicely,’ he winked at you jokingly, ‘I bet him that I could fit more marshmallows in my mouth. We bet that whoever lost would do a whole year’s laundry for the winner.’
‘So you essentially cheated your roommate into doing your laundry.’
‘I didn’t cheat. I used my assets. It’s strategic.’
You laughed, ‘your strategic asset being your gaping mouth.’
‘It sounds weird when you say it,’ he frowned which made you laugh even more.
You guys got to the restaurant and you really liked the food they served. It was slowly getting weirder talking to him though. He was making jokes that were distasteful and bragging about strange things he had done. He had been hinting on taking you home so you guys could ‘do stuff’? It felt uncomfortable to you but you pushed through to the end of the date.
He paid for dinner after insisting then was very blatant on you coming back with him. They were packing up your leftovers when you excused yourself to go to the bathroom.
You were panicked as you tried to call your brother. To your dismay though, he didn’t pick up. You decided to try texting Felix instead. He was online a lot so you knew would be near his phone.
Hey Lix, there’s a dude I’m on a date with and he’s creeping me out.
*Location shared*
Can you come get me? Ji won’t pick up the phone.
You there?
You waited a couple minutes but there were no replies. You were freaking out as you went back out to him. You tried to think of a good plan on how you could get yourself out of this.
You sat across him while the food was still taking too long to pack up. Jake spoke kindly, as if the last hour hadn’t just happened. The waiter walked over with your food but with his every step, your dread grew.
Suddenly, the door was flung open. It made a loud noise when it came into contact with the wall. You looked over with surprise, lo and behold, there was Felix. He looked around and when he spotted you, he quickly made his way to you.
The whole restaurant stared as he put a bike helmet on your head, ‘get up, we’re leaving.’
Jake had to intervene, ‘hey, she’s with me dude. We’re leaving together.’
Felix looked at him with a stare that you had never seen on him before. His muscles tensed as he leaned a little closer to Jake, ‘I was not speaking to you. Say another word to me and I’ll knock you so hard, your ancestors will cry.’
That seemed till shut him up as he looked somewhere between alarmed, confused and embarrassed.
You got up and Felix tightly held your hand and lead you out with him. You both got on his bike and when you were safely on, he drove you home.
When he came to a stop in front of your house, you awkwardly let go of his waist as you both got off the bike. You took of the helmet on your head and put it on the bike. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was going to go so badly… I hope I didn’t disturb you too much-’
‘Hold on a second. Look, I was with the guys when you texted me-‘
Your eyes widened, ‘oh my god I’m sorry! I must’ve-‘
‘HOLD ON! I saw your text and I didn’t even think twice. I got up without telling them where I was going and I went straight to you.’
You looked at him with shock.
‘You will alway come first.’
‘What? What does that mean?’
He leaned closer to you and you leaned on the bike, ‘you. Will. Always. Come. First.’ He looked at you with intense eye contact.
‘What about my brother,’ you questioned as you looked up at him. His hands were resting on either side of you, caging you in. As if you could leave now anyway.
‘Before him too,’ he whispered. He was so close. You couldn’t help but look at his beautiful freckles before you looked up into his eyes again.
It only lasted a second before you both closed your eyes and you could feel his breathe on your lips before he kissed you.
Only for a second though and it was the lightest kiss you had ever felt. He pulled away and smiled slightly while the butterflies in your stomach went wild, ‘I want to do this properly with you. We’ll revisit it in a couple days. When you haven’t just gotten away from a terrible date with the village freak.’
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A/N: BRO! I was gonna sleep.
Felix: why couldn’t you?
Because I woke up all night and I realised if I put off posting this I’ll screw myself over again by doing it in the middle of the night…
Felix patted my head: it’s ok. You can sleep after then.
🥹 I hope so!
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hypaalicious · 5 months
NGL y'all, it's been rough.
On the surface, I guess you could say I'm doing alright. I have a roof over my head, adequate food to eat (most of the time), good friends and family to rely on... But when I say this world has beaten me down to pieces, it definitely has.
COVID was the first chink in the armor. Watching the entire world basically shrug off mass death and try to blithely live like it's still 2019 despite a pandemic raging worse than ever with less protections than we had before is wild. Don't matter how much facts you have to show to people, they will ignore it and then also in the same breath wonder why everyone's sick all the time. I mourn the children who aren't protected, who are sent into schools with no masks to become disabled/chronically ill for the rest of their lives. I mourn the immunocompromised who are trapped indefinitely in their homes because the world has moved on from pretending to care about COVID. It's been 4 years. Time doesn't even feel real. Then October 7th happened, and I get to watch a genocide happen in occupied Palestine in real time. Now, if you don't know me, then you may not know that I generally avoid rated R live action movies because I am a wuss and can't take the explicit violence and gore in a lot of them. I went from that, to watching lives of Palestinians recording their loved ones blown up, carrying their remains in plastic bags, IDF psychos shooting women and children in the back, the despair and anguish of Palestinians being corralled, starved, poisoned just because they exist. I have irrevocably been changed by bearing witness to this horror. Writing my script for my game has slowed down to a crawl. I close my eyes at night to sleep, and dream about the devastation I witnessed. I wake up and see even worse horrors, all unchecked by world powers. I get on Facebook and see people carrying on with life as if nothing is happening at all. I don't... I feel like I'm looking at society from the opposite side of a glass window. Everything has lost its color. How can I care about movies, video games, traveling, etc when it all just serves as a distraction to the ugly reality that cannot be ignored? I don't care about celebs and their drama. I don't care about the regurgitated mess Hollywood puts out. I don't care about what overpriced AAA game is highly anticipated. I do not care at all. The climate is fucked up and I see venture capitalists literally selling pieces of iceburgs to rich folks in the UAE for cocktails like it's nothing. People wanna talk about what new restaurant opened up and all I can think of is the fact that a singular bell pepper is like $2. A musical artist announces a tour and all I see are more superspreader events where people won't mask then bring home viruses to their families. Is this the future we want? Hell, will we HAVE a future? We, collectively, will rue the day we sat around and did nothing to stop all of this. And I fear that day will come very soon.
