#strawberry shortcake polycule
mimi-croissant · 2 years
please talk about the strawberry shortcake polycule I knew I wasn't the only one who put her and nearly all her friends in some sort of relationship I cannot begin to explain everything /nf
(I hc Lemon as aroace so unfortunately she’s not really included in the romantic polycule but I still love her so much)
Ok so starting with our line up of girls in the polycule: Strawberry, Orange, Lime, Blueberry, Raspberry, Suzette, Granola, Grapes
Who is dating who: Strawberry and Orange, Strawberry and Raspberry, Strawberry and Lime, Strawberry and Granola, Lime and Suzette, Lime and Blueberry, Raspberry and Grapes
AND ALL THEIR INVIDUAL COUPLE/GROUP DYNAMICS AND SUCH ARE SO FUN even with groups who have two people not dating they’re so fun. I know some dynamics are more fleshed out in my mind than others butttt (I’ll start w/ the Strawberry relationships since you asked for that but I also really wanna talk about the others)
Strawberry + Orange: You know them. The originals. The classic. One of my favorites. They are both so competitive in the best way but also put their differences aside to just have fun auggggh. And they cosplay and read comics together like??? Goals fr. “I’ll be your Guava Girl any day” IS SO ROMANTIC and they share drinks with each other and everything too. They are best friends to lovers who are mutually pining so hard it hurts they hold hands all the time and definitely hug a lot. Orange can literally carry Strawberry and lift her up enough said they’re so cute. THE SPIN HUG POTENTIAL??? CMON NOW!
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Strawberry + Raspberry: Reformed mean city girl and sweet country girl they are so silly. They hated each other then started liking each other and I just :(( it’s so cute. ALSO THEY ARE LATINA4LATINA I DONT MAKE THE RULES! They have competitions in a way that’s different than Orange and Strawberry I think, especially when it comes to baking. They bake together real and canon they work flawlessly in the kitchen together it’s adorable. They know what the other needs before they even say it they are IN SYNC! Raspberry would throw hands for Strawberry. They have flour fights in the kitchen.
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Orange + Strawberry + Raspberry: LISTEN. Listen. This trio is amazing. Just look at Fruitleg Alley for their dynamic it is beautiful. Orange and Raspberry are besties or a qpr yk yk. They are Strawberry Shortcake protectors they would do anything for her and vice versa.
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Strawberry + Lime: I’m so biased this is one of my favorite pairings. They just! Go shopping together! They figure out each others boundaries and what they’re comfortable with! They hold hands while shopping and drag each other across the store! Sometimes they get kicked out for being clumsy and knocking down a display case it’s ok. Strawberry will make Lime donuts because they are her favorite. Strawberry likes making different kinds of donuts and Lime is her taste tester. Strawberry sometimes leaves boxes of donuts on Limes cart with a sticky note “for Lime” even though Lime always gets to their cart before Lemon. They share food! They hold hands and comfort each other and I just aggggh them forever.
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Strawberry + Granola: They are just silly yk. Strawberry helps her improve and she would help Strawberry garden… they would garden together MANNN… you know imagine Granola holding Strawberry’s hand and showing her on to use the tools!
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Strawberry + Lime + Orange: They are such good friends ok like. It’s crazy. I haven’t put much thought into Lime and Orange but they are besties qpr or dating! For funsies. They would cause SOOO much chaos and depending on the day Lime is usually the voice of reason </3 but sometimes she’s gotta cause trouble too yk. Strawberry bakes for them and make stuff they both like when she sees that they’re down. And just in general. CUDDLE PILES WITH THESE THREE. Movie night with sweets. Orange and Strawberry listening closely when Lime talks about books or fashion even though they have no clue what she’s talking about. They love to give each other forehead and cheek kisses… Lime has to take her glasses off sometimes when they both want to kiss her cheeks at the same time. Braid trains are a common thing with them, and sometimes Raspberry and/or Blueberry will join those. They love each other very much.
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Lime + Suzette: Fashion girlfriends. Need I say more. They are another one of my absolute favorites. They shop together and have brunch together (sometimes without Bread. Sorry bro, the girls gotta have dates sometimes <3). They know each others coffee orders by heart and play footsies under the table. Lime likes to wear her big green hat because one of them will grab it to hide their faces when they kiss. It’s mostly for the vibe tbh. They go slow dancing together. The amount of pictures and selfies they take together is crazy. They take even more pictures of the other while they’re not looking. Albums dedicated to each other in their phones. (Lime has one for all her girlfriends). They do fashion shows at stores and stay from opening until closing or until the store kicks them out. Whatever comes first. They like to simply be in each others presence as Lime reads and Suzette designs clothes.
