#stopping catastrophizing
dipperscavern · 6 months
was having some robb stark thoughts last night trying to fall asleep… sigh
you and robb usually rise in the mornings at the same time. queen & king in the north, you have duties to attend to that force you both out of bed earlier than you’d like. but sometimes, robb has to be up before you.
his weight dips down on the bed as he sits beside your sleeping form, fully clothed & ready to leave. he wants to let you sleep, knows you need your rest—but you’d kill him if he left without waking you up to say goodbye.
his hand comes to tuck your hair behind your ears, soft murmurs of your name rousing you from sleeps hold. he pulls his hand back as you open your eyes, both of you smiling at the sight of the other. you reach out, still half asleep, hand finding robb’s. he brings your hand to his mouth, kissing it as you look up at him—love etched in your pupils. you pull him closer, & robb chuckles at your neediness, voice warm & dripping like honey. he leans in, pressing chaste kisses to anywhere he can reach. he starts at your cheek, trailing down to your jaw and eventually your neck. each kiss grounds you firmer and firmer to the present, pulling you out from the hazy state sleep puts you in.
he eventually stops, resting his head in the crook of your shoulder. he closes his eyes, soaking up your presence before he has to become king in the north. right now he’s just robb, the man you grew up with at winterfell. your hand comes to run through his curls, as your other thumb massages lightly at his temple. he relaxes further into your touch, a groan rising from deep in his chest. robb’s body had been wound up tight during his time at war, as to be expected. the weight of his burdens sit heavy on his shoulders, long days of fighting not only lannister armies, but sometimes his own men—clouding his mind with headaches that only you seem to be able to relieve in the slightest.
“keep doin’ that and I won’t be able to get back up.”
he’s only teasing (he’s completely serious), making you laugh as you retract your thumb from his temple. his eyes flutter open, sighing at his own stupidity, wondering how he could ever ask you to stop making him feel good. his mind takes over, reminding him of his duties. if he doesn’t get up now, he surely won’t be making it out of this tent by high noon. he can already hear greywind rustling from his guard outside the entrance of the tent, warding off someone’s presence.
he gathers his wits, trailing kisses back up your neck. once he gets to your cheek, he even teases by placing a kiss at the corner of your mouth. he smiles at his own antics, proud of himself, before he presses his lips to yours. his hand comes to cradle your jaw, kissing you long & firm, as he sits up. your lips chase his, and he places a quick peck on your lips once more as he stands up. his hand leaves your jaw, and you could almost whine at the loss of his touch.
you watch him turn & walk away, he doesn’t turn around to look at you again, knowing if he does—he’s going right back into your arms. he grabs his sword, opening the flap of the tent & walking out. you stretch, content with his goodbye. you’ll get up in a few minutes, and you’ll see each other around the camp, but it’s the quiet mornings before the world wakes up that keeps you both sane. you smile, hearing robb & theons voices outside the tent as they walk away.
“what took you so long? greywind almost had me for a snack, you know.”
“would be a small meal.”
is screaming at your own writing something u shouldn’t admit cause AHHHHHHH. put me & him in a room tg & we BOTH walking out pregnant.
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exercise-of-trust · 9 months
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nobody else is doing it like them and the continent could not be more grateful for that
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hauntingjasper · 4 months
Happy Pride Month to THEM 🥹
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lemongogo · 26 days
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bhaalble · 1 year
I think there probably was part of Gortash dreading Melkior actually showing up again. Like oh god it took me like half a decade of psychological manipulation/love bombing/bribes/weird psychosexual power games to get this guy in my pocket the first time. Now I have to do it again while his brain is full of holes and there's a time limit of the eldritch god we enslaved running out of tasks to occupy her.
Then he watches him go so very still on "my favorite assassin" and the first thing out of his mouth is a real soft "I was...your favorite? " and he realizes he actually just gets to deal with a version of Melkior without the defense mechanisms learned from a decade raised with the AutoCannibalism family. All that's left is the desperate need to be adored and the deepseated fear of himself. If he thought he had this guy eating out of the palm of his hand before-
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stuckinapril · 6 months
There is genuinely so much love ensconcing me rn it’s unreal. Childhood friend throwing me a bday party at her rooftop pool tmr (and im keeping that shit small & exclusive), food made w love from my bibi, drinks and games and music long after sundown, buying the cutest bikini w matching nails, lathering myself in vanilla and coconut body oils, hair marinating in hair masks all day today so my curls get to be all out on my bday, cute pink decorations, all out self care day today before my bday tomorrow. Just??? I cannot believe how bogged down in my negativity bias I get when there are so many exciting changes coming & I am genuinely the luckiest girl alive
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anastasiareyreed · 1 year
russia be like: we did it → Ukraine did it → it happened by itself.