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suncitytours · 6 months
Embrace the Sun: Exploring Abu Dhabi on a Sun City Tour from Dubai
As the golden rays of the sun illuminate the vibrant landscapes, Sun City Tours beckons travelers on an extraordinary adventure from Dubai to the enchanting city of Abu Dhabi. Embark on a journey that promises not just a change of scenery but a transformative exploration through the heart of the United Arab Emirates.
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With Sun City Tours as your guide, traverse the captivating Route from Dubai to Abu Dhabi, immersing yourself in the contrasting yet harmonious tapestries of these Emirati gems. The day unfolds with each stop revealing the grandeur and allure that define Abu Dhabi's essence.
As the tour commences, bid farewell to Dubai's glittering skyline and embrace the allure of Abu Dhabi's rich heritage. The voyage through the Dubai-Abu Dhabi Motorway with City Tours offers not just a drive but a narrative, weaving through small towns, each whispering tales of the UAE's culture and heritage.
Iconic Landmarks and Cultural Treasures
The Abu Dhabi City Tour from Dubai, curated by us, leads travellers on a cultural odyssey. Witness the majestic Sheikh Zayed Mosque, an architectural marvel that stands as a beacon of the nation's cultural identity. The opulent Emirates Palace Hotel awaits, adorned with breathtaking domes and exquisite opulence.
Heritage, Tradition, and Modern Marvels
Explore the bustling central souks, brimming with local handicrafts and an opportunity to test your bargaining skills. Dive into the roots of Emirati tradition at the Abu Dhabi Heritage Village, followed by a pause at the Abu Dhabi Breakwater Point, offering a panoramic view of the city's stunning skyline.
The Journey's End and Beyond
The tour isn't just a chronicle of historical landmarks but also a glimpse into modernity. The Marina Mall, the iconic Coin Tower, the Presidential Palace, and the adrenaline rush at the Formula 1 Yas Marina Circuit await travellers, concluding with a quick stop at the Ferrari theme park and Yas Island.
With departures from various locations in Dubai, our Sun City Tours ensures a seamless and immersive Abu Dhabi city tour. This journey offers not just sightseeing but an unrivaled chance to absorb the culture, history, and modernity of the UAE, leaving travelers with memories to cherish and stories to tell.
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catdotjpeg · 8 months
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My family home was supposed to be in the safe zone in southern Gaza. But last week the bombs came anyway, without warning. They fell at around 10 o’clock on Thursday morning in four or five big explosions. An entire residential quarter of the Khan Yunis refugee camp, where I was born and raised, was reduced to rubble. Everyone there experienced it as an earthquake; a human-made earthquake. The whole camp was shaking.
I’ve counted 49 dead – among them are 36 members of my family. Another dozen or more are still missing under the rubble of eight homes, I’m told, and more than 100 are injured.
I now reside in Canada but my family home still stands in that same Khan Yunis camp, metres away from where the bombs fell, and it is where much of my extended family still live. This home is all we have left from our late parents and grandparents after they were driven out of Beit Daras village and into the Gaza Strip during the 1948 Nakba – the mass expulsion of Palestinians. Thousands of people were forced to leave our village back then and many made their way to Khan Yunis. Initially intended as a temporary stop until they could return to their homes, families from Beit Daras preferred to live in close proximity to one another. Over time, this temporary arrangement evolved into an enduring one.
These homes were packed with additional people who had fled from the Israeli bombardment of Gaza City when the bombs started to fall – one family to each room. I want to tell you about some of the lives cut short.
Two-year-old Julia Abu Hussein, my sister’s granddaughter, was in the living room of my family home eagerly awaiting the arrival of my niece, Rasha, to take her to the shop to buy sweets. When the first bombs fell, Julia’s mother, Rawan, grabbed her daughter and ran into the kitchen with the rest of the family. But a piece of shrapnel blasted into the kitchen and killed Julia in her mother’s arms.
Just two weeks ago, Julia’s parents – my nephew Amjad and his wife, Rawan –followed the Israeli military’s orders to get out of Gaza City, leaving their home and moving south in search of safety. Together with my sister’s family, it took them three days to travel less than 20 miles to Khan Yunis – for three days we believed they were dead. It’s 2023 but it’s like we woke up to 1948. People running again in search for safety. When they arrived in the “safe zone” they realised that no place in the Gaza Strip was actually safe.
My 79-year-old great-uncle, Nayif Abu Shammala, a retired teacher, and his wife, Fathiya, were among the survivors of the Nakba. They lived right across from us and died there under the bombs. Their three daughters and four sons were killed, too.
