#stormys hair is absolutely amazing tho
izels-writing · 8 months
r. lupin — flirting
Pairing: remus lupin x fem!reader
Summary: in which y/n flirts every chance she gets and remus can’t help but secretly love it
Warnings: suggestive language (it’s a fluff fic tho!), pregnancy (?, just toward the end)
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was y/n good at flirting? yes and no. she was horrible at flirting with other people, absolutely horrible. but there was one person that she were somehow amazing at flirting with.
remus lupin.
she wasn't sure why. she figured it was the shyness or the fact that he only really spoke to lily evans or his best friends james potter, sirius black, and peter pettigrew. other people he tended to cut conversations short or he pretended to have to go. he never seemed to fancy being around other people.
that's what made her so interested in him. how couldn't she be?
"come on, y/n! we'll be late!" y/f/n called out, pulling y/n out of the common room and rushing down the corridor. y/n huffed and followed quickly behind her rushed friend.
finally arriving in potions, y/f/n took their seat next to their boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, leaving her to wander over to your usual seat. one she had next to a certain nerdy, quiet yet witty boy. most of the time in potions, she could hear him mutter some smart comment under his breath, making her giggle and earn herself a detention. though he usually muttered a quiet apology and focused on the potion instead of trying to get her out of the detention, she never took offense and shrugged it off. always.
the bell rang, and like clockwork, four boys burst inside. one had black, unruly hair and rectangular glasses. another was handsome with black, long hair and stormy grey eyes. the shortest one was giggling, fixing his uniform on his stubby body. the last, y/n's personal favorite, was a tall and lanky boy who had more scars than bare skin and slightly toned arms.
there were many things no one noticed about remus, things that y/n did. he always wore baggy clothes, but when he brought his sleeves up he had toned and slight muscle to his arms, or how when he stretch his shirt would ride up just enough for her to see the muscle that had likely built up over the years.
"take a seat boys, class is just about the begin..." slughorn sighed, like he did almost every day.
"no problem sluggy." james potter, the quidditch jock of the group, grinned, making his way to sit next to lily evans, his (to her misfortune as she proclaimed falsely) potions partner.
"say, did you do something to your hair today?" sirius asked in fake curiosity, earning a stern nod over to his seat from slughorn. both he and peter walked over to their seats, along with remus, who quickly sat next to y/n.
"hey handsome." y/n winked, smiling teasingly at him. remus gave a small smile back, used to this kind of behavior from her.
"hi y/n." he replied quietly, getting out some of the essentials for today's lesson, which had been written by slughorn on the blackboard.
"today, my bright students, we'll be brewing the draught of peace. a potion you should all be familiar with. it'll take up most of the class time, and afterward, i want you to test them on each other. but only a small dosage, as too much and brewed wrongly can result in a very long and irreversible sleep. the recipe for this commonly used potion is on page 342 of your textbooks. you may begin."
y/n took quick notice to how slughorn sat down at his desk and lied his head down. while she wasn't always observant, it was a little clear that their professor was recovering from a strong hangover.
"don't you just love it when our teacher tasks us with O.W.L potions because he can't handle his liquor." y/n mumbled, turning your page to the one slughorn had mentioned.
"oh definitely...it's right next to when james and sirius drink on a school night." remus replied sarcastically.
she chuckled, "sounds fun."
"very. especially when i wake up to one of them vomiting in the bathroom." remus grinned, walking off to retrieve some ingredients.
y/n watched him grab the things, fighting the urge to think of any flirtatious comments. instead, she placed her cauldron on the table and started reading the instructions.
when he finally returned, they both started on the potion.
"okay, now add the powdered unicorn horn. the right amount, y/n, i would rather not be put in a irreversible sleep because of your antics." remus remarked, watching y/n carefully as she measured out the ingredient.
"gee, you sure have a way with words for such a big..." she glanced down flirtatiously, "mouth. don't worry remus, i can handle such a large task. though i'm sure that's not the only large thing i can handle-"
"y/n!" remus gasped quietly.
y/n acted nonchalant and added the horn, looking over for the next ingredient. stir until red.