and the world swallows it.
every time someone, sitting thousands of km from Ukraine, in safety and comfort, starts spreading theories in which "not everything is so clear-cut" and "it is not known who is guilty and who is lying", I lose faith in humanity.
nine years ago, russia said that it was not russian troops that invaded Ukraine. today the whole world knows that it was the russians, and the russians do not even deny it anymore.
last year, russia said that it would not launch a full-scale invasion, but we can all see that russia lied. again.
russia justified the invasion by "denazification of Ukrainians", although it is the russians who are known for the phrase "we can repeat" addressing to the Germans in relation to World War II. it is the russians who created the cult of the leader, spread their Z V swastika all over the world and promote the greatness of war.
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russia justified the invasion as a "preemptive strike" so that Ukraine would not join NATO and NATO would not attack russia. although there were already NATO member countries on the border with russia. another cheap lie.
russia justified the invasion by the fact that in Ukraine "the russian-speaking population is oppressed". although even our president spoke russian before the invasion.
meanwhile, russian state channels simply say that Ukrainians annoy them, so Ukrainians must be destroyed.
russia said that it would not shell civilians, but russia began the invasion by shelling houses in the middle of the night and dropping bombs on sleeping civilians. on all of us.
russia said that its targets are only military facilities, but russia destroys entire cities and villages along with the population, killing Ukrainians every day.
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since the beginning of the war, only Ukrainians have suffered. russians forcibly take Ukrainian children to the territory of russia, where the children are subjected to physical and psychological violence. with hard efforts, Ukraine managed to return a few, but currently about 30,000 Ukrainian children (only those who could be counted) are still in russia.
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first the russians drowned the Ukrainians, and then they began a massive shelling of the flooded cities in order to kill those who survived and those who came to the rescue.
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this is a full-scale invasion of russia on the territory of Ukraine. Ukrainians are dying. Ukraine's ecology is suffering. the russians openly declare that all of Ukraine must be destroyed. they talk about it every day on state channels, their politicians call for the extermination of Ukrainians.
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russians set up torture chambers for Ukrainians, execute Ukrainians, cut off the heads, hands and legs of our people, rape children, film all of this and show off. the whole Tumblr would not be enough to list all the tragedies that russia has caused and for which we cry every day, commemorate the victims every day, mourn every day.
now the russians blew up the dam and flooded dozens of Ukrainian towns and villages. these are terrible consequences for Ukraine first of all. then for the world and environment. but not for russia.
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and while the Ukrainians were left alone with another russian war crime, with a crime against humanity, against the environment, russia simply says "it's not us" and people still believe it, and russia gets away with a tragic crime again.
please be sensible, russia has been at war with all its neighbors, russia is still at war in Syria, russia has been shelling Syrians even when there was an earthquake! now that russia caused the flood in Ukraine, russians are shelling Ukrainians, trying to finish off the wounded and those who did not manage to evacuate.
russia is evil and russia always lies. these are long proven facts, and if you have never delved into the topic of russian wars before, listen to the victims, listen to those whose lives russia is trying to take away.
everything is very simple right now — take the side of Ukraine. of Syria. support good.
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le--fruitcake · 3 months
*leans against bar* What's a pretty riff like you doing in a song like this?
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cthoniccompanion · 3 months
who wants to play in the melinoe/icarus/eris shipping space with me?
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Hi everyone,
I found a helpful article from ADDitude talking about ways to stop catastrophizing.
This excerpt is going to be somewhat long, so I apologize in advance:
3 Ways to Stop Catastrophizing:
To shift toxic worry into something productive, you need to first recognize that you are catastrophizing. This happens when your brain’s amygdala (the fight, flight or freeze) organ in the limbic system-the emotional region) figuratively takes over your thinking brain (your prefrontal cortex) by activating adrenaline and cortisol. Your entire being is focused on obtaining safety and feeling secure. Basically, the part of you that runs from tigers and steps aside from racing cars begins controlling all your responses.
1. Dismantle the “What-Ifs”
To regain control, turn down the volume on your catastrophic thinking by remembering past successes, tools, interventions, and statements you’ve used to overcome perceived dangers. When I’m in a “what-if” spiral, I shift my thinking to “What could go right?”
Follow your “what-ifs” to the end of the line. Ask yourself, “What if this happened? And then what? And what if that happened? And then what?” Keep going until there’s some resolution. Can you live with that resolution?
Try to consider best-case outcomes in addition to worst-case scenarios. What might happen that could be positive? Can I predict any happiness instead of pain?