When she was young, one of them, Aisha, was known as the cutest face in the camp. She was one of those people who radiated happiness. Her sister Dawlat had been living in the UAE and was on a visit home to see her family when the bombs fell. She leaves behind two children and a husband who did not even get the chance to bid her a final farewell. The youngest of the sisters, Umaima, and her daughter Malak had also fled the bombardment in the north. But the bombs caught up with them anyway.
Nayif and Fathiya’s sons – Zuhair, Hassan, Mahmoud and Mohammed – all died alongside their wives. The lives of Hassan’s three children were sacrificed to the bombs as well. These children are not distant strangers; they were beautiful souls I knew well. Children whose character-filled faces I can still see. Children who told me of their dreams for the lives ahead of them. All now ground into the dust.
Why did Israel kill them? The family has no political affiliations. Nothing can justify this heinous crime of killing three generations unless being Palestinian is the crime.
My great-aunt, Um Said, lived a long life, at least. She was 92 and was at home with her daughter, Najat, when the bombs fell. They both now find their resting place under the rubble.
Last summer while I visited Gaza, Um Said kindly gave me an embroidered dress that she once wore. She insisted that I take it back to Canada with me. I am grateful that I did. It’s all that I have left to remember her by.
I am struggling to find new ways of describing death – gone, taken, dead, under the rubble, their souls in heaven. The Israeli propaganda machine tells me that they aren’t dead at all because Palestinians must be lying about the numbers of deaths even as we mourn. Or, if they are indeed dead, then they must be “terrorists”.
In truth, the list of dead innocents is so long and so painful. So many children. So many who led good lives. Um Said’s daughter-in-law, Suhaila, was a teacher. So was Imtiyaz, the wife of Asa’ad, my first cousin once removed, who ran a small grocery shop that was a favourite place for my own son, Aziz, to visit when we returned to our homeland.
Asa’ad was known throughout the Khan Yunis camp as a gentle soul who sold goods for little money. He kept a thick ledger of the names of people who owed him payment but often forgot to call in his debts or he simply wrote them off. His beaming face, his shop, his kindness and his family were all stolen from us in broad daylight. When the bombs fell, Asa’ad’s shop was packed. I counted at least six children who died there. Asa’ad’s sons, Hussein and Abdelrahman, a third year medical student, were among the dead.
I want to ask President Biden why he supports this. Does he believe that the pain of an Israeli mother is different from that of a Palestinian mother? Is her blood more valuable than the blood of those in Gaza? This is the only explanation that I can find for what Biden is encouraging in Gaza.
Surviving family members send me pictures from Khan Yunis. Of Julia’s bloody body wrapped in a white sheet and carried by my cousin Jameel. Of destroyed homes. This is just one small slice of the suffering being served up in Gaza. I understand that in a war civilians die. But this is a pattern. Israel talks of Hamas-run schools and Hamas-run hospitals to continue the dehumanisation of Palestinians and to set the stage for more crimes. It’s just an excuse to kill more civilians. This is targeting the very existence of the Palestinians. To me, this is genocide.
-- "From my hometown in Gaza, the unthinkable news: 36 of my family members are dead" by Ghada Ageel for The Guardian, 1 Nov 2023
Ghada Ageel is a third-generation Palestinian refugee who worked as a translator for the Guardian in Gaza from 2000 to 2006.
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and on my blog.
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tetsunabouquet · 27 days
I hope this post gets noticed and reblogged. The Netherlands has been trying to reduce the flights from Schiphol Airport but first America (particularly American Airlines) has bullied us into 're-thinking' it and now people are starting the conversation again the Emirates (the airline) are threatening us with lawsuits and countermeasures like reducing flights from the KLM. Not only is this extremely petty and are they essentially bullying a small country into submission, it's also not fair. As a country, the United Arab Emirates are twice our size and the US is like 80 times our size. In the current housing crisis, something that I don't know is even happening in the UAE, a country like America can easily build entire cities with the lands they have, and airports in the middle of nowhere. In the Netherlands, our country is getting more cramped and more cramped to the point we are pushing back against immigration as we are simply FULL. If the Schiphol airport becomes less crowded, it would be both good for the enviroment and it would make it a bit more attractive for people to start living in the area again as currently it's practically inhabitable with the number of flights Schiphol has. I'm sorry but housing and the enviroment is literally a thousand times more important then corporate greed and foreign travellers' needs. A country like the US can easily keep going at the rate they're at, we simply CAN'T. We're too small of a country to be able to host this level of flights! If all of you really care about the enviroment as so many of you say you do, stand in solidarity with the Dutch and boycott American Airlines and the airline of the UAE. Show them that its wrong to bully a tiny country that's been exploited by their previous corrupt government that sold out its own people for over a decade to foreign bussinesses and gave us the biggest gap between the rich and poor in Europe. Mark Rutte's strategy was as the Dutch government is divided in over a dozen parties, to keep enough people rich to back up his party who'd always be the winning one because the poor votes would be divided amongst too many parties to actually mean a thing. Until his regime finally crashed because they were attempting to force town councils to accept refugees when there is zero space for them, smaller countries should have fewer refugees but people like the EU don't give a fuck if a small country is reaching their maximum capacity of civilians. All of you blocking celebrities because of the met Gala's hunger games vibes? If you have ever been interested into going to the Netherlands for a trip, don't go to Amsterdam. Go to Rotterdam. The most important harbor city of Europe with its own airport and stop to many international trains too. You'd think its rich, but its the poorest city of the country. Compare the luxurious city center with areas like Zuidwijk. It's like going from Manhatten to the Bronx. Below Rotterdam you will slowly encroach the southern countryside where I grew up. I know there's a busline from Rotterdam that almost reaches the southern border. Give it a shot. Go to villages like Dinteloord which is one of our villages with a high incest rate (its like our tiny Alabama). Go to the city Bergen Op Zoom which has became somewhat of a ghost town because of the rich buying up the city center with its beautiful historic architecture whilst the poor areas are infested with a drug similar to Angel Dust. We've had enough. Please, please listen to us and take a stand. We could use the support. Until recently, we always were apart of the top 10 in international charity givers and we helped out in so many places like Dutch scientists because of our great deltaworks and experience with floods have been there to support various natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina. We've always been there for others before we took care of ourselves, our people have been living with less and less so we could help all of you. Please help us too because the rich don't care about us. Boycotting two airlines shouldn't be too much to ask.