Lime + Blueberry: They are so comfortable with each other. They will fall asleep on each other at the worst possible time. They might not get each other 100% of the time but they work to understand and respect each other. They do each others hair a lot of the time as well. Holding hands and putting them in their pockets sort of deal.
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Lime + Blueberry + Granola: You know I just like the idea of them gardening together. Strawberry and Lemon probably join a bit. All the girls join in the gardening I think, but especially them. They would fight over something small and after being upset for .5 seconds they would all apologize and work together.
Raspberry + Grapes: I love them! Best friends to lovers type of beat. One fell first (Grapes) the other fell harder (Raspberry). Grapes has drawn them holding hands! They have known each other since childhood and definitely got married in the sandbox when they were younger and playing princesses. They both thought they were the only on pining until they confessed. They don’t show the most PDA but you can still tell they are together. Also they have this thing where Raspberry is being a better person but Grapes has to stay with Pie Man because he’s “family” or whatever you know… kinda angsty but whatever. They work through it though I know it. “They would have different bedrooms if they lived together” type of couple.
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And that’s all for now djejdne. If you want me to elaborate on something more or talk about different characters I would be so happy to this was so much fun to write! I hope I answered your ask correctly too skskxne
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ditzycore · 1 year
Just Strawberry Shortcake and her two girlfriends
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entropy-sea-system · 1 year
orange cake is so good...
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sapphicgoblinblog · 5 months
I like how pretty much all of the girls in Strawberry Shortcake are in one big lesbian polycule!
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Thank you @pc-corner for the tag!
1. Three ships:
1. Janeway/Chakotay
2. Sailor Uranus/Sailor Neptune/Sailor Pluto,
3. An ever evolving Janeway/(Most often Chakotay but not always)/polycule (why have 2 when you can have 3 or 4 or 5 oh dear...)
2. First ever ship:
Um that I was aware of shipping? 🤔🤔🤔
Aged 12ish? shipping Alanna of Trebond / George Cooper (Pierce's Song of the Lioness Books) Especially when he never shamed her for her other relationships (unlike certain Princes 😒😒😒).
3. last song:
"The Man I Want To Be" by Jake Scott
4. last movie:
Barbie 💕💕💕
5. Currently reading:
Steering the Craft by Ursula le Guin
6. Currently watching:
Star Trek Prodigy, because fuck Paramount, this story is beautiful.
7. currently consuming:
8. currently craving:
strawberry shortcake
9. tag 9 people. - tagging whomever wants to do it, go for it!
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sailorlyoko · 3 months
Nodoka Hanadera/Cure Grace Headcanons
Since today is totally not madoka's birthday and since Healing Good Precure is (In my opinion) one of the best precure seasons in the Reiwa Era, here are some Nodoka Hanadera/Cure Grace Headcanons
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Loves sanrio
Favorite bands are Spice Girls, Goo Goo Dolls, Of Monsters and Men, and Taylor Swift.
Her favorite Songs are "Here is Gone", "Iris", "Wannabe" "Enchanted" "Little Talks" "Guiding Lights" and "Crystals"
Headcanon english dub voice actress: Christine Marie Cabanos
Her Pronouns are She/They
They absolutely love romance movies
She grows up to be a florist
Her dad is from Hokkaido while her mom is from Kyoto
She loves braiding Chiyu's hair
She is in a Polycule with Chiyu and Hinata
Chiyu's pet names for her are "Honey" "Bun" "Babe" and "Sweetheart"
Hinata's pet names for them are "Bun Bun" " Nodo-chan" and "Babe"
She is a Polyromantic Lesbian
Their favorite video game series is Story of Seasons
She enjoys cuddling with their girlfriends
She is a little spoon
Their favorite color is pastel pink
She,Tsubomi,Erika,Mashiro,Itsuki, and Ichika have a minecraft world called Demigirl Island
They grew up in Kamakura
Her spirit animal is a Bunny
Their childhood animal was a dog named Kokomi
She loves flowers
Their favorite pokemon is Lopunny
Loves sakura mochi
Has a bunny plushie named Usa-chan
She is an eternal optimist
Loves strawberry shortcake
Likes to wear Pink fuzzy socks
Loves to draw
Plays Genshin Impact
They are a huge fan of Miraculous Ladybug
Has a pinterest account
Loves romance anime
Loves cuddling and snuggling fanfics
Writes fanfiction
Loves Yuri manga
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i’m the lacroix of women and the strawberry shortcake of men. i’m a grandma. i’m a housecat. i’m a piece of crépe silk. i am the polycule’s mascot and your personal jester. i’m eating a panini as we speak
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mimi-croissant · 2 years
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Strawberry Shortcake has 4 girlfriends now
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