"alright now stir." y/n said, nodding at the cauldron. remus nodded and started stiring, making her smirk and watch him. he fought his blush hard under her gaze, but he couldn't help it.
y/n felt giddy every time she could make him blush. it felt accomplishing for some reason.
"am i making you nervous, mr. prefect?" she asked, leaning against the desk with a smirk.
"no, just not used to being stared at creepily." remus retorted, stiring still.
"oh i highly doubt that, such a handsome face and an even better smile, i doubt you don't get stared at." y/n replied. remus rolled his eyes, making her frown momentarily, but nonetheless she regained her confidence as soon as his lip twitched upward.
after the two them finished their potion and tested it, and helped mediate a argument between lily and james, class quickly came to an end. the bell rang and slughorn shot up, bringing all of the attention to himself.
"good work today! for homework i want you all to write a small essay on the draught of peace potion and its history, which will be due on friday. have a wonderful night and i'll see you all tomorrow." slughorn said, walking out quickly.
y/n groaned and started shoving her things back into her bag. she wasn't very good at researching, mainly because she always seemed to get distracted on anything else. and there was also the fact that she hated essays in general.
remus looked over at the girl, wondering why exactly she had been groaning. under her breath, he could hear her mumbling about being rubbish at research and essays. he contemplated his next decision for a moment. should he ask her to study? though he didn't admit to it, he quite enjoyed the girls company at times. but did he really want to deal with your obvious flirting for minutes or maybe even hours?
his mind immediately answered yes, even if every time she flirted he struggled to refrain from kissing her right then and there to shut her up. lovingly of course.
"hey, do you want to study with me for this essay?" he asked, making y/n look up quickly. she smiled widely and nodded.
"of course, i'd love to." she replied.
"alright—um, just meet me in the library thursday at three?" he suggested awkwardly. y/n grinned.
"alright, i look forward to our date," she winked and walked off, swinging her bag over her shoulder. remus watched her as she did, smiling subtly at how she'd subconsciously fix her hair or how she'd laugh at whatever y/f/n had just said.
"did you, moonikens, just land yourself a date with someone who has so painfully obvious been into you for some time now?" a teasing voice behind him ask. remus rolled his eyes.
"it's not a date, pads, i'm just helping her study." remus replied, swinging his bag over his shoulder while the pair waited for james and peter.
"well, i can tell you that my study dates don't usually end in just studying," sirius said, nudging remus.
"he means they end in blowjobs." james said bluntly. remus scrunched up his nose, "well, i gathered that much."
"merlin, let's just please get to the kitchens..." peter mumbled.
the date had come faster than expected, much faster. so much so, that y/n almost forgot about it. she had so much piled onto herself, with homework assignments.
"y/n, don't you have that date or something?" y/f/n asked, shutting their book and looking up at their friend.
y/n nodded and looked at the clock.
2:55 p.m. it read.
she gasped and shot up, throwing her things inside her bag. bidding a quick goodbye, she ran out of her common room and started toward the stairs.
"watch it!"
y/n could care less how many people she bumped into, she didn't want to be late. lupin likely wouldn't wait for her if she was. once she reached the library, she stumbled through, ignoring madam pinces glare, and ran toward a dirty-blonde haired boy.
throwing herself in the seat in front of him, she took deep breaths, panting quietly.
his watch rang and remus smirked, turning his arm so that she could see it.
3:00 p.m.
"right on time, l/n," he grinned.
"aw, are we back to last name basis again?" y/n mumbled, pouting playfully.
remus rolled his eyes and took out his own materials for their potions essay, making her do the same.
"okay, we could start by using our text books to find the basic information. you don't seem to open yours much," remus said teasingly.
y/n grinned, "why would i, when i have someone so much better to look at in potions?" remus quickly caught on and flushed a light pink, rolling his eyes.
"anyway, we can finish this essay in about an hour and a half i say, sound good?" remus asked, looking up at y/n.