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kimberlyannharts · 5 months
An interesting way to do a Kyurangers adaptation is to make the fact that they WEREN'T adapted part of the plot. Like, the Kyurangers/"Cosmic Fury" Rangers were meant to form thousands of years ago to stop a great evil-but they never did. The team never came together and the Powers were never discovered. And the evil helped form the UAE. (I think it's more interesting if there's no "Time travel villain sabotage" involved-they just didn't form, despite Destiny pushing them to.)
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I know Simon was adamant that the Kyuranger team suits were never brought to America so I never expected them to show up even in a flashback but it really is weird that they didn't even ALLUDE to the Cosmic Fury Zords belonging to a lost prior team. They were just.......a random bunch of Zords hanging out on Zordnia (even though the ShogunZords were the lost Zords of Zordnia....sometimes easter eggs and references to prior lore is bad, kids.) In general it was all a very half-hearted way to include the Zords which I don't want to excuse with "well they only had ten episodes" because...like...it's Power Rangers. Zords are kind of important to Power Rangers.
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prodeskk · 7 months
Catalyzing Success in Dubai: Unveiling Licensing and Regulatory Pathways - PRO Deskk
Embarking on a business venture in Dubai involves navigating through a labyrinth of licensing and regulatory procedures overseen by the Dubai Economic Department (DED). PRO Deskk is a one-stop business solution that can guide you through this meticulous journey. The DED categorizes business activities into Commercial and Industrial Licenses, encompassing trading, services, professions, artisans, craftsmen, and manufacturing.
Different business sectors require approvals from specific ministries and government bodies:
Dubai Municipality: Restaurants and contracting firms need approvals from here.
Road and Transport Authority (RTA): Licenses involving car rentals and specific transportation services require RTA approval.
National Media Council: Businesses in advertising, publishing, and printing seek endorsement from this council.
Central Bank of UAE and Insurance Authority: Financial sector businesses need approval from these entities for banking services, financial institutions, and insurance.
Ministries: Industries like manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, logistics, and maritime activities require ministry approvals.
Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Every Commercial and Industrial License must register here.
Diving deeper, there are additional requirements and fees tied to certain licenses:
Tourism License: Inbound and outbound tourism activities mandate bank guarantees, refundable upon license cancellation.
Travel Agency License: A deposit at the Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing is required, refundable later.
Building Contracting Companies: A one-time fee is payable at the Department of Economic Development.
General Trading: Additional charges apply as a one-time fee at the Department of Economic Development.
Customs Broker: A deposit is to be paid to Dubai Customs, refundable upon license cancellation.
RTA Activities: Different fees apply for various RTA activities such as Rent a Car, Bus Rental, and Passenger Transport.
Understanding these nuances is vital for entrepreneurs looking to establish a foothold in Dubai’s dynamic market. PRO Deskk, as a comprehensive business solution provider, can assist in complying with these regulatory requirements, ensuring a smooth start and sustainable growth within the region.
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sequencefairy · 8 months
Tonight's parade of research tabs: Visa requirements for Egypt for travellers from Canada, Belgium, and Croatia, a list of Swiss banks that have locations in the UAE (there are several), travel time from Cairo to Aswan (10 hours by car) and several flights from Zagreb to Cairo with pit stops in Abu Dhabi or Dubai. Also, a google search I haven't yet looked at the results for of sites of archaeological significance in Sudan.
Also, a google search for Chicago brownstones. This is not for the same fic the above tabs are for, and is, instead, for an au of this fic that I've now spun out for myself as an emotional support daydream in order to get through the next plot beat of the above-mentioned wip.
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iamdexter123 · 1 year
#1 and #10 for the travel asks!
1. What trip did you plan during the early stages of lockdown to stay positive? In a huge twist for someone who loves travelling, I didn’t plan anything, probably because I was in ‘response’ mode. I’m talking the time of the pandemic where vaccines were a glimmer of hope on a far off horizon. There wasn’t room for thinking ahead; my partner and I took our lives day by day, because that was all we could do. I won’t get into the minutiae of our responsibilities but let’s just say neither of us could go home and switch off enough to even think about a holiday. We finally booked a trip to Singapore later this year to dip our toes back into the world of international flights, though.
10. Somewhere you’ve been that you Didn’t Get. Would you go back? Doha, Qatar. On my way to Turkey I stopped there to visit a friend who had been working in the Middle East for a couple of years. It was a 2x night/2x day kind of visit, so I didn’t research my destination as I usually would. I just got a taxi to her hotel apartment and let her play tour guide, which consisted of moving amongst the ex-pat community and culminating in a ‘brunch’: a 3 hour extravaganza of bottomless bubbles and buffet food at an international hotel, which then continued into drinking in her apartment because drinking alcohol in Qatar is not exactly what the locals do but something the foreigners excelled at.
