#stp wraith
namelessexistence · 2 days
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This was someone else's idea
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minotaur-asterion · 3 days
More Slay the Princess color edits, Spectre and Wraith are pink and I cannot be swayed on this
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Notes under the cut:
Nightmare’s hair is iridescent and supposed to resemble an oil spill. This also carries to her Chapter Three vessels, because… yes. It’s pretty, what can I say?
The Moment of Clarity is much like Nightmare, but one of the color filters I gave her was the image itself mirrored. I really like the way it turned out, all the random color blotches and stuff!
Spectre wasn’t as easy as the others, mostly because I wanted to include blue but wasn’t sure how. I ended up settling on using it for her hair, to sort of look like an aurora borealis. Her chain, like the Pristine Blade and Long Quiet, is not colored
I ended up making Wraith a bit pinkish, which I think works perfectly for her. Also went a bit Fury-like with the visible knucklebones. The Long Quiet around her is not colored
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dr-awkkward · 1 month
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Slay the Princess text posts
[part 2] [part 3]
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voice-of-the-tired · 4 months
the entire razor route is hilarious.
cheated is funny as shit, razor herself is funny as shit, the narrator getting talked over and just going "yeah sure whatever, I'll shut up then", contrarian, The Look™ (we've all used it), the voices being into flirting with her, stubborn 🤝 smitten when she does her bladey explosive transformation thing...
and while she is the funniest princess, honourable mention to the wraith because I think she's second. "what do you mean what happens now, you wanted this!" then her calling you an idiot, or when she argues with the narrator over the door, her thanking the opportunist after he says she's doing well with her narration... great route, tbh. funny.
this game is so good lol I love so many of the routes. my favourites are probably the burned grey, the wraith, the razor and the moment of clarity.
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phantombre · 21 days
Man, procrastination is a bitch.
I'm supposed to be working on the Voices, but I ended up doing more Princess.
So here's the Princess. All thirteen of her.
Spoilers, maybe:
Warning: organs, skeletons
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I'll do the rest of them later, but I'll have to force myself to finish at least the Narrator first.
I suppose I should give my favorites:
1.) The Razor (just the funniest shit I've ever seen; also my first route)
2.) The Moment of Clarity (truly worthy of its name)
3.) The Greys (both of them; awesome/funny interactions between the voices; Drowned especially; I got her because I left the Prisoner's head in the basement, you know, like a dumbass)
4.) The Prisoner (she's just so down to earth and straightforward with her intentions. Under better circumstances, she could probably be a friend. Also Skeptic is there, my beloved-)
5.) The Wraith, specifically with the Opportunist (he's a car salesman, and none of you can convince me otherwise.)
You can really tell which ones I put more effort in, huh?
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vickysaurus · 14 days
So I have many thoughts and feelings about the Princess’s heart, and I’m gonna put them down in no particular order.
So first of all, the heart is symbolically the source of emotion, and love in particular. And, as the loading screen reminds us, this is a love story. And in this love story, the only way you can ever slay the Princess is to stab her in the heart.
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One route I think has particularly powerful heart-related symbolism is the Wounded Wild. You have just extracted yourself from the co-dependent and rather unhealthy relationship Networked Wild represents, and you are immediately greeted with the wounded Princess, looking absolutely devastated, with her heart literally bared to you. You, her former lover, can still very easily reach it to hurt her. In fact, that’s what she expects you to do at this point, though even now you get the option not to use her vulnerability and instead cut her free and help her move on too.
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And then there’s Razor, who in her pursuit of the cruel joy stabbing you brings her makes herself into more and more of a living weapon, but even at the end, what remains of her original self is her heart. And in the Empty Cup ending, when you strip away all her weapons and sharpness, that’s all she is left with, much smaller and more vulnerable than she was before the whole process started. I do wish we would get the option to slay her or cradle her heart before Shifty takes it away.
The heart symbology plays a huge role with so many princesses. Wraith has become a fucked up skeleperson, but the one fleshy part of her is her chest, where her heart sits. And, in fact, she bears the X-shaped scar of how you previously hurt her there, belying her apparently cruel and monstrous form. When Beast literally consumes you, she also brings you right up close to her heart, to her own downfall. To slay Spectre, you have to let her possess you so her heart becomes your heart and you can slay her by stabbing yourself. Even mighty Apotheosis is brought down with a single strike to the heart. A strike from her counterpart in this love story, who still has this power despite her spending this entire route treating you as less than her.
Finally, the ‘bossfight’ against Shifty is all about finding your way to her heart in the cabin, in order to get through all that divine confidence. Whether you do so to slay her or to get through to her and work out a better solution than the two you’re presented with is up to you, but either way seeking her heart is once again the solution.
There’s not really a specific point to these thoughts, but I really love that this is a game about finding your way to the Princess’s heart, one way or another, literally and/or metaphorically.
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artificial-radiance · 20 days
STP Neko Atsume Edits [p1/?]
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paranoid - smitten - wraith - thorn
you can use these images for free with credit.
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vickysaurus-art · 15 days
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The Shifting Mound with every other princess as her minis! With the Apotheosis joining last, but the very opposite of least, it’s finally done! For now, because I plan to ink it, and those spots around Fury are reserved for the Pristine Cut princesses, so it won’t really be done until autumn at the earliest.
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Wraith via spectre as your very very first princess in a blind playthrough is a fucking trip btw I was!!! Experiencing things!!!
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You know, I got the Wraith for the first time the other day and. I wasn't expecting to like her as much as I did?
I saw the art before I actually did the route and had a bit of a luke warm reaction to it. The art's amazing, of course no question, but she's one of the more monstrous Princesses and I guess that made me hesitant since I'm pretty meh about the Beast.
Then when I actually played it just. Idk what it is. But I think she's one of my favourites now?
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circusmantis · 1 month
I love it when the princesses are slay
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dr-awkkward · 5 days
Slay the Princess text posts, part 5
[part 4]
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reboren · 6 months
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getting murdered has it's perks, like great hair as an example
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bubblybloob · 5 months
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The Beast: What, what did I say?
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toon-topaz · 3 months
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You think you are numb but you are hopeless and paranoid
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viviaubm · 29 days
I love the implication that The Nightmare looks like The Wraith under her mask
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The Babe Is A Fucking Skeleton. Love that for her.
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