"sounds great, handsome," y/n replied nonchalantly. unbeknownst to her, remus felt a little jittery every time she called him that.
as the hour and a half passed, y/n was surprisingly the first to finish her essay. remus wrote his last sentence as y/n began to fidget in her seat and toss her muggle stress ball into the air and caught it.
"okay! i am done!" remus grinned, quietly shutting his text books and putting away his essay.
"cool, and it's only 4:30," you smirked.
remus leaned back in his chair. "y'know, you didn't have to wait up for me...you'd could've gone..."
y/n shrugged and grinned slyly, "i know, but i wanted to. besides, now that we're both done, we can hang out!"
"no, look," remus shook his head, "i'm a bore and you'd immediately want to leave,"
y/n raised her eyebrow. "sounds like a challenge, what do you got?"
remus chuckled and shrugged. "okay...want to go to the kitchens and make tea and then read?"
y/n thought for a moment. she wasn't one to stay still very well, that much was obviously since she was a young girl. however, doing this with remus didn't sound all too unappealing.
she leaned closer. "can you read to me?"
remus flushed as she grinned at her suggestion, and although it wasn't technically, it felt inherently intimate. she clearly didn't see it this way, so he couldn't either. he smiled warmly at her and nodded.
"yeah, i'll read to you." he smiled.
remus's voice was low and calming, and for some reason, felt like music in her ears. y/n laid her head on his lap, looking up at him as he read from the book. he had begun stroking her hair, making this situation even more relaxing.
she sat up for a moment, taking a sip of her tea, handing remus his cup as he asked for it. he paused his reading and smiled at her.
"you sure you're not bored yet?" he asked.
y/n shook her head. "of course not! i'm getting really into the story. mr. darcy is an ass, isn't he?" she took another sip of the tea.
remus nodded and chuckled. "he gets better, i promise."
"he better," y/n said, making a face, "elizabeth needs something better than that,"
"yes, she does," remus agreed. "if anything, you remind me of her,"
y/n grinned and raised an eyebrow teasingly. "do i? does that make you my mr. darcy?"
remus rolled his eyes playfully, pulling her to lay back down on his lap. "you wish...now, let me finish the chapter."
"as you wish, mr. lupin," y/n teased, remus' actions eliciting a laugh from her.
and for a moment as remus read and as y/n listened, y/n wasn't going out of her way to flirt obnoxiously with the boy and remus wasn't going out of his way to reject or wave off her attempts. instead, she listened to his silky voice and entered a relaxing mindset as she closed her eyes. meanwhile, remus glanced down at the girl every so often and couldn't help the ever growing smile on his face.
remus lupin closed the book he held quietly, looking down at y/n who's eyes snapped open.
"was that really the end?" she frowned.
"well, there's a sequel, but i figured we should start it tomorrow," remus suggested. "we have that appointment early tomorrow,"
"but! but—it's not even that important? what're they gonna tell me? that the baby is growing hands? thanks, i would hope so!" y/n protested, sitting up with a struggle at the growing stomach she currently had. she wasn't too far along, but that didn't make it any easier to manage.
"these appointments are important, remember what lily told you?" remus lectured. "i promise we can start the sequel tomorrow..."
y/n frowned, pouting. "you're no fun."
remus placed a hand on her stomach, feeling a light kick, making y/n grin slightly. "one of us has to be the bad parent,"
"we both agreed it would be me," y/n reminded.
"we'll see when he's born, mrs. lupin," remus grinned.
y/n smiled warmly. "i suppose we will, mr. lupin."
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ayoalex · 4 years
No one asked but head canon that I have for some of the characters that shouldn't be a thing and I hope it never becomes canon.
- She's just a lamp at this point, it's good for practice tho
- Absolutely tried to adopted a Beowolf at one point in V4/V5 until Qrow made her stop.
- She can cook... Kinda she just know the basics. The only thing she knows to bake is cookies, like that's it.
- She listen to rock but her favorite band is One Direction.
- She may have cut herself way to many times while cleaning or maintaining Crescent Rose, she's still sad she didn't even got a cool scar put of it because of her aura.
- She once tried to cut her own hair in V4 and then gave up and just decided to wait till some actual decent hairdresser could do it for her.