So there were a lot of missed opportunities of understanding the culture. On top of that, my trip was coloured by my friend’s own experience of living there and working with Qataris (which wasn’t exactly a positive one). I also had one of my more intimidating airport experiences where an airport worker came around to my side of the desk, got into my space, touched the bracelets on my wrist and asked rather personal questions. I had (still have) a very Western view of women’s participation in society and found it rather confronting to see women wrapped head to toe in black despite the searing desert heat (which I suppose didn’t really matter, because no one went outside - another odd thing for an Australian to experience, not being able to enjoy the great outdoors!). Would I go back? Probably not. It’s hard for me to find anything there that would compel me to return, given it seemed the most I could do was hang out in shopping malls and drink quietly in Western hotel bars while ignoring the mostly predatory gaze of the local male population. Haven’t completely ruled out the Middle East though: UAE looks fun! Thanks for the playing along, Skye! I could talk about travel all day ✈️
Questions here
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skboba-stars · 11 months
Yusra Aishwarya // ANKHABHUT X
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Ankabut - ‘spider’ in Arabic
Bhoot / Bhut - ‘ghost’ in Urdu/Hindi 
Yusra : “affluence, success” Aishwarya : “prosperous wealth”
Age : Currently 16
Height : Currently 6'2" (Projected to be 6'9" due to spider-bite)
Build : Muscular
Race | Ethnicity : South Asian (Indo-Pakistani)
Nationality : Australian - UAE
Religion (if any) : Islam
Sex | Gender : F | she/they
Yusra is currently a 16 year old Muslim student at Verace L.L. Academy - an international private school. Post time-skip, she is a 27 year old grad student of chemical engineering and a fellow at a hospital aiming to become a trauma surgeon. In the end, she does achieve her dreams, but loses quite a few people.
She has dual citizenship in UAE and Sydney, currently living in NYC. Yusra is very well traveled and has even lived in Hong Kong for a few years.
Yusra was bitten when she was 14 in her martial art’s teacher’s wife’s shop. The man had noticed Yusra’s current guardian was late, so he’d stopped on the way home at his wife’s workplace and Yusre got bit there, a unique phenomena amongst the Spiders because she was bit by two radioactive spiders : a sapphire tarantula and peacock jumping spider. 
The spiders had initially been at her instructor’s place of work and were meant to bite him and another, but got mixed up in shipping and came to his wife’s pet store as pet spiders. Yusra had a heavily adverse reaction to being bitten and was unconscious for a few days, almost presumed to be dead.
She became ‘Spiderman’ shortly after her and her younger twin sister Zuleika were officially adopted by their great aunt instead of bouncing between relatives and wealthy family members. They had just arrived in New York and started attending school. However, a former student who’d joined an underground cult had broken in with a gun and Zuleika shielded her, dying in the process.
She decided to take up the mantle and her friend, Yu Damian, became her ‘man in the chair’ and designed her web shooters' mechanism. Her suit was inspired by both the spiders that bit her and has gone under many redesigns. It includes a hijab as they are a practicing muslim.
Along with spider sense, stickiness, and superstrength, Yusra has some other abilities such as healing, osteokinesis, super speed, and control over toxins and poisons. These are side effects from her getting bitten by two spiders.
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jastourism · 1 year
12 Absolute Best Dubai Tours & Excursions
Dubai is home to several famous landmarks, including the Global Village, Burj Al Arab, Burj Khalifa, Ski Dubai, Dubai Mall, Dubai Garden Glow, Desert Safari, Dubai Miracle Garden, Dubai Dolphinarium, Palm Jumeirah, Dubai Marina, Dubai Frame, and many more.
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The options for sightseeing on Dubai tours are extensive. Simply select a class, and a long list of possibilities will be shown to you. Dubai is a city with seemingly limitless options; visitors can spend the day visiting the Dubai Aquarium or have a romantic dinner on a traditional Dhow. With its larger-than-life theme parks and jaw-dropping shopping malls, Dubai has quickly emerged as a top travel destination.
Each tourist destination in Dubai has been meticulously crafted by keeping the potential impact that it will have on its explorers in mind. The Palm Islands' engineering will astound you, and the Burj Khalifa as well as Burj Al Arab will dwarf your wildest imaginations, all of which you can see on this Half-Day City Tour of Dubai.
Bollywood Parks, Atlantis Aquaventure Waterpark, Wild Wadi Water Park, and many others can be found among Dubai's various attractions. Every type of tourist can find something to do in Dubai, from taking the Burj Khalifa tour or Ferrari world tour, to families with young children enjoying shopping as well as adventures.
01. Global Village:
All your entertainment, shopping, and dining needs can be met in one convenient location at Dubai Global Village, where different countries set up pavilions to showcase their cuisine, products, and culture. Explore various cultures by visiting one of the roughly 26 pavilions on your Dubai tours.
One of the coolest things to do in Dubai is to stop by Global Village to take pictures with the scale models of the World’s seven wonders. The nearly 1500 shops and stalls here offer a wide variety of traditional and modern clothing, jewellery, and accessories.