2. Set Up a Buddy System
Toxic worry intensifies in isolation. So, set up a buddy system with someone you trust who can offer a different perspective. Who could you call or text if you’re in a poisonous worry spiral? Do you have a therapist, coach, or counselor? Whether you are concerned about perfectionism, personal relationships, or sociopolitical injustices, who could be your ally in these dark moments?
3. Create a Plan
Come up with a plan for escaping your next spiral. Make a list of self-soothing actions to take when worry rears its ugly head. Post it somewhere accessible, like on your phone or sticky notes at home. Your plan can include settle-me-down phrases such as “I’m afraid, and I know how to be brave” or “Things work out, keep breathing.” It can also contain a list of activities to slow your reactivity, such as drinking a glass of water, walking outside, cuddling a pet, getting a hug, etc. Here are some more ideas:
Exercise. Daily exercise pumps up your endorphins, which bathe your brain with good feelings. When I wake up feeling “ugh,” a run or bike ride gets me out of my negative headspace.
Create a playlist. Categorize songs into different playlists on your phone, label them “angry songs,” “sad songs,” “happy songs,” “how-to-stop-worrying songs,” etc.
Practice mindfulness to interrupt the pattern of negative thinking. Meditate. Do yoga. Listen to the birds. Drink a cup of tea. Do a crossword puzzle. Play Wordle.
Try triangle breathing. Breathe in for four counts, hold for four counts, and exhale slowly for six counts. Do several rounds of this.
As always, the full article will be linked below if anyone wants to read more. I hope many of you found this helpful.
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outismm · 7 months
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kaleidoscope-ize · 9 months
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feral-syndrommme · 6 months
"and the world did nothing"
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3-aem · 10 months
me petting my cat at 3am after 0 indication that he is actually hurt: r u okay would u tell me if you were ever not okay
my cat probably: god she’s at it again
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brokebackmacden · 1 year
"some would call it a love affair"... so i'm still your leading man? yeah... "you're pushing it"... but if you just give us a chance we could tell love story for the ages, a gay gay-ass love story... "i'm not"... let me be your guy... "but you want me to push it [...] i love you, baby"
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diodellet · 7 months
Hihi Lili here, this is the first time I’m requesting something on here/ I'm not used to tumblr very much TT so i’m sorry in advance if I get anything wrong!!
For the valentine’s event would it be okay to ask for 1. w/ Jamil :3 and have she/her pronouns? As for a descriptors the only thing I really have for that is long black hair and warm brown skin if that’s alright :>
Also I just wanted to mention too, I absolutely love your writing especially the way you write Jamil it’s so so so good omg
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💌Jamil Viper + Prompt #1 (“It feels… good to be around you.”)
The simple admission catches you both offguard, spills out into the dim silence of Jamil’s bedroom like moonlight.
You look up from your lap to meet his gaze in the mirror. He’s partway through fixing your hair into two braids, with the first completed one resting over your left shoulder. You can faintly detect the lingering fragrance of the hair oil that he applied beforehand. 
“I’m sorry?” Your pulse thrums erratic in your ribcage.
He clears his throat, but it does little to diminish the embarrassment in his voice. “Please forget I said that.” 
“No, no I didn’t mean to—I like being around you too…!” You turn to face him properly but he puts a stop to that action with a free hand planted atop your head, keeping your gaze pointed towards the mirror.
“Let—let me finish first.”
“...okay.” And you keep your head still, your nerves hyperaware of his touch and each gentle tug as he continues the braid.
“I didn’t mean to let that slip out, but I’ve been thinking about…this for a while now.”
Of course, there wasn’t any denying the fact that the two of you were in some kind of relationship, something deeper than friends but not as exclusive as boyfriend and girlfriend. Nevermind marriage, that was completely out of the question. Yet even something as amorphous as soulmates has crossed your mind more than once.
“And I realized that this hasn’t—that I haven’t—been fair to you. Especially if I keep being careless.”
Maybe that was part of the problem, that until this point, the both of you were careful not to disturb what you’d kept unspoken. That you merely followed his lead, folding yourself neatly along the boundaries that guided his life. That you left yourselves susceptible to moments of sudden openness.
“So you don’t have to keep playing along, I’ll understand.”
With a final twist of the hair band, his fingertips brush against your shoulders before pulling away.
Before he moves out of reach, your hand closes around his. “Jamil. ”
His expression is one of practiced calmness, but there’s a tinge of vulnerability in his irises that tears at you. “Yes?”
“Never put words into my mouth again.” And you grab him by the front of his shirt to pull him in for a kiss to punctuate that statement. If he got the wrong idea from that, well.
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a/n: aaaaa ur too kind lili 🤧💕💕don't worry, ur doing absolutely gucci!! (belated) happy valentines!! thanks for sending in a request ahahahaha i think i got a little bit carried away with this one oops, either way i hope u enjoyed reading this💕💕
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