- She doesn't know how to pronounce correctly some stuffs so she just call them "thingy"
- Tried to dyed her hair all red like Gerard Way... Yang didn't let her touch any hair products for 5y.
- Doesn't know how to drive a bicycle and at this point of her life she's just afraid of asking.
- "I don't cook, I don't clean"
- Later Yang taught her how to clean, so at least the dorm isn't as much of a disaster.
- "Yes I have a scar in my eye, no I'm not blind"
- The only fiction book she actually read was Sailor Moon manga and that's why she uses combat skirts.
- Her favorite character is Sailor Venus
- Ruby once showed her the anime and she just cried, cuz "goddamit there's way to many episodes Ruby".
- She fights everyone just for shit and giggles, she just enjoy the drama.
- She knows how to play the kazoo for some strange reason.
- She will never tell anyone but she onced read an hentai by accident at the age of 12 and since then she has a phobia of tentacles.
- Is a bad influence... Specially to Ruby.
- She once skipped an entire day of classes because she was sleepy, Weiss was really mad at her.
- "Men, I wish I had the money to buy that" Proceeds to hack the system so the company sends her shit for free
- Yang has to tell her she can't just continue doing illegal shits now that's she's at school and out of the White Fang.
- Sometimes she just look directly at Weiss eyes and just break some shits to make her upset.
- "Blake, isn't your abdomen too exposed on battle?" "I want them to know I'm hotter than them Illia"
- "High boots? Check. Skinny pants? Check. Fat ass? Check. Ok I'm ready to fuck shit up"
- She loves every type of music but she only knows how to twerk with classic music.
- Knows every word of "Bet on it".
- Used to watch Turtle Ninjas and Michelangelo is her favorite.
- The hot lesbian weeb, geek, nerd and jock everyone loves.
- For some reason she knows ton shit of History and Philosophy.
- She once made an essay about High School Musical named "Sharpay Evans was the real victim."
- She is a fanatic of car/bike video games like Need for Speed, etc
- Absolutely loves GTA and she used to play with Velvet and Blake all the time in Beacon
- She and Nora once went outside on a stormy day to see if by Nora activating her semblance she could electrocuted Yang so she could activate her own semblance... It strangely worked.
- She can't really cook but she's an amazing baker... Tho she only bakes on Ruby's birthday
- She has a whole archives of blueprint of some motors, cars, bikes, weapons, etc.
- Yang and Blake just used to go to clubs or bars to bet money on some dudes in pool and blackjack knowing damn well Blake was an expert on both.
- Yang knows different instruments, her favorite song to play is the Wii Sports song
- He loves romantic movies, The Notebook always makes him cry
- He learned to play guitar to impress girls to make him look like a tough guy, now he just play acoustic covers of Britney Spears discography.
- Circus is a personal favorite of him.
- He knows how to dance, used to do ballet with his sisters and once a boyfriend of one of his sisters taught him hiphop
- Has a teddy bear that he brings everywhere with him.
- Fav food is pancakes but she absolutely loves eating pizza
- She always gives strange ideas to Yang since she knows Yang is a closet nerd and geek.
- She saw Pokemon once and since then have tried to imitate Pikachu attacks.
- Power Ranger is her shit.
- Hot girl shit
- If Ruby is a lamp, then she's a charger.
- He did tried to dyed his hair pink but didn't like the result so decided for just a part of his hair pink.
- Everyone things he's the normal one of the group until you listen to him in a deep discussion with Weiss about Sailor Moon.
- Him and Blake casually bond once because of tea and now they just recommend each other new teas they have tried.
- He absolutely loves cartoons, Samurai Jack is one of his fav.
- The emo kid that is also a sunshine.
- "I cook and I clean"
- He just think Yang is cool and it doesn't matter how much Weiss tries to make him stop thinking that Ruby just tells some cool story about Yang.
- "Sir, they are my found family, can you please take me back to them?"
- Loves talking with Blake, she's always giving him books recommendations and she's one of the few that don't strictly treat him like a kid.
- He tried playing video games with Ruby... Let just say he prefers spending time with Ren now.