Indulge your taste buds at one of the many restaurants serving cuisine from around the world. Let yourself be captivated by the carnival's excitement, games, and attractions here in Global Village.
●    Location:
It is located at 3895+466 القرية السورية,Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Road, Exit 37, E311, Dubai, UAE.
●    Timings:
Saturday-Wednesday: 04:00 pm - 12:00 am
Thursday-Friday: 04:00 pm - 01:00 am
How to Reach?
You can reach Global village in around 50 minutes by taking the red line to the First Gulf bank and hiring a taxi further.
Four bus lines to and from Global Village have been restored by Dubai's RTA.
02. Burj Khalifa:
The Burj Khalifa's Observation Deck provides breathtaking sights of the handsome Dubai skyline. Climb into the world's fastest elevator and reach all the way to the top of the Burj Khalifa, floor 124.
When you are on your Burj Khalifa tour, eat at At.mosphere, located on the 122nd floor of Burj Khalifa - the world’s tallest skyscraper. Awe at the Burj Khalifa's internal fountain as it glows under 6,000 lights.
Relax at what is claimed to be the world's highest lounge, the Burj Khalifa's Lounge. The Observation Deck, located on the 124th floor, offers spectacular, unrestricted views of the Dubai Fountain display, further enhancing your time here.
●    Location:
It is located at 1 Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Blvd, Downtown Dubai, Dubai, UAE.
●    Timings:
For 124th & 125th Floor:
Non-prime hours - 10:00 am to 3:30 pm & 07:00 to 11:00 pm
Prime hours - 4:00 pm to 6.30 pm
For 148th, 124th & 125th Floor:
Non-prime hours - 07:00, 08:00, & 9:00 pm
Prime hours - 12:00 to 6.00 pm
How to Reach?
The best method to reach Burj Khalifa is to take the metro, which only takes twenty minutes and then hop into the Red Line to reach the Burj Khalifa/Dubai Mall Station.
You also have an option of reaching Burj Khalifa by hopping onto the F13 bus, that will drop you off at the Dubai Mall after about 40 minutes.
03. Palm Jumeirah:
The Palm Jumeirah islands are among the most popular tourist destinations in Dubai due to their unique architecture that was inspired by the shape of palm palms. Let your inner child out at Aquaventure Waterpark, where you can go on water slides that have set world records, swim in wave pools, or lounge on a private beach while sipping a cocktail. Come snorkel or scuba dive among 65,000 marine creatures at the aquarium, including 14 different kinds of sharks and rays.
Enjoy a boat ride along the shore of Palm Jumeirah and see some of the city's most famous landmarks. Skydive Dubai offers a thrilling tandem skydiving experience over Palm island in a freefall that is sure to please adrenaline junkies.
●    Location:
Palm Jumeirah is an artificial offshore island located in Dubai, UAE.
04. Museum of the Future:
The Museum of the Future, Dubai is one of the most popular attractions in Dubai, and it's a futuristic museum that's all about imagining what the world might be like in 2071. Admire Shaun Killa's mastery of architecture in the Arabic poetry carved on the museums' outside walls.
Learn more about astronaut survival by checking out Journey to the Future. Visit the Amazon Digital exhibition to venture into the Amazonian rainforests where few people have ventured before.
In the DNA Library of the Museum of the Future, known as the Vault of Life, you can find out what you can do to mitigate the negative health impacts of the change in climate on us. Participate in a series of events and debates featuring prominent business leaders who will explore their hopes and plans for the future.
●    Location:
It is located at Sheikh Zayed Rd, Trade Centre, Trade Centre 2, Dubai, UAE.
●    Timings:
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
How to reach:
You may reach your location, which is located 228 metres along Sheikh Zayed Road, by taking the metro to the Emirates Towers Metro Station.
05. Desert Safari with BBQ Dinner:
One of the best ways to appreciate the rich cultural heritage of the Dubai deserts is on a daylong safari across the sand dunes. Explore the shifting dunes of the desert at sunset and watch the sun go down without any obstructions. It's also possible to do sandboarding if you're the adventurous type. Along with the Burj Khalifa tour, you can also include Desert safari with BBQ dinner package in your Dubai family holiday package.
After a long day on safari, retire to the comfort of the Bedouin tents and prepare to be enchanted by a classic belly dancing routine. Take part in a barbecue buffet meal where you may pick from a wide variety of non-veg as well as veg dishes to round out your day.
06. Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo:
Explore the intricate underwater tubes of the Dubai Aquarium, home to hundreds of aquatic animals.
Visit the Underwater Zoo to view the critically endangered tiger sharks that are kept in enormous tanks. The adventurous can sign up for the "Swim with the Sharks" activity, which will take them into the deep shark tanks.
Stop by the King Croc display and meet the 750-kilogram crocodile, the largest reptile in the world. Experiment with a guided diving lesson as well as cage snorkelling that takes you through the aquarium's aquatic exhibits.
●    Location:
3rd Floor, Dubai Mall, Financial Center Street, Along Sheik Zayed Road, Next to Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE.
How to reach?
If you're travelling by metro, once you have reached the Burj Khalifa or The Dubai Mall station, take an exit onto the main road. Every 15 minutes, there is a bus that runs between the train station and the shopping centre. Alternatively, it only takes about 15 minutes to walk to the mall from the station across the climate-controlled Metro Link Bridge.
If you're driving to The Dubai Mall from the city centre, take the first interchange and continue down Financial Center Road. On the right is the entrance to The Dubai Mall.