- Knows every word of Short King Anthem, he sings the chorus while Weiss and Nora rap the other 2 verses.
- He watch Love Island religiously and even has the game in his scroll.
- Sun made a GC with only Illia and Yang on it so they could talk about Blake but he forgot they don't have international communications anymore.
- Coco and Yang and Blake used to go to the same gay bar.
- Summer used to curse when playing video games with Qrow and one day Ruby heard her. Since Ruby could barely talk she didn't cared until at dinner Ruby said "Fuck" In her tiny baby voice and that's the first word Ruby said... Also Qrow was banned of playing video games with the girls in the same room because Summer blamed him.
- Phyrra was a musical fanatic that she and Yang just watched a musical every Sunday.
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daughterofgaston · 7 years
The First Time
Request:  a first time smut with Harry or Gil? If you don't do smut then ignore!! Love the blog tho, dear ❤️
Warnings: Smut, one swear
Words: 1,513
A/N: I decided to go with Gil since Gil doesn’t get enough love as it is and I have been in such a Gil mood recently like boy- and I assume that by ‘first time’ you mean when the reader first has sex with Gil, so that’s what I’m going with!
You weren’t one for spontaneous. You never have been. You love planning things out and being organized and knowing exactly how everything would go. So when you started dating Gil, the happy-go-lucky son of Gaston, it was out of character for you. Gil wasn’t a planner, he loved being spontaneous and he rarely ever saw the need in planning things out. 
But you both worked, you balanced each other out. He gave you the sense of spontaneity that you needed in your life, and you gave him an ability to plan things so he wouldn’t get overwhelmed. 
But neither of you knew what was going to happen one stormy night. 
You both had decided to go on a camping trip the last minute-one of Gil’s brilliant ideas because he loved camping and figured you should try it too. Well, you agreed, and the both of you were off. 
You should have checked the whether you realized as you sat in the tent, wind and rain attacking the tent, thunder booming in the distance and Gil having his arms around you. 
“You enjoy this?” You asked, looking up at him and smiling when you saw the grin on his face, him nodding excitedly. 
“I do. Camping is a lot of fun, especially when things happen like this. My dad never liked it when it rained, but I do. It’s calming. Mom liked it too...said dad was more nice when it was raining.” Gil said, rubbing your arms some. “Are you cold?” He asked. 
“I think you mean ‘nicer’. ‘More nice’ isn’t proper grammar.” You told him, chuckling some and snuggling up against him, jumping some when the thunder got louder, indicating the storm was getting closer. “Just a tad...” You mumbled, laying your head on his shoulder and then getting an idea, sitting up and turning around, wrapping your legs around him and kissing him gently but passionately, that being the beginning of a very heated make out session. 
You had never had sex before. But recently you had found yourself thinking about it more and more, especially since you and Gil had gotten pretty serious. The both of you had made out, and Gil had even played with the clasp of your bra before, but you never let him undo it. 
But today...you decided you were ready. You didn’t know why, maybe it was the rain, maybe it was because you were in unfamiliar woods with Gil there. Maybe because he was strong and handsome (a definite possibility), or maybe it was just because you wanted to finally make love to the most amazing man in your life.
So after a few minutes of making out, you reached down and gripped his shirt in your hands and began to lift it up, causing him to pull away and look at you, confused. “[Y/N], what are you doing?” He asked, tilting his head to the side like he did. 
You bit your lip, trying to think of how to word it before just deciding to say it. “Gil, I want to make love to you...I want to finally take that step with you. I love you so much, and you know how much of a planner I am, so I thought a lot about this...if you want to, we won’t, but...I want you to know I’m ready if you are.” You told him, biting your lip and really hoping you weren’t being too forward with him, although he smiled and gently kissed you. 
“Are you sure, beautiful?” He asked, rubbing your sides with his thumbs as he looked at you, and when you nodded he nodded in return. “Alright...if you hurt at all or end up uncomfortable, tell me as soon as possible.”  
After you promised Gil that you would stop him if either of those things happened, he lifted your shirt up and turned bright red at what he saw. You were absolutely gorgeous, wearing a lacy black bra that fit your body just perfectly. Part of Gil didn’t want to take it off, he just wanted to admire the perfection that was your body. 
You felt your body heat up in embarrassment, never before has anyone seen you in your underwear so you were pretty nervous. Gil, able to sense your nerves, reached up and cupped your face to make you look at him. “You are beautiful...” He told you, looking into your eyes so you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he thought so. 
Before you knew it, you were on your back, Gil hovering atop you with your legs wrapped around him, him lightly grinding up against you as you felt the bulge in his boxers pressing up against you, Gil kissing your neck ferociously. “Oh, Gil...” You moaned, moving your hands so they were placed on his shoulders, gasping as he thrust against you. 
Suddenly you were glad you were in the middle of the woods during a storm. 
The next few minutes were a blur. It wasn’t long before your clothes were completely removed, and his were as well, all of them scattered on the floor of the tent randomly.
Gil reached a hand down between your legs, rubbing you with his hand gently before pushing his index finger inside of you, freezing when he heard you gasp and looking in your eyes. “You okay?” He asked softly, not going to continue any further if this bothered you. After assuring him you were okay, the feeling was just new and surprised you, he nodded and slowly continued what he was doing. 
After doing that for a few minutes, he pulled his hand away and got into position, pressing the head of his dick to your entrance, looking into your eyes and waiting for you to nod, suddenly biting his lip. “[Y/N], if you don’t want to do this-” He started to say, knowing that you had to be extremely nervous and he didn’t want you to think you had to do this because you told him you would. You could always change your mind with him. 
You gave Gil a gentle smile and brushed your fingers through his hair. “Gil...I want to do this with you. I’ve put a lot of thought in it...I’m ready.” You assured him, smiling as you leaned up and kissed him, the kiss got deeper and deeper, and suddenly you felt a semi-sharp pain as Gil entered you, causing you to gasp. 
As soon as you gasped, Gil froze and looked at you. He gave you a moment to adjust, reaching up with one hand and brushing your hair out of your face and then waiting for you to give the okay. “I’m okay...I just wasn’t expecting it to hurt like that.” You said honestly, taking a few deep breaths before looking at him and giving a small nod to tell him to continue.
Gil took a deep breath and gave a few soft thrusts, keeping the soft and steady pace until you got a bit used to the feeling. 
Part of you worried the pain wouldn’t stop, although soon you found your soft yelps changing into moans of pleasure, gripping his shoulders tightly as you adjusted your body to move against his. “Mmm...Gil...” You moaned, tilting your head back as Gil kissed your neck all over. 
“[Y/N], you are beautiful you know that?” Gil mumbled as he slid one hand down your side, trying to memorize your body. He gripped your waist and pulled you close to him, keeping the pace rather slow so he wouldn’t overwhelm you. 
It wasn’t long before you felt yourself climbing higher and higher up on the pleasure scale, gasping and lightly scratching at Gil’s back, making it incredibly hard for Gil to stay calm. 
“Gil...yes baby yes.” You moaned, your breath heavy as you tilted your head back and slid your hands down his back. 
[Y/N]...oh fuck baby.” He grunted in your ear, causing a shiver to go down your spine which sent you over the edge. You don’t know why that one sentence of his did it, but it did. The rest of the intimate meeting together was a blur, although before you knew it you were laying on Gil’s chest, neither of you covered up and panting heavily, sweat covering the both of you. 
“You alright, beautiful?” Gil whispered as he looked at you, reaching up with his free hand and brushing some hair out of your face, smiling at you with his normal, warm smile, and you felt incredibly safe with him right there. 
After a moment of thinking, you returned his smile and nodded, kissing his chest ever so lightly. “More than alright, Gil...I love you so much.” You whispered, yawning and laying your head on your shoulder. You suddenly saw the appeal in camping...laying with someone you love, no city disturbances to be heard, the rain trickling on the tent, being able to fall asleep in Gil’s arms as he rubbed your back. Knowing that in that moment, nothing in the world could touch you. 
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