07. Dubai Fountain:
Be sure to check out the marvellous Dubai Fountain, the world's largest synchronised fountain performance. Take an Abra boat trip during the fountain display to see the spectacle from the Marina waters, which adds a new dimension to the experience.
While exploring the Burj Khalifa tour, don’t forget to take a glimpse of the Dubai Fountain show next to Burj Khalifa. With the Dubai Fountain Boardwalk, you can get an up-close look at this spectacular water show from a little nine metres away. Enjoy a sumptuous supper at one of the lakeside restaurants while taking in the spectacular display put on by the Dubai Fountains.
●    Location:
Fashion Parking, Dubai Mall, Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Blvd, Dubai, UAE.
●    Timings:
5:45 pm-11:30 pm
How to reach?
From Bur Dubai, take the metro to Burj Khalifa Station, it won’t take you more than 20 minutes, and from there it's a short walk to the dock area where you can enjoy the Dubai Fountain show.
Take bus line 29, it will take you there in around 38 minutes. A trip to the Burj Khalifa from Bur Dubai just takes about 15 minutes.
08. Burj Al Arab:
The Burj Al Arab is Dubai's most opulent hotel, with interiors gilded in 24-karat gold. The nicest thing to see in Dubai is the sail-shaped hotel, which is set against the azure waters of the Gulf. Visiting Burj Al Arab is one of the must-do things that need to be included in your Dubai tours. If you are looking to book your family holiday packages to international destinations, consult with Jas Tours and Travels to get the best deals on international packages like Dubai Tours, Singapore tours, Australia tours, etc.
Choose from one of the many exquisite fine dining establishments located within the property. Guests can relax in the outdoor pools that offer a breathtaking view of the Arabian Gulf below.
Dine on fresh seafood while viewing the fascinating underwater world at Al Mahara, an underwater restaurant. Relax with luxurious treatments offered by the Talise Spa.
●    Location:
It is located near Jumeirah beach.
09. Dubai Marina:
One of the greatest ways to see Dubai is by strolling over the Dubai Marina - the city's most scenic walkways. Visit any of the excellent restaurants or cafes that are located along the lines of the Marina for a sumptuous meal with a view of the water.
Enjoy a leisurely supper while cruising by the lit skyscrapers of Dubai aboard a traditional Dhow Boat. Discover the beautiful marine life by going deep-sea fishing at Dubai Marina.
To experience the Dubai Marina in style, charter a yacht through the Dubai Marina club. Enjoy a thrilling speedboat ride around Dubai Marina and see the city's most famous sights up close.
●    Timings:
9:00 PM to 10:30 PM (Everyday)
How to reach?
If you want to use the tram, Jumeirah Lakes Towers is the closest stop. It's a 12-minute walk or 901 metres to the nearest Tram stop.
Take the M1 metro line, which is part of the Red Line, to go to the closest metro station;
You may reach Dhow Cruise Dubai easily by using any of the following bus lines: Bus-8, Bus-88, or Bus-F55A.
10. IMG Worlds of Adventure:
IMG Worlds of Adventure is the largest indoor amusement park in Dubai and features more than 20 thrill attractions spread across a variety of themed areas.
In the Jurassic area of IMG Worlds, you may experience a wide variety of thrilling roller coasters.
Visit the park to get your photo taken with your favourite Cartoon Network as well as Marvel characters!
Get a taste of the world at the many various themed eateries in Dubai's top tourist attraction.
Get a souvenir from one of the many themed shops located throughout the park's several adventure zones.
●    Location:
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE.
How to reach?
The Dubai Mall and the Emirates Mall are the closest metro stations accessible by foot. Metro stops in Dubai are easily accessible by taxi for tourists.
Distance-wise, it's about 9.7 km, or around a 15- to 20-minute drive, from Dubai International Airport. If a round-trip transfer is offered, that's the one to select.
11. Dubai Dolphinarium:
Visit the Dubai Dolphinarium, which is widely regarded as one of the most enjoyable aquatic theme parks in Dubai. At the dolphin show, you may catch the interaction between the dolphins and the fur seals as they put on a vibrant display. You will have the chance to interact with dolphins in a variety of ways, including swimming, feeding them, and playing with them, all under the watchful eye of an experienced trainer. Once you have been on your Burj Khalifa tour to please your eyes with a breathtaking view from the world’s tallest building, don’t miss out to experience the marine life and explore the depths of the Dubai Dolphinarium.
During the event at Creek Park, enjoy the flight of the exotic birds and their interaction with both each other as well as the crowd. The Mirror Maze is a place where you can put your brain to the test by navigating through a maze that is entirely composed of mirrors. You can also stop at one of the best restaurants in the area, the Happy Valley restaurant and grab yourself a meal and enjoy around the poolside.
●    Location:
Riyadh Street, Dubai, UAE.
●    Timings:
Dolphinarium: 11.00 AM, 2.00 PM, and 6.00 PM (Monday to Saturday)
Swimming with Dolphins: 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM, and 4:00 PM (Monday to Saturday)
Exotic Bird Show: 12:15 PM, 3:15 PM, 5:15 PM, and 7:15 PM (Monday to Saturday)
How to reach?
If you are travelling by Metro, the station at Dubai Healthcare City, which is located on the Green Line, is the one that is the closest to the Dubai Dolphinarium. Once you reach the Dubai healthcare City station, exit the metro and hire a taxi further to reach the destination.
12. Dubai Frame:
The unique Dubai Frame building, which resembles a picture frame, provides stunning panoramas of both the modern city and the historic district. Cross the glass roof that connects both sides of the frame and takes in the sights of Dubai, including the Burj Khalifa and Jumeirah Mosque.
The Frame's first floor hosts the gallery of Old Dubai, where you can learn about the rich history of Dubai through a variety of multimedia exhibits. Check out the virtual reality experience "Future Dubai," which predicts the city's future attractions.
Consider a stroll across the upper bridge at dusk, when the light is at its lowest and the sights are at their greatest. For a unique experience, book the "45 Minutes of Gold" breakfast at the Dubai Frame's peak.
●    Location:
Zabeel Park
●    Timings:
9:00 AM to 9:00 PM (Monday-Sunday)
How to reach?
To reach Gate 4, also known as the Zabeel Park Star Gate, via the metro, ride the Red Line to the Al Jafiliya stop, and exit the station.
If you're taking a taxi or cab to Zabeel Park, the closest public parking is located near Gate One; simply enter that address into your GPS device to get directions. You can easily reach Gate 4, also known as Star Gate, from here.
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akashkannaujiya · 2 years
10 Tips for Getting a Visa in Dubai
Getting a visa in Dubai can be difficult if you're unfamiliar with the process. Still, it can be easy to prepare and plan ahead of time and take care of all the administrative details before your trip begins. Here are 10 tips for getting a visa in Dubai that will make the process smoother and easier for you.
1) Do Your Research
According to Edubaitourism which provides the best visa services, one of the first things to do before you start the application process is to gather as much information as possible so that you will be able to answer any questions at the time of your interview. Information on visas can be obtained from your nearest Dubai Consulate. The Consulates also provide an online Visa Application Status Checker where applicants may find out whether or not their applications have been processed or approved.
2) Check the Requirements
You may be wondering what kind of visa you need in Dubai. Visa requirements depend on your nationality and the purpose of your visit to Dubai. For example, if you're traveling to Dubai as a tourist, the type of visa required is different than if you're working in Dubai. If you are from one of the countries that do not require visas to enter the UAE, then no visa is necessary. If your country requires visas and you plan to stay in Dubai for less than three months, then an airport transit or same-day return (single) entry visa will suffice.
3) Gather the Required Documents
Before you can get your visa, you must gather the required documents. These include a completed application form, passport, evidence of income and accommodation in Dubai, four recent passport-sized photos of the applicant, and an acceptance letter from the school or university. Make sure you have all of these things before submitting your application.
4) Submit Your Application
In Dubai, you must apply for a visa at your nearest embassy. To do this, you must fill out an application form and submit it with the necessary documentation. When applying, include your passport, which should be valid for at least six months after you arrive in Dubai. You also need to provide details of your travel plans, including the date and purpose of your visit. You will also need to provide information about where you will stay in Dubai.
5) Follow Up On Your Application
Follow up on your application and ensure you have all your documents in order before submitting. Visa applications are processed electronically, so there is no need to send in any physical copies. Double-check that you have the correct payment information and that the fee has been paid before submitting. The last thing you want is to be rejected because of a mistake. Also, consider hiring an agent if this is your first time applying for a Dubai visa.
6) Be Prepared For an Interview
Before your interview, research the visa type you are applying for. This will help you understand what the interviewer is looking for in a potential candidate. Some visas require an interview, while others do not. If you have to attend an interview, be prepared! Knowing why you want to live and work in Dubai is essential before the interviewer asks questions about it. Remember to dress professionally for your interview and bring your supporting documents when possible.
7) Check the Status of Your Visa
The visa process in Dubai is different from most other countries. If you're applying, you'll need to start the process at least 3 months before your entry date. To do this, start by checking your visa status to find out where you're currently in the process and what needs to happen next. A post-visa check will be done when you land in Dubai and will take 45 minutes; make sure to complete it with no errors, or else you could be denied access to the country.
8) Renew Your Visa
Renewing your visa is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure your visa remains valid and comply with UAE law. If your Dubai Visa has expired, it's best to renew it before you are stopped by airport officials or other government officials and fined.
9) Cancelling Your Visa
Edubaitourism also says that canceling your visa in Dubai can be done if you find that your visa is different than the correct type of visa. For example, if you are in Dubai on a tourist visa and find that you need to work, you will need to cancel your tourist visa and get a business or employment visa. Canceling your Visa in Dubai is quite simple. Go to an immigration office near your residence (ex: Dubai International Airport) with a copy of your passport and cancellation form from the UAE Immigration Services website (you can also ask them for it there). The officer will process all necessary paperwork within 15 minutes. You don't even have to go back home! You may only cancel one entry visa per visit to an Immigration Office. If you want to cancel more than one entry, you must make separate visits.
10) Applying For a New Visa
★ Check the validity of your current visa: if it is near its expiry date, you need to apply for a new one and will have to wait a few weeks before it can be processed.
★ Know the type of visa you are applying for: different types of visas are required for different purposes: educational, employment, business, and visit.
★ Consider getting a double entry or multi-entry visa instead of a single entry, so you do not have to reapply every time.
★ Consult with an immigration attorney for any questions about obtaining your desired visa.
★ Be honest on all forms and remember what is being asked when filling out form information - don't try to sneak anything past them!
★ Pay attention to detail and read instructions carefully.
★ Apply early!
Heartly thanks for reading this blog.
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